The Do-In Way
The Do-In Way
The Do-In Way
Kushi, Michio.
The Do-in way : gentle exercises to liberate the body, mind, and spirit /
Michio Kushi.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7570-0268-7 (pbk.)
ISBN-10: 0-7570-0268-4 (pbk.)
1. Do-in. I. Title.
RA780.7.K87 2006
Printed in Canada
1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Acknowledgments xiii
Introduction 1
Index 205
With our endless dream of one peaceful world arising from the infinite ocean
of the universe, this book is dedicated to all brothers and sisters who have come
to this earth, manifest as human beings at this time, sharing the same social and
natural environment for our health and happiness as well as physical, mental
and spiritual development.
In the creation of The Do-In Way: Gentle Exercises to Liberate the Body, Mind, and Spirit, I wish
to extend my acknowledgment and gratitude to those whose studies and teachings have con-
tributed to certain parts of the contents:
In Part One of the book, the general introduction on the order of the universe, the
macrobiotic w a y of life, and the physical and spiritual constitution of man, I appreciate
the inspiration received from various discourses, articles, books, and teachings of ancient
wisdom from m a n y parts of the world including Japan, Korea, China, India, and Egypt as
well as ancient Europe and America. I also appreciate the inspiration received over the
past many years through our o w n practice of the macrobiotic way of life, from the Infinite
Universe—the source of memory and dream, the beginning and end of our life.
In Part Two, the Exercises of Do-In, I dedicate my appreciation for the following teachings:
Special Exercises
Traditional teachings and exercises descended from centuries ago as the heritage of
ancient h u m a n customs, including those religious and spiritual practices of Shintoism,
Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism remaining mainly in the oriental countries. Some of
these are still being exercised within a comparatively small group of seekers for spiritual
development in the Far East and other areas of the Orient.
Daily Exercises
Morning and Evening Exercises: The teachings of basic Do-In exercises as daily practice
by fJjifi'i, Sen-Do-Ren (Association for the Study of the Tao of Free Man, Tokyo, Japan).
For further studies of these practices, it is recommended communicate with this
1-27-12 Kaminoge
Tokyo 158
The Do-In Way xii
Meridian Exercises: Various exercises related to meridians, developed and practiced dur-
ing m a n y centuries; and a m o n g them, especially those introduced by Mr. Shizuto
Masunaga as Meridian Exercises in the book, Zen Shiatsu, published in Tokyo, Japan by
Japan Publications, Inc., pages 100-102. In order to study further, it is recommended to
communicate with the following:
I am grateful to the publisher, Square One Publishers, for extending to me the opportunity
to introduce these exercises. I am also grateful to Miss Olivia Oredson, w h o is a dedicated
senior and friend in studying and introducing the macrobiotic w a y of life to many h u n d r e d s
of people, for her assistance in the preparation of the book.
The models w h o performed the various forms of the Do-In exercises are my long-time
friends and students w h o share the same dream through the macrobiotic way of life. The
lady in white is Miss Laura Knudson of Boston, Massachusetts, w h o has been studying yoga
exercises in addition to assisting in my work in macrobiotic studies. The lady in black is Miss
Lynda LeMole of Brookline, Massachusetts, w h o has been teaching the macrobiotic w a y of
cooking and w a y of life, working as editorial assistant for the East West Journal, and as my
personal assistant for studies.
The photography has been done by Mr. John Fogg, w h o was a staff member of Erewhon
Natural Food Distributing Company in Boston, Massachusetts, and w h o has been practicing
and teaching the macrobiotic w a y of life. Mr. William Spear of Middletown, Connecticut,
teacher of the East West Center there, has assisted in drafting a part of the General Exercises.
Peter and Bonnie Harris of Koi Graphics in Brookline, Massachusetts have m a d e the draw-
ings on pages 44 and 58.
I wish to extend my thanks to these friends as well as to all teachers, seniors, friends and
students, w h o are some millions throughout the world, seeking together the realization of
our common endless dream of one peaceful world.
Do-In has its origins in the ancient traditions of the Far East, but today it is practiced by
increasing numbers of people in both the Eastern and Western worlds.
The introduction of Do-In the West is largely d u e to the teaching of Michio Kushi and his
contemporaries and students. Mr. Kushi's practice of Do-In and a natural, macrobiotic way
of life for over twenty-five years, along with his study of the traditions of healing of many
cultures, has given him a profound comprehension in this field; and his remarkable ability as
a teacher and consultant has enabled him to spread this ancient oriental understanding
among modern people of m a n y nationalities.
While practicing Do-In and the macrobiotic way of life for the past nine years, I have con-
sistently experienced its value in developing sound physical health and a sense of mental
well-being. As an assistant to Mr. and Mrs. Kushi in their educational activities, I have been
impressed with the beneficial changes not only in myself, but also in thousands of
people w h o have come to them for advice, attended their classes and read their publications.
The Do-In Way, with Mr. Kushi's original drawings, offers a clear explanation of the basic
exercises of Do-In and the natural and traditional way of life within which Do-In m a y be
most effectively practiced. The already-experienced student will find a wealth of new and
advanced material for further studies.
I would like to thank Mr. Kushi for the opportunity to assist in producing this book. I hope
that many people will enjoy reading it, and will find their lives enriched through the practice
of Do-In.
Brookline, Massachusetts
uring my life, I have experienced and observed the miseries of world war, together
with the misery of present-day society—the various diseases and poverty, greed and
selfishness, failure and difficulties, anger and hatred, discrimination and prejudice.
In my youth, I was inspired with the dream of realizing world peace through m a n y possi-
ble measures, including the establishment of a World Federation. However, through the
process of maturing, I have become able to see that world peace can be achieved only
through the reconstruction of humanity, or the resurrection of man, from current degenera-
tive trends which have prevailed throughout the world, increasing with the development of
modern civilization.
At the same time, I was able to have an enlightening experience during meditation, which
revealed universal and eternal life. I have also had the opportunity to deepen my under-
standing of ancient oriental philosophies and religions, which should be combined together
with the modern occidental thought and w a y of life. In this regard I am grateful for the
inspired teaching of George Ohsawa and m a n y other present-day philosophers, as well as
ancient spiritual, philosophical and scientific thinkers.
All miseries in h u m a n affairs come from our personal incomprehension of the order of the
universe, or we may say, our ignorance of ourselves. From this ignorance we misguide our
daily w a y of life in our dietary practice, social relations, and mental attitude as well as
spiritual comprehension.
Life is one infinite universe itself, and our w a y of life should be simple and practical,
according to the order of the infinite universe. Realization of health and happiness is the eas-
iest and simplest way. On the basis of this understanding, I have begun to spread the w a y of
life which everyone can practice at any time as the simplest means to achieve health and
happiness, freedom and peace—known as the macrobiotic way of life.
Together with the spread of the way of life for humanity for one peaceful world, I have
encouraged the adaptation of several traditional ways of physical, mental and spiritual
development, namely, oriental medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, shiatsu massage, palm-
healing, meditation, and mental and spiritual exercises. In order to reinforce our o w n devel-
opment, I also began to introduce an ancient macrobiotic practice, Do-In, in the United States
about thirty years ago. I am grateful to Mr. Jacques DeLangre and Mr. Jean Bernard Rishi for
their respective books on Do-In, which introduced part of these exercises. However, the
Do-In which I introduced was a partial exercise, mainly related to energizing our physical
and mental vitality, and did not fully explain other aspects of Do-In which are more spiritu-
ally oriented. I have been obliged for the past several years to introduce the general scale of
the entire scope of Do-In exercises.
It has been necessary to rediscover and reconstitute the Do-In exercises because these
ancient macrobiotic exercises were largely lost in m a n y areas, although some of them have
been practiced among a limited society of seekers in the Far East. The entire scale of Do-In
2 The Do-In Way
exercise is not limited to the several series of exercises introduced in this book. These ancient
macrobiotic exercises were actually the origin of all physical, mental and spiritual exercises
which are currently differentiated into various kinds of meditation, chanting, yoga exercise,
physiopsychological training, the martial arts, as well as other methods of self-development.
The origin of Do-In exercise is simply our intuitive self-adjustment to maintain and
develop ourselves, within the ocean of universal life or the infinite universe. Therefore, the
beginning of Do-In exercise is historically u n k n o w n , but it has always existed with h u m a n
life, throughout all generations of mankind. However, it was over 10,000 years ago when
Do-In exercises were actively adapted in the ancient w a y of physical, mental and spiri-
tual development to produce free man—the Tao of Shin-Sen, the Way of Spiritual
Free Man.
The uniqueness of these exercises is that anyone can practice them at any time as daily
exercises under ordinary circumstances, without requiring any partner or special technique.
In this sense, all races, all ages, m a n and woman, can practice them easily for health and hap-
piness. Some of the exercises introduced in this book are my o w n modification in the hope
that they may benefit everyone.
I sincerely hope that everyone throughout the world will freely practice these exercises for
his or her o w n physical health, beauty, and spiritual happiness.
Part One
n the beginningless beginning, the infinite universe did not manifest as phenomena.
There was no time nor space, no light nor darkness, no form nor dimension. From this
oneness, there was only endless motion which moved with infinite speed in all directions.
Because of this infinite speed, there was no past nor future, nor any relative phenomena
However, whenever and wherever the infinite motion, which moves in all directions,
intersecs, spirallic movements begin to form in a process of differentiation. Forces producing
spirals from the periphery toward the center, and forces decomposing spirals from the cen-
ter toward the periphery, are the two primary forces in the world of spirals, the world of all
relative phenomena.
From the motion of galaxies to the motion of preatomic particles, from invisible spiritual
movement to visible physical constitutions, all are spirallically formed and governed by two
antagonistic, complementary forces: yin (V), the centrifugal and expanding force, tendency
and direction; and yang (A), the centripetal and contracting force, tendency and direction.
All phenomena manifested in this infinite ocean of the universe are governed, directed and
destined by these two forces. All change and movements are either more yin, centrifugal, or
more yang, centripetal. There is nothing that is not governed by these two tendencies and
directions. All phenomena differ from each other because of the different degrees of these
two forces working within and without them.
Accordingly, yin and yang manifest into everything—every phenomenon within the uni-
verse as well as u p o n the earth. The relation between these two forces, tendencies and direc-
tions can be figured as Figure 1 at next page.
The yang force, the course of contraction and physicalization, is the course of materializa-
tion; while the yin force, the course of expansion and dephysicalization, is the course of
spiritualization. When the yang course accelerates, matter is formed. The molecules compos-
ing matter move faster, generating a faster spinning motion of preatomic particles such as elec-
trons, resulting in the production of higher temperatures (Course A). Conversely, the course of
spiritualization expands and decomposes matter, making the speed of the motion of molecules
and preatomic particles increasingly slower, producing a lower temperature (Course B).
6 The Do-In Way
When the course of materialization produces a high temperature, matter starts to expand,
turning its course from materialization to spiritualization (Course C); and when the course
of spiritualization produces a cold temperature, matter begins to contract, turning its course
to materialization (Course D). That yang (A) course of contraction changes into a yin (V)
course of expansion, and the yin (V) course of expansion changes into a yang (A) course of
contraction, alternating between yin and yang perpetually.
Contraction changes into expansion, and expansion changes into contraction; physicaliza-
tion changes to spiritualization, and spiritualization to physicalization; movement changes
to rest, and rest to movement; solidification changes to decomposition, and decomposition
changes to solidification; prosperity ends in poverty, and poverty in prosperity; success
changes into failure, and failure into success; joy changes into misery, and misery into joy;
love becomes hate, and hate becomes love; pleasure changes to displeasure, and displeasure
changes to pleasure. Day becomes night, night becomes day; winter turns into summer, sum-
mer turns into winter; darkness turns into light, light turns into darkness; health changes to
sickness, and sickness changes to health. The rise of civilization brings about its decline.
Difficulties produce strength and happiness. Tears lead to smiles. War results in peace; life
turns into death; and death turns into life.
The Order of the Universe and the Macrobiotic Way of Life 7
All spirals forming the various relative worlds appear and disappear constantly in the
ocean of the infinite universe, throughout which the perpetual movement from yin (V) to
yang (A) and yang (A) to yin (V) is operating everywhere, at all times. This motion between
yin and yang is infinity itself, which we may call One Wholeness, God, or the order of the
universe, which is eternal and universal. There are no natural phenomena which are not
manifested within this order of the universe according to yin (V) and yang (A), and there are
no h u m a n affairs which do not represent this eternal and universal law of change. Whatever
and whoever does not realize this infinite order sees his existence in this universe only in its
relative worlds.
8 The Do-In Way
There are several fundamental laws in the movement of the universe, including all changes
of natural phenomena in this relative world:
The yin (V) centrifugal and expanding force and tendency attracts the yang (A)
centripetal and contracting force and tendency, and vice versa.
In order to realize and maintain the harmony of one infinite universe, opposing forces and ten-
dencies attract each other to achieve a harmonious state. The creation and dissolution of the
universe, continually developing in almost infinite dimensions of time and space, constantly
produces numerous varieties of phenomena. Among those phenomena, visible and invisible,
small and large, physical and spiritual, movements to achieve harmony are continuously work-
ing. This movement of universal attraction among different forces and tendencies is called, in
our human expression, "love." Love is therefore universal and permanent, arising everywhere
and at all times, between man and woman, carbon and oxygen, electron and proton, low pres-
sure and high pressure, cold and hot, slow and fast, plus (+) and minus (-) in electricity and
magnetism, dark and bright, North and South, East and West, spirit and matter, short wave and
long wave—whenever and wherever all relative phenomena of opposite tendencies attract
each other to produce harmony.
The yin (V) centrifugal and expanding force and tendency repels similar yin forces
and tendencies, and the yang (A) centripetal and contracting force and tendency repels
similar yang forces and tendencies.
In order to maintain universal harmony in this infinite ocean of the universe, while opposite
tendencies attract each other, all similar forces and tendencies repel each other. In order to
avoid possible disharmony, similar phenomena drive apart and remain apart from each
other, avoiding excessive accumulation of the same forces and tendencies. No marriage takes
place between the same sex; no melody is composed by the continuation of the same sound;
no respiration occurs by either inhalation or exhalation alone; and no movement continues
without nest.
Similar plus (+) poles repel each other as do similar minus (-) poles. Oil and water, which
have like tendencies in a natural state, do not mix with each other; and among solid particles
such as sand, condensation does not occur unless liquid acts as a binding agent. People of
similar aggressive and outgoing character often create misunderstandings and arguments
among themselves, as do people of similar gentle and withdrawn character.
This movement of repulsion between similar forces and tendencies is universally and per-
manently working throughout all relative phenomena. In more analytical terms, it m a y be
called "separation;" and in more emotional terms, "hate." These, as well as love and har-
mony, are major principles of this endlessly changing universe.
An excessive condition of the yin (V) centrifugal force and tendency, or the
yang (A) centripetal force and tendency, produces and changes into the opposite
yang (A) centripetal and contracting force and tendency, or yin (V) centrifugal
and expanding force and tendency.
Every relative phenomenon arising in the ocean of the infinite universe develops to its peak,
and then turns to the opposite, declining course. All life has its beginning and end, passing
The Order of the Universe and the Macrobiotic Way of Life 9
through its most prosperous state. Any individual w h o continues to grow after his birth, starts
to decay toward death after having his most active period during middle age. All civilizations
rise and fall; all countries develop and decline; and all families prosper and perish. Higher
pressures as well as lower temperatures usually produce a contraction of matter; but under
their extreme conditions, expansion is produced instead.
Day changes into night and night into day; summer changes into winter and winter into
summer; peace changes into war and war into peace; tranquility changes into excitement and
excitement into tranquility; health changes into sickness and sickness into health; life changes
into death and death into life; spirit changes into body and body into spirit; matter changes
into energy and energy into matter.
In this infinite ocean of the universe there is nothing static. All p h e n o m e n a are
constantly changing from yin to yang and yang to yin, from the invisible to the visible, and
from the visible to the invisible. Because of this universal and permanent order of change,
everything in this universe is temporary and ephemeral. Because of this eternal cycle of move-
ment from one to the other between the opposite tendencies, everything reincarnates endlessly.
These three major principles govern everywhere throughout the universe. Wherever,
whenever, and whatever—everything changes according to these laws. The destiny of this
Milky Way Galaxy and of our solar system, and the destiny of the earth u p o n which
we are living are not excepted from this order. All our h u m a n destinies, personal and collec-
tive, are also changing according to these principles. Our physical, mental and spiritual
manifestations as well as our social activities are also changing according to this order.
Those w h o know these orders working within and without us are able to attain health and
peace. On the other hand, those w h o do not understand these orders suffer confusion and
chaos, conflict and misery.
Those w h o know these orders and change themselves to adapt to the changing circum-
stances are able to achieve happiness; while those w h o do not know these orders are
incapable of adapting themselves and suffer despair and disappointment, discontent and
Those w h o know these orders and actively take the initiative to lead the changing circum-
stances are able to attain freedom. On the other hand, those w h o do not know these orders
and therefore are unable to take the initiative in their surroundings, lose their freedom and
enslave themselves, suffering endless struggles.
In order to live in health, happiness, peace and freedom, it is absolutely essential to under-
stand these eternal and universal orders of the infinite movement of the universe.
The First Stage: One Infinity, beginningless and endless. God, the Whole and Absolute,
which is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. The infinite ocean of endless movement
which continually expands in all directions with infinite speed.
10 The Do-In Way
The Second Stage: The beginning of the poles, yin (V) and yang (A). All antagonistic and
complemental forces and tendencies result from the formation of spirallic movement which
has come from the intersection of infinitely expanding forces. The beginning of time and
space, directions and dimensions; the differentiation of speed, frequency, and forces. The
beginning of all relative phenomena.
The Third Stage: Movement, energy, and vibration, waving between the poles which result
from the differentiation of the second stage. Invisible, but phenomena. An infinitesimal
part of this world is perceivable within the scale of h u m a n awareness as spiritual and
mental phenomena, and a further smaller part is perceivable to the h u m a n senses. This
world includes the infinite length of all vibrations, from the shortest waves to the longest
The Fourth Stage: The world of preatomic movement, the beginning of the physical and
material world. A condensed mass of the spirallic motion of energy, appearing as particles.
A few of those numerous varieties of particles are k n o w n on this earth as electrons, neutrons
and other preatomic particles.
The Fifth Stage: The world of elements, resulting from the spirallic molecular gathering
of preatomic particles. Composing the world of nature—soil, water and air—the components
of this stage include more than one hundred elements, from the lightest ones such as
hydrogen and helium to the heavy and radioactive elements, insofar as this earth is
The Sixth Stage: The world of plant organisms—the vegetable kingdom. Molecules of
elements changed electromagnetically develop into this world, especially when accelerated
by the centrifugal expanding forces of the earth. Thousands of species have prevailed u p o n
the planet, transformed from soil, water and air, and nourished by solar and other celestial
The Seventh Stage: The world of the animal kingdom, transformed and developed from the
world of plant organisms, the vegetable kingdom. Their development has been influenced
more by the centripetal contracting forces which the earth receives from heaven—outer space.
There are a hundred thousand species, and each is highly charged electromagnetically, pro-
ducing active independent movement. There are two major categories of species; water ani-
mals and land animals. Among them, seven major evolutionary developments have taken
place: from the primitive cellular organism, passing through the stages of invertebrate, amphib-
ian, reptile, bird, and mammal, toward man. The h u m a n being is the latest, most developed
manifestation of this stage.
From the invisible ocean of the universe to the appearance of h u m a n beings u p o n the
planet, seven orbital stages of creation have taken place. This is the course of physicalization
and materialization, an inward course of the spirallic movement of creation which has arisen
in the infinite ocean. There are no borderlines between these progressive stages: each pre-
ceding stage becomes the environment of the following stage. The seventh stage, the animal
kingdom, is a manifestation transformed from a part of the sixth stage, the vegetable king-
The Order of the Universe and the Macrobiotic Way of Life 11
dom. The sixth stage, the vegetable kingdom, is a manifestation transformed from a part of
the fifth stage, the world of elements. The fifth stage, the world of elements, is a manifesta-
tion transformed from a part of the fourth stage, the preatomic world. The fourth stage, the
preatomic world, is a manifestation transformed from a part of the third stage, the world of
vibration and energy. The third stage, the world of vibration and energy, is a manifestation
transformed from a part of the second stage, the world of polarization. The second stage, the
world of polarization, is a differentiated appearance of One Infinity.
The infinite world of the first stage is the origin of all, yet it does not have manifestation in
itself. The world of polarization is the principle of all movement, the whole phenomenal
world, the order of the universe. The world of the third stage is the invisible spiritual world
of which an infinitesimal part is perceivable as our sensory and mental experience. The
worlds from the fourth to the seventh stages are the relative phenomenal worlds, some of
which are increasingly perceivable through our daily experiences. A m o n g them, the fourth
and fifth worlds are the natural physical and chemical worlds, and the sixth and seventh
stages are the worlds of organic life.
