AMRUT Co-Treatment STP DPR - Adoni PDF
AMRUT Co-Treatment STP DPR - Adoni PDF
AMRUT Co-Treatment STP DPR - Adoni PDF
MAY 2017
Doc No. TCE.10282A- ADONI – DPR -
SEW- 01- (R1)
H.No: 74-13-2, 1st Floor, Royal Enclave, New RTC Colony, Patamata, Vijayawada - 520010.
Andhra Pradesh Urban Financial & Page ii PDMC for Atal Mission for Rejuvenation
Infrastructure Development Corporation and Urban transformation (AMRUT)
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Infrastructure Development Corporation and Urban transformation (AMRUT)
4.4 WARD WISE POPUALTION PROJECTIONS ......................................................................... 34
CHAPTER:5 SYSTEM PLANNING CRITERIA ...............................................................................36
5.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 36
5.2 WATER DEMAND ..................................................................................................................... 36
5.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF SEWAGE ......................................................................................... 36
5.4 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT .............................................................................................. 37
5.5 WEIR WORKS ............................................................................................................................ 37
5.6 GUIDELINES TO BE FOLLOWED FOR STP DESIGN .......................................................... 40
CHAPTER:6 SEWAGE TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES ..............................................................44
6.1 SEWAGE TREATMENT ............................................................................................................ 44
6.2.1 EXTENDED AERATION ............................................................................................ 45
6.2.2 MOVING BED BIO-FILM REACTOR (MBBR) ........................................................... 46
6.2.3 SEQUENTIAL BATCH REACTOR ............................................................................. 47
6.2.4 MEMBRANE BIO REACTOR ..................................................................................... 49
6.4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................... 58
CHAPTER:7 SLUDGE/SEPTAGE MANAGEMENT .......................................................................60
7.1 SEPTAGE .................................................................................................................................... 60
7.2 SEPTAGE TREATMENT & DISPOSAL ................................................................................... 62
7.3 ELEMENTS OF SEPTAGE MANAGEMENT .......................................................................... 62
7.4 NEED OF SEPTAGE MANAGEMENT .................................................................................... 63
7.5 APPROACH FOR SEPTAGE MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 63
7.6 KEY ACTIVITIES INVOLVED IN SEPTAGE MANAGEMENT ........................................... 64
7.7 DE-SLUDGING OF SEPTIC TANKS ........................................................................................ 64
7.9 TREATMENT OF SEPTAGE AT SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS.................................... 65
7.11 RECYCLE SYSTEM FOR PROCESS WASTEWATER........................................................... 67
7.12 RECYCLING AND REUSE OF TREATED EFFLUENT ......................................................... 67
CHAPTER:8 PROPOSED SYSTEM ..................................................................................................69
8.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 69
8.2 WATER DEMAND ..................................................................................................................... 69
8.3 SEWAGE FLOWS ...................................................................................................................... 69
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8.4 STP CAPACITIES - CALCULATION ....................................................................................... 73
8.5 PROPOSED STP FOR ZONE I & II ........................................................................................... 74
8.6 INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS OF STP ................................................ 74
8.7 PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF STP (SBR TREATMENT) ........................................................ 75
8.7.1 PROCESS DESCRIPTION:.......................................................................................... 76
8.7.2 PRIMARY TREATMENT ........................................................................................... 76
8.7.3 SECONDARY TREATMENT ...................................................................................... 77
8.12 TERTIARY TREATMENT (IF REQUIRED) ............................................................................ 81
8.8 EFFLUENT DISPOSAL ............................................................................................................. 82
8.9 UTILITIES IN PROPOSED STP ................................................................................................ 83
8.10 TERMINAL SEWAGE PUMPING STATION .......................................................................... 84
8.10.1 DESIGN CRITERIA .................................................................................................... 85
8.10.2 LAYOUT AND INSTALLATION ................................................................................ 85
8.10.3 PUMP DUTY .............................................................................................................. 86
8.10.4 VALVES AND PIPE WORK ....................................................................................... 86
8.11 SEPTAGE QUANTITY GENERATION .................................................................................... 87
8.12 SEPTAGE TRANSPORTATION TO STP ................................................................................. 92
8.13 SLUDGE TREATMENT............................................................................................................. 92
8.14 BENEFITS OF THE PROJECT .................................................................................................. 92
8.15 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED WORKS ...................................................................................... 93
8.16 SERVICE LEVEL BENCH MARK – SEWERAGE SYSTEM - PROPOSED.......................... 93
CHAPTER:9 ELECTRICAL WORKS ................................................................................................94
9.1 SCOPE OF WORKS.................................................................................................................... 94
9.2 DESIGN CONCEPT .................................................................................................................... 94
9.3 POWER SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT : ...................................................................................... 94
9.4 GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA ................................................................................................ 95
9.5 DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER ........................................................................................... 96
9.6 SYSTEM PROTECTION ............................................................................................................ 96
9.7 SWITCHGEAR / INSTRUMENTS ............................................................................................ 98
9.8 APFC PANEL............................................................................................................................ 100
9.9 CABLES & CABLE CARRIER ................................................................................................ 100
9.10 MOTORS & STARTERS .......................................................................................................... 102
9.11 ILLUMINATION ...................................................................................................................... 106
9.12 UPS ............................................................................................................................................ 108
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9.13 EARTHING SYSTEM .............................................................................................................. 108
9.14 LIGHTNING PROTECTION:................................................................................................... 111
9.15 POINT WIRING: ....................................................................................................................... 111
9.16 DIESEL GENERATOR: ........................................................................................................... 111
CHAPTER:10 COST ESTIMATE ...................................................................................................112
10.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 112
10.2 RATE ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................... 112
CHAPTER:11 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ........................................................................116
11.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 116
11.2 TOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT .......................................................................................... 116
11.3 CONTRACT PACKAGING ..................................................................................................... 116
11.4 CONTRACT APPROACH ........................................................................................................ 116
11.5 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT .............................................................................................. 117
11.6 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE .......................................................................................... 117
CHAPTER:12 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ...................................................................119
12.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 119
12.2 BASIS FOR OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE COST ............................................... 119
CHAPTER:13 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ......................................................122
13.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 122
13.2 LEGAL AND REGULATORY FRAME WORKS................................................................... 122
13.3 LOCAL REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ............................................................................... 122
13.4 IMPACTS DURING CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................. 122
13.4.1 IMPACTS DURING CONSTRUCTION OF AIR QUALITY ....................................... 122
13.4.2 IMPACTS DURING CONSTRUCTION OF NOISE QUALITY .................................. 123
13.4.3 IMPACTS OF CONSTRUCTION WASTES ............................................................... 123
13.5 IMPACTS DURING OPERATION .......................................................................................... 124
13.5.1 IMPACTS DURING OPERATION OF AIR QUALITY .............................................. 124
13.5.2 IMPACTS DURING OPERATION OF NOISE QUALITY .......................................... 124
13.6 MITIGATION MEASURES ..................................................................................................... 124
13.6.1 MITIGATION MEASURES OF AIR QUALITY ......................................................... 124
13.6.2 MITIGATION MEASURES OF LAND ENVIRONMENT .......................................... 125
13.6.3 MITIGATION MEASURES OF WATER QUALITY .................................................. 125
13.7 SOCIO ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT ......................................... 125
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13.8 POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MATRIX ......................................................... 126
13.9 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................... 132
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table 1-1: Population Census Data For Adoni Municipality .................................................. 20
Table 1-2: General Information ........................................................................................... 20
Table 2-1: Summary Of Raw Water Pumping System ......................................................... 22
Table 2-2: Existing Service Level Bench Mark For Adoni Municipality ................................. 25
Table 3-1: Flow Measurement Details At Sewage Culvert Near Kachra Basti, Rayanagar ,
Adoni Town ......................................................................................................................... 31
Table 4-1: Decadal Increase In Population.......................................................................... 32
Table 4-2: Summary Of Population Projections ................................................................... 33
Table 4-3: Population Projection For Adoni Town ............................................................... 34
Table 4-4: Population Density Pattern ................................................................................. 34
Table 4-5: Ward Wise Population Projections ..................................................................... 34
Table 5-1: Unit Water Demand Norms ................................................................................ 36
Table 5-2: Characteristics Of Raw Sewage ......................................................................... 36
Table 5-3: Inlet Works Sizing Units ..................................................................................... 38
Table 5-4: Effluent Discharged Standards For Sewage Treatment Plant ............................. 41
Table 5-5: Recommended Guidelines For Treated Sewage If Discharged Into Surface Water
After Tertiary Treatment ...................................................................................................... 42
Table 5-6 : Standards For Disposing Sewage Into Inland Surface Water, Public Sewers &
For Landscape Irrigation ..................................................................................................... 42
Table 6-1: Pros And Cos For Each Of The Treatment Processes ....................................... 52
Table 6-2: Cost Comparison For Different Processes For 5 Mld Capacity Stp At Adoni ...... 54
Table 7-1: Physical And Chemical Characteristics Of Septage ........................................... 60
Table 7-2: Illustrative Characteristics Of Septage For Indian Conditions ............................. 61
Table 7-3: Range Values Of Bod, Cod And Ss At Inlet To Septic Tank In India................... 61
Table 7-4: Septage Characteristics As Per Us Epa ............................................................. 61
Table 7-5: Comparison Of Septage And Municipal Wastewater .......................................... 62
Table 7-6: Recommended Septage Management ............................................................... 66
Table 7-7: Recommended Norms Of Treated Sewage Quality For Specified Activities At
Point Of Use ....................................................................................................................... 68
Table 8-1: Water Demand For Adoni Municipality ............................................................... 69
Table 8-2: Projected Sewage Flow For Adoni Town ............................................................ 70
Table 8-3: Zone Wise Coverage Of Wards.......................................................................... 70
Table 8-4: Zone Wise Projected Sewage Flow For Adoni Town .......................................... 72
Table 8-5: Summary Of Sewage Generated In The Zones .................................................. 72
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Table 8-6: Summary Of Stp Capacities Required ................................................................ 73
Table 8-7: Characteristics Of Raw Sewage ......................................................................... 75
Table 8-8: Standards For Treated Effluent Of Sewage Treatment Plants ............................ 75
Table 8-9: Effect Of Chlorine At Various Concentrations (Clause 4.1.3) .............................. 79
Table 8-10: Stp Treatment Unit Sizes ................................................................................. 82
Table 8-11:Sewage Treatment Plant Design Consideration With Septage .......................... 87
Table 9-1: Cable Details.................................................................................................... 101
Table 10-1: Cost Estimation For Proposed Works - Adoni ................................................ 112
Table 10-2: Abstract Cost Of The Project .......................................................................... 112
Table 11-1: Expenditure Pattern For Construction Activities............................................. 117
Table 11-2: Funding Pattern Of Project Implementation .................................................... 118
Table 12-1: O&M Calculation Approach ............................................................................ 119
Table 12-2: O&M Charges For 5 Mld Stp – Annual ........................................................... 120
Table 12-3: Annual Maintenance And Repair Charges ( Lakhs) ........................................ 120
Table 12-4: Operation And Maintenance Staff For Stp – (Annual Costing) ....................... 120
Table 13-1: Potential Environmental Impact Matrix ........................................................... 128
Table 13-2: Summary Of Environmental Management Plan .............................................. 129
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Infrastructure Development Corporation and Urban transformation (AMRUT)
AMRUT : Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
APUFIDC : Andhra Pradesh urban Financial & Infrastructure) Development Corporation
ASP : Activated Sludge Process
BOD : Biochemical Oxygen Demand
BR : Bio Reactor
COD : Chemical Oxygen Demand
CPCB : Central Pollution Control Board
CPHEEO : Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization
CSBT : Camus Soil Bio technology
CT : Collection Tank
DB : Decibel
DG : Diesel Generator
DPR : Detailed Project Report
EA : Extended Aeration
EPC : Engineering Procurement Company
F/M : Food to Microorganism Ratio
GOI : Government of India
HR : Hour
Km : Kilo Meter
kW : Kilo Watt
LCB : Local Competitive Bidding
LPCD : Liters Per Capita Per Day
LT : Long Term
MBBR : Moving Bed Bio-film Reactor
MF : Membrane Filtration
MLD : Million Liters Per Day
MoU : Memorandum of Understanding
MoUD : Ministry of Urban Development
MPN : Most Probable Number
NBP : Non Biophysical Components
O &M : Operation and Maintenance
PDMC : Project Development and Management consultants
PLC : Programmable Logic Controller
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PPM : Parts Per Million
PST : Primary Settler
RAS : Return Activated Sludge
RO : Reverse Osmosis
SAS : Surplus activated sludge
SBR : Sequencing Batch Reactor
SBT : Soil Biotechnology
SCADA : Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SLB : Service Level Bench Marking
SOR : Schedule of Rates
SPCB : State Pollution Control Board
SRT : Solid Retention Time
SS : Suspended Solids
ST : Short Term
STP : Sewage Treatment Plant
TSS : Total Suspended Solids
UF : Ultra filtration
ULB : Urban Local Body
UT : Urban Transportation
WAS : Waste Activated Sludge
WSP : Waste Stabilization Pond
SS Tank : Summer Storage Tank
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Effluent: the wastewater that flows out of a treatment system (in this case septic tank) or
supernatant liquid discharged from the septic tank.
