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♦ INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………… 1

♦ OBJECTIVES ………..…………………………………………………………… 1

♦ ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ………………………………………………………. 1


♦ PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION ……………………………………………. 2




♦ RECORD SHEET ……………………………………………………………….. 5

♦ APPLICATION …………………………………………………………………. 6

♦ REPORT ………………………………………………………………………… 8

♦ CLAIM SHEET …………………………………………………………………. 10

♦ UTILIZATION CERTIFICATE ………………………………………………… 12



It has been well recognised that in order to keep abreast with the latest development in science and
technology, Indian scientists and technologists, particularly the young scientists should have opportunities to interact
with the international community and get first hand experience of the developments taking place at the international
level. Indian scientists and technologists should also be able to participate and contribute to the latest developments
in chosen frontline areas of science and technology in which India would like to build up its national capability. It is
with this background that the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India has initiated the
programme of "Better opportunities for Young Scientists in Chosen Areas of Science & Technology"


The objectives of the BOYSCAST programme are:

¾ to provide opportunities to young scientists for visiting international institutions to enable them to
participate and contribute to the latest developments in specially chosen frontline areas of Science &
Technology through personal interaction wit scientists and technologists abroad.
¾ to use the experience and talent of these young scientists and technologists to initiate and strengthen
the national programmes in these identified chosen areas of science and technology.
¾ to use these talented young people to further generate and spread expertise at the national S & T
institutions, working in these chosen areas of Science and Technology so that, in future, we can train
more young scientists in our own institutions.


Young Indian Scientists and Technologists who fulfil the following conditions can submit a proposal for
award of BOYSCAST fellowship:

¾ Academic Qualifications: Masters Degree in Engineering, Technology or equivalent or Ph.D. in

Science or Technology or equivalent or M.D. Degree in Medicine or equivalent.
¾ Age: Less than 35 years (on the date of application)
¾ Employment: A regular position in a recognised S & T institution or university or college. Candidate
must be officially sponsored (their application to be formally forwarded) by the employer/head of the
institution or agency with commitment to depute them for research/training under BOYSCAST
programme. Forwarding note merely stating above would be considered only after award of fellowship
will bot be considered by DST.
¾ Area of work: Area proposed by the candidate should be in line with the chosen area (published along
with announcement of fellowship each year).
¾ Place of work: The fellow should be accepted by a foreign scientific/technological institution which is
internationally recognised as an outstanding institution where major work in the identified area is in
¾ Willingness of the foreign institution to accept and extend necessary support to the candidate for the
work proposed. Candidate is required to produce evidence, in the form of a letter of acceptance from
the institution to be visited.
¾ Young scientists and technologists having established creditability in the proposed area of work will be
¾ Candidate must not have earlier availed of this fellowship at least during the past three years.
¾ The institute, where the candidate belongs, should have either already initiated major research
activities in the chosen area or should have immediate plans to initiate such programmes based on the
expertise of the individual and proposed training abroad.


1. Announcement of the fellowship will be made in leading newspapers around Feb/March.

2. Application for the award of fellowship are accepted from (i) eligible candidate who may forward their
application through the head of their institution and from (ii) eminent
scientists/technologists/institutions by way of nomination of eligible bright young scientists. In the
case of nomination, application should also be forwarded by the head of the institution where the
candidate is employed.
3. The programme would be implemented through an Expert Committee involving eminent scientists and
4. Applications will not normally be called for interview.
5. The BOYSCAST fellow will be required to submit a detailed progress report on their participation,
submitted immediately after their return giving details of the training received and research work done
including papers communicated/published. They may also highlight how this exposure will help in
their future work.
6. Details of other laboratories visited and outcome of such visits should also be given along with the
7. A report evaluating the performance of the Boyscast fellow and highlights of scientific results by the
professor with whom the fellow has worked abroad should also be submitted.
8. Boyscast fellow may be required to submit other reports from time to time highlighting how the
knowledge gained abroad is being utilised.


Application for the award of BOYSCAST fellowship should be sent in the prescribed format. Fifteen (15)
copied are required to be forwarded through the head of agency /organisation /institution where the candidate is

‰ Application should reach DST within 45 days of the date of publication of the advertisement in
‰ The matter should be neatly typed as per format (and not as annexures) and should not exceed 10-12
typed pages.

The following documents should accompany the application:

¾ Recent letter of acceptance from foreign institution to be visited by the candidate specifically
mentioning the BOYSCAST fellowship.
¾ Endorsement from head of the agency/organisation/institution on letter head as per the prescribed
¾ List of publication of the candidate.
¾ A short (500 words) write up on the future plans of the candidate in utilising the expertise in India
by special training obtained abroad.
¾ Reprints of three best publications, in the last five years.

Application with documents to be addressed to:

Ministry of Science & Technology
Technology Bhavan
New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi - 110016



1. The individual availing this fellowship would be called a BOYCAST FELLOW.

2. After the approval of the fellowship, the BOYSCAST FELLOW should not deviate from:
(a) Approved area of research/training
(b) Identified Institute abroad
(c) Duration of fellowship

3. BOYSCAST FELLOW should will a bond to the parent institute that he/she would serve the parent
institute/anywhere in India for a period of atleast three years after return, pursuing research in their
area of specialisation abroad.

4. Young scientist and Technologist who have availed such an opportunity once will not be eligible for
consideration again under this scheme for the next three years after return. In case of special
requirements, where it becomes important in the context of a well identified programme, which is
relevant to the national programme, this condition may be waived.

5. If the fellow does not return to India or gets job opportunity overseas on completion of the duration,
fellow will be required be reimburse the whole of the expenditure incurred during the fellowship
period in one lumpsum within one month of the completion of the Fellowship. Parent institute will
recover the whole of the expenditure from the fellow and remit it to DST within the stipulated period.

6. If the fellow on return to parent institution, resigns from the job goes abroad or accepts another job
unconnected with the chosen area, then it would be construed as having broken the bond and would be
required to pay forthwith a sum of money pro-rated to the uncompleted period under the bond.

7. The fellow will be entitled for fellowship of US $ 1500 per month (if it is for a period of three to six
months) or equivalent amount in foreign exchange of the country of study during the period of
fellowship. The institution where the candidate belongs would be responsible for necessary foreign
exchange arrangements.

8. Fellow will also be entitled for a personal contingent grant of Rs. 10,000/- for fellowship duration upto
six months and Rs. 15,000/- for fellowship duration above six months.

9. Fellow will be entitled to air passage in economy class both ways by Air India from present place of
working to the place of training by direct route. Other airlines should not be made use of for this
purpose except in sectors where Air India does not operate. In such cases, air passage should be got
booked through Air India. To and fro Air ticket should be purchased before departure to avoid
escalation in return airfare.

10. Rules governing payment of salary, leave, medical, gratuity, GPF and Pension etc. of the
Department/Institution/University to which a fellow belongs would continue to be applicable. No
liability on any of these accounts will be borne by DST.

11. Fellow will be permitted to travel within host country to attend conferences or visit other Institutes of
interest with prior approval from Guide of Host Institute with intimation to DST. Fellow will be
entitled to incur expenditure separately calculated as US & 100 per month x duration of stay in months
(e.g. 3 months duration $ 300: 6 months duration $ 600 etc.) Expenditure incurred on this will be
settled by DST at the time of final settlement and on submission of the following details:

‰ Recommendation Letter from Guide Host Institute permitting to attending the conference or visit
other institute of interest within host country and within fellowship duration only.
‰ Authenticated claim bill for travel, hotel stay, and registration fee if any duly certified by
competent financial authority/guide of Host Institute.

