Installation and Maintenance Information: Starters

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Edition 7
January 2014

Series SS175 and SS350

Installation and Maintenance

EN Installation and Maintenance Information
ZH 安装和维护信息

JA 据付および保守の情報

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Product Safety Information
Intended Use:
These air starters are intended for use in starting reciprocating internal combustion engines. These starters are designed to be
operated from a remote location after proper installation on the engine requiring starting.
For additional information refer to Air Starters for Internal Combustion Engines Product Safety Information Manual Form 45558624.
Manuals can be downloaded from
The Ingersoll Rand Starter is a precision piece of equipment The recommendations outlined in this manual are based on over
intended to give efficient, economical performance over a long 30 years of experience in the air and gas starter field. Study these
period of time. However, as with any product, performance, economy recommendations and follow them. They can save you considerable
and durability are determined for the most part by a few simple time and expense. This manual should be filed in a permanently
common sense procedures that can be recommended only by the available location.
manufacturer and adhered to only by the customer.
Either one of two lubrication systems is recommended. For typical
WARNING Starter installations where the cranking cycle is less than 10 seconds,
we recommend an Ingersoll Rand No. HDL2 Lubricator installed as
Do not lubricate starters with flammable or volatile liquids such
shown on Page 3. Use either diesel fuel or 10W non detergent motor
as kerosene or jet fuel.
oil for lubricant. If the cranking cycle is more than 10 seconds, we
For temperatures above 32° F (0° C), use a good quality SAE 10 non recommend the Ingersoll Rand Lubricator No. NL-24-8 installed in
detergent motor oil. the main air supply line. Use a good quality 10W non detergent oil
For temperatures below 32° F (0° C), use diesel fuel. We cannot too and adjust the Lubricator to flow 1 to 2 drops per second.
strongly emphasize the importance of proper lubrication of the Starter.
It is the prime requisite for top performance and maximum durability,
yet requires so little time there is really no excuse for disregarding it.

General Information 6. We recommend installation of a “glad hand” for emergency
repressurizing of the system, To keep the “glad hand” clean and
1. Always make certain your Air Starter is properly installed. A
free of dirt, and to protect it from distortion, a second “glad hand”
little extra time and effort spent in doing a top quality job will
closed by a pipe plug can be mated to it, or a glad hand protector
contribute considerably toward a reliable starting system that does
bracket can be used.
a superior job of starting your engine quickly under all conditions.
7. Always mount the Air Starter so that the exhaust port is
2. We strongly recommend that on all vehicular installations, and
downward. This will help prevent any accumulation of water in
on stationary engines subject to vibration, you use hoses of the
the starter motor.
specified diameter instead of rigid pipe connections. Vehicle and
engine vibration will soon loosen rigid pipe connections, whereas Orientation of the Air Starter
hoses will absorb the vibration, and connections will remain tight.
If the factory orientation will not fit your engine due to radial location
3. In the actual mounting of an Air Starter, it is best to have the hose
of the drive housing, or location of the inlet and/ or exhaust ports,
connections already made at the receiver, and to have the Starter
reorient the Starter as follows:
end of the hose handy for attaching to the Starter. Wherever
possible-and many times it is necessary attach the air hoses to 1. Look at the proper outline drawing on Page 4 or 5 and note
the Starter before mounting the Starter on the flywheel housing. that the drive housing can be located in any one of eight radial
The reason for following this procedure is twofold: positions relative to the exhaust. The air inlet (motor housing
a. After mounting the Starter, it is often impossible to make hose cover) can be located in any one of four radial positions relative
connections due to space limitations. to the exhaust port.
b. Once the hoses are attached, they carry some of the weight of 2. Study the engine mounting requirements, and determine the
the Starter and make it easier to complete the mounting. required orientation of the drive housing relative to the exhaust
4. The efficiency of an Air Starter can be greatly impaired by an port. The exhaust port should be aimed downward when
improper hook-up. Hoses smaller than those recommended will installed on the engine. If the drive housing has to be reoriented,
reduce the volume of air to the motor, and the use of reducers in remove the four drive housing cap screws and rotate the drive
the exhaust port will restrict the exhaust and choke the motor. housing to the required position.
The number of tees and elbows, and the length of the supply
line should be kept to a minimum, For SS175, use 1” hose or pipe NOTICE
for supply lines up to 30 feet long; use 1-1/4” hose or pipe if the Do not separate the drive housing from the gear case.
supply line is over 30 feet long. For SS350, use 1 -1/4” hose or pipe Reinstall the drive housing cap screws and alternately tighten
for supply lines up to 30 feet long; use 1 -1/2” hose or pipe if the them to 20 ft-lb (27 Nm) of torque.
supply line is over 30 feet long. 3. Now that you have the drive housing properly oriented relative
5. A leak in any of the connections means that the system will drain to the exhaust port, notice whether or not the inlet port will be
overnight and will have to be repressurized the next morning favourably located for hose installation. If this must be reoriented,
by use of another vehicle or compressor. Make your connections remove the four motor housing cover cap screws, and rotate the
right the first time to avoid unnecessary costs and delays. On all
motor housing cover to its desired position. Reinstall the motor
threaded connections throughout the system, use Ingersoll Rand
housing cover cap screws and alternately tighten them to 20 ft-lb
No. SMB-441 Sealant, non-hardening No. 2 Permatex or Loctite® *
(27 Nm) of torque.
Pipe Sealant. Teflon tape is not recommended. Always run your air
supply line from the side or top of the receiver-never at or near the NOTICE
bottom. Moisture in the air collects at the bottom of the receiver
and could cause corrosion in the starter motor or, worse yet, freeze There are eight holes through the motor housing cover, four of
solid in cold weather so that the Starter would be inoperative. which are not used and are plugged. If the orientation requires
After all connections have been made, check each joint with a soap that the plugged holes be used to accommodate the housing
bubble test. There must be no leaks. The slightest leak will cause cover cap screws, use a flatend drift to carefully drive the plugs
the system to lose pressure overnight. inward. Then reinstall them in the other four holes.
Mounting the Air Starter Installation of HDL2 Lubricator
1. Study the piping diagrams on page 6. We strongly recommend Mounted on Starter
that the Starter be connected exactly as shown.
2. The air receiver tank for a Starter installation must have a working
pressure capability equal to or greater than the maximum Air Supply Hose
pressure at which the Starter will be operated.
3. If you are going to connect to a receiver tank that is already in Lubricant Supply Hose
service, bleed off the air pressure in the tank. Prime with Oil at time
of installation.
Bleed off the air pressure through a valve or pet cock. Do not
remove a plug from the tank while the tank is still pressurized. Drain
off any water that may have accumulated in the bottom of the tank.
4. Using a 1” or 1-1/4” short nipple, install the SRV100 or SRV125
Starter Relay Valve on the end of the receiver tank as shown in the
piping diagram.

Make certain the connection is made to the inlet side of the Relay
Valve indicated by the word “IN” cast on the valve body.
5. Install the No. SMB-618 Starter Control Valve on the dash panel (Dwg. TPB789-3)
(for vehicular installations) or some other appropriate panel (for
Mounted at Remote Location
stationary installations).
6. Attach No. TA-STR-100 Starter Instruction Label to the control Lubricant Supply Hose
panel adjacent to the Starter Control Valve Solenoid. Prime with Oil at time
7. Mount the No. 150BMP-1064 Air Pressure Gauge on or adjacent of Installation
to the control panel. It should be located where it is readily visible
to the operator of the Control Valve.
8. Connect the Starter Control Valve to the Relay Valve live air port
with 1/4” hose. Install a Tee in this line with a short feeder hose to To starter air
the Pressure Gauge. supply inlet

Make certain that the hose is connected to the “SUP” side of the
Starter Control Valve.
9. Measure the distance from the Relay Valve on the receiver to the
starter location on the engine to determine the exact length of
1-1/4” or 1” air hose required. (Dwg. TPC494-3)
10. Attach the air hose to the outlet side of the Relay Valve, and run the The HDL2 Lubricator is self-priming and may be installed directly on the
hose through the frame, etc. to its final position at the starter location. Starter or remotely located. Although the Lubricator is capable of drawing
11. At this point, determine whether or not it is feasible or practical lubricant from a source 4 ft (1.2 m) lower than the point of installation,
to attach the hose to the Starter before or after the Starter is we recommend the lubricating oil lines be as short as practical. We
actually mounted. In many cases, it may be necessary to attach recommend using the unpressurized fuel return line as the source of
the hose to the Starter before mounting. lubricant- However, oil may be supplied from a separate reservoir or the
12. Liberally grease the teeth on the pinion and ring gear with a diesel fuel tank. When the diesel fuel tank is the lubricant source, install
good, sticky gear grease. This will help promote the life of the ring a 10 micron to 50 micron fuel filter (Part No. HDL1-47) in the oil supply
gear and the drive pinion. line at the fuel tank. The lubricant line should be tee’d into the fuel return
13. Mount the Starter on the flywheel housing. Tighten the mounting line with the leg of the tee going to the lubricator directed in the down
bolts as follows: direction to insure that the lubricator does not draw air instead of oil.
a. For 5/8” bolt, 90 ft-lb (122 Nm) of torque
b. For 3/8” bolt, 30 ft-lb (41 Nm) of torque Mount the HDL2 Lubricator as follows:
14. Install a 1/4” hose line from the “DEL” side of the Starter Control 1. If you are going to mount the HDL2 Lubricator on the Starter,
Valve to the “IN” port on the Starter Drive Housing. remove one of the 3/8” pipe plugs from the Motor Housing Cover
15. Install a 1/4” hose line from the “OUT” port on the Starter Drive on the Starter, and replace it with the HDL2. If you are going to
Housing to the small pipe tapped port on top of the Starter Relay mount the HDL2 at a remote location, use two U-bolts and base
Valve. clamp available for the Lubricator.
16. On air-operated Starters, install a Muffler or Road Splash Deflector 2. If you mounted the HDL2 at a remote location, install a 1/4” hose
in the exhaust port of the Starter. Use No. 150BMA674 Muffler or from the end of the Lubricator having both a male and female
No. SS175-A735 Road Splash Deflector on SS175 Starters. Use No. thread to one of the 3/8” pipe tapped holes on the Starter Motor
SS350-A674 Muffler or No. SS350-A735 Road Splash Deflector on Housing Cover.
SS350 Starters. 3. Install a No. 6 hose from the 1/8” NPT oil inlet in the side of the
HDL2 to the unpressurized fuel line, diesel fuel tank or separate
WARNING oil reservoir. Tighten the fitting at the Lubricator to 15 to 36 ft-lb
If the Starter is gas operated, the exhaust must be piped away to (20.3 to 48.8 Nm) torque. Important: This connection must be
a location where it will not be ignited or inhaled. vacuum tight. The thread on the fitting must be clean; assemble it
17. Mount an HDL2 Lubricator on or near-the Starter as described without sealing compound or Teflon®* tape.
under “Installation of HDL2 Lubricator”. Note: Before initial operation, manually fill the oil supply line.
18. Pressurize the complete starting system and check every 4. If a separate lubrication reservoir is used, fill it with diesel fuel or
connection with a soap bubble test- There must be no leaks. an SAE 10 or 10W light, non detergent motor oil.
* Registered trademark of E. I. Dupont.


