Quantum Optics in Electrical Circuits
Quantum Optics in Electrical Circuits
Quantum Optics in Electrical Circuits
Erkki Thuneberg
Department of physics
University of Oulu
Abstract ration of aluminium. The Josephson tunnel junctions are
formed at the overlap between the long thin island parallel
With present nanofabrication methods it is possible to
make such small electric circuits that quantum effects beco- to the centre conductor and the fingers extending from the
me essential. The circuits behave like artificial atoms and much larger reservoir coupled to the ground plane.
the methods to deal with them resemble those used in
quantum optics and NMR rather than traditionally used Practicalities
by electrical engineers. This course is an introduction to Write your name, department/group, year class, and
the physics of such circuits. One major topic is how to email address on the list.
include dissipation into quantum mechanics. This will be
answered by deriving a master equation, and applying it The lectures are given in English if there is sufficient
to a harmonic oscillator and to a two-level system. The demand for it, otherwise in Finnish.
realization of the two-level system requires a nonlinear ele- The web page of the course is
ment, for which superconducting Josephson junctions are https://wiki.oulu.fi/display/763693S/Etusivu
used. Another theme is different types of noise (thermal,
shot, quantum). These can be derived by applying scat- The web page contains the lecture material (these notes),
tering formalism which considers electrons in a conductor the exercises and later also the solutions to the exercises.
like waves in a transmission line. We try to answer, among See the web page also for possible changes in lecture and
other things, if noise is present at zero temperature, is su- exercise times.
percurrent noisy, and can zero-point fluctuations be mea-
sured. Time table 2010
Moderneilla valmistusmenetelmillä voidaan tehdä pieni- Luennot: ti 10-12, sali TE320 (7.9. - 30.11.)
kokoisia sähköisiä piirejä, joissa kvanttimekaaniset ilmiöt
Harjoitukset: ma 10-12, sali TE320 (13.9. - 29.11.)
ovat olennaisia. Nämä piirit toimivat kuin keinotekoiset
atomit ja niiden kuvaamiseen käytetään menetelmiä, jot- Teaching assistant: Matti Silveri
ka ovat tutumpia kvanttioptiikassa ja ydinmagneettises- Doing exercises is essential for learning. In addition,
sa resonanssissa kuin sähköopissa. Tämä kurssi on joh- showing completed exercised will affect your final evalua-
datus tällaisten piirien fysiikkaan. Yksi pääaihe on kuin- tion. (You can improve by one, for example, from 3 to
ka liittää häviölliset ilmiöt kvanttimekaniikkaan. Tämä 4.) Start calculating (at home) before the exercise time, 2
tehdään johtamalla master-yhtälö, ja sitä sovelletaan har- hours is too short time to start from scratch.
moniseen oskillaattoriin ja kaksitasosysteemiin. Kaksitaso-
systeemin toteuttaminen edellytää epälineaarista element-
tiä, jona käytetään suprajohtavaa Josephson-liitosta. Toi-
nen pääteema on erityyppiset kohinat kuten lämpö-, isku-
ja kvanttikohina. Nämä voidaan johtaa käyttäen sironta-
formalismia, missä elektroneja johteessa kuvataan kuin aal-
toja aaltoputkessa. Tarkoitus on vastata mm. onko nol-
lalämpötilassa kohinaa, kohiseeko supravirta ja voidaanko
nollapistevärähtelyja mitata.
1. Introduction temporal modes (wavelets), connection to information
theory, Landauer formula
The following is only an appetizer, and details will be G= MT (4)
explained during the course.
G conductance, M number of transverse modes, T trans-
harmonic oscillator mission probability.
electric elements, electric harmonic oscillator, stripline introduction to noise, spectral density SII (ω),
microwave oscillator, optical cavity, nanomechanical oscil- thermal noise SII (ω) = 2GkT ,
shot noise SII (ω) = ehIi,
familiar classical forced and damped harmonic oscillator
solutions, quadrature variables, rotating wave approxima- quantum noise SII (ω) = 2G~ωΘ(ω)
tion scattering states, derivation of thermal, shot, and quan-
α̇ = −iω0 α − α + if. (1) tum noise in scattering formalism
quantum harmonic oscillator (no dissipation), energy ei-
genstates E = ~ω0 (n + 12 ) Prerequisites
Prior knowledge on quantum mechanics is needed. The
Pgeneral quantum state |ψi (t)i, density operator ρ = more you know the easier it is, but I try to explain the
i Pi |ψi ihψi |
quantum mechanics that is used.
general derivation of master equation with dissipative
terms, interaction picture, Markov approximation, rota-
ting wave approximation, the master equation for harmonic Books and articles
oscillator The first three are standard references in quantum op-
dρ i tics:
= − [H0 + Hd , ρ]
dt ~ D. F. Walls and G. J. Milburn, Quantum optics (Sprin-
+ (N + 1)(2aρa† − a† aρ − ρa† a) ger, Berlin, 1994, second edition 2008). Although not very
2 pedagogical, I have been reading mainly this.
+ N (2a† ρa − aa† ρ − ρaa† ) (2)
2 M. O. Scully and M. S. Zubairy, Quantum optics (Cam-
bridge, 1997).
thermal state solution, coherent states, decaying solution,
driving terms, general solutions using translation operator. C. Cohen-Tannoudji, J. Dupont-Roc and G. Grynberg,
Atom-photon interactions, basic processes and applications
for average values, the classical and quantum harmonic
(Wiley, New York, 1992).
oscillators are identical.
S. Haroche and J.-M. Raimond, Exploring the quantum
statistical aspect, special case of fluctuation-dissipation
- atoms, cavities and photons (Oxford 2006). Contains tho-
rough introductions to various topics, experiments with cat
two-state system states.
qubit = two-state system, how to construct using Jo- L. Allen and J. H. Eberly, Optical resonance and two-
sephson junctions, circuit analysis with Josephson junc- level atoms (Dover, New York, 1975). Good account of
tions. Bloch equations, but no master equation.
master equation for two level system, rotating wave ap- M. Devoret: Quantum fluctuations in electrical
proximation, Bloch equations. circuits, in Les Houches, Session LXIII, 1995, Quan-
tum Fluctuations, (Elsevier 1997). p 351-386. Circuit
u theory with Josephson junctions. (download at
u̇ = −∆v − ,
T20 http://www.eng.yale.edu/qlab/archives.htm)
v̇ = ∆u − 0 + κEw, S. Datta: Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems
(Cambridge, 1995). Explains the scattering formulation
w − weq
ẇ = − − κEv. (3) and Landauer formula.
Ya. M. Blanter and M. Büttiker: Shot noise in mesosco-
harmonic oscillator coupled to a two-state system, pic conductors, Phys. Rep. 336, 1-166 (2000). Scattering
Jaynes-Cummings model formulation of noise.
C. Beenakker and C. Schönenberger: Quantum Shot Noi-
Electric transport and noise
se, Physics Today, May 2003, p. 37-42. A shorter discussion
transmission lines, transverse modes of shot noise.
Practical applications 2. Harmonic oscillator
No one knows yet Study oscillations around some equilibrium state. If the
- quantum computation amplitude of the oscillations is small, nonlinear terms are
- sensitive measuring devices not important, one is led to harmonic oscillator.
Here the main motivation is just to understand the phe- Examples of harmonic oscillator:
nomena! - mass in spring, mechanical pendulum (for small ampli-
- waves in string: each oscillation mode is a harmonic oscil-
e is the charge of an electron. I have tried to formulate - sound waves: every mode is a harmonic oscillator
everything so that it is irrelevant whether this quantity is
electric analog - LC oscillator, modes in a transmission
negative or positive.
line, and modes of electromagnetic wave (any frequency:
~ = h/2π Planck’s constant rf, microwave, infrared, light etc) are examples harmonic
a b means that |a| is much smaller than |b|, and cor- oscillators.
respondingly for a b.
a/bc = a/(bc).
The step function
1, if x > 0,
Θ(x) = (5)
0, if x < 0.
and the SSET. The fields E(r, t) and B(r, t) can be represented as sums
of 3 vector components and spatial Fourier components.
Consider a single mode, for example
2.1 Classical harmonic oscillator
Mechanical harmonic oscillator has the equation of mo- E = E(t)ŷeikx , B = iB(t)ẑeikx . (10)
Assume there is some source current j0 (r, t), for example,
ṗ = mq̈ = −kq − mγ q̇ + F (6) an oscillating charge. It has one Fourier component
j0 (t)ŷeikx that couples to the mode above. In addition we
with spatial coordinate q, momentum p = mq̇, mass m, assume some conductivity σ of the medium, j = j0 + σE.
friction constant mγ, spring constant k, external driving (Alternatively, could consider dielectric loss.) Substituting
force F and time derivative marked with a dot. This can to the Maxwell equations we get
be written in the form
0 µ0 Ė = kB − µ0 σE − µ0 je ,
mq̈ + mγ q̇ + kq = F. (7) Ḃ = −kE. (11)
ṗ = −mω02 q − γp + F
q̇ = . (12)
For this we deduce m
A more symmetric form is
V = Vi = + RQ̇ + LQ̈. (8)
C ṗ √ p F
√ = −ω0 mω0 q − γ √ +√
mω0 mω0 mω0
Its dual, the parallel oscillator, is shown in the following √ p
figure. It is driven by a current source (the current is inde- mω0 q̇ = ω0 √ . (13)
pendent of the voltage over the source).
We define the complex parameters
1 √ p
I L C α = √ ( mω0 q + i √ )
2~ mω0
1 √ p
α∗ = √ ( mω0 q − i √ ). (14)
2~ mω0
For this we find similarly
Think here ~ simply as some number, there is no quantum
X Φ̇ Φ mechanics involved yet. In these variables the equations of
I= Ii = C Φ̈ + + . (9)
R L motion (12) get an alternative form
In the following we assume the driving force is harmo- complex plane for
nic, F (t) ∝ cos(ωd t). Note that this is no real restriction, a) f0 = 0, α(0) = 1, ω0 = ωd = 1, γ = 0.1;
since any function F (t) can be represented as a Fourier se- b) f0 = 1, α(0) = 0, ω0 = ωd = 1, γ = 0.1, and interpret
ries, and because the equation of motion (15) is linear, the the results.
solutions corresponding to each Fourier component can be Let us calculate the energy stored in the oscillator as the
solved separately, and finally summed together. For nota- sum of kinetic and potential energies
tional beauty we also write the prefactor in a convenient
form. So we study a driving force of the form p2 1
E= + mω02 q 2 . (22)
2m 2
F (t) = 2~mω0 f (t),
f (t) = 2f0 cos(ωd t). (16) Expressing the energy in terms of α (14) gives the very
suggestive form
The equations of motion (7) or (15) have an exact so- E = ~ω0 |α|2 . (23)
lution (Exercise). However, later we often need a rotating
Note however that at this point ~ is just some arbitrary
wave approximation, and it is appropriate to introduce it
normalization factor that also appears in the definition of
already here. The assumption is that the driving and dis-
α (14) and thus it cancels out in the energy (23).
sipative terms are small relative to the first terms on the
right hand side of (15). For that we transform to a frame Calculating the time derivative of E (23) and using the
rotating at the drive frequency by writing equation of motion (19) one gets
from constant factors, the imaginary part of αss (0) is the Interpretation: a† a gives the number of quanta, a annihila-
absorption (25). The real part of αss (0) makes the phase tes one quantum and a† creates one quantum.
