Qos in Umts: Claudiu Chioariu Helsinki University of Technology Seminar On Internetworking 2004, T-110.551
Qos in Umts: Claudiu Chioariu Helsinki University of Technology Seminar On Internetworking 2004, T-110.551
Qos in Umts: Claudiu Chioariu Helsinki University of Technology Seminar On Internetworking 2004, T-110.551
Claudiu Chioariu
Helsinki University of Technology
Seminar on Internetworking 2004, T-110.551
HUT T-110.551 Seminar on Internetworking Sjökulla, 2004-04-26/27
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HUT T-110.551 Seminar on Internetworking Sjökulla, 2004-04-26/27
(the UMTS evolution of the GSM Base Station Con- 3 UMTS QoS Requirements
troller). The BSs task is to transmit data over the radio
interface to and from the MT and to interface with the 3.1 UMTS QoS Requirements analysis
The UMTS QoS general requirements, as introduced by [4],
The Core Network Edge Node (CN Edge Node) pro- define the constraints the set of attributes characterizing the
vides the interface between the RAN and the packet QoS should meet.
switched core assuring session and mobility manage- QoS attributes negotiation between UE and UMTS CN
ment. Gateway node should be possible as well as renegoti-
The CN Gateway connect the PS core network to ex-
ating the QoS for active sessions. The UE and 3G CN
Gateway node should be able to indicate the QoS prop-
ternal networks. It maintains the routing information
erties to the application layer
necessary to tunnel the packet data between the net-
works, has mostly functions typicall for gateways in IP Interoperability with previous existing QoS schemes
networks. should be assured. The overall complexity generated
by the QoS mechansisms should be low.
After a UE has attached to the UMTS network (attaching
procedure is out of the scope of this paper) a Packet Data Mapping between the application QoS attributes and
Protocol (PDP) context shoud be activated by the UE in or- the UMTS services should be done by the UMTS QoS
der to send or receive data. Successful activation starts the mechanisms.
establishment of a data session and QoS management pro-
cedures in the UE and the CN EdgeNode and CNGateway
The QoS mechanisms should assure different levels of
network as well .The PDP context contains the QoS parame- QoS using the UMTS mechanisms independent of QoS
ters for the connection between the UE and the CN Gateway. mechanisms of other networks.
In UMTS Rel. 5 it is possible to control the QoS of a com- It should be possible to have different QoS attributes for
bined set of IP flows using an interface between CN Gateway multiple streams of a session. [10] A session is consid-
and a Policy Control Function entity [5]. After a first PDP ered to be a progression of events devoted to a particu-
context was established a "secondary" PDP context could be lar activity. A stream provided to a session is a distinct
created in relation with the first one, and using a newly cre- service with its own QoS attributes. For example, for
ated Radio Access Bearer. More, the Rel 5 allows UE, CN a given session. Simultaneous voice and data transfer
Edge Node and CN Gateway modification and deactivation should be possible, and each of the different streams
of the PDP context [12]. should be provided with diffrenet QoS.
Bearers introduction
The upper layer end-to-end application service itself is Asymmetric bearers (with different QoS for uplink and
seen as a Bearer Service (BS), with service source and ser- downlink) should be supported.
vice destination (the end users). In the UMTS model the end-
to-end service is built upon three services: local BS, UMTS In order to better control the QoS mechanisms, 3GPP de-
BS service and the external BS. Local BS translates between mands application traffic differentiation into a finite num-
the end-user service attributes in TE and MT. As it is out ber of profiles (four), named classes. The differentiation is
of the scope of the UMTS network this bearer is not cov- mainly done considering the delay sensitiveness of the infor-
ered by the standards, neither by this paper. UMTS BS is mation to be carried [5]:
the provider of the services that the UMTS network offers. 1. Conversational Class: provides as its name implies con-
It covers the RAN and the CN domain. UMTS BS has con- versational services. They comprise real-time symmet-
trol plane and user plane functions. In the control plane dif- ric services as voice over IP or videotelephon. Hu-
ferent BS manages handle the establishment, modification man perception of the maximum transfer delay defines
and maintenance of the services. The user plane functions the characteristics of this traffic class. Suggestions ex-
comprise user and signaling data traffic maintenance as de- ist [12] for a fixed resource allocation in the network
fined by the QoS attributes. External BS maps the UMTS for Conversational Class services. Codec negotiation is
bearer service to the QoS attributes of the external network also important, as usage of different codecs by the two
service. The latter could be, for example, another UMTS peers will involve time-consuming transcoding [13]. A
bearer service or the Internet best-effor service. UMTS BS codec is an entity used for compressing a specific type
uses two other lower level services: Radio Access BS and of information (audio, video) into a smaller number of
Core Network BS. The first one provides confidential trans- bits and subsequent retrieval of the original information
port of signaling and user data between the MT and the CN with the purpose of raising the efficiency of the trans-
Edge Node [5] either with the QoS htat corresponds to the mission.
one the UMTS BS has negotiated, or with the default QoS for
signaling. RA BS abstracts the RAN to a service with cer- 2. Streamig Class: Comprise typically one-way real-time
tain QoS attributes. It controls the Radio BS which abstracts services used by a human destination. Examples of this
the radio interface services and the RAN Access BS which services include video downloading, news stream, web-
provides transport services with different QoS between RAN radio. For this services low delay is not a stringent re-
and CN Edge Node. quirement due to application level buffering in UE and
HUT T-110.551 Seminar on Internetworking Sjökulla, 2004-04-26/27
HUT T-110.551 Seminar on Internetworking Sjökulla, 2004-04-26/27
the above bearer attributes is justified by the fact that the op-
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erators have complete control over their network, and usu-
ally the CNEdge Node and the wired part of the RAN typi-
cally belong to the same operator. However, if this is not the
case then DiffServ semantics should solve the interoperabil-
ity challenges.
HUT T-110.551 Seminar on Internetworking Sjökulla, 2004-04-26/27
HUT T-110.551 Seminar on Internetworking Sjökulla, 2004-04-26/27
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