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International Journal of Industrial Organization

17 (1999) 199–214

Monopoly pricing with network externalities

Luis M.B. Cabral a , David J. Salant b , Glenn A. Woroch c , *
London Business School, London NW1 4 SA, UK
Law and Economics Consulting Group, Emeryville, CA 94608, USA
Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 -3880 USA

Accepted 11 June 1997


How should a monopolist price a durable good or a new technology that is subject to
network externalities? In particular, should the monopolist set a low ‘‘introductory price’’ to
attract a ‘‘critical mass’’ of adopters? In this paper, we provide intuition as to when and why
introductory pricing might occur in the presence of network externalities. Incomplete
information about demand or asymmetric information about costs is necessary for
introductory pricing to occur in equilibrium when consumers are small.  1999 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

How should a monopolist price a durable good or a new technology that is

subject to network externalities? Should the monopolist use declining prices to
skim off consumer surplus, or, alternatively, should it launch the product with low
‘‘introductory’’ prices to attract a ‘‘critical mass’’ of adopters? These important
questions have received surprisingly little attention in the particular context of
network externalities.
In this paper, we characterize the equilibrium price path when a monopolist sells
a durable good that confers a network externality on a collection of rational
buyers. Our principal goal is to establish whether equilibrium prices can increase

* Corresponding author. Fax: 11-510-642-6615; e-mail:

0167-7187 / 99 / $ – see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0167-7187( 97 )00028-3
200 L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214

over time under various assumptions about size of consumers and demand and cost
information. We find that, when there are network externalities, under a variety of
circumstances, prices increase over time. We provide intuition as to when and why
introductory pricing can occur in the presence of network externalities.
The early development of the telephone service supplies a near-perfect example
of a monopoly over a service having network externalities. A user derives value
from a communications network in rough proportion to the total number of
subscribers. The telephone system in the U.S. was a monopoly based on Bell’s
1876 patents over the basic technology. Average monthly fees charged by the
unregulated telephone companies rose steadily in the early 1880s, nearly doubling
over a four-year period. Thereafter the price path flattened, only to plummet when
the patents expired in 1893.1
On-line information services offer a more recent illustration of introductory
pricing. First CompuServe, and later Prodigy, were introduced with a small
sign-up charge and a low monthly fee. As the customer base grew, the services
raised prices gradually.
Users need not be connected by a physical network to realize network
externalities. Users of computer operating systems and some general-purpose
application packages receive an indirect externality as complementary hardware
and software products become available. Computer vendors adopt marketing
practices designed to take advantage of this spillover. Makers of new hardware
platforms are known to offer especially attractive licensing terms to early
developers of compatible software. Introductory pricing is also a common strategy
when launching new software operating systems and other general purpose
software for which network externalities are important: specifically, it works to
enhance the product’s quality by attracting ‘‘lead users’’ (mainly software
These cases establish that introductory pricing may be an equilibrium pricing
strategy when network externalities prevail and monopoly power is present. Our
goal is precisely to describe situations in which introductory pricing is an
equilibrium outcome. Furthermore, in each model we present, introductory pricing
fails to occur unless network externalities are present. In this way we have been
able to isolate the role played by network externalities in introductory pricing.
In each of the various cases we study, the good has constant quality though its
value will increase as more consumers purchase it due to network externalities.

Detailed supporting data for this example and others that follow are available from the authors upon
When first available, Microsoft licensed MS-DOS to Original Equipment Manufacturers for a flat
fee, and for a limited time that fee was reduced by half. See Manes, Andrews (1993). Further, new
versions of applications packages are often introduced at low prices for a limited time, after which the
price jumps dramatically. See Business Week, November 1993, pp. 86–8 for several examples.
L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214 201

