Kaeser BSD

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Rotary Screw Compressors

BSD Series
With the world-renowned SIGMA PROFILE
Free air delivery 1.12 to 8.19 m³/min, Pressure 5.5 – 15 bar

BSD Series Service-friendly design

BSD – Setting the standard

KAESER KOMPRESSOREN pushes the boundaries of compressed air efficiency once again with its latest
generation of BSD series rotary screw compressors. Not only do they deliver more compressed air for less
power consumption, but they also combine ease of use and maintenance with exceptional versatility and
environmentally responsible design.

BSD – Multiple savings Perfect partners

The new BSD compressors save energy in multiple BSD series rotary screw compressors are perfect
ways: The compressor airends are equipped with partners for high efficiency industrial compressed air
flow-optimised SIGMA PROFILE rotors and are systems. The internal SIGMA CONTROL 2 compres-
controlled and monitored via the industrial PC-based sor controller offers multiple communication chan-
SIGMA CONTROL 2 compressor controller. This nels, which allows seamless communication with
enables free air delivery to be precisely matched to advanced master controllers, such as KAESER’s
meet actual compressed air demand and ensures SIGMA AIR MANAGER, and in-house centralised
maximum energy efficiency. Last, but not least, control systems. This enables simple setup and
the use of Super Premium Efficiency IE4 motors achieves unprecedented levels of efficiency.
boosts energy efficiency even further.

Ease of maintenance ensures Thermo Management (ETM)
Powered via an electric motor, the sensor-controlled
The distinctive and eye-catching design of these temperature control valve integrated into the cool-
systems from the outside is complemented by intelli- ing circuit is the heart of the innovative Electronic
gent component layout on the inside for even greater Thermo Management (ETM) system. The new
energy efficiency: All service and maintenance points SIGMA CONTROL 2 compressor controller moni-
are within easy reach and directly accessible. This tors intake and compressor temperature in order to
saves both time and money when it comes to prevent condensate formation, even with differing air
servicing. humidity conditions. ETM dynamically controls the
fluid temperature – low fluid temperature increases
energy efficiency. This system also enables the end
user to better adapt heat recovery systems to suit his
or her specific needs.
Potential energy cost savings
through heat recovery

Compressed air system investment Image: BSD 83

Maintenance costs

Energy costs
Energy cost savings through
system optimisation Potential energy cost savings

2 3

BSD series
Uncompromising efficiency

Valid until:


At the heart of every BSD system lies a premium quality The SIGMA CONTROL 2 ensures efficient control
airend featuring Kaeser’s SIGMA PROFILE rotors. and system monitoring. The large display and RFID
Operating at low speed, KAESER’s airends are reader provide effective communication and maxi-
equipped with flow-optimised rotors for superior mum security. Multiple interfaces offer exceptional
efficiency. flexibility, whilst the SD card slot makes updates
quick and easy.

The future, today: IE4 motors Electronic Thermo Management

KAESER is currently the only compressed air systems The innovative Electronic Thermo Management (ETM)
provider to equip its compressors with Super Premium system dynamically controls fluid temperature to
Efficiency IE4 motors as standard, thereby ensuring provide reliable prevention of condensate accumula-
maximum performance and energy efficiency. tion. This enhances energy efficiency, for example, by
enabling heat recovery to be precisely tailored to meet
customers’ exact needs.

4 5

BSD T series
Premium compressed air quality
with an integrated refrigeration dryer

Switching KAESER refrigeration dryer energy saving control

performance Conventional refrigeration dryers with continuous control
KAESER energy saving

10 12 18 20 Time (min)

Energy-saving control Dependable centrifugal separator

The integrated refrigeration dryer in BSD-T units A KAESER axial centrifugal separator fitted with an
provides high efficiency performance thanks to its electronic ECO-DRAIN condensate drain installed
energy-saving control. The dryer is active only when upstream from of the refrigeration dryer ensures that
compressed air actually needs to be dried: This condensate is reliably pre-separated and drained,
approach therefore achieves the required compressed even when ambient temperatures and humidity are
air quality with maximum efficiency. high.

