Basic Doctrines of The Bible: (Simplified Edition)
Basic Doctrines of The Bible: (Simplified Edition)
Basic Doctrines of The Bible: (Simplified Edition)
(Simplified Edition)
These study notes have been prepared to assist you in understanding the basic teachings of the
Bible. This study is arranged in 17 sections and these 17 sections correspond to the 17 sections as found
in the Statement ofFaith in the Constitution of the Middletown Bible Church.
Please don't be in a hurry as you do these worksheets! It will take time and you will need to look
up and study scores of verses from the Bible (please use a KING JAMES BIBLE or a SCOFIELD
BIBLE, King James Edition). But when you are done, it will be worth it all! The Lord will teach you
many wonderful things as you search the Scriptures to answer these questions, if your heart is open to
Him. . Don't forget to pray and to ask the Lord to help you as you study His Holy and Precious Word.
Here are some examples ofthe kinds ofquestions that will be found on these worksheets: (These
have been answered for you)
4. Is the Lord Jesus GOD (Hebrews 1:8; Titus 2:13; John 20:28)? ____
Summary Statement: God tells us who He is and what He is like in His Word,
the Bible. Without the Bible a person cannot really know God or what He is
like-His holiness, His love, His mercy, His grace, and His wonderful ability
to save lost sinners.
1. John chapter 1 teaches us many important facts about Christ. Please do the following MATCHING
1) __ He is the Creator of all things. A. John 1:1
2) __ He became a man. B. John 1:3
3) __ He is God. C. John 1:14
2. When Jesus became a man, did He stop being God (John 5:18; John 10:30)?
3. The child which came forth from the virgin Mary was (read Luke 1:35 and circle the correct answer):
a. just an ordinary baby
b. John the Baptist
c. the Holy Son of God
d. the son of Joseph
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10. To be saved, a person must not only believe that Jesus died for his sins, but he also must believe that
_______ (Romans 10:9). Do you believe this? __
Where is the Lord Jesus today (Acts 1:9-10; Hebrews 1:3; 9:24)? _____________
Summary statement: If I do not believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died and
became alive again for me, I cannot be saved. There is no other person who
can save me. There is no other way to be saved and to know God except by
the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only way!
1. Acts 5 :3 says Ananias lied to ____________ Acts 5:4 says Ananias lied to
___ . Therefore the Holy Spirit is here identified as _ _ _ __
2. John 16:13-14: "Nevertheless, when ___ , the Spirit of truth is come, __ will guide you into
all truth; for __ shall not speak of but whatever shall hear, that shall
___ speak; and ___ will show you things to come. __ shall glorify Me; for __ shall
receive of Mine, and shall show it unto you. " (All of these personal pronouns show us that the Holy
Spirit is a real PERSON, not just an "influence" or an "it" or a "force" or a " power" as some people
believe. )
4. If a person does not have the Holy Spirit, is he really a Christian (Romans 8:9)? ___
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10. READ Mark 7:14-23. The Lord Jesus clearly taught that man's basic problem is (circle the correct
one): a. pollution (filthy air and water) d. wars
b. corrupt government e. an evil and polluted heart
c. poor housing (slums, etc. ) f parents
6. Salvation
1. According to Ephesians 2:8 and Romans 6:23, SALVATION (or eternal life) is the G ____ of
God. Who paid for this precious gift (1 Peter 1:18-19; 1 Corinthians 6:20)? _________
2. Do all men receive God's gift ofsalvation (John 1:11-12; John 3:18; John 3:36)? __ According to
John 3:16, those who reject God's gift will _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. Does God offer His gift of salvation to all men (1 Timothy2:4-6; 1 Timothy4: 10)? ___ Do most
men receive this gift or do onlya few people receive it (Matthew 7: 13-14)? _________
5. Can a person be saved by being good and trying to live a good life (Ephesians 2:8-9)? ____
1. A person who believes on Christ HAS _____ (John 6:47). Who said so? ______
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8. The Two Natures of the Believer
When the believer does this, what two things will God do (l John 1: 9)? 1) _________
_______ 2) ____________________
5. Who is able to deliver us from the power ofsin in our daily lives (Romans 7:24-25)? _____
Summary Statement: The believer has the living God in his heart. Because
the Holy Spirit lives within, the believer can say no to thoughts and actions
that do not please God. God is there to help the believer so that he can have
God's supply (for every need): God's strength, God's understanding, God's
wisdom, God's ability, etc. The believer must choose to please God and to say
"yes" to God. Otherwise pride and the old sin nature will control his words,
his thoughts, the things he does and how he does them.