Purchases can take place in one of two time periods and repeat purchases are not
permitted, nor are there resale markets.
Our paper draws on three lines of previous research. The first is the growing
literature on the adoption of innovations with network externalities. Farrell,
Saloner (1985); Arthur (1989), and others examine equilibrium adoption of
‘‘unsponsored’’ (or nonproprietary) innovations, ignoring the issue of pricing.
Katz, Shapiro (1985), (1986), on the other hand, consider the pricing of competing
‘‘sponsored’’ (or proprietary) innovations. They find introductory pricing in
equilibrium, but these low first-period prices are caused by a duopolist’s rush to
establish an installed base ahead of its rival.3
The second line of research is the vast literature that endeavors to verify the
so-called ‘‘Coase conjecture’’ regarding a monopolist selling a durable good.4
Coase (1972) claimed that the price set by a monopolist who is unable to commit
to future prices will quickly converge to marginal cost as the time between sales
becomes arbitrarily short. The Coase conjecture was confirmed and disconfirmed
under a variety of conditions.
In all cases the equilibrium solutions obey what Hart, Tirole (1988) call
‘‘Coasian dynamics.’’ Coasian dynamics consist of two properties: (i) higher
valuation adopters make their purchase no later than lower valuation adopters (the
skimming property) and (ii) equilibrium price is nonincreasing over time (the
price monotonicity property). In this paper, we show that the second property need
not always hold when network externalities are present.
Finally, the Marketing Science literature has examined pricing with ‘‘ex-
perience’’ or ‘‘network’’ effects.5 These papers typically assume that buyers obey
some rule that is not necessarily rational, or alternatively that they are imperfectly
informed about the existence or the quality of the good. In the latter case, buyers
learn over time either by repeat purchases or through word of mouth. By contrast,
we assume that buyers are perfectly rational agents.
We begin our analysis with the case of perfect information in Section 2. We
show that, if each buyer is ‘‘small,’’ then discounted prices must decrease over
time. In other words, Coasian dynamics prevail. If, instead, consumers are
‘‘large,’’ we can construct examples in which discounted prices rise over time by
carefully selecting from among multiple equilibria.
In Section 3, we assume imperfect information about consumers’ valuations.
Again we treat the cases of small and large buyers separately. In both instances,

Gallini, Karp (1989) also find introductory pricing when there is consumer lock-in, due to firm (or
product) specific investments, and repeat purchases.
Stokey (1981); Bulow (1982); Sobel, Takahashi (1983); Fudenberg et al. (1985); Ausubel,
Deneckere (1987), (1989); Gul et al. (1986); Kahn (1986); Bagnoli et al. (1989); Von der Fehr, Kuhn¨
¨ and Padilla (1996).
(1995); Kuhn
Bass (1980); Clarke et al. (1982); Kalish (1983); Besanko, Winston (1990).
202 L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214

we find equilibria in which prices increase over time. However, the intuition for
the result differs between the two cases. When buyers are small, the inducement of
a low first-period price is needed to compensate for the uncertainty of an early
adoption. In contrast, when buyers are large, delaying a purchase can actually
increase the probability that other buyers will eventually adopt. In this latter case
the firm sets a lower first-period price to counteract consumers’ tendency to delay
Finally, in Section 4 we let the firm’s cost be unknown to buyers. Again, we
find perfect Bayesian equilibria in which discounted prices rise over time, In this
case, introductory prices serve as a signal of low cost, thus raising early buyers’
expectations about the likelihood of future sales. The lower the seller’s cost is, the
greater future sales will be, and thus the higher the expected utility of a purchase
today is.

2. The certainty case

We begin by assuming that there is perfect information about demand, cost, and
the quality of the product. However, we assume that the monopolist is unable to
set prices based on buyers’ types, either because it cannot observe some individual
characteristic, or because it is precluded from price discrimination.
Each buyer’s per-period valuation of the good depends on her type as well as on
the number of other buyers who have purchased the good—the essence of a
network externality. This is represented as u i (n t ), the utility derived by consumer i
given the cumulative number of purchases through period t, n t . Each adopter
demands at most one unit. Since there is no possibility of resale, a buyer will make
a purchase in any given period only if she has not done so earlier. Once purchased,
the good provides a stream of benefits that each consumer discounts according to
the discount factor d. Finally, we deduct the current price, pt , to arrive at the net
In each period, the firm first quotes a price; then, all consumers who have still
not made a purchase simultaneously decide whether to purchase in that period,
given information about the current price and all previous purchase decisions.
We say that a buyer is ‘‘small’’ when her decision to purchase the good has no
effect on the payoff to other buyers or on the strategies they choose and on the
monopolist’s prices. This would be true if there were a countably or uncountably
infinite number of them. A buyer is ‘‘large’’ if her purchase decision has a
noticeable effect on other buyers’ payoffs and decisions. We find that the
occurrence of introductory pricing depends on the ‘‘size’’ of buyers.