Total claim bills on this budget head should not exceed the amount specified above. Only actual
expenditure incurred will be re-imbursed by DST which should be within the limits prescribed above.

12. Bank Commission charges, Medical Insurance expenses, Visa Fee, Airport tax and taxi charges etc.
will be met by the fellow front out of the personal contingent grant.

13. The candidate selected for the award of the BOYSCAST fellowship should commence their
research/training before the end of the financial year in which the award is given. Failure to do so
would render the fellow forfeit the award. The decision of DST on all these matters would be final.

14. The fellow will submit to DST a final report on their work at the end of their training/research. This
should be submitted within two months of their return. The report should also include authenticated
detailed expenditure statement in connection with their training/research under this scheme as per the
DST format.

15. A report evaluating the performance of the BOYSCAST FELLOW by the Professor of Institute with
whom fellow has worked should also be sent to DST along with the final report.

16. The final settlement of accounts will be subject to availability of reports mentioned at 14 and 15 above.



1. DST Ref. No.*:

2. Name, designation & address of applicant:

3. Date of birth & age:

4. Broad area of research and chosen area:

5. Parent Inst. Consent (yes/ No)

6. Overseas host Institute:

7. Host consent dated (Yes/No):

8. Duration (Months) :

9. No. of publications:

10. List of reprinting enclosed:




11. Other projects with applicant: ( DST / Other Agencies )


Sl. Title Date of start Cost Agency

No. Date of completion (Rs. In lakhs) reference No.


* To be filled by DST


1. Name, designation and address of application

2. Date of birth and age:

3. Academic qualification (Bachelor's degree onwards with :

Subject to specialisation and academic distinction, if any)

4. Details and nature of present and previous employment:

5. *Brief summary on current areas of research:

6. *(a) Number of research publications in referred journals:

excluding papers presented in conference, symposia
etc. during last five years (Enclose one copy of
reprints of your three best publications)

(b) Number of Ph.D. students guided:

*(c) Details of training courses conducted, research:

projects granted to the applicant during the last
ten years.

7. Honors and awards received:

8. *Overseas visits (include details like country and labo-:

ratory of visit, duration, purpose, degrees obtained,
paper published etc.

9. *Details of proposed training

(i) Broad area:

(ii) Chosen area in which training/research programme:
(iii) Brief summary of the training/research programme:
and its objectives
(iv) Justification of its importance and relevance to on-:
Going/future programmes of the institution of the
(v) Future scope of application in India:

10. Proposed place of research/training:

(a) Justify its selection and enclose consent of Overseas:

Host institution alongwith facilities to be provided
with each application form.
(b) Do you purpose to visit any other Institute/attend:
any conference in the host country during your
stay. If yes, please give details.

11. Proposed duration of the fellowship (from 3 to 12 months):

-- Please specify based on your correspondence with
host institute (It will not be possible to change the
duration later)

*Please provide information here and NOT AS ANNEXURES.

12. Have you applied for BOYSCAST fellowship previously?:

-- Please give details if answer is in the affirmative:

13. Details of institutes/scientists and engineers engaged:

In proposed area of study, within India (if any)

14. Can the proposed study be undertaken in any Indian:

Institute? If yes, please specify. If not, why not?

15. Do you have an on-going S & T project? If yes, please:

Mention its reference number, title, duration (Date of
Start and of completion), funding agency and total cost

16. Name and address of two Indian referees in the:

selected area

(Signature of Applicant)



(This should mention about the continuity of the employment, deputation terms like leave, payment of
salary etc. during the fellowship).

1. The candidate should themselves correspond with their proposed host institution abroad for placement
2. Application not duly forwarded by the parent institution/organisation or received after the last date,
will not be considered.
3. Visa arrangements to be made by the candidate.

REPORT (Three copies)

Report on Participation in Training/Research abroad under BOYSCAST Scheme

1 Name and designation of BOYSCAST fellow:

2. Address:

3. Chosen frontline area of S&T in which training research was:

Carried out

4. Name and address of Professor and host institute:

5. Duration: From _______________ To ________________: _________ Months

6. Organisation for work adopted:

7. Academic highlights:

(i) Developments/technique expertise acquired (500 words):

(ii) Research results, including any papers prepared/:
Submitted for publication. (500 words)
(iii) Proposed utilization of the experience in India (500 words):

8. (a) Would you like to apply for a Young scientist/SERC:

Project. If yes, please specify & give brief outline.
(Please ask for format separately).

(b) Would you be able to train young scientists in the area:

of your work abroad. If yes, give brief outline.

9. Names of Indian Scientists working in the subject area, Please:

list them with address

10. Scientists who would be interested in your report, Please list;

them. Have you sent them your report? If not, please send.

11. Visits to other scientific institutions. Universities and:

Laboratories during your visit abroad alongwith details of
Knowledge acquired. (500 words)

Name of BOYSCAST fellow

12. Remarks of the Head of the parent Department/Institution/:

Organisation about the overall progress of the training
acquired in particular, its further application in the institute
in national context.

DST: Sanction No. and Date (Signature)

Name and Designation


1. Name of Professor and Host Institute address of BOYSCAST:


2. Area of research:

3. Duration: From _________________ to _________________ : ____________ Months

4. Brief highlights of achievements:

5. Has the fellow visited other labs/institutes/conferences in host:

country. If yes benefits derived.

6. Has the fellow participated in other activities (sports, cultural:

Etc.) Please specify.

7. Your assessment of BOYSCAST fellow overall performance:

on a scale of 1-10. (1 being lowest & 10 highest).

8. Any other comment you may like to make:

Name, Designation and
Host Institute address

CLAIM SHEET (Two Copies)

(To be filled by the applicant)

1. Name, Designation and Address:

2. DST Sanction letter No. and date:

3. Broad Area:

4. Chosen area of training:

5. Name, designation & address of Professor of host institute:

6. Duration of the training ____________________________ : _____________ Months

From _______________________ To ______________________

7. Details of expenditure on the training:


(i) Place of work in India:

(ii) Port of embarkation with date of departure:
(iii) Port of Disembarkation with date of arrival:
(iv) Venue of training if in a city different from (iii) above:
(v) Air fare for onward travel to venue by shortest route: Rs.
(vi) Air fare for return travel: Rs.
(vii) Total expenditure on Air travel (v +vi) Rs.

B. *Expenditure incurred for attending conference/visit to other: Rs.

Institutes within host Country

C. Fellowship US $ _________ x __________ months :Rs.

x Rs. ________ as per foreign ex. Rate

D. Contingency: Rs.

E. Total (A to D)

Certified that I have attended the above training/research programme and the particulars furnished above
are correct. Also certified that I have not received any financial assistance from any other sources.

Name & Address
Please attach the following documents:
1. A xerox copy of the Air-India ticket, both ways.
2. In case the journey is performed by the shortest route, a certificate from Air-India indicating the
Airfare by the shortest route.
3. A xerox copy of the bank receipt showing the exchange rate per US$ as on the date of obtaining
foreign exchange.
4. *Break-up details as ANNEXURE with authenticated claim bills and recommendation letter as per
5. Three copies of Report.

