Six Sigma Dictionary
Six Sigma Dictionary
Six Sigma Dictionary
This is used to test the probability of a sample median being equal to hypothesized value.
2-Sample t-Test
2-Sample t-Test: Used for testing hypothesis about the location two sample means being equal.
1-Sample t-Test: Used for testing hypothesis about the location of the sample mean and a target mean being equal.
The three Ps stand for People, Product and Process. When implementing TQM, all three parameters should be
3. Process: Continuous improvement of all the operations and activities is at the heart of TQM.
5 Why’s
The 5 why’s typically refers to the practice of asking, five times, why the failure has occurred in order to get to the root
cause/causes of the problem. There can be more than one cause to a problem as well. In an organizational context,
generally root cause analysis is carried out by a team of persons related to the problem. No special technique is
An example is in order:
You are on your way home from work and your car stops:
Why did it run out of gas? Because I didn’t buy any gas on my way to work.
Why didn’t you buy any gas this morning? Because I didn’t have any money.
Why didn’t you have any money? Because I lost it all last night in a poker game.
I hope you don’t mind the silly example but it should illustrate the importance of digging down beneath the most
proximate cause of the problem. Failure to determine the root cause assures that you will be treating the symptoms of
the problem instead of its cause, in which case, the disease will return, that is, you will continue to have the same
Also note that the actual numbers of why’s is not important as long as you get to the root cause. One might well ask
why did you lose all your money in the poker game last night?
Here’s another example. I learned the example using the Washington Monument used when demonstrating the use
of the 5 Whys.
Why so many pigeons? They eat spiders and there are a lot of spiders at monument
Why so many spiders? They eat gnats and lots of gnats at monument
5C ia a 5 step technique very similar to 5S to stabilise, maintain and improve the safest, best working enviroment to
5Ps of effective meetings
Probable issues – what concerns or questions are likely to be raised during the meeting
Process – how the the meeting will be run and the desired outcome achieved
\ˈfīv\ \ˈes\
5S is a system for instilling order and cleanliness in the workplace. The S’s stand for:
1. Seiri or sort
2. Seiton or straighten
3. Seiso or shine
4. Seiketsu or standardize
5. Shitsuke or sustain
1. Seiri – Put things in order (Remove what is not needed and keep what is needed)
2. Seiton – Proper arrangement (Place things in such a way that they can be easily reached whenever they are
3. Seiso – Clean (Keep things clean and polished; no trash or dirt in the workplace)
5. Shitsuke – Commitment (A typical teaching and attitude toward any undertaking to inspire pride and adherence to
An alternative translation and meaning of these terms may be found in The Improvement Book by Tomo Sugiyama:
1. Sorting – Good and bad, useable and non-useable
3. Spic and span – Keep arranged things always ready-to-use, dirt-free and tidy
4. Standardize – Make a process for the above three stages, create measures and review them
6. This standard defines the procedure of “5Z Accreditation” which is the scheme to promote, evaluate,
maintain and improve process control using the Genba Kanri principles.
“5Z” is a general term for the following five actions ending with “ZU”…meaning “Don’t” in Japanese.
8. 6 Ms
9. The traditional 6Ms are:
10. * Machines
11. * Methods
12. * Materials
13. * Measurements
17. Machines
18. You can read more about it in the The Cause and Effect Diagram (a.k.a. Fishbone)
19. 7 QC Tools
20. Histograms
Check Sheets
Pareto Diagrams
Control Charts
Scatter Diagrams
21. These are 7 QC tools also known as ISHIKAWAS 7QC tools which revolutionised the Japane & the World
25. 1. Defects
2. Overproduction
3. Transportation
4. Waiting
5. Inventory
6. Motion
7. Processing
27. The worst of all the 7 wastes is overproduction because it includes in essence all others and was the main
driving force for the Toyota JIT system, they were smart enough to tackle this one to eliminate the rest.
