Meat and Environmental Destruction
Meat and Environmental Destruction
Meat and Environmental Destruction
Cows, pigs, chickens, and other farmed animals produce about 130 times more
excrement than the entire human population. Antibiotics and hormones fed to livestock,
toxic chemicals sprayed on feed crops, and other poisons from factory farms are among
the most common causes of habitat collapse and wildlife loss.
Global warming
In 2006, the United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization reported that animal agriculture produces more
greenhouse gasses than all the automobiles in the world. A
University of Chicago study found that a person on a vegan
diet produces 1.5 tons fewer carbon dioxide emissions each
year than the average meat eater, while switching from a
gas-powered car to a hybrid only reduces emissions by 1 ton.
The U.S. consumes more than one-quarter of the world’s energy supply, but comprises
less than 5% of global population. With developing countries increasingly adopting the
American diet, global meat consumption is projected to double by 2050.
Environmentalists can help reverse this destructive trend by setting an example that
includes eating low on the food chain.
Learn more about the many benefits of a plant-based diet for the environment, your
health, and animals by ordering your free Vegan Starter Kit from In Defense of Animals.
This booklet includes a wealth of nutritional information, as well as delicious and
easy-to-prepare vegan recipes designed to make the transition to a meat-free diet
smooth and enjoyable.
In Defense 3010 Kerner Blvd, San Rafael, CA 94901 Tel: (415) 388-9641
of Animals Fax: (415) 388-0388 Email: