Mathematical Modeling of Water Quality PDF
Mathematical Modeling of Water Quality PDF
Mathematical Modeling of Water Quality PDF
Streams, Lakes, and
Edited by
Edited by
Gerald T. Orlob
University of California, Davis
G. T. Orlob
2 A Procedure for Modeling
M. B. Beck
3 General Principles in Deterministic Water Quality
P. Mauersberger
4 Modeling the Ecological Processes
S. E. Jf/Jrgensen
5 Simulation of the Thermal Regime of Rivers
J. Jacquet
(contents continued on back flap)
Mathematical Modeling of Water Quality:
Streams, Lakes, and Reservoirs
Wiley IIASA International Series on Applied Systems Analysis
Rudolf Avenhaus, Nuclear Research Center Karlsruhe,
and University of Mannheim.
Edited by Giandomenico Majone
and E. S. Quade, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
W. Findeisen, Institute of Automatic Control, Technical University,
F. N. Bailey, University of Minnesota;
M. Brdys, K. Malinowski, P. Tatjewski, and A. Woiniak, Institute of
Automatic Control, Technical University, Warsaw.
Mathematical Modeling of
Water Quality:
Streams, Lakes, and Reservoirs
Edited by
Gerald T. Orlob
University of California, Davis
A Wiley-Interscience Publication
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
It was this deficiency in the art that prompted me to propose early in 1977 that
IIASA undertake to survey water quality modeling as a part of its State-of-the-
Art Series. Professor Zdzislaw Kaczmarek, then in charge of IIASA's water
program, invited me to visit Laxenburg for a two-week period and to outline
in detail a program for the survey. The proposal I presented to IIASA for a
monograph series on water quality modeling was accepted in principle and
work on this volume on Streams, Lakes, and Rservoirs was initiated in September
1978. We were successful, as you will see, in securing the collaboration of
an eminently qualified group ofcontributors to the modeling art, each individual
preparing chapters for which his experience best qualified him. This book is the
result of their combined efforts, stimulated from time to time by the editor, by
Professor Kaczmarek, and by Professor Oleg Vasiliev, who served both as
Deputy Director of IIASA and as a major contributor to the project.
The charge to our group was to capture as best we could the essence of
water quality modeling-the basic principles upon which it is based, the
practical problems in conceptualizing real-world phenomena in model form,
and the use of models as aids in decision making. I believe we have met this
charge and that you, the reader-likely a modeler yourself--will find that the
examples we have chosen to illustrate water quality modeling of streams, lakes,
and reservoirs are fairly representative of the state of our art.
G. T. Orlob
Benicia, California
G. T.Orlob
Index 511
Notation for Book
p pressure
P phosphorus concentration
P dissipative component of pressure tensor (viscosity)
P k rate of production of kth primary producer
Pr Prandtl number
Q flow rate (downstream)
r space vector
Rk respiration rate of kth biocomponent
R o universal gas constant
Re Reynolds number
Ri Richardson number
Ro Rossby number
St Strouhal number
t time
T temperature
u density of internal energy
u, v, w velocity components
U QIA, downstream or wind velocity in one-dimensional flow
v velocity
V volume
w, ~" rate of rth chemical reaction
W vector of heat flow
x, y, z space coordinates
Z zooplankton concentration
!i.Laplace operator
free elevation of surface
'1 light extinction coefficient
() temperature coefficient
A wavelength of light
fl growth rate
flj chemical potential of jth chemical constituent (per unit mass)
v kinematic viscosity
Vj, stoichiometric coefficient ofjth chemical constituent in rth chemical
~, extent of rth chemical reaction
p(p) mass density (ofjth chemical constituent)
r shear stress
cP potential of external forces (e.g. gravity)
\¥ velocity potential (v = grad \¥)
w angular velocity.
In the late 1960s the mounting public pressure in the United States for control
of pollution stimulated investment in a host of special studies to find the best
alternative ways of protecting the aquatic environment. The computer and the
computer sciences, especially mathematical modeling, were stressed by zealous
practitioners of the modeling art as aids to decision makers. Encouraged by
even the modest success of the DECS experience and a few others, governmental
agencies began to invest heavily in this new technology.
During this period the comparatively simple Streeter-Phelps model of
dissolved oxygen concentration and biochemical oxygen demand (DO-BOD)
appeared in a variety of computerized forms. The model DOSAG developed
by the Texas Water Development Board (1970) solved the steady state problem
for a multisegment river system, providing flexibility in dealing with variable
deoxygenation coefficients. QUAL I, also produced for the Texas agency
(Masch and Associates, 1970), simulated stream temperature as well as DO
and BOD, allowing temperature adjustments in rate coefficients to be made
internally during simulation. An extended version, QUAL II, produced for
the US Environmental Protection Agency (Water Resources Engineers, Inc.,
1973), included the capability to simulate more complex stream systems for
both steady and unsteady flow and to evaluate the impacts of nutrient loading
on the oxygen resources of the stream. Ecological interactions, including
photosynthesis and primary productivity, have been the subjects of the most
recent work on deterministic modeling of streams (Kelly, 1975; Stehfest, 1977).
Mathematical modeling of lakes was stimulated by two environmental
concerns: the impact of reservoir releases on downstream water quality, and the
nutrient enrichment of impoundments by tributaries. Applying the principle
of heat energy conservation, Water Resources Engineers, Inc. (WRE, 1968) and
a group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT: Huber et aI., 1972)
developed models of the reservoir as a one-dimensional system of horizontal
slices to simulate the vertical distribution of heat in the impoundment over an
annual cycle. These models were extended to consider other quality constituents,
including DO, BOD (Markofsky and Harleman, 1973), nutrients, and even
biota (Chen and Orlob, 1975), and to predict the quality of downstream
releases from operating reservoirs. To obtain better agreement between model
and impoundment, various improvements were made: by representing inflow
and withdrawal more realistically, by better formulation of heat exchange at the
air-water interface (Tennessee Valley Authority, 1972), and by accounting
for detention time within volume elements (Fontane and Bohan, 1974). In
addition to the finite-difference explicit and implicit formulations used in the
WRE and MIT models, the one-dimensional lake model was expressed in
finite-element form by Baca and Arnett (1976).
The eutrophication of lakes such as Zurich See and Lake Erie drew the
attention in the late 1960s of biological researchers, who proposed fairly
simple models of nutrient enrichment oflakes (Vollenweider, 1969). They used
the models to focus on gross nutrient balances in two-layer (epilimnion-
hypolimnion) systems and to explore the cause-effect relationships between
carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus inputs and primary productivity (O'Melia,
1974; Imboden, 1974; Vollenweider, 1975). In a somewhat parallel modeling
activity stimulated by the International Biological Program, more intricate
ecological models of lakes, like CLEANER (Park et aI., 1974), were developed.
Initially, these modeling efforts concentrated on ecological correctness and less
attention was given to the physical behavior of the lake system, e.g. circulation,
mixing, and stratification. More recently, this generation of models has been
adapted, as in the one-dimensional temperature models and LAKECO (Hydro-
logic Engineering Center, 1974), to multisegment systems, for example,
MS CLEANER (Leung et al., 1978). The ecological conceptualizations of such
models were the subject of continuing research and improvement throughout
the 1970s (Straskraba, 1973; J/2Jrgensen, 1976).
Modeling of large lakes, where transport processes are often governed by
wind stresses, was necessarily concentrated first on representing circulation and
mixing phenomena. The models evolved from the comparatively simple, single-
layer storm surge predictors (Platzman, 1963) to multilayer, multisegment
models based on the phenomenological equations of motion in two and three
dimensions (Simons, 1973). Applications of these models to large wind-driven
lakes like Lake Ontario and Lake Vanern (Simons et aI., 1977) have provided
essential input for modeling the water quality of such systems. t
Notwithstanding the limits to simulation of circulation processes in large
lakes, model developers have not hesitated to tackle problems of describing the
water quality and ecological behavior of such water bodies. Given a capability
to describe the principal components of wind-driven circulation in a com-
patible hydrodynamic model, Lam and Simons (1976) devised an advection-
diffusion water quality model of Lake Erie. Patterson et al. (1975) adapted a
link-node estuary model to Green Bay in northeastern Lake Michigan, driving
it with circulation derived from a two-dimensional, orthogonal-mesh, finite-
difference model patterned after that of Leendertse (1967). Di Toro et al. (1975)
developed a seven-segment-seven-constituent Lotka-Volterra type of primary
production model for western Lake Erie. A so-called "comprehensive" model
for Lake Ontario was developed by Chen et al. (1975), who used an approach
similar to that employed in LAKECO (Chen and Orlob, 1975). It was driven
by a three-dimensional circulation derived from a finite-difference hydro-
dynamic model and employed 15 state variables ranging from nutrients to
fish. The model conceptualized Lake Ontario as a system of seven layers over
the maximum depth and included more than 200 segments.
In the late 1970s the technology of modeling, at least that of water quality,
reached a point where advancement seemed to depend more on the availability
of reliable data from the field than on the ingenuity of the modeler or on the
t Parallel development of models of the hydrodynamics of shallow estuaries and coastal seas has
contributed greatly to the technology of modeling large and complex water bodies.
computer. The focus shifted toward implementation of the model as a tool,
requiring that it be calibrated and validated against the water body. It was
necessary to determine the sensitivity of the model in terms of realistic measures
of the system response, e.g. dissolved oxygen and phytoplankton production,
if the model was to be accepted as an adjunct to the decision-making process.
It was clear, also, that there had been a proliferation of models, many of
which were merely instruments of research, often ends in themselves and of
little value in the management of aquatic resources. A redundancy was apparent.
While models were usually original, reflecting the "artistic" abilities of the
designers, there was a tendency to "reinvent the wheel" rather than to make
true advances in modeling. Moreover, there was a wide disparity in docu-
mentation, a step in the model development process that is absolutely essential
if the utility of the model is to be realized by other than the developer. Transfer of
modeling technology had been sadly neglected in the rush to develop.
It is in the nature of modeling, as it has been and is currently practiced,
that the documentation necessary for effective technology transfer rarely
appears in the literature. A survey of reference sources conducted by the
author in 1976 revealed that, of some 400 documents dealing with mathematical
modeling of surface water impoundments, about 90 percent were of limited
circulation, e.g. technical reports, conference proceedings, and technical
memoranda. In addition, the volume of information of relevance to a topic
like water quality modeling is too large for one to digest without proper
organization and dissemination.
In early 1976 the author proposed the development of a centralized clearing
house, or "register," for the coordination and transfer of technology related to
computer software for planning and managing water resources. The concept
was presented to IIASA through Professor Dr. Z. Kaczmarek and developed
further by the author while in Laxenburg as a visiting scientist in May 1976.
On this occasion a project within the scope of the IIASA state-of-the-art survey
was identified, outlines were prepared for a series of monograph on water quality
modeling, and a committee was formed to prepare this volume on Streams,
Lakes, and Reservoirs.
During late 1976, under the sponsorship of the Technology Transfer Program
of the Office of Water Research and Technology (OWRT), US Department of
the Interior, the author studied the feasibility of the proposed software register.
The work included a survey, through 1976, of the state of the art of mathe-
matical modeling of surface water impoundments, the development of a format
for documentation of software for a national register, an assessment of user
potentials, and a determination of the feasibility of an institutional structure for
technology transfer. A two-volume report comprising a narrative description
and review of capabilities of the principal useful models identified in the survey,
a bibliography of some 400 pertinent references, and specifications for about 90
working models was presented to OWRT (Orlob, 1977). The report served as a
source document for the present work, which was greatly expanded to provide
the necessary breadth of international coverage.
t This work does not really present the "state of the art" as such, but merely the best effort to
capture the essence of mathematical modeling of water quality as experienced by the individual
general physical, chemical, and biological principles. The coverage is mathe-
matically rigorous, yet the presentation emphasizes the general rather than the
special case.
Chapter 4, written by Professor S. E. Jorgensen, follows somewhat the
pattern of Chapter 3, in that basic ecological principles are identified, but
it endeavors as well to provide a broad coverage of the bases for translating
these principles into mathematical terms.
Chapter 5, by Dr. J. Jacquet, examines the modeling of the thermal regime in
streams. It includes the effects of multiple heat sources, diurnal heating and
cooling, longitudinal and lateral mixing, stratification, and the stochastic
nature of the heat exchange process. The appendix includes the most current
quantitative statement of the component heat fluxes at the air-water interface.
Chapter 6, prepared by Dr. M. J. Gromiec, Professor D. P. Loucks, and the
editor, deals with the classic problem of simulation of water quality in streams,
ranging from the historical foundation in the Streeter-Phelps equation to the
more elaborate predictive models, like QUAL II, that deal with a full range of
biological parameters. The appendices summarize the extensive research on
formulation of deoxygenation and reaeration rates.
Chapter 7, by the editor, reviews the development of one-dimensional models
of water quality in stratified impoundments. The chapter presents the basic
formulation for the one-dimensional temperature model and the implicit
solution technique for the resulting set of energy balance equations. Extension
of the model to treat multiple quality and biological state variables is described.
Illustrative examples are given of simulation of temperature and dissolved
oxygen in stratified reservoirs.
Chapter 8, by Dr. M. Watanabe, Professor D. R. F. Harleman, and Professor
O. Vasiliev, reviews the literature in modeling the hydrodynamic and water
quality processes of two- and three-dimensional lake systems. Formulations
based on the Navier-Stokes equations are given, solution techniques are de-
scribed, and the interrelationships between hydrodynamics and water quality
are emphasized. Illustrative examples of two- and three-dimensional modeling
of water quality in large lakes are presented. A special section deals with the
unique problem of thermally stratified plumes and cooling ponds.
Chapter 9, by Professor S. E. J0rgensen, provides a comprehensive examina-
tion of techniques for modeling the ecology of lakes and reservoirs. A discussion
is presented of the many variants in the formulation of interactions between
nutrients, biota, and environmental parameters that govern rates of growth,
respiration, mortality, etc. The performance of ecological models is demon-
strated by examples selected from actual case studies.
Chapter 10, also by Professor Jf2Jrgensen, presents the latest experience in
modeling the fate of toxic substances and evaluating their effects on aquatic
Chapter 11, prepared by Dr. Bruce Beck, is an extension of material presented
in Chapter 2 on the modeling process, dealing specifically with sensitivity
analysis, calibration, and validation. The theoretical bases for these essential
steps in modeling the aquatic environment are outlined. Illustrative examples are
Chapter 12, by Professor D. P. Loucks, describes the use of models in water
quality management. Methods are presented for the evaluation of alternative
wastewater treatment methods in relation to management objectives and
quality standards. The role of deterministic water quality models of streams and
lakes is discussed.
The final chapter, by the editor, summarizes the status of mathematical
modeling of water quality of streams, lakes, and reservoirs as this group of
authors has presented it. In particular, we try to highlight the major practical
accomplishments of the modelers and to bring the real limitations of models to
the attention of potential users. Some of the more notable deficiencies in
water quality modeling at present are identified, and we attempt, with some
trepidation, to identify the most promising avenues for future research and
Baca, R. G. and R. C. Arnett (1976). A finite-element water quality model for eutrophic lakes.
Finite Elements in Water Resources vol. 4, eds. W. G. Gray, G. Pinder, and C. Brebbia (Plymouth,
Devon: Pentech), pp. 125-147.
Chen, C. W., M. Lorenzen, and D. J. Smith (1975). A comprehensive water quality-ecologic model
for Lake Ontario. Report to Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration by Tetra Tech, Inc., 202 pp.
Chen, C. W., and G. T. Orlob (1975). Ecologic simulation of aquatic environments. Systems
Analysis and Simulation in Ecology vol. 3, ed. B. C. Patten (New York, NY: Academic Press),
ch. 12, pp. 475-528.
Di Taro, D. M., D. J. O'Connor, R. V. Thomann, and J. L. Mancini (1975). Phytoplankton-zoo-
plankton-nutrient interaction model for western Lake Erie. Systems Analysis and Simulation in
Ecology vol. 3, ed. B. C. Patten (New York, NY: Academic Press), ch. II, pp. 423-474.
Fontane, D. G., and J. P. Bohan (1974). Richard B. Russell Lake water quality investigation.
Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS Technical Report H-74-14, 26 pp.
Huber, W. c., D. R. F. Harleman, and P. J. Ryan (1972). Temperature prediction in stratified
reservoirs. Proceedings of American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Hydraulics Division,
Paper 8839. pp. 645-666.
Hydrologic Engineering Center (1974) (revised 1978). WQRRS. generalized computer program for
river-reservoir systems. US Army Corps of Engineers. HEC, Dat'is, CA' User's Manual 401-100,
100A, 210 pp.
Imboden. D. M. (1974). Phosphorus model for lake eutrophication. Limnology and Oceanography
Jorgensen, S. E. (1976). A eutrophication model for a lake. Journal ofEcological Modeling 2(2): 147-
Kelly. R. A. (1975). The Delaware Estuary Model. Ecological Modeling in a Resource Management
Framework, ed. C. S. Russell. Resourcesfor the Future Working Paper QE-I (Baltimore. MD:
Johns Hopkins University Press), pp. 103-134.
Lam, D. C. L., and T. J. Simons (1976). Numerical computations of advective and diffusive trans-
ports of chloride in Lake Erie, 1970. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada 33: 537-549.
Leendertse, J. (1967). Aspects of a computational model for well mixed estuaries and coastal seas.
Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, C A Research Memorandum 5294-PR.
Leung, K. K., R. A. Park, D. J. Desormeau, and J. Albanese (1978). MS CLEANER-An overview.
Proceedings of Conference on Modeling and Simulation. Pittsburg, PA (Troy. NY: Center for
Ecological Modeling, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), 8pp.
Markofsky, J., and D. R. F. Harleman (1973). Prediction of water quality in stratified reservoirs.
Proceedings of American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of Hydraulics Division 99(HY5),
Paper 9730, pp. 729-745.
Masch, F. D., and Associates (1970). QUAL I, simulation of water quality in streams and canals,
program documentation and user's manual. Report to Texas Water Development Board, Austin,
O'Melia, C. R. (1974). Phosphorus cycling in lakes. North Carolina Water Resources Research
Institute, Raleigh Report 97, 45 pp.
Orlob, G. T. (1977). Mathematical modeling of surface water impoundments, vols. I and II. Report
to Office of Water Research and Technology by RMA, Inc., LaFayette, CA, 119 pp., appendix,
and references.
Park, R. A., D. Scavia, and N. L. Clesceri (1974). CLEANER, the Lake George model. US Inter-
national Biological Proqram, Eastern Deciduous Forest Biome Contribution J 84, 13 pp.
Patterson, D. J., E. Epstein, and J. McEvoy (1975). Water pollution investigations: Lower Green
Bay and Lower Fox River. Report to US Environmental Protection Agency, No. 68-01-1572,
371 pp.
Platzman, G. W. (1963). The dynamic prediction of wind tides on Lake Erie. Meteorology Mono-
graphs 4(26), 44 pp. .
Simons, T. J. (1973). Development of three-dimensional numerical models of the Great Lakes.
Canada Centerjor Inland Waters, Burlington, Ontario, Science Series No. 12.26 pp.
Simons, T. J., L. Funkquist, and J. Svensson (1977). Application of a numerical model to Lake
Viinern. Swedish Meteorology and Oceanography Institute Report RH09, 15 pp.
Stehfest, H. (1977). Mathematical modeling of self-purification of rivers. Projessional Paper
PP-77-11 (Laxenburg, Austria: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis).
Straskraba, M. (1973). Limnological models of reservoir ecosystems. Proceedings of International
Symposium on Eutrophication and Water Pollution Control, Castle Reinhardsbrunn, DDR (Biology
Society, DDR).
Streeter, H. W., and E. B. Phelps (1925). A study of the pollution and natural purification of the
Ohio River. III. Factors concerned in the phenomena of oxidation and reaeration. US Public
Health Service, Washington, DC Bulletin 146,75 pp.
Tennessee Valley Authority (1972). Heat and mass transfer between a water surface and the atmo-
sphere. TVA Water Resources Research Engineering Laboratory, Norris, TN Report 14, 123 pp.
Texas Water Development Board (1970). DOSAG-I simulation of water quality in streams and
canals. Program documentation and user's manual.
Thomann, R. V. (1963). Mathematical model for dissolved oxygen. Proceedings of American
Society of Cil'il Engineers, Journal of Sanitary Engineering Dil'ision 89(SA5): 1-30.
Vollenweider, R. A. (1969). Moglichkeiten und Grenzen elementarer Modelle der Stoffbilanz von
Seen. Archil' fur Hydrobiologie 66: 1-36.
Vollenweider, R. A. (1975). Input-output models. Schweizerische Zeitschriji fur Hydrologie
Water Resources Engineers, Inc. (1968). Prediction of thermal energy distribution in streams and
reservoirs. Report to California Department of Fish and Game, 90 pp.
Water Resources Engineers, Inc. (1973). Computer program documentation for the stream quality
model QUAL II. Report to US Environmental Protection Agency, 90 pp.
A Procedure for Modeling
2 M. B. Beck
the specific model before any field experiment has been used to test the validity
of the model. From section 2.6 onward the discussion attends to the matter
of model modification after the collection of field data; in other words, the latter
half of the chapter discusses system identification, model calibration, and
The "before" and "after" character of the modeling procedure refers
additionally to the way in which we might view the a priori and a posteriori
knowledge of the behavior ofa system. Figure 2.1, adapted from Eykhoff(1974),
gives an example of the relationship between the two types of knowledge. The
plentiful sources of error in both our structural and measured knowledge of a
Measured data
- Mo deling
err ors
Model I Partial
structure ---,I differential
~ earization
erro rs
determination I
I (linear)
Parameter I Ordinary
estimates I differential ~ mping
erro rs
(state estimates) I equations
L _______ ~
FIGURE 2.1 Combining a priori and a posteriori knowledge in the modeling procedure
(adapted from Eykhoff, 1974).
process should emphasize the fact that models are at best working hypotheses
about the nature of reality. There is never a good reason for overconfidence in
the performance of a model. Again, we can use the dual nature of Figure 2.1
and the modeling procedure to illustrate two frequently polarized approaches
to modeling. The first, associated with a priori structural knowledge, is a de-
ductive reasoning approach: from an existing general theory we deduce the
model relationships for the specific case study. The second, associated with
a posteriori measurement knowledge, is an inductive reasoning approach:
assuming no a priori knowledge (theory) of process behavior, we attempt to
develop the specific information acquired from the particular sample set of
data into a more general model. The only valid reason for relying upon one of
these approaches alone may be the inevitable difficulty of obtaining experimental
data. We shall see aspects of this duality reflected throughout the chapter;
they have also been treated in a recent review by Somlyody (1981). Figure 2.2
shows the sequence of the modeling procedure.
(section 2.3) I
Sensitivity analysis
1 (sections 2.4.1 and 2.7.1 )
Selection of model type t
(section 2.4)
(section 2.5)
A priori
A posteriori -------1--------- - - _.-
First sample
field data set --- Calibration and verification
(section 2.6)
Second and
Validation I--
field data sets (section 2.7)
FIGURE 2.2 An outline of the modeling procedure and organization of the chapter.
There are five basic steps in the sequence:
Figure 2.2 indicates also some of the primary feedback, or iterative, loops in the
modeling procedure. It will thus be observed that sensitivity analysis has been
assigned a position of importance both at an early a priori stage and at a later
a posteriori step in two of the feedback loops. Like the rest of the diagram, this
location for sensitivity analysis does not have to be interpreted in any strict
sense. There are as many variants on the theme of Figure 2.2 as there are
authors on the subject of modeling. Much of what follows will be a distillate of
ideas from the works of Orlob (1975), J0fgensen (1978), Young (1978), Rinaldi
et al. (1979), and Beck (1979).
Though perhaps not part of the modeling procedure itself, a common theme
among the majority of statements on the subject of this chapter is that the goals
and objectives for model application determine the nature of the model. As
pointed out in Chapter 1, our attitude is not one of seeking a universal model to
solve, in general, all manner of problems. For example, the definition of objec-
tives might state that the model is intended as a guide to long-term planning by
determining the year-to-year average response of a river system to patterns of
population and industrial growth and movement. It is clearly not sensible to
suggest that the same model would be required to fulfill these objectives as
would be needed to predict the probability of intermittent stream deoxygena-
tion resulting from the diurnal variations of a particular sewage discharge.
Two broad categories of goals and objectives can be distinguished. In
a research context the model has to provide indicators for further fruitful
directions of investigation. An awareness of the immediate use for the model is
not necessary before the study is undertaken. Rather, the concise representation
of a priori and measured information that the model offers and the possibility
for a gain in comprehension (of system behavior) are of primary importance.
An essentially research-oriented model may, nevertheless, be used to make
forecasts about the probable future behavior of the system. In a management
context the immediate application of the model must be known and carefully
specified. "Management" of water quality has traditionally been understood
to mean long-range planning, the design of treatment facilities, or the problem
of legislation for discharge consents and standard setting. Applications of
models to such problems will be discussed in Chapter 12. The term management,
however, may also include the design and operation of real-time control and
forecasting systems. Models used for this purpose in water quality management
are at present of lesser significance and are, therefore, not treated in detail in
this book. The reader will find more suitable accounts ofthese kinds of models by
Young and Beck (1974), Rinaldi et al. (1979), and Beck (1980).
Let us assume that we have chosen an objective and have a specific water body
in mind. The first step of the modeling procedure is conceptualization. At this
point the analyst is interested in how the physical system is represented in
three-dimensional space. It is of some importance, for instance, to know the
locations of control structures and tributaries along a river, or to know whether
various portions of a lake can be considered to be essent~ally deep or shallow.
Usually conceptualization will involve a choice regarding the possible (spatial)
segregation of the water body into a number of discrete segments and layers.
Besides a spatial separation of the water body it may be necessary to include a
grouping and differentiation of biotic species according to how one visualizes
their roles in the ecology of the water body. For example, a particular species
of phytoplankton with high nuisance value might best be considered in terms
of a component mass balance that is separate from a component mass balance
for all other phytoplankton species. In addition, though perhaps less obvious,
it might occasionally be appropriate to partition the temporal dimension into
ranges of quickly changing and slowly changing variations. A classic problem of
this kind is the matter of coupling, or decoupling, the hydrophysical and
ecological sectors of a lake system model (J0rgensen and Harleman, 1978;
J0rgensen, 1979). There is, of course, no guarantee that these choices of spatial,
temporal, and ecological aggregation/decomposition will turn out to be
correct at later stages of the modeling procedure. Moreover, as others have
argued eloquently elsewhere (e.g. Young, 1978), we should bear in mind that the
decomposition of a complex environmental system for individual analysis of
its component parts does not always imply that subsequent reassembly will
yield a characterization of the behavior of the whole.
With conceptualization ofthe modeling problem comes also model formula-
tion. The relevant variables for description of the desired water quality character-
istics and expressions for their interaction have to be chosen. The system
definition will have been completed so that in addition we can define in abstract
terms the groups of quantities shown by Figure 2.3. In physical terms we have
the following groups of variables.
input Measurement
disturbances errors
((r,t) ,,1 r,t)
Measured +
input c:====~ States c(r,t) 1-------"'-- Measured
disturbances d(r,t)
Parameters fJ(r,t) CO (r,t)
(i) The group of variables denoted by the vector d, measured input dis-
turbances (or forcing functions), might comprise the recorded day-to-
day variations of total biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), suspended
solids, and ammonia nitrogen concentrations in a treated sewage
discharge to a river.
(ii) The group of variables denoted by I; represents unmeasured (unknown)
input disturbances. These might include items such as yearly rate of
organic phosphorus loading to a lake system from diffuse nonpoint
sources. A predominant characteristic of the unmeasured inputs is
that they will generally be expected to exhibit a random variability.
(iii) The process state variables c characterize the essential properties and
behavior of a process (or system) as functions of space and time.
Previously, in discussions of ecological models, the term compartment
variable has been used frequently to identify state variables. We have
adopted the notation c because for the most part in this book the state
of water quality is described by a vector of component concentration
(iv) The group of variables CO is defined as measured output variables. In
fact, by and large these variables are merely measurements of some of
the process state variables. However, it is not difficult to imagine a
situation in which CO is not so straightforwardly related to c: for
example, a particulate phosphorus measurement would include
phosphorus bound in algal cells, in zooplankton, and in detrital
material, with all three types of phosphorus binding possibly being
defined as model state variables.
(v) The last category of variables, TJ, represents the random and systematic
measurement errors that derive from process instrumentation and
laboratory analysis; such errors are inherent in all measurements co,
thus prohibiting the possibility of CO being an absolutely exact measure
of c.
One further group of variables in Figure 2.3 remaining to be discussed is the
model parameters p: for instance, the reaeration rate coefficient or chemical
kinetic rate constants that appear in the equations of the system model. A
highly desirable property ofthese parameters is that they should be invariant with
respect to time and space, i.e. truly constant. This desirable property will be
shown to be an extremely important feature of certain aspects of model de-
velopment and analysis. Yet we know that the value of a reaeration rate constant
varies with stream discharge and it is quite common that a BOD decay rate
coefficient will also be different for different reaches of a river. One is thus led
to question how constant a parameter ought to be. Indeed, the difference
between a quantity that is a state variable and a quantity that is a parameter
becomes almost negligible when one considers a state variable that does not
vary with time, i.e. when part of the system is at steady state, or a parameter that
displays seasonal, and therefore temporal, fluctuations. To attempt to preserve
the difference between the notions of state and parameter is actually not
particularly useful in the later discussion of the model calibration problem.
Perhaps an ambivalent attitude toward the distinction is desirable: sometimes
the difference between state and parameter is important, and sometimes it i~
not. For these kinds of reason the parameters are specified as functions of (three-
dimensional) space r and time t in Figure 2.3; all other groups of variables
discussed above are likewise defined. The parameters are, in fact, implicitly
functions of other variables, such as temperature and stream flow, and hence
they are functions of time and space.
The values of the parameters may not necessarily be known precisely at the
stage of conceptualization and formulation; it is more likely that the values can
only be said to lie within a certain range according to previously published
results. The principal objective of formulation is the specification of causal
relationships that describe the phenomena thought to govern the behavior of
the system. In other words, this is what we might call a priori model structure
determination. We therefore note the complementary activity of a posteriori
model structure identification, which will be discussed in section 2.6.3.
makes one of the most significant distinctions that can be drawn, since it often
furnishes a dividing line in choosing the type of model best suited to particular
problems. Usually the analyst will be interested in approximating a distributed-
parameter description to a steady state model by assuming all variables and
parameters to be independent of time t. A classical example of the use of a
steady state model is that in which the average spatial variations of quality in a
river system are computed for an average time-invariant set of wastewater
discharge, temperature, and stream flow rate conditions. Strictly speaking, if
all variables but the stream discharge are held constant with time, then one is
dealing with a dynamic model; a time-varying discharge implies that water
quality at any fixed spatial location is not at a steady state. Like the lumped-
parameter model, the advantage of the steady state model is its potential for
simplifying subsequent computational effort through the elimination of one
of the independent variables in the model relationships. A typical dynamic
model application is that of examining over a period of years the response of a
lake ecological system after installation of nutrient removal treatment at an
adjacent wastewater treatment plant.
In the approximation of a lumped-parameter model, where behavior is
said to be uniform across a discrete portion of three-dimensional space, and in
the approximation of a steady state model, where behavior is effectively said
to be uniform over a discrete interval of time, the real questions ofjudgment are:
how great are the variations in time and space of the water quality characteristics
relevant to the problem; and how many of those individual variations can be
approximated by constants or neglected?
So far we have discussed models that are understood to be characterized by
a set of differential equations. Difference equation forms also arise readily in
water quality modeling. For instance, in practice it is rather atypical to have
available continuous-time (analog) measurements of process variables, just as
it is improbable to imagine a spatial continuum of measurements. Partly for
these reasons, namely that we shall often want to compare a model prediction
with discrete-time (digital, sample) or discrete-point measurements, partly
because numerical solutions to differential equations are obtained through
difference equation approximations, and partly because analytical solutions are
sometimes available that relate variables at discrete points of time and space
to variables at other discrete points, we shall thus refer frequently to difference
equation models.
Last, but not least, we introduce the classification of models into:
It would be incorrect to suggest that the analyst has to make a choice between
one or the other of these model types; it is better to view them as defining the
two ends of the spectrum of models (Karplus, 1976). Here again we see the
duality of the modeling procedure. An internally descriptive model is closely
associated with a priori information and with a deductive reasoning process;
the black box model is much more naturally oriented toward a posteriori
information and inductive reasoning. One might say that the internally de-
scriptive model characterizes how the inputs are connected to the states and
how, in turn, the states are connected to each other and to the outputs of the
system. In contrast, the black box model reflects only what changes the input
disturbances will effect in the output responses. Of course, the major difference
between these two categories of models is that one of them, the internally
descriptive model, provides a description of the internal mechanisms, i.e. c and IJ,
of process behavior. The black box model makes no such explicit reference to
what is inside the process block of Figure 2.3; it deals only with what is measur-
able: the inputs and outputs.
The association of black box models with input-output relationships
allows us also to mention the subject of transfer function models and frequency
response analysis. Differential equations may be transformed into algebraic
equations by the application of Laplace transforms. It is customary to refer to
this as a transformation from time-domain analysis, in which time is the inde-
pendent variable (in the differential equation), to analysis in the frequency
domain. A transfer function model appears then as the ratio of the Laplace-
transformed output variable to the Laplace-transformed input variable, i.e. a
transfer function can be derived for each pairwise combination of an input and
an output variable. When the input forcing variable of the system exhibits
sinusoid-type variations (in time) it is possible to observe both input and system
output response oscillations and hence determine experimentally the form ofthe
transfer function model. Such a determination of the model is known as fre-
quency response analysis, since in effect one is analyzing the amplitude attenua-
tion and phase shift between input and output sinusoids at given frequencies.
Frequency response analysis is in fact a classical form of system identification
(section 2.6 and Chapter 11) typically applied in electrical engineering and
control engineering systems. Its use in water quality modeling has been limited
(e.g. Thomann, 1973), although as a component of systems analysis it offers a
perspective that conveniently complements the view provided by the time-
domain, state-space approach ofthis book. For example, it may be quite helpful
to decompose the nature ofthe behavior ofa system into responses resulting from
essentially low-frequency (slowly changing) input disturbances and responses
from essentially high-frequency (rapidly changing) disturbances (e.g. in the
problem of experimental design, section 2.6.2).
Two examples will illustrate the use of black box models. Let us suppose that
the system inputs and outputs are defined as time variations of quantities at two
spatial locations. A model that directly relates chlorophyll a variations (output)
at the center of a reservoir to variations in the phosphorus concentration
(input) ofthe major feed river can be said to be a black box model. Alternatively,
let us consider the case where inputs and outputs are defined as time variations
of several quantities at a single spatial location. If we wish to predict day-
to-day DO variations (output) from a multiple regression relationship using
conductivity and temperature variations as inputs, this too would come under
our definition of a black box model. We may thus conclude with the following
remark. Much of the eventual character of a black box model depends upon
how the analyst draws a line (conceptually) around the system-thus separating
the system from its environment-and how he chooses to categorize the quanti-
ties of interest into groups of variable types (according to Figure 2.3).
It would be fortunate if all water quality models were sufficiently simple to yield
either an analytical solution or a solution requiring nothing more than pencil
and paper. Closed-form solutions to the model equations are partly becoming
the exception rather than the rule, and in part they are becoming increasingly
impractical. The discussion in section 2.4 reveals that our analyses are usually
strongly tied to the solution of differential equations; and if not differential
equations, then difference equations are employed that are readily amenable to
the recursive function of the modern digital computer. Hence numerical solu-
tion of ordinary differential equations has become so commonplace that the
techniques for such solution are a regular feature of standard mathematical
texts for scientists and engineers (e.g. Kreyszig, 1972). Because of this facility
seldom is little more demanded of the analyst than that he be able to write down
the functional forms of the differential equations for subsequent solution by
computer program library routines. The analyst would, naturally, be imprudent
if he did not check the degree of numerical error in his model solutions.
The case of partial differential equations and their solution is not so straight-
forward. For this reason a great deal in the character of a model may depend
upon how the differential equations are transformed into an approximate
set of difference equations. Clearly such considerations of numerical solution
are inherent in the earlier choices of lumping together certain groups of spatial
variations in the distributed-parameter model and in the choices of specifying
which parts of the dynamic behavior of the system can be said to be at a steady
state. Due reference will therefore be made from time to time in later chapters to
particular methods of distributed-parameter model solution.
The product from the modeling procedure at this point (Figure 2.2) is a
model potentially capable ofsimulating a portion, perhaps even a major portion,
or "reality." We have come thus to the boundaries of what is justified without
using the a posteriori measured information of field data.
Let us briefly assess our situation. The raison d'etre of our book is a consequence
of the immense possibilities for complex system simulation created by the advent
of electronic computers. We may say that large computers have fostered large
water quality models-just as they have fostered large models in every other
field of technology and science. But the ability to conduct simulation exercises
with large, complex models has in no way necessarily increased our under-
standing of actual behavior or strengthened the validity of the models as
approximations of reality. In this section we shall discuss some procedures for
formally testing our models; in Chapter 11 it will become evident that only
rather low-order (i.e. small) models are amenable to rigorous calibration and
verification. One does not have to search far for an answer to why it is not
possible to verify many of the larger water quality models currently available,
e.g. those of Chen and Orlob (1975); we simply do not have the facilities to
gather all the field data that would ideally be required for model calibration
(Beck, 1978a; J0rgensen and Harleman, 1978; J0rgensen, 1979). Yet the
answer to the question is also partly bound to the fact that the behavior of water
quality in streams and lakes is rarely well defined and is often quite uncertain
(Young, 1978; Beck, 1981). We cannot therefore expect to place as much confi-
dence in large water quality models as we might have in a model of a petro-
chemical plant. Another question is: how, for instance, do errors of estimation
in the calibrated model parameter values affect the predictions obtained from
the model about future behavior? This topic, which might be termed a posteriori
sensitivity analysis, will be discussed briefly in section 2.7.1.
Figure 2.4 gives an outline of the calibration and verification phase of the
modeling procedure; calibration is here considered as somewhat more complex
than straightforward parameter estimation. For our subsequent discussion of
data Experimental
r-- -
I design
I Model structure
r--- • identification
I • Parameter estimation
I 1
L __
• Verification
FIGURE 2.4 An outline of the calibration and verification phase of the modeling pro-
this topic (in Chapter 11) we shall draw heavily upon ideas and algorithms from
the fields of system identification (e.g. Eykhoff, 1974; Mehra and Lainiotis,
1976) and time-series analysis (e.g. Box and Jenkins, 1970). Before proceeding,
however, let us make a short digression and consider in greater depth some of
the implications of attempting to model poorly defined systems.
Given a set of experimental field data comprising the measured inputs d and
the measured outputs CO:
Determine values for the parameters ~ and the states c of the model chosen to
characterize the system behavior.
The theme of the a posteriori phase of the modeling procedure is centered upon
the retrieval, manipulation, and restructuring ofmeasured information: how can
we translate information about the" external" description of the system, d and
co, into information about the "internal" description of the system, pand c?
Since restricted measurement facilities and considerable complexity are the
dominant features of microbiological/ecologicalt systems, what is the likeli-
hood of success in the application of techniques of calibration and verification?
To answer these questions it is instructive to recast Figure 2.3 into the
representation of Figure 2.5. Block 1 includes the fundamental microbiology
and biochemistry of the system, such as phytoplankton production or micro-
organism-substrate interaction. At this level a high degree of literally micro-
scopic detail would be required to characterize, or model, all the phenomena
in the process under study. Yet the structure of these relationships, and the
changing patterns of dominant species in the ecological community, though
microscopic in detail, cannot necessarily be ignored, for they may have gross
macroscopic impacts on overall process conditions, such as algal blooms with
the consequences of severe oxygen depletion.
For block 2 the more macroscopic features of the state behavior of the system,
e.g. variations in pH and water temperature, will reciprocally influence what
happens at the microscopic, biochemical level. In general, however, most of
t This is not to ignore the complexities of hydrodynamics; we merely use microbiological aspects
of water quality as the illustrative example.
Process environment and instrumentation
// 2 Process state dynamics +
c"; +
dC;~F===::;>F=r~ Variations in (e.g.l: pH, temperature,
/; dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen
~/ demand, chlorophyll a concentrations
Biochemical kinetics and
Microorganism - substrate
Predator- prey relationships
FIGURE 2.5 Observing the behavior of the system (to be compared with Figure 2.3).
the microscopic detail of block 1 belongs to the category of state variables that
are not easily measured, namely cu' Hence this fine detail is "lost," as it were,
to the process environment (block 3). That is to say, direct measurement of the
variables characteristic of block 1, for instance the concentrations of nitrifying
bacteria, is extremely difficult unless specialized experimental and analytical
facilities are available to the investigator. The relatively few variables in block 2
that are easily measured, Cm, amount only to the more macroscopic, some-
times crude, measurements of quantities like chemical oxygen demand, and
concentrations of chlorophyll a and suspended solids.
Block 3 of Figure 2.5 represents in part the system environment, from which
all manner of unobserved disturbances and unpredictable mechanisms of
behavior, 1;, will interact with the more deterministic features of the phenomena
accounted for in blocks 1 and 2. Block 3 also represents the instrumentation and
analytical procedures from which arise unavoidable components of measure-
ment error, 'I. Thus block 3 is intended to introduce elements of uncertainty
into the picture of system behavior.
Therefore, the following can finally be stated in answer to our earlier question
about the likelihood of success in the application of techniques for model
calibration and verification. Clearly, if measurements of only some of the
process inputs d and only some of the process outputs CO can be obtained, then
relatively little information is available with which to estimate the process
states c and parameters ~. In particular, it is unlikely that there will be much
information directly related to the microscopic detail of block 1 in Figure 2.5.
input c::=:::::::::---;:::::==~ "Reality"
disturbances d
)====:> Errors I
Model I
Predicted outputs I
" I
',~ ~~o~~~E~~~~~ __~ __ J
value adjustment
Measured "Reality" A
inpu t c::=:::=;-;::=c::=~ I
disturbances d L- ----l
\ r- - = = =c: =MO~dec: =1
l1_ Predicted outputs
= ==============:>i
Formal parameter
{J value adjustment
(i) The sampling interval should be at most as long as the minimum time
constant (or response time) of interest; alternatively, the sampling
interval should be one-sixth of the period of the fastest sinusoid-type
variation expected in the behavior of the system (Shannon and Weaver,
(ii) The length of the experiment should ideally cover a period with a
magnitude of at least ten times the magnitude ofthe largest time constant
of interest; to some extent this kind of determination is related to the
observation that the degree of subsequent parameter estimation error
is inversely proportional to the length, i.e. number of samples, of the
Both rules are concerned with the speeds of response of the output variables to
changes in the input variables. Thus, if the idea of a time constant is approxi-
mately interpreted as, say, the detention time for water in a lake, and if this same
notion can also be crudely translated into the time scales for biological
growth of a species and rates at which nutrients are cycled, one has, according
to these rules, the basis of an experimental design.
Let us discuss the choice of sampling frequency in greater detail. For example,
it may well be that a fixed sampling frequency, as in a routine monitoring
program, is not always advisable. An "adaptive" strategy would be more
appropriate in collecting data for a phytoplankton model, in which an important
objective is the estimation of model parameters relating to the dynamics of a
bloom condition. Provided that the analyst has prior knowledge of the timing
of the algal bloom he may, for a short period of the year, allocate his sampling
effort to high-frequency measurements of chlorophyll a concentration. Another
view of this problem is that relatively rapid changes in water quality (i.e.
relatively small time constants in the system behavior) are effective only during
certain intervals and thus require only intermittent, intensive sampling effort.
Alternatively, sensitivity analysis of the a priori model might indicate that the
model responses are particularly sensitive to certain parameter values at
certain points in time (and space). In Chapter 9 an adaptive experimental
program will be reported for a lake modeling study.
For the calibration of a complex multivariable model having several inputs
and several outputs, the determination of sampling frequency alone does not
assist the analyst in making choices about which variables to measure. The
problem is that a wrong choice of measured variable combinations may eventu-
ally lead to difficulties of model structure and parameter identifiability, as already
noted in section 2.4.1. In general one has a problem of identifiability if the
structure of the proposed model is such that the information contained in the
field data cannot be translated into information about the values of certain
parameters. An analysis of the identifiability of the a priori model may therefore
reveal the following kinds of features (Cobelli et al., 1979):
(i) those parameters in the model that can be uniquely estimated from an
experiment with given input and output measurement combinations;
(ii) an appropriate combination of possible input and output measurements
that will allow the unique estimation of all the model parameters.
Model I
in which the dot notation refers to differentiation with respect to time t; c 1, the
concentration of substrate, is the state variable, and /31 is a parameter repre-
senting a first-order kinetic decay rate constant. For our second hypothesis
about the observed system behavior we might propose a Monod-type kinetic
expression together with the presence of a mediating microorganism in the
Model II
FIGU RE 2.8 Methods of parameter estimation: (a) olf-line; (b) recursive. The notation tk
in this example represents the kth discrete sampling instant in a time series with N samples.
t We use the argument of discrete time merely for illustration; otherwise. it is easy to imagine a
recursive algorithm being applied in a stepwise manner to data obtained from a series of fixed
spatial locations along a river.
(a) C2 /1 3 C4
C, C3
/1 2
/1 5
/1, C5
C2 P3 C4
2.6.5. Verification
"Verification" and "validation" are easily confused and both have come to be
interpreted in several different ways. However, since we have placed "verifica-
tion" together with "calibration," thus implying association with the a posteriori
phase of the modeling procedure, the following will serve as our working
definition: verification is the determination of whether the" correct" model has
been obtained from a given single set of experimental data. Findeisen et al.
(1978), in their sample glossary of systems analysis, give a different definition:
"a model is said to be verified if it behaves in the way the model builder wanted
it to behave." Such a definition, in the present discussion, would be more relevant
to the a priori stages of the modeling procedure, for instance at the stage of
a priori sensitivity analysis (section 2.4.1). On reflection it must seem that both
definitions suffer from being vague; and in fact the arguments for satisfying
oneselfthat the model is verified, in an a posteriori sense, are also rather circular.
Usually these arguments are as follows. We assume that a model structure has
been identified, that the parameters have been estimated, and thus that a
sequence of final model response errors can be computed, as illustrated by
Figure 2.10. Almost inevitably it will have been necessary at some stage during
the analysis of the field data to have made assumptions about the statistical
properties of the noise sequences idealized in the model of reality, for example
the processes ~ and" in Figure 2.3. If these assumptions are valid, the model
response errors should also conform to certain statistical properties, and in
particular to those of white noise sequences. To conform with the properties of
white noise any error sequence should broadly satisfy the following constraints:
that its mean value is zero; that it is not correlated with any other error sequence;
and that it is not correlated with the sequences of measured input forcing
functions. Evaluation of the error sequences in this fashion can, therefore,
input Measurement
disturbances { errors "
Measured Errors
disturbances d
Predicted outputs
Measured input
sequence Error sequence
.. Correlated
Time Time
FIGURE 2.10 Model verification: computing the residual error sequences and checking
their statistical properties.
provide a check essentially on whether the final model invalidates some of the
assumptions inherent in its development.
Should the error sequences not conform to their desired properties, this
suggests that the model does not characterize adequately all of the (relatively)
more deterministic features of the observed dynamic behavior. A strong cor-
relation between variations in a given input and the variations in the model
response errors of a given output, for example, would indicate that the model
structure should be modified to accommodate additional significant relation-
ships between those two variables. Analysis of the model performance along
these lines, therefore, directs attention once again to the problem of model
structure identification.