shift to differ from π/2 and is called dispersion. For completeness, we give a proof of results (32) and
Exercise: plot the absorption (simply =[αss (0)]), disper- (33).
sion and the phase shift δ as a function of ωd , and depict Proof. (read at home) We study the operator
the trajectory of αss (0) in the complex plane for f0 = 1,
ω0 = 1, γ = 0.1 and interpret the results. ň = a† a. (34)
One often used quantity is the quality factor or Q. It is It is Hermitian (verify). The eigenvalues of a Hermitian
a dimensionless number defined as the resonance angular operator are real valued. Let us label the eigenstates of the
frequency times the energy stored divided by the dissipated operator ň by using the eigenvalue n (a real number)
power. Using expressions above we calculate
ň|ni = n|ni. (35)
ω0 E ω0
Q= = . (27)
Pdiss γ We assume the eigenstates are normalized, hn|ni = 1. We
The validity of the rotating wave approximation requires see that the eigenvalue n cannot be negative,
Q 1. X
n = hn|ň|ni = hn|a† a|ni = hn|a† |mihm|a|ni
2.2 Quantization =
|hm|a|ni| ≥ 0. (36)
Simple harmonic oscillator
We easily calculate
Consider now the harmonic oscillator (12) but without
damping and driving, [ň, a] = −a. (37)
ṗ = −mω02 q This implies
q̇ = . (28)
m ň(a|ni) = aň|ni − a|ni = (n − 1)(a|ni), (38)
Quantum mechanics makes p and q operators which are and we see that a|ni either is a state corresponding to the
Hermitian, p† = p, q † = q. They have to satisfy the com- eigenvalue n−1, a|ni = c|n−1i, or else a|ni = 0. The latter
mutation relations case realizes only if n = 0. In the former case normalization
[q, p] = i~, (29) gives
|c|2 = hn|a† a|ni = n, (39)
where [A, B] = AB − BA is a commutator. Notice that and therefore we fix
[A, A] ≡ 0 and therefore [q, q] = [p, p] = 0.
We make the same change of variables as above (14), but a|ni = n |n − 1i. (40)
∗ †
instead of α and α we write a and a ,
If one operates sufficiently many times with a, one should
1 √ p arrive at negative eigenvalues, which is in contradiction
a = √ ( mω0 q + i √ )
2~ mω0 with equation (36). The way out of this is that n is an
1 √ p integer, so that a|0i = 0, and the process (40) ends. (Note
a† = √ ( mω0 q − i √ ). (30) the essential difference between the n = 0 eigenstate |0i
2~ mω 0
and the zero of the linear space 0.) Correspondingly one
We see that a† is the Hermitian conjugate of a as i† = i∗ = can deduce results for a† , and we get the results (33).
−i. By direct calculation we can now verify that The energy of the oscillator (22) is the same as the Ha-
miltonian of the simple harmonic oscillator
[a, a† ] = 1. (31)
p2 1
From this relation it follows that the Hilbert space where H= + mω02 q 2 . (41)
a and a† operate is spanned by states of the form 2m 2
Writing it in terms of a and a† (14) gives
|ni, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , ∞, (32)
and the following relations determine how a and a† operate H = ~ω0 a† a + . (42)
on these, 2
a† a|ni =n|ni, This allows us to easily find the energy eigenvalues of the
√ oscillator using (33). The eigenstates are |ni (32)
a|ni = n |n − 1i,
a |ni = n + 1 |n + 1i. (33) H|ni = En |ni (43)
and the eigenenergies are Figure: the parabolic potential energy, the 5 lowest ener-
gy eigenvalues (horizontal lines) and the corresponding wa-
En = ~ω0 n + . (44) ve functions (50).
We see the energy is quantized to multiples of ~ω0 . n is
interpreted as the number of quanta in the oscillator. The 0.4
lowest energy state |0i satisfies a|0i = 0. It corresponds to
no quanta, n = 0, and zero point energy E = ~ω0 /2. The 0.2
higher eigenstates can be generated from this by repeated
application of a† , m Ω0
-10 -5 5 10 Ñ
(a† )n
|ni = √ |0i. (45) -0.2
Above we derived the energy eigenstates of the harmo-
nic oscillator in the abstract form (45). The more usual Figure: the wave function ψ20 (q).
Schrödinger approach also gives the explicit wave functions
Forced harmonic oscillator
ψn (q) = hq|ni. (46)
We include the driving term by postulating a hamilto-
These are hardly needed in this course, but for complete- nian
ness let us construct them as well. p2 1
H= + mω02 q 2 − F (t)q. (51)
2m 2
In the Schrödinger approach one constructs explicit Here the first two terms are the same as the energy of
representation for the operators q and p so that the for- undriven oscillator (22), and the last one is a new term
mer is simply multiplication by q and the latter describing driving. Applying the classical Hamilton equa-
d tions
p = −i~ . (47) ∂H ∂H
dq ṗ = −, q̇ = (52)
∂q ∂p
Substituting these to a (14) and applying to a|0i = 0 gives we get the same equations of motion as above (12) except
the damping term. This justifies the Hamiltonian (51).
√ ~ d
( mω0 q + √ )ψ0 (q) = 0. (48) Quantizing p and q, and making the change of variables
mω0 dq
(14) gives
The normalized solution of this is
† 1
H = ~ω 0 a a + − ~(a + a† )f (t). (53)
mω 14
0 2
ψ0 (q) = exp − q . (49)
π~ 2~ This form is exact. However, in the following we often make
again the rotating wave approximation. This is best jus-
All higher states can be obtained by using (45)
tified going back to the classical Hamiltonian (since we
r r !n have not yet discussed the time dependence in the quan-
1 mω0 ~ d † ∗
ψn (q) = √ q− ψ0 (q). (50) tum case) by replacing a and a by α and α . Using again
n! 2~ 2mω0 dq α(t) = β(t) exp(−iωd t) with slow β, we see that the driving
term in (53) is composed of two rapidly oscillating terms
These consists of the exponential (49) multiplied by Her- and two secular terms. Dropping the former and changing
mite polynomials and normalization constants. back to quantized notation gives
H = ~ω0 a a + − ~f0 (a† e−iωd t + aeiωd t ). (54)
Ñ Ω0 2
6 We see that the forcing causes transitions between the
5 eigenstates of the simple harmonic oscillator.
Although we could, we are not interested to work on this
further before we also have the damping term.
2 Including damping
The damping term −γp in the equations of motion (12)
m Ω0 cannot be reproduced by any simple term in a Hamilto-
q nian. Therefore simple minded quantization of the damped
-4 -2 0 2 4 Ñ harmonic oscillator fails.
To have success, we have to think what friction really a lot of microscopic details (ωi , gi ) and we would like to get
is. It means coupling of a macroscopic variables to some rid of these as much as possible, 3) we want to apply the
microscopic degrees of freedom. Energy is then transferred damping also to other systems than the harmonic oscilla-
from the macroscopic variables to the microscopic ones. If tor.
the number microscopic degrees of freedom is large and In order to make progress, we study more quantum mec-
they are sufficiently disordered, the energy will effectively
hanics and introduce the density operator.
not return back to the macroscopic degrees of freedom.
Macroscopically this is seen as dissipation, loss of energy.
In order to describe dissipation in quantum mechanics,
the obvious way is to include the microscopic degrees of
freedom. In a strict sense this means that we have to know
what they are. However, we could guess that the gross
features of dissipation are independent of the details of
the microscopic world. Therefore we could use a model for
them. The simplest model we know is the harmonic oscil-
Thus we construct the Hamiltonian
3. Quantum mechanics Let A be a linear operator in the ket space, A|bi = |ci.
The linearity means
Here H is the Hamiltonian operator and A = These are precisely the same as the Heisenberg picture
A(q1 , q2 , . . . , qn , p1 , p2 , . . . pn , t) is an arbitrary operator, equations discussed above (75). Thus this transformation
which depends on the canonical operators qi and pi (i = also justifies the Schrödinger picture postulated above.
1, . . . , n), and, in some cases, also can depend explicitly on One more picture is useful in the following. We decom-
time, giving rise to the second term on the right hand side pose the Hamiltonian
of (75).
As discussed above, the operators are not directly obser- H = H0 + H1 (85)
vable quantities, only their eigenvalues. This has the con-
where H0 usually is some simple, time-independent part
sequence that time dependence in quantum mechanics can
and H1 is more complicated ”interaction”part of H. Let us
be formulated in different ways called pictures so that all
fix U (t) by the simple part only
observable quantities are still the same. The equation of
motion above (75) is valid in Heisenberg picture. In this dU i
picture the state vectors have no time dependence [as all is i~ = H0 U ⇔ U = exp(− H0 t). (86)
dt ~
expected to be in (75)]. In alternative pictures part of the
time dependence is transferred to the state vectors. For Then (81) reduce to equations in the interaction picture
that purpose assume a unitary time-dependent operator d|a0 i
U (t). The unitarity means i~ = H10 |a0 i (87)
U U † = 1 = U †U (76) dA0 ∂A0
i~ = [A0 , H0 ] + i~ (88)
dt ∂t
with a unity operator 1. If we now define new operators
where H00 = H0 .
and state vectors by
As an example consider a and a† taking as H0 the simple
0 † 0 †
A = U AU, |a i = U |ai (77) harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian (42). Using (88) we find
we see that all expectation values are unchanged, a(t) = ae−iω0 t , a† (t) = a† eiω0 t (89)
hb0 |A0 |c0 i = hb|A|ci. (78) where the time dependence in a(t) and a† (t) denotes
interaction picture. a and a† are the time-independent
The same applies to the eigenvalues, i.e. there is no physical Schrödinger picture operators.
change. However, the equations for the new state vectors
and operators are changed. Now it is most convenient to
first postulate the following equations in the Schrödinger
3.3 Density operator
picture In order to simplify the description of damping, we have
average over the environmental degrees of freedom. Howe-
i~ = H|ai (79) ver, in quantum mechanics we cannot simply take an ave-
dt rage over a wave function (needs justification). Instead, we
dA ∂A
i~ = i~ . (80) first form a density operator, and this allows taking avera-
dt ∂t ges.
Here the state vectors have time dependence determined The density operator is the operator
by the Hamiltonian H, but the operators only have the X
explicit time dependence. Making the transformation (77) ρ= pi |ai ihai |. (90)
we have i
In order to show (92) we calculate Here β = 1/k
P B T and Z is determined by the normalization
XX condition i pi = 1 or (96). Applying this to the simple
Tr(Bρ) = hek |ai ipi hai |B|ek i harmonic oscillator (42) gives that the average number of
k i quanta is given by the Bose distribution
= pi hai |B|ai i, (94) 1
i hni = ≡N (102)
eβ~ω0 − 1
which is the expectation value (74) each state being weigh- and the density operator is
ted by its probability pi .
A useful property of the trace is that for any operators X
ρ = (1 − e−β~ω0 )e−β~ω0 n |nihn|
A and B n=0
∞ n
Tr(AB) = Tr(BA). (95)
X 1 N
= |nihn|. (103)
1 + N 1+N
Exercise: show that
Tr ρ = 1. (96)
3.5 Correlation functions
In order to get some insight, let us calculate the density
Sometimes important information can be expressed by a
operator corresponding to the state |ai = a1 |e1 i + a2 |e2 i
correlation function
in the basis (|e1 i, |e2 i). We get the density matrix
hA(t2 )B(t1 )i, (104)
|a1 |2 a1 a∗2
ρ11 ρ12
ρ= = . (97)
ρ21 ρ22 a∗1 a2 |a2 |2 where two different times appear. This notation implicitly
says that the operators should be expressed in the Heisen-
This pure state should be contrasted with a ”mixture”of
berg picture.
states |e1 i and |e2 i, where the two states appear with clas-
sical probabilities p1 and p2 . This gives Exercise: Calculate ha(t)i, ha† (t)i, and the correlation
functions ha(t)a† (0)i and ha† (t)a(0)i for simple harmonic
ρ11 ρ12 p1 0
ρ= = . (98) oscillator in equilibrium at temperature T and try to in-
ρ21 ρ22 0 p2 terpret the result (for T = 0 and T > 0).
