2014mshahandouts Stoeckel
2014mshahandouts Stoeckel
2014mshahandouts Stoeckel
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North America (CASANA)
Speaker fees
Intensive training faculty
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Professional Advisory Board Member, CASANA
With thanks to Edythe Strand, Ph.D. for sharing portions of this presentation
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Challenges in Diagnosis
Like LDs, autism, and SLI, there are no conclusive physiologic markers
o Characteristics overlap with other disorders
o No gold standard
“Not talking” is not sufficient for diagnosis
CAS can co-occur with many other primary disorders
o Many/most children with CAS will have other issues
Interactions rather than causal
CAS is a dynamic disorder
o It may change as a result of neurologic maturation
o It should change as a result of treatment
Early dx may be difficult due to ability to cooperate for assessment, attention span,
and/or limited verbal output
Lack of adequately normed, standardized tests
Differential Diagnosis
What is CAS?
It is a neurologic pediatric speech sound disorder In which the precision and consistency of
movements are impaired in the absence of neuromuscular deficits…The core impairment in
planning and/or programming spatiotemporal parameters of movement sequences results in
errors in speech sound production and prosody.” ASHA Technical Report, 2007
Phonological Disorder
The primary factor is thought to be linguistic rather than motor
Etiology is most often unknown
Difficulty with execution of movements
o Weakness, paralysis, or abnormal tone resulting in decreased range of motion,
decreased speed, or impaired movement of the articulators
o Usually caused by impairment in the central or peripheral nervous system
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Assessment procedures are used to
determine the relative contribution of motor planning/programming impairment
assist in planning treatment
Assessment Procedures
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Structural-Functional Examination can help to rule in/rule out nonverbal oral apraxia or
• Structures
• Range of motion
• Coordination
• Strength
• Ability to vary muscular tension
• Speed
• Tissue characteristics
Evaluation of Language
• We need to understand the child’s speech in the context of their overall ability to
• Include both formal and informal measures
• Consider functional use of language, nonverbal communication, and confidence
• Remember the range of variability in younger children
• Performance may vary across tasks
• Does the child exhibit communicative intent
• to comment, request, engage in social interaction?
• to initiate interactions with expected frequency?
• Is there a discrepancy between receptive and expressive skills?
• Is there a discrepancy between estimated level of language and speech sound
development? (e.g., acquiring sign language rapidly but remaining nonverbal)
Evaluation of Speech
• Sound system analysis is needed
• To describe the current phonetic/phontactic inventory
• To guide decisions regarding intervention approach and stimulus selection
• To establish a baseline for progress monitoring
• There is no single test of articulation or phonology that is a fully adequate measure of a
child’s phonetic inventory (Eisenberg, et al., 2010)
• But tests can be a useful means for quickly probing a range of speech sounds
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Shriberg, 1993 and Lof, 2004 suggest a general progression in speech sound development:
Early 8 = m,b,j,n,w,d,p,h acquired around 3 years of age
Middle 8 = t k g ŋ f v ʧ ʤ acquired around 3-4 years of age
Late 8 = ʃ ɵ ð s z l r Ʒ acquired between 5 1/2-8 years of age
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Motor Speech Exam
Based on work by Edythe Strand, 2004, 2013)
Direct Imitation
incorrect correct
Simultaneous Mark as
production correct
Slowed rate
Add tactile or
gestural cues
See Appendix B
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Why Use Dynamic Assessment?
• The child may produce a target differently in spontaneous versus volitional (directed)
• On standardized tests binary scoring indicates they cannot say the utterance,
but does not give information about why
• The cueing involved in dynamic assessment enables us to observe what the
child does when attempting specific movement gestures (more detailed than
simple stimulability testing)
• For children with CAS, we may see
• groping that is not evident in spontaneous speech, but occurs when trying to
imitate specific movement gestures with cueing
• inconsistency across trials as cueing occurs
• segmentation of syllables which occurs only when attempting the correct
articulatory movement gestures or when given unfamiliar sequences
• It is sensitive to changes that result from the child’s responses to cueing; in other words,
acquisition of a new skill
• It is different from standardized tests which compare a child’s performance (e.g.,
articulatory accuracy) to a normative group
• Two children to may have the same standard score on a test, but have very
different levels of severity and different prognosis for change
• Response to cueing is expected to be more informative about prognosis than
total number of errors
• Dynamic assessment facilitates judgments of severity and prognosis because the
clinician is providing different levels of support or cueing
• Judgments are made regarding the child’s response to types and levels of cueing
• Those observations facilitate the clinician’s judgments regarding
• how much cueing will be needed in early therapy to induce improvement
in performance
• how long it may take to achieve initial progress
• Testing: 82 children between 36 and 79 months referred to the Mayo Clinic for
diagnosis of speech sound disorders. Children were given the DEMSS and a standard
speech and language test battery as part of routine evaluations.
• Agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis showed total DEMSS scores largely
differentiated clusters of children with CAS versus mild CAS versus other speech
• Positive and negative likelihood ratios and measures of sensitivity and specificity
suggested that the DEMSS does not over-diagnose CAS, but sometimes fails to identify
children with CAS.
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Evaluation of Motor Speech Skill: What Are We Looking For?
(a) inconsistent errors on consonants and vowels in repeated productions of syllables or words,
(b) lengthened and disrupted coarticulatory transitions between sounds and syllables, and
(c) inappropriate prosody, especially in the realization of lexical or phrasal stress.
“Importantly, these three features are not proposed to be the necessary and sufficient signs of
“These and other reported signs change in their relative frequencies of occurrence with task
complexity, severity of involvement, and age.”
(ASHA Technical Report)
A fourth candidate characteristic = vowel distortions (Davis, Jacks, & Marquardt 2005)
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
• A child with CAS may have
• Restricted sound repertoire
• Poor differentiation of vowels
• Few/simple syllable shapes
• Atypical error patterns (e.g., initial consonant deletion, sound preference,
epenthesis, etc.)
Approaches with Research Evidence (Murray, McCabe & Ballard, in press; Maas,Gildersleeve-
Neumann, Jakielski & Stoeckel, submitted)
• Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cuing (DTTC) /Integral Stimulation
• Rapid Syllable Transition (ReST)
• Biofeedback
• Nuffield Dyspraxia Programme (NDP3)
Research to Practice
• Strongest evidence for DTTC/Integral Stimulation
• Small scale studies
(Edeal & Gildersleeve-Neumann, 2011; Maas, Butalla & Farinella, 2012; Maas &
Farinella, 2011; Maas, et al., 2008; Strand, Stoeckel, & Baas, 2006;
Gildersleeve-Neumann, in press)
• Randomized, Control Study of ReST and NDP3 (Murray, McCabe & Ballard, in press)
• Biofeedback (Ultrasound) (Preston, Brick & Landi, 2013)
• PROMPT (Grigos, Hayden & Eigen, 2010; Dale & Hayden, 2013)
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
• Nonspeech exercises
• Babbling and early nonspeech oral behaviors are not related (e.g., Moore &
Ruark, 1996)
• Movements for eating and speaking are dissociated early in life
• Speech is not a series of isolated movements (e.g., Nip, Green & Marx,
Research to Practice
• Encourage attention to face for visual cues
• Incorporate principles of motor learning
• Teach movement sequences vs isolated phonemes
• Use multisensory input (auditory, visual, tactile)
• Be conscious of frequency and intensity of practice
• Think about range of difficulty in stimuli -- challenge can facilitate motor learning
• Adjust the level of cueing carefully
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MSHA April, 2014
• The child should be able to produce the target with some level of cuing
• Success can lead to increased motivation/effort
• If the child is not stimulable, the result may be frustration and distrust
Functional Targets
• Think about the needs of the “whole child”
• Build vocabulary and language as well as speech accuracy
• Give the child ways to interact with others and with their environment
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing :DTTC
(Adapted from Caruso & Strand, 2000)
Direct Imitation
incorrect correct
• The child may be working on different stimuli at different levels of the cueing hierarchy
• The level of cueing is constantly changing within and between sessions, depending on
the child’s responses
• Don’t forget to allow the child adequate processing time for their responses
Treatment is continuously adjusted to adapt to changes in the child’s speech motor skill
Treatment Planning
• Decisions need to be made about
• Conditions of practice
• Number and length of sessions
• Targets: number, type, length, complexity
• Structure of Practice: How to organize practice of each target
• When and how to change the treatment plan
Conditions of Practice
• Need focused attention, even if brief
• Develop the habit of child looking at clinician’s face
• Emphasize improving movement rather than sounds
• Challenge, but don’t frustrate
• Use activities that generate many opportunities for repetition
• We want good quality practice; shaping to accuracy
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
• “There is emerging research support for the need to provide three to five individual
sessions per week for children with apraxia as compared to the traditional, less
intensive, one to two sessions per week (Hall et al., 1993;Skinder-Meredith, 2001;
Strand & Skinder, 1999).”
