CTL Report
CTL Report
CTL Report
Professional Report
Unit of work evaluation
Tran Tuong Vi Nguyen
Table of Contents
Objective ............................................................................................................................ 3
Context ............................................................................................................................... 3
Goals .................................................................................................................................. 3
Literacy .............................................................................................................................. 5
Numeracy ........................................................................................................................... 6
Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 10
Reconstructed Unit............................................................................................................... 13
References ............................................................................................................................ 36
The objective of this report is to evaluate the unit of English, aimed at stage 4 unit of work,
the unit of work was not provided by Bonnyrigg High School. A self and critical evaluation
will be made to the unit of work through adjustments and recommendations to achieve
By improving the design and sequence of the unit towards the Understanding by Design
(UbD) framework, it will focus on the key areas of literacy, numeracy, critical and creative
thinking skills and social and personal capabilities. The suggested modification of the unit of
work is aligned with consideration of a range of diverse learners and recent research-based
strategies, along with the school context to improve students learning and outcomes.
The unit of work will focus on the subject ‘Introduction to Analysing Poetry’ in term 4 of
school. It was a mixed ability Year 7 English class, consist of primarily lower socioeconomic
background students, who were on the above average on the spectrum. However, this class
did not consist of any gifted and talented students or low achieving students. There were just
a few disruptive students who have a risk assessment report previously.
The goals of this report will focus on improving the areas of on the following outcome:
Area of Strengths of the area of Concerns of the area of Suggested Changes to counteract Research support for the changes
consideration consideration consideration concerns suggested.
Literacy is the main component of Although the unit of work is Changes that have been added into The use of multimodal in literacy to
this subject, it is embedded through sequenced and structured based on the unit of work: facilitate a range of diverse learners
Literacy the unit of work. Which is why there the content, there are certain aspects - Understanding poetic devices for better retainment rates, while
are many opportunities for the that require further scaffolding and definitions through different ensuring flexibility and
students to critically analyse and guiding to help navigate the students modes of representation: using differentiation (Gregori-Signes,
evaluate information, such as poetic understanding. Explaining and visual stimulations, videos, 2014; Stafford, 2016).
devices, comprehension worksheets providing the information is merely discussions and the use of
and understanding the structure of a not enough at times for students to writing down the definitions The use of Gradual Release of
PEEL paragraph. obtain the required/ important and examples for students to Responsibility (GBR) model
information. retain the information more involves the teacher direct
effectively. instruction, modelling and student
- Further guidance in responding participate independently (Clark,
to comprehension questions to 2014).
allow a deeper/ critical
understanding of the topic.
- Constantly scaffolding and
guiding steps by steps in
developing the students
understanding of the structure
of a PEEL paragraph (further
scaffolding through the use
TEE structure).
- Modelling response with the
students added.
- Adding prompt questions and
discussions to challenge their
understandings and knowledge.
While the subject poetry does It is crucial to add in writing Enabling writing workshop in ways
require more abstract thinking and activities or mini-lessons through highlight the engagement with
reading than writing, the use of the whole unit of work for students critical literacy through cultural and
writing is still the main essence of to be able to practice their writing social aspects (Scarbrough & Allen,
Literacy and this unit. As the unit of skills. 2014).
work does not provide any efficient The use of peer reviews, editing and
writing exercises to support the constructive feedbacks was
students writing skills. implemented in the unit of work.
There are implicit mathematical Based on the nature of this subject, An explicit activity was added, The connection between
sequences throughout the unit. By numeracy is not embedded as a core which require students to count and mathematics and poetry is through
Numeracy learning poetry, students are component throughout the unit. It is calculate the words in order to counting while simultaneously
required to demonstrate and only implicit through a few assess the mood of the poem. portraying mathematical images
understand the structures, patterns, activities, which is extremely (Growney, 2017).
rhyme schemes, locating lines and limiting.
poems with mathematical structure As this subject is only the Allowing numeracy to be more
(visual shape poem). introduction to analysing poetry for explicit further down the course of
stage 4, numeracy would not be a the unit of work:
prime focus. - Looking at poems with
mathematical structure
through the chosen number of
stanzas, stanzas have a number
of lines, lines have a number
of syllables.