The essential difference is the presence of off-diagonal com-
ponents ρ12 and ρ21 in the ”coherent”superposition (97).
We wish to have dynamical equation for the density
operator. Taking the derivative of ρ (90) and using the
Schrödinger equation (79) we get
i~ = [H, ρ] . (99)
This is known as von Neumann equation. Note that the
density operator is exceptional that it does not follow the
general rule for operators in the Schrödinger picture (80).
Rather the equation (99) resembles the Heisenberg-picture
equation (84), but has the opposite sign. In the interaction
picture (87) one gets
i~ = [H10 , ρ0 ] (100)
i i
H10 = exp( H0 t)H1 exp(− H0 t).
~ ~
4. Master equation where the time development operator
~ 0 0 0 (−1) 2
dt1 TrR [aΓ† (t)e−iω0 t ρR (0)ρ(t)a† Γ(t1 )eiω0 t1 ]
×TrR [V (t1 ), [V (t2 ), . . . [V (tn ), ρ(0)ρR (0)] . . .]] Z t
= (1 + U1 (t) + U2 (t) + . . .)ρ(0) = aρ(t)a dt1 TrR [Γ† (t)ρR (0)Γ(t1 )]e−iω0 t eiω0 t1
= U (t)ρ(0), (111) Z t
= aρ(t)a† dt1 TrR [ρR (0)Γ(t1 )Γ† (t)]e−iω0 (t−t1 )
where Un (t) is an operator acting on ρ, 0
Z t Z t1 Z tn−1 = aρ(t)a† I, (118)
Un (t) = (− )n dt1 dt2 . . . dtn
~ 0 0 0 where we have used the cyclic property of trace (95). We see
×TrR [V (t1 ), [V (t2 ), . . . [V (tn ), ρR (0)(·)] . . .]]. that the trace is the expectation value (92) in the reservoir
and we write
We now take the time derivative
Z t
dρ(t) I = dt1 hΓ(t1 )Γ† (t)ie−iω0 (t−t1 )
= (U̇1 (t) + U̇2 (t) + . . .)ρ(0)
dt 0
Z t
= (U̇1 (t) + U̇2 (t) + . . .)U −1 (t)ρ(t)
gi gj hbi b†j iei(−ωi t1 +ωj t) e−iω0 (t−t1 ) .
= dt1
= l(t)ρ(t), (112) 0 i,j
Thus we have to evaluate the expectation value hbi b†j i for where
the reservoir oscillators. Assuming they initially are in ther-
mal equilibrium, we can use (103) for each oscillator. Also γ = 2πρ(ω0 )g 2 (ω0 ) (127)
using (60) we get and
hbi b†j i = δi,j [1 + N (ωi )] (119) ∞
∆=P d ρ(ω0 + )g 2 (ω0 + )
Z t X ×[1 + N (ω0 + )]. (128)
I = dt1 gi2 [1 + N (ωi )]ei(ωi −ω0 )(t−t1 ) .
0 i
Physically ∆ is the frequency shift of the system caused
Assuming the reservoir oscillators have continuous spect- by coupling to the reservoir. Usually this is a small effect,
rum with density ρ(ω) and we neglect it here. Later in studying a two-level system
Z t Z ∞ we see that this shift is similar to the Lamb shift observed
I = dt1 dω1 ρ(ω1 )g 2 (ω1 )[1 + N (ω1 )] in atoms.
0 0
i(ω1 −ω0 )(t−t1 ) One term in the master equation (117) is thus given by
×e . (120) (118) and (126).The task that remains is to calculate the
Changing the integration variables we have rest 15 of the 16 terms. Eight of the terms vanish because
Z t Z ∞ averages hbi bj i and hb†i b†j i vanish in a thermal state (103).
The 7 remaining terms can be calculated with slight modi-
I = dτ dω1 ρ(ω1 )g 2 (ω1 )
0 0 fications of the above. After that we finally get the master
×[1 + N (ω1 )]ei(ω1 −ω0 )τ equation for damped harmonic oscillator in the interaction
Z t Z ∞ picture
= dτ dρ(ω0 + )g 2 (ω0 + ) dρ γ
0 −ω0 = (N + 1)(2aρa† − a† aρ − ρa† a)
dt 2
×[1 + N (ω0 + )]eiτ γ
Z t Z ∞ + N (2a† ρa − aa† ρ − ρaa† ). (129)
= dτ df ()eiτ (121)
0 −ω0 Recall that N is the Bose occupation at the oscillator
with f () = ρ(ω0 +)g (ω0 +)[1+N (ω0 +)]. The integrand frequency (102), and γ is a new parameter describing dam-
oscillates which leads to cancellations. The main contribu- ping, as soon will be seen. If the reservoir is at zero tem-
tion comes from ||τ . 1. Assuming tω0 1, we can then perature, T = 0, we have N = 0 and (129) reduces to
extend the integrations to infinity, but simultaneously we dρ γ
add a convergence parameter η > 0 to guarantee that there = (2aρa† − a† aρ − ρa† a). (130)
dt 2
is no contribution from τ = ∞,
Z ∞ Z ∞ If there are other ”interaction”terms in the Hamiltonian
I = dτ df ()e(i−η)τ (122) of the system, they can be included according to the ge-
0 −∞
neral rules of density operator in the interaction picture
and in the end we take the limit η → 0. Making the time (100). In particular, the forcing term (57), after a rota-
integration gives ting wave approximation, can be added to give the master
Z ∞ equation for forced and damped harmonic oscillator in the
f ()
I = i d (123) interaction picture
−∞ + iη
dρ i
We use the symbolic identity = − [HdI , ρ]
dt ~
1 1
= P ∓ iπδ(). (124) + (N + 1)(2aρa† − a† aρ − ρa† a)
± iη 2
+ N (2a† ρa − aa† ρ − ρaa† ), (131)
where P denotes the principal value defined by 2
Z ∞ HdI = −~f0 [a† (t)e−iωd t + a(t)eiωd t ], (132)
f ()
P d
−∞ with a(t) and a† (t) in the interaction picture (89).
Z −a Z ∞
f () f () Finally, we can also write the master equation in the
= lim d + d . (125)
a→0 −∞ a Schrödinger picture
We get dρ i
= − [H0 + Hd , ρ]
Z ∞ dt ~
f () γ
I = iP d + πf (0) + (N + 1)(2aρa† − a† aρ − ρa† a)
−∞ 2
γ γ
= i∆ + [N (ω0 ) + 1] (126) + N (2a† ρa − aa† ρ − ρaa† ) (133)
2 2
with (56) and (57). More explicity In the absence of forcing the solution is
= −iω0 [a† a, ρ] + if0 [a† e−iωd t + aeiωd t , ρ] hn(t)i = N + (hn(0)i − N )e−γt . (140)
+ (N + 1)(2aρa† − a† aρ − ρa† a) Even if initially hni = 0, the occupation will grow
γ and approaches exponentially the Bose occupation N =
+ N (2a† ρa − aa† ρ − ρaa† ). (134) (e~ω0 /kB T − 1)−1 . This can be understood that the reser-
voir at temperature T > 0 has excitations, and these will
Let us comment the derivation of the master equation. excite the system as well, until a thermal equilibrium is
We assumed the interaction between system and reservoir reached so all oscillators are at the same temperature.
as weak. The coupling was taken into account to second or- We see that hai vanishes in the thermal equilibrium. This
der in the interaction, which is known as Born approxima- can also be seen directly from the equilibrium ρ (103),
tion. Note that the second order approximation was made which only has diagonal elements. This can be unders-
in expressing ρ̇ against ρ at the same instant (112). Compa- tood so that there are quanta present in the oscillator, but
red to the system at the initial time t = 0 terms of all orders their phases are random, leading to vanishing hai. Clas-
are included. (Even though the interaction is weak at each sically we can think an ensemble of different αk = Ak eiφk .
instant, it can have a huge effect over long time.) Another If their phases φk are random we have hαi = 0 but nonzero
less explicit assumption is called Markovian, the time deri- h|α|2 i = hA2 i, which is the classical quantity corresponding
vative ρ̇(t) only depends on ρ(t), not any longer history of to hni.
ρ. Thus the reservoir is assumed to forget any effect caused
upon it more rapidly than the system can change its state. It is also possible to calculate correlation functions (104).
We also used the rotating wave approximation. The form of The trick used to calculate correlations like
the damping term in the master equations above is known
as Lindblad form. hA(t)B(0)i, (141)
This is an infinite matrix, but often the matrix can be where α is a complex-valued parameter. This is called
truncated to a finite size with some maximum m and n. displacement operator, as will be evident from relation
The master equation in the number basis is (156) below. Using the relation eA+B = eA eB e−[A,B]/2 ,
which is valid if [A, [A, B]] = [B, [A, B]] = 0, the displace-
dρmn ment operator has the alternative forms
= −iω0 (m − n)ρmn
dt √
+if0 e−iωd t ( mρm−1,n − n + 1ρm,n+1 ) D(α) = exp(αa† − α∗ a)
√ √
+if0 eiωd t ( m + 1ρm+1,n − nρm,n−1 ) = exp(−|α|2 /2) exp(αa† ) exp(−α∗ a)
+γ(N + 1) = exp(|α|2 /2) exp(−α∗ a) exp(αa† ). (153)
p 1
×[ (m + 1)(n + 1)ρm+1,n+1 − (m + n)ρmn ] The exponentials (or any function) of an operator should
√ 1 be understood as Taylor expansions
+γN [ mnρm−1,n−1 − (m + n + 2)ρmn ] (146)
2 ∞
X β k Ak
We notice, that only the driving terms contain nondiagonal exp(βA) = . (154)
elements of ρmn . Assuming f0 = 0 we can thus write the
equation for P (n) = ρnn as We verify the properties
dP (n)
= t+ (n − 1)P (n − 1) + t− (n + 1)P (n + 1) D† (α) = D−1 (α) = D(−α) (155)
−[t+ (n) + t− (n)]P (n) (147)
D† (α)aD(α) = a+α
where † †
D (α)a D(α) = a† + α∗ . (156)
t+ (n) = γN (n + 1)
because [a, f (a† )] = f 0 (a† ), as follows from the commutator
t− (n) = γ(N + 1)n (148)
can be interpreted as transition probabilities from state n Using the translation operator we construct the following
to states n + 1 and n − 1. In the steady state they satisfy states
detailed balance conditions |αi = D(α)|0i, (157)
t+ (n)P (n) = t− (n + 1)P (n + 1) (149)These are called Glauber states or coherent states. (The
latter may be confusing since ”coherent”can mean also ot-
Verify as an exercise that the Bose distribution (103) sa- her things.) In order to understand the meaning of these
tisfies the detailed balance condition and thus is a steady states, let us consider the following.
state solution of the master equation (147). Im α
Im β |α>=D(α)|0>
The physical interpretation of the transition probabili-
ties will be discussed more later in the connection of a Im α
Re β
two-state system.
