Grade 10 English Worksheet-1
Grade 10 English Worksheet-1
Grade 10 English Worksheet-1
English 10 Term 1
Name: ____________________________________________
1. Grammar:
2. Vocabulary Words: Identify the meaning of the word through context clues
3. Reading:
Record Sheet
Date Date
Topic Score Remarks Plan of Action
Started Finished
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
2. Cigarettes cause lung cancer. 8. Mrs. Fernandez buys groceries from the big
_______________________________________________ supermarket.
3.They leave for work at seven in the morning every day. _______________________________________________
3. You keep your saved money in a box under your bed. _______________________________________________
Identify the function of the underlined noun (or pronoun, or adjective) as one of the following:
____________________________ 1. This specimen from the local environmental club is an excellent example of the
effects of pollution in our rivers.
_____________________________2. My cat, Whiskers, has a brown ring on the end of his tail
_____________________________3. In a loud voice, Marion called Phyllis a thief.
_____________________________4. By lunchtime, several people near the speaker had signed the petition on the
registration table.
_____________________________5. What did you say to him?
_____________________________6. Mr. Bubbles, the emcee on the show, handed the contestant the keys to a brand
new car.
______________________________7. In the corner of the room sat two enormous vases from Italy.
______________________________8. After the fire, the people in the village found the displaced family a
temporary home.
______________________________9. At noon, there were fifty quarters in the jar on the counter.
_____________________________10. Has Jim, your friend from Texas, found a garage for his new car yet?
Vocabulary Words: Write the meaning of the words and use it in your own sentence in the context about the
“Philippines or Filipinos.”
1. My father helps translate English books into Spanish and Filipino because he is fluent in all three.
3. After five years of living away from everyone, the once-popular actor’s emergence into the spotlight became big
4. A lucrative business usually involves food because it will always have customers.
5. His peers bullied him because they thought he was weird and eccentric.
8. My highest aspiration is to be a public servant someday – to be able to help those who are in need and give back
to my country.
9. Don’t swim in the ocean when the waters start to recede, otherwise you might find yourself on dry land!
10. The norms of society help us to act with consideration for others.
(1) Tsunamis, large ocean waves caused by underwater earthquakes, can be deadly and destructive. For example,
in December 2004, an underwater earthquake triggered a massive tsunami throughout the Indian Ocean. The
tsunami killed more than 200,000 people and caused billions of dollars of damage to the coasts of numerous
Southeast Asian countries.
(2) Even today, the U.S. Supreme Court does not reflect the U.S. population. It was 1967 before the first black
justice was appointed. It was 1981 before the first woman was appointed to the Court. It was 1986 before the
Court had its first justice of Italian descent. No person of Hispanic or Asian descent has yet been appointed as a
member of the Court.
(3) In Africa, music is usually performed outdoors. There is spontaneous music making as well as performances by
social and music groups at ceremonies and feasts. There is no musical notation (written music). African music
tradition, like folklore and history, is transmitted orally. Music is a social activity in which almost everyone
participates. Clearly, African music has several interesting characteristics.
(4) Democracy comes from the Greek word demos, which means "the people," and kratia, meaning "to rule." The
term democracy refers to a form of government in which the people govern, either directly or through elected
representatives. In other words, it is a set of rules for determining who will exercise the authority of government.
(5) Is it an ant, you wonder, or a termite? Ants resemble termites, but they are quite different and can be easily
distinguished. In contrast to termites, ants are usually dark in color, are hard bodied, and have constriction
between the thorax and abdomen. Also, ants and termites belong to different orders.
(6) When you listen to a speech, can it help you to focus on the speaker's strengths and weaknesses? By closely
observing and listening to people when they give speeches, you can learn a great deal that will make you a more
successful speaker. If the speaker is not effective, try to determine why. If he or she is effective, try to pick out
techniques you can use in your own speeches. If the speaker is ineffective, avoid the errors the person made.
Congratulations! You have been offered a job. The time has come to negotiate your salary. The question to ask
yourself is: "How much am I worth?" Your answer will likely affect the outcome of your salary negotiation. The
point is, in order to negotiate the best possible salary, you must convince both yourself and the employer of the
value that you will bring to the job.
(8) Don't wait for your company to send you to school. Determine your needs and ask about the company's
training program. If they don't have one, sign up for classes at a local college. When it comes to your profession,
you should be a lifelong learner. Put a high priority on learning new skills and on personal growth and professional
development. Learn new software technology and improve interpersonal and writing skills.
(9) Passing fears are common in early childhood. Many 2- to 4-year-olds are afraid of animals, especially dogs. By 6
years, children are more likely to be afraid of the dark. Other common fears are of thunderstorms, doctors, and
imaginary creatures.
(10) Adolescents tend to choose friends who are like them, and friends influence each other to become even more
alike. Friends are usually the same race and have similar status within the peer group. Male adolescents tend to
have many friends, but the friendships are rarely close ones. Among teenage girls, friendships are fewer but much
closer, and they provide a great deal of emotional support.
“How can you be persuaded by Ad Homimen (Attack to Person) It used the Ad Hominem Fallacy
Professor Jeffrey arguments against because the persona attacked his
censorship? Don’t you know that he misconducts and actions instead of
cheats on his wife and indulges in the main argument in the
illegal drugs? He’s an absolute conversation.
“It’s obvious that God doesn’t
exist! After all, nobody can prove that
he does.”
1. What are the sacrifices that their parents have done when they migrated? Enumerate.
2. Why do parents need to sacrifice for their children?
3. What are the effects of those sacrifices in their parents?
4. What is the message of the video?