Law of The Republic of Indonesia Number 15 Year 2002 Concerning The Crime of Money Laundering

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Considering : a. whereas crime resulting in large amounts of

assets is increasing, both crime committed

within the territory of The Republic of Indonesia

as well as crime committed outside the State’s


b. whereas the origins of assets that are the

proceeds from such crime are concealed or

disguised by various methods known as money


c. whereas money laundering must be prevented

and eradicated in order to minimize the

intensity of crime resulting in or involving great

amounts of assets in order to safeguard

national economic stability and state security;

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d. whereas money laundering is not only a

national crime but also a transnational crime,

therefore it has to be eradicated, among other

things by engaging in regional or international

cooperation through bilateral or multilateral


e. whereas based on the considerations outlined

in a, b, c, and d hereinabove, a Law on the

Crime of Money Laundering needs to be


In view of : 1. Article 5 paragraph (1) and Article 20 of the

1945 Constitution of The Republic of


2. Stipulation of the Peoples' Consultative

Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia Number

VIII/MPR/2001 concerning Recommendations

Regarding the Direction of Policy for the

Eradication and Prevention of Corruption,

Collusion and Nepotism;

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With the joint approval of









Article 1

In this Law what is meant by:

1. Any person shall be individuals or corporations.

2. Corporations shall be organized groups of people and/or assets, either

incorporated or not incorporated as legal entities.

3. Assets shall be all movable or immovable assets, both tangible and


4. Providers of Financial Services shall be individuals or corporations

providing services in the financial field including but not limited to banks,

financial institutions, securities companies, mutual fund managers,

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custodians, trust agents, depository and settlement agencies, foreign

exchange traders, pension funds and insurance companies.

5. Transactions shall be all activities creating rights or obligations or causing

the creation of a relationship based on law between two or more parties,

including activities for moving and/or transferring funds conducted by

Providers of Financial Services.

6 Suspicious Financial Transactions shall be transactions deviating from the

profile and characteristics as well as from the usual transaction patterns of

the customer concerned, including financial transactions conducted by

customers that can be reasonably suspected to be conducted with the

purpose of avoiding the reporting of the transactions concerned as

required of Providers of Financial Services in accordance with this Law.

7. Documents shall be data, records, or information that can be seen, read,

and/or heard, and that can be issued with or without the assistance of a

facility, either on paper, any physical material other than paper, or those

electronically recorded, including and not limited to:

a. writings, voice, or images;

b. maps, designs, photographs, or the like;

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c. letters, signs, numbers, symbols, or perforations which have

meaning or are understandable by those able to read or understand


8. The Center for Financial Transactions Reporting and Analysis hereinafter

referred to as the PPATK shall be an independent agency established in

the context of prevention and eradication of the crime of money


Article 2

The proceeds of crime shall be assets in the amount of Rp.500,000,000.00 (five

hundred million rupiah) or more or an equivalent value, obtained either directly or

indirectly from the following crimes:

a. corruption;

b. bribery;

c. smuggling of goods;

d. smuggling of workers;

e. smuggling of immigrants;

f. banking (offences);

g. narcotics (offences);

h. psychotropic substance (offences);

i. slavery, and trade in women and children;

k. illegal trading in arms;

l. kidnapping;

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m. terrorism;

n. theft;

o. embezzlement;

p. fraud

committed in the territory of The Republic of Indonesia or outside the territory of

The Republic of Indonesia and such crime is also a crime according to

Indonesian law.



Article 3

(1) Any person who knowingly:

a. Places assets known or reasonably suspected by him to constitute

proceeds of crime with a Provider of Financial Services, either on

his own behalf or on behalf of another party;

b. Transfers assets known or reasonably suspected by him to

constitute proceeds of crime from one Provider of Financial

Services to another, either on his own behalf or on behalf of

another party;

c. Disburses or spends assets known or reasonably suspected by him

to constitute proceeds of crime, either on his own behalf or on

behalf of another party;

