Count Your Blessings!

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Th e Tru m pet Da i ly Ser i e s

A rt ic l e n u m be r R 8 0 61


By Gareth Fraser
Reprinted from the Royal Vision, July-August 2001

J uly 23, 1958: “Suddenly, from over a slight hilltop, came

another car in their lane heading directly toward them …. The
oncoming car hit them head-on ….
“Arriving at the hospital … we found him now conscious, but
in very critical condition. His right arm was broken at the elbow;
Armstrong found himself asking this crucial question. He
scanned his mind thinking of the sin that least came to the mind
of Christians. His answer: ingratitude!
“Certainly a lack of gratitude is one of the most prevalent, if
not the most terrible, of sins,” Mr. Armstrong noted. “Few have
his pelvis had been broken badly, and they had him in traction. learned to really appreciate what they have. Most are prone to
His jaw had been broken in three or four places; X-rays showed accept the good things by taking them for granted, failing to give
his heart had been knocked over to the right—to the middle or thanks. We gripe about our complaints more than we count our
slightly right of the middle of his chest; his left lung had been blessings” (Plain Truth, April 1962).
collapsed …. During the week, Dick had various ones of us read We live in a world saturated in hatred, vanity, self-centered-
the Bible to him. In spite of the pain, and the terrible condition, ness, evil and idolatry, governed by the prince of the power of the
he kept in good spirits …. In prayer, he began thanking God for air, Lucifer, the fallen angel—now Satan the devil, the adversary.
the many, many blessings that had been lavished on him. The The one who chose to oppose and exalt himself against God and
nurse in attendance said that this continued a long time—he drag down the sinning one third of the angels who now act as
had so very many things to be thankful for” (Autobiography of princes of darkness. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
Herbert W. Armstrong, vol. 2, pp. 417-420). but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of
One week later, on the morning of June 30, 1958, Herbert the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
Armstrong’s firstborn son, Richard, died at the ucla Medical places” (Ephesians 6:12).
Center. He was 29 years old, newly married with a baby son. He It is only through the exercising of God’s Holy Spirit that we as
had been traveling on a baptizing tour with a fellow minister God’s firstfruit elect can successfully conquer the sin of ingratitude
when the tragedy occurred. and richly praise God for the countless blessings He has showered
“These experiences were perhaps the most severe test I had upon each and every one of us. “And we know that all things work
ever been called on to experience,” Mr. Armstrong wrote. “But of together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called
course I knew where to go for strength, wisdom and help” (ibid., according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Do you actually believe
p. 425). Despite the pain and sorrow of Richard Armstrong’s sud- and know that “all things” work together for your good? Remember
den death, there is a powerful lesson for us to learn—a lesson of there are two conditions stated here by Paul. First, you must love
triumph in tragedy. God, and second, you must be one of the called according to His
With his body a crumpled mess and his very life draining away, purpose. As God’s special inner court treasure (Malachi 3:17), we
Richard Armstrong’s thoughts were not of griping, complaining, know through the countless promises of God that it is His will that
accusation or envy. What did he do when he was confronted by we be blessed of Him. God wants to bless you!
this life-and-death test and trial? He counted his blessings! He “Now what would be the worst, the most terrible sin one
followed the admonition of the Apostle Paul that “… whatsoever could possibly commit?” wrote Mr. Armstrong. “I think it is
things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things self-evident. It is to have another god before the true living God!
are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, Whatever occupies your interest more than God and His Word
whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if is the idol you are putting before Him. None can be truly con-
there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8). Did you verted—actually begotten of God—until whatever is his idol has
notice that there is not a single unhappy thought mentioned here? been smashed, and torn root and branch from his affection and
No complaints. No gripes. No negative attitudes. How many of us mind and heart” (ibid.).
in God’s true Church today are truly thankful for God’s blessings? Do we seek first the pleasures of this life? The tv, clothes,
Richard Armstrong knew that it was God who was allow- music, status, job, wife, children. What is it that you just cannot
ing him to endure that experience. He knew that as a minister give up? What is your idol? If it is not identified and crushed
of God, a helper of the people’s joy, he had to walk worthy of his completely, you are committing the greatest sin of all. A sin
calling. To set an example in life as well as death. He knew that that shuts you off from direct, personal, daily contact with God!
his mind needed to be centered on God’s thoughts. Spiritually, This world is temporal. The things of this world are temporary.
he triumphed in tragedy. Sonship in the family of God sitting as the bride of Christ on
Do you and I have the Christian depth and purity of charac- His throne (Revelation 3:21) is eternal. But that is only available
ter that Richard Armstrong displayed over 40 years ago? Would to those who conquer!
this be your or my reaction when faced with this same trial? God “To him that overcometh [conquers] will I give to eat of
wants to know just how thankful we really are to Him for the the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God”
abundant blessings He showers upon us. He is looking for an (Revelation 2:7). Mr. Flurry writes in The Royal Book of Revelation,
attitude of gratitude. “Christ is not ashamed of us. Here He told the Sardis people, If
Ask yourself this question: What is the most common sin you conquer, I won’t blot your name out of the book of life. But
people commit? Almost four years after his son’s death, Mr. God does blot our names out if we don’t conquer! That’s the way

