Driver's Manual: Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration

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This manual applies only to noncommercial Class C licenses

Together We Can Save Lives.

The MVA shall provide exemplary driver and vehicle services that promote
Maryland’s mobility and safety while enhancing process and product security.

General Information:


TTY for the Hearing Impaired:


6601 Ritchie Highway, N.E.

Glen Burnie, Maryland 21062

DL-002 (10-18)
Driver’s Manual
Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration
Applies only to noncommercial Class C licenses
Together We Can Save Lives.

The MVA shall provide exemplary driver and vehicle services that promote
Maryland’s mobility and safety while enhancing process and product security.
General Information: TTY for the Hearing Impaired:
410-768-7000 1-800-492-4575
Message from the Administrator

Dear Prospective Motorist:

Did you know that every 14 minutes someone dies in a motor vehicle crash, every 10 seconds an
injury occurs, and every five seconds a motor vehicle crash occurs? For most new drivers, getting
a Maryland driver’s licenses is one of the first steps toward transportation independence. This is an
exciting time and also a very dangerous time for any new driver. It is important to remember that
driving is a privilege and you play a role in ensuring that all drivers remain safe on our roadways.

Take the High Road: Share the Road – It Belongs to Everyone

As motorists, we share the road with drivers of various ages, skill levels, personalities, and habits. We
also share the road with pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, trucks and vehicles of varying sizes.
Understanding the unique limitations and challengers for the various road users we encounter
every day will enable us to be more respectful and considerate while on the roadway.

Every day, thousands of drivers make the decision to multi-task, speed, tailgate, run red lights and
take their aggression out on other road users, putting themselves and others sharing the road
at risk. Driving a motor vehicle on public roadways is a serious responsibility. It is our commitment
at the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration to promote drive safety. Therefore, be sure to
keep in mind the key message that all road users have something in common; we are on the road
together. It is everyone’s responsibility to take the high road and share the road. Our goal is to
reach zero fatalities on Maryland roadways, because even one life lost in an unnecessary tragedy
is one too many.

Do you know how to be a safe driver? After reading this manual, test YOUR knowledge of the rules
of the road and take our Online Driver Test Tutorial located on the MVA website,

Maryland Motor Vehicle Administrator Maryland Driver’s Manual 1

Table of Contents
Section Section
I. Driving Tests Requirements IV. Signals,
 Signs and Pavement
A. Vision Screening...............................................4 Markings
B. Knowledge Test.................................................4 A. Traffic Signals......................................................12
C. Driving Skills Test..............................................4 1. Steady Red Signal.....................................12
D. Reportable Medical Conditions................4 2. Steady Yellow Signal................................12
3. Steady Green Signal................................12
Section 4. Steady Red Arrow Signal.......................12
II. Licensing Requirements/Process 5. Steady Yellow Arrow Signal.................12
A. R
 ookie Driver/Graduated 6. Steady Green Arrow Signal.................12
Licensing System..............................................5 7. Flashing Red Signal..................................12
B. Learner’s Instructional Permit.....................5 8. Flashing Yellow Signal.............................13
C. Provisional License..........................................6 9. Flashing Red Arrow Signal....................13
D. Driver’s License.................................................6 10. Lane Use Signals.......................................13
E. Co-signer of Minor’s Application B. Traffic Signs.........................................................13
for a License.......................................................6 1. Sign Colors..................................................13
F. Cancellation of Minor’s License on 2. Sign Shapes.................................................13
Request of Co-Signer....................................7 3. Regulatory Signs.......................................14
G. Out-of-Country Licenses.............................7 4. Overhead Lane Use Signs....................15
5. Traffic Warning Signs...............................15
Section 6. Route Marker Signs.................................16
III. Basic Driving 7. Service Information and
A. Drive Defensively.............................................8 Guide Signs.................................................16
1. Visual Search/Driver 8. Mile Marker Signs....................................16
Awareness....................................................8 C. Highway Pavement Markings.....................16
2. Risk Management.....................................8 1. Types of Line Markings...........................16
B. Right-of-Way......................................................8 2. Other Pavement Markings...................17
C. Understanding Vehicle Speed...................9 3. Pavement Markings for
1. Speeding.......................................................9 Bicycles and Pedestrians........................18
2. Appropriate Speed for
Conditions....................................................9 Section
D. Following Distance..........................................9 V. Driving Situations and Conditions
E. Stopping Distance...........................................10 A. Driving in Reduced Visibility........................19
F. Lane Driving.......................................................10 Headlight Use.............................................19
G. Turning..................................................................10 B. Driving at Night.................................................19
H. U-turn....................................................................10 C. Driving in Fog.....................................................20
I. Passing..................................................................10 D. Driving in Inclement Weather . ..................20
J. General Parking Rules...................................11 Special Attention for Driving on
E. Skidding................................................................21
F. Hydroplaning.....................................................21
G. Highway—Railroad Crossings....................21

2 Maryland Driver’s Manual

H. Work Zone Safety............................................22 Section
I. Roundabouts......................................................23 VIII. Crashes and Traffic Stops
J. Interstate Driving..............................................23 A. Crashes................................................................33
1. Entering the Interstate....................................23 B. Traffic Stops.........................................................34
2. Exiting the Interstate................................23
3. Stopping........................................................23 Section
K. Funeral Processions........................................24 IX. Other Restrictions, Violations and
L. Slow Moving Vehicles....................................24 Penalties
A. Restrictions.........................................................35
Section B. Notice to Applicant –
VI. Dangerous Driving Behaviors Implied Consent...............................................35
A. Alcohol, Drugs and Driving.........................25 C. Obtaining a False or Forged
1. Under 21 – Alcohol Identification Card, Driver’s License
Restriction....................................................25 or Learner’s Instructional Permit................36
2. Controlled Dangerous D. Administrative Actions...................................36
Substances (CDS) – Illegal 1. Suspension of Driver’s License............36
and Prescription Drugs...........................25 2. Revocation of Driver’s License............36
3. Open Alcohol Container......................25 3. Cancellation of Driver’s License.........36
4. Transporting Children.............................26 E. Sanctions..............................................................36
B. Aggressive Driving and F. Use of Disability Parking Spaces,
Road Rage...................................................................26 License Plates and Placards........................37
C. Distracted Driving............................................26
Cell Phones.................................................26 Section
D. Drowsy Driving.................................................27 X. Other Important Information
A. Reportable Medical
Section Conditions...........................................................38
VII. Sharing the Road B. Supervising Driver – Requirements
A. Pedestrian Right-of-Way and Responsibilities.........................................38
1. Blind or Deaf Pedestrians or C. Organ Donor.....................................................38
Mobility Impaired Individuals D. Register to Vote................................................39
Right-of-Way at Crossings....................28 E. Insurance Requirements...............................39
2. Crossing at Crosswalks..........................28 F. Seat Belt Law.....................................................39
B. Emergency Vehicles.......................................28 G. Child Safety Seats............................................39
C. Large Trucks.......................................................28 H. Air Bags................................................................39
No-Zones.....................................................29 I. Braking with Anti-Lock Braking
D. School Vehicles.................................................29 System (ABS).....................................................39
E. Motorcycles........................................................30 J. Wearing of Headsets, Earphones
F. Bicycles.................................................................30 and Earplugs Prohibited................................40
G. Mopeds and Scooters....................................32 K. Parallel Parking..................................................40
L. Reverse Two-Point Turn.................................40
M. Rules and Tips for Bicyclists.........................40 Maryland Driver’s Manual 3

Section I – Driving Tests MVA’s website. The tutorial is a good study tool since
Requirements it contains a sample of topics for the knowledge test.
You should also be sure to study this entire manual
Licensing requirements include a vision screening,
to ensure your success on the knowledge test.
a knowledge test, and a driving skills test on the
satisfactory operation of a motor vehicle. In special C. Driving Skills Test
circumstances, the Motor Vehicle Administration  ll driving skills tests will be conducted by
(MVA) may find it necessary to require additional appointment only. The skills test for a driver’s
examinations to determine the applicant’s ability to license must be scheduled in advance. Please
safely operate a motor vehicle. visit MVA’s website or call 410-768-7000 or
1-800-492-4575 TTY for the Hearing Impaired
A. Vision Screening
to schedule an appointment.
All Maryland driver’s license applicants must pass
a vision screening in order to receive a license. The In order to be eligible to take a driving test, certain
vision screening may be performed by the MVA, or requirements must be met. For instance, the vehicle
the applicant’s vision specialist. must have valid license plates and registration and
proof of insurance. Additionally, the vehicle must
To qualify for a driver’s license, the applicant
be in safe operating condition, have no cracks or
must have:
obstructions on the windshield, and have at least a
• binocular vision;
half tank of gas.
• visual acuity of at least 20/40 in each eye; and
• a continuous field of vision of at least 140 The driving test includes on-course maneuvers
degrees. and driving on public roads. The test is designed to
assess the applicant’s driving skills and observance
If corrective lenses are needed to meet the
of traffic laws. The vehicle must be operated in a
above standards, a restriction will be included
safe and responsible manner.
on the license requiring that corrective lenses
be worn while driving. A supervising driver (as defined in Section X)
must accompany the applicant to the test site. No
 dditional information is available on the MVA
one other than the applicant, the examiner(s), and
website for individuals who do not meet the vision
an MVA-approved interpreter, if applicable, are
permitted in the vehicle during the test.
B. Knowledge Test
D. Reportable Medical Conditions
The knowledge test is designed to check the
Prior to applying for or renewing a Learner’s
applicant’s knowledge of motor vehicle laws, safe
Instructional Permit or Driver’s License, State law
driving practices and signs. The information on
requires an applicant, who has been diagnosed with a
which the applicant will be tested is in this manual.
reportable medical condition, to report the condition
Typically, the test is offered in an automated format
to the MVA Driver Wellness and Safety Division.
with an allotted completion time.
(See Section X – Other Important Information, for a
An Online Driver Test Tutorial is available on the complete listing of reportable medical conditions.)