• Number of sessions per week should be adjusted based on
• Severity of the CAS
• Child’s ability to participate
• Family/Educational support
• Other interventions
• A child may benefit from some small group work to facilitate development of pragmatic
• Length of sessions may depend on
• Child’s developmental ability to attend/participate
• Tasks to accomplish (e.g., time to counsel/educate parent, demonstrate
techniques, etc. in addition to intervention with child)
• Allow time for a high number of repetitions per session (Edeal &
Gildersleeve-Neumann, 2011)
• Clinician preference and therapy style
• Target choices should include consideration of how to:
• promote early success in therapy
• promote generalization of learning
• “use what the child gives you” in terms of phonetic repertoire and syllable shapes
• improve movement gestures for accurate production of specific vowels and/or
• encourage good prosody
• increase effectiveness of verbal communication
• Number of targets will depend on severity of child’s speech disorder
• Increase number (and complexity) as skills improve
• Use what the child has in their inventory and consider:
• Single syllables vs syllable sequences
• Types of syllables/sequences
• phonetic complexity
• be aware of, but not bound by, a general sequence
of sound development (e.g., early, middle, late)
• try varied syllable shapes (CV, VC, CVC, etc.)
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Remember to work on Vowels
Interaction •Commenting
• Emphasizes the sound patterns of language
• Emphasizes how changes in sound pattern affect meaning
• Targets are single sounds or sound patterns
• Coarticulation is not considered critical
• Emphasizes principles of motor learning; movement vs sounds
• Emphasizes proprioception and how variations in movement affect output
• Targets are movement sequences (syllable level or higher)
• Coarticulation is critical
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
• Practice Variability
• Constant practice = working on one specific exemplar of the target,
• Helpful early in therapy when problem is more severe
• May facilitate learning relative aspects of movement
• Variable practice incorporates variations of the target, such as modifying rate,
loudness, inflection, etc. or varying context (single word vs phrase , etc.)
• Helpful to transfer skills later in the therapy process
• May facilitate learning of absolute aspects of movement
• Have the child practice movement sequences in different contexts and across
conditions to facilitate motor learning
• Vary rate, prosody, loudness etc.
• Practice in various physical positions (standing, sitting, moving, etc.)
• Have a particular movement sequence (e.g. lip closure to a vowel) represented in
several stimuli, but with different coarticulatory contexts
• E.g., me, my, boo, baby, etc.
• Practice Scheduling
• Blocked practice means all practice trials of a given stimulus are practiced
together before moving on to the next.
• Facilitates improved performance
• Random practice means that the order of presentation of the stimuli are randomly
mixed up throughout the session.
• Facilitates retention/motor learning
• Feedback
• Knowledge of results: provided after completion of the movement that compares
outcome to target
• (e.g., That was what I want to hear! Those were all right!)
• Knowledge of performance relates to the nature or quality of the movement
• (e.g., Close your lips tighter. Close your mouth just a little more)
• Frequency and timing of feedback is different for children and adults (Sullivan,
Kantak, & Burtner, 2008)
Summary Chart:
Principle Acquisition Retention
Practice Distribution Mass Distributed
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Adapting Treatment
Associated Issues
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Alternative Treatments: Research to Practice
Know our SLP scope of practice
• Fish oil, supplements, diet
• Hippotherapy
• Listening therapy
• Etc.
ASHA Brochure
Data Collection
0 0 0 20 20 40 30 80 90 90
80% over 3 sessions
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
3-point scoring
• Used in Strand, Stoeckel & Baas, 2006 and Baas, et al., 2008
2 = correct production
1 = mostly correct, with error in place, manner or voicing of 1 consonant sound in the
syllable or phrase
0 = vowel distortion and/or more than one error of consonant production
See Appendix D
Probe Testing
• Choose an interval (e.g., every 4th session)
• Elicit the targets the same way each session with no feedback (5-10 random imitations)
• Score each utterance
• Record scores over time
• For more powerful evidence, probe a list of similar, untrained items as well
Sample Goal
(Child) will improve motor planning/programming skills for speech production by increasing
accuracy of production of a functional core vocabulary. Criteria: cumulative accuracy of 80% for
each item.
a. Accuracy in CV, VC, CVC syllable shapes: (EXAMPLES: me, no, more, mine, hi, up, on,
b. Syllable sequences (EXAMPLES: no more, go home, time to go, my turn, hi mom, etc.)
