Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion-Build-Up and Validation of A Three-Dimensional Model
Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion-Build-Up and Validation of A Three-Dimensional Model
Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion-Build-Up and Validation of A Three-Dimensional Model
Spring 5-3-2011
David Pallarès
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Anton Larsson
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden,
Filip Johnsson
Chalmers, Dept Energy Convers,,
Ville Ylä-Outinen
Metso Power Oy
Recommended Citation
Marko Palonen, David Pallarès, Anton Larsson, Filip Johnsson, Ville Ylä-Outinen, and Jukka Laine, "Circulating Fluidized Bed
Combustion-Build-Up and Validation of a Three-Dimensional Model" in "10th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized
Beds and Fluidization Technology - CFB-10", T. Knowlton, PSRI Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2013).
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Marko Palonen, David Pallarès, Anton Larsson, Filip Johnsson, Ville Ylä-Outinen, and Jukka Laine
This paper presents the validated simulation of a full-scale circulating fluidized bed
boiler as obtained via a comprehensive three-dimensional CFB process model. The
model is utilized in boiler design and scale-up as well as to study and optimize boiler
performance. Feedstock characterization tests, which are also presented, are used
to provide data for those parts of the process where up-to-date modeling is not fully
reliable, thus enabling the model to provide accurate results.
The overall model and its sub-models have been validated against data from
numerous experiments ranging from characterization tests at laboratory scale to
measurements in a 550 MWth CFB boiler. The paper exemplifies comparisons
between model results and experimental data, showing generally good agreement.
Experimental data in large quantities have been used to verify the sub-models as
well as the overall model. The experimental research consisted of:
- Laboratory-scale characterization tests - Metso 4 MWth CFB
- Small-scale FB tube reactors - Chalmers 12 MWth CFB
- VTT Jyväskylä 100 kWth CFB - Full-scale CFB boilers up to 550 MWth
Conventional laboratory analyses are a starting point for basic balance calculations,
but, in addition, more detailed information is needed for modeling purposes. Feed
material characteristics, including the fuel fragmentation and attrition characteristics
of solids generating the circulation material, must be taken into account because of
their significant influence – in combination with boiler design and the operation
parameters – on the CFB process.
Attrition of Solids
As a result of the strong influence of the particulate phase in the heat and mass
transfer of in-furnace processes in CFB boilers, characterization of the solids
inventory is a crucial element in modeling. Attrition of different feed solid fractions
and their capability to generate circulation material, along with cyclone separation
efficiency, have a direct effect on the performance of a CFB boiler.
The experimental characterization of the attrition pattern for feed materials is carried
out in a small bench-scale setup wherein the solids sample undergoes attrition for a
set amount of time. The result for a certain fuel ash is illustrated in Fig. 3, which
shows the cumulative mass size distribution of the fuel ash after different attrition
times expressed as a fraction of the total test time.
The duration of the test is in the range of hours, and the test is developed to provide
data used in the modeling of solids inventory as described in Reference 6. After
proper processing, the test result data describes which fraction of each size range
will be reduced by attrition to finer size grades in a certain time.
Production of fine material is found to be faster at the beginning of the test, which is
a typical finding for experimental investigations of attrition (12). The evolution of the
amount of solids having a particle size smaller than 400 µm and its fitted power law
function are presented in Fig. 3.
The fuel conversion sub-model applied in the CFB process model is based on the
formulation originally developed by Palchonok (13) and improved by Thunman (14)
and Larsson (15). Fig. 4 schematizes the fluidized bed tube reactor developed to
validate the fuel conversion model. Full combustion is ensured by the secondary
gas, and fuel conversion is obtained from the time-resolved oxygen concentration in
gases exiting the reactor (Fig. 4).
