Biogas Generation From Distillery Spent Wash by Using An OPUR Western Biotechnology Process: A Case Study
Biogas Generation From Distillery Spent Wash by Using An OPUR Western Biotechnology Process: A Case Study
Biogas Generation From Distillery Spent Wash by Using An OPUR Western Biotechnology Process: A Case Study
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1 author:
Manoj Wagh
Padmashri Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil College of Engineering
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In India, sugar molasses are used on a large scale to manufacture ethanol. Global ethanol production in
2015 was around 224 crore L. While manufacturing ethanol, distillery wastewater generated is around
2,688 crore L, which affects terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem very badly. In the present paper, an
OPUR treatment process is studied to treat the distillery industry wastewater specially implemented
for Indian climatic condition. Distillery wastewaters treated by anaerobic digestion produces biogas as
a nonconventional energy source and controls the pollution; OPUR process reduces the COD around
from 140,000 to 38,500 mg L–1 (65%–72%), BOD reduction from 70,000 to 13,000 mg L–1 (80%–85%),
total dissolved solids reduction from 100,000 to 25,000 (75%), and biogas generation from 0.45 to
0.55 Nm3 kg–1 COD degraded. Calorific value is 4,500 kcal Nm–3, saving bagasse costs with biogas as
fuel, €4,891.5 per day, and total revenue generated €911,250 per year.
Keywords: OPUR process; Distillery spent wash; Fermentation; Biogas; Anaerobic digestion; Aerobic
Fig. 1. Spent wash generation path for the distillery plant during alcohol manufacturing.
2. Study area
Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil is the first co-operative sugar
mill situated in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India (Fig. 3).
The first co-operative distillery plant was started in 1970
with capacity of 15 KLPD, by Chemical Consultants and
Engineers, Ahmednagar. OPUR biotechnology (Sulzer tech-
nology) has been implemented to generate the biogas with
capacity of 60 KLPD in 1987. Mill first started biogas plant
and composting yard in Ahmednagar.
Nm3K L–1 spent wash, which is being used as fuel for boiler for the period April 2015–October 2015. Fig. 5 shows the pro-
and surplus to sugar boiler. Salient features of biogas plant file of concentration of feed COD entering the digester and
are shown in Table 3. the concentration of final COD of the effluent. The slightly
Table 4 illustrates a summary of average weekly observa- fluctuating nature of the COD concentration of the distillery
tions of feed COD, final COD, feed rate and biogas generation wastewater (98–104 g L–1) is evident from feed COD curve.
It is important to observe that the digester effluent COD
concentration remains reasonably consistent despite the
Table 2
OPUR western biotechnology details fluctuations in the COD of incoming wastewater. This also
reflects the capability of the system to perform in a very sta-
OPUR western biosystem ble manner.
The overall performance shows biogas generation rate
Number of reactor 4 of 28,127 m3 d–1, with specific biogas generation 0.45 Nm3
Reactor diameter 30 m kg–1 COD removal, based on 300 working days per year.
Sludge blanket zone 1.2 m A similar result has been produced by author Abdullah et
Height 14 m al. [24] that daily biogas generation was 55,760 m3 d–1 from
Hydraulic retention time, in days 5–6 d 1,394 m3 spent wash, and total electricity generation was
37.7 million kWh. A similar result has been illustrated by
Specific biogas generation, Nm3 kg–1 COD 0.45
author Aftab et al. [25] that 1-ton biomass anaerobically
COD reduction (%) 68%–70%
digested and 10 times diluted sugarcane molasses gener-
Total biogas generation, Nm3 d–1 35,000–40,000 ate 6.55 m3 biogas. The anaerobic process of winery efflu-
Biogas composition ent produces biogas 400–600 L kg–1 COD degraded with
CH4 65–70
60%–70% methane content [26]. The total volume of biogas
production was throughout 1,048,393 m3/year from a spent
CO2 20–25
wash of quantity 34,627,395 m3 [27]. Anaerobic digestion
H 2S 1.8 is one of the most efficient and effective renewable energy
Calorific value, kcal Nm–3 4,500 sources than other alternative nonconventional sources of
Steam generation energy, very less capital investment per unit manufacturing
cost [28].
Boiler efficiency (%) 85%
Steam enthalpy at 10 kg cm–2, kcal kg–1 180 MT d–1
Fuel saving 3. Secondary treatments (process of composting)
Steam from 1 MT of bagasse, MT The biomethanated distillery effluent has been treated in
Equivalent bagasse saving per day, MT d–1 90.440 MT the secondary effluent plant by the process of aerobic com-
Bagasse price Rs MT–1 2,500/MT posting. An aerobic biocomposting is the thermophilic pro-
Saving in bagasse costs with biogas as fuel, 2,26,100 cess, adopted by several Indian distilleries as it results in rich
Rs d–1 humus and can be utilized as a fertilizer [29]. Total effluent
is being consumed in the composting plant by using press
Number of working days per year 270–300
mud, waste bagasse and boiler ash as a filler material. The
Saving per year, Rs 60,750,000 composting cycle is of 4–5 weeks. The compaction is carried
Table 3 out in such way that no leaching of the effluent from the
Salient features of biogas plant hips, and the moisture content in the hips is always main-
tained below 70%. Spent wash mixed with pressmud gives
Plant supplied M/s Western Bio-system Ltd., Pune, high fertile value pressmud, and bagasse-rich resources of
Sulzer Technology An OPUR Process COD are also reduced while using bacteria at temperature
Receiving pit 900 m3 d–1 65°C–700°C. The thermophilic bacteria can survive gener-
Digester 4 Nos. (total holding capacity, m3) ally in this temperature. The mesophilic bacteria can toler-
9,200 × 2 Nos. ate up to temperature 450°C and in the range of 15°C–450°C
secreting acids, and increasing temperature goes up to
6,300 × 2 Nos.