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d. Donates or contributes assets known or reasonably suspected by

him to constitute proceeds of crime, either on his own behalf or on

behalf of another party;

e. Entrusts assets known or reasonably suspected by him to

constitute proceeds of crime, either on his own behalf or on behalf

of another party;

f. Takes overseas assets known or reasonably suspected by him to

constitute proceeds of crime;

g. Exchanges assets known or reasonably suspected by him to

constitute proceeds of crime for currency or other negotiable

documents, or

h. Hides or conceals the origins of assets known or reasonably

suspected by him to constitute proceeds of crime,

shall be subject because of the crime of money laundering to a criminal

penalty of a minimum imprisonment of 5 (five) years and a maximum of 15

(fifteen) years and a minimum fine of Rp.5,000,000,000.00 (five billion

rupiah) and a maximum of Rp.15,000,000,000.00 (fifteen billion rupiah).

(2) Any person attempting, assisting or conspiring in the commission of the

crime of money laundering shall be subject to the same criminal sanctions

as referred to in paragraph (1).

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Article 4

(1) In the event that the crime is committed by the managers and/or the

managers' agents on behalf of a corporation, both the managers and/or

the managers' agents as well as the corporation shall be subject to

prosecution and imposition of criminal sanctions.

(2) The criminal liability of a corporation's managers shall be limited to the

extent that the managers concerned hold functional positions in the

corporation's organizational structure.

(3) A corporation cannot be held criminally liable for a crime of money

laundering committed by a manager acting on behalf of the corporation

concerned, if such act is committed by virtue of activities that are not part

of the scope of business activities stipulated in the articles of association

or other provisions applicable to the corporation concerned.

(4) A judge may order the managers of corporations to appear in person

before the court and may also order that the aforementioned managers be

brought to the court.

(5) In the event that the crime is committed by a corporation, the summons to

appear shall be delivered to the managers at their residences or office.

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Article 5

(1) The principal penalty that can be imposed on corporations shall be a

criminal sanction in the form of a fine, namely the maximum fine plus 1/3

(one-third) thereof.

(2) In addition to the criminal sanction in the form of a fine as intended in

paragraph (1) hereinabove, additional criminal sanctions can be imposed

on corporations in the form of the revoking of their business licenses

and/or the dissolution of the corporation concerned followed by liquidation.

Article 6

(1) Any person receiving or controlling the:

a. Placement;

b. Transfer;

c. Payment;

d. Donation;

e. Contribution;

f. Storage;

g. Exchange,

of assets known or reasonably suspected by him to constitute the

proceeds of crime, shall be subject to the criminal sanction of

imprisonment for a minimum of 5 (five) years and for a maximum of 15

(fifteen) years and to a minimum fine of Rp.5,000,000,000.00 (five billion

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rupiah) and to a maximum fine of Rp.15,000,000,000.00 (fifteen billion


(2) The provisions of paragraph (1) shall not be applicable to Providers of

Financial Services who have performed their transaction reporting

obligations as intended in Article 13.

Article 7

Every Indonesian citizen and/or Indonesian corporation outside the territory of

the Republic of Indonesia providing assistance, opportunities, facilities, or

information for the carrying out of the crime of money laundering shall be subject

to the same criminal penalty imposed on the perpetrators of crimes of money

laundering referred to in Article 3.




Article 8

Providers of Financial Services knowingly not providing reports to the PPATK as

intended in Article 13 sub-article (1) shall be subject to a fine of not less than

Rp.250,000,000.00 (two hundred and fifty million rupiah) and not more than

Rp.1,000,000,000.00 (one billion rupiah).

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Article 9

Any person failing to report cash amounts of Rp.100,000,000.00 (one hundred

million rupiah) or more brought into or taken out of the territory of The Republic of

Indonesia shall be subject to the criminal sanction of a fine of not less than

Rp.100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah) and not more than

Rp.300,000,000.00 (three hundred million rupiah).

Article 10

The PPATK, investigators, witnesses, public prosecutors, judges, or other parties

who, in relation to cases of money laundering crimes which are under

investigation, violate the provisions of Article 39 paragraph (1) and Article 41

paragraph (1) shall be subject to the criminal sanction of imprisonment for a

minimum of 1 (one) year and a maximum of three (3) years.