In comparison of the model and measurement results, it becomes obvious that the
test method’s contribution to the dynamics of the oxygen measurement must be
accounted for. This is done by convolving the model’s output with a convolution
model designed for the test reactor used. The convolution model comprises three
factors affecting the result:
1) Release and combustion of volatiles
2) The duration of the gas transportation and the mixing effects along the
reactor before the gas is detected by the oxygen sensor
3) The contribution of the analyzer response time, which is described by the
analyzer time constant analyzer time constant
Model + Convolution
O2 fraction (vol-%)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Fuel Fragmentation
Fragmentation is the phenomenon by which fuel particles break into smaller ones
during their conversion. There are several types of fuel particle comminution:
primary, secondary, percolative fragmentation and attrition, which are involved in
different stages of combustion. Primary fragmentation occurs in the first stages of
combustion (particle heating, drying, and devolatilization) and is caused by intense
thermal shock and local internal overpressures when a fuel particle is fed into a
fluidized bed. Comprehensive research has been conducted on the fuel
comminution phenomenon from coals and low volatile fuels (16) to waste fuels (17).
However, the experimental methods used in these works are too laborious to be
adopted as routine procedure in the fuel characterization process.
A fragmentation test method based on fuel particle image analysis has been
developed. The fuel particle under analysis is placed in a furnace where the
radiative heat transfer to the particle is adjusted to be equivalent to the total heat
transfer in a fluidized bed environment. From a sequence of tests, the fragmentation
probability, time of fragmentation, and number and size of fragments can be
determined. This test method characterizes only primary fragmentation.
Tests were
w carried
d out in a 350
3 MWth C CFB boiler with
two cycllones comb busting petrroleum cokke. Both a sides
view of the boiler and
a the main measure ement locations
are showwn in Fig. 6.6 In total, 32 measurrement portts in
the furna
ace were us sed for mea asurement o of the main gas
components, temp peratures, and
a ures. Intensive
samplingg of feed materials, circulation material, and
ashes was
w conductted during th he campaig gn.
After seetting of thhe input da ata (geome etry, opera
ns, and solids propertie es – including results from
characteerization teests), the case can n be prop perly
modeled d. The calc culation meesh normally consists s of
50,000––300,000 he exahedral cells
c for moodeling of full-
scale CFFB units.
Even th hough the model con ntains the least poss sible
empiricaal content, some sub b-models a are based on
experimental corre elations. For example, parame eters
g heat tran
affecting nsfer, air an nd fuel fee
ed penetrattion,
dispersioon, and mixing of ga ases and fu uel have been
adjustedd to achiev ve satisfacctory agreement with the
measure ed data. These parame eters have been valida ated
against several exp periments, with
w differe ent boiler siz
Fig. 6: Boiler unit and main fuel mixttures, and lo
oad levels.
meaasurement locations
Temmperature and
a main gas
g concen ntration profiles were measured simultaneously
m 10 locatioons with sp
pecially desiigned probe es and a multi-channe el gas analy
Measured and d modeled horizontal
h emperature and O2 pro
te ofiles above
e secondaryy air
el are show wn in Fig. 7 (where results
r from
m wall layerrs are omittted). As se
agrreement is satisfactoryy for both comparisons
c s, although the model overestima ates
O2 concentratiion in locattion close too the wall layers. Thiss is a conseequence off the
on-accounte ed in the model)
m diffusion of volatile matter and charr from the wall
ers to the co
ore region.
Temperature (K)
O2 (vol-%)
0 0
5 5
0 0
x, (m) -4 x, (m) -4
-5 0 -2
-5 0 -2
4 2 y, (m) 4 2 y, (m)
The vertical pressure profile in the furnace was measured by differential pressure
transmitters and is presented in Fig. 8 together with corresponding modeled data,
showing a very good agreement. Fig. 9 presents the modeled and measured
cumulative mass size distribution of furnace bottom ash. As observed, the model
predicts the presence of a significant mass fraction of particles finer than 100 μm in
the bottom ash. The reasons for this disagreement are most likely 1) the perfect
vertical mixing in the dense bed assumed in the modeling and 2) not accounting in
the model for the size segregation effect in the bottom ash cooler (where a
significant part of the finest particles are entrained back to the riser).
Fig. 8: Modeled and measured vertical Fig. 9: Modeled and measured bottom ash
pressure profile and solids density profile particle size distribution
Key features and validation of a new comprehensive model of CFB combustion are
presented. The model is formed by a combination of semi-empirical models
describing key phenomena in the CFB combustion process. The validated overall
model aims at being a tool for boiler design and scale-up as well as to study and
optimize boiler performance.
Accurate characterization of feed materials plays a critical role in the modeling. The
main feedstock characterization tests used in combination with the model are
described and examples are given.
dp particle diameter
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