4 Maryland Driver’s Manual

Section II – Licensing • If under age 16, must present a completed
Requirements/Process Learner’s Permit School Attendance
Certification form (DL-300).
New applicants must apply in person at an MVA full
service office and furnish acceptable documentation • While holding the Learner’s Instructional
to prove age and identity, lawful status, Social Security Permit, applicants must complete the
Number (SSN), or proof of ineligibility for a SSN, and Maryland Driver Education Program and
two (2) residency documents. At least one of the identity accumulate at least 60 practice hours with
documents presented must include the applicant’s full a supervising driver and maintain a Practice
name. Applicants must bring original documents or and Skills Log. At least 10 of the practice
copies certified by the issuing agency. Photocopies, hours must occur during the period beginning
notarized copies and documents with alterations or 30 minutes before sunset and ending
erasures will not be accepted. For a complete listing of 30 minutes after sunrise. The Practice and
acceptable documents, please visit the MVA website. Skills Log is available on the MVA website.
For drivers under age 18, the driver must hold the
A. Rookie Driver/Graduated Licensing System
Learner’s Instruction Permit for a minimum of nine
The Rookie Driver/Graduated Driver Licensing
(9) months violation-free before being eligible for
System (GLS) applies to all new noncommercial
a Provisional License.
driver’s license applicants, regardless of age.
The GLS requires new drivers to gain driving For drivers age 18 with a high school diploma or
experience, first with a supervising driver while its equivalent, or age 19 to 24, the driver must hold
holding a Learner’s Instructional Permit, then alone the Learner’s Instruction Permit for a minimum of
with certain restrictions while holding a Provisional three months violation-free before being eligible
License, and then “graduating” to a Driver’s License. for a Provisional License.
If the applicant is at least 25 years old:
B. Learner’s Instructional Permit
Individuals who have never held a noncommercial • While holding the Learner’s Instructional
driver’s license are required to obtain a Type 1 Permit, applicants must complete the
Learner’s Instructional Permit. There are different Maryland Driver Education Program and
periods of time the applicant must hold the Permit accumulate at least 14 practice hours with a
before being eligible for a Provisional License, supervising driver and maintain a Practice and
depending on the applicant’s age. The Type 1 Skills Log. At least three (3) of the practice
Learner’s Permit is valid for up to 2 years. hours must occur during the period beginning
30 minutes before sunset and ending 30
All applicants must pass a vision screening
minutes after sunrise. The Practice and Skills
and knowledge test.
Log is available on the MVA website.
Applicants younger than 25:
• The Permit must be held for a minimum of
• must be at least 15 years and 9 months of age. 45 days before the applicant is eligible for a
• If under age 18, the applicant’s parent or legal Provisional License.
guardian must co-sign the application; Maryland Driver’s Manual 5

Any applicant, regardless of age, who has been number of practice hours with a supervising
convicted of or given a PBJ for a moving violation driver;
is required to hold the permit for a minimum of • must have a valid, unexpired Maryland
9 months following the most recent date the Learner’s Instructional Permit; and
individual was convicted of or granted a PBJ for a • must successfully pass the driving skills.
moving violation, or if they have been suspended
for any reason. They must meet the rest of the D. Driver’s License
above mentioned GLS requirements before they A Driver’s License is the last stage of the GLS.
are eligible to take a skills driving test. To be eligible for a Driver’s License, applicants
Current driver’s license holders who are at least 16 • must be at least 18 years of age;
years and 6 months of age who wish to apply for a  ust have held the Provisional License for at
• m
driver’s license of a different class will be required least 18 months; and
to apply for a Type 2 Learner’s Instructional Permit. • must not have any moving violation
The Type 2 Learner’s Instructional Permit is valid for convictions or have been granted probation
up to 180 days and must be held for a minimum of before judgment for any moving violations
14 days before the applicant is eligible to take the within the previous 18 months.
driving test for a full license. O
 nce the Provisional License holder meets all
requirements, the MVA will automatically convert
C. Provisional License the Provisional License to a Driver’s License. An
A provisional driver’s license is a restricted license attachment card, showing the conversion, will be
issued to new drivers who have never held a driver’s mailed to the driver. The card must be carried with
license or who have held a license for less than the Provisional License.
18 months.
Applicants who wish to graduate from a Learner’s E. Co-Signer of Minor’s Application
Instructional Permit to a Provisional License: for a License
• must have successfully completed a Maryland Minors, under the
approved driver education program. (A age of 18, must
listing of approved providers may be found have a parent or
on the MVA website.); legal guardian
• must have held a Maryland Learner’s co-sign their
Instructional Permit violation-free for their application. Proof
required minimum holding period; of relationship is
• must not have any moving violation required, such
convictions or have been granted probation as the applicant’s
before judgment for any moving violations original or certified
during their required holding period Birth Certificate
• must submit a completed and signed Practice reflecting parents,
and Skills Log to document the minimum court documents

6 Maryland Driver’s Manual

reflecting legal guardianship, etc. If the applicant G. Out-of-Country Licenses
is married and proof of marriage is presented, Individuals who hold an out-of-country license
the spouse, if over the age of 18, may co-sign the are required to successfully complete a vision
application. If the applicant has no parent, legal screening, knowledge test, driving skills test, and
guardian or spouse, an adult employer of the an MVA approved three-hour alcohol and drug
applicant or other responsible adult may co-sign education program in order to convert their license
the minor’s application. In this case, documentation, to a Maryland license. An up-to-date listing of MVA-
such as the death certificates of the parents or proof approved providers may be found on the MVA
of emancipation is required. website. If the out-of-country license is not in English,
it must be accompanied by an International License,
F. Cancellation of Minor’s License on or a translation into English by an MVA approved
Request of Co-Signer translator.
The co-signer may cancel the minor’s license
by submitting a written request to the Motor
Vehicle Administration’s Administrative
Adjudication Division. The cancellation remains
in effect until the minor reaches the age of
18, unless a co-signer, who meets the above
qualifications, co-signs and certifies for the minor. Maryland Driver’s Manual 7

Section III – Basic Driving • m  aintain a safe distance between your vehicle
and other roadway users;
Before you drive, both you and your vehicle should be in • d  o not assume that other drivers will do what
good condition to drive. You must have a valid learner’s they are supposed to do;
permit/driver’s license and vehicle registration card in • use caution at all times.
your possession. You should properly adjust your seat
and mirrors and ensure that all passengers are wearing B. Right-of-Way
a seat belt. Right-of-way rules provide drivers with guidance
for situations when other drivers or pedestrians are
A. Drive Defensively present. These rules determine which driver should
A basic rule of driving is that, at all times, the driver yield the right-of-way and the sequence for entering
of a vehicle on a highway shall control the vehicle as and driving through an intersection or other driving
necessary to avoid a crash. Driving a motor vehicle scenarios.
requires that you take the responsibility to operate
Although the right-of-way rules provide a guide to
the vehicle in a safe manner. Doing so will reduce
determine who should yield the right-of-way, no
the risks for yourself, your passengers and other
one should assume they automatically have the
roadway users.
right-of-way. The situation and circumstances at the
1. Visual Search/Driver Awareness intersection must always be considered.
To better prepare for the constant decisions You are responsible for controlling your
necessary for safe, defensive driving, you must vehicle as necessary to avoid a crash.
know what is happening around your vehicle.
Constantly observing your surroundings, to the You should yield the right-of-way to:
front, side and rear of your vehicle, helps you • t  he driver who is at or arrives before you at
to see problems that may cause you to change the intersection;
speed or roadway position. • d  rivers in the opposing traffic lane, when you
By searching ahead and being ready to change are making a left turn;
speed or change lanes, you can operate a • the driver on your right, if both of you arrive at
vehicle more safely and allow yourself time to the intersection at the same time;
identify risks. • drivers on a public highway, if you are entering
the highway from a driveway or a private road;
2. Risk Management • drivers already on a limited access or
Operating a motor vehicle is a risky activity. interstate highway, if you are on the entrance
Consider the following steps to manage risk or acceleration ramp;
and be a safe and responsible driver: • t  he driver on your right at a four way
• adjust your speed, position, and direction intersection controlled by stop signs;
to respond to roadway conditions, enhance • pedestrians, bicyclists, and other drivers who
vehicle control, and increase response time; are still in the intersection;
• let other drivers know your intentions by using
turn signals, etc.;

8 Maryland Driver’s Manual

• drivers on the through highway, if you are at Death is 8 times more probable in a crash
a “T” intersection and you are entering the at 60 mph than at 20 mph! The impact of
through highway by either making a right or hitting a solid stationary object at 60 mph
left turn; is equal to falling off a 10-story building!
• other drivers, if you are approaching an
intersection with a Yield sign facing you. 2. Appropriate Speed for Conditions
Drivers must recognize and adjust their speed to
C. Understanding Vehicle Speed adverse conditions. Maryland Vehicle Law requires
The posted speed limit is the maximum legal that motorists drive at a reasonable and prudent
speed you can travel on a road under ideal speed and with a regard for existing and potential
conditions. Maintaining a safe speed at all times is hazards. You may drive slower than the posted
a responsibility shared by all motorists. speed limit, based on road conditions, but it is illegal
to drive any faster than the posted speed limit.
It is safest to drive at the same speed that most
traffic is moving, up to the maximum speed limit. Some conditions, which require reduced speed for
In fact, traveling at a speed lower than other traffic safety, include:
encourages other vehicles to constantly pass you • sharp curves or hills – where visibility is
and increases the chances of a crash. limited;
• slippery roads;
1. Speeding • roads where there may be pedestrians or
Excessive speed is one of the most common animals present;
contributing factors of vehicle crashes. • shopping centers, parking lots and
Excessive speed does not save time and often downtown areas;
leads to high-risk decision-making. • traffic congestion;
Excessive vehicle speed has severe and often • narrow bridges and tunnels;
times disastrous effects because it: • toll plazas;
• reduces the ability to negotiate curves or • schools, playgrounds and residential
maneuver around obstacles in the roadway; streets;
• extends the distance necessary for a vehicle • railroad grade crossings.
to stop;
• decreases the driver’s ability to realize and D. Following Distance
react to a hazard or dangerous situation; Always maintain a safe distance between your
• increases the risk of crashes because other vehicle and the one ahead of you . Most rear-end
roadway users and pedestrians may not be collisions are caused by following too closely. A
able to judge distance accurately; minimum following distance of 3 to 4 seconds is
• increases the force and impact in a crash, recommended under ideal driving conditions. This
which more likely results in serious bodily means it takes you 3 to 4 seconds to get to the
injuries and deaths. same reference point as the car ahead of you. To
determine if you are following at a safe distance,
choose a fixed object ahead, such as a bridge, Maryland Driver’s Manual 9