• Goal is written to expand both sound and syllable repertoire, with flexibility in the targets
• As the child meets criteria for one item from the stimulus set, it moves to “everyday use”;
a new one is inserted from a list generated with the help of parents and/or teachers.
• Progress is reported in terms of accuracy for each individual item on the list and as
number of stimulus items achieving criterion.
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Treatment Review and Decision-Making
• There is no single management procedure or program that is most appropriate for CAS
• But evidence base is beginning to grow
• We can make use of best available evidence as rationale for incorporating some
of these techniques:
• Teach movement sequences vs isolated phonemes
• Use multisensory input (auditory, visual, tactile)
• Incorporate principles of motor learning
• Be intentional in manipulating frequency and intensity of practice
• Think about range of difficulty in targets (remember that challenge can
facilitate motor learning)
• Adjust the level of cueing carefully
• Make thoughtful use of commercial materials
• Include caregivers as much as possible
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Text references
Anthony, JL, Aghara, RG, Dunkelberger, MJ, Anthony, TI, Williams, JM, Zhang, Z.
(2011). What factors place children with speech sound disorders at risk for
reading problems? AJSLP, 20, 146-160.
Caruso, A. J., & Strand, E. (1999). Clinical Management of Motor Speech Disorders in Children.
New York: Thieme Publishing Co.
Davis, B.L., Jacks, A., Marquardt, T.P. (2005). Vowel patterns in developmental apraxia of
speech: three longitudinal case studies. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 19, 249-274.
Davis, B. L., & Velleman, S. L. (2000). Differential diagnosis and treatment of Developmental
Apraxia of Speech in infants and toddlers. Infant-Toddler Intervention, 10, 3, 177-192.
De Thorne, L.S., Johnson, C.J., Walder, L., Mahurin-Smith, J. (2009). When “Simon Says”
doesn’t work: Alternatives to imitation for facilitating early speech development. AJSLP,
18, 133-145.
Eisenberg, SL, Hitchcock, ER. (2010). Using standardized tests to inventory consonant
and vowel production: A comparison of 11 tests of articulation and phonology.
LSHSS, 41, 488-503.
Justice, L.M. (2006). Clinical Approaches to Emergent Literacy Intervention. San Diego: Plural
Publishing, Inc.
Lewis, B.A., Freebairn, L.A., Hansen, A.J., Iyengar, S.K. & Taylor, H.G. (2004). School-Age
follow-up of children with childhood apraxia of speech. LSHSS, 122-140.
Maas, E., Robin, D., Austermann Hula, S., Freedman, S., Wulf, G., Ballard, K, & Schmidt, R.
(2008). Principles of Motor Learning in Treatment of Motor Speech Disorders. AJSLP,
17, 277-298.
Maas, E., Butalla, C. E., & Farinella, K. A. (2012). Feedback frequency in treatment for
childhood apraxia of speech. AJSLP, 21(3), 239-257.
Maas, E., & Farinella, K. A. (2012). Random versus blocked practice in treatment for childhood
apraxia of speech. JSLHR, 55(2), 561-578.
Maas, E., Gildersleeve-Neumann, C.G., Jakielski, K., & Stoeckel, R. (2014). Motor-based
intervention protocols in treatment of childhood apraxia of speech (CAS). In press.
McCauley, R.J., and Strand, E.A. (2008). A review of standardized tests of nonverbal
oral and speech motor performance in children. AJSLP, 17, 81-91.
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
McCauley, R.J., Strand, E.A., Lof, G.L., Schooling, T., Frymark, T. (2009). Evidence-based
systematic review: effects of nonspeech oral motor exercises on speech. AJSLP, 18,
Murray, E., McCabe, P. & Ballard, K., (2014). A randomized controlled trial for children with
Childhood Apraxia of Speech comparing Rapid Syllable Transition Treatment and the
Nuffield Dyspraxia Programme (3rd edition). In press.
Murray, E., McCabe, P. & Ballard, K., (2014). A systematic review of treatment outcomes for
children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech. In press.