Proposition 1. If all buyers are small, then in a subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium

discounted prices cannot rise between periods in which sales occur.
The proof of this and other propositions in the paper may be found in Appendix
L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214 203

A. Intuitively, if discounted prices rise, each consumer can cut her outlay by
advancing the purchase, and also gains utility from consumption during the interim
period. Since no consumer perceives its decision to make an earlier purchase will
have an effect on other consumers’ decisions or on the price path, they will
proceed with the purchase.6
Note that the result does not depend on the strength of the network externality.
Discounted prices cannot rise even in complete absence of network effects.7 The
result does depend, however, on the assumption that buyers are small. With large
buyers, examples can be found whereby an increasing discounted-price sequence
arises in equilibrium.8 These examples exploit the multiplicity of equilibria under
network externalities: buyers coordinate their purchases so as to ‘‘punish’’ any
deviations from a proposed equilibrium with increasing prices. In this context, a
late buyer may not want to advance her purchase decision under the fear that this
will trigger a reversion to a ‘‘bad’’ equilibrium.9 Arguably, the equilibrium
behavior that supports this type of equilibria is not very realistic. This reinforces
the main idea of this section, namely that, without some form of uncertainty, it is
unlikely that prices will increase in equilibrium, i.e., price skimming dominates
introductory pricing.
In the next sections we explore how uncertainty about demand or cost can result
in introductory pricing. Once again, we consider separately the cases of ‘‘large’’
and ‘‘small’’ buyers, but now increasing prices are possible in both cases.

3. Incomplete information about demand

3.1. Strategic buyers

Suppose there are two potential buyers and two periods. The i-th buyer’s utility
is given by vi if she is the only one who buys, and vi 1 u if both buyers make a
purchase. Here u measures the network externality; it is the same for both buyers
and its value is common knowledge to the seller as well as to the buyers. vi
measures the ‘‘standalone’’ utility; its value is each buyer’s private information
and is independently distributed from the other buyer’s vj . The prior distribution of
vi is uniform on the interval [0, 1]. Production cost is assumed to be zero.

This is the intuition behind Stokey (1979) results in the absence of network externalities. She finds
that, when the firm is unable to commit to a price path, all sales will occur in the first period.
Nominal price can nevertheless rise, where the rate of increase depends on the discount factor and
on the strength of the network externality.
One such example is available from the authors upon request.
More than introductory pricing is possible when buyers are large. In fact, there may exist a
continuum of equilibria. Equilibrium refinements such as coalition proofness or risk dominance,
however, may drastically reduce the set of equilibria.
204 L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214

This situp is similar to the model of incomplete information presented in Farrell,

Saloner (1985). The principal distinction is that we consider a proprietary
innovation which is therefore priced. Farrell, Saloner consider an ‘‘unsponsored’’
innovation, thus concentrating on issues of buyer coordination.10
We focus on interior equilibria in which, with probability strictly between 0 and
1, a sale is made in each period (provided there is unsatisfied demand). As we will
see, to ensure the solution is interior, d and u cannot be too large. If d is close to
1, then only a corner solution exists in which no sales occur in the first period. In
this extreme case it makes no sense to talk about the evolution of equilibrium
prices since no sales are made at the initial price. If, on the other hand, u is very
large, then the network externality swamps the uncertainty and the standalone
value, and so all consumers who buy will buy early on. Again, the offer of higher
second-period prices is not exercised. For an open set of values of d and u,
however, we can show that a unique Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium exists that
displays introductory pricing with certainty.

