Manual of Examinations
Manual of Examinations
Manual of Examinations
(2nd Edition)
Compiled By:
Iftekhar Hussain Khan
(B.Com., MBA)
Controller of Examinations
University of Peshawar
University of Peshawar being a mother institution of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is
responsible to cater to the needs of the country by imparting education to the society. It is also
responsible to evaluate and undertake about 172 examinations of various disciplines in a year.
It is proudly to claim that the entire setup of the examinations of the University of
Peshawar is governed with the principles of fairness, impartiality and transparency and
thus is being followed in Toto as a role model by the other provincial universities.
Examinations are one of the most important and crucial parts of entire academic
process. The Academic Council of the University over the years has framed a number of
Examination Rules and Regulations so as to ensure smooth, fair and transparent conduct of
Examinations. Nevertheless, these rules/regulations were scattered and the students, even
faculty and staff of educational institutions, at times find it difficult to refer to relevant
rule. This Manual of Examinations being a comprehensive document, having content
relating to University Act, Rules and Regulations, will do a great deal in this regard by
facilitating all those related with the University Examinations.
This compendium also details the procedures for rechecking and re-totaling of the
answer books, changes in the name, correction in date of birth, migrations, improvements
of division, DMCs, change of centres and verification of degree etc. It also covers various
Rules & Regulations about Annual System, Term System and Semester System
Rules relating to the duties of superintendents & other supervisory staff, and the
procedure about inspection of Examination Centres including financial rules about various
payments to examiners, secrecy staff, inspectors of examinations etc. can be perused there in.
Many changes have been brought into examination rules and regulations since
the publication of the first edition in 2010 that make it appropriate to revise portions of this
Feeling pride in having served the University of Peshawar for more than 3
decades, I considered it as my prime responsibility to leave behind such a document for
assistance of the entire university beneficiaries. To ensure orientation with the available
setup of rules especially for the candidates appearing in various examinations & also to
facilitate the supervisory staff in smooth conduct of examinations, I am confident that this
document will provide maximum possible guideline to the beneficiaries.
Mr. Yorid Ahsan Zia, Deputy Controller of Examinations, and his team deserves
special appreciation on account of their hard work, commitment and zeal in ensuring the
compilation of this Manual in a timely manner. Mr. Yorid exercised maximum efforts to
successfully arrange and collect the relevant data for completion of this document despite
his other pressing engagements in teaching and research work, for which he deserves my
heartfelt appreciations.
Preface ------------------------------------------------------ i
Contents ---------------------------------------------------- ii
I The University of Peshawar Act, 2011
(Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Act 01 of 2012)----------------- 1
II Schedule of the First Statutes of the University of
Peshawar ---------------------------------------------------- 39
III The North-West Frontier Province Conduct of
Examinations (Eradication of Malpractices)
Ordinance – 1995 ------------------------------------------
IV Rules Regulations Related to Annual System Examinations
IV (A) Rules/Regulations for BA/B.Sc., MA/M.Sc., and
B.Com/M.Com --------------------------------------------- 53
IV (B) Rules/Regulations for LL.B Examinations ------------- 75
IV (C) Rules/Regulations for B.Sc Home Economics
Examinations------------------------------------------------ 85
IV (D) Rules/Regulations for Pharmacy Examinations ------- 91
IV (E) Rules/Regulations for B.Ed Examinations ------------- 93
IV (F) Rules/Regulations for Arts & Design Examination---- 97
The University of Peshawar Bill, 2011 having been passed by the Provincial
Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on 30th December, 2011 and assented by the
Governor of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on 9th January, 2012 is hereby published as an
Act of the Provincial Legislature of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Issue No. PA Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Bills 2012/1308-12 dated 11/01/2012
A Copy is forwarded to:-
1. The Secretary to Governor, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
2. The Secretary to Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Law, Parliamentary
Affairs and Human Rights Department
3. The Secretary to Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Higher Education
4. The Director Information, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
5. The Director I.T Special Secretary, Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
23rd January 2012 | No.PA/Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/Bills/2012/1307
to reconstitute and reorganize
the University of Peshawar.
2. Definitions:
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expression,
shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say,-
(vii) “Commission” means the Higher Education Commission set up
under the Higher Education Commission Ordinance, 2002 (LIII of
(xxii) “Schedule” means a Schedule to this Act;
institutions of the University and other Authorities of the
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time
being in force, the University shall have academic, financial and
administrative autonomy, including the powers to employ teachers,
officers and other employees on such terms as may be prescribed by
this Act or the Statutes made hereunder.
Provided further that the University shall have the power to establish
its campuses throughout the Province.
(vii) provide for such instruction for persons not being students of the
University as it may prescribe, and to grant certificates and diplomas
to such persons;
(ix) provide career counseling and job search services to students and
(xi) develop and implement fund-raising plans;
(xii) provide and support the academic development of the faculty of the
(xvi) accept the examinations passed and the period of study spent by
students of the University at other universities and places of learning
equivalent to such examinations and periods of study in the
University, as it may prescribe, and to withdraw such acceptance;
(xix) create posts for research, extension, administration and other related
purposes and to appoint persons thereto;
(xxvi) demand and receive such fees and other charges as it may
(xxx) provide for the printing and publication of research and other works;
(xxxi) to do all such other acts and things, whether incidental to the powers
aforesaid or not, as may be requisite or expedient in order to further
the objects of the University as a place of education, learning, and
content, and data structures of all types whether they are in
electronic, visual, auditory, optical or any other form.
(3) The courses and the curricula for teaching in the University,
colleges and institutions shall be such as may be prescribed.
(5) The University may associate and engage external examiners not
employed by the University for conduct of examinations or
evaluation of candidates as and when necessary.
(2) The Chancellor shall, when present, preside at the meetings of the
Senate and Convocation of the University.
(6) The Chancellor shall have the powers to assent to such Statutes as
are required by this Act to be submitted to him by the Senate or refer
them back for reconsideration; provided that if upon reconsideration
the Senate passes the same Statutes by a majority of three-fourth of
its total members, the Chancellor shall be deemed to have assented
to such Statutes.
(7) In the performance of his functions under this Act, the Chancellor
shall act in the same manner as the Governor of the Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa acts under Article 105 of the Constitution of the
Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
(2) The Chancellor shall remove any person, except the Vice-
Chancellor, from the membership of the Senate on a resolution
calling for the removal of such person supported by at least three-
fourths of the membership of the Senate:
11. Vice-Chancellor:
(1) There shall be a Vice-Chancellor of the University who shall be an
eminent academic or a distinguished administrator and shall be
appointed on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed.
Provided further that the Vice-Chancellor shall not perform any
legislative act of making Statutes, Regulation and Rules by
exercising his emergency powers under this section.
(5) The Vice-Chancellor shall also have the following powers to-
(a) academics;
(b) research;
(c) administration; and
(d) finances.
(3) The members mentioned in clauses (b) and (c) of sub-section (2)
shall be nominated by the Chancellor while the members mentioned
in clauses (a) and (d) shall be members of the Search Committee by
virtue of their offices.
(4) The Search Committee shall remain in existence till such time as a
new Vice-Chancellor is appointed by the Chancellor.
Provided that the Chancellor may call upon the Senate to reconsider
such resolution once.
(6) Where the Chancellor is of the view that the Vice-Chancellor should
be removed, he may make a reference to the Senate stating the
instances of inefficiency, moral turpitude or physical or mental
incapacity or gross misconduct on the part of the Vice-Chancellor
that have come to his notice. After consideration of the reference the
Senate may, pursuant to a resolution in this behalf passed by two-
third of its membership, recommend to the Chancellor the removal
of the Vice-Chancellor.
(7) At any time when the office of the Vice-Chancellor is vacant, or the
Vice-Chancellor is absent or is unable to perform the functions of
his office due to illness or some other cause, the Chancellor may
appoint one of the Deans of the University to officiate as Vice-
13. Registrar:
(1) There shall be a Registrar of the University who shall be the
Principal Administrative Officer of the University.
(2) The Registrar shall be appointed by the Syndicate, from amongst the
Officers or Teachers in BPS-19 or above, on such terms and
conditions as may be prescribed.
(3) The term of office of the Registrar shall be three years and may be
renewed from time to time:
14. Treasurer:
(1) There shall be a Treasurer of the University and shall be appointed
by the Syndicate, from amongst the Officers or Teachers in
BPS-19 or above, on such terms and conditions as may be
(2) The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the University
and shall-
(a) manage the assets, liabilities receipts, expenditures, funds
and investments of the University;
(c) ensure that the funds of the University are expended on the
purposes for which they are provided;
(3) The term of office of the Treasurer shall be three years and may be
renewed from time to time:
(3) The Controller of Examinations shall be a full time officer of the
University and shall be responsible for all matters connected with
the conduct of examinations and perform such other duties as may
be prescribed.
16. Auditor:
(1) There shall be an internal Auditor of the University to be appointed
by the Syndicate, on such terms and conditions, as may be
determined by it.
(2) The internal Auditor shall be responsible for pre-auditing of all bills
and documents for all payments to be made by the University.
18. Authorities:
(1) The following shall be the Authorities of the University,-
19. Senate:
(1) The Senate shall consist of the following:
(2) Members of the Senate, other than ex-officio members shall hold
office for three years.
(5) Unless otherwise described by this Act, all decisions of the Senate
shall be taken on the basis of the opinion of majority of the members
present. In the event of the members being evenly divided on any
matter, the person presiding over the meeting shall have a casting
(6) The quorum for a meeting of the Senate shall be two-third of its
members, a fraction being counted as one.
(a) approve the proposed annual plan of work, the annual and
revised budgets, the annual report and the annual statement
of account;
(h) appoint Emeritus Professors and Meritorious Professors on
such terms and conditions as may be prescribed; and
(3) The Senate may, subject to the provisions of this Act, delegate all or
any of its powers and functions, to any Authority, committee and
officer at its additional campus, if any, for the purpose of exercising
such powers and performing such functions in relation to such
peripheral campuses, and for this purpose the Senate may create
new posts or positions at the peripheral campuses.
21. Visitations:
(1) The Senate may, in accordance with the terms and procedures as
may be prescribed, cause an inspection to be made in respect of any
matter connected with the University.
(3) The Chancellor shall communicate the Senate his views with
regards to the results of such inspection or inquiry and shall, after
ascertaining the views thereon of the Senate, advise the Senate on
action to be taken.
(4) The Senate shall communicate to the Chancellor such action, if any,
as has been taken or may propose action to be taken upon the results
of the inspection or inquiry.
22. Syndicate:
(1) The Syndicate shall consist of,-
(l) three persons of eminence to be nominated by the
(2) The members of the Syndicate, other than ex-officio members, shall
hold office for a period of three years.
(3) The quorum for a meeting of the Syndicate shall be two-third of the
total number of its members, a fraction being counted as one.
(4) The Syndicate shall meet at least once in each quarter of the year.
(c) hold, control according to the laid down policy for the
administration of the property, funds and investments of
the University, including the approval of the sale and
purchase or acquisition of movable and immovable
(d) enter into, vary, carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of
the University;
(e) institute schemes, directions and guidelines for the terms
and conditions of appointment of all officers, teachers and
other employees of the University;
be elected by teachers of their respective cadres from
amongst themselves;
(2) Members of the Academic Council, other than ex-officio, shall hold
office for a period of three years.
(3) The Academic Council shall meet at least once in six months.
(4) The quorum for meetings of the Academic Council shall be one-half
of the total number of members, a fraction being counted as one.
28. Statutes:
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, Statutes, may be made, to
regulate or prescribe all or any of the following matters, namely,-
(a) the contents of and the manner in which the annual report
to be presented by the Vice-Chancellor before the Senate
shall be prepared;
(d) the scales of pay and other terms and conditions of service
of officers, teachers and other University employees;
(m) efficiency and discipline of University employees;
Provided further that the Senate may initiate a Statute with respect
to any matter in its power or with respect to which a Statute may be
framed in terms of this Act and approve such Statute after seeking
the views of the Syndicate.
29. Regulations:
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and the Statues, the Academic
Council may make Regulations, for all or any of the following
(a) the courses of study for degrees, diplomas and certificates
of the University;
(f) conditions under which a person may carry on independent
research to entitle him to a degree;
(j) all other matters which by this Act or the Statutes made
there under are to be or may be prescribed by Regulations.
31. Rules:
(1) The Authorities and other bodies of the University may make Rules,
consistent with this Act, the Statutes or the Regulations, to regulate
the conduct of their business and the time and place of meetings and
related matters.
(c) strength and qualifications and the terms and conditions of
service of the teaching and other staff of the educational
institution are satisfactory for the purpose of teaching the
prescribed courses;
(2) The University may call upon any affiliated educational institution
to take, within a specified period, such action in respect of any
matter mentioned in sub-section (1) as the University may deem fit.
35. Disaffiliation:
(1) If an educational institution affiliated to the University has failed to
fulfill any requirement of this Act or has failed to observe any of the
conditions of affiliation or its affairs are conducted in a manner
prejudicial to the interest of education, the Syndicate may, in the
prescribed manner, and after considering any representation that the
educational institution may wish to make, modify or withdraw all or
any of the privileges conferred on the educational institution by the
(2) Where any educational institution has been refused affiliation or all
or any of the privileges conferred on any educational institution by
affiliation have been modified or withdrawn under sub-section (1), it
may, within the prescribed period, apply for review to the Syndicate
against such refusal and the application shall be disposed of in such
manner as may be prescribed.
(5) Provision shall be made for an internal audit of the finances of the
40. Appeal:
Where an order is passed punishing any officer (other than the Vice-
Chancellor), teacher or other employee of the University or altering or
interpreting to his disadvantage the prescribed terms or conditions of his
service, he shall, where the order is passed by the Vice Chancellor or any
other officer or teacher of the University, have the right to appeal to the
Syndicate against the order, and where the order is passed by the Syndicate,
have the right to appeal to the Chancellor.
Provided that such appeal shall be submitted to the Vice Chancellor, who
shall place it before the next meeting of the Syndicate or the Chancellor, as
the case may be, with his views.
Provided further that no order shall be passed on the said appeal unless the
person concerned is given an opportunity of being heard.
(2) Where any provident fund has been constituted under this Act, the
provisions of the Provident Funds Act, 1925 (XIX of 1925), shall
apply to such funds as if it were the Government Provident Fund.
(2) Where a member who has accepted any other assignment which
necessitate his absence from the University for a period of six
months or more, or absents himself from two consecutive meetings
without the leave of such Authority, he shall be deemed to have
resigned and vacated his seat.
47. Removal of Difficulties:
(1) If any question arises as to the interpretation of any of the provisions
of this Act or giving effect to the same, it shall be placed before a
committee constituted by the Chancellor.
(2) Where this Act makes any provision for anything to be done but no
provision or insufficient provision has been made as respects the
authority by whom, or the time at which, or the manner in which, it
shall be done, by such authority, at such time, or in such manner as
may be prescribed by the Statutes.
49. Indemnity:
No suit or legal proceedings shall lie against the University or any Authority,
officer or employee of the University or any person in respect of anything
which is done in good faith or purported to have been done or intended to be,
or has been, done under this Act.
(a) the Senate may, after consultation with the Syndicate and
in the public interest, direct that any officer, University
teacher or other employee of the University shall serve in
any post under Government or any other university or an
educational or research institution and such direction shall
be binding on the officer, teacher or other employee
concerned; and
(b) the Senate may, on the advice of the Syndicate, direct any
post in the University to be filled by appointing an
employee of Government or any other university or an
educational or research institution.
(2) Where any appointment or transfer has been made under this
section, the terms and conditions of service of the appointee or
transferee shall not be less favorable than those admissible to him
immediately before such appointment or transfer and he shall be
entitled to all benefits of his post of service.
51. Repeal and Savings:
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the University of Peshawar
Act, 1974 (N.-W.F.P. Act NO. II of 1974), is hereby repealed.
