Datasheet Training DLP System Engineer en
Datasheet Training DLP System Engineer en
Datasheet Training DLP System Engineer en
Intended audience
Sales Engineers: Forcepoint employees selling or demonstrating the product, providers of technical
support during or after the Forcepoint DLP deployment.
Channel Partners: External Sales Engineers, consultants, systems integrators and implementation
specialists as well as ATC (Authorized Training Center) instructors.
Live classroom training with presentations, labs, classroom discussions.
5 days, 8 hours per day.
Forcepoint DLP Admin Course and basic understanding of other TRITON products (in particular Web
and Email Security, Cloud Web, AP-ENDPOINT). Some background of mathematics, computer science
and Windows and Linux OS administration.
Certification requirements
Completion of all course sessions.
During the five days, you will create and test an existing deployment (Session 1), integrate Forcepoint DLP
with 3rd party products (Session 2), build simple policies, rules and exceptions (Session 3), leverage script
classifiers and cumulative rules (Session 4), create and use fingerprint and ML classifiers (Session 5),
configure discovery tasks to crawl files (Session 6), set up and manage Data Endpoints (Session 7), use
Data Endpoints for application control, encryption and discovery (Session 8), manage incidents and run
reports (Session 9), deal with failovers, upgrades and some troubleshooting (Session 10).
Course objectives
Deploy Forcepoint DLP in various enterprise environments
Identify the main interactions between the components, the architecture and sizing of the product
Create and use custom classifiers, predefined classifiers, rules and policies
Plan and implement policies for regulatory compliance, the prevention of IP loss and data theft
Configure and use Data Endpoint for real-time and discovery events
Manipulate incidents and reports, configure incident workflows via TRITON GUI or email
Perform the maintenance activities, upgrade, handle failovers, backups, restores and upgrades
Session 1: Components and Session 2: Advanced Deployments
Architecture 1. Online SharePoint and Exchange,
1. Plan a new Forcepoint DLP OneDrive for Business
deployment depending on the scale 2. DLP in other cloud platforms
(Demo, Single Datacenter, Multiple 3. Integrations with TRITON Web
Datacenters). Security
2. Identify components (PEI, PE, Crawler, 4. Integrations with TRITON Email
OCR, EP Servers, EP Agents) and Security
hardware items of Forcepoint DLP 5. Risk Ranking feature; deployment and
3. Size HW and map software use of the DLP Analytics Server
components to HW
4. Integrate with pre-existing environment 1) Cloud Demos
5. Set up various protector modes a) Crawl Online SharePoint
6. Use CLI tools and configure debugging b) Crawl Online Exchange
c) Control file upload and sharing to
the Office365
1) Component and Sizing Demos
2) Web and Email Security
a) DLP Manager setup options
Integration Demos
b) Initial Setup of V10000
a) URL categories and geolocation
c) Using Sizing Guide b) CG to authenticate for Protector
2) Protector Demos c) Action plans involving Email Security
a) Protector as ICAP server (Squid (queues, quarantines, encryption)
proxy) 3) Risk Ranking Demos
b) Protector on the mirror port a) Creating test traffic
c) Protector as MTA b) Inspecting the analytics
d) Mobile Agent
3) Product Architecture Demos
a) Load Balancing
b) PE Logging
c) CLI tools to extract plaintext and test
d) Limits of file sizes, ZIPs and
e) Resource resolver and user
Session 3: Simple Classifiers Session 4: Scripts and Cumulative
1. Keyphrases, dictionaries, regex w.r.t. Rules
capitalization, word boundaries, space
normalization, Unicode. 1. Compare script classifier alternatives (e.g.
2. Regex flags in Python, regex performance credit cards)
3. Thresholds, duplicates, “all parts of the 2. Predefined policies and their fine-tuning
transaction” vs. “each part of the 3. Malware detection classifiers, HTTP GET vs
4. Boolean logic and evaluation order;
exception precedence 4. Script performance and mega breaches
5. Specifying Source and Destination, LDAP 5. Cumulative rules (Drip DLP) – configuration
Search Expressions and testing
Session 5: Fingerprinting and Session 6: Discovery and OCR
Machine Learning 1. Components used for discovery
1. Recognize the modes of file (TRITON Manager vs. Supplementary
fingerprinting Server vs. Endpoint)
2. Understand the implications of N-gram
2. Endpoint in discovery-only mode,
(5-word sliding window) algorithm
3. Apply the best practices of file/DB inside and outside the corporate
fingerprinting network
4. Export, backup and restore fingerprint 3. Discovery policies, tasks, features;
repositories, including PreciseID and access rights.