Proposition 2. If 0 , u , 1 / 2 and d is close to (but lower than) d¯(u), where

4(1 2 u)2
d¯(u) ; ]]]]]]] , (1)
4(1 2 u)2 1 2u 3 (1 2 u)4

then there exists a unique, interior Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium in which

second-period discounted price exceeds first-period price with probability 1.
The proof of the result is in Appendix A. The intuition is as follows. Consider
first the case when d |1 and u50. It is well known from the literature on
bargaining and durable goods pricing that a monopoly seller will not price
discriminate over time: discounted prices are nearly constant over time and almost
no sales occur in the first period. Accordingly, buyers will choose to wait to
purchase since utility is not discounted and they retain the option of a better
Now suppose that u.0. Network externalities introduce a new factor into the
buyers’ decision besides the time profile of prices. A buyer must weigh the impact
of her decision on the likelihood that the other buyer will purchase. As shown in
the proof, by foregoing a purchase in the first period, the likelihood of a sale in the
second period to the other buyer actually increases. The reason is that, if no sales
occur in the first period, then both buyers’ combined willingness to pay is smaller
since neither one is guaranteed the network externality if she buys. The seller
responds with a price much lower than if no sale occurred in the first period,
thereby encouraging a second-period purchase by either buyer.
In contrast to buyers, the seller prefers to make all sales in the first period.

Also, Farrell and Saloner’s payoffs have a more general specification of network externalities,
L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214 205

Although delaying the purchase increases expected network size, it also decreases
expected profits. Therefore, the seller has an incentive to lower first-period prices
so as to discourage buyers from delaying first-period purchases in an attempt to
achieve low second-period prices.
When the discount factor is sufficiently small, equilibrium price decreases with
probability one. Since the future is heavily discounted, the only difference between
periods is that in the second period, with positive probability, the monopolist will
have lowered its priors with respect to the buyers’ valuations, which in turn leads
to lower prices. So, for u.0 and d |d (u) equilibrium prices increase over time,
whereas for d |0 equilibrium prices decrease over time. It follows by continuity
that for intermediate values of d and u, equilibrium price increases or decreases
with positive probability.
There is an interesting parallel between the equilibrium just described and the
one found in Farrell and Saloner’s (Farrell, Saloner, 1985) adoption game with
network externalities. In both cases, medium-valuation adopters play ‘‘ban-
dwagon’’ strategies: to adopt (or buy) in the second period if and only if an
adoption (purchase) was made in the first period.
Finally, it can also be shown that, whatever the magnitudes of the network
externality and the discount factor, the equilibrium is inefficient: welfare-increas-
ing adoptions (purchases) are delayed, or, in some cases, never made. This is not
surprising in light of Farrell and Saloner’s ‘‘excess inertia’’ result for unsponsored
innovations. When the firm prices a proprietary innovation (product), the equilib-
rium can very well be less efficient—and it is.

3.2. Demand uncertainty and lead users

We now return to the assumption of ‘‘small’’ buyers, assuming there is a

continuum of buyers who can purchase in one of two periods. Each buyer can be
one of two types: H or L. A crucial assumption is that only H-type buyers confer
network benefits on other buyers. Accordingly, we can treat these buyers as ‘‘lead
users,’’ to borrow a term from the marketing literature. These users contribute in a
decisive way to the amount of complementary products and services that generate
network benefits. For example, if the basic product was a new software operating
system, then the lead users might be developers of software applications.
The utility of H-type buyers is given by u H 5v1x, where x is the number of
H-type buyers that eventually buy the product. L-type buyers receive utility u L 5x.
For simplicity, we assume there is no discounting or interim utility, so all that
matters to buyers is the eventual number of H-type adopters and the price paid.
The measure of potential H-type adopters is given by a. The value of a is
uncertain to both buyers and seller. It can take on the value a¯ or a]. Both buyers
and the seller hold a common prior probability r that a 5 a¯ . Finally, the seller has
a constant marginal cost c.
206 L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214

Proposition 3. Suppose that

a ¯ a 1 v,
] , c , a ,] (2)

a¯ v , (1 2 a¯ )( a¯ 2 c). (3)

