Master Instrb El 004 GB 1
Master Instrb El 004 GB 1
Master Instrb El 004 GB 1
7.1 Installation
7.1.1 General information
7.1.2 Component location
7.1.3 External cables
7.1.4 Main supply.
7.2 Running-in
7.2.1 Motor controller MC… for solenoid operated pumps
7.2.2 Motor controller MC… for frequency operated pumps
7.2.3 Feed back unit FB…
7.2.4 Rudder indication system
7.2.5 Control system CS…
7.2.6 Other function control panel CU....
7.2.7 Alarm system AS02…
7.2.8 Deviation alarm system AS12...
8.1 Maintenance
8.1.1 General information
8.1.2 Monthly test
8.1.3 Annual survey
• Our standard numbering of the pump units starts from port with no 1 and goes
to starboard side of the ship, hence instruction manuals are based upon this.
In case of other ways of numbering the pump units, special considerations
must be taken when reading our instruction manuals where numbering of pump units
are included in the text or drawings.
It is the user’s responsibility to make all relevant hazard identifications and risk assessments of all
the activities associated with the use of this document.
It is the user’s responsibility to design and implement safe systems of work and to supply safe
equipment (including, without limitation, safety equipment) and training (including, without
limitation, health and safety training) to anyone using this document to work on products to which it
A user without the relevant experience of working in accordance with this document or with
products, or similar products, to which it relates should seek appropriate advice to enable them to
identify the appropriate health and safety controls and precautions and controls and precautions to
protect against risks to the steering gear and/or its components whilst work is being undertaken.
Technical assistance can be sought from Rolls-Royce and will be subject to Rolls-Royce’s terms and
1.1.1 Definitions
The rudder command signals to one of the solenoids on the manoeuvring valve will operate
the main spool and direct the oil flow from the corresponding pump to the chambers in the
actuator. The rudder will turn in the direction corresponding to the order signal. When the
selected order is reached, the valve will block the position of the rudder.
The manoeuvring valve is either flanged to the rudder actuator or the pump unit.
The actuator is normally supplied with two independent pump units each driven by an
electric motor. The motor controller for the electric motor on each pump unit has separate
and independent supply from the switch boards.
The supply for the control system is powered from corresponding motor controller.
The two systems are therefore both hydraulically and electrically separated.
A fault in one system will therefore not interfere with the operation of the other unit.
This system utilises a reversible hydraulic pump motor together with a frequency converter
for changing the speed and direction of the pump. The design gives smooth start and stop
of the steering gear and enables a accurate analog control system.
The power unit consist of a reversible pump unit, flexible coupling and electric motor
flanged to the top of actuator.
The rudder command signals operate the manoeuvring pump and direct the oil flow from the
corresponding pump to the chambers in the actuator. The rudder will then turn in the
direction corresponding to the order signal. When the selected order is reached, the
manoeuvring pump will stop and the valve will block the position of the rudder.
The actuator is normally supplied with two independent pump units each driven by an
electric motor. The motor controller (frequency converter) for the electric motor on each
pump unit has separate and independent supply from the switch boards.
The supply for the control system is powered from corresponding motor controller.
The two systems are therefore both hydraulically and electrically separate and independent.
A fault in one system will therefore not interfere the operation of the other unit. Description
• This section gives a general description of Tenfjord control system type CS-**.
• The control system CS-** is designed to control electro- hydraulic steering gears with
solenoid operated valves or reversible pumps.
• Pump control card (one for each pump) with following main functions:
- NFU steering.
- Interface to starter/motor controller.
• Aux. steering unit (one for two pumps) with following main functions:
- Interface for NFU and FU steering.
- Interface for two pump control cards.
• Start/stop circuit
- Interface for start/stop buttons on the control panel.
- Signal for standby auto-start can also be delivered (option).
- Start/stop signal to the motor controller.
The pump control card can be used as a separate control system or together with the
aux. steering unit.
• Interface for max. 24 steering modes. The number of steering modes are determined of the
number of selector cards mounted. The steering mode can be of NFU, FU or FU external
• Output to control two pump control cards. The interface is on/off signal for solenoid-
operated steering gear and additional analog speed signal for steering gear with reversible
• “In command” function to control panel and external equipment. The “in command”
function can be used in two modes:
- If the operator activates the in command push button, the steering command will be
transferred immediately.
- If the in command push button is activated, the system require that the order signal is equal
to the position of the steering gear before the actual steering mode is activated. If not, the in
command light will start flashing to indicate that the operator must change the order signal.
The order must be changed inside a period of 6-7 sec. When the actual steering stand is
activated the in command light goes from flashing to steady. This function is only used for
FU steering.
• FU (follow-up).
