Level 2 Ques (1) RT
Level 2 Ques (1) RT
Level 2 Ques (1) RT
1. Low voltage X-ray tubes are generally fitted with windows made of
a. Plastic
b. Beryllium
c. Glass
d. Lead
3. The general method of producing X-rays involves the sudden deceleration of high
velocity electrons in a solid body called a:
a. focus cup
b. filament
c. target
d. cathode
6. The absorption of gamma rays from a given source when passing through matter
depends on:
a. the atomic number, density, and thickness of the matter
b. the Young’s modulus value of the matter
c. the Poisson’s ratio value of the matter
d. the specific activity value of the source
7. The fact that gases when bombarded by radiation, ionize and become electrical
conductors make them useful in:
a. X-ray transformers\
b. X-ray tubes
c. Masks
d. Radiation detection equipment
8. The velocity of electrons striking the target in an X-ray tube is a function of:
a. the atomic number of the cathode material
b. the atomic number of the filmant material
c. the voltage difference between the cathode and anode
d. the current flow in the rectifier circuit
10. Cobalt-60 is reported to have a half-life of 5.3 years. By how much should
exposure time be increased (over that used initially to produce excellent
radiographs when the cobalt-60 source was new) when the source is two years
a. No change in exposure time is needed
b. Exposure time should be about 11 percent longer
c. Exposure time should be about 31 percent longer
d. Exposure time should be about 62 to 100 percent longer
12. Of the following, the source providing the most penetrating radiation is:
a. Cobalt-60
b. 220 KVP X-ray tube
c. 15 Mev x-ray betatron
d. Electrons from iridium-192
13. The gamma ray intensity at one foot from a one curie source of radioactive cobalt
-60 is nearest
a. 15 roentgens per hour
b. 1,000 roentgens per hour
c. 1 roentgens per minute
d. 10 milloroentgens per day
15. In an x-ray tube, the filament and focusing cup are the two essential parts of the
a. Anode
b. Cathode
c. Rectifier
d. X-ray transformer
16. The quantity of radiation which will produce, by means of ionization, one
electrostatic unit of electricity in 0.001293 grams of dry air is known as:
a. a millicurie
b. a gamma
c. a roentgen
d. a curie
19. The primary form of energy conversion when electrons strike a target in an x-ray
tube results in the production of:
a. Primary X-rays
b. Secondary x-rays
c. Short wavelength x –rays
d. Heat
20. The slope of a straight line joining two points of specified densities on a
characteristic curve of a film is known as the:
a. Speed of the curve
b. Latitude
c. Average gradient
d. Density
22. The purpose for circulating oil in some types of x-ray tubes is:
a. to lubricate moving parts
b. to absorb secondary radiation
c. to decrease the need for high current
d. to dissipate heat
23. An x-ray tube with a small focal spot is considered better than one with a large
focal spot when it is desired to obtain:
a. greater penetrating power
b. better definition
c. less contrast
d. greater film density
25. Thin sheets of lead foil in intimate contact with x-ray film during exposure
increase film density because:
a. they fluoresce and emit visible light which helps expose the film
b. they absorb the scattered radiation
c. they prevent back scattered radiation from fogging the film
d. they emit electrons when exposed to x and gamma radiation which help darken
the film
26. X-ray tubes are often enclosed in a shockproof casing in order to:
a. dissipate heat
b. protect the operator from high-voltage shock
c. shield the tube from secondary radiation
d. increase the efficiency of the rectifier
27. An x –ray tube is rated for a maximum of 250 kvp. This tube may be operated at
a maximum of:
a. 250,000 volts peak voltage
b. 250 KV effective voltage
c. 250,000,000 volts rms voltage
d. 250 kv average voltage
28. A voltage selector consisting of an iron core transformer with a single winding
having a series of caps at various points on the winding is called:
a. a high-voltage transformer
b. a filament transformer
c. an autotransformer
d. a power transformer
30. When radiographic to the 2-2T quality level, an ASTM penetrameter for 2.5 inch
steel has a thickness of:
a. one half inch
b. 2.5 mils
c. 5 mils
d. 50 mils
32. A good cobalt-60 radiograph is made on a 3 inch steel casting using an exposure
time of 10 minutes and a source to film distance of 36 inches. It is necessary to
change the source to film distance to 24 inches, what exposure time would
produce a similar radiograph if all other conditions remain the same?