(Dwg. TPA929-3)
291.0 47.0
[11.45] [1.85]
1/4”-18 NPT 54.0
Control Port [2.12]
Outlet 6.0
48.0 1/4”-18 NPT
Control Port 69.0
[1.89] Control
Inlet [2.72] 30° 30°
Series SS175 with Flange Mounting

INLET 0 0 90°
1” 11 1/2 NPT 127.0 10.0
[5.00] [.39] F G H F G H

77.5 120°
92.0 R 73.0
[3.622] SAE #3 [2.87]
88.7 Pilot 1-D J-3 1-D J-3 Control
[3.494] R 63.5 Ports
74.5 SAE #1
K [2.50]
[2.93] C K C
16.0 B L 16.7 B L Left Hand
Lubricator Connection A A
EXHAUST [.62] Ring Gear Face [.66] Rotation
both Sides. 10.4
2 3-Places [.41] 2
126.0 24.0 Pinion Travel
Right Hand
1 1/4-11 1/2- NPT [.94] SAE 3 3-Places SAE 1
[4.96] Rotation
227.0 51.0
[8.93] [2.00]
294.0 Notes:
Orientation Options 1. Starter should be installed on the enigne with
[11.57] Inlet Exhaust Drive Housing The exhaust pointed down.
4 @ 90° 4 @ 90° 12 @ 30° 2. Use the set of control ports on the upper side
Of the drive housing. (only drive housings with
- MODEL CODING - Two sets of control ports.)
3. These models are not approved for applications
SS175 G E 01 R 85- 0 2 H Where the starter is exposed to the transmission fluid.
Size Starter Control Ports 4. Drive housing orientation code is based on position
of mounting hole opposite the pinion opening.
Gas Sealed Exhaust 5. Standard orientation shown (02H) on SAE3 & (02J) on SAE1
Gearing Orientation Code Will be shipped unless otherwise specified.
Flange type Inlet 6. Please read the instructions before attempting
Rotation Type Pinion To reorient.
7. Starter weight = 13 kg (29 lbs)
Dual mm
Dimensions [Inch]

(Dwg. TPA930-3)
¼” - 18 npt
Control port
69.0 47.0
INLET [2.72] [1.85]
60.0 ¼” - 18 npt
[2.36] Control port
Series SS350 with Flange Mounting

54.0 R 63.0
1¼ - 11 ½ NPT Control [2.50]
Lubricationr [2.13] 6.0 30° 30°
10.0 O Ports O
connection, [.24]
both sides. [.39] H G H 90°
[3.82] E I E I
R 73.0
Ø 92.0 SAE 3 [2.87]
[3.622] Control
PILOT 120° 1 D J 1 D J 3
Ø 88.7 SAE 1 Ports
74.5 [3.494]
[2.93] Ø 16.7
C K [.66] C K
3-Places Left Hand
Ring Gear Face B L B A L Rotation
1¼ - 11 ½ NPT 16.0 A
[.62] 24.0 Ø 10.4 2
Exhaust [.94] Pinion Travel
2 [.41] Right Hand
SAE 3 3-Places SAE 3 Rotation
126.0 19.0
[4.96] [.75] Flange Flange
[10.17] Notes:
1. Starter should be installed on the enigne with
356.3 51.0 Orientation Options The exhaust pointed down.
[14.03] [2.01] Inlet Exhaust Drive Housing 2. Use the set of control ports on the upper side
4 @ 90° 4 @ 90° 8 @ 45° Of the drive housing. (only drive housings with
Two sets of control ports.)
- MODEL CODING - 3. These models are not approved for applications
Where the starter is exposed to the transmission fluid.
SS350 G E 01 R 85- 0 2 H 4. Drive housing orientation code is based on position
Size Starter Control Ports Of mounting hole opposite the pinion opening.
5. Standard orientation shown (02H) on SAE3 & (02j) on SAE1
Gas Sealed Exhaust Will be shipped unless otherwise specified.
Gearing Orientation Code 6. Please read the instructions before attempting
Flange type Inlet To reorient.
Rotation Type Pinion 7. Starter weight = 13 kg (29 lbs)
Dual mm
Dimensions [Inch]


Piping Diagram

Typical Vehicular Installation:

Starter Control Valve
Y54-23 150BMP-2451B (24V) Air Supply
Starter Control Valve from Compressor
From Starter Y54-23 150BMP-1051B (24V)
Control Valve
Air Pressure Guage
To Relay Valve
4411-4S Check Valve
Hose #4

Hose #4
AEROQUIP 1¼” or 1” Hose 4411-4S
2X 4411-4S
AEROQUIP ST400-411 Air Receiver Tank
“OUT” port 2024-20-16S
JIC 37° Adapter Y54-3
¼” N.P.T

Lube Oil Line

1¼” or 1” Nipple
HDL3 Lubricator SRV125T
Relay Valve
Mount Lubricator in
pipe tapped hole NOTE:
“IN” port Use IR SMB-441 Sealant On
JIC 37° Adapter 150BM - A674 Muffler or SS175 - A735 Road Splash All Pipe Connections.
¼” N.P.T Deflector for 22175
SS350 - A674 Muffler or SS350 - A735 Road Splash
Deflector for SS350
(Dwg. TPB715-1)
Typical Stationary Installation:
Starter Control Valve SMB-618

#4 Hose or 1/4” For gas operation connect

Tubing Exhaust to safe area
Air Pressure Guage
Pressure Regulator
(Maximum setting not
#4 Hose or 1/4”
to exceed pressure
Tubing Relief Valve rating shown on Starter
(set at 15 PSI aboe regulator setting) Nameplate)
#4 Hose or 1/4”
Tubing For gas operation
the Relief Valve
must be connected
JIC 37° Adapter JIC 37°
1-1/2” NPT to1-1/4” 1-1/2” Adapter to a safe area.
or 1” Hose Pipe 1/4” NPT

“IN” port
JIC 37° Lubricator NL24-8
Adapter 1-1/2” Pipe Air Strainer
“OUT” port 1/4” NPT JIC 37°
JIC 37° Adapter 20BM-A267AT
JIC 37° Adapter Adapter SRV150 1-1/2” or
1-1/4” or 1” NPT
1/4” NPT SRV150SS 1-1/2”
Relay Valve If used for gas application
Air Starter
entire system should meet all
Model SS175 (1” NPT Inlet)
local standards and ordinances.
or model SS350 (1-1/4” Inlet)

For Gas operation, exhuast must be connected to a safe area. For

air, use SS175-A735 Road Splash Deflector or 150BM-A674 Muffler
on SS175 models. Use SS350-A735 Road Splash Deflector or SS350
A674 Mufflers on SS350 models.

(Dwg. TPA942-1)

Model Code Identification

Basic Model Number Orientation *

15 0 B
31 1 C
SS175 B 01 R 32 2 D
SS350 G E 03 L etc. 0 3 etc.

Frame Size

Sealed for Gas Operation

Gear Ratio
B = 2.1
E = 3.1

01 = SAE 1 Flange
03 = SAE 3 Flange

Pinion Rotation (when facing the drive pinion)

R = Clockwise
L = Counterclockwise

Pinion Part Number Suffix (SS350-13-15)

Inlet Orientation (refer to dimension drawings)

Exhaust Orientation (refer to dimension drawings)

Control Inlet Orientation (refer to dimension drawings)

* The following orientation combinations are not possible because of space limitations and other considerations:


0-0-E 0-1-H 0-2-E 0-3-H

0-0-C 0-1-F 0-2-C 0-3-F
0-0-K 0-1-B 0-2-K 0-3-B
0-0-I 0-1-L 0-2-I 0-3-L

The following accessories are available for use on installations involving an SS175 or SS350 Starter:
Part Number Name of the Part Part Number Name of the Part
SMB-618 Starter Control valve for SS175
HDL2 Lubricator 150BM-A674 Muffler
HDL1-47 Lubricator Filter SS175-A735 Road Splash Deflector
NL-24-8 Air Line Lubricator SRV100 1” Relay Valve
SMB-441 Sealant for Pipe Threads SS175-HN16 1” Pipe Nipple
150BMP-1051B 12V Solenoid valve for SS350
150BMP-2451B 24V Solenoid Valve SS350-A674 Muffler
150BMP-1054 Combination Pr. Relief/Check Valve SS350-A735 Road Splash Deflector
150BMP-1056 Check Valve SRV125 1-1/4” Relay Valve
150BMP-1064 Pressure Gauge SS350-HN20 1-1/4” Pipe Nipple
K4U-A267AT 1-1/4” Air Strainer
20BM-A267AT 1-1/2” Air Strainer
150BMP-1067 Drain Valve
1-1/2” Relay Valve (Stainless Steel)
(for gas applications where required)

更多信息请参见内燃机空气启动器产品安全信息手册表 45558624。
手册可从 下载。
Ingersoll Rand 起动器是一种精密装置,可长时间提供高效和经济性能。但是,如同任何产品一样,性能、经济性和耐用性大多都是由
少数简单的常识步骤确定,只能由制造商建议,并仅由客户遵守。本手册中略述的建议根据 30 多年以来在空气和气动起动器领域总结

警 告 置(盘车时间低于 10 秒),我们建议使用 Ingersoll Rand No.
不要使用煤油或喷气机燃油等易燃、易挥发的液体来润滑起动器。 HDL2 润滑器(按 页 3 上所示的方式安装)。使用柴油或 10W 非
去垢性机油进行滑润。如果盘车时间高于 10 秒,我们建议使用已
若温度高于 32° F (0° C), 可使用优质 SAE 10 非去垢性机油。 安装在主空气供应管线中的 Ingersoll Rand 润滑器 No. NL-24-8。
使用优质 10W 非去垢性油,并调整润滑器以使其每秒涌出 1
若温度低于 32° F (0° C), 可使用柴油。 我们不会过度强调正确润
至 2 滴。