The position of the steering gear equal the orders from operator. This function can also be
use for NFU steering (option). The position of the steering gear will then be stored in the
memory and used as order signal when the NFU steering lever is released. This function is
called NFU memory. The steering mode on the selector card must then be selected to FU-
• The fig. Pump control card displays the card with “LED” and
“Jumper” description.
• Power supply.
- Internal power supplies.
- Power line filter for the supply to the aux. steering unit.
- Alarm signal for internal power supply.
• Start/stop circuit
- Interface for start/stop push button and standby auto start indication on the control panel.
- Start/stop signal to the motor controller.
- Standby auto start signal from alarm unit.
- Fuses (PTC) for indication light.
• Steering signal.
- Steering control signal to motor controller for solenoid operated steering gears
(on/off signal for port/stbd directions).
- Steering signal to motor controller for steering gear with reversible pumps (on/off signal for
direction and additional analog speed signal).
The NFU steering signal can be configured for common +/– with jumper JP1 and JP2.
• LED indication.
- Run signal.
- Internal power supplies.
- Standby auto start.
- NFU main steering selected.
- NFU steering selected
- FU steering in use (option if aux. steering unit ).
- Order signal to motor controller (port/stbd).
• Power supply.
- Internal power supply 220VAC, +-20%, 50-60Hz.
- Supply to aux. steering unit 220VAC, +-20%, 50,60Hz, max. 1.4A.
• Control panel.
- Run light max. 3pc.-each 30mA.
- Stop light max. 3pc.- each 30mA.
- Auto start light max 3pc.- each 30mA.
• Steering signal
- NFU main steering, max. 24VDC, +- 20%, 100mA.
- NFU steering, max. 24VDC, +- 20%, 100mA.
- NFU aux. steering, max. 24VDC, +-20%, 100mA.
- Analog speed signal, see specification for aux. steering unit.
• Alarm unit
- Hydraulic lock sign. max. 24VDC, +- 20%, 50mA.
- Power failure alarm, max. 24VDC, +- 20%, 0.5A.
• External equipment.
- Order signal. max. 24VDC, +20%, 50mA.
- Power failure alarm, max. 24VDC, +20%, 0.5A.
- Information if FU steering modes in use, max. 24VDC, +20%, 0.5A.
- Run signal, max. 24VDC, +20%, 0.5A.
- Power failure signal, max. 24VDC, +20%, 0.5A.
- Auto start signal, max. 24VDC, +20%, 0.5A.
- Override signal, max. 24VDC, +20%, 0.5A.
- FU steering in use, max. 24VDC, +20%, 0.5A.
Ref. drawings:
Amplifier output card, principal drawing.
Back plane, principal drawing.
Selector card, principal drawing.
Interface card, principal drawing.
The drawing layout aux. steering unit shows the rack based steering unit.
• The aux. steering is designed to interface two pump control cards. The design of the unit is
rack based and including following cards:
• Each selector card have 3 steering modes.. Max number of selector cards that can be
mounted for each back plane is 4. Two back planes can be internally connected and will
give the max. number of 24 steering modes.
The drawing lay-out back plane shows component location, jumper and LED description.
• Connection to 4 selector cards including in command signal and steering signal from
control panel or external equipment. Two units can be internally connected to interface 8
selector cards. Each selector card have 3 steering modes. This will give the max. number
of steering modes 24.
The drawing layout selector card shows the card with jumper and LED description.
• Interface for 3 steering modes. The steering mode can be NFU, FU or FU-EXT. The type of
steering signal connected to each steering mode is configured with jumpers on each selector
card (see drawing). In command for each steering mode is also indicated with LED on the
front of the card.
• In command signal and indication from/to control panel. This function is used to select the
desired steering mode.
- Steering mode FU
If the in command push button is activated, the system require that the order signal is equal
to the position of the steering gear before the actual steering mode will be activated. If not,
the in command light will start flashing to indicate that the operator must change the order
signal. The order must be changed inside a period of 6-7 sec. When the actual steering stand
is activated the in command light goes from flashing to steady. This function is only used for
FU steering.
Ship with two rudders normally has 4-pump units mounted. In this case two aux. steering
units must be used. The in command function for one of the systems is then configured with
jumper as “master”. The other system will be configured as “slave” and the in command will
be equal to the master unit.
The drawing layout Amplifier card shows the card with jumper and LED description.
• Steering signal input from selector cards. This can be NFU, FU or FU external types.
• Power supplies +-5V for order signal and feed back unit.
- On/off direction signal for solenoid operated steering gear and additional analog speed signal
for steering gear with reversible pumps. The analog speed signal (0-10V) can only be
generated when the FU function is used.
- The on/off direction steering signal will, if FU steering is selected and two pumps are
running, switch off the steering signal to one of the pumps when absolute value
(order - position steering gear) < 2-4 degrees.
