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Community Health Nursing

Instruction: Choose the best answer for the following questions. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

SITUATION – Community Health Nursing (CHN) is C.Treatment modalities of disease

aunique blend of nursing and public health that is aimed at D.Rehabilitation
developing and enhancing health capabilities of people
1. As a public health nurse, Kat knows that one of the 9. In the preparation of your health education plan, the first
following statements is not true. Which one is it? thing you do is:
a. All public health nurses are employed by the government a.Assess community needs for health education
b. All community health nurses are employed by the b.Identify the subjects for health education
government c.Specify your goals and objectives
c. All community health nurses provide care in the community d.Identify who will provide and the type of support to be
setting provided
d. All public health nurses provide care in public health setting
10. In order to determine the success of your health education
2. The ultimate goal of her Community Health Nursing: plan and have some basis for modification you should have:
a.Raise the level of health of the citizenry A. Measurable outcome criteria
b.Health in the hands of the people B. Well documented activities
c.Health promotion and disease prevention C.A written community diagnosis
d.Self reliance in health D.Written assessment of community needs
11. The following are principles of the atomistic approach in
3. To uphold the worth and dignity of man is the community looking at man, except:
health nursing’s; a. Provision of a tepid sponge bath to lower the temperature of
a.primary goal c.philosophy the client
b.ultimate goal b. Family therapy
c. Nurse’s administration of medications at the right time
4. Which of the following statements is not correct? d. Performance of proper wound care
a. As part of participation to policy formulation, the nurse
plays an active role in lobbying for amendments to the nursing 12. In terms of educational preparation, a PHN should have:
role a. A BS Nursing degree
b. In the community. The nurse raises the level of awareness b. A BS Nursing degree and a registered nurse
of the people to identify existing problems and potentials to c. A BS nursing degree, a registered nurse and Master’s
address such problems degree units
c. If the people in the community want free medicines, the d. A BS nursing degree, RN, and a master’s degree
nurse complies as the basis of service should be on what
people demands 13. Nurse Rafaela was appointed as a supervising public
d. If many of the trained community health workers resigned, health nurse at Dumaguete Rural Health Unit. The
the nurse has to start all over again and never gives up. qualification of a supervising public health burse are the
following; except:
5. Which of the following is correct? A.Master’s degree in nursing or public health
a. If people are not attending to the services offered by the B.2 years experience as a public health nurse
health staff, the team must reassess the needs of the people C.Registered nurse
b. In participatory approach, the nurse must devotedly adhere D.BSN graduate
to what people want
c. In a peasant community where people are fighting for land 14. As a nurse, Kat knows very well that she can perform all
ownership, the nurse must not participate as this is not a health of the following except:
concern a. Assist in home deliveries
d. Nurses must not join protest actions as nurse should always b. Perform Leopold’s maneuver in the home setting
be neutral at all times c. Conduct lectures on the importance of prenatal visits to all
pregnant women
Situation: Being the Public Health Nurse you perform your d. Suture 2nd degree lacerations during home deliveries
role as health educator in the provision of community health
care. 15. The community health nurse leads a class on breastfeeding
6. What is the basic principle in Community Health Nursing? with a group of prenatal parents. The nurse allows the
A. Promote a self – reliant community participants to ask questions, make comments, and reason out
B. Eradicate the immunizable diseases loud as feedback is given. Which of the following teaching
C. Prompt treatment of communicable diseases techniques is the nurse using?
D. Rehabilitation to the previous level of functioning the a. lecture b. role playing
clients c. demonstration d. discussion

7. Which of the following is a factor affecting optimum level 16. When CH Nurse participates in policy formulation on
of health(OLOF)? improving health service delivery, she is performing her role
1.Political 3. Well-being as:
2.Behavioral 4. Health care system a.Health Manager c.Health Leader
A.1,2,3 B.1,2,4 C.1,2,3,4 b.Health Advocate d.Health Coordinator
17. The four major change agents that impact the future of
8. The primary focus of community health nursing is on: community health care for children and families are
A.Health promotion and prevention demographic, science and:
B.Alleviating socio-economic status of the people

a. the amount of influence the public has on legislator and the d.Industrial peace among workers and management
political party in power
b. the stock market and recession periods 27. Workers may be exposed to different hazards of work like
c. hospital administrative policies and health care biological hazards exemplified by:
reimbursement a.Stress, tenure, salary c.Heat, cold, humidity
d. market-driven economic policy and technology b.Dust, fumes, chemicals d.Fungi, virus, bacteria