(5) The members appointed, nominated or elected to the authorities
under the said Act, immediately before the coming into effect of this
Act, shall be deemed to have been appointed, nominated or elected
to such authorities under this Act as far as applicable and consistent
with this Act and shall continue to hold their office till the expiry of
their tenure, commencing from the date they were initially
appointed, nominated or elected to such authorities:
Provided that the term of office of the members under this Act and
not provided for by the said Act shall commence from the date of
first meeting of the authority after their appointed, nominated or
1. (1) The University shall include the following Faculties: 1
(i) Faculty of Arts and Humanities
i. Anthropology
ii. Archaeology
iii. English and Applied Linguistics
iv. Fine Arts
v. History
vi. Philosophy
Notification No. 68/Acad-II dated 08.05.2004
(v) Faculty of Physical and Numerical Sciences
i. Computer Science
ii. Mathematics
iii. Statistics
iv. Electronics
v. Physics
(2) There shall be a Board of each Faculty which shall consist of:
(i) the Dean;
(3) The members mentioned in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) of clause (2)
shall hold office for three years.
(4) The quorum for a meeting of the Board of a Faculty shall be one-
half of the total number of members, fraction beings counted as one.
(5) The Board of each Faculty shall, subject to the general control of the
Academic Council and the Syndicate, have the powers:
a) to co-ordinate the teaching and research work in the
subjects assigned to the Faculty;
2. (1) There shall be a Dean of each Faculty who shall be the Chairman
and convener of the Board of Faculty.
(2) The Dean of each Faculty shall be appointed by the Chancellor from
amongst the three most senior Professors in the Faculty.
(4) The Dean shall present candidates for admission to Degree, except
honorary degrees, in the courses falling within the purview of the
(5) The Dean shall exercise such powers and perform such other duties
as may be prescribed.
Teaching Department:
3. (1) There shall be a Teaching Department for each subject or a group of
subjects, as may be prescribed by Regulations, and each Teaching
Department shall be headed by a Chairman.
(2) The Chairman of a teaching department or a Director of an Institute
shall be appointed by the Syndicate on the recommendations of the
Vice-Chancellor from amongst the three most Senior and Associate
Professors of the Department for a period of three years.
(3) The Chairman of the Department shall plan, organise and supervise
the work of the Department and shall be responsible to the Dean for
the work of his department.
Board of Studies:
4. (1) There shall be a separate Board of Studies for each subject or a
group of subjects, as may be prescribed by Regulations.
(iii) one or two University Teachers, as the case may be, other
than a Professor or an Associate Professor, to be appointed
by the Academic Council;
Provided that in the case of professional subjects which are taught in
the constituent colleges, the Board of Studies shall consist of:
(3) The term of office of members of the Board of Studies other than
ex-officio members shall be three years.
(4) The quorum for meetings of the Board of Studies shall be one-half
of the total number of members, a fraction being counted as one.
(3) The quorum for a meeting of the Advanced Studies and Research
Board shall be one-half of the total number of members, a fraction
being counted as one.
(4) The function of the Advanced Studies and Research Board shall be:
a) to advise the Authorities on all matters connected with the
promotion of Advanced Studies and Research in the
Selection Board:
6. (1) The Selection Board shall consist of:
(a) the Vice-Chancellor (Chairman);
(2) The members mentioned in sub-clause (v) of clause (1) shall hold
office for two years.
(3) (a) Four members shall form the quorum for the selection of a Professor
or an Associate Professor and three members for the Selection of
other Teachers;
(b) In case of officer other than Teachers, the Selection Board shall
consist only of members at sub-clause (i), (ii), and (v) of clause (1).
(2) The Selection Board may recommend the grant of a higher initial
pay in a suitable case for reasons recorded.
(2) The term of office of the members other than the ex-officio
members shall be three years.
(3) The quorum for a meeting of the Finance and Planning Committee
shall be three members.
Functions of the Finance and Planning Committee:
9. The functions of the Finance and Planning Committee shall be:
Affiliation Committee:
10. (1) The affiliation Committee shall consist of:
i) the Vice-Chancellor;
(3) The Affiliation Committee may co-opt not more than three experts.
(b) to inquire into complaints alleging breach of conditions of
affiliation by affiliated colleges and to advise the Academic
Council thereon; and
Discipline Committee:
11. (1) The Discipline Committee shall consist of:
(i) the Vice-Chancellor or his nominee;
(ii) two Professors to be nominated by the Academic Council;
(3) The quorum for a meeting of the Discipline Committee shall be four
2. Definition:
In this Ordinance, unless there is a repugnant in the subject or context.
i. “Abetment” shall have the same meaning as assigned to in the Pakistan Panel
Code, 1860;
ii. “Answer book” means the document containing the answer or answers as
given by a candidate during an examination to the question or questions
contained in the question paper meant for the said examination and includes a
part of an answer book;
iii. “Board means a Board of Intermediate and secondary education or a board of
technical education, as the case may be, established by law in the Province of
the North West Frontier Province;
iv. “Candidate” means a person who has applied for admission to an
examination as appeared as an examinee at any such examination;
v. “Employee” means any person employed by the University or a board,
permanently or temporarily either gratis or for remuneration, whether
associated or not with the conduct of an examination;
vi. “Examination” means an examination held by a University or a board for the
purpose of examining candidates for the grant of certificate, diplomas or
degrees, as the case may be;
vii. “Examiner” means a person appointed by a university or a board for the
purpose of examination and assessing the answer books of a candidate or his
ability through a written or oral examination and awards of marks therefore
and includes a person appointed to check the standard of marking of such
viii. “Premature disclosure of a question or question paper” means a disclosure of
a question or any of the questions contained in a question paper before the
time at which the question or the question paper containing the questions has
to be communicated to a candidate in accordance with the procedure
prescribed by a University or a board;
ix. “Question paper” means a. document containing the question to put at an
examination for being answered by the candidate; and
x. University means a University established by law in the Province of the
North-West Frontier.
iv. Supplying to a candidate, during his examination, answer to a question
contained in the question paper or a question put or to be put at an oral
examination; or
v. Mutilation, alteration, interpolation or erasure in any certificate or other
document or any record maintained by a University or a Board, or in any
manner using or causing to be used a certificate, document or record knowing
that it is so mutilated, altered, interpolated or erased; or
vi. Divulging or procuring information pertaining to the examination papers,
answer books, examiners, conduct of examinations, fictitious roll numbers,
examination results-or any information incidental thereto; or,
vii. Falsification of official examination results by any means including
substitution of answer books, mutilation, alteration or falsification of record
maintained by a Board or a University; or
viii. impeding the progress of examination at an examination centre by any means
whatsoever, or assaulting or threatening, with a view to gaining any
advantage in the examination, any person in charge of an examination or any
other person employed in connection with an examination; or
ix. Approaching or influencing any employee to act Corruptly or dishonestly in
the conduct of an examination declaration of examination result or marking
of papers or obtaining secret information relating to an examination; or
x. Appointing Supervisory/secrecy staff for carrying out examination duty in
contravention of standing rules/instructions; or
xi. Issuing of the Roll No. Slip without Specifically indicating the centre of the
examination: or
xii. Attempting or abetting the commission of any of the aforesaid acts; shall be
punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years or
with fine which may extend to one million rupees or with both.
4. Complaint of offences:
The Registrar of University concerned or, as the case may be, the Chairman
of the Board concerned, and the secretary to government of the North West
Frontier Province, education department or his nominee, shall, on a
complaint or sub-moto, Initiate Criminal proceedings against the offenders
committing an offence under This Ordinance.
6. Non-disclosure of information to courts without permission:
No employee of a University or a Board shall give evidence in any court of
law regarding communications made to him in the course of his employment
or of information in his possession which comes to his knowledge by reason
of employment by a University or a Board except with the previous written
permission of the registrar of the University concerned, or, as the case may
be, the chairman of the board concerned.
(b) has before the first of April of the year of Examination or before the
first of September if he is appearing in an examination to be held in
September, either served for a period of two years in the aggregate
or has been in service for a period of nine months continuously;
(c) is a teacher etc; both at the time of applying for permission to appear
as a private candidate and at the commencement of the examination;
(d) is recommended by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of
Peshawar, the head of the University Teaching Department the
Principal of the college or the head master of the School concerned.
iv. Full time librarians or library clerks or full time librarian-cum- clerk / steno
who have, for the twelve months previous to the application for appearing in
the examination have served either in the library of the University of
Peshawar or in the library of an affiliated college or in the library or a
recognized high School or in any public library approved by the Syndicate
for the purposes of the rules.
v. Full time research workers who have worked for at least two years in the
University of Peshawar or an affiliated college or a scientific technical or
research department or institute approved by the Syndicate for purposes of
these rules and are recommended by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of
Peshawar or the head of the college, department or institute concerned.
vi. Late University or Colleges students who have completed the prescribed
course for an examination within a period of three years after completing
such course.
vii. Candidates other than those mentioned in (vi), who have been given
permission to appear as private candidates in any capacity but fail to appear
in the examination or fail in the examination within a period of two years
after the examination in which they failed to appear or in which they failed,
provided they are otherwise eligible under these rules.
viii. Combatant personnel of the defence forces of Pakistan (Army, Navy and Air
Force) residing within the jurisdiction of the University.
5. Persons who have, completed their practical in an approved laboratory can
take the B.Sc./M.Sc. examination as private candidates within a period of
three years.
3. A candidate shall submit three attested copies of his photograph and Photo
copies of National Identity Card alongwith his examination admission form. 3
Where a candidate is unable for any valid reason to submit copies of his
photograph, the Vice-Chancellor may, at his discretion, accept any other
method or mark of identification. Candidates on field service may send their
examination admission forms certified by the officer commanding of their
unit or detachment and will produce either an identity card with a
photograph, or their pay book (AB 64) as proof of identity at the examination
Notification No. 117/Acad-II, dated: 24.07.2006
For detail of documents to be submitted alongwith Examination Form, please refer to
Page 69 of this Manual.
form with the examination fee after the expiry of the last date of receipt of
form, provided no difficulty is faced by the office in accommodating the
ii. If the candidate dies before the commencement of the examination. In such
case the fees will be refunded to the legal heirs or assignees of the candidate;
iv. Those who remit their examination fees but do not submit their forms for the
v. If the student fails in the college text examination (for MBBS students only).
10. The syllabi and courses of reading prescribed for University examinations
can be changed from time to lime. Such changes with duly announced at least
two years before the date of the examination from which they are to take
effect, except in special case.
12. The result of the lower and higher examinations of a candidate who has
allowed to take combined examinations of the University, will be declared
except in case of the final examination where the result shall only be declared
if the candidate passes the lower examination, otherwise the result of the
Final Examination shall remain with-held till he/she passes the examination
within the prescribed limit, if any.
Notification No. 501/Acad-II, dated: 31.01.2002
Notification No.138/Acad-II dated 10.11.2008 (para-3)
14. Number of Chances:
i. A candidate of B.A/B.Sc. will avail a maximum of five and four consecutive
examinations for Part-I and Part-II respectively, including the initial one to
clear all the papers, by scoring the required pass percentage in individual
subjects as well as in aggregate, failing which he/she will be required to
appear in all subjects including practical examinations as a whole. This
decision will be applicable to both regular and private B.A/B.Sc. students as
well as candidates failing in the aggregate. This decision shall be applicable
from the 2004 Annual Examination. The TYC shall cease after the 2004
(Annual) examination. 6
ii. A candidate of M.A/M.Sc. will avail a maximum of five and four consecutive
examinations for previous and final respectively, including the initial one to
clear all the papers, by scoring the required pass percentage in individual
subjects as well as in aggregate, failing which he/she will be required to
appear in all subjects including practical and viva-voce examinations as a
whole. This decision will be applicable to both regular and private
M.A/M.Sc. students as well as candidates failing in the aggregate. This
decision shall be applicable from 2004 Annual. 7
iii Should a candidate desire not to avail the concession of grace marks, he/she
may be allowed to apply for withdrawal of such concession within a period
of 30(thirty) days after the declaration of the result. This option once
exercised by the candidate shall, however, be final.
iv The grace marks shall be admissible in all the University examination except
the M.Phil, Ph.D. and Medical Examination.
Notification No. 14/Acad-II, dated: 21.01.2004
Notification No. 15/Acad-II, dated: 21.01.2004
16. Award of Gold Medal:
i. A candidate who passes BA/B.Sc/BA Theology examination (Regular or
Private) in Two Years shall be awarded a Gold Medal, provided he/she
scores the highest marks amongst the candidates and obtains not less than
70% of the aggregate marks. Provided further, he/she passes both the
examinations (i.e. Part-I and Part-II of BA/B.Sc/BA Theology) as a whole.
ii. A candidate who obtains the highest percentage of marks in the subject at the
M.A/M.Sc Annual Examination of the University (Regular or Private) and is
placed in the first division and has passed each part in the first attempt in the
two consecutive annual examinations will be awarded a Gold Medal. The
aggregate of marks obtained in both the previous and Final examinations will
be taken into account. However, in case of honours graduates the marks of
only final examination shall be considered.
(Note: Same rule will be applicable to B.Com./M.Com.)
ii. Merit Certificate will be awarded on the aggregate result of the Final
Examinations and not for the parts separately.
iii. In case of a difference of marks due to change of syllabi (old and new) etc.
the Merit Certificate will be considered on the highest percentage of marks
obtained by a candidate from amongst both categories of candidates.
v. Students appearing for improvement of division shall not be eligible for the
Merit Certificate.
Note: Merit certificate will be awarded to those candidates who have passed each
part of the concerned examination in first attempt without failing or absenting
in any paper in any of the parts. 8
ii. B.Sc. Honours graduation in Geology who have passed their examination in
3rd or 2nd division will be permitted to reappear in the examination of the
Final class only or in all the three parts together in the subject(s) already
passed to enable them to get a better division. The concession will be allowed
once only. The result of such candidates will be declared only if they secure a
Second or a First Division.
2nd or 3rd Divisioners in all other disciplines where there is no such provision
will be allowed to improve their division. 10
Letter No.3747/Acad-II dated 11.08.2005
Notification No.41/B-43/Acad-II, dated 22.03.1999
Notification No. 68/Acad-II, dated: 22.07.1997
21. Attendance Requirement:
The name of the student who is absent without leave continuously for 14
days may be struck off the roll without provision that the student whose name
has been struck off may apply to the Principal/Head of Department for the
review of the order so passed, within fifteen days of the day on which the
order was issued.
24. Rechecking:
The candidate shall apply on the prescribed form for re-checking of his/her
answer book within 21 days of the declaration of result giving full
justification of re-checking.
ii. Only those candidates shall be eligible to apply for re-checking who fail in
the subject by not more than 5 marks.
Notification No. 122/36-C/Acad-II, dated: 26.08.2004
d) The marks allotted to the candidate are in conformity with the
marking of the Examiner in other cases.
v. In case answer to a question has been left unmarked or the marking of the
script in the opinion of the Principal/Head of the Department is at variance
with the general standard of marking of the examiner the script will be
referred back to the examiner alongwith the comments of the Principal/Head
of the Department or concerned teacher for reconsideration whose decision
shall be final and the result of the candidate may be revised in the light of the
new awards with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor. While forwarding the
script of the candidate to the examiner the scripts of candidates on whom the
opinion of the Principal/Head of the Department or concerned teacher is
based would also be forwarded to the examiner for reference.
a. These rules shall repeal all pervious decisions made so far on the
b. Re-checking will not be allowed in case of Practical, Viva-Voce,
Project, Field work, Thesis etc.
c. The said rules are exclusively meant for Conventional System of
examinations only.