It is clear that calibration and verification represent the bulk of the procedure
for model development and testing, once an experimental data set has been
obtained. There is, however, no guarantee that the validity of the model extends
beyond the sample data set against which it has been calibrated. Validation
is, then, the testing of the adequacy of the model against a second, independent
set of field data. Because validation thus entails the design and implementation
of new experiments, it is unfortunately a step in the analysis that is all too rarely
attempted. We may further observe that Findeisen et al. (1978) give the following
as part of their definition of validation: "a model can never be completely
validated; we can never prove that its results conform to reality in all respects;
it can only be invalidated." Similar notions are evident in an article by Schweppe
(1978), who discusses the use of statistical hypothesis testing for the determina-
tion of model validity. Statistical hypothesis testing, as he says, does not prove
that a hypothesis (model) is true; it may merely indicate whether it is possible
to reject the hypothesis on the basis of the available observations and the chosen
set of test statistics.
Perhaps too much time should not be spent in lamenting any lack of interest
shown by analysts in exhaustively validating their models. For example,
Mankin et al. (1977) offer the following advice:
Let us dismiss the question: Have you proven that your model is valid? with a quick
NO. Then let us take up the more rewarding and far more challenging question:
Have you proven that your model is useful for learning more about the ecosystem?
In this chapter a procedure for modeling has been introduced. Several salient
problems within that procedure have been discussed in qualitative terms.
The major objective of the chapter has been to show that the modeling procedure
divides into two parts: that which can be accomplished on the basis of existing
knowledge and theory; and that which ought to be accomplished when ex-
perimental field data are available. Much of the former part, the a priori phase
of the modeling procedure, is largely intuitive and not methodological. The
a posteriori stage of modeling covers more technical topics that may be less
familiar to the reader. For that reason Chapter 11 has been designed as a
complement to this chapter. Sensitivity analysis, system identification, time-
series analysis, and parameter estimation will be the subjects of Chapter 11.
An important point emerging from the present chapter is that (a posteriori)
model structure identification can be a particularly difficult problem to solve
during calibration. Indeed. calibration as a whole is not a trivial exercise, not
the least because good-quality field data are rarely available. Thus it may not
always be possible to adhere to the calibration, verification, and validation
phases of the modeling procedure, though such adherence would be highly
desirable. Subsequent chapters of this book emphasize in general the develop-
ment of specific models from basic theoretical principles (i.e. the a priori aspect
of modeling). The reader should keep in mind the problems that each particular
model might pose if it were to be calibrated and verified against field data,
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P. Mauersberger
Therefore, this chapter will discuss:
Figure 3.1 surveys the topics covered in the chapter. The formulation and
application of special models will be described in later chapters.
It is necessary that a deterministic ecosystem model obey the second law of
thermodynamics, according to which dissipation (or entropy production) must
be positive. While the balance equations for mass, momentum, and energy
play the roles of "book-keepers," the entropy principle, like the "director,"
determines the development of the ecosystem. The structure, state, and evolution
of the aquatic ecosystem are regulated by the mutual effects of entropy-producing
and entropy-reducing processes inside the water body and across its boundaries.
Furthermore, entropy and entropy production depend on practically all
hydrophysical, hydrochemical, and hydro biological variables and processes
of the aquatic ecosystem. Therefore, by the entropy principle the many phe-
nomenological relationships are reduced to a few important equations and basic
principles. This is of significance for the unified treatment of physical, chemical,
and (to a first approximation) biological processes in the ecosystem. It is also of
importance if we are looking for" new" types of variables (especially" general-
ized" forces and potentials) suited for the description of complex ecosystems
with the aid of a reduced number of variables.
Before we discuss these aspects in section 3.6.2, we must assemble the
basic physical, chemical, and biological concepts of water quality modeling.
~I ~
- Conservation
of momentum
Special types of
flow (3.3.2, 3.3.3)
Methods for the
numerical solution
I Dimensionless I----- of nonlinear
equations, ~ (partial)
dynamic similarity differential
(3.3.4) equations
(3.1.6, 3.1.7)
Energy balance Special cases
1--1 (3.4.1 ) \3.4.2, 3.4.3)
Energy balance
Chemical, bio- Chemical for chemical
chemical, and reactions reactions
biological inter-
relationships in
the ecosystem
- in natural
water bodies
(3.5.1 ) Reaction rates
and reaction
equations of
Biological phenomena I-----
chemical and
(primary production,
I-- biological
trophic interactions, etc.)
(3.5.5 - 3.5.8)
y Entropy balance
(3.6.2 ~ 3.6.8) ~
I Types of water resource, data base,
goals of modeling, etc.
Important processes within the water body include chemical reactions, primary
production, grazing, egestion, excretion, respiration, and nonpredatory
mortality. Many of these processes are deeply influenced by variables describing
the physical state of the system, e.g. temperature and turbidity, or by hydro-
dynamic characteristics, e.g. velocities, velocity gradients, shears, and turbu-
The set of equations for a particular deterministic water quality model can
be chosen to simulate the properties and interrelationships of any or all of the
following components and processes:
In the following sections we shall identify the basic concepts upon which
models must be founded. However. we shall not deal with questions of selecting
the variables and the equations best suited for a special type of water body. The
development, calibration, validation, and application of specialized water
quality models will be treated in subsequent chapters.
F(r, t)d V = f. V(l)
G(F, ... ; r, t)d V - 1
S" dA. (3,1)
G denotes the sources and sinks of the field F, and may depend on F in a non-
linear manner. S" is the flux across the boundary A(t) of the volume Vet),
directed outward and normal to A(t). Table 3.1 shows some examples of sources
and fluxes.
A deterministic water quality model generally consists of a set of inter-
connected balance equations. However, for simplicity we shall confine ourselves
to only one equation of this type and assume that there is an independent
determination of the flow field vCr, t), a fairly common approach. We shall leave
discussion of the larger, more complex problems to later sections and chapters.
By use of the relationship
F dV = f.
+ F div V)d V = f.
+ diV(FV»)d V,
TABLE 3.1 Examples of Sources G and Fluxes S of the Field F.
F G s
p, mass density o o
Pi' mass density of thejth chemical
E, electric field; F i , external force; I. unit tensor ;j, electric current density; J, diffusion; Ai' molar
mass of the jth constituent; P, dissipative part of the pressure tensor (viscosity); p, pressure; vi'
velocity of the ;th constituent; v, velocity of center of mass; "',. reaction rate of the rth chemical
reaction; W, heat flow density; Yi , rate of biochemical reactions (cf. eqns. 3.85-3.86); vi'" stoichio-
metric coefficient ofthe;th constituent in the rth chemical reaction.
the following differential equation can be derived from the "integral" balance
equation 3.1 :
of .
-;:;- + dlV(vF + S) = G(F, ... ; r, t). (3.2)
The local time variation of/at results from convection vF, from nonconvective
transport S, and from local sources and sinks G. Initial and boundary conditions
must be added; for instance,
FdV, G* = r G dV,
w Vir)
S* =
AU )
Sn dA. (3.5)
S* = Sh + -I r'v~F' dz. (3.9)
Here, v~ and F' denote the deviations of the local values Vh and F from the
F' = F - F.
The source factor G* in (3.7) consists of the mean value G of the source in (3.2)
and of contributions from fluxes through the air-water interface and across
the bottom of the basin or river, which are determined by the boundary con-
ditions. The horizontal flux S* is determined not only by the average value Sh
of the nonconvective flux Sh' but also by the dispersion due to the deviations
v~ and F', which is very often the dominating process.
A(x, t) = dz dy
Y ,(x, r) ~o(x, y)
f r ,(x.1)
H(x, y, t)dy. (3.10)
(c) The mean value F of F across A(x, t) (and analogously the mean values
G and Sx):
=A I
2 -
H(x, y, t)F(x, y, t)dy. (3.11 )
u(x, t) = vxCx, u, z, t)dz dy
YI '0
= -I
I Yt
H(x, y, t)uxCx, y, t)dy. (3.12)
Integrating (3.2) over A(x, t) or (3.7) over the river width, Y l ::;; y ::;; Yz ,
yields the following" one-dimensional" river flow equation:
ay ay
G** = G* + [ H (F -a + vxF -a + vyF +
t X
s; )]Y=Y2
aF(x, c)
S *(x,
*) c = c
- Ex ax' (3.18)
it follows from (3.9) and (3.16) that the effective diffusion coefficient E,
d (_ dF(X»)
dx Q(x)F(x) - A(x)E(x) ~ = A(x)G**(x), (3.20)
F(x) =
E(O d~
_ IX
Q(xo)F(xo) - A(xo)E(xo)F*(xo) ex
U(O d V)d v
E(O (, S
_ IX It G**(OA(Od( ex
Xo A(OE(~) P
U(O d v)d
E(O (,
S, (3.21)
-* )_
F (x o -
I' dF(x)
1m -d-'
x-+xo x
Q(xo)F(x o) is the transport by downstream flow at x = X o ,
- A(xo)E(xo)F*(x o) is the downstream transport caused by the effective
diffusion at x o , and
U(x) = Q(x)
is the mean flow rate.
The one-dimensional river flow model will be used in the following chapters
of this book.
f '~·jf. G(F, ... ; r, t)d V dt -
rIA Vi
(v"F + S")dA dt. (3.22)
Ai. m is one of the surface elements of V;, and L m is the sum over all the elements
(Figure 3.2).
Let us introduce the following quantities, abbreviations, and approxima-
FIGURE 3.2 Example of a simple system of finite volume elements 11" Vj' Vk suitable
for the application of finite-difference methods for solving the balance equation.
1 1
h (F i ,l1+ 1 - F i ,l1) = r(G i. l1 + 1 + Gi ,l1)
If G = G(F, ... ; r, t), then Gk • v depends on F k • v. Thus, eqns. 3.24 are, in general,
also nonlinear. These equations are the basis for the solution of (3.1) and (3.2)
by the finite-difference method. The volume V of the water body must be divided
into elements Vi (i = 1,2,3, ...) and the resulting system of equations 3.24 must
be solved step by step (/1 = 1, 2, 3, ...). One possibility for linearization consists
in using Fk . 11 instead of Fk 'l1 + 1 on the right-hand side of (3.24), especially if it is
assumed that Gi ,I1+1 ~ Gi ,l1'
Equations 3.24 may easily be transformed into the following system of
(i "# m)
F(r, 0) = L aj(O)w/r), (3.31)
j; 1
FIGURE 3.3 Three two-dimensional finite elements ~, ~, v,. , each consisting of six
triangles. ~j is common to ~ and ~. ~j # 0 only if Pi and Pj are neighboring points.
Multiplying (3.2) by wk(r), integrating over V, and using Green's theorem, the
boundary conditions (3.4), and the expansion (3.30), we produce the following
system of equations (k = 1, 2, 3, ...), from which the unknown functions a/t)
can be derived:
A jk = Iv",'j(r)wk(r)dV = A kj (3.33)
j = 1 (1) N, (3.36)
which result from (3.31). In general, the right-hand side, C k , of (3.32) depends
on the unknowns ak(t); therefore, iteration procedures are to be applied.
Finite-difference and finite-element methods are powerful tools for the
numerical solution of the much more complicated system of differential equa-
tions characterizing a deterministic water quality model. The reader should
find the following literature relevant: Collatz (1959), Richtmyer and Morton
(1967), Zienkiewicz and Cheung (1967), Strang and Fix (1973), Marchuk (1975),
Mitchel and Wait (1977), and Pinder and Gray (1977). We now turn to the basic
equations of water quality models.
N·} = Pj , Bk -- Pk (3.37)
and the total mass density p:
+ div(pv) = 0 or dp + P d'IV V =
dt 0. (3.39)
3.2.2. Chemical Reactions
Chemical reactions (with reaction rate wr [mol L - 3 T- 1 ] for the rth reaction)
and biochemical processes lj [ML - 3 T- 1] are to be taken into account in the
mass balances of the chemical components:
Equations 3.41 follow from (3.40), by substitution of (3.37) and (3.39). The
essential parts of (3.40) and (3.41) are:
con vective displacement:
The scales of all the mixing phenomena and diffusion processes are of particular
importance for the validity of assumptions like
Vjr the stoichiometric coefficient of the chemical reaction (v jr > 0 for products,
but Vjr < 0 for reactants),
A j the molar mass of the jth chemical component.
Even in simple cases the reaction rates W r are nonlinear functions of the densities
Pj of the reacting chemicals. Consequently, the mass balances (3.40) and (3.41)
t -a (pN) + div(pNjv) = dN
p ---" + N j (op
- + div(pv) ) = dN
at dt 01 dt
are nonlinear partial differential equations. These" diffusion equations" are a
common basis for the development of the majority of water quality models in
use today. For a conservative substance (of concentration C) from (3.40) and
(3.44) we obtain
The values of the diffusion coefficient D must be derived from field experience.
Dependence on some empiricism cannot be avoided.
- - + -a (QC - AE -
ac) = AG. (3.46)
at ax ax
The cross-sectional area A, the concentration C of the particular constituent
[M L - 3], the net downstream flow Q [L 3 T - 1], and the effective diffusion
coefficient E may depend not only on time t but also on the downstream distance
x. The source-sink term G is a function of C, x, and t. Equation 3.19 defines E.
Table 3.2 gives an overview of mass balance equations of different types.
If we assume that a well mixed lake has a constant volume Vo , constant
discharge Qo [L 3 T- 1 ], constant input Go [M T- 1 ], and constant net decay
coefficient K o [T- 1] of a nonconservative substance, we obtain the following
input-output model of type (3.6):
dC(t) Go
-- = - - KC(t) (3.47)
dt Vo '
Models of this kind have been used, for instance by Vollenweider (1969), to
predict the phosphorus concentrations in large lakes.
vAC V ( VC)
One-dimensional case, v = {u(x, I), 0, O}, etc.: -,- + -:;- QC - AE ~ = AG(C, x, I)
I' ex IX
One-dimensional case without sources and sinks: -vAC + -V QC - AE -VC) = 0
Integration of (3.50) over a finite time-independent volume Vo ~ f C dV + ~ (vC - D grad C)dA = f G(C, Y, l)dV
and application of Green's theorem: dt Vo A Vo
Introduction of the time-dependent mean values Crt), 5(1), G(I): Vo ----;Jt = SU) + v;,G(I)
input-output internal
prod uction/destruction
In the special case of G = - K o C and 5 = Go - Qo C, we obtain (3.47).
3.2.4. Biotic Components
The balance equations of the biotic components are of the type
Again, these equations are of the" advection -diffusion" type. The sources and
sinks Qb R b M k will be discussed in section 3.5.
- - grad p + V' P. (3.55)
Ifnonconservative external forces are absent (F j == 0) and if pressure and density
are directly related, i.e. P = p(p), we introduce
p v(p) = -(----,-) (3.56)
and arrive at
at - v x (2m + rot v) = V· P - grad(-tv 2 + ¢ + P v )' (3.57)
The kinetic energy per unit mass, -tv 2 , depends on lJ'. The quantities lJ'
and P v are unknown. A second equation results from the continuity
equation (3.39):
at + grad lJ' . grad p + p!1lJ' = O. (3.60)
!1lJ'(r) = 0, (3.61)
where !1 is the Laplace operator, and
The solution of (3.61) provides the velocity field, v = grad lJ', from
which, after substitution in (3.62), the pressure can be calculated.
(d) "Quasistatic approximation" (where vertical accelerations are neglec-
ted): the Coriolis force is approximated by its horizontal component,
where e3 is the unit vector toward the zenith, f is the "Coriolis param-
eter," ro is the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation, 0 is the geo-
graphical polar distance, and Vh = e!v! + e2v2 is the horizontal
component of the velocity. It follows that v = Vh + e3 v 3 . If we assume
that F i == 0 and that horizontal and vertical eddy viscosity coefficients
Ah and A 3 differ from each other, then from (3.51) and (3.52):
-=pg. (3.64)
aX 3
d a a 3 a
= -
+ v •V = -
+ L Vi - .
i~! aX i
av! aV 2
div v = 0, ---- (3.65)
ax! aX 2
(e) Equations describing the gross circulation patterns and the average
mass transport in well mixed water bodies are obtained by integration
over depth from the bottom of the basin to the free surface. However,
from an ecological point of view even small parameter variations along
the vertical axis may be very important. Biological cycles are related
to solar influx at the air~water interface as well as to benthic processes
and to vertical exchange in the water column.
(f) Ekman-type models of wind-generated currents in the ocean and in
large lakes result from (3.64) and (3.65) by omission of the accelerations
dujdt. Vertical shearing stresses A] D2U)Dx~ (j = 1,2) are balanced by
the Coriolis force (and by a pressure gradient, if a slope current exists).
Table 3.3 provides simplified balance equations.
at + v· V'v + 20> X V = -g - p1 grad p + P1 V' . P, (3.66)
may be denoted by IDv/atl m. Iv' V'vl m, 120> x vim' etc. Here, 9 is the gravity
vector. Introducing
(i) No nonconservative forces F i , p- + 2pro x v + p grad r/J = - grad p + V' A • Vv
dV h
(ii) No vertical component of v or of the Coriolis force P -dl + pe 3 .r x Vh = - grad h P + V' A· V"-n
(cf. eqn. 3.63),
ar/J _ ap
p aX -
3 aX3
at + (v • n)' + (2m x v)'
[{1/p)grad p]'
Fr Eu
+ Re [{1/p)V' . P]', (3.67)
Eu = Iv' V'vl m Euler or Ruark number
Ro = IV'V'vl
- m-
Rossby number
12m x v 1m
St = Iv,V'vl m Strouhal number.
I av/at
If all these flow numbers are very small compared with unity, the nonlinearity
v • V'v may be neglected in (3.66). It is possible to estimate these numbers with the
help of the characteristic magnitudes of the variables v, p, P, r, t or the" similarity
constants" U, R, P, L, T. Two fluid motions are said to be dynamically similar
if they are related by
v = Uv, p = Rp, p = Pp, r = Lr, t = (L/U)l.
It can then be shown that, inter alia,
St=- Ro=----- Fr=--
L' L· 2w cos E>' gm L '
The characteristic flow numbers allow the estimation of the type and stability
of flow systems.
Out of the very large number of texts on hydrodynamics we mention:
Lamb (1932), Proudman (1953), Lin (1955), Stoker (1957), Hinze (1959),
Serrin (1959), Eckart (1960), Milne-Thomson (1960), Alder et al. (1964),
Kinsman (1965), Monin and Jaglom (1965-67), Krauss (1966), Vasiliev et al.
(1975), and Kamenkovich and Monin (1978).
CUe + p(u + 1V2 + ¢)]dV
= f. V(t)
+ t
[v·(P -Ip) - W - Se] ·dA, (3.71)
which states that the time variation of the total energy results from the work
of nonconservative external forces F i (per unit mass) within the volume Vet)
occupied by the system, and from the actions of stress, pressure, heat flow W,
and flux Se of electromagnetic energy on the surface A(t) of Vet). On the left-
hand side of(3.71),
P d- (tv 2
+ ¢) = L Pi V • F
i - v· Vp + (V' P)· v. (3. 72)
where the part i(I) of radiation of intensity I taken up by biota (k = 1,2, 3, ...)
can be approximated by
Subtracting (3.72) and (3.73) from (3.71), we derive the balance of the
internal energy density u:
du da
P- =
L J. .
i I
F. - div W
+j . E - pp -
- P" Vv + i(I). (3.75)
The increase of internal energy results from the work of the nonconservative
forces on diffusive motions J i , from external and internal heat supplies, from
the transformation of convective energy by compression and friction (dis-
sipation), and from the transformation i(I) of radiative energy into biochemical
energy, e.g. by photosynthesis. It is assumed that the specific absorption "k(J..)
of the species k, e.g. of primary producers, depends on the wavelength J.. of the
light, the intensity of which is 1. In water quality modeling the Joule heat may
be neglected. We introduce the density of enthalpy, h = u + prx, where rx = lip,
and use the continuity equation (3.39), so that the balance (3.75) becomes
dh dp . .
p- - -
dt dt
+ dlV W = LJ i
i • F; + J' E + p .. Vv + i(1). (3.76)
~I = cp , (3.77)
aT p.Nj,B k
where c p is the specific heat at constant pressure, we convert (3.76) into the
"heat conduction equation" or "temperature equation":
dT .
pCp dt + dlV W* = P"'Vv + '1*, (3.78)
'1* = (1 - p :h [ ) ~ + LJ i • F; +j . E + i(1)
P T,Nj,B k I
_"~I p~
aN.j p. T,Nm.B k
p "~I
L.. aB
k k p, T,Nj,B
dt .
Very often in water quality modeling, '1* is omitted from (3.78), while
W* = W + W** = -K grad T + W** (3.80)
is taken to be the sum of heat conduction Wand the non-Fourier heat supply
W**, including radiation. Equations 3.41 and 3.49 may be introduced into (3.79)
so that we can examine the role of chemical and biochemical processes in the
heat balance (3.78). In general, the energy fluxes between the chemical and
biological components of an aquatic ecosystem and the energy stored within
these components are small compared with the hydrothermodynamic energy
Similar equations are used also in reservoir temperature models, taking into
account horizontal advection, as well as vertical eddy diffusivity. The flow
velocity u and the coefficient K of turbulent heat transfer must be measured (or
determined otherwise). Comparing (3.81) with (3.46), we note that mass dif-
fusivity and heat diffusivity often differ even in the order of magnitude. Precise
and concentrated measurements of temperature and other parameters (oxygen,
phosphates, etc.) offer data for estimating mixing processes.
where 1(z, t) is the light intensity or irradiance at depth z. The bulk extinction
coefficient tI depends on the wavelength and is a composite measure of light
extinction by water and absorption by suspended particles and biotic com-
ponents, as well as by dissolved compounds.
As a rule, absorption of solar radiation constitutes the main heat supply to
lakes and reservoirs. However, indirect heating or cooling can become significant
in lakes and reservoirs that have high-volume input from surface runoff or
from groundwater sources. Energy input, temperature, and density stratifica-
tions are important regulators of nearly all physicochemical cycling processes
and of biological productivity and metabolism. Therefore, the correct de-
termination and simulation of energy exchange play dominant roles in water
quality modeling.
The problems of this section have been treated by, for example, Meixner and
Reik (1959), Serrin (1959), Truesdell and Toupin (1960), J0rgensen and
Harleman (1978), Kamenkovich and Monin (1978), and J0rgensen (1979a).
oxidation-reduction reactions
acid-base reactions
gas-solution processes and outgassing
coordination reactions of metal ions and ligands
precipitation and dissolution of solid phases
adsorption-desorption processes at interfaces.
We shall not go into the details of hydrochemistry, but shall confine the dis-
cussion to processes described by (3.41) and to the reaction equations in sections
3.5.2 and 3.5.3.
Aquatic organisms influence the concentrations of many substances by
metabolic uptake, transformation, storage, and release. Particulate and dis-
solved organic matter serve as substrates for decomposer organisms, which,
as a byproduct of their metabolism, generate inorganic substances. Primary
production is the main process by which dissolved inorganic substances
(C0 2 , POl-, HPOl-, N0 3, N0 2, etc.) are consumed. Excretion, egestion,
and non predatory mortality produce dissolved and particulate organic
substances; matter and energy are transported and stored in the food chain;
and chemical elements are cycled through the ecosystem. To a certain extent,
the element cycles are independent, e.g. luxury uptake of phosphorus by phyto-
plankton, and different rates of excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus by
zooplankton and fish. Therefore, "stoichiometric models," coupling the intake
and release of chemicals by the biotic components stoichiometrically to the
growth and remineralization of biomass, are valid only within bounded changes
of the amount and composition of the nutrient loadings to the aquatic eco-
system. Otherwise, "element cycle models" must be used, allowing for an
independent element cycle description. Generally, for the improvement of the
.. causal" description of biological processes it is necessary to study certain
details in the laboratory and others in the actual ecosystem in order to obtain the
basic knowledge essential for a good working model.
To formulate the basic concepts of deterministic water quality models suf-
ficiently generally, we consider an arbitrary number of chemical constituents:
g.IG. is the partial feeding rate of the predator BC. on the prey BC I , where
gkl (dimensionless) describes the portions of different types of prey
populations BC I in the food of the predator BCk and depends, inter alia,
on the preference coefficient t kl and on the relative densities of the
populations (cf. eqn. 3.139);
Dissolved ( Respiration )-
( Primary production) Phytoplankton
constituents ~
DIM - - - { Excretion by decomposers )-
( Chemical
f 1
Dissolved - - - { Egestion and excretion of DOM) Zooplankton
organic and
constituents zoobenthos
~( Uptake by decomposers
I- species
c ~
o 5l
1 0)0
I c c. 1
Decomposer species .- E Grazing
CHydrolysis 1;j 0 H
~ u
I C)Ql
I l
I Higher-level
Particulate ' - - - - - ( Grazing by decomposers I-------
I--{ Egestion and excretion of POM "\ species
t Nonpredatory mortality J
FIGURE 3.4 Interrelationships of the chemical and biological components of the aquatic ecosystem.
is the resulting decrease of one prey population BC l ;
= ~*
k B G
-dB L, gkl k k
dt I
dB k = L* (1 - Pkl - Skl)gkl Bk Gk
dt I
FIGURE 3,5 Illustration of the mathematical expressions describing the interrelationships between chemical and biological components
of the aquatic ecosystem.
In the mass balances (3.41) and (3.50) of the chemical and biotic components
of the ecosystem,
P dN j + div leN) =
dt ,
I l'j,ultjlV, + lj, (3.83)
diffusion chemical biochemical
reactions reactions
dB k
Pdt + d'IV l(B k) = Qk - PkRk - PkMko (3.84)
respiration mortality
[4] [11
lj = Ik
+ I(l - Cjk)PkMk
cgestioniexcretion mortality
[4] (7)
-I k
fkj Pk F k +I
hjm Pm H m' (3.86)
uptake by hydrolysis
}j = I I* PjklgklPkGk + I
k I k
[41 [6]
-I dkjPk G : - IhmjpjH j , (3.87)
k m
grazing by hydrolysis
are measures of the egestion and excretion of POM and DOM by BC k (section
3.5.7). G~ is the rate of grazing on decomposers by BC k •
6. Decomposers (k = L 2 + 1, L 2 + 2, ... , L 3 )
[7] [6]
Qk = LdkmPk G: + L.fklPkFk
m j
grazing uptake
on POM ofDOM
[3] [5]
Ar = - L .ujV jr (3.94)
denotes the affinity, and - A r the free energy change of the rth reaction. The
internal entropy production d i S of the total system is then given by
At equilibrium,
diS = 0, (3.96)
The Gibbs free enthalpy is a minimum. However, for a spontaneous reaction,
diS> 0, (3.97)
For the jth component in an aqueous solution, generally
.uj = .uY + R o T In()'jX), (3.98)
Qr = n (~!jX)\'J'
Q, = K, = kr (3.105)
(3.1 06)
The conclusions (eqns. 3.104-3.106) remain valid even if there are rate-limiting
steps and various pathways in a complex chemical reaction (for example, when
the expressions (3.103) do not contain powers identical with the stoichiometric
coefficients). Most realistic descriptions of the chemical reactions lie within the
nonlinear range A, 2 R o T. Thus, methods are required to study nonlinear
thermodynamics of irreversible processes (section 3.6).
In simplified water quality modeling semiempirical expressions of the
following types are widely used to describe chemical, biochemical, and bio-
logical processes:
(1) dC = KC n (3.107)
dt .
For instance, the dependence of the uptake rate on the external nutrient
concentration is approximated by this nonlinear expression.
These simple laws of the nth order for the relationship between the concentra-
tions C 1 and C 2 of two components (with or without saturation concentration
C 2.0) are used, for instance, to describe reaeration or adsorption.
(4) /1 #- O. (3.110)
dC z _ KC Cz (3.115)
dt - 11 Kz + C z + aI C3 '
where a l is the inhibition constant. For allosteric inhibition we may assume that
dC z _ K C Cz (3.116)
dt - I l ( K z +C z)(l+a Z C )'
where the summation is carried out for all species and phases of the system.
Hence, the change of Gp is
dG p = - I dp + -aGp I dT+ I.-P
aG I dll j (k i' j)
ap T.n} aT p.n} j all j T.p.nk
If reactants and/or products are common to several reactions, so that the re-
actions cannot be treated independently, the direction of a particular reaction
may not be deduced from its own affinity alone. In natural waters, for instance,
hydrogen ions, electrons, hydroxide ions, oxygen, bicarbonate ions, and several
metal ions are interlocking constituents of a large number of reactions.
The interpretation of multicomponent and multi phase chemical processes
in aquatic ecosystems requires the solution of nonlinear systems of (differential)
equations and, therefore, the utilization of modern numerical techniques and
electronic computers. Most of the computerized models being used to calculate
multicomponent-multiphase chemical equilibria can be classified either as an
"equilibrium constant approach" or as a "Gibbs free energy approach"
(Jenne et al., 1979). In the former approach equilibrium constants are needed
and the mass action expressions are substituted into the mass balance con-
ditions, yielding a set of nonlinear equations that must be solved simultaneously
or by an iterative procedure (Newton-Raphson method, linearized matrix
inversion, etc.). This approach is often preferred, especially for the calculation
of large complex systems.
In the Gibbs free energy approach, the total Gibbs potential is minimized
for a given set of chemical species and their mole numbers subject to the mass
balance requirement. Optimization techniques such as pattern search, linear
programming, steepest descent, and gradient methods are appropriate to the
solution of the mathematical problems. For relatively simple systems for which
Gibbs free energy values are available and reliable, this approach is convenient.
The method will probably find greater use as soon as accurate and consistent
sets of thermodynamic data become available.
Computerized chemical models suited for calculating equilibria in aqueous
systems have been described and compared by, e.g., Jenne et al. (1979), and
van Zeggeren and Storey (1970).
Using one of the above-mentioned approaches, we assume that a unique
solution exists. Natural aqueous systems (or aquatic ecosystems) may have
several thermodynamically metastable states corresponding to local minima
in the Gibbs function. Therefore, nonunique solutions of the equilibrium
problem are possible, since the solution may occur not only at the most stable
equilibrium point but also at a local minimum. For the application of the above-
mentioned computerized models in aquatic chemistry, this problem of non-
uniqueness is very important. For instance, the problem arises in the interpre-
tation of solid precipitation and dissolution processes.
Furthermore, a number of processes in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and other
natural water systems cannot be treated by the "equilibrium theory" of chemical
reactions. The flow of matter and energy, gradients ofconcentration and tempera-
ture, and exchanges of matter and energy with the surroundings characterize
an open, continuous thermodynamic system that is poorly approximated by
the equilibrium state of a closed homogeneous system. Knowledge of the
temperature dependence of some of the standard quantities (section 3.5.2)
is sometimes inadequate. Moreover, the characteristic time scales of river
flows and reservoir management often do not allow for chemical equilibrium
if the reactions are very slow. Local equilibrium conditions might be expected
if the reaction rate is sufficiently high, even in a slowly changing environment
(e.g. at the sediment-water interface). Local equilibrium within each small mass
element can be realistically assumed to exist (section 3.6.3), but over larger
regions such as the biologically active photic zone of a eutrophic lake, thermo-
dynamic equilibrium is never realized. In such cases it is necessary to use the
method of thermodynamics of irreversible processes (section 3.6).
(I) The maximum rate Pk,o for optimum conditions of light, temperature,
and nutrients is supposed to depend mainly on cell properties.
(2) For the description of the relationship between photosynthesis and
irradiance, functions of the type
J(I) = [I + (I/I*)Z]IIZ' I(z, t) = lo(t)exp( - '1z), (3.126)
J(T) = a + b- or J(T) = KT-To, (3.128)
f(p) = n
~ P., j
Pj ~ K
Kj + Pj ~ Pj
f(/)dz =
1{I [ + (I1~
~ In 1~ + 1
)2]'/2} (3.135)
::::: ~I In (10)
2 1* if10~1*. (3.136)
Y; = I
ajkPkRk +I
f'jkPkEk - Ik
Pk U kj , (3.137)
where Ukj is the rate of DIM j uptake by the kth phytoplankton component.
A simple assumption is that the uptake of nutrients is controlled by the vitality
(or temperature) and by both the extracellular concentration Pj and intra-
cellular concentration Pkj of the nutrient:
Pk P k : primary production by
the biocomponent BCk
FIGURE 3.6 Intracellular storage of nutrients and primary production by the bio-
component Be,.
3.5.6. Trophic Interactions (Grazing and Feeding Rates)
The feeding relationship forms an important nonlinear linkage between the
biotic components of the ecosystem. At intermediate biomass densities the
feeding rate depends on the biomass of both interacting populations. A prefer-
ence term differentiates between various types e1f food. The feeding rate function
exhibits a maximum at a specific temperature and is generally higher for
juveniles than for adults. It decreases when the population reaches its maximum
Formulating the partial feeding rate gklGk of the predator (consumer) BC k
on the prey (food supply) BC I , we use the Monod kinetic:
Similar expressions are used for the rate of grazing, gkl G~, on decomposers by
the BC k and for the partial rate ofuptakeJkJk, ofDOM j by the kth decomposer:
r _ tkj(Pj - Pj,min)/Pk
.Ikj - K k(T) + '\'l61(
L,m Pm - Pm,min )/ Pk .
(b) For very low food concentrations,
Gk t kl
gkl GkPk ::::: ~ (P, - P" mil,). (3.143)
L gk/
G - G
k - k
[1 _exp (_ '\'*
tk,(p, -
PI,min»)] ' (3.144)
I I Pk k
leading also to the asymptotic expressions (3.142) and (3.143).
Pkl = Ij
Pjk" Ski = Ij
Sjkl' (3.147)
E k = E k. O I (f~Jk - R k) (3.150)
R k = ak!(T), (3.151)
Rk = bk!(T)F(~),
Pk. max
Sometimes it is very difficult to prescribe the boundary values since they must
be measured, but it should be carefully done, especially if the values are time-
dependent. Changed environmental influences may lead to the activation of
"possibilities" of the ecosystem not realized formerly.
3.6.2. Entropy
The concept of entropy was first introduced in physics with reference to thermo-
dynamic phenomena. In recent years this idea has been so generalized that it
has found fruitful application in fields far from thermal physics. For instance,
in chemistry, cosmology, information theory, and biology, entropy has revealed
itself as a powerful tool, as a comprehensive measure of irreversibility if we look
at the system from outside, and as a measure of stability seen from inside the
The second law of thermodynamics postulates the existence of a state func-
tion S, the entropy, which is linked to other state functions by the fundamental
Gibbs relation (eqn. 3.160). The change of entropy with time can be split into
two parts, the entropy production inside the system and the exchange of entropy
with the outside world (eqn. 3.186). The internal production, caused by dissipa-
tive processes, is never negative. The entropy flow across the boundary of the
system is a necessary condition for its maintenance far from thermostatic
equilibrium. Many of the physical and chemical processes in natural water
bodies, as well as practically all biochemical processes in living systems, occur
far from equilibrium. Therefore, the entropy principle offers the possibility of
making deductions about the existence of stable, stationary states of an eco-
Furthermore, without integrating the nonlinear model equations, we can
derive from the entropy balance some conclusions concerning the evolution
and further development of the aquatic ecosystem. Under unstable conditions,
relatively small fluctuations (in space and/or time) of physical, chemical, and/or
biological components or parameters of the water body (e.g. tides, seiches,
day-night dependence of biological processes) can suddenly increase and give
rise to a transition of the ecosystem to a "new" stationary state. This is especially
likely when the environmental conditions or some internal variables/parameters
of the ecosystem have undergone such variations that the inherent stability,
characteristic of the stationary state of the ecosystem, has been lost. From this
point of view, we may approximate the anthropogenically influenced history
and further development of lakes, reservoirs, and other water resources as a
succession of transitions from one stationary state to a new one caused by
fluctuations of ecosystem parameters or components under unstable conditions.
The entropy principle also connects the phenomenological, stochastic, and
cybernetic approaches to water quality modeling, as may be indicated by the
following remarks and formulas.
is known as the entropy of order <5 of the code or, equivalently, of the
set (Pk) (Pielou, 1975).
As the number of microstates or "elementary arrangements"
contained in a macrostate of the system increases, the entropy increases.
If we take into account the binding energies and if the total energy of
the system (or the temperature) is sufficiently small, macrostates of
high order, like crystals, can have high entropy. Entropy is not the
"general measure of disorder." Diffusion processes and heat conduction
in gases, by which it is usually demonstrated that disorder increases
together with entropy, are insufficient examples for the discussion of the
meaning of increasing entropy, since gases generally are without
(b) Microscale and macroscale fluctuations of physical, chemical, and/or
biological components of the ecosystem are typical phenomena in
water bodies. In spite of these fluctuations, some macroscale character-
istics of the system are constant. Only after a fluctuation has occurred
and been extended to a sufficiently large macroscopic range may it
give rise to a change in the state of the ecosystem. Therefore, besides
the stability of the stationary state we must specify the a priori prob-
ability of there being fluctuations and the probability that a fluctua-
tion spreads and attains a large amplitude and range, allowing for
changes in the state and structure of the ecosystem.
The determination of these probabilities belongs to the stochastic
theory of aquatic ecosystems. The probability W of fluctuations around
a stationary state is connected with the second variation (52 S of entropy
by the Einstein formula:
The value of this knowledge for the investigation of water bodies has
been pointed out, for instance, by Lyapunov (1972) and Straskraba
(1977). On the other hand, the formation and stability of structures of
aquatic ecosystems, the feedback mechanisms within them, etc. depend
strongly on physical, chemical, and biological constraints. Therefore,
only the combination of thermodynamic methods, taking into account
the basic physical, chemical, and biological laws, with the stochastic
and cybernetic investigations of the behavior of water bodies can
ensure the further successful development of water quality modeling.
The progress of stochastic methods for the investigation of non-
equilibrium systems has been extraordinary in recent years (cf. Nicolis
and Prigogine, 1977.) Since this chapter is concerned primarily with
deterministic water quality modeling, we confine ourselves to the
thermodynamic aspects, especially to:
"open systems" in nature, exchanging energy and matter with their sur-
far from thermostatic equilibrium because matter and energy flow through
nonlinear systems because of the nonlinearity of the internal processes: the
Reynolds stress terms, the temperature dependence of chemical reaction rates,
Important exchange processes between the aquatic ecosystem and the external
world include the transfer of energy, mass, and biomass across the water-water,
air-water, water-plant, and water-soil interfaces, insolation, nitrogen fixation,
input of chemicals by precipitation, and phosphate release from sediments.
The exchange of energy and matter is an essential element of aquatic plant
and animal populations.
The Gibbs relation may be generalized and applied to water bodies if
the concentration gradients are limited, in that the mass densities of the
constituents do not vary appreciably within distances of the order of the
mean free path;
chemical reactions are not too fast, in that the rate of elastic collisions is
larger than the rate of reactive collisions, which in general is true also for all
biological processes in dense media.
Interfaces inside the ecosystem call for special "jump conditions" (Glansdorff
and Prigogine, 1971; Nicolis and Prigogine, 1977).
Thus, our basic postulate is that not only the physical and chemical processes
but also the biological phenomena can be studied with reference to the laws of
generalized thermodynamics, at least to a good approximation on the macro-
scopic scale. The system as a whole is out of thermostatic equilibrium. However,
it is assumed that the macroscopic evaluation of internal energy, entropy, and
entropy production, although very difficult for biological components, still
remains possible, since" local equilibrium" exists within each mass element of
the medium. Between the thermodynamic quantities u, s, T, etc. and the local
macroscopic variables the same relations are supposed to be valid as between
the state variables of the whole system at equilibrium. Thus, we assume that the
internal energy density u (per unit mass) of the water body is determined by the
local physical, chemical, and biological state parameters and one further,
dimensionally independent scalar parameter, the entropy density s:
This is the generalized Gibbs relation, which may be applied to water quality
modeling (Mauersberger, 1978, 1979).
ou ou ou ou
os = T, o~ = -p, oN
= J.1j' OBk = Pb (3.163)
og ag og
oT = -s, op = ~, oN. = J.1j' (3.165)
op T.NjoB. = -
aT p.Nj,B.
os CJ.1j -
os a/Jk OJ.1j o~
oN j - ci' aBk oT' ap oN·'
- = -~x (3.169)
T.Nj.B. ' T
and the Gibbs~Duhem relationship
For the dissipation Ta,
+ L Pk(GtA(Gt) + FkA(F k) + EkA(E k))
grazing on paM, uptake of DaM. and excretion by decomposers
+ L PjHjA(H) (3.173)
Flows W j
Forces grad(l/T) E
The" affinities" are defined by
A, = - L vj,.Jt j J1j (chemical reactions) (3.175)
[6] [7]
A(E k) = L ejk(13k - fl) (excretion by decomposers) (3.183)
A(H m) = L hjm (J1m - J1) (hydrolysis). (3.184)
L nn > 0, (3.187)
_. <0
P, ~ 0, (evolution) (3.188)
P, = Po = minimum, dP.,
= ° (steady state). (3.189)
The total entropy production P., becomes a minimum compatible with the
constant constraints applied to the system. According to Lyapunov's theorem,
(3.188) guarantees the stability of the steady nonequilibrium state because the
Eulerian derivative dPjdt is semidefinite of sign opposite to the Lyapunov
functional P.,. Perturbations of this state (either internal fluctuations generated
by the system itself or external excitations) give rise to an entropy production
larger than (Jo or Po, respectively. According to (3.188) the system is driven back
to the reference state (Jo or Po. In linear open systems entropy production plays
the same role as thermodynamic potentials in closed systems.
The linear Onsager theory is valid, as far as transport phenomena are con-
cerned, but in order to set up a satisfactory description of chemical and bio-
chemical reactions or biological processes, it is necessary to extend the theory to
the nonlinear range.
states that the change of the forces X n always proceeds in such a way as to lower
the entropy production p.,. However, ax p,jat = 0 does not necessarily mean that
P s goes to a minimum. No state variable or potential is known that tends to a
minimum or maximum if a nonlinear system is far from thermodynamic
equilibrium. While no .. global" equilibrium criterion exists, a "local" stability
criterion may be derived. Starting from the Gibbs relation (3.160), we can
calculate the second-order differential of the entropy s(u, IX, N j , Bk ):
b s = b(~)bU + b(:)blX - tb($)bNj
- ~ b(~ )bBk. (3.191)
X> 0,
->0 (3.196)
dt -
" -(f3k) -
- L. 0 -
d bB
L. 0 -
j) d bN j
O. (3.197)
The time derivatives on the right-hand side of (3.197) are given by the energy
and mass balance equations of the perturbed state. The inequalities (3.195)
and (3.197) represent a general criterion of the local stability of nonequilibrium
states or processes (including convective as well as dissipative effects) and can
be used to obtain explicit criteria for specific situations.
Let us consider a steady state solution that corresponds to thermodynamic
equilibrium, e.g. to the minimum of the specific free enthalpy ge for a closed
system at given temperature and pressure. Far from equilibrium this steady state
is stable if the excess entropy production bxPs is positive definite:
bxPs = rI
Jv n
blnbX n dV > 0 (3.198)
Basic Assumptions
The thermodynamic theory of primary production is based on the following
-d = <Dk(T, 1)K k - Ap kPk
t . '
+ AR kRk - \f'k(T)qk> (3.201)
mkf' J1kJ are the mass fraction and chemical potential ofthefth
storing component" inside" the kth species,
K k is the specific absorption by the kth species [L 2 M - 1 ],
J is the mean light intensity in the activating interval of
wavelength [energy L - 2 T - 1],
Ap , k is the energy demand for primary production [energy
M- 1 ],
AR.k is the increase in tk caused by respiration [energy
M- 1 ],
qk is the energy dissipated or used for reproduction
[energy M -1 T- 1 ],
<D k( T, 1), \f' k( T) are the dimensionless functions describing the temper-
ature dependence of biological processes in which
enzymatically catalyzed reactions play an important
role (cf. Figure 3.7).
(b) The internal storage of energy has to be taken into account in the
generalized Gibbs relation by the addition of a term to the right-hand
side of (3.161):
- f" 7' crt .
Bk " Jikf dm
(c) The entropy flux connected with the" absorption" of solar radiation
by the primary producers counteracts the local entropy production a.
Hence, the total production per unit volume is
The terms omitted from (3.202) can be found in (3.173). To is the tempera-
ture of the light source, for instance the radiation temperature of the
solar photosphere. A p • k denotes the affinity of primary production:
Ap,k = L bjkJij - 13k + Ap,k' (3.203)
(d) The specific entropy s and specific free enthalpy ge per unit mass of an
aquatic ecosystem can be determined approximately by applying the
theory of dilute solutions (cf. Planck, 1913; Stumm and Morgan,
1970; etc.) not only to the dissolved inorganic and organic chemical
components and dead particulate organic materials in the water body,
but also to the biota (Mauersberger, 1980a, 1981a). This is only a very
rough approximation for higher trophic levels. Let us denote by .if0
and X o = no/n : : : : 1 the molar mass and molar fraction of pure water.
The mean molar mass JII of all the components of the ecosystem (water
included) is defined by
JII = - = xoJll o + LXjJll j + LBkJII. (3.204)
n j k
From (3.205) it follows that the entropy increases with the number of
species and with their specific entropies Sk' From (3.203), (3.207), and
(3.208) it follows that
AI~)~ = I Ojkg/P, T) - gk(P, T, mk1 ,···, mkJ .) + XP• k' (3.212)
gj = ultjg j ,
B.k <
It (lSI
B km • x = ~H.
n _) exp
X bjk
R T .
) (3.214)
./I't J 0
Only for small values of A p . k and et>k(T, 1) is this relation linear (the Onsager
relation). Furthermore, we know that P k vanishes outside of the T and I
intervals. In the nonlinear region of the theory we use an ansatz equation
determined by an optimization principle (Mauersberger, 1982), from which the
relations between rates and affinities of biological processes like primary
production, respiration, grazing, etc. are inferred to be of exponential character:
The coefficient C".k depends slightly on the temperature; [N0 3 ] denotes the
concentration of nitrate in water. By using (3.217) or (3.218) we can quantify
the influences of light intensity, temperature, and pressure on Pk , and also the
effects of the biomass and of the concentrations of nutrients, oxygen, CO 2 ,
and so on. It should be stressed that these relations are inferred from the
entropy balance equation. The type of the function et>k(T, 1) is shown by Figures
3.7 and 3.8, while the dependences of Pk on the light intensity, temperature,
T~ T r~
FIGURE 3.7 The function <lJk(T, I) describes the temperature and light dependence of
biological processes in which enzymatically catalyzed reactions play an important role.
The function vanishes outside the interval from T k to T~. It is possible that this function
has two peaks.
1'1< (TJ
FIGU RE 3.8 The type of dependence on light intensity I of the function <I\(T, J). While
the lower boundary l~ is approximately constant, the upper limit IZ depends on temperature
biomass, and concentrations of inorganic chemicals in the water body are shown
qualitatively by Figures 3.9-3.14.
Growth Laws
Introducing (3.217) into (3.84), we can deduce the growth law for phytoplankton
or the law governing gross primary production:
(3.221 )
FIGURE 3.9 The rate of gross primary production P, as a function of the light intensity I
for different values of temperature. The arrow indicates the change of this function with
increasing temperature.
FIGU RE 3.12 The rate of primary production, Pk , as a function of the mass fraction Bk
of the species k. In reality, B;:'ax is very large. Arrow 1 indicates the change with decreasing
nutrient and increasing oxygen concentrations in the water. Arrow 2 shows the change with
increasing temperature and/or light intensity available for photosynthesis.