As this huge spinal of seven-orbited creation proceeds inward in its course of physicaliza-
tion and materialization, the varieties of phenomena and manifestations in each stage
become increasingly large in number. The first stage is the stage of oneness. The second stage
is the stage of two—yin (V) and yang (A). Developing through the stages, the number of
variations increases rapidly: in the world of elements, about one hundred; in the world of
vegetables, thousands of species; in the world of animals, millions of species. In the last
stage—human beings—in our present society and in this century, more than four billion
different manifestations are currently acting independently.
This huge spirallic inward movement of creation, which has arisen in the ocean of the
infinite universe, naturally has as its destiny to reverse its inward spirallic movement toward
12 The Do-In Way
the direction of dissolving the entire spiral. In other words, the yang centripetal inward
course of physicalization and materialization turns its direction at the center of the spiral
toward the periphery, the infinite ocean, by the yin, centrifugal decomposing course. This
yin, centrifugal decomposing course of dissolution by spirallic movement, returning to the
endless ocean of the infinite universe, may be called dephysicalization on dematerialization,
on the course of spiritualization. This course of dematerialization progresses in seven orbital
stages, beginning from the center and moving toward the periphery of the spiral:
The First Stage: The world of organic life, the most condensed manifestation of vibration
and energy, highly charged with electromagnetic activity, living actively and independently.
The animal kingdom, especially the physical constitution of the h u m a n being, is the highest
manifestation of this world.
The Second Stage: The world of physical vibrations and energy, discharged and radiated
from the activity and decomposition of cellular organisms, namely, the body on physical con-
stitution. Massive movements of caloric energy and heat vibrations together with massive
evaporation of liquid molecules, and atmospheric motion between the body and the
surroundings. Most of the moving phenomena in this level can be identified by our sensory
and emotional perceptions.
The Third Stage: The world of vibrations and energy of shorter waves. The world of
consciousness, vibrating and manifesting in various thoughts and ideas. A massive manifes-
tation of thoughts and ideas in this world is often called the "astral body," and this world is
The Order of the Universe and the Macrobiotic Way of Life 13
called the earth's "astral world." The dimensions of this world are a thousand times larger
than the world which is perceivable through our sensory and emotional experiences.
The Fourth Stage: The world of electromagnetic activity. All movements of high frequency
forming currents between differentiated poles—plus-minus or yin-yang—throughout the
dimensions of the universe. This world is a thousand times larger than the previous world
from which all relative consciousness, thoughts, and ideas come, and in which all physical
manifestations and phenomena of the previous stages result. The visible universe is a mere
geometric point of this world.
The Fifth Stage: The world of radiation, streaming with high velocity throughout the infinite
ocean of the universe. From this world, various spiritual manifestations and activities are
born. The dimensions of this world are a thousand times bigger than the previous world.
The Sixth Stage: The world of centripetality and centrifugality, the primary forces of all
spiritual, physical and material manifestations and phenomena; covering the entire scope of
the infinite ocean of the universe, producing and diminishing all universes and all phenom-
ena therein. This world is manifested throughout all movements, beyond time and space, as
antagonistic and complementary tendencies whenever, wherever and in whatever is in this
universe. This world m a y be called the Universal Spirit.
The Seventh Stage: One Infinity, endless and boundless. The world of constant expansion
with infinite speed in all directions. The dimensions of this world are infinitely larger than
all previous relative worlds. The everlasting origin of all, of every country of God and his
manifestations in all beings. The home country for all lives and phenomena, forever. The
past, the present, and the future of all relative worlds. The world of Nirvana—absolute
freedom and absolute justice, absolute love and absolute peace. Everything has come out
from this world and returns to this world, then comes out from this world again.
These stages of the yin, centrifugal returning course from the infinitesimal stage of life to
the infinite ocean of life have no boundaries between them: there is continuous, progressive
change in the decomposing process of the spirallic universe, which has arisen in the ocean of
infinity. Each world becomes progressively larger in dimension in comparison with each
previous world, in logarithmic progression.
Our h u m a n body, our massive physical manifestation, is the beginning of this returning
course toward the infinite ocean of life. We have come from infinity; we are living within
infinity; and we return to infinity. We are experiencing this journey of life of a h u n d r e d thou-
sand million billion years, stage to stage, changing and adapting our constitution to the
particular nature of each stage. The experience of h u m a n life is a mere blink of the eye in
comparison with this long journey of life.
H u m a n life is ephemeral, and whatever we do during this lifetime is in vain if we consider
our h u m a n life as existing separately from this long journey of life. However, h u m a n life on
this tiny planet, the earth, is a stage between the yang course of physicalization and materi-
alization, and the yin course of dephysicalization, which takes place on the scale of the infi-
nite universe, with an infinite length of time and with infinite dimensions of spiritual,
mental, and physical phenomena. H u m a n life is the result of a past journey of life of millions
and billions of years. H u m a n life is a result of all past experiences which have arisen in this
14 The Do-In Way
universe, and it represents a burning wish, hope, and dream for the endless future, to become
one with infinity, with absolute justice and freedom, with absolute peace and love. Our daily
life is the process by which we are accumulating our physical, mental and spiritual
development in preparation for the forthcoming stage in the journey of life. Whatever we do,
whatever we think, will result in our life in the next stage, just as our present life has been
influenced by whatever we did and whatever we thought in the previous life.
Those w h o understand the endless journey of life are wise to design and manage their
h u m a n life, day to day, to develop their physical, mental and spiritual qualities, preparing
themselves for the forthcoming stage of the journey. Those w h o do not understand this
endless journey of life are unwise in the orientation of their daily life, wasting their life on
this earth for trifling, invaluable matters, seeking ephemeral contentment and satisfaction.
In the long journey of life which has temporal dimensions of hundreds, thousands, millions
and billions of years and spatial dimensions of almost infinite scope, h u m a n life is a stage
which begins our returning course to the infinite ocean of life, the eternal home country of all
lives and phenomena. Throughout our lives, day and night, we are all experiencing a part of
this returning course.
Various stages of this returning course are experienced through our physical, mental and
spiritual activities and remain in our memory. Practically speaking, we generally experience
the various stages of the returning journey as follows:
The First Period of Life: The beginning of the returning journey occurs as our forms from the
previous stages differentiate into two antagonistic and complementary reproductive cells—
the mother's egg and the father's sperm. Both of these have come from the parents' blood
cells, which have come from the vegetable kingdom. The reproductive cells which are active
in the mother's w o m b are the result of a journey of life-transmutations of h u n d r e d s of bil-
lions of years, which began from the infinite ocean of the universe an almost u n k n o w n time
ago. They have reached the stage of organic life as the primary constitution of animal life,
highly charged electromagnetic vibration. When these antagonistic and complementary
reproductive cells, the yang egg and the yin sperm, combine and fuse with each other, it is
the beginning of the returning course of a h u n d r e d billion years toward the infinite ocean of
life. Each of them carries its past memories and the vision of its future. When they fuse with
each other—though their recent journeys separated them into different species of vegetables,
different kinds of molecules and different blood cells of the father and mother—their mem-
ory that they have come from the same origin, one infinity, and their vision toward the future
w h e n they shall become one infinity, has never been forgotten. When they fuse with each
other, memories and visions become manifested in one organism which succeeds them as an
imperishable dream to accomplish the returning journey of life, in order to continue to real-
ize absolute freedom, justice, love and peace.
Physically, the fertilized egg is a replica of the earth, which is rotating, therefore producing
electromagnetic belts around itself and periodically undergoing axis shifts. Furthermore, the
The Order of the Universe and the Macrobiotic Way of Life 15
fertilized egg is nourished by electromagnetic currents which pass spirallically through the
spiritual channel of the mother's body: the force of heaven, yang (A), descending from
heaven to the center of the earth; and another electromagnetic force coming from the earth,
vertically passing through the mother's uterus—the force of earth, yin (V)—ascending cen-
trifugally from the center of the earth toward heaven. By those two forces—one centripetal
and the other centrifugal—the fertilized egg is continuously balanced between the heavenly
motion of the constellations and the movement of the earth. The descending force of heaven
passing through the mother's spiritual channel is also nourished by the mother's emotions,
thoughts, ideas, and images. While it passes through the mother's brain, it is reoriented and
reformed by her various thoughts and images into a new quality of energizing force.
The Second Period of Life: Life succeeding fertilization covers a period of about seven days.
During this period the new life travels through the Fallopian tube in the mother's uterus, its
cellular organisms multiplying rapidly through the movement of constant rotation and fre-
quent axis shifts. This life period is a repetition of the primary growth of life toward multiple
cellular organisms, in the ancient gaseous state of the primordial earth nearly four billion
years ago. In this period, the life travels rapidly away from the ovarian region toward another
pole which has been newly developed by the intensive charge of heaven and earth's forces at
the innermost depths of the uterus where the placenta is to grow. Primary mechanical con-
sciousness governs and directs this life. The memories and visions, which were carried by the
parents' reproductive cells and fused into one by fertilization, are distributed to each of the
rapidly-growing individual cells. Each cell carries the same memories and visions, and all
cells comprehensively carry the same memory and the same vision as a whole. During this
period, life is nourished by the flow of invisible electromagnetic charges which originate from
the descending force of heaven and the ascending force of earth; and it is also nourished by
the forces charging between the two poles, the ovary and the inner depths of the uterus—the
region known as the Hara—as well as by the forces generated by its own rotation and axis shifts.
The Third Period of Life: The third stage of the returning process toward infinity begins with
implantation at the inner depths of the mother's uterus and the growth of the placenta. This
period continues until delivery, repeating the biological evolution of life in water. The
amniotic sac, within which the embryo floats and receives nourishment from the placenta
through the umbilical cord, represents the ancient sea which covered the entire surface of the
earth until the formation of land. During this period the embryo develops its systems,
organs, and glands, as well as all auxiliary parts of the body. Besides the nourishment
received through the placenta and umbilical cord, primarily the filtered blood of the mother,
the embryo continuously receives invisible vibrational energy passing through the mother's
spiritual channel—the forces of heaven and earth together with the influence of energy
passing through the meridians running along the wall of the uterus. The embryo rotates and
repeats axis shifts, its memory and visions becoming further differentiated and distributed to
the constantly increasing cells. In this period, the embryo develops nearly three billion times
in weight compared with the original weight of the fertilized egg.
This life in water is the preparatory stage for the next stage, life in the air. During this
embryonic period in water, cellular organisms are growing constantly, and the physical foun-
dation for the following life in air is accomplished. In other words, the main p u r p o s e of this
stage of life is the formation of the physical constitution, preparing a ground for mental-
16 The Do-In Way
spiritual development in the next stage of life. Embryonic life in water proceeds by mechan-
ical judgment, and almost no objective consciousness participates in the development until
toward the last period of pregnancy. The constitution developed during this time is a foun-
dation for the destiny of the next stage, and therefore it is of fundamental importance what
quality of nourishment the embryo receives, what kind of energy it receives from the
mother's activity, what kind of vibrations of consciousness it receives from the mother's
thoughts and images. All of these things comprehensively accomplish the embryonic
development and decide what kind of life in the forthcoming air world the new baby will
The Fourth Period of Life: The returning course toward infinity further proceeds from life in
the water to more expanded surroundings: life in the air. After an average of 280 days of
water life in darkness, birth occurs with repeated contractions of the uterus, and a flood of
water. The new life begins in an atmosphere which is half bright and half dark—day and
night. The process of birth is a repetition of the occurrences on earth about 400 million years
ago: repeated catastrophes in land formation, and large-scale flooding. In order to adapt to
the new, expanded atmospheric environment, the newborn baby must experience contrac-
tion—yangization—by delivery through the narrow passage, by breathing out excessive sub-
stances, and by drinking yellow liquid through the mother's breast before starting to take
normal milk. Loss of weight therefore arises within several days immediately after birth.
The life in air upon the earth is our human life, leaving behind the placenta and umbilical cord,
and with all cellular organisms—the body—continuing further the returning journey toward
infinity. The beginning period of approximately one year, however, repeats biological evolution
on land, from the stage of amphibians, passing through the stages of reptiles, mammals and apes,
reaching finally the stage of man. This process is accomplished by the time of erect posture—
standing—together with the development of sensory and emotional consciousness, which has
advanced along with the physical evolution from birth until the time of erectness.
With the ability to stand, real h u m a n life begins. Although physical growth continues dur-
ing the first twenty years of this h u m a n life, succeeding the development m a d e in the water
life or embryonic period, most of our h u m a n life is used for the development of conscious-
ness. The ratio between the period used for physical and mental development and the period
used for mental and spiritual development is roughly one to five or one to seven.
The main objective of h u m a n life is the development of mental and spiritual consciousness
u p o n the physical foundation. In other words, h u m a n life, physically speaking, aims to con-
tinuously refine its quality in order to secure the m a x i m u m capability for the m a x i m u m men-
tal and spiritual development; and, spiritually speaking, to achieve, until the end of h u m a n
life, the largest possible dimensions of universal understanding and consciousness.
The development of understanding and consciousness generally takes place during this
h u m a n life in seven stages, which develop in a centrifugal, logarithmic spiral:
The First Level: Mechanical and Spontaneous Judgment. Most physical movement, espe-
cially that governed by the autonomic nervous activities, including all basic physical func-
tions such as digestion, respiration, circulation, excretion, nervous reactions, and others.
The Second Level: Sensory Judgment. With the developing five senses—touching, tasting,
smelling, hearing, seeing—together with the sense of direction and sense of balance, this
The Order of the Universe and the Macrobiotic Way of Life 17
level of judgment grows during the time of infancy and early childhood. It continues to be
refined through the improvement in quality of these sensory organs as well as through the
widening of experiences throughout life.
The Third Level: Sentimental and Emotional Judgment. Soon after the sensory function
begins to work, sentimental judgment starts to grow, recognizing joy and sadness, comfort
and discomfort, like and dislike; and it continue to grow toward larger dimensions that we
generally term emotional activity, including the recognition of love and hate, beauty and
ugliness, excitement and tranquility, aggressiveness and passivity, and other mental phe-
nomena. This sentimental and emotional judgment continues to grow with constant refine-
ment until the end of h u m a n life.
The Fourth Level: Intellectual Judgment. At about the age of three, soon after sentimental judg-
ment starts to work, a new judgment, intellect ual, begins to grow. Identifying, counting,
figuring, forming, numbering, organizing, analyzing, dividing, assimilating, synthesizing and
other conceptual and mental activities increase. Through experience and training this intellec-
tual judgment grows, becoming able to use logic and form theories, evaluations, and assump-
tions. It continues to grow through experience and training until the end of human life.
The Fifth Level: Social Judgment. As intellectual judgment grows, observation of the rela-
tions within the family, the society, the country, and eventually the world, starts to develop.
The determination to maintain harmonious relations with others, to improve social condi-
tions and community living, to realize well-being, love and peace, begins to orient the way
of life and the w a y of expression. This social consciousness is the sign of adulthood in h u m a n
life, and includes respect for tradition, as well as planning for the future. This social judgment
also continues to develop, with constant improvement, until the end of h u m a n life.
The Sixth Level: Ideological Judgment. As social judgment develops with the experience of var-
ious conflicts that constantly arise among people and within society, philosophical and ideo-
logical questions begin to grow to reveal what man is, what life is, h o w the way of life should
be conducted, how society is changing, why man is here, and for what purpose our life is to be
directed. The understanding of these fundamental questions of h u m a n life ultimately inspires
us to discover the endless order of the universe and its universal mechanism; and from this the
following, ultimate level of judgment starts to grow.
The Seventh Level: Supreme and Cosmological Judgment. After all previous stages of judg-
ment have been fully experienced, exercised and trained, an understanding of life, man, and
the universe starts to develop. As it grows, all phenomena are understood as complementary
manifestations of the one infinite ocean of the universe. We see that there is nothing antago-
nistic and that everything is moving and changing, according to the universal order, to
achieve and maintain the endless harmony of infinity. In this level of consciousness all prob-
lems of health, war and peace, poverty and sickness, happiness and unhappiness, misery and
prosperity, find their solution as varying manifestations of continuous change arising in the
ocean of the universe.
18 The Do-In Way
Such development of understanding and consciousness which has continued during the
period of h u m a n life, our life in air, is preparing the foundation for our forthcoming life.
When death from the h u m a n life occurs, we discard the physical body, the cellular organism,
which originated during the life in water—the embryonic age—and proceed to the next life
with our vibrational mass of understanding and consciousness.
The Fifth Period of Life: The n e w life begins with the death from h u m a n life, which is the
birth to the new environment. The environment of the pre-human life was water; the envi-
ronment of h u m a n life was air; and the environment of the new life born out of the air is the
world of vibration. While darkness was the environment for life in the water, and alternating
brightness and darkness—day and night—was the environment for the h u m a n life in air, the
new environment is full of constant brightness. Similarly, while space in the embryonic life
was very limited, and space in the h u m a n life was hundreds of billions of times larger, cov-
ering the entire surface of the earth, the new life in the vibrational world experiences a far
greater dimension—trillions of times larger than before, covering the entire scope of the solar
However, in this huge dimension, the newborn life of consciousness—you may call it the
"soul"—experiences various levels according to its quality. Those that are a mass of delu-
sional, heavy vibrations wander at the lower level of this new dimension of space, often
attaching to the atmosphere surrounding a h u m a n being, and sometimes even becoming
physically visible to people w h o have unusually sharp perception, under certain conditions.
Those whose mass of vibrations is more refined, composed of shorter waves, travel and set-
tle in the middle region of the huge vibrational world where their quality continues to
develop further. From this level some proceed toward a higher dimension of the vibrational
sphere and others descend to the atmospheric level, achieving rebirth through fusion with
physical materials in the world of water and air. Those w h o have a highly refined vibrational
mass gravitate to the higher level of the vibrational sphere, preparing for further refinement
to advance to the next life by changing their vibrational mass toward waves and rays.
In this world all vibrational masses, commonly termed "souls," carry understanding and
consciousness different from physical perception, but the same or similar to that experienced
as mental and spiritual consciousness during h u m a n life. From this life, the previous life
can be observed, just as during h u m a n life we can understand the previous embryonic
life. Happiness and unhappiness in this vibrational life largely depend u p o n the degree
of understanding and consciousness developed in the previous h u m a n life, just as our
destiny in h u m a n life is largely owing to the period of embryonic development. Whether
clear or unclear, higher or lower, all depends u p o n how our level of judgment and
consciousness has developed during h u m a n life, as well as h o w its refinement continues in
the vibrational life.
The Sixth Period of Life: Death from the vibrational life occurs with the dissolution of the
vibrational mass, which is the birth to the next life as an entity of waves and rays moving
with high velocity. The environment of this next stage of life is the world of radiation, which
covers the entire galactic dimension of space. The living body is transferred at birth into this
world of radiation, into sparkling light—you m a y say "spirit"—carrying thoughts and
images, traveling within the scope of h u n d r e d s of thousands of light years.
The Order of the Universe and the Macrobiotic Way of Life 19
From this world, some entities descend to the vibrational sphere of various solar systems
and planets by transforming themselves into vibrational masses, and others advance further
to dissolve themselves into movement of infinite speed. Among those w h o have descended
to the vibrational sphere, some become further transformed into the atmospheric sphere and
the spheres below it, taking the course of materialization toward physical manifestation
u p o n the planet.
The Seventh Period of Life: Life is transformed and developed into movement of infinite
speed, covering all dimensions beyond time and space. This stage of life is the terminal of the
returning process to the home country, infinity. Life becomes one with the infinite ocean; it
becomes absolute freedom—omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. All relative nature
which has characterized the previous lives completely disappears and, in this sense, life
reaches the state of no phenomena, no appearances, and no manifestations. However,
because it moves with infinite speed and constantly differentiates into the infinitely expand-
ing stream, which eventually forms again the relative world through spirallic movement, you
may say that this life has the Universal Will or Universal Consciousness, God.
From this infinite world, spirallic movement again arises here and there, and again the
course of materialization and physicalization begins as forms appear and disappear on the
wide ocean of the infinite universe. The Universal Will produces and manifests as images
and thoughts in the sphere of radiation, the spiritual world; further changing into various
relative dreams and ideas in the vibrational world; and further forming physicalization in the
20 The Do-In Way
spheres below it. Thus, reincarnation between each level takes place continually; and rein-
carnation on the universal scale, in the infinite dimensions of the universe, is also taking
place endlessly. The memory of every previous level of life is carried, as well as the vision for
the future. Eternal memory and endless dream covering the entire dimension of universal
reincarnation is also carried through every stage of life, although it is often unrecognized,
especially during the lower stages of life.
Principal Food
At least one-half of our daily food consumption, or if possible, more than one-half—50% to
60%—is to be whole cereal grains or their products, including brown rice, whole wheat
berries, barley, oats, rye, and millet. Corn and buckwheat m a y also be used as supplements
to the cereal grains. Various cooking methods can be applied for each grain, including boil-
ing, steaming, baking, and grinding into flour to make bread, chapati, noodles, and other
products. According to the climate, various kinds of beans such as chickpeas, kidney beans,
and lentils are also used as part of the principal food.