• FU (follow-up).
The position of the steering gear will be equal to the order from operator. When this function
is used, the feed back signal from the steering gear must be connected. The card must also be
configured for feed back connected with jumper JP60, see layout.
The position of the steering gear equal the orders from operator. This function can also be
use for NFU steering (option). The position of the steering gear will then be stored in the
memory and used as order signal when the NFU steering lever is released. This function is
called NFU memory. The steering mode on the selector card must then be selected to FU-
• Test connector.
On the front of the card there is mounted a test connector used to access different signal
used for adjusting.
Pin description:
50° FU-controller
Adjust order signal from FU-controller equal 8V when the position of the controller is max.
order (mechanical stop), J2-2 (0V) to J2-6(order signal) equal 8V. The adjustment is done
with the pot. meter mounted on each controller.
70° FU-controller
Adjust order signal from FU-controller equal 10V when the position of the controller is max.
order (mechanical stop), J2-2 (0V) to J2-6(order signal) equal 10V. The adjustment is done
with the pot. meter mounted on each controller.
- Position the steering gear to zero position and adjust the feed back pot. meter to zero.
- Position the FU-controller to approx. 5 degrees before mechanical stop of the steering gear
and adjust P20(gain) until the position of the steering gear equal the order.
The drawing layout Interface card shows the card with jumper and LED description.
The aux. steering is powered from the pump control card with 220VAC, see drawing.
• Power supply.
- Power supply input 220VAC +-20%, 50-60Hz.
• Control panel.
- In command light max. 100mA.
• Steering signal
- On/off direction signal, max. 24VDC, +- 20%, 100mA (Solid state relay).
- Analog speed signal, max.+-15mA.
• Alarm unit
- Power/rudder position failure alarm, max. 24VDC, +20%, 0.5A.
• External equipment.
- In command confirm signal, max. 24VDC, +20%, 0.5A.
- 2 * override signal, max. 24VDC, +20%, 0.5A.
- FU selected signal, max. 24VDC, +20%, 0.5A.
- Analog order signal (+-10V), max.+-15mA.
Each control panel typical includes (but not always) following function:
Lamp test can be done by operating each function on the control panel. Control panel with by-pass and separating system (1 x actuator, 2 x pump). Control panel with by-pass and separating system (2 x actuator, 4 x pump).
Start/stop push buttons are used to remote control the pump unit. To operate the actuator
at least one pump unit has to be started. The desired pump is started by pressing the
button marked “start”. The green lamp will be lit. Stop the pump by pressing the button
marked “stop”, the corresponding red lamp will then lit.
If the pump unit is started due to automatic stand-by start upon alarm on the running pump,
the audible push button on the bridge alarm panel must be activated before it is possible to
stop the pump.
Rudder angle selection unit is used to change between high and low rudder angle.
This function is normally interfaced to the log for automatic rudder angle selection.
The operator can override the log by selecting high rudder angle.
• In command.
In command signal and indication from/to control panel. This function is used to
select the desired steering mode.
- If the operator activates the in command push button, the steering mode will be activated
- If the in command push button is activated, the system require that the order signal is equal
to the position of the steering gear before the actual steering mode is activated. If not, the in
command light will start flashing to indicate that the operator must change the order signal.
The order must be changed inside a period of 6-7 sec. When the actual steering stand is
activated the in command light goes from flashing to steady. This function is only used for
FU steering and single rudder installation.
Selector switch is used to select the steering modes for control system with only
pump control card. Normally used on ships with “1 x actuator, NFU, 1 x pump).
This is often connected with priority. In this case other steering modes are permanent
disconnected when the NFU override steering is activated. The override function is indicated
with a override light for each pump and if required an audible alarm. To exit this situation
the release switch must be activated.
This unit also have a override switch for permanent disconnection of all other
steering modes. This function can also be used for control system without priority.
The function of the unit is set with jumper located on the printed circuit board.
See cable diagram for further information.
• Non-follow-up steering.
• Follow-up controller.
The follow-up controller consist of a rotating steering handle (or wheel). This has a scale for
selection of required rudder angle. A precision potentiometer is connected to the steering
handle to transfer the order to the control system. For two rudder system the follow-up
function can be supplied for independent and/or synchronised steering.
The controller has the possibility for gain adjustment.
This unit is used to control steering gear which have a hydraulic system that can
be by-passed and separated. The system can be operated either from the bridge or
the steering gear room.
- Manual disconnecting switch and indication to disconnect the bridge remote control.
- Manual separating switch and indication to isolate the two hydraulic system.
- Manual by-pass switch and indication to hydraulic by-pass the selected system.
• Dimmer unit.
