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An Adventure for 4-8 Characters of 1st Level

Designed for use with The Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game
The Temple of Modren
Cover Art: Mitchell Malloy
Interior Art: Mitchell Malloy
Cartography: Mike Schley
Editing: Steven S. Long
Game Design Editing: Amanda Hamon Kunz
Layout: Tiara Lynn Agresta
Production Art: Tracy Van Tilburg
Special Thanks to: Matt Eberle, Tim Hitchcock, Helen Kourkous,
Spencer Luster, Elizabeth Vaughan
Dedicated to Tanya Tassin, Luc Tassin, and Abigail Tassin


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A Mechanical Muse Publication

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©2014 Mechanical Muse, LLC. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-0-9905296-0-6
First published in 2014 by Mechanical Muse, LLC.
7999 Poplar Drive, Dexter, MI 48130

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A TIME OF unrestrained cruelty, burning, killing, and destroying all
that lies before them. The recently reborn holy orders
have combined their divine strength with the temporal
SHADOWS, power of the new kingdoms to face this growing threat,
but the dark ones are many and the defenders few.
OF HEROES Lord Drakewyn of New Erinor has called upon the
Over three hundred years have passed since the fall of brave men and women of his land to take up arms
the Atlan Enclave, and the people of the Sea of Tears against their common foe. In response, a small army
have finally brought order to their fractured world. of independent heroes known as adventurers have
Fledgling nations have grown into powerful kingdoms, joined the fight. These stalwart men and women fight
thriving merchant states have re-established the old the battles ordinary soldiers cannot fight, go where the
trade routes, and the priests of the Enaros have rebuilt holy orders dare not go, and serve as beacons of hope
their great temples. But in this time of hope, the shadow in a world growing darker with each passing day. From
of an ancient evil is rising once again. hardened dwarven warriors to crafty cheebatan rogues,
from fleet footed fey scouts to mysterious Selenthean
Deep beneath the surface of Aetaltis lurk the armies of mages, these brave souls provide what ultimately may
the fallen god Endroren. For centuries an order of holy prove the only hope for the people of this troubled land.
knights known as the Warders of Alantra maintained
powerful mystic seals that held the forces of darkness Will you join these brave adventurers in their quest?
at bay. But when the Enclave fell, so too did many of Will you put spell and blade to the test in defiance of
the ancient orders—including the Warders. Now, after the Dark Hordes? If so, if you have the courage to take
centuries of neglect, the wards are failing, and the dark on this burden for the good of all, perhaps there is still
ones have returned. hope, and perhaps you will become the next…

For the first time since the Age of Darkness, orcs, …CHAMPION OF AETALTIS! 
goblins, trolls, and a host of other fiendish monsters
threaten the good people of the world. They strike with
This Pathfinder compatible adventure is designed
The Aetaltis campaign setting incorporates many of the
to  require very little advance preparation on the part
familiar and well-loved thematic elements of traditional
of the Game Master or the players. The Game Master
fantasy roleplaying. At the same time, Aetaltis includes
shouldn’t need to do more than give the adventure a
enough unique twists to create an exciting new world
quick read through prior to the game. After that, as long
for you and your players to explore.
as you know how to play Pathfinder and have access to
the Pathfinder core rulebooks or PRD, just sit down at
the table, pass out the characters, and go! HEROIC RACES