Details to be furnished by Instt./Organisation

1. Total Grant received:

2. Sanction letter No. & date:

3. Total expenditure incurred on training of the fellow:

4. Amount to be released to the concerned Institution/organisation:

5. Balance (if available) returned/Being returned to DST:

6. Utilization certificate in the proforma enclosed:


Certified that BOYSCAST fellow has been pain grand as Sanctioned by DST column 2 above for training
abroad and as per guidelines of the BOYSCAST scheme.


Signature of
Name & Address Competent Financial Authority
of BOYSCAST fellow

Date: Date:



2. Address of the Institution:

3. Name & Designation of BOYSCAST Fellow:

4. DST sanction letter No. & date:

5. Head of Account as given in the DST Sanction letter:

6. Amount brought forward from the previous financial year:

7. Grant received during the financial year _____________ :

8. Amount that was available for expenditure:

9. Actual expenditure:

10. Balance amount available at the end of the financial year:

11. Unspent balance refunded if any:

12. Amount to be carried forwarded for the next financial year, if any:

13. Balance to be reimbursed to the BOYSCAST fellow:

Certified that out of Rs. _________________ of grand-in-aid sanctioned during the financial year
____________ in favour of Dr. _________________________________________ BOYSCAST awardee under this
Department letter No. ____________ dated _______________ and Rs. _______________ on account of unspent
balance of the previous year, a sum of Rs. ________________________ has been utilised for the purpose of
Research/training abroad in respect of Dr. _______________________________ BOYSCAST fellow for which it
was sanctioned and that the balance amount of Rs. ___________________ due to the awardee may be please be

Signature of Signature of the Signature of the

BOYSCAST Fellow Joint Registrar (Finance) Head of the Institute

Date: Date: Date:



NEW MEHRAULI ROAD, New Delhi - 110016


1. The objectives of the programme are :

01. To provide opportunities to young scientists for pursuing exciting and innovative research ideas.

02. To provide opportunities for interaction and exchange of ideas with the scientific community both
at national and international level.

03. To encourage publications for promoting scientific interest.

04. To involve young scientists in national S&T development process.

05. To encourage S&T institutions, professional bodies and other agencies including State Councils on
Science & technology to develop S&T programmes involving young scientists.

2. The scheme covers young scientists who have adequate background of and training in any field of
Science & Technology and show inclination to undertake an activity for fulfillment of the
objective of the scheme as part of their career.

3. Application for funding research proposals by young scientists (upto 35 years of age—in case of
married women scientists this is relaxable from case to case basis ) are invited. A project can also
be formulated for determining the feasibility of a larger independent project. These proposals
should be specific time –bound and formulated with care.



The Science & Engineering Research Council (SERC) aims at promoting frontline research in emerging
and inter-disciplinary areas of Science ad Engineering. As part of this scheme SERCYS programme was
initiated to support young research workers who have extra spark of originality and motivation.

The objectives of the programme are :

01. To provide quick support to young scientists to pursue their bright ideas in newly emerging and
front line areas of research in Science & Engineering.

02. To work for integrated research programmes involving inter-disciplinary fields.

03. To support inter-institutional programmes.

04. The scheme is open to young scientists upper age limit being 32 years. Researchers/Scientists who
have shown promising achievement during their Ph.D. work is eligible to apply. Those who have
submitted their Ph.D. thesis and are expecting their degree within a period of six months are also
eligible. Applications from scientists received after one year from their obtaining Ph.D. degree
may not be considered.


1. Please do not skip reproduction of any section even if the answer is ‘nil’.

2. Application need not be forwarded/routed through any institution at this stage. Certificate at
Annex-II is required only after the approval of the proposal.

3. The minimum qualification is Ph.D. or M.D. or M.Tech.

4. Fifteen (15) copies or the complete proposal should be submitted to DST at any time during the

5. Detach Acknowledgement card, information sheet and page 3 (Three) from the booklet. Use
capital letters only for filling these with black pen. Send these sheets filled along with 15 copies of
the proposal containing details of items 1 to 28 (Annex-I) and Annex-III.

6. The title of the project should precisely indicate the specific work/topic of the research proposal.

7. Project duration should not exceed 24 months.

8. Under Young Scientist Scheme (SYS) the budget normally should be within Rs.3.00 lakhs for 2
years, the salary of Project Investigator being additional wherever applicable. No major equipment
is provided.

9. Project Investigator, if not employed, is entitled to draw salary in the scale of Rs. 2200-75-4000.

10. The Investigator should ensure that he/she is not planning to be away from the project for more
than 8 weeks during the tenure of the project.

11. The project is given to an “Individual Scientist”. Normally no additional staff is provided.

12. One project is sanctioned at a time to a Project Investigator under the scheme. Second project be
considered based on the performance or the 1st project (if other conditions are fulfilled).

13. Project Investigators are expected to attend Group Monitoring Workshops (GMWs), specially
organised to review of progress of the project. This may be taken into account while preparing the
travel budget.

14. All correspondence including research proposal may be sent at the following contact address :

Head, H.R.Unit, Gram : SCIENCTECH

Department of Science & Technology, Phone: 667373
Government of India Telex : 31-66096 DST IN
Technology Bhawan 31-61805 DST IN
New Mehrauli Road, Fax : 011-661682
New Delhi-110016. 011-6863847

(To be filled by applicant)
For Office use only

1. Scheme applied for :

SERCYS SYS File No.: ___________

*2. Broad Subject : Life Sc. Chemical Sc.

Engg. Sc. Physical Sc.

3. Sub Area Interdisciplinary

4. Project Title___________________________________________ Date of Receipt




5. Inst.Name_____________________________________________

6. Department____________________________________________

7. Address_______________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ Area

8. Principal Inv.__________________________________________

9. Designation___________________________________________

10. Date of Birth Inst.Code

11. Sex (M/F)/Married/Unmarried

12. Year of Ph.D.

13. Telephone/Fax 14. Gram/e-mail 15. Telex

16. Duration months Invest. Code

17. Total Cost

18. FE Component

*Please mark only one box.

19. Project Summary

20. Key words (maximum 6)

21. Introduction

01. Origin of the proposal (How the ideas regarding the problem to be studied were
conceived Proposed work should not be a mere extension of the Ph.D. work).

02. Definition of the problem (Define concepts, ideas, etc. related to the problem).

03. Objectives (Specific point by point objectives. Formulate as precisely as possible to cover
only the identified specific aspects to be achieved within the two-year period).

22. Review of Research and Development in the subject

01. Status both National and International (Brief review of the field and recent developments.
Details related to specific objectives of the proposal. This should be based upon a thorough
literature survey).

02. Importance of the proposed project in the context of current status (Identify critical
gap areas where you can effectively contribute with your expertise and learning. Focus on
one or two specific aspects which can be studied in depth during a two-year programme).

03. Review of expertise available with proposed investigator/institution in the subject of

the project (State preliminary work already done, techniques standardised, data collected
etc. by earlier groups working at the institution).

