Absolute SWAT Values

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SHALLST 0 50000 Initial depth of water in the shallow aquifer

DEEPST 0 50000 Initial depth of water in the deep aquifer
GW_DELAY 0 500 Groundwater delay (days).
ALPHA_BF 0 1 Baseflow alpha factor (days).
GWQMN 0 5000 Treshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer
required for return flow to occur (mm).
GW_REVAP 0.02 0.2 Groundwater "revap" coefficient.
REVAPMN 0 500 Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer
for "revap" to occur (mm).
RCHRG_DP 0 1 Deep aquifer percolation fraction.
GWHT 0 25 Initial groundwater height (m).
GW_SPYLD 0 0.4 Specific yield of the shallow aquifer (m3/m3).
SHALLST_N 0 1000 Concentration of nitrate in groundwater contribution
to streamflow from subbasin (mg N/l).
GWSOLP 0 1000 Concentration of soluble phosphorus in
groundwater contribution to streamflow from subbasin (mg P/l).
HLIFE_NGW 0 200 Half-life of nitrate in the shallow aquifer
LAT_ORGN 0 200 Organic N in the baseflow (mg/l)
LAT_ORGP 0 200 Organic P in baseflow (mg/l)
R3 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R4 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R5 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R6 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R7 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R8 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R9 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R10 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R11 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R12 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R13 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R14 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R15 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R16 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R17 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R18 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R19 0 0 Parameter from an external program
R20 0 0 Parameter from an external program
// .mgt

IGRO 0 1 Land cover status code.

PHU_PLT 0 3500 Total number of heat unit
BIOMIX 0 1 Biological mixing efficie
CN2 35 98 SCS runoff curve number f
USLE_P 0 1 USLE equation support pra
BIO_MIN 0 5000 Minimum plant biomass for


YEAR 1 10 Year operation takes place.

MONTH 1 12 Monthh operation takes place.
DAY 1 31 Dayy operation takes place.
HUSC 0 1 Fraction of total heat units for the year at
MGT_OP 0 99 Management operation number
HEAT_UNITS 0 3500 Total heat units for cover/plant to reach
PLANT_ID 0 999 Land cover/plant identification from
CURYR_MAT 0 999 Current age of trees (yrs)
LAI_INIT 0 100 Initial leaf area index.
BIO_INIT 0 200 Initial dry weight biomass (kg/ha).
HI_TARG 0 1 Harvest index target ((kg/ha)/
BIO_TARG 0 200 Biomass (dry weight) target (metric
CNOP 0 100 SCS runoff curve number for moisture
IRR_AMT 0 100 Depth of irrigation water
applied on HRU
FERT_ID 0 99 Fertilizer identification
FRT_KG 0 500 Amount of fertilizer applied to
HRU (kg/ha).
FRT_SURFACE 0 1 Fraction of fertilizer applied to top
10mm of
PEST_ID 0 999 Pesticide identification code
from pesticide d
PST_KG 0 200 Amount of pesticide applied to
HRU (kg/ha).
TILLAGE_ID 0 999 Tillage implement code from till.dat
HARVEFF 0 1 Harvest efficiency. (Optional
HI_OVR 0 1 Harvest index override ((kg/ha)/
GRZ_DAYS 0 366 Number of consecutive days grazing
takes place
MANURE_ID 0 99 Manure identification code from
BIO_EAT 0 500 Dry weight of biomass consumed
daily ((kg/ha)/
BIO_TRMP 0 500 Dry weight of biomass trampled daily
MANURE_KG 0 500 Dry weight of manure deposited daily
WSTRS_ID 1 2 Water stress identifier
AUTO_WSTRS 0 1 Water stress factor of cover/plant which
AFERT_ID 1 54 Fertilizer identification number.
AUTO_NSTRS 0 1 Nitrogen stress factor of cover/plant that
AUTO_NAPP 0 1000 Maximum amount of NO^3-N allowed in any one
AUTO_NYR 0 9999 Maximum amount of NO3-N allowed to be
AUTO_EFF 0 2 Application efficiency.
AFRT_SURFACE 0 1 Fraction of fertilizer applied to top
10mm of
SWEEPEFF 0 1 Removal efficiency of sweeping operation.
FR_CURB 0 1 Fraction of curb length available for
IMP_TRIG 0 1 Release/ impound action code.
FERT_DAYS 0 365 Duration of fertilization
CFRT_ID 1 54 Fertilizer identification
IFRT_FREQ 0 365 Application frequency
CFRT_KG 0 500 Amount of fertilizer applied in
each applicati
PST_DEP 0 500 Depth of pesticide incorporation
in the soil
IHV_GBM 0 1 Grain or biomass harvest code
IRR_SALT 0 100 Concentration of salt in
irrigation (mg/kg)
IRR_EFM 0 1 Irrigation efficiency (fraction).
IRR_SQ 0 1 Surface runoff ratio (fraction).
IRR_EFF 0 1 Irrigation efficiency (fraction).
IRR_MX 0 100 Amount of irrigation water
applied each time auto irrigation is triggered (mm)
IRR_ASQ 0 1 Surface runoff ratio (fraction).
CPST_ID 1 999 Pesticide identification number
from pesticide database
PEST_DAYS 0 365 Number of days continuous pesticide
will be simulated
IPEST_FREQ 0 60 Number of days between applications
CPST_KG 0 200 Amount of pesticide applied to
HRU on a given dayy (kg/ha).
BURN_FRLB 0 1 Fraction of biomass and residue that burn
IRR_SC 0 5 Irrigation code.
IRR_NO 0 99999 Irrigation source location.
IRR_SCA 0 5 Irrigation code.
IRR_NOA 0 99999 Irrigation source location.