Pit Latrine: Latrine with a pit for collection and decomposition of excreta and from which
liquid infiltrates into the surrounding soil.
Pour-flush Latrine: Latrine that depends for its operation of small quantities of water,
poured from a container by hand, to flush away feces from the point of defecation.
Septic Tank: An underground tank that treats wastewater by a combination of solids settling
and anaerobic digestion. The effluents may be discharged into soak pits or small-bore
sewers, and the solids have to be pumped out periodically.
Sludge: Sludge is the settled solid matter in semi-solid condition – it is usually a mixture of
solids and water deposited on the bottom of septic tanks, ponds, etc. The term sewage
sludge is generally used to describe residuals from centralized wastewater treatment, while
the term septage is used to describe the residuals from septic tanks.
Faecal sludge: Faecal sludge is the solid or settled contents of pit latrines and septic tanks.
Faecal sludge differs from sludge produced in municipal wastewater treatment plants.
Faecal sludge characteristics can differ widely from household to household, from city to city,
and from country to country. The physical, chemical and biological qualities of faecal sludge
are influenced by the duration of storage, temperature, intrusion of groundwater or surface
water in septic tanks or pits, performance of septic tanks, and tank emptying technology and
Sullage: Domestic dirty water not containing excreta. Sullage is also called grey water.
Scum: Scum is the extraneous or impure matter like oil, hair, grease and other light material
that floats at the surface of the liquid, while the digested sludge is stored at the bottom of the
septic tank.
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The Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India has launched Atal Mission
for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) project with an objective to
provide basic services (e.g. water supply, sewerage, urban transport) to households
and build amenities in cities that will directly improve the quality of life, especially the
poor. The Mission guidelines of AMRUT is to
Ensure that every household has access to a tap with assured supply of
water and a sewerage connection;
Increase the amenity value of cities by developing greenery and well
maintained open spaces (e.g. parks); and
Reduce pollution by switching to public transport or by constructing facilities
for non-motorized transport (ex. walking and cycling).
Indicators and standards have been prescribed by the Ministry of Urban Development
(MoUD) in the form of Service Level Benchmarks (SLBs). The existing Service Level
Benchmarks and the improvements anticipated by the implementation of Amrut
Schemes in the project cities have already been addressed in the SAAP (State Annual
Action Plan) report prepared and submitted by GoAP to GoI (SAAP 2016-17 report
submitted by GoAP has been approved by GoI in August 2016). This study is a step
taken in the direction of SAAP / SLIP implementation program for ‘Adoni Municipality
having a population of about 1.66 Lakhs (as per 2011 census).
The year 2011 population of Adoni Municipality is about 1.66 Lakhs and for Base year
2018 population is about 1.79 Lakhs. Clear water demand for the base year 2018 is
about 30.80 MLD. At present, there are two WTPs of 18.00 MLD and 8.62 MLD for
Adoni Municipality. About 17.5 MLD of wholesome water is being supplied to the public
through well placed water supply installations. The total amount of 2018 sewage
generated in the city from all sources is estimated to be about 22.04 MLD.
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Based on the city topography, Adoni is divided into 4 Sewerage Zones. There is no
sewerage and sewage treatment plant in the town. Sewage generated from these
areas is being discharged to nearest natural drains without any treatment thus polluting
the natural water bodies and the ground water table.
In order to prevent this, a sewage treatment plant of 5 MLD capacity is proposed for
Zone-III to treat the sewage flows generated from the zone as per the prevailing
As there is no sewerage existing in the town, the required flow of natural Avvadhoddi
Vanka drain will be diverted through overflow weir. This project will help in addressing
the Environmental degradations and improving the quality of life of the people and
surrounding to a large extent.
This DPR is prepared to meet the intended objective of SAAP 2016-20; obtain
necessary approvals from SLTC / SHPC and implement the project in the city as per
Amrut Mission Guidelines.
Carrying out Flow measurement survey for the proposed STP capacities along the
natural drains to meet the intended objective of the city.
Prepare necessary designs, drawings, BOQ including cost estimates for obtaining
necessary approvals from the concerned authorities.
Preparation of tender documents for the project components including tender
evaluation, negotiation and implementation of the project in the role of PDMC
(Project Development and Management Consultants).
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the present project. It is required to carry out the Topographical survey and
geotechnical investigations in the project area to find salient soil classification
properties and soil structural properties. As the scope and objective of study and
project report confined to only sewage treatment plant and interceptor drain (as per
SAAP approval from year 2016-20) no detailed filed investigations and surveys are
carried out in present study. Required filed investigations and surveys needs to be
carried out by the EPC contractor before execution. With design horizon of 2048 this
DPR has been prepared.
The Adoni Municipality spreads over an area of 32.71 sq.kms. It is a Municipality and
headquarters of Adoni Mandal under the administration of Adoni Revenue Division. It
is the 16th most populous city in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Adoni is located about
84kms from Kurnool. There are total 41 wards in the city. The location of the city is
provided as Figure 1-2.
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British rule in 1870. It is now a part of the South Central Railway on the Solapur-
Guntakal line which is part of Chennai-Mumbai line. Adoni is connected to major cities
of the Andhra Pradesh by road. These cities include Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Kurnool,
Anantapur, Vijayawada, Bellary, Tirupathi, and Mysore. Bus services are provided by
Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC), Karnataka State Road
Transport Corporation (KSRTC) and some private entities. Within the city, auto
rickshaws and rented cars are a common means of transportation. The nearest airport
is Rajiv Gandhi International airport, Hyderabad which is located 293 km from Adoni.
Adoni is situated in between 15º 37’ North Latitude 77º 16’ East Longitude. It is spread
over an area of 32.71 sqkm having a population of 166537 as per 2011. Census It has
an average elevation of 435 metres (1427 feet) above sea level. Highest contour is
+50 m and lowest contour is +7 m. The ground falls from west to east.
Figure 1-1: Topography of Adoni Municipal Corporation
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The climate in Adoni is referred to as a local steppe climate. There is little rainfall throughout
the year. Particularly the summers are very hot. The average temperature of the region is
around 26.7 °C.The temperatures are highest on average in April, at around 28.6 °C. The
lowest average temperatures in the year occur in January, when it is around 25.5 °C. The
average annual rainfall is 659 mm. The most of the precipitation falls in the month of
September with an average of 147 mm The least amount of rainfall occurs in January.
The Adoni Municipal Corporation encompasses 41 municipal wards. The population of Adoni
Municipal Corporation is 166537 as per 2011 census. The population census data is as
follows for previous years.
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Table 1-1: Population Census Data for Adoni Municipality
The salient features of Adoni Municipal Corporation are given in table 1-2.
Sl No Item Details
1 Year of Constitution as Municipality 1964
2 Area 37.12 sqkm
3 Length of roads (in Kms) 96 km
4 Population – 2011 census 1.66 Lakhs
5 No of Wards 41
6 Average Rainfall in a year 659mm
7 Maximum Temperature 28.6oC
8 Minimum Temperature 25.5 oC
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Sl No Item Details
9 Nearest Railway station Adoni
10 Nearest Airport Rajiv Gandhi International
Airport, Hydrabad
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The main source of water for Adoni Town is Tungabhadra Project (TBP) Low Level
Canal (LLC) which passes the city at about 8km from the town and runs for 6 months in
a year. One summer storage (SS) tank with a capacity of 1217ML (Ramjala- natural
tank whos catchment is about 7SqKM in which Gangalamanchi is the main drainage
area for this tank) and another SS Tank of 3110ML at Basapuram are being utilized for
the remaining 6 months during canal closure periods.
Raw water from SS Tank flows by gravity to Basapuram WTP. The treated water is
pumped into 8 ESR in different zones of the city. The raw water to Ramajala WTP is
pumped from Intake located on LLC canal at Basapuram along with tapping
arrangement directly leading to Ramjala water body. The treated water from Ramjala
WTP is supplied to 3 ESR (to the nearby areas of Ramjala) by combination of gravity/
The Adoni City has two water treatment plants, 18.00 MLD and 8.62 MLD. Raw water
from canals or natural pond is fed to these WTPs located in the city. The 18.00 MLD
WTP is located at Basapuram and the 8.62 MLD WTP is located at Ramjala. There is
also tapping arrangement for taking raw water directly from the pumping main (leading
from the LLC Intake at Basapuram) to the WTP (for Ramjala WTP), inside the campus.
The city has a water supply distribution system covering some part of the area. The
existing length of the distribution system is about 42 km which amounts to about 26%
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In order to achieve the above objective, GoAP in its SAAP 2016-20 program, has
approved a water supply project to Adoni Municipal Corporation for an estimated project
cost of 16 crores.
The project proposals are in accordance with the guidelines issued by GoI, GoAP and
CPHEEO manual on Water Supply and Treatment & Practical Hand Book on Public
Health Engineering and various other relevant codes of BIS as applicable.
Main objective of any town in wastewater system involves proper collection of sewage
from the individual households, conveyance to the STP locations by gravity / pumping
and treating the sewage as per the standards. The treatment shall include removal of
contaminants from wastewater, by physical, chemical and biological processes and
produce environmentally safe treated effluent in accordance with CPHEEO / APPCB /
CPCB norms before disposing it into the natural water bodies.