- Exploring poems with
mathematical imagery when
students have further
developed their critical
The unit does provide opportunities The unit of work does allow areas To counter these repetitive ways of The use of multimodal in literacy to
Critical and for students to engage creatively and for critical and creative thinking, delivering information and facilitate a range of diverse learners
Creative critically formulating their abstract while certain ways of presenting - Using alternative ways of for better retainment rates, while
Thinking thinking through: presenting poetics techniques ensuring flexibility and
- Comprehension activities information are quite repetitive. For such as adding visual differentiation (Gregori-Signes,
- Creating their individual example: stimulations, fostering mind 2014; Stafford, 2016).
rhyming stanza and shape - The method used to explain, maps and discussions.
poem and represent poetic devices is - While worksheet is valuable The development of learning in a
- Reading and interpreting the lacking variety, which may not for critical thinking, other collaborative approach promotes
big concepts and deeper foster enough critical or pedagogical approaches such knowledge development, critical
meaning behind poems creative thinking. as think-pairs share, group thinking skills, social skills and self-
- There is a constant routine of tasks and class discussions satisfaction based on strong
worksheets after each poetic will prompt for effective evidenced research (Davidson &
technique, with minimal critical understanding. Major, 2014; Sumarni, 2016).
interactions with others to help
facilitate their critical
The unit uses some different method There should opportunities for Allowing students to explore This approach is about developing
of delivering and assessing: students to explore their own varying of poems to nurture their the student’s self-direction and
- The unit uses an informative creativeness through searching for a creativity will be more suitable regulation, as they are facilitating
assessment of Kahoot (ICT) range of poems, in order to find further down the course of the unit, their own learning for self-
to assess the students critical their own preferences that will allow such as a research task or homework improvement (Houtman, 2015;
understanding of the topic. them to connect more personally task. MacKinnon, 1962).
- Also, using a music video and critically with the unit.
from YouTube to present a
lyrical poem in a creative
approach for a fun and
engaging learning
environment (this is also a
form of differentiation for
visual learners).
The content of the poems allows There is very minimal collaborative Collaborative pedagogical Collaborative learning also
Personal and students to explore and engage with learning for students to interact with approaches such as think-pair encourages the students to take
Social the author, a form of developing an other peers to help facilitate their shares, group tasks and class responsibility for their own learning
Capabilities empathic understanding. social understanding and skills. This discussions were implemented to through emotional intelligence,
may cause a long-term effect on promote social skills and emotional
their social skills, resulting in anti- intelligence. Through sharing ideas which will enhance learning
social behaviours, especially with and personal opinions, it creates an outcomes and experiences
the 21st century being dependant on authentic interaction of human (Bar-On, Tranel, Denburg &
technology. experiences. Bechara, 2004; Buchs & Butera,
2015; Houtman, 2015; McAllister &
Irvine, 2002; Williams, 2016).
There are extremely minimal Additions of explicit empathy tasks Students need to develop their
activities fostering the student’s include analysing the poem “Sister’ interpersonal and intrapersonal
personal capability in developing and the ‘Character Portrait’, where skills (thinking about the thoughts
their emotional intelligence. The students are to reflect upon the most and emotions of others & reflecting
notion of empathy, being able to significant person in their on and regulating one’s own
understand and relate with the text childhood. These activities aimed to thoughts and emotions (Dvash &
or others is crucial in poetry, which helps the students develop a sense of Shamay-Tsoory, 2014; Rosenberger,
is why it should be implemented in empathy by reflecting and 2014).
the unit of work. connecting to previous experiences.
Students were introduced to poetic The unit needs to implement more The sequence of the unit of work Understanding the use of the UbD
devices at the beginning of the unit, scaffolding and activities for was modified towards the UbD framework is crucial for teacher
Understanding giving an approximate amount of students to practice identifying framework. By introducing students development to improve student
by Design time and opportunity leading up to poetic techniques, exploring the to what they need to know for their success (Yurtseven & Altun, 2017).
the assessment task for students to meaning behind poems and writing formal assessment task at the
practice. PEEL paragraphs, which will be beginning of the unit, not in the
extremely effective and beneficial middle or end.
for the students upcoming formative
assessment task.