18. The following statements describe the human health 28. Which of the following statements is true about health
resources, except: promotion:
a. Every year there is a marked increase in the number of a. Health promotion is a way of life
health professionals b. Health promotion is outside hospital nursing
b. Despite the increase in the number of health providers, there c. Health promotion means absence of disease
is still an enormous need in the rural areas d. Health promotion is an investment in life
c. The growing number of health professionals contributes to
their low salaries and lack of benefits 29. The provision of health information in the rural areas
d. Migration to other countries is primarily an economic issue nationwide through television and radio programs and video
conferencing is referred to as:
19. Nurse Kat knows that only one of the following statements A.Red cross program C.Wellness program
is correct. Which is it? B.Telehealth program D.Community health program
a. In CHN, the client is considered as passive recipient of care,
not an active partner 30. Establishing bike lanes, walking lanes and providing open
b. The goal of CHN is achieved through sectoral efforts space for physical activity to promote the prevention
c. CHN practice is affected by the development in health some NCDs related to immobility is following which key
technology, in particular, and changes in society, in general strategy of NCDs prevention and control program?
d. CHN is independent from health care system and the larger a. Establishing program direction and infrastructure
human services system b. Changing environments
c. Changing lifestyle
20. A home health nurse is made aware that a client and d. Reorienting health services
family are about to lose their home due to foreclosure. The
nurse contacts the social service department of the home 31. Despite the nature of disease pattern, hospitals have been
health care agency for assistance in finding housing for the developed and maintained as primary venues of health
family. The actions taken by the nurse best exemplify which services because:
of the following roles of the community health care nurse? 1. Some diseases are far advanced and require hospitalization
a. clinician b. advocate 2. Not all diseases can be prevented at the community level
c. consultant d. researcher 3. Hospitals are infrastructures that serve as proof of
21. Ruthie conducts a mother’s class to discuss the importance 4. Hospital practice is rooted in the colonial health science
of boiling water to make it safe for drinking. Which among the education system
following roles is she performing? a. 1 and 2 b. All except 1
a. Clinician b. Researcher c. Leader d. c. All except 4 d. All of the above
Health educator
SITUATION: Change within the health care system has
22. Ruthie organized a group of young adults and teenagers to accelerated during the past decade. This is brought about by
help clean up garbage near the community’s water source. changes in technology and the nations economy and the
Which among the following roles is she performing? increasing number of population, to name a few.
a. Clinician b. Researcher c. Leader d. Health
educator 32. One of the MOST several development that was enacted
to subsidized the cost of health services both for the
23. When Ruthie instructed the community people and the employed and unemployed is:
health workers to continuously report cases of diarrhea and the A. Medicare act C. National Health Insurance
midwives properly document the cases, she was performing Act
her role as: B. National Amelioration Pay D. Workmen’s
a. Clinician b. Researcher c. Leader d. Compensation Act
Health educator
33. Lately, health promotion and disease prevention services
24. During home visits, Ruthie identified cases of severe have been getting increased attention in the Department of
dehydration among children and immediately referred them to Health. One of the implications of these changes as far as the
the district hospital. Which among the following roles is she scope of nursing practice is concerned is emphasis in the
performing? application of which of the following competencies:
a. Clinician b. Researcher c. Leader d. Health A.Therapeutic use of self
educator B.Health education
C.Execution of nursing procedures and techniques
25. Which among the following roles transcends all D.Administration of treatment and medication
dimensions of nursing?
a. Clinician b. Researcher c. Leader d. Health 34. The latest census has shown an increase in the life span
Educator among Filipinos resulting to an increase in the number of
elderly population. In addition to these data, it is observed that
26. The primary aim of occupational health nursing is: the cost of hospitalization is getting more expensive and
a.Reduction of hazards in the work area unaffordable to majority of the people. These facts can bring
b.Maintenance of a healthy work environment about an increase in the demand of which of the following
c.Promotion of optimal health and prevention of diseases and nursing services:
injuries a.Managed care services c.Hospice and home care services