9. Separation
1. True or False: The believer is not in the world (John 17: 11. Philippians 2: 15-16).
3. True or False: The believer should expect to be treated well by the world (1 John 3: 13).
4. Did the world love the Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:18)? ___ Ifwe truly belong to Christ will the
world love us (John 15:18-19)? ____
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11. The Ministry and Spiritual Gifts
1. What is the greatest gift that any person could ever have (Romans 6:23)? __ _ _ _ _ __
2. Does every Christian have the gift of eternal life (1 John 5:12)? ____
3. As you consider the following gifts, write the letter " A" if ALL believers have this gift and
write the letter "S" if only SOME believers have this gift:
1) The gift of everlasting life (John 10:28).
2) ___ The gift of being a Pastor (Ephesians 4:12).
3) ___ The gift offorgiveness of sins (Acts 10:43).
4) ___ The gift of peace with God (Romans 5:1).
5) ___ The gift of being a Teacher (1 Corinthians 12:28-29).
6) _ __ The gift of the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).
4. True or False: According to 1 Corinthians 14:19, the Apostle Paul would rather preach just five
words ("CHRIST DIED FOR OU R SINS" or "I WILL NEV ER LEAV E THEE") than preach 10,000
words in an unknown tongue (a language which is not understood by the people in the church).
5. Paul predicted that some day tongues would C (1 Corinthians 13:8). (This means that
some day God would stop giving this gift).
Summary Statement: God the Holy Spirit is in charge of placing the believer
in the right place in the Body of Christ. He also is in charge of making
believers able for all that God has for them to be and to do. The believer
should be confident and comfortable with God's working.
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2. Read Acts 2:41. After these people heard Peter preach the gospel and after they believed his message,
they were ------
3. According to Acts 8:36-37, what is necessary before a person can be baptized? _______
Why then is it wrong to baptize
4. Who instituted (established) the Lord's Table or Communion (Matthew 26:26-28)? ______
7. Read 1 Corinthians 11:26. When we observe the Lord's Table (Communion) we should think back to
what great historical event? _______ What great event should
we look forward to? -------�
1. Did the Lord Jesus believe in a real Devil (John 8:44)? ----
2. HELL (the everlasting fire) was prepared for whom (Matthew 25:41)? ________
3. True or False: Satan is no longer active in the world today (1 Peter 5:8).
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16. The Second Advent (Coming) of Christ
1. What did the Lord Jesus promise His disciples (John 14:3)? _____________
Summary Statement: God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, created the
universe. He WAS, IS and SHALL BE the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The
whole world will see and understand this when He comes again to rule and
reign over all the earth.
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1. The Holy Scriptures
1. The Lord Jesus said that God's Word (the Bible) is ______ (John 17:17).
2. The Lord Jesus also said that the Scripture cannot __ ------ (John 10:35)
and that the Scripture must be _______ (Mark 14:49).
3. WHO was it that moved the writers of the Bible (such as Moses and Isaiah and David and Matthew
and Luke and Paul) and helped them so that what they wrote was exactly what God wanted them to
write, without any mistakes and without any errors (2 Peter 1:21)?
4. Many people do not believe what the Bible says, and they do not believe in many of the great miracles
which the Bible tells us about. Did the Lord Jesus believe in the creation of Adam and Eve (Matthew
19:4-5)? Did the Lord Jesus believe that a flood destroyed the whole world in the days of
Noah (Matthew 24:37-39)? Did the Lord Jesus believe that the prophet Jonah was really
swallowed by a whale (Matthew 12:40-41)? The Lord Jesus, God's Son, said that these things
really happened. Did the Lord Jesus ever lie (John 8:44-45)? ___ Does He know more than you
do? Do you believe what He says? ___
5. We know that the books ofthe Bible were written by men. However, is the Bible just the word ofmen
or is it more than that (2 Timothy 3:16; I Thessalonians 2:13)? _____________
6. What is one thing that God will never do (Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18; Numbers 23:19)? ____
Summary Statement: The Bible is God's Word. When a person turns to God
and trusts in who God is and what God has said, that person begins to realize
that God has said what He means and God means what He has said!!