1. 确保正确安装气动起动器。花费少量额外时间和精力完成的出 注 意
色工作将可造就一个可靠的起动系统,而该系统可在所有情况 切勿分开传动箱和齿轮箱。
重新安装传动箱有头螺丝,并交替地将其旋紧至 20 英尺-磅
2. 我们强烈建议在受到振动的所有车载装置和固定发动机上,您
(27 牛米)扭矩。
3. 既然已正确定向与排气管相对的传动箱,注意进气口是否处于
有利于软管安装的位置。如果这必须重新定向,可卸下 4 个电
3. 在实际安装气动起动器的过程中,最好已在接收器中连接软
重新安装电动机外壳盖有头螺丝,并交替地将其旋紧至 20 英
尺-磅(27 牛米)扭矩。
a. 在安装起动器之后,常常因空间限制而无法连接软管。 注 意
b. 在连接软管之后,它们会支撑起动器的部分重量,以便更 马外壳盖中有 8 个孔,其中 4 个无用,因此用塞子堵住。如果定
加容易完成安装。 向要求将堵塞孔用以安装外壳盖有头螺丝,使用平端移动以小心
4. 连结不当会大大削减气动起动器的效率。使用小于所建议尺寸 向内驱动塞子。然后将其重新安装在其他 4 个孔中。
气管端口中的渐缩管将可以限制排气,同时会堵塞马。三通和 安装气动起动器
弯头的数量以及供应管线的长度都应最小化。对于 SS175,如
1. 学习 页 6 上的管道布置图。我们强烈建议按如图所示的方式
果供应管线长达 30 英尺,可使用 1” 软管或管道;如果供应管
线超过 30 英尺,可使用 1-1/4” 软管或管道。对于 SS350, 如果
2. 起动器装置的空气储气罐必须具有工作压力性能 (等于或大于
供应管线长达 30 英尺,可使用 1 -1/4” 软管或管道;如果供应
管线超过 30 英尺,可使用 1 -1/2” 软管或管道。
3. 如果要连接到正在工作的储气罐, 可排出箱中的气压。
5. 任何连接装置出现泄漏状况都表明,系统将会整夜排放并必须
注 意
连接装置上,使用 Ingersoll Rand No. SMB-441 Sealant, 非硬化 通过阀或旋塞排出气压。当储气罐仍处于增压状态时,切勿从罐上拔
的 No. 2 Permatex 或 Loctite®* 管道密封剂。建议不要使用特氟 下塞子。排出积聚在罐底部的水份。
隆胶带。务必从接收器的侧面或顶部运行空气供应管线,切勿 4. 使用 1” 或 1-1/4” 的短螺纹接套将 SRV100 或 SRV125 起动器主
在底部或底部附近运行。空气中的水分聚集在接收器底部,便 启动阀安装在接收箱末端,如管道布置图所示。
糕的情况)以致无法使用。在进行所有连接后,可使用肥皂气 注 意
导致系统很快失压。 确保连接到主启动阀的进口侧(在阀座上标注为字母 “IN” )。
6. 对于系统的紧急增压,我们建议使用 “glad hand” 安装。要保 5. 请在仪表板上(车载装置)或某些其他相应面板上(固定装
持 “glad hand” 干净和没有污物,以及避免变形,可将其连接 置)安装 No. SMB-618 起动器控制阀。
到由管道塞子密封的第二个“ glad hand”, 或可使用 “glad hand” 6. 将 No. TA-STR-100 起动器说明标签贴在邻近起动器控制阀电磁
保护器托架。 阀的控制面板上。
7. 总是安装气动起动器以便排气管端口朝下。这将有助于预防起 7. 将 No. 150BMP-1064 气压计安装在控制面板上或邻近控制面板
动器电动机中出现水份积聚现象。 处。它应位于控制阀操作者容易看到的地方。
气动起动器的定向 8. 将起动器控制阀连接到具有 1/4” 软管的主启动阀活动空气端口
如果工厂定向因传动箱的径向位置或进气口和 / 或排气管端口而
无法安装发动机,请按如下方式重新定向起动机: 注 意
1. 请参见 页 4 或 页 5 上的略图,并且注意传动箱可位于与排气
装置相对 8 个径向位置的任一处。进气口(电动机外壳盖)可 确保将软管连接到起动器控制阀的 “SUP” 侧。
位于与排气管端口相对的 4 个径向位置中的任一处。 9. 测量储气罐的主启动阀和发动机的起动器位置之间的距离以确
2. 学习发动机安装要求,并确定与排气管端口相对的传动箱的所 定所需的 1-1/4” 或 1” 进气软管的确切长度。
需定向。当在发动机上安装时,排气管端口应向下。如果传动 10. 将进气软管连接到主启动阀的出口侧,并使软管从机架等穿过
箱必须重新定向,可卸下 4 个传动箱有头螺丝,然后将传动箱 起动器处的最终位置。
11. 在此,可在实际安装起动器之前或之后,确定将软管连接到起 在远处安装
动器是否可行或实用。 在多数情况下,可能需要在安装之前
12. 请使用优质粘性齿轮润滑油来充分润滑小齿轮和环形齿轮上的 安装时需要上油的主
齿轮。这将有助于延长环形齿轮和传动小齿轮的寿命。 要润滑剂供应软管。
13. 将起动器安装在飞轮外壳上。按以下方式旋紧装配螺栓:
a. 对于 5/8” 螺栓,扭矩是 英尺-磅(122 纳米)
b. 对于 3/8” 螺栓,扭矩是 30 英尺-磅(41 纳米)
14. 请在起动器控制阀的“DEL”侧和起动器传动箱上的 “IN” 端
口之间安装 1/4” 软管管线。
15. 在起动器传动箱的 “OUT” 端口和起动器继动阀顶端的小管道分
接部分之间安装 1/4” 软管管线。 起动器气源进口
16. 在气动起动器上,请在起动器的排气管端口中安装消音器或公
路防溅导向板。使用 SS175 起动器上的 No. 150BMA674 消音器
或 No. SS175-A735 公路防溅导向板。使用 SS350 起动器上的
No. SS350-A674 消音器或 No. SS350-A735 公路防溅导向板。

警 告
(Dwg. TPC494-3)
的地方。 HDL2 润滑器可自动充满,并可直接安装在起动器上或位于远处。
虽然润滑器能从较安装点低 4 英 (1.2 米) 的油源处吸油,但我们
17. 根据“安装 HDL2 润滑器”说明,将 HDL2 润滑器安装在起动 建议使用最短的润滑油管道。我们建议使用非增压回油管线作为
器上或起动器附近。 润滑剂的来源 –但是,也可从单独接收器或柴油箱供油。当柴油
18. 加压整个起动系统,并使用皂气泡测试检查各个连接。确保不 箱是润滑油来源时,可在燃油箱的油供应管线中安装一个 10 微米
会出现渗漏状况。 至 50 微米的燃油过滤器(部件号 HDL1-47)。润滑剂供应管线应
安装 HDL2 润滑器 装入具有 T 形管支管(向下流入润滑器)的回油管线,以确保润
在起动器上安装 按以下方式安装 HDL2 润滑器:
1. 如果要在起动器上安装 HDL2 润滑器,可从起动器的电动机外
气源软管 壳盖取下 3/8” 管道塞子,然后将其更换为 HDL2。如果要在远
处安装 HDL2,可使用润滑器可用的两个 U 形螺栓和压板。
安装时需要上油的主 2. 如果在远程位置安装了 HDL2,便可在具有外螺纹和内螺纹的
要润滑剂供应软管。 滑润器末端和起动器电动机外壳盖上的3/8” 管道分接孔之间安
装 1/4” 软管。
3. 请在 HDL2 侧的 1/8” NPTF 油进口到非增压燃油管线、柴油箱或
单独油箱之间安装 6 号软管。将润滑器的装置旋紧至 15 至 36
英寸-磅(20.3 至 48.8 纳米)扭矩。重要信息:该连接必须是
真空密封。装置的螺纹必须清洁;不可使用密封剂或 Teflon®*
4. 如果使用单独润滑剂储存罐,可向其中注入柴油或 SAE 10 或
10W 轻质非去垢剂型机油。
* E. I. Dupont 的注册商标。

(Dwg. TPB789-3)


(Dwg. TPA929-3)
291.0 47.0
[11.45] [1.85]
系列 SS175 (带法兰装置)

1/4" - 18 N.P.T.  54.0

控制气口出口 [2.12]
48.0 1/4" - 18 N.P.T. 
控制气口进口 69.0
[2.72] 30° 30° 控制气口
0 0 90°
1” 11 1/2 NPT 127.0 10.0
[5.00] [.39] F G H F G H

77.5 120°
92.0 R 73.0
[3.622] SAE #3 [2.87]
88.7 导向 1-D J-3 1-D J-3 控制气口
[3.494] SAE #1 R 63.5
K [2.50]
[2.93] C K C
16.0 B A L Ø 16.7
  B L 逆时针旋转
润滑器连接两侧 A
排气口 [.62] 飞轮齿圈表面 [.66]  10.4
24.0 2    3 个地方 [.41] 2
126.0 小齿轮行程
1 1/4-11 1/2- NPT [.94] SAE 3 3 个地方 SAE 1 顺时针旋转
法兰 法兰
227.0 51.0
[8.93] [2.00]
294.0 注意:
[11.57] 1. 应该使排气口向下在发动机上安装起动器。
入口 排气装置 传动箱 2. 使用传动箱上侧控制气口的设置。
4 @ 90° 4 @ 90° 12 @ 30°   (仅适用具有两个控制气口的传动箱。)
3. 这些型号不能用于起动器暴露在变速器液中的情况。
- 型号编码 - 4. 传动箱定向代码取决于小齿轮开口相反方向的安装孔位置。
SS175 G E 01 R 85- 0 2 H 5. 除非另行指定,否则将以在 SAE3 上的 (02H) 和 SAE1 上的 
起动器尺寸 控制油口   (02J) 显示的标准方向进行装运。
排气装置 6. 请在尝试重新定向前阅读说明。
定向代码 7. 起动器重 = 13 千克(29 磅)
法兰类型 入口 双 mm
旋向 小齿轮类型 尺寸 [Inch]

(Dwg. TPA930-3)

系列 SS350 (带法兰装置)

¼” - 18 N.P.T. 
69.0 47.0
入口 ¼” - 18 N.P.T.  [2.72] [1.85]
[2.36] 控制气口进口

54.0 R 63.0
1¼ - 11 ½ NPT [2.50]
润滑器连接两侧。 [2.13] 6.0 30° 30° 行程控制气口 O
[.24] 10.0 O
[.39] H G H 90°
[3.82] E I E I
R 73.0
Ø 92.0 SAE 3 [2.87]
导向 120° 1 D J 1 D J 3 控制气口
Ø 88.7 SAE 1
74.5 [3.494]
[2.93] Ø 16.7
C K [.66] C K
3 个地方
飞轮齿圈表面 B L B A L
1¼ - 11 ½ NPT 16.0 A
[.62] 24.0 Ø 10.4 2
排气口 [.94] 小齿轮行程
2 [.41]
SAE 3 3 个地方 SAE 3
126.0 19.0
[4.96] [.75] 法兰 法兰
[10.17] 注意:
356.3 定向选项 1. 应该使排气口向下在发动机上安装起动器。
[14.03] 51.0 2. 使用传动箱上侧控制气口的设置。
[2.01] 入口 排气装置 传动箱
4 @ 90° 4 @ 90° 8 @ 45°   (仅适用具有两个控制气口的传动箱。)
3. 这些型号不能用于起动器暴露在变速器液中的情况。
- 型号编码- 4. 传动箱定向代码取决于小齿轮开口相反方向的安装孔位置。
SS350 G E 01 R 85- 0 2 H 5. 除非另行指定,否则将以在 SAE3 上的 (02H) 和 SAE1 
  上的 (02J) 显示的标准方向进行装运。
起动器尺寸 控制油口 6. 请在尝试重新定向前阅读说明。
密封气体 排气装置 7. 起动器重 = 13 千克(29 磅)
齿轮 定向代码 双 mm
法兰类型 入口 尺寸 [Inch]
旋向 小齿轮类型



150BMP-2451B (24V)
起动器控制阀  来自压缩机的气源
150BMP-1,051B (24V)

#4 号软管  AEROQUIP
4411-4S 单向阀

#4 号软管 
2X 4411-4S 1¼” 或 1” 软管 4411-4S
2X 4411-4S ST400-411
JIC 37° 接头 
¼” N.P.T. Y54-3

1¼” 或 1” 螺纹接套 
HDL3 润滑器 SRV125T 主启动阀

在管道分接孔中安装润滑器 注意:
“进口”端 JIC 37° 在所有管道连接处使用 
 接头 ¼” N.P.T. 150BM - A674 消声器或 SS175 - A735  IR SMB-441 密封胶
公路防溅板(针对 22175)

SS350 - A674 消声器或 SS350 - A735 

公路防溅板(针对 SS350)
(Dwg. TPB715-1)
起动器控制阀 SMB-618

#4 号软管或  对于气体操作,
1/4” 管道 要将排气装置连接到安全的地方


#4 号软管或 
1/4” 管道 安全阀 起动器商标上显
(以超出调节器设置的 15 Psi 设置) 示的额定压力)
#4 号软管或 
1/4” 管道
JIC 37º 接头 必须将主启动阀连
JIC 37° 接头 1-1/2” 接到安全地方。
N.P.T. 至 1-1/4” 或 1/4" N.P.T.
1-1/2" 管道
1” 软管
1-1/2" 管道

润滑器 NL24-8
“进口”端  1-1/2" 管道 空气过滤器
JIC 37º 接头  JIC 37° 接头  20BM-A267AT
“出口”端  1/4" N.P.T. 1-1/4” 或 1” N.P.T JIC 37° 接头 SRV150 1-1/2” 或 
JIC 37º 接头  SRV150SS 1-1/2” 
1/4" N.P.T. 主启动阀 如果用于气体应用装置,
气动起动器型号 SS175(1” N.P.T. 进口) 则整个系统应满足所有
或型号 SS350(1-1/4” 进口) 当地标准和法规的要求。

对于气体操作,必须将排气装置连接到安全地的地方。 对于气动型,使用 
SS175-A735 公路防溅导向板或在 SS175 型号上的150BM-A674 消声器。 使
用 SS350-A735 公路防溅导向板或在SS350 型号上的 SS350 A674 消声器。

(Dwg. TPA942-1)
12 03532561_ed7

基本型号 定向*
15 0 B
31 1 C
SS175 B 01 R 32 2 D
SS350 G E 03 L etc. 0 3 etc.



