Total Questions: 75 Time Allowed: 90 Minutes: PC-16 Test Paper Ii
Total Questions: 75 Time Allowed: 90 Minutes: PC-16 Test Paper Ii
Total Questions: 75 Time Allowed: 90 Minutes: PC-16 Test Paper Ii
1. CPWD executes works of all Civil departments. The transactions relating to charges and
receipts connected with services pertaining to these works are finally adjusted in :-
4. Transactions relating to the charges and receipts connected with the services of the
following department are not finally adjusted in the accounts of Divisional Officers.
(a) Works of Postal & Telegraph Department.
(b) Construction and maintenance of Civil aerodromes.
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above.
5. The detailed classification of any public works major heads for the booking of special
expenditure shall be prescribed by _______on the advice of _________.
(i) The Divisional Accountant is required to inspect the account records of Sub
Divisional Officers.
(ii) Divisional Accountant is not empowered to impart necessary instructions to Sub
Divisional Officers if defects are noticed in their accounts.
(iii) Serious financial irregularities in the accounts should be reported to Chief
Controller of Accounts only if it is not rectified under the orders of competent authority.
(iv) Divisional Accountant performs three fold functions such as Internal checker,
Financial assistant and as an Accountant.
(a) (iii)
(b) (ii), (iii)
(c) (ii), (iii), (iv)
(d) (ii)
13. The charges under a suspense account will make what kind of changes under the
major head of expenditure ?
(a) Enhancement.
(b) Reduction.
(c) Any of the above.
(d) No change.
14. The receipts under a suspense account will make what kind of changes under the major
head of expenditure ?
(a) Enhancement.
(b) Reduction.
(c) Remains the same.
(d) None of these.
15. Suspense Account is a :-
(a) Major Head.
(b) Sub Major Head.
(c) Minor Head.
(d) Sub Head.
16. The general principles to be followed in the classification of Public Works expenditure
are laid down in :-
(a) Government Accounting Rules, 1990.
(b) General Financial Rules, 2005.
(c) Works Manual.
(d) Public Works Account Code.
17. Expenditure on the maintenance and repairs of the non-residential buildings under the
administrative control of the P.W.D are shown under the Major Head :
21. Find the incorrect statement in respect of Revenue and Expenditure of the Government ?
(a) Revenue is realised and placed to credit of Government as it falls due under the rules
governing it.
(b) Expenditure can be incurred only against a grant voted by the Parliament.
(c) Expenditure can be incurred against the appropriations provided for to meet charged
(d) Revenue is realised and placed to credit of Government only when it is received.
22. The award made by a private arbitrator is filed in a court of law and a decree is obtained in
terms of the award, the expenditure required to satisfy the decree of the court will be :
(a) Expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund of India.
(b) Expenditure charged on the Public Fund of India.
(c) Voted expenditure on the Consolidated Fund of India.
(d) None of the above.
23. The Chief controller of accounts permits the Divisional Officer to draw the funds that
required for all disbursements in connection with the execution of works through :-
(a) Vote on account.
(b) Letter of Credit.
(c) Vote of Credit.
(d) Letter of Grant.
24. A Divisional Officer is authorised to draw funds by way of cheque against letter of credit
and it can be used for all kinds of payments except :-
(a) Contingent charges.
(b) Long term advances.
(c) GPF withdrawal of Group ‘D’ employees.
(d) Pay & Allowances of gazetted staff working in the Division.
25. Name the bank where the Divisional offices are assigned a Cash Assignment Account by the
Chief Controller of Accounts for drawal of cheques for payment of bills ?
(a) Scheduled Bank.
(b) Reserve Bank of India.
(c) Accredited Bank.
(d) Public Sector Bank.
26. Any receipt in PWD for which the Major Head of account is not known is accounted for
under the head :-
(a) 1054 P.W.:Other Receipts.
(b) 0059 P.W. Other Receipts.
(c) 8443 Public Works Deposits, Miscellaneous Deposits
(d) 0059 P.W. Receipts Awaiting Transfer to other Minor Heads.
27. Payment in a Building Division, the classification of which is not known immediately is
accounted for under the head :-
28. Who is responsible for the maintenance of accounts of the transactions correctly and in
accordance with the rules in force?
(a) Advise the Divisional Officer in all matters relating to the accounts and budget estimates or
to the operation of financial rules generally.
(b) Applying certain preliminary checks to the initial accounts, vouchers etc.
(c) Compile the accounts of the division in accordance with the prescribed rules and from the
data furnished to him.