3.5 kg

3.0 kg
2.5 kg

2.0 kg

1.5 kg
1.0 kg

0.5 kg

0 kg
BSD 65 T BSD 75 T BSD 83 T
New Until now

Refrigeration dryer with ECO-DRAIN Minimal refrigerant required

Image: BSD 83 T The refrigeration dryer also features an ECO-DRAIN. The refrigeration dryers in KAESER’s new BSD-T
The advanced level-controlled condensate drain units require approximately fifty percent less
eliminates the compressed air losses associated with refrigerant than conventional dryers. This not only
solenoid valve control. This both saves energy and saves costs, but is also significantly more
considerably enhances the reliability of the compressed environmentally compatible.
air supply.

6 7

BSD SFC series

Variable speed control

Specific power
(kW/m³/min) Conventional speed control

Efficient SFC variable speed control

Free air delivery (m³/min)

Optimised specific power Precision pressure control

The variable speed compressor is the most heavily The volumetric flow rate can be adjusted within the
loaded piece of equipment in every compressor control range according to pressure. As a result,
station. With its wide control range, the BSD-SFC operating pressure is precisely maintained to within
model is therefore designed with optimum efficiency in ±0.1 bar. This allows maximum pressure to be
mind. This saves energy, maximises service life and reduced which saves both energy and money.
enhances reliability.

Image: BSD 75 T SFC

Externally lubricated drive motor and Separate SFC control cabinet EMC certified
fan motor
The SFC variable speed drive is housed in its It goes without saying that the SFC control cabinet
own control cabinet to shield it from heat from the and SIGMA CONTROL 2 are tested and certified
compressor. A separate fan keeps operating tem- both as individual components and as a system
peratures in the optimum range to ensure maximum to EMC directive EN 55011 for Class A1 industrial
performance and service life. power supplies.

8 9

10 11

Equipment General design

Complete unit
Ready-to-run, fully automatic, super- Standard version
silenced, vibration damped, all panels
powder coated. Suitable for use in Intake filter
ambient temperatures up to +45°C. Inlet valve
Sound insulation Drive motor
Panels lined with laminated mineral Fluid separator tank
Compressed air aftercooler

KAESER centrifugal separator

Vibration damping
Condensate drain
Double insulated anti-vibration mount- (ECO-DRAIN)
ings using rubber bonded metal ele- Fluid cooler
Electrical temperature valve
Fluid filter
Radial fan
Genuine KAESER rotary screw, single
stage airend with energy-saving
SIGMA PROFILE and cooling fluid
injection for optimised rotor cooling.
1:1 direct drive.

Rotary screw airend with energy-saving SIGMA PROFILE rotors
Direct, high-flex coupling, without
Air-cooled; separate aluminium cooler “Traffic light” LED indicators show T SFC version
Electric motor
for compressed air and cooling fluid; operational status at a glance, plain
Super-Premium-Efficiency IE4 motor, radial fan with separate electric motor, text display, 30 selectable languages, Intake filter
quality German manufacture, IP 55, externally lubricated bearings, soft-touch keys with icons, fully auto- Inlet valve
ISO F for additional reserve; Electronic Thermo Management mated monitoring and control. Selec- Airend
PT 100 winding temperature sensor (ETM). Water-cooled option: with plate- tion of Dual, Quadro, Vario, Dynamic
for motor monitoring; externally lubri- type or shell and tube heat exchang- and continuous control as standard. Drive motor
cated bearings. ers. Interfaces: Ethernet; additional optional Fluid separator tank
communication modules for: Profibus Compressed air aftercooler
DP, Modbus, Profinet and Devicenet;
Electrical Refrigeration dryer KAESER centrifugal separator
SD card slot for data recording and
components updates; RFID reader, web server. Condensate drain
CFC-free, R134a refrigerant, fully
IP 54 control cabinet, control trans- insulated, hermetically sealed refriger-
former, Siemens frequency converter, ant circuit, scroll refrigerant compres- Fluid cooler
floating contacts for ventilation control. sor with energy-saving shut-off feature, Electrical temperature valve
hot-gas bypass control, electronic con-
densate drain and upstream centrifugal Fluid filter
Fluid and air flow separator. Radial fan
Dry air filter; pneumatic inlet and vent- Integrated refrigeration dryer
Heat recovery (HR)
ing valve; cooling fluid reservoir with
Switching cabinet with
triple separation system; pressure Optionally available with integrated integrated SFC frequency
relief valve, minimum pressure check HR system (plate-type heat converter
valve, thermostatic valve and micro- exchanger).
filter in coolant circuit, all fully piped
using flexible couplings.