Nip, I.S., Green, J.R., Marx, D.B. (2010). The co-emergence of cognition, language, and
speech motor control in early development: A longitudinal correlation. Journal of
Communication Disorders
Powell, T.W. (2008) An integrated evaluation of nonspeech oral motor treatments. LSHSS, 39,
Preston, J.L., Brick, N., & Landi, N. (2013). Ultrasound biofeedback treatment for persisting
childhood apraxia of speech. AJSLP, 22,
Schlosser, R.W. & Wendt, O., (2008). Effects of augmentative and alternative communication
intervention on speech production in children with autism: A systematic review. AJSLP,
17, 212-230.
Smith, A. & Goffman, L. (2004). Interaction of motor and language factors in the development
of speech production . In: Maasen, B., Kent, R., Peters, H. et al. Motor Speech Control in
Normal and Disordered Speech. Oxford, UK, Oxford Press, 225-252.
Strand, E. A., & McCauley, R. J. (2008, Aug. 12). Differential diagnosis of severe
speech impairment in young children. The ASHA Leader, 13(10), 10-13.
Strand, E. A., & McCauley, R. (1999). Treatment of children exhibiting phonological disorder
with motor impairment. In A. J. Caruso and E. A. Strand, (Eds.) Clinical Management of
Motor Speech Disorders of Children. New York: Thieme Publishing Co.
Strand, E. A., & Skinder, A. (1999). Treatment of developmental apraxia of speech: Integral
stimulation methods. In A. J. Caruso and E. A. Strand, (Eds.) Clinical Management of
Motor Speech Disorders of Children. New York: Thieme Publishing Co.
Strand, E.A., Stoeckel, R.E. & Baas, B.B. (2006). Treatment of severe childhood apraxia of
speech: A treatment efficacy study. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology.
Strand, EA, McCauley, RJ, Weigand, SD, Stoeckel, RE, Baas, BS. (2013) A Motor Speech
Assessment for Children With Severe Speech Disorders: Reliability and Validity
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Evidence. JSLHR, 56, 505-520.
Sullivan, K.J., Kantak, S.S., Burtner, P.A. (2008). Motor learning in children: Feedback effects
on skill acquisition. Physical Therapy.
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Syllable shapes:
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Appendix B
No difficulty with involuntary motor Difficulty with involuntary motor control No difficulty with involuntary motor
control for chewing, swallowing, etc. for chewing, swallowing, etc. due to control for chewing and swallowing
unless there is also an oral apraxia muscle weakness and incoordination
Inconsistencies in articulation
performance--the same word may be Articulation may be noticeably Consistent errors that can usually be
produced several different ways "different" due to imprecision, but grouped into categories (fronting,
errors generally consistent stopping, etc.)
Errors include substitutions, Errors are generally distortions Errors may include substitutions,
omissions, additions and repetitions, omissions, distortions, etc. Omissions
frequently includes simplification of in final position more likely than initial
word forms. Tendency for omissions position. Vowel distortions not as
in initial position. Tendency to common.
centralize vowels to a "schwaa"
Number of errors increases as length May be less precise in connected Errors are generally consistent as
of word/phrase increases speech than in single words length of words/phrases increases
Well rehearsed, "automatic" speech is No difference in how easily speech is No difference in how easily speech is
easiest to produce, "on demand" produced based on situation produced based on situation
speech most difficult
Receptive language skills are usually Typically no significant discrepancy Sometimes differences between
significantly better than expressive between receptive and expressive receptive and expressive language
skills language skills skills
Rate, rhythm and stress of speech are Rate, rhythm and stress are disrupted Typically no disruption of rate, rhythm
disrupted, some groping for placement in ways specifically related to the type or stress
may be noted of dysarthria (spastic, flaccid, etc.)
Generally good control of pitch and Monotone voice, difficulty controlling Good control of pitch and loudness, not
loudness, may have limited inflectional pitch and loudness limited in inflectional range for
range for speaking speaking
Age-appropriate voice quality Voice quality may be hoarse, harsh, Age-appropriate voice quality
hypernasal, etc. depending on type of
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Appendix C - Motor Speech Exam
(Adapted from E. A. Strand [1996].)
These observations will help to determine (1) the degree to which motor planning
deficits may be contributing to the child’s difficulty with speech acquisition; (2) the
severity of the problem; and (3) will help with determining phonetic content and size of
the stimulus set.