overpass, sign, mile marker, etc. As the car in front G. Turning
of you passes that object, begin counting 1 one When turning, you should:
thousand, 2 one thousand, 3 one thousand, etc. If • l ook for signs and signals that give direction
you reach 3 one thousand or greater before your on when you can turn;
car reaches the same fixed object, you are at least 3 • p  lan your turn before reaching the turning
seconds behind the car in front of you and traveling point;
at a safe distance. • activate your turn signal in advance to alert
 hen you are following vehicles which stop often
W other drivers;
(buses, delivery vans), you should increase the • look behind and to both sides to ensure it is
distance between your vehicle and the one ahead safe to proceed before making a turn;
of you to four or five seconds, and possibly more as • adjust your speed for the turn.
needed. H. U-turn
E. Stopping Distance U-turns can be extremely dangerous and are not
The distance it takes to stop your vehicle is legal everywhere. If you must make a U-turn, first
important to help you choose a safe driving speed. check to see if U-turns are allowed, and then turn on
Your actual stopping distance will depend upon your left turn signal, stop and yield for approaching
many factors, including: traffic. When the way is clear, proceed into the
• the length of time it takes a driver to see and outside or right-hand lane traveling in the opposite
recognize that there is a dangerous situation; direction.
• the type and condition of the roadway; I. Passing
• the condition of the tire treads; When passing is permitted, you must:
• the condition of the brakes. • e  stimate the time and space necessary to pass
F. Lane Driving and be sure you can pass without interfering
Your vehicle should be driven in a single lane. Do with any other vehicle;
not switch lanes until you determine it is safe to do • u  se your turn signal before passing so that
so. You should avoid drifting across lane lines and you inform other drivers around you of your
making lane changes within an intersection. intentions;
• leave plenty of space and go around the other
Generally, you should keep your vehicle to the right vehicle at a safe distance;
of the center of the roadway, unless you are passing • see both headlights of the passed vehicle in
another vehicle going in the same direction, there your rear view mirror before returning to the
is a traffic signal designating it is okay to do so, or original lane.
there is an obstruction that makes it necessary to
safely adjust your position.  enerally, you should pass to the left of the other
vehicle. However, it is acceptable to pass on the
right if it is safe to do so, you stay on the roadway,

10 Maryland Driver’s Manual

• the other vehicle is about to make a left turn; J. General Parking Rules
• you are on an unobstructed highway with two  ou are responsible for making sure that
or more lanes moving in the same direction; your vehicle is not a hazard when it is parked.
or A parked vehicle must be in a space that
• you are on an unobstructed one-way roadway is far enough from any travel lane to avoid
wide enough for two lanes or more. interfering with traffic and visible to vehicles
When being passed by another vehicle, you must approaching from either direction.
yield to the other vehicle and not increase your You should always:
speed. • park in a designated area as required;
You may not pass: • when parking along the roadway, park your
• where there is a no-passing zone; vehicle as far away from traffic as possible. If
• where the solid yellow line is on your side of there is a curb, park as close to it as possible.
the center of the roadway; • set your parking brake when you park.
• where there are double solid yellow lines; • place the vehicle in gear if it has a manual
• when passing will interfere with the safe transmission or in ‘park’ if it has an automatic
operation of oncoming vehicles; transmission;
• when approaching the top of the hill or on a • check your mirrors and traffic before opening
curve and you do not have a sufficiently clear the door. Shut the door as soon as you can
view ahead; after getting out;
• when crossing or within 100 feet of an • Take the ignition keys with you. It is a good
intersection or railroad grade crossing; habit to lock the doors whenever you leave
• when the view is obstructed upon your vehicle.
approaching within 100 feet of any bridge,
elevated roadway, or tunnel;
• on the shoulder of the highway either to the
right or to the left. Maryland Driver’s Manual 11

Section IV – Signals, Signs and 2. Steady Yellow Signal
Pavement Markings This means that the signal is changing from
green to red. Its purpose is to provide time for
T raffic signals, signs and pavement markings apply to
approaching traffic to stop safely and to clear
everyone on a roadway or highway, and they are the
other vehicles from the intersection before
primary way of regulating, warning or guiding traffic on
the signal turns red. If you are too close to the
all roadways. Failing to obey the traffic control devices is a
intersection to stop safely, continue through the
major cause of crashes. The driver of a vehicle approaching
intersection with care.
an intersection controlled by a traffic control device may
not drive across private property or leave the roadway for 3. Steady Green Signal
the purpose of avoiding a traffic control device. Proceed with caution after you have checked
first to see that other vehicles have cleared
T he only exceptions to obeying all traffic control
the intersection. When it is safe to proceed,
devices are emergency situations when directions from
you may enter the intersection to go straight-
a police officer or other emergency personnel take
ahead or turn unless a sign or additional signal
priority. Uniformed school crossing guards also have
prohibits the turn. You must yield to pedestrians
the authority to direct traffic at locations near schools.
and vehicles already in the intersection.
When a traffic signal is not working, you are now 4. Steady Red Arrow Signal
required to stop at a clearly marked stop line; or if there If you intend to move in the direction indicated
is no clearly marked stop line, before entering any by the arrow, come to a complete stop before
crosswalk; or if there is no clearly marked stop line or reaching the stop line, crosswalk, or intersection.
crosswalk, before entering the intersection, and yield to Remain stopped as long as the arrow signal is
any vehicle or pedestrian in the intersection; and remain red.
stopped until it is safe to enter and continue through
the intersection. If the street lights are not functioning, 5. Steady Yellow Arrow Signal
be sure to keep your headlights on to assist you with This means that the movement indicated by
visibility and to ensure others can see you as well. the arrow is ending. You should slow down and
proceed with caution.
A. Traffic Signals
1. Steady Red Signal
6. Steady Green Arrow Signal
Come to a complete stop at the stop line or, if

Proceed with caution in the direction the
there is no stop line, prior to the crosswalk and
arrow points. Remember that you must yield
before entering the intersection, and remain
to all pedestrians and vehicles already in the
stopped as long as the signal is red. Unless a
sign prohibits turning on red, after coming to a
complete stop, you may turn right or you may 7. Flashing Red Signal
turn left from a one-way street to another one- Come to a complete stop at the stop line or, if
way street. When turning on a red signal, you there is no stop line, prior to the crosswalk and
must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and before entering the intersection. Yield to all
all other traffic. other traffic and pedestrians. Proceed when the
12 Maryland Driver’s Manual
way is clear. If an alternately flashing red signal is 1. Sign Colors
located at a railroad crossing, you must come to The principal background color of a traffic
a complete stop, even if you do not see a train, sign can tell you at first glance what kind of
and proceed when the way is clear. information it has to offer.
8. Flashing Yellow Signal a. Red - Prohibitive: Stop, yield, do not enter,
You must slow down and proceed with caution. or wrong way.
b. Yellow - General warning of what to
9. Flashing Red Arrow Signal expect ahead.
Come to a complete stop before reaching the c. White - Regulatory: such as speed limit,
stop line, crosswalk, or intersection and yield to keep right, and some guide signs.
all other traffic and to pedestrians. Proceed in d. Orange - Construction and maintenance
the direction of the arrow when the way is clear. work area warning.
e. Green - Guidance information:
10. Lane Use Signals destinations, distances, and directions.
These signals are used to control traffic flow f. Blue - Road user services: such as food,
by reversing a lane’s direction during different gas, rest area signs.
hours of the day. The lanes and their directions g. Brown - Recreation and cultural interest
may be marked with signs, signals, and markings. areas.
You must never drive in a lane under a red “X” h. Fluorescent Yellow-Green - School,
signal. pedestrian and bicycle signs.
i. Fluorescent Pink - Emergency traffic
You are permitted to drive in a lane under a
green arrow signal.
j. Black - Certain regulatory signs, such as
A steady yellow “X” signal means a driver One Way signs, and changeable message
should move out of the lane as soon as safely signs.
2. Sign Shapes
A flashing yellow “X” signal or two-way left-
The shape of a traffic sign can tell you as much
turn arrows mean that a driver is permitted to
about the sign’s message as its color. In poor
use the lane for a left turn. It is likely that you will
visibility conditions, such as heavy fog, you may
be sharing the lane with left-turning vehicles
be able to make out only the shape of a sign,
coming from the opposite direction.
which could convey valuable information.
B. Traffic Signs a. Octagon: Stop
Traffic signs use both symbols and word messages The octagonal (eight-sided) shape always
to convey information to road users. You should be means stop. You must come to a complete
able to quickly identify traffic signs by their shapes stop.
and colors as well as by the words, numbers, or the b. Triangle: Yield
symbols on them. Slow down and, if necessary, stop to give the
right of way to vehicles and pedestrians. Maryland Driver’s Manual 13
c. Diamond: Warning pedestrians. You may not proceed until it
These signs warn you of special conditions is safe to do so and until the way is clear to
or hazards ahead. You may have to slow completely pass through the intersection.
down, so be ready to take appropriate b. 3-Sided Sign, Red Letters on White
action. You will see no other signs of this shape on
d. Rectangle: Regulatory or Guide the highway. Slow down as you approach
Vertical signs are generally used to give a yield sign. Look to the left and the right.
instructions or tell you the rules of the Yield to pedestrians and vehicles. Once
road. In the horizontal position, the signs you have yielded to vehicles or pedestrians,
generally give directions or information. you may proceed only when you can do so
e. Pentagon: School Zone and School safely.
Crossing c. Rectangular (4-Sided) Signs, Black on
The pentagon (five-sided) shape warns you of White
school zones and marks school crossings. These signs are used to regulate traffic.
f. Pennant: No Passing This particular sign tells you the maximum
Indicates the start of a no passing zone. speed limit for the stretch of highway where
it is posted.
g. Round: Railroad Warning d. Other Regulatory Signs
Used to warn that there is a railroad crossing
ahead. No Turn Left Turn
h. Crossbuck: Highway—Rail Grade On Red Only
Identifies the location of a railroad crossing. Do Not One Way
i. Trapezoid Pass
Recreation and cultural interest areas and
National Forest Routes. No
Do Not Turns
3. Regulatory Signs Enter
These signs provide notice to road users of
traffic laws, and they must be obeyed. No Left No
Turn Parking
a. 8-Sided Sign, White Letters on Red
The Stop sign is the only 8-sided sign you Wrong
No Right
will see on the highway. When you come to Way
a stop sign, you must make a complete stop
at the stop line. If there is no stop line, stop
before entering a crosswalk. If there is no No U Turn Bike Lane
stop line or crosswalk, stop before entering
the intersection. Before starting, you must
yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and
14 Maryland Driver’s Manual
Reserved as Road Pedestrian
Stay to Right of Crossing
Median Disability Parking Curves
High Occupancy Sharp Lane Ends
Two-way Left Turns Merge Left
Vehicles Turn Only

Left Turn Yield Road

on Green Road Divides
Curves Ahead
4. Overhead Lane Use Signs
These signs are placed above the roadway to Side Road Divided
Enters Roadway
provide direction on the specific use of lanes or Ahead Ends Ahead
to provide destination or directional information.
Intersection Roundabout
“T” Intersection School
RR crossing Bus Stop
just before “T” Ahead
5. Traffic Warning Signs Slippery Crossing
These signs provide notice to road users of a When Wet Ahead
situation that might not be readily apparent.
Advisory Steep Bicycle
Ahead Speed Hill Crossing
ExitRamp Flagger Crossing
Yield Advisory Ahead
Ahead Speed Truck
Signal Passing Detour
Ahead Zone Lane
Sharp Roadway Ahead
Right Merging
Turn Intersection Maryland Driver’s Manual 15

6. Route
 Marker Signs C. Highway Pavement Markings
These signs identify the route number and the Highway markings, used alone or to supplement
type of roadway. other traffic control devices, provide important
guidance and information to drivers without requiring
them to divert their attention from the roadway.
You should recognize all of the following pavement
Interstate U.S Route State Route markings and understand what they mean. Lines
may be extra wide in some locations and/or
7. Service
 Information and Guide Signs supplemented by reflective markers attached to the
These signs identify the commercial business, road surface to increase the visibility of the lines and
product or service offered at particular exits. to give them greater emphasis.
1. Types
 of Line
Destination Guide Markings
Single Broken – Separation of lanes where
Park and Ride White travel is in the same direction,
and crossing from one lane to
the other is permitted; i.e. lane
General Service Signs lines on multi-lane roadways.