65°C–700°C. The mesophilic bacteria slow down, and the
Biogas digester in 3 Nos. (9,200 m3 × 2 Nos.) (working) thermophilic bacteria start to grow. Generally, composting
operation 1 No. (6,300 m3 × 1 Nos.) (standby) is possible at the 40% moisture. Microbial degraded organic
Loading rate 4.5–5 m3 kg COD m–3 matter of spent wash and carbon content of press mud fur-
Biogas generation 0.45–0.55 Nm3 kg–1 COD degraded ther convert organic matter into complex organic matter to
COD reduction 65%–72% compost. Characteristic of compost consists of N: 1.5%–2.5%,
BOD reduction 80%–85% P: 2%–3% and K: 2%–2.5%.
Table 4
Performance of an OPUR system during April–October 2015
Week Average feed Feed COD Final COD COD reduction Biogas generation
rate (m3 d–1) (g L–1) (g L–1) (%) (m3)
1. 720 102 29 71.57 24,457
2. 724 102 30 70.59 24,500
3. 696 103 28 72.8 24,571
4. 682 101 29 71.29 25,157
5. 675 100 30 70.00 21,700
6. 716 98 31 68.37 26,714
7. 720 98 30 69.39 27,486
8. 720 98 29 70.41 28,357
9. 720 99 28 71.72 28,071
10. 744 102 29 71.57 29,157
11. 754 101 30 70.30 29,771
12. 768 101 29 71.29 29,700
13. 768 98 31 68.37 30,129
14. 768 99 29 70.71 30,343
15. 768 102 29 71.57 30,029
16. 768 101 30 70.30 30,571
17. 768 99 30 69.70 30,686
18. 768 104 31 70.19 29,300
19. 768 99 28 71.72 30,129
20. 757 98 29 70.41 30,086
21. 744 101 30 70.30 30,314
22. 744 102 31 69.61 30,057
23. 740 102 31 69.61 30,314
24. 745 100 30 70.00 30,843
25. 727 101 31 70.00 27,100
26. 684 99 29 70.70 27,657
27. 606 98 29 70.41 23,986
28. 635 98 29 70.40 29,914
29. 601 98 28 71.43 28,829
30. 519 98 29 70.41 23,871
Average 717 100 29.50 70.50 28,127
246 M.P. Wagh, P.D. Nemade / Desalination and Water Treatment 118 (2018) 241–248
Fig. 5. Profile of weekly average feed and final values and biogas generation rates.
• Biogas generation contains 65%–70% methane (CH4), fuel for the steam generation has been estimated to be €91,125
20%–25% carbon dioxide (CO2), 1.8% hydrogen sulphide per annum. The biogas system has also proved to be profit-
(H2S) and a small quantity of moisture. able with a capital cost of €375,000. Plant saves daily 90.440
• COD reduces from 87,000 ppm to 20,000 ppm. MT bagasse; bagasse costs is reduced by using biogas as fuel,
• BOD minimizes up to 4,500 ppm; pH of treated effluent €4,891.5 per day; total revenue generated is €911,250 per year.
is 7.2–7.8. Energy generation of another plant is very high as com-
• OPUR western biosystem is having benefits throughout pared with other renewable energy sources: capital cost of
other technology processes of biogas generation such as small hydropower plant is €7,50,000–€9,00,000, and esti-
UASB and fixed film reactor that are indicated in Table 5. mated cost of generation of 1 kWh is €0.0225–€0.0375; capital
cost of wind power is €6,00,000–€7,50,000, and estimated cost
During the period of April–September, plant was run- of generation of 1 kWh is €0.03–€0.045; capital cost of biomass
ning at 100% capacity due to the simultaneous supply of power is €6,00,000, and estimated cost of 1 kWh is €0.0375–
molasses. From the month of October, the amount of spent €0.0525; and capital cost of bagasse cogeneration is €5,25,000,
wash was decreased due to deficiency of molasses. The total and estimated cost of generation of 1 kWh is €0.0375–€0.045
spent wash feed during these months was 152,855 m3, and [30]. Fixed film reactor technology has been implemented
the average spent wash feed was 28,127 m3. The cost saving to molasses-based distillery by applying organic loading of
through the replacement of bagasse (when available) as fuel 22 kg COD m–3 d–1, which gives COD reduction 71.8% and
for the steam generation has proved to be profitable with biogas generation 0.45 m3 kg–1 COD [31]. Hence, anaerobic
payback period less than 2 years. OPUR western biotech- digestion is proved to be a primary treatment to distillery
nology is in operation for the last 3 decades and gives satis- effluent with very high energy potential.
factory performance with respect to biogas generation and The authors also illustrate that the quantity of effluent
increased COD removal efficiency. This shows that anaerobic produced by anaerobic treatment will not be sufficient to
digestion technology can remove up to 69% of COD and offer fulfill discharge requirement and required additional treat-
very economical option to solve the effluent treatment prob- ment technologies to dispose of the cumbersome complex
lems of the distillery. Cost saving through the replacement effluent. Several distilleries in India follow aerobic treatment
of bagasse (when insufficient or not available) by biogas as a as a secondary process to treat the biomethanated effluent
Table 5
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[18] Y.Q. Tang, Y. Fujimura, T. Shigematsu, S. Morimura, K. Kida,
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