// .sol

SOL_ZMX 0 3500 Maximum rooting depth

of soil profile.
ANION_EXCL 0.01 1 Fraction of porosity
(void space) from which anions are excluded.
SOL_CRK 0 1 Crack volume potential
of soil.
TEXTURE 0 0 Texture of soil layer.
SOL_Z 0 3500 Depth from soil surface to
bottom of layer.
SOL_BD 0.9 2.5 Moist bulk
SOL_AWC 0 1 Available water capacity
of the soil layer.
SOL_K 0 2000 Saturated hydraulic
SOL_CBN 0.05 10 Organic carbon content .
CLAY 0 100 Clay content.
SILT 0 100 Silt content.
SAND 0 100 Sand content.
ROCK 0 100 Rock fragment content.
SOL_ALB 0 0.25 Moist soil albedo.
USLE_K 0 0.65 USLE equation soil
erodibility (K) factor.
SOL_EC 0 100 [Not currently active]
Electrical conductivity.
NLAYERS 1 10 Number of layers in the
NUMLAYER 1 10 The layer being displayed.

// .rte

CH_W2 0 1000 Average width of main channel.

CH_D 0 30 Average depth of main channel.
CH_S2 -0.001 10 Average slope of main channel.
CH_L2 -0.05 500 Length of main channel.
CH_N2 -0.01 0.3 Manning's "n" value for the main channel.
CH_K2 -0.01 500 Effective hydraulic conductivity in main
channel alluvium.
CH_COV1 -0.05 0.6 Channel erodibility factor.
CH_COV2 -0.001 1 Channel cover factor.
CH_WDR 0 10000 Channel width-depth ratio.
ALPHA_BNK 0 1 Baseflow alpha factor for bank storage.
ICANAL 0 1 Code for irrigation canal
CH_ONCO 0 100 Organic nitrogen concentration in
the channel (ppm)
CH_OPCO 0 100 Organic phosphorus concentration in
the channel (ppm)
CH_SIDE 0 5 Change in horizontal distance per unit
vertical distance
CH_BNK_BD 1.1 1.9 Bulk density of channel bank sediment
CH_BED_BD 1.1 1.9 Bulk density of channel bed sediment
CH_BNK_KD 0.001 3.75 Erodibility of channel bank sediment by
jet test (cm3/N-s)
CH_BED_KD 0.001 3.75 Erodibility of channel bed sediment by jet
test (cm3/N-s)
CH_BNK_D50 1 10000 D50 Median particle size diameter of
channel bank sediment (�m)
CH_BED_D50 1 10000 D50 Median particle size diameter of
channel bed sediment (�m)
CH_BNK_TC 0 400 Critical shear stress of channel bank
CH_BED_TC 0 400 Critical shear stress of channel bed
CH_ERODMO 0 1 Jan. channel erodability factor
CH_EQN 0 4 Sediment routing method
CH_SAN 0 1 Fraction of sand in channel bed materials
CH_SIL 0 1 Fraction of silt in channel bed materials
CH_CLA 0 1 Fraction of clay in channel bed materials
CH_VEG 0 1 Vegetative cover factor
CH_SS 0 10 Channel side slope
CH_FPR 0 0 N/A
CH_CRHT 0 10 Channel critical height
CH_EROD -0.05 0.6 Channel erodibility factor.
CH_COV -0.001 1 Channel cover factor.
PRF_BSN 0 2 Peak rate adjustment factor for
sediment routing in the main channel.

// .hru
SLSUBBSN 10 150 Average slope length.
OV_N 0.01 30 Manning's "n" value for
overland flow.
LAT_TTIME 0 180 Lateral flow travel time.
LAT_SED 0 5000 Sediment concentration in
lateral flow and groundwater flow .
SLSOIL 0 150 Slope length for lateral
subsurface flow.
CANMX 0 100 Maximum canopy storage.
ESCO 0 1 Soil evaporation compensation factor.
EPCO 0 1 Plant uptake compensation factor.
RSDIN 0 10000 Initial residue cover
ERORGN 0 5 Organic N enrichment
ERORGP 0 5 Organic P enrichment ratio.
FILTERW 0 100 Width of edge-of field
filter strip (m)
IURBAN 0 2 Urban simulation option.
URBLU 0 10 Urban land type identification number
from urban.dat.
IRR 0 5 Irrigation option.
IRRNO 0 5 Irrigation source location.
FLOWMIN 0 100 Minimum in-stream flow
for irrigation diversions.
DIVMAX 0 150 Maximum daily irrigation
diversion from the reach.
FLOWFR 0 1 Fraction of available flow.
DDRAIN 0 2000 Depth to subsurface
TDRAIN 0 72 Time to drain soil to field
GDRAIN 0 100 Drain tile lag time.
NPTOT 0 10 The total number of different types
of pesticides applied/modeled in the .mgt and .chm file.
IPOT 0 100 HRU (Landuse-Soil in the
subbasin) that is ponding water.
POT_FR 0 1 Fraction of HRU area that
drains into the pothole.
POT_TILE 0 100 Average daily outflow to main
channel from tile flow if drainage tiles are installed in the pothole.
POT_VOLX 0 100 Maximum volume of water stored
in the pothole .
POT_VOL 0 100 Initial volume of water
stored in the pothole.
POT_NSED 0 100 Normal sediment concentration
in pothole.
POT_NO3L 0 1 [Not currently active]. Nitrate decay
rate in pothole.
FLD_FR 0 1 Fraction of HRU area that
drains into floodplain
RIP_FR 0 1 Fraction of HRU area that
drains into riparian area
HRU_SLP 0 1 Average slope steepness
DEP_IMP 0 6000 Depth to impervious
layer for modeling perched water tables
DIS_STREAM 0 100000 Average distance to stream
EVPOT 0 2 Pothole evaporation coefficient
CF 0.5 1 Decomposition response to soil
temperature and moisture
CFH 0.5 1.5 Maximum humification rate
CFDEC 0.045 0.065 Undistrurbed soil
turnover rate under optimum soil water and temperature
SED_CON 0 5000 Sediment concentration in
runoff, after urban BMP is applied
ORGN_CON 0 100 Organic nitrogen concentration
in runoff, after urban BMP is applied
ORGP_CON 0 50 Organic phosphorus concentration in
runoff, after urban BMP is applied
SOLN_CON 0 10 Soluble nitrogen concentration un
runoff, after urban BMP is applied
SOLP_CON 0 3 Soluble phosphorus concentration un
runoff, after urban BMP is applied

// .sub

ELEVB 0 8000 Elevation at the center of the elevation band.