Article 11

(1) In the event that a person is unable to pay a fine as stipulated in Chapter II

and Chapter III, such fine shall be replaced by imprisonment for not longer

than 3 (three) years.

(2) Imprisonment as a substitute for a fine as intended in paragraph (1) shall

be included in the orders in the judge's decision.

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Article 12

The crimes referred to in Chapters II and III constitute felonies.



Part One

Reporting Obligations

Article 13

(1) Providers of Financial Services shall be obligated to submit reports to the

PPATK referred to in Chapter V, in respect of the following matters:

a. Suspicious financial transactions;

b. Financial transactions conducted in cash to a cumulative total of

Rp.500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiah) or more or an

equivalent amount (in foreign currency), conducted either in one

transaction or in several transactions within 1 (one) business day.

(2) Reports on suspicious financial transactions as intended in paragraph

1 sub-paragraph a shall be submitted no later than 14 (fourteen)

business days after being known by the Provider of Financial Services


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(3) The report as intended in paragraph 1 sub-paragraph b must be submitted

no later than 14 (fourteen) business days as from the date on which the

transaction concerned was made.

(4) The reporting obligation as intended in paragraph 1 sub-paragraph b shall

not be applicable to exempt transactions.

(5) Transactions exempt from reporting requirements as intended in

paragraph (3) shall include inter-bank transactions, transactions with the

Government, transactions with the central bank, payments of salaries,

pension payments, and other transactions as requested by the Provider of

Financial Services concerned and approved by the PPATK.

(6) Providers of Financial Services shall be obligated to prepare and maintain

a list of exempt transactions as intended in paragraph (4).

(7) Provisions concerning the form, type and procedure for submitting reports

as intended in paragraph (1) shall be further stipulated in Decisions of the

Head of the PPATK.

Article 14

The carrying out of the reporting obligations of Providers of Financial Services

which are banks shall be exempted from bank secrecy provisions as contained in

laws regulating bank secrecy.

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Article 15

No civil or criminal action can be brought against Providers of Financial Services,

their officials and their employees for their carrying out of reporting obligations as

intended in Article 14.

Article 16

(1) Any person bringing cash into or taking cash out of the territory of The

Republic of Indonesia in the amount of Rp.100,000,000.00 (one hundred

million rupiah) or more, must report to the Directorate General of Customs

and Excise.

(2) The Directorate General of Customs and Excise must report the

information received by it in accordance with paragraph (1) within 5 (five)

business days to the PPATK.

(3) The Directorate General of Customs and Excise must inform the PPATK

no later than 5 (five) business days after it becomes aware of violations of

the provisions contained in paragraph (1).

(4) Reports as intended in paragraph (1) must also include details of the

identity of the reporting person.

(5) If necessary, the PPATK can request additional information from the

Directorate General of Customs and Excise regarding cash amounts of

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Rp.100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah) or more brought into or

taken out of the territory of The Republic of Indonesia by any person.

Part Two

Customers' Identity

Article 17

(1) Any person engaging in a business relationship with a Provider of

Financial Services shall be obligated to give his/her full and correct identity

by filling the forms specifically provided by the Provider of Financial

Services concerned for such purpose and must attach the supporting

documents which are required.

(2) Providers of Financial Services must confirm whether users of financial

services act for themselves or for another person.

(3) In the event that users of financial services act for another party, Providers

of Financial Services must request information on the identity of and

supporting documents from such other party.

(4) Providers of Financial Services which are banks must request identity and

supporting documents from users of financial services in accordance with

the provisions of laws and regulations.

(5) Providers of Financial Services must maintain records and documents

concerning the identity of users of financial services for 5 (five) years as

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from the time the business relationship with the user of financial services

concerned ends.



Article 18

(1) In the context of preventing and eradicating the crime of money

laundering, the PPATK is established by virtue of this Law.

(2) The PPATK as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be an independent

agency in implementing its duties and authority.

(3) The PPATK shall be responsible to the President.

Article 19

(1) The PPATK shall be domiciled in the Capital City of the State of The

Republic of Indonesia.

(2) If necessary, the PPATK may open regional representative offices.

