Employee Engagement in A SCPM Hospital Gonda UP A Tertiary Care Hospital
Employee Engagement in A SCPM Hospital Gonda UP A Tertiary Care Hospital
Employee Engagement in A SCPM Hospital Gonda UP A Tertiary Care Hospital
ID NO: 18IUT0180006
Employee engagement is a workplace approach resulting in the right conditions for all members
of an organization to give of their best each day, committed to their organization’s goals and
values, motivated to contribute to organizational success, with an enhanced sense of their own
well-being. Employee engagement is based on trust, integrity, two way commitment and
communication between an organization and its members. It is an approach that increases the
chances of business success, contributing to organizational and individual performance,
productivity and well-being. It can be measured. It varies from poor to great. Employee
engagement surveys measure how passionate healthcare professionals are about the work they’re
doing. They also make it easier to identify changes that will help doctors and staff do an even
better job. Measuring employee engagement in healthcare is vitally important, as employees who
are happy tend to provide the kind of care that makes patients happy. In fact, research has shown
that engaged employees are more likely to innovate, and they’re more likely to tackle their work
with focus, intensity, and enthusiasm
I have done this study because I think that for better utilization of human resource and for
motivating and proper working of my organization the engagement of the employees is very
important until and unless my employees are not aware of their duty they cannot do justice to
their work . as engaged ,motivated workers have higher employee satisfaction ,which leads to
enthusiasm in their role and overall company growth in the form of higher retention and lower
turnover , higher productivity, increased profitability , less absenteeism and increased employee
I have created a questionnaire for 50 employees like Nurses, Technicians and the Attendants, so this
project is totally based on 50 respondents
Sample size – 50
2. SECONDARY DATA – Data collected by someone else for some other purpose
(but being utilized by the investigator for another purpose)
I have collected primary data via scheduled method with the help of Gallup’s questionnaire
1. Bakker, Schaufeli, Loiter and Taris (2008) viewed that there are at least four reasons why
engaged workers perform better than non-engaged workers. Engaged employees often
experience positive emotions, including happiness, joy and enthusiasm (Rodriguez-
Munoz, Sanz-Vergal, Demerouti & Bakker, 2013); experience better health; create their
own job and personal resources; and transfer their engagement toothers. Schaufeli and his
colleagues defined work engagement as a ‘positive fulfilling work related stateof mind
that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption’ (Schaufeli, Salanova,
González-Roma& Bakker, 2002, p. 74 )
2. .Laschinger and Finegan (2005) found that empowerment influence nurses’ work
engagement, studyof Cho, Laschinger and Wong (2006) and Laschinger, Wilk, Cho and
Greco (2009) supported it.Laschinger and Loiter (2006) on a study on hospital staff
nurses demonstrated that encouragement of professional practices result in higher
engagement and safe patient care. Loiter, Laschinger and Heather (2006) and Greco,
Laschinger and Wong (2006) related the role of nursing leadership to work
engagement.Breevaart, Bakker and Demerouti (2014) proved that attitude of daily self-
management and assessment leads to better daily work engagement. Thus, different
researchers have suggested that work engagement among nurses may arise from
organizational support, that is, empowerment, fairness etc., and supportive nursing
leadership or 9ffect-tive leader–member exchange which has been taken in study as
organizational factor; self-management and core self-evaluation considered as personal
factor; In this study I grouped self-management and core-self-evaluation as personal
3. US National Institute for Occupational Safety has placed nursing in the top 40
occupations with the highest prevalence of stress related disorders (Heim, 1991).
Prolonged exposure to stressful situation forms an excellent breeding ground for burnout
in nurses (De Rijk, LeBlanc, Schaufeli & De Jonge, 1998). Emotional exhaustion and
cynicism, two core dimensions of burn out, have been referred asopposite of vigour and
dedication dimension of work engagement (Gonzalez-Roma, Schaufeli, Bakker& Lloret,
2006; Maslach & Loiter, 1997; Schaufeli et al., 2002); I propose nursing role stress which
leads to burn out adversely affects work engagement. Here, nursing role stress is taken as
a job demand factor which affects work engagement. Patient care involves team work and
work of nurses is interdisciplinary in nature. Gibson (1999) hasstated that the two groups
of nurses with the same training and supply may hold different belief about their ability
to provide quality care to the same group of patients. He opined that this variation may
arise because of difference in amount of information, process for sharing information,
commitment and identification in group members.