The unit did not provide many The additional suggested changes Informative assessment through
informative ways to assess the involve adding in: lessons recaps, pedagogical activities will improve
students learning throughout. This is discussions, active learning tasks, students’ learning achievements,
problematic as the teacher does not kahoot, peer reviews and homework motivations and problem-solving
know what students understand or tasks throughout the unit. These skills (Hwang, Hung & Chen, 2014;
know, in order to prepare them for activities will confirm what students Nielsen, 2014).
the formal assessment task. This know in order to readjust lessons
unit has neglected the standard 1
requirement of ‘know students and content and sequence for the formal
how they learn’ and the quality assessment task.
teaching framework of ‘deep
understanding’ (AITSL, 2017; Gore,
The English syllabus has undergone a revision and new implementations of the syllabus content to
accommodate and cater for the 21st-century learning in recent years. With the new changes being
made, it is our duties as a faculty to develop a new unit of work that aligns with the syllabus. The
faculty as a whole did knowledge the need for a more cohesive unit of work to be constructed, as
the faculty currently does not have a model of a unit of work that aligns with the new syllabus
requirements. Currently, only the scope and sequence are developed and provided to demonstrate
the sequence of learning. A staff member had volunteered to provide their first 4 weeks of the unit
of work to be further examined, developed and modified, while also taking the initiative to create a
concept map and formal assessment task to align with the redesigned unit of work. It was agreed
upon the whole faculty to make adjustments and recommendations accordingly to the
Understanding by Design (UbD) framework with the focus of Literacy, Numeracy, Critical and
Creative thinking and Social and Personal capabilities (National Centre on Universal Design for
The UbD framework emphases on backward mapping from the formative assessment task in order
to sequence lessons and activities in the unit of work. The framework ensures the relevant skills to
be taught and develop at the beginning of the unit, in order to effectively prepare students for the
assessment task (NCUDL, 2014). This is a way of ensuring that students understand, practice and
meet the appropriate outcomes of the criteria, while teachers are able to assess student’s
performance along the way to scaffold and adjust future lessons (Yurtseven & Altun, 2017).
Throughout the redesigned unit, the sequence of certain activities has been mortified or added to
suit the UbD framework. While there’s also a variety of informative assessment tasks and activities
that build the student knowledge and understanding as it allows students the opportunity to
constantly practice. In adolescent development, students can only retrieve and obtain up to four
pieces of new information at a time and the constant need for repetition through the ‘use it or lose
it’ principle (Arnett, 2014). This principle indicates how students must constantly practice in order
While literacy is the core nature of this unit, there are still certain aspects that require further
scaffolding and guiding to help navigate the students understanding of the content. Throughout the
redesigned unit, the suggested changes were made to accommodate a diverse range of learners
through using multimodal of representation for a better retainment rate (Gregori-Signes, 2014;
Stafford, 2016). Along with the additional implementation of the Gradual Release of Responsibility
(GBR) model to ensure students fully visualised and understand what is expected of them (Clark,
2014). By implementing these suggested changes to align with the UbD framework, students will
have a higher success rate in their assessment task. This also reflected the Quality Teaching
Although numeracy is not the core component of this unit, it is still a requirement to improve
students’ numeracy skills. The original unit of work did incorporate implicit mathematical structure
within poetry and creatively designing their own visual shape poem which uses mathematical
imagery. In order to further enhance student’s numeracy skills in the redesigned unit, an explicit
activity was added for students to assess the mood of the poem through counting and calculating the
descriptive words (Growney, 2017). With this in mind, this is an introduction unit, hence more
explicit numeracy activities will be added further down the course of the unit. When teachers
believe students have developed an advanced way of critical thinking in order to explore poems
While the original unit of work provides areas for students to engage creatively and critically
formulating their abstract thinking. It lacks opportunities for students to explore their own
creativeness and regulating their own critical thinking. The redesigned unit move towards
