Architects' Dictums
Architects' Dictums
Architects' Dictums
"Form does not necessarily follows function" "The city must be subjected to growth, decay
and renewal"
= Antoni Gaudi
= Kenzo Tange
"The first machine for living" "It seems a fantastic paradox, but it is
nevertheless a most important truth, that no
= Buckminster Fuller
architecture can be truly noble which is not
imperfect "
"A house is like a flower pot" "The exterior of the building is the result of
the interior"
= Richard Josef Neutra
= Le Corbusier
"Architecture is Invention"
“Form and Function are one”
= Oscar Niemeyer
= Frank Lloyd Wright
= Adolf Loos
“A town in a town”
=Erich Mendelsohn
“A cube within a cube”
= Eero Saarinen
“Architecture is the masterly, correct, and
magnificent play of masses brought together
“Spiritual function is inseperable from in light”
practical function”
=Le Corbusier
= Eero Saarinen
= Le Corbusier
“Automobile is the most important organizing
element in the structure”
“Chairs are architecture, sofas are bourgeois”
= Paul Rudolph
= Le Corbusier
“Space and light and order, these are the =Ian Athfield
things men need just as much they need
bread or place to sleep”
“Post modern architecture focuses on forms
= Le Corbusier derived from the mind, body, and nature”
= Charles Jencks
“The ‘styles’ are a lie”
= Le Corbusier “Hyperbolic Parabolid”
= Antoni Gaudi
“Less is more”
= Mies van der Rohe “Skin and Bone Structure”
= Mies Van Der Rohe
“Straight lines belong to man, curved lines
belong to God”
“Rush City”
= Antonio Gaudi
= Richard Neutra
“A house is a house”
= Pier Luigi Nervi
= Louis Khan
“Textile Blocks, Organic Architecture”
= Frank Lloyd Wright