Copyright © 2011 Philadelphia church of God

2 Count Your Blessings  •  the Trumpet Daily Reprint Series

it has to be. As Mr. Armstrong said so often, this is dangerous As a child I remember my parents keeping a “blessings book”
knowledge” (pp. 50-51). as a reminder of all that God had done and was doing for our
Toward the end of King David’s life, he requested that the family. It was after my dad was laid off work and our family was
people of Israel give liberally for the building of God’s temple which in another third-tithe year. You know what? That book of bless-
was to be constructed by his son, Solomon. David was so deeply ings just got larger and larger as the years went on, and whenever
moved and inspired by the level of the people’s generosity that he we were in test and trial I remember my parents reading some of
conveyed a profound expression of gratitude and thankfulness, those blessings aloud to encourage and inspire us kids.
combined with a beautiful vision of the majesty of the Almighty. Through those years I learned a valuable lesson: God gives us
“Then the people rejoiced, for that they offered willingly, more blessings than trials. Trials, tests and correction are abso-
because with perfect heart they offered willingly to the Lord: lutely necessary to fashion, carve and sculpt us into the spiritual
and David the king also rejoiced with great joy. Wherefore David form and shape of God. Take time to count the blessings, both
blessed the Lord before all the congregation: and David said, physical and spiritual, that God has lavished on you.
Blessed be thou, Lord God of Israel our father, for ever and ever. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who
Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in
and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and Christ” (Ephesians 1:3). Paul recognized where spiritual under-
in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art standing came from. He knew the source of revelation. We, today,
exalted as head above all. Both riches and honour come of thee, as God’s precious elect, have been showered with blessings right
and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; out of the supreme court of heaven! We have the gift of prophecy
and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto (1 Corinthians 13:2). We have been blessed by God with one man,
all. Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glori- a voice spiritually walking in the footsteps of the end-time Elijah.
ous name. But who am I, and what is my people, that we should Only in God’s Philadelphia remnant has “the mystery which hath
be able to offer so willingly after this sort? for all things come of been hid from ages and from generations, [been] made manifest
thee, and of thine own have we given thee” (1 Chronicles 29:9-14). to his saints” (Colossians 1:26). We understand that mystery and
“Who am I?” David asked God. And who are we that God our commission to reach the largest audience possible with that
has lifted us from the dust of this Earth (1 Samuel 2:8) as His blessing of revealed prophecy.
firstfruits to work and train now to be teachers for eternity? Just This dark world is cut off from God. You and I, however,
that one question, “Who am I?”, is enough to bring us to our have free access to the great God, through the living Jesus Christ
knees to thank the great Father for the wonderful calling we have. who gave Himself for us, rent the veil in two and who acts as our
For the ability to view end-time events through the clear lens of Intercessor, High Priest and soon-coming Husband.
Bible prophecy. For Mystery of the Ages, so we can understand Praise God as King David did. Show Him just how much you
the brilliant majesty of God. love Him and the countless, priceless blessings He brings upon
David described the God of Revelation 1. The God clothed you. Recognize their source. Let nothing stand in your way. Crush
with a royal garment, girt with a golden belt. With hair as white any idol that separates you from God. Conquer ingratitude. Seek
as wool, His eyes as a flame of fire and feet as fine brass. The first His Kingdom and His will, and all things will be added to
supreme Being with the voice of many waters who has been in the you. This is the road that leads to full joy.
center of every Church era. “Wherever you find the lamp, He is In the midst of trial and test, always remember the great God
right in the middle. Do you believe that? Jesus Christ is walking who richly blesses us. And remember the example of Richard
in the middle of this little Church. Not on the periphery—He’s Armstrong who spiritually triumphed in tragedy. He thanked
at the center” (ibid., p. 49). God deeply, humbly, courageously when it counted most. Mr.
Like King David, our prayers should be full of praise and Armstrong said his son had so many things to be thankful for.
thanksgiving to God for His abundant blessings. And so do you! Thank God today, count your blessings and rejoice.
the Trumpet Daily Reprint Series  •  Count Your Blessings 3