Hospital Gas Single Broken – Separation of lanes where

Yellow travel is in opposite directions,
Lodging Airport and where passing with care
is permitted; i.e. centerline on
Train 2-lane, 2-way roadways.
Food Station

8. Mile Marker Signs

These are located every mile on interstate Single Solid – M
 arks the right edge of the
roadways to serve as a location point for drivers White roadway and the separation
when they need assistance. of lanes where travel is in the
same direction, but where lane
changing is discouraged. Also
used in advance of obstructions
that may be passed to either
side; i.e. right edge lines and lane
lines at intersection approaches.
16 Maryland Driver’s Manual
Single Solid– Marks left edge lines on Solid plus Broken– Separation of lanes where
Yellow divided highways, one-way Yellow travel is in opposite
roads, and ramps. directions and passing is
permitted with care for
traffic adjacent to the broken
line, but prohibited for traffic
adjacent to the solid line.
Double (side-by-side) Separation of lanes where Used on two-way roadways
Solid–White travel is in the same where passing is permitted
direction and lane changing in only one direction. Also
is prohibited. May be used to mark edges of two-
used to separate general way left turn lanes – solid
travel lanes from adjacent lines on the outside, broken
preferential lanes, such lines on the inside.
as HOV lanes. Also may
Single Dotted– Extension of lines through
be used in advance of
Yellow or White intersections. Color the same
obstructions that may be
as that of the line being
passed on either side.
extended. Also used to
Double (side by side) Separation of lanes where separate turn, entrance
Solid–Yellow travel is in opposite and exit lanes from
directions and passing is through lanes.
prohibited in both directions.
Left turn maneuvers across
this marking are permitted.
Also used in advance of
obstructions that may be
passed only on the right 2. Other Pavement Markings
side. Other highway pavement markings are critical
to safe driving and it is important to recognize
Double (side by side) Marks the edges of and understand them as well. They include:
Broken–Yellow reversible lanes.
a. Stop lines: white, solid lines that indicate
where a vehicle is to stop for a STOP sign
or red traffic signal.
b. Yield lines: rows of small triangles

extending across the lane that indicate

where a vehicle is to yield to other vehicles
or pedestrians. Maryland Driver’s Manual 17

c. Word and symbol markings: Pedestrian crosswalk lines are white, solid
• arrow markings to designate lane use, lines that emphasize pedestrian crossing
lane reductions, and direction of travel; points. Crosswalks may have additional lines
• markings used with arrows or other between the white, solid lines or in place of
word messages to advise that only the the parallel lines.
movement indicated may be made from
the lane in which the message is shown;
• ‘SCHOOL’ and ‘RxR’ markings to warn
drivers that they are approaching school
areas and railroad crossings.

3. Pavement Markings for Bicycles and

Bicycles share most of Maryland’s roads with
motor vehicles without specific traffic signs or Bike Lane Marking
pavement markings. Some roads, mostly in
urban areas, do have shared-use lane markings
(see photos). These markings alert motorists
that bicyclists may be on the road, indicate
to bicyclists where to ride, and discourage
bicycling in the wrong direction.
Some roads have pavement markings that show
lanes specifically designated for the exclusive
use of bicycles. Solid or broken white lines
separate these bike lanes from motor vehicle
travel lanes. You may see bike lanes marked with
bike lane signs or by a combination of bicycle
symbols and arrows. Where parallel parking is
Shared-Use Lane Markings
allowed, similar lines may separate the bicycle
lanes from the parking lanes.

18 Maryland Driver’s Manual

Section V – Driving Situations Low Beam Headlight vs. High Beam
and Conditions Headlight Usage
Below are some guidelines on headlight settings:
A. Driving in Reduced Visibility
Low Beam
Driving in reduced visibility situations is more
Use low beams when:
difficult than “normal” driving and requires
additional concentration and preparation. Low • operating your vehicle in normal driving
visibility driving can encompass a variety of situations, such as driving at night on a
situations, but it is most commonly associated with highway or roadway with streetlights;
nighttime driving and driving in fog. • driving in fog, rain, snow, etc;
• entering a tunnel or construction area.
When driving in reduced visibility situations, use
While not required by law in all areas, this
the road edge lines or the right side of the road as
increases visibility to other motorists and
a guide. You may not see highway signs until too
construction workers.
late. Yellow pavement markings should never be on
your right side, but always on your left side. Yellow High Beam
is used to divide opposing roadway traffic and Use high beams on open roads, which are not
indicate the left travel edge of the roadway. White lighted by streetlights, in order to see persons or
pavement markings denote the right travel edge of vehicles ahead. Be aware, you must:
the roadway, as well as traffic traveling in the same • change to low beam at least 500 feet
direction. before meeting oncoming vehicles.
Headlight Use • change to low beam when following a
Knowing when and how to use your headlights vehicle at a distance of 300 feet or less.
is critical for safe driving. Headlights are not
B. Driving at Night
only used by drivers to help them see in low
Night driving creates a different set of problems
visibility situations, they are also helpful in
for drivers. Driving at night is more hazardous and
identifying your vehicle to oncoming traffic.
more difficult than daytime driving making it more
Basic Rules for Headlight Usage difficult to judge distance and traveling speed of
• When driving, you must turn on your other vehicles. You can see only as far as your
headlights anytime there is not enough headlights allow. Risks increase at night due to
light to clearly see at least 1,000 feet ahead visibility problems, which make it difficult to clearly
of your vehicle. see the path of travel and determine the actions of
• Key times to use headlights are nighttime, other drivers.
foggy conditions and stormy weather.
Below are some simple suggestions to follow when
• Maryland law requires that you turn on
driving at night:
your headlights when you are using your
windshield wipers in inclement weather. • make sure to use your headlights and follow
the suggestions for when to use high beams; Maryland Driver’s Manual 19

• when approaching oncoming traffic in the vehicle loses traction. Some simple precautions
opposite lane, do not stare into the vehicle’s when driving in inclement weather include:
headlights, as this will impair your ability to • k  eeping a safe distance - the space needed
see. Instead, keep your eyes focused on the between you and the car in front of you is
road in front of you, or slightly to the right of much greater on wet roads than it is in dry
the lane you are traveling in (i.e. the right edge conditions. This distance should be even
of your lane or the edge of the road); further when the roadway is covered with
• increase your following distance. This will help snow/ice; reducing speed to allow more time
prevent a collision in the event the vehicle in to react;
front of you needs to stop quickly. • m  aking sure your tires have sufficient
C. Driving in Fog tread, in accordance with manufacturer
There are some unique circumstances while driving recommendations and vehicle guidelines;
in fog that require additional actions on the part • avoiding slamming on the brakes, as this may
of the driver. Below are some general guidelines cause your vehicle to skid. If your car does not
and requirements for operating a vehicle in foggy have an anti-lock braking system, pump the
conditions: brakes to prevent skidding;
• avoiding sharp steering or changing speed
• reduce your normal driving speed; quickly;
• when you see headlights or another vehicle’s • m  aking sure your windshield wipers are in
taillights ahead, reduce speed still further. You working condition;
must be prepared to stop quickly; • u  sing your headlights.
• if the fog is so thick that you cannot safely
operate your vehicle, pull completely off Special Attention for Driving on Snow/Ice
the road to a safe location and turn on your T  here is no such thing as a “completely safe” speed
emergency flashers; on ice and snow. In winter weather, every roadway
• use low beam headlights only, and if you have may be different depending upon sun, shade, the
them, special fog lights. amount of salt on the road, and other conditions.
Watch ahead for danger spots. Blacktop (asphalt)
D. Driving in Inclement Weather roads can easily hide a thin layer of ice produced by
Wet road surfaces can become slippery, reducing melting and re-freezing (sometimes known as black
traction and increasing the chances of a crash. ice) and can cause a crash, if you are not aware of
These risks increase when road surfaces are the danger.
covered with snow and/or ice. Driving in inclement
S  ome special considerations when driving in snow/
weather requires greater concentration and
ice are:
preparation on the part of the driver.
• slowing down; no precaution makes it safe for
When driving in inclement weather, it is important you to drive on ice or snow-covered roadways
to take proactive steps to diminish the likelihood of a at normal speeds;
crash, and provide sufficient space in the event your

