Lesson 10: Sterilization: Learning Objectives
Lesson 10: Sterilization: Learning Objectives
Lesson 10: Sterilization: Learning Objectives
obtained: for the he at sterilization of a pure culture at a constant
Nt/No = e –kt (2) temperature:
Where; In N0/Nt = A.t.e –E/RT (7)
No is the number of viable organism present at the start of Deindoerfer and Humphrey used the term In No/lV, as a
the sterilization design criterion for sterilization, which has been variously called
the Del factor, Nabla factor and sterilization criterion
represented by the term V. Thus, the Del factor is a measure of
Nt is the number of viable organisms present after a treatment the fractional reduction in viable organism count produced by a
period t, certain he at and time regime. Therefore:
On taking natural logarithms, equation (2) is reduced to: V=In ( N0/Nt )
In( Nt/No) = -kt (3) But, In( N0/Nt ) = kt
It is be seen that viable organism number declines And kt = A.t.e –(E/RT)
exponentially over the treatment period. A plot of the natural
Thus v=A.t.e–(E/RT) (8)
logarithm of Nt/No against time yields a straight line, the slop
of which equals –k. This kinetics description makes two On rearranging, equation (8) becomes,
predictions which appear anomalous: In t = E/RT + IN (V/A) (9)
1. An infinite time is required to achieve sterile conditions (i.e. Thus, a plot of the natural logarithm of the time required to
Nt =0) achieve a certain V value against the reciprocal of the absolute
2. After a certain time there will be less than one viable cell temperature will yield a straight line, the slope of which is
present. dependent on the activation energy. It is clear that the same
degree of sterilization (V) may be obtained over a wide range of
Thus, in this context, a value of Nt is less than one is
time and temperature regimes; that is, the same degree of
considered in terms of the probability of an organism
sterilization may result from treatment at a high temperature for
surviving the treatment. For example, if it were predicted that a
a short time as from a low temperature for a long time.
particular treatment period reduced the population to 0.1 of a
viable organism, this implies that the probability of one • These calculations would work fine for a heat stable
organism surviving the treatment is one in ten. This may be medium wherein no degradation or interaction will take
better expressed in practical terms as a risk of one batch in ten place between the media ingredients. But what about
becoming contaminated by one organism. natural or crude media?
As with any first-order reaction, the reaction rate increases with This is a very valid point. When we are using a crude
increase in temperature due to an increase in the reaction rate medium, for example, molasses, the thermal degradation of
constant, which, in the case of the destruction of its various components becomes extremely significant.
microorganisms, is the specific death rate (k). Thus, k is a true, Sugars, especially are prone to quick thermal degradation.
constant only under constant temperature conditions. The Extended sterilization periods often drastically reduce the
relationship between temperature and the reaction rate constant nutritive value of crude fermentation media, mainly due the
was demonstrated by Arrhenius and may be represented by the thermal degradation of sugars. Interestingly, when the same
equation: medium is autoclaved only briefly, its nutritive value is found
to increase.
d Ink/dT =E/RT2 (4)
• Why should this happen?
This is because of a ‘cooking effect’ that makes more
E is the activation energy,
nutrients from the crude media available after they are briefly
R is the gas constant, exposed to heat and pressure. Take the example of
T is the absolute temperature. saccarification of starch. When heated under pressure, starch
On integration equation (4) gives: is hydrolysed to oligosaccharides and sugars, thereby
improving its degradability. Subsequent heating, however,
K= Ae –E/RT (5)
results in browning and charring of starch thereby making it
Where less degradable and less nutritive. The reactions between the
A is the Arrhenius constant. carbonyl groups from the reducing sugars and the amino
On taking natural logarithms, equation (5) becomes: groups from amino acids and proteins also result in
reduction of nutritive value of the media. Certain amino
In k = In A - E/RT. (6)
acids, vitamins and proteins will also suffer from thermal
From equation (6) it may be seen that a plot of In k against the degradation thereby making the medium less nutritive.
reciprocal of the absolute temperature will give a straight line. These problems can be generally solved by separately
Such a plot is termed an Arrhenius plot and enables the sterilizing the heat sensitive ingredients using gentler
calculation of the activation energy and the prediction of the methods of sterilization like filtration.
reaction rate for any temperature. By combining together
kettle. heat exchanger, heating more unsterile medium while
4. The fermenter would be secure from the corrosion which becoming cool itself, as it is collected in a sterile fermenter.
may occur with the fermentation medium at high • What is a heat exchanger?
temperature. The name is self explanatory, isn’t it? A heat exchanger is an
The major disadvantages of a separate medium sterilization instrument in which two fluids come in indirect contact with
vessel may be summarized as: each other exchanging their heat content. In other words,
1. The cost of constructing a batch medium sterilizer is much one fluid loses heat and the other gains it. To further
the same as that for the fermenter. simplify, one fluid gets heated and the other gets cooled.
2. If a cooker serves a large number of fermenters complex • How does a heat exchanger work?
pipe work would be necessary to transport the sterile A heat exchanger utilizes the fact that heat transfer occurs
medium, with the inherent dangers of contamination. when there is a difference in temperature.
3. Mechanical failure in a cooker supplying medium to several In a heat exchanger, there is a cold stream and a hot stream.
fermenters would render all the Fermentors temporarily The two streams are separated by a thin, solid wall. The wall
redundant. The provision of contingency equipment may be must be thin and conductive in order for heat exchange to
prohibitively costly. occur. Yet the wall must be strong enough to withstand any
• All right. Now tell me about continuous sterilization. pressure by the fluid. Copper seems to be one of a common
choice for construction.
