Research Methodology
Research Methodology
Research Methodology
Research Methodology as a subject should help researchers to prepare the literature in chronological pattern
and should logically analyze the concerns. This subject should help in framing the research problems to
enhance the scale of understanding. In this world of global village, research papers are available in
abundance; one thesis submitted by a scholar, in no way should be a repetition of a work already done. This
subject should help researchers to use tools, techniques, concepts and world’s best practices to present a
unique research.
History of Science & Technology: Importance of research, role of research, aims& objectives, research
process, phases of research.
Review of Research Literature: Purpose and use of literature review, locating relevant information, use of
library & electronic databases, preparation & presentation of literature review, research article reviews,
theoretical models and frame work. Identification of gaps in research, formulation of research problem,
definition of research objectives.
Qualitative Methods: Types of hypothesis and characterization. Quantitative Methods: Statistical methods
for testing and evaluation. Characterization of experiments: Accuracy, reliability, reproducibility,
sensitivity, Documentation of ongoing research.
Thesis, Research paper, Review Article & Technical Reports: Organization of thesis and reports, formatting
issues, citation methods, references, effective oral presentation of research. Quality indices of research
publication: impact factor, immediacy factor, H- index and other citation indices.
Text Books:
1. Research Methodology, Methods & Techniques, C.R. Kothari, Viswa Prakashan, 2nd Edition, 2009.
2. Research Methods- A Process of Inquiry, Graziano, A.M., Raulin, M.L, Pearson Publications, 7th
Edition, 2009.
3. How to Write a Thesis:, Murray, R. Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2010.
4. Writing For Academic Journals, Murray, R., McGraw Hill International, 2009.
5. Writing for Publication, Henson, K.T., Allyn &Bacon, 2005.
Reference Books:
1. What is this thing called Science, Chalmers, A.F., Queensland University Press, 1999.
2. Methods &Techniques of Social Research, Bhandarkar & Wilkinson, Himalaya publications, 2009.
3. Doing your Research project, Bell J., Open University Press, Berkshire, 4thEdition, 2005
4. A Handbook of Academic Writing, Murray, R. and Moore, S., Tata McGraw Hill International,