20 Maryland Driver’s Manual

• keeping windows and lights clear. Remove sand, gravel, uneven road surfaces, oil slicks/spills,
all ice and snow from your vehicle before increased speed or water on the road decreases the
driving; level of traction. The possibility of skidding or sliding
• starting out very slowly, then testing your increases with decreased traction.
brakes gently to find out how well you can In the event that your vehicle does begin to skid, it
stop. Start slowing down long before you is important to know what to do in order to regain
come to an intersection or turn; control of your vehicle as quickly as possible. Basic
• keeping your gas tank and windshield fluid rules include:
reservoir full;
• keeping an emergency kit in your vehicle that • release the accelerator or brake pedal,
contains: whichever is being applied, to regain vehicle
• flares; balance;
• flashlight and batteries; • steer in the direction of the skid;
• first aid kit; • look where you want the vehicle to go;
• blanket; • apply brake pressure only after rolling traction
• kitty litter or sand (for traction on snow/ice); has been reestablished;
• small shovel and ice scraper; • slowly accelerating may aid in recovery from
• using chains, snow tires or radial tires on loss of rear wheel traction.
designated snow emergency routes when F. Hydroplaning
a snow emergency is declared. As vehicle speed increases and the amount of water
Remember: Ramps and bridges freeze on the roadway increases, vehicles tend to ride on a
first before highways and roads. Also, cushion of water and the tires lose contact with the
plowed roads may refreeze at night or road. This is called “hydroplaning.” Hydroplaning
have icy patches from the daylight can cause partial or complete loss of control of the
thawing of snow. vehicle. To prevent hydroplaning, maintain your
tires in good condition, and lower your speed in
Four-wheel drive vehicles can also slide on ice and response to wet roads. If you detect a loss of control,
snow. Four-wheel drive improves maneuverability, take your foot off the gas, do not apply the brakes,
but driving on snow or ice is always dangerous maintain the direction of the vehicle, and allow the
and always unpredictable. Drivers should exercise vehicle to slow to a manageable speed.
extreme caution at all times. G. Highway-Railroad Crossings
E. Skidding  emember, trains cannot stop quickly.
Traction or adhesion is the grip between the tires and Extra caution should be used when
the road surface that allows a vehicle to start, stop traveling over railroad crossings.
and/or change direction. Traction between the tires
and the road does not remain constant. For example, Maryland Driver’s Manual 21

When approaching railroad tracks: Be alert -  range is the standard color
• F  or other vehicles that may be stopping before for work zone activity. If you
the RR crossing – school buses, commercial see orange signs when driving,
buses and trucks carrying hazardous materials stay alert and be prepared for
must stop before every highway-rail crossing. unexpected driving conditions
• For a train at any time – trains can come from ahead.
either direction and an approaching train may  hen traveling through a work
be closer and traveling faster than it appears. zone, stay alert for temporary
• If gates are down or warning lights are flashing, traffic control devices. These
the road is closed. Stop and wait until the gates devices define the safe path
go up and the warning lights stop flashing. through a work zone.
• After a train passes, look both ways before
proceeding. Always be certain tracks are Work zones are set up with your safety in mind.
clear before proceeding. Another train may Follow these safety rules while traveling in work
be approaching on an adjacent track. zones:
• Never start to cross the tracks unless you can • Stay alert – make safety your first priority;
clear the tracks completely. Make sure there • Watch your speed – obey posted speed limits
is room for your vehicle on the other side of and be aware that speed cameras may be in
the tracks before proceeding. use and speeding fines may be much higher
in work zones;
H. Work Zone Safety • Expect the unexpected – work zone
You are likely to encounter roadway work zones conditions change constantly – be ready to
resulting from construction, maintenance, or utility react;
work along major and secondary roadways. • Minimize distractions – avoid using cell
Work Zones = Unexpected Conditions phones, changing radio stations and other
• new traffic patterns; distractions;
• temporary traffic control devices; • Pay close attention – obey work zone signs
• narrow lanes; and watch for workers, pedestrians and
• lane shifts; bicyclists;
• lane and shoulder closures; • Drive courteously – merge with caution, don’t
• pavement drop-offs/uneven surfaces; tailgate and don’t change lanes unnecessarily;
• reduced sight distance; • Respect the flagger – obey the flagger’s
• detours; directions.
• slow moving equipment.

22 Maryland Driver’s Manual

I. Roundabouts J. Interstate Driving
Approach roads to roundabouts are controlled 1. Entering the Interstate
by yield signs. Entering traffic must always yield to Interstate and other limited access
traffic already in the roundabout. highways are usually reached by an
Be cautious when approaching the roundabout the entrance ramp and an acceleration lane.
same as any other intersection. As you approach The entrance ramp provides access to
the roundabout: the highway and the acceleration lane
provides the opportunity to get up to
• reduce your speed; the speed of the traffic already on the
• keep to the right of the island; interstate or highway. When entering
• watch for and yield to pedestrians in the an interstate, the solid painted lines that
crosswalk; divide the entrance and the interstate
• cautiously approach the yield line and wait should not be crossed.
for an acceptable gap in traffic. Be cautious
of vehicles exiting the roundabout. If there is 2. Exiting the Interstate
no traffic, you do not need to wait to enter the Move to the appropriate lane well
roundabout. before reaching the exit. Start slowing
down as soon as you enter the
After entering the multilane roundabout, keep to deceleration lane and continue slowing
your chosen travel lane. When preparing to exit, to the posted advisory speed for the
turn on your right turn signal and move to the ramp. If you exit at the wrong place
outermost travel lane as you pass the exit prior to on an interstate, continue until you
where you want to exit. are off the exit ramp and look for a
way to re-enter the interstate. Never
stop and back up on any portion of the
3. Stopping
Stopping on the traveled portion of a highway
is prohibited. Stopping on the shoulder is
permitted only when your vehicle is disabled or
in other emergencies. If you must stop on the
shoulder of the interstate or highway, turn on
your emergency flashers to warn other drivers
and stay inside your vehicle if you can. The
extremely high speed of traffic makes standing
or walking along an interstate highway very
dangerous. Maryland Driver’s Manual 23

K. Funeral Processions L. Slow Moving Vehicles
Vehicles driven in a funeral procession must have You may encounter slow moving
headlights turned on and hazard lights flashing in vehicles on the roadways,
order to be granted the right-of-way. including bicycles, horse-drawn
A vehicle driven in a funeral procession facing a red vehicles, and farm vehicles. Some
signal may continue through or make a turn at an of these vehicles may have the
intersection. slow-moving emblem (shown) on
t  he back of the vehicle to help warn you they are
Other vehicles, even if they have a green signal, must only going 25 mph or less.
yield the right-of-way to the vehicles in the funeral
procession until all vehicles in the procession have  e constantly aware of any vehicles that might
• B
passed, unless they can safely proceed without be traveling at a much slower speed.
crossing the path of the procession.  djust the speed and position of your vehicle
• A
 nly pass the slow moving vehicle when it is
• O
safe to do so.
I  f you must follow the slower moving vehicle waiting
for a safe time to pass, use your emergency flashers
to help warn others coming up behind you.

24 Maryland Driver’s Manual

Section VI – Dangerous Driving  suspension or revocation for a violation
Behaviors of an Under 21 Alcohol Restriction or any
violation of §21-902 of the Maryland
A. Alcohol, Drugs and Driving Vehicle Law, (driving under the influence
Drunk driving is a very serious threat to highway or impaired by alcohol) can result in
safety. Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is a mandatory participation in the Ignition
measurement of the amount of alcohol in a person’s Interlock Program. Please visit the MVA’s
blood. Drivers are considered to be driving under website for additional information regarding the
the influence of alcohol, in Maryland, when their Ignition Interlock Program.
blood alcohol concentration is .08 or higher. Any
2. Controlled Dangerous Substances (CDS)
amount of alcohol can affect one’s judgment and
– Illegal and Prescription Drugs
physical coordination and can lead to criminal
charges. Illegal drugs, (marijuana, heroin, etc.),
prescription medications (i.e. codeine), and
If you plan on drinking, plan not to drive. chemical inhalants can severely impact a
Even though Maryland’s limit for drunk driving is person’s ability to safely operate a motor
.08, a driver’s ability to safely operate a vehicle may vehicle. Drugs have serious harmful effects
be impaired at a much lower BAC and may result on the skills required to drive safely: alertness,
in criminal charges. For example, an individual’s concentration, coordination, and reaction time.
vision, ability to perform simple motor functions All drugs can make it difficult to judge distances
and reaction time may be affected with just one and react to signals and sounds on the road.
drink and can increase the risk of a collision. Using prescription drugs can also impair your
The number of drinks consumed is a poor measure ability to drive. It is important to pay close
of BAC because of the many factors affecting your attention to both prescription and over the
body’s ability to digest alcohol, such as weight, counter drug label warnings, which instruct
body fat, and how long ago and how much you individuals to avoid using certain drugs when
ate. Factors like tiredness, your mood and taking operating a motor vehicle or heavy machinery.
certain medications can also make a difference in Disregarding this recommendation can lead to
how alcohol affects your driving ability. It is very criminal penalties should your ability to safely
difficult to assess your own BAC or impairment. operate a vehicle be impaired.
1. Under 21 – Alcohol Restriction 3. Open Alcohol Container
If you are not yet 21 years of age, it is not legal for It is against the law to operate a motor vehicle
you to be drinking at all. If you are pulled over with an open alcohol container in the passenger
and you have been drinking, your license will be area of the vehicle. An open container is any
suspended or revoked. In addition, you could be open can, bottle, container or package. For
charged with violating the alcohol restriction on example, a six-pack of alcohol with an open
your license. or missing bottle/can or any empty bottles/ Maryland Driver’s Manual 25

cans that previously contained alcohol can be C. Distracted Driving
considered an open container. The passenger Concentration is essential for safe driving. You
area is any place designed to seat the driver or a should be constantly aware of the road and the
passenger or any place that is readily accessible other vehicles around you. Keep alert and you may
to the driver or passenger from their seating be able to foresee a crash and avoid it. Constantly
position. check the position of vehicles behind you, as well as
4. Transporting Children those beside and ahead of you.
If you are convicted of a drunk or drugged The term “distracted driving” refers to anything
driving offense with a child or children in your that takes your eyes, hands or especially your mind,
vehicle, your fine and jail time can be doubled away from driving. Distracted driving is the most
by the judge in court. common contributing factor in police-reported
traffic crashes. Distractions of any sort cause drivers
B. Aggressive Driving and Road Rage to miss key visual and audio cues needed to avoid a
Aggressive drivers demonstrate behaviors like
speeding, tailgating, failing to obey traffic signals
and devices, erratic or improper lane changes, Many activities contribute to distracted driving.
failing to yield the right-of-way and improper Some examples include:
passing. Some factors that may produce aggressive • eating and/or drinking;
driving are crowded roads, unexpected delays, • a  djusting the radio and/or a portable music
rushing, road construction, and stress. system;
Drivers must respect and cooperate with all other • adjusting or programming a GPS;
road users and conform to specific rules in order • attending to children and pets;
to maintain order and avoid crashes. Some tips to • loose objects moving in the vehicle;
reduce the possibility of becoming involved in an • talking and/or texting on a cell phone;
aggressive driving incident are: • smoking;
• putting on makeup;
•allow extra time to travel;
• shaving;
•be patient;
• reading;
•be courteous;
• interaction with others in the vehicle.
•concentrate on your driving behavior;
•always signal your intentions; Cell Phones
• obey all traffic laws, signs, signals and pavement Maryland Vehicle Law prohibits the use of
markings; hand-held cell phones, including texting, while
• yield the right of way; operating a motor vehicle. Although hands-free
• avoid competing with other drivers. devices are permitted, drivers should minimize
calls and focus on the following safe driving
A good general rule is to treat other practices:
drivers and road users like you would
• u  se your cell phone only in emergencies; if
like to be treated.
possible, have a passenger make the call;

