DT Scrum
DT Scrum
DT Scrum
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In a globally connected world, one of the main challenges faced think outside the box and remember that innovation
by organizations is to be at the forefront of the market. The use encompasses much more than the simple manipulation of
of innovative methods and practices are no longer seen as a technological tools. According to Bruce Nussbaum, renowned
luxury in the corporate world. Rather, their use has become vi- professor of innovation and design at Parsons The New
tal in order to stay competitive and predict future situations. School of Design, in New York:
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Therefore, Design Thinking is used to generate innovations desires of all parties involved, with special attention to end
that meet human needs, without losing sight of the users. The key word here is EMPATHY.
technological viability and value generated to the business.
It is also important to know that each professional or project The immersion can still be divided into preliminary, when
manager applies Design Thinking in a different way. And, in there is a first contact with the problem and in depth, when
fact, each project and each context requires an evaluation one begins the survey of the needs and opportunities that
of the best techniques and tools to be employed. However, will guide the generation of solutions later.
in general, Design Thinking has well defined stages and is
composed of a systematic process, where each stage is ANALYSIS
important and contributes to the final result.
Then comes the analysis stage, where the team seeks to
synthesize the information collected. At this time, all the raw
Understand each of these steps in detail:
data raised serves as the basis for this step. Information
is then crossed to find patterns and consolidate insights
through materials that help to understand and explain the
findings. These materials can be diverse: people, journeys,
guiding criteria, etc.
BACKLOG BACKLOG It is in the analysis stage that people are defined, through
Immersion Analysis SPRINT
DO PRODUTO DA SPRINT the mapping of the different types of stakeholders; who they
are, what they think, do and feel. You also need to establish
in the product backlog, a list of requirements identified in the
form of user stories that are sorted by development priority.
We also have the journeys, which indicate how the user or
consumer relates to the product or service, touchpoints, etc.
This stage is characterized by approximation to the problem,
where the team delves into the implications of the challenge It is at this time that the most critical points and moments
from the point of view of the various stakeholders. To obtain within the challenge are evident. in the product backlog, a list
these inputs, several types of surveys are done (interviews, of requirements identified in the form of user stories that are
trend searches, or cool hunting, direct observation, etc.). sorted by development priority.
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In the projects of digital technological products, which will
It is in the ideation stage that the brainstorming takes place. culminate in the agile development, the focus of this stage
The goal here is to present as many ideas as possible, is to develop a low fidelity prototype, aiming to make the
without any kind of judgment. It is also at this moment that main solutions tangible, complementing and validating with
the project participants propose alternatives and solutions to the users the conceptual and functional vision that we are
the context identified in the analysis. looking for.
At this stage, those involved begin to ‘think outside the box’, It is at this moment that the idea is at the point of being
proposing solutions to the problem. For this, practices to developed. This happens when there is clarity for all of the
stimulate creativity are used, such as co-creation workshops, following points:
which gather those involved to think about answers to the
questions of the end user, according to the context of the 1. The problem we are trying to solve;
subject being dealt with.
2. The people involved (for whom we want to solve the
There is no limit of ideas at this stage. It is also advisable to problem);
have a variety of different people involved, including those
who will benefit from the proposed solutions. Collaborative 3. The vision of the future of the solution.
techniques help stakeholders prioritize which items are
most important and must be produced.
The last step is prototyping. According to the authors of the
book Design Thinking - Innovation in Business, “prototyping
Senior management, Business Process Multidisciplinary team that will
is to make an idea tangible, it is the passage from the representatives from representative. Facilitator. execute the project.
abstract to the physical in order to represent reality - even if distinct sectors, end users. (Stakeholders. Product Owner.
simplified - and provide validations.” Design Thinker. Innovation Team.)
Now you need to understand what the Agile practices are. The Agile Manifesto
Aimed at supporting project development (not necessarily
only in Information Technology), agile methodologies distance In this context, it is important to know that the use of the word
themselves from the traditional way of managing and agile derives from the Agile Manifesto. In the early 1990s,
executing projects, and through lean dynamics provide greater in order to reduce the bureaucracy of software development
productivity, quality and speed in project delivery. processes, new, leaner approaches were created that were
more useful and effective than previous attempts.
To summarize, the overall idea is to maximize value creation,
reducing the emphasis on extensive documentation, These new methodologies came to be called agile in 2001,
mitigating risk, and streamlining the process to ensure when a group of 17 experts met in Utah in the United States
agility and frequent deliveries. to discuss ways to develop software in a lighter, faster, people-
centric way. And for the first time, the software industry found a
real and sustainable way to solve problems that stifled several
generations of development teams. With this, the manifesto
was created and presented 4 fundamental premises:
“We value:
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Agile methods are characterized by development in iterations Scrum is a framework that aims to help project development
- that is, deliveries are carried out in parts, whereby at the based on the agile concept. Its structure is spiral, where
end of all deliveries the final product is obtained. This form steps (iterations) occur gradually, until all parts of the final
is also known as the “spiral method”, since iterations occur product are completed.
repeatedly until the final product is obtained.