ELEVB_FR 0 1 Fraction of subbasin area within the
elevation band.
SNOEB 0 999999 Initial snow water content in elevation band.
PLAPS -1000 1000 Precipitation lapse rate.
TLAPS -10 10 Temperature lapse rate.
SNO_SUB 0 150 Initial snow water content.
CH_L1 0.05 20 Longest tributary channel length in
CH_S1 0.0001 10 Average slope of tributary
CH_W1 1 1000 Average width of tributary channels (m).
CH_K1 0 300 Effective hydraulic conductivity in
tributary channel alluvium .
CH_N1 0.01 30 Manning's "n" value for the tributary
CO2 0 800 Carbon dioxide concentration.
RFINC 0 100 Rainfall adjustment.
TMPINC 0 100 Temperature adjustment.
RADINC 0 100 Radiation adjustment.
HUMINC -1 1 Humidity adjustment.
SUB_KM 0.1 5000 Area of subbasin
SUB_LAT -90 90 Latitude of subbasin
SUB_ELEV 0 5000 Elevation of subbasin

// .bsn

SFTMP -20 20 [OPTINAL] Snowfall temperature.

SMTMP -20 20 Snow melt base temperature.
SMFMX 0 20 Maximum melt rate for snow during year
(occurs on summer solstice).
SMFMN 0 20 Minimum melt rate for snow during the
year (occurs on winter solstice).
TIMP 0 1 Snow pack temperature lag factor.
SNOCOVMX 0 500 Minimum snow water content that
corresponds to 100% snow cover.
SNO50COV 0 1 Snow water equivalent that
corresponds to 50% snow cover.
RCN 0 15 Concentration of nitrogen in rainfall.
SURLAG 0.05 24 Surface runoff lag time.
APM 0.5 2 Peak rate adjustment factor for
sediment routing in the subbasin (tributary channels).
PRF 0 2 Peak rate adjustment factor for
sediment routing in the main channel.
SPCON 0.0001 0.01 Linear parameter for
calculating the maximum amount of sediment that can be reentrained during channel
sediment routing.
SPEXP 1 1.5 Exponent parameter for calculating
sediment reentrained in channel sediment routing.
EVRCH 0.5 1 Reach evaporation adjustment
EVLAI 0 10 Leaf area index at which no evaporation
occurs from water surface.
FFCB 0 1 Initial soil water storage
expressed as a fraction of field capacity water content.
CMN 0.001 0.003 Rate factor for humus
mineralization of active organic nitrogen.
UBN 0 100 Nitrogen uptake distribution
UBP 0 100 Phosphorus uptake distribution
NPERCO 0 1 Nitrogen percolation
PPERCO 10 17.5 Phosphorus percolation
PHOSKD 100 200 Phosphorus soil
partitioning coefficient.
PSP 0.01 0.7 Phosphorus sorption coefficient.
RSDCO 0.02 0.1 Residue decomposition
PERCOP 0 1 Pesticide percolation
IRTPEST 0 250 Number of pesticide to
be routed through the watershed channel network.
WDPQ 0 1 Die-off factor for persistent
bacteria in soil solution.
WGPQ 0 1 Growth factor for persistent
bacteria in soil solution.
WDLPQ 0 1 Die-off factor for less persistent
bacteria in soil solution.
WGLPQ 0 1 Growth factor for less persistent
bacteria in soil solution.
WDPS 0 1 Die-off factor for persistent
bacteria adsorbed to soil particles.
WGPS 0 1 Growth factor for persistent
bacteria adsorbed to soil particles.
WDLPS 0 1 Die-off factor for less persistent
bacteria adsorbed to soil particles.
WGLPS 0 1 Growth factor for less persistent
bacteria adsorbed to soil particles.
BACTKDQ 0 500 Bacteria partition
THBACT 0 10 Temperature adjustment
factor for bacteria die-off/growth.
MSK_CO1 0 10 Calibration coefficient used
to control impact of the storage time constant for normal flow.
MSK_CO2 0 10 Calibration coefficient used
to control impact of the storage time constant fro low flow .
MSK_X 0 0.3 Weighting factor controlling
relative importance of inflow rate and outflow rate in determining water storage in
reach segment.
CNCOEF 0.5 2 Plant ET curve number
TRNSRCH 0 1 Fraction of transmission
losses from main channel that enter deep aquifer.
CDN 0 3 Denitrification exponential
rate coefficient.
BACTMX 7 20 Bacteria percolation coefficient.
DDRAIN_BSN 0 2000 Depth to subsurface drain.
TDRAIN_BSN 0 72 Time to drain soil to field capacity.
GDRAIN_BSN 0 100 Drain tile lag time.
ADJ_PKR 0.5 2 Peak rate adjustment factor
for sediment routing in the subbasin (tributary channels)
TB_ADJ 0 1 Adjustment factor for
subdaily unit hydrograph basetime
SDNCO 0 1 Denitrification threshold water
N_UPDIS 0 100 Nitrogen uptake distribution
P_UPDIS 0 100 Phosphorus uptake
distribution parameter
WOF_P 0 1 Wash-off fraction for persistent
WOF_LP 0 1 Wash-off fraction for less
persistent bacteria
WDPF 0 1 Die-off factor for persistent
bacteria on foliage at 20�C
WGPF 0 1 Growth factor for persistent
bacteria on foliage at 20�C
WDLPF 0 1 Die-off factor for less persistent
bacteria on foliage at 20�C
WGLPF 0 1 Growth factor for less persistent
bacteria on foliage at 20�C
BACT_SWF 0 1 Fraction of manure applied to land
areas that has active colony forming units
BACTMINLP 0 1 Minimum daily bacteria loss for
less persistent bacteria
BACTMINP 0 1 Minimum daily bacteria loss for
persistent bacteria
WDLPRCH 0 1 Die-off factor for less
persistent bacteria in streams (moving water) at 20�C
WDPRCH 0 1 Die-off factor for persistent
bacteria in streams (moving water) at 20�C
WDLPRES 0 1 Die-off factor for less
persistent bacteria in water bodies (still water) at 20�C
WDPRES 0 1 Die-off factor for persistent
bacteria in water bodies (still water) at 20�C
DORM_HR 0 24 Time threshold used to define
SMXCO 0 10 Adjustment factor for maximum curve
number S factor
FIXCO 0 1 Nitrogen fixation coefficient
NFIXMX 1 20 Maximum daily-n fixation (kg/ha)
ANION_EXCL_BSN 0.01 1 Fraction of porosity
from which anions are excluded
CH_ONCO_BSN 0 100 Channel organic nitrogen
concentration in basin (ppm)
CH_OPCO_BSN 0 100 Channel organic phosphorus
concentration in basin (ppm)
HLIFE_NGW_BSN 0 500 Half-life of nitrogen in
groundwater (days)
RCN_SUB_BSN 0 2 Concentration of nitrate in
precipitation (ppm)
BC1_BSN 0.1 1 Rate constant for biological
oxidation of NH3 (1/dayy)
BC2_BSN 0.2 2 Rate constant for biological
oxidation NO2 to NO3 (1/dayy)
BC3_BSN 0.02 0.4 Rate constant for hydrolosis
of organic nitrogen to ammonia (1/dayy)
BC4_BSN 0.01 0.7 Rate constant for decay of
organic phosphorus to dissolved phosphorus (1/dayy)
DECR_MIN 0 0.05 Minimum daily residue decay
ICFAC 0 1 C-factor method
RSD_COVCO 0.1 0.5 Residue cover factor for
computing fraction of cover
VCRIT 0 10 Critical velocity
CSWAT 0 1 Code for new carbon routines
RES_STLR_CO 0 1 Reservoir sediment settling
RAMMO_SUB 0 1 Atmospheric deposition of ammonium
RCN_SUB 0 2 Atmospheric deposition of
nitrate (mg/l)
DRYDEP_NH4 0 1 Atmospheric dry deposition of
ammonium (kg/ha/yr)
DRYDEP_NO3 0 7 Atmospheric dry deposition of
nitrates (kg/ha/yr)
BUFF_CF 0 1 Fraction of amount
channelized or not impacted from flow over the buffer
DEPIMP_BSN 0 6000 Depth to impervious layer for
modeling perched water tables
BFLO_DIST 0 1 Baseflow distribution factor for
subdaily simulation. 1:profile of baseflow in a dayy follows rainfall pattern,
0:baseflow evenly distributed to each time step during a dayy
IUH 1 2 Unit hydrograph method:
1=triangular UH, 2=gamma function UH
UHALPHA 0.5 10 Alpha coefficient for gamma
function unit hydrograph. Required if iuh=2 is selected
EROS_SPL 0.9 3.1 The splash erosion coefficient
RILL_MULT 0.5 2 Multiplier to USLE_K for soil
susceptible to rill erosion
EROS_EXPO 1.5 3 An exponent in the overland flow
erosion equation
SUBD_CHSED 0 2 Instream sediment routing method,
1=Brownlie(1981) model, 2=Yang(1973,1984) model, 0=Bagnold's method
C_FACTOR 0.001 0.45 Scaling parameter for Cover
and management factor in ANSWERS erosion model
CH_D50 10 100 Median particle diameter of
main channel bed [mm]
SIG_G 1 5 Geometric standard deviation of
particle sizes
ICN 0 1
// .chm