θ Re α φ
As one particular solution we can consider the tem-
|0> Re α
perature relaxation (140) starting from the ground state
P (n) = δn,0 . Substituting the Bose distribution (103) into The Hamiltonian of the simple harmonic oscillator has
the master equation (147) we see that the solution has the circular symmetry in the q − p variables when expressed in
Bose distribution at all times with the average number of the α variables (23). Since the number states are nondege-
quanta satisfying nerate, the wave functions (50) are the same when looked
−γt in any coordinates <β (or =β) rotated with respect to α by
hn(t)i = N (1 − e ) (150)
arbitrary angle θ, (except a possible phase shift). Thus the
and thus corresponding to temperature ground state |0i can be represented by a circularly sym-
metric dot centered at α = 0 of width 1. Now the Glauber
~ω0 1 state |αi is represented by the same dot but displaced by
T (t) = (151)
kB ln[1 + N −1 (1 − e−γt )−1 ] α = |α|eiφ . This state is described by a wave function that
is identical to |0i except a coordinate shift, which for the
with N evaluated at the reservoir temperature. <β axis would be |α| cos(φ − θ).
Here are some more useful properties of Glauber states.
Glauber states The representation with number states
The following operator is of particular interest ∞
2 X αn
|αi = e−|α| /2
√ |ni (158)
D(α) = exp(αa† − α∗ a), (152) n=0 n!
and the property that they are eigenstates of the annihila- Now as long as α satisfies the classical equation (19), the
tion operator last two terms vanish. This means that the drive completely
drops out of the transformed master equation (165). Based
a|αi = α|αi. (159) on this we can now construct several possible solutions for
the driven and damped harmonic oscillator.
The distribution of the photon number in Glauber states
follows the Poissonian distribution 1) At T = 0, the equilibrium solution for the transformed
master equation (165) is the ground state |0i. Transforming
2 −|α|2 |α| back to the the original representation, the full solution is
Pn = |hn|αi| = e (160)
n! a Glauber state |αi (157) with α satisfying the classical
with the average and the variance equation (19).
2) Starting from an arbitrary initial state but reservoir
hni = |α|2 , σn2 ≡ hn2 i − hni2 = hni, (161)
at T = 0, the transformed master equation (165) gives
and standard deviation σn = hni. The Glauber states relaxation to the ground state, and the solution after initial
Glauber states defined by 5. Two-state system
∞ In the following we wish to consider the case that the
2 X αn
||αi ≡ e|α| /2
|αi = √ |ni (169) energy levels are not equally spaced. In this case, one can
n=0 n! often approximate the system by two levels only. A two-
state system means that one can excite the system from the
and we need the following properties lower to the higher level, but any third level is sufficiently
off resonance that its presence can be neglected. A two-
a||αi = α||αi, hα||a† = hα||α∗ ,
state system is often called a qubit, a short for quantum
d||αi dhα||
a† ||αi = , hα||a = . (170) bit.
dα dα∗
In atomic and molecular spectra non-equally spaced le-
After some calculation one can now see that (168) indeed vels occur as a rule. However, the electric elements we have
satisfies the master equation. All that remains is to mul- considered above (capacitors, inductors and resistors) are
tiply ρa (168) with an appropriate constant in order to all linear. Any circuit made of such elements is linear (equi-
produce any of the four terms in (167). For the third term valently the Hamiltonian is quadratic, at most), and has
we find the time evolution equally spaced levels. In order to make a two-state system,
1 2 2 2 2 ∗ ∗ one needs a nonlinear element. In the following we study a
ρ3 = N 2 e 2 (|α| +|β| −|α0 | −|β0 | ) eα0 β0 −αβ |αihβ| Josephson junction. This is a tunnel junction between two
2 − 21 (|α0 |2 −2α0 β0∗ +|β0 |2 )(1−e−γt ) superconducting metals. It is an ideal nonlinear element.
= N e |αihβ|
2 iφ −γt The practical drawback is that it works only at low tempe-
= N 2 e−|α0 | (1−e )(1−e ) |αihβ| (171)
ratures, where superconductivity appears. In practice this
where α0 and β0 refer to the initial values of α and β, and in limitation is not serious because in order to see quantum
the last line we have assumed β0 = e−iφ α0 . For short times effects in electric circuits, one has to cool to low tempera-
and φ = π the exponential factor is e−2γhnit . For large hni tures anyway to get rid of noise.
this decays very rapidly. The time constant (2γhni)−1 for
the decay is half of the time constant it takes to emit one 5.1 Circuit analysis
quantum to the reservoir. Therefore coherent oscillations
between macroscopic states can only take place during a Before going to Josephson junctions, let us exercise a bit
very short time, if at all. circuit analysis using fluxes and Lagrangian approach. The
general rules are given by Devoret. Here is an attempt to
The result above can also be interpreted that the reser- reproduce them.
voir is continuously watching the system. Rather than ”re-
servoir”, we should speak about the ”environment”of the A circuit consists of branches. To each branch b we as-
system, which contains everything except the system itself. sociate a potetial difference Vb and a current Ib . To be
Once the system emits one quantum to the environment, precise, these could be defined
the phase of that photon contains information about the Z end of b
system. Thus it acts like a measurement, independently of Vb (t) = E · ds,
whether any human watches it or not. This kills the cohe- beginning of b
rence between the states, and leaves only the classical pro-
bability [the first two terms in (167)]. Which of these two I b (t) = B · ds. (172)
µ0 around b
is realized in any particular experiment, can be determined
if the information contained in the emitted photon can be About directions we follow the standard but confusing way
revealed. If not, one has to keep both classical alternatives. of counting Vb positive in the opposite direction as the po-
The Glauber states are robust against the effect of the sitive Ib direction. (A more systematic procedure would be
environment. Such states are called pointer states, i.e. they to write Ohm’s law as I = −V /R, the potential decreases
correspond to some value of a pointer in some classical in the direction of the current.)
measuring device. Any coherent superposition of Glauber We define branch fluxes and charges by
states is fragile, i.e. it rapidly decays to a classical proba-
Z t
bility distribution of different Glauber states. The same in
Φb (t) = Vb (t0 )dt0
other words, the pointer in the measuring device can have −∞
only classical probability, it cannot exist in any coherent Z t
superposition (except of very short times). Qb (t) = Ib (t0 )dt0 . (173)
Note that also the number states |ni are fragile. In the
presence of dissipation a high number state n 1 rapid- The integration is started at some time past where no vol-
ly decomposes to an incoherent probability distribution of tages and charges were present. The energy stored in a
Glauber states
√ |αi with different phases φ, where α = Aeiφ branch is obtained by calculating
and A ≈ n.
Z t
There are real experiments with the cat states, see HR. Eb (t) = Vb (t0 )Ib (t0 )dt0 (174)
A capacitor is described by the relation Vb = Qb /C. Using We can now take the limit C3 → ∞, fixing Φ̇b = U . Neglec-
Ib = Q̇b we get the energy ting constants we have
Q2b C Φ̇2b C(Φ̇a − U )2 Φ2
Eb = = . (175) L(Φa , Φ̇a ) = − a. (181)
2C 2 2 2L
where we have used Vb = Φ̇b in the latter form. An inductor Using the standard procedure of analytical mechanics, one
is described by the relation Φb = LIb . Using the same defines the canonical momentum corresponding to the node
relations we get the energy flux Φa as
Φ2b LQ̇2b
Eb = = . (176) ∂L
2L 2 Qa = = C(Φ̇a − U ). (182)
∂ Φ̇a
In the following we wish to construct the Lagrangian,
In general this can be identified as the node charge, the
which is defined as kinetic energy minus potential energy.
sum of the charges on the capacitor plates attached to the
In using the flux variables, we can associate capacitive ener-
node. Now there is only one such capacitor, which contri-
gies as kinetic (because they depend on Φ̇) and inductive
butes the whole Qa . The Hamiltonian is calculated using
energies as potential (because they depend on Φ).
the standard rule
A dc voltage source can be represented by adding a fake X
capacitor to the circuit, and then taking the limit C → ∞ H= Φ̇i Qi − L. (183)
and Q → ∞ while V = Q/C remains constant. Corres- nodes i
pondingly, a dc current source can be represented by an
inductor, and an ac source by an LC circuit. In the present case this gives (neglecting constant again)
Not all branch variables are independent variables, they C Φ̇2a Φ2a
are constrained by Kirchhoff rules. They say that the vol- H = Φ̇ a Qa − L = + . (184)
2 2L
tages around each closed loop must sum to zero, and the
the currents arriving to each node must also sum to zero. Writing it as a function of the canonical variables gives
In terms of flux and charge variables these are finally
Φb = Φ̃l (177) (Qa + CU )2 Φ2
H(Φa , Qa ) = + a. (185)
all b around l 2C 2L
Qb = Q̃n , (178) Except the shift CU caused by the battery, the result is
all b arriving at n
the same as obtained above (41), taking into account the
where Φ̃ and Q̃ are constants. [The node rule (178) is not correspondence of the constants in (7) and (9).
l n
explicitly used in the following, it seems to be automatical-
ly satisfied by the procedure used.] 5.2 Josephson junctions
Φ1 Φ2 In the following we use a simple model of the Joseph-
Φb son junction. In superconductivity the electrons form pairs,
L C U which are called Cooper pairs. Here we consider only the
C3 Φ3
Cooper pairs, and neglect any unpaired electrons. This is a
reasonable approximation as long as the voltage V is small
compared to the energy gap ∆ of the superconductor
Let us consider an example, the circuit in the figure on
the left. The right hand figure describes how we can assign ∆
V (186)
branch (Φ1 , Φ2 and Φ3 ) and node fluxes (Φground = 0, Φa e
and Φb ) and change the battery to a capacitor. Often one uses aluminum, which becomes superconducting
The loop rule (177) gives Φ1 + Φ2 + Φ3 = Φ̃. We express below Tc = 1.2 K. The energy gap at T Tc is approxima-
the branch fluxes in terms of the node ones, tely 0.2 meV (corresponding to 2 K in temperature units,
i.e. ∆/kB ). Thus we can neglect unpaired electrons for
Φ1 = Φ a T 1 K and V 0.2 mV. For Nb the conditions are
Φ2 = Φ b − Φa somewhat more relaxed.
Φ3 = Φ̃ − Φb . (179) There is another limitation to be encountered soon. We
The next step is to write the Lagrangian as a function of need a metallic island that is coupled to the environment
the node fluxes. We get so that it matters if there is one more or less electron on
the island. This means that the capacitive energy of one
L(Φa , Φb , Φ̇a , Φ̇b ) electron Ec = e2 /2C should exceed the thermal energy
C(Φ̇b − Φ̇a )2 C3 Φ̇2b Φ2 kB T . With nanofabrication methods one can make such
= + − a. (180) small structures that C ∼ 10−15 F, meaning that T < 1 K.
2 2 2L
We now define a Josephson element by the energy parallel to the Josephson element (figure). Do the analysis
for this circuit diagram (exercise) to find the result
E = −EJ cos , (187)
Φ0 (Q + Q0 )2 2πΦ
H(Φ, Q) = − EJ cos . (193)
2CΣ Φ0
Here Φ0 = h/2e is the flux quantum and EJ is a cons-
tant (coupling energy). Although the cosine form (187) This is the Hamiltonian of a Cooper pair box. We have de-
may look strange, a very simple interpretation of this is gi- fined Q0 = Cg U , CΣ = Cg + CJ . The lead from the batte-
ven below in connection of equation (199). Using the fact ry to the capacitance Cg is called ”gate”and the electrode
that Ė = IV = I Φ̇ we can find the current between the Josephson junction and the gate capacitance
2πΦ is called ”island”or ”box”.