Aetaltis features the classic races found in most fantasy

RUNNING THIS ADVENTURE role-playing games. These include humans, dwarves,
elves, and halflings. Aetaltis also features some unique
Most of the numbered adventure entries are tied to a
and unusual races, including savage drothmal, crafty
numbered location on one of the maps. Exceptions are
cheebat, pensive newardin, and suspicious scythaa. The
noted in the text. As the players move their characters
pre-generated characters included with this adventure
to a new location, reference the matching numbered
provide additional information about the races and how
entry. The adventure is designed to play out in the order
they fit into the setting.
of these entries, but as with any RPG adventure, feel
free to improvise, alter, or twist the adventure however
you like. The adventure won’t break if you color outside DEADLY ADVERSARIES
the lines. The characters will face all manner of adversaries when
The adventure is not particularly lethal, but if one of the they set out on their adventures in Aetaltis. The primary
characters dies, hand the player a new pre-generated threat comes from the Dark Hordes of Endroren. The
character and have the party locate the new character Dark Hordes consist of the usual rogue’s gallery of fantasy
tied up in the next room the adventurers explore (with antagonists, including orcs, goblins, ogres, trolls, and
their gear lying nearby). The goblins in this story have a host of other monsters. Even if the heroes somehow
raided the countryside for some time now, and it’s avoid the Dark Hordes, this doesn’t mean they’re safe.
completely reasonable that they could have nabbed a From vicious beastmen and fickle fey, to greedy giants
lone adventure or two. and power-hungry dragons, the magic-steeped world
of Aetaltis offers a cornucopia of dangers with which to
challenge the players.

This adventure introduces the players and Game Master SWORDS, SPELLS, & LOCK PICKS
to the Aetaltis campaign setting. You don’t need any
advance knowledge of Aetaltis to enjoy this game — In the Aetaltis campaign setting, the players take on the
all the setting information the players and Game Master role of heroes cast from the classic fantasy archetypes.
require is included in the appropriate sections of the Fearless fighters wield shining blades against fearsome
adventure or on the character sheets. foes, wily rogues sneak stealthily through the shadows,
devoted clerics turn the divine power of their gods
against the enemy, and eccentric wizards harness the
arcane might of magic to reshape reality.


The Temple of Modren takes place in the northern

hinterlands of a human-dominated kingdom called AGE OF DARKNESS: A period of time that
New Erinor. The culture of New Erinor is similar to that of ended roughly 1,000 years ago during which
medieval Europe but colored by the fact that it exists in a Endroren and the Dark Hordes overran
world where magic and monsters are real. The people of the Deeplands.
New Erinor are led by a benevolent king who declared
adventuring a respectable occupation. As a result, the ATLAN ENCLAVE: The human-led coalition
Player Characters will often be received as heroes when of races that ruled the Sea of Tears basin prior to
travelling in New Erinor—with all the benefits and the Cataclysm.
responsibilities the title brings with it.
CATACLYSM, THE: A magical disaster that took
place roughly 300 years ago and led to the fall of
the Atlan Enclave.
DEEPLANDS: The halls, caves, caverns, and
STARTED tunnels that lie beneath the surface of Aetaltis.
They were the home of the dwarves prior to the
Welcome to the Temple of Modren! To start your Age of Darkness.
adventure, follow the steps below.
ENAROS: The gods of Aetaltis.
Step 1: Pass Out the Characters
Give the character sheets to the players and advise ENDROREN: The Enaros of evil.
them to select the character they would like to play. MODREN: The Enaros of fire, forges,
Step 2: Read the Character Backgrounds and construction.

Instruct the players to read their character backgrounds

and familiarize themselves with their character’s abilities
and equipment. Dark Hordes. As the Dark Hordes drew near, the clerics
prepared for the inevitable assault. They reinforced
Step 3: Read the GM Adventure Background
the temple’s fortifications, set traps, and stocked
While the players look over their characters, take a supplies against an extended siege. The centerpiece
moment to read the GM Adventure Background. of their defense was a mystic barrier focused on the
massive stone doors that connected the temple to
GM ADVENTURE BACKGROUND the Deepland Halls below.