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There is no sewage treatment plant in the town. The generated sewage is getting
discharged to the nearby open areas and to water bodies untreated. There is no
systematic and organized method to collect and treat the waste from septic tanks. These
sceptic tanks are emptied by the individual house owners on their own using private
The existing Septage management in Adoni is similar to that of the management of septic
tanks found in other small and medium cities in other parts of India. Majority of the
Septage sludge is disposed off into the land fill sites outside the city limits by private
players where as the supernatant of septic tanks flows all along the road side drains
before joining to the natural water bodies.
In Adoni town, there is no organized method to collect and treat waste from septic tanks.
The periodicity of cleaning of these septic tanks is approximately once in 1-3 years. The
overflows of these septic tanks are let out into the open drains system which ultimately
joins the natural nala / open fields.
Existing system of open drainage is found in the town. These few open drains are
constructed and maintained by the Municipality. These drains are constructed without
any systematic method of disposal and these drains discharges here and there in the
town leading to eutrophication of water bodies. There is no systematic and organized
method to collect and treat waste from septic tank. The Septage from septic tanks in the
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town are being conveyed through gulfars and disposed on to the nearby fields. The
duration of cleaning of septic tanks will be around annually. The overflows of septic
tanks are disposed into the nearby drains or open fields. Hence efforts have to be made
to treat this waste water suitably and dispose off in an environmental friendly manner.
The existing sewage system benchmark as per MOUD is provided in table below.
Table 2-2: Existing Service Level bench mark for Adoni municipality
Sl. MoUD Existing
No Standard Value
1 Coverage of Toilets 100% 88%
2 Coverage of Sewerage Network 100% 0%
3 Adequacy of Sewage Treatment Capacity 100% 0%
4 Quality of Sewage treated 100% 0%
5 Extent of Reuse and Recycling of Sewage 20% 0%
Extent of cost recovery in waste water
6 100% NA
7 Efficiency in re-dressal of customer complaints 80% NA
Efficiency in Collection of Sewage Water
8 90% NA
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For analysing the sewer zones of Adoni, the contours generated in-house using Google
earth software has been used for overall planning.
As the scope of study is confined to sewage treatment plant and interceptor drains, as
per SAAP 2016-20, which is intended to be tendered on EPC basis, no detailed field
investigations and surveys have been carried out. The required field investigations and
surveys need to be carried out by the EPC contractor before the execution. However for
the present study, necessary Reconnaissance and field Investigations have been
carried out to collect the information on the existing sewer collection network and
existing treatment plant details for further planning.
The intended objective of the study is to prepare a DPR for construction of sewage
treatment plant for treating the sewage generated from sewerage zones of the town. To
meet the intended objective, analysis was carried out to identify suitable location where
in the possibility of all the waste water flows of zones (as there is no proper sewer
collection system) meet at minimum number of locations so that the same can be
diverted / routed to the proposed STP locations by gravity.
Sewage generated from Zone III finally joins to the confluence point of Avvadhoddi
Vanka Drain and a natural drain combining to form a single drain. It is very necessary to
know the quantum of sewage generation at present conditions for future STP proposals.
Hence, flow measurement study has been carried out at a culvert near Kachra Basti,
Rayanagar. Flow was measured with a time interval of 2 hours.
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After the requisite studies and site visits, location near to the proposed STP was identified
as suitable to divert the flows into the proposed STP. The location was finalised as it was
fulfilling the following parameters.
Most of the sewage flows generated from sewerage zone III is disposed off into the
drain which ultimately passes towards the proposed STP location.
A location has been identified for 5 MLD STP near Siriguppa Check post and its
possession is in process.
Figure 3-1: Flow measurement location and existing natural drains near the
proposed 5 MLD STP
Flow measurement was carried out for the drain near the proposed STP location to
assess the existing flows in the drains so that scientific analysis of the required STP
capacities can be worked out. The flow measurement was further, cross checked with
desk top studies using zone maps and zone populations as per population projections
carried out for the city. Based on the fund availability for the city under SAAP 2016-20, the
capacities of the STP’s have been finalised for the required flows only. However, for
meeting the future requirements of the city, augmentation of these STPs may have to be
carried out at appropriate stages based on the requirements. The proposed STPs are
intended to be designed on modular basis to aid for future expansions if any.
Based on the topography levels we presume that the sewage flows generated from Zone
III flows into the downstream of Avvadhoddi Vanka Drain near the proposed location of
STP. In order to divert and treat the sewage, a small concrete weir type structure is
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Infrastructure Development Corporation Urban transformation (AMRUT) Report
proposed in the Avvadhoddi Vanka Drain which will be intercepted and diverted to the
inlet of the receiving chamber of pumping station.
The flow measurement was further, cross checked with desk top studies using zone maps
and zone populations as per population projections carried out for the city. Based on the
fund availability for the city under SAAP 2016-20, the capacities of the STP’s have been
finalised for the required flows only. However, for meeting the future requirements of the
city, augmentation of these STPs may have to be carried out at appropriate stages based
on the requirements. The proposed STPs are intended to be designed on modular basis
to aid for future expansions if any.
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where Q is stream discharge (volume/time),
A is cross-sectional area, and V is flow velocity
Equipments used:
Measuring Tape
Rod, yard or meter stick to measure depth
At least three highly visible buoyant objects such as a drifting branches or logs, pine
cone, coffee stir sticks, half-filled bottles, or oranges (objects buoyant enough not to
be effected by the wind)
Stakes for anchoring tape measure to stream banks
Float method: For measuring the surface velocity. The basic idea was to measure the
time that takes for the object to float a specified distance downstream.
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Q = Cross section area (A) * mean velocity (V)
A marked rod was used to measure the depth at regular intervals across the stream. Ten
such depth measurements were made and the average cross-sectional areas (A) were
arrived. Using the average area and average velocity, discharge Q was calculated. Many
such measurements were made at various time slots in a day to arrive at the average
daily flow. The summary of the flow measurements are provided in table 3-1.
As the entire STP cost is intended to be considered on MLD basis (as the EPC contractor
will carry out the detailed engineering works for STP), Detailed Geotechnical
Investigations have not been carried. However, it is intended to carry out exploratory bore
well investigation survey to assess the soil characteristics and provide the same as
supplementary information in the proposed STP tender documents for bidder’s
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Flow measurement study results are given in table 3-1 below carried out at sewage culvert near Kachra Basti, Rayanagar in Adoni
Table 3-1: Flow measurement details at sewage culvert near Kachra Basti, Rayanagar , Adoni Town
Sl.N Locatio
Latitude Longitude Velocit Cross Sectional details Discharge
o n Length Time
Time y
(m) (s) Width Depth Area
(m/s) m3/s MLD
(m) (m) (sq.m)
13.58 0.350 1.35 0.25 0.34 0.118 10.200
Culvert 14.65 0.324 1.35 0.25 0.33 0.109 9.379
15 37’47. 1:00
1 Kachra 77015’18.4” 16.57 0.287 1.35 0.25 0.33 0.095 8.192
Basti, 6” PM
Rayanag 3:00
13.34 0.356 1.35 0.25 0.34 0.120 10.383
ar PM
13.14 0.361 1.35 0.25 0.34 0.123 10.625
12.99 0.366 1.35 0.26 0.34 0.126 10.876
Avg MLD 9.942
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As per the census data, the population of Adoni Municipality in 2011 was 166537.
Sewerage and water supply systems are normally designed to meet requirements over
a period of 30 years after its completion. By considering time lag between design and
completion of the project, the base year is considered as 2018, Prospective Year as
2033 & Ultimate Year as 2048.
Summary of the populations projections carried out by various methods are provided in
table 4-2 below.
Table 4-2: Summary of population projections
From the above table and graph, Incremental increase method was found to be best
suited for the Adoni Municipality. As, in incremental increase method, the decade
per growth rate is not assumed to be constant as in the arithmetic or geometric
progression methods; but is Progressively increasing or decreasing, depending upon
whether the average of the incremental increases in the past data is positive or
As the master plan is not available with the ULB, population projection has not been
made in consonance with the Developmental Master Plan. As the projected
incremental increase method is in line with the projections made in SAAP 2015-16
DPR, the same has been adopted.
The total population of the city for various design horizons, after adding both erstwhile
city corporation area and that of the newly added areas is summarized in table 4-3.
Further, CE (PH) during October 2016 has approved the Population projection for
Adoni town by incremental increase method.
Provision of safe, adequate water is a basic necessity for the healthy living of a
community. In this section, norms that have been followed for estimation of water
demand, design criteria and our approach for AMRUT project will be dealt with. Water
demand has been estimated based on the projected population, agreed unit demand
norms along with water requirements for Industrial use, irrigation use etc, if any. On
the basis of the total water demand estimated, waste water generation have to be
assessed. As Andhra Pradesh State does not have its own norms for Water and
Wastewater projects, CPHEEO manual / NBC / IS codes were referred to, and
accordingly, the design criteria note was prepared and submitted by TCE to CE-PH,
Guntur for their review and approval. All the parameters were discussed with PH
authorities during October 2016 and based on the discussion; CE-PH had approved
the design criteria and the same has been reciprocated here.
Water demand will be estimated based on the unit demand norms along with the
projected population as per ULB boundary limits. Unit demand norms approved are
provided in table 5-1 below;
For the design of STP, it is assumed that, the raw domestic sewage generated from
the residential, commercial and other activities shall have the following characteristics.
Table 5-2: Characteristics of Raw Sewage
S.No. Parameters of Raw Sewage Values Unit
1. BOD5 250 - 300 Mg/l
2. COD 500 - 600 Mg/l
3. Suspended Solids 300 - 350 Mg/l
4. pH 6.5 – 8.5
5. Total alkalinity as CaCO3 300 - 400 Mg/l
6. Chlorides 250 - 300 Mg/l
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A. Open Technology
As per Government of India (GoI) Guidelines (REF NO Z-16025/2010-CPHEEO Dated
16-04-2013), it is encouraged to invite tenders with open technologies, where the
bidders can provide any proven technology which is satisfactorily performing at least
since one year. The treated sewage shall have the desired effluent criteria as specified
B. Standards for Treated Sewage Quality
The directions under section 18(1) (b) of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
ACT, 1974 regarding treatment and utilization of sewage issued by CPCB for
compliance are as follows.
State Pollution Control Board shall make mandatory for local / urban bodies to set
up a sewerage system for sewerage collection, underground conveyance,
treatment and its disposal to cover the entire local / urban area to bridge the
widening treatment gap along with enforcement of consent management in line
with standards for sewage treatment.
SPCB / PCC shall issue directions to all municipalities and other concerned
authorities in the state / UT responsible for treatment plant and disposal of sewage
to the following effect.
I. The existing STPs which are being operated before issuance of these
directions shall meet the standards within two years from the date of issuance
of these directions.
II. All the local bodies shall seek consent under Water (prevention and control of
pollution) Act, 1974 from the SPCB / Committee within a period of 60 days.
III. Secondary treated sewage should be mandatorily sold for non potable purpose
such as industrial process, railways & bus cleaning, flushing of toilets,
horticulture and irrigation, through dual pumping. No potable Water to be
allowed for such activities. They will also digest methane for captive power
generation to further improve viability of STPs.
Suggested treated Effluent standards from the STP as per CPCB are provided in table
Note- These Standards will be applicable for discharge in water resources as well as for
land disposal. The standards for Faecal Coliform may not be applied for use of treated
sewage in industrial purpose.
