Cosmetic Contamination Awareness Among Adolescent Females: Research Article

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Vol 9, Issue 5, 2016 Print - 0974-2441

Research Article



Department of Biochemistry, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha University, Chennai - 600 077, Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Biochemistry, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha University, Chennai - 600 077, Tamil Nadu, India.
Received: 07 May 2016, Revised and Accepted: 14 May 2016


Objective: Cosmetics, in today’s world, have become a part and parcel of every women’s life. The majority of the women who use cosmetics are
unaware of the fact that makeup can harbor a variety of infections if not used in the appropriate manner. The purpose of the study is to determine the
awareness of cosmetic contamination among adolescent females and spread awareness regarding the different ways to prevent the harmful effects
that these contaminated cosmetics can have on the health of the users.

Methods: This is a survey-based study. This study was conducted by observing cosmetic usage practices of adolescent females through the medium
of analyzing questionnaires. The data collected were compiled and analyzed statistically.

Results: The responses of the participants reveal that there is a rapid increase in the awareness regarding cosmetic contamination among adolescent
females. Out of the 100 adolescent females who completed the survey, 87% of the females are aware of the presence of lead, carcinogenic substances,
and preservatives that can become toxic over a period of time, the rest 13% are unaware of the fact and the harmful effects these can cause if not
handled properly.

Conclusion: The results of the study show the increase in cosmetic usage patterns and cosmetic contamination awareness among the adolescent
females in the past few decades.

Keywords: Cosmetic contamination, Microbial, Contamination, Awareness, Adolescent females, Toxicity.

INTRODUCTION makeup until it’s completely finished despite how long ago they
purchased it. Cosmetic contamination awareness is very poor among
Cosmetics - the word has become an inevitable part of every women’s
the users of all age groups.
Cosmetic contamination
The word “cosmetics” is derived from the Greek word Kosmetikos
which means skilled at decorating. Cosmetics are also colloquially Cosmetic contamination is an issue of great importance in today’s
known as makeup or personal care products which are used to enhance world. FDA states that it is not necessary for cosmetic products to
the appearance or odor of the human body. They are generally mixtures
be sterile; however, they must not be contaminated with pathogenic
of chemical compounds, with some derived from natural sources and
micro-organisms [5]. There are numerous ways in which the
some synthetic [1].
cosmetic products can be contaminated. The most common way of
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which regulates cosmetics, contamination is in use contamination, with the user repeatedly
defines cosmetics as “intended to be applied to the human body applying makeup to the skin using an applicator, or finger and then
for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the putting it back into the makeup. Another possible way makeup can be
appearance without affecting the body’s structure or functions.” [2,3]. contaminated is by poor handling procedures during manufacturing,
Each and every day, it is estimated that we put up to 10 different which can cause defects in the preservative capacities of makeup.
personal care products on our bodies. This includes shampoo/ Storage method of makeup can also determine whether it is more
conditioner, lotions, soap, toothpaste, deodorant, lip balm, sunscreen, likely for bacteria to grow or not [4].
shaving products, cosmetics, and insect repellants.
Microbial contamination
Whether it’s for putting on a show or getting ready for an occasion we’ve Microbial contamination of cosmetics has been studied since long.
all used or seen it being used at least once in our lives. Cosmetics is Microbial contamination of cosmetic products is very crucial because
used by both genders but is predominantly used by more females than of their daily use and direct contact with the skin. Cosmetic products
males at the global level. Makeup plays a vital role in altering a woman’s are at high risk for microbial contamination from various sources such
appearance and that is the reason for its huge popularity among today’s as environment, consumer’s hands, body sweat, and during the time
young generation. Cosmetics can do wonders for women, but if not of manufacturing [6]. It is known that eye cosmetics have the ability
handled properly makeup can pose a threat to their health [4]. to harbor numerous microorganisms. Furthermore, the unrestricted
A majority of the women who use cosmetics are unaware of the fact that use of cosmetic testers, for which there are no sterile applicators, can
makeup can harbor a variety of infections if not used in the appropriate spread bacteria from one person to another and possibly cause eye
manner. infections [7]. A proper use of makeup may reduce the risk of infection.
Flip caps and pump tops are the best ways of closing shampoos and
Some women even share makeup and applicators with friends and lotions [8]. It is even concluded that poorly preserved cosmetics can be
family, increasing their chances of infection. Others do not replace protected with the right packaging.
Ilankizhai et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 5, 2016, 117-120