Long before the dark minions of Endroren overran When Endroren’s armies arrived they tried to breach
the Deepland Halls, the dwarven clerics of Modren the temple doors, but the protective spell held fast.
discovered a network of lava vents in the foothills of Next they tried to dig around the doors, but they
the Donarzheis Mountains. Such vents are uncommon soon discovered that the barrier’s protective energy
in that region, and the clerics interpreted the discovery encased the entire Temple. Unable to enter but
as a gift from Modren. To celebrate and protect this unwilling to leave, the dark creatures left a small force
rare find, they constructed a magnificent underground behind to prevent the dwarves from escaping.
temple at the site.
Unfortunately, the clerics had done their work too
For years dwarven pilgrims came from the far corners well. The barrier had completely sealed the temple,
of the Deeplands to worship at the temple, but its days including the ventilation shafts that provided its air.
of prosperity ended with the invasion of Endroren’s As the air thinned the clerics disagreed on whether

they should lower the barrier and take their chances largely intact. When he explored the Temple’s dusty halls
in combat against their captors, or leave the barrier in he discovered a treasure he never expected. The force of
place and maintain the sanctity of the temple—even the quake had cracked the stone above the temple and
if it meant certain death. After a long and difficult created an unwarded passage to the surface.
debate, the clerics agreed that the temple must remain
sealed. Resigned to their fate, the clerics marched Filled with evil glee, An’Gras began making plans to
down to the catacombs, laid in their sarcophagi and plunder the riches of the surface world.
burial alcoves, and waited until lack of air brought
about their final  slumber. SELECT A STARTING POINT

Years later, the forces of good defeated Endroren The last step before you begin is to choose where you
and his Dark Hordes. At the close of the final battle want to start your adventure.
against Endroren, the Enaros chained him to the
Option 1: Roleplaying First
core of the world and imprisoned his followers in
the Deeplands. Sadly, victory came too late for the If your group prefers to get to know a new character
clerics, and in the difficult years of reconstruction through role-play, turn to Entry 0: The Town of
that followed, everyone forgot the Temple. Thornwall and begin.

One thousand years later, most of Endroren’s Option 2: Action First

creatures remain locked beneath the surface If your group would rather get straight to the action,
of Aetaltis — but that is changing. With the read the following text and then turn to Entry 4:
destruction of the Holy Orders during the fall of the Cave Entrance.
Atlan Enclave, the mystic seals that once held the
forces of darkness at bay are failing. Once again, It was only a week ago that you heard the
creatures of darkness are making their way to rumors. A town in the wooded highlands of the
Donarzheis Mountains called Thornwall has
the surface.
suffered a spate of goblin attacks.
One of them is an orc necromancer known as
Visual Aid: Show the players the picture of a goblin.
An’Gras. While exploring a long-forgotten Deepland
passage, he and his goblin minions discovered the The goblins have proven too cowardly to raid
door to the Temple of Modren. Age had weakened the town openly, but their attacks have all
the magical barrier that protected the Temple, but it but wiped out the town’s flocks of sheep. Even
remained intact. The barrier stymied the orc’s initial worse, a young shepherd trying to defend his
attempts to gain access to the temple, but An’Gras charges has fallen victim to the vile creatures.
was never one to surrender easily. Using a corrupt Before the shepherd’s companions could
artifact known as the Black Heart, An’Gras summoned rescue him, the goblins dragged him off into
a surge of dark essence and shattered the barrier. the woods.

The town sent messengers to all the nearby

When the magical barrier broke, it released a force
settlements pleading for aid, but as you well
so great that it shook the land for miles around. As
know, in the northern wilds most people have
far away as the town of Thornwall, people felt the
their own battles to fight. Fortunately for
ground move. Back at the Temple, floors heaved, walls the people of Thornwall, your adventuring
tumbled, and ceilings collapsed. party happened to hear the story. Gathering
your gear, you set off at once for the
The dust cleared and An’Gras crawled from the
beleaguered town.
rubble. He surveyed the damage, and although
many of his goblin minions had perished in the For three days you follow the old trails and
quake An’Gras was unharmed and the Temple was overgrown roads that lead into the forested

foothills of the Donarzheis
Mountains. On the morning
of the fourth day, you arrive at
the town.