developing the student’s self-direction and regulation, as they are facilitating their own learning for
self-improvement (Houtman, 2015; MacKinnon, 1962). Students are still building and developing
their critical thinking during this early stage of the unit, the teacher will eventually allow students to
explore varying of poems on their own to nurture their creativity, such as a research task or
homework task. In addition, the unit also fostering collaborative learning to promote knowledge
development, critical thinking skills, social skills and self-satisfaction based on strong evidenced
Implementing collaborative learning also reinforces the personal and social capabilities, as the
redesigned unit enables numerous of collaborative activities that focus on building the students
emotional intelligence such as empathy and prosocial behaviours (Dvash & Shamay-Tsoory, 2014;
Rosenberger, 2014). This includes think-pair-shares, group tasks and class discussions to promote
social skills through sharing ideas and personal opinions to create an authentic interaction of human
experiences (Bar-On, Tranel, Denburg & Bechara, 2004; Buchs & Butera, 2015; Houtman, 2015;
In essence, by implementing the UbD framework, teachers will be able introduce and further
explains relevant skills that is needed or required for the formative assessment task, along with
teaching and assessing for learning transfer.The general capabilities skills have been incorporated
into the redesigned unit of work, effectively reflecting the requirement from the Australian
Date of (7B,7E,7C,7H,7A,7P,7I,7O,7N)
Type of Task Reading & Writing Tuesday 30th October (7S)
Wednesday 31st October (7M)
Monday 12th November
Areas Assessed Poetry Date Due Tuesday 13th November (7S)
Wednesday 14th November (7M)
This task represents 35% of the total assessment marks in this course
Outcomes being assessed:
EN4 1A: responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure
EN4 3B: uses and describes language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences and
EN4-5C: thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information, ideas and arguments to respond to and
compose texts
Task You will undertake a 45 minute in-class assessment task based on several UNSEEN poems
Description/In and the poetic techniques that you have studied in class.
There will be a combination of multiple choice and short answer questions.
You will be assessed on both your knowledge of poetic techniques and your ability to
identify, explain and analyse the ways these convey meaning.
If you are absent on the day of the assessment, you will need to bring in
documentation to your teacher on the first day you return to school (not the first
day you have English). Unreasonable justification will result in a 10% penalty per
NAME: _______________________________ CLASS: ____________
Instructions: You will have 45 minutes to complete the following task. Read the poems carefully and respond
to the questions either circling the correct answer or writing neatly on the lines provided. Assessment task
conditions apply – No talking or using mobile phones.
a) _____________: Words that begin with the same letter or sound, that are close together.
b) _____________: Words that sound like the objects or actions they refer to.
c) _____________: A figure of speech in which objects are given human qualities.
d) _____________: A figure of speech where things are compared stating that one thing is another.
e) _____________: A figure of speech using incredible or extreme exaggeration.
f) _____________: A figure of speech where things are compared to being ‘like’ or ‘as’.
g) _____________: The use of repeated vowel (a, e, i, o, u) sounds to create a sound picture.
h) _____________: The use of words given in poems that sparks off the senses.
Total: ___________/8
Determine whether each sentence below is an example of a simile OR a metaphor OR personification. Place
an S for Simile, M for Metaphor or P for Personification on the lines provided.
b) As the Giant ran towards Jack, his steps thundered throughout the castle. ___________
c) Constantly grabbing the cans on the shopping shelves, the arms of the baby was ___________
slippery like an octopus.
e) The old car groaned as it made its way down the long open road. ___________
f) The leaves raced to the ground as the children ran across the playground. ___________
h) The wind was a whip that cracked over our heads. ___________
Metaphor: ____________________________________________________________________
Metaphor: ____________________________________________________________________
Metaphor: ____________________________________________________________________
Metaphor: ____________________________________________________________________
Total: ________/4
Total: ________/4
Tarmac: Surface (a road or other outdoor area).
Clique: a small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them.
