Determination of Vitamin C in Foods
Determination of Vitamin C in Foods
Determination of Vitamin C in Foods
The object of this experiment is to measure the amount of ascorbic acid in common foods using an oxidation
reduction reaction.
Vitamin C, has the chemical name ascorbic acid. It is a water soluble vitamin. Although it is important for
good health, humans do not have the ability to make their own vitamin C and must obtain it through diet or
take it in vitamin supplements. Citrus fruits, potatoes and some green vegetables are known to be good
sources of vitamin C. (See Table 1) Plants synthesize the compound for the growth, development, and
protection of the plant. The exact pathway for its synthesis is not well understood.
Amount of Amount of
Plant source Vitamin C Plant source Vitamin C
(mg / 100g) (mg / 100g)
Rose hip 426 Spinach 30
Red pepper 190 Potato 20
Parsley 130 Green Beans 16
Broccoli 90 Tomato 10
Brussels sprouts 80 Watermelon 10
Elderberry 60 Banana 9
Strawberry 60 Carrot 9
Orange 50 Apple 6
cantaloupe 40 Lettuce 4
grapefruit 30 Raisin 2
Vitamin C is notoriously easy to destroy. Orange juice may lose half of its vitamin C in a week in the
refrigerator, but cut fruit may lose much less after 6 days (Some examples: mango, strawberry, and
watermelon: less than 5%, Pineapple: 10%, Kiwi: 12%, and Cantaloupe: 25%, after 6 days). Cooking also
destroys vitamin C. The US Department of Agriculture reports the following vitamin C levels:
Some cooks had a practice of adding sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3, to vegetables to maintain a bright
green color. That practice essentially destroys the Vitamin C in the vegetables.
Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen, an important structural component of blood vessels,
tendons, ligaments and bone. It also is important in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine,
which is critical to brain function and can affect mood.
Vitamin C is also a highly effective antioxidant. In small amounts vitamin C can protect indispensable
molecules in the body, such as proteins, lipids (fats), carbohydrates, and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA),
from damage by free radicals and reactive oxygen species that can be generated during normal metabolism
as well as through exposure to toxins and pollutants. It has been recommended that vitamin C, taken in
large quantities on a daily basis, may prevent the common cold. Some recommended dietary allowances
for vitamin C are listed in Table 2.
Ascorbic acid is the chemical name for vitamin C. As the name indicates vitamin C is an acid. Therefore, a
base such as sodium hydroxide can neutralize it. Ascorbic acid is also easily oxidized. Both of these
reactions can be used for quantitative analysis of the compound.
In this experiment, you are performing an oxidation-reduction titration. You will first determine the
concentration of the iodine solution by titrating a solution of ascorbic acid. Next, you will titrate fruit juices
or a fruit or vegetable extract. Ascorbic acid reacts with iodine through the following reaction:
C6H8O6 + I2 C6H6O6 + 2 I- + 2 H+
The equivalence point of the titration will be determined using a starch indicator. Molecular iodine
combines with starch to make a dark blue complex. In the titration reaction, molecular iodine is added in
the form of the iodine solution. In the presence of ascorbic acid, the iodine is reduced to colorless iodide
ion which does not react with starch to make a colored complex. When all of the ascorbic acid has been
titrated, any additional iodine added, present in the solution as molecular iodine, will combine with the
starch to make the solution blue. The appearance of the blue solution will signal the equivalence point. As
with the acid-base titration, the iodine solution must be standardized against a known solution of ascorbic
acid, which you will prepare from the solid.
The iodine solution is an irritant and will stain the skin and clothing. The solution does give off a small
amount of iodine vapors. Iodine vapors are toxic by inhalation. Work in a well ventilated area. Keep the
iodine solution covered.
Dispose of all solutions in the waste containers provided.
Materials Needed
Ascorbic Acid
Iodine Solution
2% Starch solution (indicator)
125 ml Erlenmeyer flasks
Magnetic stirrer with stir bar
Small funnel for filling buret
Small cutting board (wood or plastic)
Optional: gloves
Experimental Procedure
Standardization of the iodine solution
You will use a solution of ascorbic acid to standardize the iodine solution.
1. Weigh three samples of solid ascorbic acid, approximately 0.05g to 0.10 g each.
2. Place each sample in a numbered 125 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Add about 30ml distilled water and 4
to 5 drops of starch solution to each flask.
3. Rinse and fill a 25 or 50 mL buret with the iodine solution and titrate the ascorbic acid solution. Be
sure to record the initial and final volume readings from the buret.
4. After the data is collected, calculate the molarity of the iodine solution.
5. Repeat the procedure for the other two ascorbic acid solutions
Each group will run two sets of titrations, one with fresh fruit juice and refrigerated juice (e.g., juice from
an orange and packaged orange juice) OR one with a fresh vegetable and one with frozen vegetable (e.g.,
broccoli and frozen broccoli).
Preparation of samples
Strain the fruit or vegetable pulp through cheesecloth, washing the pulp with a few 10 mL portions
of water and collecting all filtrate in a 150-mL or 250-mL beaker.
Pour the filtrate into a 100 mL graduated cylinder and dilute the solution to 100 mL with distilled
4. If you started with juice or extract from fresh fruit or vegetable, in step 1, above, repeat the series of
titrations using samples prepared from the packaged juice or extract from frozen vegetables. If you
stared with the packaged juice and frozen vegetable, then use samples prepared from the fresh juice
or vegetable.
5. Determine the amount of ascorbic acid present in the samples of fruit juice or vegetable you titrated.
Compare your result to the vitamin C content listed on the label of the packaged juice, from Table 1
in this experiment, or from data obtained on the Internet.
Determination of Vitamin C in Foods
Data and Results
Name_____________________________________________ Course/Section ______________________
Sample calculation for Miodine (Show the set-up for one calculation)
Average concentration of iodine solution _____________________ M
Determination of Vitamin C in a Fruit Juice or Food
Fruit or fruit juice used __________________________________________________________
Mass of fresh fruit or vegetable OR volume of fresh fruit juice used __________________________
Mass of frozen fruit or vegetable OR volume of packaged fruit juice used _______________________
Formula for Concentration of Ascorbic Acid in your sample:
Sample calculation for Concentrationascorbic acid (Show the set-up for one calculation)
Final Results
1. What is the concentration of vitamin C in the juice or fruit tested according to the package label,
Table 1 (in the experiment), or from Internet data?
2. How does the concentration of vitamin C from your result of this experiment compare to the
values in question 1, above?
4. Your group tested fresh fruits, vegetables, or juices, and frozen or packaged fruits, vegetables, or
juices, how does their vitamin C concentrations compare?
5. Do you have any recommendations for buying, cooking and storing juices, fruits, and vegetables?