Each control panel normally have one electronic dimmer unit. All control lamps
except the alarm lamps have the dimming function.
Art. No. Rolls-Royce Marine AS,
INSTRB-EL004-GB Dept. Steering Gear – Tenfjord, N-6264 Tennfjord, Norway Page 59 of 113
Sign., date, rev. E-mail:
TB, 19.12.08,
Non-follow-up lever with in-command for time dependent control of the rudder
(the rudder moves as long as the lever is activated).
Follow-up controller with in-command, The unit consist of a rotating steering handle and a
scale for selection of required rudder angle. A precision potentiometer is connected to the
steering handle to transfer the order to the control system. For two rudder system the
follow-up function can be supplied for independent and/or synchronised steering.
The main control panel is normally supplied with non-follow-up push buttons
for emergency steering.
The non-follow-up push buttons are often equipped with priority so that other steering modes
are disconnected when the steering is operated. If the priority steering is used a audible alarm
will be activated, the alarm can be reset with the “buzzer release” push button.
To regain normal steering turn the override switch to position “release”.
For emergency steering not used with priority the emergency steering is activated when the
override switch is in position “override”.
The manoeuvring valves on the rudder motor can be operated manually by use of the
emergency device on the solenoids. The selector switches on the motor controller
must be turned to position “Local Control”.
Hand-hydraulic emergency steering pump if installed is usually situated in the steering gear
room. In order to operate this pump the cocks for connecting the pump must be opened.
The main control panel is normally supplied with non-follow-up push buttons
for emergency steering.
The non-follow-up push buttons are often equipped with priority so that other steering modes
are disconnected when the steering is operated. If the priority steering is used a audible alarm
will be activated, the alarm can be reset with the “buzzer release” push button.
To regain normal steering turn the override switch to position “release”.
For emergency steering not used with priority the emergency steering is activated when the
override switch is in position “override”.
The manoeuvring pump on the rudder motor can be operated manually by use of the
emergency push buttons in the front of the starter. The selector switches on the motor
controller is to be turned to position “Local Control”.
Hand-hydraulic emergency steering pump if installed is usually situated in the steering gear
room. In order to operate this pump the cocks for connecting the pump must be opened.
The most common way to start a squirrel cage motor is to connect the main supply
directly to the motor. The starting current for this method is high (see diagram),
it has no limitation. (Start current = 6 - 8*In).
• Auto-transformer
In case of motor with separate windings, combinations of start methods can be used to gain
reduced start current.
• Frequency converter
For frequency controlled pumps FCP with frequency converters, the starting current if
limited to 2*In.
• Location.
The motor controller cabinets are normally located in the steering gear room.
• Remote control.
The motor controller are remotely started and stopped from the bridge. To operate
the actuator at least one pump unit has to be started. The desired pump are started
by pressing the button marked “start” on the bridge. The green lamp will be lit.
Stop the pump by pressing the button marked “stop”, the corresponding red lamp
will then lit. Remote control not possible if switch on the motor controller cabinets is set to
‘Local’ or ‘Stop’.
• Local control.
There is a selector switch in the motor controllers door, which has the following positions:
- Remote control (steering from the bridge).
- Stop (maintenance).
- Local control (only emergency steering from the steering gear room is possible).
Normal position is "Remote control". Start, stop and steering commands are done from
the bridge.
The stop position is used to prevent unintentional start from the bridge during repair of the
steering gear or rudder.
"Local control" is used for function testing the steering gear, or emergency operation of the
manoeuvring valves. In this position the steering control from the bridge is disconnected. A
fault in this system will therefore not interfere with the emergency steering. The motor
controller will turn on the power supply to the electric motor. The manoeuvring valves on
the rudder motor can then be operated manually by use of the emergency device on the
The alarm “Power failure control” will be activated in position "stop" and "local control"
as an information to the crew on the bridge that remote control is out of function.
• Solenoid Driver
- Purpose:
The driver has been developed to avoid the problems with switching of high
inductive current solenoids. The two main problems are:
1) Voltage drop on the supply lines due to long distance between bridge
and steering gear compartment.
2) Welding and heavy wear of relay- and switch contacts due to high inductive
of the solenoids.
- Principle diagram:
- Function:
The driver is a dual electronic power relay with the following features:
1) Low input current. The input resistance of the relay is 1k which gives an input
current of 24 mA at 24 V supply. This current is high enough to ensure reliable
contact function of mechanical switches, and low enough to avoid problems with
wear and welding of contacts. Besides, the current is purely resistive.
2) Input filter. The input signal is low pass filtered through a RC-circuit to avoid noise
from trigging the output transistor.
3) Threshold limit. To make the output transistor turn on, the input signal has to
exceed 15 V. This is accomplished by means of a zener diode in the signal line and
helps shut out false signals.