The quality of makeup is also an important factor in whether makeup can Table 1: Percentage of females using makeup
become contaminated or not. Preservative systems in cosmetics inhibit
the spoilage of the products and prevent the growth of pathogens [9]. Makeup use Percentage (%)
Preservative systems, however, can lose their effectiveness if stored for Uses makeup 86
a longer period of time [10]. Do not use makeup 14

Sometimes, labels on cosmetics also lack essential information that

ensures the safety of the product. In some studies, labels were found to Table 2: Percentage of females using different applicators
not have dates of manufacture or dates of expiration [11]. Even so, it is
still up to the consumer to properly handle makeup and applicators to S.N Applicators Percentage (%)
avoid infection [4]. 1 Bristle brushes 29
2 Cotton swabs 17
The age range of female makeup users has increased widely across the 3 Roll on 11
decades. The age that females begin wearing makeup gets younger with 4 Fingers 22
every new generation. If consumers are aware about the proper ways 5 Others 21
of handling the products, they should be able to have a low incidence of Sample size‑100
infection [4]. The purpose of this study is to determine the awareness
of cosmetic contamination among adolescent females and the buying
behavior of consumers.


This is a survey based cross-sectional study. A survey method was

adopted as a means of data collection because it provided the best
possible way to determine the awareness of female adolescents
regarding the use of cosmetics [4].

This study was conducted by observing cosmetic usage practices of

adolescent females through the medium of analyzing questionnaires.
The survey was basically arranged in three sections in which the
first section consisted of questions regarding the age and the usage
of makeup. The second section consisted of questions regarding the
usage pattern of different personal care products. The third section
included questions regarding the awareness and shopping pattern of
the consumers. The data were collected from a sample size of hundred
adolescent females (12-19) from different regions and social class.
Adolescent females were chosen for this study because females are the Fig. 1: Frequency of usage of different personal care products.
primary users of makeup [4]. The data collected were compiled and Sample size-100
analyzed statistically.
The number of females who share or borrow makeup is outlined in
RESULTS Fig. 2. In total, out of 100 females who participated in the study 57 do
The sample size of 100 was considered for this survey based research. The not share their makeup with anyone. Out of the remaining 43 who share
questionnaires were handed over to adolescent females (12-19) across their makeup nearly 70% share it with one or two members who are
different regions and social class and 100 completed questionnaires usually their siblings and family members. Nearly 25% of the people
were collected and analyzed for results. who share their makeup are not sure of the number of people with
whom they share their cosmetics with.
Out of 100 people who filled the questionnaires 86 people use makeup
and the other 14 do not use makeup (Table 1). Out of the 100 adolescent females who completed the survey, 52% of 41
females are aware of the expiry date and use the products only until 42
The graph below gives information regarding the usage pattern of the expiry date. Whereas 28% of females have no awareness about the
different personal care products. 43 expiry date and use it until the product finishes (Fig. 3).

From Fig. 1, it is clearly evident that body care products which include Approximately, 54% of the people who completed the survey buy
bar soaps, body wash, moisturiser, facial lotion, body lotion, sunscreen cosmetic products based on their brand and 28% take advice from
lotion, perfume, and deodorants have been used more frequent when friends and very few people give importance to packaging, price and
compared to the other personal care products. Hair care products such advertisements (Fig. 4).
as shampoo and conditioner are used by most people few times a week.
Nail polish and nail paint remover are more predominantly used once Cosmetic contamination awareness
or twice per month unlike the other products which are used on a more According to the data collected, out of the 100 adolescent females who
frequent basis. The usage pattern lip care products and eyeliner and eye completed the survey, 87% of the females are aware of the presence
shadow does not show a prominent pattern, and the frequency of usage of mercury, lead, carcinogenic substances, and preservatives that can
is more irregular among different groups of females according to their become toxic over a period of time, the rest 13% are unaware of the
priorities and preferences. presence of these substances in the cosmetic products and do not know
the harmful effects these can cause if not handled properly.
The most used makeup applicators were bristle brushes (29%) and
fingers (22%) and the least used were roll on (11%) and cotton swabs The awareness of the users regarding the usage of cosmetic testers
(17%). 21% of females use other applicators for applying makeup and the importance of the label of ingredients in the cosmetic products
(Table 2). were also taken into consideration, and it turned out that majority of