FPNE 4. Integration with file classifiers,
5. Understand the Support Vector
document tags
Machine (SVM) algorithm
6. Use Machine Learning for source 5. Remediation scripts for discovery
code and other data types 6. OCR feature for crawlers and network
1) File Fingerprinting Demos
a) Fingerprinting with Ignore sections
1) Discovery Deployment
b) Adjusting FPR sensitivity;
a) Lab: Server Discovery: Manual vs.
Scheduled, Incremental vs. Full
2) Database Fingerprinting Demos b) Endpoint Discovery: Company
a) DB Fingerprinting on a CSV network vs. outside the network
2) Discovery Integration
b) Lab: DB Fingerprinting with SQL and
a) Discovery in SharePoint Online
b) Discovery in Exchange Online
3) Fingerprint Maintenance Demos c) Discovery in databases
a) Running fingerprint export and
import. 3) Discovery Functionality
b) Fingerprints in the backup a) Remediation scripts and options;
what can be changed; what
procedures. Manually restoring from
permissions are needed.
the backup.
b) Reporting on incidents and
4) Machine Learning Demos discovery task execution, sending
a) ML with predefined negatives notifications.
(source code) 4) Crawlers and OCR Feature
b) ML with custom negatives a) Testing OCR via CG (or Email
Security); experimenting with OCR
b) Discovery OCR tasks with load
Session 7: Endpoint Deployments Session 8: Endpoint Functionality
1. Deploy Endpoints manually, using 1. Configure and run Endpoint Discovery
SCCM or GPO tasks
2. Network throttle on EP Server
3. Configure and use Endpoints on 2. Understand Endpoint architecture w.r.t.
XenApp and XenDesktop applications and file access
4. Locally manage Endpoints, inspect 3. Emulated USB Removable Media and
their configuration and logs; also Endpoint Encryption
stealth-mode endpoints 1) Application Control
5. Centrally manage and upgrade
a) Lab: Modifying clipboard behavior for
Application Groups
6. Endpoint HTTP and Endpoint Email
incidents b) Lab: Trusted Apps w.r.t. file saving and
copying to LAN
1) Data Endpoint Setup Demos c) Lab: Unhooking applications
a) Manual install, stop, uninstall 2) Endpoint Discovery
b) Endpoint minimum configuration; a) Lab: Simple EP scan (full vs.
disablement and profile setup incremental)
c) Endpoint auto-upgrade URL b) Lab: Remediation script for EP discovery
3) Endpoint Encryption
2) Configuration Management Demos a) Lab: Encryption with User Password (on
a) GPO and SCCP deployments. ImDisk-mapped letter drive)
b) Stealth mode deployments b) Lab: Encryption with Profile Key (on
c) XenDesktop and XenApp ImDisk-mapped letter drive)
3) Endpoint Email, HTTP Channels
a) Email incidents in MS Outlook and
other clients.
b) Email incidents in browsers; AJAX
applications, manipulating registry
Session 9: Incidents and Reports Session 10: Maintenance and
1. Use Incident Workflows: TRITON- Troubleshooting
based and Email-based
2. Configure manual remediation scripts 1. Configure health and service monitoring
3. Understand the role of SIEM, integrate tools and automated alerts
Forcepoint DLP with some SIEM 2. Schedule tasks for backups and
product housekeeping
4. Configure and use dashboards and
3. Plan and implement high availability
5. Generate reports of traffic and 4. Run upgrades, restore policies, FPR
incidents (including SQL-based) and other elements
1) Incident Management 5. Manipulate MS SQL database
a) Releasing, escalating, assigning, 1) Running Routine Backups
tagging, deleting incidents. a) Run/schedule a backup and a restore on
b) Force-release feature another machine.
c) Email Notifications with action links. b) Scripts to backup old incident partitions
d) Manual remediation scripts and forensics.
c) Run semi-automatic failover
2) Incident processing
2) Upgrade
a) Integration with Splunk
a) Run a TRITON upgrade script (8.2 to 8.3
b) SQL dump for a large number of or 8.2.5 to 8.3).
incidents b) Comparing the incident SQL schemas for
c) Testing the alerts for HD overflow. various versions of the product.
3) Reporting
a) Reports from the TRITON system
b) Reports from the incident dump
c) Scheduled and customized incident
d) Configuring Delegated
Administrators; hiding forensics
(also src and dest). Looking up the
users from 6-digit IDs.
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