The standards for disposal of treated sewage into public sewers system, inland
waterways and landscape irrigation are provided in table 5-5.
Table 5-6 : Standards for disposing sewage into Inland Surface Water, Public Sewers
& for Landscape Irrigation
Parameter Inland Surface Public Land for
Water Sewers Irrigation
(a) (b) (c)
See footnote - See
1 Colour and odour
2 Suspended solids mg/1, Max 100 600 200
Shall pass 850
3 Particle size of suspended solids
micron IS Sieve
4 PH value 5.5 to 9.0 5.5 to 9.0 5.5 to 9.0
Shall not - -
exceed 5oC
5 Temperature above the
receiving water
6 Oil and grease mg/1 Max 10 20 10
7 Total residual chlorine mg/1 Max 1.0 - -
8 Ammonical nitrogen as (N) mg/1 50 50 -
Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (as N) mg/1 100 - -
10 Free ammonia (as NH3) mg/1, Max 5.0 - -
Biochemical oxygen demand (5 30 350 100
days at 20oC), mg/1 Max
Chemical oxygen demand mg/1, 250 - -
These standards shall be applicable for industries, operations or processes other than
those industries, operators or process for which standards have been specified in
Schedule I.
All efforts should be made to remove color and unpleasant odor as for as practicable.
Sewage Treatment generally involves three stages, called Primary, Secondary and
Tertiary treatment.
Primary treatment consists of temporarily holding the sewage in a quiescent basin
where heavy solids can settle to the bottom while oil, grease and lighter solids float
to the surface. The settled and floating materials are removed and the remaining
liquid may be discharged or subjected to secondary treatment.
Secondary treatment removes dissolved and suspended biological matter.
Secondary treatment is typically performed by indigenous, water-borne micro-
organisms in a managed habitat. Secondary treatment may require a separation
process to remove the micro-organisms from the treated water prior to discharge or
tertiary treatment (if required).
Tertiary treatment (if required) - Treated water sometimes requires additional
treatment to remove specific pollutant(s) left after primary and secondary
treatment, depending on final disposal/ reuse. It can be treated chemically or
physically (for example membrane filtration, chemical precipitation, etc) prior to
discharge into sensitive or fragile ecosystems such as
stream, river, bay, lagoon or wetland, or it can be used for the irrigation of a golf
course, green way or park. If it is sufficiently clean, it can also be used
for groundwater recharge or agricultural purposes. Figure x provides a schematic
diagram of a typical STP and Figure-6-1 provides information on the processes
followed in the STP.
The extended aeration process is similar to the conventional plug – flow process except
that it operates in the endogenous respiration phase of the growth curve, which requires
a low organic loading and long aeration time. Because of the long SRTs (20 to 30 d) and
HRT (12 - 24 hr), aeration equipment design is controlled by mixing needs and oxygen
demand. The process is simpler since primary settling tank and anaerobic digester are
Advantages of EA:
(a) Good quality effluent is possible
(b) Relatively less complicated design and operation
(c) Capable of treating shock loads
(d) Well stabilized sludge.
Disadvantages of EA:
(a) Aeration requires high energy
(b) Relatively large aeration tanks
The MBBR is an aerobic attached growth process which uses cylindrical shaped
polyethylene carrier elements for biological growth. The moving media increases the
contact time between the microorganisms and the organics. Since the media has high
porosity it provides large surface area for microorganisms to attach and grow. It has
excellent characteristics for BOD/ COD removal and nitrification/de-nitrification for all
Advantages of MBBR:
Disadvantages of MBBR:
(a) Separate secondary settling tank required with sludge removal facility
(b) The process is sensitive
The SBR is a fill and draw type of reactor system involving a single complete – mix
reactor in which all steps of the activated sludge process occur. For Wastewater
Treatment with continuous flow, at least 2 basins are used so that one basin is in the fill
mode while the other goes through react, solids settling and effluent withdrawal modes.
A SBR goes through a number of cycles per day; a typical cycle may consist of 1.5 hr fill
and aeration, 0.75 hr settling and 0.75 hr for withdrawal of supernatant. MLSS remains
in the reactor during all cycles, thereby eliminating the need for separate secondary
Advantages of SBR:
(a) Process is simplified, separate final clarifiers not required and intermittent
return activated sludge pumping is provided.
(b) Compact facility.
Disadvantages of SBR:
(a) High Peak flows can disrupt operation unless accounted for in design.
(b) Higher maintenance skills required.
MBR technology is the combination of a high rate, activated sludge biological process
with Ultra filtration (UF) membranes for solids separation. The MBR technology has 2
(a) The bioreactor, where aerobic bacteria acts on the organic matter with the
presence of dissolved oxygen.
(b) The membrane filtration module based on Ultra Filtration (UF), which separates
the biomass and bacteria from water.
In MBR system through the use of a permeate pump, vacuum is applied to a header
connected to the membranes. The vacuum draws the treated water through the
membranes. Airflow is introduced to the bottom of the membrane module, producing
turbulence that scours the external surface of the membranes. The scouring action
transfers the rejected solids away from the membrane surface.
Wasted Sludge shall be collected in sludge sump and shall be pumped to portable type
filter press for dewatering and then wasted directly from the system at solid
concentration of 18 to 20 percent solids or can be used as manure for gardening.
Advantages of MBR:
(a) Higher mixed liquor suspended solids concentrations in MBRs (8000 – 15,000
mg/L) as compared to the conventional process which allows only 1500 – 3000
mg/L MLSS.
(b) Optimum control of the microbial population and flexibility in operation with
excellent effluent quality (COD removal: ≥ 95 %, BOD removal: ≥98 % and TSS
removal: ≥ 99 %).
(c) MBR operates at low F/M ratio and long SRT. This means less sludge production
and better sludge quality. Better sludge quality ultimately reduces sludge bulking.
(d) Smaller foot print per unit of BOD loading or per unit feed flow rate. Ideal for
expansion of existing facilities without an increase in the footprint. The foot print
of MBR based plant is 25 to 40% lesser than that of conventional treatment
(e) Capable of absorbing organic shock loads.
(f) MBR serves as barrier to certain chlorine resistant pathogens such as
Cryptosporidium and Giardia.
(g) Minimum odour.
(h) Sludge yield is 20 – 40 % less as compared to conventional WWTP.
(i) Disinfection requirements are reduced.
(j) The effluent quality is suitable for recycle and reuse for flushing and gardening.
(k) Process control is easier with automation.
(l) Modular design for easy expansion.
Disadvantages of MBR:
(a) High capital cost due to expensive membrane units.
Various alternative processes as described earlier have been evaluated for the
proposed capacity of 20 MLD. Based on the techno-economic analysis and the life
cycle cost, the treatment processes recommendations have been made. The
evaluation is based on following criteria’s:
Life cycle cost analysis is carried out for the technologies mentioned earlier. Operation
& Maintenance cost is considered for 10 years in life cycle analysis. The comparison of
Area, Power and Cost comparison for different process are provided in the table 6-1
and life cycle cost comparison statements for the same is provided in table 6-1.
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Parameters Impact EA SBR MBBR MBR SBT
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Table 6-2: Cost Comparison for different processes for 5 MLD Capacity STP at Adoni
Biological Oxygen Demand
1 200 - 250 200 - 250 200 - 250 200 - 250
2 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 350 - 400 350 - 400 350 - 400 350 - 400
3 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 350 - 450 350 - 450 350 - 450 350 - 450
4 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) 40 - 50 40 - 50 40 - 50 40 - 50
Biological Oxygen Demand < 20 (Less than 10 can < 20 (Less than 5 can be
1 < 20 < 20
(BOD) be achieved ) achieved )
2 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) < 100 < 100 < 100 < 100
< 30 (Less than 10 can < 30 (Less than 5 can be
3 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) < 30 < 30
be achieved ) achieved )
Total Nitrogen Removal
4 70-80 70-80 70-80 70-80
Efficiency, %
1 Process Type Aerobic, Continuous. Aerobic, Continuous. Aerobic, Batch Aerobic, Continuous.
Monitoring of Process Monitoring of Process
Generally minimum
Automatic Control of Operating Generally minimum Parameters like Rate of Parameters like Rate of
2 automation
Parameters automation provided. Change of Dissolved Change of Dissolved
Oxygen, Inflow and Oxygen, Inflow and Outflow
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Outflow is automatically is automatically done by
done by PLC PLC
No fly problems.
Possibility of Odour in
Nil since the process Nil since the process Nil since the process
case the Sludge is stored
3 Odour and Fly Problems produces fully produces fully stabilized produces fully stabilized
at Site for a long time as
stabilized Sludge. Sludge. Sludge.
the Sludge is not fully
95% to 98% 95%. Requires Tertiary 95% of BOD removal
98% of BOD removal can
4 Treatment Efficiency treatment efficiency Treatment to achieve < can be achieved in
be achieved in single stage.
can be acheived. 10 mg/l BOD. single stage.
Membranes have a life of 5-
7 years, after which all
No replacement of Possibility of MBBR
No replacement of membranes need to be
components is media replacement is
components is required. replaced. The system uses
required. Mechanical necessary every 4 to 5
Replacement of System Mechanical and membranes which
5 and Electrical years. Mechanical and
components Electrical components contribute to about 30% of
components are Electrical components
are designed for life the capital investments.
designed for life are designed for life
period of 15 years. Mechanical and Electrical
period of 15 years. period of 15 years.
components are designed
for life period of 15 years.
6 Level of Automation Fully Automatic. Fully Automatic. Fully Automatic. Fully Automatic. Controlled
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Controlled by PLC Controlled by PLC and Controlled by PLC and by PLC and Computer with
and Computer with Computer with Manual Computer with Manual Manual Override.
Manual Override. Override. Override.
Partial Plant to be Standby Basin can be
Partial Plant to be taken Membrane modules can be
Ease during Shutdown / taken under taken Offline while other
7 under Shutdown while isolated and the balance
Maintenance Shutdown while Basin shall cater to the
Maintenance. can cater the treatment flow.
Maintenance. treatment requirements.
Required Level of Operator
8 Low Medium Medium High.
Greater than MBBR, 25-30 %less as 35 - 40 %less as
40-50 % less as compared
9 Area Requirements SBR and MBR compared to that of compared to that of
to that of extended aeration.
Process. extended aeration. extended aeration.
10 Net Operating Cost Medium Low. Low. High.
Area Requirement (Acres)
1 1.61 0.68 0.68 0.56
Land Cost @ Rs. 30.36
2 49 21 21 17
Lacs/Acre (Rs. Lacs)
Total Capital Cost for STP (5
MLD) with Civil,
3 650 775 800 1,375
Electromechanical equipments
(Rs. Lacs)
Total (Land+Capital) Cost (Rs.
4 698.75 795.63 820.63 1,391.88
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1 Power Cost 59 33 36 89
Chemical Cost per annum in
2 4 4 4 13
Manpower Cost per annum in
3 19 19 19 19
Total Maintainence & Repair
4 14 27 19 93
Cost per Annum in Lacs
Total O&M Cost
96.03 82.88 77.26 213.84
(Rs. Lacs per Annum)
Total Life Cycle Cost
Excluding Landcost 1,959.93 1,901.20 1,849.61 4,284.92
(Rs.Lacs )
Total Life Cycle Cost
Including Landcost 2,008.68 1,921.82 1,870.24 4,301.80
(Rs.Lacs )
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6.4 Conclusion and Recommendation
Capital Costs for STP for Extended Aeration, Sequential Batch Reactor, SBT and
MBBR is almost same whereas for MBR it is more.