b.Clinical specialization d.Acute cared services ensure that as the implementation of health reforms moves
forward, nobody are left behind.
35. The latest trend that has developed to deliver care based
on prepaid fees with emphasis on health promotion and illness 44. The goals of Aquino Health Agenda is directed towards:
prevention is covered under: 1. Ensuring better health outcomes 3. Ensuring equitable
a.Government insurance plan c.Private insurance plan access to affordable health care
b.Preferred provider organization d.Health maintenance 2. Sustained health financing
organization 4. Ensuring free health care services delivery to all Filipinos
a. All except 1 b. All except 2 c. All except 3 d. All
36. Hospitals now a days are encouraged, if NOT requires to except 4
offer comprehensive health services to include illness
prevention and health promotion. To implement this program, 45. The Aquino Health Agenda (AHA) is a focused approach
hospitals, especially government hospitals have already added to health reform implementation in the context of HSRA
in the regular services the following: and Fourmula one, ensuring that all Filipinos especially the
A.Rehabilitation centers C.Wellness centers poor receive the benefits of health reform. AHA shall be
B.Newborn screening D.Intensive care units attained by pursuing three strategic thrusts. This does not
37. The Republic Act that refers to the Magna Carta of public a. Financial risk protection through expansion in NHIP
health workers: enrollment and benefit delivery
A.RA 2382 B.RA 1082 C.RA 7305 D.RA b. Improved access to quality hospitals and health care
6425 facilities
c. Attainment of the health-related Millennium Development
38. The basis for health sector reform are the following: Goals (MDG)
1. Persistence of large variations in health status across d. Creation of additional public hospitals to address the
population groups and geographic areas growing demand in health care services
2. Rising burden from chronic degenerative disease
3. High burden from infectious diseases 46. The success of AHA will be based on progress made in:
4. Increasing costs of medicine 1. Prevention of premature deaths
a. 1 2 3 b. 1 2 3 c. 2 3 5 d. All of the above 2. Controlling communicable and non-communicable diseases
3. Reduction of underweight among children
39. Framework for implementation of Health Sector Reform 4. Reducing maternal and newborn deaths
Agenda (HSRA) is: a. 1 and 2 b. 3 and 4 c. All except 3 d. All of the
A. Rationalization for health C. Primary above
Health Care
B. National Objectives for Health D. Fourmula One for 47. The AHA shall be implemented by which of the following
Health agencies?
1. Department of Health 2. Department of Education
40. The DOH, in its new role as the national authority on 3. LGUs 4. Private hospitals
health has several functions, which one is specific to the role a. 1 and 3 b. 1 only c. All except 4 d. All of the
of the DOH as the “enabler and capacity builder? above
A.Serve as the national policy and regulatory institution
B.Innovative new strategies in health to improve effectiveness 48. Improvements in NHIP benefit delivery can be achieved
of programs by:
C.Administer direct services for emergent health concerns that a. Promoting the availment of quality outpatient and inpatient
require new technologies services at accredited facilities through reformed
D.Serves as advocate in adoption of health policies capitation and no balance billing arrangements for sponsored
members, respectively.
41. Which of the following is the key to the implementation of b. Fiscal autonomy and income retention schemes for
FOURmula One for health? government hospitals and health facilities
a. Engagement of National Health Insurance Program c. Aggressively promoting healthy lifestyle changes to reduce
b. Health Sector Reform Agenda non-communicable diseases
c. Empowerment of people d. Unified and streamlined DOH licensure and PhilHealth
d .Mobilization of more resources for health accreditation for hospitals and health facilities

42. Which element of FOURmula one aims to improve and 49. The Philippine health care delivery system is composed of
ensure accessibility and availability of basic and essential two sectors. This is a largely financed sector through tax-
health care? based budgeting system both national and local levels, hence,
A.Health financing C.Health service delivery socialized user fees have been introduced in recent years for
B.Health regulation D.Good governance certain type of service.
a.public sector c.non government sector
43. The DOH is aspiring to give Hib vaccine for a very b.private sector d.none of the above
affordable price in every public health facility to be able to
uphold their vision. This aspiration is based on what element SITUATION: The nurse plays a very important role in
of the FOURmula one? building closer ties with the patient to gain their trust and
a. Health financing b. Health service delivery confidence and particularly in the implementation and
c. Good governance d. Health regulation promotion of health care.