28. 8 D Process
29. The 8D Process is a problem solving method for product and process improvement. It is structured into 8
steps (the D’s) and emphasizes team. This is often required in automotive industries. The 8 basic steps
are: Define the problem and prepare for process improvement, establish a team, describe the problem,
develop interim containment, define & verify root cause, choose permanent corrective action, implement
30. Of course, different companies have their different twists on what they call the steps, etc…but that is the
31. 8 D is short for Eight Disciplines which oOriginated from the Ford TOPS (Team Oriented Problem Solving)
O – Over processing – Tighter tolerances or higher grade materials than are necessary
can make the lot definitely acceptable; Customer will definitely prefer the zero defect products or services
and will ultimately establish the acceptable level of quality. Competition however, will ‘educate’ the
customer and establish the customer’s values. There is only one ideal acceptable quality level – zero
defects – all others are compromises based upon acceptable business, financial and safety levels.
the lot.
42. Accountability
43. Conditional personal or professional liability “after” the fact, determined by action or responsibility.
Accountability to action assumes the willingness to be held accountable for adequate expertise and
44. Accuracy
45. 1) Accuracy refers to clustering of data about a known target. It is the difference between a physical
quantity’s average measurements and that of a known standard, accepted ‘truth,’ vs. ‘benchmark.’
Envision a target with many arrows circling the bullseye, however, none of them are near each other.
46. 2) Precision refers to the tightness of the cluster of data. Envision a target with a cluster of arrows all
touching one another but located slightly up and to the right of the bullseye.
47. In practice it is easier to correct a process which has good precision than it is to correct a process which is
accurate. This is due to the increased amount of variation associated with accurate but not precise
tasks, etc.) rather than on the costs of organizational units. ABC generates more accurate cost and
performance information related to specific products and services than is available to managers through
54. Often used in form of “sticky notes” send up to front of room in brainstorming exercises, then grouped by
facilitator and workers. Final diagram shows relationship between the issue and the category. Then
categories are ranked, and duplicate issues are combined to make a simpler overview.
55. Agile
56. Methods for delivering projects with evolving requirements, through collaborative approaches by self-
57. Originally implemented for software development with a focus on delivering iterative releases of functional
software. Now used for any form of value delivery where changing requirements are common and must be
58. Alias
59. Lost interactions in a Design of Experiment. An alias indicates that you’ve changed two or more things at
the same time in the same way. Aliasing is a critical feature of Plackett-Burman, Taguchi designs or
standard fractional factorials.Lower the resolution higher is the aliasing issue. Aliasing is a synonym for
63. In other words, stating a difference exists where actually there is none. Alpha risk is stated in terms of
64. The value (1-alpha) corresponds to the confidence level of a statistical test, so a level of significance alpha
are not equal. In software program which present a p value in lieu of F Test or T Test When the P value is
less than or equal to your agreed upon decision point (typically 0.05) you accept the Ha as being true and
reject the Null Ho. (Ho always assumes that they are equal)
more means by comparing the variances *within* groups and variances *between* groups. See the tool 1-
method for assessing and prioritizing options. Widely used for complex, multi-criteria decision-making,
AHP guides the practitioner through a list of paired options. With each option, the following question is
75. P-value < 0.05 = not normal. normal = P-value >= 0.05
77. The Anderson-Darling test is used to test if a sample of data came from a population with a specific
distribution. It is a modification of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test and gives more weight to the tails
than does the K-S test. The K-S test is distribution free in the sense that the critical values do not depend
on the specific distribution being tested. The Anderson-Darling test makes use of the specific distribution in
calculating critical values. This has the advantage of allowing a more sensitive test and the disadvantage
79. ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA), a calculation procedure to allocate the amount of variation in a process
and determine if it is significant or is caused by random noise. A balanced ANOVA has equal numbers of
measurements in each group/column. A stacked ANOVA: each factor has data in one column only and so
Advanced Product Quality Planning
Phase 1 –
Plan & Define Programme – determining customer needs, requirements & expectations using tools such as QFD
review the entire quality planning process to enable the implementation of a quality programme how to define & set
Phase 2 –
Product Design & Development – review the inputs & execute the outputs, which include FMEA, DFMA, design
Phase 3 –
Process Design & Development – addressing features for developing manufacturing systems & related control plans,
these tasks are dependent on the successful completion of phases 1 & 2 execute the outputs.