4) Protected output. A zener diode protects the output transistor from over voltage due to
kickback from the solenoid.
5) Choice of polarity. Connection to the appropriate input terminals give the user a choice
of common plus or common minus to suit the polarity at the output of the control system.
6) Alarm relay output. The driver is equipped with two change over relay contact set.
The relay is energised as long as the power supply to the driver is present.
• Local control.
There is a selector switch in the motor controller door, which has the following positions:
- Remote control (steering from the bridge).
- Stop (maintenance).
- Local control (only emergency steering from the steering gear room is possible).
Normal position is "Remote control". Start, stop and steering commands are done from
the bridge.
The stop position is used to prevent unintentional start from the bridge during repair of the
steering gear or rudder.
"Local control" is used for function testing the steering gear, or emergency operation of the
manoeuvring pump. In this position the steering control from the bridge is disconnected. A
fault in this system will therefore not interfere with the emergency steering. The motor
controller will turn on the unlock signal to the frequency converter, but the emergency
manoeuvring push button on the front of the motor controller must be operated manually to
move the rudder.
The alarm “Power failure control” will be activated in position "stop" and "local control"
as an information to the crew on the bridge that remote control is out of function.
• The rudder angle indication system provides continuous indication of the steering gear
actual rudder position. Each steering gear have two indication systems.
• The main part of the system is the rudder angle position amplifier. A maximum of 5 rudder
indicators can be connected to each unit. The unit is connected to a precision potentiometer
in the feed back unit. Power supply to the unit is 24VDC from the ship main supply.
A galvanic isolated +-10V rudder position signal is available for external equipment.
• Principle diagram.
• The rudder angle indicator amplifier is arranged on a printed circuit board (PCB)
with all the electronic components and terminals mounted. This PCB is located in a casing
that can be mounted on rails. Normal mounting position is together with the terminals for the
main control panel.
• Signal description/specification:
- Power supply : 24VDC – 4A.
- Operation temp : -25 to 75 degrees.
- Power output : 15W
- The feed back transmitter : Precision potentiometer (5Kohm).
- Signal to rudder indicator : 3 wire system, +12VDC, -12VDC and rudder signal
Rudder in mid position equal a rudder signal of 0VDC.
A negative signal to the instrument is port direction.
The rudder angle indicators are based on a 3 wire system, +12VDC, -12VDC and rudder
signal. When rudder in mid position the rudder signal is 0VDC.
Each rudder indicator can be separately adjusted for gain and (zero position).
• The main components of the alarm system are the alarm interface cards, bridge alarm panel
and the ECR alarm panel. The alarm interface cards are equipped with terminals for sensors
and are located in the motor controller for each pump. Output signals to the ships general
alarm system (E0) is also provided in both alarm panels.
- How the alarm system detects the "Rudder synch failure alarm"
The technical solution for this alarm is to mount a potentiometer in the feed-back unit
for each steering gear. The two signal are then connected to a analog comparator relay,
which can be adjusted to give a galvanic isolated alarm signal. This alarm signal is further
connected to a alarm input on the alarm interface cards.
The AS02 alarm system is designed to meet the regulations of the classification societies,
SOLAS and IMO for a ships steering gear system. One alarm system AS02 can monitor two
There are normally two alarm panels connected to the system. One acts as the main alarm
panel (bridge). If the main alarm panel fails the slave automatically takes over. A complete
system-test and acknowledgement of alarms can be done from both panels. Acknowledgement
of alarms is independent for each alarm panel.
The whole system is built on CAN-Bus solution with RRDIO15 CPU cards. One card in each
alarm panel and motor controller.
• Functional description.
One system can monitor 2 pumps, having from 7 to 20 alarms, and typical 2 alarm panels.
Additional independent alarm systems are added for twin rudder solutions. Each alarm system
has it own network (CANBUS). The alarm sensor signals are connected to the interface cards
located in then motor controllers.
In case an alarm condition is present for more than 3 second the buzzers are turned on and the
alarm lamp starts to flash on both alarm panels independently.
By activating the " ACK. " button, the local buzzers are turned off, but the alarm lamps are
still flashing.
At the second push of this button " ACK. ", the following happens:
- Disabling the local blinking of the alarm lamps.
- If the alarm condition is still present, the local alarm lamp goes from flashing to steady
light; otherwise it is turned off.
When the alarm condition finally vanishes, the alarm lights go out and the external E0 alarm
output contact close.
In case a second alarm condition occurs before the first has vanished, the buzzers are trigged
again, but only the second alarm lamp will flash; the first will light steady.
If no alarm is present the button " Test" at the alarm panels will lead to activation of all local
alarm lamps. All local alarm lamps and buzzers will be turned on and external E0 alarm
activated. If installed, NMEA text transmission will indicate all alarms. In this way the
complete local panel alarm system will be tested, except the alarm sensors.
