Hall Ticket Apr/May-2019 Session
Hall Ticket Apr/May-2019 Session
Hall Ticket Apr/May-2019 Session
Controller of Examinations.
*Status : P--Promoted. D--Detained. * Time :Exam Commencement Time.You must be in the the examination hall before 30min. from the commencement time. * Emp.Code : Employee
code of invigilator.
1. All answers should be written on Answer Book supplied only. No additional sheets will be given.
2. Answer book should be handed over personally to Room Invigilator before leaving the examination hall, if not exam will be cancelled.
3. The candidate writing his/her name/number or write any identification mark inside the answer book, which may disclose his/her identity will be treated as
malpractice and liable for penalization.
4. The candidate shall bring the Hall Ticket and valid identity card issued by the University, otherwise student is not permitted for exam.
5. Any candidate appearing for the examination is liable to be charged with committing malpractice in the following cases:
1. Bringing into the examination hall or being found in possession of portions of a book, manuscript, Programmable Calculator or any other material
or matter, which is not permissible to be brought into the examination hall.
2. Being in possession of any written matter on Scribbling Pad, Question Paper, Calculator, Palm, Hand, Leg, Hand Kerchief, Clothes, Socks,
Instrument Box, Identity Card, Hall Tickets Scales etc., Bringing cell phone to the examination hall.
3. Disclosing identity by writing any word or by making any peculiar mark or by writing Permanent Registration number on the pages other than the
front page in the answer script.
4. Disclosing identity by writing any word or by making any peculiar mark or by writing Registration number on the pages other than the front page in
the answer script.
5. Copying from the material or matter or answer of another candidate or assistance rendering to another candidate in the examination hall.
Supplying of copying material inside or from outside the examination hall.
6. Making any request or representation or offering any threat or inducement to Room Invigilator or to any other official of the College for favours in
the examination hall or to the Examiner on the answer script.
7. Communicating with any candidate or any other person inside or out side the examination hall with a view to take assistance or aid to write
answers in the examination. Impersonate or allowing any other person to impersonate to answer in his/her place in the exam hall.
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