XX Postnatal Excercise
XX Postnatal Excercise
XX Postnatal Excercise
Online Version
- Lie on your back and bend your knees with your feet slightly apart
- Breathe out and tighten your abdomen. Press your pelvis downwards to flatten
your low back against the bed
5 seconds
Contract Flatten
low back
Turn right
Turn left
- Kneel on all fours, keeping both hands and the knees on the floor
- Tighten your abdominal muscle and round your back. Then flatten your back
- Lie on your back and bend your knees, keeping your feet together
- Tighten your abdomen, and press your pelvis downwards to flatten your low
back against the bed
- Lift your head and shoulders just off the bed with both hands touching the
knees, hold for a while, and lie down slowly
- Lie on your back and bend your knees, keeping your feet together. Tighten
your abdomen, and press your pelvis downwards to flatten your low back
against the bed
- Lift your head and shoulders to make the right shoulder point towards the left
knee. Touch your left knee with both hands, hold for a while, and return to the
starting position slowly
- Repeat to the right
(This leaflet is prepared by the Department of Health and the Hong Kong Physiotherapy