Numerical Modeling of Elastomers
Numerical Modeling of Elastomers
Numerical Modeling of Elastomers
A. Larreteguy (Editor)
Buenos Aires, Argentina, Noviembre 2005
Instituto de Estructuras
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán,∗CONICET.
Av. Roca 1800. S.M. de Tucumán, Argentina. Tel./Fax: 0381-4364087.
Key Words: Tube hydroforming, Elastomer Materials, Internal Variables, Finite Element Method,
Industrial Application.
Abstract. The use of elastomers as pressure media in the tube hydroforming technology has re-
ceived increasing interest especially for the production of lightweight and complicated forming
components, because of uniform pressure application that confers more ductility to the pieces
being conformed. In order to understand how the different parameters, such as the hardness
of the components and the intensity of the applied loads on the blankhold, interact in the form-
ing process, it is essential to define the elastomer behavior accurately. This is the focus of the
present work.
The behavior of the elastomer is characterized by high deformability, nonlinear stress-
strain response, damping, rate independent hysteresis and quasiincompressibility. Within the
framework of continuum thermodynamics of irreversible processes with internal variables and
large strains, the formulation of a phenomenological constitutive law is presented. A visco-
hyperelastic model with associated plasticity in finite strains, the algorithm for its numerical
integration, and its implementation in an explicit dynamic finite element code are described.
Application examples related to a product of cosmetic industry are analysed, together with the
influence of different parameters in the forming process.
MECOM 2005 – VIII Congreso Argentino de Mecánica Computacional
The hydroforming technology is widely used today in the production of low cost and lightweight
components for the automotive, aerospace and household industries compared with traditional
forming processes. Among the hydroforming processes, the tube hydroforming technology
presents several advantages, such as weight reduction, improved part strength and stiffness, and
lower tooling cost.1 In its simplest scheme, this technology consists of a combined loading
of compression forces at the tube ends as well as an hydrostatic internal pressure applied by a
viscous medium. These loads expand the tube and lead to the alignment of the tube wall with
the outside surface of the die cavity. Conventionally tube hydroforming processes use a fluid
as pressure medium. However, elastomers also can be used in their place. In this case, the
advantage is an improved sealing that reduces leakage and allows easier handling in prototype
production of a small number of parts.2
This paper is focused on the study of poliurethane elastomers as viscous pressure medium
in tube hydroforming processes. For the high pressures that are involved, however, the elas-
tomer exhibits a large range of plasticity in addition to viscoelastic behaviour. Starting from a
one dimensional reological model as motivation, where both behaviors are taken into account,
a generalization of the constitutive model to large strain, using the multiplicative decomposi-
tion of the deformation gradient and continuum thermodynamics of irreversible processes with
internal variables for the definition of the state and evolution laws is presented. Then, the al-
gorithm for the numerical integration of the constitutive equations for the implementation into
an explicit finite element code is sketched and finally FE predictions for the control of some
process conditions of an industrial application in cosmetic industry are described.
The rheological model shown in Figure 1 represents a one-dimensional model in small strain
exhibiting elastoplastic and viscoelastic behaviour. eEQ , pEQ and eN EQ , iN EQ denote elas-
tic and inelastic deformation of the equilibrated (rate-independent) and nonequilibrated (rate-
dependent) components, respectively, with σEQ and σN EQ the respective stresses.
The model consists of an elastoplastic element with hardening defined by the internal kine-
matic variables (eEQ , pEQ , α) and the conjugate forces (σEQ , R), coupled in parallel to a vis-
coelastic element defined in terms of (eN EQ , iN EQ ) and the nonequilibrated stress or over-
stress σN EQ . Kinematic and equilibrium conditions relating eEQ , pEQ , eN EQ , iN EQ to , and
σEQ , σN EQ to σ, together with the state laws and the evolution laws for pEQ , α, iN EQ complete
the constitutive model. For the model shown in Figure 1, considering the relaxation process
under controlled deformation, the equilibrium state is identified when the stress reaches asymp-
totically a constant value, with the nonequilibrated stress σN EQ dissipated in time according to
the defined evolution laws.