I = Ic sin = Ic sin φ. (188)
Φ0 Until now the circuit analysis has been classical. We can
shift to quantum theory using the standard canonical quan-
The latter form follows because we define phase tization procedure. For mechanical system q and p are ca-
2π 2e nonical conjugate variables, and in quantum theory they
φ= Φ = Φ. (189) become operators satisfying the commutation relation (29).
Φ0 ~
For the electric circuit considered, the canonical variables
The relation (188) is known as dc Josephson effect saying are Φ and Q, and thus analogously they become operators
that at V = 0 there is a constant supercurrent that depends satisfying
sinusoidally on Φ (or φ). The maximum supercurrent Ic is
given by [Φ, Q] = i~. (194)
Cg U d
= H(Φ, −i~ )ψQ (Φ) (199)
(Q + Q0 ) EJ i2eΦ/~
CJ = eiQΦ/~ − (e + e−i2eΦ/~ ) .
2CΣ 2
Let us add one more realistic feature. A real Josephson The first term is the capacitive energy times the original
junction always can store charge on the metal electrodes. charge eigenstate, as one should expect. The second, Jo-
This can be represented as an additional capacitance CJ sephson term gives two different charge eigenstates. Their
charges differ from Q by ±2e. Thus we see a simple in- 1) Ec EJ , the kinetic energy (of lowest states) is small
terpretation of the Josephson energy term (187): it trans- compared to the potential. Close to the minimum at φ = 0
fers one Cooper pair across the junction, from side 1 to side the cosine potential is approximately harmonic. Thus the
2, or vice versa. lowest energy eigenvalues are harmonic oscillator like, with
Take a look on the circuit diagram of the Cooper pair a small correction coming from the φ term in the Taylor
box above. In the absence of the Josephson element, the series of − cos(φ). Q0 has negligible effect on the states
since ψ(±π) ≈ 0.
island is coupled to the rest of the circuit by capacitors only.
Thus the charge on the island cannot change. Introducing 2) Ec EJ , called charge limit. Consider first EJ = 0.
the Josephson element changes this situation so that the As discussed above the solutions in the phase representa-
charge can be an integral multiple n of 2e, i.e. the possible tion are plane waves. The energies are 4Ec (n + Q0 /2e)2 .
values of charge E
Q = Q1 + 2en (200)
n =-1 n =0 n =1
− 4Ec ψ(φ) − EJ cos φ ψ(φ) = Eψ(φ) (205) or |ψi = ψa |ai + ψb |bi. (206)
dφ2 ψb
Thus the dependence on the ”off-set charge”has moved
from the Schrödinger equation to the boundary conditions. In the matrix representation the unperturbed Hamiltonian
can be written
The equation (205) has exact solution in terms of Mat-
hieu functions. We learn more by considering two limiting ~Ω0
cases. H0 = σz , (207)
where we use the Pauli matrices Thus the system oscillates between the ground and excited
states at the angular frequency ΩR0 = 2f0 , known as the
0 1 0 −i 1 0
σx = , σy = , σz = , Rabi frequency. In the general (nonresonant) case there
1 0 i 0 0 −1
p oscillation at the (generalized) Rabi frequency ΩR =
4f02 + (Ω0 − ωd )2 . Rabi oscillations were first observed
It is also convenient to define
by Rabi in atoms (1937). In a Josephson-junction qubit
0 0 0 1 they were seen by Nakamura et al (1999).
σ− = , σ+ = , (209)
1 0 0 0 In the following it is useful to introduce a representation
of the density matrix in terms a fictitious spin vector S.
These are the same as a and a† operating on |1i and |0i
Any 2 × 2 matrix can be written in terms of unit matrix
(33) with the exception that all higher states are cut off,
I and the three Pauli matrices (208). Taking into account
σ− |ai = |bi, σ+ |ai = 0, that Trρ = 1, we can write it as
σ− |bi = 0, σ+ |bi = |ai. (210) 1 2 + Sz Sx − iSy
ρ= I +S·σ = 1 . (219)
2 Sx + iSy 2 − Sz
Let us consider a driven (not damped) qubit. With the The inverse of this is
analogy to the harmonic oscillator (53) the Hamiltonian is
Sx = (ρab + ρba )
~Ω0 2
H = H0 + Hd = σz − 2~f0 σx cos ωd t. (211)
2 i
Sy = (ρab − ρba )
The Schrödinger equation
Sz = (ρaa − ρbb ). (220)
ψ̇a i Ω0 −4f0 cos(ωd t) ψa
=− .
ψ̇b 2 −4f0 cos(ωd t) −Ω0 ψb Note that S is a classical vector, not an operator. It can be
(212) represented by a point in the Bloch sphere depicted below.
We can try to remove the time depedence of H by making
transformation (77) with Sz
−iω t/2
e d 0
U = exp(−iωd tσz /2) = (213)
0 eiωd t/2
and get
Ω 0 − ωd −4f0 cos(ωd t)eiωd t
H̃ = .
2 −4f0 cos(ωd t)e−iωd t −(Ω0 − ωd ) Sx
If we are interested only in a slowly moving solution in this Note that the representation (219) is valid for arbitrary
frame, we may neglect the fast oscillating terms, and get a statistical mixtures. For a pure state the fictitious spin is
time independent Hamiltonian normalized to 1/2 corresponding to points on the surface
of the Bloch sphere. For incoherent mixtures Sx2 + Sy2 +
~ Ω 0 − ωd −2f0
H̃rwa = . (215) Sz2 < 1/4 and they correspond to states inside of the Bloch
2 −2f0 −(Ω0 − ωd )
The eigenvalues of this are given by Consider now an arbitrary 2×2 matrix Hamiltonian H =
q cI + (~/2)Ω · σ. Substituting this and ρ (219) into the von
E± = ± 4f02 + (Ω0 − ωd )2 . (216) Neumann equation (99) gives the equation of motion
At resonance (ωd = Ω0 ) the eigenvalues are ±~f0 , and the = Ω × S. (221)
solution is
Thus the vector Ω is the angular velocity of the fictitious
ψa −1 1 spin S. We can think Ω as a dimensionless fictitious mag-
=A e−if0 t + B eif0 t . (217)
ψb 1 1 netic field around which the spin rotates.
Assuming b as the initial state at t = 0 gives A = B = It is of interest to interpret the previous Rabi oscillation
1/2 and thus ψa = i sin f0 t and ψb = cos f0 t. We find the solution in this picture. First, the static magnetic field ma-
density matrix kes the spin to rotate around z by Ω0 . The transformation
(213) corresponds to changing to a frame rotating around z
|ψa |2 ψa ψb∗
ρ = by ωd . If ωd = Ω0 , the only motion in this frame is around
ψb ψa∗ |ψb |2 the driving field Ω = −2f0 x̂ (in RWA), and thus causes
the Rabi oscillation. If ωd 6= Ω0 there is rotation around
1 1 − cos(2f0 t) i sin(2f0 t)
= . (218) Ω = −2f0 x̂ + (Ω0 − ωd )ẑ.
2 −i sin(2f0 t) 1 + cos(2f0 t)
We see that with proper driving fields, the qubit can be Similarly to the case of harmonic oscillator, the equi-
brought to any orientation. This is the purpose in quan- librium state of the qubit is determined by the detailed
tum engineering. The problem is that there are unwanted balance condition
couplings to environment, whose effect we will study next.
ρ̇aa = 0 ⇔ γ(N + 1)ρaa = γN ρbb . (226)
5.5 Bloch equations This leads to the Gibbs distribution of the qubit
In order to get the damping terms we resort to the mas- ρaa = e−~Ω0 /kB T ρbb . (227)
ter equation. The master equation for the two-level sys-
tem density matrix is analogous to the harmonic oscillator
In deriving the master equation we assumed the coupling
(133) with substitutions a → σ − , a† → σ + and thus
(59) or V (t) = −~(σ − + σ + )[Γ(t) + Γ† (t)] between the sys-
dρ i tem and the reservoir. In addition, we could also consider
= − [H0 + Hd , ρ] a coupling of the form V (t) = ~Γ(t)σz . (Correct this, V
dt ~
γ should be Hermitian) The derivation of the master equa-
+ (N + 1)(2σ − ρσ + − σ + σ − ρ − ρσ + σ − ) tion in this case is much simpler and one finds on the right
γ hand side of the master equation (222) an additional term
+ N (2σ + ρσ − − σ − σ + ρ − ρσ − σ + ). (222)
2 γφ
− [σz , [σz , ρ]], (228)
Here H0 + Hd is two-state Hamiltonian (211). The boson 4
occupation (102) has to be evaluated at the level separation where
~Ω0 , i.e. Z ∞
1 1
γφ = 4 dthΓ(t)Γ(0)i. (229)
N= = coth −1 , (223) 0
exp(β~Ω0 ) − 1 2 2
Adding this to (224) gives
where the latter form is sometimes more convenient.
ρ̇aa = −γ(N + 1)ρaa + γN ρbb
Let us stydy the master equation first without driving.
ρ̇ab = −iΩ0 ρab − γ(N + 21 )ρab − γφ ρab
Calculating (222) for the 2 × 2 matrix componentes we get
ρ̇ba = iΩ0 ρba − γ(N + 12 )ρba − γφ ρba
ρ̇aa = −γ(N + 1)ρaa + γN ρbb ρ̇bb = γ(N + 1)ρaa − γN ρbb . (230)
ρ̇ab = −iΩ0 ρab − γ(N + 2 )ρab
We see that there is no effect on the diagonal terms, but
ρ̇ba = iΩ0 ρba − γ(N + 12 )ρba the off-diagonal ones acquire additional damping. This can
ρ̇bb = γ(N + 1)ρaa − γN ρbb . (224) be understood that the longitudinal coupling induces fluc-
tuations into the level separation Ω0 . Thus different rea-
We notice that the diagonal and off-diagonal elements of lizations rotate at different speeds, and lead to diminishing
ρ develop independently. The diagonal elements conserve of the average coherence. Note that the essential quantity
the normalization ρaa + ρbb = 1 because ρ̇bb = −ρ̇aa . We to this dephasing is fluctuations at ω ≈ 0 (229), whereas
also can give physical interpretation to the three terms for the mixing terms (∝ γ) the fluctuations at ω ≈ Ω
contributing to are dominant. To avoid such fluctuations is one of the
main problems in realizing quantum operations in elect-
ρ̇aa = −γN ρaa − γρaa + γN ρbb . (225)
ric circuits.
The term γN ρbb corresponds to absorption of a quantum Let us now represent the damping terms using the spin
from the environment. The term −γN ρaa corresponds to representation (219). Combining everything gives
stimulated emission of a quantum to the environment. Fi-
nally, the term −γρaa corresponds to spontaneous emis- dSx 1
= (Ω × S)x − Sx
sion of a quantum to the environment. The interpretation dt T2
of absorption and emission comes because these processes dSy 1
= (Ω × S)y − Sy
increase or decrease the energy of the qubit, and from ener- dt T2
gy conservation. We notice that absorption and stimulated dSz 1
= (Ω × S)z − (Sz − Sz0 ). (231)
emission are possible only if N 6= 0, i.e. the environment is dt T1
at finite temperature, T > 0.