SITUATION: The Aquino Health Agenda (AHA) is being 50. In conducting a clinic visit, the first step that Nurse
launched to improve, streamline and scale up reform Andrea should take is to:
interventions espoused in the HSRA and implemented under a. Prepare the family record of the new client
FOURmula One. This deliberate focus on the poor will b. Greet the client and establish rapport
b. Perform physical examination on the client

d. Elicit and record the client’s chief complaint and clinical 59. Ana has been caring for a child in the home. She has a
history tracheostomy tube and is oxygen dependent. Ana prefers to do
the care early in the morning due to a heavy caseload. The
51. The primary client of Community Health Nursing; family requests that care be done when the child is awake by
a.Individual c.Aggregate 10am. The BEST response by Ana would be:
b.Family d.Community a. “I will see if I can find another nurse who can meet your
52. In community health nursing, according to Mary Gardner preferred schedule.”
the unit of service is the: b. “If I give the care at 10am, other children needing my care
a.Community b.Family c.Individual client d.Health care may not be attended to.”
giver c. “I’m sorry, I wish I could, but I cannot do so due to heavy
53. This family theory states that the family’s major task is to d. “Let’s look at what time is in the child’s best interest and
create an environment, in which each family member can then we can work out a better schedule.”
master the development task required of them to accomplish at
each stage of development: 60. The simplest way to minimize the spread of
a. Structural-functional theory c. Developmental stage theory microorganism is
b. Crisis theory d. Interactional theory a.Homevisitn c. Hand washing
b.Bag technique d. Thermometer technique
54. Children are divided to three age groups. In the DOH
definition, newborns refer to infants during the first month of 61. It is the tool which the nurse could be to perform
life. Infants are those that are still below one year old. On the procedure with ease and deftness and saving time and effort.
other hand, children refer to the age group between: A.Public Health c. Homevisit
A.One year old to less than 10 years old B.Bag technique d. Clinic visit
B.Three years old and 12 years old
C.One year old and 13 years old 62. To maintain the cleanliness of the public health bag and its
D.Five years old and 12 years old contents, which of the following must be observed by the
55. Tessie, a new community health nurse assigned in the rural a. Wash hands before and after providing nursing care to the
community, notices that nanay Lita the local herbolaria is family members
snubbing her. The best thing for her to do is: b. Place a bag on a table lined with clean paper, clean side in
A.Snub her as well and pretend she does not exist and folded part touching the table
B.Ask the midwife to fetch her and have a meeting with her at c. Remove the apron folding it away from the person, the
the health center to clarify soiled side out and clean side in and place it in the bag
C.Make a courtesy call visiting her when she leaves d. All of the above
D.Send an invitation for a training of community health
workers 63. The following statements are some important points to
consider when using the public health bag. Which is incorrect?
56. Nurse Sussy was doing case finding in a barangay in the A.The bag and its content should be well protected from
rural communities of Cuilon. Her target is to identify contact with any article in the client’s home
undocumented Hansens Disease cases. Seeing her in uniform, B.The arrangement and contents of the bag should be one
a woman remarks. “You’re not a nursing student are you? I most convenient to the user
have may chores to do today, please!” and ignores the nurse. C.The articles in the patient’s home are clean while the sterile
Sussy’s IMMEDIATE course of action would be to: bag and its contents as dirty and contaminated
a. Visit the next house so as not to waste the day’s activity and D.Place a bag on a table lined with a clean paper, clean side
return to re-visit this home after a day or two. out and the folded part touching the table
b. Communicate the incident to the Barangay Captain and get
him/her to join her in her next visit. 64. In prioritizing community problems, the nurse must assess
c. Ignore the woman’s behavior, turn around and simply leave the perception of the community as they are affected by the
her alone problem using which criteria?
d. The feelings and behavior manifested by the woman and get a. nature of the problem c. social concern
to the root causes of such a behavior. b. magnitude of the problem d. preventive
57. A student nurse visits Dora who immediately stated that
she has “too much work to do and she has been visited and 65. As a community health nurse Erlinda keeps on performing
interviewed by student nurses almost daily.” After explaining physical examination, making nursing diagnosis, determining
the purpose of her visit, the student’s APPROPRIATE action nursing goals and writing a nursing care plan for the success
would be to: of her nursing actions. Such activities highlighted a classic
a. Set an appointment at Dora’s convenient time. framework from which nursing care is delivered focusing on:
b. Select another family as a client. A.Outcome elements C.Structural elements
c. Tell her clinical instructor about the problem. B.Behavioral elements D.Process elements
d. Ask the barangay chairman for assistance.
Situation: Community Health nursing utilizes the nursing
58. When beginning a relationship with a family on home process that leads to desired outcome of health status
visit, the community health nurse:
a. is accepting and listens carefully to problem of all family 66. Nurse Isabel came for a home visit to Mrs. Reka’s house.
members Assessment revealed that all of the 3 children of Mrs. Reka’s
b. allows the discussion to be open and non-directional have not received vaccination against measles. Their condition
c. focuses on the problem of one of the family member falls under:
d. encourages others to speak for the main client to get an a. Heath deficit b. Health threat c. Foreseeable crisis d.
unbiased view Stress point