Below is shown the layout of the ‘Alarm panel back plane’ circuit board.
Description for terminals and jumpers of the: ‘Alarm panel back plane’ circuit board.
The “VDR” text transmission from the steering gear AS02 alarm system is designed in
accordance with IMO performance standard A.861(20) and IEC 61996.
The Steering failure alarm system provides both audible and visual alarm in the
pilot house upon failure of the rudder to follow steering commands when follow-up mode
is selected, regardless of the cause of failure. The system constantly compares the ordered
angle and the actual rudder angle. When these signals differ by more than a certain value
(the alarm set point, which is typically 5 degrees) the system calculates the time it
should take for the rudder to reach to this new position. If the rudder has not reached it
within the calculated time, alarm is automatically monitored.
The steering failure alarm unit consist of a programmable logical CAN bus cards with
terminals for connection of external signals.
The Steering failure alarm is designed to meet and exceed the requirements of
U.S. Coast Guard electrical engineering regulation 46 CFR, Part 113.43.
The system is designed to actuate an audible and visual alarm in the pilot house
when the rudder differs more than 5 degrees from the position ordered by the
FU-steering transmitter for more than:
t = R / 2,76 + 4,64
The system will also actuate the main alarm system E0 when
- the rudder fails to move within 4,64 seconds in the correct direction
of the ordered command for orders over 5 degrees.
- if the steering failure alarm system should loose the power supply.
A normal closed contact is also provided for the main alarm system E0.
The ‘System test’ activates the alarm lamp and the buzzer and E0 contact.
The “VDR” text transmission from the steering gear AS12 deviation alarm is designed in
accordance with IMO performance standard A.861(20) and IEC 61996.
The feedback unit contains the transmitter for the rudder indicating system, switches for
limitation of the rudder travel and transmitter for the control system. The unit is fitted to a
bracket flanged to the top of the actuator. The drive for the feedback unit is provided either by a
linkage arrangement or a chain/belt drive to the rotor. The chain/belt is pre-tensioned by a
spring to eliminate play.
The feed back unit can also be delivered for separate mounting.
The drive shaft follows the turning of the rudder stock and transfer the movement to the
potentiometer(s) and the tripping releaser for the limit switches. The potentiometer(s) can
be single, double or triple depending on the installation.
The tripping cams are adjusted to interrupt the steering signal about 2 degrees before the
rotor reaches mechanical stop.
The feedback unit is pre-set in mid ship position during final testing in the factory.
7.1 Installation
• The control system type CS-.... is made for bulkhead mounting and is normally
mounted in the bridge or room adjacent to. The cable length from the control system
to the bridge equipment must not be more than 100m.
• The motor controller type MC-.... is made for bulkhead mounting and is normally
mounted in the steering gear room.
• The control panel type CU-... and CM-... must be placed easily visible and accessible
on the bridge.
• The cross-section of the cables for the control and rudder indication system must be
according to the cable diagram.
• The cross-section of the main supply cables to the electric motors must be selected according
to the rules of the classification society. Confer pertaining list of cables for the installation.
• Power supply to the motor controller must be connected with separate cables directly from
the main switch board.
• The supply of 24V DC for the rudder indicator system and alarm system must be
supplied from a battery with constant supply.
7.2 Running-in
• Consult section for power unit (motor controller for solenoid operated steering gear).
• Check that the power supply from the main switchboard to each motor controller is
correct and that each electric motor is connected for the correct supply.
• Switch on the isolating switch normally located inside the motor controller.
Running against mechanical stop will give full pressure in the system depending
on the setting of the relief valves.
If air is left in the system this may be heard as increased noise from the pumps.
They must then be stopped to avoid damage.
• Check that the overload alarm output from the overload relay is adjusted to the full load
current of the el. motor. Factory setting.
• Turn the selection switch in the motor controller to position 3, “Local control”.
The motor controller is now turned on and cannot be operated from the bridge panel.
Check that the power pump rotates in the direction indicated by the arrow on the pump
flange. If it goes the wrong way interchange motor cables.
• Turn the selector switch in the motor controller to pos. 1, “Remote control”. Remote start
from the bridge panel should now be possible.
• Turn the selector switch in the motor controller to pos. 2, ”Stop”. It should now be
impossible to use remote start from the bridge. (Maintenance work to the steering gear
system may now be carried out.)
• Consult section for power unit (motor controller for frequency operated steering gear).
• Check that the power supply from the main switchboard to each motor controller is
correct and that each electric motor is connected for the correct supply.
• Switch on the isolating switch normally located inside the motor controller.
Running against mechanical stop will give full pressure in the system depending
on the setting of the relief valves.