Ilankizhai et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 5, 2016, 117-120

for ingredients before buying the products. In some products, it was

found that the ingredients were not listed on the product, but on the
box that it was sold in that is often discarded by the consumer. This is
possibly one of the reasons why the rest did not check for ingredients
in the product.


Cosmetics, in today’s world, have become a part and parcel of every

women’s life. Unfortunately, the majority of the women are unaware
of the harmful effects of the cosmetic products if not used properly.
This research was conducted to determine the cosmetic contamination
awareness among adolescent females. From the data analysis, it is clearly
evident that the awareness regarding cosmetic usage and cosmetic
contamination levels are on increase. Out of the 100 adolescent females
who participated in the study, 87% of females use cosmetic products. It
was determined that the probability of infection was low since most of
the respondents used it correctly.

Fig. 2: Percentage of female sharing of borrowing makeup. In general, the females who were surveyed showed that they knew
Sample size-100 the proper methods of applying as well as the duration of storage of
makeup. A majority of the females participated in the survey prefer the
use of bristle brushes over fingers, in which the latter could lead to an
increase in chance of infection. Moreover, most (52%) of them have
also responded that they use makeup only until the expiry date which
signifies great awareness among the adolescent females.

One of the major reasons for the outbreak of infection is the practice
of sharing or borrowing makeup. From the data, it is visible that
57% of the females have responded that they never share makeup,
which is a positive sign as sharing makeup increases the chances of
microbial growth and infection for all users. Using cosmetic testers
available in public stores is even worse because it is impossible to
figure out who used it before you and whether they had an infection
or not [4]. From previous studies conducted by Dawson, 1982, it is
clearly evident that the unrestricted use of cosmetic testers, for which
there are no sterile applicators, can spread bacteria from one person
to another and possibly cause eye infections. A majority of the people
who participated in the survey seems to have avoided the usage of
cosmetic testers.
Fig. 3: Storage of makeup. Sample size-100
Brand name has a major influence on the buying behavior of the females.
According to studies conducted by Okeke, 2001, contamination rates
of cosmetics in North America and Europe are 2-43% and considering
that undeveloped countries may not have strict regulations for
manufacturers, it is important to be aware of foreign cosmetic brands
and imports.

When it comes to awareness regarding the presence of toxic substances

like lead and carcinogens and some preservatives which would harbor
bacterial growth after a period of time, 87% of them have responded
with a yes to the question. These responses from the adolescent females
who completed the survey are a positive sign toward the rapid increase
in the awareness of cosmetic contamination among the younger


Each day women smear anti-aging, anti-blemish, cover-up, foundation,

powder and more on their faces in the name of beauty. Even though
we do not ingest it, skin is the largest organ in our body and absorbs
chemicals directly into the bloodstream faster than if it were digested.
Fig. 4: Behavior of consumers toward cosmetic products. Sample
The digestive system has a natural process to filter toxins, whereas the
epidermis acts more like a sponge [12]. Thus, there is a great need to
take into consideration the ingredients which go into the making of the
the users prefer to avoid the use of cosmetic testers as it may become a products. The results of the study show the increase in cosmetic usage
major source for spread of infection. Approximately, 52% of the females patterns and cosmetic contamination awareness among the adolescent
who participated in the survey said that they take checked the products females in the past few decades.

Ilankizhai et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 5, 2016, 117-120

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