67. Which of the following is a health deficit?

A.History of repeated infection 75. Descriptors of a healthy community include:
B.Use of nuclear medicine a. a community where the members are disease free
C.Death or illness in the family b. seeking to make all the resources available to all members
D.Population is inadequately immunized c. keeping the sub-groups informed of changes whenever
68. Which of the following is the highest possible score in d. the leaders making decision for the community members
prioritizing a family health problem?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7 76. When a community health nurse works as a client
advocate, the nurse:
69. It was election time and candidate comes to you and a. uses a passive approach in solving identified problem
requests that you participate in free clinic which is part of the b. attempts to smooth problems over to keep the community
campaign. What will you do? calm
A.Ask for an apology for not participating and tell him that c. is assertive in speaking and acting on behalf of the client
people can come to the health center anytime they need the d. is aggressive in pursuing the achievement of the client goals
B.Verify first if the candidate can give you substantial 77. Which statement does not describe community
professional fee organizing?
C.You liked him, so no questions asked, you go! a. It is a continuous process of educating the people to
D.Wait until the rival candidate comes in and join the one understand and develop their critical awareness on their
which you must feel win. condition
b. It involves motivating elected leaders to work for the good
70. Which of the following nursing activities are generally of the selected members of the community
associated with community healthy nursing, and not hospital c. It entails working with the people collectively and
nursing? efficiently on their immediate and long-term problems
i.Membership to an inter-agency committee d. It includes mobilizing the people for capability-building
ii.Making a budget presentation to the Municipal council for process
the Municipal Nutrition Program
iii.Giving BCG to newborns
iv.Disease surveillance
v.Taking care of post-stroke client and his/her family Primary Health Care (Concept)
a.I, ii, iv, v b. ii, iii, iv, v c. I, iii, iv, v d. All of the above
78. The legal basis of PHC is:
71. Which of the following is an important health indicator in A.LOI 949 B.RA 7305 C.EO 51 D.RA 3573
urban poor communities?
A.Level of physical activity C.Environmental 79. Which of the following is not a cornerstone of Primary
quality Health Care?
B.Effectiveness of coping D.Mental health A.As part of participation to policy formulation, the nurse
plays an active role in lobbying for amendments to the nursing
SITUATION – The communtiy Health Nurse and the most law
common sexually transmitted diseases B.In the community, the nurse raises the level of awareness
for the people to identify existing problems and potentials and
72. PD 856 requires the following EXCEPT: address such problems
a.Workers in the entertainment establishments to have a health C.If the people in the community want free medicine, the
certificate nurse complies as the basis of services should be on what
b.Venereal disease clearance is necessary people demand
c.Examination of syphilis every seven weeks D.If may of the trained CHW resigned, the nurse has to start
d.Examination of gonorrhea every two weeks all over again and never give up

Situation: Community empowerment is an important aspect in 80. PHC is a system which emphasizes well being of all
the work of a community health nurse. The following segments. What is the result of this effort?
questions apply. A.Progressive well being
B.Progressive nation building
73. Nurse Mian is preparing a lecture in community health C.Economic development and technology
nursing. Which of the following statements should not be D.Economic progress and self reliance
included in her lecture?
a. The dynamics in one community is the same as any other 81. Pillars of primary health include all of the following
community in the country EXCEPT:
b. The community is a group of people sharing common A. Use of Appropriate technology
geographic boundaries, or common values and interests B. Provision of medical care and emergency treatment
c. A community functions within a socio-cultural context in C. Support mechanism made available
that people share the same cultural heritage, making each D. Intra and Inter –sectoral linkages
community unique from another
d. The physical characteristics of the environment vary and 82. Grass roots workers in the communtiy Health Practice
this affects the economic production of the people will refer to.
a.Health team members working in the communtiy
74. To empower community members, the community nurse b. Nurses and widfives in the PHC midvfeve practice
performs which activity? c.Barangay Health Workers
a. do all the activities for community members d.Nurses, Widwives and Baragy Healh Workers (BHWs)
b. step back at the beginning and giving little output
c. define the community needs for the members 83. The ratio of public health nurse to community population
d. give ownership and leadership to the community is:
a. 1: 5,000 b. 1: 10, 000 c. 1: 15,000 d. 1: 20,000

