006 JSA Bitchuman Coating
006 JSA Bitchuman Coating
006 JSA Bitchuman Coating
Part 5:JSA Review Process. After the job has been completed, JSA leader should note: any hazards, which were identified in the original JSA? In
case of any new hazard indentified by any of the working team member during the job, JSA review process should be carried on.
JSA No: JOB TITLE: Bituminous Coating of concrete foundations/columns on site
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
1 Mobilization of Chemicals on Mishandling of chemicals Deliver awareness to workers about
site Manual handling chemicals handling
Chemicals with no proper Ensure careful handling/storage of
containment chemicals
Highly flammable/combustible Use vehicle or wheel barrows while
transportation of chemicals on site
Ensure use of appropriate PPE’s
All chemicals should in proper
containment with its labelling
Place fire extinguisher at site
2 Bituminous coating of concrete Skin contact with chemicals Ensure use of appropriate PPE’s
foundations Fire/explosion Remove combustible material from
Improper storage on site site, secure loose objects at platform
Spillage Store chemicals at ventilated places
Awkward access (slip, trip) Do not keep chemicals un attendant
Keep access always clear from any
kind of obstructions
Ensure availability of fresh water on
Disposed of empty cans properly