FIGURE 3.13 The rate of primary production as a function of the molar fraction Xj
of one of the inorganic nutrients. The arrow indicates the change of this function with
increasing biomass fraction Bk of the primary producer species k.
The very small quantity Erin is determined by characteristics of the kth species
and by environmental factors. Thus, the result is that the net production of the
phytoplankton species k follows a "logistic" growth equation:
The coefficients C l' C 2' C 3' not written explicitly here, depend on T, I, and Xj.
Furthermore, the thermodynamic analysis of grazing shows that not only
phytoplankton species but also zooplankton species obey logistic growth laws.
A simplified version of these logistic growth equations has been discussed by
Mauersberger (1980b, 1981b). The type of this growth law is shown by Figure
Light Darkness
FIGURE 3.15 Characteristic growth of a phytoplankton population: mass fraction Bk
as a function of time t. Broken line: very high initial value BkCO).
3.15. It agrees with the laws proposed and used by von Bertalanffy (1941),
Straskraba (1978), and many others (cf. Majkowski and Uchmanski, 1980).
The use of the entropy principle in ecosystems research is not only necessary
(because the second law of thermodynamics cannot be ignored) but also of
great advantage, supporting a powerful method for the analysis and synthesis
of complex ecosystems, as has been demonstrated in this section.
Aquatic ecosystems are open, nonlinear systems far from thermostatic equilib-
rium, exchanging energy and matter with the surroundings and maintaining
their more or less stationary state by fluxes of energy and matter through the
systems. That is, they are able to use part of the energy and/or matter exchanged
with the outside world to establish a macroscopic internal structure that is
characterized by dissipative processes. There is a definite relation between the
structure and the function of the ecosystem. These dissipative structures of a
"self-organizing system" are not necessarily stable. The succession of structures
and instabilities forms the anthropogenically influenced history of streams,
lakes, reservoirs, and other water bodies.
The formation and maintenance of self-organizing systems are the result of
nonequilibrium constraints, of appropriate nonlinear couplings, and of the
competition between the entities constituting the ecosystem. This competition
becomes significant whenever the resources necessary for the synthesis, growth,
and/or survival of biological components are limited or become scarce. The
result may be the elimination of some of the entities or a "dynamic equilibrium"
of widely different, coexisting species.
Mathematically, the interactions between the dissipative system and the
external world are specified either by boundary conditions on the separating
surface or through constraints intervening explicitly within the differential
equations. These interactions deeply influence the entropy-producing and
entropy-reducing processes inside the water body and across its boundary,
which are coupled to the structure, state, and further development of the aquatic
The nonlinear basic equations of water quality modeling (including boundary
and initial conditions) may have more than one solution (bifurcation): more than
one structure or state of the ecosystem may be possible. This fact should be
taken into account in water quality modeling.
If the nonlinear basic equations describing the aquatic ecosystem allow for
more than one solution without justifying preference for anyone of them,
internal fluctuations of components of the ecosystem (generated by the system
itself or excited by the external world) have an important influence on the transi-
tion of the system to a new type of ordered configuration. This transition often
occurs near a bifurcation point. Since fluctuations of physical, chemical, and/or
biological parameters and/or components of aquatic ecosystems (e.g. day-night
variations, seiches) are typical phenomena in water bodies, the in vestigation of
fluctuations is a main task of water quality forecasting.
The responses of an ecosystem to radically changing conditions must be
simulated by nonlinear relationships. The solution of the nonlinear initial-
boundary-value problem representing the water quality model is not necessarily
unique; stationary states are not necessarily stable. The multiplicity of solutions
and the possibility of changing to another stationary state correspond to a
gradual acquisition of autonomy from the environment. The existence of more
than one solution to the model equations and the stability or instability of
stationary states can depend upon:
If the stationary solution of the complex set of model equations is stable, this
situation may change, for instance, if only one further component is taken into
account. This corresponds to the change in behavior of an ecosystem caused by
one new species, e.g. a virus.
The more complex the system of equations, the higher the degree of the
characteristic equation determining the stability of the system and the greater
the probability of an instability of a stationary state (May, 1973). This indicates a
limit of the application of multicomponent deterministic water quality models.
Of course, besides this "theoretical limit," which calls for the introduction of
"new" variables allowing for the description of the ecosystem by a limited
number of equations, there are practical demands for choosing the appropriate
model complexity, e.g. to balance the modeling efforts with the data base
available and/or to ensure that the model can be sustained economically for a
sufficiently long time.
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Aquatic plants
Light Sediment Carbon,
Oxygen and
carbon dioxide { phosphorus, etc.
1 (
Rough fish
FIGURE 4.1 Ecological relationships in a lake environment (redrawn from GrIob, 1975).
A, advection; B, benthic animals; Bac, bacteria; D, diffusion; Det, detritus; F I' pelagic
fish; F 2 , rough fish; N" N 2 , soluble nitrogen (NHt and NO;); DOl' D0 2 , dissolved
oxygen; OS, soluble carbonate; PI' aquatic plants; P 2 , algae; Tox, toxic substances;
Z, zooplankton.
FIGURE 4.2 Lake model: only nitrogen is considered. I, Uptake of nitrogen by phyto-
plankton; 2, growth of phytoplankton (photosynthesis); 3, nitrogen fixation; 4, grazing;
5, fecal (by grazing): 6, fish preying on zooplankton; 7, fecal (by process); 8, mortality and
autolysis of phytoplankton; 9, mineralization of detrital nitrogen; 10, sinking of phyto-
plankton; II, sinking of detritus; 12, excretion of ammonia by phytoplankton and fish:
13, release of ammonia from sediment; 14, nitrification; 15 and 16, inflow and outflow of
ammonia and nitrate; 17, denitrification; 18, inflow and outflow of phytoplankton. DENIT,
denitrification; NA, concentration of nitrogen in phytoplankton; NFIX, nitrogen fixation;
PHOTO, photosynthetic rate; SN, nitrogen in upper layer of sediment.
mental spectrum. The most frequently applied causal dynamic models have a
number of constituents: water, bacteria, detritus, phytoplankton, zooplankton,
fish, sediment, etc. The relation to the underlying processes is illustrated by
Figure 4.2, where only nitrogen is considered, for simplicity. Similar diagrams
could be added to illustrate the constituents and processes for other biologically
important elements such as carbon, phosphorus, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur,
and silicon. The conceptual diagram, Figure 4.2, contains seven constituents,
which are the state variables (Chapter 2) in the mathematical model, and 18
processes that describe the flow of nitrogen from one constituent to another.
The changes of the state variables are expressed by differential equations
based upon the mass conservation principle (section 3.2). For example, the
differential equation for the ammonium ion concentration (NHt ) is:
-d 4 = process 9 + process 13 + process 12 + process 15
t -
s (4.2)
)1 = )1max K
+ S'
where)1 is the growth rate, )1max the maximum rate, S the substrate concentration,
and K s the half-saturation constant. The equation is represented by Figure 4.3,
which demonstrates that K s is equal to S when )1 = t)1max' This equation was
derived from the Michaelis-Menten formulation of biochemical enzyme
The trend in ecological modeling over the past several years has been to
include more biological realism, so that more and more detailed submodels
attempt to take into consideration feedback mechanisms and couplings to
other constituents and to environmental factors. The experience gained by
working with river and lake ecological models has provoked new biological
experiments devised to aid formulation of model construction by representing
~ O.5/ 1max
Substrate concentration S
FIGURE 4.3 Michaelis-Menten kinetic expression for microbial substrate utilization
and growth.
environmental responses for specific processes. As a result of this effort a wide
range of mathematical formulations of the ecological processes in bodies of
water is available today.
(i) the processes in the ecosystem can never be isolated from their environ-
ments, and
(ii) it is impossible to take account of all natural coupling mechanisms.
4.2.2. Photosynthesis
The generally used mathematical formulations of photosynthesis are surveyed
in Table 4.1. Only eqns. 5, 8, and 14 include phosphorus in addition to nitrogen
and carbon as the controlling nutrients, but the other equations can easily be
expanded to cover all three nutrients and even silicon, which must be included
when diatoms are of importance for the eutrophication process.
Equations 10 and 12-14 consider a two-step description of the photo-
synthesis: uptake of nutrient, and growth controlled by the intracellular con-
centration of nutrient. If only the first process is indicated the growth is, or can
be, formulated by use of the other growth equations. This two-step formulation
TABLE 4.1 Photosynthesis.
/ PS NS)
PHOTO = MY(T)· PHYT· min ( - -,-
/(0) 'PS o NS o
UP = UPMAX ( I - ---- 1)
I + PKI . PA I + PKI . PS
.f(PA)- -PA-P---PA-M-I-N
UP = UPMAX . - - -
UN = UNMAX . - - -
f(NA, PA) = - - - - - -
l/f(PA) + l!f(NA)
dt dT
dt dT
f(NA) = NA
{(CAl = - - - - . - - -
. CA
UP = UPMAX· . PHYT . - - - -
UN = UNMAX· . PHYT . - - -
. Z) = -
j(l, 2.72 -
FD [ exp (IDA. exp(£z») - exp (IDA)]
FD = 0.5 + 0.26 sin(t - 82) (latitude 60°)
IDA = 1(0)/24 FD
1(0) = 350 + 300 sin(l - 82) - 75[1 + sin 2(1 - 37)](m Wh cm - 2 day - 1)
£ = 0.5 + 14 PA(I)
£ = 0.5 + 29 PA(2)
(3) Schofield and Krutchoff (1974)
~: (t -
=0 t<6,t>18
K = 2.6225
J 6
1(0, t)dt = IDA
211: 11:)
REF = 0.08 + 0.02 sin ( - . Week - -
52 2
{I - KLYS(I- IH) IH S 1
1 = I(O)exp[( -ex - j1PHYT - yZOO - bDET)Z]
A 1(0) + lK
fU) - In
- «(1 + pPHYT) V I(O)exp[( - (1 - pPHYT) V/A] + lK
fU) = KI ( I - . K=-
PHOTO max lK
(a) (b)
~~TOm ..
(c) I
----- PHOTO max
a a
f- f-
a a
a.. a..
(e) ( f)
(g) / (hI
above this level
( il
FIGURE 4.4 PHOTO = f(1) according to different equations in Table 4.2: (a) eqns. 9;
(b) eqns. 5; (c) eqn. 10; (d) eqn. 11; (e) eqn. 12; (f) eqn. 13; (g) eqn. 14; (h) eqn. 15; (i) eqn. 7,
when the integration over depth is omitted. A Michaelis-Menten function is applied.
and of phytoplankton into consideration, and (5) even the attenuation by
zooplankton and detritus. Equations 5, 7, 13, 14, and 15 also include the in-
hibition of irradiance above a certain level. However, for eutrophic lakes the
inhibition will be significant only in the upper few millimeters of the body of
water. As seen from Table 4.1, the existing mathematical models combine the
effects of light, temperature, and nutrient concentration in a variety of ways.
Some of the methods of combining the effects are described below (Park et al.,
(1) Multiplication of the effects (eqns. 5 of Table 4.1) has been used by
Oi Toro et al. (1971,1975), Chen and Orlob (1975), Lehman et al. (1975),
Youngberg (1977), and Kremer and Nixon (1978). Equations 14 of
Table 4.1 use multiplication of temperature and nutrient-limiting
effects, but the light-limiting effect only influences the uptake of carbon.
This implies that the factors are independent of each other and are of
equal importance.
(2) Some of the limitations are combined by using a mean expression and
then multiplying it by the third limiting effect, often the temperature
limitation (eqn. 8 ofTable 4.1) (Bloomfield et al., 1974; Park et aI., 1974;
Patten et al., 1975). This implies interaction between nutrients and light
and results in a partial compensation for one of the other factors, while
temperature is treated independently. Equation 8 uses an arithmetic
average, while eqns. 13 use the harmonic mean.
(3) The minimum of two or more limitations is used (eqns. 1 and 9 of
Table 4.1; Scavia and Park, 1976). This assumes that light and nutrients
cannot be limiting at the same time.
(4) A complex interaction of the limitations, implying independence of the
nutrient and light limitations, both being temperature-dependent (eqns.
12 of Table 4.1; Figure 9.11 on page 348 represents the complex
combination used in MS CLEANER (Park et aI., 1979».
- - = -K·PHYT·ZOO
GRZ = MYZ· ( I - CK . ZOO
(8) Chen and Orlob (1975), Chrisholm ee al. (1975), Canale ee at. (1976)
TABLE 4.3 (continued)
being in accordance with several observations, e.g. the grazing rate of filter
Canale et al. (1976) distinguish between raptors (eqn. 8), selective filter
feeders (egns. 9), and nonselective filters (eqn. 1). For the first two classes a con-
stant assimilation efficiency is used, and for the latter Canale et al. use a simple
but unconfirmed formulation:
. .. ffi . . ffi . HMFL
assImIlatIon e clency = maXImum e clency' PHYT + HMFL'
(as carbon)
A first-order kinetic is also often used for zooplankton mortality and respira-
tion (Table 4.5). As discussed in section 4.2.3, it is, however, sometimes necessary
to use more complex models, if a more realistic description of zooplankton
dynamics is required.
(i) physiological state: cells in the stationary phase sink two to four times
faster than cells in the exponential phase of growth (Eppley et al., 1967;
Smayda, 1970);
(ii) nutrient depletion (Smayda, 1974; Titman and Kilham, 1976);
(iii) light (Eppley et ai., 1967; Steele, 1974);
(iv) viscosity of water: is a function of temperature in fresh water (eqn. 2
of Table 4.6);
(v) turbulence (Stefan et ai., 1976; Titman and Kilham, 1976).
Jorgensen (1976)
In most ecological water quality models, ammonia and nitrate are con-
sidered as one constituent: dissolved inorganic nitrogen. If the two compounds
are separated, however, the nitrification rate will account for the change from
ammonia to nitrate. The most generally applied mathematical formulation for
this process is the first-order kinetic, eqn. 3.
In many eutrophic lakes the sediment becomes anaerobic during the summer,
which implies that denitrification at the sediment-water interface may occur.
Nitrogen balances of hypereutrophic lakes demonstrate that this process is of
great significance for nitrogen balance. As much as 30 % or more of the total
nitrogen input may be removed by denitrification (case study by J0fgensen
et aI., 1973).
Denitrification is a microbiological process and a more complete description
must account for the dynamics of the denitrifying bacteria, as demonstrated by
TABLE 4.10 Denitrification.
- = MYM·M
M = M(O) + STO . (NIT(O) - NIT)
Substitution of the last two equations into the first gives upon integration:
MYMMAX . t = - - - - - - - - In - - - - -
M(O) + STO . NIT(O) NIT(O) - I/STO(M - M(O»
Nitrite nitrogen,
Zooplankton Phytoplankton
nitrogen nitrogen
Process (i) is different under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The profile of
the phosphorus indicates which part of the settled phosphorus is exchangeable
and which part is not (Figure 4.6(b». This model does not take all problems into
consideration, e.g. groundwater infiltration.
Another complex submodel for bottom nutrient release has been suggested
(Kozerski, 1977) and applied, with good results, to a lake by Schellenberger
et al. (1978). The sediment model contains nine balance equations and represents
the sedimentation and decay of organic material, the diffusion of phosphorus
and iron from the sediment into water, the diffusion of oxygen into the sediment,
the adsorption of phosphates on to iron compounds, the reduction and oxidation
Mineralization IPl [g (kg dry maner)-']
at interface Release of P
by diffusion
.s:: A
Nonexchangeable Exchangeable Interstitial E.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 4.6 Submodel of the exchange of phosphorus between water and sediment.
In (b), A represents the nonexchangeable phosphorus, and B the exchangeable phosphorus.
processes of iron and the compounds of calcium, and the transfer of material
from the thin top sediment layer (5-10 mm) to the deeper, undisturbed layers.
Langmuir's adsorption isotherm was used for the adsorption, and the order
processes were simulated as first-order reactions. Most modelers, however,
have used the first-order formulation (eqn. I of Table 4.11; Chen and Orlob,
1975). Since an essential part of the nutrient flow passes through the sediment,
it is strongly recommended that a more detailed formulation of this submodel
is considered, which implies that the process must be examined in the laboratory
to obtain geochemical site constants.
4.0 SN + 0.08 A
REL (N) = 1000 . II J(T)
K(T) = KOPI(~)"
eXP[1 - (~)"]
0 < T < ToP'
opt oP'
K(T) = Kop,[1 _ ( T -_ T
)m] Topl < T < Tmox
Tmu ~Pt
I + (In PHOTO (Topt K
- -----,,------:=-------;cc--~-c_
2 - (Tm.. )K,-2(Top, l' - (Top,l'
21 /(K, - 2) T
K3 Tmox
Concentration of inhibitor
FIGURE 4.7 Process rate as a function of inhibitor concentration for both competitive
and allosteric inhibition.
Competitive Inhibition
dN l max N1 B
-aNjBJ.lBN, K + N 1 + a2 N 2 ' (4.3)
dt N,
dN l _ max NIB
dt aN1BJ.lBN'(KN,+Nl)(I+a2N2)· (4.4)
It is assumed that the affinity of the bacteria for the inhibitor is as strong as
for the inhibited nutrient. If the concentration N 2 is insignificant, then (4.3) and
(4.4) are identical. In competitive inhibition the rate of N 1 degradation is less
dependent on the concentration N 2 than in allosteric inhibition. An allosteric
inhibitor will tend to block the degradation of a nutrient or constituent much
faster than if it is only a competitive inhibitor. These distinctions and effects
are illustrated in Figure 4.7.
a constant (OC - I)
Aarea (m 2 )
AK constant
ASSEassimilation efficiency
AVavailability of food
BL body length (mm)
CA concentration of carbon in phytoplankton (g C m - 3)
CAMAX. CAMlN maximum. minimum concentrations of carbon in phytoplankton
[g C (g dry matter) - ']
CFGl conversion factor from global irradiance to light active in photosynthesis
CK carrying capacity (g m - 3)
CS concentration of inorganic soluble carbon (g m -3)
Dp constant (m 3 g - ')
DENIT rate of denitrification (g m - 3 day - 1)
DENITK rate coefficient of denitrification (day - I)
DERV detritus mineralization rate (g m - 3 day - I)
DET detritus concentration (g m - 3)
EXCR excretion rate (g m - 3 day - ')
EXCRK excretion rate coefficient (day - ')
((x) function of x
Fmax maximum fractional reduction in daily specific growth rate over eutrophic
FAC correction factor for biochemical growth activities during dark periods
FD relative day length
g(y) function of y
GRZ grazing rate (g m- 3 day-I)
I irradiancet
1(0) irradiance, surface intensityt
lopt optimum irradiancet
IDA daily average irradiancet
IH light saturation parametert
lK light saturation parametert
K unspecified constant
K 20 constant or coefficient at 20°C
K(T) constant or coefficient at T
K opt constant at optimum temperature
KC half-saturation constant of uptake of inorganic soluble carbon (g m - 3)
KFLM food level, where multiplier is 1(1 + KMFM)
KLYS constant for light inhibition
KMFM minimum filtering rate multiplier
KN half-saturation constant of uptake of soluble inorganic nitrogen (g m - 3)
KNFIX nitrogen fixation coefficient (day-I)
KNIT nitrogen fixation coefficient for denitrification (g m - 3)
KOT temperature coefficient
KP half-saturation constant of uptake of soluble inorganic phosphorus
(g m - 3)
KPA saturation constant for intracellular phosphorus
KTR threshold concentration for grazing (g m - 3)
KZ half-saturation concentration for grazing (g m - 3)
L o constant
m constant (a number)
M concentration of denitrification microorganism (g m - 3)
M(O) concentration of denitrification microorganism at t = 0 (g m - 3)
(continued over)
TABLE 4.13 (continued)
biota have constant stoichiometry; the element cycles are independent although
some realistic upper and lower limits can be set. A more comprehensive collec-
tion of parameters and stoichiometric ratios has been assembled by J0rgensen
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Di Toro, D. M .. D. J. O'Connor, R. V. Thomann, and J. L. Mancini (1975). Phytoplankton-
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Ecology vol. 3, ed. B. C. Pallen (New York, NY: Academic Press), pp. 423-474.
Dodson, I. S. (1975). Predation rates of zooplankton in arctic ponds. Limnology and Oceano-
graphy 20(3): 426-433.
Droop, M. R. (1974). The nutrient status of algal cells in continuous culture. Memoranda oj'Marine
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Dugdale, R. C. (1975). Biological modeling. Modeling oj'Marine Systems, ed. J. C. Nihoul (Amster-
dam: Elsevier), pp. 187-206.
Eppley, R. W., R. W. Holmes, and J. D. H. Strickland (1967). Sinking rates of marine phyto-
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aN,B constant
a2 inhibition constant
B concentration of bacteria
ex concentration of toxic compound
Ks half-saturation constant
N1 concentration of inhibited nutrient
N2 concentration of inhibiting nutrient
S concentration of substrate
f3 toxicity coefficient.
Table 4.13 lists the symbols used in Tables 4.1-4.12.
Simulation of the Thermal Regime of Rivers
5 J. Jacquet
quality and on aquatic life is often made by estimating the modification of this
regime. Modification of water temperature can have direct, even lethal effects
on the aquatic fauna or flora. It can also have an indirect effect through the
disequilibrium imposed on the population by the competition between species
reacting differently to the modification. Statistical methods, for example, permit
one to indicate the domain of variations to which the distribution of populations
is sensitive.
For example, to optimize the cooling circuit of a power plant, one would
have to know the temperature time series; but to judge the development of a
basin as a whole, one requires statistical parameters. The biologist who would
like to estimate the possible impact of a development would be interested in
still other parameters: extreme values, for example, or the thermal constraints
applied to the aquatic life, estimated after the modification of average temper-
atures in a given critical period.
The thermal regime of rivers is governed generally by the following
phenomena: exchange of energy with the atmosphere; exchange of energy with
the banks; heat input by inflowing water, a tributary, or a waste discharge; heat
exchange at a weir, waterfall, or rapids; artificial heat injection; evaporation
and condensation; internal heat dissipation by friction; heat liberated by bio-
chemical reaction; and convection and diffusion in the water mass. The study of
the local modification of the temperature field does not usually require a
completely reliable description of all these phenomena. Usually this is only
necessary for a particular development, like the installation of a once-through
cooled thermal power plant or a planned wastewater discharge. In practice,
such a study is made either with a physical model or with a mathematical model
that emphasizes the hydraulic mechanisms of heat transfer.
In contrast, problems related to water temperature changes over long
distances or periods can only be treated with mathematical models. The more
important processes considered in such models include energy exchange with
the atmosphere or the ground.
peH (at + U
ax = R s + Ra - Re - E- C +P +
ax' (5.1)
p is the density of water (kg m - 3),
e is the specific heat of water (J kg - I),
H is the average water depth (m),
T is the water temperature (OC),
x is the distance downstream (m),
Rs is the solar radiation flux (ly day - I),
Ra is the atmospheric radiation flux (ly day - I),
Re is the radiation flux emitted from the water surface (ly day-I),
E is the energy flux exchanged by evaporation, normalized per unit area of
water surface (ly day - I),
C is the energy flux exchanged by convection at the air-water interface,
normalized per unit area of water surface (ly day- I),
P is the heat flux introduced artificially into a given section (ly day-l),
as/ax is the heat flux exchanged with the ground and the banks of a stream,
normalized per unit area of water surface (ly day-l),
1 ly is one langley (l calorie cm - 2).
Equation 5.1 can be written simply as
pcH (
aT +
at U
ax = F(T, x, t). (5.2)
= aT (T - 1'.) = K(T - 1;,). (5.4)
~ ~ i = exp(~c~). (5.5)
K' has a different value from K in (5.5) because it corresponds to the derivative
of the function F for another value of water temperature (Kahlig (1977) dis-
cusses this problem).
This type of approach permits simple assessment of questions of the evolution
of a temperature perturbation generated, for example, by a discharge from a
thermal power plant or by a release from a reservoir. Two essential weaknesses
limit its usefulness.
(i) In practice, all stream parameters vary along the stream or in time. In
particular, hydraulic parameters (e.g. average depth, stream discharge,
roughness) vary considerably from upstream to downstream. Therefore,
the simplified model can only be applied to reaches that are relatively
short and along which the flow and geometric parameters vary only
(ii) The model, under steady state conditions, cannot be used to calculate
the natural evolution of the water temperature along a stream, but only
the evolution of the average difference in temperature with respect to
either the equilibrium temperature or the natural temperature.
(i) It permits simulation over a great number of years (between ten and
(ii) It is possible to adjust the exchange coefficients through comparison of
calculated and measured temperatures for one year. The adjustment
criteria are based on the annual average deviation and the typical
deviation of the daily differences between calculated and measured
values. Then, this adjustment is verified for another year.
(iii) A "loop" term is introduced to take into account globally the
phenomena that cannot be estimated separately:
exchange of heat with the ground;
water inputs at different temperatures from that of the stream (from
underground waters, small tributaries, etc.);
heat inputs from turbulence, navigation, internal chemical reactions,
and small industrial or urban discharges; and
meteorological data that are poorly representative of the larger data
set, especially the more or less systematic (seasonal) deviations
between the air temperature and humidity over the water surface
and the corresponding observations at the meteorological station.
The loop term is also estimated by adjustment between the calculated
and measured temperatures.
(iv) Since the hydrometeorological sample is very important, the results
obtained can be examined statistically.
(v) Since the number of cases studied is especially large, it is possible to
introduce other considerations into the simulation. For example, one
can take into account the random character of heat discharges from
power plants.
On the other hand, this approach does not deal with longitudinal dispersion.
Neglecting this phenomenon can introduce appreciable errors in the calculation
of instantaneous values or of temperature increases in sections close to the heat
injection point. In practice, however, it does not influence results that are
treated statistically.
Gras (1970) used this method to generate time series of natural temperatures
in those sections of the stream that were sufficiently far from the source. It is
sufficient for this purpose to integrate (5.3) stepwise, considering the water mass
to be stationary. He demonstrated that, independently of the initial temperature
taken, T converges rapidly toward the same temperature T(t), which is the
natural temperature of a water mass of average depth H influenced by local
meteorological conditions.
This method is very convenient for completing an insufficient set of data.
For example, it may be used to calculate the temperatures of tributaries or dis-
charges for which no measurements are available or to construct the temper-
ature time series that serves as an input to a model.
T - 7:e = exp _ _ (-KIt)
T - 7:n = exp _ _ (5.7)
To - 7;, pcH ' To - Tn pcH
T - 7:e _ e x p - - T - 7:
To - i= exp
pcQ . (5.8)
To - 7;, - pcQ'
In practice, the second expression, using the water surface area A (defined
reach by reach) and the flow Q, is much more convenient. The exchange co-
efficients K and K ' can be taken from the literature. Gras and Jacquet (1971)
have provided a convenient diagram for estimation. Sweers (1976) formulated
K as a function of T. The equilibrium temperature 7;, or the water temperature
Tn, as well as the stream discharge Q, is arbitrarily chosen depending on the case
Q = v/H.
In practice, there are no great difficulties in collecting data for these param-
eters, but results are not particularly sensitive to errors in the parameters.
If necessary, missing data can be supplied by interpolation, correlation, or
regression techniques.
To simulate the thermal regime it is necessary to define time series of water
temperatures, stream discharges, and representative meteorological data.
Temperatures of the stream at the head of the first reach studied and the
temperatures of effluents, especially the main ones, must be specified. Often
these time series are not completely available. Gras (1970) proposed a method
for generating the series from only meteorological data, by considering only
the natural temperatures of the stream in sections that were relatively distant
from the source.
Stream discharges must include discharges for each of the reaches and the
principal tributaries.
Representative meteorological data include, as a minimum, wind speed, air
temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, and solar and atmospheric
radiation. The time series collected through the established meteorological
network are generally sufficient. In practice, it is advisable to limit the number
of meteorological stations used, even for very long reaches. For example, for a
study of a 700 km reach of the Rhine, initially seven meteorological stations
were taken into consideration; but it was found that this number could be
reduced to three without affecting appreciably the quality of the results. There-
fore, it is essential to verify whether the meteorological stations selected are
indeed representative.
For models that do not proceed to a calibration stage, the choice of meteorolo-
gical stations has to be made very carefully (Smitz, 1975). The quality of the
results depends completely on selection of the most appropriate stations.
For models that are to be calibrated, the adjustment of evaporation co-
efficients can compensate for differences between meteorological parameters,
especially between the wind velocity at the water level and the wind velocity
at the meteorological station, where these values are sufficiently well correlated.
If tI, and tim are the average wind velocities at the water level and as measured
at the meteorological station, respectively, and e(tI,) is the evaporation co-
efficient as a function of the wind velocity, then the necessary adjustment
equations are
e(tI,) = a + btl"
where a, b, and f are constants to be adjusted. It follows that
------ .....
/ ..... -- ....
U T (1) .----------- r - /~ !'.T.
~' ------------ - ~ ~ i
X, x2 xi
FIGURE 5.1 Temperature profile change along stream, under steady state conditions.
A and B are the profiles at ( = 0 and !'.t, respectively. /iTj is the temperature increase
during flow Q(I) from Xl to X 2 in time /it. ll(t) = Q(t)/i(A,(O) + A 2 (O».
Pro fie
I at
_-9- t
-- --
= 2M
T,( 1)
- - - - - - -
---- - - -
- ---
T,(O) - - --- -
x, x, +!'.x x2 xi
FIGURE 5.2 Adjusted temperature profile after change in rate of flow. /iTj is the tem-
perature increase during flow Q(2) from Xl to Xl + /ix.
temperature time series for the entire system with a constant time interval At
(taken as 3 h in the Meuse study) between values.
Trier(J •
. ~
(, (> Meteorological station
,. / • Temperature measurement
...... _.,
"' * Flow measurement
<> Central power plant
H Limits of reach
FIGURE 5.3 Sketch of the Moselle River basin, showing the division of the river into
phenomenon, e.g. climatological modifications along the stream, the effect of a
tributary, etc., or to systematically incorrect measurements, and whether the
precision of measurements was acceptable in view of the natural dispersion of
temperature observations.
To simplify the calculations the Palzem station was chosen as a reference by
virtue of its favorable location near the border and about midway along the reach.
Observations at the other stations were correlated to those of Palzem over
their common periods. Analysis of these correlations revealed that the differ-
ences observed between the stations could, in large part, be explained by the
effects of the existing power plants. The temperature time series were considered
as coherent.
:::.. 0.4
\::> 0
0.0030 a 0.0035
1 x * \
x II' ~~
~ r
x 'I~"
x >x'
l i
~ I,
x .i1,w *~
x.~ ~ ~h
x\' ~ x ~ x
x~ *~
~ x
4 ~ ~
o 100 200 300 400
FIGURE 5.5 Observed (broken line) and calculated (x) temperatures of the Moselle
River at the France-Luxemburg border in 1972.
.... 16
Heat exchanges through the air-water interface depend upon both the internal
hydromechanical behavior of the water body and the physics of its interaction
with the overlying air mass. Meteorological factors such as solar radiation,
wind, humidity, pressure, and cloudiness figure prominently in the many
physical processes involved. The aggregate effect of the most important of
these processes is represented in the general heat flux equation:
(AS. I)
qn is the net energy flux across the air-water interface [J L - 2 T- I],
qsn is the net solar radiation flux,
qat is the net atmospheric radiation flux,
qws is the water surface radiation flux,
q. is the evaporation heat flux,
qh is the sensible heat flux.
Among the early investigations to formulate explicitly the independent
energy flux terms, one of the most comprehensive was undertaken in the late
1960s by the Tennessee Valley Authority Engineering Laboratory. This led to
publication of Report 14 (TVA, 1972), from which the following formulations
have been derived.
qo is the solar radiation flux on a horizontal plane at the top of the atmos-
phere [J L -2 T- I],
f(A) is the atmospheric attenuation factor, a function of the optical properties
of the air column, dust content, moisture, and terrestrial surface re-
flectance (Klein, 1948),
Rt is the reflectivity of the water surface (R t ~ 0.03),
C is the degree of cloudiness (0 < C < 1.0).
The solar radiation flux at the top of the atmosphere at a particular location
and time is given by
Commission Internationale pour 'Ia Protection du Rhin Contre la Pollution (1973- 74). Plan de
charge thermique du Rhin. Rapports Internes tlu Sous-groupe .. Eaux de Refroitlissemenl dli (Jroupe
de Tramil T.
Fleig, H., and D. Flinsbach (1973). Wiirmelastplan Neckar. Ministerium fiir Erniihrung. Land-
wirtschaft. und Umwelt, Baden- Wiirttemberg.
Gras. R. (1970). Estimation des elements du bilan radiatifpour Ie calcul des temperatures naturelles
d'un secteur d'un cours d'eau. Electricite de France Direclion des Etudes el Recherches, Centre de
Chatou Rapport HF 41-70. No. 26.
Gras. R., and J. Jacquet (1971). Simulation du comportement d 'un reseau hydrographique equipe
d'un ensemble de centrales thermiques, application au bassin de la Seine. Xles Journees de
I'Hydraulique Paris, 1970, Hydrotechnil'Ol Society of France, Question IV Rapport II, p. 10.
Gras, R., and P. Martin (1976). Modele de simulation du comportement thermique de la Moselle.
Electricitede France Direction des Ellides el Recherches, Cenlrede Chalou Rapport E 31-76, No. 18.
Hydrologisches Institut Miinchen (1976). Wiirmelastplan Donau. Bayrisches Landesamt fiir
Wasserversorgung und Gewiisserschutz.
Jobson, H. (1977). Bed conduction computation for thermal models. Proceedings of American
Sociely or Ciril Enqineers, Journal of Hydraulics Dil'ision I03(HY 10): 1213-1237.
Kahlig, P. (1977). Zur Exponentialmethode del' Flul3temperaturberechnung. Archirfur Meleoro-
logie, Geophysik !Jnd Biologie. Serie A 25: 357-365.
Kaisers6t. K., and H. Mitschel (1977). Ein Beitrag fiir die Berechnung des Wiirmeaustausch-
koeffizienten bei del' Abkiihlung eines kiinstlich erwiirmten Flu13es. BrennstofJ- Wiirme-Krafi
29(6): 250-255.
Klein, P., and P. Morna! (1979). Presentation et mise en oeuvre numerique d'une methode d'esti-
mation du rayonnement solaire. Ele£'lricile de France Direclion des Eludes el Recherches, Cenlre
de ChalOu Rapporl E 31-79. No. 15.
Klein, W. H. (1948). Calculation of solar radiation and the solar heat. Journal or Meleorology 5,
Liinderarbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser (1971). Grundlage fur die Beurleilling del' Wiirmebelaslling !'On
Gewiissern (Wiesbaden: Kochler und Hermann).
Marciano, T. T .. and G. E. Harbeck. Jr. (1954). Mass transfer studies. WaleI' Loss Im·esl(qation.
Lake Herner Sludies, Technical Reporl, Uniled Stales Geological Sun'ey Professional Paper 269.
Raphael, J. M. (1962). Prediction of temperature in rivers and reservoirs. Proceedings of American
Societv or Cil'il Engineers. Journal or POIIW Dil'ision 88(P02): 157-181.
Smitz. J. S. (1975). Modele mathematique de la temperature naturelle des rivieres. Bulletin of Royal
Socielyfor Science, Be(qium.
Sweers. H. E. (1976). A nomogram to estimate the heat exchange coefficient at the air-water interface
as a function of wind speed and temperature, a critical survey of some literature. Journal or
Hydrology 30: 375-40 I.
Tennessee Valley Authority (1972). Heat and mass transfer between a water surface and the atmos-
phere. TVA. WaleI' Resources Research Engineering Laboralory, Norris, TN Reporl 14.
Wunderlich, W.O., and L. W. Hsieh (1971). The computation of daily mean stream temperatures.
TV A WaleI' Resources Research Enqineering Laboratory, Norris. TN Report 25.
6 Stream Quality Modeling
The achievement of regional water quality goals, especially in the more de-
veloped areas of the world, often involves substantial capital investments and
changes in public attitudes concerning resource management. Economic
impacts may include not only the cost of facilities designed to reduce the dis-
charge of contaminants into natural waters or to improve the quality of waters
receiving waste, but also any limitations on economic development in a par-
ticular region or river basin. Those responsible for the formulation and approval
of water quality plans or management policies must have a means of estimating
and evaluating the temporal and spatial economic, environmental, or ecological
impacts of these plans and policies. This need has stimulated the development
and application of a wide range of mathematical modeling techniques for pre-
dicting various impacts of alternative pollution control plans and policies.
There are many different types of stream quality model. The appropriate
model and the required data depend on the purpose of the specific study.
Long-range regional water quality planning does not require the detail that is
appropriate, for example, when evaluating a single proposed industrial waste
outfall or discharge site. There is no best single water quality model for all
streams and for all planning situations. An important decision that must be
made early in the planning process is the selection of the modeling method or
methods appropriate for planning and capable of development, calibration,
validation, and execution within the limits of available time and money.
Most stream quality predictive models in use today apply to streams re-
ceiving wastewater from point sources. As the quantities of wastes discharged
from point sources are reduced, nonpoint or distributed sources of wastewater
from agricultural and urban runoff become increasingly important. Models are
needed to help predict nonpoint source waste inputs to surface waters. The
outputs of these non point source wastewater generation models provide the
inputs to water quality models of the receiving stream. For example, urban
stormwater management models are often integrated from various models for
runoff, sewer routing, and prediction of the quality of the waste-receiving water.
This chapter reviews a number of the more typical stream quality predictive
models developed for and applied to waste-receiving streams. The models
range from the simple to the complex, yet each has proven effective in certain
planning situations. The inclusion of various water quality management al-
ternatives, and their costs, within these predictive models will be reviewed in
Chapter 12.
In connection with a study of the Ohio River, Streeter and Phelps (1925) de-
veloped the first important water quality model describing the BOD-DO
relationship in a stream. In their pioneering work the simplest system was
considered, in which biodegradable waste is discharged to the stream and
consumes oxygen, atmospheric reaeration being the only source of oxygen.
The rate of change in the dissolved oxygen deficit, dD/dt, was assumed to be
directly proportional to the unsatisfied oxygen demand and to the oxygen
deficit in the stream. Therefore, the differential equation for the process can be
written as
o t Time (days)
FIGURE 6.1 Dissolved oxygen sag curve.
change in the deficit (reaeration balances deoxygenation):
dt = KdL - K.D = O. (6.4)
Frankel and Hansen (1968) stated that the following factors should also be
CIt = -(K d + Ks)L, (6.10)
where K s is the rate constant for BOD removal by sedimentation [T- 1 l Then
(6.11 )
KdL a
Dt = K _ (K + K ) {exp[ -(K d + Ks)t] - exp( -Kat)} + Daexp( -Kat).
a d s
In this case, the amount of bottom sediment is assumed to be small and the
reaction rate so low that no measurable oxygen is drawn from the sediment;
photosynthesis is not considered.
Camp (1963) proposed that the BOD and DO profiles can be described by
the following differential equations:
BOD profile,
-(K d + Ks)L + B; (6.13)
DO profile,
B is the rate of addition of BOD to the overlying water from the bottom
deposits [M L -3 T- 1],
P is the rate of oxygen production in the euphotic zone by photosynthesis
[M L -3 T-1l
Dr = K d + K) ( La - K
K _ (K B)
+ K {exp[ -(Kd + Ks)t] - exp( -Kat)}
ads d s
+ K-Kd (B K P)
- -K [1 - exp(-Kat)] + Daexp(-Kat). (6.16)
a Kd + s d
If the BOD is added to the overlying water from the bottom sediments, and the
reduction of BOD by settling is negligible, these equations can be presented as
Dr = Kd
Ka - Kd
(L O - ~)[(exP(
-Kdt) - exp( -Kat)]
+ - - [1 - exp( - Kat)] + Doexp( -Kat). (6.18)
If BOD is reduced by settling, but benthic demand has no measurable effect
on the oxygen deficit of the stream, then (6.16) becomes
D, = K _ (K: ; K ) {exp[ -(K d + Ks)t] - exp( - Kat)}
a s
-j([l-exp(-Kat)]. (6.19)
If K s ' B, and P are zero, (6.18) becomes the original Streeter-Phelps oxygen
sag equation.
In addition, Camp (1963) considered a stream with significant longitudinal
mixing and in which BOD and DO do not vary with the temporal mean depth.
An element of unit width, length, and depth was considered, and the equations
for the BOD and DO profiles in the x direction at steady state were written as:
BOD profile,
DO profile,
d2C dC
- U-
+ Ka
(C - C) - K d L + P = 0
s '
E is the turbulent transport (longitudinal mixing) coefficient [Ll T- 1],
U is the average stream velocity [L T- 1 ],
C is DO [M L - 3],
C, is DO at saturation [M L ~ 3].
Under the steady state condition 8C/8t = 0, (6.22) reduces to
dx - KdL - K •(Cs - C) = ° .
DO profile,
L add is the rate of increase of BOD along the stretch [M L - 3 T - 1],
Db is the rate of removal of oxygen caused by benthic demand and plants
[ML- 3 T- 1}
in which a = Pm/(w 2 + K;), w is the frequency, and ¢ the phase. The maximum
or minimum deficit (depending on the sign of the function) is given by D m =
(Pm/w)sinex = (Pm/Ka)cosex,whereex = wt + ¢ = tan-1(w/K a ).
It was proposed that the maximum rate [M L - 2] of oxygen production/
consumption should be related to the solar energy input, the mean depth of
the stream, and turbidity. The rate of addition of BOD to overlying water
from the benthic layer, B [M L - 3 T - 1], was assumed to represent the rate of
addition through only physical mechanisms; therefore,
The rate of change of BOD from suspended and dissolved matter, L s , was
given by Frankel and Hansen (1968) as
Cit = -KL s + B, (6.32)
L (L - KB)exP(-Kt) + ~K'
= So
K = K d + K r + K s [T-I],
Kd is the laboratory rate of BOD increase by deoxygenation,
Kr is the river rate of BOD increase by deoxygenation due to attached aquatic
growths and slimes,
Ks is the rate of BOD reduction by sedimentation and/or adsorption.
Also, when sedimentation occurs rather than scour, the fractional change in
suspended BOD that is due to sedimentation was expressed by the ratio K.IK,
1 dLd
H dt
The total oxygen deficit resulting from biological oxidation of the suspended
and dissolved BOD load, oxygen consumption by anaerobic decomposition
products of the benthos, "decay" of the initial oxygen deficit, and production/
consumption of oxygen by photosynthesis/respiration is expressed as
+ ~:)~ ;
Dr = (K d K.l ) (L so - ;)[exp( -Kt) - exp( -Kat)]
+ Kb dO
(L + ~)[exP( -Kbt) - exp( -Kat)]
Ka - Kb H Kb
+ [Do - a(K a cos ¢ + w sin ¢)]exp( - Kat)
+ a[K a cos(wt + ¢) + w sin(wt + ¢)]. (6.35)
O'Connor and Di Toro (1968, 1970) assumed that the temporal form of the
photosynthetic oxygen source in streams may be represented by a half-cycle
sine wave. The daily rate of photosynthetic oxygen production as a function of
time, pet), was expressed as
pet) = Pm sin[(n/p)(t - ts)] when ts s t S ts +P
pet) = 0 when Is + pst s ts + 1,
t, is the time, expressed as a fraction of the day, at which the source becomes
p is the fraction of the day during which the source is active (period of sunlight).
A periodic extension of the temporal and spatial variations of photosynthetic
oxygen production was expressed as a Fourier series:
P(x, t) = P m ( ~
+ Jl
b. cos[2nn(t - t s - pI2)] ,
in which
b. = 2 2 cos nnp.
(nip) - (2nn)
The following equation for the DO deficit, D(x, t) = C s - C(x, t), was set
oD(x, t) Q oD(x, t)
- A ax - K.D(x, t) + KdL(x) + KnN(x)
" Kr
F = _K--,,-"_N--=-o_(I_-_X/_U_)
".r Ka - Kr
~ [K;
j "( x, t ) = n~l b n
+ (2rrn?]1/2 [(
cos 2rrn t - ts -"2p) - tan
_ K:
00 b
- exp( -jaX)n~l [K; + (;rrn)2]1/2
DOSAG I is one of two stream quality models developed by the Texas Water
Development Board (l970a) to simulate the spatial and temporal variations in
BOD and DO under various conditions of flow and temperature. The other
model, QUAL I, was designed to simulate the spatial and temporal variations
in water temperature and conservative mineral concentration in addition to
BOD and DO. These programs may be used as complements to each other.
DOSAG I analyzes a multiple-reach, branching river system.
A junction is the confluence between two streams within the river basin being
A stretch is the length of river between two junctions.
A headwater stretch is the length of river from a headwater to its first junction
with another stream.
A reach is the subunit of length within any stretch.
When a significant change occurs in the hydraulic, biological, or physical
characteristics of the stream (including the addition of a waste load or with-
drawal of water from the stream), then a new reach is added to any point in the
The purpose of DOSAG I is to predict the BOD and the minimum DO
in a stream, as well as to estimate the required flow augmentation to bring the
DO up to the target level. The removal of carbonaceous biochemical oxygen
demand BO DC and nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand BOon is expressed
by first-order equations:
_K C. BOD c (6.40)
dBOD n
-Kn·BOD n. (6.41 )
The bio-oxidation rates for BOD c and Boon, K C and K n , are considered to be
constant for a given reach. The standard equation for atmospheric reaeration
is used in the form
- = K (DO' - DO) (6.42)
dt a
g 30
~ 20
.~ 10
§ L.::d---.-r1r----------=====::::::::::::::::===
'I 8
0) 6
o 4
I:) 2
O'---_ _--L- ----'- ----'-_
(1) The stream may be discretized into elements of suitable length and
variable cross section to obtain any degree of resolution that is warranted.
(2) It can account for heat exchange across the air-water interface and is
capable of handling waste inputs and withdrawals at selected points
along the channel axis.
(3) It allows for transport by advective and dispersive mechanisms along
the principal axis of flow (longitudinal axis).
(4) Solutions provide for a temporal and spatial description of conservative
material, BOD and DO, and temperature variation throughout a stream
(5) It provides for determining flow augmentation requirements based on
selected minimum allowable concentrations of dissolved oxygen.
(6) It has the capability of an integrated system so that the results of any
submodel can be used as the input to another model provided that such
feedback is required; each submodel also has a stand-alone capability.
(7) It is so structured as to be completely general, and can be applied to any
stream system by choosing the appropriate parameters and providing
the necessary data that relate to a specific case.
~ is the volume ofa control element [L 3 ], ~ = Aidx,
Ai is the mean cross-sectional area of the control element [U],
Ai = -!(A i - 1 / 2 + A i + 1/2),
(AE aClax)i_ 1/2 is the total longitudinal dispersion of the constituent
[L 3 T- 11M L - 3] or the temperature [U T- 1;oC] on the
inflow side of the control volume,
(AE ac;aX)i+ 1/2 is the total longitudinal dispersion of the constituent
[L 3 T- 11M L - 3] or the temperature [L 3 T - l;oCJ on the out-
flow side of the control volume,
Qi _ 1/2 is the rate of flow into the control volume [L 3 T- 1],
Qi + 1/2 is the rate of flow out of the control volume [L 3 T- 1],
QXi represents local inflows or withdrawals [L 3 T- 1],
C i - 1 is the concentration of the constituent [M L - 3], or tempera-
ture (DC), in the in flowing water,
Control volume
0i +)1,
Hydrological balance
E ilC)
IA t>x ax i-)I,
0i + )I,Ci
E ilC)
IA t>x ax i+)I,
Material balance
FIGURE 6.3 Discretized stream system (Water Resources Engineers. Inc., 1967).