Article 20

(1) The PPATK shall be led by a Head and shall be assisted by up to 4 (four)


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(2) The head and the deputies as intended in paragraph (1) shall be

appointed and dismissed by the President, upon the recommendation of

the Minister of Finance.

(3) The term of office of the Head as intended in paragraph (1) shall be 4

(four) years and he shall be eligible for reelection for only 1 (one)

subsequent term of office.

(4) Provisions relating to the PPATK's organizational structure and

operational procedures shall be stipulated in a Presidential Decree.

Article 21

(1) In order to be appointed as the Head or a Deputy, a candidate must:

a. Be an Indonesian Citizen;

b. Be of not less than 35 (thirty-five) years of age and not more than

60 (sixty) years of age at the time of appointment;

c. Be mentally and physically healthy;

d. Be devout, honest, just and have good personal integrity;

e. Possess expertise and experience in one of the following fields, i.e.

banking, financial institutions, securities companies, mutual fund

management, law, or accounting;

f. Not concurrently hold other positions or occupations; and

g. Never have been sentenced to a term of criminal imprisonment.

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Article 22

(1) The Head and Deputies of the PPATK prior to assuming their positions

shall be obligated to swear an oath or make an affirmation according to

their religion or belief before the Head of the Supreme Court.

(2) The oath or affirmation as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be as follows:

"I swear/affirm that, in order to become the Head/Deputy Head of the

PPATK, I have neither directly or indirectly given or promised anything to

anyone in any name or for any pretext whatsoever."

"I swear/affirm that, in performing or not performing any actions in this

position, I shall not receive either directly or indirectly any promise or gift

from anyone in any form whatsoever."

"I swear/affirm that I will keep secret from any party matters that must be

kept secret by virtue of laws and regulations".

"I swear/affirm that I shall perform the duties and authorities as the Head

or Deputy Head to the best of my abilities and with full responsibility."

"I swear/affirm that I shall be loyal to the state, the Constitution, and

prevailing laws and regulations.”

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Article 23

The term of a Head or Deputies of the PPATK shall end for the following


a. dismissal;

b. death;

c. resignation; or

d. expiration of the term of office.

Article 24

(1) The Head and Deputies of PPATK shall be dismissed for the following


a. Residing outside the territory of the state of The Republic of


b. Losing his citizenship as a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia;

c. Suffering from a continuous illness, recovery from which requires

more than 3 (three) months so that he/she is unable to perform

his/her duties;

d. Becoming a defendant in a criminal case subject to criminal

sanction of imprisonment for 1 (one) year or more;

e. Having imposed on him a criminal sanction of imprisonment;

f. Concurrently holding other positions or occupations;

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g. Being declared a bankrupt by a court; or

h. Violating the oath/affirmation of office.

(2) The Minister of Finance shall make recommendations to the President for

the dismissal of a Head or a Deputy of the PPATK in accordance with the

provisions of paragraph (1).

Article 25

(1) No party whatsoever may intervene in any form whatsoever in the

implementation of the PPATK's functions and authority.

(2) The Head and Deputies of the PPATK must refuse any intervention by any

party whatsoever in the implementation of his duties and authority.

(3) In the prevention and eradication of the crime of money laundering, the

PPATK can engage in cooperation with relevant parties, both national as

well as international.

Article 26

In the course of implementing its functions, the PPATK shall have the following


a. collect, maintain, analyse and evaluate information obtained by the

PPATK in accordance with this Law;

b. monitor records in the exempt registry prepared by Providers of Financial


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c. prepare guidelines for procedures for reporting of suspicious financial


d. provide advice and assistance to relevant authorities concerning

information obtained by the PPATK in accordance with the provisions of

this Law;

e. issue guidelines and publications to Providers of Financial Services

concerning their obligations as set forth this Law or in other prevailing laws

and regulations, and assist in detecting suspicious customer behavior;

f. give recommendations to the Government concerning measures for the

prevention and eradication of money laundering criminal acts;

g. report the results of analysis of financial transactions indicating the

existence of the crime of money laundering to the Police and to the Public

Prosecutor's Office;

h. prepare and provide reports regarding the results of analysis of financial

transactions and other activities once in every 6 (six) months to the

President, the Peoples' Representative Assembly, and to agencies

authorized to conduct supervision of Providers of Financial Services.