SOL_NO3 0 100 [mg/kg] Initial NO3

concentration in the soil layer.
SOL_ORGN 0 100 [mg/kg] Initial organic N
concentration in the soil layer .
SOL_LABP 0 100 [mg/kg] Initial labile
(soluble) P concentration in surface soil layer.
SOL_ORGP 0 100 [mg/kg] Initial organic P
concentration in surface soil layer.
PLTPST 0 5 [kg/ha] Initial pesticide
amount on foliage.
SOLPST 0 5 [mg/kg] Initial pesticide
amount in soil .
PSTENR 0 5 Enrichment ratio for
pesticide in the soil.
PPERCO_SUB 10 17.5 Phosphorus percolation

// .swq

DISOX 0 50 Initial dissolved oxygen

concentration in the reach. [mg /l]
BOD 0 1000 Initial carbonaceous
biochemical oxygen demand in the reach . [mg /l]
ALGAE 0 200 Initial chlorophyll-a concentration
in the reach. [mg /l]
ORGANICN 0 100 Initial organic nitrogen
concentration in the reach. [mg /l]
AMMONIAN 0 50 Initial ammonia concentration in
the reach. [mg /l]
NITRITEN 0 100 Initial nitrite concentration in
the reach. If no value for NITRITEN is entered, the model sets. [mg /l]
NITRATEN 0 50 Initial nitrate concentration in
the reach. If no value for NITRATEN is entered, the model sets . [mg /l]
ORGANICP 0 25 Initial organic phosphorus
concentration in the reach. [mg /l]
DISOLVP 0 25 Initial dissolved phosphorus
concentration in the reach. [mg /l]
RS1 0.15 1.82 Local algal settling
rate in the reach at 20 �C . [m/dayy]
RS2 0.001 0.1 Benthic (sediment) source
rate for dissolved phosphorus in the reach at 20 �C. [mg/(m�.dayy)]
RS3 0 1 Benthic source rate for NH4-N in
the reach at 20 �C . [mg/(m�.day)]
RS4 0.001 0.1 Rate coefficient for organic
N settling in the reach at 20 �C. [1/dayy]
RS5 0.001 0.1 Organic phosphorus settling
rate in the reach at 20 �C . [1/dayy]
RS6 0.01 10 Rate coefficient for settling
of arbitrary non-conservative constituent in the reach at 20 �C. [1/dayy]
RS7 0.01 10 Benthic source rate for
arbitrary non-conservative constituent in the reach at 20 �C. [mg/(m�.day)]
RK1 0.02 3.4 Carbonaceous biological
oxygen demand deoxygenation rate coefficient in the reach at 20 �C. [1/dayy]
RK2 0 100 Oxygen reaeration rate in
accordance with Fickian diffusion in the reach at 20 �C. [1/day]
RK3 -0.36 0.36 Rate of loss of
carbonaceous biological oxygen demand due to settling in the reach at 20 �C.
RK4 0 100 Benthic oxygen demand rate in the
reach at 20 �C. [mg/(m�.day)]
RK5 0.05 4 Coliform die-off rate in the
reach at 20 �C. [1/day]
RK6 0 10 Decay rate for arbitrary non-
conservative constituent in the reach at 20 �C. [1/day]
BC1 0.1 1 Rate constant for biological
oxidation of NH4 to NO2 in the reach at 20 �C. [1/day]
BC2 0.2 2 Rate constant for biological
oxidation of NO2 to NO3 in the reach at 20 �C. [1/day]
BC3 0.2 0.4 Rate constant for hydrolysis of
organic N to NH4 in the reach at 20 �C. [1/day]
BC4 0.01 0.7 Rate constant for
mineralization of organic P to dissolved P in the reach at 20 �C. [1/day]
CHPST_CONC 0 1000 [OPTIONAL} Initial pesticide
concentration in reach . [mg /m3]
CHPST_REA 0 0.1 Pesticide reaction coefficient in
reach. [1/day]
CHPST_VOL 0 10 Pesticide volatilization
coefficient in reach . [m/day]
CHPST_KOC 0 0.1 [OPTIONAL} Pesticide partition
coefficient between water and sediment in reach [m3/g]
CHPST_STL 0 10 Settling velocity for pesticide
sorbed to sediment. [m/day]
CHPST_RSP 0 1 Resuspension velocity for
pesticide sorbed to sediment . [m/day]
CHPST_MIX 0 0.1 Mixing velocity
(diffusion/dispersion) for pesticide in reach . [m/day]
SEDPST_CONC 0 1000 Initial pesticide
concentration in reach bed sediment . [mg /m3]
SEDPST_REA 0 0.1 Pesticide reaction coefficient in
reach bed sediment. [1/day]
SEDPST_BRY 0 0.1 Pesticide burial velocity in reach
bed sediment. [m/day]
SEDPST_ACT 0 1 Depth of active sediment layer for
pesticide. [m]

