SAP CAR (Customer Activity Repository) is an application that collects transactional data from multiple sources and formats it into a common data model for consumption by various applications. It uses the in-memory capabilities of SAP HANA to provide real-time analytics on sales, customer behavior, and inventory across all sales channels. SAP CAR training covers the solution architecture, data transfer and integration with ERP and CRM systems, multi-channel analytics, and inventory visibility.
SAP CAR (Customer Activity Repository) is an application that collects transactional data from multiple sources and formats it into a common data model for consumption by various applications. It uses the in-memory capabilities of SAP HANA to provide real-time analytics on sales, customer behavior, and inventory across all sales channels. SAP CAR training covers the solution architecture, data transfer and integration with ERP and CRM systems, multi-channel analytics, and inventory visibility.
SAP CAR (Customer Activity Repository) is an application that collects transactional data from multiple sources and formats it into a common data model for consumption by various applications. It uses the in-memory capabilities of SAP HANA to provide real-time analytics on sales, customer behavior, and inventory across all sales channels. SAP CAR training covers the solution architecture, data transfer and integration with ERP and CRM systems, multi-channel analytics, and inventory visibility.
SAP CAR (Customer Activity Repository) is an application that collects transactional data from multiple sources and formats it into a common data model for consumption by various applications. It uses the in-memory capabilities of SAP HANA to provide real-time analytics on sales, customer behavior, and inventory across all sales channels. SAP CAR training covers the solution architecture, data transfer and integration with ERP and CRM systems, multi-channel analytics, and inventory visibility.
SAP Customer Activity Repository in short called as SAP CAR. It is an application provided by SAP. It is an collected transactional data, which has been spread over multiple independent applications in various formats. The SAP CAR offers an common foundation & a harmonized multichannel transaction data model for all the consuming applications. The SAP Customer Activity Repository is a common data foundation which enables real time data access, visibility and also analytics. / +91 8121 020 888
More about SAP CAR:
The SAP HANA is an underlying in memory technology of the Repository, it is responsible for analytical requests on huge amounts of data in real_time to give the insight into the sales, performance & consumer behaviour across all channels by enabling the new processes , interaction with all the parties. The Retailers can directly use the SAP Customer Activity Repository to gradually transform their system landscapes from traditional database technology to the revolutionary, in memory database technology. SAP CAR improves the stock coverage in order to ensure that all the products are available when the customer decides to buy & boost the sales rate in to the process. / +91 8121 020 888
SAP CAR Training Prerequisites:
For learning SAP Customer activity repository training following are the prerequisites: •Knowledge on W26POS SAP POS Data Management (SAP POSM) •SAP Overview in SAP IS Retail •SAP HANA basic knowledge / +91 8121 020 888
Key components of SAP CAR:
The Multi-channel Sales Repository (MCSR): The MCSR is the basis for the multi-channel transaction & also the inventory visibility analysis. It holds the different types of data as follows: Transactional data– which includes the point-of-sale (POS) transactions & the other several types of sales documents Inventory data-such as current stock levels at a store, to enable near real-time inventory visibility analysis Master data– such as store & article numbers. / +91 8121 020 888
Advantages of SAP CAR:
•It effectively Increases the promotion & assortment. •It creates a consistent brand experience all across the channels to boost customer satisfaction & retention •It personalize the market for the higher sales •It also Simplify all your IT landscape by minimizing the big data. / +91 8121 020 888
SAP CAR Training Course Content:
As a part of SAP CAR Online Training you will come across the following content. •Basic Introduction to SAP Customer Activity Repository (SAP CAR) •About SAP CAR Solution Architecture •Overview on SAP POS Data transfer & audit & other basics •How the integration done with ERP & CRM •The SAP CAR Analytics for Multi-channel Sales Analytics & Inventory Analytics •Overview on the On Shelf availability •Demand Data Foundation & the Unified Demand Forecast basis •Migration process for the existing SAP POS Data Management customers •Discussions,