Para 8, page 503, University of Peshawar Calendar (1992)
Notification No. 32/Dir/ASD, dated: 18.05.2001
In case of ambiguity in courses the case will be referred to the Equivalence
29. The candidates who have passed the Professional Examination, i.e. MBBS,
B.Sc. Engineering, B.Sc. Forestry and B.Sc. Agriculture are not allowed to
appear in Additional subject at BA/BSc level. 15
31. Following formula will be used for setting the difference of marks between
the Conventional and Semester System as reproduced below:- 17
32. Prior to declaration of the result of B.A/B.Sc Part-I class, promotion to Part-
II class shall be provisional and after declaration of the result admission of
only those students be confirmed who pass or qualify the prescribed
promotion criteria while admission of the rest of the students in Part-I, shall
be cancelled 18
Notification No. 113/Acad-II, dated: 12.10.2000
Notification No. 136/Acad-II dated 10.11.2008 (para-1)
Notification No. 9622/Acad-II, dated: 04.10.2007
Notification No. 155/A-II/Academic, dated: 24.11.2008 read with Notification No.
171/A-II/Academic, dated: 26.11.2008
Notification No. 11145/Acad-II, dated: 01.11.1994
Notification No. 172/Acad-II, dated: 25.10.1999
34. Presidential Awards namely “Azaz-i-Sabqat” of Rs.5000/- each will be given
to 10 top candidates (five from the settled districts and five from the tribal
areas) every year in the following University (Annual Examinations).
1. Bachelor of Laws.
2. M.B.B.S
3. Master of Science.
4. M.A. (Arts subjects).
5. M.A. (Oriental Languages).
There are 4 subjects, two are compulsory and two are elective.
Compulsory Subjects:
Part I: 1) English-A 2) Islamiyat
Part II: 1) English-B 2) Pakistan Study
Notification No. 79/Acad-II, dated: 15.08.2001
iv. For admission to B.Sc. Physical Science Group, Computer Science and
Electronics Group, a candidate must have passed Mathematics at the
Intermediate level.
6. Every day before the Examination begins the Superintendent or the Dy:
Superintendent shall ask all the candidates to search their pockets, seats and
deliver to him all books, paper or note which they may have in their
possession or anything which can be used for cheating. This demand shall be
made of all late-comers also who are admitted into the Examination room.
7. Any candidate who fails to part with or is found to have in his Possession or
accessible to him, books papers or notes relating to the subject of the
Examination paper or is detected in giving assistance or using or attempting
to use any other unfair means in connection with the Examination, shall be
reported to the Controller of Examinations for necessary action.
10. No change of Centre will ordinarily be permitted, but to obviate genuine
hardship, candidates may be permitted to change Examination Centres under
the following rules:
i. The application for a change of Centre (to be made on a prescribed
form) should come through the Head of the Institution who signed
or countersigned the candidate’s Admission Form.
ii. If a change of centre is being asked for on the ground that the father
or guardian of the candidate has been transferred from his previous
station, that fact should be certified by the Head of the Office in
which the father or guardian was employed. If the father or guardian
is not working in an office, the fact that he is moving out of his
former station should be certified by a Gazetted Officer of the
Government of the Pakistan or by the Principal who signed the
Candidate’s Admission Form or by the Principal of An Affiliated
iii. Where a candidate seeks to change his Centre for reasons of ill-
health, the application must be accompanied by a certificate signed
by a Registered Medical Practitioner.
iv. The prescribed fee payable for affecting a change of Centre, whether
from one station to another or within the same station, shall not be
refunded if the permission to change the centre is not availed of by
the candidate.
iii. In emergency case the Superintendent of the Examination Centre
shall chose a suitable Amanuensis and forward to the Controller of
Examination immediately a report giving full particulars of the
candidate and of the Amanuensis employed.
iv. The Superintendent shall arrange for a suitable room for the
candidate and also appoint a special Assistant Superintendent for
vi. Out of the fee charged from the candidate 50 percent will be paid to
the Amanuensis.
12. Inspectors will be appointed for various examination Centres during the
course of examinations and a payment of T.A./D.A. and Inspection Fee will
be allowed to them.
i) Attach three attested passport size photographs (compulsory for male
and female);
ii) Original Migration Certificate;
iii) DMC of FA/F.Sc (Clear visible photocopy);
iv) Original Bank Receipt;
v) Three copies of NIC or Domicile (Clear visible);
vi) After attestation from any Class One officer, the admission form
alongwith other certificates may be handed over or sent to the concern
section through Registered Post, to reach Controller of Exams Office on
vii) Admission fees and dates of admission (as prescribed from time to
Note: All documents alongwith original Bank Receipt should be submitted within
time, to reach the concern section of Controller of Examinations office up till
given date otherwise late fee will be charged as per given schedule.
Note: All documents alongwith original Bank Receipt should be submitted within
time, to reach the concern section of Controller of Examinations office up till
given date otherwise late fee will be charged as per given schedule.
i) In case of compartment in BA/B.Sc. Part-I, last DMC of Part-I; and
ii) In case of compartment in BA/B.Sc. Part-II, last DMC’s of Part-I and
Part-II must be attached;
iii) Attested documents (Form, Domicile or CNIC, 3 Photographs and
original Bank Receipt) must be attached;
iv) Private candidates can attest their admission form and other documents
from any Class One officer;
v) Regular or late college students must attest their admission form from
the concern Principal;
vi) Fees: As prescribed from time to time.
Note: All documents alongwith original Bank Receipt should be submitted within
time, to reach the concern section of Controller of Examinations office up till
given date otherwise late fee will be charged as per given schedule.
i) After passing the previous and final exams (Part-I and Part-II) two
consecutive chances are given for the improvement of Division/Marks;
ii) For improvement the candidate is requiring to appear in both the Parts
(previous and final) or in the final exam (Part-II) in full subjects;
iii) No subject change is acceptable in improvement case;
iv) Attach the DMC’s of Part-I and Part-II (previous and final), 3
photographs, CNIC or Domicile alongwith original bank receipt;
v) Private candidates can attest their admission form from any Class One
vi) Regular or late college students must attest their admission form from
the concern Principal;
vii) Fees: As prescribed from time to time.
Note: All documents alongwith original Bank Receipt should be submitted within
time, to reach the concern section of Controller of Examinations office uptill
given date otherwise late fee will be charged as per given schedule.
from any Class One officer to reach the concern examinations section on
iv) Additional examination has nothing to do with improvement of marks or
improvement of division;
v) B.Sc. candidates can appear in additional English compulsory only after
passing their B.Sc. subject to the condition that they were not taught
English compulsory in B.Sc;
vi) Fees: As per prescribed rates.
Note: All documents alongwith original Bank Receipt should be submitted within
time, to reach the concern section of Controller of Examinations office uptill
given date otherwise late fee will be charged as per given schedule.
i) Three photographs (compulsory for male and female);
ii) Examination form alongwith DMC Part-I, Original Bank Receipt, CNIC
or Domicile (three copies), Government Service Certificate, in case from
other districts no private service certificate will be acceptable;
iii) Attestation of documents from Medical Officer and Chief Nursing
Supdt: of KTH or LRH or HMC Peshawar is compulsory;
iv) Separate examination forms should be submitted in case of compartment
in Part-I or Part-II, if appearing in two examinations alongwith separate
documents and separate bank receipts;
v) The candidates who are appearing in supplementary examination and
have to appear in 4th year examination also, are directed to submit their
4th year examination form on time as per University Schedule, they
should also attach the last DMC of Part-I and should also write their
supplementary Roll Number in the form;
vi) Fees: As per prescribed rates.
Note: All documents alongwith original Bank Receipt should be submitted within
time, to reach the concern section of Controller of Examinations office up till
given date otherwise late fee will be charged as per given schedule.
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The Principal of the Law College is empowered to condone a deficiency of
an aggregate of twenty five lectures in all papers. If, in any particular case,
the deficiency exceeds that limit, it can only be condoned, by the syndicate
on the recommendation of the Principal. The syndicate entertains
recommendation normally in cases where the shortage is not in excess of
forty lectures.
If the attendance of a student is deficient on account of his participation in
the University tournament or inter University or inter-colleges debates, credit
may be given by the Principal for the number of days on which lectures were
delivered but he could not attend on account of his aforesaid participation.
Provided that the period does not exceed 10 days.
ii. Candidates passing in all individual papers but failing in the aggregate
may be allowed to appear in one paper or more of their choice in order
to enable them to pass in the aggregate.
If any candidate exercises the aforesaid choice makes up the aggregate
marks, his failure in any other paper shall not affect his success.
iii. A candidate who appears in all the papers and fails in one or more of
them, but not exceeding three and obtains not less than 50% of the
aggregate number of marks in the papers, in which he has passed,
may be exempted from reappearing in the examination in those
papers. He may reappear in the immediately following two
examinations in that paper or all the papers in which he has failed.
He shall be considered to have passed the examination as a whole if
he passes the paper or the papers in which he is allowed to reappear
and also obtains not less than 50% of the aggregate number of marks
in all the papers. But he shall be considered to have failed in the
examination as a whole if he does not pass in the paper or all the
papers in which he is allowed to reappear by obtaining the required
aggregate number of marks.
Students who have attended prescribed course of lectures in the Law College,
University of Peshawar but have been unable to appear or having appeared
have failed in the examination may be permitted to appear as private
candidates in the next subsequent six examinations (including supplementary
examination) held after the examination for which he was eligible to appear,
or within a period of three years, whichever is earlier.
i. That the candidates must have passed the LL.B (Part-I) examination in
at least three papers.
ii. That the period intervening between the date of passing the LL.B (Part-
I) examination and the date of LL.B (Part-II) Examination is not less
than one academic year.
In the case of a candidate who passed the LL.B (Part-I) Examination by
availing himself of the rule of compartment or exemption, the period of one
academic year shall run from the date of his coming under compartment or
i. That the student has been on the rolls of the Law College Peshawar
University during the academic year preceding the examination.
ii. That the student has attended at least two thirds of the full course of
lectures delivered to his class during the academic year and he has also
attended two thirds of seminars, moot cases and tutorials held during
the year. Seminars, moot cases and tutorials shall be deemed as
lectures for the purpose of attendance.
The Principal of the Law College is empowered to condone a deficiency of
an aggregate of twenty five lectures in all papers. If, in any particular case,
the deficiency exceeds that limit, it can only be condoned, by the syndicate
on the recommendation of the Principal. The syndicate entertains
recommendation normally in cases where the shortage is not in excess of
forty lectures.
If the attendance of a student is deficient on account of his participation in
the University tournament or inter University or Inter-Colleges, credit may be
given by the Principal for the number of days on which lectures were
delivered but he could not attend on account of his aforesaid participation.
Provided that the period does not exceed 10 days.
ii. Candidates passing in all individual papers but failing in the aggregate,
may be allowed to appear in one paper or more of their choice in order
to enable them to pass in the aggregate.
If any candidate exercise the aforesaid choice makes up the aggregate
marks, his failure in any other paper shall not affect his success.
iii. A candidate who appears in all the papers and fails in one or more of
them, but not exceeding three and obtains not less than 50% of the
aggregate number of marks in the papers, in which he has passed, may
be exempted from reappearing in the examination in those papers. He
may reappear in the immediately following two examinations in that
paper or all the papers in which he has failed. He shall be considered to
have passed the examination as a whole if he passes the paper or the
papers in which he is allowed to reappear and also obtains not less than
50% of the aggregate number of marks in all the papers. But he shall
be considered to have failed in the examination as a whole if he does
not pass in the paper or all the papers in which he is allowed to
reappear by obtaining the required aggregate number of marks.
iv. A candidate who has been placed in compartment or granted
exemption may be allowed to take his examination as a whole instead
of in parts if he so chooses. But the option so exercised shall be
deemed to be final and he shall not be permitted to claim his previous
concession of compartment/exemption.
5. A. All the aforesaid Regulations are applicable to any Law College affiliated
with the University of Peshawar unless it is otherwise decided by the
competent authority/authorities of the University of Peshawar, and for
this purpose the powers and functions exercisable by the Principal, Law
College, University of Peshawar shall be exercised by the Principal of the
concerned affiliated college.
B. The aforesaid Regulations are subject to changes/amendments made from
time to time by the competent authorities.
Students who have attended prescribed course of lectures in the Law College,
University of Peshawar but have been unable to appear or having appeared
have failed in the examination may be permitted to appear as private
candidates in the next subsequent six examination (including supplementary
examination) held after the examination for which he was eligible to appear,
or within a period of three years, whichever is earlier.
i. That the candidates must have passed the LL.B (Part-I) examination
fully and passed in at least four papers in the LL.B (Part-II)
ii. That the period intervening between the date of passing the LL.B (Part-
II) examination and the date of LL.B (Part-III) Examination is not less
than one academic year.
In the case of a candidate who passed the LL.B (Part-II) Examination by
availing himself of the rule of compartment or exemption, the period of one
academic year shall run from the date of his coming under compartment or
i. That the candidate is a person of good character, and
i. That the student has been on the rolls of the Law College, Peshawar
University during the academic year preceding the examination.
ii. That the student has attended at least two thirds of the full course of
lectures delivered to his class during the academic year and he has also
attended two thirds of seminars, moot cases and tutorials held during
the year. Seminars moot cases and tutorials shall be deemed as lectures
for the purpose of attendance.
The Principal of the Law College is empowered to condone deficiency of an
aggregate of twenty five lectures in all papers. If, in any particular case, the
deficiency exceeds that limit, it can only be condoned, by the syndicate on
the recommendation of the Principal. The syndicate entertains
recommendation normally in cases where the shortage is not in excess of
forty lectures.
If the attendance of a student is deficient on account of his participation in
the University tournament or inter University or inter colleges debates, credit
may be given by the Principal for the number of days on which lectures were
delivered but he could not attend on account of his aforesaid participation.
Provided that the period does not exceed 10 days.
ii. Candidates passing in all individual papers but failing in the aggregate
may be allowed to appear in one paper or more of their choice in order
to enable them to pass in the aggregate.
If any candidate exercise the aforesaid choice makes up the aggregate
marks, his failure in any other paper shall not affect his success.
iii. A candidate who appears in all the papers and fails in one or more of
them, but not exceeding three and obtains not less than 50% of the
aggregate number of marks in the papers, in which he has passed, may
be exempted from reappearing in the examination in those papers. He
may reappear in the immediately following two examinations in that
paper or all the papers in which he has failed. He shall be considered to
have passed the examination as a whole if he passes the paper or the
papers in which he is allowed to reappear and also obtains not less than
50% of the aggregate number of marks in all the papers. But he shall
be considered to have failed in the examination as a whole if he does
not pass in the paper or all the papers in which he is allowed to
reappear by obtaining the required aggregate number of marks.
iv. A candidate who has been placed in compartment or granted
exemption may be allowed to take his examination as a whole instead
of in parts if he so chooses. But the option so exercised shall be
deemed to be final and he shall not be permitted to claim his previous
concession of compartment/exemption.
viii. A certificate showing the division in which the candidate has been
placed shall be granted to each successful candidate.
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1. The four year integrated course shall consist of four parts to be called B.Sc.
Home Economics Part-I, B.Sc. Home Economics Part-II, B.Sc. Home
Economics Part-III and B.Sc. Home Economics Part-IV (Final).
2. A degree of B.Sc. Home Economics shall be awarded on successful
completion of all the Part of B.Sc. Home Economics Examinations.
3. However, certificate in Home Economics shall be awarded by the College to
candidates after they pass the B.Sc. Home Economics Part-II Examination.
This certificate shall be considered equivalent to F.A/F.Sc. Certificate.
4. The medium of instruction for B.Sc. Home Economics Part-I, II, III and IV
shall be English only. However, the B.Sc. Home Economics Part-I & II shall
have the option to appear in English or Urdu for their examination. Medium
of Examination for B.Sc. Home Economics Part-III & IV shall be English
7. Students securing at least 80% marks or above in the aggregate of all the four
examinations shall be awarded degree with distinction.
8. The B.Sc. Home Economics University Examinations for all the four parts
shall commence simultaneously every year.
9. Examinations shall be held twice a year, normally, and called Annual and
Supplementary Examinations respectively, on dates to be announced every
10. The result shall be declared as early as possible.
11. Pass marks in theory, year’s work, and practical examination (separately)
shall be compulsory. Failure in any one of these shall mean failure in the
subject as a whole. Year’s work shall be assessed both by the internal and
external Examiner.