(d) Assist the Divisional Officer for the scrutiny of the accounts of the receipts and
disbursements of subordinate officers falling within the Divisional Officer’s own powers of
30. Find the feature that unsuitable to Divisional Accountant’s Objection form.
(a) An objection entered in this register should not be considered as finally disposed of until it
has been reviewed by the Pay and Accounts Officer.
(b) Divisional Officer overruled the objection and ordered the Divisional Accountant to remove
it. As a subordinate official, the Divisional Accountant is liable to obey that order even if he is
not satisfied with it.
(c) It is being maintained in Form 60.
(d) Divisional Officer has an opportunity of accepting the Divisional Accountant’s advice on
reconsideration and ordering action accordingly, or of recording for the information of the Pay
and Accounts Officer, his reasons for disregarding that advice.
(i) The Divisional Officer is authorised to entrust the receipt and disbursement of cash to the
Divisional Accountant at his discretion.
(ii) As a rule the Divisional Accountant is required to receive or pay out cash of the monetary
transactions at the headquarters of the Divisional Office.
(iii) The Divisional Accountant should not be normally authorised to issue final receipts over
his own signature.
(iv) The volume of the monetary transactions at the headquarters of the Divisional Office
have an impact on entrusting the receipt and disbursement of cash to the Divisional Accountant.
32. In token of check of the regular accounts of the Division, the Divisional Accountant should
affix his dated initials in the divisional cash book :
34. What are the common practices adopted by the Divisional Offices for removal of an audit
objection :-
(i) Obtaining the requisite sanction
(ii) Making the necessary recovery.
(iii) Correcting or completing the relevant account or voucher by furnishing the necessary
documents or information.
(iv) Securing compliance with the provisions of a specified rule.
(a) (i) & (ii)
(b) (i), (ii) & (iii)
(c) (ii) & (iii)
(d) Any of these.
35. An audit officer placed a transaction under objection. The Divisional Officer made a protest
against the objection as being incorrect. Which of the following is most suitable to the context ?
(a) The objection should not be held in force unless a formal intimation of its withdrawal is
received from the Audit Officer.
(b) The objection should be held in force unless a formal intimation of its withdrawal is
received from the Audit Officer.
(c) The objection once raised is final and it cannot be revoked by way of a protest of the
Auditee institution as it being incorrect.
(d) The objection should be held in force unless it is rectified through obtaining the requisite
sanction or by making the necessary recovery.
37. An assistant Engineer of a PWD Building Division, working at outstation, not in charge of
a cash book, received Rs 200/- on behalf of government. In this aspect which of the following is
not correct?
(i) He is authorised to keep the money with himself and remit to the Divisional
Office on return from the outstation duty.
(ii) He can remit the money to the nearest officer having a cash book.
(iii) He cannot remit the money directly into the accredited bank with a Chalan
because he is not the Drawing and Disbursing Officer of the Division.
(iv) He is not allowed to use that amount for meeting the petty expenses.
(a) (i), (iii)
(b) (iii), (iv)
(c) (ii), (iv)
(d) (i), (iv)
38. Which of the following is incorrect with respect to issue of Receipt (CPWA-3) ?
(i) Receipt was issued to a contractor for payment received from him for Rs 200/- on account
of sale of tender forms.
(ii) A Divisional Officer received a cheque for Rs 1000/- on 10.3.2013 on account of sale of
old newspapers. Final receipt on CPWA-3 was not issued to the payer on that day. Divisional
Officer insisted that it will be issued only after the amount is credited in Divisional Accounts by
the Bank.
(iii) Rs 5000/- was received in cash in a Division from an individual on account of sale of
condemned items. The Divisional Accountant issued the receipt in form CPWA-3.
(iv) A Divisional Officer issued receipt for payment received by way of cheque from an
another Division for settlement of inter divisional transfers.
(a) Correct
(b) Incorrect
40. The account rendering unit of PWD is :-
45. In the classification of accounts, “Salaries”, “Office Expenses”, “Grants-in-aid”, are the
examples for :-
(a) Object Head
(b) Minor Head
(c) Sub Head
(d) None of these
46. Shri. ‘X’ collected Rs 250 as rent of a residential quarter on 1.3.2013 and remitted the
cash on 5.3.2013 to the Divisional Officer. It will appear in Divisional Officer’s Cash Book as
under :-
47. At the end of a day following balances are found with the Cashier :
(a) Rs 11120
(b) Rs 6100
(c) Rs 11100
(d) Rs 6120
48. Sale of Revenue Stamps will appear in cash book :
49. CPWD Division ‘X’ requested CPWD Division ‘Y’ supply to it the stores needed
urgently. ‘Y’ Division :-
50. A PWD Cheque dated 23rd July was not presented upto 24th of July of the next year.
Divisional Officer ordered that :-
(a) cheque be stamped revalidated over the signature of the Drawer of the cheque and
sent back to the payee.