Power for Extended Aeration is more compared to MBBR, SBT & SBR and for
MBR it is highest.
Operation & Maintenance is higher for MBR as compared to other four
Area requirement for MBR is less as compared to that required for other
alternatives. Further Tertiary Treatment is not required for MBR.
MBR technology is good and generates high quality of effluent (5-7m years) but
the capital cost and O & M cost is very high. Membrane life is also short and
membranes needs to be replaced after certain interval of time which has high
periodic cost.
Comparing the LCC cost of all the above mentioned treatment technologies, It is
concluded that the SBR is most economical followed by Extended Aeration.
However the SBR technology is a fully automation technology requires skilled
manner and Extended Aeration does not require automation & skilled manpower.
Equalization tank and Primary clarifiers are not required in SBR whereas it
required in Extended Aeration. Minimal foot area is required in SBR when
compared to Extended Aeration.
In respect of tertiary treatment (if required), SBR technology followed by Rapid
gravity sand filter (if required) is the best option for Sewage treatment plant and
hence, for the proposed STP at Adoni, SBR technology has been recommended.
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Figure 6-7: Process Flow Diagram for Sequential Batch Reactor Based STP
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7.1 Septage
Septage or septic tank sludge refers to the partially treated sludge stored in a septic
tank or (less commonly) in a pit latrine. Septage is the semi-liquid material removed
from the septic tank, i.e a mixture of solids and water settled at the bottom of the septic
Septic tanks are the primary source of septage generation. This functions as a settling
tank and digestion unit. The solids in the wastewater settle to the bottom of the tank
where they undergo anaerobic degradation along with the organic matter. It has an
offensive odour and is high in organics and pathogenic microorganisms. Scum
accumulates on the surface while the sludge settles at the bottom, comprising 20 to
50% of the total septic tank volume when pumped. A septic tank will usually retain 60 to
70% of the solids, oil and grease that passes through the system.
Septage is a highly variable organic waste that often contains large amounts of grease,
grit, hair and debris and is characterized by an objectionable odour. These
characteristics make septage difficult to handle and treat. The major reason for
providing adequate treatment and disposal systems is to protect public health and the
environment, as septage may harbour disease causing viruses, bacteria and parasites.
Physical and chemical characteristics of septage are provided in table 7-1and an
Illustrative characteristic of septage for Indian conditions is provided in table 7-2. The
range of BOD, COD and SS in Indian conditions is provided in table 7-3 and that of the
septage characteristics specified in US-EPA is specified in Table 7-4.
Table 7-1: Physical and chemical characteristics of septage
S.No Constituent Range (mg/L)
1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 6,480 440-78,600
2 Chemical Oxygen Demand 31,900 1,500-7,03,000
3 Total Solids 34,106 1,132-1,30,745
4 Total Volatile Solids 23,100 353-71,402
5 Total Suspended Solids 12,862 310-93,378
6 Volatile Suspended Solids 9,027 95-51,500
7 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 588 66-1,060
8 Ammonia Nitrogen 97 3-116
9 Total Phosphorous 210 20-760
10 Alkalinity 970 522-4,190
11 Grease 5600 208-23,368
12 pH- unitless 1.5-12.6
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Table 7-2: Illustrative characteristics of septage for Indian Conditions
Table 7-3: Range values of BOD, COD and SS at inlet to septic tank in India
S.No. Indicator BOD, mg/L COD, mg/L SS, mg/L
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Table 7-5: Comparison of Septage and Municipal Wastewater
Parameter Septageb Wastewaterc Ratio of Septage to Wastewater
TS 40000 720 55:1
TVS 25000 360 69:1
TSS 15000 210 71:1
VSS 10000 160 62:1
BOD5 7000 190 37:1
COD 15000 430 35:1
TKN 700 40 17:1
NH3-N 150 25 6:1
Total P 250 7 36:1
Alkalinity 1000 90 11:1
Grease 8000 90 89:1
pH 6.0 - -
Linear Alkyl Sulfonate 150 - -
a Values expressed as mg/L, except for pH.
b Based on suggested design values in Appendix – Table No. 1 (USEPA Table 3-4)
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the septage. Assuming an average septic tank volume of 3 m3 and emptying of septage
when one third of the septic tank is filled with settled solids, the volume of septage
emptied would be 1 m3. The accumulating sludge at the bottom of the septic tank has to
be removed and treated once it has reached the designed depth or at the end of the
designed de-sludging period whichever occurs earlier. Such a removal can be done
possible by mechanical vaccumum type trucks. While sucking out the sludge, the liquid in
the septic tank will also be sucked out. Such a mixture is referred to as septage. The
removal of septage from a household septic tank should occur approximately once in two
or three years.
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7.6 Key activities involved in Septage Management
Assessment of existing toilets and septic tanks through surveys and creation of
Design and construction / refurbishment of septic tanks
Desludging of septic tanks
Scheduled septic tank emptying services
Treatment of faecal sludge / septage
In Indian cities, most of the septic tanks are de-sludged manually. This is considered as
an unpleasant and repulsive job. The Government of India has enacted the Employment
of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993 which
emphasizes on
Desludging /emptying of septic tanks need to be carried out using mechanical
devices like suction emptier trucks / vacuum tankers.
Yearly desludging of septic tank is desirable, but if it is not feasible or
economical, then septic tanks should be cleaned at least once in two-three
years, provided the tank is not overloaded due to use by more than the number of
persons for which it is designed (As per CPHEEO Manual, Page 9- 22).
Frequent desludging inhibits the anaerobic action in the tank. Normally the tanks are
cleaned when the sum of the depth of the scum and the sludge is observed to
exceed half the depth of the tank. (As per clause 5.1 note, page no. 16, IS: 2470
(Part-I), 1985.
Periodical de-sludging also helps reduce the pollution levels in the liquid effluent,
which normally enters waterways untreated.
A small quantity of sludge (i.e 1-2 inch) should be left in tank to facilitate future
Regular de-sludging activities require well-organized community and public/private
service providers.
Septic tanks should not be scrub cleaned or washed with detergent.
The sludge after removal should be transported in a controlled manner to avoid
leakage or spillage.
Vehicle having a capacity of 2,000 litres shall clean 3 to 10 septic tanks per day.
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Infrastructure Development Corporation Urban transformation (AMRUT)
Small scale vacuum trucks called "Vacutug" are recommended for areas
inaccessible to large vehicles
Desludging trucks act as a “mobile sewer network” for onsite sanitation systems.
They collect the septage at the household level and transport it to treatment or
disposal sites.
It is desirable to develop standard operating procedures for pumping and
transportation of septage as part of a Manual of Practice for septage. These
procedures will include following
Scheduling and routing for trucks
Customer service protocols
Locating tanks and cleanouts
Proper pumping equipment operation and worker safety
Site control, including post-pumping clean-up
Transportation requirements, including rules of the road
Disposal procedures at the treatment facility
Routine service of equipment – greasing and oiling, minor repairs
Recordkeeping for all tanks pumped and wastes discharged at the disposal
Co-treatment of septage along with domestic sewage at the sewage treatment plant
(STP) is the most desirable option. The sewage treatment plants should have adequate
capacity to accept the septage without hampering the functioning of the sewage
treatment plant. The options in treating faecal sludge / septage are as follows
Option 1: Treatment of septage at sewage treatment plants
Andhra Pradesh urban Financial & Page 65 PDMC for Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
Infrastructure Development Corporation Urban transformation (AMRUT)
Septage addition at the nearest sewer manhole: Septage added to a sewer
upstream of the sewage treatment plant so that substantial dilution of septage
occurs before reaching the sewage treatment plant.
Septage addition at the STP: Septage added immediately in the upstream of
the screening and grit removal processes.
Septage addition to sludge digesters/Sludge management units
Option 2: Treatment of septage at independent Septage treatment plants
Space is not a constraint: Lime treatment, Sludge drying beds, Anaerobic
baffled reactor, stabilization pond, constructed wetland, co-composting with solid
Space is a constraint: Mechanical Dewatering system
The cleaning services of the ULB are currently Regulations and penalties shall be set
treated as a complaint redressal system for in place to ensure periodic cleaning
overflowing septic tanks rather than a regular
cleaning and maintenance service. Awareness generation activities to
educate households about the need for
regular cleaning
2. Each municipality relay on private agencies to Each town shall own 1-5 trucks to meet
Andhra Pradesh urban Financial & Page 66 PDMC for Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
Infrastructure Development Corporation Urban transformation (AMRUT)
Sl. Current situation of Septage Management Recommended Septage
No Management
clean the septic tanks through vacuum service standard, which can be
cleaners operated by a private player
3. Household generally pay INR 500-1000 to get Local taxes levied by the ULB as per
tanks cleaned, but only once in >8-10 years municipal act will be used to recover
when the tanks overflow the operating expenses for regular
There is no such proposal for recycling and reuse of treated water however the ULB can
explore the possibilities for selling this water for needy industries or can be used for their
own purposes. The following are the standards for the reuse of treated sewage quality
provided in table 7-7.
Andhra Pradesh urban Financial & Page 67 PDMC for Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
Infrastructure Development Corporation Urban transformation (AMRUT)
Table 7-7: Recommended norms of treated sewage quality for specified activities at point of use
All units in mg/L unless specified; AA-as arising when other parameters are satisfied
A tolerance of plus 5% is allowable when yearly average values are considered
Andhra Pradesh urban Financial & Page 68 PDMC for Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
Infrastructure Development Corporation Urban transformation (AMRUT)
The present DPR is prepared for the Sewage components identified in SAAP 2016-20 for
Adoni municipality.
For SAAP 2016-20 DPR requirements; TCE has undertaken the brief study of the
complete system of Adoni municipality. Necessary observations on the collection system
and STP have been provided. For the components identified under SAAP 2016-20 DPR,
preliminary design has been carried out and accordingly this report has been prepared.
The water demand for Adoni municipality for various design horizons has been assessed
based on the approved unit demand norms along with the approved population
projections from the competent authority. (Approved by CE- PH&ME – Guntur vide his
letter No-2 dated 17-10-16).
The summary of the water demand calculations are provided in the table 8-1.
The proposed sewage flows are worked out on the basis of the projected design
population, per capita sewage generation of 108 litres per day. 10% of the total
projected population is considered as institutional / commercial needs and the sewage
generation of 36 liters per day is considered for institutional/Commercial needs. The
infiltration allowance is considered as 10% of designed flows. The projected design
Andhra Pradesh urban Financial & Page 69 PDMC for Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
Infrastructure Development Corporation Urban transformation (AMRUT)
sewage flows for present, Intermediate and ultimate years are given in the table 8-2
Table 8-2: Projected Sewage Flow for Adoni Town
As described in the existing system chapter, the town is divided into 4 sewerage zones.
The zone wise coverage of Election wards is provided in table 8-3.
The probable sewage generation for present, intermediate and ultimate years for all the
sewage catchment Zones in Adoni town are provided in the table 8-4 below.
The zone map of the town is shown in Drawing No: TCE.10282A-CV-3009-SL-31702.