12. The minimum percentage of marks required for passing shall be 33% in each
subject (theory, year’s work and practical examinations separately) and 36%
in the aggregate.
13. a. Regular admission to the next higher class shall be allowed to all
those students who have passed/cleared all the subjects of the
previous class.
b. Regular admission to the next higher class shall not be allowed to
those students who fail in more than two papers.
c. However, a student who has failed in two or less than two subjects
and has been given regular admission in the next higher class, shall
be required to pass these subjects in two subsequent examinations of
the University (annual & supplementary). In case she fails to clear
the above mentioned subjects, in the prescribed two chances, she
shall appear for examination in all the subjects of the previous class.
d. Under no circumstances shall a candidate be given admission (i) in
the Part-III class, if she has not cleared all the subjects of the Part-I
class, or (II) in the part-IV class, if she has not cleared all the
subjects of Part-II class.
e. A students who fails to clear her first year examination in three
successive chances i.e. Annual, Supplementary, Annual examination
shall be struck off the college rolls.
14. The Examinations of the Home Economics Part-I, Home Economics Part-II,
Home Economics Part-III and Home Economics Part-IV shall be open to the
students who satisfy the following conditions:
a. That she is on the rolls of the College of Home Economics during
the academic year preceding to the examinations.
b. That she has attended not less than two-third of the full course of
lectures delivered during that academic year to her class, in each of
the subjects of examination and not less than two-third of the
periods devoted to practicals.
c. Detention Examination
15. Students securing 60% or above marks in the aggregate of the four parts, i.e.
Part-I, II, III and IV examinations shall be awarded first division. Those who
obtain at least 45% marks in the aggregate shall be placed in the second
division and all others below that, pass in the third division.
16. A student securing firs position in the aggregate of all the four examinations,
with at least 70% marks shall be entitled, to a Gold Medal, provided she has
cleared each part in the first examination is taken as a whole.
There are five areas of specialization at M.Sc. level in Home Economics, that is;
All the other rules of discipline and general behavior applicable to the students of
B.Sc. Home Economics are also applicable to M.Sc. students. Since, it is a higher
course of studies and more specialized, therefore, rules of admission, academics and
examination, are more specific and sophisticated yet with the following modifications.
a. Admission
Admission to M.Sc. is open to students with a B.Sc. Degree in Home Economics, with
at least second division (45% marks) from any recognized College of Home
Economics of the Country.
Subject area of specialization will be assigned on the basis of the standing of the
students, that is 60% or above in the area of their choice. Because of limited facilities
in the areas where practicals are involved, not more than ten candidates will be
Students may select thesis only after satisfying the conditions laid by the Board of
studies of the College. Otherwise they will be required to take two papers in lieu of
One candidate each from other provinces including AJK will be admitted in each area
of specialization, on the basis of merit, provided they fulfill all the other conditions of
admission mentioned. However, if enough local candidates do not satisfy the merit
conditions, more than one candidate from other provinces may be allowed to take
admission in each department.
b. Academics
Regular monthly tests are held throughout the academic year, which are used in the
internal assessment. If a student fails two out of three monthly tests in the first term,
and/or here attendance is below 75% her name will be struck off the College rolls.
A student will not be allowed to appear in the University Examination if:
Every student at the time of admission will give the undertaking, attached with the
prospectus on a stamp paper duly signed by the 1st class magistrate.
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A. General
i. Student must pass 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Profession each with in four consecutive
(availed/unavailed) examinations failing which he/she shall reappear in all
subjects of their respective profession.
ii. A student who fails in more than two subjects in 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th Profession
classes, shall not be allowed re-admission in the same class. Such a student
will, however, have the right to appear as ex-student in the concerned
iii. A student who fails in not more than two subjects shall be eligible for
admission to the 2nd profession class. Student will have to appear in these
subjects in the subsequent examinations.
iv. A student will not be allowed to sit in 3rd Profession class provided he/she
has passed all the subjects of 1st Profession, the student who fails in not more
than two subject of 2nd Profession shall only be eligible for admission to 3rd
Profession class. He/She will have to appear in these subjects in the
subsequent examinations.
v. A student who has failed in not more than two subjects shall be eligible for
admission to 4th Profession class but he/she will not be allowed to appear in
the coming annual examination for 4th Profession, unless he/she has cleared
all the subjects. If he/she has appeared in the supply examination and is
waiting for the declaration of result even then he/she will not be allowed to
sit in the 4th Professional annual examination.
vi. A student shall not be awarded a degree unless he/she has completed the
requirements of internship in the hospital/pharmaceutical industry/research
organization as per direction of the department for the prescribed period of
200 hours.
B. Eligibility of Examination
i. A student shall be eligible to appear in a professional examination if he/she
has not less than 70% of the attendance of the total number of lectures and
practicals delivered and performed in an academic session. The attendance of
students admitted in the department will be counted from the first day of
session and not the date of admission.
ii. No student will be permitted for University Examination unless he/she
produces dues clearance slip from the concerned department.
C. Standard of Examination
i. The minimum passing marks in each subject shall be 50% in the Theory and
Practical Examination separately. A student who fails in Theory or in
Practical Examination of a subject shall be considered failed in full subject
i.e. theory and practical.
ii. Paper setter shall be required to provide seven questions per paper and
students shall have a choice to attempt any five.
Full examination fee for the examination shall be charged at the existing
rates, from the candidates who take the examination as a whole. Those who
appear in the one or subjects/paper/practical provided however, the total fee
to be charged does not exceed the existing rates already prescribed for an
2. Date by which the admission forms and fee should reach the University
Admission Forms and Fees should reach the University Examination Section
by the First working day during the month of May of the year of examination
and with late fee as prescribed and notified by the University Examination
i. That the student has been on the rolls of the Institute of Education, University
of Peshawar during the academic year preceding the Examination.
ii. That he has attended at least three-fourths of the full course of lectures
delivered to his class during that academic year.
iii. That the student’s name is submitted to the registrar by the Director of the
Institute and that the Director certifies that the student is a person of good
character and that he has performed his class work satisfactorily.
Revised Regulation for Male and Female Candidates for B.Ed. Examination,
Enforced from Examination 1995 and onwards.
7. That the candidate has his permanent residence within the territorial
jurisdiction of the University of Peshawar.
8. Candidates holding Bachelor’s degree in English only (on the strength of
having passed some Oriental Title Examination) must have qualified two
additional/elective subjects of BA/B.Sc. and one compulsory paper Islamiyat
and Pakistan Studies after English shall be required to satisfy the following
9. Candidates who have cleared at least four/half papers and the practice of
teaching in annual examination will be eligible to in any or all papers in
which they have failed.
11. Practice of Teaching will be considered as one of the papers so far as the
above regulations are concerned.
12. Supplementary examination will not be open for candidates who wish to
appear in all subjects because B.Ed. Examination is not a biannual
13. The Degree awarded to a candidate will indicate the division he obtained in
each part. If a candidate passes in his optional paper, that fact together with
the marks obtained by him will be indicated separately in his certificate. The
marks obtained by a candidate in the optional paper in the University
Examination (Theory) will be counted towards his aggregate if he/she passes
in that subject.
14. The minimum number of marks required to pass the examination in theory
shall be 40% in each paper and 45% in the aggregate. The minimum number
of marks required to pass in the Practice of Teaching Examination shall be
15. Candidates passing in all individual papers but failing in the aggregate may
be allowed to appear in one paper or more of their choice in order to enable
them to pass in the aggregate. If any candidate exercise the aforesaid choice
makes up the aggregate marks, his failure in any other paper shall not affect
his success.
16. A candidate who passes in the aggregate securing at least 45% marks but
fails in only one paper securing at least 25% marks in the Theoretical
examination may be permitted to appear in the subject in which he failed in
subsequent examinations within 25-months from the date he first appeared in
the Examination, and if he passes that subject, he shall be deemed to have
passed the examination for the degree of Bachelor of Education.
17. Five weeks after the commencement of the Examination or as soon thereafter
as possible, the Controller of Examination shall publish a list of the
candidates who have passed, arranged in two divisions. Each successful
candidate shall receive a certificate stating the Division, in which he/she has
been placed.
18. A Gold Medal will be awarded to the candidate who secures the First
position and obtains First class in the aggregate of theory and practice.
The Bachelor of Art & Design four years professional course in painting,
Communication Design and Textile Design shall extend over a period of four years.
Year-I after completion of one academic year, Year-II after completion of two
academic years, Year-III after completion of three academic years and Year-IV after
completion of four academic years. 21
1. Major:
a. Painting
b. Communication Design
c. Textile Design
2. Compulsory:
a. English b. History of Art
c. Drawing d. Introduction to Art (Mat. & Processes)
e. Research Methodology & Thesis f. Islamiyat and Pakistan Studies
g. Exhibition of Work h. Internship
3. Minor:
Academic Council dasted 27-08-2005 and the Syndicate dated 17-12-2005
2. Admission to Bachelor of Art & Design Year-I is open to candidates who have
passed F.A/F.Sc from a recognized Board of Intermediate and Secondary
Education in at least 2nd division.
2. Have passed intermediate examination and have obtained Diploma in Art &
Design form University of Peshawar.
Only those students who have attended the full course in the Department of Art &
Design, University of Peshawar, and have been unable to appear or having
appeared and failed in the examination may be permitted to appear within a
period of 25 months of having completed the course.
The following conditions shall be applied to both the categories of students that:
a. The candidate has passed intermediate examination from any Board of
Intermediate and Secondary Education in Pakistan.
a. The Candidate has passed the Bachelor of Art & Design Year-I examination
from the University of Peshawar or any other recognized
b. The candidate has passed three years Diploma course from the Department of
Art & Design, University of Peshawar as well as F.A/F.Sc examination (Full
course or English only) from any recognized BISE in Pakistan.
a. The candidate has passed the Bachelor of Arts & Design Year-II examination
from the University of Peshawar or in other recognized institution or
b. The candidate has passed three years diploma course from the Department of
Art & Design, University of Peshawar as well as Bachelor of Arts (full
subject or English only) from the University of Peshawar or any other
recognized University.
d. B.A with a subject of Fine Arts (approved by the Academic Council 06-05-
1986 & Syndicate 20-12-1986).
3. The period between the date of passing the qualifying examination shall not be
less than:
One year for year-I, two years for year-II (or one year) for candidates mentioned
in year-II (b) for year-II, and three years (or one year) for candidates mentioned in
year-III Part-III.
4. The candidate is a person of good character. The good character certificate shall
be signed by the head of the department of Art & Design, University of Peshawar.
i. The candidate has been on the Rolls of the Department of Art &
Design for a period of one year preceding each University
ii. The head of the Department of Art & Design certifies that the
student has performed the class work satisfactorily.
iii. The student has attended not less than 2/3rd or the full course of
lectures/practical in each of the subject which the candidate has
opted for the examination.
Note: Attendance shall be counted up to 14th day preceding the first day of
examination. If a candidate’s attendance up-to the day of submission of
his/her application for admission in the examination fall short of the required
percentage, his/her name may be submitted provisionally by the head of
Department. If a candidate does not complete the required percentage before
14th day preceding the 1st day of examination, head of the Department shall
report his/her name to the Controller of Examinations for cancellation of
his/her candidature and the examination admission fee shall be refunded.
6. In order to pass an examination i.e. Bachelor of Arts & Design Year-I, Year-II,
Year-III and Year-IV candidate shall be required to secure 40% marks in each
paper and 45% marks in the aggregate.
A candidate who secures 60% or more marks in the combined examination result
of Year-I, Year-II, Year-III & Year-IV (excluding those with Diploma and B.A)
shall be placed in the first division, whereas candidates having passed Diploma (3
years course with B.A), shall earn their division on basis of Marks of the Year-III
and Year-IV examination only {regulation 2 part-III sub-section (b)}.
7. There shall be one external & one internal examiner for each practical paper.
9. A candidate, who fails in not more than two compulsory subjects in Year-I shall
be placed in compartment and promoted to the next higher class (i.e. Year-II) and
shall be required to appear as private candidate in order to pass these subjects
within 25 months of the last examination. He/she would be allowed to appear in
two examinations i.e. Year-II (full subjects) and Year-I (compartment papers)
10. If a candidate fails in three or more compulsory subjects of Year-I or Year-II shall
be considered to have failed in the examination. He/she shall not be promoted to
the next class but shall be permitted to appear and pass the said examination
(papers) as a private candidate within a period of 25 months of the last
11. In case a candidate appears in two examinations simultaneously the result of the
lower examination shall be declared prior to the result of higher examination. In
case the candidate fails in the lower examination, the result of his/her shall be
with-held until he/she passes the lower examination.
12. If a candidate fails in more than three papers (including Major subject) in Year-I,
Year-II or Year-III shall be considered to have failed in the examination, he/she
shall not be allowed to appear in that examination as a private candidate.
13. If a candidate fails in Paper-III i.e. Minor subject in Year-II, III shall be
considered to have passed the examination but in that case his marks of Minor
subject(s) shall not be counted towards his division.
14. If a candidate fails in any paper excluding ‘Exhibition of work’, he/she shall be
placed in compartment and shall be allowed to appear in that paper as a private
candidate only in the next examination.
15. a. A candidate who fails in the paper ‘Exhibition of work’ shall be considered
to have failed in the examination as a whole. He/She would be allowed to
appear in the next examination. If a candidate fails again in any paper he/she
would be allowed to take admission in the same class as a regular candidate.
If he/she again fails in any paper his/her admission will be cancelled.
16. A candidate who passes Year-IV and passes all the papers of Year-I, II & III of
Bachelor of Art & Design (4 years professional course) specifying Major subject
i.e. painting, Communication design, Textile Design as well as division in which
the candidate has been placed. Also the fact that the examination has been taken
as a whole/in parts.
18. In Year-III and Year-IV examination the candidate shall be required to make a
project for the examination and submit its details to the head of the Department
before the commencement of examination.
19. The examination project shall be carried under the supervision of the internal or
external examiner or a Deputy Superintendent during the examination period. The
work shall be marked by the external examiner in each subject. Internal marks of
the subject shall be added with the external examiner’s marks for Annual or
semester examination.
20. A candidate who secures Distinction marks i.e. 70% marks or more in Bachelor
of Art & Design (as the case may be) shall be awarded a certificate of Distinction.
1. Candidates having passed Islamic & Pakistan Studies (Compulsory) in B.A
(Passed) and joining Bachelor of Art & Design year-III are exempted from
reappearing in this subject.
(Approved by the Academic Council on 06-05-1986 and Syndicate on 20-12-
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Regulations for Term System Examinations
(2010 & onwards) 22
2. Definitions:
In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, the following
expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them:
i. “Controller of Examinations” means Controller of Examinations of the
University of Peshawar.
ii. “Dean” means Dean of a Faculty of University of Peshawar.
iii. “Director Admissions” means Director Admissions of the University of
iv. “Focal Person” means Head of the respective university department, or
his/her nominee preferably not below the rank of an Associate Professor, in
which an affiliated institution is offering a degree program. Provided that in
case where academic program is not offered by any constituent institution,
Head or his/her nominee of another relevant constituent department of the
university may be appointed as “Focal Person”. “Head” means Chairperson
of a Department, or Principal of a College, or Director of an
v. “Institution” means a constituent or affiliated department / college / institute /
centre / academy of the university.
vi. “University” means University of Peshawar.
All other expressions will have the same meaning as assigned to them under
the University of Peshawar Act, 1974, or the statutes, regulations and rules
framed under the said Act.
3. Duration of Term:
i. Each term shall be of 18 weeks duration; out of which 16 weeks shall be
reserved for teaching, and 2 weeks for examinations.
Notification No.124/Acad-II dated 02-12-2011
ii. If teaching is suspended due to some exigency, the time lost shall be covered
by offering additional teaching/contact hours per week during the remaining
part of the term.
iii. A term will be considered as valid if 80% lectures are delivered.