a. 1.6 minutes
b. 4.4 minutes
c. 6.4 minutes
d. 8.8. minutes
33. When sharp, black, bird foot shaped marks which are known not to correspond
with any discontinuities appear at random on radiographs, they are probably
caused by:
a. prolonged development in old developer
b. exposure of the film by natural cosmic ray showers during storage
c. static charges caused by friction
d. inadequate rinsing after fixing
34. The adjustment of tube current in conventional x-ray tube circuits is made by
a. adjusting the filament heating current
b. adjusting the target-to cathode distance
c. inserting resistance in the anode lead
d. opening the shutter on the x-ray tube port
35. In comparison with lower voltage radiographs high energy radiographs show:
a. greater contrast
b. greater latitude
c. greater mounts of scatter radiation relative to primary beam intensity
d. none of the above
37. An ASTM penetrameter for use when inspecting a one-half inch thick steel plate
to the 2 – wT quality level using a 15 inch source to film distance would be made
A 5 mil thick aluminium
50 mil thick alumiunum or steel
10 mil thick steel
2 mil strip of any metallic material
39. Filters placed between the x-ray tube and specimen tend to reduce scatter
radiation undercutting the specimens:
a. by absorbing the longer wavelength components of the primary beam
b. by absorbing the shorter wavelength component of the primary beam
c. by absorbing back scatter radiation
d. by decreasing the intensity of the beam
40. Besides serving as a filter, screens of high atomic number such as lead and lead
antimony also:
a. decrease the source to film distance needed for a proper radiograph
b. provide some image intensifying action
c. permit the use of higher speed film
d. decrease the graininess in a radiograph
41. The range of thickness over which densities are obtained that are satisfactory for
interpretation is a measure of the :
a. subject contrast of a radiograph
b. sensitivity of a radiograph\
c. latitude of a radiograph
d. definition of a radiograph
44. Images of discontinuities close to the source side of the specimen become less
clearly defined as:
a. source to object distance increases
b. the thickness of the specimen increases
c. the size of the focal spot decreases
d. the thickness of the specimen decreases.
47. As the effective energy of the radiation increases up to about 250 kv:
a. film graininess increases
b. film graininess decreases
c. radiographic definition increases
d. film speed decreases
49. The most commonly used target material in an X-ray tube is:
A. copper
B. carbon
C. carbide
D. Lungsten
50. The purpose for including a disc-shaped target that rotates rapidly during
operation in some X-ray tubes is to:
52. Two isotopic sources of a given strength have two different specific activity
values. The source with the higher specific activity value will:
A. be of smaller physical size than the source with a lower specific activity
B. have a shorter half-life than the source with a lower specific activity
C. produce harder gamma rays than the source with lower specific
D. be of larger physical size than the source with the lower specific
53. A gas filled region located in an electrical field created by electrodes across
which potential difference is applied forms the major portion portion of:
A. a low voltage X-ray tube
B. a megger
C. a hot cathode X-ray tube
D. an ionization chamber.
A. densitometer readings.
B. Penetrameter sensitivity measurements
C. Discontinuity area measurements
D. Reference standards.
A. betatron
B. electron amplifier
C. image amplifier or intensifier
D. electrostatic belt generator
62. The load that can be handled by an X-ray tube focal spot is governed by:
63. X-ray exposure holders and cassettes often incorporate a sheet of lead foil in
the back which is not intimate contact with the film. The purpose of this
sheet of lead foil is:
A. to act as an intensifying screen
B. to protect the film from backscatter
C. both A and B above
D. neither A nor B above.
64. A lead sheet containing a pinhole maybe placed halfway between the x-ray
tube and the film indoor to:
65. The most common way of cooling the anode of a high power X-ray tube is:
67. The mottling cause by diffraction when radiography fairly large grained
metallic specimens can be reduced and in some cases eliminated by:
68.When radiographing steel with the thickness less than one inch:
69.A radiograph made with an exposure of 12mA per minute has a density of 0.8
in the region of maximum interest. It is desired to increase the density to
2.0 in this area. By reference to a characteristic curve of the film, it is found
that the difference in a log E between the density of 0.8 and 2.0 is 0.76.