Here we assume the main static part of Ω equals Ω0 ẑ, and
One may ask how can the spontaneous emission take
place by coupling the qubit to the vacuum only (thinking 1 1 ~Ω0
Sz0 = − = − tanh
the reservoir oscillators as electromagnetic modes). One 2(2N + 1) 2 2kT
could interpret that even vacuum is not completely empty 1 ~Ω0
since there are zero-point oscillations, and these could kick = γ(2N + 1) = γ coth
T1 2kT
the qubit from the upper to the lower state. (We hope to 1 1
return to this soon.) = + γφ (232)
T2 2T1
where Sz0 is the equilibrium value of the fictitious spin and where Tw gives the width of the time window used in the
T1 and T2 are two relaxation times. Equations (231) are Fourier transform.
Bloch equations that have extensively been used in nuclear Returning to fr = Γ + Γ† we have
magnetic resonance and in optics.
Z ∞
In the literature the Bloch equations appear in various Sfr (ω) = dτ eiωτ hδfr (t)δfr (t − τ )i
notations. Allen&Eberly write the Bloch equations in the −∞
Z ∞
rotating frame in the form
= dτ eiωτ hfr (τ )fr (0)i
u −∞
u̇ = −∆v − , Z ∞
T2 = dτ eiωτ hΓ(τ )Γ† (0) + Γ† (τ )Γ(0)i
v −∞
v̇ = ∆u − + κEw, Z ∞
gi gj (hbi b†j ie−iωi τ + hb†i bj ieiωi τ )
w − weq = dτ eiωτ
ẇ = − − κEv. (233) −∞ i,j
T1 Z ∞ X
Here u, v and w are the three components of S, weq = Sz0 , = dτ eiωτ gi2 [(N + 1)e−iωi τ + N eiωi τ ]
−∞ i
∆ = Ω0 − ωd , and κE = 2f0 is the driving field. The steady Z ∞ Z ∞
state solution for constant κE is = dτ e iωτ
dω1 ρ(ω1 )g 2 (ω1 )
−∞ 0
(∆T2 )(κET2 )
u = −weq , ×[(N (ω1 ) + 1)e−iω1 τ + N (ω1 )eiω1 τ ]
1 + (∆T2 )2 + T1 T2 (κE)2
κET2 = 2πρ(|ω|)g 2 (|ω|) (238)
v = weq , ×[(N (ω) + 1)Θ(ω) + N (−ω)Θ(−ω)],
1 + (∆T2 )2 + T1 T2 (κE)2
1 + (∆T2 )2 because
w = weq . (234)
1 + (∆T2 )2 + T1 T2 (κE)2 Z ∞
dτ eiωτ = 2πδ(ω) (239)
The last one can also be written as −∞
T1 T2 (κE)2 and we have used the step function Θ(x) (5). We see that
w − weq = −weq . (235)
1 + (∆T2 )2 + T1 T2 (κE)2 the frequency ω in Sfr (ω) can be either negative or positive.
Using (102) we can write both parts in the same expression
For small driving these reduce to the same as for a har- as
monic oscillator. At higher drives one gets ”saturation”,
where the absorption approaches a maximum. Another ef- Sgn(ω)γ(ω)
Sfr (ω) = . (240)
fect is ”resonance fluorescence”that the emitted radiation 1 − e−~ω/kB T
is not at the same frequency as the drive, but has three dif-
where Sgn(ω) = ω/|ω| and γ was defined above (127) for
ferent peaks centered at ωd and ωd ± ΩR0 . This spectrum
positive frequencies and we extend it symmetrically for ne-
can be determined by studying a Fourier transform of the
gative ones,
correlation function (104).
γ(ω) = 2πρ(|ω|)g 2 (|ω|). (241)
5.6 Fluctuation-dissipation theorem Using the form (16) we can write the spectral density for
Let us have an interlude to study in more detail the the unreduced force F in (7). We get
force fr exerted by the reservoir on the system. By the
analogy of (57) and (59), this force is the operator fr = 2~ωmγ(ω)
SF (ω) = . (242)
Γ+Γ† . This force cannot be characterized by its mean value 1 − e−~ω/kB T
since it vanishes. Instead, we can use spectral density. For
This result is known as fluctuation-dissipation theorem. On
later use we give here full definition of this quantity for an
the left hand side SF represents fluctuations or noise, the
arbitrary quantity f (t). We first define δf = f − hf i, the
random force exerted by the reservoir on the system. On
deviation of f from its mean value. Secondly we define the
the right hand side γ represent dissipation, the frictional
autocorrelation function Rf of f by
force caused by the reservoir on the system. This theorem
Rf (τ ) = hδf (t)δf (t − τ )i (236) says that these are related, one cannot have dissipation
without fluctuations, if T > 0, and vice versa.
(In some cases an additional averge over time t may be Of special interest is the classical limit of (242), meaning
needed.) As f may be an operator, the order of f (t) and kB T ~ω. Expanding the exponential factor we get
f (t−τ ) is important. The spectral density of f (t) is defined
as SF (ω) = 2kB T mγ(ω). (243)
Z Tw /2
Although we have been using the notation of mechanical
Sf (ω) = dτ eiωτ Rf (τ ) (237)
−Tw /2 oscillator, we must remember that all results are valid for
all harmonic oscillators, only the constants have different
R kB
names. In particular, comparing (7) with the electrical
oscillators equations (8) or (9), we see that voltage and
current fluctuations are related to the resistance 600
= SI =
resistor nics.) For large negative ω the noise goes small as the en-
This reduces the problem to diagonalizing the matrix giving
) + Ω20
ω0 (n + −g n + 1 1
H=~ √ 2 H̃ = H0 + [S, H1 ] + . . . . (252)
−g n + 1 ω0 (n + 32 ) − Ω20 2
~ ∆
√ −2g n + 1 We see the second term is second order in H1 . We wish to
= (n + 1)~ω0 + ,
2 −2g n + 1 −∆ use this to the interaction term in the JC model (247). We
guess S = α(σ + a − a† σ − ), and find
where ∆ = Ω0 − ω0 . The energies of the eigenstates are (±
correspond to higher and lower energy states) [α(σ + a − a† σ − ), ~ω0 a† a] = ~ω0 α(σ + a + a† σ − )
~p 2
E±,n = (n + 1)~ω0 ± 4g (n + 1) + ∆2 , (250)
2 [α(σ + a − a† σ − ), 21 ~Ω0 σ z ] = −~Ω0 α(σ + a + a† σ − )
where n = 0, 1, . . .. These states appear as pairs, but the
ground state (n = −1) is a single state (0, |0i)T with energy which for α = g/∆ eliminates the coupling term in first
E = −~∆/2. order. The new second order term is
E 1
[α(σ + a − a† σ − ), ~g(a† σ − + σ + a)]
= ~gα[σ + a, a† σ − ]
~g 2 † 1 1
= (a aσz + σz + ). (253)
∆ 2 2
g2 g2
1.5 H̃ = ~ ω0 + σz a† a + Ω0 + σz (254)
∆ 2 ∆
1.0 We see that this is diagonal in σz and in the number ope-
rator a† a, and the energy eigenvalues can directly be read
0.5 from the Hamiltonian. But one should note that the ope-
rators a, a† and σz are not the same as above, because of
D the transformation (251). Thus the eigenstates of H̃ (254)
-0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4 Ω0
are called dressed states, i.e. they are linear combinations
of the original ”bare”states |a, ni and |b, ni.
The physical content is that the energy eigenstates are
We note the first term of (254) is the harmonic oscillator,
superpositions of states with qubit in the upper state and
but the frequency is shifted depending on the state of the
qubit in the lower state but one more quantum in the re-
qubit. Alternatively, collecting together the terms propor-
sonator (249). If we have an initial state |b, ni, this is not
tional to σz one can interpret that the qubit level separa-
an energy eigenstate, and there will be Rabi oscillations
tion has two shifts. The first shift 2g 2 n/∆ is called ac Strak
between states |b, ni and |a, n − 1i. This is quite similar
shift because it is analogous to the shift of atomic energy
than we had for a driven two-state system above (217).
levels in alternating electric field (which has the same na-
The difference is that the driving field is now produced
me). The second shift g 2 /∆ is independent on the photon
by quanta in the resonator, and we can see explicitly that
number n and is called the Lamb shift, again with analogy
when the qubit flips up, one quantum is removed from the
to atoms. It is a shift of the qubit or the atom caused by
coupling to the vacuum of electromagnetic field. A similar
Another noteworthy point is the dispersive limit where shift was encountered above (128) but was neglected there.
∆ g. One way to study this is to expand the exact solu-
The JC model is a good starting point for the analy-
tion above to leading powers in g/∆. Here we present the
sis of the experiment by Wallraff et al mentioned in the
same result using a transformation directly on the JC Ha-
introduction of this course.
miltonian (247). Quite generally assume H = H0 + H1 and
try to eliminate H1 in first order. We make a transforma-
H̃ = eS He−S
S2 S2
= + . . .)H(1 − S +
(1 + S + + . . .)
2 2
= H + [S, H] + [S, [S, H]] + . . . (251)
Choosing [S, H0 ] = −H1 cancels the leading order term
6. Electron transport and noise in Assume T = 0 and suppose the Fermi energy corres-
mesoscopic structures ponds to the horizontal line in the previous figure. Then it
is said that there are three conducting modes (or transverse
modes) in the wire. The modes whose lowest energy is abo-
6.1 Transverse modes in a wire ve the Fermi energy are empty, and thus do not contribute
Consider electrons in an ideal conducting wire (Datta). to electric conduction.
For simplicity we consider electrons in two dimensions. The Next we want to determine the conductivity of the wire.
effective Schrödinger equation is We assume that the left end is connected to a reservoir of
chemical potential µL and the right end to a reservoir at
~2 2
− ∇ ψ(x, y) + V (x, y)ψ(x, y) = Eψ(x, y), (255) chemical potential µR and we assume they are in equili-
2m brium at zero temperature, T = 0. Thus the potential dif-
where m is the effective mass (as we do not include the ference V = (µL − µR )/e. We assume that the wire is fully
periodic lattice potential in V ). The wire is in the x di- coherent (no decoherence) and ballistic (no scattering) so
rection and has finite width W in the ”transverse”y direc- that we can discuss the system in terms of freely propaga-
tion. Again, for simplicity assume the potential for elect- ting waves (256). Then the occupation of the states in the
rons outside the wire is very high. Then we know that the wire is given in the following figure
possible wave functions in the y direction are sin(πny/W ) 2 E mW2
where k is the wave number in the x direction and L is kW
the quantization length where we could require periodic -4 -2 0 2 4 Π
boundary conditions. The energies of the states (256) are
Here the states with k > 0 propagate from left to right
~2 and they are filled up to the energy µL . Conversely, the
πn 2
Ek,n = k + , (257) states with k < 0 propagate from right to left and they are
2m W
filled up to the energy µR . It is then clear that the net cur-
These are plotted in the figure. rent is carried by the states with k > 0 between the ener-
2 E mW2 gies µR and µL , i.e. the states between the two horizontal
Π2 Ñ2 lines in the following figure. At lower energies states propa-
gating at opposite velocities are equally occupied and thus
25 cannot carry any net current.