Supplemental Food
Supplemental foods consist of all other kinds of food in the vegetable and animal kingdoms,
except the meat of the m a m m a l species.
• Legumes and Seeds. Beans, peas, and various seeds such as sesame seeds, p u m p k i n seeds,
and sunflower seeds, as well as a small volume of nuts, are used as the secondary supple-
mental food. A larger volume of beans and peas are consumed, and a comparatively smaller
volume of seeds.
These legumes and seeds are cooked in various ways, including boiling, steaming, baking,
roasting, and grinding. Some of them, notably soybeans, are traditionally processed through
natural fermentation with grains and sea salt, to make seasonings such as miso and soy
sauce. Some seeds are pressed to yield oil, and some are used as condiments and snacks,
lightly seasoned with sea salt.
• Sea Plants (Seaweed and Sea Moss). Various kinds of sea vegetables are used as supplemen-
tal foods, including kombu, wakame, arame, hiziki, nori, agar-agar, dulse, irish moss, and
m a n y others, especially among people w h o live on islands or on the sea coast.
These sea vegetables are cooked alone or with land vegetables and beans. They are also
toasted, roasted, and baked, and may be ground into powder after roasting. Often some of
them are used as condiments, with or without the addition of seeds and sea salt.
• Fruits. A m o n g vegetable-quality foods, fruits are considered less important than land and
sea vegetables, since cereal grains are the fruits that h u m a n beings should consume daily.
However, fruits growing in the same climatic region are used as one of the supplemental
foods, especially w h e n they are in season.
The ways of preparing fruits are various. Fruits may be cooked, dried, or pickled, as well
as eaten fresh. They are traditionally used as the last part of the meal, in a reasonably small
volume, as dessert. People w h o do not consume a large volume of animal food have a natu-
ral tendency to take fruits infrequently.
• Seafood. Seafood, including vertebrates and invertebrates, and both ocean and freshwater
fish, are less frequently used as a supplemental food. Among fish, those with white meat are
recommended for consumption. Red-meat fish, and blue-skinned fish—although they may
have white meat—are traditionally avoided. Shellfish are also often avoided since they may
spoil easily.
The preparation of these ocean and freshwater animals includes boiling, steaming, bak-
ing, drying, and smoking. When they are eaten, it is common traditional practice to accom-
p a n y them with an equal or larger volume of vegetables, either slightly cooked or raw. It is
also traditional practice to use a small amount of such vegetables as grated or liced ginger,
mustard, fresh green onions, and grated horseradish, in order to avoid the effects of
• Land Animals. Some species of land animals are also used as one of the supplemental foods,
and are consumed less frequently than all vegetable-quality food, and even less frequently
than seafood. A m o n g land animal species, more primitive species such as amphibians, rep-
tiles, and birds are to be consumed, avoiding more biologically-evolved animals such as var-
ious members of the m a m m a l species. Mammal species may be eaten when it is necessary,
under special conditions: for example, in case of a scarcity of food w h e n you are in the
22 The Do-In Way
Figure 1.5. Example of Standard Diet Oriented for Physical Development (Approximate Proportions)
Figure 1.6. Example of Standard Diet Oriented for Mental Development (Approximate Proportions)
wilderness, or during very cold snowy weather. Mammals that eat vegetables are preferred
over carnivorous species.
Preparations of these land animals are again various, including boiling, steaming, roast-
ing, baking, drying, smoking and pickling. More deliberate caution has traditionally been
exercised in their preparation than in preparing other kinds of food. For example, before
cooking, meat was soaked in salt water for many hours, and the heavy fat portion was sliced
off. The meat was cooked together with vegetables, and served with hot spices and raw veg-
etables in order to avoid harmful effects.
The Order of the Universe and the Macrobiotic Way of Life 23
Figure 1.7. Example of Standard Diet Oriented for Spiritual Development (Approximate Proportions)
Figure 1.8. Example of Standard Diet for Physical, Mental and Spiritual Development for Persons
Living Deep in the Mountains (Approximate Proportions)
Any additional intake of liquid other than the liquid naturally contained in foods or used
in the process of cooking may be called a beverage. Good-quality water, hot water,
traditional herb teas such as bancha twig tea, dandelion tea, and burdock tea, as well as
many other teas, are recommended. The volume of beverages taken, however, should not
exceed what we really need for physical, mental, and spiritual health. The barometer for
finding how much liquid we should take as a standard or average is that we drink only
when we feel thirsty, and urinate three to four times daily.
24 The Do-In Way
• There is a clear distinction between principal and supplemental foods, and the principal
food is always whole cereal grains.
• Because man and his environment are one, a human being is a natural product of his
environment. The kinds of food he eats should be selected from among the vegetable and
animal species growing and living in the same climatic region. Those people who live within
the temperate region should avoid products growing in semitropical, tropical, or very cold
polar regions, and vice versa.
• Because of the principle that soil is equal to blood, it is preferable that food be selected
from the same geographical area in which we live: within about a 500-mile radius in America
and other large countries, or within perhaps a 100-mile radius in such small countries as
Japan and England, where the geographical and climatic conditions vary markedly from
region to region.
• H u m a n beings should depend primarily u p o n the vegetable kingdom for food as long
as they are living in the temperate, semitropical, and tropical regions. Exceptions would
occur under unusual circumstances, such as in the snowy winter season, or on a high moun-
tain top. In the cold polar region, it is possible to consume more animal-quality food than in
the other climatic regions.
• Food should be primarily the whole food, which reserves its natural balance. We should
avoid, as much as possible, consuming only a part of some organism.
• Food should be primarily cooked. As much as possible, raw food should be used only as
a supplement to cooked food and eaten under special circumstances, such as during a period
of unusually high consumption of animal food, or under hot and dry climatic conditions.
• Food should retain its life activity until cooking begins. All unrefined whole grains,
beans, seeds, and vegetables keep their life activities if they are not processed with artificial
methods such as milling, canning, and treatment with chemicals.
• Seasoning should be used moderately, and should be as natural as possible in
• In the process of cooking, food should be comprehensively balanced between all antag-
onistic and complemental factors, such as minerals vs. carbohydrates, carbohydrates
vs. water, fire vs. water, salt vs. oil, pressure vs. air, high temperature vs. low temperature, etc.
The way of serving and eating meals has the following principles:
• The service of the meal should be gracefully and beautifully arranged to create a peace-
ful atmosphere.
• Excessive noise should be avoided throughout the mealtime.
• We should chew well, at least 50 times per mouthful—preferably toward 100 times—
mixing the food well with saliva.
The Order of the Universe and the Macrobiotic Way of Life 25
• Gratitude should be expressed for the universe, nature, plants and animals, and to those
w h o have produced, processed, cooked, and served the meal, before and after taking every
• Meals are to be taken usually two to three times a day, sometimes once a day, but prefer-
ably not for three hours before sleeping.
• The principal food, grains, is to be consumed from the beginning of the meal to the end,
while the supplemental foods are to be consumed along with the principal food, in the fol-
lowing order: soup; well-cooked land and sea vegetables and legumes; lightly-cooked land
and sea vegetables and legumes; raw and fresh vegetables, if any; and, ending with a fruit
dessert, if any.
• In each meal, the volume of food eaten should be naturally limited to an a m o u n t not
exceeding 70% of stomach capacity.
The pattern of eating described above varies naturally according to environmental condi-
tion, such as differences in climatic region, season, weather, sex, age, social conditions, type
of work, as well as personal needs. In ancient times there were some people w h o trained
themselves to develop their physical, mental, and spiritual conditions, staying in an isolated
place in natural surroundings, often living alone deep in the mountains. In such cases it is
unlikely that their dietary practice could have been the same as that of most people w h o usu-
ally live on the plains. Their eating would have included more wild plants, such as seeds,
fruits, roots, and bark. Of course, their practice of eating these wild plants was conducted
according to the principles of preparation and the way of eating. These wild plants often
included wild buckwheat and millet, and these dietary practices were naturally macrobiotic,
in their unique environmental circumstances. Among these people, those practices led to the
development of cosmically universal consciousness, along with physical health and longevity,
and they were often called S e n - N i n , or "free men." There is much evidence including
records, documents, and legendary stories about their unusual abilities, which included:
tion for developing our physical, mental, and spiritual freedom. Through the daily practice of
these dietary principles we experience almost immediately, generally in 10 days or thereafter, var-
ious positive changes in our physical, mental, and spiritual conditions, including the following:
Unless there is the daily practice of proper diet according to macrobiotic principles, it is not
possible for anyone to develop his spiritual, mental and physical conditions. There have
been, however, here and there, some people w h o do not practice orderly eating and drink-
ing, yet are able to reach fairly high levels of physical, mental, and spiritual development; but
those people were nourished properly during their embryonic period through their mother's
w a y of eating and drinking, and they were continuously nourished with reasonable orderli-
ness during their period of infant and childhood eating. In other words, their native and
early constitution is in good condition, and therefore, despite their ignorance of dietary influ-
ence, as well as their practice of a disorderly w a y of eating and drinking during their adult-
hood, they are still able to maintain their original sound constitution. To a certain extent they
are able to keep their physical, mental, and spiritual condition, but of course they face rapid
degeneration after they lose their original strength, probably after the age of 50 or 60.
All physical, mental, and spiritual exercises, traditional and modern, must be based u p o n
the practice of the proper, macrobiotic way of eating. All ancient philosophers, thinkers, spiri-
tual leaders, artists, political, economic and social leaders, as well as founders of other arts
and techniques for the development of health, mind and spirit for total happiness, did actu-
ally observe the macrobiotic w a y of eating.
It is highly recommended that all modern people, especially those w h o wish to recover
their physical and mental health and those w h o wish to develop their well-being and beauty
as a whole together with unlimited understanding and consciousness, practice, before any-
thing else, the proper w a y of eating according to macrobiotic principles.
roundings, his geographical and biological environment. The way of eating food is the way
of harmoniously adapting ourselves to this environment as a part of these surroundings.
Drinking is the w a y of adaptation by achieving oneness between ourselves and the liquid
world, which is a part of our natural external environment. By exercising the w a y of drink-
ing properly, we are able to harmonize ourselves with the liquid environment: oceans, rivers,
rain, moisture in the soil, humidity in the atmosphere.
Similarly, breathing is the interchange between ourselves and the atmospheric environ-
ment—the air. The way of breathing aims to achieve, with the utmost effectiveness, our
harmonious adaptation to the atmospheric environment as part of that environment, in the
same way that the proper way of eating and drinking is essential for our physical, mental,
and spiritual development. The proper way of breathing is also essential for our health and
happiness, together with our universal understanding and consciousness.
Breathing is the manifestation of the yin (V) centrifugal expanding function and the
yang (A) centripetal contracting function, alternately exercised in harmonious movement,
mainly through our respiratory organs. However, not only the respiratory organs such as the
nasal and bronchial cavities and the lungs, but also the circulatory organs and their functions,
are closely coordinated with breathing. The nervous system, including autonomic nervous
reactions and brain functions, is also closely related to the function of breathing. Generally
speaking, the active functioning of these systems and organs accelerates active breathing,
and active breathing in turn accelerates the active functioning of these systems and organs.
On the other hand, their slow and inactive functions bring forth slow and inactive breathing;
and slow and inactive breathing results, in time, in their slow and inactive functions.
Accordingly, our control of breathing, the volume of air in the inhalation and exhalation, the
duration of the inhalation and exhalation, as well as the speed of breathing, have different
effects u p o n all digestive, circulatory, nervous and excretory systems and functions. This also
directly and indirectly influences our psychological and spiritual conditions, changing the
kinds, volume, direction, and dimensions of image and thought.
Major examples of different ways of breathing and their effects on our physical, mental,
and spiritual conditions are as follows:
Speed of Breathing
Slower Breathing (Giving More Yin (V) Effects)
1. Physical metabolism slows down, including heartbeat, blood circulation, and other body
fluid circulation. Body temperature tends to become slightly lower.
2. Mentally, producing a more tranquil and peaceful state, more clear thinking and objective
understanding, as well as a more sensitive response to the environment.
3. Spiritually, developing wider perception, deeper insight, and leading toward more uni-
versal consciousness.
1- Physically, resulting in the faster metabolism of various body functions. The heartbeat, as
well as the circulation of blood and other body fluids, is accelerated. Body temperature tends
to increase.
28 The Do-In Way
Depth of Breathing
Shallow Breathing (Giving More Yin (V) Effects)
1. Physically, resulting in more profound and active metabolism, and harmony among the
systems and organs. Body temperature tends to be stable.
2. Mentally, producing deeper satisfaction, emotional stability, stronger confidence, and
maintaining steady and even expression.
3. Spiritually, developing more thoughtfulness and unchangeable faith as well as the ten-
dency to become all-embracing, together with a more loving personality.
Length of Breathing
Longer Breathing (Giving More Yin (V) Effects)
3. Spiritually, developing more disharmony with the environment. More conflicting and
antagonistic feelings are developed, together with the increase of short-sightedness and a
more subjective view.
As a standard practice for physical, mental, and spiritual development, breathing can be
used in five different ways according to the degree of strength:
1. Very Slow, Quiet, and Long Breathing: The Breathing of Selflessness: This breathing is done
through the nose for both inhaling and exhaling, very quietly, to the extent that a piece of rice
paper hanging in front of the nose does not move. The duration of the out-breath should be two
to three times longer than the duration of the in-breath. The effect of this breathing is to calm
down all physical, mental, and spiritual activities, so that we enter into deep meditation to
develop inner sight by achieving the maximum degree of adaptation to the environment. This
breathing also produces the effect of minimizing egocentric delusion.
2. Normal Slow and Quiet Breathing: The Breathing of Harmony: This breathing is also done
through the nose, but it is slightly stronger than the breathing described above (No. 1).
This is the usual quiet breathing of a time of stillness. Again, the duration of the out-breath
should be two to three times longer than the duration of the in-breath. The effect of this
breathing is to maintain peaceful, harmonious relations with the actively-moving sur-
roundings, keeping the self in the central position, which increases our awareness of our
3. Slow and Quiet but Stronger Breathing: The Breathing of Confidence: This breath is
inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the slightly opened mouth. The exhalation is
three to five times longer than the inhalation. This breathing is stronger than the two ways of
breathing described above. Its effect is to accelerate active harmony among all physical,
mental, and spiritual functions by developing inner confidence, and by preparing for any
30 The Do-In Way
active movement which may be necessary, at any time, to adapt to rapidly-changing envi-
ronmental conditions.
4. Long, Deep, and Strong Breathing: The Breathing of Action: This breathing is done through
the slightly opened mouth for both inhaling and exhaling. The duration of exhaling should
be three to five times longer than the duration of inhaling. The effect of this breathing is to
activate all physical, mental, and spiritual powers in order to initiate any necessary motion
upon environmental conditions without losing objective observation. This breathing can be
used also to release physical and mental stagnation, producing relaxation.
5. Long, Deep, Strong and Powerful Breathing, with Sound: The Breathing of Spiritualization:
This breathing is done through the mouth for both inhaling and exhaling. The exhalation
should be three to five times longer than the inhalation. When breathing in, the sharp sound
"HI" occurs naturally, because of the intense inhalation made between slightly opened teeth,
with the tongue lightly tensed. During exhalation, a long, natural sound of "FU" is made con-
tinuously. The effect of this breathing is to actively energize the physical and mental metab-
olism, and to spiritualize the entire personality. The sound "HI" has the meaning of "spirit,"
"fire," and "sun," in a prehistoric pronunciation universally and intuitively used throughout
the ancient world. The sound "FU" has the meaning of "wind," "differentiation," and
"expansion," in the ancient pronunciation. At that time, HI and FU also had the respective
meanings "one" and "two."
As special breathing practices for physical, mental, and spiritual development, the following
five methods can be used, each for its special purpose.
1. Breathing with the Tan-Den (Hara, the Center of the Abdomen): The Breathing of Physical-
ization: This breathing is done deeply and slowly with the natural movement of the Hara
region (the central region of the abdomen). Another word for Hara is Tan-Den, the most
inner depths of the abdominal region. At the time of slow but deep inhalation, the Tan-Den is
filled with energy and the lower abdomen naturally expands toward the front. At the time of
slow and longer ex-halation, the same region naturally contracts.
Between inhaling and exhaling, the breath should be held for several seconds.
The exhalation should be generally two or more times longer than the inhalation. The effec-
tiveness of this breathing is to generate physical energy, mental stability and spiritual confi-
dence. It results in the firm establishment of the self upon this earth, and the ability to avoid
being influenced by changing surroundings. It produces an increase in body temperature.
This breathing also accelerates active digestive and circulatory functions throughout the
body, which results in the development of total health and longevity.
2. Breathing with the Center of the Stomach Region: The Breathing of Power: This breathing
is done with the natural movement of the region of the stomach. At the time of inhaling, the
stomach region, the area of Chu-Kan , naturally expands toward the outside, and at the
time of exhalation, it contracts. Between inhaling and exhaling, the breath should be
held for several seconds. The duration of exhaling is slightly longer than the duration of
The Order of the Universe and the Macrobiotic Way of Life 31
The effect of this breathing is the development of endurance, patience, and tolerance, and
when the breath is held for longer time between inhaling and exhaling, it intensifies internal
energization throughout the whole body, so that the body is filled with what we may call
spiritual power—electromagnetic energy. As it is repeatedly exercised, this breathing results
in the development of various physical and mental abilities.
3. Breathing with the Heart Region, or the Center of the Upper Chest: The Breathing of Love:
In this breathing, both the inhalation and the exhalation are slow and long, concentrating in
the heart region, or the central region of the upper chest. The duration of inhaling is almost
equal to the duration of exhaling, and the breath is not held between inhaling and exhaling—
both naturally and smoothly continue in slow, long movements.
The effect of this breathing is to harmonize the beating of the heart and to generate smooth
circulation of the blood and other body fluids. Mentally, it generates a feeling of harmony
and love with all aspects of the environment as well as with the surrounding people. It also
develops sensitivity, sympathy, understanding, and compassion.
4. Breathing with the Region of the Throat and the Root of the Tongue: The Breathing of
Intelligence: This breathing is done at the region of the throat and the root of the tongue, with
stronger inhaling and weaker exhaling. At the time of inhaling, the breath is concentrated
and held at the region of the throat and root of the tongue for several seconds, and then is
The effect of this breathing is to develop keen senses, for physical and mental concentra-
tion toward a certain objective. It further develops clear observation and penetrating insight
into the problem being faced. Spiritual concentration is accelerated and intellectual compre-
hension is stimulated.
5. Breathing with the Region of the Midbrain: The Breathing of Spiritualization: This breath-
ing is done at the region of the midbrain, the inner center of the head. The inhalation is made
slowly but sharply, as if breathing up toward the zenith of the head, with the feeling of lift-
ing the body u p w a r d . This inhalation should be m a d e smoothly and continuously, as long as
possible, and at its extreme point, the breath is suddenly but gently released. The exhalation
should be m a d e d o w n w a r d toward the mouth.
The effect of this breathing is to spiritualize our relative consciousness toward a more uni-
versal scope, and it further serves to release our perception into boundless dimensions,
including the understanding of events taking place at a distance. The entire physical metab-
olism rapidly slows d o w n as this breathing is repeatedly exercised, and body temperature
decreases as if approaching toward death.
The above five standard ways of breathing for the general development of our physical,
mental and spiritual condition, and the five special ways of breathing for specific purposes
in physical, mental, and spiritual development can be used freely during our daily life: while
sitting, working, and acting, as well as while meeting and working together with other
people. There are m a n y other variations of breathing to maintain general health and
well-being as well as to develop special physical, mental and spiritual abilities, but these ten
kinds of breathing introduced above are the fundamental methods for all other ways of
32 The Do-In Way
1. We Should Rise Before Dawn: The year's schedule begins on the first day of the first
month, and the day's activity begins at the rising of the sun. Leaving our bed before sunrise
and preparing ourselves to meet the rising sun with a simple Do-In exercise is essential for
our physical, mental and spiritual orientation for the day's activity. When the rising of the
sun is near, the atmosphere surrounding us begins to be charged more actively, stimulating
our physical and mental conditions. In ancient times in Far Eastern countries like Japan and
China, governmental decisions on public affairs were m a d e before dawn. From this ancient
practice, the center of the government was called Cho-Tei , "The Morning Court." The
atmosphere of early morning is beneficial for our clear vision in making future plans.
2. We Should Clean Ourselves and Our Surroundings Soon After We Rise in the Morning: We
should clean our face and body, preferably with cold water, and brush our teeth with sea salt
or other traditional natural tooth powders, making our physical and mental conditions
keenly alert to meet the activities to follow in the day's work. At the same time, we should
clean our surroundings, beginning with our immediate room, moving toward the periphery
of the home, and including the yard outside.
3. We Perform Do-In or Other Physical, Mental and Spiritual Exercises: Any morning exer-
cise we perform should serve as an activation of harmonious energy flow, including the cir-
culation of blood and other body fluids as well as electromagnetic current throughout the
entire body. Such exercises should include breathing and the frequent use of proper voice or
chanting to achieve an active interchange between ourselves and the natural environment.
