Eurocod 2
Eurocod 2
Eurocod 2
t I
Eurocodurile structurale The Structural Eurocodes
1. Scurt istoricm 1. Short History1J
Idea de a initia elaborarea unor nonne The idea to develop models for an intemational
internationale pentru proiectarea structurilor s-a set of Codes for structural design was bom
nascut in 1974, si are Ia baza cooperarea dintre 1974 based on an agreement between several
diteva organizatii profesional- · ~tiinjifice, cu technical-scientific organisations.
activitate bine cunoscuta, in domeniul The activities of these organisations in the field
construcpilor. of co-ordination of principles, agreement on
'1 _,
Activitatea acestor organizapi, in domeniul technical matters and prestandardisation were
coordonarii principiilor, agrementarii tehnice ~i and are outstanding impoitance for intemational
prestandardizarii a fost ~i este de o importan.ti standardisation. They comprise experts ffom
deosebita pentru standardizarea internationala.
many countries serving the exchange ofscientific
findings andpractical expenences.
Expeqi din multe .tiri. ce fac parte din aceste
Without the obligation for fonnulating
organizapi, schimba opinii in legatura cu munca mandatory role~ state-of-the-art reports are
~tiinjifica ~i experienta practica. elaborated, and also-as far as possible and
Fara obligatia de a formula reguli, acestea necessary-recommendations· for corresponding
elaboreaza rapoarte ~i. pe cat posibil, tiJture roles (e.g. Model Codes).
recomandari de calcul ~i proiectare. There would be not intemational standardisation
Standardizarea internaponala nu este posibila without ·the preparatory work and without the
tara o pregatire prealabila ~i tara convenpi mutual agreement in these organisations.
mutuale intre asemenea organizatii.
in sectorill construcpilor, urmatoarele organizatii In the construction sector, the following
sunt implicate in elaborarea normelor de calcul ~i associations involved in this preparatory work in
de proiectare: particular:
IABSE-Asociapa Internaponala pentru Poduri ~i IABSE-Intemational Association for Bn"dge and
Structuri Inginere~ti Structural Engineering
CIB-Consiliul International pentru Cercetare, CIB-Intemational Council for Building
Studiu ~i Documentare in domeniul Research, Studies and Documentation
1r Construcpilor
,RILEM-Asociapa Internaponala pentru Testarea RILEM-Jntemational Association ofthe Testing
~i Cercetarea in Laborator a Materialelor ~i and Research Laboratories for Materials and
Cons~cpilor · Constructions
CEB-Comitetul Euro-Intemaponal pentru Beton CEB-Euro-Intemational Committee for Concrete
FIP-Federapa Internaponala pentru Beton FIP-Intemational Federation for P,restressed
Precomprimat Concrete
ECCS-Conventia Europeana pentru Constructii ECCS-European Convention for Constructional
Metalice · Steelworks
JCSS-Comitetul pentru S~guranta Structurilor JCSS-Joint Committee on Structural Safety
ISSMFE-Societatea Internationala pentru ISSMFE-Intemational Society for Soil
Mecanica Pamanturilor ~i Ingineria -pundapilor. Mechanics, and Foundation Engineering.
Regulile de baza pentru calculul structurilor au close co-operation the common basic roles for
fost realizate printr-o stransa cooperare in cadrul structural design were developed in the JCSS.
JCSS. S-au formulat conditiile de siguranta ~i Requirements for safety and serviceability of
exploatare pe baza conceptului de rise, in functie structures based on the pnnciple ofrisk in tenns
de criteriile de fiabilitate ale structurilor. Aceste ofreliability conditions were fonnulated It was
conditii au asigurat baza comuna a nonnelor de the aim to use these roles as a common basis for
calcul. the material-related design codes.
.(1) G. Breitschaft, L Oestlund, M. Kersken-Bradly, The Structural Eurocodes-Conceptual
Approach, IABSE Conference on· Structural Eurocodes, Davos 1'992. ·' ·
Pe aceasta baza, unele dintre organizatiile Some of the organisations, such as ·CEB, CIB,
implicate, respectiv CEB, CIB, ECSS ~i o parte ECSS and parts of ISSMFE, developed then
din ISSMFE, au realizat modele sau recomandan models or recommendations for the material-
pentru normele de calcul. related design codes based on the agreed
common roles as mentioned above.