20 2 E mW2
15 Π2 Ñ2
kW 20
-4 -2 0 2 4 Π 15
With each wave function (256) we associate a velocity in
the x direction (effectively a Hamilton’s equation) 5
1 dEk,n -4 -2 0 2 4 Π
v= . (258)
~ dk The current I and the conductance
In our simple model (257) this agrees with the classical re- 1 I eI
G= = = (260)
sult v = px /m = ~k/m. In thermal equilibrium at tempe- R V µL − µR
rature T the occupation of the states is given by the Fermi can be calculated using standard practices of condensed
distribution matter physics, see Datta. Instead, here we derive the same
1 result using an approach that is close to information theory.
f (E) = β(E−µ) (259) In information theory one can ask what is the maximum
e +1
amount of information that can be transmitted in a channel
where µ is the chemical potential and β = 1/kB T . At zero within a given frequency interval (between frequencies ν2
temperature µ is the same as Fermi energy, and all states and ν1 ) and time interval ∆t. Our related question is, how
at lower energies are occupied, f = 1, and the states at many electrons can be transmitted in a wire within a given
higher energies are empty, f = 0. energy interval µL − µR and time interval ∆t. It turns out
that the result is different only in the respect that electrons result (266) is independent of the location of the frequency
are fermions whereas in information transfer one mostly interval, only its width enters the expression.
uses fields that are bosons, like the electromagnetic field. Instead of a full proof, we make the preceding statement
plausible by the following calculation. We define the func-
6.2 Wavelets tion
Consider functions of time, f (t), and their Fourier trans- Z ω2
forms φ(t) = dω e−iωt (267)
Z Tw /2
fˆ(ω) = dt eiωt f (t), (261) known as Shannon wavelet. We notice that in the ω space
−Tw /2 it is non-zero only within the range ω1 < ω < ω2 . We
calculate its overlap with the same function but translated
where Tw is the width of the time window used in the Fou-
in time by u,
rier transform. Independent information of f (t) is contai-
ned only in f (ω) at frequencies ω = ωn = 2πn/Tw with Z ∞
n = 0, ±1, ±2, . . .. The inverse Fourier transform returns dt φ∗ (t)φ(t − u)
f (t) within the interval Tw , Z ∞ Z ω2 Z ω2
= dt dω dω 0 eiωt e−iω (t−u)
1 X −iωn t ˆ Tw Tw −∞
Z ω2 1
ω ω1
f (t) = e f (ωn ) for − <t< . (262)
Tw n=−∞ 2 2 = 2π dωe iωu
If the function f (t) is sufficiently well behaved, one can ,1ω2
take the limit Tw → ∞, in which case the transform and = eiωu
its inverse relation take the forms iu
Z ∞
4π i(ω1 +ω2 )u/2 (ω2 − ω1 )u
fˆ(ω) = dt eiωt f (t), (263) = e sin (268)
−∞ u 2
Z ∞
dω −iωt ˆ
f (t) = e f (ω). (264) This vanishes for u = 2πn/(ω2 −ω1 ) for integers n 6= 0. This
−∞ 2π shows that the next orthogonal function can be placed at a
distance u satisfying u(ω2 − ω1 ) = 2π. We can now tile the
Whenever there is doubt about using these, one can go
area in t − ν plane in different ways, either selecting ω2 and
back to the case of finite Tw , where possible problems are
ω1 as the end points of the range ∆ω, or by dividing this
easier to solve. Instead of the angular frequency ω one can
in several frequency intervals, and define the orthogonal
also use the frequency ν = ω/2π, which sometimes is a
wavelets for each subinterval as above. All choices lead to
more convenient variable.
the same result (266) asymptotically for ∆t∆ω 1.
Consider now a f (t) which is essentially different from
zero only during a finite time, a pulse. From the formulas
above we see that its Fourier transform is nonzero in a 6.3 Landauer formula
finite interval of frequencies, i.e. the pulse is formed by a We can now apply the result (266) to calculate the con-
wave packet, which contains waves of different frequencies. ductivity of the wire. Consider first one transverse mode
In more detail, one can prove the uncertainty relation only. The electric current I = ene /∆t is the electric charge
e times the number of transmitted electrons ne per time ∆t.
1 1
σt σω ≥ ⇔ σt σν ≥ . (265) The wave functions that carry the current are in the energy
2 4π range ∆E = eV and thus frequency range ∆ν = eV /h. The
Here σt is the standard deviation of t in the probability number of transmitted orthogonal wave functions is given
distribution P (t) ∝ |f (t)|2 and σν is the same for ν in by n = ∆t∆ν (266). Since electrons are fermions, there
P (ν) ∝ |fˆ(ν)|2 . are two electrons (because of spin) per each wave function.
Thus the current is I = 2e2 V /h.
More important than the uncertainty relation (265) for
us is the following question. Given a time window ∆t and a 2e2
frequency window ∆ν = ∆ω/2π, what is the number n of I= V (269)
mutually orthogonal functions it can support. To be preci-
se, we expect the answer to be valid only asymptotically or the conductance
as ∆t∆ω 1. The answer, as we discuss below, is
G= (270)
1 h
n= ∆t∆ω = ∆t∆ν. (266)
This is the Landauer formula in its simplest form (one per-
We can interpret the result saying that each function takes fectly transmitting mode at T = 0). This is an amazingly
a unit area in t − ν plane. (This area is by factor 4π larger simple result since it does not depend on any materials pa-
than the minimum value of σt σν .) Notice also that the rameters, it contains only the fundamental constants e and
h. (We return to the discussion soon.) The inverse of (270) This is the same result as obtained in the t − ω space.
is known as ”quantum resistance” Looking at the k − E pictures presented above, we see that
different modes have different ∆p but this effect is just
RQ = 2 = 12.9 kΩ. (271) cancelled by the differences in the velocity v (258) so that
2e each mode contributes just proportional to v∆p = ∆E.
The simple form of the Landauer formula allows seve- (Here the formulas assumed a small ∆p. If that is not the
ral generalizations. First, we can generalize to arbitrary case one should divide ∆p into thinner R slices and integrate,
number M of modes simply by multiplying the current but the result is unchanged because v dp = ∆E.)
by M . Second, we can generalize to imperfect wire. There Let us discuss the relation to information theory. For
the waves are transmitted with probability T and reflec- fermions each state can be either occupied or not. Thus
ted back by probability R = 1 − T . Since only transmitted the information that can be coded is one bit (or two bits
waves contribute to the current, the current is given by including the spin) per one orthogonal wave function. For
I = (2e2 /h)M T V . Third, we can generalize to arbitrary bosons there are more possibilities since one can have dif-
temperature by applying the argument leading to Landau- ferent numbers of bosons in one state. For example, with
er formula to arbitrary thin energy slices separately. The 16 different amplitude levels, one can code 4 bits of data.
result is The Shannon formula for channel capacity is
I= dEM (E)T (E)[fL (E) − fR (E)] (272) C = M ∆ν log2 (1 + S/N ) (276)
with integration over the energy band. Here fL (E) and where C is the maximum number of bits transferred per
fL (E) are the Fermi distribution functions on the left and time and S/N is the ”signal to noise ratio”that determines
right reservoirs. We have also included the possibility that how many amplitude levels can be resolved.
both the transmission probability and the number of mo- The Landauer formula is best demonstrated experimen-
des are functions of energy. Fourth, one can consider a ge- tally, if one has a method to change the mode number or
neral scattering from any incoming mode to any reflected the transmission. One system where this can be done is a
or transmitted mode. Without going into details (see Dat- semiconductor heterostructure, where one can adjust the
ta) we claim that by making a unitary transformation on width of the conducting region by gate electrodes.
the modes, one can make the transmission probability dia-
gonal, and the only
P effect in formula (272) is to replace
M (E)T (E) → i Ti (E), where Ti are the elements of
the diagonalized transmission probability matrix. Also, we
can argue that the Landauer formula is independent of the
specific assumptions of effective mass approximation or the
form of the potential in the effective Scrhödinger equation
(255). Thus we have essentially removed all assumptions
made at the start except the one of the coherent trans-
Figure: B. J. van Wees et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 848
Let us work out the current (272) in the case there is no
(1988). The conductance in a semiconductor heterostruc-
energy dependence on M and T . At any temperature the
ture as a function of gate voltage. Quantized values of G
Fermi distribution gives
Z are seen when there is one or more modes whose Ti ≈ 1
and for other modes Ti ≈ 0.
dE[fL (E) − fR (E)] = µL − µR = eV (273)
Now that we roughly understand the plateaus in the
and thus plot, let us next concentrate on what happens at the steps
between the plateaus.
G= MT , (274)
which is an often appearing form of the Landauer formula. 6.4 Classical shot noise
To confirm that all has been done right, let us still con- Let us consider a mode with a transmission probability
sider deriving the Landauer formula in x − p variables. The T ∼ 12 . This means that some of the incident electrons
formula (266) in t − ω space can be directly applied in the are transmitted and some are reflected back. Compared to
spatial coordinate vs. wave vector space, x − k, and num- the case of T = 1, where a uniform flow of electrons takes
ber of orthogonal wave functions is thus n = ∆x∆k/2π. place (as will be shown later), there are now fluctuations
Remebering that p = ~k we can extent this to x − p phase in the current. Such a noise is called shot noise. It was first
space, implying that one wave functions takes an area h in analyzed by W. Schottky in electron tubes (1918).
the phase space. The current is thus Let us first study the shot noise using classical physics.
ene 2e∆x∆p 2e 2e We assume that electrons arrive randomly at a rate λ and
I= = = v∆p = ∆E. (275) the arrivals are instantaneous. Thus the current is a sum
∆t h∆t h h
of delta functions the dynamics of the single-electron event, which here was
X assumed to be a delta function.
I(t) = e δ(t − tn ), (277)
Before going on, let us mention that there is still one
more type of noise called 1/f noise. The name refers that
and the arrival times tn have the probability distribution it is stronger at low frequencies. It is the least understood
noise, and we will not consider it here.
P (tn − tn−1 ) = λe−λ(tn −tn−1 ) Θ(tn − tn−1 ). (278)
where Θ is the step function (5), implying that tn ≥ tn−1 . 6.5 Transmission and noise in scattering
We see that the average interval between two arrivals is formalism
1/λ and therefore the average current
We return to consider the conducting wire. Now we ma-
hIi = eλ. (279) ke a quantum mechanical calculation using the field opera-
tors. The calculation is rather formal and therefore not ve-
Also one can show that charge Q = en collected in time ry transparent. However, as the end result it gives several
∆t obeys Poisson distribution already familiar results, like the Landauer formula, ther-
mal and shot noise and the fluctuation-dissipation theory
−θ θ
Pn = e (280) in addition to new results like combinations of thermal,
n! shot and quantum noise. The shot noise by this method
with the mean value θ = λ∆t (exercise). was first calculated by G. Lesovik (1989). For further de-
tails see Blanter&Büttiker.
Next we want to calculate the autocorrelation function
(236) for the electric current, We think of dividing the wire into a scattering region
and two ”leads”on both sides of it. We label the leads by α
RI (τ ) = hδI(t)δI(t − τ )i (281) that is either left or right. Both leads are assumed to have
a single mode only, for simplicity. In both leads we have
where δI = I − eλ. We argue physically that since the a coordinate xα that is positive towards the scattering re-
arrival times are random, the main contribution to RI co- gion. We consider the annihilation and creation operators
mes from the correlation of an electron with itself. Thus for electron waves propagating in the leads. Here aαk are
we claim that the main part comes from terms the annihilation operators for the waves moving in the po-
sitive xα direction (incoming waves) and bαk the annihila-
RI (τ ) = hδI(t)δI(t − τ )i tion operators for the waves moving in the negative xα di-
≈ e2 h δ(t − tn )δ(t − τ − tn )i rection (reflected and transmitted waves), both with wave
n number k. These are required to obey the anticommutator
= e h δ(t − tn )iδ(−τ )
{aαk , a†αk0 } = δk,k0 , {bαk , b†αk0 } = δk,k0 ,
= e λδ(−τ ). (282)
{aαk , aαk0 } = {a†αk , a†αk0 } = 0,
In fact this result is exact, since the dropped terms can be = {bαk , bαk0 } = {b†αk , b†αk0 } = 0, (284)
shown to cancel each other. The spectral density (237) is
then where {A, B} = AB + BA. These rules imply the Fermi
Z Tw /2 statistics, where the only occupations allowed in one state
SI (ω) = iωτ 2
dτ e RI (τ ) = e λ are 0 and 1.