4. We Dedicate Our Prayer to People and Phenomena: After we inspire our well-being
through cleaning and exercise, we dedicate our prayer to all ancestors, people, living beings,
* Respiratory Quotient (RQ): This is the ratio of t h e v o l u m e of C O 2 produced and oxygen ( O 2 ) consumed, expressed as follows:
Volume o f C O 2 expired
The Order of the Universe and the Macrobiotic Way of Life 33
and all phenomena with the order of the infinite universe—the Universal Spirit, God. This
prayer extends our whole-hearted gratitude to them, asking their guidance and encourage-
ment for our performance during the day. At that time, it is often important to offer them a
meal prepared with grains and vegetables.
5. We Express Gratitude and Respect for What We Eat: At the time of breakfast, lunch and
dinner, w h e n we consume meals, we should consider that our food has come from nature,
creating us as beings in harmony with the whole natural environment and enabling us to
develop our physical, mental, and spiritual quality toward our well-being and happiness.
When everyone and every family expresses gratitude and respect for each meal, for nature,
and for those w h o produced and prepared the food, it is the beginning of peace in society. We
6. We Begin Our Daily Work with Enjoyment and Enthusiasm: We handle any sort of activ-
ity in a positive, creative and energetic manner. We should relax completely in order to main-
tain accurate and speedy work. We should not calculate our work or the a m o u n t of
compensation; we should enjoy our work as a means of achieving physical, mental and spir-
itual satisfaction, with compensation naturally following such enjoyment.
We extend help to our working colleagues in a spirit of brotherhood, considering all col-
leagues as our brothers and sisters, and sharing with them their happiness and their sorrow.
34 The Do-In Way
We maintain our working environment as a peaceful, happy place, as we make our home a
peaceful and h a p p y place. The working place is an externally extended home for us and for
all other colleagues w h o are working together with us.
7. We Take Responsibility for Any Social Condition: We all are members of h u m a n society.
When there is confusion and chaos in the social order, it is our o w n responsibility. When there
is misery and suffering somewhere in our community and in our h u m a n society, it is our
responsibility. When there is war and hunger somewhere in the world, it is our responsibil-
ity. All people are related organically, and we all influence one another in our living
Do not complain about others, but consider our o w n inability to improve situations.
Do not accuse others, but consider our o w n errors.
Do not criticize others, but consider our own inadequacy.
Do not depend u p o n others, but consider our o w n independability.
Do not ignore others, but consider our o w n ignorance.
8. We Dedicate Our Appreciation for the Day: After we complete our daily work, either
before or after the evening meal, we dedicate our appreciation to nature and the universe, as
well as to society and the friends w h o have been cooperating with us throughout our day's
activity. We make our own evaluation of what we have done during the day's activity, as to:
This self-evaluation guides us for the better performance of the coming day's work, help-
ing us to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the various aspects of our activities.
9. We Study the Way of Life: After the day's active life, we spend at least a few hours quietly
to develop our aesthetic, theoretical, and spiritual understanding of the way of life. By either
reading, writing, performing, or thinking and meditating, we should continuously refine our
personality and deepen our understanding of art, literature, science, philosophy, religion,
and various other arts.
Our life should be well-balanced with both yang (A) physical activity and yin (V) mental
activity. We need to develop both physically and mentally as oriental tradition has taught for
many centuries, as expressed in the term Bun-Bu Ryo-Do . A valiant samurai was
required to refine his personality by the learning of poetry, arts, music, and literature, even
including the tea ceremony; and a gentle w o m a n w h o was mainly engaged in housekeeping
was also required to become proficient in some martial arts in order to cope with any
The Order of the Universe and the Macrobiotic Way of Life 35
10. We Complete the Day with Self-Reflection: Before we enter into the night's rest, we final-
ize the day's activity by reflecting on our own conduct of that day:
Together with these reflections, we purify ourselves by washing our face, hands, feet, and
body, as well as cleaning our teeth. We change our clothing and enter into complete rest—
sleep—with a simple Do-In exercise if necessary.
Stages o f Spiritual T r a n s f o r m a t i o n
The relationship between spiritual phenomena and physical entities is simply a difference of
degree: whether they are yin, expanded, invisible phenomena, including various manifesta-
tions of vibration, waves, rays, and other invisible forces; or yang, contracted, visible phe-
nomena, including bodily movement and sensory perception as well as material experience.
The term "spirit," as it is used in our daily conversation, generally has three different
meanings—physicalized, vibrational, and universal.
Physicalized Spirit
We express "spirit" in terms such as "our h u m a n spirit," "the spirit of my country," "the
spirit of our family," "the spirit of m a n or woman," "the spirit of Christianity or Buddhism,"
and the like. "Spirit" in this sense expresses tradition, heritage, ideals, discipline, and other
similar concepts which we manifest in our physical life within the external society. This
expression of spirit m a y be called the "Physicalized Spirit."
Vibrational Spirit
We also use the term "spirit" w h e n we talk about a dead person or about past events
which are no longer physicalized in the present world. We often say "my dead father's
spirit," "the spirit of the u n k n o w n soldier," "the spirit of a late great personality like Jesus,
Buddha," etc., as well as "the spirit of lovers w h o have passed away." In this sense,
we often revere or enshrine these spirits, and we dedicate our consolation or prayer for them.
We mean by these expressions that such a spirit is similar to the "soul," astral manifestation,
or waves and vibrations which can be perceived and interpreted as the image of those
personalities that is in our memory. This kind of spirit may be called the "Vibrational Spirit."
Universal Spirit
We further express "spirit" in the universal and permanent sense, such as in the meaning
of God, eternity, universality, immortality, and absoluteness, bearing the nature of
38 The Do-In Way
These three categories expressing the different meanings of "spirit" actually make one con-
tinuity, manifesting differently in each stage of development in the spirallic movement of this
physical universe, which arises in the infinite ocean of the Universal Spirit. Physicalized spir-
its are a finite part of the vibrational spirit, and vibrational spirits are a finite part of the
Universal Spirit. The boundless area of the Universal Spirit can be recognized as God, the
whole, oneness, Nirvana, Yahweh, which is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. It is
beginningless and endless. It does not manifest itself as any relative phenomenon, and is
beyond any relative relation with any existence. It is eternal as well as universal, and there-
fore it is unidentifiable—impossible to name. It is the Will of all phenomena arising within
itself. It is the origin of origins of all appearances, and it is the end of ends of all beings.
The stage of vibrational spirit is a transitory process, both in time and space, between the
infinite Universal Spirit and finite physical manifestations. A part of this transitory area can
be perceived as radiations, waves, and vibrations as well as all manifestations of energy.
These are more condensed than the infinite Universal Spirit, but they are far more expanded
than physicalized beings. This is the world of dreams, images, and thoughts, which is trans-
ferred to and realized in the physical world. At the same time, w h e n the physical world is
dissolved, it is transferred into this world of dreams, images, and thoughts. This world of
vibrational spirit is the original constitution of physicalized phenomena. We h u m a n beings
also have physicalized from this world.
When m a n is physicalized u p o n the earth as one of the biological species, the world of
dream, image, and thought precedes the biochemicalization of all energies—such as radia-
tion, waves, and vibrations, as well as the movement of preatomic particles—into the h u m a n
constitution, along which the cellular organism is formed. These complex forces in the world
of energy m a y be summarized as the force of electromagnetic current, which is constantly
moving between opposite poles: yin (V) and yang (A), centrifugal and centripetal, plus and
minus, alpha and omega, space and time, slow and fast, high and low, front and back, out-
side and inside, up and down, and all other antagonistic and complemental relativities.
All physicalized phenomena are ephemeral. They are changing without pause—endless
change from yin to yang, expansion to contraction, birth to death, rise to fall—this is the uni-
versal principle governing the physical world. In this world of inconsistency, m a n aspires to
the eternal consistency of the Universal Spirit, which is lying deep in his memory, because he
has come out from the Universal Spirit into this physical world, passing through the stage of
vibrational spirit. His aspiration is evidence that he has k n o w n the Universal Spirit and that
he was the Universal Spirit himself.
In order to return to the Universal Spirit—God, Infinity, or Will—mankind wishes to
realize perfect harmony with his environment, to achieve oneness. This process of harmo-
nizing himself with the environment is exercised as the realization of physical health, beauty,
mental peace, and spiritual universality. It is inevitable that everyone seeks health and hap-
The Physical and Spiritual Constitution of Man 39
piness, for everyone is a manifestation of the Universal Will to achieve oneness with Infinity,
the origin of origins. The Universal Will to be One Infinity is equal to the personal will to
seek and realize health and happiness through physical, mental, and spiritual development
during our time on this earth as h u m a n beings.
environment in the form of spirallic patterns as they are attracted to each other in the
w o m a n ' s uterus, their o w n movement also follows the form of spirallic patterns, augmented
by their o w n rotation.
1. The first period: 7 days, from the time of fertilization to the time of implantation, which
takes place in the most inner depths of the uterus. During this period, the fertilized ovum
increases cell division in a logarithmic pattern: 1 to 2,2 to 4 , 4 to 8, 8 to 16; and this movement
of cell increase occurs in a spirallic pattern, together with rotational movement of the egg as
well as the motions of its axis shift.
2. The second period: 21 days, from the time of implantation to the time of general system
formation. During this period, the inner system which will later develop into the digestive
and respiratory functions, the peripheral system which will develop into the nervous system,
and the central system which will develop into the circulatory and excretory functions, are
formed. The inner digestive and respiratory systems grow in spirallic patterns which expand
centrifugally, and the peripheral nervous system grows in a spirallic pattern which is gov-
erned more by the centripetal, contracting force. The central circulatory and excretory sys-
tems are further formed by spirallic movement, between the first two major systems. Not
only is each system formed spirallically, but also, these three major systems—inner, periph-
eral, and central—are composed as a whole in spirallic layers during this period, connecting
with each other at both ends.
3. The third period: 63 days, the period of formation of organs, glands, and other major struc-
tures. During this period, future organs, glands, and other major body structures are formed
along the three systems. All of these structures grow in spirallic patterns, either by centrifu-
gal force or centripetal force. The former result in more hollow and movable structures such
as the large intestines, small intestines, stomach, gall bladder, and bladder, and the latter
result in more compacted structures such as the lungs, heart, spleen, liver, and kidneys.
Because they are formed respectively by the spirallic movement of energy, they are con-
structed in several layers.
4. The fourth period: 189 days, the period of general development up to the time of delivery.
During this period, systems, organs, glands, major body structures, and all other auxiliary
instruments and functions continue to grow and become complete toward the end of the
entire 280 days of the embryonic period. Throughout this period, the embryo alternates
between active motion and slow motion. Further, it moves spirallically, by a combination of
rotation and axis shifts. Throughout these orderly spirallic movements, the embryo accom-
The Physical and Spiritual Constitution of Man 41
plishes its balance between head and body, left and right, front and back, inner and outer, as
well as a m o n g systems, organs, glands, and the circulation of various body fluids.
Antagonistic yet complementary tendencies, yin (V) and yang (A), are well balanced, prepar-
ing as a whole for birth. For example, the region of the head becomes more compact, while
the region of the body becomes more expanded. The front of the body becomes softer while
the back becomes harder. The areas of muscles and tissues gather more protein and fat, while
the bones gather more minerals.
During the period of childhood, from the time of postural erection to the time of puberty, our
physical movement becomes more active, following a spirallic pattern between expansion
and contraction. When we stand, during the daytime, we tend to fully extend our body spi-
rals, keeping our body generally straight; and while we sleep, during the night, we tend to
contract our body spiral, with the head and legs bent inward. When we move rapidly, as in
running, we tend to form our spiral in a more bending form; when we rest, we tend to extend
our spiral with the legs, arms, and whole body stretched in a relaxed condition. When we
utter sounds, air circulates out, forming an expanding spirallic pattern; when we breathe in,
air circulates inward, forming a more contracting spiral. Our sensory functions such as tast-
ing, smelling, hearing and seeing are also accomplished with spirallic motion of the head to
identify the intensity, direction, and distance of sensory impulses.
At the same time, psychological functions as well as the course of various thoughts,
develop in a spirallic pattern. Following the earlier period of infancy in which we develop
sensory and sentimental consciousness, we further continue to develop intellectual con-
42 The Do-In Way
sciousness during this fifth period. It grows and functions spirallically toward the larger
dimensions of the external environment in the form of imagination, speculation, calculation,
assumption, and other functions we generally k n o w as "understanding." As we use the right
side of the brain, which deals more with basic mechanical conceptualization, we form vibra-
tions of thought around the right brain in a spirallic form; w h e n we use our left brain, which
produces more aesthetic, complex thinking, we form thought vibrations around our left brain
in another spirallic pattern.
Each of our various physical movements as well as our various psychological activities
forms a specific spirallic pattern—either expanding centrifugally or contracting centripetally,
either in a clockwise direction or in a counterclockwise direction—spirallic motions of energy
and vibration.
These three phases of development form the inner, middle, and peripheral orbits of a loga-
rithmic spiral which represent the whole development of our h u m a n life during this period.
In this growing pattern, in the event that the speed of material accumulation is unreason-
ably high, the development of the other two aspects—human contacts and consciousness—
tends to slow down.
Each of these 12 inner meridians running in the uterus corresponds respectively to each of
the mother's surface meridians, and these surface meridians further correspond to the earth's
atmospheric charges, influenced by the 12 constellations which are revolving far away in space
along the earths' ecliptic.
These surface meridians and the constellations to which they correspond are as follows:
Meridian Constellation
Lung Meridian Aries
Large Intestine Meridian Taurus
Stomach Meridian Gemini
Spleen Meridian Cancer
Heart Meridian Leo
Small Intestine Meridian Virgo
Bladder Meridian Libra
Kidney Meridian Scorpio
Heart Governor Meridian Sagittarius
Triple Heater Meridian Capricorn
Gall Bladder Meridian Aquarius
Liver Meridian Pisces
Between the electromagnetic layer around the embryo and the center of the embryo, an
electromagnetic charge is exchanged in the form of invisible currents which spiral in from the
layer toward the inner part of the embryo as it rotates in 12 different ways. When these invis-
ible currents reach the central part of the embryo, they each form a spiral. Some form inward-
moving spirals d u e to their slow speed, and others form outward-moving spirals d u e to their
faster speed. These spirals, inward and outward, grow continuously during the embryonic
period, developing into various major organs and functions. The inward spirals form more
compacted organs which are slower in movement, and the outward spirals create more
expanded organs which are faster in movement. A m o n g these organs, those having yang (A)
compacted structure and yin (V) slow movement balance with those having yin (V)
expanded structure and yang (A) active movement, as if forming pairs. These pairs of bal-
ancing organs and functions are as follows:
After forming these spirals which later develop into the major organs and functions,
electromagnetic energy begins to discharge in both u p w a r d and downward directions. Energy
discharged upward is energy which has been charged more at the peripheral parts of both
sides of the embryo, and energy discharged downward is energy charged more at the central
part of the embryo. These discharged energies also form outer spirals, upper spirals and lower
spirals, and these spirals later develop as arms and legs. Accordingly, electromagnetic cur-
rents running through the arms and legs in the form of meridians develop as follows:
Lung Meridian Spleen Meridian
Large Intestine Meridian Liver Meridian
Heart Governor Meridian Stomach Meridian
Triple Heater Meridian Gall Bladder Meridian
Heart Meridian Bladder Meridian
Small Intestine Meridian Kidney Meridian
embryo. This peripheral surface of the embryo, as electromagnetic currents are discharged
toward the future arms and legs, gradually changes into what we know as the back part of
the body. In the fully-developed h u m a n body, therefore, along the spine on the back part of
the body, there are major entering points of electromagnetic charges, which are called in ori-
ental medicine Yu-Ketsu , "Yu Points," or "Entering Points." The meaning of Yu is "pour-
ing in." Through these entering points, atmospheric charges enter the inner part of the body,
charging various organs, activating their functions. Each of these Yu Points is therefore specif-
ically related to the particular organ and its function, and these points traditionally bear the
name of the related organ, such as Hai-Yu , "Lung Entering Point,"Kan-Yu , "Liver
Entering Point"; Sho-Cho-Yu , "Small Intestine Entering Point"; and so forth.
After the electromagnetic currents which have entered from the Yu Entering Points charge
the respective organs, then, as mentioned before, they stream out from the surface of the front
of the body, gathering into certain points which are traditionally called Bo-Ketsu
"Gathering Points," in oriental medicine. Therefore, in the front part of the body there are
Gathering Points for each electro-magnetic current which has charged each organ. In other
words, these Gathering Points also represent particular organs and their functions. These
Gathering Points are in complementary relationship with the Entering Points. These pairs of
complementary points are as follows:
The electromagnetic current which has gathered in the Gathering Points in the front
part of the body starts to be discharged toward the arms and legs, forming meridians
for each current, ending at the tips of the fingers and toes. The terminal points of these
meridians are called Sei-Ketsu "Well Points." The name "Well" indicates that the elec-
tromagnetic flow is bubbling out like water coming from an underground well. Each Well
Point of each meridian is located, therefore, at the end of each finger and toe, with the excep-
tion of the Well Point of the Kidney Meridian, which is located in the central front part of the
sole of the foot. These Sei—Well Points are therefore in complemental relationship with the
Bo—Gathering Points, as far as the meridians are concerned, and are also in complemental
48 The Do-In Way
relationship with the Yu—Entering Points in regard to the flow of electromagnetic current as
a whole.
Between the Bo—Gathering Points and the Sei—Well Points, each meridian generally forms
seven logarithmic parts. Accordingly, electromagnetic current flowing through the meridian
balances in the area of the fourth section, counting from both ends of the meridian. Because
the length of each section composing the arms and legs becomes increasingly shorter
as we move toward the periphery, these balancing points are generally located around the
wrist in the case of meridians on the arm, and around the ankle and heel in the case of merid-
ians on the leg. These points are traditionally called Gen-Ketsu"Source Points" or
"Balancing Points." These Balancing Points are one of the most important groups of
points, together with the Yu—Entering Points, Bo—Gathering Points, and Sei—Wei] Points, in
balancing the electromagnetic charge throughout the meridians and organs and the organ func-
tions as well.
The Sei—Well Points, and Gen—Balancing Points of each meridian are listed below:
The meridians running throughout our body are something like the meridians running on
the surface of the earth. Electromagnetic currents running on the surface layer of the earth
form mountain ranges, aligned mainly in a North-South direction. Some mountain ranges
running East-West or Northeast-Southwest have arisen in the past, before or during axis
The Physical and Spiritual Constitution of Man 49
shifts of the earth, which have changed the magnetic poles. On the mountain ranges there are
springs, waterfalls, and streams, as well as volcanoes, valleys, forests, and plains. Each of
these places has certain characteristics, produced by atmospheric pressure and other surface
conditions, together with underground forces and movement. Similarly, along the body
meridians there are various points which are characterized as if they were various natural
phenomena arising on mountain ranges. Some points on the meridians are more watery in
nature—the electromagnetic current is streaming, pooling, falling, and bubbling up. Other
points are characterized more by the fire nature, metal nature, wood nature, and soil nature,
as well as other characteristics. These points are therefore traditionally named according to
their character, although in the modern orientation of oriental medicine a series of numbers
has been fixed to identify them. These points mainly exist along the meridians, particularly
around the joints of the arms and legs; and between these points, balancing points are fur-
ther produced. In this way, throughout our body along the 12 major meridians, more than
360 points are produced; and throughout the surface of our body, more than 2,000 points.
Major electromagnetic currents appear as meridians running throughout the body, with
varying degrees of speed and intensity of current among the 12 major meridians. Among
these meridians, six currents are running with more active energy, while six other currents
are running with less active energy. The active currents may be easily identified as yang (A)
meridians, because they are coming from the more active organs, which have a generally
more yin (V) expanded structure. The less active currents can be called yin (V) meridians,
coming from the less active yang (A) compacted organs. The yang meridians are running on
the inner part of the arms and legs while the yin meridians are running more on the outer
part. Their varying degrees of activity, yin and yang, are as follows:
Among these 12 meridians, two meridians, the yang Heart Governor Meridian and the yin
Triple Heater Meridian, complement each other in their functions. These meridians have no
specific organs to and from which energy enters and leaves; rather, they are more compre-
hensive electromagnetic currents. For example, in the case of the Heart Governor Meridian,
energy generated by the movement of the heart region is administering the circulation of
blood and body fluids throughout the body. In the case of the Triple Heater Meridian, vibra-
tions discharged from the metabolic movement of the upper heart region, middle stomach
region and lower abdominal region are constantly adjusting and controlling heat metabolism
throughout the body. Accordingly, the conditions of the other ten meridians influence these
two meridians, and the conditions of these two meridians are influencing all the other ten
meridians. In other words, both the Heart Governor and Triple Heater Meridians are com-
prehensive functions representing all other ten meridians, which respectively represent the
functions of the major organs.