4. Academic Year/Session:
The academic year / session shall comprise Two Terms as follows:
i. Fall Term - to be started preferably in September, however exact date will be
notified by the University each year.
ii. Spring Term – to be started one week after the termination of external
examination of Fall Term
5. Admissions:
i. Admissions shall be made for Fall Term only.
ii. Admission to BS 4-Year, Master 2-Year will be announced within one week
of the declaration of Intermediate and Bachelor Examinations respectively
and the process shall be completed within one month prior to commencement
of the Term.
iii. The Admissions and Eligibility Requirements for various programs of studies
shall be governed by relevant university regulations.
6. Assessment/Evaluation:
Marks Breakdown for assessment of each course shall be as follows:
S/No. Item Weightage
1 Internal Assessment – 15%: Mid-Term
(25%) 10%: Quizzes/
Assignments/Presentation/Lab Work
(by concerned
2 External Examination 75% :
– (75%)
1. The paper shall cover whole course of
(by University of the respective subject
Peshawar through 2. The paper shall comprise 8 questions out
Controller of of which candidate shall be required to
Examinations) attempt any 5 questions
i. In ordered to pass a course a student shall:
i. Pass in ‘External Assessment” by obtaining forty percent (40%)
separately, As well As
ii. Pass in “Internal and External Assessment” by obtaining forty
percent (40%) as a whole.
Provided that in courses where practical is part of course, a student have
to pass both practical and theory separately, failing which he/she will be
declared fail as a whole in both theory and practical, where applicable.
iv. Once the examination forms are submitted, the Office of the Controller of
Examinations, after scrutiny of the said forms, shall allot Roll Numbers and
notify the date-sheet for the examination.
v. External paper shall be set and marked by External Examiners.
vi. Respective institution shall be responsible for provision of logistic support to
the university (furnished examination hall, lab for practical etc.) for the
conduct of external examination.
9. Rechecking/Retotaling:
i. A candidate shall be eligible to apply for rechecking who fail in External
Examination of the subject by not more than five marks, provided that he/she
has obtained at least 10 marks in the Internal Assessment.
ii. A candidate shall be eligible to apply for retotaling as per relevant university
regulations in vogue to the extent of External Examination Only.
work, project, and any other method of instruction approved by the
ii. Teaching shall be conducted by the University teachers or such other persons
as may be declared to be teachers by the competent authority.
iii. The university shall offer every required course at least once in an academic
iv. English shall be the medium of instruction and examination for all courses
except where otherwise approved by the competent authority.
17. Promotion:
Following schedule shall be followed for promotion to next terms:
subject (Theory and Practical Separately) and forty five (45%) in aggregate
in each term.
22. Division:
i. A candidate who obtains a cumulative aggregate (aggregate of all terms) of
sixty percent (60%) or above shall be placed in 1st division.
ii. A candidate who obtains cumulative aggregate (aggregate of all terms) of
forty five percent (45%) or above, but less than sixty percent (60%) shall be
placed in 2nd division.
Letter No.3747/Acad-II dated 11.08.2005
25. Institutional Term Committee:
The Head of every Affiliated Institution shall notify a Term Committee,
comprising 5 members including the Head of the Institution as the Convener,
and Four senior faculty members to perform the following functions:
i. Periodic assessment of the progress of different courses being taught.
ii. Periodic assessment of the contents of different courses being taught.
iii. Investigation of any irregularity in the assessment of any course
iv. Periodic assessment of the method of teaching, pattern of question
papers, and any other relevant aspect.
v. The Committee shall submit annual report on the academic
performance and assessment of students to the respective Focal
vi. The Committee shall also submit a report, to the respective Focal
Person, on the evaluation of teachers by the students and evaluation
of the courses by the students, using the questionnaires available
with the Quality Enhancement Cell of the University.
vii. The Committee shall look after the use of un-fair means during the
internal examination, and also the general behavior of students. The
Committee shall be entitled to impose appropriate penalties as per
university rules.
viii. All the proceedings of the Committee shall be recorded and
approved by the Convener.
28. Miscellaneous:
i. Notwithstanding anything repugnant to these rules, in all cases the relevant
university rules in vogue shall be applicable.
ii. These rules are subject to change from time to time by the competent bodies
of the University; however, such a change when occurs will be notified by
the University.
(Name of Institution)
Affiliated with
(Name of the Degree Program)
University Mid Term Total
Name of Student Quiz
Roll No. (Out of 15) (Out of 25)
(Out of 10)
____________________ _______________________
Name and Signature of Signature of Head of Institution
Course Teacher
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2. Definitions:
In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, the following
expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them:
i. “Head” means Chairperson of a Department, or Principal of a College, or
Director of an Institute/Academy/Centre.
ii. “Institution” means a constituent or affiliated department / college / institute /
centre / academy of the university.
iii. “Dean” means Dean of a Faculty of University of Peshawar.
iv. “Departmental Coordinator of Semester System” means a faculty member of
the department/college/institute/centre/academy who has been assigned the
duty of coordinating semester system in a department by the Head of
respective department.
v. “Departmental Semester Committee” means a committee constituted under
these regulations.
3. Duration of Semester:
i. Each semester shall be of 18 weeks duration; out of which 16 weeks shall
be reserved for teaching, and 2 weeks for examinations.
ii. A ‘Summer Semester’ shall be of 10 weeks duration, i.e. 8 weeks for
teaching, and 2 weeks for examination. However, the contact hours during
the Summer Semester will be enhanced to ensure that the course is
completely taught / covered.
iii. There shall be a ‘teaching break’, to be called ‘Semester Break’, of 2 weeks
after every semester; this break will be used for preparation/submission of
results and admission/registration processes for next semester.
iv. If teaching in whole of the university is suspended due to some exigency, the
period of the semester shall be either extended to the extent of the duration
Notification No. 159/Acad-II/Academic dated 18.10.2010
lost due to this or by offering additional teaching/contact hours per week
during the remaining part of the semester.
v. There will be two terms/tests in One Semester i.e. Mid Term Test (8 weeks
teaching +9th week for examination) and Final Term Test (8 weeks of
teaching + 18th week for examination)
vi. A semester will be considered as valid if 80% lectures are delivered.
vii. There will be no classes on Saturdays and Sundays.
4. Academic Year/Session:
The academic year / session shall comprise of two Regular and optional
Summer Semesters as follows:
i. Fall Semester, starting from First Monday of September to second week of
ii. Spring Semester, starting from First Monday of February – Second week of
iii. Summer Semester, during summer vacations to be used for offering
minor/related or special courses, OR in special circumstances, particularly
during the first academic years of students, the Head of the Department may
conduct Spring Semester classes during Summer Semester.
Note-1: In case the teaching in the whole or part of the semester is suspended
because of some exigency, the Head of the Department may work out its own
mechanism to compensate for the time lost.
5. Admissions:
i. Admissions for 4-years Undergraduate Degree Programme (BS) and the
ongoing MA/M.Sc shall be made for Fall Semester only.
ii. Admission to BS 4-Year, Master 2-Year, MPhil & MS will be announced
within one week of the declaration of Intermediate, Bachelor and Master
Examinations respectively and the process shall be completed within one
month prior to commencement of semester.
iii. If the number of students admitted in a programme is less than 15, the
admission will be considered as cancelled
iv. The Regulations for Admissions and Eligibility Requirements for various
programs of studies are already prescribed and described in the Prospectus(s)
of various programmes.
6. Scheme of Studies/Program Structure:
1-Year 2-Year 3-Year 4-Year 5-Year
Particular Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree
(Master) (Master) (Honours) (BS) (MS)
Total Number of
33 - 36 63 – 72* 99 - 108 130 – 140* 163 – 172
Cr. Hrs
No. of Semesters 2 4 6 8 10
Max. Duration**
4 8 10 12 14
(In Semesters)
Course Load for
Students 9-12 15 - 18 15 - 18 15 – 18 15 – 18
(In Cr. Hrs)
*Excluding internship/viva voce
**Maximum duration implies the compensation for time lost due to unavoidable
7. Credit Hours:
i. “Credit Hour” means teaching a theory class for 01 hour or
laboratory/practical work of 02 hours or a field work of one day every week
throughout the semester.
ii. The number of credit hours for a degree program is inclusive of credit hours
assigned to internship/research project/thesis etc.
iii. The credit hours are denoted by two digits within brackets with a hyphen in
between. The first (left side) digit represents the theory part while the second
(right side) digit represents the practical. Thus 3(3-0) means three credit
hours of theory, while 3(2-1) means a total of three credit hours, of which
two are for theory while one credit hour is for laboratory.
iv. The weekly contact hours of a 3(3-0) course will be three, while the
contact hours of a 4(3-1) course will be four such that three contact hours
for theory and one contact hour for laboratory.
v. A course that shall be counted in calculation of GPA/CGPA is called ‘Credit
Courses’, while a course that shall be mandatory to pass but shall not be
counted in calculating GPA/CGPA is called ‘Non-Credit Course’.
8. Assessment/Evaluation:
Marks Breakdown for assessment of each course shall be made as follows:
Maximum Marks for Maximum Marks for
S/No. Item Courses without Courses with
Laboratory Laboratory
(3 + 0) (2 + 1)
1 Mid Terms
30% 30%
9th week
2 Quizzes/ 20% 20%
Assignments/ Presentation/ ( HoD/Teacher ( HoD/concerned
Attendance/Laboratory concerned will Teacher will determine
determine the the distribution as per
distribution as per their their requirement)
3. Final Terms 50% 50%
18th week
i. The Final Term paper shall cover 20% from Mid Term and 80% from the
Final Term courses. Every teacher shall be required to inform the students
regarding this distribution in the beginning of the Semester.
ii. The viva-voce of internship/research report shall be conducted by a
committee comprising:
a. Head of concerned department
b. Teacher concerned
c. One senior faculty member of the department concerned
iii. For thesis an external examiner may be appointed and paid remuneration
as per university rules.
9. Attendance Requirement:
i. A minimum of 75% attendance of the lectures delivered in each course will
be prerequisite to appear in Examinations.
ii. A student who does not satisfy the requirements of attendance (at least 75%
in each course) shall be ineligible to appear for the final-term examination of
that course. And he/she shall repeat that course as regular student whenever it
is offered again.
12. Drop/Addition of course(s):
i. A student, with the permission of respective head of department may be
allowed to drop/add a course within 7 days of the commencement of
semester subject to the provisions of maximum and minimum semester work
ii. The dropped course will be deemed not taken by the student ab-initio and
will not appear on his/her transcript altogether.
17. Improvement of Grades:
i. A student desirous of improving grade(s), from B or C, in selected course(s)
may be allowed by the Head of the relevant Department, with information to
the Controller of Examinations, after declaration of the result of the Final
Semester (end of Programme).
ii. Such improvement shall be allowed for not more than four courses, and shall
be done within two semesters after declaration of the result of the Final
iii. On improving subject, if one gets the grade less than the previous, the
previous grade will be counted towards his passing.
iv. Attendance will not be mandatory in the courses for which one has registered
for improvement of grades. Nevertheless, it will be the sole responsibility of
the concerned student to coordinate with the subject teacher regarding class
quiz, assignments, presentation etc.
iii. If the student who was earlier on last probation, does not come out by
achieving the minimum desired CGPA, he/she shall be dropped from the
Institute and can not be re-admitted by the same Institute.
Note-6: Whenever a student fails or gets a ‘F’ grade, s/he has to repeat the
course, whenever offered. The maximum number of courses that a student
may be allowed to repeat will be six (6).
The re-registration for students with ‘F’ grade shall be allowed (on a written
request) to appear in the Mid Term and Final Term examinations for the
failed courses whenever such examinations are conducted again. However,
their grades earned in the previous semester in quizzes/attendance/
assignments/presentation/laboratory work will be considered for grading with
the results of the new semester. No new quizzes/attendance/assignment/
presentation/laboratory work will be required.
Promotion Table: 25
S.No Promotion A student shall pass A student shall pass
to 50% of the courses of 100% of the courses of
1 2nd Sem 1st Semester -
2 3 Sem 2nd Semester -
3 4 Sem 3rd Semester 1st Semester
4 5 Sem 4th Semester 2nd Semester
5 6 Sem 5th Semester 3rd Semester
6 7 Sem 6th Semester 4th Semester
7 8 Sem 7th Semester 5th Semester
Notification No.31/DDE dated 26.05.2011
v. The maximum duration allowed for completion of degree will be extended by
the duration of semester freezing.
Note-7: During the semester freezing the concerned student shall not be
provided any facility by the University.
25. Course File:
Maintenance of Course Files is mandatory for the teacher. It will have a
complete record of everything that happened during the Semester. The
Course File will contain:
1. Description of Course/course contents
2. Course coding
3. Weekly Teaching Schedule
4. Dates of Mid-semester Examination
5. Grading policy will identify each activity such as homework, quizzes,
mid semester examination, final examination, term papers
6. Copy of each homework assignment
7. Copy of each quiz given
8. Copy of mid semester examinations
9. Grading sheets of the Course detailing statistical data on the grades
obtained by students
10. Difficulties, problems faced during classroom/course delivery
vii. The consolidated result shall be declared within 30 days of the conduct of the
last examination of the Final Semester of the programme.
viii. For the programs / degrees where research is optional, the students are
required to submit the Thesis / Research Project report within two months
from the date of last examination of the final semester. The evaluation of the
project shall be made by the panel of three examiners comprising the Head,
external examiner (to be recommended by the departmental semester
committee and appointed by the controller of examinations) and a faculty
member nominated by the Departmental Semester Committee.
iii. Fraction of marks obtained in a course shall be counted as one mark, e.g.
60.3 shall be considered as 60 while 49.5 or more is to be considered as 50.
iv. Grade Point Average (GPA) is an expression for the average performance of
the student in the courses he/she has taken during any semester, thus GPA
may be calculated for 1st semester, 2nd semester or any other semester.
v. GPA shall be rounded to two decimal places, e.g. a GPA of 2.064285 shall be
reported as 2.06, while a GPA of 2.065124 shall be reported as 2.07.
vi. GPA shall be calculated in the following manner:
GPA = ΣGP/ΣCH (for all the courses offered in a single semester), where:
ΣGP = Sum of all the Grade Points of courses offered in the semester
Example-1: Calculation of GPA without Withdrawal of courses:
Course %age of Grade Value Credit Grade
Code Marks Hours Point
Obtained (CH) (GP)
511 65 C 2.4 3 7.2
513 72 B 3.0 3 9.0
515 80 B 3.5 3 10.5
517 51 D 1.1 2 2.2
519 42 F 0.0 3 0.0
Total 14 28.9
GPA = ΣGP/ΣCH (for all courses offered in a semester) = 14 = 2.064285,
and by rounding to two decimal places, the GPA will become 2.06.
GPA = ΣGP/ΣCH (for all courses offered in a semester) = 11 = 2.6272, and
by rounding to two decimal places, the GPA will become 2.63.
vii. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is an expression for the average
performance of the student in all the courses he/she has taken during all the
previous semesters (the entire course of study), thus at the end of 1st
semester, CGPA will be the same as GPA, while CGPA at the end of 2nd or
any subsequent semester will be calculated by taking into account all the
courses taken by the student in all the previous semesters.
viii. The CGPA shall be rounded to two decimal places.