B = 2.1
E = 3.1

01 = SAE 1 法兰
03 = SAE 3 法兰

R = 顺时针方向
L = 逆时针方向

小齿轮零件号码后缀 (SS350-13-15)




* 由于空间有限和对其他因素的考虑,以下方向不可能结合使用:

0-0-E 0-1-H 0-2-E 0-3-H
0-0-C 0-1-F 0-2-C 0-3-F
0-0-K 0-1-B 0-2-K 0-3-B
0-0-I 0-1-L 0-2-I 0-3-L

以下附件涉及安装 SS175 或 SS350 起动器时可以使用:

部件的编号 部件名称 部件的编号 部件名称

SMB-618 起动器控制阀 对于 SS175
HDL2 润滑器 150BM-A674 消声器
HDL1-47 润滑剂过滤器 SS175-A735 公路防溅导向板
NL-24-8 空气管道润滑器 SRV100 1” 主启动阀
SMB-441 管螺纹密封胶 SS175-HN16 1” 管道螺纹接套
150BMP-1051B 12V 电磁阀 对于 SS350
150BMP-2451B 24V 电磁阀 SS350-A674 消声器
150BMP-1054 组合阀 安全/单向阀 SS350-A735 公路防溅导向板
150BMP-1056 单向阀门 SRV125 1-1/4” 主启动阀
150BMP-1064 压力表 SS350-HN20 1-1/4” 管道螺纹接套
K4U-A267AT 1-1/4” 空气过滤器
20BM-A267AT 1-1/2” 空气过滤器
150BMP-1067 排水阀
1-1/2” 主启动阀(不锈钢)

03532561_ed7 13

詳細は、 「内燃機関用エアスターター製品安全情報説明書 45558624」を参照してください。 から説明書をダウンロードすることができます。

Ingersoll Rand 始動装置は、長期間に渡って効率のよい、経済的な この取扱説明書で概説されている推奨内容は、空気およびガスの

性能を示すことを目的とした精密機器です。 しかし、
どの製品もそう 始動装置の分野に於ける30年以上に渡る経験に基いています。これ
であるように、性能、経済性および耐久性は、大部分が、製造者によ らの推奨内容を検討し、従ってください。これらの推奨内容によって
ってのみ推奨でき、顧客によってのみ支持できる 2 ~ 3 の単純な常 時間と費用の節約が可能になります。この取扱説明書は、永久に利
識的な手順によって決定されます。 用できる場所にファイルしてください。

2 種類の潤滑システムのどちらも推奨します。 クランキングサイクル
が 10 秒以下の典型的な始動装置再組付けの場合、Ingersoll Rand
始動装置の潤滑に、灯油またはジェット燃料のような可燃性または No. HDL2 Lubricator を ページ 3 に示されるように再組付けするこ
揮発性液体を使用しないでください。 とを推奨します。潤滑油には、ディーゼル燃料または 10W 非洗浄性
モーター オイルを使用します。 クランキング サイクルが10 秒を超え
温度が 32° F (0° C) 以上の場合, 高品質の SAE 10 非洗浄性モータ
る場合、Ingersoll Rand Lubricator No. NL-24-8 を主要給気ラインに
ー オイルを使用します。
再組付けすることを推奨します。良質の 10W 非洗浄性オイルを使用
温度が 32° F (0° C) を下回る場合、ディーゼル燃料を使用します。始 して Lubricator の流速を毎秒 1 ~ 2 滴に調整します。
動装置の適切な潤滑の重要性は、 どれほど強調しても強調し過ぎる
の第一要件であり、 しかもほとんど時間を必要としないのでこれを

一般情報 ご使用の給気ラインを常に受け器の側面または上端から入るよ
1. ご使用の空気始動装置が正しく再組立されているか常に確認し
ー内の腐食の原因になる可能性があり、 さらに悪い場合、寒い
び努力は、 ご使用のエンジンをすべての条件下で素早く始動さ
2. すべての車両への再組付けおよび振動に晒される固定エンジ
一晩中、 システムの圧力損失を引き起こします。
6. システムの緊急再加圧用に「友好的な握手」の再組付けを推奨
3. 空気始動装置を実際に取り付ける場合は、ホースは前以て受け
7. 空気始動装置は、常に、排気ポートが下に向くように取り付けま
す。可能な場合いつでも、 また必要なときは何度でも、始動装置
に取り付けます。 この手順に従う理由は、二つあります。 空気始動装置の向き
a. 始動装置を取り付けた後、ホースの接続は、 スペースの制限
b. ホースは一旦取り付けられると、始動装置の重量の何割かを
4. [空気始動装置] の効率は、不適切な接続によって非常に損なわ 1. ページ 4 または ページ 5 にある適切な外形寸法図をご覧にな
れることがあります。推奨したものより小さいホースをご使用に り、駆動部筐体が排気管に対し、8箇所の放射状位置のどの位置
なった場合、モーターへの空気量は、減少し、排気ポートに減速 にも配置できることにご注目ください。吸気口 (モーター筐体カ
機を使用した場合、排気を制限し、モーターを詰まらせます。T分 バー) は、排気ポートに対し 4箇所lの放射状位置のどの位置に
岐と肘継手の数および供給ラインの長さは、最小限に保ってく も配置できます。
ださい。SS175 の場合、30 フィート長までの供給ラインには1イ 2. エンジンの取り付け要求を検討し、排気ポートに対する駆動部
ンチのホースまたは導管を使用し、30フィート長を超える場合 筐体の必要な向きを決定します。排気ポートは、エンジンに再組
は、1-1/4 インチのホースまたは導管を使用します。SS350 の場 付けするとき、下向きにしてください。駆動部筐体の向きを変え
合、30 フィート長までの供給ラインには1-1/4 インチのホースま る必要がある場合、4本の駆動部筐体キャップ ネジを外し、駆動
たは導管を使用し、30フィート長を超える場合は、1-1/2 インチの 部筐体を要求される位置に回転させます。
5. どこかの接続部に漏れがあるということは、 システムが一晩中空
コンプレッサを使用して再度圧力を上げる必要があります。接 駆動部筐体を変速装置から分離させないでください。
続部を始めから確かで間違いないようにして、不要なコストや 駆動部筐体キャップ ネジを元のように再組み付けして、
遅れの発生を避けます。 システム全体のすべてのネジ接続は、 20 ft-lb (27 Nm) のトルクで交互に締め付けます。
Ingersoll Rand No. SMB-441 シーラント非硬化剤 No. 2 Permatex
または Loctite®* パイプ シーラントを使用します。テフロンテー

14 03532561_ed7
3. これで、駆動筐体は、排気ポートに対し、正しい向きにできたの 15. 1/4 インチ ホース ラインを [始動装置ドライブ筐体] 上の ”OUT”
で、吸気ポートがホースの再組付けに対し好ましい配置となっ ポートから [始動装置リレーバルブ] の上端の小管のタップ付き
ているか注意します。これで向きを変える場合、4 本のモーター ポートに再組付けします。
筐体カバーキャップネジを外し、モーター筐体カバーを希望の 16. 空気操作の [始動装置] については、[始動装置] の排気ポートに
位置に回転させます。駆動部筐体カバー キャップ ネジを元のよ [マフラー] または [道路泥除け装置] を再組付けしす。SS175 始
うに再組み付けして、20 ft-lb (27 Nm) のトルクで交互に締め付 動装置には No. 150BMA674 マフラーまたは No. SS175-A735 道
けます。 路泥除け装置を使用します。SS350 始動装置には No. 350-A674
マフラーまたは No. SS350-A735 道路泥除け装置を使用します。

モーター筐体カバーには8 個の穴があり、使用しないものには栓を
します。向きによって、栓をした穴が筐体カバー キャプ ネジの収納に 始動装置がガス操作式の場合、排気は、配管によって発火または吸
使用することが必要になった場合、水平方向のすき間を使用して慎 入の生じない場所に排出する必要があります
重に栓を押し込みます。 それから、駆動部筐体キャップ ネジを残りの
4箇所の穴に元のように再組付けします。 17. “HDL2 ルブリケータの再組付け” の下に説明されているように
[始動装置] 上またはその周囲に HDL2 ルブリケータを取り付け
空気始動装置の取り付け ます。始動システム全体に圧力を加え、すべての接続部をせっけ
1. ページ 6 の配管図を検討します。始動装置が表示された通り正 ん泡試験でチェックします。漏れの無いことが必須です。
しく接続されることを強く推奨します。 HDL2 ルブリケータの再組付け
2. 始動装置再組付け用の空気受けタンクは、始動装置が運転され
る最大圧力以上の動作圧力性能を有する必要があります。 始動装置上への取り付け
3. 既に使用中の受けタンクに接続しようとする場合、タンク内の空

タン 上等潤滑油供給ホース
4. 1-1/1 インチ または 1-1/4 インチのショート ニップルを使用し
て、配管図に示されているように空気受けタンクの端に SRV100
または SRV150 始動装置リレーバルブを取り付けます。

バルブ本体に刻印された ”IN (入)” という用語で表示された [リレー

バルブ] の吸気側に接続されていることを確実にします。
5. ダッシュパネル (車両再組み付け用) または他の適切なパネル
(固定再組み付け用) に、No. SMB-618 始動装置制御バルブを再
組付けします。 (Dwg. TPB789-3)
6. [始動装置制御バルブ ソレノイド] に隣接する制御パネルに
No. TA-STR-100 始動装置指示ラベルを付けます。
7. No. 150BMP-1064 風圧計を制御パネルまたはその周囲に取り付
けます。風圧計は、[制御バルブ] の運転員が容易に見ることので
8. [始動装置制御バルブ] を [リレーバルブ] の使用中空気ポートに
1/4 インチホースで接続します。 このラインに [風圧計] に至る短

ホースが始動装置制御バルブの ”SUP” 側に接続されていることを
9. 受け器上の [リレーバルブ] からエンジン上の始動装置の位置
までの距離を測定し、必要とする1-1/4 インチまたは 1インチの
10. [リレーバルブ] の排気側に空気ホースを取り付け、 このホースを
(Dwg. TPC494-3)
きます。 HDL2 ルブリケータは自給式で、始動装置上に直接再組付けするか
11. この時点で、始動装置を実際に取り付ける前または後に、ホース または離れ位置に配置することもできます。ルブリケータは、再組付
を始動装置に付けることが可能または実際的、 またはそうでな け位置から 4 ft (12m) 低い供給源から潤滑油をくみ上げることがで
いかを決定します。多くのケースで、始動装置を取り付ける前に、 きますが、潤滑油ラインを実用的な程度に短くすることを推奨しま
ホースを始動装置に付けることが必要である場合があります。 す。潤滑油の供給源として圧力が加わっていない燃料戻りラインを
12. ピニオンおよびリング ギアの歯に良質の粘着性ギア グリース 使用されることを推奨します。 しかし、油は、別の容器またはディー
を十分に付けます。 こうすることは、 リング ギアおよび駆動ピニ ゼル燃料タンクから供給することもあります。ディーゼル燃料タンク
オンの寿命を延ばすのに役立ちます。 が潤滑油供給源であるときは、10 ~ 50 ミクロンの燃料フィルター
13. 始動装置をフライホイール筐体上に取り付けます。取り付けボ ( 部品 No. HDL1-47) を燃料タンクの油供給ラインに再組付けしま
ルトを以下のように締め付けます。 す。潤滑油ラインは、T字型分岐で燃料戻りラインに組込まれるよう
a. 5/8 インチ ボルトに対しては 90 ft-lb (122 Nm) のトルク にして、T字型分岐の脚が下向きにルブリケータに向かい、ルブリケ
b. 3/8 インチ ボルトに対しては 30 ft-lb (41 Nm) のトルク ータが油の代わりに空気を取り込むことがないということを保証す
14. [始動装置制御バルブ] の ”DEL” 側から [始動装置駆動筐体] 上 るようにしてください。
の ” IN “ ポートに1/4 インチ ホース ラインを再組付けします。