Andhra Pradesh urban Financial & Page 70 PDMC for Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
Infrastructure Development Corporation Urban transformation (AMRUT)
Figure 8-1: Zonal Map of Adoni City
Andhra Pradesh urban Financial & Page 71 PDMC for Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
Infrastructure Development Corporation Urban transformation (AMRUT)
Table 8-4: Zone wise projected sewage flow for Adoni town
Total Demand including STP
Population Demand @ 108 lpcd Floating Population Floating Demand @ 36 lpcd Total Average Demand
infiltration losses Capacity
Zone No.
2018 2033 2048 2018 2033 2048 2018 2033 2048 2018 2033 2048 2018 2033 2048 2018 2033 2048 Amrut
Zone - I 19404 23285 28177 2.1 2.51 3.04 1941 2329 2818 0.07 0.08 0.1 2.17 2.59 3.14 2.39 2.85 3.45
Zone - II 4930 5917 7159 0.53 0.64 0.77 493 592 716 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.55 0.66 0.8 0.61 0.73 0.88
Zone - III 61180 69640 76723 6.61 7.52 8.29 6118 6964 7673 0.22 0.25 0.28 6.83 7.77 8.57 7.51 8.55 9.43
Zone - IV 93986 105658 114941 10.15 11.41 12.41 9399 10566 11495 0.34 0.38 0.41 10.49 11.79 12.82 11.54 12.97 14.1
179500 204500 227000 19.39 22.08 24.51 17951 20451 22702 0.65 0.73 0.82 20.04 22.81 25.33 22.05 25.1 27.86
From the above analysis, it can be concluded that a treatment plant of capacity 22.05
MLD will be required to treat the base year 2018 sewage flow for the entire town.
However, at present 5 MLD for Zone-III capacity of STP is proposed under Amrut
Scheme. During the horizon 2033 to 2048, to cater the Intermediate year flow of 20
MLD and for Ultimate year flow of about 2.86 MLD capacity of sewage treatment
plants respectively will be required to treat future sewage flows generated from Adoni
Under AMRUT scheme, it is proposed 5 MLD capacity of STP which can treat present
sewage generated from the town and the sewage is conveyed to STP through
proposed interceptor drains.
Flow measurements, carried out on the drains near the proposed STP location (refer
to the details provided in field surveys and investigations chapter) reveal that, the
present waste water flow at Kachra Basti, Rayanagar is about 9.94 MLD. It can be
concluded that at present, flow in the natural drain is available and therefore STP will
get its design capacity flow during commissioning and operation.
Hence, based on the desktop analysis, field measurement and available funds, a
capacity of 5 MLD capacity has been recommended.
This 5 MLD capacity is recommended for the following reasons
With the 5 MLD proposed capacity, can be used to treat the part flows generated
from the zone III & Zone II; until the above schemes are commissioned. Based on
As per the new Guide lines of Central Pollution control board vide lr no A-
14011/1/2015-MON/5245 Dated 09-10-2015, the characteristics of treated effluent
standards of Sewage Treatment plant shall be as provided in the table 8-8.
The hydraulic gradient of the STP shall be such that no intermediate pumping is
required. The following are the unit operations and processes required.
Grit removal
Aeration and settling
Recirculation of activated sludge (RAS)
Transfer of surplus activated sludge (SAS)
Post Chlorination
Rapid gravity sand filter (if required)
Sludge thickening
Sludge dewatering using Centrifuges
C. De-gritting Unit
The screened sewage shall flow from the fine screens to degritting systems. Two
degritting systems shall be provided each capable of handling ultimate peak flow. The
degritting tanks shall be of RCC.
The systems shall be of square type with central scraping mechanism for removal of
grit. A series of adjustable FRP baffles shall be provided at the inlet of the grit
chambers for proper distribution of flow.
Grit shall be collected in one pocket at the periphery of the grit separation chamber by
means of classifier mechanism; the grit shall be washed and discharged into hopper in
the upstream of chamber which can be received in a trolley. A pump with suitable
motor shall return organic matter at the inlet of the system. Corners of square grit
chambers shall be sloped towards centre.
D. Parshall Flume
A Parshall flume, the most recognized and commonly used flume, is a fixed hydraulic
structure developed to measure flow. It is currently used to measure volumetric flow
rate in municipal sewer lines, and influent/effluent flows in wastewater treatment
plants. The Parshall flume accelerates flow through a contraction of both the parallel
sidewalls and a drop in the floor at the flume throat. Under free-flow conditions the
depth of water at specified location upstream of the flume throat can be converted to a
rate of flow.
The Sequential batch reactor technology of activated sludge treatment shall be used.
If an anoxic zone is used, it shall be separated from the aerated zone by a baffle. In
order to prevent short-circuiting, the effluent from the anoxic zone shall be arranged in
such a way that it is opposite to the influent, i.e., if the influent to the anoxic zone is at
the top of the tank, the flow to the aeration zone shall be under the baffle. Back-mixing
i.e., the intrusion of the mixed liquor from the aerated zone to the anoxic zone shall be
prevented. The anoxic zones / tanks shall be equipped with mixers to maintain the
activated sludge in suspension at all times. Slow mixers shall be used to avoid
damaging the sludge flocs.
From the outlet weir of Anoxic tank(s), the mixed liquor shall flow into respective SBR
basin(s). The portion of activated sludge from the Return activated sludge pumps shall
be returned to the upstream of SBR basin(s). The return sludge arrangement shall
ensure thorough mixing with the inflow into the Anoxic zone (s).
The diffused aeration system shall be so designed such that sufficient oxygen is
provided for carbonaceous treatment, sludge stabilization, nitrification and maintaining
the DO at the specified level. Allowance for diurnal variations in the load shall be
made. Reduction in oxygen demand due to denitrification in the anoxic zones shall
also be taken into account. An on-line DO monitoring system shall be provided for
each SBR basin. Mounting shall be on a rigid base plate. During power failure and on
application of standby power through DG set, the blower(s) are required to be run
continuously. Necessary instrumentation and control system shall be provided for the
Treated Sewage shall be dosed with chlorine gas at concentrations not less than 5
mg/l and not more than 10 mg/l at entry to the contact tank. Effluent from the chlorine
contact tank shall not have more than 1 mg/l of residual chlorine at all flow conditions.
The chlorinators shall be adequate to dose the required chlorine during the peak flow
Health Hazards
General—Chlorine gas is primarily a respiratory irritant. The characteristic penetrating
odour of chlorine gas usually gives warning of its presence. At higher concentration it
is visible as greenish yellow gas. The effect of chlorine may become more severe for
upto 36 hours of exposure.
The fundamental steps for safe working conditions in a plant or area where chlorine
is produced, stored or processed are:
Respiratory Protection
A suitable gas mask should be available to every employee involved with chlorine
handling. Respiratory protective equipment should be carefully maintained and kept in
clean, dry, light-proof cabinets properly protected by paraffined paper or polyethylene
bags. Cleaning and inspection by competent person is generally necessary after each
occasion on which the apparatus is used and should, in any case, take place at least
once a month. Equipment used by more than one person should be sterilized after
each use. A defective or inoperable mask is worse than none at all.
After chlorination the treated effluent will be pumped to the Rapid gravity sand filter,
Ferric chloride will be added to the online static mixer to enhance coagulation and
flocculation. Inline Mixers shall be provided for mixing of chemicals with the secondary
Unit sizing of typical 5MLD capacity SBR technology treatment plant is given in table
6-3 below and layout is shown in drawing no. TCE.10282A-CV-3009-SL-31705
Utilities for the treatment plant facilities will consist of the following components
At Sewage treatment plant potable water is required for various uses including
a. Domestic supply for the staff
b. Laboratory for testing
c. Preparation of chemicals
d. Washing purpose
e. Cooling system
iii. Roads
Roads will be provided around the structures. The roads will be 5m wide and
surface with asphalt. Places where vehicular movement is not expected 2m wide
brick pavement is provided. Storm water drainage will be provided along the
roads which will finally terminate at the nearby natural nalas / drain.
v. Compound walls/Fencing
Common burnt brick wall with barbed wire fencing above is proposed along the
periphery of the STP. Gates will be provided at the main entrance and picket
gates are proposed at selected other places along the boundary.
For sewage pumping stations, the civil works have been designed for the sewer
capacities. However the mechanical and electrical equipment will be designed for the
actual flows in view of the ease of changing equipment in short time. The equipment
life is considered to be 15 years compared to structures which have about 50 years
of useful life. Generally, the maximum flow i.e. peak inflow at design horizon dictates
the size of wet well of the pumping station. Fully submersible pumps have been
considered in the design where motor is housed in the submerged unit.
The size of the sump will be based on retention period of max 30 minutes of Average
flow and minimum 5 minutes of peak flow. Pipes and valves will be sized such that the
velocity shall not exceed 2.0 m/s.
The sewage will be diverted through weir in the natural drain. The wet well is 5 m in
diameter at 5 MLD STP. Submersible non - clog pump motor set with chain - pulley
block and pump motor set sliding on guide rails has been selected. The arrangement
is such that when pump reaches bottom base, its delivery nozzle sits automatically on
delivery pipe. In order to remove the submersible pumps a cutout of 3m x 2m has been
provided on the pump floor slab. For proper space utilization of pump house the
delivery pipes, common header along with their valves and dismantling joints are
placed in a separate chamber beside the pump house. For maintenance purpose CI
rungs will be provided inside the valve chamber. In order to avoid solid deposition in
the bottom floor of the wet well suitable benching will be provided and will be directed
towards the submersible pumps. Superstructure of about 6m x6m has been
considered in order to accommodate Electrical control panels, ventilation fans and
manually operated overhead travelling hoist.
Head room in the pump room of pumping station is kept adequate to ensure handling
of pump and motor in service bay without constraint. The headroom will also be
adequate to ensure natural ventilation and heat dissipation to a tolerable limit in event
of non-functioning of ventilation system. Rolling shutter has been considered for partial
vehicle movement inside pumping station for loading and unloading of pumps.
There will be three working and two stands by pumps. The capacity of the working
pumps will be 209 m3/hr (2Working DWF) + 105 m3/hr (1 Working ½ DWF) and
standby pumps will be 209 m3/hr ( 1 Standby DWF) + 105 m3/hr ( 1 Standby ½ DWF)
with a head of 18m for 5 MLD STP.
The design maximum velocity through the valves and pump branch pipe work shall not
exceed 2m/s.
The design pressure rating of valves and pipe work shall be 1.5 times the pump shut
valve pressure or 10 bar, whichever is greater.
Each pump shall be provided with a delivery non-return valve, a delivery isolating
valve, and an automatic air inlet/release valve. The air valve shall be fitted to the
delivery pipe work near to the discharge bend and upstream of the non-return valve.
Non-return valves shall be of the swing-check type, designed for rapid closing as soon
as forward flow stops.
Each pump air inlet/release valve shall be designed and sized to ensure:
b) On pump starting, air is expelled from the column pipe fast enough to prevent
air being forced past the pump non-return valve and into the delivery manifold, and the
air cushion in the column pipe prevents damage to pipe work or non-return valve from
the advancing water column.
The valve shall be gate type with resilient seating, and manually operated by a hand
wheel through integral reduction gearing.
The valve shall be the same pressure rating as the delivery manifold.
Pump delivery pipe work shall be ductile iron, with flanged connections. Pressure
ratings shall match those for valves as given above.