// .pnd

PND_FR 0 1 Fraction of subbasin area

that drains into ponds.
PND_PSA 0 1000 Surface area of ponds when
filled to principal spillway
PND_PVOL 0 100 Volume of water needed to fill ponds to
the principal spillway.
PND_ESA 0 200 Surface area of ponds when filled
to emergency spillway.
PND_EVOL 0 200 Volume of water stored in ponds when
filled to the emergency spillway.
PND_VOL 0 100 Initial volume of water in
PND_SED 0 5000 Initial sediment
concentration in pond water
PND_NSED 0 5000 Normal sediment concentration in
pond water .
PND_K 0 1 Hydraulic conductivity through
bottom of ponds.
IFLOD1 0 12 Beginning monthh of non-flood
IFLOD2 0 12 Ending monthh of non-flood season.
NDTARG 0 60 Number of days needed to reach
target storage from current pond storage.
PSETLP1 0 20 Phosphorus settling rate in pond
for months IPND1 through IPND2.
PSETLP2 0 20 Phosphorus settling rate in pond
for months other than IPND1-IPND2.
NSETLP1 0 20 Nitrogen settling rate in pond for
months IPND1 through IPND2 .
NSETLP2 0 20 Nitrogen settling rate in pond for
months other than IPND1-IPND2 .
CHLAP 0 1 Chlorophyll a production
coefficient for ponds.
SECCIP 0 1 Water clarity coefficient
for ponds.
PND_NO3 0 100 [OPTIONAL} Initial concentration of
NO3-N in pond.
PND_SOLP 0 50 Initial concentration of soluble P in
PND_ORGN 0 75 [OPTIONAL} Initial concentration of
organic N in pond .
PND_ORGP 0 50 Initial concentration of organic P in
pond .
IPND1 0 12 Beginning monthh of mid-year nutrient
settling "season".
IPND2 0 12 Ending monthh of mid-year nutrient
settling "season".
WET_FR 0 1 Fraction of subbasin area
that drains into wetlands.
WET_NSA 0 3000 Surface area of wetlands at
normal water level .
WET_NVOL 0 300 Volume of water stored in wetlands when
filled to normal water level .
WET_MXSA 0 3000 Surface area of wetlands at
maximum water level .
WET_MXVOL 0 300 Volume of water stored in wetlands when
filled to maximum water level .
WET_VOL 0 100 Initial volume of water in
WET_SED 0 5000 Initial sediment
concentration in wetland water.
WET_NSED 0 5000 Normal sediment concentration in
wetland water .
WET_K 0 1 Hydraulic conductivity of bottom
of wetlands.
PSETLW1 0 20 Phosphorus settling rate in
wetland for months IPND1 through IPND2 .
PSETLW2 0 20 Phosphorus settling rate in
wetlands for months other than IPND1-IPND2.
NSETLW1 0 20 Nitrogen settling rate in wetlands
for months IPND1 through IPND2 .
NSETLW2 0 20 Nitrogen settling rate in wetlands
for months other than IPND1-IPND2.
CHLAW 0 1 [OPTIONAL} Chlorophyll a
production coefficient for wetlands.
SECCIW 0 1 Water clarity coefficient
for wetlands.
WET_NO3 0 100 Initial concentration of NO3-N in
wetland .
WET_SOLP 0 50 Initial concentration of soluble P in
wetland .
WET_ORGN 0 75 Initial concentration of organic N in
WET_ORGP 0 50 Initial concentration of organic P in
wetland .
PNDEVCOEFF 0 5 Actual pond evaporation is equal
to the potential evaporation times the pond evaporation coefficient.
WETEVCOEFF 0 5 Actual wetland evaporation is
equal to the potential evaporation times the pond evaporation coefficient.
PND_D50 0 32000 Median particle diameter
of sediment [um]

// crop.dat

BIO_E 10 90 Biomass/Energy Ratio.