In acest mod, s-au creat premizele necesare Thus the technical basis was prepared fOr a
intocmirii ~i elaborani "Eurocodurilor fonnal establishment of the "Structural
Structurale", urmanndu-se o armonizare a Eurocodes" with the aim of a two-dimensional
principiilor cadru pe doua directii, respectiv: hannonisation:
-de-a lungul granite! or statelor participante la -across the borders ofstates, -
actiuni ~i, _
-intre diferite materiale de constructii, metode de -between different construction materials,
constructie, tipuri de cHidiri ~i constructii construction methods, types ofbuilding and civil
inginere~ti. engineering works,
Aceste criterii de armonizare au favorizat to achieve full consistency and compatibility of
compatibilizarea normelor intre ele ~i obtffierea the vanous codes with each other and to obtain
unor nivele de fiabilitate comparabile. comparable safety levels~
La s~itul deceniului ~apte, Comisia Already at the end of the seventies the
Comunitapi Europene a luat initiativa· elaborarii Commission oftheBuropean Communities took
Eurocodurilor, folosind activitatea de pregatire the initiative for elaborating the Eurocodes by
mentionata anterior. using the above preparatory work
Sub conducerea Comitetului Conduclitor_ din Directed by a Steering Committee chaired by the
cadrul Corilisiei CE (CEC), primul proiect EC Commission (CEC) the first drafts of the
individual de tip Eurocode (pentru structuri individual Eurocodes were prepared by technical
metalice) a fost pregatit de un g!up tebnic de working groups in accordance with •the basic
lucru in concordantli cu principiile de baza ale principles of standardisation, ie. with
standardizani, adica cu o participarea comprehensive participation of · expert
cuprinzatoare ~i reprezentativa a or,ganizatiilor organisations andprofessions.
expert ~i a speciali~tilor.
2. Baza legalac1> 2. Legal BackgroUJuflJ
Conditiile de infiintate - §i priiicipiile de The. Roman Treaties of 1957 establishing the
:functionare a Comunitapi Economice Europene a European Economic Community have been
fost stabilita prin Tratat:t,U de la Roma, in 1957. modified and amended since 1985 by essential
incepand din 1985, acest tratat a fost modificat ~i decision taken in order to create the conditions 1
completat, printr-o serie de decizii in vederea for completing the Intemal Market until1992.
creliriiPietei Europene Unice pana in 1992.
Prin Actul European Unic din 1987, s-au pus On the basis of the European Single Act of 1987
bazele initierii procesului de armonizare la nivel it was intended to _initiate a comprehensive
comunitar a regulilor §i normelor tehnice ca hannomsation of technical mles and regulations
premiza a eliminlirii barierelor existente, din in order to remove-among other things-technical
acest punct de vedere; in cadrul liberei circulatii barriers to the tree movement ofgoods and to the
a marfurilor §i a schimbului de servicii. _ exchange ofservices.
· Pentru .a realiza §i impune asemenea masuri, For realising measures ofthis kind, the European
Comunitatea Europeana acponeaza in plan Community· dlsposes of the legal instrument of
juridic· printr-o Directiva a Consiliului. Prin the ··Council Directive. A Council Directive
Directiva Consiliului se defmesc cerintele defines the essential requirements !Or ihe range
esentiale la nivelul produselor sau a instalatiilor, ofproducts or plants to be regulated and refers,
urmand ca, ulterior sa . fie elaborate specificatii for the rest, to European technical speCifications .
tehnice- §i s~andarde -de catre Organizatia consisting, in general, of European standards ·
Europeana de · Staridardizare .(CEN/CENELEC): established by the European Standard
_Dupa adoptarea acestor norme, in urma votului Organisation CENICENELEC. After adoption
· exprimat in cadrul Consiliul de Mini~trii, printr-o within Council. of Ministers by weighted
Directiva a· Consiliul acestea se transpun in legi voting, a Council Directive has to be transposed
nationale ale statelor membre. into national Jaw ofthe Member States.
In sectorul constructiilor, armonizarea la nivel In the construction sector,
european se realizeaza prin urmatoarele
-Directiva Lucranlor Pub lice 89/440/EEC si -the Public Works Directive 89/440/EEC and
-Directiva referitoare Ia Servicii (Proiect) -the Service Directive (Draft)
are thus important for the harm.onisation of
Acestea stabilesc atat principiile de functionare technical mles, as in the request for tenders and
ale pietei in · domeniul construcpilor, cat §i placing of orders on public construction works
criteriile de elaborare a normelor tehnice. and engineering services the hannonised
European technical specifications have to· be
used as a technical basis.
Directiva Consiliul referitoare la The Council Directive on the approximation of
interpretarealcorelarea legilor, normelor §1 laws, regufations and ad.Jninistrative provisions
decretelor din _tarile membre ale uniunii, in of the Member States relating to constructions
legatura cu industria de construcpi este de prima products (CPD 891106/EEC) is of central
importan_ta. importance.