50 The Do-In Way
This universal pattern of change between the yin (V) expanding course and the yang (A)
contracting course, which is cycling endlessly, also explains the reincarnation arising univer-
sally in all phenomena. Electromagnetic energy flowing along the meridians throughout the
body, feeling to and discharging from various organs and their functions, is also not excepted
from this universal law of change. Electromagnetic currents running along the ten meridians
and the two comprehensive meridians create reactions to each other as indicated in Figure 2.8.
In other words, excessive energy given to one meridian gives energy to the next meridian as a
natural progression, and reduces energy in the preceding meridian. For example, excessive
energy given to the Liver Meridian naturally passes to the Heart Meridian, and results in a reduc-
tion of energy in the Kidney Meridian. This relation may be called a "complemetal relation," or
"the relation of parent and child," as it has been called traditionally in oriental medicine.
Meridians listed on opposite sides of the chart are governed by opposite tendencies: some
with more expanding energy, and others with more contracting energy. Accordingly, among
these five groups of meridians, there are antagonistic relations as indicated in Figure 2.9.
The Physical and Spiritual Constitution of Man 53
In other words, a stimulus given to generate the active functioning of the Liver Meridian
would inhibit the active functioning of the Spleen-Pancreas Meridian, and a stimulus given
to reduce activity, for example in the Kidney Meridian, would accelerate the activity of the
Heart Meridian. This reaction arising among the meridians may be called an "antagonistic
relation" or a "conflicting relation," as it was traditionally called.
These Five Stages of Transformation also arise on each meridian at its peripheral part.
Among the points from the tips of the fingers to the elbow on the arm and from the tips of
the toes to the knees on the legs, there are five points on each meridian that represent respec-
tively the natures of Wood, Fire, Soil, Metal, and Water. These points are used in various
ways in the treatment of electromagnetic energy, either to supply or reduce energy. For
example, stimulation applied to the Water Point of the Liver Meridian gives an influence not
only to the Liver Meridian, but also to the Kidney Meridian. Similarly, stimulation given to
the Fire Point of the Stomach Meridian gives an influence not only to the Stomach Meridian,
but also to the Small Intestine Meridian. These points are listed in Figure 2.10.
54 The Do-In Way
Treatments using these meridians and the points along the meridians are mainly aiming to har-
monize electromagnetic currents throughout the body. When the energy flow along certain
meridians is less than normal, stimulation is applied in order to supply energy or activate
energy flow. When some meridians have excessive energy, stimulation is applied to reduce
energy in order to achieve a harmonious relation among the meridians.
The arts for supplying or reducing energy have been developed, mainly in the oriental
countries, for more than 5,000 years. Among these arts of harmonizing energy, there are the
The art of acupuncture mainly uses needles, traditionally made of gold and silver, and recently
of stainless steel. In treatment, one or several needles are used on the proper meridian in the
proper points, sometimes inserting them and taking them out immediately, and at other times
inserting and leaving them in for some duration. By the varying use of needles, energy is sup-
plied or reduced in various degrees. You may consider these needles as antennae which receive
and discharge electromagnetic current between the atmosphere and the body.
Stimulation using the active vibration of fire can also release the stagnated flow of energy
along meridians or certain areas around points. Usually, the substance burned has been moxa,
which was traditionally processed out of mugwort, though other sorts of fire stimulation can
produce similar effects: rice grain moxa, paper moxa, and cigarette moxa may also be used
in various circumstances.
Palm Healing
Because the palms, and all other areas of the hand including the tips of the fingers, receive
and discharge energy, a certain way of using the palms and fingers, applying them gently
The Physical and Spiritual Constitution of Man 55
earth. Accordingly, this yin centrifugal expanding force forms a clockwise spiral w h e n it is
discharged. Conversely, the force of heaven, descending toward the polar regions, forms a
counterclockwise spiral as it comes in toward the center of the earth. The earth's yin (V)
expanding force thus forms a clockwise centrifugal spiral, and heaven's yang (A) contracting
force forms a counterclockwise, contracting spiral.
Yang, heaven's centripetal contracting force, w h e n it enters most intensively at the
polar region, produces a highly-charged atmosphere which appears as the aurora borealis.
Then it enters toward the center of the earth, colliding with another contracting force of
heaven, coming in a counterclockwise direction from the southern polar region, producing a
curving orbit (Figure 2.11). Furthermore, they produce another layer of electromagnetic currents
which form the region of the mantle. In a similar way they produce the crust, and several
layers of electromagnetic currents encircling the earth, some of which are known as the
Van Allen Belt.
Similar constitutions appear in everything which has a generally round form u p o n this
earth. For example, in the case of fruit, the core area is the nuclear region where seeds are
usually produced, and the mantle area is the region of the fruit's pulp. The crust of the earth
corresponds to the skin of the fruit. Heaven's force comes into the fruit through the top stem,
and another force comes in from the bottom. In the same way, our h u m a n constitution is
formed between two forces, each of which is coming in spirallically from heaven—outer
space—and from the earth, the force radiated spirallically from the ground.
In the case of the h u m a n body, heaven's force enters into the head region, forming the
counterclockwise hair arrangement and producing the aura, which corresponds to the
aurora borealis of the northern sky of the earth. After entering the head, heaven's force inten-
sively charges the most inner region of the brain—the area of the midbrain—from which
charges are distributed to all other parts of the brain, sending electromagnetic influences to
millions of cells. Because of these charges distributed to all parts of the brain, these cells,
organized in each region of the brain, operate as highly-communicative instruments and
receive various sorts of vibrations as well as electromagnetic impulses, producing images.
Television, as a very primitive mechanism, performs a similar operation. Our brain is able to
function as the major organ of consciousness and the controlling center of many physical and
The Physical and Spiritual Constitution of Man 57
enters into the body through both feet, going up toward the area of the Tan-Den. It also enters
through the lowest part of the body, including the genital area, creating a unique form or
indentation—the prostate gland in the case of man, and the uterus and ovaries in the case of
Earth's force continues to ascend and intensify its charge, colliding at the abdominal area
with heaven's descending force. This accelerates various intestinal activities, including the
secretion of intestinal juice and the gonad hormones. In the case of woman, the place of the
Tan-Den, which is known as the "Ocean of Electromagnetic Force," is the most inner part of
the uterus, where implantation and the formation of the placenta occur. These charges are
intensified in this area, especially in the case of w o m a n , to the extent that it is possible to gen-
erate embryonic development in the uterus.
Earth's force continues to ascend and charges the middle region of the body, including var-
ious organs such as the stomach, pancreas and spleen, liver and gall bladder, as well as the
kidneys. These areas are charged in coordination with heaven's force. For example, the liver
is influenced more by heaven's force, while the spleen is more influenced by earth's force;
and insulin secreted by the pancreas is charged more by heaven's force, while the secretion
of anti-insulin is accelerated more by earth's force.
This force continues to ascend and charges the heart region, coordinating with heaven's
force. Cardiac movement is governed by these two forces—contraction by heaven's force,
The Physical and Spiritual Constitution of Man 59
and expansion by earth's force. The force of the earth is also distributed throughout the cir-
culatory system into all parts of the body, as heaven's force is distributed, sending nourish-
ing electromagnetic forces to all muscles, tissues, and cells.
Further ascending, the force of the earth vibrates the vocal cords, reinforcing the breathing
function and accelerating tongue activity as well as releasing charges into the m o u t h cavity.
Because of this charge, high-pitched sound can be created and inhalation can be made, and
faster motion of the tongue is facilitated.
Across the space between the root of the tongue and the uvula, earth's force is transmitted
toward the brain region and charges its center, the midbrain, from which the charge is dis-
tributed to all parts of the brain as well as to all cells. While the distribution of heaven's force
from the midbrain tends to charge more the inner and back part of the brain, the distribution
of earth's force tends to charge more the peripheral and front regions of the brain. The for-
mer also tends to charge more the right side of the brain, while the latter tends to charge
more the left side of the brain. These differences naturally result in various different psy-
chological effects.
These two forces, heaven's yang centripetal contracting force and earth's yin centrifugal
expanding force, form one vibrating stream passing vertically through our body, between
the spirallic center of the head and the lowest part of the body. This stream m a y be called the
"spiritual channel," or the "primary life energy channel."
The parts of the body where the forces from heaven and
earth collide and charge have been traditionally called chakras,
especially in the ancient medicine of India. These places are
each generating electromagnetic flow toward the outside and,
at the same time, they are receiving invisible force from the
surrounding atmosphere to charge the internal functions. The
locations of the chakras are shown in Figure 2.14.
The functions of the chakras are as follows:
• The Heart or Fourth Chakra: Governing the heart and cir- Figure 2.14. The Seven
culatory activities and charging electromagnetically the blood Chakras, and the Four Hand
and body fluids, including the lymph. It also indirectly con- and Foot Chakras
trols the respiratory and digestive functions.
60 The Do-In Way
• The Solar Plexus or Third Chakra: Governing the activities of the stomach, the spleen and
pancreas, the liver and gall bladder, and the kidneys. The secretion of hormones and diges-
tive liquid in this area are also controlled.
• The Sacral or Second Chakra: Governing intestinal digestion and absorption in the small and
large intestines, where the secretion of digestive liquid is also influenced. Reproductive func-
tions, including ovarian activities, pregnancy, and the secretion of gonad hormones, are also
• The Base or First Chakra: Governing the functions of the bladder and rectum, as well as the
reproductive function; and also controlling part of the nervous and circulatory functions.
Excessive charge arising in any of these chakras stimulates these above-mentioned func-
tions, and a decrease of charge results in the slowing d o w n of these functions. A m o n g these
seven chakras, the Sixth Chakra is the central administrator of various functions controlling
consciousness in the head region, and the Second Chakra is the central administrator for the
body region. The Sixth Chakra is the area k n o w n as the midbrain, and the Second Chakra is
the area called the Tan-Den. Between these two chakras is another important chakra—the
Fourth Chakra, at the region of the heart. It balances all of the other chakras and physical and
mental functions because of its control of the circulatory system. You may say the Sixth
Chakra is the center of the nervous system, the Fourth Chakra is the center of the circulatory
system, and the Second Chakra is the center of the digestive system.
Stimulation given to these chakras also produces different mental and spiritual conditions.
Stimulation can be given to these chakras by self-exercise such as the practice of Do-In, using
various forms of posture, breathing, and chanting.
The qualities produced by the various chakras are as follows:
• The Crown or Seventh Chakra: Consciousness expansion toward the development of uni-
versal understanding, diminishing egocentric thinking.
• The Ajna or Sixth Chakra: Control of consciousness, including the purification of various
thoughts into more concentrated forms of thinking, with the gradual diminishing of sensory
• The Throat or Fifth Chakra: Developing the ability of intellectual, logical expression, as
well as artistic expression.
• The Heart or Fourth Chakra: Generating emotional feelings, including love and sympathy
toward other people. Sensitive perception in the relationship with the external world can be
• The Solar Plexus or Third Chakra: Generating various physical and mental powers, includ-
ing an extraordinary ability to control physical movement, and the performance of unusual
powers which require balance among all physical movements.
• The Sacral or Second Chakra: Generating physical stability as well as mental confidence.
Unmovable strength, physical and mental, can also be developed.
The Physical and Spiritual Constitution of Man 61
• The Base or First Chakra: Generating physical and mental harmony with the earth, includ-
ing its atmospheric conditions. It also strengthens sexual vitality as well as the ability to
adapt to surroundings.
Besides these seven chakras, there are four additional chakras, one on each h a n d and foot.
The center of the hand chakra is the center of each palm: Ro-Kyu —Heart Governor
No. 8; and the center of the foot chakra is the central part of the sole of the foot, which is
usually called Soku-Shin , the "Heart of the Foot." The hand chakras are extended
centers of the Fourth, Heart Chakra, and the foot chakras are extended centers of the Second,
Sacral Chakra.
• The Right-Hand Chakra: Governing the discharge of electromagnetic charges toward the
periphery. These charges have been generated internally by various body chakras, especially
the Second, Sacral; Third, Solar Plexus; and Fourth, Heart Chakras.
• The Left-Hand Chakra: Governing the active reception of invisible electromagnetic flow from
the surrounding atmosphere. These in-flowing energies are feeding various internal chakras,
especially the Second, Sacral; Third, Solar Plexus; and Fourth, Heart Chakras.
• The Right-Foot Chakra: Governing the discharge of electromagnetic energy toward the
earth—energy which has been received from various body chakras, especially the Seventh,
Crown; Sixth, Ajna; and Fifth, Throat Chakras.
• The Left-Foot Chakra: Governing the reception of energy from the earth and generating
various body chakras, especially the First, Base and Second, Sacral as well as the Fifth, Sixth,
and Seventh Chakras.
Stimulations given on the fingers and palms as well as on the toes and soles of the
feet directly and indirectly influence various activities of the chakras, which in turn control
various functions of the organs and glands. Also, using the hands and feet in various
ways—including holding the palms together—and various combinations of the fingers, gives
different effects to our physical, mental, and spiritual conditions. The use of various forms
and combinations of the feet and toes also gives similar effects.
These stimulations are given through various treatments, including acupuncture, moxi-
bustion, shiatsu massage, yoga and other physical exercises. In the case of Do -In, we give
proper stimulation in the form of self-massage and pressure applied in various parts of these
areas by our fingers.
all plants and animals are structured in an antagonistic, complemental way among various
systems, organs, glands, and all other parts and their functions.
These antagonistic and complemental structures and functions among various parts
of the body can be observed in all levels, and even in infinitesimal, minute functions.
Such antagonistic and complemental relations can be observed, for example, in red blood
cells vs. white blood cells, insulin vs. anti-insulin, sympathetic nerves vs. parasympathetic
nerves, male vs. female hormones, positively-ionized mineral compounds vs. negatively-
ionized mineral compounds, alkalinity vs. acidity, Vitamin C vs. Vitamins D, K, E or B-12,
and so forth.
However, the comprehensive relations which we need to understand for the practical
conduct of our daily life, including physical, mental, and spiritual exercises, can be more
generally categorized into several groups of antagonistic, complemental relationships.
These are the relationships of (1) front and back; (2) upper and lower areas; (3) left and right;
(4) periphery and center; (5) organ and meridian function; and (6) the part and the whole.
corresponding internal areas of the body. Exercises such as Do-In applied in any region of
the head and body bring forth beneficial results, not only for that particular region, but also
for the corresponding parts of the body and their related functions.
with the opposite fingers lightly attached, as in a praying or meditating position, physical
and mental balance between the right and left parts of the brain and body is in a state of
peaceful harmony.
Various spiritual exercises, including prayer, mediation, and self-reflection, seek to realize
harmony between the antagonistic and complemental constitutions and functions of left and
right, in order to achieve togetherness or oneness. The practice of acupuncture, moxibustion,
and various physical adjustments also aims to achieve a balance between left and right. Do-In
exercise uses these antagonistic and complemental balances in its various postures and move-
ments, and helps to bring about their unification into a harmonious oneness.
1. Skin Color. In oriental medicine as in western medicine, skin color is one of the important
ways of diagnosing the condition of the internal organs and their functions.
2. Marks and Spots on the Skin. Various marks appearing on the surface of the body result from
an abnormal condition which either occurred in the past, or which is currently progressing. These
marks are a form of discharge from the internal organs, glands, tissues and muscles, and are a
manifestation of the energies which are working in the internal part of our body. They often appear
along muscles, meridians, and at the location of the organs. The following are some examples:
4. Hands and Fingers, Feet and Toes. The hands and fingers are peripheral manifestations of
the internal organs and their functions, as well as the energies working among these organs.
Each finger carries particular meridians related to the functions of certain organs. Any excess
is discharged through the hands and fingers toward the surrounding atmosphere, being car-
ried from the internal part of the body toward the periphery through the circulation of blood
and body fluid as well as through the electromagnetic flow along the meridians. Accordingly,
the conditions of the hands, fingers, and nails show present and past internal conditions. The
following are some examples:
Splitting of the nails and Excessive discharge of liquid, sugar, fruits, juice
tips of the fingers and soft drinks. Disorders in the reproductive
organs and functions.
Ridges on the nails Excessive intake of salt and minerals, or, lack of
protein and fat. Disorders in the liver and gall
bladder or kidney and excretory systems.
Wet hands and feet Excessive intake of liquid, including fruits and
juices. Disorders in the digestive, circulatory and
excretory systems.
The Physical and Spiritual Constitution of Man 9
The examples given above are only a few of the easily noticeable conditions appearing at the
peripheral part of the body in connection with disorders in the internal organs and functions.
These peripheral areas can be used for the purpose of diagnosis and, at the same time, for the
purpose of treatment. The acceleration or reduction of energy at the periphery can immedi-
ately influence the energy flow in the corresponding organs and other internal parts of the
body. Stimulation given to these peripheral areas, such as through the use of pressure and tem-
perature, can change the internal condition. Like many other medical treatments and physical
exercises, Do-In actively uses these peripheral areas to improve the internal condition.
When a certain organ and its function becomes increasingly active d u e to excessive
electromagnetic energy, a corresponding meridian running on either the arms or the
legs produces more active vibrations, and points located on the fingers or toes along
that meridian produce more active energy discharge.
When the metabolism of an organ is slowing down, the corresponding meridian
decreases its energy flow and produces less vibration.
If there is any stagnation which appears as hardening, stiffness, or swelling at some
part of a meridian, it indicates that a corresponding organ or function is stagnated.
If there is pain, soreness, or a tight muscle on some spot along a meridian, it shows
that a certain area of the corresponding organ or its function is affected.
70 The Do-In Way
If a callus forms on a finger or toe, or on the sole of the foot, a corresponding organ
is discharging accumulated mucus, fat and excessive energy.
If unusual skin color appears along a meridian, a corresponding organ is suffering
with a degenerative condition.
These relationships between the meridians and the organs as well as their functions reveal
that any stimulation given on a part of a meridian produces an immediate reaction in a cor-
responding organ and its function. Like all other forms of treatment and exercise, Do-In
actively uses the relationships between the meridians and the internal organs and functions:
by giving pressure upon certain points, dissolving stagnation along a meridian, applying the
palms to give heat and vibrations, or giving massage in order to accelerate the energy cur-
rent flowing in the meridian.
1. The Color of the Eyeball. In adults, the eyeball is normally white, while in the case of infants,
it is slightly blue. If a part or all of the eyeball changes color, it indicates disorders in certain
organs and functions.
2. A Bloodshot Condition, showing the expansion of capillaries, indicates the overflow of energy
and the excessive circulation of blood in the corresponding region of the body. It also indicates
emotional instability and nervousness as well as general physical and mental fatigue.
The Physical and Spiritual Constitution of Man 71
3. Dark Brownish Spots appearing in a certain region on the white of the eye represent hardening
of stagnated mucus and accumulated fat, including the formation of stones. They also represent
the formation of cysts if they appear in the region corresponding to the breasts or ovaries.
4. White and Yellow Patches appearing on the white of the eye often indicate heavy fat accu-
mulation which is progressing toward the formation of cysts, tumors, and eventually cancer,
in that particular region.
5. Yellow and White Mucus Accumulation on the lower part of the eyeball shows a heavy accu-
mulation of fat and mucus in the lower part of the body, such as around the prostate gland,
or around the ovaries and in the uterus. This indicates that a vaginal discharge is present in
the case of women, and deterioration of sexual ability in the case of men.
6. Red Spots appearing in certain regions are probably at the end of expanded blood capil-
laries, and indicate stagnation of the blood or formation of blood clots in the circulatory
system and organs in that particular area.
7. Excessive Liquid pooled around the eyeball generally indicates disorders in the circulatory
and excretory systems, together with enlargement of the heart, expansion of the intestines,
and frequent urination.
1. Size: Bigger ears indicate a stronger constitution developed during the embryonic period,
while smaller ears show a weaker constitution. Especially well-formed ears with good, long
earlobes represent a well-oriented constitution together with a balanced mentality. On the
other hand, an ear with the u p p e r portion more developed, and lacking an earlobe, indicates
that n o u r i s h m e n t d u r i n g the embryonic
period was more by animal food, resulting in
unbalanced physical and mental constitution.
Region "A" is nourished and developed Peripheral Ridge:
more by protein; region "B" is nourished and Circulatory and
Excretory Systems
d e v e l o p e d m o r e by carbohydrates; and A. Showing
region "C" is nourished and developed more Lower Part
by balanced minerals. (See Figure 2.17.) of Bodv
4. Position: A traditional ear is positioned so that the upper portion of the ear begins from the head
at about the level of the eyes, and the lowest part of the earlobe ends at the level of the mouth.
However, in the modern age, many ears begin their upper portion far above eye level, and the
lower part ends far above the line of the mouth. The former condition represents a stronger con-
stitution and a large mental capacity, while the latter indicates the opposite tendencies.
points are located, each of which corresponds to a part of these systems, including the organs
and glands, joints and muscles.
Accordingly, pressure, massage, and other stimulation given to these layers and points
immediately influence the corresponding areas of the body.