HVSTI 0.01 1.25 Harvest index.
BLAI 0.5 10 Max leaf area index.
FRGRW1 0 1 Fraction of the plant growing
season corresponding to the 1st. Point on the optimal leaf area development curve.
LAIMX1 0 1 Fraction of the max. leaf area
index corresponding to the 1st. point on the optimal leaf area development curve.
FRGRW2 0 1 Fraction of the plant growing
season corresponding to the 2nd. point on the optimal leaf area development curve.
LAIMX2 0 1 Fraction of the max. leaf area
index corresponding to the 2nd. point on the optimal leaf area development curve.
DLAI 0.15 1 Fraction of growing season when leaf
area starts declining.
CHTMX 0.1 20 Max canopy height.
RDMX 0 3 Max root depth.
T_OPT 11 38 Optimal temp for plant growth.
T_BASE 0 18 Min temp plant growth.
CNYLD 0.0015 0.075 Fraction of nitrogen in
seed .
CPYLD 0.0001 0.015 Fraction of phosphorus in
BN1 0.004 0.07 Fraction of N in plant at
emergence .
BN2 0.002 0.05 Fraction of N in plant at 0.5
BN3 0.001 0.27 Fraction of N in plant at
BP1 0.0005 0.01 Fraction of P at emergence.
BP2 0.0002 0.007 Fraction of P at 0.5
BP3 0.0003 0.0035 Fraction of P at maturity.
WSYF -0.2 1.1 Lower limit of harvest index.
USLE_C 0.001 0.5 Min value of USLE C factor
applicable to the land cover/plant.
GSI 0 5 Max stomatal conductance (in drough
VPDFR 1.5 6 Vapor pressure deficit corresponding to
the fraction maximum stomatal conductance defined by FRGMAX
FRGMAX 0 1 Fraction of maximum stomatla
conductance that is achievable at a high vapor pressure deficit.
WAVP 0 50 Rate of decline in radiation use
efficiency per unit increase in vapor pressure deficit.
CO2HI 300 1000 Elevated CO2 atmospheric
BIOEHI 5 100 Biomass-energy ratio
corresponding to the 2nd. point on the radiation use efficiency curve.
RSDCO_PL 0.01 0.099 Plant residue decomposition
ALAI_MIN 0 0.99 Minimum leaf area index for plant
during dormant period
BIO_LEAF 0 1 Fraction of tree biomass converted to
residue during dormancy
MAT_YRS 0 100 Number of years required for tree
species to reach full development
BMX_TREES 0 5000 Maximum biomass for a forest
EXT_COEF 0 2 Light extinction coefficient
CN2A 25 98 SCS runoff curve number for moisture
condition II.
CN2B 25 98 SCS runoff curve number for moisture
condition II.
CN2C 25 98 SCS runoff curve number for moisture
condition II.
CN2D 25 98 SCS runoff curve number for moisture
condition II.
BM_DIEOFF 0 1 Biomass die-off fraction

// fert.dat

BACTKDDB 0 1 Bacteria partition coefficient.

BACTLPDB 0 110000 Concentration of less-perisitent
bacteria in manure/fertilizer.
BACTPDB 0 110000 Concentration of perisitent
bacteria in manure/fertilizer.
FNH3N 0 1 Fraction of mineral N in fertilizer
applied as ammonia.
FMINN 0 1 Fraction of mineral N (NO3 and NH4) in
FORGN 0 1 Fraction of organic N in fertilizer.
FMINP 0 1 Fraction of mineral P in fertilizer.
FORGP 0 1 Fraction of organic P in fertilizer.

// .wwq

LAO 0 4 Qual2E light averaging option.

IGROPT 0 10 Qual2E algae growth limiting option
AI0 10 100 Ratio of chlorophyll-a to algal biomass.
AI1 0.07 0.09 Fraction of algal biomass that is
AI2 0.01 0.02 Fraction of algal biomass that is
AI3 1.4 1.8 Rate of oxygen production per unit algal
AI4 1.6 2.3 Rate of oxygen uptake per unit algal
AI5 3 4 Rate of oxygen uptake per unit NH3-N
AI6 1 1.14 Rate of oxygen uptake per unit NO2-N
MUMAX 1 3 Maximum specific algal growth rate at 20
RHOQ 0.05 0.5 Algal respiration rate at 20
TFACT 0 1 Fraction of solar radiation that is
photosynthetically active.
K_L 0.223 1.135 Half-saturation coefficient
for light.
K_N 0.01 0.3 Michaelis-Menton half-
saturation constant for nitrogen.
K_P 0.001 0.05 Michaelis-Menton half-
saturation constant for phosphorus.
LAMBDA0 0 10 Non-algal portion of the
light extinction coefficient.
LAMBDA1 0.006 0.065 Linear algal self-
shading coefficient.
LAMBDA2 0 1 Nonlinear algal self-shading
P_N 0 1 Algal preference factor for ammonia.
CHLA_SUBCO 0 5 Regional adjustment on sub chla_a loading

