3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface: Manual
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface: Manual
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface: Manual
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
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Additional Information
This manual does not contain all the information required to operate and maintain the
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface. Refer to the Following manuals for other required
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
1. Receiving and Handling Instructions ........................................1
1.1 Receiving Inspecting .........................................................................................1
1.2 Handling and Storage Considerations ...............................................................1
1.3 Disposal Statement ...........................................................................................1
Section 1 — Receiving and Handling Instructions
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
2. General Information
This section describes the Bently Nevada 3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface
system and lists the Bently Nevada 3500 Monitors and transducer systems with
which it is designed to be used.
A Vibration Transducer Interface works in an intrinsically safe system as a
galvanic isolator. This isolator acts as an interface between a transducer
installed in a hazardous environment and a 3500 monitoring system installed in a
safe environment.
Although a galvanic isolator and a zener barrier are both intrinsically safe
interfaces that provide the same level of protection, they work differently. A
zener barrier works by shunting excess current and voltage to ground. A
galvanic isolator provides intrinsic safety by isolating power, ground, and signal
in the hazardous area from the safe area. This isolation removes the need to
provide an earth ground in the hazardous environment. With the exception of the
Aeroderivative Interface Module, all transducers can "float" in the hazardous
A drawback to using galvanic isolation instead of zener barriers is that galvanic
isolation introduces a small amount of noise and signal inaccuracy to the
transducer output as listed in the data sheet at the end of this manual. This error
can cause some concern in certain applications as described in the section
Checking the Accuracy of the Output Signal, page 5.
The Bently Nevada 3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface can receive inputs from the
following approved Bently Nevada transducers:
• 3300 XL Proximitor Transducer
• 3300 5 mm/8 mm Proximitor Transducer
• 7200 5 mm/8 mm Proximitor Transducer
• Accelerometer Interface Module (part number 23733-03)
• Aeroderivative Interface Module (part number 86517) (Velocity Only)
• 3300 REBAM MicroPROX Transducer
• 7200 REBAM MicroPROX Transducer
The 3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface system can be used in thrust, DC,
Keyphasor and vibration systems. The following 3500 monitors have been
tested with the 3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface system:
• 3500/25 Keyphasor Monitor
• 3500/40 Proximitor Monitor
• 3500/42 Proximitor/Seismic Monitor
• 3500/44 Aeroderivative Monitor
• 3500/50 Tachometer Monitor
Note: The I/O modules of the above 3500 monitors must be External
Section 2 — General Information
Also included with the standard interface system package are a mounting kit and
a manual. The mounting kit contains the following parts:
Item Qty Where Used
Pan head self tapping screw 4 DIN-rail mount
Spacer 4 DIN-rail mount
DIN-rail mounting foot 4 DIN-rail mount
Plain washer, M4 4 Surface/DIN-rail mount
Locking washer, M4 4 Surface/DIN-rail mount
Retaining Washer 4 Surface/DIN-rail mount
M4x20 screw 4 Surface mount
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
M4x10 spacer 4 Surface mount
Retaining washer, M4 4 Surface mount
Power supply Connectors 2 Power Input
Section 3 — Installing the Hardware
The 3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface can introduce additional ac and dc errors.
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual Affects on Diagnostic Systems
Be aware of the additional phase, gap, and vibration errors that will be present
(refer to the Specification sheet at the end of this manual). The following
measurements are affected by the additional voltage errors:
• Shaft centerline plots are affected by the dc offset.
• Gap measurements are affected by the dc offset.
• The additional phase error could affect orbit plots. The amount of error
depends on the frequency of the vibration.
• The additional ac error will affect vibration measurements.
Do NOT install a backplane or
other safe area components in a
hazardous environment. An
explosion may occur if safe
area components are installed
in a hazardous environment.
Install the 3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface in a safe environment unless the
modules are protected by a locally acceptable explosion proof technique.
Section 3 — Installing the Hardware
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
V1 V1
0V 0V
V2 V2
0V 0V
4 4
V1 V1
0V 0V
V2 V2
0V 0V
4 4
1) Vibration Backplane
2) Keyphasor Backplane
3) Power Supply
4) Power Supply Connector
Section 3 — Installing the Hardware
Verify that at least one power supply LED is on. One LED will be on for each
power supply that is installed.
