Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, M.B.M. Engineering College, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur
Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, M.B.M. Engineering College, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur
Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, M.B.M. Engineering College, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur
The Assistant Engineer,
Ajmer Central Sub Division III,
C P W D Ajmer, Rajasthan
Sub: - Concrete Mix Design for M-25 and M-10
Ref.: Your letter No.54 (Holy Day Home)/ A.CPWD-III/2014-15/14 dated 27.01.2015
Dear Sir,
The concrete mix has been designed according to IS specifications and physical
properties of the ingredient as follows:
1 Tests for cement (J K Cement)
i) Normal consistency = 27.5%
ii) Special gravity of cement = 3.15
iii) Initial Setting Time = 75 minutes
iv) Final Setting Time = 185 minutes
v) 7 days compressive strength of cement = 33.33 N/mm2 (average of 3 cubes)
vi) 28 days compressive strength of cement = 44.67 N/mm2 (average of 3 cubes)
2. Tests for fine aggregate (Sand)
i) Specific Gravity = 2.62
ii) Voids content = 28.95 %
iii) Sieve Analysis
No. Sieve % Passing From table IS 383-1970 for Zone II
Size % Passing
1. 4.75 mm 100 90-100
2. 2.36 mm 99.4 75-100
3. 1.18 mm 85.26 55-90
4. 600 micron 53.0 35-59
5. 300 micron 15.8 8-30
6. 150 micron 3.8 0- 10
7. Pan 0 -
Above sieve analysis conforms to fine aggregate of zone II.
3. Tests for coarse aggregate
a) 10.0 mm size
i) Specific gravity 2.72
ii) Voids content 44.5%
iii) Sieve Analysis
The above result confirms coarse aggregate of 20-mm single size aggregate. The
Overall Coarse Aggregate shall contain 10mm: 20mm in proportion of 0.4: 0. 6 for M25
Grade Concrete.
b) 40 mm size i) Specific gravity 2.7 ii) Voids content 48.0 %
iii) Sieve Analysis
The above result confirms coarse aggregate of 40-mm single size aggregate. The
Overall Coarse Aggregate shall contain 10mm: 20mm: 40 mm in proportion of 0.2: 0. 3:
0.5 for M 10 Grade concrete.
As per IS 10262-2009
Type of Aggregate Crushed Angular Aggregate
11 Chemical Admixture Type Super Plasticiser Confirming to IS-9103