DS48 257 PDF
DS48 257 PDF
DS48 257 PDF
1. Introduction
Reverse engineering (RE) is a domain of current interest. It appears that nowadays, companies,
organisation and suppliers need to manufacture old parts or products they use everyday. As an
example, RE is massively used by the US army (Army research office virtual parts engineering
research initiative, [VPERI, 2003]) for the maintenance of their legacy part because the
documentation about the components may be unavailable, incomplete, or in form incompatible with
modern computer aided design and manufacturing software. In the forging industry, people have to
manufacture new tools for old parts. Also, suppliers have to produce parts from the prototype of a
Regarding the current (RE) approaches and according to users, the results obtained are not good
enough because geometric models rebuilt are generally frozen (parametric surface approaches) or not
re-usable (meshed surface approaches). Consequently, the possibility of re-engineering or re-design
does not exist. For example, in a meshed model, a hole has neither diameter nor axis. Moreover, apply
constraint of a parallelism or a fillet between two faces is impossible. With the “surface/solid based
approaches”, the 3D point cloud of the original object is changed into a surface model or a solid
model. The resulting model is as useless as a meshed model regarding to re-design possibilities.
Surface models or solid models can be also obtained from point clouds using CAD solution. In this
case, it is possible to obtain a model that enables re-design approach but it is a very long set of
geometric operations.
This paper proposes a new research direction which takes into account knowledge about the lifecycle
of the original product. Into real CAD model, designers put data about expert knowledge (with
parameters and relationships), the manufacturing process, the function of the product, etc… A
geometric approach is not sufficient for obtaining such a product model. The knowledge dealing with
the product, its lifecycle and its environment have to be considered as well as the geometric
Thus, this research direction proposes to formalise this knowledge and to semi-automate the rebuilding
methodology. Objectives are to obtain a real CAD model with a tree structure of features called
functional and structural skeleton. The originality approach is the merging between a classical
geometric approach (point cloud segmentation and features data extraction) and a knowledge based
approach (functional and structural skeleton).We believe that knowledge extraction step only is
sufficient for obtaining the skeleton model. The segmentation step allows to measure the parameters
(Diameters, lengths, etc…) and to fit skin of the model on the CAD model.
This paper is organised as follow, section 2 presents a state of the art on the currently segmentation
techniques and the knowledge could be revolving around the part based on several project references.
Section 3 presents how collect the knowledge by techniques and concepts will be used. Section 4
To summarize, knowledge about the lifecycle (manufacturing process and functional analysis) of the
product can be used to justify the presence of features as well as to extract parameters and constraints
that link these features with each others. It enables to create a skeleton that will be used to create the
CAD model that is more than a simple geometric image of the product.
In the next section, we show to illustrate the proposed approach using the case of study of a journal
cross of Peugeot 403 (Old French car).
A material
On figure2.a, we suggest an interactive interface, where the CAD user informs, after analysis of the
part, one or more scenarios of the manufacturing process. For each manufacturing process, the CAD
user consults the rules trades saved in a database. Each rules trade corresponds to one or more features
(in this use case, a hole). The CAD user selects or adds the best feature among a list of class features.
Hence, the functional and structural skeleton is represented by the section of this cylinder which are
commanded be the diameter and the trajectory material flow by the cylinder axe which are
commanded by the length of the cylinder. This first step implicates to provide a list of skeleton
features which corresponds manufacturing process currently used.
The second step consist in extracting knowledge of functional specifications of the part
(a) (b)
4. Conclusion
RE based on geometrical approach is often frozen and not reusable. In this paper, we focus on the
classical design approach adapted to RE issue. In this approach, we define functions of the product
based on the interaction of multiple expertises in order to identify and classify the driving parameters.
Each function of the product is organized and stored in a skeleton design called in this paper, the
functional and structural skeleton. Based on this skeleton, we suggest a hybrid approach that integrates
geometrical and functional aspects. The main goal of this approach is to obtain a complete and fully
parameterised CAD model including design intents.
As the first milestone, we propose a prototype software application which answers to the need for
integration between geometrical and functional aspects of the part. In the case of study, knowledge
interpretation is reduced to a single part. Software solution interface has to be developed to take into
account the product assembly.
As the second milestone, a methodology is required to interpret and to manage product knowledge in
order to deduce the set of driving parameters and to construct the functional and structural skeleton.
This methodology is clearly needed when considering larger assembly or complex parts.
As the third milestone, we develop a solution for connecting a geometrical recognition with the
functional and structural skeleton.
The merging between knowledge management and geometrical recognition will enable to build a
complete and fully parameterisable CAD model (figure 3.c). Finally, we will propose a software
solution as a tool for a knowledge based reverse engineering.
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Associate Professor
Sébastien Remy
Université de Technologie de Troyes, Mechanical Engineering
12 rue Marie Curie, 10010 Troyes, France
Email: sebastien.remy@utt.fr