In many cases E v and P r are neglected. Equation 6.44 without a source or sink
term S may be used to describe the behavior of a conservative mineral within a
aM o(AE aM/ax) o(AUM)
-A= ---- (6.47)
at ax ax'
where M is the concentration of the conservative mineral [M L - 3]. Also, if there
is complete mixing, (6.44) written with a source term for temperature is
For a stream oflength ~x and mean surface area W the total rate of heat transfer
across the air-water interface is TN W, where TN is the net energy flux passing
through the interface. This heat is distributed uniformly throughout the under-
lying volume A~x. The heat term can be defined as
ST = A~x = TNH , (6.49)
where H is the mean hydraulic depth of the stream. Therefore, the basic one-
dimensional heat transport equation is
aBO 0 a(AE aBoo/ax) a(AUBOO) AS
----at A = ax - ax ± I.'
SDO = K.(OO' - DO) - (K d + K.)BOO,
S/. = -(K d + K.)BOO,
Kd is the deoxygenation rate constant [T- 1],
K. is the rate constant for BOD removal by sedimentation [T- 1].
20 NEW ~- ............. ......,.-~~
E 4
100 --o;...----Q-~
354 322 290 257 225 193 161
.... 900,-----------------------,
e:: Ql I
o >-
'';:; 0 OJ o
~ .~
-0 (/)
u +" (/) 500 +------,--------,---,-------,-------r------1
354 322 290 257 225 193 161
Distance from river mouth (km)
FIGURE 6.5 Results of simulations for conservative minerals obtained by application
of QUAL I to the San Antonio River basin (Texas Water Development Board, 1971).
The graphs show the observed points and the computed curves.
nitrogen Ammonia Nitrate
waste waste waste
sources sources sources
j j I
i I i I
Nitrate reduction
FIGURE 6.6(a) Major features of the nitrogen cycle, showing nitrification (oxidation)
and nitrate reduction.
...c~ Ammonia
/" "Nitrate
u /
c /
o /
u /
c /
Q) /
Distance downstream
FIGURE 6.6(b) Sequential reactions in nitrification with increasing distance down-
stream from point source of ammonia waste.
O'Connor and Di Toro (1970) proposed some sequential reaction models to
account for each nitrogen component.
Let us consider the following concentration components [M L - 3]: N l'
organic nitrogen; N z, ammonia nitrogen (NH 3 - N); N 3, nitrite nitrogen
(NOz-N); and N 4 , nitrate nitrogen (N0 3 -N). We shall let Ki now represent
the first-order decay (including settling) of nitrogen form i [T- 1], Ki. i + 1 the
forward reaction coefficient [T- 1 ], and J.t;(X) the discharge of form i at site
X [M L - 3 T - 1]. The solution of the following four equations will permit a
prediction of the concentration of each form of nitrogen in steady state river
dZN dN
o = E~-z1 - U - 1 - K~Nl + W1(X)
dX dX
0= E d ~ _ U dN i _ K"N· + K~-l ·N·- l + W,'(X) i = 2,3,4, (6.53)
dXz dX '1 ',I 1
E is the dispersion coefficient (applicable to estuaries) [U T - 1],
U is the net downstream velocity [L T- 1].
The decrease in the dissolved oxygen concentration in such river systems due
to the individual nitrogen constituents is caused by oxidation of ammonia,
3.43K z3 N z, and of nitrite, 1.14K 34 N 3' The dissolved oxygen deficit concen-
tration D" resulting from the oxidation of these two nitrogen forms can be
predicted by
dZD" dD"
o= E dX z - U dX - KaD" + 3.43 K Z3 N z(X) + 1.14 K 34 N 3 (X), (6.54)
in which K a is the reaeration rate constant [T- 1 ] and N z (X) and N 3 (X) are
obtained from the solution of eqns. 6.53.
This model can be further expanded to include denitrification and algal
utilization. Denitrification may involve the reduction of N0 3 to NO z and the
conversion of NO z to N z gas. These reactions occur in low concentrations of
dissolved oxygen. Assimilatory nitrate reduction can convert N0 3 to NH 3 .
The utilization of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen by phytoplankton
may also take place, and hence produce organic nitrogen, thereby completing a
very simplified version of the nitrogen cycle. This process is generally defined
by reaction rate constants Kij (i, j = 1, 2, 3,4). Feed-forward reactions involve
reaction rates Kij (i < j) where j is usually i + 1, and feedback reactions involve
reaction rates Kij (i > j) where.i is usually i - 1. All these reactions (KijN i )
are then included in (6.53):
dZN· dN·
0= E dX z' - U dX' - K?N j + 2: (Ki;N) + J.t;(X) i = 1,2,3,4. (6.55)
By finite-difference approximations four algebraic equations, one for each
form of nitrogen, can be written for each finite section k of the river system as
0= L [-Qkj(rtkjN ik + 13kj N ij ) + E~j(Nij -
N ik )]
Qkj is the net flow from an adjacent section k to section j (positive if from k
toj, negative iffromj to k) [L 3 T- 1 ],
~ is the volume of segment k [L 3],
rt kj is a finite-difference weight (max (1, 1 - E~)Q)),
13kj is 1 - rtkj,
E~j is the exchange (bulk dispersion) coefficient [L 3 T - 1J, defined by
, 2E kj A kj
Ekj = L k + L/
2.0 '""'"Ba-c'k-g-ro-u-nd-,,------=-.---r.--------------,
z_ assumed due •• • • •
c: - 1.0
to plankton iII"'--':::: • •
ell OJ • _._1./ . ~.-t----!
EJ E • • I I. • •
I 3.0f-
E a....... •
2.0e- ~
~ 1.0f-
. (' 1\~,
• •
I-!.-. •
iJ· I ,
t I
•,,·.. . .
., "--;-.
193 161 129 97
~ 2.0,---------------------------,
z I
Z 0 ........-=--'------===-____'__--'-_ _ ~~_ _'___'_"_"""" -.J
~ I/j\,
1* .\.
ill... -
o 2.0
• :/III\i
• t •
: t~
z ~ '-1/
1.0 ,Ii., , '"
193 161 129 97
Distance from estuary mouth (km)
FIGURE 6.7 Observed (points) and computed (curves) nitrogen profiles for the Delaware
Estuary (O'Connor el al., 1976). Observations were made in 1964 on 30 July CA.), 10
August (.), and 31 August (e).
The models discussed above are all first-order kinetic steady state models.
While they vary in complexity and in their requirements for data, they remain
relatively simple. In the models, flows and temperatures do not vary with time
and the complex nonlinear kinetic interactions between the microorganisms
and the constituents are approximated by linear or first-order reactions.
Over the past decade there has been an increasing emphasis on the effects of
various constituents, especially nutrients, on the aquatic ecosystem, i.e. on the
production of bacteria, protozoa, phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish, and
other trophic levels within natural water bodies (Chen and Orlob, 1975).
QUAL II, developed for the US Environmental Protection Agency (Water
Resources Engineers, Inc., 1973), is a good example of many of the operational
aquatic ecosystem simulation models. It predicts a variety of water quality
constituents, including conservative substances; algal biomass and chlorophyll
a; nitrogen from ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate; phosphorus, carbonaceous
biochemical oxygen demand, and benthic oxygen demand; dissolved oxygen;
coliforms and radionuclides. The following paragraphs define the mathematical
relationships that describe the individual reactions and interactions among
these constituents. The dispersion and advection terms are not shown in the
following equations, but are included in the actual model.
The chlorophyll a concentration Co is considered to be proportional to the
concentration A of phytoplanktonic algal biomass [M L - 3] :
The growth rate of algal biomass is dependent upon the temperature and
availability of nutrients (nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus) and upon light. The
standard Michaelis--Menten formulation, illustrated in Figure 6.8, defines the
specific growth rate J.l at a given site in a river system.
Jlmax --------------
~ O.5J1max
Substrate concentration S
FIGURE 6.8 Michaelis-Menten kinetic expression for microbial substrate utilization
and growth. Growth rate 11 = Ilmax[S/(K s + S)], where K s is the half-saturation concentra-
in which
C(I is the fraction of respired algal biomass resolubilized as ammonia nitrogen
by bacteria,
PI is the temperature-dependent rate of biological oxidation of NH 3 [T -I],
0" 3 is the benthos source rate for NH 3 [M T - I L - I],
Ax is the average stream cross-sectional area at location X [U].
in which
PI is the rate of oxidation of NH 3 to N0 2 [T - I ],
P2 is the rate of oxidation of N0 2 to N0 3 [T- I ].
Equations 6.67-6.69, together with eqn. 6.64, close the loop of the nitrogen
cycle. Equations 6.67 and 6.69 demonstrate that the fraction of respired algal
biomass resolubilized as NH 3 -N is assumed to equal the fraction of biomass
that is N0 3 -N.
The phosphorus cycle is modeled in less detail than the nitrogen cycle. Only
the interaction of phosphorus and algae and a sink term are considered. Thus
the differential equation describing the time-varying concentration P [M L - 3]
of orthophosphate phosphorus is written as
dP 0"2
Cit=C(2 A (P-IlA)+ Ax' (6.70)
in which
(xz is the fraction of algal biomass that is phosphorus,
(J z is the benthos source rate for phosphorus [M T - 1 L - 1l
OO~ is the temperature-dependent dissolved oxygen saturation at location
X [M L -3],
is the dissolved oxygen concentration at X [M L - 3],
is the temperature-dependent reaeration rate constant [T- 1J,
is the rate of oxygen production through photosynthesis per unit of
algal biomass [M M - 1],
Cl 4 is the rate of oxygen uptake from respiration per unit of algal biomass
[M M-1J,
is the rate of oxygen uptake per unit of oxidation of ammonia nitrogen
[M M-1J,
is the rate of oxygen uptake per unit of nitrite nitrogen oxidation
[M M-1l
The complete set of equations that is numerically solved by QUAL II
includes the effects of dispersion, advection, constituent reactions, and inter-
actions up to the phytoplankton trophic level. The set also includes a source
term S [M T- 1 J that is assumed uniform over the length ~x of the river section
at location X.
(ll =
max(K N+ N ) B,
- a NB J1BN (6.74)
aNB is the mass of nutrient N consumed per unit increase of bacterial biomass
[M M-1J,
J1'};~x is the maximum growth (increase) of bacterial biomass resulting from a
unit mass of nutrient N per unit time [M M - 1 T- 1 J,
KN is the nutrient half-saturation concentration for bacterial growth
[M L -3].
The rate of change dB/dt in the bacterial biomass concentration will depend
on bacterial growth and endogenous respiration:
where PB is the endogenous respiration rate of bacteria, i.e. the mass decrease
of a unit mass of bacteria per unit time [M M - 1 T - 1].
The rate of change in the concentration of dissolved oxygen, DO, will be
governed by physical reaeration and by the consumption of oxygen from nutrient
degradation and endogenous respiration:
d~tO = Ka(DO
- DO) - a~B Jl'Jl~x (K N: N)B - aOB PBB, (6.76)
a~B is the mass of oxygen required per unit increase in bacterial biomass
resulting from nutrient N [M M - 1],
aOB is the mass of oxygen required per unit decrease in bacterial biomass due
to endogenous respiration [M M - 1].
dN 1 max ( N1 )
----crt = -aN,BJlBN, K N, + Nt + a2 N l B,
N1 is the concentration of the inhibited (or more slowly utilized) nutrient,
N2 is the concentration of the inhibiting nutrient,
a2 is the inhibition constant for N 2' a dimensionless parameter.
An expression for allosteric inhibition is
dN 1 _ _ max ( N1 ) B (6.78)
crt - aN \BJ1BN, (K N \ + N 1 )(1 + azN z )
as long as the affinity of the bacteria to the inhibitor is as strong as it is to the
inhibited nutrient.
If N z is insignificant, (6.77) and (6.78) are identical. In competitive inhibition
the rate of N 1 degradation is less dependent on the concentration of N z than
it is in allosteric inhibition. An allosteric inhibitor will tend to block the degrada-
tion of a nutrient or constituent much faster than will a competitive inhibitor.
These distinctions and effects are illustrated in Figure 6.9.
The consideration of protozoa feeding on bacteria requires another term
in (6.75) that reflects the consequent decrease in bacterial biomass, a separate
equation to reflect the rate of change in protozoa mass P, and finally terms in
(6.76) defining the oxygen requirements for protozoa feeding and respiration.
Hence, in addition to (6.74), which defines dN /dt, the single-nutrient model
will include the following three equations:
--- -----
Allosteric inhibition
Inhibitor concentration I
FIGURE 6.9 Effect of inhibitor concentration Jupon rate of degradation ofa constituent
having concentration C. Full curves, high C; broken curves, low C.
COD of
(mg 1- 1)
(mg 1- 1) 62t·-· ••
o LI_---'--_----'-_---L_ _____L_ _____L_-----'-_-----'-_
o.a~ x~
0.4~ ~
(mg 1-')
o t_-LI _~_____L
_ _____L_-----'-I_-----'I_----'\_ ____'I_ ____'IL__LI-
River distance (km)
E N N C en
C C ;0 Q)
Q) Q) Q)
..c co ::£
:0 a:
c ~ 0
c ::£
FIGURE 6.10 Solution (full curve) of model of the River Rhine, and some measured
values (Stehfest, 1977).11',,11'2' and »'3 are the concentrations of easily degradable, slowly
degradable, and nondegradable pollutants, respectively.
aBP is the mass of bacteria consumed per unit Illcrease III protozoa mass
[MM- 1],
J.1 pax is the maximum growth (increase) of protozoa mass resulting from unit
mass feeding on bacteria per unit time [M M - I T - 1],
KJi is the bacteria half-saturation concentration for protozoa growth
[M L -3],
pp is the endogenous respiration rate of protozoa mass [M M - \ T - 1],
a~p is the mass of oxygen required per unit increase in protozoa mass resulting
from feeding on bacteria [M M - \],
aop is the mass of oxygen required per unit decrease in protozoa mass due to
endogenous respiration [M M - \].
The modeling approach just defined has been applied to the prediction of
organic pollution, and dissolved oxygen, in the Rhine in Germany, a relatively
benthos-free, fast-flowing, and deep river (Stehfest, 1977). In this application
the parameter values were identified on the basis of measurements of the con-
centrations of chemical oxygen demand COD, bacterial biomass B, protozoa
mass P, and dissolved oxygen DO. COD was divided into easily and slowly
degradable nutrients, N \ and N 2' respectively (COD = N 1 + N 2)' Equation
6.74 describes the degradation kinetics of N \' whereas (6.77) or (6.78) was
considered appropriate for the degradation kinetics of N 2' in which it was
assumed that N \ acted as an inhibitor to reduce the degradation rate of N 2'
Equation 6.77 defining competitive inhibition was considered more appropriate.
For a constant mass discharge rate of COD (where etCOD = N \ and
(l - et)COD = N 2 [M T- 1]) into a river reach having a flow rate Q [L 3 T -I]
and velocity U [L T - 1], the predictive model for the river reach, excluding
advection and dispersion terms, is defined in Tables 6.1 and 6.2. The result,
applied to the Rhine, is illustrated in Figure 6.10.
TABLE 6.1 Water Quality Interactions for a Benthos-Free River (Stehfest, 1977).
Easily degradable inhibiting nutrient dN! m" ( N, ) VIXCOO
concentration (N!) dt -aN,B/lBN, K , + N, B + --Q-
Slowly degradable inhibited nutrient dN 2 m" ( N2 ) V(I - IX)COO
concentration (N 2) dt -aN,B/lBN, K + N + N B + Q
. N2 2 al 1
Bacterial biomass concentration (B) dB _ N
m" ( )B + m"( N2 )B _ m,,(_B_)p _ B
dt - /lBN, K N, + N j /lBN, K N, + N 2 + ajN, aBP/lp KB + B PB
B "m" \K
- aOp,.p L_~)p+ B - aOBPBB - aOpppP
TABLE 6.2 Parameter Values for Rhine River Model (Table 6.1) (20 0 e,
1.25 . Mean Flow) (Stehfest, 1977).
Nitrite nitrogen,
N0 2 -N
Zooplankton Phytoplankton
nitrogen nitrogen
- J1NPN2(K~2N: N JN p
decrease in N 1 from
growth of phytoplankton, N p
2. Nitrite nitrogen, N 3
3. Nitrate nitrogen, N 4
dN 4
----cit = aN3BNbJ1BNb K
+ N 3 ) B Nb J1NPN4(K~4N: NJN p
4. Phytoplankton nitrogen, N p
= J1Np N2(KN
P + N
2) N p + J1N pN4(KN 4 )N p
P + N
N2 2 N 44
- J1N2NP(K~pN: NJN z
decrease in N p from decrease in N p from
zooplankton grazing endogenous respiration
5. Zooplankton nitrogen, N z
8. N itrosomonas, B Ns
-cit =
(N+ N
2 )
B Ns
N, 2
9. Nitrobacter, B Nb
dB Nb
~ =
(N+ N
3 )
B Nb
3 3
growth of B Nb from uptake reduction of BNb from
of nitrite nitrogen, N 3 endogenous respiration
Equation of continuity
oA oQ
at + ox = q, (6.82)
A is the area of flow cross section [L 2 ],
Q is the discharge [L 3 T- I ], Q = UA,
U is the mean velocity [L T- I],
q is the lateral discharge along the axis of flow (sources or sinks) [U T - I l
Momentum equation
o 0
ot (AU) + oX (QU) = -gA
(0:ox + UIUI HeOP)
C 2R + P oX ' (6.83)
is the acceleration due to gravity [L T - 2],
is the water surface elevation [L],
C is the Chezy resistance coefficient [L 1/2 T- I ],
R is the hydraulic radius [L],
P is the density [M L - 3],
He is the mean channel depth [Ll
6.7.2. Convection- Diffusion Equation
Following the traditional approach in water quality modeling, we may couple
the hydrodynamic equations to water quality through the convection-diffusion
equation, which for conservation of temperature may be written as
a a a ( a0)
at (A0) + ax (Q0) = ax AD ax - K T A(0 - 0 E) + q0), (6.84)
o is the temperature (QC),
D is the diffusion coefficient [U T- 1 ],
KT is the heat transfer coefficient [T- 1 ],
0E is the equilibrium temperature (QC),
01 is the temperature of lateral inflow (sources or sinks){QC).
For a conservative substance carried with the flow the mass balance equation is
a a a ( as)
at (AS) + ax (QS) = ax AD ax + qSI, (6.85)
p = j(0,s). (6.86)
The stream quality prediction models outlined in this chapter provide only an
introduction to the variety of types of steady state model used to simulate or
predict water quality in water bodies. The relative reliabilities of various con-
stituent concentration predictions provided by current water quality models
are listed in Table 6.3. The table also summarizes the major impacts of various
constituents in natural river systems.
Biochemical Oxidation of carbonaceous K. carbonaceous Depends on type and concentration of Second stage (BOOn) 1.047-1.135
oxidation of organic matter: BOD decay carbonaceous organic maller, time,
organic matter coefficient temperature. pH, inorganic and organic --' =J
in laboratory - ~ - KL nutrients, and toxic materials. ~
dt Second-order and higher-order models
tv are also used.
...... L, = L o exp( - Kt) o
'00 en v ..
Y ~ Lo(l - 10-")
Time ITI
Y is the carbonaceous BOD
exerted in time t [M L - 3].
k 1 = kI20nlf-1O.
r is the temperature (cC).
than oxidation rapidly moving stream (U > 0.3 m s - I). 1.106 for
[ r I] and a large value in a more sluggish
e u~ ~
.~ Nirrosomonas
Z c 1.072 for
slrea m (U < 0.18 m s - I). o
u I\'irrohacler
(continued over)
APPENDIX 6.1. (continued)
Oxidation of nitrogenous organic K n , rate coefficient Depends on type and concentration of
matter, N: for nitrification nitrogenous organic matter. temperature,
[r ' ] dissolved oxygen level, pH.
N = No exp( - K"xjU)
Photosynthetic 2P 00 )
Pm' maximum rate Depends mainly on solar energy;
oxygen P(X.I) = Pm - I hn cos 2nnt of photosynthetic therefore it is affected by the availability
( 7[ + 11= 1
production and oxygen production and intensity of sunlight, the availability
respiration (see [M L- J r ' ] of a carbon source and nutrients, and
temperature. The respiration of plants
r' = t - I s P2
also Chapter 4)·
is a reverse reaction, with oxygen being
Q.C\ C\.
b _ 4rr/p consumed in the oxidation of organic
" - (rrjp)' _ (2rrn)' cos nrrp matter. Time [T]
O'Connor and Dobbins (1956) Anisotropic turbulence D M is the coefficient of molecular diffusivity (m 2 d-')
IV k, = 356.7D~·5S0.25H- 1.25 D M(20T) = 0.000181 m 2 d- I
k'(20 C) = 4.85"'·25 H- 125 S is the slope of the river channel (m m - 1)
Isotropic turbulence H is the mean depth of flow (m)
k, = 127D fi/U o.5H-1.5 U is the mean velocity of flow (m s - 1).
k,f2o n = 1.71 U 05 H-1.5
Krenkel and Orlob (1962) k,t20T) = 2.4·10-2E1·32IH-2.32 £ 1 is the longitudinal dispersion coefficient (m 2 min - I)
k,t200C) = 1.98· 10 - 'Ed· 40B H- 0.66 £2 is the energy dissipation per unit mass of flow (m 2 min - 3)
H is in meters.
A multiple correlation analysis was applied to the data from experiments
in a laboratory flume.
Krenkel and Orlob (1963) k, = 2.6E~·237 H- 2.087 E,. is the average vertical eddy diffusivity (m 2 s -I)
H is in meters.
A regression analysis was applied to data from a laboratory flume.
Churchill et al. (1962) k'(20'C) = 2.18U 09b9 H -1.673 H is in meters, U in m s - I.
k,(20"c) = 2.26UH - 1.67 A dimensional analysis and multiple regression techniques were applied
to the data from several tributary streams in the upper Tennessee Basin.
Owens 1'1 al. (1964) H is in meters, U in m s - I.
k'f20Cl = 2.316UO."7H -1.85 Regression analysis was performed on the data from Gameson el al.
(1955), Churchill et al. (1962), and Owens et al. (1964).
k'(20-C) 3.0UO. 73 H -1.75 Regression analysis was performed on the restricted data set from the
Water Pollution Research Laboratory.
(cO/lli/lIIed over)
APPENDIX 6.2. (continued)
Investigators Formulas for k. (base 10) (day-I) Comments and Units of Variables
Isaacs and Maag (1969) k. = 1.645(XI(X2UH-15 (x, is a nondimensional variable that changes with the channel geometry.
k. = 2.057UH-1.5 (X2 is a nondimensional variable that is a measure of surface velocity.
H is in meters, U in m s - I.
For the data of Churchill el al. (1962) the average value of (x, was 1.078,
and the average of (X2 was 1.16.
Cadwallader and McDonnell (1969) k. = 25.7Eo. 5H- 1 ED is the energy dissipation per unit mass of flow (m l s - 3).
H is in meters
A multivariate analysis was performed using a restricted data set, and the
data of Churchill el al. (1962), Owens el al. (1964), and the Water
Pollution Research Laboratory channel data.
Negulescu and Rojanski (1969) ka = 4. 74U 0.85 H - 0.85 Developed from a flume with depth less than 0.5 m and velocity not
greater than 1.2 m s - '.
Padden and Gloyna (1971) k. 120 ,c) = 1.963U O . 703 H-1.0545 H is in meters. U in m S-l.
During this experimental study performed in a research flume, the
velocities ranged from 0.03 to 0.14 m s - I and depths from 0.035 to 0.19 m.
Bennett and Rathbun (1972) ka = 2.33U 0.074 H -1.865 H is in meters, U in m s - I.
The equation was developed using the data of Churchill et al. (1962) and
Owens et al. (1964).
Tsivoglou (1967) kaI20'C) = 1.63t!.Ht- 1 t!.H is the water surface elevation change (m)
N Tsivoglou and Wallace (1972) t is time of flow (days)
W Corrected to 20°C using I), = 1.0241.
A gas tracer technique was applied to non tidal streams.
Lau (1972a.b) kaI20'C) = lO88.64U~U-2H-l H is in meters, U in m s - 1.
U * is the friction velocity (m s - 1)
A dimensional analysis was performed using the data of Krenkel (1960),
Churchill et al. (1962), and Thackston and Krenkel (1969).
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G. T. Orlob
U 1
Fr = [(~p/PO)gdJl/2 <~' (7.1)
Fr = ~Q (pO)I/2 (7.2)
d V gfJ '
Deep, well stratified impoundments, for which one-dimensional models are
best suited, are those for which Fr ~ l/n. Weakly stratified impoundments,
for which a two-dimensional representation is sure to be necessary to describe
the temperature (density)-velocity relationship, are generally those for which
0.1 < Fr < 1.0. Fully mixed systems are defined by Fr > 1.0.
Illustrations of this classification system are summarized in Table 7.1.
Typically, Hungry Horse Reservoir in Montana (l = 47 km, d = 70 m,
Q/V = 1.2· 10- 8 s -I) is a strongly stratified system, i.e. Fr = 0.0026 ~ lin.
In contrast, Wells Reservoir on the Columbia River (I = 46 km, d = 26 m,
Q/V = 6.7· 10- 6 s - I), studied by Raphael (1962a) in one of the early attempts
to model the temperature regime in reservoirs, is classified as fully mixed:
Fr = 3.8. Between these extremes, Lake Roosevelt behind Grand Coulee Dam
(l = 200 km, d = 70 m, Q/V = 5.0.10- 7 S-I) is a weakly stratified reservoir:
Fr = 0.46. Indeed, observations of this impoundment reveal isothermal
.. planes" inclined downstream toward the outlet, a physical circumstance that
clearly indicates strong coupling between hydrodynamic behavior and density
changes brought about by heat influx through the air-water interface along
the major axis of the reservoir (Water Resources Engineers, Inc., 1969).
This chapter will deal exclusively with strongly stratified impoundments
(Fr ~ lin), for which the assumption of horizontal isothermal planes through
the thermally stratified water body is reasonably consistent with reality.
This case will be regarded, therefore, as one-dimensional in the mathematical
sense and it will be implicit that mixing of heat introduced in the horizontal
plane is instantaneous and complete. The only gradients treated will be those
along the vertical axis. We begin with consideration only of thermal energy
changes induced by advected flows, diffusional transport, and heat exchange
across the air-water interface. The models that have evolved from these as-
sumptions, restrictive though they may seem at first, are an important class,
covering many situations of practical interest and providing basic foundations
for further advances in water quality and ecological modeling.
In most of the models described above (an exception being that of Imberger
et al., 1978), the one-dimensional impoundment is conceptualized from an
Eulerian viewpointasacontinuum of horizontal slices, usually of equal thickness,
as illustrated in Figure 7.1. The slices, or volume elements, are of fixed volume
and constant thickness, except for that at the surface, which is allowed to vary
in some models in accordance with changes in impoundment volume. (In the
WRE model, for example, slices are added or subtracted as the water surface
fluctuates.) Each volume element is capable of receiving laterally advected
flows, discharging from the impoundment, and transferring advected flows
along the vertical axis while preserving mass continuity. Heat or mass passes
through the bounding horizontal planes by advection and diffusion, and heat
energy by direct insolation depending on the location of the slice. Of course,
heat may be transferred into or out of a slice laterally by advection. Inflows
occur in accordance with densimetric criteria, that is at elevations where there
is a correspondence between inflow density and the density of the water within
the slice. Outflows occur at specified withdrawal points, including the surface
in the case of natural lakes and losses due to evaporation. The general notation
applied to successive slices is illustrated in Figure 7.2.
The notation adopted in Figure 7.1 corresponds to that of the WRE model,
but is virtually the same as for the MIT model. It will be used in development of
the general formulation for the one-dimensional temperature model as follows.
Element j
FIGURE 7.1 Conceptual representation of a stratified reservoir (after WRE, Inc., 1968).
Qin' inflow to reservoir; Qx' local drainage; Qj, advected flow to elementj; Qo, withdrawal
from element j; Qj' Q;+ l' vertically advected flows to element j; Q04' withdrawal from
reservoir at levelj = 4; E, evaporation rate; P, precipitation rate.
Zj t z
+ !'J.z ----'.---'\,..,..,7"'''--------:--+1.....
Zj+!'J.Z - I
Zj L -.,..,s,..-.::..-----f1
Element j - 1
FIGURE 7.2 Mass continuity between adjacent reservoir elements (after WRE, Inc.,
~ = i (a z + a z + dZ )~z is the volume of the jth element [L 3 ],
a z , a z + dZare the areas of horizontal planes bounding ~ [L 2],
~z is the thickness of the element [L],
z is the depth, measured from the bottom [L],
j is the element index;j = I at the bottom,
Qz is the vertical flow rate [L 3 T - 1],
Qi is the flow advected into the jth element in the horizontal plane
[L 3 T- 1],
Qo is the flow advected out of the control volume in the horizontal plane
[L 3 T- 1].
Local Advection
In the earliest versions of the one-dimensional temperature model the local
inflow at temperature 0 j was simply introduced into an element tj, where the
condition 0 j > 0 j > 0 j _ 1 was satisfied. Outflow was considered to occur from
an element spanning the vertical dimension of the outlet(s). In a later version
for the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (WRE, Inc., 1969) outflows
were distributed uniformly over a layer estimated by Debler's (1959) criterion,
which is related to the densimetric Froude number in the zone of the outlet.
For withdrawal well below the thermocline sensitivity analysis indicated that
a uniform distribution produced virtually equivalent results to those obtained
when the outflow was given a pattern of Gaussian form. Since velocity patterns
in the region of the outlet were actually poorly defined the added refinement of
a nonuniform distribution was not considered justified.
Huber et al. (1972) have employed the theoretical relationship of Kao (1965)
to estimate the thickness of the withdrawal layer:
f> - 4.8
(q2) 1/4, (7.6)
f>is the thickness of a withdrawal layer of uniform velocity approaching a
line sink [LJ,
q is the outflow per unit width of reservoir [L 2 T - 1 J,
( = (lip) dpldz [L -I].
They distribute the withdrawal in a Gaussian pattern over a layer assumed to
be twice as thick as estimated by (7.6).
In the MIT model, inflows are also distributed in a Gaussian pattern defined
by a standard deviation in the inflow velocity field.
Vn the volume of the surface element [L 3 ],
en is the temperature of the surface element (DC),
an is the area of the reservoir surface [L 2 ],
an _ 1 is the area at the bottom of the surface element [L 2 ],
zn is the thickness of the surface element [L],
c is the specific heat [cal force - I],
P is the density [force· T 2 L - 4 or M L - 3],
qsn is the net solar radiation heat flux [J L - 2 T- 1],
qat is the net atmospheric radiation heat flux [J L - 2 T- I],
qws is the water surface radiation heat flux [J L - 2 T- 1],
q. is the evaporation heat flux [J L -2 T- 1],
qh is the sensible heat flux [J L - 2 T- I],
f3 is the ratio of absorbed to net incoming radiation,
'1 is the bulk light extinction coefficient.
For each element below the uppermost element in the water column the
incremental solar radiation flux is given by
a(V.J e·)
at J = 1
- f3)q
j_ 1
in which 1 < j < n - 1. The extinction coefficient '1 may itself vary with depth,
particularly within the epilimnion of eutrophic impoundments. For most
practical purposes there is no net solar radiation flux to elements below the
The appendix to Chapter 5 provides details of the estimation of the heat flux
terms in (7.7) and (7.8).
7.5.5. Effective Diffusion
In addition to vertical advection due to flow imbalances at various levels in the
impoundment, heat is transferred by diffusion, by the random motions of
ambient turbulence, and by secondary currents not otherwise represented in
the one-dimensional approximation. Collectively, these diffusion and dispersion
mechanisms have been described as "effective diffusion" (HEC, 1974) by con-
sidering their combined net effects in heat transfer as analogous to the truly
random process of molecular diffusion. The magnitude of the effective diffusion
coefficient E z varies widely in both time and space, depending on the physical cir-
cumstances of the water body being represented by the one-dimensional model. In
laboratory experiments in the total absence of fluid turbulence, E z may approach
minimal levels in the range of 1 . 10- 6 to 1 . 10- 8 cm z s - 1, while in modeling
of large lakes and reservoirs E z may be in the range of 1 . 10- 4 to 1 . 10- z cm z s - 1
(WRE, Inc., 1968). In these cases the coefficient is regarded as essentially em-
pirical and must be derived from observations of the impoundment with due
regard for the unknown mechanisms, including even characteristics of the
model itself, e.g. "numerical mixing."
E z is evaluated from field data by integrating the heat budget equation
between the limits of the reservoir bottom (z = 0) and a specific elevation z,
accounting for all explicitly defined heat transport or flux terms, i.e.
-z =
E 1 f"(f 0 z Qz dz - Q.0. - Qz 0 z
Q z o01oz /, 0
- cp~ fZ
qsz Q z . 1 dZ) dt, (7.9)
Ez is the average effective diffusion coefficient at level z over the time
intervalt z - t 1 [UT- 1],
is the horizontal area at level z [L Z],
is the average temperature gradient at level z over the interval t z - t 1
[OC L -1],
oz is the temperature at level z eC),
Q. is the lateral advected flow, Q.(z, t) [L 3 T- 1],
o• is the temperature of the lateral advected flow, 0.(z, t)(°C),
Qz.l is the vertical advected flow at level Z l' Qz. 1(z, t)[L 3 T- 1],
qsz is the shortwave insolation, qsz(z)[J L - z T- 1].
C is an empirical constant,
K is the turbulent kinetic energy,
is the rate of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation per unit mass.
Values of K and ( are calculated from two transport equations derived from
the Navier-Stokes equations. Comparison of results from laboratory flume
experiments (under conditions of steady wind) with the model predictions
indicates development and erosion of the vertical structure comparable with
observations of lakes and reservoirs (Svensson, 1978). However, there may be
some practical limitations in the use of this approach in long-term simulation
at lake temperatures because of computational requirements (Bloss and
Harleman, 1979).
The combined effect of mixing processes in small to medium-sized lakes on
heat energy distribution has been successfully simulated using a total energy
integration approach (Stefan and Ford, 1975; Imberger et al., 1978). This
modeling approach accounts for both potential and kinetic energy exchanges
through a continuum of one-dimensional segments. Depending on their
relative importance the energy budget can include terms for heat exchange
through the air-water interface, convective mixing due to diurnal cooling,
wind-induced turbulence, internal waves and seiches, and viscous damping.
The Stefan-Ford model, known also as the Minnesota Lake Temperature
Model (MLTM), has been applied with excellent results to a number of small
dimictic lakes in the northern United States. DYRESM, the Imberger et al.
model, has been applied to several medium-sized reservoirs, notably Wellington
Reservoir in Australia. It is described more fully in section 7.13 and some
representative results are illustrated in Figure 7.10.
An intermediate approach to representation of mixing processes in stratified
reservoirs has been taken by Hurley-Octavio et al. (1977) and Bloss and
Harleman (1979). These investigators have accounted for wind-induced
entrainment across the thermocline by equating turbulent kinetic energy input
from wind to potential energy increases due to mixing against the density
gradient. Transient and dissipative effects of the entrainment process are in-
cluded in an updated algorithm for the MIT Lake and Reservoir Model.
- (Q+
. = [1
0· -Ea) ] 0· 1- [1
- (Ea)
- + -1 (Ea)
} J.j ~z j }- J.j ~z j J.j ~z j +I
Written in matrix form, where the bracketed { } terms (vectors) are coefficients
of 0 z , (7.11) becomes
[I] {0} = [5] {0} + {P}, (7.12)
in which 0 and its derivative 8 are known at time t. If the time subscripts are
removed to simplify notation, the temperature of the jth element becomes
I .
0 j = 2M 0 j + bj , (7.15)
which in matrix form for the full equation set is
{0} = t~t {0} + {b}, (7.16)
where {b} is a matrix of 0 and its time derivative for time t.
Equation 7.16 is then substituted in eqn. 7.12, giving
[I] {0} = [5] {b} + t~t [5] {0} + {P}, (7.17)
which may be simplified to
[5*J {0} = {P*}, (7.18)
[5*J = [IJ -1l1t [5J
{P*} = [5J {b} + {P}.
The computational procedure is as follows.
(1) Form {b} from initial conditions or the most recently computed values
of {0} and {0}.
(2) From known values of coefficients and boundary conditions, determine
for the end of the time step the values of [5J, {P}, [5*], and {P*}.
(3) Solve for {0} from (7.18).
(4) Solve for {0} from (7.16).
(5) Repeat for all succeeding time steps.
1 l1z 2
l1t < - - (7.20)
2 £(z)
where £(z) is the diffusion coefficient and Q(z)/a(z) the vertical advection
velocity. Selection of an appropriate l1t depends, therefore, on the desired
spatial detail as well as on hydrological and operational conditions. Elements
at reservoir levels near large-capacity bottom outlets often represent limiting
conditions for choosing ilt and ilz.
The explicit method demands less computer storage capacity than the
implicit technique, but this advantage may be offset partially by increased
computational effort when the ilt required is smaller than that needed to
describe the requisite temporal variations in temperature.
60 120 180 240 300 360
Time (daysl
FIGURE 7.3 Computed (broken lines) and observed (full Jines) thermal energy distri-
bution in Fontana Reservoir using different diffusion coefficients (after WRE, Inc., 1968).
The temperature CF) is shown for each isotherm.
500 ~-
E 480
.;:; 460
Q) ~tCf
w 440
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
:, ...
500 (b)
E 480 .'
a 460
> Outlet Cf.
w 440 ;1
420 !
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
Temperature (oG)
FIGURE 7.4 Comparison of predicted temperature profiles in Fontana Reservoir using
different diffusion coefficients (after Harleman and Hurley, 1976). (a) 27 April 1966; (b)
22 June 1976. Full line, measured; dotted line, predicted (molecular diffusion) ; broken line,
predicted (diffusion coefficient = 100· molecular value).
1060 ---y-----_
' co::; 1030 \
jjj \
\ I
\ I
970 +--,-----,--------,---------'~-----",-------'---------,------,--------!
June July August September October
FIGURE 7.5 Simulated and observed thermal regimes for Hungry Horse Reservoir,
1965 (after WRE, Inc., 1969). Full lines, computed; broken lines, measured. The tem-
perature (0C) is shown for each line.
14 June x x 19 August
E 60 60
.~ 40 40
w 20 20
0 10 20 0 10 20
80 80
E 60
1;~June 60 *26 August
c 9x /
.~ 40 40 x
w 20
20 I
0 10 20 0 10 20
80 80
1976 19 August
12 June x
-60 60 x/ 18 August
E /
c /
.;:; 40 x 40 x
9x I
~ I
w 20 20 x
? Ix
¢ I
0 10 20 0 20
Temperature (DC)
FIGURE 7.6 Observed (0) and simulated (x) temperatures in Lake Paijanne, Finland
in 1974. 1975. and 1976.
zero. Isothermal conditions are reached twice each year, once with the spring
thaw in March or April and again with the fall overturn in October and
The Deep Reservoir Model as modified by Norton and King (1975) was
used to simulate the entire annual cycle of the lake and the predicted tempera-
tures were compared with those recorded in monthly surveys during 1971, as
illustrated in Figure 7.7. A random sampling of temperatures from model and
lake indicates agreement to within ± O.soC throughout most of the year. The
double cycle of stratification and subsequent mixing is faithfully simulated by
the model.
20 I
I ,I
\ I
E \ I
\ I
40 \ I
al \ I
0 \ I
\ I
Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
FIGURE 7.7 (a) Observed and (b) simulated temperatures (wC) in a dimictic lake. Lake
Ross. Washington. 1971 (after Norton and King. 1975).
For the class of lakes or reservoirs that can be considered to undergo strong
stratification (Fr ~ 0.1), one-dimensional models are capable of representing
the principal features of the annual thermal cycle, including even winter strati-
fication under ice. Some difficulties are still experienced with such models in
simulation of convective mixing because of cooling in the fall, although this
deficiency does not appear to be serious, at least insofar as temperature simu-
lation is concerned. When such models are employed to drive simulation of
other state variables, water quality and biota for example, this weakness may
become more of a limitation.
Another deficiency appears to lie in the characterization of mixing processes
in the epilimnion after the onset of stratification, but this may be more of
academic interest than of consequence from a practical water quality viewpoint.
As noted in section 7.5.5, the effects of wind-induced mixing in the upper strata
are currently under investigation, which holds promise of a more rigorous
description of these processes. As regards water quality changes, it may be of
greater importance to examine more critically what takes place in the region of
the thermocline and below, inasmuch as these areas are likely to be the more
sensitive ecologically.
For this class of models our conceptual view of the water system is virtually
identical to that of the vertically stratified, deep reservoir, depicted in Figure
7.1, wherein each control volume, a segment of the water column, is treated as
a CSTR, i.e. as a zero-dimensional submodel. Thus, the physical, chemical, and
biological interactions are all assumed to occur within the confines of a discrete
volume element. Exchanges occur across the boundaries of such an element as
a result of exogenous forces, e.g. advection, diffusion, insolation, sedimentation,
etc., and the" states" of variables from time to time are governed by kinetic
principles that must be defined as functions of space and time. Finally, all
discrete elements are linked in space to provide a continuum in model form
that represents the water body.
biotic respiration. photosynthesis external sources
e.g. of algae and sinks
o is the dissolved oxygen concentration [M L - 3],
0* is the dissolved oxygen concentration at saturation [M L -3],
A is the advection rate [M T- 1],
D is the diffusion rate [M T- 1 ],
as is the surface area of the uppermost element [L 2 ],
K2 is the reaeration coefficient [L T - I],
K1 is the biochemical oxygen demand coefficient [T- I],
L is the carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand [M L - 3],
K4 is the benthic sediment oxygen demand coefficient [T-I J,
ab = aj - aj_ 1 is the bottom area associated with element j [V],
(OS)* is the organic sediment accumulation per unit of bottom area
[M L -2],
is the ammonia nitrogen concentration [M L - 3],
is the nitrite nitrogen concentration [M L - 3],
is the detritus concentration [M L- 3],
are the stoichiometric equivalences with oxygen for ammonia,
nitrite, and detritus [M M-1J,
are the decay coefficients for ammonia, nitrite, and detritus [T- 1 ],
is the phytoplankton concentration [M L - 3],
is the phytoplankton respiration rate [T- 1 ],
is the phytoplankton growth rate [T- I],
is the biota activity coefficient (dimensionless),
is the stoichiometric oxygenation factor for algal growth [M M -I],
is the source or sink [M T- 1].
Conservative substances. C CV = A + D + CV
Biochemical oxygen demand. L LV = A + D - LV - K1LV
Detritus, DET (DET)V = A + D - (DET)V - fJJ(DET)V - absD(DET)V
decay sedimentatl0n
Vl + Kb/lZZV(~ - -
I) + Fz(~ I) + FB(~ 1) -
0\ ~u ~~ ~"
zooplankton excreta fish excrela
Dissolved oxygen. 0 OV = A + D - OV + a,K 2 (0* - 0) K,LV - Kpb(OS)V -{llO(,(NH 3)V - fJ20(2(N0 2) V - /i 30(3(DET)V
tv reaeratlOn BOD benthic ammonia nitrIte delritus demand
Vl demand oxidation oxidation
Atmosphere 1---'--'----------,
FIGURE 7.8 Water quality and ecological relationships in LAKECO (after HEC,
1978). A, aeration; B, bacterial decay; C, chemical equilibrium; E, excreta; G, growth; H,
harvest; M, mortality; P, photosynthesis; R, respiration; S, settling.
L(C) = - ac + w-
ac - -a (Ez -ac) + AC - S, (7.24)
at az az az
C is the nutrient concentration [M L - 3 J,
w is the vertical advection velocity [L T- 1 J,
Ez is the diffusion coefficient [L 2 T- 1J,
A is the decay (or growth) coefficient [T- 1J,
and in vector notation as
{a}b = ~
[z-1j 1j]{ C
+1 - Z
Cj + 1
j }. (7.25)
x= LL(C)a-;dz, (7.26)
c= L j= 1
Cj~ (7.27)
C(z, t) = [WI' W2 ] {Cj~
c. } I ' (7.28)
W2 = 8Z(z - Zj). (7.30)
f. at - a-; + w -ac
a-; - E 2 -
ac aa-; + ACa-; -
az az
Sa-; dz, (7.31)
X= L xj, (7.32)
j= I
Individual terms in the Galerkin functional eqn. 7.26 and the expanded form,
eqn. 7.33, are approximated by
ac { C. }
at = [WI' W2 ] Cj~I ' (7.34)
oC [ ~z'I ~zI]{CC
7h = -
oW; _ [_ ~ ~] (7.36)
oz - ~z' ~z .
V is the potential energy,
AK is the kinematic flux of turbulent kinetic energy imposed at the top surface,
As is the rate of production of turbulent kinetic energy by the shear across
the bottom,
AT is the rate of increase of turbulent kinetic energy in the slab (or column),
AL is the rate of leakage of energy by radiation of internal waves into the
quiescent fluid,
AD is the total rate of energy dissipation by viscosity.
£(z)is the effective turbulent mixing coefficient along the vertical (z) axis,
H is the depth of the reservoir,
Tm = V/(P I + P 2) is the mixing time scale, in which PI and P 2 are rates of
work of inflowing streams and wind, respectively,
S = - (dp/dx)H/(p(O) - p(H» is the stability,
K is the reservoir constant.
(ll 40
10 9 8 7 4
Jan July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
C. 40
10 9 8 7 6 5
Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
FIGURE 7.9 (a) Observed and (b) simulated dissolved oxygen concentrations in Lake
Washington, 1963 (after Chen and Orlob, 1975).
from the bottom. These changes were fairly well simulated by the model, as
indicated by the broken and dotted lines.
The subsequent warming period, illustrated by days 348 and 405, is closely
followed by the model, especially in the region of the thermocline. Upward
transport of salinity from lower strata is evident in reservoir data and seems to
be followed well by the model. Simulation of the dynamics of the wind-mixed
layer and internal mixing phenomena are still under investigation (Spigel and
1mberger, 1980; 1mberger, 1981).
Temperature (OC)
° °
0'--_ _----'-- --'- ---'-- -'- --'--- --'
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Salinity (l\JaCI) (ppm)
FIGURE 7.10 Simulation of (a) temperature and (b) salinity in Wellington Reservoir
using DYRESM, and comparison with observations, 1975-76 (after Imberger et aI.,
Temperature (OCl
10 DO ( 0
r. I
E 20 I
\ 0 6
I 6
.... I 66 Temperature
c- I
Ol 01
o 30 \
40 ~
I June 1967
o 15
10 00/~1--;
E 20 t'~ 0
I 0
.... I
Ol <>
o 30 I
40 \
" August 1967
50 L - L- L -_ _----l
o 15
FIGURE 7.11 Observed (points) and simulated (lines) temperatures and dissolved
oxygen concentrations in Lake Hartwell, Georgia, 1967 (after Fontane and Bohan. 1974).
7.14.3. Lake Hartwell, Georgia
This reservoir, located on the Savannah River, experiences an annual thermal
cycle with the formation of a strong density gradient in the region of the thermo-
cline that, in turn, restricts transport of oxygen into the hypolimnion. In
addition, because the reservoir is large and summer flows are regulated by
upstream projects, the demand imposed on the hypolimnion often depletes
dissolved oxygen to the point of anaerobiosis by late summer or early fall.