What Does Thanksgiving

Day Mean to You?
By Eric Anderson
Reprinted from, Nov. 22, 2010

Every autumn, American families gather to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

Yet, it seems most have forgotten its true meaning. What should Thanksgiving mean to us?

T his November, many Americans will congregate with

relatives and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. If you
are the average U.S. citizen, you will enjoy a lavish dinner
on this public holiday—a sumptuous smorgasbord of fruits and
vegetables, roasted turkey, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and other
In its heyday, America owned roughly half of all the world’s
riches. There is no doubt the U.S. still enjoys the highest stan-
dard of living of any major industrial country today. Truly we
Americans live in a land that is overflowing with abundance.
Considering what the average person in this country pos-
delectable trimmings. Chances are you will enjoy this fabulous sesses, nearly everyone else in the world (and especially citizens
meal with a bevy of friends and family members in a warm, cozy of developing nations) would say we live in the lap of luxury. After
home equipped with many modern conveniences. You may even all, the average American home is over 2,400 square feet, 2 times
watch a football game on your large plasma-screen tv. the size of the average 1950 home. The median family annual
If you are an average American, you have much to be thank- income in the U.S. is almost $50,000. Even with rising domestic
ful for this Thanksgiving Day. But how thankful are you? Do you food and gasoline costs, we still pay less for commodities than
truly appreciate the veritable cornucopia of blessings that have many other countries.
been bestowed on this land? Since the end of the Cold War, the United States has enjoyed
the status of the world’s number-one superpower.
Indeed, American citizens have much to be grateful for. As
Thanksgiving Day in History a whole, we have been blessed with the highest standard of living
It is commonly agreed that the first Thanksgiving Day in the of any people in the history of mankind.
United States was established by American colonists in 1621. That It is evident that some Higher Power has blessed this country
December, in gratitude for the ending of a particularly grueling tremendously, and commissioned it to fulfill a great purpose—to
year and for a bountiful fall harvest, Pilgrim settlers held a special be a model nation.
thanksgiving festival near Plymouth, Massachusetts. The settlers But today America is a house divided. It seems we have no
gratefully praised God, thanking Him for this new land. They national goal.
thanked Providence that they were still alive and for the food they A few years ago, a tv news reporter asked several leading
had to eat. Every indication is that these people knew they were Americans a question to this effect: “Now that the Cold War is
being given unique opportunities, blessings and responsibilities. over, what should we do as a nation now that we’re number one?”
The thanksgiving festival soon became a popular holiday The responses were startling. One man’s response amounted
among the New England states. During the succeeding decades, to, “We ought to simply sit back and relax.” Another passively
several of the original 13 colonies adopted annual thanksgiving explained, “I don’t think we should do anything about it—we like
days. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Thanksgiving things the way they are.”
Day traditionally represented “a day of religious observance, set With this attitude, Americans have buried our heritage. We
apart to give thanks for the blessings of the past year, as well as have recklessly squandered our fabulous resources and polluted
an occasion for family reunions, bountiful dinners and festivities our beautiful land. Historians are now speculating on whether
in the home” (1954 edition). the tenure of the U.S. as the only superpower in the world will
In 1789, U.S. President George Washington declared a national not also be one of the briefest in history.
day of thanksgiving in honor of the new Constitution. But it
wasn’t until the Civil War that the American peoples decided
to observe Thanksgiving Day as a public holiday. Ever since Ingratitude Foretold
President Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Proclamation, the nation has Times have certainly changed since that first Thanksgiving.
officially celebrated an annual Thanksgiving Day in November. Along with our rise to prosperity, public ingratitude has
increased—especially in the past few decades. Most people are
too busy and too concerned with selfish interests to take the
A Land of Milk and Honey time to thank God.
Throughout the 19th century, the United States’ wealth and influ- Think about it: The modern Thanksgiving Day holiday is
ence grew at an unprecedented rate. There was ever more to be typically filled with football games and other forms of enter-
thankful for. The masses of the world began looking to America tainment, excessive drinking and gluttony. Thousands of people
as the new land of hope and opportunity. And to this day, people travel the highways, rails and skies in a frenetic clamber to “have
from many countries yearn to share in the overflowing “horn of a good time.” The entire day is filled with the emphasis on self-
plenty.” Thousands of legal immigrants stream across America’s gratification. At some time in the 24-hour period, some manage to
prosperous borders annually (not to mention the thousands that stop and say “grace” over a meal. But how many express heartfelt
enter the country illegally each year). thanks to their Creator God?
4 Count Your Blessings  •  the Trumpet Daily Reprint Series