If air is left in the system this may be heard as increased noise from the pumps.
They must then be stopped to avoid damage.
• Check that the overload alarm output from the freq. converter is adjusted to the full load
current of the el. motor. Factory setting.
• Turn the selection switch in the motor controller to position 3, “Local control”.
The motor controller is now in running mode and cannot be operated from the bridge panel.
Check that the manoeuvring pump rotates in the direction indicated by the emergency push
button in the front of the starter door. If it goes the wrong way interchange motor cables.
• Turn the selector switch in the motor controller to pos. 1, “Remote control”. Remote start
from the bridge panel should now be possible.
• Turn the selector switch in the motor controller to pos. 2, ”Stop”. It should now be
impossible to use remote start from the bridge. (Maintenance work to the steering gear
system may now be carried out.)
• Consult section for the feed back unit and enclosed drawings.
• The feedback unit is normally adjusted and pre-set in mid ship position
during final testing in the factory.
- The tripping cams are adjusted to interrupt the steering signal about
1-2 degrees before the rotor reaches mechanical stop.
- Adjust the position of each ring and tighten the locking screw.
- Check that the rudder and mechanical rudder indicator on the actuator is in zero position.
- Disconnect the wire to the centre point of the feedback potentiometers. Measure the
resistance between the end points on the potentiometer (approx. 5Kohm).
The resistance between each end point and mid point shall be equal.
Loosen the potentiometer and turn it until resistance between the end points and mid
point to each side is equal.
- If the rudder indicators moves in the wrong direction, interchange the outer
wires of the potentiometers.
- Check that the rudder and mechanical rudder indicator on the actuator is in zero position.
- Disconnect the wire to the centre point of the feedback potentiometers. Measure the
resistance between the end points on the potentiometer (approx. 5Kohm).
The resistance between each end point and mid point shall be equal.
Loosen the potentiometer and turn it until resistance between the end points and mid
point to each side is equal.
- If the rudder moves in the wrong direction, interchange the outer wires of the potentiometers.
Art. No. Rolls-Royce Marine AS,
INSTRB-EL004-GB Dept. Steering Gear – Tenfjord, N-6264 Tennfjord, Norway Page 88 of 113
Sign., date, rev. E-mail:
TB, 19.12.08,
- If the rudder indicators not is indicating zero position a final zero adjustment (P20)
(+-2 degrees) can also be done on the rudder indicator amplifier.
- Operate the rudder actuator manually from the steering gear room until the
mechanical rudder indicator reaches 35 degrees port. Adjust the gain (P30) on the
rudder amplifier until the rudder indicators show 35 degrees port. Each of
the rudder indicators can also be adjusted separately if necessary.
• The power supply to the control system is taken from the motor controller, and
the isolating switch inside each motor controller must therefore be switched on.
• The jumper settings for the control system and control panel are stated in the
first part of the cable diagram.
- The jumper settings is done before the equipment is leaving the factory.
- Operate the override switch for permanent disconnection of all other steering
modes. The override function is indicated with override light for each pump,
and if required a audible alarm.
- For control system configured for override the rudder can also be operated
when the override switch is in off position.
a: If the operator activate the in command, the steering mode will be activated immediately.
b:If the in command push button is activated, the system require that the order signal is
equal to the position of the steering gear before the actual steering mode is activated. If
not, the in command light will start flashing to indicate that the operator must change the
order signal. The order must be changed inside a period of 6-7 sec. When the actual
steering stand is activated, the in command light goes from flashing to steady. This
function is only used for FU steering. For ships with two rudders and independent steering
this function is only connected to the controller for port rudder.
Note: Pos. “b” is standard for vessel with one rudder and follow-up steering.
- Adjust P60 (sensitivity, amplifier card) clockwise until the follow-up system start oscillating,
and the rudder overshoot when we move the controller. The oscillation and overshoot can be
observed on the 4 LED (order signal port/stbd for each pump) on the front of the amplifier
card. Adjust P60 an half turn counter clockwise and move the controller again to observe if
the oscillation is gone. If not adjust again until the oscillation is gone.
If FU steering is selected and two pumps are running, the on/off steering signal will be
switch off to one of the pump when absolute value
(order - position steering gear) < 2-4 degrees.
- Set the order signal from the analog equipment equal +10VDC.
- Adjust the gain potentiometer for the actual equipment until the rudder position
is 1-2 degrees before the steering gear reaches mechanical stop (electric limit switches).
The location for the gain potentiometer for analog external equipment is indicated
on the first part of the cable diagram.
• Dimmer test.
- First turn on all pump units and check that the supply to the alarm system and rudder
indicator system is turned on. Turn the dimmer knob and check that the lamps on the bridge
steering gear panel are dimmed. It is not possible to dim the alarm lamps.