CGPA = ΣGP/ΣCH (for all the courses taken so far in all the previous
semesters/ the entire course of study), where:
GP = Numeric Value of % of Marks obtained in a subject multiplied by
credit hours of the said subject
ΣGP = Sum of all the Grade Points of courses offered in all the previous
ΣCH = Sum of all the credit hours of courses offered in all the previous
ix. A student shall be awarded incomplete grade represented by ‘I’ in the
following cases:
a. If a student fails to complete any assignment, term paper or presentation
assigned to him by the teacher for the purpose of internal assessment.
b. In case a student is unable to appear in part or whole of the mid or final
term examination of a semester on medical grounds or circumstances
beyond the control of student to be determined by the Head of the
Department, provided that he/she fulfills the condition of having attended
the prescribed number of lectures.
ix. All the proceeding of the Committee shall be recorded by the Secretary
(Departmental Coordinator Semester Examinations) and approved by the
Note-8: Instruction should be given in the calendar to the students that they
will be responsible to meet the requirement and deadline published for each
semester in the academic calendar of the university. Students are expected to
know, adhere to regulations, course loads, prerequisites and policies of the
university as well as those of the departments/institutes/centers in which they
will be enrolled.
Notification No.136/Acad-II dated 10.11.2008 (para-9)
Department/Institute/Centre: _______________________________________
Name of Student: __________________ Father’s Name: ________________
Enrollment No: ______________ Registration No: _____________________
Course/ Title of Course Marks Value Cr. Hrs. Grade Points Grade
Code No. Obtained (%) (Values x Cr.
Semester Cr. Hrs: _____ Grade Points: _____ Grade Point Average (GPA): _______
Course/ Title of Course Marks Value Cr. Hrs. Grade Points Grade
Code No. Obtained (%) (Values x Cr.
Semester Cr. Hrs: _____ Grade Points: ____ Grade Point Average (GPA): ______
Dated: ___/___/_____
__________ _______________ _______________
Instructor Coordinator Head of Institution
Examination Fee:
i. An examination fee of Rs. 300 per course/paper (inclusive of charges for
provision of DMCs/Provisional Certificate etc.) shall be charged from the
iii. Out of the total Examination Fee collected 75% shall be retained by the
Department/Institute/Centre and 25% shall be deposited in the University bank
Remuneration Rates:
The remuneration shall be paid by the concerned institution out of the examination fee
collected from the students as follows:
i. Rs. 100/- per student will be paid to the concerned teacher(s) per semester per
course for preparing quizzes, mid term and final term question papers and their
ii. Rs.1000/- per semester will be paid to the clerk/Assistant assigned for the job.
iii. Rs.2000/- per semester will be paid to the Departmental coordinator (as per
practice in vogue)
iv. Thesis/Internship examiners will be paid as per rules in vogue for other exams.
Each Internal Examiner shall not have more than five groups of students under
his/her supervision in case the required number of teachers is available in the
concerned Departments.
Notification No.160/Acad-II/Academic dated 18.10.2010
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2. Definitions:
In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, the following
expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them:
Notification No. 125/Acad-II dated 02.12.2011
ii. In case of valid reasons the normal duration of the programme may be
extended by two years (four semesters) to a maximum duration of six years
(twelve semesters).
iii. A student, who failed to complete all the degree requirements in maximum
duration, shall lose all the credits earned and his/her name shall be struck off
the rolls of the concerned college.
4. Schedule of Semesters:
i. There shall be two semesters in an academic year, to be called Fall Semester
and Spring Semester.
ii. Each semester shall be of 17 weeks duration; out of which 16 weeks shall be
reserved for teaching and 1 week for mid-semester examination. Final
Examinations shall be conducted by University of Peshawar at the end of
each semester. Schedule (date sheet) of final examinations shall be issued by
the Controller of Examinations.
iii. If teaching is suspended due to some exigency, the time lost shall be covered
by offering additional teaching/contact hours per week during the remaining
part of the semester.
iv. A semester shall be considered as valid if 80% lectures are delivered.
5. Admissions:
i. Admissions shall be made for Fall Semester only.
ii. Admission shall be announced within one week of the declaration of
Intermediate Examination results and the process shall be completed within
one month prior to commencement of semester.
iii. For Admissions the affiliated colleges shall follow the minimum eligibility
criteria used for the corresponding degree programmes at the University of
iv. The affiliated colleges shall send the lists of the students admitted in all BS
programmes to the Director Admissions on or before the date notified by him
for the purpose.
v. The Colleges shall submit the registration return of the admitted students
complete in all respect alongwith ‘Admission Approval’ and prescribed fee
to the Registration Section (Controller’s Office) in accordance with the
schedule announced by the Controller Office.
7. Credit Hour:
i. “Credit Hour” means teaching a theory class for 01 hour or
laboratory/practical work of 02 hours or a field work of one day every week
throughout the semester.
ii. The number of credit hours for a degree programme is inclusive of credit
hours assigned to internship/research project/thesis etc.
iii. The credit hours are denoted by two digits within brackets with a hyphen in
between. The first (left side) digit represents the theory part while the second
(right side) digit represents the practical. Thus 3(3-0) means three credit
hours of theory, while 3(2-1) means a total of three credit hours, of which
two are for theory while one credit hour is for laboratory.
iv. The weekly contact hours of a 3(3-0) course shall be three, while the
contact hours of a 3(2-1) course shall be four such that two contact hours
for theory and two contact hours for laboratory.
v. A course that shall be counted in calculation of GPA/CGPA is called ‘Credit
Course’, while a course that shall be mandatory to pass but shall not be
counted in calculating GPA/CGPA is called ‘Non-Credit Course’.
8. Attendance Requirement:
i. A minimum of 75% attendance of the lectures delivered in each course shall
be prerequisite to appear in Final Examination.
ii. In case the student remains absent from the class for seven consecutive days
without leave his/her name shall be removed from the rolls.
iii. Students having less than 75% class attendance in a particular course shall
not be eligible to appear in the final examinations of that course and shall be
required to register himself/herself in that course whenever offered again,
attend the classes regularly and appear in the Sessional-Work, Mid-Semester
and Final examination of the course in the same semester next year.
a. The number and nature of tests, assignments, lab work etc. shall be
determined by the Course teacher keeping in view the nature and
requirement of the course.
b. Mid-Semester papers shall cover the course taught upto Mid-Semester.
The nature and number of questions for Mid-Semester Examination shall
be decided by the concerned course teacher.
c. Final Examination papers shall cover whole course of the respective
subject and shall comprise 05 questions out of which 01 question of 20
marks shall be objective type.
d. There shall be no choice in questions in the Mid-Semester and Final
Examination papers.
e. There shall be no Grace Marks of any sort.
f. To pass a course a student shall:
i. Pass in ‘Final Examination” separately by securing at least 40%
marks, As well As
ii. Pass in “Sessional Work, Mid-Semester and Final Examinations” as a
whole by securing at least 50% marks.
B. Final Examination:
iv. The Final Examination shall be conducted at the end of semester according to
the schedule (i.e. Date Sheet) announced by the University.
v. University of Peshawar shall be responsible for the conduct (including
preparation of question papers, assignment of examiners, assignment of
supervisory staff etc.) and evaluation of the Final Semester Examinations at
the end of each semester through the Office of Controller of Examinations.
The Panel of Examiners for Final Examinations shall be submitted to the
Office of the Controller of Examinations by the respective Board of Studies
of the University through its Chairperson/Head of Department who shall be
the Focal Person for the BS (Four-Year) programme offered by the affiliated
vi. The Office of the Controller of Examinations shall be responsible for
preparing/declaring semester results and issuing Semester Transcripts.
vii. There shall be no re-checking of Final Examination Papers, however, the
candidates may apply in the prescribed manner to the Office of Controller of
Examinations for retotaling/recounting of marks awarded to him/her in any
paper of Semester Final Examination.
a. Fraction of marks obtained in a course shall be counted as one mark, e.g.
60.3 shall be considered as 60 while 49.5 or more is to be considered as 50.
b. Grade Point Average (GPA) is an expression for the average performance of
the student in the courses he/she has taken during any semester, thus GPA
may be calculated for 1st semester, 2nd semester or any other semester.
c. GPA shall be rounded to two decimal places, e.g. a GPA of 2.064285 shall be
reported as 2.06, while a GPA of 2.065124 shall be reported as 2.07.
d. GPA shall be calculated in the following manner:
GPA = ΣGP/ΣCH (for all the courses offered in a single semester), where:
GP = Numeric Value of % of Marks obtained in a course multiplied by
credit Hours of the said course
ΣGP = Sum of all the Grade Points of courses offered in the semester
12. Promotion
i. A student shall obtain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
of 2.00 at the end of each semester for promotion to the next semester.
ii. In case a student is able to obtain CGPA of 1.70 or more but less than 2.00
(except for first semester where GPA of 1.50 or more but less than 2.00),
he/she shall be promoted to the next semester probation (1st probation).
iii. If the student who was earlier on 1st probation does not achieve the desired
CGPA of 2.0 at the end of semester but obtains CGPA greater than or equal
to 1.7, he/she shall promoted to the next semester on 2nd (last) probation.
iv. The student who fails to secure 1.50 GPA in first semester or 1.70 CGPA in
any subsequent semester shall stand automatically dropped from the rolls of
the college and cannot be readmitted by the same college.
v. A student may avail at the most two probations in the entire BS (Four-Year)
vi. In the third, fifth and seventh semesters, a student shall be required to repeat
those courses of first, third and fifth semesters respectively, in which he/she
had failed.
vii. In the fourth, sixth and eight semesters, a student shall be required to repeat
those courses of second, fourth and sixth semesters respectively, in which
he/she had failed.
viii. If a student gets D grade, he/she may repeat the course whenever offered
again to improve his/her grade.
ix. A student, who completes all the courses and has not been required to repeat
any course(s), obtains CGPA less than 2.00 but not less than 1.90 at the end
of the eight semester, may be allowed to repeat 12 credit hour courses in
which he/she had obtained the lowest grades, in order to improve his/her
CGPA to 2.00 failing which he/she shall not be awarded the degree and
removed from the rolls of the college.
x. In case a student repeats the course(s) for the improvement of grade(s) which
he/she has already taken, the better of the two grades/marks obtained shall be
counted for CGPA calculation.
18. Course File:
Maintenance of Course Files is mandatory for all the course teachers. It shall
have a complete record of everything that happened during the Semester. The
Course File shall contain:
i. All Deans
ii. Registrar or his nominee
iii. Director Admissions
iv. Controller of Examinations
v. Coordinator BS Programme
vi. Director, Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)
vii. Deputy Controller of Examinations (Semester)
24. Miscellaneous:
i. Notwithstanding anything repugnant to these rules, in all cases the relevant
university rules in vogue shall be applicable.
ii. These rules are subject to change from time to time by the competent bodies
of the University; however, such a change when occurs shall be notified by
the University.
(Name of College)
Affiliated with
(Name of the Degree Programme)
____________________ _______________________
Name and Signature of Signature of the Principal
Course Teacher
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In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, the following
expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them:
i. "Board" means Advanced Studies and Research Board, constituted under
Section 5(1) of the First Statutes of the University of Peshawar Act-1974 (as
ii. "Examiners" mean examiners, appointed under Section 22(I) of these
iii. "Graduate Studies Committee" / “Academic Committee” (in case of centres)
means a Committee of an Institution as constituted under Section 11 of these
iv. "Head" means Chairman of a Department or Director of an Institute or a
Centre, or Principal of a College.
v. "Institution" means a constituent and affiliated Department/College, a Centre,
an Academy or a Constituent College of the University.
vi. "M. Phil.” means Master of Philosophy.
vii. "Ph.D.” means Doctor of Philosophy.
viii. "Related subjects" mean subject(s) which are supportive of the major field of
ix. "Research Scholar" means a person registered in the M. Phil/ Ph.D.
x. "Secretary” means, the Director Admissions or the head of a section dealing
with M.Phil /Ph.D. degree programme.
xi. "Supervisor" means a Supervisor appointed for a research scholar under
Section 13 of these Regulations.
xii. "Thesis" means original research work carried out by an M. Phil. Research
xiii. “Dissertation” means original research work carried out by a Ph.D. Research
xiv. "University" means the University of Peshawar.
All other terms and expressions shall have the same meaning as assigned to
them under Section-2 of the University of Peshawar Act - 1974 or as
explained in these Regulations.
The scheme of studies for M. Phil. / Ph. D. degree programme shall be as
i. Course Work in the major subject, in which a scholar is registered.
ii. Course Work in subject(s) related to the major subject.
iii. Passing of Comprehensive Examination after completion of the required
iv. Publication of a research article / paper in a recognized journal by Ph.D.
Research Scholars.
v. Thesis / Dissertation, on a topic approved by the Board.
vi. Viva-Voce / Public Defence, as the case may be.
i. Candidates possessing the relevant Master's degree or 4-years Education after
intermediate (120 Credit hours), with at least First Division or a CGPA of
3.00 from a recognised University, shall be eligible for admission to M.Phil /
Ph.D. degree Programme.
ii. Candidates having 50% marks or equivalent grade shall be eligible for
admission in the field of study of English Language and Literature.
iii. Those who have already completed M. Phil or equivalent (at least 18 years
Education) shall be eligible for admission to the Ph.D. degree programme
provided that the candidates have secured at least CGPA of 3.00 or First
Division in their M. Phil. course work, subject to section 5(iv) of these
Admission to M. Phil / Ph.D. degree programme shall be on Merit. The merit
shall be determined on the following criteria.
i. 50% weighting shall be given to the marks obtained in the qualifying
ii. 50% weighting shall be given to the GRE test to be conducted locally by the
Graduate Studies Committee / Academic Committee, as the case may be,
provided the candidate secures at least 60% marks in the GRE test.
i. Admission to M.Phil / Ph.D. degree programme of the University shall be
advertised by the Director Admissions in consultation with heads of
ii. The number of scholars to be admitted shall be determined by the Graduate
Studies Committee.
iii. Applications on prescribed forms shall be submitted to the Director
Admissions, within the prescribed period, who will forward them to the
concerned Head after the closing date. The Director Admissions shall keep a
record of all the applications received.
iv. The Candidates should have passed GRE type test.
v. The names of the provisionally admitted candidates shall be forwarded to the
Director Admissions within one month of selection.
The number of Ph.D. scholars under the supervision of a full time faculty
member shall not exceed five. In research institutions where the faculty is
involved in full time research with no or minimal teaching workload, the
number of Ph.D. scholars may be increased to a maximum of eight with the
prior approval of the Board.
c. Exam. Fee per course Rs.500/- (To be deposited in
the Deptt)
ii. Admission of the candidate shall stand cancelled if fees, etc. are not paid
within one month of the date of provisional admission.
iii. Foreign nationals shall be required to pay tuition fees, etc., as prescribed by
the Government of Pakistan. Such candidates shall have to forward their
cases of admission through the Ministry of Education, Government of
Pakistan, Islamabad. No-objection certificate by the said ministry is,
therefore, mandatory in case of foreign applicants.
i. A scholar for M.Phil / Ph.D. degree programme shall be registered in a
teaching/ research institution of the University.
ii. The Director Admissions shall maintain a register of M.Phil / Ph.D.
Research Scholars and assign a registration number to each scholar at the
time of provisional admission.
iii. Registration may be renewed on payment of the prescribed fee if a scholar is
re-admitted within a year after having been struck off the rolls for any valid
iv. A person registered for the M.Phil / Ph.D. degree programme shall be called
M.Phil./ Ph.D. Research Scholar.
