Topic: Classification of Boiler
Topic: Classification of Boiler
Topic: Classification of Boiler
Boilers Classification:
There are a large number of boiler designs, but boilers can be classified according to the
following criteria:
2. Fire-tube Boiler:
The hot combustion gases pass through the boiler tubes, which are surrounded by
water, e.g., Lancashire, Cochran, locomotive boilers, etc.
2. According to Water Circulation Arrangement:
1. Natural Circulation:
Water circulates in the boiler due to density difference of hot and water,
e.g., Babcock and Wilcox boilers, Lancashire boilers, Cochran, locomotive boilers,
2. Forced Circulation:
A water pump forces the water along its path, therefore, the steam generation rate
increases, Eg: Benson, La Mont, Velox boilers, etc.
1. Stationary Boiler:
These boilers are used for power plants or processes steam in plants.
2. Portable Boiler:
These are small units of mobile and are used for temporary uses at the sites.
3. Locomotive:
These are specially designed boilers. They produce steam to drive railway engines.
4. Marine Boiler:
1. Internally fired:
The furnace is located inside the shell, e.g., Cochran, Lancashire boilers, etc.
2. Externally fired:
The furnace is located outside the boiler shell, e.g., Babcock and Wilcox, Stirling
boilers, etc.
6. According to Pressure of steam generated:
Low-pressure boiler:
Medium-pressure boiler:
It has a working pressure of steam from 20 bars to 80 bars and is used for power
generation or combined use of power generation and process heating.
High-pressure boiler:
Sub-critical boiler:
If a boiler produces steam at a pressure which is less than the critical pressure, it is
called as a subcritical boiler.
Supercritical boiler:
These boilers provide steam at a pressure greater than the critical pressure. These
boilers do not have an evaporator and the water directly flashes into steam, and thus
they are called once through boilers.
Pulverized fuel,
Supercharged fuel and
Fluidized bed combustion boilers.