· Ea se aplica intregului "sectorul de constructii" Iiapplies to the whole ''co.nStruction sector" and
§i, defme~te de la inceput principalele cerinte in defines right at the beginning the essential
urmatoarele domenii: requirements in the following fields:
- rezisten_ta §i stabilitate -mechanical resistance and stability
- siguranta Ia foe -safety in case offire
- igiena. sanatate_§.i mediu mconjurator -hygiene, health and the environment
-siguran_ta in exploatare -safety in use
- protecpa impotriva zgomotului -protection against noise
-economia energiei §i re?nerea ca.Idurii. -energy economy and heat retention.
Directiva Consiliului cu privire la industria de The Council Directive on Building Products
construcpi obliga statele membre sa ia masuri obliges the Member States to take care that these
pentru ca specificapile tehnice europene, sa European technical specifications become valid
d,~vina valabile in aceste tari, urmand ca
in their relevant countiies and to withdraw their
st:fmdardele §i normativele naponale correspondll}g national standards or mles after a
certain period oftransitibJ?.. ·
corespunzatoare sa fie retrase din folosinta dupa
o perioada stabilita.
~andatele date de CEC. catre CEN pentru The mandates given by the CEC to CEN for the
. ilp:nonizarea .. standardelor se bazeaza pe ~a establishment ofa h{umonised standJlrd are based
nymitele Documente Interpretative. on the relevant "Intezpretative Documents,:
·)Jitectiva. Consiliului define~te prin aceste The Council Directive on Building Products
· · interpreta~~e specificatiile tehnice defines in these intezpretative documents the
eb.I'Ooc:me in felul urmator: European technical specifications
standarde armonizate, elaborate de CEN sau -as harmonised stae_dards established by CEN or
.""'.'"'""""..,...... pe baza unor mandate date de catre CENELEC, resp~tively, on behalf ofa mandate
.• Cornisia Comrinitatii Europene (CEC) sau; given by the Commission of the European
:~' .· ... Communities (CEC) or;
-as European technical approvals issued by the
in. care relevant approval bodies nominated by the
1 Member States in cases where hannonised
standards do not or notyetexist.
. cu ''Noua metodologie pentru With reference· to the so-called "New Approach
tehnica si standardizare" adoptata to technical harm.onisation and standards"
Consiliului in mai 1985, actiunea adopted by a Council Resolution of May 1985
de realizare a Eurocodurilor a fost trecuta la the finther development of the Eurocodes was
sfarsitul anului 1989 in responsabilitatea transkrred; at the end of 1989, to the European
Comitetului European de Standardizare. In mai Committee for Standardisation (CEN). In May
1990 CEN se creaza un nou Comitet Tehnic, 1990 CEN created a new Technical Committee,
CEN/TC 250-"Eurocodurile Structurale". CENITC 250-"Structural Eurocodes ·: This
Acestui comitet, ia fost · dat mandatul pentru Committee was given the mandate to elaborate
elaborarea Standardelor Europene pentru Codes ofPractice within the following scope:
Constructii, avand ca obiect de activitate:
"Standardizarea regulilor si metodelor 'de "Standardisation of structural design rules for
proiectare a structurilor pentru cladiri si building and civ11 engineenng works taking Into
constructii inginere~ti tinand seama de legatura account the relationship between design mles
dintre normele de calcul, comportarea inateriale and the assumption to be made for materials,
si tehnologia de executie si control." execution and control " ·
Programului TC 250 se bazeaza in principal pe The creation of TC 250 was mainly initiated by
urmatoarele date inipale: and based on, respectively ·
-pregatirea activitatilor preparatorii reaHzate la -the preparatory work done by Intemational
nivelul organizapilor profesional-stiintifice technical-scientific organisations m the
intemaponale in sectorul construcpilor; construction sector;
-normele de· referinta ale Organizatiei -the relevant standards . of the Intemational
Intemationale pentru Standardizare (ISO); Organisation for Standardisation (ISO);
-deciziilor luate de catre Comunitatea Europeana -decisions taken in the European Community
in legatura cu crearea Pietei Europene Unice, la with respect. to the creation of the European
care au aderat si tarile membre din Asoeiapa Intemal Market, which was joined by the
Europeana a Liberului Schimb (EFTA). Member States of the -European Free Trade
Association (EFTA).