04. Name(s) and address(es) of Indian expert(s) in the subject

23. Work Plan

01. Methodology - Should be given in detail on the basis of the proposed "Objectives" of the
proposal (Clearly spell out mode/theory/system to be used and steps involved in proposed
studies avoiding generalities. Include a block diagram of set up/apparatus or flow chart like
diagram for proposed work as applicable. Focus on scientific and technical details).

02. Organization of work elements - (Facilities required for execution of the project and
indicate which ones already exist with you).

03. Time schedule of activities giving milestones

04. Suggested plan of action for utilisation of research/ outcome expected from the project
(Indicate whether the outcome of the project will result in advancement of knowledge
and/or specific applications, if any).

05. Have you prepared the project in consultation with some expert(s)? If so, please give the
name of the expert(s) with address(es).

24. Biodata of Principal Investigator

01. Name

02. Father's/Husband's Name

03. Whether SC/ST

04. Academic and Professional qualifications (graduation onwards);

Year/Month of Passing
Division Rank/Grade/Marks %

05. Details of research work:

Year of registration for Ph.D.
Title of Thesis
Summary of work

06. Employment details, if employed:

Name of Organisation
Pay and Scale
Date of Joining
Nature of work

07. Achievements:
Books authored
Patents awarded
No. of research papers (authored / co-authored)

08. List of publications: (Sl. Nos, Authors, Year, Title of the paper, Name of the journal, No. of
volume, Page, Date of publications etc.).

25. Research Project(s) including DST's with the Investigator (Use separate sheet for each project)

01. Investigator(s)

02. Project Title

03. Status

04. Duration
Date of start
Scheduled completion date

05. Cost of Project

06. Name of funding agency

07. Reference number allotted

08. Summary of the project (maximum 200 words)

09. Highlights of the up to date progress of the project (maximum 200 words)

10. Major results achieved on the project

26. Have you ever attended any programme organised under DST namely, Contact Programme,
BOYSCAST Fellowships, SERC School, State S&T Council Fellowship etc.? If yes, please
give detail namely, year, duration, area, etc.

27. Any other relevant information

28. Certificate from the Investigator

01. I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the research grant

02. I did not submit this project/similar project proposal elsewhere for financial support

Date: Name and signature of Investigator


Annexure - II

*Certificate from the Institute/University

This is to certify that:

(i) Dr _________________________________ will be appointed by this institute as the Principal

Investigators in the project ___________________________ approved by Department of Science
& Technology vide No. ___________________ dated _______________ .

(ii) The date of appointment starts from the date on which the University/Institute receives the bank
draft from Department of Science & Technology

(iii) The Investigator will be governed by the rules and regulations of the University/Institute and will
be under the administrative control of the University/Institute for the duration of the project.

(iv) The grant-in-aid by the Department of Science & Technology will be used to meet the
expenditure on the project and for the period for which the project has been sanctioned as
indicated in sanction letter.

(v) No administrative or other liability will be attached to Department of Science & Technology at
the end of the project.

(vi) The pay of the Investigator, if applicable, will be fixed at Rs. _________________ basic in the
scale of Rs. 2200-4000 which is commensurate to that of other comparable positions in the
University/Institute. The Investigator will draw other allowances as per the rules of the
University/Institute, except DA, which is at Central Government rate.

(vii) The project will terminate on ____________ . While the project is in progress the investigator
will be released for going abroad/joining another institute/long leave only after clearance from the
Department of Science & Technology.

(viii) The University/Institute will provide basic facilities to the investigator for undertaking the
research project.

(ix) The University/Institute will take into its books all assets received under this sanction and its
disposal would be at the discretion of Department of Science & Technology.

Seal of University/Institute Signature

Registrar of University/
Head of Institute

*To be submitted after approval of the Project.

Annexure -III

Statement I (BP/BE)


(In Rupees)

Items 1st Year 2nd Year Total


A. Recurring
1. Salaries/Wages
2. Consumables
3. Travel
4. Other-Costs
Sub-Total A
B. Minor items of Equipment
Grand Total (A+B)
Total FEC

* Should conform to the plan of work. Attach a sheet giving justification for each item needed as per

Statement II (BP/SW)


(In Rupees)

Designation Monthly 1st Year 2nd Year Total
(number of Emoluments

Full time

Part time

* Man months to be given within brackets below the budget amount:

Statement III (BP/TA)


(In Rupees)

Item 1st Year 2nd Year Total


(Including GMW)

Note: No international travel is permitted.

Statement IV (BP/CO)


(In Rupees)

Items 1st Year 2nd Year Total


(a) Contingencies

(b) Other (Pl. Specify)


Statement V (BP/EQ)



Generic Name of equipment Number Imported/ Estimated

and accessories with make and model Indigenous Cost (in Rupees)*

*Include duties, installation charges, inland transport etc. Foreign exchange component in rupee amount
projected should be given. Indicate the amount in the currency of the country of origin within brackets.
**No major equipment, costs to build/establish a laboratory etc. provided.

Statement VI (BP/CM)


(In Rupees)

Head* 1st Year 2nd Year Total






*Q: Quantity/number B: Budget F: Foreign exchange component


*PROJECT NO. *File No.

1. Project Title :

2. Name/Designation/Address of :
Principal Investigator

3. Date of Birth :

4. Budget : Rs. For 2 years

4.1 List of equipment(s): Rs.

4.2 Staff: Rs.

5. Other project(s) with Investigator

(If any, give title, funding agency,
year of initiation & completion,
total amount sanctioned, equipment
procedure, etc.):

6. Date of submission of
present proposal to DST:

*7. Date of Receipt of

proposal in DST:

*8. Secretarial comments:



1 As a part of its Science & Technology Promotion Programme the Department of Science &
Technology considers time bound research proposals for financial support. Earlier R&D
Programmes were being considered under two separate schemes viz., science and Engineering
Research Council. SERC will now provide an integrated and cohesive approach for supporting
R&D Programmes Broadly, the objectives of the SERC would be as follows:

(i) To promote research in newly emerging and frontline areas of Science and Engineering
including multi-disciplinary fields.
(ii) To selectively promote the general research capability in relevant areas of Science and
Engineering taking info account existing research capabilities of the host institution; and
(iii) To encourage Young Scientist to take up challenging research and development

2. The approach to supporting research in carefully identified thrust areas under various disciplines
will continue with the objective of formulation coordinated thrust areas Programmes by inviting
the concerned Scientists to present their proposals in related areas of the Programme Advisory
Committees constituted for this purpose.

Research proposals from scientific institutions/research laboratories under various scientific

departments, which are in line with the normal research activities of these institutions may not be
considered for support under SERC. Only research proposals outside the normal activities of such
institutions (i.e. National R&D Programmes, Programmes in newly emerging and frontline areas
of research etc.) will be considered.

3. The proposal should be prepared and submitted strictly according to the formats prescribed in this

4. Please read explanatory notes and detailed instructions carefully for completing each section of
the prescribed format while preparing the proposal.

5. Copies of the proposal and other required documents must be sent in one lot through proper
channel to :

The Secretary
Attention: *Science and Engineering Research Council-Secretariat
Department of Science & Technology
Technology Bhavan
New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi - 110016

6. Please contact DST if the acknowledgement letter mentioning the registration number of the
project is not received within one month from the data of dispatch of the proposals.

7. Please feel free to enquire about the status of the proposals, but only after six months from the
date on the acknowledgement letter.