At first, the townsfolk seem

hesitant and cautious, but when
you explain your purpose they
greet you enthusiastically. The
people of Thornwall are hardy
folk, but as you survey the
gathering crowd you see that
they’re not warriors. No one else
has answered their call for aid,
and you quickly realize you’re
Thornwall’s only hope.

The frightened townsfolk tell

you that the goblin attacks have
grown more frequent. Most
townsfolk won’t venture beyond
the boundaries of the town
proper any more. Already a
hunter and two shepherds have
been lost to the villains.

When asked if they know where

the goblins came from, the
townsfolk explain that the trouble
started after an earthquake
shook the region. They think the
quake opened an entrance to
the Deeplands that allowed the
goblins to reach the surface world.

When you ask where you should

start your quest, a hunter
named Orwin takes you to a
clearing just north of the town.
He points out a trail of goblin
tracks leading off into the forest.
Thanking him, you set off
at once.

Turn to Entry 4: Cave Entrance

For three days you follow the old trails and
THE overgrown roads that lead into the forested
foothills of the Donarzheis Mountains. On
ADVENTURE the morning of the fourth day, you arrive at
the town.
BEGINS! Role-play Opportunity: If your players just want to
get into the action, read the text that follows aloud. If,
When the players finish studying their characters and
however, your group wants to role-play the encounter
you finish reading the GM Adventure Background, you’re
with the townsfolk, use the information below as
ready to begin! Go to the entry marked 0. The Town of
source material for roleplaying the townsfolk during
Thornwall, and you’re on your way to adventure!
the encounter.

0. THE TOWN OF THORNWALL At first, the townsfolk seem hesitant and cautious,
but when you explain your purpose they greet
Summary: The heroes learn that goblins are attacking you enthusiastically. The people of Thornwall are
the town of Thornwall. There’s a chance to role-play an hardy folk, but as you survey the gathering crowd
encounter with the townsfolk and an opportunity for you see that they’re not warriors. No one else
them to prove that they’re true heroes. At the end of has answered their call for aid, and you quickly
the encounter Elder Yurgin tells them to visit a hunter realize you’re Thornwall’s only hope.
named Drel to learn more about the attacks.
The frightened townsfolk tell you that the
Read this when you’re ready to start the adventure: goblin attacks have grown more frequent. Most
townsfolk won’t venture beyond the boundaries
It was only a week ago that you heard the of the town proper any more. Already a
rumors. A town in the wooded highlands of the hunter and two shepherds have been lost to
Donarzheis Mountains called Thornwall has the villains.
suffered a spate of goblin attacks.
When asked if they know where the goblins
Visual Aid: Show the players the picture of a goblin. came from, the townsfolk explain that the

The goblins have proven too cowardly to raid

the town openly, but their attacks have all but
wiped out the town’s flocks of sheep. Even worse,
a young shepherd trying to defend his charges
has fallen victim to the vile creatures. Before the
shepherd’s companions could rescue him, the
goblins dragged him off into the woods.

The town sent messengers to all the nearby

settlements pleading for aid, but as you well
know, in the northern wilds most people have
their own battles to fight. Fortunately for
the people of Thornwall, your adventuring
party happened to hear the story. Gathering
your gear, you set off at once for the
beleaguered town.

