Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome and Police Work Stress: An Integrative Review
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome and Police Work Stress: An Integrative Review
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome and Police Work Stress: An Integrative Review
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and police work stress: an integrative review
Type of
Author, Key data on police officers stress
Title document – Objective
Year generators
Type of study
Andrade et Intervention Paper To show data on They perform unhealthy and risky
al., 200915 aiming at the self- - the self-esteem and activities in their daily life and
esteem and quality Research- quality of life of civil almost do not have alternatives to
of life of the civil Action police officers in Rio perform the catharsis of the stress
police officers of de Janeiro, from an generated by such activities
Rio de Janeiro intervention process
Bezerra et Occupational stress Paper To present and discuss Work organizational and
al., 201320 in female police – the occupational stress managerial issue; gender
officers Cross- experienced by military discrimination; harassment;
sectional police women occupation of managerial
positions; operational activities
Caria et al., Efficiency of Paper To evaluate the effect of Constantly face danger and risk
201423 occlusal splints on – two occlusal splints on life at any time
police officers with Cross- different police officers
TMD sectional with TMD
Costa et Stress: diagnosis Paper To diagnose the Higher level of stress among
al., 200713 of military police – occurrence and women, perhaps due to double
officers in a Cross- the stress phase in working hours, domestic
Brazilian city sectional military police offices obligations, female tendency to
of Natal, Brazil, present more sources of stress,
besides determining since they suffer more from
the prevalence of poor interpersonal relationships,
physical and mental and also from physiological and
symptomatology. psychological characteristics
Dela Occupational stress Paper To identify occupational Main stressors: working
Coleta and coping factors – stress factors and verify conditions, employment
e Dela among civilian Cross- coping strategies used conditions (salary and stability),
Coleta, police officers sectional by civilian police officers relationships with colleagues and
200817 superiors, negative image of the
class by society and the media, and
lack of legal and governmental
support to police work.
Gomes The identity of Paper To analyze the Negative image that the police
e Souza, police officers – perceptions of civilian officers believe that society has
201318 and successive Cross- police officers about on them, which implies and
mirroring sectional their professional reinforces a devaluation of the
identity and the profession.
institution in which they
operate, as well as their
opinion about the image
that society has about its
Minayo et Impact of Paper To know the health Having two jobs, working night
al., 201122 professional – conditions of the civil and day, spending 12 hours in the
activities on the Cross- and military police street having had only one meal,
physical and sectional officers of Rio de working under pressure, having to
mental health of Janeiro, from several stay alert and sleep little.
civil and military angles: that of pleasure
police officers in and suffering
Rio de Janeiro (RJ,
it continues
Minayo et Perceived risks Paper To analyze and compare Working conditions and
al., 200714 and victimization – victimization involvement in other activities
of civilian and Cross- and risks perceived during the time off
military police sectional by military and civil
offices in public police officers from the
(in) security State of Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, in the exercise of
their profession, within
and outside the work
Oliveira e Stress and Paper To evaluate the levels Direct confrontation with crime
Bardagi, commitment to – of occupational stress and emergencies, which eventually
20091 career in military Cross- and career commitment expose them to risks, in relation
police officers sectional among military police not only to their own life and
officers of the First physical integrity, but also that of
Military Brigade of third parties
Santa Maria, RS.
Souza e Police officer, risk Paper To analyze deaths Victimization growth in the three
Minayo, as a profession: – and health problems categories studied;
200519 work-related Bibliographic to the civil, military The servants of the three
morbimortality review and municipal police corporations make up a specific
officers of Rio de Janeiro category of workers at high risk
within and outside their for deaths and morbidity due
working day, due to to violence and accidents, with
their social activity internal differences between the
three groups.
Spode e Police work and Paper To understand the Work organization; Pressures
Merlo, mental health: a – relationship between imposed by disciplinary
200621 survey with the Cross- the work of the Military surveillance and control
Military Police sectional Brigade Captains - name mechanisms; Non-recognition of
Captains received by the Military the work actually carried out and
Police in the State of Rio efforts to carry it out with quality
Grande do Sul / Brazil -
and their mental health
Chart 2. Stress as an etiological or risk factor for the development of TMD, 2005-2014.
Biasotto- Quality of life in patients Paper To classify TMD patients There is a direct
Gonzalez et with temporomandibular – and correlate with impact influence of the
al., 200929 dysfunction - a cross- Cross- on quality of life degree of TMD on
sectional study sectional the quality of life
of the symptomatic
Bortolleto, Analysis of parafunctional Paper To verify the prevalence Bruxism, which has
et al., 201324 habits and association – of the most common one of its etiologies in
with temporomandibular Cross- parafunctional habits stress, is a risk factor
joint dysfunction sectional found among students for the development
and servants of the State of TMD
University of Campinas
(Unicamp), São Paulo,
Brazil and to analyze its
association with TMD in
this population
Campi et Influence of Paper To carry out a literature Positive results
al., 20137 biopsychosocial - review on the impact of regarding the
approaches and self-care Literature education and simple application of
in the control of chronic review modes of self-care on pain education and self-
temporomandibular and dysfunction related to care methods in
disorders chronic painful TMD. chronic painful TMD,
contributing to the
improvement of
pain symptoms and
Figueiredo Prevalence of signs, Paper To analyze the prevalence TMD patients are
et al., 20095 symptoms and associated - of signs, symptoms and afflicted with a high
factors in patients with Cross- associated factors in patients prevalence of signs
temporomandibular sectional with temporomandibular and symptoms that
dysfunction dysfunction. can directly affect
quality of life.