8. Please make sure to quote the registration number (given by the DST) and title of the proposals in
all your future communications.

N.B.: The information should be given under each section. No Annexures should be enclosed along
with the project proposal.

Important Note: The proposals will be received in DST during ANYTIME OF THE YEAR


Number of Copies

a) Endorsement from the Head of the Institution (on letter head) one

b) Certificate from Investigator(s) one

c) Detail of the proposals from the Section 001 to 500 (stitched) 30

d) Name and address of experts/institutions who may be interested

in the subject/outcome of the project (circulation list) two

e) Sheet containing sections 101 to 192 one


1. The Principal Institution assumes financial and other administrative responsibilities of the project.

2. In case of multi-institutional project the Principal Investigator (PI) has to obtain formal agreement
from the collaborating institutions/scientists.

3. International travel is normally not permissible under the project.

4. The manpower recruited for the project should be paid as per the rules of the Institute and
guidelines of the Govt. of India.

5. It is the policy of DST to maximise the use of an equipment. In this light, Investigator shall
permit the use of spare of ideal capacities of equipment procured under the project by bonafide
users (research workers in other DST funded projects or other projects of the Institute).

6. The proposals are scrutinized by experts in the field and after a peer review SERC takes the

Endorsement from the Head of Institution
(To be given on letter head)

Project Title:

1. Certified that the Institute welcomes participation of Shri/Smt _____________ as the Principal
Investigator and Shri/Smt _____________ as the Principal Co-Investigator for the project and
that in the unforeseen event of discontinuance by the Principal Investigator, the Principal Co-
Investigator will assume the responsibility of the truthful completion of the project (with due
intimation to DST).

2. Certified that the equipment and other basic facilities as enumerated in Section 420 and such
other administrative facilities as per terms and conditions of the grant, will be extended to the
Investigator(s) through out the duration of the project.

3. Institute assumes to undertake the financial and other management responsibilities of the project.

Name and Signature of Head of Institution

Date: _______________

Place: ______________

*In regard to the research proposals emanation form scientific Institutions/Laboratories under various
scientific departments, the Head of institution is required to provide a justification indication clearly
whether the research proposal falls in line with the normal research activities of the institution or not and
if not, the scientific reasons which meant its consideration by DST.

Certificate from the Investigator

Project Title:

1. I/We agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the SERC research grant.

2. I/We did not submit the project proposal elsewhere for financial support.

3. I/We have explored and ensured that equipment and basic facilities (enumerated in
Section 420) will actually be available as and when required for the purpose of the
projects. I/We shall not request financial support under this project, for procurement of
these items.

4. I/We undertake that spare time on permanent equipment (listed in Section 350) will be
made available to other users.

5. I/We have enclosed the following materials:

Items Number of Copies

a) Endorsement from the Head of Institution One

b) (This) Certificate from Investigator(s) One

c) Details of the proposal from Section 001 to 500 30


d) Name and address of experts/institution interested 2

in the subject/outcome (of Principal investigator).

e) Sheet containing sections 101 to 192 1

Name and signature of Investigator

Date: ____________

Place: ___________


Important Note on Project Formulation:

1. Please continue your project to only a new specific aspects of a problem which can be studied in
depth in a three year period to identify the specific aspects to be studied, you may consider
proceeding along the following lines:

i) Having decided on a broad topic of research, review the National Status

ii) Identify critical gap areas where your expertise can effectively contribute

iii) From these gap areas, identify one or two specific aspects which can be studied in depth
through a three year research project

2. While writing the proposal, please ensure that scientific and technical details are clearly

3. Projects which involve Recombinant DNA work should be examined and certified by institutional
Biosafety Committee. Certificate from his committee from this committee should accompany the
project proposal Guidelines for constitution of Biosafety Committee can be obtained from:

Department of Biotechnology
CGO Complex, Lodi Road,
Block No. 2, Floor-7, Room No. 12
New Delhi - 110 003
Telegram: BIOTECH, Telex: 31-74105 BIOT IN
Telephone: 363012, 363018

4. Projects which are clinically oriented or projects which involve experiments with human material
should be examined and certified by institutional Ethical Committee. Certificate from this
Committee should accompany the project proposal. Guidelines for constitution of institutional
Ethical Committee can be obtained from:

The Director General,

Indian Council Of Medical Research,
Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi - 110 029
Telegram: SCIENTIFIC, Telex: 031-63067, Telephone: 653980, 652895, 652794

5. Proposals with broad objectives not achievable in three years or written without specific details
are viewed unfavorably.

Instructions for Filling up Proforma:

1. Please use paper approximately of A4 size.

2. Please type as per the layout given in the formats.

3. Please do not skip reproduction of any section even if the answer is "nil"

4. For certain sections, specially from section 101 to 192 maximum length of the answers (no of
characters) have been specified within brackets. Please restrict your answer to number of

5. Detach page no. 13 from the booklet; use capital letters only for filling sections 101 to 192 with
black ball pen. Leave blank all codes except Pin Code indicated in the address column. Send this
sheet filled along with 30 copies of the proposal, containing of Section 101 to 500.

6. Please read additional instructions given on the following pages before filling the corresponding
section of the format.

Section 101: Project title

Project title should be within 150 characters (30 Characters in each line). A title "investigations of
the Magnetic Properties of certain compounds of Transition metals with Rare Earths" may be sharpened
to "Magnetic Properties of (Rare Earths) (Transition Metal) Compounds" (underline the key words).

Section 102: Scheme

Indicate the scheme under which the proposal in question should ideally be considered. If the
investigators are not fully conversant with the objectives of different Science and Technology promotion
schemes of DST, tick 'any suitable scheme'. Responsibility then will rest with DST, to select the right

Section 103 to 104 Broad Subject

Please make only one of the boxes. This classification is meant of to convey the emphasis of the
research work in case it has equal emphasis on more than one discipline, it may be put under inter-
disciplinary category. Sub area is to be defined as per thrust areas listed by DST.

Section 105: Duration

Expected total duration of the project may expressed in months. Proposed duration should
normally not exceed 36 months.

Section 106: Total Cost

Give total cost of the project in rupees. Foreign exchange component, if any, of the total cost may
be given in terms of US $ equivalent.

Section 111 to 119: Investigator and Principal Institution

Indicate the status (Govt./autonomous/private etc.) of the institution. In case of private of

registered society a bond has to be executed after approval of the proposal.

While writing names write the surname first. Give date of Birth in date, month and year format
each consisting of 2 digits.

Section 120 to 138: Collaborating Investigators/Institutions

In case a project is to be executed by more than one institution (which is welcomed) and/or
requires regular inputs from other Scientists, the names of collaborating institutions and Scientists are to
be recorded.

Section 191: Project Summary

Use separate sheet for sections 191&192. Give project title, PI name, name of institution(s)
involved before writing the summary.

Written in telegraphic language, the summary should give an account of (a) research objectives
(b) methodology to be adopted and (c) expected outcome of the project. This summary may be published
in the list of on-going projects and will be widely circulated amongst scientists/scientific institutions (with
addresses) is required to be furnished along with the proposal.

Section 192: Subject Keywords

Please suggest not more than ten keywords that best describe the project. This is to facilitate
systematic information storage and retrieval. Your library staff may help in selection of Keywords.
Kindly underline these keywords wherever used in project summary.