Article 27

(1) In performing its tasks, the PPATK shall have the following powers:

a. To request and receive reports from Providers of Financial


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b. Request information concerning the progress of investigation or

prosecution of money laundering criminal acts reported the

investigator or public prosecutor;

c. Conduct audits of Providers of Services in respect of their

compliance with the provisions of this Law and guidelines for

reporting financial transactions;

d. Grant exemptions from the reporting obligation for financial

transactions using cash as intended in Article 13 paragraph (1) sub-

paragraph b.

(2) In conducting audits as referred to in paragraph (1) sub-paragraph c, the

PPATK shall conduct prior coordination with agencies supervising

Providers of Financial Services.

(3) In the exercise of the powers referred to in paragraph (1), the provisions of

other laws related to bank secrecy and the secrecy of other financial

transactions shall not apply to the PPATK.

(4) Provisions on the procedures for implementing the powers referred to in

paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be further stipulated in Presidential


Article 28

(1) The head of the PPATK shall represent the PPATK in and outside the


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(2) The head of the PPATK can delegate the authority to represent as

intended in paragraph (1) to one of the deputies or to another party

specifically appointed for such purpose.

Article 29

(1) Every year, the PPATK shall be obliged to prepare a Work Plan and

Annual Budget.

(2) The Work Plan and Annual Budget as intended in paragraph (1) shall be

submitted through the State Secretariat.




Article 30

The investigation, prosecution and examination before the courts of the crimes

referred to in this Law shall be conducted based on the provisions set forth in the

Law of Criminal Proceedings, unless stipulated otherwise herein.

Article 31

In the event that there are indications of a presumption of there having been

found suspicious transactions, within 3 (three) business days from the time of

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discovering such indications the PPATK shall be obliged to submit the results of

such analysis to the investigator for follow up.

Article 32

(1) An investigator, public prosecutor or judge shall be authorized to order the

Providers of Financial Services concerned to freeze the assets of any

person reported by the PPATK to the investigator, any suspect or

defendant, which are known or reasonably suspected to be the proceeds

of crime.

(2) The orders of an investigator, public prosecutor, or judge as intended in

paragraph (1) must be given in writing clearly indicating the following:

a. Name and position of the investigator, public prosecutor or judge


b. The identity of each person reported by the PPATK to the

investigator, the suspect or defendant;

c. The reason for freezing;

d. The crime which is alleged or being prosecuted; and

e. The location of assets.

(3) After receiving the order of the investigator, public prosecutor or judge as

referred to in paragraph (2), a Provider of Financial Services shall be

obliged to freeze the assets immediately on receipt of the order for


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(4) The Provider of Financial Services concerned shall be obliged to submit a

statement concerning the freezing of assets to the investigator, public

prosecutor or judge no later than 1 (one) business day from the date of the

carrying out of the freezing.

(5) Assets frozen must remain with the Provider of Financial Services


(6) Providers of Financial Services violating the provision of paragraph (3)

and paragraph (4) shall be subject to administrative sanctions in

accordance with prevailing laws and regulations.

Article 33

(1) For the purpose of the court examination of the crime of money

laundering, investigators, public prosecutors or judges shall be authorized

to request information from Providers of Financial Services regarding the

assets of any person reported by the PPATK, a suspect or a defendant.

(2) When they are requesting information as intended in paragraph (1), the

provisions of laws stipulating bank secrecy and the secrecy of other

financial transactions shall not be applicable to investigators, public

prosecutors or judges.

(3) Requests for information must be submitted in writing clearly indicating the


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a. Name and position of the investigator, public prosecutor or judge


b. The identity of any person reported by the PPATK, the suspect or


c. The crime which is alleged or is the subject of the case before the

court; and

d. The location of assets.

(4) The letter requesting information as intended in paragraph (1) and

paragraph (2) must be signed by the:

a. A Regional Chief of Police in the event that the request is made by

an investigator;

b. The Head of a High Prosecutor's Office in the event that the

request is made by a public prosecutor;

c. The Head of the Panel of Judges hearing the case concerned.