Goyatá et Evaluation of signs Paper To evaluate the clinical Correlation between
al., 201016 and symptoms of - signs and symptoms of emotional factors and
Temporomandibular Cross- temporomandibular temporomandibular
Dysfunction among the sectional dysfunction among the dysfunction
students of the course students enrolled in the
of Dentistry of Severino course of Dentistry of the
Sombra University, Severino Sombra University
Kuroiwa et Temporomandibular Paper To evaluate the quality Patients with TMD
al., 201130 disorders and orofacial - of life of patients with and OFP had a
pain: a study on the Cross- temporomandibular negative impact on
quality of life as measured sectional dysfunction and / or quality of life due
by the Medical Outcomes orofacial pain to impairment of
Study 36 - Item Short physical and mental
Form Health Survey aspects.
Manfredi et Enviromental stress and Paper To identify individuals Positive association
al., 200625 temporomandibular - with TMD and correlate between TMD and
disorder (TMD) among Cross- with environmental stress environmental stress
members of a public sectional among members of a public
university in Brazil university
it continues
Factors generating occupational stress as well as between operational issues and psycho-
in police workers somatic symptoms35.
The environment, pressure and police work
Exposure to stressful working conditions can discipline mechanisms can hinder the relation-
have a direct influence on the individual’s phys- ship between colleagues and bosses, becoming
ical and emotional health. Occupational stress agents of stress17,20-22.
is established when the job requirements do not Factors triggering stress in Brazilian police
correspond to the worker’s skills, resources or officers are also cited by police officers from Ita-
needs8. Oliveira and Bardagi’s study1 reported ly35, India36, Malaysia37, Australia38 and the United
psychological symptoms and, to a lesser degree, States39, corroborating studies indicating that due
physical symptoms in military police officers to direct and constant contact with danger and
diagnosed with stress, which, according to the violence, as well as by the in situations of conflict
authors, may be related to insecurity with the and tension, the police officers are the workers
professional career that, in turn, results from a with the highest level of exposure to stress20,21,23,
context of vulnerability in which military activity regardless of their country of residence. Howev-
is inserted. In Italy, a study found an association er, the number of police officers killed in Brazil
between organizational issues of police work and is significantly higher when compared to devel-
emotional exhaustion/cynicism among workers, oped and non-violent countries (Table 2), which
Urbani G et al.
Chart 3. Stress as a risk factor for the development of TMD in a study population of police workers.
Type of Principal findings on stress
Title document – Objective as a risk factor for TMD in
Type of study police officers
Caria et al., Efficiency of occlusal Paper To evaluate the effect of Police officers are highly
201423 splints on police – two occlusal splints on likely to develop chronic
officers with TMD Cross-sectional different police officers diseases and disorders such
with TMD as TMD because they are
exposed to extremely high
levels of stress
Carvalho Association between Paper To measure the prevalence Citation of a study
et al., bruxism and stress in – of bruxism and stress in that related bruxism,
200833 military police Cross-sectional military police officers biopsychosocial symptoms
and their possible (stress, sleep disorders
association and pain symptoms)
and smoking to TMD
Cavalcanti Degree of severity of Paper To estimate the occurrence Significant
et al., temporomandibular – of TMD and its degree association between
201132 dysfunction and Cross-sectional of severity, as well as the temporomandibular
parafunctional habits presence of parafunctional dysfunction and
in military police habits in a population of parafunctional habits of
officers non-patients represented grinding or clenching teeth
by military police officers and biting objects (linked
to stress)
Faria, Clinical and Dissertation To investigate, High incidence of TMD
200631 electromyographic - through clinical and in military police officers,
evaluation of chewing Cross-sectional electromyographic more frequent in women
muscles in military examination, the behavior
police with TMD, of the temporal, masseter
before and after the and suprahyoid muscles
use of inter-occlusal in Military Police Officers
devices of the 18th Military Police
Battalion of the State of
São Paulo, with myogenic
or mixed TMD, before
and after use of different
inter-occlusal devices for
four weeks
Graciola Evaluation of the Paper To verify the influence Medium correlation
e Silveira, influence of stress – of a professional activity between TMD and stress
201334 on the prevalence of Cross-sectional seen as quite stressful, as is
temporomandibular the case of military police
disorders in the officers, and its correlation
state military of Rio with the prevalence of
Grande do Sul temporomandibular
suggests a situation of vulnerability, generating United States (0.01%) and 30 times that of the
a high degree of stress for Brazilian workers in United Kingdom (0.001%)40-42.
this professional category. Table 2 shows that, in It should be emphasized that in Brazil there
2015, deaths of police officers on duty in Brazil is an aggravation of the number of police officers
accounted for 0.03% of the total number of po- (civil and military) who are homicide victims
lice workers, triple the percentage of deaths in the outside working hours, and the conditioning fac-
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