The palm is another part of the body which represents the whole constitution and condition,
physical, mental, and spiritual. It has been well known in oriental medicine as well as in
ancient and medieval occidental medicine that the palm, including the fingers, represents
personal physical and mental tendencies. With this knowledge, palmistry or palm reading
has been developed, from an unknown ancient time. Palmistry is able to reveal personal
tendencies and destiny, since each part of the palm correlates to part of the physical consti-
There are three major lines on the palm (see Figure 2.20 on page 74) which represent the
three fundamental systems of our body:
Line A, running from the indentation between the thumb and index finger d o w n around
the base of the thumb. This line represents the digestive and respiratory systems. The upper
portion of this line shows the lower part of the digestive and respiratory systems, and the
lower portion shows the upper part of the digestive and respiratory systems. In normal
health, this line should be clear, deep, and the longest among all the lines on the palm. The
reason this line is called the "Life Line" in palmistry is that physical vitality and longevity
largely depend upon the condition of the digestive and respiratory functions. If this line ends
before reaching the wrist, or if it is weak and shallow, it shows an inferior ability in the diges-
tive and respiratory functions.
Line B, beginning at the inside edge of the hand near the beginning of Line A, crossing the
palm toward the outside edge of the hand. This line represents the nervous system as well as
74 The Do-In Way
the thinking capacity of the brain. It can be shorter than Line A, but should be clear and pow-
erful in normal health. In palmistry, this line is called the "Line of Intellect." It shows a ten-
dency toward determination if the line is shorter and deeper, although it also indicates a
tendency toward rigidity. On the other hand, it shows broad comprehension if the line is
long and flowing d o w n w a r d , although it also shows a tendency toward indecisiveness.
Line C, runs from the outside edge of the hand below the little finger toward the inner
edge of the base of the index finger. This line represents the circulatory and excretory
systems, and it is desirable for it to be clear and powerful. This line could be shorter
than Line A, the "Life Line," but the same or a little longer than Line B, the "Line of Intellect."
If this line is weak and shows irregularities, it means the circulatory and excretory functions
are not operating effectively at present. If this line is long, reaching almost to the root of the
index finger, physical vitality and emotional aspiration are stronger than average. Due to the
nature of the circulatory and excretory functions in influencing emotional change, this line
is called the "Line of Emotion" or the "Heart Line" in palmistry.
Line D, begins between the index and middle fingers, and curves toward the root area of
the ring finger. This line is called the "Line of Love," indicating deep affection for other peo-
ple or other beings. At the same time, it indicates possible complications in emotional affairs
as well as h u m a n relations. This line does not necessarily appear on everyone's palm.
Line E, running from the center of the base of the palm, ascending vertically toward the mid-
dle finger, is called the "Line of Success" in palmistry. It does not appear on everyone's palm.
When the mother was a hard worker during the time she carried the baby in her womb, or if
a person has been working hard himself, especially in physical and social activities, this line
often appears. Because this line has been created through physical and social activity, it has
been considered as an indication of possible future success.
Line F, beginning near the center of the base of the palm, ascending toward the area
between the little finger and ring finger, is called the "Line of Health," and appears only in
some people. Like Line E, the "Line of Success," this line is
created by good physical activity, either by the mother dur-
ing the time of embryonic development or by the person
himself during his growing period. If this line appears, his
physical constitution has good resistance to environmental
Other Lines. There are many other minor lines running
here and there throughout the palm. The more minor lines
appear, the more changes in physical, emotional and social
life tend to take place, and the more variety of foods have
been consumed. Generally, it is more desirable that the
lines on the palm be more simple and clear, showing that
the person's growing conditions as well as his environ-
ment have been more simple and straight. It shows also
that his consumption of foods has been simpler, but more
well-balanced than average. All of the various minor lines
Figure 2.20 have their respective correspondences to our physical,
Major Lines on the Palm mental and spiritual conditions but, in general, lines going
The Physical and Spiritual Constitution of Man 75
toward the fingers in a vertical direction are more desirable indications than lines running
Because of the nature of the lines on the palms, as explained above, the palms can be used
for diagnosis and treatment through the application of pressure, massage, and other stimu-
lation. A stimulation given on a certain area or point of the palm immediately influences the
corresponding system, organ, or area of the body.
In our usual daily posture, including most normal body movements, the relation of the feet
to the body is complementary. For example, in the standing posture, while the whole body is
vertical, the foot has a horizontal position; and in the sleeping posture, the resting body has
a horizontal posture while the feet tend to be held nearly vertically. Accordingly, it has been
known for the past several thousand years that the feet represent and correspond to the rest
of the whole body. From this understanding, a modern physiotherapy called reflexology has
been developed. Not only do each of the toes represent the functions of different organs,
through the meridians connecting the toes with the inner organs, but also each area of the
foot, especially on the sole, indicates each part of the body.
Such corresponding relations between the feet and the parts of the body are generally indi-
cated as in Figure 2.21 below.
The area of the Achilles tendon, the top of the foot, and the area around the anklebones also
have corresponding relations to various functions of the body.
Accordingly, pressure and stimulation which is given to a certain area by the application
of a needle, moxibustion, finger pressure, or massage, can influence a corresponding organ,
gland, or area of the body. When these stimulations are applied properly, with the appropri-
ate kind of vibration and degree of intensity, they serve for the effective relief of disorderly
conditions existing in the inner areas of the body.
These foot-organ correspondences also suggest that it is more advisable for the activation
of physical and mental metabolism to walk or exercise with bare feet on the grass or earth
from time to time, when circumstances permit. It is also advisable that we keep the feet and
76 The Do-In Way
toes clean by washing them with hot or cold water once or twice a day, serving for the main-
tenance of general health.
In accordance with the physical and spiritual constitution of man, which is composed, as
generally explained above, with antagonistic and complementary relations among the vari-
ous parts of the body as well as physical and mental phenomena, any stimulation given to
any part of the body, regardless of the nature of such stimulation—either material or spiri-
tual, physical or vibrational—is able to alter the conditions and functions of various physical
and mental phenomena. Do-In exercises, like all other physical, mental and spiritual exer-
cises, use such stimulations actively. But in the case of Do-In, such stimulation is given in
more peaceful and natural ways, in the form of self-adjustment. Do-In aims not only for the
healing and improvement of disorderly conditions, but also for the comprehensive develop-
ment of our physical, mental and spiritual conditions in a harmonious daily life.
Part Two
The Exercises of
There are many exercises and treatments to improve our physical, mental and spiritual con-
ditions, including western and oriental medicine, psycho- and physiotherapies, psychiatric
and physical treatments, and the use of chemical and herbal medicines, as well as various
technological branches of oriental medicine such as acupuncture, moxibustion, p a l m healing,
and m a n y others. However, Do-In has unique characteristics in comparison with these other
ways of physical, mental and spiritual development:
1. Do-In has been developed from an u n k n o w n ancient time through intuitive responses
which arise without special elaboration or theories, as everyone's natural reactions of
2. Do-In is completely self-exercise, unlike m a n y medical treatments, martial arts, and
other therapies which require the participation of other people.
3. Do-In exercises do not require the use of any instruments, unlike acupuncture, moxi-
bustion, and many other physiotherapies. They require only our own physical and men-
tal functions, properly applied through self-adjustment.
4. Do-In exercises aim toward our physical betterment and well-being, but they also aim
far beyond the physical dimension toward the development of our mental and spiritual
abilities for the achievement of true h u m a n nature as a whole, in all dimensions.
5. Do-In exercises can be practiced by anyone, in any place, using only a short period of
time; and therefore, they can easily be a part of our daily life, not requiring any special
effort or placing a burden u p o n our daily activities.
6. Do-In does not regard h u m a n beings as physical and material existences, b u t rather as
manifestations of vibrational and spiritual movement, arising in the infinite dimension
of vibration and energy in the ocean of the infinite universe.
7. Do-In exercises are done in harmonious relationship with the natural environment,
using the most advantageous time, place, and posture, as well as natural phenomena
such as the motions of the sun and the wind.
80 The Do-In Way
There are several series of Do-In exercises, which are introduced in the following order:
1. Special Exercises: These exercises are not presented as a series of movements, but are intro-
duced independently as basic physical, mental and spiritual exercises. Any of them may be
practiced at any time for their specific purposes.
2. Daily Spiritual Exercises: This series is especially designed for mental and spiritual devel-
opment in the form of daily exercises. When this series is practiced, it can effectively achieve
mental and spiritual development in harmony with nature and the universe, resulting natu-
rally in physical well-being.
3. Daily Exercises: These Daily Exercises encourage the smooth and orderly functioning of
our daily way of life as well as the harmonization of our condition as a whole. They include
Morning Exercises, Evening Exercises, Meridian Extensions, and Additional Exercises.
The series of Morning Exercises aims to generate our physical, mental and spiritual vital-
ity, actively but in peaceful harmony with the surrounding conditions. The Evening Exercises
are to bring about a state of physical and mental peace and relaxation at the close of the day.
The series of Meridian Extensions aims to generate active and harmonious energy flow
through the meridians, in order to relieve any fatigue caused either by stagnation or by lack
of energy flow throughout the body after unnatural activities. The Additional Exercises
include exercises to induce sound, peaceful sleep by complete relaxation in a reclining
posture, and the method of keeping the nasal cavities clean in order to maintain smooth
4. General Exercises: This series of exercises aims to activate energy flow in each area of the
body together with the recovery of the harmonious functions of various organs, glands and
systems. These exercises cover the whole body, using various applications of pressure, mas-
sage, rubbing, and other stimulation which can be done easily.
The Special Exercises introduced here are some representative exercises, each of which has a
special purpose. These Special Exercises can be practiced any time and any place, not as a
series, but as independent exercises. All of these exercises, however, require the proper bio-
logical and psychological conditions as a preparatory ground, realized through the daily
practice of the macrobiotic way of life.
These Special Exercises are mainly oriented toward our mental and spiritual development,
but they naturally include physical improvement as well. Some of them have been practiced
in Zen and other types of meditation. Some of them have been used in yoga training, and oth-
ers in prehistoric Shinto and other religious practices. Many of them are here recovered and
modified into simple, practical form, with the addition of new understanding.
Using the exercises introduced here, an almost limitless variety of exercises can be devel-
oped in order to reach the same goal—that is, the unlimited development of the whole per-
sonality. Spiritually developed personalities known throughout our history practiced one or
more of these exercises, through which they could begin to master their physical and
mental freedom.
I have named each of these exercises according to its traditional meaning and purpose, and
have specially refined and modified some of them in order to introduce the general scope of
the various exercises. Through any of them you may begin to enter into the larger domain of
the mental and spiritual world.
The exercises introduced are as follows:
• SP1 (Ten-Dai: Heavenly Foundation: In this exercise, we study several sitting postures
which are essential to practice physical, mental and spiritual exercises. In the beginning and
at the end of each Do-In exercise, we should return to one of these postures. These sitting pos-
tures are all centered at the lower abdomen—the Second Chakra, the physical center—to sta-
bilize ourselves firmly u p o n the earth.
• SP 2 Ai-Wa: Love and Harmony: This exercise is centered at the Fourth Chakra, the
heart and emotional center, to develop our devotion together with love and harmony. It
generates harmonious relations with all surrounding people and environmental conditions.
82 The Do-In Way
Special Exercises (SP) 83
84 The Do-In Way
Special Exercises (SP) 85
86 The Do-In Way
Special Exercises (SP) 87
Toward Heaven
u p o n any particular point. We make our various thoughts quiet d o w n gradually to reach the
state of no-thinking.
Then, we begin to breathe deeply and slowly. During the inhalation, we d r a w our image
clearly that the energy of the earth enters into the lowest end of the spine, going up along
the vertebrae, and circulates around the surface of the head from the neck to the forehead,
passing through the nose and ending by reaching the mouth. During the exhalation, our
image guides the force of heaven coming d o w n from the m o u t h toward the throat and chest,
then the stomach to the abdomen, ending by reaching the region between the anus and the
genital area. In other words, through the guidance of our conscious image, smooth circula-
tion of the energies of both heaven and earth envelop our body along the Governing and
Conception Vessels, the nervous system and the respiratory-digestive systems.
We repeat this special breathing deeply and slowly in smooth, circular rhythmic move-
ment, for about five to ten minutes. Then we return to meditation, keeping silence and peace
in our mind, where we stay for another two to three minutes.
Figure 3.15.
thoughts calm d o w n into a peaceful, gentle state. In order to reach this state,
we may lightly close our eyes.
When our mind reaches a peaceful state, we raise both arms to the position
of the heart, with the palms held together in the prayer position (Step 1). We
further pacify our mind, keeping this position for a while.
Then, with the palms still lightly attached together, we slowly extend both
arms toward the front, and slightly slide the right hand down (Step 2). Immedi-
ately afterward, open both arms, forming an angle of about sixty to ninety
degrees (Step 3), and quickly clap both palms together (Step 4), producing a
sharp, clear sound which can penetrate the surrounding atmosphere and wipe
out the delusional vibrations surrounding us. We repeat this hand-clapping two
times. Both times, the sound should be as sharp and clear as possible.
Gently w i t h d r a w the arms, returning the palms to the prayer position.
Then, place both hands on the lap as before, in the Natural Right Sitting
Posture. Sliding the palms d o w n the sides of the thighs, we place them before
us on the floor, forming a triangle with the thumbs and index fingers (Step 5).
We bow, lowering the head toward the floor, the nose toward the center of
the triangle but not touching the floor—about one inch above the floor (Step
6). This bowing motion should be done together with a natural inhalation of
breath. When we bow, the eyes may be naturally closed. Keep the b o w for the
duration of about two breaths. During this time, breathe with natural, gentle
inhaling and exhaling. Then, with an exhalation, we slowly raise our body,
sliding our h a n d s up the sides of the thighs and returning to the meditating
posture, continuing our spiritual respect and mental state of selflessness for a
while before we finally return to the Natural Right Sitting Posture.
Throughout the exercise, we keep in our mind complete respect for that to
which we are dedicating our thoughts. Especially while we are bowing, we
should totally abandon our ego, keeping an absolute state of selflessness.
98 The Do-In Way
Step 4: We slowly lower the opened arms, then raise the right
hand from the elbow, palm facing toward the front, and extend
the left hand straight out from the waist toward the front with
the palm facing u p w a r d . During this motion, we say, "I am
heaven and earth."
(Step 3); but we continue to look at the same point where the
finger was, which is n o w empty. At that time, we may feel a
slight dizziness and a cross-eyed sensation. We continue to
see the same point in space, for more than one minute.
Then, we return our arm again to the same position in
front, with the index finger standing. After we focus our sight
on the tip of the finger for about ten seconds, we again move
our finger out of sight, but continue to see the same point
which is n o w again empty. We repeat this five times, and con-
tinue to do this exercise every day.
After we train our sight with this exercise for some period,
about one or two weeks, we start to look at moving objects
such as walking people, running animals, and the waving
branches of trees with this same method. Then, we can start
to see the vibrations which are surrounding these moving
bodies, including their auras, radiations, and other move-
ments of energy.
From that state, we further advance our ability of seeing to
include all objects, looking at them but not focussing, trying
rather to observe the whole view, including their surround-
ings. As we train ourselves in this way of seeing, we shall
begin to see phenomena as solid material cores with vibra-
tional peripheries. This shall reveal to us that matter is not
material, but is nothing but a mass of vibrations and energy,
having no boundaries as things independent or separate from
their environmental space and the universe.
104 The Do-In Way
All of our body motions and mental activities, if they are arising naturally without special
intention, are the natural progressive flow of energies which are constantly coming in
toward us from the external environment, and constantly emanating from us toward the
external environment. Under normal circumstances, they are causing our normal physical
and mental movement; but w h e n they are intensified, they produce extraordinary physical
and mental activity.
Rei-Dd, Spiritual Movement, is unusual movement, produced without the participation of
consciousness by the intensified charge of the energies which are interchanging between our
body and the environment. There are many ways to induce Spiritual Movement, and they
sometimes produce unexpected motions such as transportation, jumping to heights, floating
in the air, rapid walking, and others. These motions arise only when our physical and men-
tal attention is not in conscious control—in other words, in the state of unconsciousness or
empty mind—at which time we are able to orient the degree and direction of the energies or
forces which we receive and generate between our
body and the environment.
The following is only an introduction, but we
are able to develop from this stage toward the
management of various spiritual movements.
We begin Step 1 by sitting in the Natural Right
Sitting Posture (see Figure 3.1 on page 84), or by
standing straight, as in the figure at right. We make
all parts of our body completely relaxed. There
should not be any rigidity remaining, except in
our spine, which should be straight in order to
actively receive the forces of heaven and earth. We
keep our eyes either open or closed, whichever we
feel is more conducive to calming our thinking,
which should eventually be erased into a state of
no-thinking. During this period, breathing should
be done through the nose in the most natural and
relaxed way.
Gradually, we take a form similar to the prayer
position, by raising both h a n d s and attaching the
palms together reasonably tightly. The elbows are
to be slightly to the front, and the hands are to be
standing straight up, pointing toward the heavens
(see Step 2).
From our state of empty mind, we begin to Step
imagine that heaven's and earth's forces, which
are entering respectively from the head and the
lower part of the body, collide harmoniously at the
Figure 3.18. Rei-Do
region of the heart, streaming rapidly d o w n both
Special Exercises (SP) 105
arms toward the hands, and radiating out through the fingers toward heaven. Together with
this image, we begin to make a rhythmical motion with our hands, up and d o w n vertically.
In the beginning, this motion is to be small, and should increase rapidly in its speed and
vibration. As the motion increases, we erase our images of energy flow, entering into the
state of empty mind, and allow our hands to move as their motion naturally increases in
When this motion reaches a very high speed, our whole body begins to rise or jump. From
this point, unconscious movement of the whole body occurs—repeated rising and falling,
becoming increasingly higher. At that time, someone looking at us with Spiritual Sight (SP
10) would see that our whole body is radiating intense white light in all directions. When we
wish to stop this extraordinary movement, we separate our hands from each other.
Spiritual Movement serves not only for the understanding that very natural motion can be
extraordinary if we do not control it with our consciousness, but also that all of our systems,
our organs, and the trillions of cells of our body are charged by intensive currents of energy
passing rapidly through our body through this movement, automatically dissolving all stag-
nation. Therefore, Spiritual Movement of any sort rejuvenates our physical, mental, and spir-
itual conditions. The repeated exercise of Spiritual Movement is desirable to regenerate our
h u m a n abilities.
106 The Do-In Way
When we walk we usually rely on our experience of intuitive balance—left and right, front
and back. However, in most cases, we do not fully utilize the energies coming from heaven
and earth as well as from the surrounding environment to make our walking very
smooth and effective. Physical imbalances, together with internal disorders and sicknesses,
cause most of our walking to be inharmonious with the environment. Individual physical
and mental habits also characterize each person's w a y of walking.
The h u m a n body does not grow from the ground; it extends vertically in both directions
from the region of the m o u t h cavity and medulla oblongata—upward, forming the head, and
d o w n w a r d , forming the body, arms and legs. In other words, the center of the body is float-
ing in space and the lower periphery, the legs and feet, attach lightly to the ground. In
Walking on the Ground, therefore, we should hold our body, especially its lower region,
including the waist, thighs, legs, and feet, as lightly as possible. Briefly speaking, we should
walk not with our legs and feet, but with our mind.
In order to familiarize ourselves with the real w a y of walking, the following exercises can
be practiced every day, even for a short period like ten minutes, during daily walking.
and back. We should not pay any attention to the legs and feet as we usually do, allowing
them to move as freely as possible.
We find that with this way of walking we can walk twice as fast as in usual walking, while
having a peaceful mind and lighter weight. At the same time, we are able to respond instan-
taneously w h e n we need to change our direction, stop walking, or change our physical pos-
ture to meet n e w surroundings.
In our daily life, we produce various delusions in the form of mental-spiritual clouds of stag-
nation. We carry them around us as a misty mass of heavy vibrations. They may manifest as
attachment, prejudice, jealousy, selfishness, greed, or anger, as well as seemingly inexplica-
ble feelings of frustration, fear, and insecurity. Various Do-In exercises serve to purify these
clouds of delusion, but w h e n they are heavily influencing us—in other words, w h e n we are
in confusion—we may need to cut through these massive surrounding delusions. The fol-
lowing method is one of several which we can use for this purpose.
It is not necessary to perform this exercise every day. It is to be performed only when we feel it
is needed. This exercise is also to be accompanied with deep self-reflection, in respect to our way
of eating and our way of thinking. Therefore, before and after this exercise, we may perform other
Do-In exercises to pacify and strengthen our physical, mental, and spiritual conditions.
Step 1: We sit in the Natural Right Sitting Posture. In the daytime, we sit with the sun at our
back, and in the night we sit facing toward the South, having the Northern sky at our back.
(In the Southern Hemisphere, we have the Southern sky at our back, facing toward the
North.) We meditate, eyes closed, breathing through the nose quietly, in order to enter into a
state of tranquility.