Scrum teams are associated with roles, events, artifacts and
rules. Each component within the framework serves a specific
purpose and is essential to the use and success of Scrum.
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The Scrum Master is the team’s facilitator. He helps to All project members participate. It is at this moment that
remove blocks, ensure correct compliance with Scrum rules, the backlog information is analyzed, estimated (in effort
and, of course, helps deliver project deliverables as required. / complexity) and later distributed in sprints. This meeting
occurs before the start of each sprint.
The Product Owner is the owner of the product, i.e. the
person responsible for writing the backlog, defining The Scrum Master and the team participate in this meeting.
requirements (user stories), supporting the team in the It focuses on the status of activities, positioning all involved
day to day development of the project and validating the on the progress of ongoing activities, and identifying gaps
deliveries according to their expectations. and sprint blocks. It should happen daily, throughout the
The product backlog consists of the project scope. A properly
structured Product Backlog contains User Stories, that All project members participate. It is the meeting where,
is, requirements and technical and / or business rules. It essentially, the results and delivery of the current sprint are
is a way of documenting the project for greater flexibility, presented, thus assessing whether the delivery occurred
optimization of time and value oriented information. within the expectations of the Product Owner. This meeting
occurs at the end of each project sprint.
Sprints are the steps where activities are executed. At the
end of each sprint, an increment of the product is delivered. There is a focus on continuous improvement, since everyone
involved in the project meets to discuss positive and negative
The Scrum presupposes four formal ceremonies: points during the project’s trajectory. This meeting occurs at
the end of each project sprint.
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The world is in the process of digital transformation. Technology
is evolving faster and is changing people’s routine. In this context SURPRISES IN THE LAUNCH
of constant change, companies need to adapt faster and faster
as consolidated business models are abruptly threatened by Undesirable aspects of software are usually only discovered
new products and services that emerge in the market, winning when the product is released and it is too late to carry out
the fast adhesion of the consumers. structural changes.
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As we have seen throughout this e-book, uniting Next, Find out how MJV created a sales platform by merging Design Thinking and
Design Thinking with Agile is a way of adding Agile Development.
innovation and faster deliveries in technology.
A financial company identified the need for a digital platform for its business
It is worth emphasizing that in order to achieve the team. The goal was to gather all the information and tools needed for day-to-day
desired results, the organizational culture of the operations in one environment.
company must be in line with the proposals of these
new practices and methodologies. Despite focusing on internal customers, there was the fear of encountering
difficulties in getting users to join the client. To mitigate this risk and increase the
Are you and your team willing to immerse chances of success among users, the company decided to focus the design of this
yourselves in an innovative approach where Design product on the real needs of users. In this context, they understood that Design
Thinking and Agile are moving together toward truly Thinking would be the best approach and asked MJV to take on the project.
amazing results?
The challenge
The project
Based on almost forty interviews with stakeholders involved in the challenge, it was
possible to design the user journey throughout their operations. Through immersion
and analysis, problems, patterns and insights were identified at each stage.
In the ideation stage, the MJV team organized two co-creation workshops, bringing
together 28 people. Through a series of collaborative activities, we sought to
explore, design and prioritize the functionality of the portal. We also encouraged a
focus on the most critical points of the journey.
During the prototyping stage, the materialization of the ideas that emerged during
these workshops culminated in the design of navigable web frames by the MJV
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MJV is a 20-year old consulting firm specializing in technology and
innovation services. With a structure of more than 400 employees and
team. The solution was then tested and evaluated with customers and users,
nine offices, the company serves the Latin American, European and
refined in cycles, until the hypotheses that generated the first sketches were
United States market.
validated and adjusted to the real needs of the end users.
Our services aare divided into three business units - consulting in
The delivery of this project was a navigable prototype in HTML, registered through
innovation, technology services and digital platforms - with expertise
flows, sitemaps, glossaries and operating notes, as well as the design of the users’
in the areas of Design Thinking, Digital Transformation, Gamification,
journey with the main insights at each stage. Together, the materials empowered
IoT and Big Data.
the developers to make more assertive decisions during development.
We have released two very successful books, both of which are
The result available to download free of charge: Design Thinking - Business
Innovation with over 200,000 downloads, and Gamification Inc. - How
The result was the design of a base structure, which provides the vision and to reinvent companies from games.
at the same time, the necessary flexibility for project planning - today in the
developmental stage following an agile model. Our mission is to support companies in search of change, working
collaboratively toward disruptive business solutions.
This structure will meet the operating needs of more than four thousand products
that will be implemented gradually, generating value as they become available.
• Assertiveness in resources and time allotted at the development stage. MAURÍCIO VIANNA
What’s more interesting is that the prototype created does not constrain the mvianna@mjvinnovation.com
project. In fact, it works as a guide for the development team. Whenever a new need
arises that has not yet been addressed, the UX team designer will be able to help YSMAR VIANNA
prioritize the new demands, with the support of the user’s journey tools and the Chairman
understanding that has been created. In this way, it is much easier to design new yvianna@mjvinnovation.com
functionalities idealized by the developers, including by applying Design Thinking
techniques to extract the crux of the needs of the new demands of the users.
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