26 Maryland Driver’s Manual

• if you must make a call, pull safely off the It is important to be aware of the signs of drowsy
road and stop before making the call; driving and to take the necessary action to ensure
• let your voice mail answer incoming calls; that you do not put yourself and others in a situation
• keep your telephone conversations short. that could result in a crash. Below is a list of common
An individual who is under the age of 18 years “danger signs” and a general rule to combat drowsy
may not use a wireless communications device driving.
(including a hands-free phone/device) while Danger Signs for Drowsy Drivers
operating a motor vehicle, with the exception of The following may be indications of drowsiness:
a 911 emergency call. • your eyes close or go out of focus;
D. Drowsy Driving • you have trouble keeping your head up;
Not getting enough sleep is another cause of poor • you can’t stop yawning;
driving behavior. Sleepiness slows reaction time, • you have wandering, disconnected thoughts;
decreases awareness and impairs judgment, just • you don’t remember driving the last few miles;
like drugs or alcohol. A lack of sleep can significantly • you missed your exit;
increase your chances of being involved in a crash. • you keep driving out of your lane;
• your speed becomes variable.
Some drivers are at a higher risk for feeling drowsy
while operating a vehicle. Examples include If you become tired or sleepy while driving,
individuals who drive many miles each day, those it is best to rest, or change drivers. Being
with sleep disorders, and those taking certain tired dulls your mind and slows down your
medications. reactions, making driving hazardous. Maryland Driver’s Manual 27

Section VII – Sharing the Road Where a traffic signal is in operation, drivers
and pedestrians must obey the traffic signal. A
A. Pedestrian Right-of-Way driver may not pass any vehicle that is stopped
Pedestrians have the right-of-way at street crossings at a crosswalk. Drivers must yield to pedestrians
but must obey traffic control signals. Where a when turning on a steady green signal and when
traffic signal is not present, vehicles must stop for making a turn, after stopping, where turning on
pedestrians in a crosswalk, whether marked or a red signal is permitted.
unmarked when a pedestrian is:
B. Emergency Vehicles
• on the half of the roadway on which the Authorized emergency vehicles, such as police
vehicle is traveling; or, cars, ambulances and fire engines, have the right-
• approaching from the nearest lane on the of-way when they are using their audible or visual
other half of the roadway. signals, i.e. sirens and flashing lights.
1. Blind
 or Deaf Pedestrians or Mobility • Immediately after you see or hear an
Impaired Individuals Right-of-Way at emergency vehicle approaching that is
Crossings using its signals, you must move as close as
Drivers should be especially alert for possible to the edge of the roadway, clear of
pedestrians who are deaf, blind or mobility any intersection, and remain stopped until the
impaired. These individuals may have difficulty emergency vehicle has passed.
detecting oncoming traffic and may need extra • If you are proceeding in the same direction
time to cross the road. The driver of a vehicle as an emergency vehicle using its signals, you
shall yield the right-of-way to: may not pass the emergency vehicle unless
• a blind or partially blind pedestrian carrying the emergency vehicle stops or you are
a clearly visible white cane or accompanied otherwise directed by a police officer.
by a guide dog/service animal; • If you are approaching an emergency
vehicle, tow truck, or other service vehicle that
• a deaf or partially deaf person accompanied
is stopped on a roadway, you must pull into an
by a guide/service dog;
available lane not immediately adjacent to the
• a mobility-impaired individual using a manual referenced vehicle. If it is not possible to move
or motorized wheelchair, motorized scooter, over, you must slow down to a safe speed
crutch, cane or walker. for the conditions and be prepared to stop
2. Crossing at Crosswalks if necessary.
A crosswalk is the portion of the C. Large Trucks
roadway meant to be used for Watch for turning trucks. Trucks make wide turns at
pedestrian crossings. Crosswalks can intersections and require additional space. When
be marked on the pavement surface, making a right turn, large trucks will often move left
however, a crosswalk exists across prior to making the turn. Car drivers may see this as
most intersection approaches even if a lane change to the left and attempt to pass on the
no crosswalk marking is present. right. Passing any truck on the right can be risky. Wait
28 Maryland Driver’s Manual
to assess the truck driver’s intent before passing. If a  ront No-Zones: Do not cut in front too
truck is stopped at or approaching an intersection, soon after passing a truck or bus. Truck and bus
never attempt to cut in along the right side, as the drivers need nearly twice the time and room to
truck driver begins their turn. You could find yourself stop as cars. Look for the entire front of the truck
caught between the turning truck and the curb. in your rear view mirror before you pull in front,
When passing a truck that is going in the same and then do not slow down.
direction, pass quickly to resume visibility and Backing Up No-Zones: Never cross behind
change lanes only when you can see both of the a truck that is backing up. Hundreds of motorists
truck’s headlights in your rearview mirror. are killed or injured each year by ignoring trucks
Many intersections are marked with stop lines. that are backing up. Truck drivers do not have a
Crowding the intersection by stopping beyond the rear view mirror and may not see you cutting in
stop line can leave your vehicle exposed to trucks behind them.
attempting to turn from a cross street. Remember, if you cannot see a truck’s
Never cut in front of a truck. Fully loaded trucks mirrors, the truck driver cannot see you!
can weigh more than 80,000 pounds and take the
length of a football field to stop. Most cars weigh D. School Vehicles
only 2,000 pounds. Drivers are to stop for school vehicles.
If a school vehicle
No-Zones has stopped on
There are four large blind spots around trucks where cars a roadway and
“disappear” from view and the driver cannot see you. is operating the
NO-ZONES  ide No-Zones: Trucks and
S alternately flashing
10' to 20'
buses have blind spots on both red lights, the driver
sides. If you cannot see the driver’s of any vehicle
face in the side-view mirror, he or following or approaching the school vehicle shall:
she cannot see you. If the truck • stop at least 20 feet from the rear of the school


changes lanes, you could be in vehicle, if approaching the school vehicle from

trouble. The right side blind spot its rear; or

runs the length of the trailer and • at least 20 feet from the front of the school
extends out three lanes. vehicle, if approaching the school vehicle
 ear No-Zones: Avoid tailgating.
R from its front.
Unlike cars, trucks and buses have The driver of any vehicle following or approaching
huge no zones directly behind the school vehicle may not proceed until the school
them. The truck or bus driver vehicle resumes motion or the alternately flashing
cannot see your car back there. If red lights are deactivated. This does not apply to the
the truck or bus brakes suddenly, driver of a vehicle on a physically divided highway.
you have no place to go. Maryland Driver’s Manual 29

E. Motorcycles Allow plenty of space between your vehicle
Motorcycles are vehicles with the same rights and and the motorcycle when passing. Wind
privileges as any vehicle on the roadway. But in gusts and drafts from a passing vehicle can affect
crashes, a motorcyclist is six times more likely to be a motorcycle. After passing a rider, make sure you
hurt than a car driver. Motorcycles are smaller than can see the motorcycle’s headlight in your rearview
cars and trucks, and it can be harder to judge the mirror before moving back into the lane. If you are
speed and distance of an oncoming motorcycle. being passed by a motorcycle, simply maintain your
speed and allow the motorcyclist to complete their
Yield right-of-way to an oncoming
motorcycle when turning left. Violating a
motorcyclist’s right of way can result in a citation Use care when driving near a group
with significant penalties if you cause a serious injury. of motorcyclists. Motorcyclists participate
Drivers are at fault in just over half of car crashes with in organized rides which can involve many
motorcycles. motorcycles. Driving around these groups requires
communication and patience. If you need to change
Look twice before changing lanes or merging
lanes or reach an exit, signal your intention early and
into traffic. Use your mirrors and look over your
wait for the riders in the group to create gap for you.
shoulder to be sure it is safe before merging or
Do not merge in between groups or riders unless
changing lanes. Motorcycles can be hidden in a
there is sufficient space to do so. If it is a small group,
vehicle’s blind spot or missed in a quick look due to
it may be easier to slow and let the group pass before
their smaller size.
making our lane change.
Do not share a lane with a motorcycle.
Please obtain a Motorcycle Operator Manual
Motorcyclists often adjust their position in the traffic
(DL-001) or review this manual on the MVA’s
lane to avoid road hazards like potholes or oil spills,
website, if you wish to obtain a motorcycle license.
because of wind, and to be seen by other road users.
Motorcyclists are entitled to use the entire lane. F. Bicycles
Do not “tailgate” or drive too close to a Right-of-Way
motorcycle. Allow at least 3 to 4-second following By Maryland law, bicycles are vehicles. Bicyclists
distance between your vehicle and the motorcycle in are authorized users of the roadway, and have
front of you. Motorcycles may need to slow for road rights-of-way and the same duty to obey all traffic
hazards like gravel, wet road or railroad crossings signals as motorists. But bicyclists are less visible,
that don’t affect cars the same way. Motorcyclists quieter, and don’t have a protective barrier around
often reduce speed by downshifting or merely them. Motorists must drive carefully near bicyclists:
rolling off the throttle, which do not activate the even a slight mistake can result in serious injury or
brake light. So, be alert and leave plenty of space even death.
around motorcycles.