3. Programul EUROCO:i>E in cadrul 3. The EUROCODE programme in
CENffC250 CENffC250
Pro~ul de lucru al CENffC250 ~ desfasoara The working programme complies with the given
conform· Documentelui Interpretativ ID 1, conditions of the above-mentioned Interpretative
mentionat anterior si ·in cadrul cooperiirii dintre document ID 1 and is based on a special;
CEC si CEN. Printre~ 31tele, in Documentul agreement between CEC and CEN. A.mongother
Interpretativ ID 1 se stipuleaza: · ·. things, the following is specified:
"Euroco4urile vor servi ;ca norme de referinta, "The EUROCODES are intended to serve as
fiind supuse recunoallterij· autoritatilor din statele rekrence documents to be recognised by the
membre, si are ca scop: ~ · authonties of the Member States for the
following purpo~es:
a) fumizarea criteriilor esentiale de verificare a a) as a means to prove compliance of building
struc~~or pentru cladiri si lucrari inginere~ti; · and civil engineering works with the essential
requirements; ·
b) asigura baza tehnico:-legala contractelor b) as a basis for specif}7ng contracts for the
sp<?cifice de execupe a lucraruor de construcpi si execution of construction works and related
serviciilor inginere~ti . engineering s_ervices;
c) asigura cadrul redactarii specificapilor tehnice c) as a li"amework for drawing· up harmonised
penttu materiale si produse utilizate m technical specifications for construction
-I ••
constnicpi..." prouucts... .
"Programul EUROCODE fumizeaza in cadrul "The EUROCODE programme provides for a
unui sistem coerent si cuprinzator de norme, consistent and comprehensive system of
metode · de proiectare variate si alte elemente structural design standards covering all types of
specifice de proiectare importante in practica, building and civil engineering works in . the
acoperind to ate tipurile · de cladiri si . lucrari different construction maten"als, the various
inginere~d. realizate din materiale de constructii construction methods and other aspects ofdesign
diverse ... " · which are ofgeneral practical importance. ... •,
. Programul EUROCODE prevede, in total noua The EUROCODE programme provides for a
total set of nine volumes to the
following classification:
pentru actiuni in constructii for actions on structures (design loads)
pentru structuri din beton, beton annat si beton for concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed
precomprimat concrete structures
pentru structuri metalice for steel structures
pentru structuri mixte for composite steel and concrete structures
pentru structuri din lemn for timber structures
pentru structuri din zidarie for masonry structures
pentru fundatii si inginerie geotehnica · for foundations and geotechnical engineering
pentru structuri amplasate in zone seismice for structures in seismic zones
pentru structuri din aluminiu. for aluminium structures.
In textul Eurocodurilor se face distinctie intre In the ·texts of the. EUROCODES distinction is
principiile de . baza si regulile de aplicare. made- between basic principles and rules for
Aplicarea unui EUROCODE necesita application. Compliance with a EUROCODE
intotdeauna respectarea principiilor, in timp ce always necessitates the observance of the
regulile de aplicare pot fi inlocuite, in cazuri principles, whereas the rules for application can
particulare, prin reguli sau metode echivalente be replaced in the individual case by equivalent
daca se arata ca acestea respecta principiile. In altematives if it is shown that they satisfY the
.• ·.. aeest fel se asigura 0 mai mare flexibilitate in principles. It is thus intended to provide a more
· · permitandu-se alternative in cadrul flexible use by allowing deviations within the
scope ofthe EUROCODE. _
-·prima etapa, normativele si partile lor In a ·first ··step, the- individual Codes and their -
::>-'fl'mtiinr1·"'n'tP se publica ca Norme Europene relevant parts are· published as European
sau Prestandarde (ENV). · In 1992, Prestandards (ENV). fil. 1992 BUROCODE 2,
1 a EC2, EC3, EC4 si EC5 a fost pusa EUROCODE 3, EUROCODE 4 and piobabljr'
in circul~tie, in aceasta forma. Prima parte a EUROCODE 5-Part 1 one of each-was already
· 1 s-a publicat in versiunea ENV avmlable. The first parts of EUROCODE 1 was
v ... •.uu • ..,.. J,.., 1994. Dupa o perioada de testare, published in· ENV version on October 1994.
· organiza conversia prestandardelor m After a testperiod;- their transposition iilto EN
europene (EN). standards is planned
de conversie din ENV in EN 4. -Planning for conversion from ENVs to ENs
de conversie din ENV in EN este The flowchart ofconversion scheme fivm ENVs
ezenta:ta in figura 1. to ENs is shown in Figure I.