Phase 4 –
Product & Process Validation – validation of the selected manufacturing process & its control mechanisms through
production run evaluation outlining mandatory production conditions & requirements identifying the required outputs.
Phase 5 –
Launch, Feedback, Assessment & Corrective Action – focuses on reduced variation & continuous improvement
identifying outputs & links to customer expectations & future product programmes.
Control Plan Methodology –
discusses use of control plan & relevant data required to construct & determine control plan parameters
stresses the importance of the control plan in the continuous improvement cycle.
A project management tool, ARMI can be used to analyze the level of support of project stakeholders. The acronym
stands for the four levels of support that can be assigned to the various stakeholders:
Approver – Individual whose sign-off is required to move forward with the project
It is similar to the project management tool RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) for categorizing
Artisan Process
Known for pioneering efforts to invent or create that which has never existed, it is one of a family of four work process
types and is characterized as a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or result which is
performed by people. (Artisan Process, Project Process, Operations Process, Automated Process)
Assignable Cause
See *Special Cause*.
Attribute Data
Attribute data is purely binary in nature. Good or Bad, Yes or No. No analysis can be performed on attribute data.
Attribute data must be converted to a form of Variable data called discrete data in order to be counted or useful.
Attribute data is qualitative data that can be counted for recording and analysis.
Examples include the presence or absence of a required label, the installation of all required fasteners.
Attribute data is not acceptable for production part submissions unless variable data cannot be obtained.
The control charts based on attribute data are percent chart, number of affected units chart, count chart, count-per-
Attribution Theory
Attribution theory (B. Weiner) explains how individuals interpret events and how this relates to their thinking and
This theory has been used to explain the difference in motivation between high and low achievers. According to
attribution theory, high achievers will invite rather than avoid tasks that could lead them to success because they
believe success results from high ability and effort, and they are confident of their ability and effort. However, they
believe failure is caused by bad luck or a poor exam, i.e. things that are beyong their range of control. Thus, failure
doesn’t affect their self-esteem but success builds pride and confidence.
On the other hand, low achievers avoid success-related actions because they tend to doubt their ability and/or
assume success is related to luck or influence or to other factors beyond their control. Thus, even when successful, it
isn’t as rewarding to the low achiever because he/she doesn’t feel responsible. Suceess does not increase his/her
A timely process or system, inspection to ensure that specifications conform to documented quality standards. An
Audit also brings out discrepencies between the documented standards and the standards followed and also might
show how well or how badly the documented standards support the processes currently followed.
Corrective, Preventive & Improvement Actions should be undertaken to mitigate the gap(s) between what is said
(documented), what is done and what is required to comply with the appropriate quality standard. Audit is not only be
used in accounting or something that relates to mathematics but also used in Information Technology.
The granting or taking of power and liability to make decisions and influence action on the behalf of others.
Autocorrelation means that the observations are not independent. Each observation will tend to be close in value to
the next. This can result in under estimating sigma. A little bit of autocorrelation will not ruin a control chart.
Automated Process
Known for eliminating labor costs, it is one of a family of four work processes characterized as an on-going endeavor
undertaken to create a repetitive product or result which planned, executed and controlled. (Artisan Process, Project
Availability is the state of able readiness, of a product, process, practicing person or organization to perform
satisfactorily its specified purpose, under pre-specified environmental conditions, when called upon.
lots are not checked 100% and defective units removed or replaced with good units, the AOQ will be the same as the