2. The Godhead
1. How many Gods are there (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 44:8)? ______
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4. Why did the Lord Jesus come into the world (1 Timothy 1: 15)? __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. Why did the Lord Jesus die on the cross? Please do the following MATCHING problem:
1) Christ died for our sins. A. Isaiah 53: 5
2) Christ bore (carried) our sins in His own body on the tree. B. Romans 5:6
3) Christ was wounded for our transgressions (sins). C. Romans 5:8
4) Christ died for us. D. I Cor. 15:3
5) Christ died for the ungodly. E. I Peter 2:24
6. How many times did Jesus die on the cross (Romans 6:10; Hebrews 9:28; Hebrews 10:12)? ____
Will Jesus ever need to die again (Romans 6:9; Revelation 1:18)? ----
7. The Lord Jesus Christ was SINLESS (without sin)! He was the perfect and holy Son of God who
never did anything wrong and who never sinned or broke God's law. Study these 4 verses:
1) 2 Corinthians 5:21 2) Hebrews 7:26 3) I Peter 1: 18-19 4) 1 Peter 2:22.
Which verse says that Christ did no sin? _______ Which verse says that Christ
knew no sin? Which verse says that Christ was as a lamb, without
blemish and without spot? Which verse says that Christ was holy,
harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners? _________ _ ___
8. For whose sins did Christ die (John 1:29; 1 John 2:2)? ------
Did Jesus die for all men or for just some men (1 Timothy 2:6)? _________
Does God want some men to go to hell (1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9)? ___ The gospel (good news
about Christ) should be preached to whom? (Read Mark 16:15 and circle the correct answer):
a. only those who go to church
b. only to grown-ups (those 21 years old or older)
c. to every person
9. What is the great sin that will keep a person out ofheaven (John 3:18; John 3:36; John 16:9)?
b. murder e. lying
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5. Who is the believer's Perfect Teacher (1 Corinthians 2:9-14)? ___________
6. What two verses in Galatians chapter 5 describe the "FRUIT" that the Holy Spirit will produce in the
life of the believer who is filled with the Spirit? Verses ____________
1. Did God create man from ape-like creatures or from the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7)? ---
2. Which early chapter in the book of Genesis tells us about man's fall into sin? Chapter ___
3. True or False: "It's too bad Adam sinned, but that doesn't have anything to do with me"
(Romans 5:12-21).
4. Who was the only Person who was never born as a sinner (Luke 1:35)? __________
7. Before a person is saved he is said to be _____ in sins (Ephesians 2:1,5). The moment he is
saved he passes out of ______ into _____ (John 5:24).
___ (Jeremiah 17:9).
9. How many righteous and good people are there in God's sight (Romans 3:10)? _ _ _ _ __
How many are there that do good in the eyes of God (Romans 3:12)? _ _______
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2. Will Christ ever cast out a believer who comes to Him (John 6:37)? ___
4. What does Christ give to His sheep (John 10:28)? _______ Will they
ever perish (John 10:28)? __ Are the sheep safe and secure in the hands ofGod (John 10:28-30)?
___ A re you one of God's sheep (read John 10:27)? _____
6. What shall separate us from the love ofChrist (Romans 8:35-39)? _______
7. Is it possible for a person to KNOW that he is saved ( 1 John 5: 11- 13)? ____
9. True or False: Since we are saved and going to heaven we can live any way we please.
(Titus 2:1 1- 15; Romans 6:1-2)
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5. Whoever becomes a friend of the world also makes himself an ------
(James 4:4).
6. The world is headed for destruction; the believer is headed for heaven! While the believer is IN the
world, he is to be
1) __ a witness A. Matthew 5:16; Philippians 2:15
7. Does God want us to join together with unbelievers and work with them or does He want us to
separate from them (2Corinthians 6:14-17)? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
Summary Statement: Separation (being set apart by God and for God) means
that I must obey God's word. God gives us promises and rules on how to do
certain things and how not to do certain things. By studying God's Word we
learn when to work with others and how to work with others.
