Concept: Understanding Singularities
Concept: Understanding Singularities
Concept: Understanding Singularities
In structural analysis, a very simple example is an ideal point load applied on the surface of a solid structure.
The normal stress is the force divided by the area. Since the area of a point is Zero, the normal stress
becomes infinity regardless of the magnitude of the applied force. The theoretically infinite stress then
becomes an arbitrarily large number depending on the element size and p-level of the elements touching the
singular location. Figure 1 shows this problem.
There are many different situations in which an inaccurate solution may appear in a finite element analysis.
The most important are:
These locations can be automatically detected by the Isolate for Exclusion mesh control in Creo Simulate, but
there may be other situations for singularities. Also, the element type used has an influence, as shown in
Figure 2.
• An applied bearing constraint or rigid connection that prevents lateral contraction of the structure due to 21-03-2018
Understanding Singularities Page 2 of 2
If possible, try to set up your model without the listed singularities. Some strategies for this are:
• Replace a point constraint by a weighted link with the independent side connected to a small circular
area around the initial point, and the dependent node connected to a ground spring with an appropriate
stiffness tensor.
• Apply a radius at a reentrant corner with a radius size like the manufacturing tooling radius size. Note
that with a radius at such a location, stress may also increase compared to the sharp corner results
since the stress in the latter case is arbitrary and just influenced by element size and p-level.
• Use elasto-plastic instead of linear-elastic material when evaluating von Mises stress.
There may be situations in finite element analysis where it is impossible to prevent singularities, or you are
not interested in the solution at the singular location (you already know that the location is not critical). In
these cases, you may want to exclude these locations from the convergence loop. Singularities cause edges
in a model to require a high p-level for convergence, resulting in a longer solution time. You can have a
convergence proof for all the remaining non-singular locations of the structure, and have a more accurate
analysis by preventing errors from unrealistic soft point or edge constraints. 21-03-2018