If r is sufficiently low, then there exists a unique Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium in

which expected second-period price is higher than the first-period price.
The proof can be found in Appendix A. It is worth noting that the set of
parameter values determined by (2)–(3) is non-empty. For instance, they are
satisfied by a ¯
] 50, c50.1, a 50.2 and v50.3.
The intuition for this result can be seen in the following way. The new product
can either be a success or a failure (‘‘good’’ or ‘‘bad’’), corresponding to whether
the likelihood of ‘‘lead users’’ is large or small. In equilibrium, this is known at
the beginning of period 2. If the product is ‘‘good’’, then the seller prices low in
order to attract the largest fraction of buyers, namely the followers. If, on the
contrary, the product is ‘‘bad’’, then the seller sets a high price, knowing that she
will only sell to high-valuation consumers. Now, high-valuation consumers are
more optimistic than the seller about the possibility that the product is ‘‘good’’ and
hence that a relatively low price will be set in period 2. Therefore, for sales to
occur in the first period rather than the second, the seller has to set a price that is
lower than the expected second-period price.
Condition (2) and the assumption that r is low guarantee that it is worth
attracting low valuation users if and only if the fraction of lead users is high.
Condition (2) also guarantees that second period price is higher when the fraction
of lead users is lower. Finally, condition (3) implies that it is optimal to price in
such a way that consumers separate rather than pool.

4. Asymmetric information about cost

Our last explanation for introductory pricing hinges on asymmetric information

about production costs. Specifically, we suppose consumers are not perfectly
informed about the seller’s unit cost. Since we want to concentrate on the effects
of asymmetric information, we avoid the issue of consumer’s timing of purchases
by assuming that the monopolist is selling to two consumers who arrive
Each consumer can be one of two types: high valuation (type h) or low
valuation (type 1) with probability a and 12 a, respectively. A high valuation
consumer has a utility of v if she is the only one to buy the product, and v1u if
both consumers buy the product. A low-valuation consumer receives 0 utility if
L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214 207

she is the only one to buy the product and u if both consumers buy. Utilities are
realized after both adoption decisions have been made.11
Finally, the seller can be of two types, high cost (c, type H) and low cost (0,
type L). The seller’s cost is unknown to buyers at the time of purchase.12 In this
event we once again find an equilibrium in which the seller sets an increasing price
The formal statement of this result and its proof may be obtained from the
authors upon request. The proof is by construction, namely by construction of a
separating equilibrium. We derive conditions such that, at equilibrium and after a
sale in period 1, the monopolist optimally sells to both types of buyer in period 2 if
it has low cost, but only to the high valuation buyer if it has high cost.
Knowing this, and given that there are network externalities, a buyer’s expected
utility (and willingness to pay) in the first period is higher the more she believes
the seller to be a low-cost firm. This, in turn, creates an incentive for high-cost
sellers to masquerade as low-cost sellers in the first period. Finally, to distinguish
itself from a high- cost seller, the low-cost seller has to set a very low price in
period 1.
We should note that this equilibrium is very similar to the one found in Bagwell
(1989). In his model, consumers must decide whether, after visiting the seller in
the first period, to incur a fixed cost to return in the second period. Bagwell finds
that a seller will employ introductory pricing to signal low cost. First-period
consumers return to the seller when they believe the seller is low cost, and hence,
will charge a low second-period price. In our model first-period consumers care
about future prices because the probability of future purchases by other consumers
depends on future prices.
Finally, notice that while we have only considered separating equilibria, it is
fairly straightforward to construct pooling equilibria in which both types of sellers
choose the same first-period price. A straightforward but tedious argument shows
that increasing prices can occur at a pooling equilibrium as well.

5. Conclusion

We have constructed models of pricing a durable good or a new technology that

confers network externalities. The models overturn the price monotonicity
property that is a key element of Coasian dynamics: in each case discounted price

Again, this simplification is made with the sole purpose of isolating the effect of asymmetric
information about cost.
Since we consider equilibria with separation, the probability that the seller’s cost is low is
irrelevant so long as it is positive.
208 L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214

rises over time.13 In addition, discounted prices failed to rise whenever network
externalities were not present, underscoring the close connection between intro-
ductory pricing and network externalities.
These results were derived in settings that were deliberately neutral toward
introductory pricing. There is no cost escalation or growing demand that would
justify increasing prices. Nor do our models allow for intertemporal competition
that can result in low initial prices as in Katz, Shapiro (1985).
There is an interesting question not resolved in this paper: Given that network
externalities can work to reverse the direction of Coasian dynamics, could they
also refute the Coase conjecture itself? If our work is any indication, plausible
demand and cost conditions may call for price to rise initially. Soon thereafter,
however, the power of Coasian dynamics will likely prevail, causing prices to fall
toward marginal cost. The possibility of such a price pattern remains an open


We are grateful to Joe Farrell, Arthur Fishman, Kai-Uwe Kuhn, Jorge Padilla,
three referees, and seminar participants at CORE, Tel Aviv University, University
of Toulouse (ASSET Meeting) and University of California at Berkeley for useful
comments and suggestions. The usual disclaimer applies.

