Mr. Om Prakash G's payslip for February 2019 shows that he earned a total of Rs. 17,293 in gross earnings. He had total deductions of Rs. 2,999 which included provident fund contribution, employee state insurance contribution, and other deductions. His net pay for the month was Rs. 14,294. He also received a monthly advance bonus of Rs. 1,203 as a reimbursement.
Mr. Om Prakash G's payslip for February 2019 shows that he earned a total of Rs. 17,293 in gross earnings. He had total deductions of Rs. 2,999 which included provident fund contribution, employee state insurance contribution, and other deductions. His net pay for the month was Rs. 14,294. He also received a monthly advance bonus of Rs. 1,203 as a reimbursement.
Mr. Om Prakash G's payslip for February 2019 shows that he earned a total of Rs. 17,293 in gross earnings. He had total deductions of Rs. 2,999 which included provident fund contribution, employee state insurance contribution, and other deductions. His net pay for the month was Rs. 14,294. He also received a monthly advance bonus of Rs. 1,203 as a reimbursement.
Mr. Om Prakash G's payslip for February 2019 shows that he earned a total of Rs. 17,293 in gross earnings. He had total deductions of Rs. 2,999 which included provident fund contribution, employee state insurance contribution, and other deductions. His net pay for the month was Rs. 14,294. He also received a monthly advance bonus of Rs. 1,203 as a reimbursement.