Yield: give way to arguments, demands, or pressure.
b) Who is the persona of the poem? (1 mark)
c) Describe the image of the loner that is presented at the beginning of the poem. (2 marks)
d) What are the differences between the life of the loner and that of the other students? (2
e) How has the poem ‘The Loner’ conveyed the experiences of one boy’s isolation in a
school playground? Structure your response using PEEL. (4 marks)
Part D
Poem 1 Poem 2 Loner
Analyses perceptively how the poem conveys the experiences of the boy’s
isolation, including well-chosen supporting evidence from the text
4 marks Has used a PEEL structure effectively
Explains how the poem conveys the experiences of the boy’s isolation,
including supporting evidence from the text
3 marks Has used PEEL structure adequately
Describes how the poem conveys the experiences of the boy’s isolation
2 marks Some evidence of PEEL structure
D. Redesigned unit outline using UbD
Colour coding:
Critical and Creative Thinking
Personal and Social Capabilities
Understanding by Design
Removal of original point
Summary Duration
Students will learn how to identify poetic techniques and the effect of these Term 4: 12 Weeks
techniques. They will examine, discuss and analyse poems, looking for Details:
deeper meaning and complex understandings. 9 periods per fortnight = 40 periods
6 periods per a fortnight
Week 1 Lesson 1:
1. Present the lesson’s outline and outcomes on the board from the Google slide
Google slide
2. Mind map: ‘What is Poetry?’
Poetic terminology list (x30)
3. Present the Terminology: Structure from the Google Slide (provide an example
‘Jabberwocky’ worksheet
or image to identify each definition)
EN4-3B List of poetic techniques
Stanza/ Verse
Worksheet: ‘Poetic Devices
table’ (x30)
4. Discussion question: Why is the way a poem is structured IMPORTANT?
5. The Structure of Poems: Jabberwocky worksheet
6. Class discussion on the different type of poetries
7. Poetic devices table
Provide students with a table of poetic devices worksheet that requires
students to fill in the definitions and example over the course of the unit
1. Present the lesson’s outline and outcomes on the board from the Google slide ‘Writing limericks’
2. Introduce the students to the poem ‘Sister’ by Lenoa Gom worksheet (x30)
Read it as a class, and students individually reread it. Poem: Sister (x30)
Present the description, exemplar and question from the Google slide Library computers
As a class, construct a thesis (Point) on the following question: What Kahoot link:
EN4-1A tone does Lenoa Gom uses in the poem? https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/92f8
EN4-3B 4. Continuing on Limericks 2701-a01c-41a5-94fd-
EN4-4B 5b0188238cbc
In pairs, complete the ‘Writing Limericks’ worksheet
5. Present the Google slide on ‘Shape Poems’
Explain what a shape poem is
Ask volunteers to list shapes that could be used for a shape poem
Examples and instructions are going to be listed on the board for the
students as guidance
Provide the students with the ‘Create your own’ template
6. Instructs the students to head over to the library
7. Game-based learning through Kahoot Quiz for revision
End of the week revision: 12 questions
Top 5 winners get chocolates/lollies
8. Free reading time in the library (Mandatory)
Week 2 Lesson 4: (double period) Google slide
1. Present the lesson’s outline and outcomes on the board from the google slide Worksheet ‘Simile’ (x30)
Advise the students to bring in the shape poems next lesson and the top ‘Metaphor’ worksheet (x30)
Present the description, exemplar and suggested sentence starters from worksheet (x30)
Extension activities:
‘Metaphor Practice’ worksheet
Finish off their shape poems
Finish off the comprehension worksheet: ‘Taking my pen for a walk’
Lesson 5:
Google slide
EN4-9E 1. Present the lesson’s outline and outcomes on the board from the Google slide
2. Recap previous lesson
Revisiting simile and metaphors ‘Onomatopoeia, Alliteration
3. Present the Google slide on the board on (Onomatopoeia, Alliteration & & Personification’
Personification (one technique at a time) worksheets (120x)
Examples and instructions are going to be listed on the board YouTube clip:
Allow the students time to copy the definitions into their ‘Poetic https://www.youtube.com/wa
techniques table’ tch?v=APEdXRHc_50
For Alliteration, play the YouTube clip: Peter piper (tongue twister) Prizes (x3)
i. Ask for volunteers to attempt reading the ‘Peter Piper’ lyrics as
fast as they can
Hand out the worksheets in the order:
i. Onomatopoeia
ii. Alliteration
iii. Personification (comprehension questions)
4. Announce the 3 winners from the ‘Shape poems’ contest
Lesson 6:
Google slide
1. Present the lesson’s outline and outcomes on the board from the Google slide Worksheet: Symbolism
EN4-5C 2. New technique: Symbolism Practice (x30)
EN4-9E o Explain the Google slide: definitions and examples and instructions Kahoot
o Allow the students time to copy their definition into their ‘Poetic
techniques table’
3. Worksheet: Symbolism Practice
4. Class discussion questions:
Why do you think we use symbolism?