Ask the child to repeat utterances that get progressively longer and more
phonetically complex
Start just below the point at which you think the child will begin to have difficulty
Follow a hierarchy:
isolated vowels (V) for children who have many vowel errors or only
undifferentiated vowels
CV, VC, CVC syllables with varied vowels
monosyllable repetitions
multisyllable repetitions
repetitions of sentences of increasing length
Vary the temporal relationship between the stimulus and the response
immediate repetition
delayed repetition
delayed consecutive repetition
Vary the rate, as needed
1) Isolated Vowels:
________________ _______ ____________ _____
________________ _______ ____________ _____
________________ _______ ____________ _____
________________ _______ ____________ _____
________________ _______ ____________ _____
________________ _______ ____________ _____
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MSHA April, 2014
2) CV and VC syllables:
________________ ______ _________________ ______
________________ ______ _________________ ______
________________ ______ _________________ ______
________________ ______ _________________ ______
________________ ______ _________________ ______
________________ ______ _________________ ______
3) CVC syllables
Same first and last phoneme:
________________ ______ ________________ _____
________________ ______ ________________ _____
________________ ______ ________________ _____
________________ ______ ________________ _____
________________ ______ ________________ _____
________________ ______ ________________ _____
6) Multisyllable sequences:
my mommy ____
hi daddy ____
go home _____
banana ____
alligator ____
hippopotamus _____
tomorrow ____
I want ____
Me too ____
My turn ____
Come here ____
no more ____
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MSHA April, 2014
__________________________ ____
7) Phrases of increasing length:
Hi ____
Hi mom ____
Hi mommy ____
Hi mommy and daddy ____
______________________ ____
______________________ ____
8) Automatic speech tasks
Counting to 10
Saying the alphabet
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Possible targets for motor speech exam
“early 8”
“early 8”
“early 8”
nite (nite-nite)
Multisyllable sequences
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Hi dad/hi daddy hi mom/hi mommy my turn this one
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Appendix D
Name: ______________________
Scoring: 2 = accurate production
1 = mostly accurate, with error of place, manner or voicing on one consonant
0 = vowel distortion and/or more than one error of consonant production
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Name: _____X Ample_________________
Scoring: 2 = accurate production
1 = mostly accurate, with error of place, manner or voicing on one consonant
0 = vowel distortion and/or more than one error of consonant production
11/1/11 Me 1 1 1 0 1 4
12/4/11 Out 0 0 0 0 0 0
12/7/11 Me 2 2 1 2 1 8
1/4/12 Me 2 2 2 2 2 10
8 hi
6 me
4 out
all done
Time 1 Time 2 Time 3
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Appendix E: Sample “Homework”
Play your own version of Simon Says, including other kids in the home when possible. Have them do
simple motor movements (clapping, tapping head, jumping, turning around, touch knees, etc.) and every
th th
4 or 5 time they do something, try a sound (ah, ee, oh, boo, etc.). Accept ANY sound as a “correct”
response and keep the game moving. Give (child) a chance to be the leader, if s/he is interested.
Read a lift-the-flap book, and every time you come to a flap, say OH-pen as you pull up the flap. After a
few pages or a few times through the book (depending on your child), Start to pull up the flap but stop
and look at them expectantly to see if they will try to say or gesture to say “open.” If they don’t do it, just
continue on and keep the activity fun and lighthearted.
Expect good productions all the time (for items in this area, if C says the word incorrectly, cue for
improved accuracy 1-2 times as needed. Let me know if he isn’t able to correct with that kind of minimal
“aw done” for “all done”
“paepuh” for “grampa”
Moe (more)
Vowel differentiation
Out -- getting it when we do it slowly
“I” (hi/bye) – best when saying it slowly and starting with a “big mouth”
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Appendix F – Therapy Ideas
Hop/jump over cards or spots on the floor as you say each word
Small sand/rice box, find small toys or cards buried
Blanket and flashlight to go on a “cave hunt” to find pictures of targets
Use repetitive story books, make up an model that works for the story and
includes the child’s target word or phrase
Drop toys in a bucket
Link “baby links” together as each word is said or to represent a multisyllable
Use colored counting bears to designate number of repetitions
Use magnet chips/magnet
Toss beanbags at pictures or as reinforcement for saying targets
Have action figures/toys use targets in “dialogue”
Look for games with many pieces (pop-up pirates, “feed the animals” box from
Super Duper, Mr. Potato Head, Tumblin’ Monkeys, Poppa’s Pizza Pile, Acrobats,
Shoot a disk short or nerf rocket
Toss a soft ball (“to me”, “my turn”, etc.)