· . scopul realizarii convers1e1, diferitele The different EUROCODES were organised into
tro<~oaun· au· fost org~te in patru grope, de four groups, fi:om A to D, in order to manage the
· la D. Timpul de conversie pentru fiecare conversion activity. The time planning, for each
este dat maijos. group, is given below.
normelor in vederea conversiei Groups of related parts for parallel
Group A -Basic bwldings design and seismic
· euprinde normele referitoare la bazele This group comprises the parts dealing the
actiunile de calcul, prevederi generale Basis of Design, essential loading (actions)
si specifice pentru constructiile din beton si otel, considerations, the general and bwlding rules for
precurn si prevederi suplirnentare pentru calculul concrete and steel construction and
la seisrn a constructiilor (vezi tabelul 1). supplementary rules for earthquake resistance of
buildings (see Table 1).
Tabelul 2-G~p~ B-Alte_part,i generale _si pafti cu privire la productia de beton pentru constructii .
(GroupE-Other general parts and parts related to concrete products for bwldings)
Nr.EN Titlu1 prescurtat Sinteza observatiilor *Perioada de conversie (luni)
EN No. BriefTitle dupa ancheta (2 ani) *Conversion Period (months)
Result of2 yr. Enquiry
EN 1992-1-3 Beton precomprimat 18
Precast concrete MAY97
EN 1992-1-4 Beton~or
Lightweight concrete MAY97
_J u L
0 ·m.~
st:;· ,_.p:!.
~. .!o' CEN CS REQl1ESTS
() ~
J f-~
I f f
11 ml 2+ 1 months; 1~4j
I ~
FORMAL I ' ' '
0 6 12 24 291 30 33 37
Proiecte Titlul Rezultatele anchetei
Prestandard Title Results of
ENV 1991-4 Actiuni asupra silozurilor si rezervoarelor DEC97
Actions on silos and tanks
ENV 1993-4 Silozuri si rezervoare din otel APR99
Steel silos and tanks
ENV 1998-4 Silozuri, rezervoare si conducte (Seism) NOV99
Silos, tanks andpipelines (Seismic)
ENV 1991-5 Actiuni -Macarale si m~ini SEPT99
Actions-cranes and machineiY
ENV 1993-6 Structuri suport din otel pentru macarale AUGOO
Steel crane supporting structures
ENV 1992-3 Fundatii din beton SEPT99
Concrete foundations
ENV 1993-5 Pile din otel SEPT99
Steel piling
ENV 1997-2 Geotehnica- incerdiri experimentale JULY99
" Geotechnics-LahoratoJY tests
ENVJ997-3 Geotehnica- incerdiri pe teren JULY99
Geotechnics-Field tests
ENV 1993-3 Turnuri, stalpi inalti si co~uri de fum_din otel APROO
Steel towers, masts and chimneys
ENV.1998-3 Turnuri, stalpi inalti si co~uri de fum (Seism) APR99
Towers:..masts and chimneys (Seismic)
ENV.1992-4 Beton-Rezervoare MAROO
Concrete- Water containment structures
Elemente din otel cu perefi subtifl formate la rece NOV98
Cold fanned steel in structures
Structuri din otel inoxidabil APR99
Stainless steel in structures
Incarcari laterale pe zidarii AUGOO
] Latera/loading on masomy
Tipuri de zidarii AUGOO
Selection ofmasomy units
Reguli simplificatoare pentru zidarii AUGOO
Simplified roles for masomy
1998-1-4 Consolidarea si intretinerea construcfiilor (Seism) MAR98
Strengthening and repair ofbuildings (Seismic)
Calculul structurilor din aluminiu-Generalitati .. MAYOO
Design ofaluminium a/loy structures-General
Calculul structurilor din aluminiu-Proiectarea Ia fo_c MAYOO
Design ofaluminium alloy structures-Fire design
Aluminiu-Probleme speciale si oboseala MAYOO
Aluminium allo and
5. Proiectul TEMPUS-Phare CME 01198 5. TEMPUS-Phare CME 01198 Project
Principalul obiectiv al acestui proiect a fost de a The main outcome ofthis project was to propose,
publica si de a raspandi Ia institutiile importante publish and disseminate in Romanian rr::Jevant
din Romania cinci volume cu exemple si institution of five volumes with worked
comentarii pentru cinci Eurocoduri Structurale. examples on several Structural EUROCODES.
Tabelul 6 arata Eurocodurile selectate pentru Table 6 shows the selected EUROCODES for
aceasta activitate, institutiile care au fost this activity, the invited institution and the
implicate si editorii volumelor. volume editors.
7.1 Introducere Introduction 136
7.2 Zone de tip B si D The structure 's B and D-regions 136
7.3 Procedeul de proiectare Design procedures 137
7.4 Dimensionarea barelor si nodurilor Dimensioning the struts, ties and nodes 138
7.5 Exemple de calcui Design Examples 142
I .