Can you think of anything in your everyday life that uses symbolism?
5. Kahoot (what we learn in this week)
Week 3 Lesson 7:
Google slide
1. Present the lesson’s outline and outcomes on the board from the Google slide
Play the link: ‘Firework’
2. Recap previous lesson on ‘Symbolism’
video from the google slide
EN4-3B 3. Watch Katy Perry – Firework
EN4-4B Provide the ‘Firework
4. Provide students with the ‘Firework lyrics’
EN4-9E ‘Firework lyrics’’ (x30)
Analysing the lyrics as a class
Firework; Poetry analysis
Informative assessment – evaluating the students’ knowledge on current
worksheets (x30)
techniques they have learnt
Ask for volunteers and come up to the board and match the lyrics to a
5. Provide the comprehension questions on ‘Firework analysis’ worksheet
Lesson 8:
Google slide
1. Present the lesson’s outline and outcomes on the board from the Google slide
EN4-9E 2. Present the new techniques:
Rhetorical question
i. Explain the definition including with examples from the Google
slide for each technique
ii. Allow time for students to copy the definition down in their
‘poetic techniques table’ worksheet
3. Kahoot
Have the laptops ready
Technique revision (15 questions)
Week 4
Lesson 10: (double period)
Google slides
Puzzle technique cards
1. Present the lesson’s outline and outcomes on the board from the Google slide
EN4-1A Character Portrait worksheets
2. Mini activity: Technique definitions revision
EN4-3B (x30)
o Provide every student with a card (folded)
EN4-5C Poem: ‘The haircut
o Ask the students to move around and place their hidden card on a
EN4-9E worksheets (x30)
different table and return to their seat
Poem: ‘The school teacher’
o Students have two minutes to read it
worksheets (x30)
o The first person to put their hands up gets to guess the answer: stating
the definition of their technique with an example
o Repeat 2-3 times
3. Understanding the ‘Art of Peel’
o Focusing on the last element: Link
o Present the description and exemplar from the Google slide
o Students are encouraged to attempt in writing a linking sentence for the
same question they have been working on.
4. Pre-reading activity: Character Portrait
5. Poem: The Haircut
Read the poem as a class
Comprehension: multiple choice questions
Go through the answers as a class at the end
6. Poem: The School Teacher
Read the poem as a class
Comprehension: multiple choice questions
Provide the students with the answer sheet and self-mark their work
7. Introduce the idea of ‘Descriptive Language’ (Google slide)
Individually, select a poem and underline as many descriptive words
you can find. After count how many words was either positive or
In pairs, compare the results and discuss what how the use of descriptive
words represents the mood of the poem or the persona.
Lesson 11:
EN4-3B Google slide
EN4-4B 1. Present the lesson’s outline and outcomes on the board from the Google slide TEE’ worksheet
2. Applying the ‘Art of Peel’ Markers
a) Using the poem ‘The School Teacher’ to answer the question: Explain
how Liz Allen portrays the school teacher in the poem?
b) Provide the TEE paragraph scaffolded worksheet
c) Model a PEEL paragraph with the class on the board
d) TEE table on the question: Explain how Liz Allen portrays the school
teacher in the poem?