4. Cohen and Golan (2007) have also viewed that nurses’ work in team and hence their
reaction in team and to team is very important. Hence, in the research I adopted: Team
factor which includes team member exchange and friendship at work as another factor
that affects work engagement of nurses. Effective leader–member exchange, team–
member exchange, friendship at work and interdependence develops attachment among
team of the nurses’ as well with supervisors. Cohen (2003) drew infer-once of team
commitment from Lawler’s (1992) theory of attachment, a principle of proximal rules
that explains why ‘actors develop stronger affective ties to subgroups within a social
system rather than I social system, to local communities rather than to states, to work
organization, and so forth’ (Lawler, 1992, p. 334). Effective team attachment arises out of
healthy relationships among colleagues and seniors create positive emotion which
ultimately leads to a state of psychological safety. Thus, I presume that team commitment
mediates in the relationship between supervisory support, team members’ support and
friendship, with work engagement. Research indicates that affective commitment
mediates in the relationship
Research Gap
By doing this study I found that hardly any research has been done on the employee engagement
in UP particularly in a small district like Gonda which is culturally different from large
metropolitan cities and other cities where most of the research has been done that’s why I
choose a small city for this study .
INTERPRETATION:- According to the survey done all the respondents responded yes
.Therefore all of them knows their duty at the hospital they feel responsible and are aware
of the work that they have to do .
94% No
INTERPRETATION:- According to survey , Most of the respondents said that they have
enough materials and equipments to do their work .
An employee working in a firm expects proper availability of equipments and materials
for their quality work and motivation of the employees . When new techniques are
provided to the employees they get excited .
3- At work do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?
INTERPRETATION:- According to the survey all the respondents responded that they do their
best everyday and they too get the opportunity to do their best day by day .
According to the survey done it has been found that most of the employees got appraisel
but not ion the form of money or promotion they have been praised by the words .
Even one of the nursing staff got money from one of the patients family while most of
the attendants said that they didn’t even get the appraisal for their work.
3. Does your supervisor or someone at work seem to care about you as a person?
According to the survey done it has been found that majority of the respondents are well
connected with their superior The people who said no gave reason that it could be
because of their being new to the organization.
4. Is there someone at work who encourages your development?
INTERPRETATION:- According to the survey done majority of the people said that their
superiors encourage them in doing their work and also for going to the next level in their
careers. While the person who said no for the respected question were the respondents
who belongs to attendants group and are illiterate.
100% YES
According to the survey done people feel responsible towards their job they find their
job important for the hospital in their respected work.
7. Are you associates (fellow employees) committed to doing quality work?
96% no
According to the survey done 96% of people said that their fellow employees are
committed towards their work .while 4% said they do concentrate on their own work and
find themselves better.
8. Do you have a best friend at work?
84% yes
According to the survey done majority of the people have their best friends at the
organization their colleagues are like family to them .
9. In the last six months has someone at work talked to you about your progress?
According to the survey done 46% of people said that they have not been told about their
promotion in the upcoming year .
10. In the last year have you had opportunities to learn and grow?
According to the survey 68% of respondents said that they have got a lot to learn and
grow in their career due to rotation of job . As exchange of job is present in the
organization hence they get the chance to learn a lot from this system .
The most powerful finding is that talented employees need great managers.
The factors such as day care facilities vacations plans ,profit sharing , and
commitment to employees training and may play some role in the attractionand
retention of talented employees .
An employee’s immediate supervisor is more important .
Locations , branches or stores within a single company can have remarkably
different environments and varying productivity ,employee retention and
satisfaction rates.