Let’s face it: Our careless, godless, decadent lifestyle has It is God’s will that we thank Him for all things (Ephesians
stripped the value and meaning from Thanksgiving Day. We are, 5:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:18). Why? Because He is generous and full
generally, an ungrateful people. of love—and He wants to eventually develop that same character
As a nation today, we are in serious trouble. Overall, we’re in all men. He knows that naturally we are not thankful. We have
affluent, our bellies are full, and we don’t care! We seem to have to consciously develop the habit of being appreciative.
forgotten it is God who is our Provider. And so, soon He will Thankfulness is beneficial because it gets our minds off self—
withdraw His blessings from us—so says the Holy Bible. off greed, lust and vanity. Therefore, in order to help us overcome
America has a rich history with God and the Bible. Our our evil human nature, God has commanded that we be thankful.
forefathers believed and taught that religion and morality are When we are genuinely thankful, our focus is automatically on
paramount to the success of a nation of free peoples. But what God who provides us with all good things.
about our leaders today—do they honestly feel we are still “one The first thing we should do when we awake on the morn-
nation under God”? Are they concerned with religion and moral- ing of Thanksgiving Day (and every morning) is kneel and give
ity? Are they grateful for what Providence has given them—or have thanks to God for our many blessings.
they become unthankful, callous and arrogant in their thinking? We often take for granted our innumerable blessings and
Let’s be honest: It seems many believe that we the people— tend to overlook them. How grateful are you to have a roof over
apart from any Higher Power—have built this powerful and your head? Do you give God thanks each day for the shelter and
wealthy republic. Many take for granted the luxuries that nearly clothing you have—and acknowledge that He has provided all
everyone in this country enjoys. We have, in many ways, come your basic needs? How about praying a prayer of thanksgiving
to expect what most people in other countries only dream of! for your spouse and your children? Are you thankful for your
Over 1,900 years ago, the Apostle Paul warned of this per- income—whether you are gainfully employed or living off a pen-
vasive attitude of ingratitude: “This know also, that in the last sion? Do you give thanks for your good health? Even if you don’t
days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their have perfect health, do you rejoice in your sufferings? (1 Peter 4:13).
own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient Do you thank God for the very breath of life that you breathe?
to parents, unthankful …” (2 Timothy 3:1-2). Do you give thanks for the physical food you eat? The Bible
Through the inspired pen of Moses, God admonishes America shows we should. Jesus did. He set an example for us, giving
(and every nation): “Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God, thanks for what He ate—and asking God to bless it.
in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his How about the spiritual “food” you ingest when you read
statutes, which I command thee this day: Lest when thou hast eaten God’s Word? Think about this. How many times have you stopped
and art full, and hast built goodly houses, and dwelt therein; And to give thanks for the Holy Bible—the foundation of all knowledge
when thy herds and thy flocks multiply, and thy silver and thy gold and the primary text which deceived men, down through the ages,
is multiplied, and all that thou hast is multiplied …. And thou say have vehemently attempted to malign and even destroy? Where