There shall be a Graduate Studies Committee for a period of Two-years to be
appointed by the Vice-Chancellor. The Dean, after consulting with the head
of the institution, shall forward the names of the members of the Graduate
Studies Committee to the Director Admissions for approval of the Vice-
i. In consultation with the Research Scholar, a teacher/expert holding a Ph.D.
degree in the field shall be appointed as Supervisor.
ii. The Graduate Studies Committee shall forward the name of the supervisor,
who agrees to such supervision, for each scholar to the Director Admissions
for approval of the Vice-Chancellor.
iii. If necessary, one co-supervisor may be appointed with the approval of the
i. For each Semester, there shall be two examinations; mid-term and final, in
addition to assignments.
ii. The weighting of the examinations and assignments shall be as follows:
a. Mid-term examination 30%
b. Assignments, term papers, etc. 20%
c. Final Examination 50%
(Covering the entire course contents)
iii. In courses where the examinations are not required the concerned teacher
may change the evaluation procedure in consultation with the Graduate
Studies Committee, if already not specified in the curriculum.
ii. A Research Scholar admitted under Section 3(iii) shall complete the
following course requirements, duly recommended by the Graduate Studies
Committee/ Academic Committee, as the case may be, in consultation with
the Supervisor.
a. Subject to these Regulations, before confirmation of provisional
admission in the Ph.D. degree programme, a Research Scholar shall have
to complete a minimum of 24 credit hours course work in the major
subject with a minimum CGPA of 3.00.
b. In case the CGPA falls below 3.00, a Research Scholar shall be allowed
to improve the CGPA by taking additional courses or by repeating the
courses already taken.
c. On successful completion of course work, as specified above, a Research
Scholar shall have to pass the comprehensive examination.
d. On passing the comprehensive examination, a Research Scholar shall be
required to submit a Research Proposal in consultation with the
Supervisor for the approval of the Board.
e. Before the public defence of the Ph.D. dissertation, the Research Scholar
shall be required to publish a research paper or produce an acceptance
letter of such publication in a recognised journal.
f. The dissertation shall be of nine credit hours; however, it shall not be
awarded any numerical grade.
iii. A Research Scholar, who fails the comprehensive examination for the second
time shall continue as M.Phil. Research Scholar. Such Scholars shall have to
complete the following requirements for the award of M. Phil. degree:
a. Writing up of a Research Proposal in consultation with the Supervisor
for the approval of the Board;
b. Writing up of Thesis (The Thesis shall be of 6 credit hours for which
numerical grade will not be awarded)
c. Passing of the Viva-Voce.
i. The grading system for the M.Phil. course of 700 and above levels shall be as
A. Excellent (4) 80% & above
B. Good (3-3.9) 65-79%
C. Satisfactory (2-2.9) 50-64%
D. Pass (1-1.9) 40-49%
F. Fail (< 1, i.e.0) < 40%
I. Incomplete
Note: In case numerical grades are not feasible (e.g. field work, thesis,
dissertation) or not required (e.g. related courses), letter grade P (Pass) or F
(Fail) shall instead be used, and not counted towards the CGPA.
iv. If the examiners find that the Dissertation needs revision, the scholar shall be
allowed to revise it. It shall be re-submitted for a fresh examination by the
same examiners within a period of twelve months.
v. If the majority of examiners feel that the Dissertation, despite some
shortcomings, is of sufficient merit, the scholar may be directed to improve
the Dissertation for re-submission within six months, but without a fresh
examination. The re-submitted Dissertation must carry a certificate by the
Supervisor to the effect that the shortcomings so identified have been
An M.Phil. Research Scholar shall be required to pass a viva-voce related to
his research work. This examination shall be conducted by one of the three
approved examiners in the presence of his Supervisor.
ii. If a scholar continues as a regular student of the Institution during the period
of revision of thesis, etc., he shall have to pay the tuition fee, etc., for the
semester(s), for which he stays in the institution.
iii. If a scholar qualifies the requirements under Section 24 and 25, the Head of
the Institution shall forward the case to the Director Admissions for approval
of the Vice Chancellor for declaration of his result.
iv. English shall be the medium of instructions and examinations for
Thesis/Dissertation of all subjects, except languages, in which the medium
shall be either the language itself or English.
v. The admission of a Research Scholar may be cancelled if his academic
progress or conduct is found unsatisfactory at any stage by the Supervisor.
vi. The scholar shall abide by the rules and regulations framed by the University
from time to time.
36. In cases where the operation of these regulations cause undue hardship to a
scholar, the Board may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of
these regulations in his/her favour.
Where these regulations are silent, the Board shall have the discretion to
make such decisions as it deems fit and proper.
Examiners again are either (a) external (b) neutral or (c) internal.
(a) An external examiner is one who is not teaching or has not taught
the candidates during the two years preceding the Examination.
(b) A neutral examiner is one who is not teaching (and has not taught
during the two years Preceding the Examination) candidates for the
particulars Examination for which he is appointed. He may or may
not be on the staff of an Affiliated/Constituent College or Post-
Graduate Teaching Department.
(c) An internal examiner is one who is teaching (or has taught during
the two years preceding the Examination) candidates for the
particular Examination for which he is appointed.
Duties of Examiners
3. Examiners shall distribute their questions as far as Possible over the whole
range of the subject in which they are setting question-papers.
5. Paper-Setters shall assign marks for each Question in the paper separately
such marks being clearly indicated in the question paper for the information
of the candidates.
6. Any paper that does not conform strictly to the rules herein laid down may be
returned to the Examiner concerned for correction.
7. Every Examiner shall send his Paper to the Controller of Examinations (by
name) by registered, insured post in accordance with the instructions issued
by the Controller of Examinations in the matter. Any paper not sent in the
prescribed may be rejected by the Controller of Examination.
10. It shall be the responsibility of the Head Examiner to see that the results in
his paper are submitted to the Controller of Examinations in time.
11. The Head Examiner shall, when the rules require, it re-examine the required
percentage of the papers examined by Subordinate Examiners and enclose
with the result sent in to the Controller of Examinations a certificate to that
12. An Examiner who is a paper-setter as well shall ordinarily hold office for one
year only but he may be re-appointed for another year for the same paper.
But no paper-setter shall ordinarily be appointed for setting the same paper
for more than two consecutive years.
13. Subordinate Examiners shall be eligible for appointment for examining the
same paper for one year only but he may be appointed for another year for
same paper.
14. Paper-setters for all written Examinations shall be either External or Neutral
15. No Examiner shall be asked to examine the Answer-papers of more than 400
17. No one shall be appointed during the same academic year to set more than
four Question-papers excluding Question-papers for Supplementary
Examinations. This will not, however, include papers for Practical
Examinations and will not affect the appointment of a person as an Examiner
for a Thesis.
18. Before the results of an Examination are published, they shall be submitted to
the Vice-Chancellor for approval, together with a statement of the percentage
of passes in the whole Examination and in each subject for current year and
for the three preceding years. The Vice-Chancellor will authorize publication
of the results if he approves of them. If, however, the Vice-Chancellor
considers, after examining the Statistics submitted, that there has been a
marked change of standard in the whole Examination or in a Particular
subject, he may refer the matter to the Examiner(s) concerned for a report on
the apparent change of standard, suggesting at the same time any specific
modification of the results he considers desirable If the vice Chancellor and
the Examiner(s) agree on the modification (if any) to be made the Vice-
Chancellor shall authorize the publication of the results accordingly.
If, however, the Vice-Chancellor and the Examiner(s) do not agree or no
report can be obtained from the Examiner(s) the Vice Chancellor may, if he
is of the Opinion that there has been a marked change of standard, order a re-
examination of any paper or set of papers by a new Examiner to be appointed
by the Vice-Chancellor
II. The rates at which remuneration will be paid to the Examiners will be paid as
per updated rules.
ii. Checking of (a) Subject totals; (b) Grand totals; (c) Underlining the
marks indicating failure and (d) Passing and failing according to the
regulations in force.
iv. Checking of transferred marks from the old result sheets in the case
of candidates appearing under compartment rules. (Back entries).
v. Comparison of real and factious Roll Numbers with the key supplied
by the Secrecy Officer (This applies to Examinations where factious
Roll Numbers are used).
23. i. That marks written in words in the award lists against each
Roll Number tally with marks given in figures, and that marks
have not been awarded in excess of the maximum;
ii. that each page of the award list and corrections in award lists have
been duly signed by the Examiner or the Head-Examiner or both as
the case may be;
iii. that marks have been correctly posted in the Result-sheet according
to the subjects shown against each Roll Number.
24. After the results have been thoroughly scrutinized the Scrutinizers shall sign
against each “PASS”.
They shall not sign against any failed candidate unless he is a compartment
case. They shall also sign a certificate on the last page of the result sheet to
the effect that the results of the Roll Numbers allotted to them have been
scrutinized and found correct or corrected, as the case may be, with any other
remarks that may be considered necessary.
25. All entries in the result must be made by the Tabulators Concerned In no case
must any Scrutinizer make any entry in his own hand.
26. A Scrutinizer must get, every mistake detected by him in the result-sheet,
corrected by the Tabulators concerned and he must initial the correction.
27. When the result or marks of a candidate cannot be declared on account of any
discrepancy in marks or for want of marks in any paper or some Subjects the
Scrutinizers shall write “M.L” or “R.L” (as the case may be) against the
particular Roll Number mentioning also the paper on subject in Which marks
are missing or unconfirmed.
They shall also mention the Roll Numbers of such candidates at the bottom
of result-sheet.
28. In the case of there being some objection to pass a result, the Scrutinizers
must put up a note in writing for the decision of the proper authority.
29. The Scrutinizers and Tabulators are expected to maintain the strictest Secrecy
in the matter of the results. Any attempt on the part of the office to divulge
the result in any case must be reported to the Controller of Examinations in
30. Any suspected case of tampering with the results must be reported to the
Controller of Examinations in writing.
31. The Scrutinizers shall jointly submit a confidential report regarding the work
of the tabulators in the form to be obtained from the office. The report should
be handed over to the Controller of Examination in a closed cover
immediately after the scrutiny.
32. All Scrutinizers and Tabulators are expected to scrutinize ‘LATER CASES’
whenever they are required to do so.
33. If a Scrutinizer or Tabulator fails to present himself for his work or fails to
complete the work by given date the work will be given to another
Scrutinizer. In the later case, the Scrutinizer shall forfeit his claim for
remuneration even though he may have done a part of the work.
3. To enter absentees from the center files (in the case of theory papers) or by the
examiners attendance sheet (in case of oral and practical examinations).
5. When the 2nd print is provided, the tabulators have to verify the correction they
made in the back entries and check/verify that the new posting of awards are
correct in the print.
7. To undertake the gazette proof reading and to sign on each page of the gazette, to
verity correction.
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2. Superintendent’s Residence:
The Superintendent shall, in no case, reside in a student’s Hostel or in the
house of the examinee. Suitable arrangements for residence, Consistent with
the safe custody of question papers, should be made before hand.
Form No. S.F. in Superintendent’s File
(a) Check the total number of envelopes.
(b) Compare the subjects Indicated on the envelopes with the Date
Sheet and the Centre Statement In order to make sure that question
papers for a particular subject are not missing.
(c) Ascertain that the number of copies of Question Papers for various
subjects are sufficient for the centre.
(d) See that the seals had not been damaged in transit.
7. The Superintendent shall, before distributing the papers to candidates, check
the envelope opened by him that it contains the paper indicated on the
envelope and mentioned in the Date Sheet. In case of a discrepancy,
instructions should be promptly obtained from the Controller of
Examination Centers shall invariably check the balance of question
15. All Examinations shall start as per given time on the Date Sheet:
i. The Superintendent shall open doors of examination Hall each day
half an hour before time specified for distribution of question
papers. Candidates admit to the Examination Hall before the time
fixed for commencement of the Examination.
ii. No candidate shall be admitted to the Examination Hall for any
reason whatsoever, after commencement of Examination.
iii. The Superintendent shall send to the Controller of Examinations list
of candidates not admitted to the Examination Hall with reasons
refusal to do so.
17. Roll Numbers and photographs:
The Superintendent shall write the Roll Number of each candidate with white
chalk on each table so that the candidate may easily find his seat. He shall
also fix photograph of a candidate on the table, if supplied by the University.
Form No. S.F. 14, in Superintendent’s File
alongwith candidate’s explanation. His answer books should be sent as stray
answer-book to the Controller of Examination name). The Identification
sheet should be sent to the Deputy Controller of Examinations after the
termination of the examination.
22. Ink:
No ink will be supplied to candidates by the University. The Superintendent
shall not allow any candidate to use any ink other than blue black ink
specially the red.
Form No. S.F 4 in Superintendent’s File
Numbers of Candidates present as well as absent must be correctly
mentioned in the Memo.
25. The Superintendent should warn the candidates that in all examinations Roll
Numbers should only be written on the perforated portion of the cover of the
answer-book and nowhere else as other-wise they are liable to be
28. Use Drawing Instruments, Stencils etc.:
The Candidates may bring their own drawing instruments with them for their
examination in Mathematics. No ruler or instruments of any kind are to be
used either in the sketch or the finished drawing. Candidates in Physics and
Chemistry may use stencils.
30. Amanuensis:
Superintendents are not allowed to sanction amanuensis under any
For detail instructions in this regard refer to page 1 of the Form No.S.F.14 in
Superintendent’s File
38. Instructions to be read out by the superintendent every day before the
commencement of the Examination:
On each and every day of the examination each and every time before the
examination begins and also to the candidates who arrive late the
Superintendent shall read out the following rules for the warning of the
i. Candidate should search their Pockets and deliver to the
Superintendent all papers, books or notes or mobile phones which
they may have in their possession or anything which can help them
in cheating.
ii. Candidate should not disclose their identity or make any kind of
peculiar marks in the answer-books.
iii. Candidates should not write their names the name of their centre,
College or District. The private candidates should not write that they
are appearing as such.
iv. Candidates should use fictitious names like A,B,C, or X,Y,Z, if they
have been asked to write a letter.
Any infringement of these rules will be dealt with under Unfair Means
The Superintendent shall forward to the Deputy Controller of Examinations
on the termination of an examination a declaration signed by him and
witnessed by Deputy Superintendent to the effect that he did read out the
instructions to the Candidates and called upon them to surrender all papers,
books or notes mobile phone in their possession.
42. The Superintendent has the right of asking the candidates to leave the
examination hall when he suspects the candidate of using unfair means. He,
however, cannot prevent the candidate from taking the Examination In
subsequent papers.
When a candidate is detected using unfair means, the Superintendent should
take care that his report is always full and complete in every respect and
includes all the known facts and relevant circumstances of the case and other
evidence. Each unfair means case must be submitted with a separate report
While submitting a copy of the seating plan along-with the unfair means case
of any candidate, the Superintendent, should show by an arrow which way
the candidate was facing.
The Superintendent should submit his report on the prescribed form and send
it to the Controller of Examinations (by name) along with the answer-book of
the candidate.
i) Deputy Superintendent:
(a) One Deputy Superintendent shall be appointed at each centre of
examination in addition to the required number of Asstt:
(b) If the number of candidates appearing at a centre is ten or loss, the
Superintendent and the Deputy Superintendent will supervise
without the assistance of another Assistant Superintendent.
45. (a) The rule (one Assistant Superintendent for every forty candidates)
applies to each hall or room used as a centre and not to the centre as
a whole. The number of rooms used and the number of candidates
Seated in each room must invariably be Stated in the Assistant
Superintendents bill against each date. No extra Assistant
Superintendent will be sanctioned except extremely exceptional
cases when the previous sanction of the Controller of Examination
should be obtained. This sanction should be attached to the bill to
avoid unnecessary correspondence and delay in payment.
(b) In a Combined centre where girl candidates are seated in a Separate
room, a lady Deputy Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent
Should invariably be appointed. if the number of girl candidates at a
combined centre is ten or more, a lady Deputy Superintendent will
be appointed to supervise in the separate room for girls. But if the
number of girl candidates at a centre is less than ten, a lady Asstt:
Superintendent will be appointed at that centre.
48. As far as possible no person should be appointed as Assistant Superintendent
at centre where candidates belonging to his own institution are taking their
49. Letter of Authority to Candidates for Practical Examinations:
All candidates should be given a letter of authority by the Superintendent for
the examiner of the centre at which the candidates have to take their practical
65. Previous sanction for the postage of ordinary, registered letters and parcels,
railway freight and octroi expenses or other is not required but actual payee’s
receipts where available in support of this expenditure should always be
attached with bill in order to avoid audit objections and delay in payments.
71. i. Packing Cloth when not supplied by the University:
A flat rate as per updated rules will be given;
Note:- This is for Mofussil Centers and not for local (Peshawar or
University Campus).
ii. Arrangements for Urinal: Only one pot and one Commode per
Urinal per centre is permissible at the lowest possible rate per day.