The antilogarithm of log 0.76 is 5.8. What must the new exposure time be
to produce a radiograph with a density of 2.0?
73. For practical purposes, the shape of characteristic curve of an X-ray film:
74.The term which describes the total absorption of the useful beam caused by
the X-ray tube wall, the wall of the tube housing and any material between
the tube and the housing is:
A. stray absorption
B. source absorption
C. characteristic filtration
D. inherent filtration
75.The interval between the time of a film is placed in fixer solution and the time
when the original diffuse, yellow milkiness disappears is known as:
A. clearing time
B. fixing time
C. hardening time
D. oxidation time
76. Excessive subject contrast caused when the thickness range in the test
specimen too great for the radiation quality used may be corrected by:
77.Improper geometric factors, poor contract between film and lead foil screens
and graininess of film are possible causes of:
78.In fluoroscopy the most common means for minimizing operator fatigue is
79.Which of the following X-ray generators would produce the narrowest cone of
A. 10 MeV
B. 15 MeV
C. 25 MeV
D. 1 MeV
84.Which of the following factors will not materially influence the image density
of a radiograph?
85.A 1,000 kVp X-ray machines used in conjunction with a lead foil screen has
an approximate practical thickness limit of:
A. astigmatic effect
B. penumbral shadow
C. focus variation
D. none of the above
87.Two factors which greatly affect the suitability of the target material in an X-
ray tube are:
88.The reason the exposure time must be increased by a factor of four when the
source to film distance is doubled is:
89.The most important factor for determining the amount of X-ray absorption of
a specimen is the:
90.The approximate radiographic equivalence factors for steel and copper at 220
kV are 1.0 and 1.4 respectively. If it is desirable to radiograph a 0.5 inch
plate of copper, what thickness of steel would require about the same
exposure characteristics?
A. Source-to-film distance
B. Milliamperage
C. Kilovoltage
D. Focal point size
92.Films that are left between lead screens too long in a temperature and high-
humidity atmosphere may
A. Show increased speed but decreased quality characteristics.
B. Become fogged
C. Become mottled
D. Show tree shaped light areas in the finished radiograph
A. definition
B. photographic density
C. film contrast
D. radiographic contrast
94. A curve density with the logarithm of exposure of relative exposure is called:
A. a sensitivity curve
B. a density exposure curve
C. an H & D curve
D. X-ray intensity curve
96.The code of Federal Regulation requires that all shipping containers for
a. Contain provision for sealing the lid of the container
b. Be fire resistant
c. Be shockproof
d. Be twice as thick as normal storage containers\
97.Which of the following instruments would exhibit the best sensitivity and
most likely be used to detect small leaks in a radiation barrier?
a. a film badge
b. a fountain pen type of ionization chamber
c. a Geiger counter
d. a dosimeter
98.At voltage above 400 KV, the use of lead to provide protection may present
serious problems. If this should be a serious problem which of the following
material would most likely be used as a substitute?
a. Aluminum
b. Concrete
c. Steel
d. Boron
99.A qualitative term often used to indicate the size of the smallest detail which
can be seen in a radiograph is:
a. radiographic sensitivity
b. radiographic definition
c. radiographic contrast
d. film contrast
a. fluoroscopy
b. zero-radiography
c. stereo radiography
d. parallel radiography
A. Stereoradiography
B. Zero-radiography
C. Fluoroscopy
D. The parallax method of depth location
104. The activity of the fixer diminishes after being used for a period of the
time because:
105. in processing radiographs, the hourly flow of water in the wash tank
should be:
106. Attenuation of gamma rays in the energy range commonly used for
testing takes place through:
A. photoelectric absorption
B. Compton absorption
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B.
111. Lead screens are used for almost all exposures when using:
112. The fact that each solid crystalline substance produces its own
characteristic X-ray pattern is the basis for:
A. zeroradiography
B. fluoroscopic testing
C. polymorphic testing
D. X-ray power diffraction examination.
114. Which of the following glasses would most likely be used as an X-ray
barrier window on fluoroscopic equipment?