in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten would we be without the preserved Word of God?
me this wealth. But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it God wants His people to offer Him the “sacrifice of thanks-
is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his giving” (Psalm 116:17). Now, as never before, we need to stop and
covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. And it tell God how much we truly appreciate the many blessings we have.
shall be, if thou do at all forget the Lord thy God, and walk after
other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you
this day that ye shall surely perish” (Deuteronomy 8:11-13, 17-19). How to Make Thanksgiving Meaningful
That is a sobering warning. But there is good news: If we “There is nothing necessarily wrong with good food, family
would individually thank God, and remember it is He who gives reunions and football games on Thanksgiving Day. But all too
us all good things—and obey Him—He would gladly shower His many use these activities wrongly and forget the purpose for the
abundant blessings upon us. God says He desires to lavish us holiday. Many glut themselves with far more food than they ought
with prosperity (Deuteronomy 28:1-14). But He cannot tolerate to eat; few, however, stop to give God thanks for this food—even
disobedient, rebellious, ungrateful attitudes. on Thanksgiving Day. Family reunions all too often turn out to be
Our Creator is a great God of mercy. Just like a physical father family brawls. … Millions of others push and shove one another in
doesn’t like having to discipline his children, neither does God large crowds at football games and parades, and kill one another
want to punish us. He doesn’t want to see anyone perish. “[T]urn on the highway as they madly strive to make sure they get their
ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of fair quota of pleasure. And where is the giving of thanks in all this?
Israel?” He asks (Ezekiel 33:11; see also 18:31). In the overwhelming vast majority of the cases, it is nowhere to be
How much thanksgiving we give to God could very well be found! What a travesty!” (Plain Truth, November 1969).
an indicator or measurement of the degree to which God will As we observe Thanksgiving Day this year, let us take stock
spare and protect us from future punishments! Think about that. and consider the sheer magnificence of our national blessings. Stop
and reflect on why we have so much. Remember our rich national
history, and those who fought to preserve this great land. Meditate
Count Your Blessings on where America is going—and understand why it will be punished
Thanksgiving is not just for Americans and should not be limited by a merciful God: because its citizens refuse to repent of their evil,
to one day a year. It should be a daily occurrence for all men. God lawless and ungrateful ways. (Perhaps no other piece of literature
expects it when we pray to Him each day: “Enter into his gates will help you do this more than our free book The United States and
with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful Britain in Prophecy. If you have not yet received your copy, request
unto him, and bless his name” (Psalm 100:4). or download it right away. We also recommend Character in Crisis.)
We cannot afford to neglect to give our Maker grateful Let us always give heartfelt thanks to our great Creator for
thanks. After all, we owe Him everything! Therefore we ought to the manifold blessings He has so generously bestowed upon
regularly stop and count the blessings Almighty God has given these United States of America—and put the “thanks” back into
us, and then sincerely thank Him for them. Thanksgiving Day this year!

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