This system has been simulated successfully using WESTEX, the specialized
one-dimensional water quality model of the Waterways Experiment Station
(Fontane a Bohan, 1974).
Figure 7.11 shows some representative" verification" test results for simula-
tion of temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration in Lake Hartwell for
1967. The model appears to give a fair account of the gradual depletion of
dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion. Especially noteworthy is the simulation
of a steep DO gradient in the region of the thermocline, a characteristic of deep,
stratified impoundments with a high nutrient supply.
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M. Watanabe, D. R. F. Harleman,
and O. F. Vasiliel'
Although the equations of fluid dynamics can describe motions that include
all of these scales, practical difficulties prohibit (or make unnecessary) the use
of the full equations of motion for real problems involving a wide variety of
phenomena. Considerable effort and ingenuity have been expended to approxi-
mate these equations in order to obtain simpler equations and methods of
The predictive power and, therefore, the usefulness of such models will be
greatly dependent on the depth of understanding and recognition of those
mechanisms that are physically important (excellent reviews have been written
by Mortimer (1974), Boyce (1974), and Csanady (1975» and also on well
planned model verifications in actual lakes. In the last few years, hydrodynamic
models for the calculation of lake circulation have become quite detailed and
realistic and have contributed greatly to our understanding of lake behavior.
This chapter is concerned with the state of the art of two- and three-di-
mensional mathematical models for describing the hydrophysical behavior
of lakes and reservoirs under natural influences (such as wind). In addition,
mathematical models of cooling ponds or reservoirs under artificial heat
loading from power plants will be discussed. The latter topic is relatively new,
but significantly important for the understanding of eutrophication processes
and for predicting other possible effects of excess heat loading on lake eco-
systems. Artificial heat loads may change the entire flow and temperature
fields and affect the rates of biochemical reactions.
In section 8.2, a brief discussion of some general characteristics of currents in
lakes is followed by the three-dimensional, time-dependent hydrodynamic and
heat exchange equations, boundary conditions, and parameters basic to all the
models. These general equations are simplified, based on length and time scales
significant for particular situations.
Mathematical models of wind-driven circulation can be classified broadly as
horizontal two-dimensional models, two- and multi-layer models, Ekman-type
models, vertical two-dimensional stratified flow models, and three-dimensional
Various models are compared in terms of their basic structure and assump-
tions, physical validity, and range of applicability. Brief reviews of numerical
techniques, such as finite-difference and finite-element methods, and stability
criteria are presented. The next section briefly reviews two- and three-
dimensional water quality models in which hydrodynamic and water quality
models are coupled. Because computer capacity is limited, integration of com-
plex hydrodynamic circulation models and ecological models causes problems
in terms of computation time, core memory, and cost. Simplifications based on
physical reality are essential.
Following this, a critical survey is presented of two- and three-dimensional
mathematical models for lakes, reservoirs, and cooling ponds, which require
different simplifications and solution techniques.
8.2.1. Introduction
Circulation in lakes is primarily caused by wind shear acting on the water
surface. Temperature or density differences produce some additional hydro-
dynamic effects that result in density currents. At the same time, density gradients
affect currents and play an important role in stratified water bodies.
The geometry of a lake (or reservoir) has a significant influence on its
circulation. Water circulation influenced by wind, density gradients, and many
other factors is therefore complex and includes various motions associated
with different length and time scales. Boyce (1974) summarized motions in
lakes and their associated length and time scales, as shown in Table 8.1.
The relative importance of each force can be evaluated by selecting the basic
scale of interest. Therefore, the comparison of various forces as they affect
motions at these scales allows the simplification of the governing equations of
motion by neglecting the less important terms. The differences between existing
mathematical models are therefore related to the different scales that are sig-
nificant for the specific conditions. In this section, the basic equations describing
fluid motion and heat transfer in lakes or reservoirs are presented before each
model is discussed in detail.
aii a a a I ap 2-
- + - iiii + - iiI' + - iiw - fv = - - - + vV u
at ax ay az . pax
- -a-,-,
u u - -a-,-,
u v - -0 - -
u'w' (1)
ox ay az'
ou 0 __ 0 __ 0 __
- + - vu + - vv + - vw + j u =
1 op 2-
- - + vV v
at ox oy oz poy
a -,-, a -,-, a -,-,
- vu - - vv - - vw (8.2)
ax oy oz'
o= - g - - - (8.3)
and the continuity equation can be expressed as
t is time,
x, y, z are the coordinate axes ( + z is vertically upward),
u, v, ware the mean velocities in the x, y, z directions,
u;uj is the time-averaged turbulent eddy transport of momentum,
g is the gravitational acceleration,
p is the density.
p is the pressure.
.f is the Coriolis parameter,
v is the (molecular) kinematic viscosity,
V2 = a21ax 2 + a21ay2 + a2laz 2.
Similarly, the equation of heat balance for a turbulent flow is
TABLE 8.1 Classification of Motions in Lakes (according to Boyce, 1974). Letters in parentheses refer to the type of scale
used. M, amplitude of motion; S, distance over which phenomenon varies significantly; P, period; T, time interval over which
phenomenon varies significantly; C, wave speed; V, vertical particle velocity; H, horizontal particle velocity. The governing
terms in the equations of motion and continuity are listed in column 6 according to the code: I, time-dependent horizontal
accelerations; 2, time-dependent vertical accelerations; 3, advective component of horizontal acceleration; 4, advective
component of vertical acceleration; 5, Coriolis force; 6, pressure gradient force due to slope of free surface; 7, pressure gradient
force due to slope of the thermocline; 8, pressure gradient force due to atmospheric pressure field; 9, variations in bottom
topography; 10, wind energy/stress; 11, internal stresses arising from horizontal current shear; 12, internal stresses arising
from vertical current shear; 13, friction against lake boundaries; 14, potential energy changes due to surface heating and cooling.
p = peT)· (8.6)
Initial conditions and boundary conditions have to be specified for the six
unknowns ui , p, p, and r. Also, the eddy transport terms u; uj and T' u; need to be
parameterized through the flow state variables.
ah + uah _
(u ax w) = 0, (8.11)
ay ==-11
Tij =
- pUjUj = Pf.j aX
(au + aXj
j j)
, (8.
where K Ti is the eddy diffusivity, in analogy to the Fourier law of heat con-
duction by molecular diffusion.
8.2.4. Eddy Viscosity and Eddy Diffusivity
where I is the characteristic (mixing) length, du/dz is the mean velocity gradient
perpendicular to the flow, and z is the distance from the bottom. This concept
has been useful for describing certain equilibrium shear flows, in particular for
uniform open-channel flow in which the vertical eddy viscosity can be written as
1= KZ(1 - z/H), (8.18)
u. = (T o/p)1/2 is the shear velocity,
To is the bottom shear,
K = 0.4 is the von Karman constant,
H is the water depth.
Ri = (g/p)op/oz (8.20)
(OU/OZ)2 '
where z is the coordinate in the direction of g and u is the horizontal velocity.
The Richardson number is a local parameter and varies with depth as the density
gradient op/oz and velocity gradient ou/oz change. Large values of Ri reflect a
high degree of stability and reduced vertical transport of momentum (shear).
A theoretical condition for turbulence to be maintained is
Ri < i. (8.21)
An elementary derivation of this criterion, including critical remarks about its
significance, is given by Long (1970; also Monin and Yaglom, 1965).
Little is known in exact, quantitative terms about the dependence of the
vertical eddy viscosity coefficient £z on the Richardson number. Karelse (1974)
compared available data with a variety of empirical formulas proposed by
different investigators and discovered considerable scatter. A characteristic
empirical formula is one by Munk and Anderson (1948):
£z = £zo(1 + 10 Ri) - 1 12, (8.22)
where £zo is the eddy viscosity under nonstratified conditions.
In many instances, when the stratification is significant and a distinct
interface exists, it is advantageous to make use of the discretely layered structure
and apply one- or two-dimensional stratified flow theory with more or less well
defined interfacial friction factors.
... ,...
• v~
FIGU RE 8.\ Ratio of the vertical diffusion coefficient and the vertical momentum
transfer coefficient plotted against the Richardson number. The straight line represents
(K)(J Ri = 0.05. The curve represents Ellison theory with the critical flux Richardson
number equal to 0.005. Experimental data are from: 0 Bowden. 0 and D, Ellison and
Turner. • Lofquist. and x Swinbank (after Kullenburg. 1974).
Sea state 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12
Region of
surface Region of roughness establisment Region of established roughness
roughness 0.03 < k < 0.3 0.3 < k < 1.5 8
k (em)
Wind stress
formula ~ 2.6·IO-
( r Cn(~'SjOOI~6C'OUTO)
for CIO
Approximate 0.00125
wind stress 0.5W: 02 .1O- J 2.6. 10- J
U '' ,
In the analysis of the heat balance for water bodies the net surface heat flux
cPo is usually introduced as a boundary condition directly at the free surface.
This is only approximately correct inasmuch as radiation absorption does not
occur simply at the air-water interface but rather in a water layer close to the
surface, the thickness of the layer being dependent on the absorptive character-
istics, such as turbidity. This approximation is sufficiently accurate for many
applications. In specific applications, such as the thermal stratification of lakes,
the actual radiation absorption should be accounted for in the model formula-
The general form of cPo is nonlinearly dependent on the water surface
temperature. The equation may be linearized over a certain range of surface
temperatures upon introduction of an equilibrium temperature TE • This is the
water surface temperature at which, under given meteorological conditions, the
net surface heat flux is zero. A linear approximation can be defined as follows:
where K H denotes the heat transfer coefficient valid for a certain range of
surface temperatures Ts. This linearization of surface heat transfer has an
advantage only with analytical solutions or simple steady state models. Since
both K H and TE are functions of time, direct computation of cPo is recommended
for transient numerical models (Ryan and Harleman, 1973).
Plate and Wengefeld (1979) made a survey of the transport processes for
momentum, heat, and mass at a lake surface. The survey includes, in particular,
the description of the formation of boundary layers near the free surface and
the analysis of wave generation.
Each type of model has its own advantages and applicability. The derivation of
the governing equations and limitations of the models will now be discussed.
8.3.1. Vertically Averaged Two-Dimensional Circulation Models
(Single-Layer Models)
Single-layer models are formed by averaging the three-dimensional equations
over the depth, with bottom and surface boundary conditions. The result of
these manipulations is a set of reduced two-dimensional equations, which are
comparatively easy to analyze and require relatively little computer time. These
models do not give details of the vertical variation of the flow and calculate
only the total mass transport.
~The vertically averaged formulation was originally developed in the theory of
long waves and in open-channel hydraulics. The first numerical model of storm
surges in the North Sea based on such a formulation was developed by Hansen
(1956). Platzman (1963) applied a similar model to several of the Great Lakes,
Reid and Bodine (1968) to the Gulf of Mexico, and Heaps (1969) to the North
Sea. Later, this approach was used to simulate circulation in shallow, vertically
well mixed systems by Leenderste (1967), Cheng and Tung (1970), Simons (1971),
Cheng (1972), Abbott et al. (1973), Gallagher et al. (1973), and Wang and
Connor (1975).
The principal limitation of vertically averaged models is that they do not
consider the effects of velocity and density variations in the vertical direction,
though these details are often necessary for the complete understanding of the
flow characteristics and for an accurate description of dependent problems in
ecological applications (for example, when there are bottom return currents in
wind-induced lake circulation).
However, the two-dimensional model can be adequate for the consideration
of pronounced unsteady flows in shallow water bodies and might be useful for
preliminary investigations of flows. This type of model is also the basis for
multilayer models. The basic equations for this model are obtained by integrat-
ing the equations of motion and continuity from the bottom, Z = - hex, Y),
to the surface, Z = r,(x, y). (For convenience, hereinafter the bar indicating
mean velocity will be omitted.)
The integrated continuity equation is
~ au f~ av
- dz + -a dz + w I~ - w 1- h = O. (8.28)
-h aX -h Y
According to the Leibnitz rule,
a f~ u dz - a1'
- / + u 1_ h -
u I~
a( --h)
+ -a f~ v dz
ax -h ax ax aY-h
a1'/ a( -h)
- vl~ - + Vl-h -a- + wl~ - wl- h = O. (8.29)
ay y
If the kinematic conditions (8.7) and (8.11) at the surface and bottom, re-
spectively, are used, the following integrated continuity equations can be
0rt 0 0
-+-VH+-VH=O (8.30)
ot ox oy ,
where the averaged velocities are defined as:
1 f~
V = H _h U dz,
---;- + oV
V~ + oV
V --;- - fV = -
0 (
~ grt + -Pa) + -H
1 (rsx - 'bx), (8.31 )
ut uX uy uX Po Po
-oV + V oV
- + oV
V- + fV = - -
0 (
grt + -Pa) + - 1 ('s - 'b ). (8.32)
ot ox oy oy Po PoH Y Y
The bottom shear stresses depend on the character of the flow and on the
vertical velocity distribution, particularly in the zone near the bottom, which is in
turn related to the horizontal pressure gradients. As an example, for steady
wind-driven flows in lakes with well developed bottom return currents, vertically
averaged velocities V and V can be negligible in comparison with the actual
velocities. Therefore, the evaluation of bottom shear stresses is not easy in
the vertically integrated model. Usually, these stresses are parameterized
t Consideration of the problem taking into account horizontal momentum exchange can be found.
e.g.. in Simons (1980).
through U and V, which can be more or less substantiated only for the so-called
translation wave motion (in which the particle velocity is the same, or nearly
so, at all points along the vertical):
2 2
'bx = c r Po(U + V )1/2U, , by = cr Pa(U 2 + V 2)1/2V, (8.33)
where Cr is a resistance coefficient. Several empirical expressions, the Darcy-
Weisbach, Chezy, and Manning formulas, were originally derived from measure-
ments of steady flow in channels or pipes:
Cr = fo/8 Darcy-Weisbach
Cr = g/C 2 Chezy (8.34)
2 1 3 1 6
Cr = n g/H / Manning (C = H / /n).
Types of Variable
Most circulation models use primitive variables U, V, and p. Primitive-variable
models tend to be more accurate for similar computational labor probably
because the vorticity-stream-function approach requires finite-difference
approximations to more critical derivatives than does the primitive-variable
t The pressure p is represented in the momentum equations 8.31 and 8.32 by the surface elevation Yf.
Time-Differencing Procedures
In the numerical calculation it is desirable to use space and time steps that are as
large as possible and yet consistent with physical meaning. However, other
restrictions on the allowable steps are related to the numerical methods used
and to their accuracy and stability. The basic equations 8.31 and 8.32 describe
the propagation of long waves in a shallow water body, and the effects of
various time integration schemes on the accuracy of solution are important for
numerical stability.
Detailed discussions of computational (or numerical) stability in connection
with time-variable circulation problems have been presented by Fischer
(1959, 1965), Platzman (1963), Kasahara (1965), Gates (1968), and Simons
(1973). For computing unsteady flows in shallow water bodies, one of the most
simple and familiar methods is based on the scheme of centered time differences.
For centered differences in the space and time domains, the stability criterion of
Courant-Friedrichs and Levy is imposed:
At < (2gH)1/2 . (8.35)
This condition indicates that the time step is related to the time for a surface
gravity wave (of speed c = (gH)1/2) to travel a distance Ax.
The nonlinear acceleration terms and Coriolis term may cause some numerical
instability; Lilly (1961), Simons (1973), and others have discussed improved
methods for the evaluation of these terms.
Space-Differencing Procedures
It is impossible to discuss space-resolving techniques completely independently
from the time-resolving procedures described above. Usually, each of them is
designed in close relation to a particular technique for another dimension.
Thus, the scheme of centered time differences is commonly used together with
the staggered grid in space, in which U, V, and p are computed at different grid
One advantage of the staggered grid is that it allows the use of central
differences in space and time, which is desirable for accuracy and numerical
stability while keeping the number of variables low and the variables themselves
partly uncoupled. However, there are problems in representing the physical
boundaries properly and special treatment is necessary to avoid errors and
instability. These problems have remained in later modeling efforts.
For marine applications (circulation in shallow seas) Hansen (1956) solved
the vertically integrated equations by the finite-difference method, using the
variables '7, U, and V on a staggered grid in space and time.
Leendertse (1967) discussed the numerical stability and accuracy of the
alternative-direction implicit (ADI) method in its application to the single-layer
circulation model. The treatment of the nonlinear terms causes severe problems
and time-centered differences cannot be used for the convective terms in the
momentum equation.
Heaps (1969) used a staggered grid in space with velocities at the same points
for the linearized and vertically integrated dynamic equations. Care was taken
to center the differences in space and an explicit time integration scheme was
For the Great Lakes, Simons (1971) developed a finite-difference model
based on the vertically integrated equations, including horizontal eddy viscosity,
using space- and time-staggered grids to avoid problems with the convective
terms. Several variations on the treatment of bottom friction and convective
terms were tried.
Finite-difference methods normally make use of orthogonal grids. These
may cause some difficulties in the representation of the geometry of natural
water bodies. To suit complex boundaries better, other types of mesh are applied
that can be used even with finite-difference schemes (Bauer, 1979). An unsteady,
two-dimensional, depth-averaged model was developed for long, shallow
reservoirs by Tatom and Waldrop (1978). The model uses orthogonal curvilinear
coordinates and considers reservoir inflows and outflows, cooling water
circulation, and surface wind stress. Irregular meshes, e.g. of triangular shape,
are more often used with another effective numerical method, the finite-
element method.
Gallagher et al. (1973) analyzed steady wind-driven circulation for shallow
lakes using the rigid lid approximation (eqn. 8.14). Full advantage of the freedom
of varying the grid was not taken in the examples given, but the possibility of
using existing general-purpose finite-element programs was emphasized.
Taylor and Davis (1972), Cheng (1972), Grotkop (1973), Norton et al. (1973),
and King et al. (1973) developed finite-element models for application in a
number of different cases. Wang and Connor (1975) devised a finite-element
model for near-coastal circulation and discussed the fundamental transforma-
tion of the original vertically integrated equations to the so-called weighted
residual form. This method was applied to simulate wind- and tidally driven
circulation in Massachusetts Bay.
Cheng (1972) developed a finite-element method for wind circulation in
Lake Erie. Linearized momentum equations, which were obtained by neglecting
inertia terms and introducing linear bottom shear, were written in the form of a
stream function. The finite-element grid consisted of 516 three-node triangular
elements and 308 nodal points. This gave a reasonably accurate spatial resolu-
tion in the domain of Lake Erie. Figure 8.2 shows the finite-element grid and the
mean circulation streamlines driven by a linear wind distribution (along the lake
Region of solution n ....,~,', ,,17170
r-.. (i',/ I"V IVV IVIV 'IV
'// VI/1/ r/I/ /1/ I/V
A typical element / VV VV / / I/IX1/1/1/1/ IVI/ VIV 1/1/
/ --- VV VV / / IVIV I/IV IVI/iVV VA '/
Y Detroit New York
.,..., / /I/VVI/ / / / / / V VI/ LV V I
1/ 1// / ~ Boundary
l/V VY:: l%l%t% 1/1// / / / / /,.,.;; ......
11VV ./ v: /1/// V V / I
""W..Iv;, /I?; 1/1/1/ / /I~ I
v: //IV 1/ .6 Pennsylvania
~'I;:~~ /1/ I
" Ohio
FIGURE 8.2 Finite-element grid and two-celled mean circulation driven by a quadratic
wind stress distribution: application to Lake Erie, l/J is the stream function.
1 f~k
Uk = H Uk dz, qk = S dz,
k ~k - I '1k- I
and S is the source (or sink) strength; Wk' Wk _ 1 are the relative normal velocities
at the interface between layers k and k - 1, that is, W k is a net entrainment or
mixing velocity between these layers. Vertically integrated momentum equations
for each layer are obtained similarly to those in the single-layer formulation,
with hydrostatic and Boussinesq approximations.
Bottom shear stress and surface wind stress are determined with the same
relationships that are used in single-layer formulations. The idealization of
constant-density layers cannot represent explicitly the mass and momentum
exchanges in the transition region between layers. Wang and Connor (1975)
included a shear stress and a velocity of entrainment at the interface to simulate
these processes; therefore, their functional dependence on the mean flow
variables must be specified.
Interfacial shear stress is related to the square ofthe velocity differences of the
ov 1 op 02 1'
ot + fu = - poy + Ez OZ2 '
OU ov ow
ox + oy + oz = o. (8.40)
(iii) The rigid lid approximation is applied at the surface and the wind stress is
prescribed as follows:
From the momentum equations with boundary conditions, the general solution
for velocity is obtained analytically as a function of the imposed wind stress,
the bottom topography, and the pressure distribution (which is unknown):
PI = Pl' (8.46)
where the subscripts I and 2 refer to the upper and lower layers, respectively.
These boundary conditions, together with a kinematic condition, lead to the
interface specifications.
This type of model has certain limitations in its application to real
water bodies: (i) simplifications of governing equations are necessary for
~cross Cross ~ /
section section
A--A B-B
, - - - - - - - " .
~~:;;~-\-~, B B
· · . · .. . .
l>'I\\, 1 1
L·.I 1 ··
• f
.... \ . · 11
.. , .
... rI
• I 1'/ •
~ .-' ..--
.. · ··
4- ~ ~ rI •
11,/·,1,11 1
!. 1 • I t 1 ~ l .. •
·,, ·. ····,,
N 1 " I
I j J •
f/,/~/h' 1 \ 1 I j , •
1/,/~/l.ll 1 \ 1
r ·· ··, ·····,,
I ' J •
T'I/~/~1 I \ 1
f !'~/%ll
I 1' :
! : .
T!/~/tl1 1 /
,· ·
\ 1 j J
Ih/~/I,TI 1
, ·•· .\ 1
, ·· ·
\ I •
I 1, I . 1 7, 1 1 I
/ I , •
, · .·
\ I I , .
I /
· ·,,
I , .
l , •
, ·· ·
tl'l,'~'hll I t t I lJ •
, · ··,
t \
\, 1
j,. J •
, • ·· 1
l'l,'~'hl1 I j , •
1 f ,'~/l,ll
'1,' ~/hl
; '7.'~/1t11
I , \\
, \ ·· •t
. , 1I
j J
j J •
, '/"~/7,1
1 , \
t , \ · ··· , II
, J
j ,
, '7,1
.• //,111
1 ,, • \
· · ,
, 1t
j ,
·, ··
0 15 \
cm S-1 '!./~/!.ti
1 \ ·
, t
\ •.. , 1
, I
J ,
, · \ I , I , •
I , •
1 .... /1[1
\ " t
\ ..
\ .
...· .· ,
j I
11\ \ 1 ' 1 / 1
II/Ill I
·. ·, ·..." ·.
t \
.,- r'
~ I
j I •
I •
· ···
Surface Depth: 0.2 Depth: 0.4
FIGU RE 8.3 Horizontal velocities in the test lake under a south wind: at the surface and
at 0.2 and 0.4 of the total depth (source: Liggett and Hadjitheodorou, 1969),
~(bu) o(bw) _ 0
ax + oz - , (8.48)
_ 2 [
1+ (Ob
- i )2 + (Ob
- i )2]1/2 , (8.50)
;=1 ax oz
r = (~) lu lu,
PoCo is the product of average density and specific heat,
b = b l + b 2 is the channel width,
b I (x, z), bix, z) characterize the shape of the lateral surface of the channel,
r, is the free-surface elevation,
v is the coefficient of molecular viscosity
fz is the coefficient of turbulent viscosity,
X is the coefficient of molecular heat diffusivity,
K _ is the coefficient of turbulent heat diffusivity,
T is the frictional resistance of the lateral surface,
,\, is the frictional resistance coefficient,
qn is the heat flux through the lateral surface (per unit surface
¢ is the heat source or the volumetric heat influx (section 8.2.2).
ou + V· (Vu
-;- - €h Vu) + -0 ( wu - ou)
€z - = 0 (P
fv - ;- + Q) (8.51)
ut oz oz uX
ov 0 ( ov) o + Q)
ot + v· (Vv - €h Vv) + oz wv - €z oz = -fu - - (P
Heal conservation
OW ou ov
---- (8.54)
oz ox oy'
P = 91'/ + Pa (8.55)
r~ tlp
Q = 9 ,_ -dz, (8.56)
·z Po
Vertical velocities are computed from the horizontal flow divergence through
application of the continuity equation, with the lower boundary condition that
there can be no flow normal to the bottom. Integration of the same equation
along the vertical axis results in a determination of the free-surface elevation,
which, in turn, determines the barotropic pressure function (8.55). Surface wind
stresses, bottom friction, and heat fluxes at the surface and bottom comprise
boundary conditions for fluxes of momentum and heat. At lateral boundaries,
where normal components of velocity must vanish, tangential velocities are
stipulated as required by "slip" or "no slip" assumptions that fit a particular
Numerical solutions of the equations presented above are obtained by
finite differencing on a staggered grid. The vertical structure of the model,
which fixes the computational scheme, comprises a series of arbitrarily fixed
levels at which vertical velocities, stresses, and vertical fluxes are calculated.
Temperatures and currents are defined as averages for the intermediate layers.
The effects of free-surface oscillations on the computation of internal flows are
minimized by reducing the layered system of equations to a single equation for
vertically integrated flow and a set of equations for the shears between adjacent
moving layers. Integration over time is essentially explicit, except that the
Coriolis term is treated implicitly. Simons (1973) provided other details of the
solution technique and numerical approximations. He applied the above-
mentioned multilevel model to three cases.
(i) The model was applied by Simons (1974) to Lake Ontario in spring
and early summer. The predicted water levels, currents, and tempera-
tures were compared with observations made shortly after the passage
of tropical storm Agnes during the latter part of June 1972. Figure 8.4
indicates that the currents follow the wind on the shallow, northern
side of the lake, whereas the resulting pressure gradient returns the
water masses in the deeper parts of the lake. Figure 8.5 compares
observed and predicted water levels during the storm. The model
simulation of the observed circulation pattern is substantially correct.
For the period of weak stratification the model is found to be most
sensitive to parameters related to the vertical flux of momentum.
However, satisfactory simulations of observed water levels and
currents require a wind stress coefficient considerably larger than those
obtained from direct measurements.
(b) 5cm s-l
FIGURE 8.4 (a) Observed and (b) computed currents in Lake Ontario averaged over the
three-day period, 22-24 June 1972. The contours are in meters. Numbers I to 4 indicate
depths of 10,15,30, and 50 m, respectively (from Simons, 1974).
(ii) The model was applied to the strong stratification that prevailed in
Lake Ontario during and after a storm on 9 August 1972 (Simons,
1975). Good agreement between predicted and observed data was
obtained for water levels, as shown in Figure 8.6. The model results
shown in Figure 8.7 neglect heat diffusion and include only heat
transport by advection, There is good agreement between model and
observations with regard to the wave-like pattern of temperature in
the deeper parts of the lake,
(iii) The model was applied by Simons et al. (1977) to Lake Vanern in
Sweden. Verification checks were made for two distinct conditions,
one when the lake was essentially homogeneous and another when the
lake was thermally stratified. Sensitivity tests, involving alternative
FIGURE 8.5 Observed (full curves) and computed (broken curves) water levels at four
stations on the shore of Lake Ontario during storm Agnes in June 1972 (from Simons, 1974).
All time series were filtered to remove periodic components having periods of less than 5 h.
6 14
FIGURE 8.6 Observed (full curves) and computed (broken curves) water levels at four
stations on the shore of Lake Ontario during and after a storm on 9 August 1972 (from
Simons. 1975).
A similar model was also developed by Bennett (1974). This model employed
a rigid lid approximation to eliminate the short-term dynamic response of the
water surface and used a stream function to ensure continuity. As a result, this
model allows a computational time step of the order of an hour, whereas the
Simons model required a time step of a few minutes. However, this advantage
is offset by the requirement of iterative procedures to solve the pressure equa-
tion. Thus, instead of more time steps, one needs more iterations and so requires
about the same computer time.
Most circulation models have used constant eddy diffusivities for computation
of the momentum equations. Vasiliev and Kvon (1977), Vasiliev (1978a,b), and
Kvon (1979a,b) developed more comprehensive circulation models, including
a one- or two-equation turbulence closure model with two parameters.
Using the Boussinesq approximation and the hydrostatic condition and
FIGURE 8.7 (a) Observed and (b) computed temperature changes CC) in Lake Ontario during 2-5 August
1972, corresponding to the second layer of the model (between 10 and 20 m) (from Simons. 1975).
eliminating horizontal turbulent exchange, they obtained the following govern-
ing equations for a temperature-stratified turbulent flow:
- +u- +
au au au fv = - 9 -a [1] + IZO (p--=-----.2.
p) dz] + -a ((; -au) ,
at ax v-
ay + w az
- -
ax Z Po az az
av av
- + u- + v - +
av av - 9 -a [ 1] + IZO (p-- -
po) dz] + -a ((; -av) ,
at ax ay w-
az + fu =
ay Z Po az az
au av aw
ax + ay + az = 0, (8.59)
P - Po
-f3(T - To)·
On the lateral boundaries, either the velocity component normal to the boundary
is zero, or it must be specified. At the free surface, z = zoo
az au t
at = w, [-=-
az Po'
az o az o aT
w =u ax + v ay' az = 0, (8.62)
where u = (u, v), t = ('x, 'y), K l is the coefficient of the bottom tangential
stress, TE is the equilibrium temperature, and Zo is the average free-surface
elevation. Vasiliev et al. (1973) determined the turbulent exchange coefficients,
(; and K T' from the turbulent kinetic energy e and a length scale of turbulence,
L, as follows:
where k e is the coefficient of total exchange for turbulent energy transfer and c
is a constant. The Richardson number Ri and the ratio aT of the turbulent
exchange coefficients for heat and momentum transfer are given by:
Ri= (8.64)
(OU/OZ)2 + (OV/OZ)2
(1 + 10 Ri)1/2
aT = a o [1 + (10/3) RiJ3/2'
where ao is a constant. The model was solved numerically by means of an implicit
finite-difference scheme.
Later, Kvon applied the two-equation turbulence model founded on two
transport equations for the turbulent energy and the turbulent energy dissipa-
tion (Jones and Launder, 1973; Launder, 1976). On this basis he developed the
flow model with a slip condition at the bottom. The model was used by Kvon
(1979) in the consideration of a three-dimensional temperature-stratified flow
in a water body.
83° 30'
42° 00'
/n \
\ -'
I / Island N
41° 30'
FIGURE 8.8 Circulation pattern in western Lake Erie, showing prevailing current
directions and spatial segments of the water quality model (Oi Toro et al., 1975).
Rates of flow from one compartment to the other were assigned on the basis
of observed and computed flow patterns. The magnitude of mixing of flows
between adjacent segments was calibrated by use of a conservative tracer,
in this case chloride concentration. The model was calibrated by adjusting
parameters that specified the internal kinetics of the seven dependent variables
for the period 1967-1970. Initial values were derived from the literature or
laboratory and "fine-tuned" until agreement between model and lake was
considered acceptable.
Internal r--
baffles :: Makeup
/"-.. I! Discharge
Levee- canal
1780 MWe
(b) Intake channel (fossil)
FIGURE 8.10 Types of cooling impoundment: (a) a cooling lake, Lake Merom,
Indiana; (b) a cooling pond at Powerton, Illinois (from Jirka and Harleman, 1979).
Table 8.3 (Jirka and Harleman, 1979) compares the physical characteristics
and thermal loadings of some cooling ponds and lakes in the United States.
Coo/inq lakes
Lake Anna, VA 5200 3784 (nuclear) 7600 1.5
Clinton Lake. IL 1960 1982 (nuclear) 3750 1.9
Gibbons Creek Res .. TX 920 896 (fossil) 1170 1.3
Lake Merom. IN 620 980 (fossil) 1465 2.4
Lake Robinson. NC 900 135 (fossil) 1750 1.9
+ 730 (nuclear)
Lake Sanchris. IL 865 /232 (fossil) 1930 2.2
Sutherland Reservoir. NE 855 1300 (fossil) 2040 2.4
Cooling ponds
Braidwood.IL 1015 2200 (nuclear) 4520 4.5
Collins.IL 805 2520 (fossil) 3074 3.8
Dresden,IL 510 1600 (nuclear) 2678 5.3
La Salle, IL 825 2156 (nuclear) 4362 5.3
Powerton, IL 575 1780 (fossil) 2437 4.2
size, the kinetic energy input due to the flow-through induced by the condenser
water input and withdrawal is usually large enough to destroy the natural
stratification. Instead, an artificial stratification may be created because of the
forced temperature gradient between the discharge and the condenser intake.
Based on earlier work of Watanabe and Harleman (1977), Jirka and Harleman
(1979) proposed a dimensionless "pond number" P as a measure of whether a
cooling impoundment will be stratified or vertically mixed. The pond number is
defined as
1. is the interfacial quadratic-law friction factor,
Qo is the condenser flow rate,
d To is the condenser temperature rise,
fJ is the coefficient of thermal expansion,
g is the gravitational acceleration,
H is the average pond depth,
W is the average pond width (or flow path width in a pond with internal
Dv is the dilution ratio for vertical entrance mixing at the plant discharge,
L is the pond length following the mean flow-through path.
Horizontal entrainment
_ _.l.--'"-+ +0 J
,, ~
T (x,y,t)
Horizontal entrainment
Water Imixing
level region
Q 0 ---,----!~.,....J--JA----t_---I.-_:f:fi
Vertical H
entrainment T (z, t)
~ Lower-layer
P = hs (8.68)
and ao is the channel exit area if the discharge is along a wall and half the exit
area for a symmetrical discharge. Jirka et al. (1978) recommend a minimum
value of D. = 1.5 for rectangular discharges and D. = 1.2 for special, low-
mixing discharge structures with radial guide vanes. The higher the entrance
mixing parameter, the less likely it is that the pond will be stratified.
Inspection of available field and laboratory data indicates that cooling
impoundments in which P S 0.3 are well stratified "deep" ponds. On the other
hand, if P 20.7 the impoundments are vertically fully mixed "shallow" ponds.
Mathematical models for the prediction of hydrothermal performance are
available for these two cases and will be discussed below. Impoundments in the
range 0.3 < P < 0.7 are partially stratified, having no distinct surface layer and
exhibiting variable degrees of vertical stratification throughout the pond.
The analysis of this class of ponds is difficult, but this range of pond numbers can
be avoided by proper choice of design parameters.
Currents in cooling ponds result from three mechanisms: through flow
(generated by pumping), density differences, and wind stresses. The relative
magnitudes of density and through-flow currents are particularly important
and are closely linked to the thermal structure of cooling ponds; density currents
usually prevail in deep ponds, while shallow ponds may be governed by the
through flow, eddies in the discharge zone, and flow separations at constrictions
or around baffles. Under certain conditions, wind-induced currents may be
stronger than either through-flow or density currents. However, strong winds are
intermittent and surface heat loss during these periods is enhanced.
Deep, stratified impoundments are less subject to short-circuiting between
the discharge and condenser intake than shallow, vertically mixed ponds. In a
stratified pond, buoyancy acts to spread the flow over the surface of the im-
poundment, including dead-end side arms (Brocard et ai., 1977). The thermal
performance of shallow, vertically mixed ponds is highly influenced by the pond
geometry. Short-circuiting and the generation of large ineffective eddies should
be minimized by the use of interior baffles.
3000 ft
FIGU RE 8.13 Surface isotherms CF) for two shaIlow cooling ponds: (a) Powerton, IL,
with predominant lateral recirculation behavior, and (b) Dresden, IL, with predominant
longitudinal dispersion behavior (from Jirka and Harleman, 1979).
Mathematical models to predict transient thermal performance for both
recirculating ponds and longitudinal dispersion ponds have been developed by
Jirka et al. (1978). Power plant heat loads and meteorological inputs are averaged
over the computational time step (usually between 3 hand 1 day) for prediction
of condenser water intake temperatures.
The pond number for the Powerton cooling pond is 0.6, while for Dresden
P = 0.8. Both ponds may be approximately classed as vertically mixed; however,
the mathematical models for the two differ considerably in their structure because
of the different length: width ratios of the individual compartments in the two
ponds. In Powerton the ratio is about 2, while in Dresden it is approximately 6.
Therefore, as noted above, the Powerton pond contains large recirculating
eddies while Dresden has a predominantly longitudinal flow configuration.
Details of the mathematical model formulations and verification with field data
were given by Jirka et al. (1978). In general, a longitudinal flow pond exhibits
better thermal performance than a recirculating pond. Observed and predicted
intake temperatures during one-and-a-half months are compared in Figure 8.14
for the Dresden pond.
u.. 84
- . -- ,
E ..\~ft',"') "·0 ~.
f- 72
•r.::J-I '~.
.r.N ...•.
:\...-.. .J
_. ~ ~
I ".-Yo,.•-.,..
\ .
..-.. ••
v~~y.. Predicted ., t
66 "intake \,,'-
temperature "-
60 ':----"--__L------'-_-,-L_"---------'--I _"------L_-'---------'-_--'------' -"-------L--'---------'-1
12 18 24 301 6 12 18 24 31,
September October 1975
FIGU RE 8.14 Predicted and measured intake temperatures for the Dresden. IL, cooling
pond during September and October 1975 (from Jirka et al., 1978). Mean error, O,8°F;
standard deviation, I.QuF.
8.5.4. Stratified Cooling Ponds
~ 75
E 65
i;; 60
55 L -_ _--l.-_ _ -=-~I L __ _ _I
o 100 200 300
Time (days)
FIGURE 8.15 Predicted and measured intake temperatures of the Hazelwood, Australia
cooling pond in 1969 (from Ryan and Harleman, 1973). Full line, mean measured intake
temperature; bold broken line, mean measured temperature at skimmer wall opening;
dotted line, predicted intake temperature; light broken line, predicted temperature at
skimmer wall opening.
---- ~
'+- 40 __;
0 60
/-+ Marshall
.. days
40 90
FIGU RE 8.16 Predicted and measured vertical temperature profiles in Lake Norman,
North Carolina during August-October 1971 (after Ryan and Harleman, 1973). Full line,
predicted profile (run 1); • measured temperature range, 19 August 1971; • measured
temperature range, 12 October 1971.
10000 ft
FIGURE 8.17 The combined cooling pond (WHTF) and cooling lake of Lake Anna,
FIGURE 8.18 Surface velocity and temperature CC) distributions in the First Ekibastuz
Thermal Power Plant.
dissipation parameter
channel width
C concentration of a conservative substance
Cf resistance coefficient
C interfacial shear stress coefficient; Chezy coefficient
Cw wind stress coefficient
Dv dilution ratio
e kinetic energy (per unit mass)
E v vertical Ekman number
fo or A friction coefficient (Darcy-Weisbach)
h height from datum to the bottom
H depth of water
K heat diffusivity
K H heat transfer coefficient
I mixing length
L length scale of turbulence; pond length
Manning coefficient
pond number
heat source
external sources
shear velocity
average velocities
net entrainment or mixing velocity between layers k and k +
W wind velocity; average pond width
f3 coefficient of thermal expansion
( eddy viscosity
YJ elevation of free surface
K von Karman constant
<Pn net heat flux through surface.
Ecological Modeling of Lakes
9 S. E. Jorgensen
9.1.2. Brief Review of Development
Among the earliest models of lake systems were those that addressed the
problem of nutrient balance. These nutrient budget models simulated the entire
lake as a mixed tank reactor (Vollenweider, 1965, 1969). Later, this approach
was seized upon by other investigators dealing more explicitly with nutrient
and algal budgets in lakes.
Mathematical models of lakes have evolved along two different lines. First,
there was the extension of the zero-dimensional model to one-, two-, and three-
dimensional models (Chapters 7 and 8); then there were the modeling activities
that focused primarily on a better and more detailed description of the
chemical-biological processes (Park et al., 1974; Chen and Orlob, 1975;
J0rgensen, 1976; and others).
The line represented by CLEAN, CLEANER, and MS CLEANER demon-
strates that the development has been toward inclusion of more biological
constituents, linked by increasingly detailed description and interaction of
biological phenomena. The latest development includes adaptation and bio-
logical feedback mechanisms (Straskraba, 1976, 1979; J0rgensen et aI., 1978;
Park et al., 1979). The tendency is to build more realism into the models by using
more constraints.
Passive storage
State variable
Harmonic mean
._ C
-J 0;:;
FIGURE 9.2 Flow chart of the phytoplankton model of Chen and Orlob (1975). LO,
N D. T D: light, nutrient, and temperature dependence.
Temperature Temperature
FIGURE 9.3 Flow chart of the phytoplankton model of Oi Toro <,t al. (1977). FP: factor
dependent on timc.
FIGURE 9.4 Flow chart of the phytoplankton model of Kremer and Nixon (1978).
._ C
.....J .~
<ll /
L Phytoplankton + DaM + POM + sediment
~ /
.~ /
CI:L....-_ _---l
Temperature Viscosity Phytoplankton
algal growth. Light inhibition and adaptation are included, and photosynthesis
determines the intracellular concentration of carbon (photosynthesis being the
uptake of CO 2 ), In addition, respiration (release of CO 2 ) influences this con-
centration, but is controlled by the phytoplankton concentration, temperature,
and the concentration of intracellular carbon. Light extinction accounts for
phytoplankton, detritus, and zooplankton concentrations. Algal growth is con-
trolled by the intracellular concentrations of nutrients (N, P, and C) and the
temperature. A multiplicative expression is used. Outflow, inflow, and grazing
are included; the latter is represented by a Michaelis-Menten expression and a
temperature function. Sinking is controlled by viscosity and a rather complex
sediment model for description of nutrient release is applied.
Figure 9.10 presents the model CLEANER (Youngberg, 1977). It uses
Steele's (1962) equation for light limitation; the harmonic mean of Bloomfield
et al. (1974) to combine nutrient limitations; the nonlinear response of growth
to temperature; and grazing with saturation kinetic formulation, nonlinear
temperature dependence, and prey preference. Respiration, mortality, and
Excretion Sink
FIGURE 9.6 Flow chart of the phytoplankton model of Lehman el al. (1975).
I sat
.. V V
.. ..
c:: " - - - - - - - I
Temperature Temperature Viscosity
FIGURE 9.8 Flow chart of the phytoplankton model of Scavia ('{ at. (1976).
[PJ is the phosphorus concentration in the lake [M L - 3 J,
i p is the phosphorus su pply rate [M L - 3 T - 1J,
Pw is the hydraulic washout coefficient [T-1J,
Up is the sedimentation rate constant [T-1J,
t is time.
This equation is valid ifthe lake is well mixed, its volume is constant, the outflow
is at a concentration equivalent to that of the lake and is equal to the inflow,
c.. Cl
~ Complex C
m submodel ~
ClL-_ _--J c.9 L-_---""---'
~ Temperature
FIGURE 9.9 Flow chart of the phytoplankton model of Jfilfgensen (1976) and J0rgensen
al. ( 1979).
cr:L-_ _----L.j
Temperature Temperature
FIGURE 9.10 Flow chart or the CLEANER model or Youngberg (1977). Clad.:
cladocerans; Cope. : copepods.
and there is no net supply of phosphorus from sediment. Provided that Ip , Pw,
and tTp are time-independent this equation can be solved:
[pet)] = [P o]exp[ - (Pw - tTp)t] + {I - exp[ - (Pw - tTp)tJ (9.2)
Pw + tTp
Figure 9.12 shows the Vollenweider plot, which is based upon the above-
mentioned considerations.
LO TO a.
6 -'--/0--===1
Nutrient ~
~.~ A
.- <Il
L Phytoplankton
+ DOM .........::...---:..-_-'-'- -'-----J
+ POM 1M
0: - ' -_ _--j
LD Temperatu re
-s )2)
I -p -W -z /
E 1/ /
jeMo /'// /
• Ma +
Es (1 )
,?>/, +L
a.. I~\ -~-H >" 8S0 I
0.5 J// I
:. T/// ./ '
I / /
k a .
s- /, /
• b·
//3 /'
·c ~..... -
/ /'" V
~;/ ,~
----crt = MYMAX(T)· LIGHT· KP + PS . PA
- (CONRI + SETTLl + Pw)· PA (9.3)
cit = ---vE - MYMAX(T)· LIGHT· KP + PS· PA
+ CONR2· PP + PwPS, (9.4)
cit = ~ + CONRl· PA - (CONR2 - SETTL2 + Pw)· PP, (9.5)
is the concentration of algal phosphorus [M L - 3],
is the fractional reduction of MYMAX(T) in the epilimnion due
to the availability of light,
MYMAX(T) is the maximum specific growth rate of phytoplankton as a
function of temperature [T - I],
KP is the half-saturation constant for phosphorus [M L- 3],
CONRI is the rate constant for conversion of algal phosphorus to
particulate phosphorus [T - I],
CONR2 is the rate constant for conversion of particulate phosphorus to
soluble phosphorus [T- 1],
PP is the concentration of particulate (non-algal) phosphorus
[M L - 3],
PPIN is the rate of supply of particulate phosphorus to the epilimnion
[M T-IJ,
PS is the concentration of soluble phosphorus [M L- 3],
PSIN is the rate of supply of soluble phosphorus to the epilimnion
[MT- 1],
SETTLl is the rate constant for settling of algal phosphorus (correspond-
ing to a settling velocity of 0.02 m day - I),
SETTL2 is the rate constant for settling of non-algal particulate phos-
phorus (corresponding to a settling velocity of 0.04 m day-I),
T is the temperature,
VE is the volume of the epilimnion [L 3 ].
The purpose of the model is to predict long-term changes in lakes that have
undergone significant changes in loading rates. PSIN is therefore understood
as the annual loading of PS, Q the annual outflow, and K 1 and K 2 are measured
in m yr- 1 .
The equations can be solved analytically and the steady state solution of
PS is
--- (9.10)
The model was used on Lake Washington by applying data from 1941-1950
to calculate a consistent set of model constants, based upon K 3 = 0.6. K 3 can
be found on the basis of sediment analysis (a more detailed examination of
mud-water exchange of phosphorus was reported by Kamp-Nielsen, 1975). The
observations during 1955-1970, which showed that the phosphorus loading
increased up to 1964 and decreased thereafter, were well predicted by the model.
However, K 3 = 0.5 gave a better result (Figure 9.13).
Lappalainen (1975) improved Vollenweider's approach by considering the
state of a lake as a function of lake volume, discharge, and phosphorus input.
In this model a regression equation that relates the net sedimentation of phos-
phorus and the oxygen concentration of the hypolimnion is determined. The
model includes a relationship between the sedimentation of phosphorus and
0.1 0 .----~-----.---,----------,--_____,_--___,__--r__-____,
l pJ
± VJ dt · (9.11)
Thomann et al. (1975) developed three models with different levels of detail.
Modell conceptualizes the impoundment as a three-layer system (epilimnion,
hypolimnion, and benthos) and considers phytoplankton and zooplankton
dynamics. Model 2 provides additional vertical resolution with seven layers
and considers temperature, chemistry, and sediment interactions. Model
3 is far more comprehensive as it provides additional spatial resolution with
up to seven layers, 67 segments, and 15 state variables. A future model with as
many as 5000 compartments (segments· state variables) is envisioned.
Validation of model 1 indicates generally good agreement with observations
for such state variables as chlorophyll a, zooplankton, carbon, four forms of
nitrogen, and phosphorus. Unfortunately model 2 was only studied analytically
and was not validated against observations, and model 3 was only tested pre-
liminarily against selected observations from the field but was not validated.
