Lesson Plan: TKT: Practical and Lesson Planning
Lesson Plan: TKT: Practical and Lesson Planning
Lesson Plan: TKT: Practical and Lesson Planning
Date: the 20th of May 2019 Lesson Title: Degrees of Comparison for
Main Aim
By the end of the lesson the learners will have reviewed and provided controlled and
freer practice of the degrees of comparison for adjectives.
Subsidiary Aim
By the end of the lesson the learners will have practised speaking.
Personal Aim
To reduce teacher language in whole class activities and provide more learner
Learners have been taught the degrees of comparison for adjectives.
To provide controlled Ask learners in pairs to write down the degrees S-S 10 mins
practice of comparison for the opposite adjectives: thin,
Practice disgusting, and good.
Practice To provide freer practice Ask learners in pairs to write down the degrees T-S 15 mins
of comparison for the adjectives from exercise 4
at page 129 from their course book.
Feedback To correct learners’ Ask learners to read the degrees of comparison T-S 5 mins
answers for the adjectives from exercise 4 at page 129
and teacher helps as necessary.