−Tw /2
We define the field operator
= ehIi. (283)
1 X ikxα
ψ̂α (xα , t) = √ (e aαk + e−ikxα bαk )e−iEαk t/~ ,
This is the Schottky result that the shot noise spectral L k>0
density is directly proportional to the current. This formula (285)
is also interesting because the constant of proportionality where Eαk = Eα0 + ~2 k 2 /2m. The current operator in lead
is the electron charge. Even though the effect of one single α is defined as if ψ̂ were a usual wave function,
electron may be too small to resolve, the discreteness of the "
charge still could be seen in the fluctuations of the current. ge~ d
Iˆα (t) = ψ̂ † (xα , t) ψ̂α (xα , t)
Electron shot noise could be compared to rain falling on 2mi α dxα
a roof. This makes noise because rain is not a continuos #
d †
flow of water but consists of droplets. We hear the noise − ψ̂ (xα , t) ψ̂α (xα , t) . (286)
although it may be difficult to resolve the sound of the dxα α
individual droplets.
Here g = 2 in order to include the electron spin. The idea
We see that similarly as the thermal noise (244), the shot here is that applied to usual wave function ψ(xα ), Eq. (286)
noise is white, i.e. independent of frequency. This holds as gives the usual expression for current, and the only gene-
long as we are not looking at frequencies that would reveal ralization here is that a and b operators indicate which of
these states are occupied. We substitute the field opera- Now consider the fluctuations. We are looking at a statio-
tors. Using that k varies only in a small region compared nary process, and therefore can add to the autocorrelation
to its value, we take k outside of the summation (but still function (236) an extra integration over time,
preserve the difference in energies) and get Z Tw /2
ge~ 1 R f (τ ) = dthδf (t)δf (t − τ )i (294)
Tw −Tw /2
Iˆα (t) = 2ikei(Eαk −Eαk0 )t/~
2mi L
k>0 k0 >0
and we would like to take the limit Tw → ∞. For the power
×(a†αk aαk0 − b†αk bαk0 ) spectrum we get
ge X X ~k i(Eαk −Eαk0 )t/~ Z Tw /2
= e
k>0 k0 >0
m Sf (ω) = dτ eiωτ Rf (τ )
−Tw /2
×(a†αk aαk0 − b†αk bαk0 ). (287) 1
= dτ dteiωτ hδf (t)δf (t − τ )i
Using Z Z
Z = h dtδf (t)eiωt dτ δf (t − τ )e−iω(t−τ ) i
dtei(~ω+Ek −Ek0 )t/~ = Tw δ~ω+Ek ,Ek0 → hδ(~ω+Ek −Ek0 )
(288) = hδf (ω)δf (−ω)i, (295)
we get
Z which is know as Wiener-Khinchin theorem. [In fact, one
ˆ iωt ˆ
Iα (ω) = dte Iα (t) could define the spectral density Sf with the last form of
(295), and then the Wiener-Khinchin theorem would be
geh X X ~k the same as our definition of Sf (237). This way of defi-
= δ(~ω + Ek − Ek0 )
L m ning Sf is not favored here since δf (ω) diverges in the limit
k>0 k0 >0
Tw → ∞, but Sf (ω) is supposed to stay finite.] [The treat-
×(a†αk aαk0 − b†αk bαk0 ). (289) ment of the integration limits in (295) is not completely
satisfactory, but apparently the error is small in the limit
We now take the scattering into account by expressing the T → ∞.]
outgoing waves in terms of the incoming, bαE = raαE +
taβE . Here r and t are the reflection and transmission We calculate
2 2
amplitudes. In order to conserve unitarity |t| + |r| = 1. ge2 h2 X X X X ~2 kq
This allows us to determine the reflection and transmission SI (ω) =
∆tL2 m2
probabilities R = |r|2 and T = |t|2 . We define a short hand k>0 k0 >0 q>0 q 0 >0
δ(~ω + Ek − Ek0 )δ(−~ω + Ek0 − Ek )|t|2 Shot noise is often quantified by ”Fano factor”, which
2 2
×{|t| fα (Ek )[1 − fα (Ek0 )] + |t| fβ (Ek )[1 − fβ (Ek0 )] is the ratio F = SI /ehIi. Here we get F = 1 − |t|2 . For
classical shot noise this is unity but it vanishes for perfect
+|r|2 fα (Ek )[1 − fβ (Ek0 )] + |r|2 fβ (Ek )[1 − fα (Ek0 )]}
ge2 h X X ~2 k 2
= δ(~ω + Ek − Ek0 )|t|2 3) General ω = 0 gives from (300)
L2 0
k>0 k >0
×{|t|2 fα (Ek )[1 − fα (Ek0 )] + |t|2 fβ (Ek )[1 − fβ (Ek0 )] SI (0) = dE|t|2 {fα (E)[1 − fα (E)]
+|r|2 fα (Ek )[1 − fβ (Ek0 )] + |r|2 fβ (Ek )[1 − fα (Ek0 )]}.
+fβ (E)[1 − fβ (E)] + |r|2 [fα (E) − fβ (E)]2 }. (304)
Going to the continuum limit we get
We calculate, aided by Mathematica,
SI (ω) = dE dE 0 δ(~ω + E − E 0 )|t|2
h dE[f (E + eV /2) − f (E − eV /2)]2
×{|t|2 fα (E)[1 − fα (E 0 )] + |t|2 fβ (E)[1 − fβ (E 0 )]
eV eV
+|r|2 fα (E)[1 − fβ (E 0 )] + |r|2 fβ (E)[1 − fα (E 0 )]}. = 2kB T coth −1 , (305)
2kB T 2kB T
and therfore
An alternative form of the same result is
ge2 2
Z Z SI (0) = |t| 2kB T |t|2 + eV |r|2 coth . (306)
SI (ω) = dE dE 0 δ(~ω + E − E 0 )|t|2 h 2kB T
×{fα (E)[1 − fα (E 0 )] + fβ (E)[1 − fβ (E 0 )] For a tunneling barrier, where the transmission probability
2 0 0 is small (|t|2 1), only the second term is important and
+|r| [fα (E)fα (E ) − fα (E)fβ (E )
+fβ (E)fβ (E 0 ) − fβ (E)fα (E 0 )]}. (300) ge2 2 eV
SI (0) = |t| eV coth . (307)
h 2kB T
Below we consider special cases of this formula.
We see that the total noise is not a simple sum of thermal
1) Thermal equilibrium. We have fα (E) = fβ (E) and we
and shot noise.
are interested in ω = 0. We get from (299)
G T kB
2ge2 2
SI (0) = |t| dEf (E)[1 − f (E)]. (301)
Using f (E)[1 − f (E)] = −kB T df (E)/dE we get
2ge2 2
SI (0) = |t| kB T = 2GkB T, (302) 2
which is the Johnson-Nyquist noise (244). It is interesting 0 2 4 6 8 T kB
to note that previously we derived the same formula by
coupling the system to a set of harmonic oscillators, where 4) General |t| independent of energy. We calculate, aided
the oscillation quanta are bosons. Here the coupling is to by Mathematica,
electrons, which are fermions, but the thermal noise is the
same. dEf (E)[1 − f (E + ∆E)] = ∆E β∆E
e −1
2) Shot noise. We assume ω = 0 and T = 0 and get from 1
(299) = ∆E 1 + coth , (308)
2 2kB T
ge2 2 2
SI (0) = |t| |r| dE{fα (E)[1 − fβ (E)] Z
dE{f (E)[1 − f (E + ~ω + eV )]
+fβ (E)[1 − fα (E)]}
ge2 2 +f (E + eV )[1 − f (E + ~ω)]}
= |t| (1 − |t|2 )|eV |. (303)
h 1 ~ω + eV
= (~ω + eV ) 1 + coth
2 2kB T
In the limit |t|2 1 this reduces to the Schottky result
SI = |eI| (283). In the opposite limit |t|2 = 1 one gets 1 ~ω − eV
+ (~ω − eV ) 1 + coth
the interesting result that the shot noise vanishes for per- 2 2kB T
fect transmission. Thus the current flow at temperature 1 ~ω + eV
= ~ω + (~ω + eV ) coth
T = 0 is ”quiet”in a perfect conductor. This applies at the 2 2kB T
plateaus in the conductance figure above [after eq. (276)], 1 ~ω − eV
whereas at the steps the current is noisy. + (~ω − eV ) coth , (309)
2 2kB T
and we get from (299) Here the first is additive in resistance but the latter is not.
The same conclusion holds also at finite frequencies, i.e. in
SI (ω) = dE|t|2 {|t|2 fα (E)[1 − fα (E + ~ω)] an long conductor
~ω 2R~ω
+|t|2 fβ (E)[1 − fβ (E + ~ω)] SV (ω) = R~ω(1 + coth )= . (314)
2kB T 1 − e−β~ω
+|r|2 fα (E)[1 − fβ (E + ~ω)]
+|r|2 fβ (E)[1 − fα (E + ~ω)]}
ge2 2 2 ~ω
= |t| {|t| ~ω(1 + coth )
h 2kB T
1 ~ω + eV
+|r|2 [~ω + (~ω + eV ) coth
2 2kB T
1 ~ω − eV
+ (~ω − eV ) coth ]}
2 2kB T
ge2 2 ~ω
= |t| {~ω + |t|2 ~ω coth
h 2kB T
2 1 ~ω + eV
+|r| [ (~ω + eV ) coth
2 2kB T
1 ~ω − eV
+ (~ω − eV ) coth ]}. (310)
2 2kB T
Note that the first term is odd in ω and the rest is even.
At V = 0 this reduces to
~ω 2G~ω
SI (ω) = G~ω(1 + coth )= , (311)
2kB T 1 − e−β~ω
which agrees with the fluctuation-dissipation theorem
At finite V but temperature T = 0, SI (310) at a given
ω consists of three linear segments as a function of V . The
same holds as a function of ω at a fixed V . At finite T
there the two corners are rounded. The shot noise (at T =
0) is limited to frequencies less than ν = eV /h. This is
the rate of electrons (in one transverse mode) attempting
transmission according to (266) for ∆ν = eV /h.
-2 -1 0 1 2 eV
7. Conclusion
As a summary, we started by studying the driven and
damped harmonic oscillator. In the quantized version, the
damping has to be represented by a coupling to a bath,
which was chosen to consist of harmonic oscillators. In
addition to damping, the bath also produces fluctuations.
The theory presented for harmonic oscillator can be simply
generalized to two-state systems, and to more complica-
ted systems. Finally, we studied the fluctuations caused by
coupling to a bath of electrons. The hope is that this cour-
se forms a good starting point for understanding current
research on topics that bridge quantum optics and electron
transport in mesoscopic condensed matter structures.