12 13

Technical Specifications
Standard version T - Version with integrated refrigeration dryer (R 134a refrigerant)

Model Betriebs-
Working Liefermenge
FAD *) *) Max. Motornenn-
Rated motor Abmessungen
Dimensions Druckluft-
Compressed Schalldruck-
Sound pressure Masse
Weight Modell
Model Betriebs-
Working Liefermenge
FAD *) *) Max. Motornenn-
Rated motor Kältetrockner-
Refrigeration Abmessungen
Dimensions Druckluft- Schalldruck-
Compressed Sound Masse
pressure Gesamtanlage
Complete beiat
package Überdruck
working leistung
power B x TD xx HH
W airanschluss
connection pegel **)
level **) überdruck
pressure Gesamtanlage
Complete beiat
package Überdruck
working leistung
power leistungs-
dryer power B x TD xx HH
W airanschluss pegel **)
connection pressure
working pressure pressure Betriebsüberdruck
working pressure pressure aufnahme **)**)
consumption level **)

bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg bar m³/min bar kW kW mm dB(A) kg

7.5 5.65 8.5 7.5 5.65 8.5

BSD 65 10 4.52 12 30 1590 x 1030 x 1700 G 1½ 69 970 BSD 65 T 10 4.52 12 30 0.8 1990 x 1030 x 1700 G 1½ 69 1100
13 3.76 15 13 3.76 15
7.5 7.00 8.5 7.5 7.00 8.5
BSD 75 10 5.60 12 37 1590 x 1030 x 1700 G 1½ 70 985 BSD 75 T 10 5.60 12 37 0.8 1990 x 1030 x 1700 G 1½ 70 1115
13 4.43 15 13 4.43 15
7.5 8.16 8.5 7.5 8.16 8.5
BSD 83 10 6.85 12 45 1590 x 1030 x 1700 G 1½ 71 1060 BSD 83 T 10 6.85 12 45 0.8 1990 x 1030 x 1700 G 1½ 71 1190
13 5.47 15 13 5.47 15


1030 1990 1030

Front view View from left View from right Rear view Front view View from left View from right Rear view

SFC - Version with variable speed drive T SFC - Version with variable speed drive and integrated refrigeration dryer

Model Betriebs-
Working Liefermenge
FAD *) *) Max. Motornenn-
Rated motor Abmessungen
Dimensions Druckluft- Schalldruck-pegel
Compressed Sound pressure Masse
Weight Modell
Model Betriebs-
Working FAD
*) Complete
*) Max. Motornenn-
Rated motor Kältetrockner-
Refrigeration Abmessungen
Dimensions Druckluft- Schalldruck-
Compressed Sound Masse
pressure Complete
beiat Überdruck
working leistung
power B x TD xx HH
W airanschluss
connection **)**)
level überdruck
pressure package
at working
bei Überdruck
working leistung
power leistungs-
dryer power B x TD xx HH
W airanschluss pegel **)
connection pressure
working pressure pressure Betriebsüberdruck
pressure pressure aufnahme **)**)
consumption level **)

bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg bar m³/min bar kW kW mm dB(A) kg

7.5 1.54 - 7.35 10 7.5 1.54 - 7.35 10

BSD 75 SFC 10 1.52 - 6.47 10 37 1665 x 1030 x 1700 G 1½ 72 1070 BSD 75 T SFC 10 1.52 - 6.47 10 37 0,8 2065 x 1030 x 1700 G 1½ 72 1200
13 1.16 - 5.50 15 13 1.16 - 5.50 15


1665 1030 1030

Front view View from left View from right Rear view Front view View from left View from right Rear view

*) FAD in accordance with ISO 1217:2009, Annex C: absolute inlet pressure 1 bar (a), cooling and air intake temperature 20 °C
**) Sound pressure level as per ISO 2151 and the basic standard ISO 9614-2, tolerance: ± 3 dB(A)