- Push-button marked “Test” activates the buzzer in the alarm panel and all the visual alarms
on the alarm panel.
• If the alarm panel lose contact with the interface cards located in motor controllers the ships
general alarm system (E0) will be activated.
• Auto start can be tested by activating any of the alarms on the corresponding
motor controller.
- Overload pump no. for solenoid operated steering gear (El. motor overload).
The overload alarm can be tested by activating the test push button on the overload
relay located inside the motor controller.
Note: The overload relay shall be configured for automatic reset (factory setting).
- Overload pump no. for frequency controlled steering gear (El. motor overload).
The overload alarm can be tested by disconnecting the wire connected to overload
contact on the frequency relay, see drawing for the motor controller.
- Low oil level pump no.__(Level switch mounted in the oil reservoir)
“Low oil level” is tested by disconnecting the level switch on the expansion tank.
Turn the selector switch in the front of the motor controller to position
“1. Remote control”. Set the steering mode on the main panel to “override” position.
Start both pumps for each steering gear. Press the lever on the solenoid
for approx. 5 seconds and the hydraulic lock alarm will be monitored.
Turn the selector switch in the front of the motor controller to position
“1. Remote control”. Start all steering gear pumps. Disconnect first wire from X1:3 (port
signal) in the connection box on the steering gear and wait for approx. 5 seconds until alarm
is monitored. Connect the wire again. Then do the same for stbd signal X1:4. This operation
must be carried out for all pump units.
The clogged filter alarm can be tested by disconnecting the wire connected
to the clogged filter sensor.
- High oil temperature pump no.__(Used for steering gear with oil cooler)
The high oil temperature alarm can be tested by disconnecting the wire connected to
temperature sensor, normally located on the pump unit.
- Earth failure alarm pump no.__(Only activated when the motor is not running)
The earth failure alarm can be tested by disconnecting the wire connected to earth
failure relay located in the motor controller.
Consult cable diagram for the actual steering gear el. equipment.
For more information on NMEA 0183 text transmission form the AS02 alarm system see
5.1.4 AS02 RS422 VDR interface.
The mode selector switch in the front of each motor controller should be turned to position
“Local control”. Alarm for “power failure control system” will occur.
Alarm panels:
Push the "Test" button on the alarm panel. All alarm lights and buzzers will now be tested on the
local panel.
All steering gear control systems will be turned on through the auto-start feature (if delivered).
Push the ack.-button once and the buzzer will stop. If an alarm has occurred, push the button once
more and the auto start loop will opening and if the alarm condition is still present, the alarm lights
goes from flashing to steady light, otherwise it is turned off.
Alarm to be tested:
.............................................. ..........................................
(sign.) (sign.)
8.1 Maintenance
Rolls-Royce marine steering gears are designed to maintain safe operation within minimum
of maintenance. However, to avoid unexpected stops, we will emphasise the importance to
maintain the installation on regular basis.
In connection with scheduled class survey, general overhaul or repair we advise to use
engineers from our factory or factory trained engineers from our service representatives in
different countries. This will limit the time of repair to a minimum and ensure continuous
safe operation.
The alarm system monitors the general condition of the installed unit.
If a fault occurs in any part of the system, the cause should be examined and the fault
All repairs and surveys should be recorded as this may provide valuable information for
planning future maintenance.
The built in redundancy of the equipment offers several options for normal operation and
emergency control.
However, the crew should have regular training to be able to select the correct steering mode
required by the conditions and maintain safe control in the event of emergency.
We would emphasise that regular maintenance functional test, training and survey should be
included on the operation manual on any type of ship.
The extent of the above will depend on the type of ship and the equipment fitted.
• Functional test of steering modes from all steering stations, normal and emergency mode.
• Functional test of steering modes from all steering stations, normal and emergency mode.
• Visual check of all components included in the alarm, control and steering system.
• Test operation of switches, cable connections, and the insulation properties of the motor.
- Low oil level pump no.__(Level switch mounted in the oil reservoir)
“Reason(s) for failure can be:
- Low oil level in the hydraulic system.
- High oil temp pump no.__(Used for steering gear with oil cooler)
Reason(s) for failure can be:
- Defective fuses for the motor on the oil cooler.
- Defective oil cooler.
Art. No. Rolls-Royce Marine AS,
INSTRB-EL004-GB Dept. Steering Gear – Tenfjord, N-6264 Tennfjord, Norway Page 112 of 113
Sign., date, rev. E-mail:
TB, 19.12.08,
- The rudder can not be brought from hard over position to mid-ship
Reason(s) can be:
- Defect limit switches in the feed back.
Fault with the steering gear may also appear as a combination of one or more of
the above mentioned sections.