03532561_ed7 15

HDL2 ルブリケータを以下のように取り付けます。 3. HDL2 の側面の 1/8 インチ NPTF 注油口から圧力の掛かってい

1. HDL2 ルブリケータを始動装置上に取り付ける場合、始動装置上の
No. 6 ホースを再組付けします。ルブリケータの取り付け金具を
[モーター筐体カバー] から 3/8 インチパイプ栓を外してHDL2と取
15~ 36 ft-lb (20.3 ~ 48.8 Nm) のトルクで締め付けます。重要 :
り替えます。HDL2 を離れた位置に取り付ける場合、[ルブリケータ]
に使用できる 2 本のU ボルトおよび基礎取付金具を使用します。
ネジは清浄である必要があり、 シーリング材またはTeflon®* テー
2. HDL2 を離れた位置に取り付けた場合、雄ネジ、雌ネジの両方を有す
るルブリケータの末端から [始動装置モーター筐体カバー] 上の 3/8
インチ管のタップ付きの穴に 1/4 インチ ホースを再組付けします。
4. 別の lubrication 容器を使用する場合、 この容器をディーゼル燃
料、またはSAE10 または 10W の薄い、非洗浄性のモーター オイ
* E. I. Dupont の登録商標

16 03532561_ed7
(Dwg. TPA929-3)

291.0 47.0
[11.45] [1.85]
1/4” インチ - 18 N.P.T. 54.0
制御ポート出口 [2.12]
1/4” インチ -
48.0 18 N.P.T. 制御 69.0
[1.89] ポート入口 [2.72] 30° 30° 制御ポート
吸気口 0 0 90°
1” 11 1/2 NPT 127.0 10.0
[5.00] [.39] F G H F G H
ランジ取り付け台の付いた SS175 シリーズ

77.5 120°
92.0 R 73.0
[3.622] SAE #3 [2.87]
88.7 パイロット 1-D J-3 1-D J-3 制御ポート
[3.494] SAE #1 R 63.5
K [2.50]
[2.93] C K C
16.0 B L 16.7 B L 左回り回転
両側ルブリケータ接続 A A
排気管 [.62] リング ギア外観 [.66] 10.4
24.0 2 3 箇所 [.41] 2
126.0 ピニオン行程 右回り回転
1 1/4-11 1/2- NPT [.94] SAE 3 3 箇所 SAE 1
フランジ フランジ
227.0 51.0
[8.93] [2.00]
294.0 備考:
[11.57] 吸気口 排気管 駆動部筐体 1. 始動装置は、 排気管を下に向けてエンジンに再組付けしてください。
4 @ 90° 4 @ 90° 12 @ 30° 2. [駆動部筐体] の上側の [制御ポート] セットを使用してください。
(2 セットの [制御ポート] のついた [駆動部筐体] のみ)
- モデル コーディング - 3. [駆動部筐体] の上側の [制御ポート] セットを使用してください。
SS175 G E 01 R 85- 0 2 H (2 セットの [制御ポート] のついた [駆動部筐体] のみ)
始動装置サイズ 制御ポート 4. 駆動部筐体方向コードは、 ピニオン開口部の反対側にあ
ガス密封 排気管 る取り付け穴の位置に基いています。
歯車装置 方向コード 5. 他に規定の無い限り、 SAE3 および (02J) SAE1 に示される (02H)
フランジタイプ 吸気口 標準方向で出荷されます。
回転 ピニオン タイプ 6. 方向を変えようとする前に説明書を熟読してください。
駆動 7. 始動装置重量 = 13 kg (29 lbs)
二重の mm
寸法 [Inch]


(Dwg. TPA930-3)
1/4 インチ - 18 N.P.T.
1/4 インチ - 18 69.0 47.0
吸気口 [2.72] [1.85]
60.0 N.P.T. 制御ポ
[2.36] ート入口

54.0 R 63.0
1¼ - 11 ½ NPT [2.50]
両側ルブリ [2.13] 6.0 30° 30° 制御ポート
10.0 O O
ケータ接続 [.24]
[.39] H G H 90°
フランジ取り付け台の付いた SS350 シリーズ

[3.82] E I E I
R 73.0
Ø 92.0 SAE 3 [2.87]
パイロット 120° 1 D J 1 D J 3 制御ポート
Ø 88.7 SAE 1
74.5 [3.494]
[2.93] Ø 16.7
C K [.66] C K
3 箇所
A 左回り回転
リング ギア外観 B L B L
1¼ - 11 ½ NPT 16.0 A
[.62] Ø 10.4 2
排気管 24.0 ピニオン行程
2 [.41]
SAE 3 右回り回転
SAE 3 3 箇所
126.0 19.0
[4.96] [.75] フランジ フランジ
[10.17] 備考:
356.3 方向オプション 1. 始動装置は、 排気管を下に向けてエンジンに再組付けしてください。
[14.03] 51.0
[2.01] 吸気口 排気管 駆動部筐体 2. [駆動部筐体] の上側の [制御ポート] セットを使用してください。
4 @ 90° 4 @ 90° 8 @ 45° (2 セットの [制御ポート] のついた [駆動部筐体] のみ)
- モデル コーディング - 3. これらのモデルは、 始動装置がトランスミッション液に
SS350 G E 01 R 85- 0 2 H 4. 駆動部筐体方向コードは、 ピニオン開口部の反対側にある
始動装置サイズ 制御ポート 取り付け穴の位置に基いています。
ガス密封 排気管 5. 他に規定の無い限り、 SAE3 および (02J) SAE1 に示される
歯車装置 方向コード (02H) 標準方向で出荷されます。
フランジタイプ 吸気口 6. 方向を変えようとする前に説明書を熟読してください。
回転 ピニオン タイプ 7. 始動装置重量 = 13 kg (29 lbs)
二重の mm
寸法 [Inch]


150BMP-2451B (24V)
始動装置制御バルブ からの空気供給
Y54-23 150BMP-1,051B (24V)
4411-4S チェック バルブ
#4 ホース 150BMP-1056

#4 ホース
2X 4411-4S 1¼ インチ または AEROQUIP
AEROQUIP 1 インチ ホース 4411-4S
2X 4411-4S
ST400-411 空気だめタンク
OUT ポート
JIC 37º アダ 2024-20-16S
プタ 1/4 イン
チ N.P.T. Y54-3

1¼ インチ または 1 インチ ニップル
HDL2 ルブリケータ SRV125T リレー バルブ
へのルブリケータ取り付け 備考:
IN ポート すべてのパイプ接続に
JIC 37º アダプタ 22175 用 150BM - A674 マフラーまたは IR SMB-441 シール材を使用します。
1/4 インチ N.P.T. SS175 - A735 道路泥除け装置

SS350 用 SS350 - A674 マフラーまたは

SS350 - A735 道路泥除け装置
(Dwg. TPB715-1)
始動装置制御バルブ SMB-618

#4 ホース または ガス運転の場合、排気管を安

1/4 インチ管類 全な地域に接続します。


#4 ホース または 圧力レギュレーター

1/4 インチ管類 (始動装置銘板に表示
リリーフ バルブ された圧力定格を超
( レギュレータ設定より 15 Psi 上に設定) えない最大設定)
#4 ホース または
1/4 インチ管類 ガス運転の場合、リリ
JIC 37º な地域に接続される
JIC 37° アダプタ
1-1/2 インチ 必要があります。
1-1/2” N.P.T. を アダプタ
1-1/4 インチ または
1/4 イン
1 インチ ホースへ チ N.P.T. 1-1/2 インチ
IN ポート
JIC 37º
ルブリケータ NL24-8
1/4 インチ 1-1/2 インチ
OUT ポート N.P.T. パイプ 空気ストレーナー
JIC 37°
JIC 37º アダプタ JIC 37º アダプタ 1 -1/4 インチ 20BM-A267AT
アダプタ SRV150 1-1/2 インチ
1/4 インチ N.P.T. または 1 インチ N.P.T.
または SRV150SS 1-1/2 インチ
リレー バルブ
空気始動装置 ガス用途に使用される場合、
モデル SS175 (1インチ N.P.T. 吸気口) システム全体は、地域のすべ
またはモデル SS350 (1-1/4 インチ 吸気口) ての標準および条例に適合さ

あります。空気の場合、SS175 モデルについては、SS175-A735 道
路泥除け装置または 150BM-A674 マフラーを使用します。SS350
モデルについては、SS350-A735 道路泥除け装置または SS350
A674 マフラーを使用します。

(Dwg. TPA942-1)
03532561_ed7 19
モデル コード識別

基本モード番号 方向 *
15 0 B
31 1 C
SS175 B 01 R 32 2 D
SS350 G E 03 L etc. 0 3 etc.

フレーム サイズ


B = 2.1
E = 3.1

01 = SAE 1 フランジ
03 = SAE 3 フランジ

ピニオン回転 (駆動ピニオンを向いたとき)
R = 時計回り
L = 反時計回り

ピニオン部品番号サフィックス (SS350-13-15)

吸気口方向 (寸法図を参照してください)

排気管方向 (寸法図を参照してください)

制御吸気口方向 (寸法図を参照してください)


0-0-E 0-1-H 0-2-E 0-3-H
0-0-C 0-1-F 0-2-C 0-3-F
0-0-K 0-1-B 0-2-K 0-3-B
0-0-I 0-1-L 0-2-I 0-3-L

以下の付属品は、SS175 または SS350 始動装置を含み再組付けに使用できます。
部品番号 部品名 部品番号 部品名
SMB-618 始動装置制御バルブ SS175 用
HDL2 ルブリケータ 150BM-A674 マフラー
HDL1-47 ルブリケータ フィルター SS175-A735 道路泥除け装置
NL-24-8 空気ライン ルブリケータ SRV100 1インチ リレー バルブ
SMB-441 パイプ ネジ用シール材 SS175-HN16 1インチ パイプ ニップル
150BMP-1051B 12V ソレノイド バルブ SS350 用
150BMP-2451B 24V ソレノイ ドバルブ SS350-A674 マフラー
コンビネーション Pr.
150BMP-1054 SS350-A735 道路泥除け装置
リリーフ/チェック バルブ
150BMP-1056 チェック バルブ SRV125 1-1/4 インチ リレー バルブ
150BMP-1064 圧力計 SS350-HN20 1-1/4 インチ パイプ ニップル
K4U-A267AT 1-1/4 インチ 空気ストレーナー
20BM-A267AT 1-1/2 インチ 空気ストレーナー
150BMP-1067 ドレイン バルブ
1-1/2 インチ リレー バルブ (ステ
SRV150-SS ンレス鋼)

20 03532561_ed7
(Dwg. TPA934-1)

1 9 18 25 53 28 24 31 30
20 19 21 23 29 42 36 34 39
50 45


SS175 and SS350 Series Starter - Cross Sectional View





5 13 12 22 26 54 27 33 38 41

11 44 51 43 32 35 37

1 EN
4 1

(Dwg. TPA931-3)
7A 8
13 8
29 9
29 10
26 12
27 23
SS175 and SS350 Series Starter - Exploded Diagram