The Chen-Orlob model (1975) was extended by Chen et al. (1975) for
simulation of Lake Ontario. It included mass balance equations for 15 different
classes of biotic and abiotic substances. Four groups of phytoplankton, four
groups of zooplankton, and four groups of fish in three life stages were repre-
sented. Furthermore, the model divided the lake into segments and layers, for
which separate mass balance equations could be written. Details of the model
are given in the appendix. Implementation ofthe model required an independent
determination of the flow field in three dimensions and estimates of empirical
diffusion coefficients. The hydraulic inputs were derived from a hydrodynamic
model attributed to Bennett (1974). Details of the hydrodynamic model are
not available, except that it is of orthogonal form with 715 surface elements and
seven layers. It is wind-driven and considers effects of temperature on circula-
tion. Successful test simulations for the months of 1972 were carried out with
41 surface elements and seven vertical layers of varying thickness, a total of 209
elements. Results indicated reasonable performance, but no validation was
carried out.
The 1979 version of this lake model required 9 s of Univac 1108 CPU time
per day of simulation (~t = 1 day), which is little compared with the hydro-
dynamic program, which required 120 s of CPU time per day of simulation.
The Chen-Orlob model, in a version known as EPAECO, has also been applied
to a Finnish lake (Kinnunen et aI., 1978).
Patten et al. (1975) developed the Lake Texoma Cove model, which attempts
to consider every conceivable aspect of the cove ecology. Its most distinguishing
feature is that it is an ecologist's model-an ecosystem description drawn by a
relatively large number of scientists under conditions of prolonged, intensive
interaction. The model is further distinguished by its linear construction
(although a few minor nonlinearities occur). The forcing functions are time,
temperature, solar radiation, rain, wind, current, and water level.
The primary producer submodel contains nine state variables: small,
medium, and large phytoplankton, blue-green algae, floating algal mats,
attached algae, aufwuchs, and submergent and emergent vascular plants. The
zooplankton submodel includes those animals retained by a 64 p.m plankton
net, excluding fish larvae and dipteran larvae. Pupal zooplankton was divided
into two groups: small (less than 0.75 mm) and large (0.75 mm or greater).
The benthic invertebrate submodel consists of suspension feeders, deposit
feeders, predators, and scavengers. The vertebrate submodel includes larval
fish, fingerlings, filter-feeding fish, bottom-feeding fish, minnow-like fish, car-
nivorous fish, turtles, and herbivorous and carnivorous harvesters. In the
decomposer submodel nine compartments were selected: dissolved organic
matter, particulate organic matter, plant carcasses, animal carcasses, organic
sediment, nitrate and nitrite nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon dioxide, and dis-
solved oxygen. Together, the submodels treat 33 state variables. A connectivity
matrix for the state variables is shown in Figure 9.14. As indicated by the
authors, the model cannot be considered as having been validated. No time-
series data were at hand for comparison with model results. The model repre-
sents one extreme by giving a comprehensive mathematical description of the
Di Toro et al. (1975) developed a phytoplankton-zooplankton-nutrient
interaction model for western Lake Erie. They considered seven segments
and seven state variables: inorganic phosphorus, phytoplankton, nitrate
nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, organic nitrogen, zooplankton, and organic phos-
phorus. Thus the model has 49 compartments. The advective flows are
established primarily by the inflow of the Detroit River and its passage through
the Western Basin into the Central Basin (Figure 8.8, p. 311). In addition to
advective flow, it is necessary to assess the magnitude of mixing of the flow
between adjacent segments. This is accomplished by use of conservative tracer,
the chloride ion.
The Monod kinetic is used to express the rates of growth of phytoplankton
and zooplankton, while the transformations from organic nitrogen to ammonia
and from organic phosphorus to orthophosphate are described by first-order
temperature-dependent kinetics. The constants and their temperature-depen-
dences are found initially by the use of available laboratory experimental data
to set the probable ranges of constants (Di Toro et aI., 1971). Then detailed
comparisons are made between observed and computed data in order to fine-
tune the value (calibration).
The model was finally validated using a composite set of"data from the year
1930. This year was chosen for two reasons: (i) there is a significant data base
and (ii) the limnological conditions that existed in 1930 were far removed from
those in 1970. Reasonably good agreement with observed data resulted for all
systems. However, there was some discrepancy between the observed and the
predicted zooplankton concentrations.
Bierman (1976) constructed a 14-compartment model of inner Saginaw Bay
(Figure 9.15). The idea was to apply a spatially simplified version of the model,
which would be incorporated at a later stage in a spatially segmented version.
A unique feature of the model is that all growth is considered to be a two-step
process, involving separate nutrient uptake and all synthesis mechanisms. This
is in accordance with an increasingly large body of experimental evidence
indicating that the mechanisms of nutrient uptake and all growth are actually
quite distinct (Dugdale, 1967; Fuhs, 1969; Eppley and Thomas, 1969; Fuhs
et al., 1971; Caperon and Meyer, 1972a, b; Droop, 1973; Halmann and Stiller,
1974; Nyholm, 1975).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 1718 19 20 21 22 2324 2526 27 28 2930 31 32 33
1 0 0 00 00
2 0 0 00 00
3 0 0 00 00
4 0 00 00
5 0 00 00
6 0 00 00
70 00 0 00 00
8 0 00 00
9 0 00
100 0 0 0
1100 0 0 0
120 00 00 000 00 00 00 0 00 0
130 00 00 000 000 00 0 00 0
140 00 00 00 00 00 000 00 0 0
150 00 00 000 00 00 000 0 0 0
160 00 00 00 00 00 000 0 0
To 17 0
00 000 00 00 000 000 0
18 000 00 0 0
19 00 000 000
20 00 00 000
210 0 0 0
22 0 00 0 0 0
23 0 0 00 0
250 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000 0 0 0
26 •
••• •• •• 0 00 00 00 00 00
• • 0
28 00 00
29 00 0
300 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 000 00
•• 0
310 00 00 00 00 00 00
320 00 00 000 00 00 00 000 000 00 0
330 00 00 000
FIGURE 9.14 Connectivity matrix for the Lake Texoma Cove model. • indicates a
time-varying coefficient and 0 denotes a constant coefficient. There are 992 (32·32 - 32)
possible interactions, 335 are non-null. The compartments are; I, small phytoplankton; 2,
medium phytoplankton; 3, large phytoplankton; 4, blue-green algae; 5, floating algal mats;
6, attached algae; 7, aufwuchs; 8, submergent vascular plants: 9, emergent vascular plants;
10, small zooplankton; II, large zooplankton; 12, fish eggs and larvae; 13, fingerlings; 14,
filter-feeding fish; 15, bottom-feeding fish; 16, minnow-like fish; 17, carnivorous fish; 18,
turtles; 19, herbivorous vertebrate harvesters; 20, carnivorous vertebrate harvesters; 21,
suspension-feeding invertebrates; 22, deposit-feeding invertebrates; 23, invertebrate
predators; 24, invertebrate scavengers; 25, dissolved organic matter; 26, particulate
organic matter; 27, plant carcasses; 28, animal carcasses; 29, organic sediment; 30,
nitrate and nitrite nitrogen; 31, phosphorus; 32, carbon dioxide; 33, dissolved oxygen.
Higher predators
- - -- - - -- - - - ------------1
.-------.., i---------~:
Blue-green I Blue-green I I
algae (not I
I aIgae II
I L--..
Green algae
nitrogen- : (nitrogen- ::
fixing) I fixing) I :
L..- --' ~ JI
____ J
FIGURE 9.16 Principal constituents of the Lake Michigan food web model.
An identical approach is used for the nitrogen uptake. The state variable
equations of this model are given in the appendix.
One of the interesting features of the work of Bierman is that the model has
been used to examine which factors are significant for blue-green algae blooms.
It is often important to control the blooms, since these algae cause formation
of a blue-green foam on the water surface and produce toxic substances.
Freedom from grazing and lower sinking rates seem to be the most important
of the competitive advantages, although blue-green algae have a slower maxi-
mum growth rate than all other classes of algae. Relatively small differences in
sinking rates between blue-green algae and other classes showed a significant
effect. Furthermore, it seems essential that blue-green algae have a higher phos-
phorus uptake rate (approximately twice as high) and reach half-saturation at
significantly lower extracellular phosphorus concentrations than other phyto-
plankton classes.
Canale et al. (1976) used a complex food web model for Lake Michigan; the
food web is shown in Figure 9.16. The model distinguishes between raptors,
selective fiIterers, and nonselective fiIterers and uses different equations for the
feeding rates of the three classes of zooplankton. For raptors:
KFLM is the food level [M L - 3 J,
KMFM is the minimum filtering rate multiplier,
PHYT is the concentration of phytoplankton [M L - 3].
A formulation of the feeding mechanism of nonselective filterers is:
feeding rate = MYZMAX, J(T) L Cl' (9.16)
The nonselective filterers cannot lower their filtering rate when the plankton
content of filtered water increases. Therefore, they operate below maximum
possible efficiency. A simple but unconfirmed formulation suggested by Canale
et at. is:
, 'I'
aSSlml atlOn effi clency
' =
All N " c A24 A24 (9.17)
L.,prey 1 +
(9.21 )
The web of electivities incorporated into the lower food web model is shown in
Figure 9.17; Table 9.1 presents the state of the system.
The model applied by Canale et al. has 25 water quality variables and two
vertical layers. The model is calibrated, but cannot be considered validated.
Simulations were conducted with the calibrated model to examine its behavior
when phosphorus concentration and alewife predation became higher than
A multispecies model has also been developed by Ikeda et al. (1979). The
approach of parameter estimation in this model is interesting, as the main
objective of the model is confined to determining the parameter values that
generate a similar behavior of plankton dynamics rather than finding a best
fit to the observed data. This probably indicates the state of the art of multi-
species models: the model can be calibrated to obtain a similar behavior, but
most data sets are not sufficient in number and accuracy to allow a very good
fit between model and observed values.
J0rgensen (1976) applied a two-stage algal growth process in his lake model
and compared the results of this model with a model based upon general
Monod kinetics. It was concluded that the J0rgensen model gave a better
description of the system response to seasonal variation in nutrient loading
than the generally applied Monod kinetic. Another characteristic feature of
TABLE 9.1 The State of the System.
Description Classification
} filterers
Small diatoms
Large diatoms
Detrital nitrogen
Dissolved organic nitrogen
} Ni,mgoo
Detrital phosphorus Epilimnion
Dissolved organic phosphorus } Phosphorus nutrients
Dissolved inorganic phosphorus
Detrital silicon
} Silicon
Dissolved silicon
Total inaccessible nitrogen Nutrient mass held
Total inaccessible phosphorus in hypolimnion
Total inaccessi ble silicon } and sediments
the model is that it contains a more complex submodel for the exchange of
nutrient between sediment and water than was applied in the other models
mentioned. The model distinguishes between exchangeable and nonexchange-
able phosphorus and describes the release of phosphorus as a two-step process:
exchangeable interstitial orthophosphorus
---> ---> ,
phosphorus phosphorus in water phase
with different rate constants for aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Simulation of
reduced phosphorus loading demonstrated that the inclusion of this more com-
plex sediment submodel gives a more pronounced response than the use of a
simple first-order kinetic for phosphorus release, which is used in most models, if
the sediment is considered at all. This is not surprising as a substantial part ofthe
sediment phosphorus cannot be exchanged. The submodel used for nutrient
release is in accordance with comprehensive studies of these processes carried
out on sediment cores from several lakes (J0rgensen et al., 1975; Jacobsen and
J0rgensen, 1975; Kamp-Nielsen, 1975).
The J0rgensen model also considers denitrification. Its application to a
Swedish lake study (S6dra Bergundasj6n) required the modeling of nitrogen
fixation (Jorgensen et ai., 1981, 1982). The model, which is a one-layer model
with 17 state variables in the last version (Jorgensen, 1976), has been validated
in studies of two Danish lakes, Glumso So and Lyngby So, with good results. An
examination of several versions of the model is published in the same paper by
Jorgensen et al. (1978). It concludes that distinguishing between two classes
of zooplankton and the introduction of a biologically active layer on top of the
sediment are not important for the validation of the model, and that the use of
daily measured irradiance data rather than average values is essential. The
two models compared are shown in the appendix.
Richey (1977) developed a phosphorus model of Castle Lake, California.
The model includes the following state variables: dissolved inorganic P, dis-
solved organic P, phytoplankton P, bacterial P, zooplankton P, polyphosphate
P, detrital P, ferric P, and sediment P. The changes of processes in pools over
depth and time are considered. The distribution, formation of complexes, and
precipitation of phosphate species as functions of pH and iron concentration
are modeled by the following system of equations:
The model CLEANER (Scaviaand Park, 1975; Scavia et ai., 1976) was originally
applied to Lake George, but has been developed for application to a variety
of impoundments, including Sarasota Lake (Florida), Loch Leven (Tayside,
Scotland), several Scandinavian lakes, Lake Balaton (Hungary), and lakes in
Italy and Czechoslovakia. A new version of the model, MS CLEANER, includes
40 state variables and provisions for horizontal and vertical transport. It can be
applied to littoral, pelagic, and profundal zones. A typical solution for a strati-
fied reservoir with 34 state variables requires about 63 s of Univac Ill0 CPU
time for simulation of an annual cycle. The model seems to be applicable to
many case studies that require calibration of only a very limited number of
Nyholm (1978) developed an ecological model for shallow lakes, using
seven state variables: phytoplankton, phosphorus in phytoplankton, nitrogen
in phytoplankton, available phosphorus, available nitrogen, detrital phos-
phorus, and detrital nitrogen. The model does not include sediment nitrogen
BOD exertion Dissolved I Reaeration
~ oxygen
NH 4 oxidation
~ Benthic
N0 2 oxidation
Photosy.nthetic Algal
production respiration
Algal Algal uptake -'I
.. Anaerobic
Algal release
Algal uptake Light attenuation
N"mgee Zooplankton I Phosphorus Sediment
L release model I release I
FIGURE 9.18 Processes considered in the limnologicaJ model of Baca and Arnett (1976).
TABLE 9.2 Lake Model Characteristics.
Model Number of State Nutrients Number of Number of Constant Stoichiometries Calibrated (Cl Numberof
w Variables per Layer Considered Segments Dimensions (OJ (CSjor Independent and/or Case Studies
0\ or Segment or Layers (Ll Nutrient Cycle (NC) Validated (Vl in Literature
0.125 !\
~ 0.075
"0 •
• •
• •
0.025 c:i
• .0
...o.~OO"·~·D·. • •• cr'"
1.00 141.00 281.00 365.00
Time (days)
FIGU RE 9.19 Simulation of biomass in Ovrc Heimdalsvatn. Norway, 1972. The results
arc for predicted (0) and observed (.) phytoplankton and for predicted (D) and observed
(.) zooplankton (from Desormeau, 1978). Unpublished data are by courtesy ofP. Larsson.
were obtained after the calibration of two parameters only. For all other
parameters general values were applied.
"~_ (Xi _ Xi )2jx m ) 1/2
Y = L,I-l l m
n '
Xl being the predicted values of the model, X m the measured data, xm the mean
of the X m , and n the number of compared pairs of figures. Figures 9.20-9.24
illustrate the validation by comparison of predicted and measured values.
OJ 2.5
~ 2.0
.... -0,
Q. 1.0
f- 0.5
I 0.574 0.78
II 0.420 0.79
III 0.644 0.74
IV 0.768 0.63
'c -;,
g; :::J
_Q) 0...
:::J c.
- (f)
o 0
E 10
'c ;;P,
OJ 6
ai 5
'~ 4
fi5 3
g 2
:::J 1-
E 60
c:: 40
a.. 20
Figure 9.25. The data that are used for calibration should always be carefully
collected with a frequency corresponding to the dynamics of the calibrated
system or subsystem (Jorgensen, 1979; Jorgensen et al., 1981). Only little work
has been carried out to compare the results of different models, but it seems
more important to include a detailed description of the nutrient uptake by
phytoplankton and the sediment-water exchange of nutrient than to implement
details of the higher trophic levels (Jorgensen, 1976; Jorgensen et al., 1978;
Nyholm, 1978). Nevertheless, acceptable validation results were obtained by
several studies. This does not imply that the models can be used generally;
rather, they were selected properly to solve specific problems.
A determination of sufficient model complexity enters the modeling process
at two stages (Beck, 1978):
(1) during the initial stage, when the analyst must choose a certain level
of complexity before attempting to verify the model against field data;
(2) during the final phases, when the analyst must decide whether the model
has been verified and has sufficient complexity for its intended
Jl2Jfgensen and Mejer (1977) suggested the use of a quantitative index for the
selection of model complexity. The idea is to use a concept of sensitivity for
identifying the model structure. Basically it is an inverse "submodel sensitivity,"
called the ecological buffer capacity, which measures the influence (sensitivity)
that additional suggested submodels have on a particular state variable (e.g.
phytoplankton concentration for eutrophication models) to see whether any-
thing is changed by increasing the complexity.
Tapp (1978) examined and compared the use of simple and complex eutro-
phication models. He concluded that simple models can be used for first-
approximation analysis, but where data exist to establish a basis for a more
complex model these should be used. This conclusion is in accordance with
the state of the art (10rgensen, 1979).
Lake modeling has developed along two lines. The development from
CLEAN to CLEANER to MS CLEANER seems to aim at a general model
that can be used on any new case study after minor changes and a calibration
of only a few crucial parameters. The other development is to start with
knowledge of the lake ecosystem to construct a model that is balanced in
complexity. The experience gained from previous case studies is applied in
selecting the model for each new study. A general uncritical application of a
complex model seems dangerous, but if the models are used with some critical
sense and the necessary modifications and calibrations are carried out from
case to case, it seems a proper course to follow. Improvements will evidently
result from this development, as the experiences gained steadily are included
in the models.
However, our knowledge of ecosystem processes is limited and submodels
included in a complex model may be valid in one case study but give wrong
results in many others. This is avoided by using the other strategy, whereby
the characteristic features of the modeled ecosystem form the basis for a more
or less specific model, which will contain far fewer parameters and be more
certain in the sense that the model components are selected in accordance with
knowledge of the ecosystem. The amount of data required for calibration
of the general model seems to be higher than for the more specific model pro-
vided that the more general model is used critically, which implies that it must
be calibrated and to a certain extent validated. Blake and Gentil (1979) pub-
lished an interesting sensitivity analysis of a discrete lake model, and concluded
that a considerable amount of data is needed to calibrate a model for prediction
The conclusion of this discussion is that both approaches should be en-
couraged. Both developments will probably lead to a better understanding of
the lake ecosystem and to better predictive models with a wider applicability.
There are impoundment models available today that are able to give an
acceptable quantitative description of the eutrophication process. Except for
some special cases, where phosphorus (or nitrogen) is limiting and a more
simple model might be sufficient, it seems that a management model must in-
clude the main biogeochemical mass flows, including the sediment-water
exchange processes (J0rgensen and Mejer, 1977), as well as a reasonably ac-
curate hydrodynamic description. Furthermore, algae succession can be
described fairly accurately (Ahlgren 1973a,b; Bierman, 1976; Park et al.,
1979b), although more knowledge of parameter values for different algal
species or classes is desirable.
For each state variable the model equations are written in the form of a mass
balance differential equation:
rate of change of state variable = rate of change due to water circulation, Q
+ rate of change due to interactions in system volume, V
State variable equations
For each phytoplankton type, L, the rate of change of intracellular phosphorus
is given by:
dA(L) . PSA(L)
V dt = Q(ABD(L)· PSABD(L) . A(L)· PSA(L))
V -dt- = Q(PCMBD - PCM) - V f(T)f(I) ·0.322· 10- 4
- V. TOP ( RDCMp· T + DEPTH + WTOP. (A1.8)
The equations for TON and TOS are functionally identical to (A1.8).
Process rate equations
The specific growth rate of phytoplankton L, SPGR(L), is equal to the minimum
of the fo Howing three functions:
maximum growth rate· f(T)f(l){l - exp[ -0.693(P/PO - I)]},
maximum growth rate· f(T)f(l)· (N - NO)/(KNCELL + N - NO),
maximum growth rate· f(T)f(l)· SCM/(KSCM + SCM).
The rate of growth of zooplankton K is expressed by:
Miscellaneous functions
where e = 1.07 for diatoms, 1.08 for greens, and 1.10 for blue-greens.
0- Ia
ex - Is'
ke = 1.9jSecchi depth + 0.17· TCROP
= 0.633 + 0.17· TCROP,
Ia = 2000 foot-candles, Is is the irradiance at the surface, and the photoperiod
is 0.50.
is the phytoplankton concentration (mg dry wt 1- I),
ASINK is the phytoplankton sinking rate (m day- I),
BD is a suffix that refers to the boundary value of a particular
f(l), f(T) are the light intensity and temperature reduction
KNCELL is the intracellular half-saturation constant for nitrogen-
dependent growth (mol cell- I),
KSCM is the Michaelis constant for silicon-dependent growth
KZSAT(K,L) is the half-saturation concentration of phytoplankton
L for grazing by zooplankton K,
Naspec is the number of phytoplankton species,
Nzspec is the number of zooplankton species,
P, N are the moles of phosphorus and nitrogen per phyto-
plankton cell,
PCA, NCA are the intracellular phosphorus and nitrogen concen-
trations (mol 1- I(cell volume)-I),
PCM, NCM, SCM are the nutrient concentrations of phosphorus, nitrogen,
and silicon in solution (mol 1- I),
PSA, NSA are phosphorus and nitrogen storage in phytoplankton
cells (mol (mg dry wt) - I),
PKl, NKI are affinity constants for phosphorus and nitrogen
uptake mechanisms (I mol- I),
PO, NO are the minimum stoichiometric levels of phosphorus
and nitrogen per phytoplankton cell (mol cell-· I),
Q is the water circulation rate [L 3 day - I],
RlPM, RlNM are the maximum phosphorus and nitrogen uptake
rates (day-I),
RAEXC(L) is the rate at which phytoplankton L is excreted by zoo-
plankton (day-I),
RAGRZD(L) is the rate at which phytoplankton L is grazed (ingested)
by zooplankton (day - I),
RDCMP is the decomposition rate from unavailable to available
nutrient pools (day- I DC- I),
RLYS is the algal death rate [(day DC mg l-I)-IJ,
RZ is the zooplankton specific growth rate (day - I),
RZMAX is the zooplankton maximum ingestion rate (day-I),
RZPEX(K), are phosphorus, nitrogen, and silicon excreted by zoo-
RZNEX(K), plankton K to the unavailable nutrient poll
RZSEX(K) [mol(mg zooplankton)- I day- IJ,
SPGR is the phytoplankton specific growth rate (day-I),
SSA is the silicon stoichiometry for diatoms
[mol(mg dry wt)-IJ,
T is the temperature (DC),
TCROP is the total phytoplankton biomass (mg dry wt 1- I),
TOP, TON, TOS are the concentrations of unavailable phosphorus,
nitrogen, and silicon (mol 1- I),
TOSINK is the sinking rate of nonliving organic material
(m day-I),
V is the system volume,
WPCM, WNCM, are the external point loading rates of available phos-
WSCM phorus, nitrogen, and silicon (mol day- I),
WTOP, WTON, are the external point loading rates of unavailable
WTOS phosphorus, nitrogen, and silicon (mol day - I),
Z is the zooplankton concentration (mg dry wt 1- I),
ZASSIM is the zooplankton assimilation efficiency,
ZEFF(K, L) is the efficiency of zooplankton K in ingesting phyto-
plankton, L
ZDETH is the zooplankton death rate (day - I).
CI4 = NCR· L
(I - [aSSim~lation]
effiCiency z
)[eatin g] Cz + NCR.
rate z
rate z
CIS . L.p [reSPiration]
= NCR" I
oss p
+ NCR·
A " [reSPiration]
21· L. I
z oss z
+ A 18· TC I4
- A20· TC I 5 + LOAD IS
CI6 = NCR· (l - A21)· Lz [reSPiration]
I + A20· Tc A22· TC 16
lS -
oss z
ANH3 . CI 6 )"
- NCR· ( ANH3. C 6 + (I _ ANH3)C
I I7
[growth]p 7 + LOAD I6
+ LOAD 17
CI 9 = PCR· L [reSPiration]
I + A17· TC I8 - A19· TC I9 + LOAD I9
p oss p
C2S = A23· SINK(t)· C21 + SCR· L [ I . VOLEP
diatoms OSS p
+ LOAD 22 · VOLHY.
Model coefficients
Table I Zooplankton-Related Coefficients.
A 7Iept.-pol~'.
A7eye. } Maximum snatching rates at 20 c e } mg food-C
mg z-C day
A 7,ye. rt 2.6
A7diap.n 6.5
A7Iim.-ep. n
A 7d ,"p.
A 7Iim._ep.
} Maximum filtering rates at 20'T
mg z-C day
A 7d ,ph. 4.0
Filtering rates at 20 c C
A7ho~m.-hoh 3.5
Half-saturation food level for raptors } mg food-C 1- I
A9 Minimum filtering rate multiplier None 0.1
AIO Food level where multiplier is (I + A9)/2 mg food-C 1- 1 0.2
A 1"m.dialom~ 2.1
A Jlg.diatoms
A] bluc.greens
A 19rcens
} Maximum growth rates at 20 0
} day-l 2.0
ISsm,diatoms 225
ISlg. diatom ...
I S blue-greens
ISgree ns
} Optimum light intensities } Iy d,y , 225
A6 sm . diatom.. . 0.05
A6 1g . diaLOms
}Maximum sinking rates } d,y' 0.Q3
} Michaelis constants for phytoplankton growth} mg nutrient 1-
DEPTH Depth of eupbotic zone 20
A3 Respiration rate at 20°C for phytoplankton day-l 0.03
Table III Nutrient-Related Coefficients.
} Nutrient-to-carbon ratios } mg nutrient
Detrital nitrogen ---+ organic nitrogen
A20 Organic nitrogen ---+ ammonia 0.0012
A22 Ammonia ---+ nitrate 0.008
Al7 Detrital phosphorus ---+ organic phosphorus } d'Y'C' 0.01
Al9 Organic phosphorus ---+ inorganic phosphorus 0.01
AI6 Detrital silicon ---+ dissolved silicon 0.0015
General mass balance equation for abiotic substances:
respiration release
Phytoplankton (algae):
K +C KN +N Kp + P'
)12' C 2 = zooplankton.
A(JT-20 algae
III = 11 KA + algae'
MI = (J. + fJ· toxicity 112, O 2 = fish.
AIJT- 20 zooplankton
III = l1u
K z + zooplankton'
MI = (J. + fJ· toxicity 112' C 2 = harvest.
(4) Model by JeJrgensen
Table IV Equations, Modell!.
ex Extinction coefficient of m- I
0.27 0.27 Chen and Orlob
water (1975)
Specific extinction m2 g- I 0.18 0.18 Chen and Orlob
coefficien t of (1975)
C Concentration of mg I-I 100 100 Measurements
inorganic carbon
CORm:J' Maximum growth rate of day-l 2.3 2.53 Calibration
D Depth m 1.8 1.8 Measurements
DB Depth of biologically m 2.10- 3 Measurements
very active layer
DENIT Denitrification coefficient day-l 0.02 0.03 Nitrogen
DMU Dry matter in sediment 0.07 0.07 Measurements
FISH o Concentration of fish mg I-I 0.55 0.3 Calibration
KA Michaelis constant for mg 1-' 0.5 2.0 Chen and Orlob
zooplankton grazing on (1975)
KC Michaelis constant for mg I-I 0.5 0.5 Chen and Orlob
carbon uptake (1975)
KDN lo Decomposition rate of day-I 0.1 0.1 Calibration
detritus nitrogen at 10°C
KDP lo Decomposition rate of day-I 0.25 0.4 Calibration
detritus phosphorus at
KE 10 Decomposition rate of day-I 2.5· 10-· 2.2· 10- • Calibration
PE at 20 C
KL Michaelis constant for kcal m- 1 day-I 400 400 Gargas (1975)
KN Michaelis constant for mg 1-' 0.2 0.2 Lehman el at.
nitrogen uptake (1975), Chen
and Orlob (1975)
KP Michaelis constant for mg 1- 1 0.02 0.02 Lehman el at.
phosphorus uptake (1975), Chen
and Orlob (1975)
KREL Rate constant for release day- I 0.0040 0.0040 Jacobson and
of nitrogen Jorgensen (1975)
KS Theshold zooplankton mg I-I 0.75 0.75 Steele (1974)
KZ Michaelis constant for fish mg I-I 0.35 0.35 Calibration
feeding on zooplankton
LUL Unstable layer of sediment m 0.1 0.1 Measurements
OS LUL· (I - DMU) m
MA Mortality of day -I 0.09 Calibration
phytoplankton (continued over)
Table V (conrinued)
PS is the concentration of inorganic phosphorus,
PO is the concentration of organic phosphorus,
PE is the concentration of inorganic phosphorus in sediment,
P is the phytoplankton concentration,
are yield coefficients,
is the net phytoplankton growth rate,
Dp is the phytoplankton death rate,
Cg is the zooplankton grazing rate,
Rz is the zooplankton respiration rate,
/ I is the sediment uptake rate,
/2 is the organic phosphorus decay rate,
/3 is the sediment release rate,
/4 is the sediment trapping rate,
Z is the zooplankton concentration.
The terms in braces apply to the hypolimnion and the term in square brackets
designates processes that depend on anaerobic conditions.
For the nitrogen submodel, the equations are:
-:1- -JIC l - PGpA npc C + J 4 C4 + {JsCd,
ut I + 3
ammonia phytoplankton organic anaerobic
oxidation uptake nitrogen sedimenl
recycled release
ammonia nitrite
oxidation oxidation
- PGpA np C C
I + 3
nitrite phytoplankton anaerobic
oxidation uptake denitrification
RzZA nz
organic recycled from recycled from sediment
decay dead phytoplankton zooplankton uptake
CI is the ammonia nitrogen concentration,
C2 is the nitrite nitrogen concentration,
C3 is the nitrate nitrogen concentration,
C4 is the organic nitrogen concentration,
Cs is the sediment nitrogen concentration,
JI is the ammonia oxidation rate,
J2 is the nitrite oxidation rate,
J3 is the denitrification rate,
J4 is the organic nitrogen decay rate,
Js is the sediment nitrogen decay rate,
J6 is the sediment uptake rate,
Anp , A nz are the nitrogen: carbon ratios for phytoplankton and zooplankton.
In these formulations the rates of phytoplankton uptake of ammonia (C I) and
nitrate (C 3 ) are governed by their relative concentrations in the water column.
Denitrification and release of nitrogen (ammonia) from the sediment depend
on the existence of anaerobic conditions.
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S. E. Jorgensen
The few models in use can be divided into three classes.
I. Food chain or food web models, similar to the eutrophication models
presented in Chapter 9, with additional state variables to describe
the concentrations of toxic substances, such as compartment models,
provide great flexibility and incorporate reasonably complicated
food webs. However, such models often become unwieldy and require
comprehensive sets of data for their calibration and validation. If
there are m ecological variables (or components) at n spatial locations,
and if we consider p toxic substances, then there are mnp equations
(differential or algebraic) to be solved. Thousands of equations can
easily result.
II. Other modeling approaches attempt to simplify the procedure. Such
models require less data and can be applied more generally, but are
less accurate or give less information. Often, for instance, the model
does not describe seasonal variations. However, this is not significant
when the model is used as a management tool, as the relevant problem
most often is to map the worst-case situation.
III. The simplifications are determined by the scope of the model. A
typical environmental management problem is the relation between
the amount of toxic substance discharged and the concentration in fish.
A model focusing on this problem does not need to include all trophic
levels, but it might be possible to solve the problem by setting up a
model for the concentration of a toxic compound in fish and con-
sidering only the processes shown in Figure 10.1.
The three classes of model are surveyed in section 10.3, and their advantages and
disadvantages discussed.
Concentration factor
Feed -.:::---t- for next
digested Mortality Excretion
FIGURE 10.1 Modeling the concentration of a toxic substance in a trophic level.
The model should predict a concentration or level of toxic compound in
water, fish, phytoplankton, etc. that can be related to the effect, such as in-
creased mortality or decreased growth rate. Since both the model and our
knowledge of effects of toxic compounds are uncertain it is necessary to apply
high safety factors for the assessment of water quality criteria. The relation
ofthis type of model to other ecological models was mentioned in section 4.2.10,
where the modification of mortality and growth rate by toxic substances was
The processes are included in the total models. This section contains some
general ideas about these processes and the parameters used to describe them.
Detailed information is available for a limited number of toxic compounds
(J0rgensen, 1979b); when it is not obtainable, general rules have to be used.
• Air
~ Convective transport
'+:< C si :
....~c Liquid film ~ Gas film
C 1 _1.,_ _-,,::
o : (51 (59 I
1 1
FIG U RE 10.2 The two-film model of volatilization from the surface of a water body,
where He and H are Henry's law constants expressed in moles and as a mole
fraction, respectively:
He = 1.8·10;-3 H. (10.3)
Ns = R; (PSi - P s), ( lOA)
where K~ is the gas film mass transfer coefficient (m h - 1). By continuing this
equation, we obtain
v -
- A(l
V K S+
RT)-l '
K~ is the overall transfer coefficient (h - 1),
A is the interfacial area (m 2 ),
V is the liquid volume (m 3 ),
T is the temperature eq.
A similar equation can be used for oxygen transport. We assume that
K) = b;' (10.6)
where S indicates the toxic substance and 0 oxygen. If data on the diffusion
coefficients or molecular diameter for the component are not obtainable, the
molecular diameter can be estimated from the critical volume v., , since
nd 3 v., v.,
6 = 2N or 3N' (10.9)
where N is the Avogadro number; the molecular diameter for oxygen, dO, is
0.298 nm.
H~ can be estimated from solubility and vapor pressure:
HS=~ (10.10)
c Swo'
where P s is the vapor pressure ofS in pure form and Swo is the solubility in water.
When data for the considered component are not available, data for a related
component can be used.
10.2.3. Sorption
Sorption of toxic components on to suspended matter, sediment, and biota is a
very important process. Available data might fit either the Langmuir or
Freundlich adsorption isotherms. The latter are more generally used (Smith
et al., 1977; and for heavy metals, Reimer and Krenkel, 1973):
Ss is the weight of the component sorbed per gram of sorbent,
Sw is the weight in each liter or milliliter of solution,
K, n are constants.
10 6
10 4
10 2
10- 8 10- 6
Solubility (g ml- )
FIGURE 10.3 Partition coefficient plotted against solubility of Coyote Creek sediments
(K p • 0 measured) and of a mixed population of bacteria (K b .... measured).
10.2.5. Photolysis
Photochemical transformation is a significant process for many toxic com-
ponents (Wolfe et al., 1976; Zepp et al., 1977). The rate of absorption of light,
I., by a chemical is determined from
10.2.6. Hydrolysis
Hydrolysis of organic compounds usually results in the introduction of a
hydroxyl (-OH) group:
RX + H 20 -----+ ROH + HX. (10.14)
S is the concentration of substrate,
P is the specific growth rate,
Y is the cell yield,
X is the biomass per unit volume,
Ks is the half-saturation constant.
where the clearance coefficient kcl depends mainly on the type of toxic substance,
and f is a constant between -0.2 and -0.8. All the parameters mentioned
above are dependent upon temperature and oxygen concentration (Jorgensen,
Since many parameters are required in this submodel to represent the great
number of toxic and biotic substances, some parameter generalization would be
very useful where the parameters are not available. For ef , an average value of
0.67 can generally be used; epf and e pw are highly dependent on the toxic sub-
stance, but only slightly dependent on the biota. The growth rate and metabolic
rate per unit weight can be found as functions of weight from Figures 10.4 and
10.5 if there is a lack of data.
The excretion rate as a function of length often follows the metabolic rate,
which is confirmed by Thomann (1978) for polychlorobiphenyl (PCB)
(Figure 10.6) and by Jorgensen (1979a) for cadmium (Figure 10.7). There seems,
furthermore, to be a proportional relationship between kc1 and water solubility,
although the amount of statistical material to support this observation is not
yet sufficiently large to allow generalization.
Cl -4
-12 -8 -4 4 8
Ig W
FIGU RE lOA The relationship between the intrinsic rate of natural growth (cal g- 1 h - 1)
and weight (g) for various organisms.
• ~ Unicellular
.""".... ...
... ~ ...
Cl 0 .. ':~ Heterotherms
, , Homeotherms
-2 ,
0', ,
-16 -12 -8 -4 0
Ig W
FIGURE 10.5 The relationship between metabolic rate r (day- 1) and weight (g) for
various organisms.
FIGURE 10.7 Rate of excretion of cadmium (day - 1) plotted against the length of
various organisms. I, man; 2, mice; 3, dogs; 4, oysters; 5, clams; 6, phytoplankton.
TABLE 10.2 Major Soluble Metal Species in Interfacial Seawater from Equilibrium Calculations.
Trace En vironmental Assumed Solubility Major Soluble Complex (at pH 7.5)
Metal Condition Controlling Product K,p
Solid (In pK,p)" Major Species Formation Percentage of Total
Constant Soluble Concentration
fJ (In Ii)'
Cd(lI) Oxidizing CdCO, 13.59 CdCI+ 2.69 56.5
CdCI~ 2.69 15.2
CdCl,i- 2.91 10.0
.j::>. CdCl6-
0 2.25 9.1
0"- CdCl] 2.78 9.0
Cd(ll) Reducing CdS 26.96 Cd(HS)~ 15.21 97.2
Cd(HS), 17.09 2.2
Cd(HS),i- 19.26 0.1
Cd(HS)+ 7.94 <0.1
CdCI+ 2.69 <0.1
CrOll) Reducing Cr(OHh 33.52 Cr(OH). 33.12 90.2
Cr(OHj; 19.15 9.2
Cr(OH)2+ 10.63 0.1
Cr(citric acid)" - 5.55· <0.1
Cr(serine)2 + 8.79 <0.1
Cu(lI) Oxidizing CU2CO,(OH)2 33.16 Cu[B(OH)4J~ 12.55 33.6
CuCO'i 6.77 30.1
Cu[B(OH)4J + 7.13 27.7
CuC!+ 1.58 4.6
Cu(CO,)~- 10.01 3.1
Cu(lI) Reducing CuS 36.38 Cu(HS), -4.40· 99.4
CuS(HSW -4.40· 0.5
Cu(histidine) + 1l.71 <0.1
Cu(histidine)~ 19.73 <0.1
Cu[B(OH)4J~ 12.55 <0.1
Fe(III) Oxidizing Fe(OHh 39.29 Fe(OH). 35.29 97.1
Fe(citric acid)- 28.14 1.5
Fe(OH){ 20.37 1.2
Fe(p-OH benzoic acid) + 15.2 <0.1
Fe[B(OH),E 15.6 <0.1
Fe(II) Reducing FeS 16.90 Fe(citric acid)2. 18.64 86.6
FeHPO~ 7.03 9.0
Fez; 2.4
FeCI; 0.38 0.9
FeCI~ 0.81 0.7
Hg(II) Oxidizing HgCl z 15.10 HgCll+ 15.6 80.4
HgO 26.24" HgCI; 14.8 15.4
HgCI~ 13.9 4.1
Hg(OH)~ 22.4 <0.1
HgCIBrO 2.01" <0.1
Hg(ll) Reducing HgS 53.89 HgS~- 0.57" 98.5
0 Hg(cysteine)o 46.2 1.2
-.l -3.70"
HgS(HS)~- 0.2
Hg(HS); -3.50" <0.1
HgS(HzS)~ -4.25" <0.1
Mn(Il) Oxidizing Mn(OH)z 12.19 MnCl-t 1.06 38.1
MnC0 3 9.20 MnCI~ 1.52 34.0
MnO z 0.92" Mn H 17.2
MnCI; 1.11 7.4
MnHCO; 1.8 2.1
Mn(II) Reducing MnCI+ 1.08 38.2
MnC0 3 9.20 MnCI~ 1.52 34.1
MnS (pink) 9.70 Mn z + 17.2
MnS (precipitate) 15.70 MnCI; 1. II 7.4
MnHCO; 1.8 1.7
Ni(II) Oxidizing NiC0 3 8.2 NiH 47.0
Ni(OH}z 14.81 NiCI+ 0.72 38.4
(fresh) NiCI~ 0.70 10.0
Ni(OH)z 17.31 NiSO~ 2.18 4.2
(aged) Ni(OH)+ 4.70 0.3
Ni(II) Reducing NiS(tl) 18.5 Ni(cysteine)" 10.48 99.0
NiS(i') 25.7 Ni(tyrosine)~ 10.36" <0.1
Ni(histidinet 9.79 <0.1
Ni(hjstidine)~ 17.76 <0.1
NiH <0.1
(conrilllled over)
TABLE 10.2 (continued)
Cation Ligand
If data are lacking, typical seawater concentrations for ligands might be used
(Table 10.3). Furthermore, these calculations can be used under oxidizing
conditions for Zn and Cr, while further examination is necessary for other
metals under these conditions to find the equilibrium description, as sorption
phenomena constitute a major factor. Lu and Chen (1977) considered only
seawater, but other ligand formations may playa role for other aquatic eco-
systems. Other possible complex formations are listed in Table 10.4.
10.3. MODELS
+ H+
CE ~-- CEH+ K1
CE + P ~
CEH+ + H+ CEH~+ K2 (10.25)
CEH+ + P ~-- CEH-P K st
CEH~+ + P ~ CEH 2 -P K S2
An algebraic equation can be written to represent equilibrium con-
ditions for each reaction. An equation representing conservation of
mass is also used, so that an algebraic computation for the six forms
is possible. One convenient form for computation is the expression of
each state as a fraction of the total chemical present; e.g., the expression
for the unionized fraction lX o is
IX O = 1 + Ks[P] + K1[H+] + K1Ks1[H+][P] + K 1K 2[H+]2
+ K 1 K 2K s2 [H+]2[P], (10.26)
and so on for the other five fractions. Most chemicals do not present as
difficult a problem as the one in the example. The importance of
computing the ionized species is that kinetic reactions vary with species.
Processes A to G contain explicit, quantifiable reference to the environ-
ment, such as pH, concentration of suspended matter, microbial
activity, water velocity, dispersive mixing, and geometry of the water
(H) Interaction between the biota and the environment must also be
considered. Generally, the models are structured in trophic levels 2-4,
but it is also possible to consider a food web.
The processes determining the concentrations of toxic substances
in an organism are shown in Figure 10.1. The organisms ~ake up
toxic substances through feed and directly from the water. The first
process is described as Jlmaxf(temp)' YT· j(feed), where Jlmax is the
maximum growth rate, j(temp) is a temperature function, YT is the
utility coefficient for the toxic compound in feed, and j(feed) represents
the concentration of feed. j(temp) and j(feed) were described in
detail in Chapter 4. YT is strongly dependent on the toxic component.
10.3.2. Simplifications
As mentioned in the introduction, the models described above are unwieldy
and can only be calibrated and validated against comprehensive sets of data,
which are available only in few cases. Consequently, a management model needs
a higher degree of simplicity, in one way or another.
Thomann (1978) reduced the number of equations by discretizing ecological
space. He considered the trophic position as one-dimensional:
where ljJ is measured in milligrams of toxicant per liter and per unit length of
organism, S is in milligrams of toxicant per liter, L is the trophic length, and I is
time. This modeling approach uses up to three spatial dimensions plus one for
the ecological dimension. The governing equation for ljJ in a completely mixed
water volume is
V dC
d = W - QC pw - ,1,VC pw + V foo K(L)ljJ dC pw - ve pw fookJL)m(L)dL.
t L, L1
'( ) _ TOX'(n)· BIO(n) - BIO'(n) . TOX(n)
y n - (BIO(n»2 '
we have
~ = MY(n)(y(n - 1)· YT(n) - y(n)· YF(n»
where rat(O) is the mass ratio of suspended matter that has settled to
active sediment and rat(1) the mass ratio of settled phytoplankton
to active sediment, based upon dry matter. BIOL is the amount of
dry matter in the sediment. It is not constant, since the organic
matter decomposes at a rate dependent on the composition of the
sediment and the temperature. SOL is the rate at which the toxic
compound dissolves. The expression for SOL depends on the
equilibrium equation relating y(s) to y(i). Finally, y(i) and TOX(O)
must be related by a diffusion expression. However, the submodel
for the water-sediment exchange of toxic substances requires further
studies before a satisfactory description of the processes in the sedi-
ment can be set up.
(1) Roach and pike are recruited to the model at an age of one year with a
prescribed body burden of methyl mercury (MM). At a prescribed age
the fate of the fish is no longer taken into account.
(2) Methyl mercury is gained via food according to:
fOOd) . (concentration) . ( assimilation ),
( intake of MM in food efficiency of MM
and via respired water according to:
Food intake and volume of respired water are in turn calculated from
body weight and growth rate according to Winberg (1960).
(3) MM is lost by excretion, which is assumed proportional to body burden
and specific metabolic rate.
(4) All metabolic rates are adjusted with respect to temperature.
(5) A pike is assumed to have a maximum and a minimum length of prey
and both are linear functions of the length of the pike (Domanewski,
1962; Lawler, 1965). The optimum length is assumed to be the arith-
metic mean of the two limiting lengths and the frequency distribution
of prey is assumed normal, with the interval between maximum and
minimum lengths equaling four standard deviations. Superimposed on
this preference function is the survival function of the prey, so the final
sampling function is skewed. A prescribed fraction of the prey is
assumed to be pike, i.e. a certain amount of cannibalism is presupposed.
(6) The driving force for the model is the growth of the fish. Parameters for
both growth and survival are treated as constants, i.e. stable size and age
distributions are assumed. Deviations from this situation can be brought
about by letting the parameters be, for example, time-dependent,
temperature-dependent, or affected by feedback from the MM con-
It was concluded that the model is able to mimic the static picture that is
common in nature: (a) MM concentrations in fish increase with age; and
(b) MM concentrations in predatory species exceed those in prey species by a
factor of 2-5.
Aoyama et al. (1978) set up a model for predicting heavy metal concentrations
in fish. The model considers the concentration factor (water/fish), the excretion
rate, and bioaccumulation through the food chain. The model has been calibrated
and validated; laboratory data were applied, with good results.
Leung (1978) developed a model of accumulation of pesticides in fish.
This model considers that the following processes increase the concentration of
pesticides in fish: (a) uptake associated with prey, which is ingested, (b) pesticide
entering through gills, and (c) pesticide adsorbed on to the body. The model
contains the following processes that decrease the concentration: (1) defecation
of pesticide, (2) excretion of pesticide, (3) loss due to release of products, (4)
transformation to a daughter product, (5) loss due to ingestion of fish by higher
predators, and (6) loss due to nonpredatory death. The model has been applied
successfully for DDT and methoxychlor.
Seip (1978) modeled the uptake of heavy metals by algae. The basis of his
model is the following equation for the amount of zinc, Zi' accumulated in age
class i during the time interval ~t:
where C1 is the initial concentration of the heavy metal in algae. Data from
literature and from observations at a polluted and an almost unpolluted locality
were used in parameterization. The model was used to predict concentration
factors along a natural gradient of zinc concentrations in a Norwegian fjord.
The calculated values were in good agreement with observations.
Orlob et al. (1980) developed a model to simulate the fate of copper in a
marine environment. The model is based on the fact that the ionic form has the
toxic effect. As little as 10 /lg 1- I or even less of ionic copper has sublethal
effects on sensitive marine biota. Consequently, the model includes a quantitative
description of the processes that determine the concentration of ionic copper:
(1) formation of copper ion complexes, (2) adsorption of ionic copper on sus-
pended matter, and (3) adsorption of complexed copper on suspended matter.