D Septage Treatment :
13759 Cum/year
365 Days
37.70 Cum/day
2.1 STP Design Value: Expected Average BOD coming to STP is approximately
161.8 ppm, If we design the STP as per current Scenario of maximum BOD of
200, STP will be 30-40% under design when entire sewerage Network will be
in Place.
STP shall be design assuming Entire Sewerage network will be in place within
next 3-5 years. Then following will be the Scenario.
Description Value Units
Septage collected from septic tanks will be transported to STP location by Septic tank
cleaners. Septage Holding Tank with 1 day holding capacity will be provided. Septage
will be blended with mechanical agitation. Homogenized Sludge will be then uniformly
feed to inlet of STP. Waste activated sludge, which is typically pumped from SBR
Basins will be passed to sludge thickeners. Total sludge from sludge thickeners will
further passed to centrifuge system for solids separation from water. To enhance the
dewatering process / treatment of excess sludge, Poly electrolyte (5Kg/tonne dry
solids) will be dosed to the thickened sludge. The dewatered sludge generated from
centrifuge will have the solid concentration of 18 - 20%. The dewatered sludge cake
shall be collected and further treated for pathogen reduction, so that it can be disposed
without any environmental hazard or finally used as manure.
Service level with respect to treatment aspect increases from void to 30% for present
conditions. The power supply to the proposed system shall be provided from the nearest
APSPDCL shall provide the feeder with either overhead ACSR conductors or Tariff Metering equipment (suitable for 11KV supply point) including combined CT/PT
APSPDCL. The Contractor’s scope shall include 11KV two (2) pole structure (along with
necessary earthing, fence and gate) with 11kV GOD (including operating handle
and lock), Lightning Arrestors and Drop Out (DO) Fuses (wherever applicable for
transformer(s) being fed directly from Two/ Four pole structure) for the 11kV power As per Statutory requirements if transformer capacity exceeds 800kVA, then 11kV 11kV/ 0.433kV Oil type, ONAN, Dyn11, Distribution Transformers with OCTC, RTCC, For schematic distribution please refer Single Line Drawing (SLD) number
a) Nominal Voltage : 11 kV
b) Frequency : 50 Hz ± 5 %
c) No. of Phases : 3
d) Connection : 3 Wire
c) Connection : 4 wire
b) Phase : Single
c) Frequency : 50 Hz ± 5 %
a) 11 kV Incoming Supply
(i) Overload, Earth fault and short circuit protection through microprocessor
based releases;
(i) Overload, Earth fault and short circuit protection through microprocessor
based releases;
d) LV Motors
Short circuit
Thermal overload
Locked rotor
Moisture sensor
a) Above 630A, Four Pole (FP) Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) with Microprocessor
based O/L, S/C and E/F (in built) release shall be provided
f) R, Y, B indicating Lamps
(ii) O/L, S/C (in built) release and separate E/F release 415V LV switchgear shall consist of Low Voltage Distribution Board (LVDB);
Lighting & Power Distribution Board (L+PDB), Ventilation fan Distribution
Board (VDB).
b) Maximum short circuit current and its duration (fault clearing time)
g) Voltage drop during motor starting limited to 15% of the rated voltage
h) Voltage drop during steady state loading limited to 5% of the rated voltage
9.10 Motors & Starters
9.10.1 All motors will be highly energy efficient (IE2) type and shall conform to IS:
9.10.2 Motors will be capable of giving rated output without reduction in the expected
life span when operated continuously under either of the following supply
conditions as specified in Data Sheet.
Supply Condition
9.10.3 The minimum permissible voltage shall be 85% of the rated voltage during
motor starting.
9.10.4 Motors shall be capable of starting and accelerating the load with the applicable
method of starting, without winding temperatures reaching injurious levels,
when the supply voltage is in the range of 85% of the rated motor voltage to
maximum permissible voltage.
9.10.5 The locked rotor current of the motor shall not exceed 600% of full load current
(subject to tolerances as per the applicable standard) unless otherwise
9.10.6 Motors shall be capable of developing the rated full load torque even if the
supply voltage drops to 70% of the rated voltage. The pull out torque of the
motor shall be at least 205% of full load torque.
9.10.7 Motors when started with the driven equipment coupled shall be capable of
withstanding at least two successive starts from cold conditions & one start
the duty.
(iii) Beneficial Fly Wheel type Inertial effect which reduces detrimental
effects of water hammer
(v) The Motor Rating should be higher of the two criteria i.e.,10% over
Maximum pump shaft input at any point of the curve &/ or 20% over
pump shaft input @ duty point
(ii) This jacket shell is fed by normal water from the pump casing &
discharges its heated water back into the sump (in case of Wet
Installation) or Pump casing (in case of Dry Installation) by integrally
cast ducts. There should not be any pipes, hoses, etc for this circulation.
(iii) Alternatively, Close Circuit cooling technology (using Glycol, etc) may
also be offered.
(i) The cables shall be suitable for submersible pump application and
visually identifiable from other cables. It should have Power as well as
Control Cables of Dual Sheathed EPR/ XLPE insulated, flexible GI wire
Armoured, with longitudinally water tight flexible Copper conductor of
required size. Cable shall be with copper conductor.
(iii) The cables shall be brought directly out of the submerged motor without
joints, and shall be of sufficient length, minimum 50 m to be terminated in
respective MCC/panel/IP 68 junction box (in the scope of electrical
contractor) outside adjacent to the wet well & above the HFL.
(iv) The Cross Section of the cable shall be sized to ensure a Voltage Drop of
not more than 2% at actual running conditions.
(v) The power cable together with the cable (or pipe/hoses) shall be clamped
in scallops in the rising main flanges with clips of Monel 400 (or
equivalent) type material. Alternative catenary type cable supports may
be proposed.
(i) The pressurized entry of water into the motor (from the pump’s volute
casing) should be prevented by two separate mechanical seals mounted
in a Tandem mode within an oil chamber.
(f) The submerged motor windings shall be of wet type. The thrust bearing
should be of wet type water lubricated and designed to take all untoward load
at most unfavourable running conditions. Front and Rear bearing housing and
thrust bearing housing should preferably fixed by separate replaceable
(g) Fool proof sealing arrangement by sand guard shall be preferred in the
submerged Motor inlet body to prevent open well water impurities like sand,
silt from entering the motor bearing Stator and submerged Motor should be
impregnated with a superior varnish class-B thermal insulation properties by
vacuum pressure or epoxy paints on stator cold rolled stamping used and
rotor shall be painted with Polyurethane paint & baked properly under
controlled temperature condition and not by manual or gravity flow to remove
air pocket so that these are thoroughly filled up by varnish.
(h) Fool proof arrangement should be made for stopping the rotating or shifting of
stampings inside the stator body of the submerged motor due to operation of
pump sets. Earth leakage current should not be more than 50 mA at rated
(i) The cables shall be brought directly out of the submerged motor without joints,
and shall be of sufficient length, minimum 50 m to be terminated in respective
MCC/panel/IP 68 junction box (in the scope of electrical contractor) outside
adjacent to the wet well & above the HFL.
(j) The motor should not get overloaded in the range of + 10% & (-) 25% of the
specified pump head. The meaning of overload will be interpreted as per IS
9.11 Illumination
9.11.1 All the rooms, internal roads, outdoor areas etc will be illuminated by
appropriate luminaries with suitable type and wattage lamps. Indoor lighting
illumination levels will be as per IS 3646 and where as outdoor lighting
illumination level will be as per IS 1944.
Maintenance Factor
9.12 UPS
9.12.1 The PLC shall be supplied through UPS.
9.12.2 UPS system shall be suitable for 415V 3 phase 4 wire as input and output
Single phase, 230V, 50Hz, 2 wire, IGBT based UPS with Static Bypass to
stand-by supply, inbuilt input isolation transformer and SMF battery banks of
suitable capacity.
9.12.3 The backup time for UPS shall be 30min at Full-Load (As per the
instrumentation requirement).
9.13.8 Earth stations shall comprise of Copper plate earthing, GI Pipe earthing
electrode and GI & Copper Earth strip for connecting grid. All the copper
a) GI Pipe Earthing:
40mm Dia. 3000 mm long Heavy duty, GI pipe electrode as per IS 3043.
Charcoal & Salt shall be provided for earth pits. Installation as per IS 3043.
b) Cu Plate Earthing:
Earthing station with 600 mm x 600 mm x 3.15 mm Cu plate & 3000mm long
with watering pipe and meshed funnel as per IS 3043. Charcoal & Salt shall be
provided for earth pits. Installation as per IS 3043.
9.13.9 Based on the point 3.12.7, the neutrals of star connected transformer windings,
non-current carrying parts and enclosures of all electrical equipment such as LV
switchboards, transformers, motors, LDBs, local control stations, cable trays,
socket outlets, transformer yard fences etc will be connected to the earthing
grid by two separate (one for each lead) or one earth conductors (one from one
c) Panel - 2 nos.
The present STP including the Septage Treatment and inlet works are designed for
Adoni Municipality Corporation taking into the consideration of present requirements of
the ULB. At present, the ULB has not enough water infrastructures to serve the needs
of the population residing in the town. The objective of the present project is to provide
a system to treat the waste water presently flowing in the natural water bodies to the
extent possible and dispose the same in an environmental friendly manner.
The proposed Sewage system of the ULB is planned and designed taking into
consideration of the demography, topography, present service levels, existing system,
functionality and existing conditions.
It is proposed to implement the project through open technology method and under
EPC Contract. As no standard rates on MLD basis are available in the AP Standard
schedule of rates; prevailing market rates for STP have been considered by
collecting quotations from the vendors having similar experience in India and in the
For Inlet Works and pumping station, Rate analysis have been carried out for the
items identified for the execution works as per the drawings prepared.
Proposed Treatment plant market cost and house service connection’s cost is
tabulated below.
Table 10-1: Cost Estimation for proposed works - Adoni
Total Cost
SI.No Name of Work
(In Cr.)
1. Sewage Treatment Plant Including Septage Treatment 15.84
Total 15.84
b) O&M
O & M (For 10 Years excluding power
12 41,461,247.00
c) Other provisions
13 Provision for other departments LS 300,000.00
Subtotal (C) 300,000.00
IBM value (A+B+C)
d) In admissible items
14 Provision towards seigniorage charges 131,198.00
15 Provision towards VAT/GST 17,600,000.00
16 Provision towards NAC@ 0.10% 98,588.00
Subtotal (D) 17,829,786.00
Provision for Unforeseen items & price
e) LS 220,543.00
Grand Total of admissible and in 158,400,000.0
admissible items (a+b+c+d+e) 0
Total Cr 15.84
This chapter provides the insights for the implementation schedule for the proposed
For projects greater than 10 Crores, the contract would be on EPC basis where in the
requisite survey and investigation, design work needs to be carried out by the agency
before execution and get it approved by PDMC / ULB. For projects less than 10 crores,
the contract would be on Item based tenders, where in the executing agency would be
carrying out the works as per the designs and drains supplied by PDMC.
As the proposed project is a high end activity, with substantial field and office inputs
required for effective planning and execution of the proposed components, it is suggested
to opt for EPC contract with minimum 10 years of O&M with specified performance criteria
to ripe the benefit of the project.