24 53 19

39 51 18
22 25
41 27
50 34
42 35

45 36


SS175 Series Starter - Parts List

Item Part Description Item Part Description Part Number
1 Motor Housing Cover Assembly SS175-A102 31 Piston Kit SS350-K703
2 3/8” Pipe Plug (2) HSPPS-3 32 Piston O-Ring SS350-337
3 Nameplate SS800-301 33 Piston Bearing SS350-339
4 Nameplate Screw (4) R4K-302 34 Piston Bearing Retaining Ring SS350-107
5 Motor Housing Cover Capscrew (4) SS350-25 35 Clutch Jaw Kit (includes both Jaws and Bearing)
6 Bolt Hole Plug (4) SS350-103 for Right Hand Rotation Models SS350R-K587
7 Rear Endplate (includes item 7A) for Left Hand rotation Models SS350L-K587
for Right Hand Rotation Models SS350R-12 36 Clutch Jaw Retaining Ring SS350-109
for Left Hand rotation Models SS350L-12 37 Clutch Jaw Spring
7A Rear Rotor Bearing SS350-24 for Right Hand Rotation Models SS350R-583
8 Endplate O-Ring (2) SS350-67 for Left Hand rotation Models SS350L-583
9 Cylinder Housing Kit SS175-K3 38 Clutch Spring Cup SS350-367
10 Cylinder Dowel (4) SS350-98 39 Piston Return Spring SS350-700
11 Front Endplate SS350-11 40 Return Spring Seat SS350-191
12 Endplate O-Ring (2) SS350-67 41 Drive Shaft
13 Rotor SS175-53 for Right Hand Rotation Models SS350R-8
16 Rear Rotor Bearing Retaining Nut SS350-65 for Left Hand rotation Models SS350L-8
17 Retaining Nut Cover SS350-64 42 Drive Shaft Spacer SS350-180
18 Front Rotor Bearing AM-318 43 Drive Shaft Washer SS350-177
19 Front Rotor Bearing Wave Washer (2) SS350-224 44 Drive Shaft Capscrew
20 Vane Packet (set of 5 Vanes) SS175-42-5 for SS350R-8 SS350-179
21 Rotor Pinion for SS350L-8 10554897
for “B” ratio Models SS350B-17 45 Drive Shaft Collar SS350-175
for “E” ratio Models SS350E-17 † 46 Drive Pinion ---
22 Rotor Pinion Retaining Screw 47 Drive Pinion Retaining Screw
for “B” ratio Models SS350-394 for SS350R-8 10554889
for “E” ratio Models SS350E-732 for SS350L-8 SS350-394
23 Gear Case SS350-37-03 48 Drive Housing Kit
24 Gear Case O-Ring SS350-151 for SAE 1 Flange Mounting SS350-K300-01
25 Drive Gear for SAE 3 Flange Mounting SS350-K300-03
for “B” ratio Models SS350B-9 49 Drive Housing Seal SS350-271
for “E” ratio Models SS350E-9 50 Drive Housing Bearing SS350-363
26 Drive Gear Bearing (2) SS350-359 51 Drive Housing O-Ring SS350-243
27 Bearing Retaining Ring SS350-109 53 Drive Housing Gasket SS350-245
28 Gear Case Seal SS350-272 54 Drive Housing Capscrew (4) SS350-744
29 Gear Case Seal Retaining Ring (2) SS350-270 Tune-up Kit (includes illustrated parts 8 (2), 12
* SS175-TK2
30 Needle Bearing SS350-278 (2), 14, 18, 20, 24, 27, 28, 32, 36, 49, 51 and 53

* Not illustrated
† To order the proper Drive Pinion, refer to Drive Pinion Selection Chart

03532561_ed7 23

SS350 Series Starter - Parts List

Item Part Description Part Number Item Part Description Part Number
1 Motor Housing Cover Assembly SS350-A102 30 Needle Bearing SS350-278
2 3/8” Pipe Plug (2) HSPPS-3 31 Piston Kit SS350-K703
3 Nameplate SS800-301 32 Piston O-Ring SS350-337
4 Nameplate Screw (4) R4K-302 33 Piston Bearing SS350-339
5 Motor Housing Cover Capscrew (4) SS350-25 34 Piston Bearing Retaining Ring SS350-107
6 Bolt Hole Plug (4) SS350-103 35 Clutch Jaw Kit (includes both Jaws and Bearing)
7 Rear Endplate (includes item 7A) for Right Hand Rotation Models SS350R-K587
for Right Hand Rotation Models SS350R-12 for Left Hand rotation Models SS350L-K587
for Left Hand rotation Models SS350L-12 36 Clutch Jaw Retaining Ring SS350-109
for Model SS350GE03R31-1707 SS350R-11-1605 37 Clutch Jaw Spring
7A Rear Rotor Bearing SS350-24 for Right Hand Rotation Models SS350R-583
8 Endplate O-Ring (2) SS350-67 for Left Hand rotation Models SS350L-583
9 Cylinder Housing Kit SS350-K3 38 Clutch Spring Cup SS350-367
10 Cylinder Dowel (4) SS350-98 39 Piston Return Spring SS350-700
11 Front Endplate 40 Return Spring Seat SS350-191
for Model SS350GE03R31-1707 SS350-11-1604 41 Drive Shaft
for all other models SS350-11 for Right Hand Rotation Models SS350R-8
12 Endplate O-Ring (2) SS350-67 for Left Hand rotation Models SS350L-8
13 Rotor SS350-53A 42 Drive Shaft Spacer SS350-180
16 Rear Rotor Bearing Retaining Nut SS350-65 43 Drive Shaft Washer SS350-177
17 Retaining Nut Cover SS350-64 44 Drive Shaft Capscrew
18 Front Rotor Bearing AM-318 for SS350R-8 SS350-179
19 Front Rotor Bearing Wave Washer (2) SS350-224 for SS350L-8 10554897
20 Vane Packet (set of 5 Vanes) SS350-42-5 45 Drive Shaft Collar SS350-175
21 Rotor Pinion † 46 Drive Pinion ---
for “B” ratio Models SS350B-17 47 Drive Pinion Retaining Screw
for “E” ratio Models SS350E-17 for SS350R-8 10554889
22 Rotor Pinion Retaining Screw for SS350L-8 SS350-394
for “B” ratio Models SS350-394 48 Drive Housing Kit
for “E” ratio Models SS350E-732 for SAE 1 Flange Mounting SS350-K300-01
23 Gear Case SS350-37-03 for SAE 3 Flange Mounting SS350-K300-03
24 Gear Case O-Ring SS350-151 49 Drive Housing Seal SS350-271
25 Drive Gear 50 Drive Housing Bearing SS350-363
for “B” ratio Models SS350B-9 51 Drive Housing O-Ring SS350-243
for “E” ratio Models SS350E-9 53 Drive Housing Gasket SS350-245
26 Drive Gear Bearing (2) SS350-359 54 Drive Housing Capscrew (4) SS350-744
27 Bearing Retaining Ring SS350-109 Tune-up Kit (includes illustrated parts 8 (2), 12
* SS350-TK2
28 Gear Case Seal SS350-272 (2), 14, 18, 20, 24, 27, 28, 32, 36, 49, 51 and 53
29 Gear Case Seal Retaining Ring (2) SS350-270
* Not Illustrated
† To order the proper Drive Pinion, refer to Drive Pinion Selection Chart

24 03532561_ed7
Drive Pinion Selection Chart

Series SS175
Starter Model Number Pinion Part Number Starter Model Number Pinion Part Number
SS175GB01R15-02H SS175GE03L38-02H SS350R-13-38
SS175GB01R15-02J SS175GB01R77-02J
SS175GE01R15-02J SS350R-13-15 SS175GB03R77-02H
SS175GE03R15-00H SS175GE01R77-02J
SS175GE03R15-02H SS175GE03R77-02H
SS175CE01R21-02J SS350R-13-21 SS175GB01R85-02J
SS175GE01R29-02J SS175GB03R85-02J
SS175GE03R29-02A SS350R-13-29 SS175GE01R85-02J
SS175GE03R29-02H SS175GE03R85-02H
SS175GE01R31-02J SS175GB01R99-00D
SS175GE03R31-02H SS350R-13-31 SS175GE01R99-00D
SS175GE03R31-02J SS175GE01R99-1369
SS175GE03L32-00H SS175GE01R99-1389
SS175GE03R37-02F SS350R-13-37

Series SS350
Starter Model Number Pinion Part Number Starter Model Number Pinion Part Number
SS350GE03R21-02H SS350R-13-21 SS350GB03L32-02H
SS350GB01R29-02J SS350GE03L32-00D
SS350GE01R29-00L SS350GE0L32-00G
SS350GE01R29-02J SS350GE03L32-00H
SS350GE03R29-00A SS350GE03L3-00L
SS350GE03R2900L SS350GE03L32-01C
SS350GE03R29-01J SS350GE03L32-01I
SS350GE03R29-02B SS350R-13-29 SS350GE03L32-02F
SS350GE03R29-02F SS350GE0332-02G
SS350GE03R29-02H SS350GE03L32-02H
SS350GE03R29-03J SS350GE03L32-03G
SS350GE03R29-1543 SS350GE03L32-1513
SS350GE03R29-1547 SS350GE03L32-1550
SS350GE03R29-1587 SS350GE03R37-02H SS350R-13-37
SS350GB03R31-00A SS350GB01R77-02J
SS350GE01R31-02J SS350GB03R77-01D SS350R-13-77
SS350GE03R31-00A SS350GB03R77-02H
SS350GE03R31-00F SS350GE03R83-02H SS350R-13-83
SS350GE03R31-00G SS350GB01R85-00F
SS350GE03R31-00H SS350GB01R85-02H
SS350GE03R31-00L SS350GB01R85-02J
SS350GB03R31-02H SS350R-13-31 SS350GB03R85-02H
SS350GE03R31-01D SS350GB03R85-1537
SS350GE03R31-02A SS350GE01R85-02H
SS350GE03R31-02B SS350GE01R85-02J
SS350GE03R31-02F SS350GE03R85-02H
SS350GE03R31-02G SS350GB01R99-00D
SS350GE03R31-02H SS350GE03R99-02H