Where pacca urinals are not provided in the building at a combined
centre for men and women, two separate Urinals should be arranged.
Form No. S.F.12 in Superintendent’s File
Form No. S.F. 6 in Superintendent’s File
iii. The Details of the expenditure incurred on account of postage on
ordinary letters and telegrams etc. should be attached with the bill in
support of the claims;
iv. The actual payees’ receipts in support of payment should clearly
bear the Signatures or the thumb impression of the payee which
should be attached by the Superintendent giving the dates on which
such payments were made;
v. The imperishable articles purchased by the Superintendents in
connection with the Conduct of the examinations should either be
deposited in/with the stationery box or auctioned and the amount
properly shown in the bill Second copy of same should be kept
along with the article in/with the stationary box for record. A third
copy of the same be forwarded to the Deputy Controller of
Examinations immediately after the examination terminates.
4. The Deputy Superintendent has to examine the envelopes and see that seals
are intact.
i. If a seal is broken he will place his own seal alongside the broken one, if he
had no seal at the moment any blank impression may be made across which
he should sign;
ii. If the envelope is torn or otherwise damaged, the Deputy Superintendent and
the Superintendent will initial the place and then enclose the envelope in
another large envelope or pack it up in a large sheet of strong packing paper.
The new packet should have the impression of the Deputy Superintendent’s
seal. If the damage is slight, the cut or opening should be repaired by pasting
a piece of paper which should be sealed by the Deputy Superintendent;
iii. If the envelope containing question papers is found tampered with or the
seals injured on any particular day, he will not sign the certificate and shall
inform the Controller of Examinations, telegraphically, lilt is found necessary
to repack the envelope as suggested in para (ii) above, care should be taken to
indicate the paper correctly on the outer cover. The Deputy Superintendent
and the Superintendent will be held equally responsible for the correctness of
this entry.
5. When the candidates are distributed in a number of rooms, he will help the
Superintendent in general supervision. If there is any distribution of duties,
he will not supervise the section containing candidates from his own
institution, if any.
8. The Deputy Superintendent must equip himself with a seal for the purpose
mentioned above at 4(a) and (b). No charges on that account will be paid by
the University.
In all examination the answer-books shall be signed or stamped on the
perforated portion of the title page provided for writing Roll Number.
3. Assistant Superintendents must see that every candidate takes his correct seat
and writes his correct Roll Numbers in FIGURES AS WELL AS IN
WORDS and other particulars required of him on the title page of the
the candidates are supplied with all their needs viz. blank answer-books,
continuation sheets, blotting papers (if required), Water, etc.
6. Assistant Superintendents should note that only blue black ink is used by
candidates but no red ink in any case.
8. The Assistant Superintendents should keep moving among the candidates and
should not be engaged in any work which may impair their efficiency as
Assistant Superintendent Lady Assistant Superintendent shall on no account
be permitted to knit in the Examination Hall.
12. The Assistant Superintendent should see that no Candidate make use of
notes, attempts to Copy from another candidate or has in his/her possession
that book or papers not issued in examination Hall. If he/she happens to find
a candidate using unfair means he/she should take possession of any book or
articles or other material so used and report the matter to the Superintendent
and sign the answer book and any other article as Superintendent may report.
13. Before distributing the question paper to the candidates the Assistant
Superintendent should see that the correct paper, according to the programme
is given out. If he/she finds a wrong paper it should be given to the
Superintendent immediately, without reading it.
14. No question paper is to be taken from any candidate for reading it. As Soon
as the Assistant Superintendent has finished distributing the question paper,
he/she should return the remaining if any, to the Superintendent without
reading them.
16. The Assistant Superintendents are responsible for the safe delivery of
answer-books of the candidates supervised by her/him to the Superintendent.
They Should see that the answer-books of each candidates are Properly
stitched together, that the answer-books delivered to the Superintendent are
serially arranged that none of the candidates leaves the room without
delivering his/her answer-book even if no question is attempted and that a
blank paper (not blotting paper) with Roll Number without any initials is
inserted in place of the answer-book of an absentee.
17. All the exits should remain closed during the examination hours and only the
main entrance should be opened five minutes before the expiry of the time
owed. One of the Assistant Superintendents who-so ever deputed by the
Superintendent should stand at the door in order to see that no candidate
takes away an answer-book, or any other paper from the Examination Hall.
18. After the time allotted is over, the Assistant superintendent should collect and
count all answer-books and if everything is in order, the candidates may be
allowed to leave the hall.
All documents mentioned above are to be submitted to the University within a
fortnight of the termination of the Examination (Written) Items Nos. 4 & 5 for Deputy
Controller of Examinations should, however be sent on the day when the parcels
containing question papers are opened.
Not Copied a. Failed in both As per I in each with Fine of Rs. 1500/- to 2000/-
in both b. Passed in one As per I in each with Fine of Rs. 1000/- to 1500/-
Two papers case
papers c. Passed in both As per I in each with Fine of Rs. 600/- to 1000/-
Copied in a. Failed in both As per II with a Fine Rs. 2000/- to 2500/-
B one paper b. Passed in one As per II with a Fine of Rs. 1500/- to 2000/-
c. Passed in both As per I in each with Fine of Rs. 1000/- to 1500/-
Copied in a. Failed in both As per II with Fine of Rs. 2000/- to 3000/-
both papers b. Passed in one As per II with Fine of Rs.2000/- to 2500/-
c. Passed in both As per II with Fine of Rs.1500/- to 2000/-
Three or more papers case shall be dealt with at a higher punishment level than that
C. provided for two papers case and penalties imposed shall not be less than B above
depending upon the nature of the case.
2. Removal of sheets from scripts or continuation sheet.
Staging a walkout or persuading others to do so.
Question Paper
Cheating by
Smug of A.
Book B. Smuggling Answer book or Answer sheets in / out of
6. the Examination hall. As per III with Fine of
Misbehaving with the supervisory staff / inspector. Rs. 4000/- to 5000/-
9. Unauthorized Center change. As per II with Fine of
Tempering. Rs. 4000/- to 6000/-
About Supervisory
10. If any member of the Supervisory staff or inspector is found guilty of an act
inconsistent with the fair discharge of his duty shall be liable for disqualification from
examination duties for a period of ten years and shall not be entitled for payment of
the TA.DA & remuneration for the subject examination.
As per I: This paper is cancelled and Fine upto Rs. 2000/-
As per II: This Examination is cancelled and Fine upto Rs. 3000/-
As per III: This Examination is cancelled and also disqualified for the next
examination and Fine upto Rs. 5000/-
As per IV: This Examination is cancelled and also disqualified for the next two
Examination and Fine upto Rs. 10000/-
As per V: This Examination is cancelled and also disqualified for the next
three examinations and Fine upto Rs. 12000/-
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1. The Vice-Chancellor shall, from time to time, report to the Syndicate the names
of all persons who have passed the Examinations required for the various
Degrees of the University and having fulfilled other conditions have become
eligible for admission to those degrees. When the Syndicate has sanctioned the
admission of such persons to those Degrees, they shall be entitled to be formally
admitted to them.
3. The Syndicate may also admit any person to an Honorary Degree at an Annual
or Special Convocation if the conditions of eligibility for such a degree as
provided in the Regulations have been satisfied.
5. During the year/s when the Convocation was/is not held, Degrees may be issued
to the candidates on charging usual fee. Such degrees will be considered as
Degree in Absentia.
6. The dates of declaration of the results will be entered in the Degree awarded by
the University whether conferred in the Convocation held by the University or
the College or in Absentia to the candidates.
7. All the Constituent and Affiliated Colleges/Institutes are entitled to hold their
own Convocation.
1. The Syndicate may confer an Honorary Degree on any person without requiring
him to undergo an Examination; if it is satisfied that he is a fit and proper person
to receive such a degree by reason of his eminence in the field of science or
scholarship or in view of his distinguished service to the country or humanity in
2. Full academicals costume shall be worn by all fellows and all graduates of the
University and may be worn by all Graduates of other Universities at
Convocation and on such other ceremonial occasions as the Syndicate or Vice-
Chancellor may appoint.
4. If a Fellow is a Graduate of any University, he may either wear the costume of his
Degree or the costume to which he is entitled to wear as a Fellow.
Gown: Black gown with long bag sleeves, similar to those worn by the
Chancellors of Oxford and the Punjab, faced with gold silk.
Cap: Black academicals cap with gold tassel.
Vice Chancellor:
Gown: Black gown similar to that of the Chancellor, faced with silver
Cap: Black academicals cap with silver tassel.
Gown: Black gown, similar to that of the Chancellor faced with black silk.
Cap: Black academicals cap with black tassel.
Gown: Black gown with wide open elbow length sleeves.
Doctors of Laws:
Gown: (Full) A scarlet silk gown, similar to that of the Doctors of the
Punjab University (Ordinary) as for Fellows.
Hood: Scarlet silk similar to Edinburgh University lined with dark green
Cap: As of Registrar.
Bachelor of Laws:
Gown: Black gown, with long open sleeves gathered with a short cord,
similar to the London BA.
Hood: Black silk, similar to Edinburgh University lined with dark green
Cap: As for Registrar.
Bachelor of Arts:
Gown & Cap: As for LL.B.
Hood: Black silk, as for LL.B. Lined with scarlet silk.
Bachelor of Science:
Gown & Cap: As for LL.B.
Hood: Black silk, as for LL.B. Lined with scarlet silk.
Bachelor of Education:
Gown & Cap: As for LL.B.
Hood: Black silk, as for LL.B. Lined with scarlet silk, edge with
Bachelor of Commerce:
Gown & Cap: As for LL.B.
Hood: Light Blue.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing:
Gown & Cap: As for LL.B.
Hood: _______________
M.B.B.S. (Medicine):
Gown: Black with long open sleeves.
Hood: Maroon Silk lined with black coloured silk.
Bachelor of Pharmacy:
Gown: Black with long open sleeves.
Hood: __________________
Master of Arts/Science:
Gown: Black gown with long bag sleeves, similar to the Cambridge M.A.
Hood: Black silk as for LL.B. Lined with white silk.
Cap: As for Registrar.
Master of Education:
Gown: Black gown with long bag sleeves, similar to the Cambridge M.A.
Hood: Pink with light green borders.
Master of Commerce:
Gown: Black gown with long bag sleeves, similar to the Cambridge M.A.
Hood: ______________________
Master of Forestry:
Gown: Black gown with long bag sleeves, similar to the Cambridge M.A.
Candidates for admission to any Degree except that of Doctor in any Faculty
shall wear at Convocation the costume of the degree to which they are
A candidate for the degree of Doctor in any Faculty shall assume the costume
of that degree immediately after his admission to the degree.
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(b) When a student wants to get his/her name corrected (this will
include addition alteration or other minor modification not basically
affecting the name). He/she shall be required to comply with item
No. 1 (a) above.
On advice of the Finance and Planning Committee dated: 11.06.2009, the Syndicate in
its meeting held on 11.07.2009, approved the revised enhanced rates pertaining to
Examinations/Secrecy Sections as per annexure subject to change from time to time. 35
Notification No. 152/A-II/Academic, dated: 01.08.2009
Supervisory Staff Conveyance allowance
from residence to Centre & Back (not
applicable to the University employees
while performing examination related Rs. 100/- (Per working day)
duties at the centres of constituent
Dispatch of Answer Books from Centre to
Bank/Post Office/Secrecy Section,
Collection of Question Papers from Bank Rs. 100/- (Per working day)
& Back
Conveyance allowance to Local External
Examiners for Practical Examinations,
viva-voce examiners and local Inspectors
(not applicable to the University Rs. 100/- (Per working day)
employees while performing examination
related duties at the centres of constituent
Inspection Fee Rs. 500/- (For Local)
(Per Inspection Day) Rs. 200/- (For Non-Local)
Paper Marking Minimum
Setting (per paper)
A All Examinations leading to
Rs. 700/- Rs. 25/- Rs. 500/-
Bachelor Degrees
B Omitted
C All Examinations leading to
Master Degrees, LLB and Rs. 40/- Rs. 600/-
Postgraduate Diplomas
D All Medical related
Examinations (including MBBS, Rs. 40/- Rs. 600/-
BDS, Diplomas, Master degrees)
(Payable to each internal & external
E Comprehensive Examination Rs. Rs. 100/- Rs. 600/-
(M. Phil/Ph.D.) 2000/-
Evaluation of 10% of the Answer Rs. 25/- per paper for category (b)
Books marked by sub-examiners
(excluding 10 Answer Books of
Test installment of each Sub- Rs. 40/- per paper for category (c)
For clerical assistance related to
correspondence with sub- Rs. 150/- for entire duration
examiners and University
Allowance for attendant to
performance of paper for the Rs. 100/- for entire duration
Sub-Examiner allowance Rs. 100/- for each sub-examiner
A Rs. 700/- Rs. 40/- Rs. 7/-
All Examinations leading to Rs. 40/- per candidate, Rs. 700/-
Bachelor Degrees (Payable to each internal & external
B All Examinations leading to Rs. 900/- Rs. 60/- Rs. 900/-
Master Degrees and Postgraduate
Diplomas Rs. 60/- per candidate, Rs. 900/-
(Payable to each internal & external
C All Medical related
Examinations (including MBBS, Rs. 900/- Rs. 60/- Rs. 900/-
BDS, Diplomas, Master Degrees) Rs. 60/- per candidate, Rs. 900/-
(Payable to each internal & external
D Viva-Voce Examinations at Rs. 700/- Rs. 40/- Rs. 700/-
Master level Rs. 40/- per candidate, Rs. 700/-
(Payable to each internal & external
4 Thesis/Research/Project Evaluation Viva-Voce
All master levels research Rs. 800/- Rs. 400/-
project/thesis, internship (Payable to each internal & external
M. Phil
Rs. 1000/- Rs. 600/-
(Payable to each examiner)
Ph. D (Payable to each examiner) Rs. 2000/- Rs. 800/-
Position Rates
5 Laboratory Assistants & Attendants
A All examinations leading to Bachelor Lab: Assistant per group Rs. 120/-
Degrees Lab: Attendant per group Rs. 80/-
B All examinations leading to Master Lab: Assistant per group Rs. 160/-
Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas Lab: Attendant per group Rs.
C All Medical related examinations Lab: Assistant per group Rs. 160/-
(including MBBS, BDS, Diplomas,
Master Degrees) Lab: Attendant per group Rs.
Particulars of Work Rates
Tabulators Rs. 400/- per 100 candidates with
minimum of Rs. 400/- to each
Tabulator (Manual)
Scrutineers Rs. 200/- per 100 candidates with
a minimum of Rs. 200/- to each
Srutineer (Manual)
D.M.C Preparation Rs. 20/- per DMC
Tabulators Rs. 6/- per candidate with
minimum of Rs. 600/- to each
Tabulator (Computerized)
Scrutineers Rs. 6/- per candidate with a
minimum of Rs. 400/- to each
Scrutineer (Computerized)
DMC Preparation Rs. 0.25 per Computerized DMC
(Computerized)/Proof Reading
Result Cutting & Proof Reading (Manual) Rs. 100/- per 100 candidates
Result Proof Reading (Computerized) Rs. 100/- per 100 candidates
Typing of Question Paper Rs. 80/- per Stencil/Page
Proof Reading of Question Paper Rs. 30/- per Stencil/Page
Calligraphy of Question Paper Rs. 120/- per Stencil/Page
Printing/Cyclostyling of Question Paper Rs. 20/- per Stencil/Page
(Machine Operator)
Misc. Work, Register Cards, Envelops etc Rs. 02/- per envelope
Filling of Question Papers Rs. 20/- per envelope
Typing of Result (Manual) Rs. 20/- per stencil/page
Dispatch of Scripts Rs. 1.50/- per Script
Dispatch of Scripts (Fictitious Roll Nos) Rs. 5.00 per Script
Checker (Checking of Scripts) Rs. 1.00 per Script