A. pyrex
B. Lead glass
C. Optical glass
D. Barium oxide glass
115. The maximum practical speed of scanning a test object for conventional
fluoroscopic inspection has been estimated to be:
116. When other operating conditions are held constant, a change in tube
current causes a change in radiation intensity emitted from an X-ray tube, the
intensity being approximately proportional to tube current. What is the
primary factor that prevents this from being exactly proportional?
A. undercut
B. overexposure
C. X-ray intensity too high
D. Backscatter
119. The half-value layer of lead for cobalt-60 is approximately 0.5 inch. If the
radiation level on the source side of a 1.5 inch lead plate is 64 R/hr, the
radiation level on the opposite side is:
A. 8 R/hr.
B. 21 1/3 R/hr.
C. 10 2/3 R/hr.
D. 32 R/hr.
A. 75 seconds
B. 94 seconds
C. 48 seconds
D. 38 seconds
122. In order to increase latitude so that thick and thin portion may be
radiographed at reasonable viewing densities simultaneously:
125. A 250 kVp X-ray machine used in conjunction with a lead foil screen has
an approximate practical thickness limit of:
128. The energy of gamma rays is expressed by which of the following units of
A. Curie
B. Roentgen
C. Half-life
D. Kiloelectron volt (keV) or million electron volt (MeV)
130. While using a X-ray tube radiography, the operator wishes to increase the
radiation intensity. To do so. The:
131. Lead screens are put in direct contact with the film to:
132. mottling due to diffraction can be reduced and in some cases eliminated
A. raising effect
B. using lead foil screens
C. both of the above
D. none of the above.
A. astigmatic effect
B. penumbral shadow
C. focus variation
D. none of the above
134. The main purpose of the X-ray generator controls on the equipment is:
136. When X-rays, gamma rays, light, or electrons strike the photographic
emulsion, a change takes place in the silver halide crystals. This change is
referred to as:
A. photographic density
B. photographic sensitivity
C. latent image
D. characteristic curve.
137. If one curie of iridium-192 procedures a dose rate of 5900 mR per hour at
one foot, how many mR will ten curies produce at the same distance?
A. 590
B. 590,000
C. 59
D. 59,000
138. With respect to quality, what three factors must be considered in selecting
a source-to-film distance?
A. porosity
B. slag inclusion
C. tungsten inclusion
D. inadequate build-up.
A. excessive density
B. backscatter
C. kilovoltage set too low
D. poor film handling
A. an electron
B. a neutron
C. a proton
D. contamination
143. When a faster speed film is substituted for a slower one improve the
economics of the exposure, which of the following conditions occur?
144. For a given change in the radiation exposure, film contrast is the inherent
ability to show:
A. a difference in density
B. no graininess
C. graininess
D. no appreciable change in density
145. The ability of a material to block or partially block the passage of X-rays
and gamma rays is referred to as:
A. penetration
B. absolution
C. absorption
D. latitude
146. Source size, specimen thickness, and source-to-specimen distance are the
three factors that determine the:
147. Source size, specimen thickness that can be adequately recorded on the
radiograph is referred to as the:
148. Approximately how long would it take for a 10 curie cobalt-60 source to
decay to 2 ½ curies?
A. 5.3 days
B. 5.3 years
C. 10.6 years
D. none of the above
A. side scatter
B. poor geometry
C. lead screens
D. free electrons
A. acid
B. alkaline
C. saline
D. colloidal
A. 36 days
B. 6 years
C. 30 days
D. 526 days
A. speed
B. latitude
C. gamma or gradient
D. density
A. focal spot
B. focus
C. high speed
D. none of the above
A. ƒ = λc
B. c = ƒλ where ƒ = frequency
C. λ = ƒc λ = wavelength
D. λ = ƒ/c c = speed of light
A. Ug = ƒ
td where d = source-to-object distance
t = object-to-film distance
B. ƒ = U = t ƒ = size of the radiation source
C. Ug = dt
D. Ug = ft
Note: the two characteristic curves of figures 1 and 2 on pages 37 and 38 may be used in solving this
Level II Answers