// .res

MORES 0 12 Monthh the reservoir became

IYRES 0 9999 Year of the simulation the reservoir
became operational (eg 1980).
RES_ESA 1 3000 Reservoir surface area when
the reservoir is filled to the emergency spillway.
RES_EVOL 15 3000 Volume of water needed to fill the
reservoir to the emergency spillway
RES_PSA 1 1000 Reservoir surface area when
the reservoir is filled to the principal spillway.
RES_PVOL 10 100 Volume of water needed to fill the
reservoir to the principal spillway.
RES_VOL 10 100 Initial reservoir volume.
RES_SED 1 5000 Initial sediment concentration
in the reservoir.
RES_NSED 1 5000 Normal sediment concentration in the
RES_K 0 1 Hydraulic conductivity of the
reservoir bottom.
IRESCO 0 3 Outflow simulation option.
OFLOWMX 0 2000 Maximum daily outflow data for
the monthh.
OFLOWMN 0 1000 Minimum daily outflow data
for the monthh.
RES_RR 0 1000 Average daily principal
spillway release rate. Needed if "Outflow simulation option" = " Average annual
release rate".
IFLOD1R 1 12 Beginning monthh of non-flood
season. Needed if "Outflow simulation option" ="Simulated - Target release".
IFLOD2R 1 12 Ending monthh of non-flood
season. Needed if "Outflow simulation option" ="Simulated - Target release".
NDTARGR 1 200 Number of days to reach target
storage from current reservoir storage. Needed if "Outflow simulation option"
="Simulated - Target release".
STARG 0 1000000 Monthly target reservoir storage.
Needed if "Outflow simulation option" ="Simulated - Target release".
RESDAYO 0 0 if IRESCO is "Measured daily
outflow", Name of daily reservoir outflow file. if IRESCO is "Measured monthly
outflow", Name of monthly reservoir outflow file.
WURESN 0 1000000 Average amount of water
withdrawn from reservoir each dayy in the monthh for consumptive use.
WURTNF 0 1 Fraction of water removed from
the reservoir via WURESN that is returned and becomes flow out of reservoir.
IRES1 1 12 Beginning monthh of mid-year
nutrient settling period.
IRES2 1 12 Ending monthh of mid-year nutrient
settling period.
PSETLR1 2 20 Phosphorus settling rate in
reservoir for months IRES1 through IRES2 .
PSETLR2 2 20 Phosphorus settling rate in
reservoir for months other than IRES1-IRES2.
NSETLR1 1 15 Nitrogen settling rate in
reservoir for months IRES1 through IRES2.
NSETLR2 1 15 Nitrogen settling rate in
reservoir for months other than IRES1-IRES2 .
CHLAR 0.5 2 Chlorophyll a production
coefficient for reservoir.
SECCIR 0.5 2 Water clarity coefficient for
the reservoir.
RES_ORGP 0 1 Initial concentration of organic P
in reservoir .
RES_SOLP 0 1 Initial concentration of soluble P
in reservoir .
RES_ORGN 0 1 Initial concentration of organic N
in reservoir.
RES_NO3 0 1 Initial concentration of NO3-
N in reservoir.
RES_NH3 0 1 Initial concentration of NH3-
N in reservoir.
RES_NO2 0 1 Initial concentration of NO2-
N in reservoir.
LKPST_CONC 0 1 Initial pesticide
concentration in the lake water.
LKPST_REA 0 1 Reaction coefficient of the
pesticide in lake water.
LKPST_VOL 0 1 Volatilization coefficient of the
pesticide from the lake water.
LKPST_KOC 0 1 Partition coefficient.
LKPST_STL 0 1 Settling velocity of pesticide
sorbed to sediment.
LKPST_RSP 0 1 Resuspension velocity of pesticide
sorbed to sediment.
LKPST_MIX 0 1 Mixing velocity.
LKSPSTCONC 0 1 Initial pesticide concentration in
the lake bottom sediments.
LKSPST_REA 0 1 Reaction coefficient of pesticide in
lake bottom sediment.
LKSPST_BRY 0 1 Burial velocity of pesticide in lake
bottom sediment.
LKSPST_ACT 0 1 Depth of active sediment layer in
EVRSV 0 1 Lake evaporation coefficient
OFLOWMN_FPS 0 1 Minimum reservoir outflow as a
fraction of the principal spillway volume
STARG_FPS 0 1 Target volume as a fraction of the
principal spillway volume
OFLOWMN_FP 0 1 Minimum reservoir outflow as a
fraction of the principal spillway volume.

// .ops

IYEAR 1800 2200 Calendar year operation takes place (4-

TERR_P 0 1 USLE practice factor adjusted for
TERR_CN 20 100 Initial SCS curve number II value
TERR_SL 0 100 Average slope length (m)
DRAIN_D 0 6000 Depth to the sub-surface drain
DRAIN_T 0 100 Time to drain soil to field capacity
DRAIN_G 0 100 Drain tile lag time (hours)
DRAIN_IDEP 0 6000 Depth to impermeable layer (mm)
CONT_CN 20 100 Initial SCS curve number II value
CONT_P 0 1 Contouring USLE P Factor
VFSI 0 1 Flag for the simulation of filter
VFSRATIO 0 300 Ratio of field area to filter strip area
(ha2/ ha2)
VFSCON 0.25 0.75 Fraction of the HRU which drains
to the most concentrated ten percent of the filters strip area (ha2/ ha2)
VFSCH 0 100 Fraction of the flow within the most
concentrated ten percent of the filter strip which is fully channelized
STRIP_N 0.001 0.5 Manning�s N value for overland
flow in strip cropped fields
STRIP_CN 20 100 SCS curve number II value for strip cropped
STRIP_C 0 1 USLE Cropping factor for strip
cropped fields
STRIP_P 0 1 USLE Practice factor for strip
cropped fields
FIRE_CN 20 100 Post fire SCS curve number II value
GWATI 0 1 Flag for the simulation of grass
GWATN 0.001 0.5 Manning�s N value for overland flow
GWATL 0 10000 Length of grassed waterway (km)
GWATW 0 1000 Average width of grassed waterway (m)
GWATD 0 10 Depth of grassed waterway channel from
top of bank to bottom (m)
GWATS 0 1 Average slope of grassed waterway
channel (m)
GWATSPCON 0 1 Linear parameter for calculating
sediment in Grassed waterways (default 0.005)
CROPNO_UPD 1 150 Updated crop number
HI_UPD 0 1 Updated harvest index
LAIMX_UPD 0 10 Updated maximum LAI

// .pst

IPNUM 0 0 Pesticide/toxin number.

PNAME 0 0 Pesticide/toxin short description
SKOC 1 999999999 Soil adsorption coefficient normalized
for soil organic carbon.
WOF 0 1 Wash off fraction.
HLIFE_F 0 10000 Degradation half-life of the
chemical on the foliage.
HLIFE_S 0 100000 Degradation half-life of the
chemical on the soil.
AP_EF 0 1 Application effeciency.
WSOL 0 11000000 Solubility of the chemical in water.
HENRY 0 9.9 Henry's Law Constant.
Pestname 0 0 Pesticide/toxin long description

// pest.dat

ISEP_TYP 1 28 The type of septic system.