The three forms, ionic copper, adsorbed copper, and complexed copper, are in
an equilibrium described by three equations.
A model developed for description of the chromium distribution in a Danish
firth (Mogensen, 1979) also demonstrates the use of simplifications based on a
knowledge of the actual processes in the ecosystem. Since Cr(IlI) has a very
low solubility, most of the chromium is accumulated in the sediment. The
model is able to describe the distribution of chromium in the water on the basis
ofthe analysis of several sediment cores. This pattern ofdistribution can again be
used to relate the discharge of chromium to the seqiment as a function of the
distance to the point ofdischarge (Mogensen and Jergensen, 1979). The accumu-
lations of chromium in algae and in benthic animals were included in the model;
other biological processes with chromium were considered insignificant.
Lam and Simons (1976) applied a model oflead nitrate spill to Lake Ontario,
using an approach similar to the two mentioned above. They represent the
free ion concentration, the concentration of precipitated lead, and the ability
of water to precipitate lead by state variables. The distribution is described by
means of a hydrodynamic model. The concentration of free lead ions is related to
the toxicities of algae, invertebrates, and fish.
Gromiec and Gloyna (1973) considered the transport of radionuclides in
water. The governing equation is the same as that used by Mogensen and
Jergensen (1979):
OC = E a c _ U ac
I. ;; K i( G(C) - C I ), (10.45)
ot ox 2
ax i= I
The first two terms defined mixing characteristics and dilution, and the third
term covers uptake and release by various aquatic surfaces. This approach
excludes chemical processes such as those mentioned in points A to E and G and
simplifies the processes F and H. These simplifications are often allowed in
transport models of heavy metals, since the governing processes for heavy
metals are sorption on plants, including algae, on suspended matter, and on
sediment. Gromiec and Gloyna demonstrated how such a model can be applied
to the transport of radionuclides. A laboratory investigation of the sorption
processes is used as the basis for parameter estimation. However, generally a
degree of knowledge of the release of heavy metals from the sediment seems
necessary, since a substantial part of the heavy metals will accumulate in the
The case studies by Gromiec and Gloyna and by Mogensen and J0rgensen
can be used to predict concentrations in the considered species but can be
included as submodels in total models as well. No case was studied by the use
of two or more models, so no result of comparison is available. However, from
the survey of the three classes of model it is apparent that the more compre-
hensive models, class I, will often require so much data and such detailed
knowledge of the individual processes in the environment that this type of
model will very often be omitted because of limited resources.
Whether class II or class III models should be selected for a given problem
cannot be answered generally. If the problem is limited to one trophic level, or
to one species or group of species, a class III model will suffice and will give
more details too, while a problem that requires the entire ecosystem to be
considered demands a class II model.
We are today able to model the distribution and effect of only a small number of
the overwhelmingly many compounds that have or might have impact on the
environment. Workable models have been set up for some pesticides (DDT,
methoxychlor), PCB, and some heavy metals (mercury, lead, and chromium).
The models are able to describe discharge in the worst situation with acceptable
accuracy. The concentrations of toxic substances in fish and the food chain
accumulation can also be predicted fairly well. In other words, models of
toxic substances can be used as management tools for a limited number of
compounds, although some of the processes are not known in sufficient detail.
However, research has intensified during the last few years, so that more
knowledge has been gained about increasing numbers of compounds and
processes, as well as the parameters used to describe them.
Although a general model cannot be developed for all compounds, more
research must be devoted to general principles, if the task of modeling the
distribution and effects of the more important toxic substances is not to be
insuperable. This chapter has demonstrated some basic procedures, but more
experience in the application of models of toxic substances is required before
we can develop models for classes of components (the same type of equation
for all components, but with different parameters that depend on physico-
chemical data, such as solubility). It is not too optimistic to expect that this point
will soon be reached, but simultaneous efforts in the development of total
models and research into the individual processes are needed.
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A interfacial area
a,b constants (adsorption isotherm)
(C t) C A (initial) concentration of heavy metal in algae
Cpf concentration of pollutant in food
C pw concentration of pollutant in water
Cs concentration in the liquid phase
C Si concentration at interface
Cw concentration of heavy metal in water
CAD concentration of adsorbed component
COMP concentration of component
dO diameter of oxygen molecule
DS, D, DO molecular diffusion coefficients
ef correction for fecal and nonfecal losses
epf efficiency of pollutant uptake from food
epw efficiency of pollutant uptake from water
E eddy diffusion coefficient
G(C) decay, a function of concentration
H, He Henry's law constants
1 ionic strength
1. rate of light absorption
1;, intensity of light
kc1 clearance coefficient
ke rate constant for excretion
ko rate constant for oxidation
k ph rate constant for photolysis
k, rate constant for volatilization
KS gas film mass transfer coefficient
K~1 liquid film mass transfer coefficient
Ks half-saturation constant
K,S overall film mass transfer coefficient
L trophic length
[M] activity of microbiota
MY(n) growth rate coefficient
n constant
N Avogadro number
N; biomass of age class i
Ns transportation rate
Ps vapor pressure of S
PSi partial pressure at interface
Q uptake from water
R ingestion rate
RESP respiration rate
S concentration of chemical or substrate S
Sj secretion rate
S. weight of component sorbed per unit of sorbent
Sw concentration in aqueous solution
Swo solubility in water
TC toxic compound concentration
uptake rate in age class i
flow velocity
rate of uptake from water
microbial biodegradation rate
critical volume
excretion rate
rate of hydrolysis
rate of oxidation
rate of photolysis
rate of volatilization
x distance
X biomass per unit volume
Y cell yield
YF efficiency for uptake of food
YT utility coefficient
Zi amount of heavy metal (zinc) in age class i taken up during time
interval fl.1
thickness of gas film
thickness of liquid film
molecular extinction coefficient
biodegradation rate (growth rate)
quantum yield
mass of toxicant per liter and per unit length of organism.
11 Sensitivity Analysis, Calibration,
and Validation
M. B. Beck
In Chapter 2 a procedure for modeling was introduced. The chapter showed that
the modeling procedure divided essentially into two parts: first, the development
of a model from existing general theory and basic principles; and then the
evaluation ofthe model against observations ofthe behavior of the field system.
Throughout the intervening chapters of the book much has been said about
model development, but there has been little discussion of model evaluation.
The objectives ofthis chapter are to expand upon some of the topics introduced
in Chapter 2, for example, sensitivity analysis, calibration, and validation, and
thus to complete the discussion of model development with a discussion of
model evaluation. This chapter, therefore, is strongly methodological in content.
However, it is difficult to discuss model calibration, for instance, in the absence
of experimental data, and the value of any method is best judged by its applica-
tion in practice. Accordingly, we shall use illustrative case studies to support
the principal themes of the chapter.
Section 11.2 deals with (a priori) sensitivity analysis; it resumes the discussion
of section 2.4.1 of Chapter 2. The mathematical treatment of section 11.2 is
introduced using the Streeter-Phelps model of BOD-DO interaction and then
followed by a case study of a more complex model for stream quality of the
Berkel River in the Netherlands (van Straten and de Boer, 1979). Sensitivity
analysis can, of course, be carried out without the constraints of having to use
field observations. In that sense, as indicated in Chapter 2, it may technically
belong to the a priori phase of the modeling procedure. Section 11.3 examines
the problem of model calibration, which covers the individual subproblems of
model structure identification, parameter estimation, and verification (see
section 2.6). This section provides a review of previous applications of parameter
estimation algorithms in water quality modeling. It also discusses briefly the
development of one particular estimation algorithm, the extended Kalman
filter (EKF) (see, for example, Jazwinski, 1970), and gives two examples of the
use ofthis algorithm: for the River Cam in England (Beck and Young, 1976) and
for the Jordan River, Utah, USA (Bowles and Grenney, 1978a,b). Section 11.4
deals with model validation, using a case study of Lyngby Lake in Denmark to
illustrate the long-term prediction of the response of a lake to substantially
changed nutrient loading conditions (Jorgensen et al., 1978).
. K ) ~ [oc(r; K l ) ]
s( r, 1 oK _. (11.4)
1 K,
The notation [. ]KI represents evaluation of the partial derivative at the point
K 1 = K I; thus this derivative is clearly the .. instantaneous" gradient of the
solution c with respect to K I' to which gradient L\clL\K 1 would be an approxi-
mation-compare, therefore, (11.1) and (11.4). The significance of (11.3) is
that it shows how the family of solutions c(r; K I) in the neighborhood of the
reference solution may be quickly computed once the sensitivity coefficient of
(11.4) is known. Partly for this reason we wish to obtain an expression for
generating s(r; K I)'
If we differentiate the model relationship of (11.2) with respect to K 1 and
evaluate the result for K 1 = K I' then
where the initial condition for this equation has been derived from (11.4) and
the analytical solution of(11.2). We have, therefore, a differential equation whose
solution provides the variations of the sensitivity coefficient with respect to the
independent variable for a chosen nominal reference value of the parameter,
i.e. K I. We shall discuss later why this might be important.
To complete the picture, however, it is also possible, given a small change
Llco in the initial condition of (11.2), to obtain likewise a differential equation for
an associated sensitivity coefficient, namely
ds(,; co) - _
d, = - K 1 s(,; co); s(O; co) = 1, (11. 7)
in which, once again, the initial condition is derived through differentiation of the
analytical solution to (11.2).
Inspection of (11.7) shows that the sensitivity of the model response (i.e. the
BOD along the river) to changes in the upstream BOD decays exponentially
as " the time of travel, increases. In other words, as expected, for points very
distant from the reference point (of discharge) the equilibrium BOD is essentially
independent of the in-stream BOD at the reference point. The parameter
sensitivity function of (11.6) is rather more interesting. Figure 11.1 shows the
evolution of this equation for a nominal BOD decay rate coefficient ([(1) of
0.3 day-1 and a BOD at the reference point ('D) of 10.0 g m- 3. The sensitivity
coefficient is always negative-an increase in BOD decay rate coefficient
decreases the remaining BOD-and shows a peak negative value. The minimum
is the result of a balance between two opposing effects: (i) a change in K 1 has a
greater effect on the remaining BOD, the more the BOD has decayed, i.e. at
points further from the reference point; (ii) a change in K 1has a relatively greater
effect, the higher the absolute value of BOD, i.e. at points close to the reference
point. We may say that the model response is most sensitive to the chosen value
of K 1at, = 3 (days); alternatively, when, = 1 (day) a change of +0.05 (day-1)
in K 1, i.e. K 1 = 0.35 (day- 1), would lead to an approximate change of -0.37
(g m - 3) in the remaining BOD at that location (from eqn. 11.3). However,
with n state variables and q parameters, the equation for the sensitivity Si/1:)
of state Ci to parameter f3j is
is an n-element column vector. Hence, for models more complex than the simple
example of eqn. 11.2, eqn. 11.11 gives the simultaneous solution for the sensitivity
of each state variable equation to changes in the value of [3j'
Eykhoff (1974), quoting Meissinger (1960), lists several further possible
applications of parameter sensitivity functions. One of these applications,
specifically based on the interpretation of the sensitivity coefficient as a gradient,
and implicitly as the gradiellt of a model error function with respect to a param-
eter value, will become important later when we discuss algorithms for parameter
estimation in section 11.3. In section 2.4.1 the notion of parameter idelltifiability
was introduced in relation to the insensitivity of the model responses to the
assumed parameter values. When one is working with large, complex models,
in which it is not necessarily self-evident how each parameter affects each state
variable response, sensitivity analysis may yield important insights into the
properties of the model and into the likelihood of successful model calibration.
'Qi 0.8
I 0.4
OJ 0.0
t: -0.8
0 0 48 72
Time of travel (h)
FIGURE 11.2 Solutions of the sensitivity functions of eqn. 11.11 for the Berkel River
model (adapted from van Straten and de Boer, 1979). The curves represent (for a given
time of travel, r) the change in algal concentration for: A, a 10 % increase in the value of
the algal growth rate coefficient; B, a 10 0<, increase in the value of the light extinction
Cl 0.0 I""----~
o 48 72
FIGURE 11.3 Solutions of the sensitivity functions of eqn. 11.11 for the Berkel River
model (adapted from van Straten and de Boer, 1979). The curves represent (for a given
time of travel, r) the change in carbonaceous BOD for: A, a 10 % increase in the value of the
algal death rate coefficient; B, a 10/0 increase in the value of the carbonaceous BOD decay
rate coefficient.
Process +
Measured Measured
inputs d (r) States c(r) outputs cOl r)
Parameters PI r)
Here superscript i denotes the revised parameter estimates at the end of the ith
iteration; A is a positive scalar step length, VI\(J) denotes a vector of gradients of
the loss function J with respect to the parameters p, and 'I' is a matrix of co-
efficients to be determined. It is not always necessary to solve the problem
numerically. For instance, some models may have a form that, when substituted
into the error function (11.15), allows differentiation of J with respect to the
parameters to yield explicit analytical solutions for the best estimates. It may
also be observed from (11.18) that when VI\(J) = 0, W= w-
1; in other words, the
Iterative numerical algorithm has converged on the set of parameter estimates
that minimizes the error function.
Without going into the extensive field of methods for finding the extremum
of a function, i.e. optimization, we may note from (11.18) that in implementing
an off-line estimation algorithm the following three factors require consideration.
(i) There is the determination of the gradients VI\(J) and, most probably,
the computation of numerical approximations thereof. If we look at the
form of J in (11.15), and thence recall (11.14), we can see how the
gradients required for (11.18) will be dependent upon the sensitivity
of the model responses C"{P} to the parameter values. More specifically,
J is a function of the errors £, which are a function o( the estimated
output responses eo, which in turn are a function ofthe state estimates e.
Differentiation of J with respect to therefore, implies differentiation
of c, the state vector, with respect to p, i.e.
for i = j
for i =I j,
where I is the unit identity matrix; or the N ewton-Raphson method,
l/Jij = aPi ap j ,
i.e. elements that are second partial derivatives of the error function
with respect to the parameters.
(iii) Lastly, after determination of the direction in which to reduce the error
function surface toward its minimum, there is the problem of specifying
the magnitude A. of the step to be taken in that direction.
•T, .----------------~
(Kalman, 1960; Kalman and Bucy, 1961; Gelb, 1974). This in turn implies a
reasonable appreciation of the notion of state estimation, which is especially
important for the present purposes because the key link between the LKF and
EKF will be the interpretation ofthe parameter estimation problem as a problem
of state estimation. We may recall, therefore, the ambivalent attitude toward use
of the terms "state" and "parameter," which was suggested in section 2.3.
It will be helpful in the discussion here to visualize a parameter as merely a
special case of a constant state variable.
In Chapter 2 the basic idea of a recursive parameter estimator was introduced.
Figure 11.5 repeats the diagram shown before as Figure 2.8(b). Attention will be
confined to a revised form of the output observations of (11.12b), that is,
in which 'k is the kth diserete point in time (or time of travel). This merely
reflects the more realistic situation in which discretely sampled observations of
water quality are available. A close study of Figure 11.5 allows one almost
intuitively to write down the structure of a recursive estimator: thus the newly
revised estimate of the parameter vector at the current time, say P('k)' would be
a function of its immediate past estimate P('k _1) and a correction term that is
based on the error between (he observation and model prediction at time 'k, i.e.
P('k) = P('k-l) + G('k}€('k)' (11.21)
new old weighting prediction
estimate = estimate + factor error
The error vector £( 'k) is the error between a model prediction (estimate) of the
system response at time 'k and the noise-corrupted measurements of that
output response. The gain matrix of weighting factors, G('k)' is essentially a
function of the available field data. It may be noted in passing that (11.21) is
structurally similar to the off-line algorithm of (11.18); Young (1974) has
indicated how some forms of recursive algorithm are themselves also gradient
algorithms. It is not difficult to see that a recursive state estimator can be
constructed along lines exactly analogous to (11.21), that is,
c(,:) = c(,;;) + G(,;;}€(,;;). (11.22)
In this case G('k-) is a function partly of the model parameter values; c(,t)
denotes the newly updated state vector estimate after receipt of all the measured
information at time 'b whereas c(,;;) represents a best forward extrapolation
(in time) of the state c prior to receipt of the current measurements. E(,;;) is
likewise based upon this same extrapolation c(,;;). The terms" prior," "current,"
and" after" are intended here to be indicative of the sequential procedure of the
An important difference between (11.21) and (11.22) lies in the arguments of
c and p. As one would expect, the state of water quality will change over the
interval from ' k - l to 'k; it is therefore prudent to use a model to make some form
of extrapolated prediction over this interval for comparison with the next
measurements obtained at 'k' In contrast, the assumed model of parameter
variations would be that, in fact, they remain constant. Thus the best prediction
of the parameter values at a later instant is that they have the same values as
estimated at present. With this in mind, it is appropriate now to develop a
conceptual picture of the EKF algorithms; this is shown in Figure 11.6. A
model of "reality" is embedded in the filter. Predictions, of the kind c(,;;) in
(11.22), are computed from the model by using the measured input disturbances
Unmeasured Measurement
disturbances ~ errors"
Measured +
states c m + Measured outputs CO
FIGURE 11.6 Conceptual picture of the extended Kalman filter. cm ' cu ' and pare,
respectively, estimates of the measured state variables, the unmeasured state variables,
and the parameters_
of the system, d(r,.), and fed forward to the corrector algorithm together with
the current observations CO( r k) of the system output response. For the corrector
algorithm, i.e. (11.22), it is apparent that additional (and parallel) algorithms
are required that compute the evolution of the uncertainty, or error bounds,
associated with the state estimates. The results from the corrector algorithm
computation are .the updated estimates; these in turn are fed back to the model
for revision of subsequent predictions.
Two qualitative interpretations of the filter may be helpful at this point.
First, the filter can be seen as an algorithm for" translating" information about
the observed input-output behavior of the real system into model-related
estimates of the state variables and parameters. Second, the name "filter" also
suggests the intuitive idea that the algorithm has the objective of filtering from
the given field data the unwanted influences of measurement noise and un-
certain disturbances.
The following development of the EKF depends on two key items:
A formal derivation of the EKF is given in the source reference, Jazwinski (1970).
Alternatively, Young (1974) provides an outline of how the EKF algorithms
can be obtained from an extension of linear regression analysis; this same
outline is treated in depth by Beck (1979b).
c* ~ [-;-]
the state-parameter dynamics and observation equation are given In the
following general nonlinear form:
c*(r) = /*{c*(r), d(r)} + ~*(r), (11.24a)
cO(r k) = m*{c*(r k )} + tt(rk)· (11.24b)
The functions /*{.} and m*{·} are vector-valued; they are nonlinear because
of the product terms involving elements of ~ with elements of c and d. ~*(r)
denotes that the vector of stochastic disturbances in (11.24a) is now of a different
order to that defined for ~(r) in (11.23a).
Let us consider the problem of specifying the dynamics of the parameters p.
Of particular importance to the subsequent discussion are two such specifica-
tions: (a) we might assume that the parameters are constant, that is, time-
p(r) = 0; (11.25)
or (b) it might be proposed that they vary in an unknown "random walk"
p(r) = ~(r). (11.26)
in which ~ is a vector of zero-mean, white, Gaussian disturbances. Were there
to be more a priori information on the parameter variations, it would be ap-
propriate, for instance, to define the dynamics as oscillatory in accordance with
some diurnal or seasonal fluctuation.
The algorithms and computation of the gain matrix. The EKF is a linear
approximation of the nonlinear filter that would ideally be needed to provide
estimates of c* in (11.24). Briefly, there are three main steps in its derivation.
(i) Linearization of the nonlinear augmented state eq uations by means of a
first-order Taylor series expansion about a deterministic nominal
reference trajectory for the state variables. From this a set of linear
equations is obtained for the dynamic variations of small perturbations
about the reference trajectory.
(ii) Application of a linear Kalman filter for estimation of the small-
perturbations vector.
(iii) Substitution of the current augmented state-parameter vector
estimates as the choice of nominal reference trajectory. If this specific
choice is not made, the state estimates can be obtained by combining
the filter estimates of the small perturbations with the known de-
terministic reference trajectory. However, as a consequence of such a
choice it is possible to formulate the EKF directly in terms of the
augmented state-parameter vector c*, rather than in terms of the small
perturbations; and by this choice it is also more probable that the
perturbations about the reference trajectory are in fact sufficiently
small to justify linearization as a valid approximation. Figure 11.7
gives further explanation of this outline; a more complete interpre-
tation of the derivation is given in Beck (l979b).
Small perturbation
about nominal
reference trajectory
Q) ---~----
------\:: /' .--"
> Small perturbation
'1 '2 '3 '4 '5 '6 '7 '8 '9 '10 '11
Time or time of travel ( , )
FIGURE 11.7 An example showing how the relinearization procedure of the extended
Kalman filter is capable of preserving only small perturbations about the reference trajectory
(in the EKF the current state estimates are substituted for the reference trajectory). Con-
tinuous line: the true state; • observed values of t he state: chain line: a nominal reference
trajectory; broken line: the state estimates from the filtering algorithm.
We have lastly to introduce some precise notation. Thus, let us define the state-
parameter estimation error variance-covariance matrix as
State estimates
(i) For prediction between sampling instants,
Error covariances
(i) Prediction,
for k =I- t
for k = t.
(c) The model-predicted response errors (residual errors) are given by
£(tk) = CO(tk) - m*{c*(tk/'k-I)} = CO(t k) - cO(tkl'k-I)' (11.29)
(d) The gain matrix G*('k) refers to the combined state-parameter vector.
(e) The matrices <1»( 'b 'k -I) and M('k) refer (implicitly) to the (augmented)
state transition matrix (e.g. Dorf, 1965) and the observations matrix
for the linearized small-perturbations system obtained at the first step
of the derivation shown above, i.e.
cD('b 'k-l) ~ exp{F( tk-l)[ 'k - 'k- I]}
F(tk-l) ~ [an{c*(,), d(,)}/acj]I~.«)=~.«k-ll<k_tl
M('k) ~ [amt{c*('k)}/acj]I~.(tk)=~.(rklrk_tl
in which it and mt are individual elements of the nonlinear vector-
valued functions f* and m* given by (11.24).
Since the EKF algorithms are recursive it is clear that a set of initial values at
time '0 must be specified for the state-parameter estimates c*(,o I'0) and their
associated error variances P('0 I'0)' Also implied by the algorithms is the fact
that values have to be specified for the covariance matrices Q and R, which, as
indicated elsewhere (Beck, 1979a), is an especially difficult task with respect to Q.
The importance of algorithms (11.28), however, is not to be able to recall their
exact form but to notice the following two items.
(i) Even though the EKF is a linear approximation designed to treat the
system of nonlinear equations 11.24, the consequences of the lineariza-
tion procedure appear only as the matrices cD and M in the error co-
variance and gain matrix computation algorithms. For the state
estimation computation. (11.28a) and (11.28b), the original nonlinear
functions are preserved.
(ii) Apart from their use as a measure of the confidence bounds on the
accuracy of the estimates,t the covariance algorithms essentially
t However, in view or the linearization approximation one should be very cautious in making this
interpretation for the parameter estimates, although such caution is not necessary with a recently
proposed modified form or the EKF (Ljung, 1979).
serve the purpose of making an intelligent choice of gain matrix. One
can observe that (qualitatively) when the measurement error variance,
i.e. R, is large, the gain matrix tends to be small. In other words, the
filtering algorithm will ignore large errors €( rk) between predicted and
observed responses since it attributes these to measurement error.
Conversely, when the filter is uncertain of the model performance, i.e.
P(rklrk-l) is large, the gain matrix is relatively large and significant
correction of the estimates will follow if large prediction errors are
Figure 11.8 shows some additional schematic features of the EKF algorithms;
further details of the operation of the algorithms, especially with respect to the
solution of the model structure identification problem, are given in Beck (1979a).
State - parameter
,... Model
c* (rki Tk_1)
and correction
6*(T,.,I" ,I 6*(T,/T,)
I Delay
I I _. - _.
- "--_._-- _.- - - ---" - - - - -
Estimation error
covariance solution
<J> (T" T, 11 M(T,)
Q ()
Filter gain
L:: Prediction
computation Correction ~
P(T,lr, 11
A few remarks are necessary to qualify the contents of Table ILL For instance,
the paper by Ivakhnenko et al. (1977) is primarily concerned with the problems
of model discrimination and model structure identification rather than with the
problem of parameter estimation. In fact in the Group Method of Data Handling
(GMDH) the implicit problem of parameter estimation is treated with a least-
squares estimator. Other references (Shastry et al., 1973; Beck and Young,
1976; Jolankai and Sz6ll6si-Nagy, 1978; Halfon et al., 1979) are similarly
oriented toward model structure identification.
Four papers, those of Huck and Farquhar (1974), Beck (1975), Gnauck al. et
(1976), and Halfon et al. (1979), deal with models and estimation procedures that
are representative of input-output (i.e. black box) time-series analysis techniques.
Halfon et al. (1979) also make use offrequency response methods (see section
2.4). Earlier examples of similar approaches are given by Thomann (1967), Fuller
and Tsokos (1971), and Edwards and Thomes (1973). Other contemporary
studies along the same lines include the use of: correlation analysis (Schurr
and Ruchti, 1975); a recursive instrumental variable (IV) approach (Beck, 1978a);
and further applications of the Box and Jenkins (1970) maximum likelihood
methods (e.g. Mehta et al., 1975). Thus, although Table ILl focuses on internally
descriptive model calibration, this does not suggest that there has been any lack
of attention given to input-output model identification.
Lastly, we may observe that only one study (The, 1978) has addressed the
particularly difficult problem of parameter estimation in distributed-parameter
models with the use of field data.
Koivo and Phillips (1971) Stochastic approximation Time and space; BOD. DO; analytical
.j:;. (least squares); R solution to first-order partial
.j:;. differential equation.
Koivo and Phillips (1972) Least squares; 0 Space; BOD. DO; steady state
analytical solution to first-order partial
differential equation.
Koivo and Phillips (1976) Linear Kalman filter; R Time and space; BOD. DO; difference
Koivo and Koivo (1978) Least squares; R (state Time and space; BOD. DO; first-order
estimation only) partial differential equation.
Lee and Hwang (1971) Quasilinearization Space; BOD. DO; ordinary
(least squares); 0 differential equation.
Shastry et al. (1973) Sacramento River (1962) Weighted least squares; Space; BOD. DO; ordinary
maximum likelihood; 0 differential equation.
Huck and Farquhar (1974) St. Clair River (1971) Maximum likelihood; 0 Single-point spatial location. time
variations; DO. chloride; black box
time-series model.
Beck (1975) River Cam (1972) Maximum likelihood; 0 Time; BOD. DO; ordinary differential
equation; also black box time-series
Beck and Young (1976) River Cam (1972) Extended Kalman filter; R Time; BOD. DO; ordinary differential
Whitehead and Young (1975) Bedford-Ouse River (1973) Multivariable instrumental Time; BOD. DO; difference equations.
variable--approximate maximum
likelihood (MIVAML); R
Young and Whitehead (1977) River Cam (1972), MIVAML; R Time; BOD, DO; difference equations.
Bedford-Ouse River (1973)
Lettenmaier and Burges (1976) Extended Kalman filter; R Space; BOD, DO; ordinary
differential equations.
Erni and Ruchti (1977) Aare River Differential approximation Single-point spatial location, time
method; 0 variations; DO; difference equations.
Ivakhnenko el 01. (1977) River Cam (1972) Group Method of Data Handling Single-point spatial location, time
(GMDH);O variations; BOD:DO; difference
Stehfest (1978) River Rhine (1971) Quasilinearization Space; BOD, DO; ordinary differential
\0 (least squares); 0 equations.
Stehfest (1978) River Rhine (1971) Quasilinearization Space; easily degradable organic
(least squares); 0 matter, slowly degradable organic
matter, bacterial mass, protozoan mass,
DO; ordinary differential equations.
Bowles and Grenney (1978a) Jordan River, Utah Extended Kalman filter; R Space; BOD, DO, NH 3 -N, NOrN,
algal N, organic N; ordinary
differential equations.
Moore and Jones (1978) River Cam (1972) Coupled Bayesian-Kalman Time; BOD, DO; ordinary differential
filter; R equations.
Rinaldi el al. (1979) Bormida River Least sq uares; 0 Space; BOD, DO; analytical solution
to first-order ordinary differential
Tamura (1979) Linear Kalman filter Time and space; BOD, DO;
(and others); R difference equations.
The (1978) River Rhine Linear Kalman filter; R Time and space; conductivity;
second-order partial differential
equation (finite-difference
approximation solution).
Whitehead (1980a) River Cam (1972) Instrumental variable; R Time; BOD, DO; ordinary differential
Whitehead (1980b) Bedford-Ouse River (1978) Extended Kalman filter; R Time; DO (in four river reaches);
NHrN (in two river reaches); ordinary
(col/til/ued over) differential equations.
TABLE 11.1 (continued)
Di Cola ef al. (1976) Leopold's Park Pond, Brussels Least squares; 0 (solved as an Time; autotrophs, herbivores,
(1973-75) optimal control problem) carnivores; ordinary differential
oj:>. Gnauck ef al. (1976) Saidenbach Reservoir, Least squares; R Time; DO, chlorophyll a, particulate
VI GDR (I 966··70\: organic matter; regression relationship.
Klic;ava Reservoir, CSSR (1963- 72)
lolankai and Sz6116si-Nagy (1978) Lake Balaton, Hungary Maximum likelihood; R Time; soluble reactive phosphorus.
(197 I-77) chlorophyll a, exchangeable
phosphorus in sediment; ordinary
differential equations.
Lewis and Nir (1978) Greifensee, Switzerland (1973) Weighted least squares; 0 Time; soluble reactive phosphorus.
particulate phosphorus; ordinary
differential equations.
Halfon ef al. (1979) Small lake ecosystem Least squares; 0 (also Time; solu ble phosphorus, particulate
frequency-domain analysis) phosphorus, a low-molecular-weight
form of phosphorus, colloidal
phosphorus; ordinary differential
Benson (1979) Lake Placid, British Columbia, Least squares; 0 Time: phytoplankton biomass;
Canada ordinary differential equations.
Di Toro and van Straten (1979), Lake Ontario (1972) Maximum likelihood; Time; 16 state variables divided
van Straten (1983) weighted least squares; 0 between epilimnion and hypolimnion
layers; ordinary differential equations.
Scavia (1980) Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron Extended Kalman filter; R Time; eight state variables; ordinary
differential equations.
a dynamic situation. These examples reflect problems and constraints that are
typical of current studies in model calibration: problems of too few data; data
with too high levels of error and uncertainty; and hence the technical difficulties
that have in general restricted the application of estimation algorithms to small
models with only a few state variables.
This equation for the state vector dynamics corresponds to (11.23a) of section
11.3.3. The output observations equation for the error-corrupted measurements
of downstream BOD and DO, corresponding to (11.23b), is given by
where 'krepresents the kth day of the experiment. Other terms in (11.30) are
defined as follows.
C 1(,), ci,) are state variables representing concentrations of BOD and DO,
respectively, at the downstream end of the reach (g m - 3),
d 1(,), die) are measured input variables representing concentrations of BOD
and DO, respectively, at the upstream end of the reach (g m - 3),
Q(,) is the stream discharge in the reach (m 3 day-I),
V is the (constant) volume of water in the reach (m 3 ),
K1 is the BOD decay rate constant (day- I),
K2 is the reaeration rate constant (day-l),
C( r) is the saturation concentration of DO (g m - 3),
LA(r) is the rate of addition of BOD to the reach by, for example,
local surface runoff (g m - 3 day - l),
DB(r) is the net rate of addition of DO to the reach by the combined
effects of photosynthesis, respiration, and decomposition of mud
deposits (g m- 3 day-l),
¢l(r), ¢ir) are unknown stochastic disturbances of BOD and DO, re-
spectively (g m - 3 day - l),
IJl(rk), IJir k ) are random measurement errors associated with the downstream
BOD and DO observations, respectively (g m- 3).
In this example, given input-output data for d l , d 2 , c~, and c~, we wish to
estimate the parameters K l' K 2, L A ( r), and DB ( r) in addition to the state variables
cl(r) and cir). The augmented state-parameter vector is thus defined by
and the augmented state-parameter dynamics become
c!(r) - (c!(r) + Q(r)/V)c!(r) + (Q(r)/V)d 1 (r) + c~( r) ¢!(r)
-(c!ef) + Q(r)/V)c!(r)-c!(r)c!(r) + (Q(r)/V)d 2 (r»)
c!(r) ( ¢!(r)
+ c!(r)Cs(r) + c~(r)
c!(r) o + o
c!(r) o o
c~(r) o ¢~(r)
c~(r) o ¢~(r)
indicates that a significant addition of BOD to the reach occurs over the period
from '40 to '50 and from about '65 onward, even though this particular section
of the River Cam receives no direct local surface runoff and these intervals were
periods of warm, sunny weather. The estimates of DB (Figure 11.9(f)) likewise
suggest a net addition of DO to the stream during '40-' 50; but for the initial
20-25 days of the experiment there exists the opposite apparent effect of a net
removal of DO from the water body (a result primarily, it is thought, of biased
BOD measurements). The recursive estimation trajectories for the parameters
K 1 and K 2 in Figures 11.9(c) and (d) are more or less stationary, although the
estimates [(2 of the reaeration rate constant undergo substantial modification
between '40 and, 50'
In section 2.6.3 of Chapter 2 we tried to illustrate the qualitative features of
model structure identification. Figure 2.9 attempted in a conceptual fashion to
show how recursive parameter estimation algorithms can' yield useful diag-
nostic information about this problem. Figure 11.9(d) is a specific realization of
that earlier conceptual picture. It was also stated earlier that" for much of the
time ... model structure identification ... is confronted with the need to offer
plausible hypotheses about 'unexplained' relationships in a set of field data."
Why, for example, is there an apparent addition of BOD to the reach at certain
times of the experiment? The primary hypothesis to emerge from the analysis is
that significant growth of a floating algal population is responsible for part of
the observed dynamic BOD-DO interaction. It is further postulated that the
growth rate of algae is governed by the prevailing sunlight conditions, an
assumption that thus requires further systematic evaluation (Beck and Young,
1976; Beck, 1978b). The results of Figure 11.9 are representative merely of a
part of the difficult process of model structure identification.
DO (g m-3 )
BOD decay rate
constant (day-1) 0.2
0.4 (d)
Reaeration rate
constant (day-1) 0.2
Net rate of 2.0
addition of BOD
to reach 1.0
(g m- 3 day-1) 0.0
2.0 (f)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (days)
FIG U RE 11.9 Results from the application of the EKF in the River Cam case study
(adapted from Beck and Young. 1976): (a) observations and state estimates. ct. for
downstream BOD; (b) observations and state estimates, c!, for downstream DO; (c)
estimates,cr, for the BOD decay rate constant (Kd; (d) estimates. ct. for the reaeration
rate constant (K 2 ): (e) estimates, i'~. for the net rate of addition of BOD to the reach
(LA): (f) estimates. ct. for the net rate of addition of DO to the reach (DB)'
aspects of the EKF algorithm, principally at the stage of formulating the system
equations. The state vector variations are again provided in the form of lumped-
parameter, ordinary differential equations, though here distance along the river
(or time of travel) is the independent variable:
cl(r) K*(Ll(r)-cl(r»-Klcl(r)
cir) K*(Lir)-cir»+Ks2c5Cr)-K23cir)- f2{c 2(r), cir)}c4(r)
c3(r) K*(L 3(r)-cir»+K 23 cir)- f3{cir), cir)}c 4(r)
c4(r) K*(L 4(r)-c4(r»-K 45 c4(r)+ f4{c2(r), cir)}c 4(r)
i' 5(r) K*(L 5(r) - c5(r» + K 45 C4( r) - K 52 C 5(r)
c6(r) K*(L 6 (r) - c6(r» - DB + K 2(C(r) - c6(r» - Klel(r) - yK 23 c 2(r)
~l (r)
+ ~4(r)
For this second case, therefore, the state vector behavior is nonlinear. More-
over, the observations are not as straightforward as in the River Cam study:
one ofthe observations is available as the linear sum of two ofthe state variables,
organically bound nitrogen and nitrogen bound as algal cell material. The noise-
corrupted output observations are thus given by
100 000
o 1 0 0 0 0
CO(Tk) = 0 0 1 0 0 0 C(Tk) + T\(Tk), (11.34)
o 0 0 1 1 0
o 0 0 001
where these are measurements defined at each spatial location Tk •
'7 15.0
10.0 • ••
5.0 -/
o 5.0 ~ • •
u -
'c '7 (c)
~ E
C 2.0 •
o Q)
c Cl
o 0....
co .'!::
;;; C 1.0
~ .2'
C [tJ •• ••
8 + 0.0
60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Distance from Great Salt Lake (km)
FIGU RE 11.10 Results from the application of the EKF in the Jordan River case study
(adapted from Bowles and Grenney. 1978a): (a) observations and state estimates. ci • for
BOD; (b) observations and state estimates. c2 , for DO; (c) observations and state esti-
mates, C4 + (-5. for organic nitrogen plus algal nitrogen.
Some of the results quoted by Bowles and Grenney are shown in Figures 11.10
and 11.11. Figure 11.10 represents a typical set of estimates for BOD, DO, and
algal and organically bound nitrogen concentration when the EKF is applied
to the problem of state estimation only with eqns. 11.33 and 11.34. In contrast
to the trajectories of Figure 11.9, Figure 11.10 gives the patterns of both pre-
dicted, c('k I'k _ 1), and corrected, c('k I'k), state estimates generated by the
prediction and correction algorithms of the filter (eqns. 11.28a and b, respec-
tively). Some of the changes evident in the estimated states are, however, due to
the effects of point-wise addition of constituents from discharges coincident with
the measurement location. The persistently poor correspondence between the
estimates and observations for algal and organically bound nitrogen is described
by Bowles and Grenney as a consequence of the large errors attributed to these
measurements. This, then, is a case of the filter" believing" it has an accurate
model for this part of the system (recall the discussion of section 11.3.2) so that
large errors are ignored as the spurious consequences of chance.
Lastly, Figure 11.11 provides estimates for the parameter L 2 (,), the ammonia
nitrogen concentration in lateral inflow, when the augmented state vector is
defined as
and when Li,) is idealized as a random walk parameter. The principal objective
of this analysis, therefore, is not model calibration, in the sense of model
structure identification or parameter estimation. Rather, such an application of
the EKF is directed toward the combined use of model and field data for
reconstruction of information about variables that may be of interest from the
point of view ofwater quality management. Similar and more extensive results for
the estimation of spatially varying parameters in this case study can be found in
Bowles and Grenney (1978b).
_ c E 2.0
o ~ Cl
C 0 - 1.5
.2 ;; ~
ro 'c
.... t't1 ~
E· c .~
a> 0 Cii
g E Qi 0.5
uo CllE ~
.... 0 0 L::::L:==r__..L-_ _..L-_ _, l -_ _, l - _ - - - l
C • 60 50 40
Distance from Great Salt Lake (km)
FIGURE 11.11 Results from the application of the EKF in the Jordan River case study
(adapted from Bowles and Grenney, 1978a): estimated concentration of ammonia nitrogen
in lateral inflow (L 2 ).
C oncll/ding Remarks
The two case studies have illustrated some of the potential benefits of using
recursive estimation algorithms in solving the problem of model calibration.
There are, however, limitations on the performance of these algorithms, and of
the extended Kalman filter in particular. For example, the choices of variance-
covariance matrices P( '0 I'0), Q, and R, which are unavoidably subjective
choices, determine in part the behavior of the filtering algorithms. It is also
necessary to have reasonable a priori estimates P(,o I'o)ofthe model parameters,
since the EKF does not guarantee convergence to a globally" optimum" set of
estimates. Nevertheless, if the analyst is aware of these and other limitations,
then the analysis will be all the more effective, and less likely to lead to erroneous
conclusions. However in this respect a recent development of particular
significance is a modified form of the EKF, proposed by Ljung (1979), which
overcomes the difficulties of convergence associated with the original EKF.
11.3.6. Verification
Most ofwhat needs to be stated about verification was introduced in section 2.6.5.
The essence of model verification, as understood here, is the problem of checking
the statistical properties of the predicted model response errors, i.e.
where CO('k) is a model-related estimate of the vector of measured outputs
(see also Figure 2.10). Typically, according to the definition of the system and its
variables in Figure 11.4, assumptions are made about the statistical properties of
the stochastic sequences ~ and 1'1 (system disturbances and measurement errors,
respectively). Usually these assumptions require ~ and 1'1 to be zero-mean,
white noise sequences, or to have been generated by simple manipulations from
such sequences. It is customary also to assume that the sequences are drawn
from random variables with Gaussian distributions. If all these assumptions are
valid, the model response errors will be required to conform, in the majority of
cases, with the statistical properties of zero-mean, Gaussian, white noise
sequences. Stated more specifically, it is required that:
E{£('k)} = 0 (11.36a)
E{l:;(rk)l:j{'/)} = 0 for all k, I and for i =I j; i, j = 1,2.... , p (11.36b)
E{l:;('k)l:;(r/)} = 0 fork=ll;i=I,2, ... ,p (11.36c)
E{l:i('k)d j (,/)} = 0 for all k, I and for i = 1, 2, ... , p; j = I, 2, ... , m.
Taken in turn, the conditions of (11.36) state that: the errors have sample mean
values of zero (11.36a); are not cross-correlated among themselves (11.36b);
are not autocorrelated (l1.36c); and are not correlated with the measured
input forcing functions (l1.36d). Results illustrative of this kind of analysis are
given in Beck (l978b).
Findeisen et al. (1978) define validation in the following terms: "a model can
never be completely validated; we can never prove that its results conform to
reality in all respects; it can only be invalidated." Models are working hypotheses
about the nature of the behavior of a system. While the analyst may seek con-
firmation of his hypotheses in the process of validation, the basic purpose of
validation is in fact to find invalid hypotheses; and knowledge of invalid hy-
potheses should ultimately lead to revised and better approximations (models) of
reality. That, we presume, is a goal of every modeling exercise.
1.4 ,------,---------,--x--,-----,----,----------,--,-------,----,--------,
1.2 1952 1953 195t\ 1955
1.0 \
E 0.6
Cl 0.4
~ 0.2 - -x
~ 0.0147101471014710147101471014710147101471014710
~ 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968
'0 0.4 j\
~ 0.2 x Y \'x-,x
x-x -x V
'';:; 0.0147101471014710147101471014710147101471014710
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solution, then, as emphasized throughout this chapter, the resulting solution
should be checked using more accurate water quality simulation models.
Management models are used for a preliminary evaluation of various alterna-
tives and for identifying what data are important and needed prior to the
implementation of a more expensive data collection and simulation study.
The first and most obvious method of water quality control is to limit the
amount of waste discharged into water bodies. This type of control can take
on numerous forms, some of which are described below.
(1) Each waste producer is required to discharge less waste, for example
through process changes or removal of at least some minimum specified
fraction of the waste prior to releasing the remainder into natural waters
or land waste disposal areas. Removal of waste can be accomplished by
a variety of physical, biological, and chemical processes.
(2) The portion of the treated wastewater effluent that, if released into the
natural water body, would result in a lower water quality than desired
is stored instead. Ponds or tanks can be used for effluent storage. The
quantity and timing ofdischarge of stored effluent to land or water should
depend in part on the assimilative capacity of the receiving body.
(3) Waste is piped, either prior to or following some treatment, to areas
within or outside of the region for additional treatment and/or disposal
at land or water sites having greater assimilative capacities. This
alternative also permits the processing of wastes at larger regional
facilities that benefit from economies of scale in construction and
operating costs, as well as from increased operating efficiencies.
(4) In-stream quality can be improved by artificial aeration or flow
augmentation. The deficit of dissolved oxygen can be decreased by
injection of air into the water. Increasing the stream flow in periods of
low flows by releasing water from upstream reservoirs may also improve
the stream quality by dilution and by changing velocities and tempera-
tures, which, in turn, affect the reaction rates of various quality
examine alternatives that will reduce both the private costs and public damages
resulting from water pollution.
To begin quantifying a rather general objective for regional water quality
management, let us consider a river basin in which there are numerous indi-
viduals or groups s that discharge pollutants into the natural water courses.
Included among those individuals or groups of individuals are organizations,
such as state and federal pollution control agencies, that have financial as well
as political interests in the quality of the natural water within the basin. Water
quality control alternatives such as waste water treatment and effluent storage
impose costs on private agencies and, because of cost-sharing programs, on
public or governmental bodies as well. Quality control alternatives such as
flow augmentation and artificial aeration may only add to the cost paid by one
or more public agencies. Regardless of who pays, the cost to each individual
or group s can, for the moment, be denoted as a function of the scale of all
alternatives used for water quality control.
If Si is the scale of some waste reduction alternatives at site i costing q(SJ
for each group s, a cost-effective objective without regard to cost distribution
or to the political influence of each group can be written as:
minimize I I q(SJ (12.1)
,. ....
Such an objective mayor may not result in an acceptable solution. This depends
in part on the quality standards imposed. Usually the minimum allowable
quality standards are not intended to represent the desired quality. Environ-
mental protection goals and allowances for future growth and uncertainties
often result in planned or desired qualities that are higher than specified by
minimum quality standards. One way to achieve a quality that comes closer to
the target is through the proper allocation of effluent taxes Tf to the group s
discharging wastes at site i. The tax could be dependent on the waste released
at each site i.
The fraction Pi = Pi(SJ of the waste reduced or removed at each site i is, of
course, a function of the scale Sj of the waste reduction measures employed at
each site. If It; is the constant quantity of waste available at site i prior to the
implementation of any waste reduction measures, then It;(l - PJ is the re-
maining quantity that will be discharged. Ideally any tax on the amount of
waste discharged should reflect the external damages attributable to that
discharge. The purpose of the tax or subsidy is to provide an economic incentive
for reducing the external damages, if any, that result from the discharge of
Effluent charges typically are paid to the appropriate river basin authority
or other public agency responsible for water quality management. The task of
such an agency in establishing and implementing effluent charges is to set
them in an equitable manner so as to cover the agency cost, not paid from other
sources, of measures taken by the agency to achieve a desired water quality
and for agency administration and operation. The dischargers themselves are
interested in minimizing their costs of waste treatment or reduction plus the
tax they must pay for the wastes that they discharge.
Let Ci(S;) represent the annual agency costs of measures S; taken at site i
to improve water quality, and let CHS;) be the individual or private costs, as
before. The aim of the control agency is to establish effluent tax rates TT per
unit of waste discharge U';(1 - P;) in such a way as to minimize the total cost
of water quality control:
s ;
total effluent total agency
tax income cost
The individuals who must pay the cost of waste reduction or treatment and/or
an effluent tax on the waste U';(1 - P;) discharged at sites i are of course in-
terested in minimizing their total costs:
minimize L: [q(S;) + TT U';(1 - Pi)] \:Is. (12.5)
waste reduction effluent charge
These objectives do not attempt to quantify the benefits or damages associ-
ated with the resulting water quality, except through the establishment of
effluent charges and, perhaps, quality standards. The charges and standards
would have to be defined prior to their incorporation into water quality models.
One of the advantages, however, of model construction and solution prior to
the final establishment of charges and standards is the ability to estimate the
costs of each group s and the resulting water quality associated with various
proposed combinations of charges and standards.