Different viscoelastic and viscoplastic models can be developed systematically combining
elementary reological models starting from basic assumptions on equilibrium, kinematic and
constituive laws of the elementary components.3
Mariela Luege, Bibiana Luccioni
p e
e EQ
e EQ
s = sEQ + sNEQ
e p
ENEQ e = e + e
e i
= e NEQ
+ e NEQ
i e
MECOM 2005 – VIII Congreso Argentino de Mecánica Computacional
and J = detF . Replacing (2) into (3) and standard arguments give the following state laws
σ = 2 J −1 beEQ e
+ 2 J −1 beN EQ e = σEQ + σN EQ , R := , (4)
∂bEQ ∂bN EQ ∂α
By accounting of (4), and after some rearrangements, the dissipation inequality reduces to
1 1
Dint = −devτEQ : Lχ[beEQ ](beEQ )−1 − devτN EQ : Lχ[beN EQ ](beN EQ )−1 − Rα̇ ≥ 0 , (6)
2 2
where the Kirchhoff stress tensors and the Lie derivative of the material tensor field a defined
as follows, have been introduced
τEQ := JσEQ , τN EQ := JσN EQ , Lχ[a] := χ ∗
χ∗ [a] , (7)
with χ∗ [a] := F −1aF −T the pull-back operation of the spatial field a to the reference config-
uration, and χ∗ [a] = F aF T the push-forward of a.7
The evolution laws are then obtained by defining Lχ[beEQ ](beEQ )−1 , Lχ[beN EQ ](beN EQ )−1 and
α̇ as functions of τEQ , τN EQ and R, upon the condition that (6) is met.
Ψ = Ψiso e iso e v v
EQ (b̄EQ , α) + ΨN EQ (b̄N EQ ) + ΨEQ (JEQ ) + ΨN EQ (JN EQ ) , (8)
with b̄eEQ and b̄eN EQ the distortional part of beEQ and beN EQ , respectively, and JEQ = detFEQ
and JN EQ = detFN EQ .
For the isochoric parts of Ψ, Ψiso iso
EQ and ΨN EQ , an hyperelastic Ogden energy for incompress-
ible materials is adopted. This energy function is more conveniently expressed as a function
Mariela Luege, Bibiana Luccioni
of modified principal strains (λ̄eEQ A )A=1,2,3, and (λ̄eN EQ A ))A=1,2,3 , principal values of F̄EQ
F̄N EQ, respectively, that is,
N 3
X µp X H 2
Ψiso e
EQ (b̄EQ , α) = (λ̄eEQ A )αp −3 + α
αp A=1
! (9)
N 3
X µvp r
X vp
Ψiso e
N EQ (b̄N EQ , β) = (λ̄eN EQ A )αr − 3 ,
αrvp A=1
∂ΨisoEQ ∂ b̄eEQ
devσEQ = 2 J −1 beEQ e
(b̄ ) : ,
∂ b̄eEQ EQ ∂beEQ
∂ΨisoN EQ ∂ b̄eN EQ
devσN EQ = 2 J −1
beN EQ (b̄ e
): ,
∂ b̄eN EQ N EQ ∂beN EQ
p := K (JEQ − 1) + K vp (JN EQ − 1) ,
whereas the hardening law reads as
R = Hα . (12)
MECOM 2005 – VIII Congreso Argentino de Mecánica Computacional
For the treatment of the plastic part, the Von Mises yield function defined in terms of the equi-
librated part of the Kirchhoff stress for the principle of objectivity, is introduced
F (τEQ, R) = kdevτEQk − (σy + R) , (14)
with σy the yield stress, and the following evolution equation for the plastic flow,8 is defined
1 ∂F devτ EQ ∂F 2
− Lχ[beEQ ] (beEQ )−1 = λ̇
= λ̇ , α̇ = −λ̇ = λ̇ (15)
2 ∂τEQ kdevτEQ k ∂R 3
together with the Kuhn–Tucker conditions
λ̇ ≥ 0 ; F ≤ 0; λ̇F = 0 . (16)
On the other hand, the following equation is considered for the dissipation associated with the
viscous part,9
1 1
− Lχ[beN EQ ] (beN EQ )−1 = devτN EQ .
2 η
This equation corresponds to a quadratic viscous dissipation potential Φ = η1 kdevτN EQ k2 . It is
then an easy matter to check that (15), (16) and (17) meet (13)1 and (13)2 , respectively, ensuring
the thermodynamical consistency of the constitutive model.
Since the viscoelastic and plastic evolution laws are decoupled, the integration of the constitu-
tive equations of the model under consideration is carried out independently using algorithms
proposed in literature for multiplicative finite strain elastoplasticity8 and finite viscoelasticity.9
Both the algorithms are derived via an operator split of the local evolution problems into an
elastic predictor followed by the plastic and viscoelastic corrector. The elastic predictor is com-
puted exactly, whereas the inelastic corrections are realized separately by means of exponential
mapping algorithms in order to satify exactly the viscous and plastic incompressibility. Due to
the material isotropy, the algorithmic equations can be expressed in principal directions.
The finite element modeling of a ridge on an aluminum tube by the tube hydroforming process
with polyurethane elastomer as viscous pressure media is discussed in this section.