Section 211: Origin of the Proposal

Identify the stimuli which prompted preparations and submission of the project proposal to the
DST. The source of stimuli could be the National Five-Year Plan (S&T Chapter), state-of-art-report or
other reports published by the DST, proceedings of a special workshop/seminar, announcements by DST
on Thrust Area Programmes, an earlier etc. In all such cases, give specific details so that the source is
clearly identifiable. If the project has no such origin, please state so.

Section 212: Definition of the Problem

Please give precise technical statement of only those problems which the project is expected to
cover within the specified duration (normally 3 years).

A historical or general introduction to the area will not be title appropriate under this like head
and should be given under 220. For example, do not include a statement. "The problem is utilization of
agricultural wastes is important for national economy__________specially rice bran. Japan has developed
technology for edible rice bran oil_____ Removable of free-fatty-acids in an important problem for
making edible rice bran oil_________" Instead, a straight forward definition of the problem could be
"Stabilisation of fresh rice bran is necessary for preventing rapid rice of free fatty acids. As oils with high
FFA are difficult to refine, the problem of stabilisation of rice bran through chemical mode using sodium
metabisulphide is to be studied. In addition, its peculiar odour needs to be removed for making it
acceptable as edible oil".

Section 213: Objectives

Instead of an essay, it is suggested that the objectives be spelled out point by point in telegraphic
language keeping in view the definition of the problem outlined in Section 212. For example, the
objective of the rice bran problem could be written as:

1. To examine alternative chemical modes for stabilisation of rice bran oil.

2. To determine the exact source/cause of odour and to explore methods for its removal.

Section 221 to 222: State of knowledge

Please indicate the recent development in the proposed field of work, both in the country and in
other parts of the world. This should be in 2 separate parts (namely Indian and international situations)
and based on literature survey. In the literature survey, inclusion of list of important review articles, if
available, is recommended. This section will enable the referees to appreciate the effort that has been put
in preparing the project proposal.

Section 223: Justification for subject area

The importance of the Project should be brought out in this section in the light of the international
and nation state of knowledge on the subject. This could be done in two parts:

(a) Matters relating to scientific and technical advancement of knowledge.

(b) Issues concerning application of the new knowledge to socio-economic advancement of

the country such as, production of quality commodities for internal consumption leading
to better life-style, resource conservation, import substitution, export earnings,
employment generation, uplift of economically weaker sections, development of cottage
and small scale industries etc.

Section 224: Review of expertise

The section is essentially to summarise the background [details to be enumerated in section 430
and professional experience (details in section 450)] of the investigators to establish credential for
undertaking the project and to highlight relevance of the project to the research already going on tin the
sponsoring institution. Nevertheless, a research venture by the investigators in an entirely new field will
also meet due consideration.

Section 231: Methodology

It is essential that from this statement the other experts in the field should get a clear
understanding of the research technique to be employed in the project as distinct from data/sample
collection activities and routine activities. Further, the description should indicate precisely how the stated
objectives will be achieved. The history of creation of new knowledge in the area (narrated in sections
221 and 222) should bot be repeated here. Discuss different methods of approach in order of priority.

Section 232: Work elements

In this section the entire project activity is to be broken down to specific work elements in
consonance with the objectives and methodology defined in the earlier sections. While doing so, equal
emphasis should be given to:

(a) Technical work elements, such as designing the experiment/model, making

observations/calculations, etc.

(b) Administrative work elements e.g. selection of equipment and obtaining quotations,
obtaining certificates like NMI, CDE etc., recruitment of staff etc.

Further, for multi-institutional projects, this section should be utilised to indicate the distribution
of functional responsibilities between the principal and collaborating institution(s) and the mechanism for

Section 233: Time schedule

On the basis of work elements identified earlier, the time schedule should be drawn. Here specific
indications of milestones would be worthwhile. These milestones will help in periodic evaluation of the
progress of the project. It is once again cleared here that lead time for creation of infrastructural facilities
be computed on realistic basis.

Section 240: Utilisation of research results

It is necessary to widely disseminate the research results and to facilitate their use by other
teaching and research communities and industries. The intent of this section is to get an idea of how the
interaction between researchers and potential users of research results could possibly be catalysed,
stimulated and maintained.

In this light therefore, a utilization plan is solicited. This may start with identification of the user
community i.e. individuals and institutions. The interaction could be promoted in several ways. For
example, selected members of the community may be invited to periodic presentations by the instructors
for their expert guidance. The investigators may propose to organize workshops on the subject or to
present the results in meetings of professional associations, association of industries, national seminars
and the like. Circulation of interim reports to wider audience could be another mechanism. A research
leading to development of a process which could possibly be commercialized should has active
involvement of agencies like the National Research Development Corporation of India from the inception
of the project. Please list appropriate activities with brief description.

Section 300: Budget

Summary of the budget may be prepared after filling on Sections 310 to 350. Give realistic
estimates of costs of different items involved. While doing so, please ensure that all the constraints have
been taken note of and of different activities properly estimated (also vide notes for section 232 to 233).

All costs are to be expressed in rupees only. If further exchange is required for purchase of
equipment or consumables, show it in terms of US$ equivalent. But please note that the rupee figures
should be inclusive of the rupee equivalent of foreign exchange quoted. Also include customs duty and
other such charges, if applicable.

Section 310: Budget for manpower

While major part of the project work is to be carried out by the Principal Investigator and Co-
Investigators, some additional scientific and technical personnel may be asked for working full time on
the project. Please assess your additional requirements carefully taking into account the level of personnel
required and their likely availability for working on the project. You may like to select your requirement
from amongst the following categories of personnel :-

(a) Post-doctoral or equivalent (Scientist/Professor)

(b) Personnel with two to three years of research experience

(c) Fresh post-graduates or equivalent

(d) Secretariat

Please check rules and regulations of your institution for salaries payable to the required category
of personnel for working out the budget.

Salaries payable are to be expressed in lumpsum indication the regular scale of pay. "Full-time"
would be recruited fresh or employed from existing staff of the institute full time for the project (and their
salaries/wages debited to project account). People who are already in position and whose honorarium/job-
rate payment/over-time allowance/part of salary is to be debited to project account, may be classified
under part-time personnel. For both categories of personnel, the extent of involvement, especially for
computation of budget estimates, may be expressed in terms of man-months per year.

Please prepare the list in descending order of salary. Personnel with same designation but with
different salary are to be shown separately.

Section 311: Justification for salaries & wages

Justification for number and level of staff to be recruited, their year of deployment and comments
on whether personnel from other institution will be deployed on deputation basis.

Section 340: Budget-for other costs

Some projects may have special requirements not covered under sections 310 to 330 Costs for
such requirements are to be indicated in this section specifying the item under a & b.

Contingencies are meant to coven incidental and other miscellaneous expenditure.

Section 342: Justification for other costs

Please specify the special requirements. These requirements could be of computer, payments for
using specialised instrumentation facilities etc. The basis of calculation the costs should be clearly stated.

Section 350: Budget-for permanent equipment

Specially list all items of permanent equipment costing Rs. 1000/- or above, or requiring import.
Other minor items may be clubbed.