Article 34

If sufficient evidence is obtained during the examination of the defendant in court,

the judge shall order the confiscation of assets known or reasonably suspected

to be the proceeds of crime which have not yet been confiscated by the

investigator or public prosecutor concerned.

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Article 35

For the purpose of examination in a court, the defendant must prove that his

assets are not the proceeds of crime.

Article 36

(1) In the event that the defendant has been validly summoned 3 (three) times

in accordance with the provisions of prevailing laws and regulations and

does not appear in court, the Panel of Judges can, by virtue of an interim

decision, continue the examination of the case in the absence of the


(2) If the defendant attends a subsequent hearing prior to the verdict being

passed, the defendant must be examined and all witness statements and

documents read out in previous sessions shall have the same force of

evidence as if the defendant had attended from the beginning.

(3) Judgement passed in a defendant's absence shall be announced by the

public prosecutor on the announcement board of the court which passed

the judgement and it shall also be announced in not less than 2 (two)

newspapers with a national circulation over 3 (three) days or in 3 (three)

consecutive editions.

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Article 37

In the event that the defendant passes away prior to the judge's judgement being

passed and if there is firm evidence that the person concerned committed the

crime of money laundering, the judge concerned can stipulate that the

defendant's confiscated assets are sequestrated for the state.

Article 38

Evidence of the crime of money laundering shall be as follows:

a. Evidence as intended in the Law of Criminal Proceedings;

b. Other evidence in the form of information uttered, sent, received, or saved

in electronic form using optical devices or the like; and

c. Documents as intended in Article 1 sub-article 7.



Article 39

(1) The PPATK, investigators, public prosecutors and judges shall be

obligated to keep the identity of a reporting party secret.

(2) Violations of the provision of paragraph (1) shall entitle the reporting party

concerned or his/her heirs to claim compensation through the courts.

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Article 40

(1) Any person reporting a suspicion that the crime of money laundering may

have occurred must be provided with special protection by the state

against possible threats endangering the person, his life, and/or his

assets, and his family.

(2) Provisions on the procedure for providing special protection as intended in

paragraph (1) shall be further stipulated in Government Regulations.

Article 41

(1) During court sessions, witnesses, the public prosecutor, the judge and

other parties concerned with the crime of money laundering under

examination shall be prohibited from mentioning the name or address of

the reporting party, or other matters which may lead to the disclosure of

the reporting party's identity.

(2) In every court session, prior to the commencement of court examination,

the judge must remind witnesses, the public prosecutor and other parties

related to the examination of the case in question of the prohibition as

intended in paragraph (1).

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Article 42

(1) Any person giving testimony about a crime of money laundering must be

provided with protection by the state against potential threats endangering

the person concerned, his life, and/or his assets, including his family.

(2) Provisions concerning the procedure for providing special protection as

intended in paragraph (1) shall be further provided for in Government


Article 43

No civil or criminal action may be initiated against reporting parties and/or

witnesses for reporting and/or testimony given by them as referred to in Article 40

and Article 42.



Article 44

In the context of inquiry into, investigation, prosecution and examination in court

of a person or corporation known or reasonably suspected to have committed the

crime of money laundering, regional and international cooperation can be

undertaken with other countries through bilateral or multilateral forums in

accordance with prevailing laws and regulations.

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Article 45

(1) The Head and Deputies of the PPATK as referred to in Article 20 must

have been appointed no later than 1 (one) year following the enactment of

this Law.

(2) The PPATK must have started implementing its functions no later than 6

(six) months following the appointment of the PPATK Head and Deputies.

(3) Prior to the commencement of the PPATK's functions as intended in

paragraph (2), those PPATK functions and powers specifically concerning

Providers of Financial Services which are banks shall be implemented by

Bank Indonesia, in accordance with Bank Indonesia Regulations.

(4) The reporting obligations of (other) Providers of Financial Services shall

come into force 18 (eighteen) months following the enactment of this law.



Article 46

This Law shall come into effect as of the date of its enactment.

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For the information of the public, we hereby order that this Law be published in

the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Ratified in Jakarta




Enacted in Jakarta





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