The activities to be performed for implementation of work and estimated time duration for
completion of proposed works are given in the form of a bar chart in Table-8.1
The cost estimate is prepared for the financial year 2016-2017. The cost of various
components of the project is worked out to be 9.87 Crores (Admissible cost).
The procurement procedure adopted can be Local Competitive Bidding (LCB), Single
Stage and Two-envelope system. In the first stage, the Bidders shall be technically
The implementation schedule for the project is estimated to be 18 months after award of
contract to the successful bidder. With this schedule, the project is expected to be
completed by October 2018. The bid documents can be published in the month of March
2018 and evaluation of bids, award of contracts would be completed by April 2018. Next
three year involves the construction activities and commissioning of works.
The Implementation Schedule for this project is given in Annexure-II. It is expected that
the total project would be implemented by the October 2018 along with the Expenditure
pattern during construction.
This is assumed that ULB has adequate experience and is well known of procedures to
carry out these activities without much delay. However, there would be possibility of delay
in getting approval of bidding documents or contract documents from agencies or any
other unforeseen event which is considered.
It is assumed that ULB has adequate experience and is well known of procedures to carry
out these activities without much delay. However, there would be possibility of delay in
getting approval of bidding documents or contract documents from agencies or any other
unforeseen event which is to be considered.
The funding pattern for SAAP project implementation of these works is provide in Table 11-2
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The O&M cost consists of energy cost, staff cost, consumables, repairs & maintenance of
assets of the project components executed under this contract. This O&M cost is prepared
only for the components planned to be executed under SAAP 2016-20.
Annual establishment charges for the project are broadly worked out based on
likely operating staff required for the project (to be covered under this DPR i.e
SAAP 2016-20).
Annual maintenance costs are worked out on percentage basis of capital cost for
different components of the project.
Annual energy charges are worked out considering 23 hrs working for average
flow at Rs.7.00 / kwh and the cost of chlorine is assumed as Rs.15,000 per
The cost of other chemical and energy charges if any is worked as per the MLD
The cost of operation of the pumps is considered based on the KW rating of the
pumps and its hours of operation.
The cost of maintenance and repair works for civil works and pipe line works is
considered as per the IWWA recommendations.
The daily rates of the manpower intended to be deployed have been considered
from the AP SoR-2016-17
Sl % of % of annual
Name of Work Remarks
no M&R depreciation
All activities to maintain the
1. STP (Civil works) 1.00 1.50
unit in good condition
STP (Electro mechanical All activities to maintain the
2. 3.00 3.00
works) unit in good condition
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The total annual O&M charges for STP are provided in table 12-2; annual maintenance
and repair charges are provided in table 12-3 and table 12-4 provide the summary of the
manpower required for the project maintenance as per CPHEEO manual. Detailed
manpower worked out as per CPHEEO manual along with their proposed salary structure
is provided in table 12-4
Table 12-4: Operation and Maintenance Staff for STP – (Annual Costing)
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For ESI & PF 10 % 136,800
TOTAL in Lacs Per Year 15.05
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13.1 Introduction
In this Chapter potential impacts on the environment from the proposed project on the
ULB are identified based on the nature and extent of various activities associated during
construction and after completion of the project. The proposed expansion activities will
have impact of varying magnitude on environmental components both beneficial (positive)
and adverse (negative) impacts. Both these (positive) and adverse (negative) impacts are
considered for the impact prediction studies. The details of impact prediction and
assessment are given in this chapter.
The project is expected to bring significant environmental and health benefits, such as
improvements in the sustainability of water sources and improvements in public health
through better quality of treated water. Although no major environmental issues are
anticipated, certain investments items to be funded under the project may require special
mitigation measures to protect the environment and enhance health safety.
The potential ambient air quality impacts arising from the proposed project would occur
mainly during construction phase. During construction, the project would have two major
impacts on ambient air quality due to an increase in gaseous emissions by heavy
construction equipments and vehicles, and an increase in dust by construction activities.
Earth excavation work, foundation work, superstructure work, material storage,
transportation and handling of construction materials, and wind erosion are the major
factors that would produce a temporary, localized increase in SPM and RPM levels. The
increased movement of heavy vehicles carrying construction materials, operation of DG
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sets as standby power back up system would generate gaseous emissions. However as
DG sets are used as standby, the impacts are insignificant. The degree of dust
generated would depend on the soil compaction and moisture content of the ground
surface during construction. Dust and exhaust particulate emissions from heavy
equipment operations would temporarily degrade air quality in the immediate
construction zone. The increase in air particulates would be minimized by the
performance of the work. The construction contractor will visually monitor dust levels on
the site during construction. Dust suppression will be instituted, using water tankers
mounted on tractors, sprinklers and other means as necessary, in the event that high
levels of dust are observed, strong winds and dry conditions make dust generation likely,
and complaints about dust are received.
Construction activities normally result in temporary and short duration increases in noise
levels. The main sources of noise during construction period include movement of
vehicles for loading and unloading of construction materials, fabrication, handling of
equipment and materials, operation of concrete mixing plants, generators etc. The areas
affected are those close to the site.
Under the worst case scenario, considered for prediction of noise levels during
construction phase, it has been assumed that all these equipments generate noise from a
common point at an average noise level of 85 dB (A).
The generation of waste material is inevitable during the construction phase of the
development. Waste is generated at different stages of construction process. Waste
during construction activity relates to excessive cement mix or concrete left after work is
over, rejection caused due to change in design or wrong workmanship etc. Excavation of
earth and rock generates muck. Other wastes include top soil, clay, sand, and gravel.
These are normally re-used as filler at the same site after completion of excavation work.
Other miscellaneous materials that arise as waste include glass, plastic material, general
refuse, scrap metal, cardboard, plastics, and sewage wastes from the construction
workers housing. Construction waste is bulky and heavy and is mostly unsuitable for
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disposal by incineration or composting. Unutilized or unused solid wastes generated
during construction will be disposed of to a designated landfill sites in the project area.
None of the proposed structures of STP, Pumping Stations etc at the project site would be
expected to have an impact on air quality during their normal operation.
None of the proposed structures of STP, Pumping Stations at the project site would be
expected to have an impact on Noise during their normal operation.
Since the project involves large-scale construction (Sewage Treatment Plant, laying of
pipes, etc) of activity the negative impacts on the air quality would be significant during
this phase. The impact on the air quality due to the operation of construction machineries
in the site is found to be insignificant given the vast area of the proposed project site.
However, the negative impacts created as a result of movement of construction vehicles
needs critical attention. For mitigation of these impacts following measures are suggested:
Vehicles transporting construction materials prone to fugitive dust emissions should
be covered.
Trucks carrying sand should be provided with tarpaulin sheets to cover the bed and
sides of the trucks.
Idling of delivery trucks or other equipment should not be permitted during loading
and unloading
All construction vehicles should comply with air emission standards and be
maintained properly.
Dust suppression measures in addition to the traffic management should be followed
on the roads.
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13.6.2 Mitigation Measures of Land Environment
The solid waste generated during the construction phase is usually Excavated earth
material and Construction debris. Excavated earth material will be reused for backfilling
between foundations; to fill up the low-lying areas and whereas, topsoil will be reused for
Landscaping/Greenbelt development purpose.
Construction equipment requiring minimum water for cooling and operation for
optimum effectiveness should be chosen.
High pressure hose should be used for cleaning and dust suppression purposes.
Appropriate sanitation facilities, septic tank and soak pits should be provided for the
workers onsite and offsite to reduce impact on water resources
Discharge of construction wastes to surface water bodies or ground water should not
be allowed during construction.
During construction period in rainy season, the water quality is likely to be affected
due to the construction work and loosening of topsoil. This is likely to increase the
suspended solids in the run – off during heavy precipitation. In order to reduce the
impact on water quality, temporary sedimentation tanks shall be constructed for the
settlement of suspended matter. However, it is envisaged that the monsoon period
will be avoided for cutting and filling of earthwork.
The project will generate employment opportunities to the local people. There will also be
secondary growth that will create self-employment opportunities for the local villagers like
small hotels, shops etc., which would lead to improvement in the quality of the life of the
local population. The positive impact of the proposed activity is expected during the start-
up of construction activities. Besides the local population would have employment
opportunities in service activities, contracts and supply of construction materials. This will
lead to economic up-liftment of the area.
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13.8 Potential Environmental Impact Matrix
The impact of each action on various environmental components are filled in a tabular
format to estimate the impacts may be either qualitative, insignificant, high, adverse,
beneficial or quantitative by assessing a numerical score, but in the end there should be a
grand total to signify the magnitude of the impact. The activities discussed above are likely
to affect the environment in varying degrees. Relevant components of environment, which
are likely to experience some impacts due to the proposed project activities, have been
Environmental parameters are broadly classified under three following groups considering
the cause - effect relationship:
Physical Environment
Biological Environment
Non Biophysical Components (NBP)
The parameters selected for impact identification are site activities and project specific.
Different parameters considered under the said groups are as follows:
The interaction between project activities and environmental parameters described above
are shown in the impact matrix in the Table below, the matrix points out each activity and
its impact on specific environmental parameters. This is a qualitative work and does not
indicate quantitative impact. Some of the impacts are temporary and localized and some
impacts are short term and long term in the matrix.
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The predicted impacts of the proposed project have been discussed in Table below. The
environmental management measures to reduce the adverse impacts are detailed in this
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- Implementation Phase
Pumping Stations ST, -ve ST, -ve ST, -ve Nil ST, -ve Nil ST, +ve
Sewage Treatment
Plants ST, -ve ST, -ve ST, -ve Nil ST, -ve Nil ST, +ve
Sewage Treatment Plant Nil Nil Nil LT, +ve LT, +ve LT, +ve LT, +ve
Note: ST – Short Term, LT – Long Term, +ve – Potential Positive Impact, -ve – Potential Negative Impact (require mitigation
Implementation Issues
Potential Adverse
Parameters Proposed Mitigation Measures Residual Impacts Responsibiliti
Environmental Impacts Monitoring
Topography soils, Requirement for Abstract resources on site to avoid Not Significant. Good
geology and aggregate/earth import of material. Balance cut and use of resources on Site
hydrogeology at fill on site to maximize use of sites. supervision
new STP resources and avoid wastage.
Soil Erosion and Limit vegetation clearance to Not Significant. Small Contractor
Slumping working areas. Landscape the STPs, area potentially
Pumping Station Areas. affected.
Hydrology and Increased storm water Program construction for the dry Not significant. The Site
Drainage along the runoff and entrainment of season. Avoid aggregate stockpile area is relatively Supervision
Transmission lines sediment, oil on site. Compact earthworks, road small. The works will
and at STP sites contaminated sediment, base, etc. Re-vegetate bare soil in be completed before
and litter. landscaping areas prior to start of the start of the rainy
rainy season. season.
To summarize; from the proposed project in ULB, the following beneficial and adverse
impacts can be attributed,
Certain positive and negative impact may be encountered during the implementation of
the proposed project.
The proponent, APUFIDC strongly believe in the concept of sustainable development and
understand the impacts as identified above from the proposed project and shall take all
measures to mitigate such negative impacts and also lay emphasis on the implementation
of the recommendations of the Environmental Management Plan in true spirits.
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400mm Dia
Dra Drain
Drai Drain Drain
Dra Dra
in Drain
Drain in
Dra Dra
in Drain
Drain n
Drai Drain Drain