Be as possible while naming the equipment. Indication of the make and model will help
identifying the exact nature of the equipment better. For example, instead of mentioning "gas
chromatograph", a detailed statement like "PYE-Unichems" Model 304 microprocess or controlled gas
chromatograph would be appropriate to define the requirement. Similarly, instead of "Infra Red
spectrophotometer", something like "Perkin elmer Model 598" or "Shimadzu Mode IR-408" should be
stated. After the project is approved however, the investigators may go in for a different model or make so
long as the basic characteristic and costs are comparable to those mentioned in proposal.

Include provisions for installation charge, inland transport insurance etc. in the estimated cost. In
many cases, equipment procured under the project may not be kept occupied full-time studies
contemplated. The spare time on equipment could fruitfully be utilized by other researchers engaged in
DST sponsored or any other project of the institute. It is the policy of the DST to maximise the use of an
equipment. In this light, the investigators are urged to permit the use of spare of idle capacities of an
equipment by bonafide users.

Section 351: Justification for permanent equipment

Justification for each item of equipment (including their accessories, specific characteristics,
resolution etc. in relation, other institutions in the neighborhood, Regional Sophisticated Instrument

State what efforts will be made to utilize existing equipment, give reasons why indigenous
models, if available, cannot be used.

Section 410: Time schedules - Bar diagram

The bar diagram should have work elements/activities as row and time in the column. The
suggested time interval is three months. After approval of proposal PI will have to submit a PERT chart.
The purpose of the PERT chart to help in evaluation and monitoring.

Section 420: Existing facilities

Basic infrastructural facilities and equipment that would be extended by the institute to the project
should be recorded.
Please make sure that these facilities and equipment will actually be available during execution of
the project.

In part B, please list all the available equipments and accessories which will be made use of in
executing the project. Please note that this list is to cover equipment and accessories under these

(a) Equipment within your research group

(b) Equipment in your department

(c) Equipment in other departments or centres of your institutions in the region including
Regional Sophisticated instruments Centre.

In case equipment required for the project exists at (a), (b) or (c) but cannot be used for project
work, give reasons under the remarks column.

Section 430: Biodata of Investigators

Biodata of the Principal Investigator and all other Investigators who are already in position and
available for the project are to be given here.

While providing the list of publications include: (a) names of Journal/publisher etc.

Section numbering should start with 430 for the PI and followed by 431, 432 etc. for other

Section 450: Other research projects with investigators

Summary details of the projects (completed/on-going or proposed) with different investigators

may be gives. These should also include DST Projects. Each project should come on a separate sheet.
Section numbering should start with 450 and could be continued upto 499.

1. Major results achieved should give

(a) brief review of the results achieved and scope for further research in the area;
(b) Scientific and technological benefits emerging out;

(c) manpower trained.

(To be filled by applicant)

For Office use only

Project Title ______________________________________________ 30 File no.:

______________________________________________ 30 2 __________
______________________________________________ 30

______________________________________________ 30

______________________________________________ 30 Area 17

______________________________________________ 30

102 Scheme applied for: Thrust Area Non Thrust Area

103 Broad Subject: Life Sc. Chemical Sc.

Others Interdisciplinary

104 Sub Area

105 Duration months 106 Total cost Rec. Type

107 FE Component
Invest Code
111 Principal Inv. _________________________________________ 30
2 7
112 Designation _________________________________________ 30
Inst. Code
113 Department _________________________________________ 30
8 13
114 Inst. Name _________________________________________ 30

115 Address _________________________________________ 30

_________________________________________ 30

116 Date of Birth Sex (M/F) Rec. Type 1

117 Telephone 118 Gram 119 Telex

Invest Code
121 Co-Investigator _________________________________________ 30
2 7
122 Designation _________________________________________ 30

123 Department _________________________________________ 30

Inst. Code
124 Inst. Name _________________________________________ 30
8 13
125 Address _________________________________________ 30

_________________________________________ 30

126 Date of Birth Sex (M/F) Rec. Type 1

127 Telephone 128 Gram 129 Telex

Invest Code
131 Co-Investigator _________________________________________ 30
2 7
132 Designation _________________________________________ 30

133 Department _________________________________________ 30

Inst. Code
134 Inst. Name _________________________________________ 30
9 13
135 Address _________________________________________ 30

_________________________________________ 30

136 Date of Birth Sex (M/F) Rec. Type 1

137 Telephone 138 Gram 139 Telex

Invest Code
141 Co-Investigator _________________________________________ 30
2 7
142 Designation _________________________________________ 30

143 Department _________________________________________ 30

Inst. Code
144 Inst. Name _________________________________________ 30
10 13
145 Address _________________________________________ 30

_________________________________________ 30

146 Date of Birth Sex (M/F) Title: 47

147 Telephone 148 Gram 149 Telex _____________



(63 - 100)
Registration No.: ______________________________________

Project title:



Principal Investigator: ______________ Institutions(s) i) ______________________

ii) ____________________

iii) ____________________

191) Project summary (Maximum 150 words)

192) Key Words (Maximum 6) ___________________________________________

200 Technical details

210 Introduction (under the following heads)

211 Definition of the proposal

212 Definition of the problem

213 Objectives

220 Review of status of Research and Development in the subject

221 International status

222 National Status

223 Importance of the proposed project in the context of current status

224 Review of expertise available with proposed investigating group/institution in the

subject of the project.

230 Work Plan

231 Methodology

232 Organization of work elements

233 Time schedule of activities giving milestones (also append to bar diagram and mark it
as Section 410)

234 Suggested plan of action for utilization of research outcome expected from the project.

(In Rupees)




1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year



A. Recurring

1. Salaries/Wages

2. Consumables

3. Travel

4. Other costs


B. Permanent equipment

Grand total (A+B)

Total FEC

Financial Year: April to March

Count six months from submission of the proposal to arrive at expected time point for
commencement of the project.

Foreign Exchange component (in US$) of rupee amount projected may be furnished.

N.B. Entries here should match will those given in section 301 to 350; justification for each
item is to be given in Section 360.
(In Rupees)

Designation Monthly BUDGET

(number of Emoluments
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total
(m.m) (m.m) (m.m)

Full time

Part time

m.m: man months to be given within brackets before the budget amount.


(In Rupees)



1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year



Total B


*Q: Quantity/number, B: Budget, F: Foreign Exchange Component in US$


(In Rupees)

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year




(In Rupees)




1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year


A. Contingencies



(In Rupees)

Generic name of Name Imported/ Estimated Sparetime

equipment and Indigenous cost (FEC)* available for
accessories with use by other
make & model (in %)


* Include installation charges, inland transport etc. Foreign exchange component (in
US$) of rupee amount projected should be given in brackets.