2 3
1) Vibration Backplane
2) Keyphasor Backplane
3) Power Supply LEDs
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
To attach the earth rail:
1. Locate the earth rail over the "C" holes of the backplane.
1 2
3 3
4 4
3 3
1) Vibration Backplane
2) Keyphasor Backplane
3) “C” Holes
4) Earth Rail Post Positions
1) Earth Terminal
2) Plastic Rivet
3) Earth Rail
4) Earth Rail Post
5) M3 x 12mm Screw and
Washer (2 places per post)
6) Backplane
7) “C” Holes
Section 3 — Installing the Hardware
If you order an enclosure with the interface system, the system will be shipped
with the backplane installed within the enclosure. This installation will use some
mounting kit hardware, specifically, those parts pertaining to a surface
1) Mounting
Hole “A”
2) M4 x 12mm
3) Locking
4) Plain Washer
5) Backplane
6) M4 x 10mm
7) M4
8) Tapped
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
1. Attach the DIN-rail mounting feet onto two lengths of "G" or T-section DIN
1) Mounting
Hole “A”
2) DIN Rail
3) M4 x 20mm
4) Locking
5) Plain
6) Backplane
7) M4 x 10mm
8) M4 Interference Fit Washer
2. Position the screws and washers through the backplane mounting holes
marked "A" as shown.
3. Attach the backplane to the mounting feet with the fixing screws as shown.
Section 3 — Installing the Hardware
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual Installing the Enclosures to a Surface
Install the enclosure to a surface use the following procedure:
2. Secure with a fixing screw. Slide the screw into the TOP of the enclosure
and screw it into the mounting lug. This requires a long screwdriver.
Section 3 — Installing the Hardware
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
NON-Intrinsically Safe and Intrinsically Safe wiring MUST be separated by
50 mm minimum. Reference local wiring codes before wiring the
Section 4 — Wiring the Hardware
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
20 to 35 Vdc
1) Transducer
2) Hazardous Area
3) Safe Area
4) Vibration Transducer Interface
5) 3500 Monitor
Terminal Function
2 Supply to hazardous area
5 Signal input
6 Transducer Common
7 Monitor Common
8 Isolator Signal Output
13 Power Supply Common
14 Power Supply Positive (+Vs)
Notice that the module terminal connections are located at the following positions:
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
• Terminals 1 through 6 are on the top of the Vibration Transducer Interface module.
These terminals connect to the screw clamp connector for the hazardous-area
• Terminals 7 through 14 are located on the bottom of the Vibration Transducer
Interface module and connect to the backplane. These pins are the safe area
5 6
7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Section 4 — Wiring the Hardware
3 4
5 1 2 3 4
1) Signal and Common: Terminals 7 & 8 of Vibration Transducer Interfaces 1 & 2.
2) Signal and Common: Terminals 7 & 8 of Vibration Transducer Interfaces 3 & 4.
3) Power Input/ Output: Input: Terminals 13 & 14 of all Vibration Transducer
Interfaces; Output: Bussed Power to Adjacent Backplanes.
4) Power Input/ Output: Input: Terminals 13 & 14 of all Vibration Transducer
Interfaces; Output: Bussed Power to Adjacent Backplanes.
5) Position of Vibration Transducer Interfaces 1 to 4 (Position 1 = Ch1.).
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
V1 V2
V1 V2
0V 0V
0V 0V
5 5
1 2
5 5
3 V1 V2
3 V1 V2
0V 0V
0V 0V
1) Vibration Backplane
2) Keyphasor Backplane
3) Connector Position “A”
4) Connector Position “B”
5) Power Supply
To reduce wiring while powering the 3500 Vibration Transducer Interface system, we
recommend using a "ring-main" system. A "ring-main" system has the following
characteristics and limitations:
1. An individual backplane can be removed from power without effecting the operation
of the other backplanes.
2. Power MUST connect to the next backplane as shown in the figure on the next
3. The power supply current in the "ring-main" system must NOT exceed 3.8 amps
from a single power supply (Refer to the data sheet at the end of this manual).