c. educating parents on the importance of routine
84. Which of the following is not in the level of primary immunization
health care and delivery system? d. educating parents on the signs of lead poisoning
A.Barangay Health Services C.Rural Health
Unit 94. Ana finds that a toddler has some developmental delays
B.City Health Services D.Community Hospital during a home visit. When looking for a cause or contributing
factor, which of the following environmental factors would
85. Health problems beyond the capability of the village she consider MOST important to assess?
health workers are referred to an intermediate health facility, a. dust mites in child’s toys c. house pets
usually a: b. lead paint in the crib d. presence of asbestos in the home
a. District hospital c. Specialty clinic
b. Medical center d. Rural health unit Situation - Nursing care of the older person is the domain of
geriatric nurses, but many are in the homes of their community
86. In promoting self-reliance the community organizer could
implement strategies such as: 95. In public health, the foundation of disease prevention is:
a. Regular monitoring of community health workers a. Epidemiology c. The health care delivery system
b. Establishment of an effective health referral system b. Handwashing practice d. Healthy lifestyle promotion
c. Incorporation of income generating projects
d. Multi-sectoral and interdisciplinary linkages 96. Nurse Onat correctly identifies the pattern of distribution
of an unusually large number of cases in a given period of
87. The goal of PHC is to achieve “health for all in the year time as:
2000”. This means that is: a. Epidemic b. Endemic c. Pandemic d. Sporadic
1. Globally competitive 4. Acceptable and
affordable to everyone 97. In what way could a community health nurse best gather
2. Accessible to everyone 5. Transcultural data as to demography and health profile of older persons?
3. Gender sensitive 6. Based in the community A. Records B. Survey C. Interview D. Library
or workplace
a. All of the above b. 1, 3, 5 c. 2, 4, 6 98. The census is an official and periodic enumeration of
d. 3, 4, 5 population. The data collected is used to present and explain
trends, and consequently plan programs and services based on
SITUATION – Health promotion and disease prevention are them. A census team collects data by assigning people to
basic concerns of the nurse in Community Health Nursing where they live, regardless of their location at the time of
practice. census. This group used which census method? jure b.sample survey facto d.none
88. Nurse Makoy knows that in all levels of prevention and of the above
even in all the program thrusts of the health care delivery
system, he should provide which of the following? 99. Which of the following is the primary goal of health care
a. Health promotion c. Health education and services of the older persons?
b. Health collaboration d. None of the above A. Longer disasbility-free life C. Multi disciplinary care
B. Rights of the older persons D. Maintenance of belief and
89. The most basic type of health promotion program of the values
Department of health is the:
a. Primary health care c. Health information dissemination 100. In the Philippines, the older persons are cared for by the
b. Control of AIDS d. Expanded program on family. As a community health nurse what should be observed
immunization during a home visit?
A. social development C. Total development
90. Primary level disease prevention method through task
environmental control pertain to the following EXCEPT: B. Emotional symptoms D. Physical symptoms
a. Disinfection and sterilization
b. Vector and animal reservoir control
c. Avoidance of carcinogens, poisons and allergens
d. Occupational risk reduction

91. Ana BEST exemplifies primary prevention by which of

the following activities?
a. teaching new mothers infant care
b. infant phototherapy
c. oxygen humidification
d. tracheostomy care

92. Karel is performing self-breast examination every month.

Karel is engaging in which level of prevention?
a. Primary prevention c. Secondary prevention
b. Tertiary prevention d. Health education

93. Which of Ana’s teaching activities would be considered

PRIMARY prevention when caring for clients in her case
a. providing families with her telephone number for any home
b. teaching parents first aid for insect bites

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