Send matchbox cars down a tube from table to a box on the floor
See the articles “How to Help Your Child with Speech Practice at Home” and
“Some Ways to Elicit Multiple Repetitions from Children with Apraxia” in the
Apraxia-Kids virtual library at www.apraxia-kids.org
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Appendix G– Case Study: Child with severe apraxia
Evaluation 9/08
Typical development other than talking, no ear infections
No obvious difficulty with respiration, phonation, resonance
No problems with range of motion, strength, speed of articulator movement (based on
observation). Abe to vary muscular tension based on /m,p,t,d/
Language: REEL-3 Receptive score 95 (AE 27 mo), Expressive score <55 (AE 6 mo) at
CA 29 mo. Stringing together 2-5 signs consistently. Very frustrated about inability to
communicate effectively. Age-expected play skills.
Phonetic inventory: /p,m,t,d/, ch, “ee”, “ah”, all in isolation. No CV, VC, or CVC in
spontaneous output or imitation of a model. (Has acquired most of these sounds in
individual therapy over the last 3 months. Dismissed by the treating SLP due to concern
that he had poor attention and profound apraxia, impression that he may not have
potential to be verbal)
Unable to fully complete motor speech exam due to limited sound repertoire, poor
cooperation for task. Did produce “oh” with assistance, willing to attempt “ma” multiple
times with maximal cueing
Diagnosis: Probable apraxia
Treatment initiated X1/week for 3 months, with significant parent involvement and home practice
Diagnosis confirmed following this period of diagnostic therapy. Child was able to participate in
motor speech exam. Treatment increased to X3/week from December, 2008 through the
present. (One month break in Jan-Feb, 2009 due to parent inability to transport).
September, 2008
o Initial stimulus set: hi, yes, up, more, Dad, me, down
February, 2009:
o Achieved: hi, yes, up, moe, me, baw, all done, mine, bye, hi mom/dad, bye
mom/dad, whee!
o Beginning to consistently use approximations for 1-2 syllable words and phrases
o Added: more please, open please, in/on __ (prompted to attempt imitation of
names of containers), out (“ow” a difficult diphthong for him), “I” (also a difficult
diphthong for him beyond his already-acquired words of hi, bye, mine), night-
night, time to go
o Continued: down, open
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
March, 2009: (6 months)
o Achieved: hi, yes, up, moe, baw, all done, mine, bye, hi mom/dad, bye
mom/dad, whee!, open please, in/on ____(with accurate production of “can”,
“bag” and “box” in imitation), night-night
o Continued: out, I, time to go, down.
o Added: I want ____(prompted for approximations).
o Becoming highly verbal, using a combination of words, gestures and signs. Has
added a number of words to inventory spontaneously, including wash, mommy,
work, dog, duck, house, potty
April, 2009, third birthday (7 months) starting to have some phonological emphasis,
thinking about /k/ and vowels.
o Continued: I want _____ (including longer utterances, such as “I want a guy”, “I
want to play”, “I want to go”, “I want a marker”).
o Added: /k/ words cookie and Keekoe (pet name), /e/ vowel in target words play,
wait, take ______. Readily stringing together 3-4 word utterances with a model
and/or sign language cues, intelligibility noticeably increased.
May, 2009:
o Emphasis on “ow” vowel in targets such as take out, go out, go down, mouse, my
o Continuing work to expand length of utterance while maintaining intelligibility and
including “small” words (e.g., “to”, “a”, “the”).
o Working on 10-20 phrase level targets per session while reading books, playing
and/or drill practice (I want a____, Time to go_____, Put it in____, Where is
Ongoing after June, 2009 – Goals include improving accuracy of current targets, increasing
MLU while maintaining intelligibility, addressing error patterns identified on Goldman-Fristoe and
in spontaneous speech sample.
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014
Appendix H -- Organizing Stimulus Presentation
______________ _______________
I want one 10X I want one 1X
My turn 10X puppy 1X
Thomas 20X go home 1X
Puppy 10X hi mom 1X
Go home 10X Thomas 1X
I want one 10X puppy 1X
My turn 10X I want one 1X
Thomas 10X Thomas 1X
Puppy 10X go home 1X
Go home 10X my turn 1X
I want one 10X hi mom 1X
My turn 10X repeat until each item practiced “X” tmes
I want one X40
My turn X 1
Thomas X50
My turn X1
Puppy X40
My turn X1
Hi mom X20
Time to go X5
© Ruth Stoeckel
MSHA April, 2014