30 Maryland Driver’s Manual

Expect Bicyclists on the Road that you have completely passed the bicycle with
Expect to find a bicyclist on all types of roads enough room before you move back to the right.
(except interstate highways and toll facilities), Use Caution at Intersections, Bridges and
at all intersections and roundabouts, in all types Driveways
of weather, and at all times of the day and night. Always assume that bicyclists are traveling straight
Bicyclists may ride out in the travel lane for their through an intersection unless they signal otherwise,
own safety due to narrow roads, or to avoid and yield to bicycles just as you would to any other
obstacles or pavement hazards. On roads without vehicle. Bicyclists often ride on sidewalks and trails,
shoulders, or with cars parked along the right side, so look both ways before crossing a sidewalk or trail.
often the safest place for a bicyclist to ride is in the A bicycle may come from an unexpected direction.
center of the lane. In Maryland, a bicyclist may use
the full lane even while traveling substantially below Never make a right turn from a through lane
the speed of traffic if the lane is too narrow for a immediately after passing a bike on a shoulder or
car to safely pass a bicycle within the lane). Before bike lane. Try to avoid any chance that a bicycle
opening a car door, check for bicyclists who may be will be to your right or in your right blind spot when
approaching from behind. you turn right. Before starting a right turn, move as
far to the right as practicable within the bike lane,
Following a Bicyclist shoulder, or right turn lane.
As you approach a bicyclist, slow down. Avoid
Yield to bicycles as to any other vehicle proceeding
honking your horn. Bicyclists can usually hear an
straight. Do not turn left immediately in front of
approaching vehicle and loud noises can startle
a bicycle. Experienced bicyclists often ride very
bicyclists, causing a crash. Bicycles do not have
fast (as fast as 35 mph!) and may be closer than
turn signals so bicyclists use hand and arm signals
you think. If you are passing a left-turning vehicle
to alert you of their intentions.
by moving right, first look closely for bicycles.
Do not follow a bicycle too closely. Remember Wherever a travel way narrows for a bridge, parked
that small holes, glass, and other hazards can be cars, or other obstructions on the right, be prepared
particularly dangerous to bicyclists. Bicycles can for a bicyclist riding on the shoulder to merge left
stop and maneuver quickly so a bicyclist may into the main traffic lane.
swerve or change speed to avoid a road hazard
Driving at Night
that a motorist cannot see.
If you see a dim reflective object at night do not
Pass with Care -- Give Bikes at Least 3 Feet assume that it is outside of the roadway. It could be a
Pass a bicyclist as you would any slowly moving bicycle in the main travel lane. Bicyclists sometimes
vehicle. Be prepared to slow down, wait until avoid shoulders at night when cars are not present
oncoming traffic is clear and then allow at least 3 because tree branches, potholes, debris, and even
feet of clearance between your car and the bicyclist the edge of the pavement are difficult to see. Your
when passing. The same 3-foot clearance applies headlights may provide enough light for the bicyclist
if you are passing a bicyclist in a bike lane, on the to safely move into the shoulder for you to pass,
shoulder, or in the same lane as your car. After but it takes longer at night. When approaching a
passing a bicyclist, check your mirror to ensure bicycle, use your low beam headlights. Maryland Driver’s Manual 31
Watch for Children
Children on bicycles are sometimes unpredictable.
Expect the unexpected and remember they are
small in stature and may be hard to see. Young
bicyclists are especially likely to make surprising
changes in direction. Be aware of bicyclists entering
the roadway from driveways or near parked cars.
Strictly observe speed limits in school zones and
in residential areas to allow time to see, and safely
share the road with, young bicyclists.
G. Mopeds and Scooters
All traffic laws apply to drivers of mopeds and
motor scooters. Drivers of cars must always be
alert for mopeds and scooters, as their size makes
them very difficult to see.
Mopeds and scooters may be ridden on any
roadways where the posted maximum speed limit
is 50 miles per hour or less. They may be riding
side-by-side or alone, and on the roadway or on the
shoulder. Generally, they are to be ridden as near
to the right side of the roadway as practical and
Be especially cautious of mopeds and scooters at
intersections when they may be turning or going
straight through the intersection, and on narrow
roadways with little room for passing.

32 Maryland Driver’s Manual

Section VIII – Crashes and Traffic has been injured, move it off the roadway to
Stops ensure your safety and that of other motorists,
and to prevent traffic backups;
A. Crashes • exchange important information (name,
If you are involved in a crash where someone address, phone number, license plate number
has been injured, including a pedestrian or and state, driver’s license number, vehicle
bicyclist, you must remain at the scene and: make and model, and insurance information;
• call 911 immediately to get help with police, • ask witnesses to leave their names, addresses
fire and ambulance. and phone numbers;
• identify the number of people involved, the • note collision location, date and time, number
type of injury and the location of the crash. of vehicles involved, weather conditions and
• Do not move the vehicles. road conditions;
If you are convicted of leaving the scene of a • note any damages to the vehicles;
crash that results in a serious injury, you will • record the facts of how the crash happened;
face severe sanctions: • remember, you must always call the police
• your license will be revoked; when:
• you face imprisonment of up to 5 years and a • someone has been injured;
fine of up to $5,000. • a vehicle cannot be moved;
• where there is a death, fleeing is a felony and • a driver appears to be under the influence;
you face imprisonment of up to 10 years and • a driver does not have a license;
a fine of up to $10,000. • a driver tries to leave the scene without
providing the proper information;
If there are no injuries, but your vehicle
• public property has been damaged.
cannot move:
• call 911 immediately, give the location of the If you strike and injure a domestic animal,
crash, advise there are no injuries but you you are required to immediately notify the
need police assistance; police.
• use your emergency flashers or flares to warn If you strike an unattended vehicle or other
oncoming traffic; unattended property, you are required to:
• be patient and do not attempt to cross the
• stop the vehicle as close as possible to the
roadway or stop traffic. Make sure you stay
scene of the crash, without obstructing
away from traffic.
traffic more than necessary;
If there are no injuries and your vehicle can • attempt to find the driver or owner of
move: the property to notify and provide your
• stop the vehicle as close as possible to the information;
scene of the crash, • if the driver or owner of the property cannot
without obstructing be found, leave notice and your information
traffic more than in a conspicuous, secure place.
necessary. If no one Maryland Driver’s Manual 33

B. Traffic Stops
Law enforcement officers issue written traffic
citations to persons who are charged with violating
the Maryland Motor Vehicle Law. You must follow
the directions of the officer at the time of the stop or
you may be subject to arrest.
If you are stopped by a police officer:
• pull off to the side of the roadway as far away
from traffic as possible. Turn on your flashers;
• turn off your engine and radio, and roll down
your window so you can communicate with
the officer;
• stay in your vehicle and keep your seatbelt
• keep your hands in plain view – preferably
on the steering wheel. Do not make any
movement that will make the officer think you
are hiding or reaching for something;
• If the officer issues you a citation, do not argue
with the officer about the citation. You will
have your chance to make your case if you go
to court.

34 Maryland Driver’s Manual

Section IX – Other Restrictions, o driving to or from an organized volunteer
Violations and Penalties program;
o driving to or from an official school
A. Restrictions activity, or
The MVA is authorized to impose certain o driving to or from an opportunity to
restrictions on a driver’s license to ensure the participate in an athletic event or related
safe driving of a motor vehicle by the licensee. training session.
Operating a motor vehicle in violation of • “Wireless Device Restriction” - All
restriction(s) is a serious offense and could result provisional license and learner’s permit
in the withdrawal of the driving privilege. holders are prohibited from using a wireless
Additional restrictions can also be imposed communication device (including a hands-
based on your licensing status. Graduated free phone) while operating a motor vehicle,
license holders under 18 years of age are with the exception of a 911 emergency call.
subject to the following additional driving
B. Notice to Applicant – Implied Consent
I n Maryland, any person who drives or attempts to
• “Seatbelt Restriction” - Provisional drive a motor vehicle on a highway or on any private
license holders are prohibited from operating property used by the public in general, consents to
a motor vehicle if the driver and each take a test to determine alcohol concentration or
passenger are not restrained by a seat belt or a test to determine the concentration of a drug or
child safety seat regardless of age or seating controlled dangerous substance.
• “Passenger Restriction” - Provisional A police officer, who has reasonable grounds to
license holders, during the first 5 months (151 believe that an individual is driving while impaired
days) of the provisional period, are not allowed by drugs, alcohol, or a controlled substance, may
to have passengers under the age of 18, unless have a drug recognition expert request that person
accompanied by a qualified supervising to submit to a blood test.
driver or the passengers are direct family A person may not be compelled to take a drug
members. Direct family members can be a or alcohol test. However, if upon receipt of a
spouse, daughter, son, stepdaughter, stepson, certified statement from a police officer that a test
sister, brother, stepsister, or stepbrother of the was refused, the MVA will impose the suspension
provisional license holder or a relative of the period for a test refusal.
license holder who lives at the same address. The MVA will suspend the license of any driver who
• “Nighttime Restriction” - Provisional submits to the test and is determined to have a test
license holders are allowed to drive result of 0.08 percent alcohol concentration or
unsupervised from 12:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m., higher.
ONLY if the licensee is:
o driving to, from or during the licensee’s
employment; Maryland Driver’s Manual 35

C. Obtaining a False or Forged Identification 2. Revocation of Driver’s License
Card, Driver’s License or Learner’s The revocation of a Maryland driver’s license
Instructional Permit is the withdrawal of the privilege to operate a
The law states that if you attempt to secure a false or motor vehicle until the MVA determines the
fraudulent identification card, learner’s instructional individual can safely operate a motor vehicle
permit or driver’s license, you may be subject to a again. Unlike the suspension period that ends
fine and/or imprisonment under Federal and State at a specified time, a revocation has a minimum
Law. waiting period to apply and is subject to denial
by the MVA.
It is a violation of the law to misrepresent your age to
purchase, possess or acquire alcoholic beverages. 3. Cancellation of Driver’s License
In addition to the above penalties, your driver’s A cancelled driver’s license means that the
license may be suspended. driving privilege is terminated. The MVA may
cancel a driver’s license if it is determined that the
D. Administrative Actions
licensee was not entitled to be issued the license,
The MVA may suspend, revoke, refuse or cancel
failed to give required or correct information on
a license for violations of motor vehicle laws. The
the license application, or committed fraud in
MVA will send a notice to the individual’s address
making application or obtaining the license. A
of record to advise of a proposed administrative
parent can also request the cancellation of the
action, the reason the action is being taken, and
driver’s license of a minor child (see Section II,
what steps the individual may take to either have
the action modified or not imposed. In most cases,
an administrative hearing may be requested to E. Sanctions
show cause why the administrative action should Provisional licensees must hold a valid provisional
not occur. Maryland Motor Vehicle Law requires license for an assigned conviction free period
the surrender of any license, which is suspended, before becoming eligible for full license status.
revoked, refused or cancelled. Credit for the term of Convictions or “Probation before Judgment” (PBJ)
the suspension, revocation, or period of restriction for moving violations while holding a provisional
will begin only after the license is received by the license will require the completion of a driver
MVA. improvement program and/or a suspension or
revocation of the driver’s license followed by the
1. Suspension of Driver’s License
imposition of an employment and education only
The suspension of a Maryland driver’s license
restriction on the driver’s license.
is the temporary withdrawal of the privilege
to operate a motor vehicle. In some cases, the I f the licensee is under 18 years of age and
MVA may determine to grant the individual a receives a moving violation with a provisional
restricted driver’s license. The restricted license license, then becomes convicted of or granted
allows the individual to operate a motor vehicle probation before judgment for the violation, the
only for a specific purpose, i.e., employment and following sanctions apply:
educational purposes.