03532561_ed7 25

Disassembly of the Starter

General Information 8. Grasp the Drive Pinion in copper-covered vise jaws so that the
three driving lugs are upward.
1. Always mark adjacent parts on the Motor Housing Cover (1),
9. While engaging the lugs on the Drive Shaft with those on the
Cylinder Housing (9), Gear Case (23) and Drive Housing (48) so
Drive Pinion, use an 8 mm hexagon wrench to unscrew the Drive
these members can be located in the same relative position when
Shaft Cap Screw (44). Remove the Drive Shaft Cap Screw,
the Starter is reassembled.
Washer (43) and Spacer (42).
2. Do not disassemble the Starter any further than necessary to
10. Pull the rear Clutch Jaw from the Drive Shaft.
replace a worn or damaged part.
3. Do not remove any part which is a press fit in or on a NOTICE
subassembly unless the removal of that part is necessary for
replacement or repairs. Do not remove the needle bearing from inside the rear Clutch
4. Always have a complete set of vanes, seals and O-rings on hand Jaw unless a new needle bearing is available and ready to install.
before starting any overhaul of a Starter. Never reuse old seals This bearing will be damaged in the removal process.
or O-rings. 11. Slide the front Clutch Jaw, Clutch Spring (37) and Clutch Spring
5. When grasping a part in a vise, always use leather covered or Cap (38) from the Drive Shaft.
copper-covered vise jaws to protect the surface of the part and
help prevent distortion. This is particularly true of threaded Disassembly of the Gear Case
members. 1. Pull the Gear Case (23) along with the Drive Gear (25) and its
Disassembly of the Drive Housing associated parts, from the motor.
2. Remove the Gear Case O-ring (24).
1. With the Starter in a horizontal position and supported on the 3. Using a pair of retaining ring pliers, remove the Bearing Retaining
workbench, grasp the Drive Pinion (46) in copper covered vise Ring (27).
jaws. 4. Slide the Drive Gear from the bore of the Drive Gear Bearings (26)
and Gear Case.
Note: It is possible that the rear Drive Gear Bearing will remain on the
Do not use excessive clamping force on the Drive Pinion. Grasp shaft of the Drive Gear.
it just firmly enough to hold it. Make certain the Starter is firmly 5. Slide the Drive Gear Bearings from the bore of the Gear Case
supported on the workbench. and/or from the shaft of the Drive Gear.
6. DO not remove the Gear Case Seal (28) from the bore of the Gear
2. Using an 8 mm hexagon wrench, remove the Drive Pinion
Case unless you have a new Seal on hand ready for installation.
Retaining Screw (47).
If it is necessary to remove the Gear Case Seal, use a small, thin-
3. Loosen the vise and withdraw the Drive Pinion from the Drive
bladed screwdriver and remove the Gear Case Seal Retaining
Shaft (41).
Ring (29) from each side of the Gear Case Seal.
4. Stand the Starter on end with the Drive Shaft upward.
7. Press the Gear Case Seal from the Gear Case.
5. Using a 6 mm hexagon wrench, remove the four Drive Housing
Cap Screws (54). Disassembly of the Motor
CAUTION 1. With the motor in a vertical position, Motor Housing Cover (1)
upward, grasp the Cylinder Housing (9) in copper covered vise
When unscrewing the Drive Housing Cap Screws, hold the Drive jaws.
Housing (48) down against the expansion of the Piston Return
Spring (39). CAUTION
6. Lift off the Drive Housing. Do not use excessive clamping force on the Cylinder Housing.
Grasp it just firmly enough to support the motor.
2. Using a 6 mm hexagon wrench, remove the four Motor Housing
The Gear Case (23) might come off with the Drive Housing. Cover Cap Screws (5) and remove the Motor Housing Cover.
Separate the two if this occurs. 3. Lift the Retaining Nut Cover (17) from the Rear End Plate (7).
7. Do not remove the Drive Housing Bearing (50) or Drive Housing 4. Using a 3 mm hexagon wrench, loosen the clamping screw in the
Seal (49) from the Drive Housing unless it is absolutely necessary, Rear Rotor Bearing Retaining Nut (16).
and you have a new Drive Housing Bearing and Seal on hand for 5. Unscrew the Rear Rotor Bearing Retaining Nut.
replacement. These members are always damaged in the removal 6. Lay the motor on its side, and grasp the Rotor Pinion in copper-
process. If it is necessary to remove the Drive Housing Bearing covered vise jaws.
or Seal, stand the Drive Housing on the workbench with the 7. Using an 8 mm hexagon wrench, unscrew the Rotor Pinion
seal end up. Drive or press the Seal and Bearing from the Drive Retaining Screw (22).
Housing. 8. Pull the Rotor Pinion from the Front Rotor Bearing (18).
9. Thread the Rotor Pinion Retaining Screw back into the front of
Disassembly of the Piston and Clutch the Rotor (13) about five or six turns.
1. With the Starter standing on end as in Step 4 of the preceding 10. Lay the motor on its side and, with a soft face hammer, tap the
section, lift off the Return Spring Seat (40) and Piston Return head of the Pinion Retaining Screw to drive the Rotor and Rear
Spring (39). End Plate (7) from the opposite end of the Cylinder Housing (9).
2. Grasp the Piston (31) and slide the Piston, Clutch Jaws (35) and 11. Support the Rear End Plate on the table of an arbor press and
Drive Shaft (41) as a unit from the Gear Case (23). press the Rotor from the Rear Rotor Bearing (7A).
3. Using a small, thin-bladed screwdriver, remove the Piston Bearing
Retaining Ring (34) from the groove inside the Piston.
4. Slide the Piston off the Piston Bearing (33). The Rear Rotor Bearing (7A) is bonded to the Rear End Plate (7)
5. Remove the Piston O-ring (32) from the Piston. with Loctite®*. Removal of the Rear Rotor Bearing requires the
6. Using a pair of snap ring pliers, remove the Clutch Jaw Retaining use of heat. Observe all normal precautions for the handling of
Ring (36) from the rear Clutch Jaw. hot material.
7. Press the Piston Bearing from the rear Clutch Jaw.

26 03532561_ed7
12. Apply enough heat to the periphery of the bearing recess to
break the Loctite bond which holds the Bearing to the Rear End NOTICE
13. Being careful so as to not get burned, press the Rear Rotor Discard any grease seal that was removed during disassembly
Bearing from the Rear End Plate. of the Starter.
14. Using a wooden hammer handle, or similar piece of wood, reach 3. Check the needle bearing in the rear Clutch Jaw. If the bearing is
through the bore of the Cylinder Housing and tap the Front End worn, distorted or has loose needles, replace the two piece Clutch
Plate (11) free from the Cylinder Dowels (10). Jaw.
15. Slide the Front Rotor Bearing (18) and Front Rotor Bearing Wave
Washers (19) from the Front End Plate. NOTICE
Cleaning the Parts The clutch jaws are a matched set and must be replaced with a
Once the Starter has been disassembled, clean all parts for matched set.
inspection. 4. Check all ball bearings- These should run freely without any
1. Wipe all dirt, grease, etc., from the sealed bearings. Do not wash rough spots or binding- Discard any bearing that gives any
these parts in kerosene or other solvent, as this will dilute and indication of wear.
contaminate any sealed-in lifetime lubricant. 5. Check the Vanes for separation, chipping or other wear. See that
2. Wash all parts except the sealed bearings in clean kerosene or they fit freely in the vane slots in the Rotor. We recommend that
other solvent. Dry the parts with compressed air. a complete new set of Vanes be installed whenever the Starter is
Inspection of Parts
1. Discard all O-rings and gaskets. These should not be reused. * Registered trademark of Loctite Corporation.
2. Check all grease seals and replace any which are worn or distorted.

Assembly of the Starter

General Instructions 8. Start the Rear Rotor Bearing Retaining Nut (16), shoulder side
first, on the hub of the Rotor.
1. Always press on the inner ring of a ball bearing when pressing
9. Adjust the Rear Rotor Bearing Retaining Nut until there is a slight
that bearing onto a shaft. Always press against the outer ring of
drag on the shim stock. Remove the shim stock. Using a 3 mm
a ball bearing when pressing that bearing into a bearing recess.
hexagon wrench, tighten the clamping screw in the Retaining
Failure to follow these instructions may ruin the bearing.
Nut to 10 in-lb (1.1 Nm) torque.
2. When pressing a needle bearing into a bearing recess, always
press against the stamped end of the bearing using a piloted NOTICE
arbor that contacts only the outer rim of the shell. The use of a flat
arbor, or installing the bearing wrong end first, may fracture the The clearance between the Rear End Plate and the Rotor can be
shell or lock the needles against rotation. from .002” (0.05 mm) to .005” (0.13 mm) after tightening the
3. Wipe a thin film of SAE 10 non detergent oil on the Vanes, Rotor, clamping screw.
Cylinder bore and Drive Housing Bore. 10. Remove the assembled Rotor and Rear End Plate from the
4. Lubricate all rubbing surfaces with Ingersoll Rand Grease No. 130. vise and stand them upright on the workbench with the Rotor
Pay special attention to lubricating the gear teeth, clutch teeth, upward.
splines and related drive parts, needle bearings and sliding area 11. Take one of the End Plate O-rings (8) and coat it liberally with O-
of the drive shaft. 5. When assembling the Motor, always use new ring lubricant. Set the End Plate O-ring down over the Rotor into
O-rings. the groove in the Rear End Plate. Make certain the entire O-ring
6. Before installing O-rings, coat liberally with O-ring lubricant. After is in the groove and that it has sufficient O-ring lubricant on it to
O-ring is installed, coat O-ring again with O-ring lubricant and hold it in the groove.
apply O-ring lubricant to O-ring grooves. 12. Check the Cylinder Dowels (10) pressed into each end of the
Assembly of the Motor Cylinder Housing (9). If the Dowels are bent or broken, remove
them and install new Cylinder Dowels.
1. To install the Rear Rotor Bearing (7A) in the Rear End Plate (7), 13. Set the Cylinder Housing on end on two pieces of wood at least
apply a small amount of Loctite 680®* or equivalent and activator 3/4” (19 mm) thick, so that when the Rotor is installed there is
to the outside of the outer race of the Rear Rotor Bearing. clearance for the driving lugs on the hub to extend beyond the
2. Install the Bearing in the recess in the Rear End Plate and allow face of the Cylinder Housing.
Loctite to cure.
Check the model number of the Starter to determine the
Do not get any Loctite in the bearing; damage to the Bearing direction of rotation. Model numbers having the letter “R” are
could result. Do not get any on the inside diameters of the right-hand rotation; model numbers having the letter “L” are
Bearing; grease will prevent the Loctite from working. left-hand rotation.
* Registered trademark of Loctite Corporation. For right-hand rotation Models: Stand the Cylinder Housing on
end on the two pieces of wood so that the pipe tapped exhaust
3. Place the Rotor (13) on an arbor press with the three-jaw drive port is facing you, and so that the kidney-shaped air port is on
end down. the left side of the Cylinder Housing.
4. Set the Rear End Plate (7) flat side down, on the upper end of the For left-hand rotation Models: Stand the Cylinder Housing on end
Rotor. on the two pieces of wood so that the pipe tapped exhaust port
5. Place two pieces of .004” (0.10 mm) thick shim stock in opposite is facing you, and so that the kidney-shaped air port is on the
positions on the end of the Rotor under the end plate. right side of the Cylinder Housing.
6. Using a hollow arbor that seats against the inner race of the
bearing, press the Rear End Plate down against the shim stock. 14. Take the assembled Rear End Plate and Rotor and insert the Rotor
7. Remove the Rear End Plate from the arbor press and grasp the down through the Cylinder Housing so that the Cylinder Dowels
Rotor in copper covered vise jaws with the threaded hub upward. are aligned with the dowel holes in the Rear End Plate.