14 15

Choose the required grade of treatment according to your field of application: Explanation
Air treatment using a refrigeration dryer (pressure dew point +3°C) ACT Activated carbon adsorber
Application examples: Selection of treatment classes to ISO 8573-1 (2010) AQUAMAT AQUAMAT
Installation for heavily
DD Desiccant dryer
Solids Water Oil
fluctuating air demand
DHS Air-main charging system
Pure air and clean room AR Air receiver
technology, dairies, breweries 1 4 1
DHS FE FD ACT FF FB / FC Pre-filter
Foodstuff production FD Particulate filter
2 4 1 Optional
AR filtration RD* ZK FE / FF Microfilter
DHS FFG Activated carbon and microfilter combination
Very clean conveying air,
chemical plants 3 4 1 FG Activated carbon filter
RD Refrigeration dryer
DHS FF FFG THNF Bag filter
Pharmaceutical industry
1 4 1 AR ZK Centrifugal separator

DHS Compressed air quality classes to ISO 8573-1(2010):

Weaving machines, photo
labs 2 4 1 RD* ED Compressor THNF
Solid particles / dust
Paint spraying, powder max. particle count per m³ of a
coating 1 4 2 Class particle size with d [μm]*

DHS FE 0.1 ≤ d ≤ 0.5 0.5 ≤ d ≤ 1.0 1.0 ≤ d ≤ 5.0

Packaging, control and
instrument air 2 4 2 0
e.g. Consult KAESER regarding
pure air and cleanroom technology
DHS 1 ≤ 20,000 ≤ 400 ≤ 10
General works air, high-grade
sand blasting 4 4 3 2 ≤ 400,000 ≤ 6,000 ≤ 100
AQUAMAT 3 Not defined ≤ 90,000 ≤ 1,000
FC 4 Not defined Not defined ≤ 10,000
Shot blasting
4 7 3 5 Not defined Not defined ≤ 100,000

Class Particle concentration Cp in mg/m³ *

Low-grade shot blasting
5 7-X 4 6 0 < Cp ≤ 5
7 5 < Cp ≤ 10
For KAESER rotary screw compressors X Cp > 10
Conveying air for waste
water systems 6 7-X 4 * FE microfilters can
be optionally installed
Other machines in TG to TI series
No quality requirements
X X X refrigeration dryers. Class Pressure dew point, in °C

0 e.g. Consult KAESER regarding

pure air and cleanroom technology
For non frost protected air systems: Compressed air treatment with a desiccant dryer Installation for heavily
1 ≤ – 70 °C
(down to -70 °C pressure dew point) fluctuating air demand 2 ≤ – 40 °C
3 ≤ – 20 °C
Solids Water Oil 4 ≤ + 3 °C
Pure air and clean room 5 ≤ + 7 °C
technology, pharmaceuticals, 1 1-3 1 6 ≤ + 10 °C
dairies, breweries
Optional Class Concentration of liquid water CW in g/m³ *
DHS FE FD ACT AR filtration DD** FE ZK
Microchip production,
optics and foodstuffs 2 1-3 1 7 CW ≤ 0.5
8 0.5 < CW ≤ 5
DHS 9 5 < CW ≤ 10
Paint spraying X CW > 10
3 1-3 1 AR
Process air, pharmaceuticals Total oil concentration
1 1-3 1 DD** FE ED Compressor THNF Class
(fluid, aerosol + gaseous) [mg/m³]*
e.g. Consult KAESER regarding
DHS FG FD pure air and cleanroom technology
Photo labs
2 1-3 1 1 ≤ 0.01
2 ≤ 0.1
DHS 3 ≤ 1.0
Especially dry conveying ** An aftercooler is required where applicable
4 ≤ 5.0
air, paint spraying, fine 3 1-3 2 for heat regenerated desiccant dryers.
pressure controllers X > 5.0

P-651/1ED.18/14 Specifications are subject to change without notice

*) At reference conditions 20°C, 1 bar(a), 0% humidity

P.O. Box 2143 – 96410 Coburg – GERMANY – Tel +49 9561 640-0 – Fax +49 9561 640130
e-mail: productinfo@kaeser.com – www.kaeser.com

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