Appendix A

Proof of Proposition 1. Suppose that sales occur in some period t at a price pt in

equilibrium. For contradiction, suppose that in an earlier period s,t the firm
extends an offer of ps ,d t2s pt . Any buyer who purchased in period t would be
better off by purchasing in period s instead. This would reduce her discounted
outlay by d t pt 2d s ps and also increase her utility by o tt 21
5s d u it , (both expressed in
present value). As long as the buyer is small, this adjustment in purchasing
behavior has no effect either on other buyers’ utility or on the firm’s profit.
Therefore, every buyer who makes a purchase in period t will be induced to
advance their purchases, so that in the end no sales will take place at time t. j

Proof of Proposition 2. We begin by noting that Lemma 10.1 in Fudenberg, Tirole

(1991) can be adapted to show that in any subgame in any period there exists a
critical value v9 such that buyers with valuations v.v9 make a purchase in that

The skimming property remained intact for those cases in which buyers are unambiguously rank
ordered by willingness to pay.
L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214 209

period (if they haven’t done so before). Specifically, denote by v1 the critical value
in the first period and by v 2k the two possible values in the second period
depending on the number of first-period sales k50, 1. That is, consumers with
valuation greater than v1 make a purchase in the first period; and consumers with
valuation in [v 0k , v1 ] make a purchase in the second period. We establish, by
construction, that the equilibrium is unique. Begin by considering the second-
period subgame that follows one sale in the first period. The indifferent buyer’s
valuation, v 12 (period 2, 1 previous sale), is given by
1 1
u 1 v2 5 p2, (4)
where p is price in period t given that k sales have been made before. This gives
the second-period profit function

P 5 p 12 (v1 2 p 21 1 u) /v1 , (5)

where (v1 2p 2 1u) /v1 is the equilibrium probability that a sale will occur in the
second period given that a sale occurred in the first period. Substituting (4) for v 21
in (5) and maximizing with respect to p 12 yields

p 12 5 (u 1 v1 ) / 2, (6)
assuming that u,v1 . Substituting in (4), we get
v 21 5 (vi 2 u) / 2. (7)
In order for this to be an interior solution, we require that v 2 .0, which implies
v1 .u. Notice that, since v k2 ,v1 the requirement that v k2 ,1 is implied by v1 ,1, a
condition which we will return to later. Consider now the second-period subgame
that follows no sales in the first period. The indifferent buyer’s valuation, v 20
(period 2, no previous sales), is now given by

0 v1 2 v 02 0
v 2 1 ]] 5 p 2 . (8)
Here (v1 2v 2 ) /v1 is the probability that the other buyer will purchase conditional
on not having done so earlier. Solving (8) for v 20 yields
v 02 5 v1 ( p 02 2 u) /(v1 2 u). (9)
Therefore, the profit function is
P 02 5 2p 02 (v1 2 v 02 ) /v1 5 2p 02 (v1 2 v1 ( p 02 2 u) /(v1 2 u)) /v1
0 0
5 2p 2 (v1 2 p 2 ) /(v1 2 u), (10)
where the second equality comes from substituting for v 02 from (9). Maximization
results in
210 L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214

p 02 5 v1 / 2, (11)

which assumes u,v1 / 2. Substituting (11) for price in (8) we get

0 v2 / 2 2 u
v 2 5 v1 ]]]. (12)
v1 2 u

To ensure that v 20 .0, we must have v1 .2u which, in turn, requires that u,1 / 2.
For future reference, notice that