(b) the cheque may be cancelled and new one issued its lieu.
(c) no payment certificate be obtained from the Bank before issuing a fresh cheque as
per procedure.
(d) no payment certificate be obtained from the Pay & Accounts Officer before
issuing a fresh cheque as per procedure.
51. A Divisional Officer can obtain Cheque Books for use from :-
(a) the Controller of Stamps, Nasik.
(b) the Central Forms Stores, Calcutta.
(c) the Bank on which cheques are drawn.
(d) the concerned Pay & Accounts Officer.
52. Receipt Books (Form 3) and Cash Memo Books (Form 3A) are to be obtained by a
Divisional Officer from :-
55. Fill in the blanks. Rules provide that, “ __________of departmental receipts for
expenditure in the department is strictly prohibited”.
(a) Appropriation
(b) Utilisation
(c) Application
(d) Usage
56. Tick the incorrect statement. If a cheque issued to payee has been lost, depending on
circumstances, it can be :
(a) revalidated.
(b) cancelled without a new cheque being issued in lieu.
(c) cancelled and a new cheque issued in its lieu.
(d) sent to PAO to issue No Payment Certificate.
(a) CPWA-21A
(b) CPWA-12
(c) CPWA-21
(d) CPWA-21B
58. Bills of Work Charged Establishment are drawn in :-
(a) CPWA-24
(b) CPWA-26
(c) CPWA-29
(d) CPWA-21
59. Daily attendance and amount payable to each labour employed on a work is recorded in :-
(a) CPWA-21
(b) CPWA-27A
(c) CPWA-27B
(d) None of the above
61. First and Final Bill is prepared on items rate contract where payment is to be made only
on completion of work. In such cases no intermediate payment including advance payment and
secured advance is allowed. This bill is prepared on :-
(a) CPWA-30
(b) CPWA-24
(c) CPWA-26
(d) CPWA-27B
62. Which of the following is incorrect in respect of Letter of Credit (LOC).
(a) LOCs are issued by Central LOC Cell in six stages.
(b) No further LOC for the financial year will be issued after 15th March.
(c) In the second LOC, upto 80% of the budget allocation will be released.
(d) Divisions will not make payment of bills of SEs and CEs, which is a function of
63. As per the Constitution of India, government accounts shall be kept in the following three
parts :-
(a) Consolidated Fund, Contingency Fund & Public Fund.
(b) Consolidated Fund, Contingency Fund & Loans & Advances.
(c) Consolidated Fund, Contingency Fund & Public Account.
(d) Consolidated Fund, Revenue Account & Capital Account.
64. Contingency fund has some peculiar features. Which of the following is an exception :-
(a) In Contingency Fund, there shall be two Major Heads, one for the receipt and the
other for the expenditure.
(b) There is a Contingency Fund for the Government of India, Government of each State
or Union Territory.
(c) Contingency fund represented by the Major Head ‘8000’.
(d) Contingency Fund is in the nature of an imprest for the purposes of meeting
unforeseen expenditure pending authorisation of such expenditure by Parliament by law.
65. In the case of revenue heads, the gain earned by way of exchange rates of the payments
abroad is accounted under the Major Head.
(a) 0075
(b) 0059
(c) 0049
(d) 0070
66. In the case of revenue heads, the loss suffered by way of exchange rates for then
transactions abroad is accounted under the Major Head :
(a) 2049
(b) 2059
(c) 2075
(d) 2057
67. Cheques shall be payable :-
(a) CPWA-26
(b) CPWA-27
(c) CPWA-27A
(d) CPWA-27B
75. Penalty levied on a contractor for abandoning work in the Irrigation Department will be :-
(a) If the work has suffered due to its abandonment, the fine will be treated as Revenue
Receipts or receipts on capital account as the case may be. Otherwise it will be credited
to the accounts of the work.
(b) If the work has suffered due to its abandonment, the fine will be credited to the accounts
of the Work. Otherwise it will be treated as Revenue Receipts or Receipts on Capital
account as the case may be.
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