Figure 2 shows a scheme of the test device. This consists of a die cavity which gives the
ridge’s shape with radius Rd = 8.635 mm, the aluminum cylinder with inner radius Rc =
8.235 mm and thickness t = 0.38997 mm, the forming media represented by an elastomer with
radius Re = 8.235 mm, the punch and the blankholder.
The elastomer behaviour is defined by the constitutive model described in the previous sec-
tion and has been implemented in the explicit finite element code STAMPACK
R 10
. For the
Mariela Luege, Bibiana Luccioni
Figure 2: Stamping tools for the forming process of a ridge with the tube hydroforming technique.
friction between the elastomer and the aluminum tube, a modified version of Coulomb law with
velocity dependent coefficient friction and taking into account different lubrication regimes has
been assumed.11 The value of the static and kinetic friction coefficient are set equal to µs = 2
and µk = 0.01, respectively, with normal and tangential penalty coefficient KN = KT = 0.1,
while the aluminum–die interface is modelled as pure viscous for the interposition of a lubricant
In the forming process, the two punches are moved at constant velocity against the elastomer
that pushes the aluminum tube into the die cavity. In order to agevolate the forming process the
blankholder can apply a linearly increasing force or be constrained to have the same displace-
ment as the punches. The process will terminate when the ridge is completely formed and the
punches are released to return to their original configuration.
The finite element model of the process is displayed in Figure 3, where axisymmetric 4–node
bilinear isoparametric elements are used. Due to the symmetry of the problem only one quarter
of the speciment will be analysed. The analysis purpose is the evaluation of the influence on
the forming process of: (i) two elastomers of different hardness and (ii), the use of different
blankhold load conditions.
In the first example, two types of elastomer, type A and type B, are considered. They cor-
respond to hardness A65 and A80, respectively. Elastomer type B has higher hardness than
MECOM 2005 – VIII Congreso Argentino de Mecánica Computacional
Displacement x [ m ]
m ]
-2e-5 A B A B
Displacement y [
-1e-4 0
0 5e-4 1e-3 1.5e-3 2e-3 2.5e-3 3e-3 0 5e-4 1e-3 1.5e-3 2e-3 2.5e-3 3e-3
Time [ s ] Time [ s ]
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Time history for (a) the displacement of the punch and (b) the displacement in direction x of
the elastomer node 801 for the elastomers type A and type B.
elastomer type A. The maximum value of the blankhold load P is assumed to be equal to 10 N.
The material properties of the two elastomers are given in Table 1. The aluminum tube is
modelled as an elastic–perfectly plastic material with a Prandtl–Reuss evolution law, and the
following material constants: E = 0.6e + 11 N/m2 , ν = 0.33, σy = 1.19393e + 8 N/m2 ,
Table 1: Material constants used for the elastomer. (α1 , µ1 ) Ogden’s parameters; K bulk modulus; τ
retardation time; vrel = µ1 /µv1 ratio of the hyperelastic constants for the nonviscous and viscous part;
σy yield stress; H hardening modulus. Stiffness µ1 and retardation time τ of the elastomer type B are
higher than that of the elastomer type A.
Figure 4(a) displays the time evolution of the punch displacement during the whole forming
process for the two elastomers. The minimum value in these curves corresponds to the condition
when the aluminum tube takes the shape of the die. This value is attained at tA = 1.4e − 3 s for
the elastomer type A and at tB = 1.5e − 3 s for the elastomer type B. Figure 4(b), on the other
hand, depicts the time evolution of the displacement along x of the node 801 of the elastomer.
The shape of this curve gives indication of the evolution of the forming process with the ridge
formation corresponding to the plateau in the curve. It may be noted that, once the punch is
released and returned to its original configuration, the elastomer seems to recover more or less
its original shape. Moreover, comparing the results of the two forming processes, it can be
observed that for the elastomer type B the process duration (∆tB = 2.6e − 3 s) is longer than
that for the elastomer type A (∆tA = 1.9e − 3 s), representing an important information on the
number of pieces that can be performed.
Figure 5 shows a map of the value of the maximum principal deformation for both elas-
Mariela Luege, Bibiana Luccioni
Figure 5: Map of the maximum principal deformation on the deformed configuration for (a) the elas-
tomer type A at tA = 1.4e − 3 s and (b) the elastomer type B at tB = 1.5e − 3 s.
Figure 6: Map of the equivalent plastic deformation on the deformed configuration for (a) the elastomer
type A at tA = 1.4e − 3 s and (b) the elastomer type B at tB = 1.5e − 3 s.