36 Maryland Driver’s Manual

• the FIRST offense requires the licensee to F. Use of Disability Parking Spaces, License
complete a driver improvement program; Plates and Placards
• a SECOND offense will result in a 30-day Substantial fines may be imposed for
suspension of the driver’s license/privilege the illegal use or abuse of disability
followed by an employment and education parking spaces and disability license
only restriction for a period of 90 days; plates and placards. Citations may be
• a THIRD offense will result in a 180-day issued for the following violations:
suspension of the driver’s license/privilege, • parking in disability parking spaces unless
require attendance at a driver improvement you have a disability license plate or placard
program designed for young drivers, and issued by the MVA and the person who
imposition of an employment and education qualified for the privilege is either operating
only restriction for a period of 180 days. or being transported in the vehicle;
• a FOURTH or SUBSEQUENT offense will • parking in front of or blocking any part of a
result in the revocation of the driver’s license/ curb cut (even if you have a disability license
privilege and will require all licensing tests to plate or placard);
be successfully passed when reinstated. • parking on any part of an access aisle next to
I f the provisional license holder is 18 years a disability parking space (even if you have a
of age or older and receives a moving violation disability license plate or placard);
with a provisional license, then becomes convicted • using a disability placard after its expiration
of or granted a probation before judgment for the date;
violation, the following sanctions apply: • using a disability license plate or placard,
• the FIRST offense requires the licensee to without the person with the disability present
complete a driver improvement program; and being transported, and without proper
• a SECOND offense will result in a 30-day identification;
suspension of the driver’s license/privilege; • any fraud or misrepresentation when applying
• a THIRD or SUBSEQUENT offense will for a disability license plate or placard.
result in up to a 180-day suspension or Additional information regarding disability parking
revocation of the driver’s license/privilege. may be obtained by visiting the MVA website.
The above sanctions will be imposed IN ADDITION
to any of the sanctions that apply as a result of the
conviction(s). Also, each conviction or probation
before judgment for a moving violation (offense)
will automatically require the licensee to begin a
new 18-month conviction-free period. Maryland Driver’s Manual 37

Section X – Other Important B. Supervising Driver – Requirements and
Information Responsibilities
 aryland learner’s
A. Medical Conditions to Report to MVA permit holders may
Approval by the MVA’s Driver Wellness & Safety drive only those
Division and/or the Medical Advisory Board is vehicles or class of
required if a person has any of the conditions listed vehicles specified on
below which may affect their ability to drive. If the learner’s permit,
someone has one of these medical conditions, they and then only while
must notify MVA when the condition is diagnosed accompanied by a
or when applying for or renewing a driver’s license. supervising driver who:
Diabetes that has caused a low blood sugar • is at least 21 years old;
episode requiring assistance from another • is currently licensed for at least three years in
person in the last 6 months; Maryland or another state to drive vehicles
Epilepsy; of the class being driven by the holder of the
Seizure; permit;
A heart condition that has caused a loss of • is seated beside the holder of the learner’s
consciousness in the past 6 months; permit, unless the vehicle is a motorcycle.
A condition that causes you to have dizzy C. Organ Donor
spells, fainting, or blackouts; Maryland residents can give the gift of life and health
Sleep apnea or narcolepsy; to someone else by donating organs or tissues after
A history of traumatic brain injury (TBI); death. Anyone 18 years of age or older may be an
A condition that causes weakness, shaking, or organ donor. Minors who are at least 16 years old
numbness in the arms, hands, legs, or feet may add a donor designation if a parent or guardian
that may affect your ability to drive; consents in writing. Look for the statement on your
A hand, arm, foot, or leg that is absent, license application or renewal notice that states
amputated, or has a loss of function that may “Please check, if upon your death, you desire to help
affect your ability to drive; others by becoming an organ donor. By checking
An eye problem which prevents a corrected “YES,” you authorize all necessary personal
minimum visual acuity of 20/70 in at least information to be forwarded to the Maryland
one eye or binocular field of vision of at least Department of Health & Mental Hygiene and
110 degrees; maintained in the Maryland Organ Donor Registry.”
Alcohol use problem; Additional information on the organ donor program
Drug use problem; may be found on the MVA website.
A mental health condition that may affect your
ability to drive;
Schizophrenia; or
38 Maryland Driver’s Manual
D. Register to Vote G. Child Safety Seats
The National Voter Registration Act of 1993, often All children under
referred to as “Motor Voter,” is a federal law that age eight must ride in
requires the MVA to provide its eligible customers an appropriate child
the opportunity to apply to register to vote, or safety seat, unless the
update voting information, during a driver’s license child is 4’9” or taller.
or photo identification (ID) card transaction. The restraint must
be used in accordance
E. Insurance Requirements with the child safety
All motor vehicles registered in Maryland must seat and vehicle manufacturers’ instructions.
be insured by a company licensed in Maryland. Child safety seats include car seats, booster seats
Vehicle owners must have their vehicles insured or other federally approved child safety devices.
for personal injury and property damage liability If you are unable to purchase or obtain a child
in amounts required by law. REMEMBER: IT IS safety seat, you may contact Kids In Safety Seats
AGAINST THE LAW TO DRIVE WITHOUT (KISS), at the Maryland Department of Health
VEHICLE INSURANCE! IF YOU DO NOT and Mental Hygiene at 800-370-SEAT. KISS
MAINTAIN YOUR VEHICLE INSURANCE ON coordinates loaner programs in various areas of
ALL VEHICLES, YOU WILL BE FINED UP TO the State that rent car seats or booster seats at
$2500 PER VEHICLE EACH YEAR. See the a minimal cost to families who cannot afford to
MVA website for additional information regarding purchase them. Seat availability may vary per site.
specific amounts of required insurance.
H. Air Bags
Effective October 1, 2016, all drivers are required Air bags are important safety devices that provide
to have in their possession, at all times while protection in crashes. For best protection:
operating a motor vehicle, a valid insurance
• they must be used in combination with the
identification card. This card may be in electronic
vehicle’s lap and shoulder belt;
format and must be presented on request of a law
• children in a rear-facing car seat should
enforcement officer. Failure to comply with this
never ride in the front seat of a vehicle with a
requirement may result in the imposition of fines.
passenger air bag.
F. Seat Belt Law • sit as far back from the steering wheel as
Maryland Motor Vehicle Law requires practical. Try to maintain 10-12 inches from the
that the driver and all passengers of a steering wheel to the chest;
motor vehicle must wear a seat belt • children, under age 13, should ride buckled
or be restrained in a child safety seat if up in a rear seat, in an appropriate child safety
applicable. seat or seat belt.;
• pregnant women should place the lap portion
of the seat belt under the abdomen as low
as possible on the hips and across the upper
thighs and the shoulder belt over the rounding
of the belly. Maryland Driver’s Manual 39

I. Braking with Anti-lock Braking System M. Rules and Tips for Bicyclists
(ABS) Like motor vehicle operators, bicyclists have both
Anti-Lock Braking Systems (ABS) are designed to rights and responsibilities for operating on the road
prevent your wheels from locking up and allow you to safely. Do your part by being a safe and courteous
steer. Whenever the vehicle’s computer detects that bicyclist.
one or more wheels are locking, ABS begins to pump Obey the Rules of the Road
the brakes at a much faster rate to avoid locking. Ride straight and single file in a predictable
When the ABS engages, you may hear a rumble from manner. Plan ahead and allow time to maneuver
the brakes and the brake pedal will vibrate under your around road hazards and to negotiate with traffic
foot. You should refer to your vehicle owner’s manual and open car doors. Yield to pedestrians and obey
for more information regarding anti-lock braking all traffic signals and signs.
Ride with Traffic
J. Wearing of Headsets, Earphones and Always ride on the right side. Use caution if passing
Earplugs Prohibited other traffic on the right. When approaching an
Earplugs, headsets or earphones, attached to a radio, intersection, use the appropriate lane for the
portable audio device, CD player or other audio direction you intend to travel (left, straight, right).
device, that are in or cover both ears are prohibited
while driving a motor vehicle. Hearing aid devices are Signal All Turns
acceptable. Look back before you make a lane change or
turn. Signal safely in advance using one of these
K. Parallel Parking signals.
Parallel parking is no longer required during the
on course testing, but is still included in the driving
education curriculum. While this maneuver provides
visual skills, judgment of space, use of mirrors and
turn signals, steering, braking and acceleration
control, etc., these skills are demonstrated during
the “Reverse Two-Point Turn”, that is required during
course testing.

L. Reverse Two-Point Turn Make Left Hand Turns Safely

Required of all applicants applying for their original You may turn left as a vehicle (1) by moving into
Class “C” driver’s license. This maneuver provides a the left side of the travel lane (or left turn lane)
demonstration of the applicant’s visual skills, backing OR cross like a pedestrian (2) by stopping,
skills, judgment of space, use of mirrors and turn dismounting, and walking across crosswalks.
signals, steering, braking, acceleration control and
general driving skills. The turn must be completed in
a 10’ by 20’ space.

40 Maryland Driver’s Manual

Be Prepared for Slick Road Conditions
When braking in the rain or snow, allow extra
distance to stop and look for pavement markings
and utility covers, which may become slippery.
Be Visible - Use Lights at Night
When riding at night, Maryland State Law requires
a white headlight on the front and a red reflector
on the back visible from at least 600 feet. In
addition, it is recommended that you wear bright
clothing in the daytime and reflective clothing for
night riding.
Bicycle Equipment
Helmets are required for operators or passengers
of bicycles under the age of 16. They are, however,
strongly recommended for all operators or
passengers regardless of age.
By law, all bicycles must be equipped with:
• Brakes capable of stopping from a speed
of 10mph within 15 feet on dry, level, clean
• a white beam headlight visible at a distance
of 500 feet, and a red rear reflector, visible
at a distance of 600 feet, if ridden at night or
during unfavorable light conditions;
• a safety seat, firmly secured to the bicycle, or
a trailer must be used if traveling with a small
• a bicycle basket, rack or bag must be used in
transporting small articles so that both hands
may be kept on the handlebars. Maryland Driver’s Manual 41


42 Maryland Driver’s Manual

NOTES Maryland Driver’s Manual 43


44 Maryland Driver’s Manual

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pFad v3 Proxy

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