10. Missions
1. The Lord Jesus told His disciples to preach the gospel (the good news about Christ) to ___ _
3. How often should we be ready to give an answer and tell others about the Lord (1 Peter 3:15)?
______ Do you want to tell others about Christ and His so-great salvation? ___
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2. Study Ephesians 5:22-30. Who is the head of the wife? _______ Who is the Head
ofthe Church? ______ Who is to be subject (obedient and submissive) to the husband?
______ Who is to be subject (obedient and submissive) to Christ? ___ _____
Who gave Himselffor the Church? _______ Who is to love the wife and give himselffor her?
_______ Therefore, in these verses, who does the HUSBAND represent?
What does the WIFE represent? -------
5. True or False: Itis very important for believers to assemble together and meet together in a
local church where Christ is honored and where the Word of God is taught
(Hebrews 10:25; Acts 2:42).
6. Do you think it is important for believers to come to church on Prayer Meeting night and on Sunday
night as well as on Sunday morning?
13. Ordinances
1. Correct the following verses (mark through anything that is not correct):
JOHN 3:16 - " that whosoever believeth in him and is baptized should not perish, but have everlasting
life" JOHN 3:36 - "He that believeth on the Son and is baptized hath everlasting life: and he that
believeth not the Son and is not baptized shall not see life; but the wrath ofGod abideth on him. " JOHN
6:47 - "He that believeth on me and is baptized hath everlasting life" JOHN 5:24 - "He that heareth my
word, and believeth on him that sent me, and is baptized, hath everlasting life. " LUKE 8:12 - "then
cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out oftheir hearts, lest they should believe and get baptized
and be saved. " MARK 16:16 - "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth
not and is not baptized shall be damned Gudged). " ACTS 16:31 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and
According to these verses, what is the ONE THING that a person must d o i n order to be SAVED and
to have EVERLASTING LIFE? --------�
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4. In what chapter in the book ofGenesis does Satan first appear (read 2 Corinthians 11:3)? Chapter
5. According to Luke 8:12, Satan does not want people to _______ and be _
2) 4) ___________
7. Does the believer need to fear Satan (1 John 4:4)? Why or why not?
15. Dispensationalism
1. List the three divisions of mankind as found in the world today (1 Corinthians 10:32):
1) ___
2) ______
3) ___________ _
(Unsaved Jews) (Gentiles or Unsaved non-Jews) (Saved Jews and saved non-Jews)
Which of these three groups do you belong in?
Summary Statement: God has carefully worked out His plans so that all men,
no matter when they live on earth, have the opportunity to know God. As
time progresses God makes known more of His written Word and God
outworks each condition which mankind lives under in every age so that ALL
mankind is without excuse. If man rejects God, it is his own fault!
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3. True or False: The Apostle Paul dreaded and feared the day of his death (Philippians 1:23).
According to Philippians 1:23, the moment Paul died he went to __
which is ---
(2 Corinthians 5:8).
5. According to Luke 23 :4 3, the Lord Jesus promised this saved criminal that he would be with Him in
_______ . When did Jesus say this would take place? ________
6. Read Luke 16:23-24. Did the Lord Jesus teach that people really suffer in hell (hades)? ___
7. What did Christ promise to those who believe in Him (John 11:25-26)? __________
8. Read Matthew 25:41 and Matthew 25:46. Did Jesus ever teach that some people would be punished
forever (everlasting punishment)? ___
9. Where will unbelievers spend eternity (Revelation 20:15 and Revelation 21:8)? _
______ How long will this fire burn (Jude 7)? __________
10. What must a person do to escape this terrible place of eternal punishment (Acts 16:30-31)?
Summary Statement: The Eternal State is the final condition of the universe,
the final state of people and angels. Everything and everyone is put in the
right order in the right way -- some in heaven and some in hell. All are where
they should be because of God's Holiness and God's Love. Those who go to
heaven have only God to thank; those who go to hell have only themselves
to blame.
Did you find these worksheets helpful in understanding what the Bible teaches? __ Did you find these
worksheets too simple? ___ Too difficult? ___ Just about right? ___
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