1 u2 / 2
v 5v 1
2 ]]
2 . (13)
v1 2 u

The second term in the right-hand side is positive, given the condition v1 .u, and
so v 12 .v 02 . In words, the likelihood that a buyer will purchase in the second period
is higher when no sales were made in the first period than if some had
occurred.14 Having found the solution to both second-period subgames, we now
turn to the first period. The indifferent buyer’s valuation, v1 , is given by
1 0
v1 1 u((1 2 v1 ) 1 d (v1 2 v 2 )) 2 p1 5 d v1 1 d u(1 2 v 2 )
2 d ((1 2 v1 )p 12 1 d v1 p 02 ). (14)

On the left-hand side, we have expected net utility from a purchase in the first
period. For a price of p1 , the marginal buyer receives a standalone valuation v1
plus a network benefit when either the other buyer buys today (with probability
12v1 ) or the other buyer buys tomorrow (with probability v1 2v 21 ). On the
right-hand side we have expected net utility from a purchase in the second period.
For an expected discounted price of d ((12v1 )p 12 1v1 p 02 ), the marginal buyer
receives a standalone valuation d v1 and an expected network externality of
d u(12v 20 ). From (14) we can show that p1 is increasing in v1 , so that we can form
the inverse demand function

p1 5 d (v1 p 02 1 (1 2 v1 )p 12 ) 1 (1 2 d )(v1 1 u(1 2 v1 )) 1 d u(v 02 2 v 12 ). (15)

The expected discounted profit per buyer is given by

P1 5 p1 (1 2 v1 ) 1 d (v1 (v1 2 v 20 )p 20 1 (1 2 v1 )(v1 2 v 21 )p 21 ), (16)

This results from two opposite effects. For a given second-period price, no sales in the first period
implies lower probability of a sale in the second period (network externality effect). However, no sales
in the first period also implies a lower price in the second period (price skimming effect). Both of these
effects have, in general, the expected sign. Whichever is greater in absolute value depends on the
particular shape of the distribution of v. We have just shown that, if the distribution is uniform, then the
price skimming effect dominates the network externality effect in the second-period optimal price.
L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214 211

where the factors multiplying the prices are the likelihoods of the three sales
scenarios. Substituting for p1 from (15) and simplifying results in

P1 5 d (v1 (1 2 v 02 )p 20 1 (1 2 v1 )(1 2 v 21 )p 12 )
1 (1 2 v1 )((1 2 d )(v1 1 u(1 2 v1 )) 1 d u(v 02 2 v 12 )) 5 dF
1 (1 2 v1 )((1 2 d )(v1 1 u(1 2 v1 )) 1 d u(v 20 2 v 21 )), (17)

where we have isolated

F ; v1 (1 2 v 02 )p 02 1 (1 2 v1 )(1 2 v 12 )p 12 . (18)

This last expression is just ex ante expected second-period price. Next we

differentiate (14) with respect to v1 and evaluate at v1 51 to get
≠P ≠F
]]1 u v 1 51 5 d ]u v 1 51 2 ((1 2 d ) 1 d u(v 20 2 v 21 )) (19)
≠v1 ≠v1

Setting ≠P1 / ≠v1 u v 1 51 50 yields d 5 d¯(u) as the solution. That is, d 5 d¯(u) implies
that the optimal v1 equals 1. Note that d¯(u) is decreasing in u; when u,1 / 2, d¯(u)
ranges from 1 down to 16 / 17. When v1 51, no sales occur in the first period, and
so discounted second-period price is simply d p 20 with probability 1. When v1 51,
(15) reduces to
p1 5 d p 20 1 (1 2 d ) 1 d u(v 20 2 v 21 ). (20)

In that case, the condition for introductory pricing to occur in equilibrium is just

(1 2 d ) 1 d u(v 02 2 v 12 ) , 0, (21)
0 1
where v and v are evaluated at v1 51. Examining (19), this inequality reduces to
2 2

]u v 1 51 , 0. (22)
Substituting (6), (7), (11), and (12) for p 21 , v 21 , p 20 , v 20 in (18) and simplifying we
v 31 (1 2 u) 2 v 21 (2 2 u 2 u 2 ) 2 v1 (3 1 u)u 2 1 (2 1 u)u 2
F5 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] (23)
4(u 2 v1 )
Differentiating with respect to v1 and evaluating at v1 51 gives