This problem, defined by eqns. 12.2-12.5, is an example of a multilevel-
multiobjective planning problem. The controlling agency objective (12.2) is to
be minimized subject to the minimization of a number of other objectives
(12.5), which are not controlled by the agency except through the establishment
of the effluent tax rates n in those objectives. Research has only begun to
identify some approaches to solving the overall multilevel-multiobjective
problem. In the absence of satisfactory solution procedures, the agency-level
objective by itself (the minimization of total cost of all measures implemented
for water quality control, eqn. 12.2) is typically chosen for a preliminary evalua-
tion of water quality management alternatives.
Yet with or without effluent taxes, the agency objective of cost minimization
has not been generally accepted. This is in part because there are, indeed, other
water quality management objectives at other levels of planning and decision
making, and it is not obvious how these objectives should be combined to
simulate, in a specific situation, what might be the actual response to a decision
at the central agency level.
The political process of establishing effluent charges and minimum accept-
able qualities, in the form of either effluent or stream quality standards, involves
the participation of each group of interested individuals within the river basin.
Some groups have more political influence than others. This depends not only
on their political skills but also on how strongly they feel about certain issues.
To include the effect of this influence in water quality models, it is often assumed
that relative weights can be defined and used in the objective function. Each
weight Ws reflects the relative influence that group s exerts compared with all
other groups defined by the model. If the proper weights, charges, and standards
are used, a socially or politically equitable and efficient water quality manage-
ment policy might result from the following objective:
The difficulty here, of course, is that the relative political weights are
unknown, even to the decision makers, until the final decision is made. By
varying the relative weights, however, an analyst can define some of the efficient
alternatives from the infinite set of possible alternatives. If the objective is
piecewise linear, the number of efficient alternatives defined by this procedure
will be smaller than the number of possible efficient alternatives. Efficient
alternatives can also be defined by setting upper bounds on all but one of the
terms within the square brackets in (12.5) and minimizing the other. Clearly,
both the former weighting approach and this latter target approach, and even
other more efficient iterative multiobjective approaches, merely define possible
solutions, not necessarily a best solution.
If all the relative weights are assigned values of unity, the objective function
(12.6) will represent the minimization of total costs and effluent charges without
regard to any redistribution of the costs and charges among various polluters.
As the relative weights or target levels change, so will the alternatives associated
with those weights or targets. Relatively high weights or low targets will corre-
spond to those polluters having a relatively strong political position and
interest, which in effect will reduce their share of the total cost. Varying the
weights or targets permits an examination of the stream quality that is likely
to be associated with various cost distributions.
Other means have been used to incorporate considerations of equity into
otherwise strictly cost-effective models (e.g. those having objective functions
of the type (12.2». These include constraints specifying equal scales of various
alternatives or some function of these scales, such as equal treatmen t efficiencies
or equal costs per capita contributing to the total waste at various sites. If Si is
the scale of quality control alternatives employed at site i, then constraints
requiring equal. scales of control could be written as
Sj=Sk ViEZk , (12.7)
where Zk is the set of sites in zone k of the region. Zones within a region may
be defined geographically or by types of polluter.
Although numerous analysts have included equity within the constraint set
of their models, it could be argued that equity is an objective-one of many
that water quality planners consider. The relative weight given to an equity
objective depends in part on the economic costs of achieving it, as well as on
the administrative and political costs of not achieving it, i.e. the unquantifiable
cost associated with implementing a plan that calls for a wide range of quality
control requirements within a region and that minimizes only the total economic
costs. Equity within any zone of a river basin can be expressed as an objective
by defining and then minimizing the absolute difference between the minimum
and maximum scales of water quality control within the zone. Let s~nin and Sk'"'
denote variable lower and upper bounds on the scale Sj of a single control
alternative within zone k so that
Part of the equity objective can involve minimizing the sum of the weighted
differences between Sk'in and Sk'"' over all zones k:
minimize L wk(Sk'ax - Sk'in). (12.9)
m= max (Q2r/~t),
that minimize the total annual cost C( V, A, Q!). This cost can then be compared
with the additional cost of advanced wastewater treatment required to meet
the same NOrN and other constituent effluent standards.
treatment plant lagoon
source 0t
Land application water body
Area A
irrigation area
drainage water
This completes the equations involving the storage lagoon. What remains to
be described is the spray irrigation site.
If it is assumed that the soil moisture content, expressed as a depth [L], is
maintained at field capacity M throughout the year (since otherwise additional
lagoon storage capacity may be required), the water balance for the irrigated
area is defined by equating the irrigation rate Qz,/A with the evapotranspiration
rate £, plus the drainage rate d, less the average precipitation rate P, in period t:
"It. (12.17)
Each of these terms is expressed in units of length. To prevent surface runoff,
the irrigation rate, allowing for precipitation and loss by evaporation, should
not exceed the maximum drainage capacity d, or
"It. (12.18)
Drainage occurs, i.e. d, > 0, when the application rate exceeds that required
to just maintain soil moisture content at field capacity.
Soil nitrogen relationships can be approximated by separately defining mass
balance equations for organic and inorganic nitrogen. Average organic nitrogen
levels in the soil must reach an equilibrium value F [M L - Z] if the waste
disposal system is to be operated at a steady state. This value may be determined
by the native fertility of the soil, or if an objective of land application is to build
up soil productivity, F will be a desired equilibrium value. Soil organic nitrogen
levels will deviate from the equilibrium value during any period owing to
mineralization of some fraction m, of the organic nitrogen and addition of
organic nitrogen XO, [M L - Z] from wastewater irrigation during the period.
If 0, is the deviation [M L - Z] at the beginning of period t then the total organic
nitrogen level at the beginning of period t + 1 is F + 0, + 1 :
F + 0,+ 1 = F + 0, - m,(F + 0,) + XO,
The nitrogen addition per unit land area is some fraction IX of the nitrogen in
the lagoon effluent Qz/n z. t + 1 + n zr )/2 that is in the organic form, divided by
the total land area A :
XO r = IXQz,(n z. r+ 1 + n zt )/2A "It. (12.20)
The soil inorganic nitrogen content per unit land area, I, + 1 [M L - 2], at the
end of each period t equals the sum of the initial inorganic nitrogen content I"
the fraction mr of organic nitrogen that was mineralized in period t, and the
inorganic nitrogen addition Xlt in the wastewater effluent, less that leached
from the soil by drainage, L t , and that removed from the soil by plant growth,
N" during the period:
"It. (12.21 )
The addition of inorganic nitrogen is that contained in the lagoon effluent
divided by the whole irrigation area A:
"It. (12.22)
In the preceding equations, soil nitrogen losses from ammonia volatilization,
denitrification, and surface runoff were assumed insignificant. The effect of this
assumption will be conservative. The mineralization fraction mt will depend
on the average soil temperature during each period t. Of course, when the soil
is frozen, essentially no mineralization or drainage takes place (d t ~ 0).
The inorganic nitrogen loss from leaching, L, [ML - 2], depends on the
average inorganic nitrogen concentration (1,+ 1 + I,)/2M in the soil water
when leaching or drainage occurs, i.e. when d, > 0:
L t = dt(1t + I t + 1)/2M "It. (12.23)
Plant uptake of inorganic nitrogen, Nt, will depend on the type of cover crop
grown and harvested or consumed as well as on the available inorganic nitrogen
in the soil. If N'('ax is the upper limit of the nitrogen uptake (which will depend
on the type of plant) and if up to 70% of the soil nitrogen is available to the
irrigated crops, then Nt equals the smaller of these two maxima:
Nt = min(0.7[It + m/F + 0,) + Xlt], N;'ax] "It. (12.24)
The final constraint applies to the quality of the drainage water. If n'('ax is the
maximum allowable nitrate nitrogen concentration, then
"It. (12.25)
Influent flows
Plant sites
Waste-receiving stream
FIGURE 12.2 Existing and potential wastewater treatment sites.
the site plus the volume F ji transported to the site from adjacent sites j. The
outflow from any site i is the volume Fij transported to adjacent sites j. Hence
at each of sites 1, 2, 3, and 4 shown in Figure 12.2 the total inflow must equal
the total outflow plus the volume treated, if any.
Q~=QT+F12 (12.26)
Q~ + F 12 + F 32 = Q1 + F 23 (12.27)
Q~ + F 23 = Ql + F 32 + F 34 (12.28)
F 34 = QI· (12.29)
minimize ,i (Ci(QD + ~
,= 1 J
Cij(FiJ). (12.30)
The models presented so far have assumed the existence of quality standards
specifying the maximum allowable constituent concentrations in the waste-
water effluent that can be discharged into a water body. There may also
exist stream quality standards specifying the maximum allowable constituent
concentrations within the water body. These maxima may vary with the location
within the water body, e.g. along a stream or estuary. Numerous models have
been proposed for use in estimating the degree of waste removal at various
point source sites along a water body that will meet both effluent and water
quality standards. The most common of these models apply to the management
of dissolved oxygen concentrations in streams and estuaries.
The oxygen required for the decomposition or assimilation of any particular
quantity of biodegradable water is expressed as biochemical oxygen demand,
BOD. The oxygen demand of a waste can be separated into two components,
the amount required for the assimilation of the carbonaceous waste material,
BODe, and that required for the assimilation of the nitrogenous waste material,
Boon. This division permits a more accurate description of the oxygen demand
at any point in the stream, lake, or estuary than would the total BOD, because
the rates of deoxygenation associated with the two components differ. Another
reason for explicitly considering the nitrogenous component of BOD is that
as the percentage of carbonaceous BOD that is removed increases, say to 80 or
SoJ %, the percentage of the nitrogenous component in the remaining waste-
water effluent increases (Loucks and Jacoby, 1972). As water quality standards
require increasingly high waste removals or treatment efficiencies, the nitro-
genous wastes discharged into natural waters become increasingly important
for the prediction of dissolved oxygen concentrations.
The depletion of dissolved oxygen by the metabolic processes of waste-
consuming organisms, plant respiration, benthic deposits, and the like is offset
by the absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere, from plant photosynthesis,
and possibly from other natural and artificial means. Differential equations
describing the processes of oxygen depletion and replacement were described
in Chapter 6. The solutions of these differential equations, subject to the
appropriate boundary and initial conditions, represent the temporal and
longitudinal distributions of BODe, Boon, and dissolved oxygen concentra-
tion along a water course. If both natural and wastewater flows are constant,
steady state can be assumed. For water quality control alternatives that are
inflexible with respect to time, it is often reasonable to base the scale of these
alternatives on some critical steady state conditions that can occur at specified
locations during certain times of the year.
Let each waste source site along a nondispersive river be denoted by the
index i and each quality-monitoring site in the water body by the index j. The
oxygen demand BOD j [M L- 3] at any quality site j resulting from the dis-
charge of a mass of BODf and BODi' per unit time [M T- 1] at all source sites
i can be predicted by using equations such as
where each parameter bij is the BOD mass at sitej resulting from unit mass of
BOD discharged at site i and BOD j is the BOD [M L - 3] at sitej resulting from
all sources other than at sites i. Similarly, the dissolved oxygen deficit D j at any
quality site j can be written as
1 ~ _
D·] Qj L.,(dc.BODc
i I) l
+ d~.BOD~) + D·
lJ l ]
if the water body has a flow volume Qj at site j. In (12.32), Dj is the dissolved
oxygen deficit [M L - 3] at site j resulting from all BOD sources other than at
sites i. Each parameter dij is the mass of dissolved oxygen at site j resulting
from unit BOD discharge at site i.
In the two equations above, the masses of BODf and BODi' discharged into
the water body at each site i in each period may be unknown decision variables.
If Wf and Wi' [M T- 1] denote the total masses of carbonaceous and nitro-
genous oxygen-demanding waste produced per unit time at site i, and if Pf is
the fraction of the carbonaceous waste removed by treatment, then
BODf = Wf(1 - PD. (12.33)
The amount of nitrogenous BOD removed is some functionJi(Pf) of the carbon-
aceous BOD removal efficiency. Hence,
BODr = Wi(1 - Ji(PD). (12.34)
Equations 12.31-12.34 can be combined to form a mathematical model whose
solution can identify various com binations of wastewater treatment efficiencies
along a river or estuary that will satisfy both effluent and water quality stand-
ards. The planning problem illustrated in Figure 12.3 involves four point
sources of waste and numerous quality-monitoring sites. The problem is to
determine the degree of treatment, Pf, at each site i that satisfies effluent
standards BODr ax at wastewater discharge sites i and stream quality standards
BODTax and DOt n for both BOD and dissolved oxygen concentration at
various sites j. Since there are usually many alternative combinations of waste-
water treatment efficiencies Pf that will meet the standards, the objective of the
analysis will be to identify those that minimize the sum of the costs of waste-
water treatment Cj(Pf) at all sites i:
minimize L Cj(Pf). (12.35)
j= 1
Waste source ~.
Wastewater treatment ~. Pi
_1 (BOD?
Qi' I
+ BOD~) <
& -
where Q7 is the wastewater volume discharged from site i. For any water
quality site j in the river the quality standards for BOD and DO can be
expressed as
DO~ - Qj
~I i
(dtBODi + dijBODi) + Dj ~ out"· (12.38)
2 3
I 8.0
Cl 7.0
- 6.0
oo 5.0
o ~ ~ 00 ~ 1001~1~100
Cl 3.0
.§ 2.0
oco 1.00 L----L~_l_====:::E§§:E§§3~~___l...,_
o ~ ~ 00 ~ 1001~1~ 100
Distance (km)
FIGURE 12.4 BOD and dissolved oxygen concentration downstream from a single
waste source under increasing flow conditions: QI < Q2 < Q3.
Aeration devices are often the most cost-effective means of meeting dissolved
oxygen standards that would otherwise be violated during rarely encountered
extreme low-flow, high-temperature conditions (Pinaldi et ai., 1979). The
typical dissolved oxygen control problem consists of determining the least
expensive number of aeration units to be used, their location along the stream,
and their design capacity measured in terms of power.
The cost of aerators operated at full capacity can be expressed as a function
of their capacity. The function can account for the expected down time necessary
for maintenance and repair. If the aerators are not operated at capacity, addi-
tional equations will be needed to define separately the annual capacity and
the operating costs (Ortolano, 1972). Let C/PA) be the cost of each aerator
unit of power capacity PA j at location j along a stream having a specified
extreme design flow of Qj and known upstream oxygen-demanding waste
discharges. Such costs, together with equations for predicting the oxygen
deficit and oxygen addition from artificial aeration, can be used to develop an
optimization model for finding the optimum capacities PA j at various sites j.
If the objective is one of total cost minimization, this can be written as:
The parameter dj _ ',j is the dissolved oxygen deficit at site j resulting from unit
BOD mass at site j - 1, and ej-l,j is the dissolved oxygen deficit at site j
resulting from a unit deficit mass at site j - 1.
Dissolved oxygen standards would apply to each Dj prior to any artificial
reaeration. For a given dissolved oxygen saturation concentration DO~ at
site j,
DOS) - D.) >
.I Vj, (12.44)
where DOT is the minimum allowable dissolved oxygen concentration at site
j. The final set of constraints defines the production of oxygen at each site j as
a function of the power capacity of the aerator (eqn. 12.41).
Of course, there may also be a constraint on the total number of aerators
permitted, but this constraint tends to be redundant, or infeasible, if the sites j
are chosen at locations of maximum deficit and the cost functions exhibit
economies of scale. To estimate the annual cost functions CiPA) some esti-
mates of operating times are needed. These estimates have to be based on an
analysis of the hydrological record of stream flow conditions, some assumptions
regarding the oxygen-demanding waste discharges during critical flow con-
ditions, and the cost of energy.
The control problem defined by (12.42-12.44) can be structured for solution
by discrete dynamic programming in which the stages, the possible locations
of the aerators, are variable and dependent in part on the location and capacity
of aerators installed upstream (Rinaldi et aI., 1979).
There are a number of alternatives for managing lake water quality. For man-
made lakes these include the selection of the impoundment site if it is not
already fixed, the design of the outlet structure and the release policy, the
control of constituents in the inflow, artificial destratification by such means
as diffused air or mechanical pumping, dredging, and other ways ·of altering
the normal physical, biological, and chemical processes that affect water
quality (Symons, 1969). Simulation models that are able to predict with any
reasonable accuracy the impact on water quality of any of these management
alternatives are indeed just beginning to appear. Optimization models that
incorporate water quality prediction together with various management
alternatives have not yet been developed for lakes and reservoirs, with the
exception of fully mixed impoundments. However, just as multiparameter
water quality simulation models such as QUAL II (Chapter 6) are being
adapted for optimization (management) modeling, so will the multiparameter
simulation models for stratified lakes and reservoirs.
dCN _ N, QtCN KC
d"t-v----v- N'
This yields
"It, (12.47)
"It (12.48)
The variables C Nt and Xi are unknown. If the rates Nt and Qt repeat themselves
over each cycle of periods t, the initial concentration C ND can be set equal to
the concentration C NT at the end of the final period T to yield a steady state
solution of concentrations CN1 for all periods t = 1,2, ... , T This eliminates the
need to specify arbitrary or observed initial concentrations C ND , unless of
course a dynamic model is desired for a predefined number of periods t. In
addition, the model could be made more realistic by the inclusion of changes
in the decay rates K t in each period that could result from changes in water
A simple economic objective might be to minimize the total cost:
minimize L ClX;), (12.50)
subject to (12.47) and (12.49) and to constraints ensuring that the concentrations
C Nt do not exceed some acceptable level C'iJ"x:
C Nr :-::;; CN'ax \:ft. (12.51)
Once again, it should be emphasized that these models are extremely
simplified for most lake quality management problems. Nevertheless, with some
judgment as to the appropriate values of Qt and V, they can sometimes be used as
a preliminary means of establishing average concentrations of nutrients or
pollutants in well mixed lakes and of identifying the mix of water quality con-
trol alternatives that should be further analyzed using more detailed simulation
models (Russell, 1975; Canale, 1976; Pavoni, 1977).
Ni = Wi + Yi + L aijxj , (12.52)
Upon the death of an algal cell, the nutrients in the cell enter the pool (y;) of
nutrients bound up in nonliving material. Upon decay ofthe nonliving material,
the nutrients become available for further algal growth. The rate of change of
the nutrient concentration in the nonliving material, dY;/dt, is the difference
between the rate at which algae die and the rate at which nutrient i is released
from nonliving material into the water column and joins the available nutrient
(w;). Let dj be the death rate [T- 1] of speciesj and U i the rate of release of nutrient
i from nonliving material (the mineralization rate); then
If algal blooms build up rather slowly compared with the rate at which nutrients
are released from nonliving material, the concentration of nutrients, Yi' will be
reasonably close to equilibrium (dy/dt ~ 0) at the peak of the algal bloom. Then,
a reasonable estimate of Yi is the equilibrium concentration y{, obtained by
setting (12.53) to zero:
This relationship specifies how the total biomass in all algal species is con-
strained by the available nutrients if (12.54) applies.
In warm summer months, algal blooms can build up very rapidly such that
the concentration of nonliving material lags behind the buildup of the algal
populations. If, at the peak of the bloom, the amount of nutrient i in nonliving
matter is approximately kiy{ for some empirically determined k j , 0 :os; k i :os; 1,
Of course, k i = 0 corresponding to Yi =0 would result in the restriction that
the total mass of nutrient i in all living algae must be less than N;, the total
nutrient available. While this yields the physically possible upper bound on
algal biomass, it may not be sufficiently restrictive to allow determination of
the maximum probable or realistically achievable algal population density.
The latter is the more important quantity from the point of view of lake
The constraints on light availability affect the capacity of an algal species
to grow and compete with other algal species. The amount of light that algae
receive depends on the incident solar radiation throughout the day, Io{t), the
fraction of the radiation transmitted across the air-water interface, (J, and the
light extinction rate '1 [L- 1] in the water column. In general the light intensity
at depth z is given by
An algae population can grow if its individuals receive light of an adequate
intensity throughout the day as they move throughout the epilimnion or upper
layers of a lake or estuary so that production exceeds respiration and mortality.
If PlIz{t)] is the rate of production of algal species j at light intensity I it), for
species j to participate in a bloom the average production rate of algal biomass
throughout the 24 h must be no less than the minimum required for growth, p'J'in:
1 f24 - 1 fz=ax Pl{Jlo{t)e-~Z]dzdt ~ prt", (12.58)
24 0 Zmax 0
where Zmax is the maximum mixing depth. For any temperature, the production
rate PlI] peaks at some characteristic value for which the algal species is best
adapted. Thus for each species j there will be a feasible range,
within which speciesj can thrive and outside of which the average light intensity
is either too low or too high.
The extinction coefficient '1 depends on the natural color or turbidity of the
water, resulting in a background extinction rate '10' and on the densities of algae
(self-shading) and nonliving matter in the water column. If the contribution
to the total extinction coefficient of a unit concentration of algal speciesj is "Ii'
then the extinction coefficient resulting from background and living algae is:
To this must be added the contribution from nonliving algae. This is primarily
an effect of the chlorophyll remaining in dead algae because reflection is not
nearly as important as the absorption of light. If the decay rate [T- 1] of the
light-absorbing capacity of dead algae is v, then the differential equation
describing the behavior of the contribution 1Jd of dead algae to the total extinc-
tion coefficient 1J is
= Ij
1Jdx - V1Jd'
However, if blooms grow rapidly, 1Jd may lag behind the value given in (12.62)
and the total extinction coefficient at the peak of the bloom is best given by:
= 1Jo + ~ 1Jj ( I + --; xj (12.63)
or chlorophyll:
cs = I CjXj' (12.65)
to the light limitations,
and to nonnegativity,
Solving the model for each set Ss with the corresponding extinction coefficient
interval gives a set of potential concentrations of biomass {B S } or chlorophyll
{CS}. The largest of these,
e max = , e,
max (12.69)
It would be ideal if one could say that water quality models such as those
discussed in this chapter could be used directly to identify optimum, or at
least improved, solutions to water quality management problems. Perhaps
they can in situations where there exist sufficient data and sufficient modeling
expertise to develop, calibrate, and verify models and their solutions and
where the objectives of those responsible for water quality planning and
management are clearly defined. Where ideal conditions do not exist, these
models can serve another purpose.
Water quality management models, such as those outlined in this chapter,
are most commonly used for developing an understanding of the relative
impacts on water quality of alternative management practices and for deter-
mining the significance or importance of having more accurate or more detailed
data. These insights can guide the development of effective plans and decisions,
if not actually identify the best plan or decision.
Water quality modeling, if done well, can give an understanding of why
some management alternatives are better than others for a particular river
basin. Modeling can provide estimates of how the river system will respond, at
least in a relative sense, to different waste discharges. In addition, models can
be used to help identify preferred management plans, based on various manage-
ment objectives and assumptions concerning future resource costs, technology,
and social and legal requirements.
In acknowledging the role that water quality models can and should play in
the planning process, one must recognize the inherent limitations of models as
representatives of any real problem. The input data, including management
objectives and assumptions concerning the physical, biological, and chemical
processes in the water body, may be controversial or uncertain. Of course, the
input affects the output. While the input data and model may be the best avail-
able, one's knowledge about the actual water body and about how future
events may alter its behavior will always be limited. In addition, since public
water quality objectives change, water quality models must be viewed as
flexible tools that can adapt to changing circumstances as they are perceived
and to changing data as they become available.
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There is little doubt that mathematical models have reached a level of acceptance
in the scientific and engineering communities that makes them viable in research
and problem solving. Over roughly two decades, from the early 1960s, modeling
of water quality has moved forward-albeit, with difficulty at times-from mere
intellectual exercise of the mathematically inclined to creative synthesis of
scientific principles and empirical observations aimed at quantification of
natural aquatic phenomena. One has only to skim the most recent journals of
science and engineering to appreciate that" model," .. modeling," "systems,"
"systems analysis," etc. are solidly embedded in the lexicon oftoday's researchers
and practitioners. The hardware to facilitate the use of models has advanced so
rapidly, especially in the design of inexpensive high-capability minicomputers,
that the machine seems less of a restriction than ever. Moreover, to an important
degree models of hydraulic, hydrological, water quality, and ecological be-
havior of the earth's water resources have become useful tools in problem
solving, not merely ends in themselves. It is the development of such models that
we have tried to chronicle here.
If we consider that the" modern era" in modeling of water quality com-
menced with the now classic Streeter-Phelps formulation of the DO sag, then
the chronology of our accomplishments since 1960 has been roughly as follows.
The Streeter-Phelps approach was extended by discretization of the stream
system to allow spatial variability in load patterns, geometry, and kinetic
coefficients. Temperature was introduced as a state variable in one-dimensional
stream and primitive reservoir models that considered heat exchanges at the
air-water interface. Temporal variability was accommodated by providing
independently derived solutions of the hydrodynamic equations for one-
dimensional systems. The advection-diffusion equation was adopted as the
basic description for water quality transport processes. The first simple models,
essentially one-dimensional and steady state, began their use in water quality
Discretized one-dimensional models of stream and reservoir systems were
extended to include additional sources and sinks, e.g. nitrogenous oxygen
demands and photosynthesis. One-dimensional networks were used to represent
two-dimensional vertically mixed systems. Thermal stratification was simulated
for deep reservoirs and lakes that could be represented as one-dimensional
continua. Nutrient budgets and primary productivity of lakes were simulated
for simple, fully mixed systems. Water quality models began to figure promi-
nently in assessments of the impacts of pollution.
Multilayered two-dimensional models of wind-driven circulation were de-
veloped, providing a basis for description of water quality in large lakes.
Water-quality-ecological interactions were incorporated in multisegment
models. The kinetics of primary productivity and higher trophic levels were
developed for model application. The Michaelis- Menten- Monod limiting
nutrient concepts became prominent in modeling of eutrophying aquatic
systems. Finite-element models were developed for two-dimensional systems,
adding flexibility to the already well accepted finite-difference techniques.
Sensitivity testing assumed greater importance in assessing model reliability.
Increased dimensionality of models heightened concern for adequacy of data
for calibration and validation.
During the last five years or so, increasing attention has been given to improve-
ments in model reliability and assessment of capability. Reassessments were
made of trade-offs between model detail and the required data base. Automatic
calibration and parameter estimation techniques were devised. Improvements
were made in the description of important hydrodynamic processes essential
to the characterization of water quality, for example, the effects of internal
mixing and surface wind shear. The coupling of hydrodynamics and water
quality, as in the case of thermal stratification, was given increased attention
with the development of improved two- and three-dimensional lake models.
Complexities of the aquatic ecosystem were the subject of an increasing number
of biologically oriented modelers, leading to improved descriptions of the
ecological relationships and the process of eutrophication. A general prolifera-
tion of models gave rise to concern for lack of documentation of useful models
and practical mechanisms for technology exchange.
These two decades, which account for virtually all of the history of water
quality modeling as we know it, have not been without some negative aspects.
Where these developed, they were attributed generally to overzealousness on
the part of practitioners of the modeling" art" and to lack of effective com-
munication between the modeler and the potential user of his product. There was
a general tendency in the mid-1960s to oversell the potentials of modeling,
especially in the field of water quality management. This was encouraged by the
rapid advances in the sixties of systems technology and computer sciences. Also,
there was a natural tendency in academia torise to the intellectual challenges of
modeling, leading to the overproduction of models, as evidenced in the litera-
ture. However, despite these general difficulties, water quality modeling is
apparently a viable part of our technology, still offering challenges to the
modeling enthusiast.
At the end of each of the preceding chapters the author has endeavored to sum-
marize the major accomplishments within the frame of his topic, at the same time
indicating the direction toward needed improvement. Certain improvements
refer specifically to a particular relationship or model and need not be repeated
here, but there are some areas of concern that seem to apply to modeling
generally, at least to the modeling of water quality. To bring our book to a
conclusion on an optimistic note, it seems worth while to identify a few areas
where the efforts of future modelers may be productive.
13.2.8. Documentation
Lack of complete documentation is probably the greatest obstacle to user
acceptance, despite the existence of a sizable number of proven water quality
models. Since model development, itself, is more or less an "art," there is
considerable variability in the quality of in-program comment and user
manuals. There is a need, as yet not addressed, to standardize or to provide
some measure of consistency in this important step in model development.
During the course of preparing this book, a product of the collective effort of
an international team of dedicated experts in the field of water quality modeling,
it became painfully apparent that we had little hope of capturing that elusive
"state of the art." Modeling is itself dynamic, often changing so rapidly that
a manuscript completed one week can be out of date the next. Moreover, we
continued to be plagued by the lag between creation of the model and its
appearance in the technical literature, most often a year or more. Finally, we
were continually reminded that the art we were seeking was not really found
in the technical press after all, but appeared most often in reports of very
limited distribution. If we were lucky we found such a document in the files
of one of our group, if not we had to depend on the assistance of our friends
and advisors, whose help was generously given.
Considering all these difficulties in gathering sufficient useful information
to justify this book, we decided that we could not in good conscience consider
our effort as actually characterizing the state of the art. However, we hope we
have come fairly close to the target within our own frame of reference. This
has called for identification and discussion of a selected group from among the
many models we have reviewed. Our criteria for inclusion, admittedly arbitrary
on our part, embraced such subjective determinations as "practical," "well
documented," "widely used," "transferable," etc. We recognize that some impor-
tant models may have been excluded, either inadvertently or by our subjective
judgment. Nevertheless, we hope that our sampling of the literature and
available reports has been sufficiently comprehensive to have stimulated the
reader to examine our treatise carefully, to point out to us its deficiencies
(which we acknowledge before the fact), and, above all, to contribute to
further advancing the "state of the art."
CLEANER, 4, 119,338,342,347 Detritus, 132
Competition, 109 Diffusion, 47, 50, 56, 75, 92, 97, 234, 237
Complexation, 401, 412 air-water interface, 397
of copper, 419 eddy, 284
Complexity, of models, 44,110 effective, 240-242, 263
Components, defined, models, 282
biological, 46, 55, 59, 71 moleCUlar, 240,399
chemical, 45, 55, 71 turbulent, 241,281
physical, 45 vertical coefficient of, 286
Computational representation, 13-14, Dispersion, 48, 154
15-17 Dissipation, 43, 67, 97
Concentration factor, of toxic substances, Dissolution, 83
396,413,415 Dissolved oxygen: see Oxygen
Conceptualization, defined, 13 14, 15-17 Diversity, 92
Conservation, DOSAG, 3, 188
of energy, 44, 155,237,301 Dynamic programming model, 491
of mass, 55-57, 236, 255, 353 DYRESM, 234, 242,261-263,266
of momentum, 59-60, 215, 276-277,
Continuity equation (see also Mass Ecological models (see also Lake models),
balance), 55, 215, 301 364
Continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) Baca-Arnett,387-389
idealization, 18,451 Bierman, 357, 373-378
Convection (see also Advection), 47, 56, Canale et ai" 358, 378-381
59, 217 Chen-Orlob, 117,233,309,339,254
Cooling impoundments, 316 381-382
case studies of, 322-329 CLEANER, 4, 338, 342, 347
classification, 317, 319 Di Toro et al., 340
stratified, 320, 325 EPAECO, 248, 354
vertically mixed, 321 Jorgensen, 346, 360, 382-387
Coriolis force, 60,278,301 Kremer and Nixon, 341
parameter, 62 LAKECO, 5, 233, 256-258, 339
Correlation analysis, 447 Lehman et al., 340, 343
Cost, of water quality management, MS CLEANER, 5, 338, 348
effectiveness, 468 Nyholm, 344
minimization, 491 Patten et al., 354
Courant-Friedrichs criterion, 292 Scavia et aI., 345
Critical deficit, 4, 180 Straskraba, 340, 342
Cybernetic models, 93 WQRRS, 233, 243
described, 43, 72, 74, 109
Decomposer, 71, 77, 97 of a lake, 117,258,356-358
Decomposition, rates of, 131,219-220, of a river, 200
427--428,451--454 Eddy diffusivity, 50, 56, 60, 69, 282, 284
Deep Reservoir Model, 249, 261 Eddy viscosity, 283
conceptual representation of, 235 Effluent storage, 469
Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study Egestion,
(DECS),3 process of, 70, 77, 88
Denitrification, process of, 133 rate of, 73
Deoxygenation, 81, 178 Ekman models, 296
Desorption, 80 Energy, 66
Destratification, 234 balance, 44, 66, 155,237
dissipation, 262 of PCB, 405
heat: see Heat exchange at air-water of toxicants, 403, 418
interface rate of, 73, 413
internal, 67, 102 Experimental design, 21, 24, 28-30
mechanical, 67 normal operating conditions, 28
of chemical reactions, 77 sampling frequency, 29
radiative, 67,171-175 sampling programs, 29, 433
total, 66, 261-263 extended Kalman filter (EKF) algorithm,
Enthalpy, 68 426,438--446
Entrainment rate, 262 case studies using, 447--457
Entropy, 91 conceptual picture of, 440
balance, 44, 96 gain matrix in, 439, 441,444--446
density, 95 statement of, 444
flow density, 96 Extinction coefficient, 69, 237, 495
principle, 43
production, 43, 78, 82, 97
Feedback, 119
specific, 103
Feeding rate, 71, 87
Enzymatic catalysis, 102
Filter feeders, 129,358,416
EPAECO, 248, 354
Finite-difference method, 20, 51-53
Epilimnion, 63, 117
alternative-direction implicit, 293
Equilibrium, 82-100
explicit, solution by, 244-245
implicit, solution by, 243-244
constant, 79
Finite-element method, 53-55, 233, 245,
local, 83, 95
temperature, 155,288 259
Equity objective, 474 solution by, 259
Error function, Fish,
effect on water quality, 138
definition of, 32-34, 435-436
growth, 354,418
gradient of surface of, 430, 437--438
Flow augmentation, 469
Error variance-covariance,
in extended Kalman filter, 444,
generalized, 97
types of, 59, 61, 276
of measurement errors, 436, 453
Food chain, 73, 77
of parameter estimates, 426, 453
Forces, 60
of state estimates, 453
generalized, 43, 97
Free enthalpy, 78,96, 103
estimation, 12,37-38
in measurements, 12, 16,434,441,458 Freeze-thaw cycle, 242
in modeling, 12 Frequency,
in parameter estimates, 29 of measurement, 371
in state estimates, 441 response analysis, 20, 447
linearization, 12 Freundlich isotherm, 399
lumping, 12 Friction, 60, 67, 97
residual (model response), 36,445 Froude number, 65
Euler number, 65 densimetric, 228-229, 295, 320
Eutrophication model, 337, 357
Evaporative heat loss, calculation of, Galerki method, 260-261
172-174 Gibbs free energy approach, 78, 83
Evolution theorem, 99 Gibbs potential, 82, 94
excretion, 70, 88 Grazing, 71, 87, 97
by zooplankton, 117, 132 of algae by zooplankton, 71, 127,
of cadmium, 405 358-359
Group Method of Data Handling Lake models,
(GMDH) algorithm, 447, 449 Baca-Arnett, 245, 259, 363, 387-389
Growth, Deep Reservoir Model, 249, 261
intrinsic rate for animals, 404 DYRESM, 234, 242, 261-263, 266
laws of, 106-109 EPAECO, 248,354
maximum specific rate, 81, 119 LAKECO (Chen-Orlob), 5,233,
rate limitations, 105, 127,202,357 256-258,339,381-382
MIT temperature, 230, 243, 328
Half-saturation constant, 81, 119, 402 MS CLEANER, 3,127
Heat, Lake quality management, 491
balance, 66, 237, 238, 277 Lakes, case studies of,
conduction equation, 68, 92 Anna (USA), 328
dilfusivity,69 Balaton (Hungary), 363
exchange at air-water interface, 69, Castle (USA), 362
170-175,286 Erie (USA), 227, 294,311
supply, 67 George (USA), 363
transport, 69 Glums0 (Denmark), 367, 368, 369
Heavy metals, Lyngby (Denmark), 426, 459, 460
solubility products, 404, 406-408 Michigan, Green Bay (USA), 5, 312
uptake by algae, 411, 418-419 Norman (USA), 327
Henry's Law, 398 Ontario (USA), 297, 302, 303, 306, 310
Hydrodynamic models, 59-60 Gvre Heimdalsvatn (Norway), 366
Ekman-type, 269 Paijanne (Finland), 248-249
one-dimensional stream, 215 Shagawa (USA), 310
three-dimensional, 63, 300 Vanern (Sweden), 5, 300, 303
two-dimensional stratified flow, 298, Washington (USA), 264, 265, 352
300 Zurich (Switzerland), 4, 227
two-layer, 252, 294, 310 Lambert-Beer law, 69
Hydrolysis, 72, 75, 97, 401, 412 Laterally averaged models, 298
Hydrostatic approximation, 276, 290, 295 Least-squares estimation, 32, 435,
Hypolimnion, 63, 117 447-450
Ligands, in sea water, 409
Identifiability, 30, 38, 430 Light,
Inhibition, 81 attenuation, 123-127,495
allosteric, 139, 207 diurnal variation, 123
competitive, 139, 207 extinction coefficient, 69, 431, 432
In situ experiments, 145 limitations, 123, 127
Instrumental variables, method of, 436, Linear Kalman filtering (LKF) algorithm,
447-449 439,442-443
Interactions, trophic, 44, 72, 77 Linear programming model, 496
Ionization, 401, 412 Linearization, 65, 427
Irradiance, 69, 84, 106 in extended Kalman filter, 443
Link-node models, 216, 312
Jacobian matrix, 430, 437 Lotka-Volterra equations: see Predator-
Jordan River, Utah, 426, 453-457 prey models,
Lyapunov function, 100
Kalman filter: see Extended Kalman
filter Mass balance, 55, 56, 236, 255, 353
Mass fraction, 55
Lagrangian solution technique, 189 Mass transfer, 230
LAKECO (see also Chen-Orlob model), coefficient of a gas, 398
5,233,256-257,381-382 reaeration, 178, 221-223, 254, 451-454
two-film model, 397~399 MS CLEANER, 5,127,338,348
Maximum likelihood estimation, 436, Multiobjective planning, 472
447--450 Multiplicity of solutions, 83, 110
Measured input disturbances,
definition of, 16
Measured output (response) variables, Navier-Stokes equations, 59, 276
definition of, 16 Newton-Raphson algorithm, 438
Mercury, 410,411 Nitrification, process of, 133
methyl, 417, 418 Nitrogen,
Metabolic rate, relationship to growth, allochthonous, 131
404 ammonia, 117,118, 135,213,455,457
Michaelis-Menten kinetics, 80, 84, dissolved organic, 117, 133, 214,
119, 127 455--457
bacterial growth, 206 fixation, 133, 358
light limitation, 123, 126, 127 nitrate, 117, 135,213,455
phytoplankton growth, 201, 202 nitrite, 117, 135,213
Migration, of trace metals, 403 particulate organic, 135,214
Mixing: see Diffusion, Dispersion phytoplankton, 135, 213, 455--457
Model discrimination, 31, 447 zooplankton, 135,214
Model evaluation, 425--461 Nitrogen cycle, 118
Model structure identification, 24, 30-32, in streams, 196,212
33-35,36,425,433,446--447,453, Michaelis-Menten models, 209
457 nitrogen models, 199
Model types, Nonlinearity, 46, 80, 94, 99, 110
black box (input-output), 20-21, 32, No-slip condition, 296
433,447 Numerical stability, 244, 292, 293
compartment, 309-313, 338 Nutrient budget models, 344, 353
deterministic, 19,46, 109-111 Castle Lake, 362
distributed-parameter, 18 Imboden, 349
dynamic, 20 Larsen et al., 350
internally descriptive, 20, 32,433,447 Snodgrass-O'Melia, 349
linear, 18 Vollenweider, 344,349
link-node, 312 Nutrients, 75, 80, 85, 105
lumped-parameter, 18,434 balance in rivers, 203
moving cell, 431 degradation, 206
multilayer, 294 intracellular, 120
multisegment, 252 limitations, 105, 127, 357
nonlinear, 18 release from sediment, 135, 136
steady state, 20
stochastic, 19
vertically averaged, 289 Objective function, 471, 472
Modeling procedure, 11-39,425 Ohio River Commission, 2
diagram of, 13 Onsager relations (see also parameter
Molar fraction, 89, 104 estimation), 99
Momentum, conversation of, 59~60, 215, Optimization models, 468
276-277,301,307 Oxidation,
Monod kinetics, 81, 85, 119, 355, 402 of ammonia, 203, 254
Monte Carlo simulation, 38 of chemical compounds, 400, 411
Mortality, of detritus, 254
of phytoplankton, 138, 202, 432 of nitrite, 203, 254
of zooplankton, 131 Oxygen,
rate, 59, 70, 75, 89 balance formulation, 254
dissolved, 57, 81,179 Radioactivity, transport of, 419-420
prediction of, 178, 181, 189, 190, 194, Random search algorithm, 438
195,431 Random walk parameter, 442, 452, 457
primary production of, 83-86. 105 Raphael model, 157,231
sag equation, 178, 179 Reaction rates, 44, 56, 71, 73, 75, 77-83,
transfer formulation, 221-223 116
Parameter estimation, 11,22,24, 32-35, Reaeration (see also Mass transfer)
425,433--435 80, 178, 221-223, 254, 451--454
applications of, 447-450 Recursive parameter estimation: see
off-line scheme, 32-33,433,436--438 parameter estimation
recursive (on-line), 32-34,433,436, Regional wastewater management,
438--446,451--458 transport, 480
Parameters, definition of, 17 treatment, 480
Particulate matter, 71. 76 Reservoirs, case studies of,
Partition coefficient, 400 Fontana (USA), 245-247
PCB, 403, 405 Hungry Horse (USA), 230, 247
Phosphorus, 116, 120,203,310 Lake Hartwell (USA), 267, 268
balance, 57, 361, 362 Lake Koocanusa (USA and Canada),
model validation, 459 242
models of, 344, 349, 350, 362 Lake Roosevelt (USA), 230, 299
particulate, 459 Lower Granite (USA), 300
solu ble reactive, 431 Ross Lake (USA), 248, 250
Photolysis, 400, 411 Sutton (USA), 300
Phytoplankton, Wellington (Australia), 263, 264, 266
blue-green, 358 Respiration,
growth rate, 200, 354, 402, 431,432, process of, 72, 75, 89, 97, 202,206
451,453 rate of, 59, 106,402
mineralization, 131 Reynolds number, 65, 295
mortality, 138, 202, 432 Reynolds stresses, 276
prediction of blooms, 493 Rhine River model, 205, 210-211
respiration, 130, 254 Richardson number, 66, 173,262,284,
settling, sinking, 130-132 285, 308
Photosynthesis, 83,120-123,254,220 Rigid lid approximations, 281, 296
Photosynthetic oxygenation, 186,254 River flow, 49,57,69,215
Pond number, 319-321 Rivers, case studies of,
Potential, of biological components, 95, Cam (England), 426, 451--453
104 Jordan (USA), 426, 453--457
Prandtl number, 284 Moselle (France), 164, 169, 170
Predator-prey models, 71-73,119,129, Rhine (West Germany), 208
233, 358 San Antonio (USA), 194, 195
Preference factor (coefficient), 87, 359 Rossby number, 65
Primary productivity, 44, 70-72, 75-76,
83-86,101-108 Saint John River model, 488
Principle of superposition (in linear Saturation, 80
models), 18 Second law of thermodynamics, 43, 91,
Principles of modeling, general, 42 97,98
Protozoa, role in degradation, 205, 208 Sediment,
migration of heavy metals, 403
QUAL, I, 188, 191 sorption by. 399
QUAL II, 4, 8, 119,200 Selection of model type, 13-14, 17-22
Quasilinearization method, 442 Self-purification factor, 180
Quasistatic approximation, 62 Sensible heat, 69, 170, 174
Sensitivity, Stratified reservoir, conceptual
analysis, II, 13, 30, 426--433 representation, 235
a posteriori, 24, 37-38,426 Stream models,
a priori, 21-22, 425--426 Camp-Dobbins, 5, 184
case study of, 430--433 DOSAG, 3, 188
coefficient, 22, 437 Frankel-Hansen, 181
definition of, 426--427 QUAL 1,188
functions, 426, 428--432 QUAL 11,200
of nonlinear systems, 429 River Cam, 426
Settling, of phytoplankton, 130-132 River Rhine, 210
Shear stress, Saint John River, 488
interfacial, 295 Streeter-Phelps,
solid boundary, 290 equation, 80-81,178
water surface, 285 model, 3,179-188,426-320,488
Similarity, 65 Strouhal number, 65
Simulation-optimization, 491 Structure, dissipative, 109
Small perturbations: see Linearization Submodels, of water quality models, 118
Solar radiation, 171,237,238 System,
Solubility, identification, 12,21
of gases, 399 open, 90
of metals, 404, 406--408 self-organizing, 109
Sorption, of toxics, 399
Space differencing, 292 Temperature effects, on process rates,
Spline interpolation, 53 136-137,201-202
Stability, 110 Temperature models,
analysis, 22 equilibrium, 155,288
constant of complexes, 410 one-dimensional, lake, 230, 243
criteria, 99-10 I one-dimensional, nonsteady state,
numerical, 292 stream, 157-159
State transition matrix, 445 one-dimensional, steady state,
State variables, stream, 155, 156, 159
definition of, 16 two-dimensional, lake, 230, 312
estimation of, 435, 439--446, 457 Tennessee Valley Authority, 161, 171,231
States, Thermocline, 69, 117, 247
metastable, 83 Thermodynamic relations, 96
stable, 99, 10 I Thermodynamics, of irreversible
standard, 79 processes, 80
steady, 99, 101 Threshold concentration, 87, 127
Steepest descent algorithm, 437--438 Time differencing, 293
Stochastic processes, 93 Toxic substances, 395
Stoichiometric, Act of 1976,395
models, 70 in sediments, 409
ratios, 78, 139-144 modeling principles, 396,414
Storage, intracellular, 86 Toxicity, to fish, 117, 138
of energy, 103 Trial-and-error model fitting, 431
Stratifica ti on, Trophic,
effects of, 285 interactions, 87
of cooling ponds, 325 interrelationships, 72
process of, 228-230, 283 Turbulence,
Stratified flow models, exchange coefficients, 307
finite-difference, 298, 300 kinetic energy of, 262
finite-element, 298, 300 models. 281-282
shear, 281 Chen-Orlob, 117, 233, 309, 339, 354,
transport of heat, 277 381-382
transport of momentum, 277 EPAECO, 248, 354
LAKECO, 233, 256-258
Uncertainty (see also errors), 26-27, 29, MS CLEANER, 5, 127, 338, 348
37-38,441 Thomann et al., 353, 264
Unmeasured input disturbances, 434, 441, two- and three-dimensional, 310
458 WORRS, 233, 243, 256-258
definition of, 16 Water-quality--ecological relationships,
Unsteady flow, 117,258,356-358
in lakes, 288-309 Water quality management, 468
in streams, 215-217 objectives, 475
Uptake, 70, 75, 80, 86, 97 quality standards, 470
Weighted least-squares estimation, 436
Validation, 11-14,35,36-38,426,459-460 WESTEX, 263, 268
Verification, of models, 24, 35-36,425, White noise sequence, 35, 436, 442, 458
458-459 Wind mixing, 262, 285
Volatilization, of toxic substances from Wind stress, 287, 295
water, 397 WQRRS (see also LAKECO), 233, 243
Waste disposal,
on land, 475 Zero-dimensional models, 252, 344, 349
to receiving water, 484 Zooplankton,
Wastewater control, biomass, 129
flow augmentation, 486 excretion, 131
multiple sources, 482 grazing, 127-129,359
storage lagoon, 476 grazing preference, 359
Water-quality--ecologicaJ models, growth, 71, 202,359
Baca-Arnett, 233, 245, 259, 363, mortality, 131
387-389 respiration, 131
(contents continued)