Step 2: We open our eyes, looking sharply toward the front. Holding our hands in front of our
chest, we form the Seal of the Sword: we extend the first two fingers of the right hand,
making the sword, and touch the tips of the other two fingers to the tip of the thumb. We place
the extended fingers of the right hand across the left palm, folding the fingers and thumb of
the left hand around them to make the sheath, except for the left index finger, which naturally
extends. (A left-handed person should reverse the hand positions.) We breathe with the Second
Chakra—the lower abdominal region—to stabilize our confidence.
Step 3: We smoothly take out the sword from the sheath, pointing the right hand high above
the head, while the left hand naturally points to the side.
Step 4: We raise the right hand further above the head, ready to cut, and the
right leg moves up and forward as we rise to our knee.
Step 5: With a sharp voice, loudly uttering the sound "TOH," we cut quickly
from the upper right toward the lower left.
Step 6: Lift the sword hand (the right hand) back over the opposite shoulder
(the left shoulder), and cut downward diagonally to the other side.
Step 7: Repeat steps 5 and 6 two more times, cutting right to left, left to right,
right to left, and left to right.
Step 8: We hold the right hand pointing up straight, and with a long, loud, sharp
sound of "TOH," which comes from our Tan-Den, cut vertically straight down.
Step 9: We then return to the meditating posture, making our breathing Order of Cutting
gradually calm down, until we return to a peaceful mind. Delusions in Go-A
Special Exercises (SP)
110 The Do-In Way
the lowest part to the highest part, resulting in the active charge of vibrations and electro-
magnetic currents in our physical, mental, and spiritual functions. This sound, therefore, has
been used in oriental countries for centuries to generate our life activity as well as to estab-
lish our existence as a part of the universe.
to protect our life and to elevate our physical, mental and spiritual quality. It has been called in
traditional Shintoism, Togoto-No-Kajiri, or "Ten-Syllable Divine Words." As a whole, this pro-
nunciation also represents the "Heavenly Shining Great Graceful Spirit," or God. Each syllable
has its respective meaning, and the series of these combined syllables also represents the infinite
universe and infinitesimal phenomena, and the harmony between them. For example, the first
sound, "A," represents the sound of infinity; the last sound, "MI," represents the self; and the
central sound, "SU," represents harmony, as mentioned before.
When these sounds are repeatedly pronounced in the form of meditation and prayer,
which is done in the Natural Right Sitting Posture, active vibrations energize all parts of the
body, and mental-spiritual vitalities start to arise, forming around us a shield of the aura or
radiations, resulting in the performance of extraordinary abilities.
When we wish to develop our physical, mental and spiritual constitutions as a harmonious
unity with all surrounding people and environmental conditions, it is highly recommended that
we practice the Spiritual Exercises daily, either alone or together with our family or friends.
As for the time of practice, it is most advisable to do them when the sun is rising from the
horizon. However, these exercises can be practiced at any time, under any circumstances
where the surrounding conditions are suitable. As for the place of practice, it m a y be any-
where, indoors or outdoors, though it is more suitable to practice them on the ground, in nat-
ural surroundings, especially on the higher level of a hill or mountain.
Clothing to wear for these practices should be simpler than the usual working clothing,
and it is preferable to wear clothing m a d e of vegetable quality materials such as cotton or
jute, as far as they are directly in contact with the skin. Metallic or synthetic ornaments
should be minimized in order to allow the harmonious circulation of physical, mental and
spiritual vibrations which can achieve our adaptation to the environment.
These Daily Spiritual Exercises, if practiced regularly, can serve the d e v e l o p m e n t of the
whole personality in physical strength, mental confidence and spiritual clarity. Some exer-
cises have been k n o w n and practiced since ancient times a n d others have been recovered
and developed by me according to the u n d e r s t a n d i n g of h u m a n nature physicalized u p o n
the earth within the universe. These exercises have been specially refined a n d composed
as one of several series of Do-In exercises for anyone to practice easily, in the early morn-
ing at the time of sunrise. Each exercise should be p e r f o r m e d like the smooth r u n n i n g
of clear water in a gentle stream, and our performance of the entire series should be
conducted with no interruption whatsoever f r o m one exercise to another, as spring water
bubbling out f r o m u n d e r the bushes d e e p in the m o u n t a i n s forms a stream which r u n s
d o w n continuously, gathering water and becoming a river, and reaching the ocean at last.
The series of practices includes the following twelve exercises:
116 The Do-In Way
The Daily Spiritual Exercise 1 (DSE 1), Natural Right Posture and Natural Breathing, is the
basis of the practice of all spiritual exercises, by which we prepare ourselves in a peaceful state.
DSE 2 is for generating the physical, mental and spiritual vibrations actively in a harmo-
nious state by gradually changing our breathing.
DSE 3, the Prayer of Oneness, is the standard exercise for most prayers, using an intensive
image. It especially enables us to become absorbed in our image of oneness.
DSE 4, Purification by H a n d Clapping, is a traditional practice, especially in Shinto wor-
ship, for any spiritual phenomenon as well as the Universal Spirit, by wiping out any heavy
stagnated vibration of delusion.
DSE 5, Spiritualization by Sound Vibration, has been practiced widely in India, originated
by the ancient Vedanta philosophy which began at a further ancient time in the Far East.
DSE 6, Beating the Heavenly Drum, and DSE 7, Drinking the Heavenly Dew, are tradi-
tional practices for rejuvenation and longevity f r o m an u n k n o w n age in Shin-Sen-Dd (see
pages 25 and 55), the way of life to develop into free m a n with natural and spiritual powers.
DSE 8, Tasting Nectar in Meditation, DSE 9, Listening to the Heavenly Music, and DSE 10,
Seeing the Inner Light, are all arts to understand the universe through sensory and emotional
experiences, and have also originated from Shin-Sen-Do from an u n k n o w n age.
DSE 11, Sounding Harmonization, is the art of using the power of the sound of spirit and
pronunciation, and has been simplified into a universal sound which is common for all peo-
ple as a symbol of the universe. The sound particularly used here as well as in the following
practice, DSE 12, symbolizes the center of the universe as well as the harmony among all
DSE 12, Pacification of the World, is the art to universalize a particular image throughout
the world by sending certain vibrations in all directions.
This series of Daily Spiritual Exercises is a harmonious combination of personal develop-
ment for well-being and world development for universal peace, through actively using the
forces of heaven and earth which are the origin of all relative manifestations on this earth,
including ourselves. When these forces are flowing through our body vertically between the
spirallic center of the head and the genital area of the body, they are respectively rejuvenated
in different ways, through each of these twelve exercises. This series of Daily Spiritual
Exercises as a whole develops our oneness with the infinite universe by developing our
boundless consciousness.
Daily Spiritual Exercises (DSE) 117
DSE. Kan-Ro:
Tasting Nectar in Meditation
After the exercise of Drinking the Heavenly Dew (DSE 7
on page 122), Tasting Nectar in Meditation naturally fol-
lows. The purpose of Tasting Nectar in Meditation is to Uvula
experience the sweetness of breathing air, w h e n it is
charged by the force of heaven entering through the spi- Tonsils
rallic center of the head, charging the inner region of the
midbrain and descending to the hanging uvula which is
located in the inner m o u t h (see Figure 4.8).
Keeping the same posture of meditation, hold the
tongue slightly tighter and withdraw it toward the inner Figure 4.8. Location of the Uvula
region, lightly attaching it to the inner upper jaw—the
palate region (see Figure 4.9). Then, begin the long
inhalation of breath through the slightly opened mouth,
with the exhalation which naturally occurs as the result
of inhaling. Repeat this breathing about ten to fifteen
During the long inhalation, regularly performed, we
experience a sweet taste at the area of the root of the
tongue on both sides, which gradually spreads, covering
the whole tongue and mouth cavity. At its most intense
degree, we experience a taste as sweet as honey, or even
much sweeter.
Together with our tasting of sweet breath, we meditate
that the grace of nature and the infinite universe is far
sweeter in spiritual nature than we can possibly imagine.
The experiencing of the sweet taste in Tasting Nectar
in Meditation depends delicately u p o n the technique of
managing the tension and location of the tongue, as well
as the intensity of inhaling. Those w h o may not taste the
sweetness in the beginning will be able to experience it
as they repeat the exercise.
From the previous exercise on page 125 (DSE 11: Sounding Harmonization), keep the peace-
ful state of mind in the meditating posture (Step 1). Slowly raise the hands to the level of
the heart in the prayer position (Step 2), and then again raise them slowly to the level of the
m o u t h (Step 3).
Then gradually extend both arms with both palms naturally opened toward the front,
sitting or standing in order to send out peaceful w a v e s of h a r m o n i o u s vibration t h r o u g h
the palms, especially f r o m the centers of the p a l m s (Step 4). Together with one long sound
of peace and harmony (SU), uttered with the intensive image of sending peace to all beings
and to the world, gradually open and move the arms horizontally until they make a straight
line with the shoulders (Step 5).
Daily Spiritual Exercises (DSE) 127
Then, with the next long sound of peace and harmony, gradually move both arms toward
the original center position (Step 6), continuously keeping the intensive image, radiating
peace waves in all directions. Repeat this exercise several times, slowly.
Upon the completion of this practice for the Pacification of the World, slowly return both
extended arms to the ordinary praying position (Step 7), and then place the arms and hands
back in the meditation form (Step 8), and return to normal and natural breathing.
Morning is the beginning of n e w life. The quality of the physical, mental and spiritual life we
experience during the day depends largely u p o n our condition in the morning, especially at
the time of leaving bed to begin our activity. It is essential to completely refresh our physical
and mental conditions by releasing all stagnation which may have arisen during sleep and
during the previous day.
During the daytime, we tend to form certain postures and develop certain physical and
mental habits more than others, through our engagement in certain occupations and activi-
ties. Similarly, during the night while we are sleeping, we tend to develop certain physical
conditions d u e to our w a y of sleeping, the condition of the bed, and the surrounding cir-
cumstances in the room, including the conditions of atmosphere and temperature. O u r con-
dition is also influenced by what we consumed in the previous day as our food and drink,
together with our physical and mental experiences.
In order to begin our life a new every morning, to meet any circumstance which m a y arise
during the coming hours of the day, it is necessary that we adjust our physical condition so
that all our energies and the electromagnetic flow running through our body are energetic to
perform our activities, and harmonious to meet any surroundings.
Accordingly, it is advisable that every morning we perform exercises for our physical
adjustment. The following series of exercises can be performed as morning exercises after we
awake and leave the bed, and finish elimination. Windows should be opened to allow free
circulation of air between the indoors and the outdoors.
This series of exercises is to be performed on the floor or on a hard mattress, in a com-
pletely relaxed manner.
The performance of these exercises is not necessarily limited to early morning; they can
also be done before eating lunch. However, we should avoid performing them immediately
after taking meals.
The series consists of ten progressive exercises, bringing the whole physical and mental con-
ditions—including ki flow through the meridians and the circulation of blood and other body
fluids—into a uniformly energetic state. It also releases tension of the joints and muscles.
130 The Do-In Way
All the steps of this exercise should be performed in a smooth continuity, like a waterfall
streaming down.
Massaging the
Abdominal Region
Purpose: To soften the abdominal muscles and
accelerate the activity of all organs in the ab-
dominal region. It also serves to improve
digestive and excretory functions. For longevity,
it is essential to keep the abdominal region soft
Pushing into upper region and flexible.
We keep our reclining posture, with the
knees bent, keeping the abdominal muscles
relaxed as much as possible. Then, with the left
hand, hold the right wrist. Using the four fin-
gers of the right hand, slowly but deeply push
d o w n into each part of the abdominal region,
in the following order:
Step 1. Front and Back Motion. Hold the upper portion of the body upright, with the legs
stretched to the front, and the feet straight, ninety degrees. Hold the fingers in back of the
head and neck region, and while breathing out through the mouth, bend over to the extent
that both elbows touch the floor. (The elbows m a y not be able to touch the floor at first, but
they will in time as you continue practicing the exercise.) Then, return the body to the upright
position. We repeat this exercise three times.
Step 2. Left and Right Motion, touching the floor. We keep the same posture as in Step 1. As
we exhale t h r o u g h the m o u t h , we twist a n d bend o u r b o d y to the left, lowering the right
elbow to the extent that it touches the floor at the right side of the right knee. Return to the
upright position. Then, change sides and bend to the left. Repeat the exercise three times,
alternating left and right.
Step 3. Left and Right Motion, touching the knees. Taking the same posture as in Step 2, we twist
and bend our body in the same way—this time, the right elbow touching the left knee. Return
the body upright, then twist and bend to the other side, the left elbow touching the right
knee. Repeat this movement three times. When we bend and twist our body, we breathe out
through the mouth; and w h e n we lift our body upright, we inhale.
138 The Do-In Way
We sit upright with the legs extended and the feet pointing up vertically. We hold our h a n d s in
front of our body, palms together, bending both elbows about ninety degrees (Step 1). Then,
breathing out through the mouth, we bend our
body forward, extending both arms as far as
possible. Our h a n d s should reach the feet. We
try to keep our legs straight, and against the floor
(Step 2). While inhaling, we return our body to
Figure 5.10.
the upright position. We repeat this movement
Extending the Arms
three times.
Then, we hold our right hand palm up, and
grasp it with the left hand from below (Step 3).
Exhaling through the mouth, we bend our body
forward and extend both arms toward the right
foot. At that time, the left hand twists the right
palm so that it faces out toward the right side
(Step 4).
Together with inhaling, we return our body to
the upright position. We repeat the same move-
ment three times. Then, changing hands, we
again bend our body three times—this time, the
left hand is twisted by the right hand.
Our daily life tends to create certain tendencies in our physical, mental and spiritual
conditions, d u e to the standardized way of life in modern civilized society—which is not
necessarily in balance with the natural order. It is important for everyone to recover a har-
monious relationship with the natural environment at the end of daily activities. In order to
keep such balance we should, of course, maintain our macrobiotic w a y of life, including the
proper dietary practice; but also, physical and mental adjustment at the end of the day will
be very helpful for physical health, mental peace, and spiritual awareness.
140 The Do-In Way
Step 1
Begin by standing straight, facing toward the
South or Southeast if in the Northern Hemi-
sphere; North or Northeast if in the Southern
Hemisphere. We keep our spine straight, but all
other parts of the b o d y should be relaxed,
including the shoulders, elbows, and all joints.
Put the body weight at the lower abdominal
region—the Second Chakra, the physical cen-
ter—breathing naturally and slowly.
Step 2
We raise the a r m s above the head as far as we
can, leaning back a n d stretching the front part
of the body—chest, a b d o m e n , thighs a n d legs.
The eyes are looking up toward the heavens.
We hold that posture for about ten to fifteen
Daily Exercises 141
142 The Do-In Way
Step 7
We take the same posture as in Step 6. We place
the right hand to the back of the head, and the left
hand to the side of the left knee. We bend, touch-
ing the right elbow to the floor at the outside of the
right knee. At that time, the head and upper por-
tion of the body face slightly toward the left. This
step is done with long exhaling. In the same man-
ner, we do this with the left hand. Repeat these
movements alternately, three times.
Step 8
We sit upright with both legs extended forward.
We bend over, holding the ankles from the sides
with both hands and touching our forehead to the
knees. Then, we return to the upright position.
During this step we try to keep the back of the legs
against the floor. We repeat this step three times.
Step 9
After completing Step 8, we gradually lower the
u p p e r b o d y b a c k w a r d until we are lying on the
floor. We gradually raise both legs to touch the
floor above the head. Both h a n d s should be
stretched, with palms against the floor in order
to maintain balance. We hold this posture for ten
to fifteen seconds. Then, we return to the original
posture, a n d completely relax the w h o l e b o d y in
a reclining posture.
Daily Exercises 143
Step 10
We sit in the Natural Right Posture (see Figure 3.1
on page 84), with the knees slightly apart and the
hands clasped at the back of the head. Together
with a long exhalation, we bend our upper body
toward the right side, slightly to the front. At that
time, our head faces slightly to the left, stretching
the opposite side of the body. Then, return upright,
and bend to the other side. We repeat this step alter-
nately left and right, three times.
Step 11
We continue to sit in the Natural Right Posture,
knees touching together. As we make a long exha-
lation, we bend our body forward as much as
possible. In the perfected movement, the head
touches the floor in front of the knees. Then, we
return to the upright posture and stretch the whole
Step 10
body backward, looking at the center of the heav-
ens. Repeat this step three times.
144 The Do-In Way
Step 12
We sit in the N a t u r a l Right Sitting Posture and bend
the right knee, clasping it with both hands. We bend
our head, touching the right eyebrow to the top of the
knee. Repeat three times, then change legs, b e n d i n g
the left knee a n d touching the left eyebrow to the top
of the knee, again repeating three times. This step
a p p e a r s very simple, but some people are unable to
do it.
Step 13
We sit in the Natural Right Posture with the knees
together, placing the left hand to the right side of the
right knee, and placing the right hand to the left side of
the left buttock region, from the back. Facing forward,
we turn the u p p e r part of our body to the right as far as
possible, with a long exhalation of breath. Repeat three
times, then change sides and again perform the step
three times.
Step 14
Continuing to sit in the Natural Right Posture with the
knees together, we bend the right arm back and d o w n
over the right shoulder to grip the left hand, which is
reaching u p w a r d in back. We change arms, and grip in
the opposite way. Repeat three times. Some people may
not be able to make their h a n d s meet the first few times
they try this step.
Step 15
From the Natural Right Sitting Posture with the knees
together, we bend our body back until the shoulders
touch the floor. Together with a long exhalation, we ex-
tend both h a n d s straight back, with the palms together.
While doing this step, we try to keep our knees against
floor. Those w h o are unable
the floor.
to do this m a y begin by bending
only one leg.
Daily Exercises 145
Step 16
We sit with both legs stretched forward, the feet pointing up vertically. Exhaling slowly
t h r o u g h the m o u t h , we gradually lift our feet and bend the u p p e r part of the b o d y back,
keeping the arms extended straight toward the feet. The head is up, the eyes are looking
at the feet. In this step, we maintain our center of balance at the buttock region. We keep
this posture for ten to fifteen seconds.
Step 16
Step 17
We lie d o w n with the legs extended and the feet pointing up vertically. From this posture, we
slowly raise the upper portion of our body, using the power of the abdominal region, and
bend the upper portion of the body toward the front as much as possible. With a long exha-
lation through the mouth, we extend both arms so that our hands reach and grip around the
back of the toes. We repeat this step three to five times. During this step, we should not bend
our knees or lift our heels from the floor. When we are finished, we relax completely in a
reclining posture.
146 The Do-In Way
Step 18
We lie d o w n on the stomach and place both
palms on the sides of the waist, with the knees
bent and the lower legs extended up straight.
Together with a long exhalation, we raise our
chest as high as possible, then lower it again to
the floor, relaxing and inhaling. We repeat this
movement three times, keeping the legs vertically
straight throughout the step.
Step 19
First, we kneel, with the bottoms of the toes on
the floor. We extend the arms toward the front as
far as possible, while slipping the palms along
the floor. Keeping the hands and toes in the same
position, we move our body toward the front,
raising the knees from the floor. The body is
raised off the floor, supported by the hands, in a
form similar to the push-up. We slowly bend our
arms, with a gradual exhalation, and keep that
posture as long as we can.
When we can no longer keep the posture, we
place the knees d o w n on the floor and withdraw
the u p p e r part of the body. Then, we again
extend our arms and repeat the step three times.
When finished, we completely relax, lying face
d o w n w a r d for a few moments, with natural
Step 20
While still lying face d o w n w a r d from the previ-
ous step, with the knees touching the floor, we
extend the toes so that the tops of the feet are
also touching the floor. We stretch both arms
and inhale, extending the chest. As we breathe
out, we bend our head backwards as far as pos-
sible, extending our throat. Then we lower the
head, and inhale. We repeat these movements
three times. Then, breathing out, we turn the
head to the right three times, and then to the left
three times.
Daily Exercises 147
148 The Do-In Way
A m o n g Do-In exercises, there are m a n y exercises for special purposes. All of them are
designed to adjust the flow of energy within our body, to establish either active relations or
tranquil harmony with the environment. Among these exercises, the following two are espe-
cially useful for daily life, and the first exercise, Breathing Energy, is to bring about active
relations with the environment—physically, mentally, and spiritually—by taking in the
atmospheric energies in the form of inhaling. The second exercise is for inducing peaceful,
sound sleep by making all muscles and meridians relaxed, releasing us from various sorts of
tension to realize tranquil relations with the environment.
Step 3 Step 4
Daily Exercises 153
Step 3: We bend both knees up, and with our hands, press d o w n into the abdominal region
gently but deeply, along the ascending colon, transverse colon, and descending colon. Then,
continue to press d o w n vertically across the region of the navel, and d o w n the right and left
sides (see figure above.) After we repeat this three times, we rub the whole abdominal region
in a circular motion about sixteen times, with the right palm placed on the abdomen, and the
left palm covering the right hand (see figure below). This exercise is the same as that
described in the Morning Exercise 7 (page 134).