A. Infrastructural facilities (Tick the appropriate box)


Item Yes No NR* Item Yes No NR*


(a) Workshop (g) Transportation

(b) Water & Electricity (h) Administrative

& Secretarial

(c) Standby power (i) Library

supply facilities

(d) Laboratory (j) Computational

Space & Furniture facilities

(e) Air-conditioned (k) Animal/Glass

room of Equipment house

(f) Telecommunication (l) Any other


NR: Not required

B. Available equipment and accessories to be utilized for the project


Sl. Name of Model and

No. Equipment Make
and accessories

(a) Available with in investigators 1

group 2

(b) Available in the investigators 4

Deptt. 5

(c) Available else where in the 7

institution or in the region 8

NOTE: Please make sure that the aforesaid facilities and equipment will be available for the

A. Name B. Date of Birth

C. Institution D. Whether belongs to SC/St

E. Academic (M. Sc. Onwards) and professional career

Degree/position held
Year _____________ University/Institution ________________________________

F. Award/Prize/Certificate etc. won by the investigator

G. Publications (Numbers only)

Books Research Papers, reports General articles

Patents Other (Please specify)

H. List of publications

Sl. Title of the paper Authors Name of No. of the Page No.
No. Journals & Year From


(Use separate sheet for each project)

A. Investigator (s) (a)


B. Project Title

C. Status [completed] D. Duration _________________ Months

[on-going] From____________ to ____________



[submitted] E. Total Cost _____________

F. Name of the funding agency

G. Summary of the project (in 200 words)

H. Highlights of progress of the Project to date (in 200 words) - for on-going Projects only
Major Results achieved from the Project (in 200 words) - for completed Projects only.


MGIPF - 303 Deptt. of Sci & Tech./95 - 1,000





The Department has a scheme under which financial assistance towards travel cost is
considered for participation in International conferences, which are not sponsored by
International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). However young scientists upto the age
of 35 years are eligible to seek support even for ICSU Conferences training courses and
short-term schools. The scheme does not provide assistance towards maintenance
registration fee airport tax taxi fare and other costs. Applications from scientists having
partial support from other national sources or from organizers will be given preference.


(a) Indian scientists working in Educational/Academic Institutions and Research

Laboratories are eligible for travel support to participate in conferences etc. on selective

(b) The applicant has an accepted paper for presentation or an invitation to chair a session or
as a Keynote speaker. Young Scientists (below 35 years of age ) are eligible to apply for
attending training programs/Short-term courses/schools.

(c) The applicant has NOT availed of financial assistance from DST in the last three years.

(d) The conference/training course is of an International character. (Applications to attend

annual meetings of professional societies will not be considered).

(e) The application is complete in all respects forwarded through proper channel and
received 8 weeks prior to date of conference.

(f) Canvassing will disqualify the applicant for the travel grant.

NOTE : The passages are to be booked directly in a National Carrier i.e. Air India/Indian Airlines
FLIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE, the passage is to be booked THROUGH AIR


The following documents are to be forwarded:

(a) One copy of the completed Application form and Bio-data.

(b) Certificate in proof of date of girth (For Young Scientists only - age of 35 years will be
considered as on the date of the conference).

(c) Invitation from organizers.

(d) Detailed announcement of the conference (Please attach Photocopy of the

(e) Letter of acceptance of paper for presentation and/or invitation from organizers to chair
the session/participate as a key-note speaker.

(f) Abstract of the paper to be presented by the applicant at the conference.

(g) A certificate from Air-India indicating the cost of return air fare by economy/excursion
class by shortest route.

(h) A copy or letter from other national or international partial cost or TRAVEL.

3. The Scientists may please ensure that al the essential documents mentioned in para 3
above are properly attached with the application, INCOMPLETE APPLICATION ARE

4. The Department in the event of selection will initially issue a commitment letter agreeing
to the support. The committed amount will be reimbursed to the scientist only on his
return to India after participation in the conference and on submitting a detailed report, a
copy of air ticket etc. within two months from the date of the conference.

5. The decision on the application is expected to be communicated about four weeks before
the commencement of the conference. No interim correspondence will be possible.

6. The application complete in all respects together with enclosures as indicated at para 3
above, must reach the Department of Science and Technology at least Eight Weeks prior
to the commencement of the conference duly forwarded by the Head of the Institution. If
the application is not received in time the request will not be considered.

7. Application may be addressed to : Secretary,

Department of Science
And Technology,
Technology Bhavan,
Atten : (STP, Division)
New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi- 110 016

Envelop may please be superscribed Application for International

Travel support

Important : (I) Age will be considered as in the date of the conference.

(II) Travel support for attending training programs/short-term schools etc. is

applicable to Young Scientists (Below 35 years of age) only.

(III) Separate application should be submitted for different conference /

symposium / school etc.




(To be filled in by the applicant)

1. Name, designation and address of applicant :

2. Telex

Tel. No.

Telegraphic address


3. Age Sex Date of Birth

4. A. Name of the International Conference / Seminar / Symposium/

Workshop/Training Program/Short-term school :



5. A. Venue and date of conference

B. Whether Conference is held Annually/Once in two years/Once

in three years/etc. (please specify)
C. Broad, Area of the Conference :

Life Science. { } Physical Sciences. { }

Chemical Sciences. { } Engineering Science. { }
Earth Science. { } Multidisciplinary. { }

6. Purpose of visit :

A. (I) Presenting Paper Oral / Poster

(II) No. of papers Single author / one of the authors.

B. Chairing a session YES / NO

C. Keynote speaker YES / NO
D. Other(Please Specify)

7. Particulars of financial assistance the applicant is applying for / receiving from other
National source / organizers towards travel for attending of conference.

(I) Name of the funding agency

(II) Sanctioned / Committed amount

8. Total Air-fair by shortest route Excursion / Economy Class :

9. Amount requested from DST towards travel :

10. Details of International conferences attended in the last three years if any (Title of the
conference, dates venue, funding agency & amount).

11. Are the findings being presented :

result out of DST project (1)

or other work (2)

If (1) then :

[a] DST Project’s reference number

[b] Project Title

[c] Duration of Project

[d] Name of Principal Investigator

[e] Status Ongoing / Completed

12. Designation and address of authorized
Officer Viz. Registrar / Finance officer etc. for receiving checks / Demand Drafts.

13. Nearest branch of Union Bank of India.

14. Proposed date of leaving India for the Conference and the likely date of return.

15. Indicate clearly the benefit (Attach separate sheet)

expected to be derived by (100 Words only)
attending the Conference

16. Other countries likely to be visited apart from the venue of the Conference:

(I) Country
(II) Duration
(III) Purpose
(IV) Support provided

17. Any other information which you may like to furnish in support of your application.

18. I declare that the information furnished above is correct.

19. Signature of applicant.

20. Recommendation of the Head of the Department / Institute.

Signature & Official

Seal of forwarding authority
the applicants answer is Yes (Strike off what is not applicable)


1. Applicant has paper(s) accepted at the Conference: Yes/No

2. Copy of abstract of paper (s): Yes/No

3. Applicant has availed assistance in last three years from DST: Yes/No

4. Applicant has been sanctioned any travel support by any other agency: Yes/No

5. Air India certificate indicating cost of return air fare Excursion/Economy class: Yes/No.

6. Brochure/Announcement of the Conference Yes/No

7. Technical program of the Conference: Yes/No

8. Conference is organized by ICSU or its affiliated bodies: Yes/No

9. Applicant a Young Scientist: Yes/No

10. Certificate in proof of date of birth: Yes/No


Decision of the committee

Concurrence of Finance

A. Name & Designation B. Date of a Birth

C. Institution D. Whether belongs to SC/ST

E. Academic Qualifications

Degree Year University/Institution % of marks Remarks

1. High School





2. i) Positions held :
ii) Scale of pay

3. Experience

F. Award / Prize / Certificate etc. won by the investigator

G. Publications (Number only) {enclose list of papers published during the last three years}

Books Research Papers Reports General


Patents Others(Please specify)


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