4. Wire sizes must accommodate load and voltage drop.
Section 4 — Wiring the Hardware
0V V2 0V V1
0V V2 0V V1
0V V2 0V V1
0V V2 0V V1
0V V2 0V V1
0V V2 0V V1
1) Power Supply
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
An explosion may occur if the screw clamp connector touches an
unprotected safe-area component.
If you install or remove the screw clamp connector while power is on, support the
connector so that it cannot touch the backplane or the safe-area circuits. Contact
between the screw clamp connector and the backplane may bypass the essential
segregation between safe-area and hazardous-area circuits.
Section 4 — Wiring the Hardware
The following table shows the 3500 Monitor, Cable, Backplane and Transducer
combinations that can be used with the 3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface.
The 3500 Field Wiring Package shows how to connect the 3500 Monitors to the
backplanes and how to identify the Vibration Transducer Interfaces to which the safe
area and hazardous area field wiring is attached.
The cable assemblies have different connector types at each end, namely, 90-deg
cable entry and 45 deg cable entry. The 90 deg cable entry connector connects to the
3500 Monitor and the 45 deg cable entry to the backplane. A 45-deg cable entry is used
to ensure that there is sufficient spacing between hazardous and safe area field wiring
and enable easier installation.
The cable assemblies, method of installation and cable pin out diagrams are shown
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
1) Vibration and Aeroderivative Cable Assembly
2) Keyphasor Cable Assembly
3) 25-way Male Connector with Straight Cable Entry (3500 Monitor)
4) 25-way Male Connector with 45o Cable Entry (Backplane)
5) 9-way Male Connector with Straight Cable Entry (3500 Monitor)
6) 9-way Male Connector with 45o Cable Entry (Backplane)
1) Cable
2) 45o Connector
3) Backplane
Section 4 — Wiring the Hardware
3 3
1) Connector J1 (3500)
2) Connector J2 (Backplane)
3) Connect Shield to Backshell
4) TP= Twisted Pair
5) N/C= No Connect
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
3 3
1) Connector J1 (3500)
2) Connector J2 (Backplane)
3) Connect Shield to Backshell
4) TP= Twisted Pair
5) N/C= No Connect
Section 4 — Wiring the Hardware
3 3
1) Connector J1 (3500)
2) Connector J2 (Backplane)
3) Connect Shield to Backshell
4) TP= Twisted Pair
5) N/C= No Connect
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
Connect the Special Alarm Inhibits remote closure contacts to the 3500 Monitor
using contacts that are located on the Vibration Backplane as shown below. The
wire that is recommended is 18AWG to 22 AWG stranded 2-wire shielded with
insulting sheath. The shield should only be connected at one end as shown. When
Special Alarm Inhibit is not required, these connections can be left unconnected.
1) Special Inhibit ‘A’ Remote Closure Contacts (User Installed)
2) Special Inhibit ‘B’ Remote Closure Contacts (User Installed)
3) Inhibit Return Wire
4) Inhibit Wire
5) Shield Wire
Section 5 — Maintenance and Troubleshooting
5.1 Maintenance
We recommend that you use the following checklist to check the condition of the
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface system installation at least once every two
years. Use this list more frequently if the installation is in a particularly harsh
" Modules are labeled properly and in the correct position according to the
relevant documentation.
" Modules and hazardous-area connectors are correctly and legibly tagged, the
connectors are plugged into the matching modules, and the tag details given
comply with the relevant documentation.
" Modules and hazardous-area connectors are securely plugged into their
matching sockets.
" All connections to the backplane and to the hazardous-area connectors are
properly made.
" Inspect connecting cables to backplanes and to hazardous-area connectors
for the following:
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual
5.2 Troubleshooting
When troubleshooting, carry out the following steps as far as is necessary:
An explosion may occur if the screw clamp connector
touches an unprotected safe-area component.
Section 5 — Maintenance and Troubleshooting
R1 = 1000 Ω
V1 = Digital Voltage
Vin = Function
Vo = Digital Voltage
Vs + = +20 to +35 Vdc
Vs - = Common
Vo = 0.707!0.035 Vrms
@ 100 Hz -5.9 to -6.1 Vdc
3500 Galvanic Isolator Interface Manual