Step 4: We lie in a relaxed posture with the arms crossed behind the neck as if pillowing the
head. Our legs are extended and the toes pointing up vertically. Keeping the left leg station-
ary, we push the right leg d o w n w a r d , allowing the hips to naturally slant following this
movement. Return the leg to the beginning position. Then, keep the right leg stationary and
push the left leg d o w n w a r d , again allowing the hip area to slant naturally with the move-
ment. Return to the beginning position. Repeat ten times with each leg, alternating right and
left, the hips moving back and forth.
156 The Do-In Way
Step 5: We extend the legs, lying in a relaxed posture with the arms about one foot out from
the body on the floor, palms up. Twist both h a n d s to face outward and extend the chest,
lifting the back while inhaling. At the same time, the feet are held vertically straight, creat-
ing tension along the spine (see figure above). Suddenly exhale and release the posture, turn-
ing the palms d o w n w a r d and relaxing the feet (see figure below). Repeat the tensed posture,
and again relax. Repeat five times.
Step 6: Completely relax the whole body—including the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists,
waist, knees, and ankles—and enter into sleep.
The General Exercises of Do-In have been designed primarily to improve, maintain and
develop our physical health, beauty, mental soundness and spiritual happiness. They can be
practiced easily by anyone w h o is capable of maintaining a normal daily life, and can be prac-
ticed whenever we desire, without requiring any special effort. These General Exercises have
been introduced in Western countries for the past ten years by me and my associates, for the
purpose of self-maintenance and development of comprehensive well-being within an active
daily life. Of course, the exercises should be accompanied by proper dietary practices follow-
ing macrobiotic principles, enabling us to more efficiently develop our total happiness.
The General Exercises, unlike all other Do-In exercises, cover all parts of the body. They are
applied mainly through the use of our hands and fingers, and in that sense m a y be called
"self-massage," although the techniques that are used are different from those employed in
usual massage. We m a y summarize their effects as follows:
1. The General Exercises utilize the meridians to activate the flow of electromagnetic
current and energy throughout various parts of the body and the organs.
2. They also treat the tissues and muscles, releasing any stagnation and hardness and
producing harmonious movement throughout the whole body.
3. They further influence the organs, directly or indirectly, according to the complementary
relations between various parts of the body related to the organs. For example, by treat-
ing parts of the head, we stimulate and activate the inner organs of the torso. By treating
the palms and feet, we also generate the functions of the internal organs.
4. In addition, these exercises deal with vibrational energy running within and surrounding
our body, from head to toes, fingers to organs. This vibrational energy is also controlled
by the use of various types of breathing, which naturally coordinate with the exercises.
The General Exercises should be performed like flowing air or streaming water, without
pause from beginning to end. Although any one part of the series of exercises can be prac-
ticed independently to produce its special results to particular functions or organs, it is desir-
able to perform the whole series of exercises at one time, in order to develop our physical,
mental and spiritual condition as a whole. During the exercises, we should keep natural pos-
ture as well as natural breathing, and we should maintain a peaceful mind by eliminating
any delusions. The movement of our head, body, arms, legs, fingers and toes should be as
natural as possible. We need not wear any special kind of clothing, but should dress lightly
and simply so that we are comfortable during the exercises.
158 The Do-In Way
Following the General Exercises, two special series are introduced: Additional Exercises
for Facial Beauty, and Some Daily Practices for Health.
through our hands and fingers which we are going to use in the General Exercises that fol-
low. After the palms and fingers are well charged, we gently detach our hands and proceed
to the next part.
Step 1: We place both palms on our
cheeks—the right p a l m on the
right cheek, and the left palm on
the left cheek—and breathe deeply
at least three times.
These exercises are to improve eyesight and to
eliminate various disorders of the eyes including
near- and far-sightedness, detached retina, glau-
coma, astigmatism and other problems. These
exercises also serve to control the rate of heartbeat
and blood pressure, and to improve the circulation
and the general mental condition.
These exercises benefit the general functioning of
the stomach, pancreas and lungs, as well as the
improvement of thinking. They also stimulate the
development of intellectual thought.
M o u t h and Jaw
These exercises strengthen the digestive
activities, especially the circulation around
the m o u t h and the secretion of saliva. They
also improve physical strength and smooth
excretory functions.
These exercises improve hearing, and harmo-
nize all circulatory functions and the coordi-
nation among various systems of the entire
body. They also improve mental balance as
well as kidney and excretory functions.
These exercises are to release physical stagnation and mental cloudiness,
by accelerating the circulation of blood and lymph as well as the energy
flow in the meridians. They are also helpful to overcome physical and
mental fatigue.
Step 1: For the first step (as illustrated by the figures below), using all our fin-
gers, we press and massage hard with circular motions, beginning from the
forehead, moving down to the brows and temples. We then go along the
sides of the head behind the temples and above the ears, and continue d o w n
to the back of the neck. From the back, we massage up the center of the head
toward the top, pressing hard d o w n to the forehead. Then, beginning at the
forehead, we move our hands a little to the sides of center and press over the
top of the head, d o w n to the back of the neck. Beginning again at the fore-
head, we move our hands further to the sides, and press again over the top
of the head d o w n to the back of the neck. Repeat this entire procedure two
or three times. This pressure and massage help to release stagnation in the
circulatory and nervous systems as well as accelerating smooth energy flow
in the related meridians.
Tilting head forward Tilting head back Tilting head side to side Rotating head
These exercises are to improve our circulatory and
digestive functions by releasing physical and men-
tal stagnation, and to regulate the respiratory and
digestive metabolism. They also help to release fa-
tigue by dissolving general tension in the shoulder
* Although the English spelling of these points is the same, the Japanese
spelling (characters), pronunciation, and meanings are different.
General Exercises 171
Step 1: Holding our arms naturally at our sides, we turn and twist them, stretching them as
far as we can, with the fingers spread wide open. Repeat several times, twisting to the back
and to the front. Then we lift up our arms to shoulder level and repeat the twisting motion,
again as far as we can, several times. Lifting our arms further, at about a forty-five-degree
angle, we twist them again. Finally, we lift our arms far over our head and twist them sev-
eral times. The figures below illustrate this progression.
Step 2: Gripping the shoulder joint, we thoroughly massage that area to release any muscu-
lar tension. Then, we massage d o w n the arm toward the elbow, pressing all indented places
around the elbow and releasing tension there. We gradually go d o w n further toward the
wrist, releasing tension in all areas. The following figures illustrate this step.
Figure 6.21. Areas of the Waist and Buttock Region Correlating with Areas of the Head and Brain
General Exercises
176 The Do-In Way
Step 1: As illustrated by the figures below, first we place both palms on the upper chest, and
breathe deeply two to three times. Then, we place our palms on the lower chest, and breathe
deeply two to three times. Next, we place our palms on the middle (stomach) region, and
then on the abdominal region, in each case breathing two to three times.
On the sides of the torso, we first place our palms on the u p p e r chest, then on the middle
region next to the stomach, and then on the waist, each time breathing two to three times.
On the back, we place our palms on the middle region over the kidneys, and again breathe
deeply two to three times.
These palm applications are to harmonize the functional metabolism among the organs
and glands.
Step 6: Next, as illustrated by the figures below, using all four fingers of both hands, press
deeply into the abdominal region, bending forward. Then suddenly release and straighten
up. While pressing breathe out, and w h e n releasing breathe in. Then, massage the abdomi-
nal area: first the center, then each side. Then, holding the left hand over the right hand, mas-
sage the entire abdominal region in a circular motion at least five times, in a clockwise
direction. Finally, place both hands on the abdominal region and breathe deeply in the lower
abdomen. During inhalation the abdomen should expand, and during exhalation it should
contract. Repeat at least five times. This abdominal massage is very similar to that shown in
the Morning Exercise 7 (page 134).
(a) Pressing into abdominal region (b) Massaging center of abdomen (c) Massaging right side of abdomen
(d) Massaging left side (e) Massaging entire (f) Placing both hands
of abdomen abdominal region on abdomen
General Exercises 181
Step 7: Twist the body left and right as far as possible, swinging the arms and keeping the
head facing to the front (see figures below). This exercise activates and harmonizes the
energy flow along all the meridians.
Spleen and
These exercises activate all body func- KYOKU-SEN Pancreatic Region
tions, especially the digestive, excretory (LV 8)
and reproductive functions. A m o n g the Liver Region
organs, the spleen-pancreas and stom- (LV 7)
ach, liver and gall bladder, kidneys and Intestine and
Bladder Region
bladder are especially affected through
their meridians. However, the feet com-
prehensively reflect the entire body, Sex and Reproductive
including the functioning of the brain, Organ Region
Kidney Region
and all body functions are activated by TAI-KEI ( K D 3 )
these exercises. Figures 6.27 through 6.31
provide an overview of meridians and SHO-KAI ( K D 6 )
major points as they affect various parts Waist Region
of the body.
Figure 6.27. Major Points and Areas on the
Inner Leg Corresponding to Bodily Regions
182 The Do-In Way
General Exercises 183
Step 1: As illustrated by the figures above, we take a position sitting up on the knees, with
h a n d s at our sides. We place both palms on the pelvic region and breathe slowly three
times. Next, we press and rub the h a n d s d o w n the front of the legs to the knees, four or five
times. Repeat this d o w n w a r d pressing on the insides of the legs, and then on the sides,
from the waist region d o w n to the knees, four or five times each. In back, we press d o w n
over the buttocks to the knees. These rubbing motions smooth energy circulation and
release muscular tension.
184 The Do-In Way
Next, as illustrated by the figures below, press the following meridians to activate their
energy flow. Begin with the Stomach Meridian, pressing f r o m the knee to the top of the
foot, using four fingers with the t h u m b on the other side of the leg for support. On the
Stomach Meridian, the point San-Ri ( H I ) , Stomach Meridian No. 36, should be pressed
especially hard with circular motion. Then, press the Gall Bladder Meridian on the side
of the leg in the same manner.
On the inside of the leg, using both thumbs immediately behind the leg bone, with the
other four fingers supporting on the other side of the leg, press the Spleen Meridian deeply,
from the knee d o w n to the ankle. The point San-In-Ko Spleen Meridian No. 6,
should be pressed hard with circular motion.
On the back of the leg, again using the thumbs, press deeply along the Bladder Meridian,
activating that meridian's energy flow.
Step 9: Pick up the large toe. Rotate the toe several times, and
using the thumb and index finger, press the sides of the toe
and the fleshy central region of the toe (see left figure above).
Then treat the other toes in the same way, one by one. The tip
of each toe should also receive special stimulation by firm
pressing. Using the fingers, press between the toes (see
right figure above).
Step 10: Pull and bend each toe, trying to crack the knuckles,
one by one. Then hold all of the toes and move them back
and forth together several times (see both figures above).
Each toe has a meridian running along it, such as the
Spleen, Liver, Stomach, Gall Bladder, and Bladder
Meridians, and accordingly, stimulation given to each toe
energizes and promotes the better functioning of the
related organs. Then, rotate the ankles with circular motion,
several times in each direction. Sitting with soles of feet together
Step 11: Repeat Steps 3 through 10 on the other leg and foot.
Step 12: As seen in the figures at right, sit with the soles of
the feet together, holding the feet with both hands and
breathing deeply three times. This exercise compre-
hensively harmonizes the energy flow through all parts of
the toes, feet, and legs. Holding the feet with both hands
188 The Do-In Way
Completion Steps
Throughout the series of General Exercises, each part of the body has been stimulated in its
circulation of body fluid and energy flow, and the nervous system response in each area has
been activated as well. In the Completion steps (as shown in the figures below), all of these
bodily functions—in the muscles, organs, nervous system, and energy—are harmonized as a
whole unity, ready to meet any daily activity.
Step 1: We stand with natural posture, and lightly jump. Shoulders, elbows, wrists, and all
other joints should be completely relaxed. Jump ten times or more. Then, raise one leg and
jump on only one foot, ten times or more; then on the other foot.
Step 2: We stand with the feet shoulder-width apart, and twist side-to-side, swinging the
arms (as we did while kneeling in Step 7 of the Torso Exercise on page 181). Shoulders,
elbows, wrists, and all other parts of the body should be completely relaxed.
Step 3: Keeping the standing posture, we bend over, trying to touch the floor with both
hands. Then, we stand up, spreading the arms wide, as if opening the chest. The shoulders
and neck are to be very relaxed. Repeat twice.
Step 4: We stand straight, and lift the arms toward heaven, bending the body backward and
inhaling deeply. Then, we bend over and exhale, swinging the arms down. We repeat this
exercise at least three times, gradually slowing down.
Liftin a r m s
Jumping lightly Jumping on one foot g Bending over and
toward heaven swinging arms
General Exercises 189
Step 3: Holding the cheekbones by the heels of the palms, p u s h up, while opening the mouth.
Repeat ten times. This exercise is to help the loose or sagging bones and muscles of the
cheeks become tight and compact.
Step 4: With the thumbs at the back of the neck, and the fingers holding the head, tilt the head
back. Drop the jaw, opening the m o u t h as much as possible. Then, suddenly d r o p the head
forward and close the mouth. Repeat three to five times. This exercise helps to tighten loose
vertebrae in the upper spinal region, and to strengthen and pull together the sides of the
skull, thus enhancing the shape of the head. It is also good for circulation.
Step 5: Place the thumbs deeply in the indented area under the ears, tilt the head back and
drop the jaw, opening the mouth wide. Then, close the mouth, bringing the jaw up. Repeat
five times. This exercise tightens the m o u t h cavity as well as loose nasal cavities, and nor-
malizes the coordination of the jaws in their left-and-right movement.
Step 6: With the middle fingers, push up hard on the bones of the middle region of the nose,
squeezing in and up. The head naturally tilts back, and the m o u t h can be relaxed and slightly
open. Then, release the pressure and drop the head back to its normal position. This exercise
makes nerve action more alert and clear in the head region, including the eyes. It also causes
the secretion of the pituitary gland to become more active, and breathing to become much
smoother, and helps to discharge accumulated mucus from the regions of the forehead and
nasal cavities.
Step 7: Inserting a finger in each corner of the mouth, stretch the mouth wide, and then
release. Repeat about ten times. When releasing, it is very helpful to intentionally contract the
muscles of the mouth. This exercise removes any wrinkles around the m o u t h and makes
blood circulation better in the lips.
Step 8: Hold and vibrate the tip of the nose ten to twenty times. This exercise makes stagnated
circulation in the nose more active, and corrects the shape of the nose.
Step 9: Thoroughly pull and stretch the ears: (1) up, (2) horizontally open, and (3) down,
about five times in each direction. This exercise accelerates the circulation of blood, activat-
190 The Do-In Way
ing the kidney functions and the secretion of adrenal hormones, and improving the shape
and angle of the ears if they have become loose and unbalanced.
Step 10: Rub and massage the cheeks about twenty to thirty times. This exercise is to make
the circulation of blood and energy in the entire face region harmoniously active, and to elim-
inate wrinkles in the cheeks.
For Baldness
For baldness in the peripheral regions of the head such as the front and side, it is advisable
to practice the head massage exercises given in the General Exercises. In addition, apply
saliva or salted water, strongly rubbing it into the bald area.
For baldness in the u p p e r and central regions of the head, besides the exercises for the head
region described in the General Exercises, apply daily the juice of grated ginger, daikon, red
radish, onion, or scallion.
* For a comprehensive explanation of recommendations for these and many other physical and mental
conditions, please refer to Macrobiotics Home Remedies by Michio Kushi with Marc van Cauwenberghe, MD
(Square One Publishers).
General Exercises 191
We strongly rub all around our closed eyes with sea salt, which is applied to three
d a m p e n e d fingers of both hands.
Wash the salt away, dipping and blinking our eyes in cold water.
Rub all around the eyes with plenty of saliva, applied to the fingers. Leave the saliva
there for several minutes, allowing it to dry. Or, after several minutes, the eyes may
be wiped with a towel.
These practices prevent any sort of eye trouble, including defective sight, cataracts, glau-
coma, detachment of the retina, and other disorders. This exercise also helps to improve eye
conditions resulting from these disorders, especially w h e n practiced along with the eye exer-
cises described earlier in the General Exercises, as well as with the use of eye drops of pure
sesame oil applied once or several times daily. In some cases of eye disorders, applications
such as the ginger fomentation, buckwheat plaster, or chlorophyll vegetable plaster may be
needed also.*
For Congestion
Avoid mucus-forming foods such as dairy products, flour products, oily and greasy foods
and various sorts of fat, as well as sugar, honey, and other sweeteners. Besides these dietary
adjustments, regularly practice the Do-In exercises shown in the General Exercise section,
especially those for the chest and abdominal region. Strongly massage each hand and finger
several times daily.
For Freckles
Strictly avoid the excessive use of sugar, honey, chocolate, fruits and other sweeteners. Give
a strong daily massage to the areas where freckles appear. Every day, apply and strongly rub
in the juice of grated ginger, or rice vinegar, or lemon juice.
General Exercises 193
Regulate the w a y of eating in quality and volume moving more and more toward
macrobiotic principles.
$8 Wear
Wear cotton
cotton rather
rather than
than synthetic
synthetic clothing.
clothing. At
At least, the underwear that is directly
touching the skin should be cotton.
& Rub and massage the whole body with a wet towel which has been tightly squeezed
out, until the skin becomes red. This accelerates the circulation of blood and other
body fluids, and generates nervous responses and energy flow along all the merid-
ians. This m a y be done every morning or evening, or both.
# Soak the feet in w a r m water (if in the cold season) or in cold water (if in the hot sea-
son) and clean all areas of the feet, including each toe, making the energy flow along
the meridians very active. This may be done every morning or evening.
# An-Min-Hd, the Exercise for Peaceful,
Before sleeping, practice Do -In, especially An-Min-Ho,
Sound Sleep (pages 154-156).
^ Sleep
Sleep with
with the
the head
head to
to the
the North,
North, in
in order
order to harmonize our physical, mental and
spiritual conditions with the order of celestial motion, including the rotation of the
earth and the stellular cycles of the Northern sky.
194 The Do-In Way
All of these exercises and practices for our daily life help greatly to maintain and develop
our physical, mental and spiritual conditions. However, the foundation for our development
is based u p o n what and h o w we eat and drink. Therefore, all of these exercises and practices
should be accompanied with the proper way of eating following macrobiotic principles. If
this is achieved in our daily life, our physical, mental, and spiritual development will be
unlimited, and we will grow from our limited physical boundaries to eternal and universal
consciousness, becoming aware that our life is beginningless and endless, and that our hap-
piness is to continue to realize endlessly our infinite dream, which never perishes.
A ppenatx
Major Points for Diagnosis and
Treatment Used in This Book
196 The Do-In Way
Appendix 197
198 The Do-In Way
Appendix 199
200 The Do-In Way
Appendix 201
202 The Do-In Way
Appendix 203
Abdominal center, 15, 30, 57 Beverages, 23
Acupuncture, 54 Bleeding, stopping, 193
Additional Exercises for Daily Life, Bo-Ketsu, 47-48, 62
152-156 Breathing, principles of, 26-32
Adult age, 42-43 Bun-Bu Ryo-Do, 34
Ai-Wa (SP 2) Burns, 193
exercise, 86-87 Central Field, 57-58
purpose, 81 Centrifugal force, 5, 51
Ajna (Sixth Chakra), 59, 60 Centripetal force, 5, 51
Animals, eating, 21 Chakras, 59-61
An-Min-Ho, 154-156 Cheeks, 159
Arms, 170-174 Chi-Ko (SP 12)
Ascending to Heaven (SP 3) exercise, 106-107
exercise, 88-89 purpose, 83
purpose, 82 Childhood, 41-42
Astral body, 12 Chin-Kon (DSE 3)
Astral world, 12-13 exercise, 118
A-Um (DSE 5) purpose, 116
exercise, 120 Cho-Tei, 32
purpose, 116 Cho-Kan, 30
Balancing Points, 48 Conception Vessel, 50
Baldness, 190 Congestion, 192
Base (First Chakra), 60-61 Constipation, 192
Beating the Heavenly Drum (DSE 6) Cramps, leg or foot, 192
exercise, 12 Creation of universe, 5
purpose, 116 Crown (Seventh Chakra), 59, 60
Beauty mark, 193 Cuts, 193
206 The Do-In Way
The Complete Book of Oriental Diagnosis
Michio Kushi
Too often, conventional medicine fails to detect illness. But Oriental
diagnosis, an ancient holistic system of knowledge, can often
discover physical problems even before they arise. Beginning
with an explanation of the principles of Oriental medicine—
touching "seeing," and pressure—Your Body Never Lies helps you
understand this natural, noninvasive approach to detecting sickness.
Your Body Never Lies provides an in-depth exploration of the
components of seeing. This includes a description of deviations
in facial features, skin, and extremities; irregularities in posture,
movement, and mental states; and more. Within this unique intuitive system is the power to detect
the body's warning signs and avert serious illness, including cancer and heart disease.
Western medical practice often focuses on a specific body part, symptom, or ailment, ignoring the totality
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diagnosis, a revolutionary—yet centuries-old—way to detect and prevent disease, and to preserve health
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