Batch sterilization wastes energy and can overcook the
medium. Batch sterilization uses steam or direct firing to Here is a simple flow diagram showing how heat transfers in
elevate the temperature, and then cooling water stops the a heat exchanger.
process and brings the material back toward room
temperature. Both the heat and the cooling water are spent
with no opportunity for energy recovery. Large volumes
should be passed continuously through heat exchangers for
energy economy with the hot, treated fluid heating the cold,
incoming feed.
The advantages offered by continuous sterilization include
very short heating up times, suitability for media containing This flow arrangement is called co-current. If the direction of
suspended solids, low capital costs, easy cleaning and low one of the stream is reversed, the arrangement is called
maintenance and high steam utilization efficiency. The steam counter-current flow.
requirements in case of continuous sterilization would be
Here are the temperature profiles along the heat exchanger. Note
more uniform throughout the duration of the sterilization.
that the temperature profiles are different for co-current flow
The application of continuous sterilization would also
and for counter-current flow.
simplify process control and reduce the time required for
sterilization. . Shorter sterilization time means less thermal Air or water cooled radiators of a car is one of the commonest
degradation of medium examples of heat exchanger. Can you think of other common
examples of heat exchange? Feel free to use the space provided
The disadvantages include the possibility of foaming and
below to express your thoughts.
the condensation of steam in the medium diluting it. The
application of continuous sterilization demands high steam • ·What does a heat exchanger looks like?
requirements in a shorter period of time than batch Depending on the structural assembly, there are many types
sterilization. Since steam is actually dispersed in media, steam of heat exchanger. Shell and tube exchanger, plate heat
must be clean to avoid contamination .these issues must be exchanger etc. are some of the common examples.
addressed to in case of continuous sterilization. • What is a shell and tube type exchanger?
One method of continuous sterilization injects steam into When the flow in a heat exchanger is countercurrent (i.e.
the medium (no heat exchanger). The medium stays in a against each other), the outlet temperature of the stream
loop for a predetermined holding time until the entire being heated can approach the temperature of the hot stream
medium is sterile. to be cooled. Countercurrent heat exchanger provides more
Better heat economy comes from substituting heat effective heat transfer. Most of the industrial heat exchangers
exchangers for direct steam injection. Instead of having a are counter-current flow design.
cold water stream to cool the sterile media, the lower There is an attempt to show this in the sketch. There are
temperature unsterile media stream absorbs heat from the gradients on the shell side as well.
warm stream, cooling the sterile media.
A system for continuous sterilization has a holding coil for
detention long enough to kill all of the microorganisms.
The medium from a make up vessel flows through the
Q = Heat transfer rate between the fluids
U = Overall heat transfer coefficient
A = Heat transfer area
dTlm = Log mean temperature difference of the system proteins or cell structures are very delicate. They cannot
• How does the heat transfer area affect the performance withhold such force and they will be destroyed. The whole
of the heat exchanger? batch can be ruined.
I will give you an example. Imagine two towels of the same • And the temperature gradient. What is it and how does it
size and same fabric. Both are dipped in water and allowed affect the heat transfer efficiency?
to get wet thoroughly. Now both these towels hold the same Temperature gradient is certainly an important part of heat
degree of moisture. One towel is fully spread over a stand transfer. It is the driving force for heat transfer. If we can
whereas the other one is folded into a ball. Which one of introduce fluids with greater temperature difference into the
them will dry first and why? heat exchanger, the heat transfer rate (Q) will be greater. If we
The heat transfer area (or contact area) is directly proportional go back to the temperature profiles of the co-current and
to the heat transfer rate. If the heat transfer area increases, counter flow, we can see that the driving force is great for co-
heat transfer rate increases as well. The towel which is well current at the beginning but decreases drastically as it moves
spread has a larger surface area as compared to the one which along the heat exchanger. The counter-current flow provides
is folded into a ball and hence loses heat faster and relatively consistent driving force and therefore performs
consequently dries faster. better than co-current flow.
A common way to increase heat transfer area is adding fins to • OK. Now about the actual sterilization process using the
the surface. It is cheap to put fins to the heat transfer area but heat exchangers. How is it done?
fins also increase fouling, especially in bio-process. Look at the diagram below. This clearly shows how the
• The speeds with which the fluids flow through the fermentation broth is first heated in the heat exchanger and
exchanger also affect the rate of heat transfer, right? then sterilized in the holding coils.
The importance of the fluid flow in a heat exchanger is that it
changes the overall heat transfer coefficient, U. The data
obtained from the heat transfer experiment shows that the
velocity of the cooling fluid is directly proportional to the
overall transfer coefficient. The following is a plot of 1/U vs. 1/
V0.8 during one of the runs during the lab experiment.
destruction of biochemicals.
The main purpose of the heat exchanger in a bio-process is
There are other ways to kill unwanted organisms
(contaminants), such as using chemicals and filtration.
However, using heat energy seems to be the best way to sterilize
feed before entering to the reactor.
1. Visit an industrial unit near your campus. Study the different
types of heat exchangers. Find out about the common
problems encountered in the operation of a heat exchanger.
2. Learn about the terms condenser and cooler. Find out how
they differ from heat exchanger.
3. Learn about the different metals used in the manufacturing
of heat exchangers. Find out more about heat transfer
efficiency, heat transfer rate, heat transfer coefficient and
theoretical calculation of heat transfer between two fluids.