MECOM 2005 – VIII Congreso Argentino de Mecánica Computacional
Disp. punch
Disp. punch P= 1.0
P= 1.0
|Ppal. deformations|
P=10.0 P=20.0
Displacement x [
1.3 2e-4
6e-005 0.0001 0.00014 0.00018
Time [ s] Time [ ]
(a) (b)
Figure 7: Results for the elastomer type A. Time history of (a) the maximum principal deformation in
the element 501 for different blankholder conditions, and (b) the displacement in direction x of the node
801 for different blankholder conditions.
tomers, type A and type B, at tA = 1.4e − 3 s and tB = 1.5e − 3 s, respectively. High gradient
deformations in the elastomer are observed in the region corresponding to the ridge (right bot-
tom), and in the corner between the punch and the aluminum cylinder (right top). In the case of
the elastomer type A, the principal deformation results higher near the punch which could lead
the elastomer to flux over the punch if the distance punch–cylinder is not small enough. With
regard to the plastic behaviour of the elastomers, Figure 6 depicts the map of the equivalent
plastic deformation. It can be observed that, for both elastomers, the maximum equivalent plas-
tic deformation is about 9% but differently distributed. Elastomer A has plastic deformations
concentrated at the right top corner whereas in the elastomer type B the plastic deformations
are concentrated at the right bottom near the ridge.
In order to evaluate the influence of different blankhold load conditions on the forming
process, the elastomer type A is considered as viscous pressure media and the cases with the
blankhold load P = 1, 10, 20 N and the case with the blankhold constrained to displace as the
punch are examinated. The latter condition is hereafter referred to as PBH.
Figure 7(a) shows the time evolution of the principal deformation modulus in the element
501 in correspondence of the die cavity. One can note that only for the case P = 10 N the
maximum value of the deformation is below 1.25, meeting therefore a common elastomer man-
ufacture recommendation to have the elastomer deformation below 25%.
Figure 7(b), on the other hand, depicts the time evolution of the displacement in direction
x of the node 801 of the elastomer and gives indication on the forming process evolution,
noticing in this case that there are not appreciable differences among the different blankhold
cases considered.
Figures 8 and 9 display the equivalent plastic deformation map of an amplified elastomer–
alumnium zone at tA = 1.4e − 3 s. It can be noted that for the PBH condition, the equivalent
plastic deformations in the elastomer appear both at the right top and bottom corner with value
equal to 0.4218 in the alluminum near the ridge, whereas the presence of plastic deformations
Mariela Luege, Bibiana Luccioni
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Contact zone between the elastomer type A and aluminum at tA = 1.4e − 3 s with superim-
posed map of the equivalent plastic deformation for: (a) the PBH condition and (a) P = 1 N .
(a) (b)
Figure 9: Contact zone between the elastomer type A and aluminum at tA = 1.4e − 3 s with superim-
posed map of the equivalent plastic deformation for: (a) P = 10 N and (a) P = 20 N .
at the top of the cylinder near the blankholder could mean possible incipient buckling. When
the blankholder load is P = 1 N, the equivalent plastic deformations in the elastomer appear
mostly concentrated at the right top corner together, with an increase of the equivalent plastic
deformation in the alluminum equal to 0.523. Increasing the load to P = 10 N reduces the
plastic deformations in the elastomer at the right top corner and in coincidence with the ridge
(right bottom), and reduces the plastic deformation in the aluminum to 0.4065. Finally, by
increasing the load to P = 20 N the behaviour approaches to the PBH condition, with plastic
deformations in the elastomer concentrated near the ridge.
Compared to conventional stamping processes, the tube hydroforming technology using elas-
tomers as forming media is relatively new. As a result, there is still a relevant lack of knowledge
on the influence of some operating parameters on the effectiveness of the whole process.
In order to show the capability of the finite element method as predictive and verifying tool, a
constitutive model that accounts for the plastic and viscous dissipative mechanisms in the elas-
tomer is developed within the framework of continuum thermodynamics with internal variables.
Numerical simulations are carried out to analyse the influence of parameters such as the hard-
ness of the elastomer and several blankhold conditions on the manufacturing of a ridge on an
aluminum tube. The use of softer elastomers results in a reduction of the process duration influ-
encing therefore the number of pieces that can be manufactured. This effect could be described
because of the interplay between the Ogden’s material parameters describing the hyperelastic
response and the retardation time associated with the viscous behaviour. Also, the different
blank hold conditions seem not having any appreciable influence on the process duration but
rather on the inelastic deformations of the elastomer and of the aluminum tube.
The examples developed show, therefore, that further to an accurate modelling of the elas-
tomer behaviour and of the contact conditions, the finite element model is able to give effective
and useful indications about the forming process under consideration to the analyst and de-
The authors gratefully acknoledge the financial support of the CONICET, Argentina, and Oscar
Fruitos from METALFORM
for providing them the data from the industrial application.
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