≠F 2 u4
]u v 1 51 5 ]]]2 , 0, (24)
≠v1 4(1 2 u)
ensuring that discounted price strictly increases with probability one. Since the
equilibrium value of v1 is an increasing function of d, it follows by continuity that
212 L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214

if d is lower but sufficiently close to d¯(u) then the equilibrium is interior (that is,
v1 ,1) and discounted price strictly increases with probability one. j

Proof of Proposition 3. First notice that each buyer’s posterior regarding the value
of r, depending on whether she is an H type or an L type, is given by

r H 5 ]]]] (25)
ra¯ 1 (1 2 r )a
r (1 2 a¯ )
r L 5 ]]]]]]]], (26)
r (1 2 a¯ ) 1 (1 2 r )(1 2a
respectively. Comparing, we find that r L , r , r H . In words, being of the H type
makes a buyer more optimistic about the measure of H types; conversely, being an
L type makes the buyer more pessimistic about the measure of H types. The seller
has three possibilities: (1) induce both types to buy in the same period (pooling
equilibrium), (2) induce H types to buy in the first period and L types in the
second period, and lastly, (3) sell to H types only. Consider first a pooling
equilibrium. The highest price the seller can charge is given by the L types’
expected utility, namely r L a¯ 1(12 r L)a ]. However, since a ] ,c by Condition (2),
this price is lower than cost for a sufficiently low r in which case the firm would
lose money. Consider now a separating equilibrium. In the second period, the
measure of adopters in the first period will be known. Based on this value, the
seller and the remaining buyers will form a posterior on the value of a. If a 5 a¯
(i.e., the posterior puts weigh 1 on the value a 5 a¯ ), then the best the seller can do
is to set p2 5p2 ( a¯ )5 a¯ . It will then sell to the remaining 12 a¯ consumers (recall
that, by assumption, a¯ .c). If, on the contrary, a 5a ] (i.e., when r 50), then no
price above cost will induce the L types to buy because, by assumption, a ] ,c. In
equilibrium, any price above a is indifferent from the seller’s perspective. We take
p2 5p2 (a )5 a 1v, as this is the only price that survives the possibility that some H
] ]
types might delay to the second period. Given our assumption that a ] 1v. a¯ , the
second-period price is higher when a 5a , that is, p ( a ).p ( ¯
a ). Let us now
] 2 ] 2
consider the first-period price. The most the seller can charge and still have the
high-valuation consumers make a purchase is given by

p1 5 r H p2 ( a¯ ) 1 (1 2 r H )p2 (a
]) (27)

5 r H a¯ 1 (1 2 r H )(a
] 1 v). (28)

The justification for this is the following. The high-valuation consumers know that
they will always want to make a purchase. Therefore, they only have to compare
first-period price with expected second-period price given their expectations about
L.M.B. Cabral et al. / Int. J. Ind. Organ. 17 (1999) 199 – 214 213

the value of a. Ex-ante expected second-period price, in turn, is given by

r p2 ( a¯ )1(12 r )p2 (a
] ). But then,
E( p2 ) 5 r p2 ( a¯ ) 1 (1 2 r )p2 (a ¯
] ) . r p2 ( a ) 1 (1 2 r )p2 (a
] ) 5 p1 , (29)

where the inequality follows from the facts r H . r and p2 (a ¯

] ).p2 ( a ). To conclude
the proof, we have to cheek that the separating equilibrium is preferable to one in
which the seller targets the H-type buyers only. In the latter equilibrium, the
maximum price the seller can charge is given by the expected benefit for H-type
buyers, that is

p1 5 r H ( a¯ 1 v) 1 (1 2 r H )(a
] 1 v). (30)
By comparison with (28), we can see that the separating equilibrium results in a
loss of revenues from sales to H-type buyers given by r H v (the difference in
prices) times ra¯ 1(12 r )a ] (the expected measure of H type buyers). Given the
definition of r H , this product is given by ra¯ v. On the other hand, the separating
equilibrium implies an extra profit from sales to L-type buyers, given by r (12
a¯ )( a¯ 2c). It is a simple exercise to check that Condition (3) implies that the
separating equilibrium is preferable. j


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