Japanese Adverbs PDF
Japanese Adverbs PDF
Japanese Adverbs PDF
Adverbs are the words that you may add to a sentence to give the verb a description.
For instance in the English sentence “Tanaka runs fast.”, fast is the adverb, describing the way
Tanaka runs. Adverbs are used in a similar manner in Japanese.
tanakasan wa hayaku hashiru
Mr. Tanaka runs fast.
Adverbs can be made from adjectives, or be using dedicated words.
Adjective → Adverb
安い yasui cheap 安く yasuku cheaply
Adjective → Adverb
静か(な) shizuka(na) quiet 静かに shizuka ni quietly
Torako wa shizuka ni arukimasu.
Torako walks quietly.
Adverbs not based on adjectives
There are also many adverbs which are not derived from adjectives. The following are a few
examples. (There are some derived from -na adjectives, and sometimes words are really nouns).
昨日 kinou yesterday
少し sukoshi a little
今日 kyou today
明日 ashita tomorrow
大変 taihen very
今 ima now
また mata again
もう mou already
すぐ sugu inmediately
突然 totsuzen suddenly
前に mae ni before
のち nochi later
再び futatabi again
大丈夫に daijoubu ni OK