Lesson 12:
Google slide
1. Present the lesson’s outline and outcomes on the board from the Google slide PEEL worksheet (x30)
2. PEEL practice ‘TEE table’ worksheet (x30)
o Provide the PEEL worksheet (question on the worksheet) ‘PEEL paragraph box’
o Allow students 30 minutes worksheet (x30)
EN4-1A 3. Present a new question on the board
EN4-3B o Provide the students with a TEE table worksheet and complete the TEE
EN4-4B table on the question
o Transfer the analysis from the TEE table into the PEEL scaffolded
paragraphs box (provided by the teacher)
o After, swap your PEEL paragraph with the person next to you for
comments (peer assessment)
4. Rewrite your PEEL paragraph based on the new comments provide by your
Arnett, J. (2014). Adolescence and emerging adulthood (Fifth edition, Pearson new
international ed.).
Bar-On, R., Tranel, D., Denburg, N. L., & Bechara, A. (2004). Emotional and social
Buchs, C., & Butera, F. (2015). Cooperative learning and social skills development.
Clark, S. (2014). Avoiding the Blank Stare: Teacher Training with the Gradual Release of
Dvash, J., & Shamay-Tsoory, S. G. (2014). Theory of mind and empathy as multidimensional
Growney, J. (2017). Shaping Poems... with Visual Forms and Counting. Bloomsburg (PA)
Hwang, G. J., Hung, C. M., & Chen, N. S. (2014). Improving learning achievements,
MacKinnon, D. W. (1962). The nature and nurture of creative talent. American psychologist,
17(7), 484-492.
McAllister, G., & Irvine, J. J. (2002). The role of empathy in teaching culturally diverse
Mellanby, J., & Theobald, K. (2014). Education and Learning An Evidence-based Approach.
Hoboken: Wiley.
National Centre on Universal Design for Learning. (2014). Three principles of UDL.
Stafford, S. (2016). Differentiation. In E. Boas, & S. Gazis (Eds), The Artful English Teacher
Sumarni, S. (2016). Think pair share effect of understanding the concept and achievement. In
Williams, L. (2016). Fostering collaboration. In E. Boas, & S. Gazis (Eds), The Artful
Summary Duration
Students will learn how to identify poetic techniques and the effect of these Term 4: 12 Weeks
techniques. They will examine, discuss and analyse poems, looking for Details:
deeper meaning and complex understandings. 9 periods per fortnight = 40 periods
Week 1 Lesson 1:
Poetic terminology list (x30)
1. Ask student ‘What is Poetry?’ List of poetic techniques (x30)
2. Provide student with the Poetry Terminology: Structure list
List the different type of poetries
3. Provide students with a list of poetic techniques
Lesson 5:
Google slide
1. Present the google slide on the board on ‘Onomatopoeia, Alliteration
& Personification’ ‘Onomatopoeia, Alliteration
& Personification’
EN4-1A Hand out the worksheets in the order:
worksheets (120x)
i. Onomatopoeia
ii. Alliteration Prizes
Lesson 6:
Google slide
1. Lecture: Symbolism Worksheet: Symbolism
EN4-3B Practice (x30)
o Explain the google slide: examples and instructions
2. Worksheet: Symbolism Practice Kahoot
3. Kahoot (what we learn in this week)
Lesson 8:
Google slide
1. Present the new techniques:
EN4-3B Contrast
EN4-9E Hyperbole
Rhetorical question
i. Explain the definition including with examples from
the google slide
Lesson 9:
Google slide
EN4-3B 1. Types of Imagery:
i. Provide the students with the ‘Types of Imagery’ ‘Types of Imagery’ booklet
booklet (x30)
ii. Worksheets: ‘Types of Imagery’ (30x) Worksheets: ‘Types of
Imagery’ (30x)
Week 4
Lesson 10: (double period)
Lesson 11:
Google slide
1. Applying the ‘Art of Peel’ ‘TEE’ worksheet
o Provide the TEE paragraph scaffolded worksheet
o TEE Table on the question: Explain how Liz Allen portrays
the school teacher in the poem?
Lesson 12:
Google slide
1. PEEL practice PEEL worksheet (x30)
a. Provide the PEEL worksheet (question on the worksheet)
b. Allow students 30 minutes