ISEP_IYR 0 9999 Year the septic system began operation
ISEP_OPT 0 2 Current condition of OWS (1=active
septic,2=failing septic,0=non-septic)
SEP_CAP 1 10000 Number of permant residents in the
BZ_AREA 10 1000000 Average area of drainfield of
individual septic systems, m^2
ISEP_TFAIL 0 100000 Time until a failing system gets fixed,
BZ_Z 10 10000 Depth from surface to the top of biozone
layer (mm)
BZ_THK 5 100 Thickness of biozone layer (mm)
SEP_STRM_DIST 0.01 100 Average distance to the stream from the
septic systems, km
SEP_DEN 0.001 500 Number of septic systems per squre
BIO_BD 900 1100 Density of biomass (kg/m^3)
COEFF_BOD_DC 0.1 5 BODD decay rate coefficient (m^3/day)
COEFF_BOD_CONV 0.1 0.5 ratio of BODD converted to biomass
COEFF_FC1 0 50 coefficient 1 for field capacity
COEFF_FC2 0.5 1 coefficient 2 for field capacity
COEFF_FECAL 0.5 2 fecal coliform bacteria decay rate
COEFF_PLQ 0.08 0.95 plaque calibration parameter
COEFF_MRT 0.01 1 mortality rate coefficient
COEFF_RSP 0.01 1 respiration rate coefficient
COEFF_SLG1 0.01 0.5 slough-off coefficient 1
COEFF_SLG2 0.1 2.5 slough-off coefficient 2
COEFF_NITR 0.1 300 nitrification rate coefficient
COEFF_DENITR 0.1 50 denitrification rate coefficient
COEFF_PDISTRB 1.4 478 Linear P sorption distribution
coefficient (L/kg)
COEFF_PSORPMAX 0 17600 Maximum P sorption capacity (mg
P/kg Soil)
COEFF_SOLPSLP 0 0.3 Slope of the llinear effluent soluble P
COEFF_SOLPINTC 0 10 Intercept of the linear effluent soluble
P equation

// septwq.dat

IST 1 100 The type of septic system.

IDSPTTYPE 1 3 Type of a septic system
SPTQ 0 1 Septic tank effluent (STE) flow rate
TSS 0 300 Total suspended solids in STE (mg/L)
TN 0 500 Total nitrogen in STE (mg-N/L)
NH4 0 150 Ammonium nitrogen in STE (mg-N/L)
NO3 0 30 Nitrate nitrogen in STE (mg-N/L)
NO2 0 10 Nitrite nitrogen in STE (mg-N/L)
ORGN 0 100 Organic nitrogen in STE (mg-N/L)
TP 0 25 Total phosphorus in STE (mg-P/L)
PO4 0 25 Phosphate phosphorus in STE (mg-P/L)
ORGP 0 5 Organic phosphorus in STE (mg-P/L)
FCOLI 2 100000000 Total number of fecal coliform in STE

// till.dat

EFTMIX 0 1 Mixing efficiency of tillage.

DEPTIL 0 750 Depth of mixing caused by the
tillage operation.
TILLNM 0 0 Eight character tillage code
OPNAME 0 0 Tillage Operation descrption
ITNUM 0 0 Tillage number

// urban.dat

URBNAME 0 0 4 Character code for urban land

URBFLNM 0 0 Urban Area land use descrption
FIMP 0 1 Fraction total impervious area in
urban land type..
CURBDEN 0 1 Curb length density in urban
land use .
URBCOEF 0 1 Wash-off coefficent for removal
of constituents form impervious area.
DIRTMX 0 2000 Maximum amount of solids
allowed to build up on impervious area.
THALF 0 100 No. of days for amount of solids
on impervious area to build up.....
TNCONC 0 1000 Concentration of total
nitrogen in suspended solid load from impervious area.
TPCONC 0 1000 Concentration of total
phosphorus in suspended solid load form impervious area .
TNO3CONC 0 50 Concentration of nitrate in
suspended solid load from impervious area.
FCIMP 0 1 Fraction dir. connected impervious

// .wgn
WLATITUDE -90 90 Latitude of weather station used to
create statistical parameters. [Degrees]
WELEV 0 5000 Elevation of weather station
RAIN_YRS 5 100 The number of years of maximum
monthly 0.5 h rainfall data. [Numeric]
TMPMX -3 50 Average maximum air temperature for
monthh. [ deg c]
TMPMN -40 40 Average minimum air temperature for
monthh. [ deg c]
TMPSTDMX 0.1 100 Standard deviation for maximum air
temperature in monthh [ deg c]
TMPSTDMN 0.1 30 Standard deviation for minimum air
temperature in monthh [ deg c]
PCPMM 0 600 Average amount of
precipitation falling in monthh. [mm/dd]
PCPSTD 0.1 50 Standard deviation for daily
precipitation in monthh. [mm/dd]
PCPSKW -50 20 Skew coefficient for daily
precipitation in monthh. [Numeric]
PR_W1 0 0.95 Probability of a wet dayy following
a dry dayy in the monthh. [fraction]
PR_W2 0 0.95 Probability of a wet dayy following
a wet dayy in the monthh. [fraction]
PCPD 0 31 Average number of days of
precipitation in monthh. [Numeric]
RAINHHMX 0 125 Maximum 0.5 hour rainfall in
entire period of record for monthh. [mm]
SOLARAV 0 750 Average daily solar
radiation in monthh. [Numeric]
DEWPT -50 25 Average dew point temperature in
monthh. [ deg c]
WNDAV 0 100 Average wind speed in monthh.
[ m/s]
STATION 0 0 Weather Station name.
Xpr 0 10000000 X projected coordinate of
weather station location.
Ypr 0 10000000 Y projected coordinate of
weather station location.
WLONGITUDE -180 180 [OP TIONAL] Longitude of weather
station. [Degrees]

// .sno
SUB_SFTMP -20 20 [OPTINAL] Snowfall temperature.
SUB_SMTMP -20 20 Snow melt base temperature.
SUB_SMFMX 0 20 Maximum melt rate for snow during year
(occurs on summer solstice).
SUB_SMFMN 0 20 Minimum melt rate for snow during the year
(occurs on winter solstice).
SUB_TIMP 0 1 Snow pack temperature lag factor.

// .wus
WUPND 0 10000 Average daily water removal
from the pond for the monthh.
WURCH 0 10000 Average daily water removal
from the reach for the monthh.
WUSHAL 0 10000 Average daily water
removal from the shallow aquifer for the monthh.
WUDEEP 0 10000 Average daily water
removal from the deep aquifer for the monthh.

// .pcp
precipitation 0 1000

// .tmp
temperature -100 100

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