03532561_ed7 27
15. Tap the Rear End Plate into place so that it seats against the face Assembly of the Piston and Drive Shaft
of the Cylinder Housing. Make certain the End Plate O-ring does
1. Grasp the Drive Pinion (46) in copper-covered vise jaws so that
not come out of the groove in the End Plate.
the lugs on the Drive Pinion are upward.
16. Fit the Retaining Nut Cover (17) on the hub of the Rear End Plate.
17. Coat a second End Plate O-ring (8) with O-ring lubricant and CAUTION
place it in the groove in the trailing face of the Rear End Plate.
Make certain the entire O-ring is in the groove. Do not use excessive clamping force on the Drive Pinion. Grasp it
18. Place the Motor Housing Cover (1) on the Rear End Plate, making just firmly enough to hold it.
certain that it is oriented relative to the exhaust port in the 2. Stand the Drive Shaft (41) on end so that the lugs on the large
Cylinder Housing, exactly the way it was prior to disassembly. end of the Drive Shaft engage the lugs on the Drive Pinion. Install
19. Using a 6 mm hexagon wrench, install the four Motor Housing the Drive Pinion Retaining Screw (47) and tighten finger tight.
Cover Cap Screws (5) and tighten them to 20 ft-lb (27 Nm) of 3. Lubricate the spline on the Drive Shaft with Ingersoll Rand
torque. Grease No. 130.
20. Install the two 3/8” Pipe Plugs (2) in the Motor Housing Cover and 4. Slide the Clutch Spring Cup (38), small end first, over the splined
tighten them securely. end of the Drive Shaft until it seats against the shoulder on the
21. Turn the motor end-for-end so that the front hub of the Rotor is Drive Shaft.
upward. 5. Slide the Clutch Spring (37) over the splined end of the Drive
22. Wipe each Vane (20) with a film of light oil and install a Vane in Shaft and into the Clutch Spring Cup.
each vane slot in the Rotor. Make certain the tapered edge of
each Vane faces the center of the Rotor. CAUTION
23. Coat an End Plate O-ring (12) with a liberal amount of O-ring
lubricant and place it in the groove on the flat side of the Front Make certain you install the correct Clutch Spring. Clutch Springs
End Plate (11). Make certain the entire O-ring is in the groove and for Starters having the letter “L” in the Model number are color
that there is a sufficient amount of lubricant to hold it in place. coded “red.” Clutch Springs for Starters having the letter “R” in
24. Place the Front End Plate, flat side first, down over the hub of the the Model number have a natural metallic finish.
Rotor so that the Cylinder Dowels are aligned with the dowel 6. Work some Ingersoll Rand Grease No. 130 in the splines and
holes in the End Plate. teeth of the front Clutch Jaw (35), and slide the front Clutch Jaw,
25. Tap the Front End Plate with a soft face hammer until it seats small diameter end first, over the splines on the Drive Shaft and
against the Cylinder Housing. Make certain the End Plate O-ring against the Clutch Spring.
does not slip out of the groove in the End Plate. 7. Slide the Needle Bearing (30) over the end of the Drive Shaft.
26. Place the two Front Rotor Bearing Wave Washers (19) in the 8. Press the Piston Bearing (33) on the shaft of the rear Clutch
bottom of the bearing recess in the Front End Plate. Jaw (35), and install the Clutch Jaw Retaining Ring (36).
27. Install the Front Rotor Bearing (18) in the bearing recess in the 9. Work some Ingersoll Rand Grease No. 130 into the Needle
Front End Plate. Bearing inside the rear Clutch Jaw and on the teeth of the rear
28. Place the Rotor Pinion (21), lug side first, in the bore of the Front Clutch Jaw.
Rotor Bearing so that it engage: the lugs on the end of the rotor 10. Place the rear Clutch Jaw, teeth end first, on the end of the Drive
shaft. Shaft so that the teeth of both Clutch Jaws are engaged.
11. Make certain the splines on the front Clutch Jaw are engaged
NOTICE with the splines on the Drive Shaft by pushing the rear clutch Jaw
Check to make sure the lugs are engaged. downward against the compression of the Clutch Spring. While
holding the assembly in this position, drop the Drive Shaft
29. Using an 8 mm hexagon wrench, install the Rotor Pinion Spacer (42) into the bore of the rear Clutch Jaw, followed by the
Retaining Screw (22) and tighten it to 55 ft-lb (74 Nm) of torque. Drive Shaft Washer (43).
Assembly of the Gear Case 12. Using an 8 mm hexagon wrench, install the Drive Shaft Cap
Screw (44) and tighten it to 55 ft-lb (74 Nm) of torque.
1. Stand the Gear Case (23), large open end up, on the workbench. 13. Work the rear Clutch Jaw back and forth against the compression
2. Install a Gear Case Seal Retaining Ring (29) in the first or upper of the Clutch Spring to make certain that it moves freely and
groove in the small bore of the Gear Case. travels 15/32” (12 mm). When the Clutch Jaw is pressed down
3. Place the Gear Case on an arbor press, large end down. Press the against the Clutch Spring and released, it must return freely.
Gear Case Seal (28), lip side first, into the small bore of the Gear Remove the Drive Pinion Retaining Screw and Drive Pinion.
Case until it seats against the Retaining Ring. 14. Take the assembled Clutch Jaw and Drive Shaft and insert it,
4. Install the second Gear Case Seal Retaining Ring in the second splined end first, into the large diameter bore of the Piston (31)
groove in the small bore of the Gear Case. until the Piston Bearing is seated.
5. Slide a Drive Gear Bearing (26) on the hub of the Drive Gear (25) 15. Install the Piston Bearing Retaining Ring (34) in the groove in the
until it seats. Piston.
6. Wipe a thin film of O-ring lubricant on the lip of the Gear Case 16. Coat the Piston O-ring (32) with O-ring lubricant and install it in
Seal and on the shaft of the Drive Gear. the groove on the Piston.
7. Insert the shaft of the Drive Gear into the large open end of the
Gear Case and through the Gear Case Grease Seal. Make certain Assembly of the Drive Housing
that the lip of the Grease Seal does not turn inside out or that 1. Stand the Drive Housing (48) on an arbor press with the large
the garter spring does not come off. Push the Drive Gear into open bore upward. Press the Drive Housing Seal (49), lip side first,
the Gear Case until the Drive Gear Bearing seats against the Gear into the recess at the bottom of the housing bore.
Case Retaining Ring. 2. Using a sleeve that contacts the outer race of the Drive Housing
8. Slide the second Drive Gear Bearing into the small end of the Bearing (50), press the Bearing into the bearing recess at the
Gear Case until it seats against the second Gear Case Seal bottom of the housing bore until it seats.
Retaining Ring.
9. Using a pair of retaining ring pliers, install the Bearing Retaining
Ring (27) in the groove on the hub of the Drive Gear.
10. Coat the Gear Case O-ring (24) with O-ring lubricant and install it
in the groove on the hub of the Gear Case.

28 03532561_ed7
Assembly of the Starter 9. Place the Piston Return Spring over the end of the Drive Shaft so
that it seats against the Piston Bearing Retaining Ring ((34) in the
1. Grasp the assembled motor in a large vise so that the Rotor
front of the Piston. Place the Return Spring Seat (40) on the end
Pinion (21) is upward.
of the Piston Return Spring so that the small lip on the Seat fits
CAUTION inside the Return Spring.
10. Liberally coat the Drive Housing O-ring (51) with O-ring lubricant,
Do not use excessive clamping force on the Drive Pinion. Grasp it and install the O-ring in the counterbore at the base of the Drive
just firmly enough to hold it. Housing (48).
2. Liberally coat an End Plate O-ring (12) with O-ring lubricant, and 11. Liberally coat the bore of the Drive Housing with Ingersoll Rand
place it in the groove on the face of the Front End Plate (11). Make Grease No. 130.
certain the entire O-ring is in the groove. 12. Making certain that the Drive Housing O-ring stays in place,
3. Work approximately 150 cc of Ingersoll Rand Grease No. 130 into place the Drive Housing down over the Piston Return Spring and
the teeth on the Drive Gear (25) and Rotor Pinion (21). Piston until it seats against the Gear Case and is oriented exactly
4. Orient the Gear Case (23) exactly the way it was prior to the way it was prior to disassembly.
disassembly of the Starter, and place it on the face of the motor 13. Using a 6 mm hexagon wrench, install the four Drive Housing
so that the Rotor Pinion meshes with the Drive Gear. Make certain Cap Screws (54) in the holes in the flange of the Drive Housing.
the End Plate O-ring stays in the groove on the face of the Front Tighten the Drive Housing Cap Screws to 20 ft-lb (27 Nm) of
End Plate. torque.
5. Place the Drive Housing Gasket (53) on the face of the Gear Case, 14. Place the Drive Shaft Collar (45) over the lugs on the end of the
making certain all holes are properly aligned. Drive Shaft. If necessary, tap it into place with a plastic hammer.
6. Lubricate the internal splines of the Drive Gear and the hub of the 15. Place the Drive Pinion (46) on the end of the Drive Shaft so that
Gear Case adjacent to the Gear Case O-ring (24) with the lugs on the Pinion engage those on the Shaft.
Ingersoll Rand Grease No. 130. 16. Insert the Drive Pinion Cap Screw (47) through the Drive Pinion
7. Place the assembled Clutch Jaw (35), Drive Shaft (41) and and thread it into the Drive Shaft.
Piston (31) over the hub of the Gear Case so that the splines on 17. Place the Starter in a horizontal position so that it is supported
the Clutch Jaw engage the internal splines of the Drive Gear, and on the workbench. Grasp the Drive Pinion in copper-covered
so that the piston skirt slides down over the hub of the Gear Case vise jaws and, using an 8 mm hexagon wrench, tighten the Drive
until it seats. Pinion Retaining Screw to 55 ft-lb (74 Nm) of torque.
8. Wipe a film of Ingersoll Rand Grease No. 130 on the exterior of
the Drive Shaft, Piston and Piston Return Spring (39).

Testing the Starter

1. Turn the Drive Pinion (46) by hand in the direction of Starter mounting flange. It should be 2.75” (70.0 mm ± 1.5 mm). With
rotation. The clutch should ratchet smoothly with a slight the air pressure on and the Drive Shaft extended, push the
“clicking” action. Drive Pinion toward the Drive Housing until the Pinion rotates
slightly and comes to a solid stop. While holding the Drive Pinion
NOTICE against the stop, measure again the distance from the face of
the Drive Pinion to the machined face of the mounting flange.
Proper Starter rotation is indicated when facing the Drive Pinion.
The difference between the two measurements must be .47”
That is, a Starter having the letter “R” in the model number is
(12.0 mm ± 0.9 mm), Remove the pressure from the “IN” port and
designated as a right-hand rotation model, and the Drive pinion
measure again the distance from the face of the Drive Pinion to
will rotate clockwise when facing the Drive Pinion.
the machined face of the mounting flange. It should be 1.82”
2. Turn the Drive Pinion in the opposite direction of Starter rotation. (46.2 mm ± 1.5 mm).
The gearing and motor should rotate freely with no binding. 5. Attach a 3/8” (9 mm) air hose to the inlet of the motor and apply
3. Attach an air hose to the “IN” port on the Drive Housing (48), and 90 psig (6.2 bar/620 kPa) air pressure. The Starter motor should
apply 50 psig (3.4 bar/345 kPa) air pressure. The Drive Pinion run smoothly.
should move outward and air should escape from the “OUT” port. 6. Plug the exhaust port and apply 30 psig (2.1 bar/207 kPa) air
4. Plug the “OUT” port and apply 150 psig (10.3 bar/1034 kPa) pressure to the inlet of the motor. Immerse the Starter for thirty
air pressure to the “IN” port Check to make certain no air is seconds in a nonflammable solvent. If the Starter is properly
escaping. Measure the distance from the face of the Drive Pinion sealed, no bubbles will appear.
farthest from the mounting flange to the machined face of the

03532561_ed7 29

Troubleshooting Guide

Trouble Probable Cause Solution

Remove the motor from the Motor Housing (9) and disassemble the motor.
Examine all parts and replace any that are worn or damaged. Use the following
guidelines for determining unserviceable parts:
1. Vanes (20) - Install a set of new vanes if any vane is separated, cracked, spalled
or worn to the extent that its width is 0.67” (17 mm) or less at either end.
2. Rotor Bearing (7A) or (18) - Replace if any roughness or looseness is
Loss of Power Worn Motor Parts
3. Rotor (13) - Replace If the body has deep scoring that cannot be removed by
polishing with emery cloth.
4. Cylinder Housing (9) - Replace if there are any cracks or deep scoring.
5. End Plates (7 or 11) - Clean up scoring by rubbing it with emery cloth placed
on a flat surface.

Check the Lubricator, inlet hose, fitting and oil supply hose to make sure they
Inadequate Lubrication are vacuum tight and free of leaks. Tighten all joints and replace the Lubricator if

Check the End Plate O-rings (8 or 12) and Drive Housing O-ring (51). Plug the
exhaust. Apply 30 psig (2.1 bar/207 kPa) air to the inlet and Immerse the unit
Air or Gas Leakage Worn O-rings
for 30 seconds in nonflammable solvent. If bubbles appear, replace the O-ring,
Gaskets or Seals.

Pinion does not engage the Broken clutch jaws or

Refer to Disassembly of the Piston and clutch.
flywheel other broken parts

Motor runs, pinion engages Broken Shafting,

Refer to Disassembly of the Piston and clutch.
but does not rotate Gearing or Clutch Jaws

Excessive butt Refer to Disassembly of the Piston and Clutch. Lubricate the helical spline with
Dry helical spline
engagements Ingersoll Rand Grease No. 130.

Parts and Maintenance

The use of other than genuine Ingersoll Rand replacement parts may result in safety hazards, decreased Starter performance, and
increased maintenance, and may invalidate all warranties.
Ingersoll Rand is not responsible for customer modification of Starters for applications on which Ingersoll Rand was not consulted.
Repairs should be made only by authorized trained personnel. Consult your nearest Ingersoll Rand Authorized Service center.
Manuals can be downloaded from
Refer all communications to the nearest Ingersoll Rand Office or Distributor.

30 03532561_ed7
© 2014 Ingersoll Rand

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