Character Introductions: As written, this adventure

assumes that the characters are an established
adventuring party. If they haven’t already done so, this is
a good time to have the players describe their characters
to one another.
trouble started after an earthquake shook 1. DREL’S HOMESTEAD
the region. They think the quake opened an
entrance to the Deeplands that allowed the Synopsis: The characters arrive at Drel’s homestead
goblins to reach the surface world. only to discover that it’s been ransacked. The players
learn the depravity of the goblins, and a search of the
When you ask where you should start your area reveals goblin tracks leading north to the Cave
quest, they tell you that a hunter named Drel
Entrance (Entry 4).
survived three goblin attacks and knows more
about the creatures than anyone else. Unlike Read this when the first character is within sight of
most people, he’s refused to relocate to the town. Drel’s homestead:
He lives about a half-day’s walk north on the
You reach Drel’s s homestead around mid-day.
bank of Coldstone Creek.
It sits in a clearing on a slight rise beside the
Gearing Up: If the players ask for equipment not gurgling Coldstone Creek. The building nearest
included on their character sheets, the townsfolk will to you is a small wattle and daub cottage
provide any mundane supplies they require (candles, with a heavy thatched roof to protect against
the highland snows. Just beyond the cottage
ropes, food) at no charge. Keep in mind that the
is a crude shed with a split-rail fence pen
townsfolk aren’t poor, but they aren’t wealthy either.
behind it. You see no sign of movement, and it’s
There’s a limit to how much they can give. They
strangely quiet.
definitely don’t have potions, weapons, armor, or other
exotic gear. Read this when the characters approach the
Read this before the characters leave the town:
The homestead is in ruins, and the door to the
As you make preparations to go, an elderly man
cottage swings in the breeze. The door’s hinges
named Yurgin approaches. Yurgin is the town’s
groan mournfully as it slowly opens and shuts.
leader, and he offers you a small bag of coins.
You see tattered clothing and personal effects
He tells you it is yours in thanks for your aid.
strewn about the yard, but there’s no sign
In addition, the wife of one of the missing of life.
shepherds offers her family’s life savings of 3
The Yard: No skill check is required to find a
gold coins if the adventurers either bring back
multitude of footprints in the yard. Some are human
her husband or at least retrieve the bronze
torque he wore, which is a symbol of their (Drel’s) but most are the claw-toed footprints
wedding vows. of goblins.

Bag of Coins: The bag contains 23 gp worth of gold, Track the Goblins: The goblins have grown bold
copper, and silver coins. and made no attempt to cover their tracks. As long
as the characters can see, they can follow the tracks
Role-play Opportunity: Aetaltis is a game of heroes, without a skill check. If characters want to make a
and this is a great opportunity for the players to act closer inspection of the tracks, a DC 10 Survival or
heroically by refusing the meager reward the townsfolk Perception skill check reveals that the goblins were
offer. If the players are too eager to take the coins, it dragging something (Drel) and that there were a
might be worth mentioning that this reward is a small number of goblins present roughly equal to the
fortune to common folks such as these. number of characters in the party.
Read this as the characters set out on Travel to the Cave Entrance: When the characters
their adventure:
are ready to follow the tracks and leave Drel’s
The jubilant townsfolk wave energetically and homestead, go to the Cave Entrance (Entry 4).
shout good wishes as you head north along the Exploring Drel’s Cottage (Entry 2) and the Shed
banks of the Coldstone Creek. (Entry 3) are optional.

AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +1 size,
Synopsis: The heroes find signs of a struggle. Spattered
+1 natural)
blood suggests things went poorly for Drel. A careful
search of the cottage reveals two potions but also a hp 6 (1d10-1)
goblin left behind by his companions. Fort +1, Ref +3, Will -1

Read this when the characters enter or look into Weaknesses: Light Sensitivity
Drel’s cottage:
The interior of Drel’s one-room cottage is in Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
shambles. Shattered pottery canisters and their Melee Bite +1 (1d4), 2 claws +1 (1d3)
contents are scattered across the floor, a large
overturned cabinet lies face down in the corner, TACTICS
and shredded bits of clothing are draped across Before Combat: The goblin leaps at the first person
the splintered remains of the cottage’s other he sees.
furniture. The most telling feature, however, is
the blood. From one end of the chamber to the During Combat: The goblin attacks whoever is closest
other, dried droplets of blood are spattered on to him.
the walls, floor, and ceiling. After Combat: This goblin was insane to start with
which is why his friends left him here. If captured he is
Blood Spatters: A DC 10 Heal check reveals that the
unable to tell the players anything of value.
blood has been dry for a few hours at least. This places the
goblins at the cottage before sunrise. A DC 5 Knowledge STATISTICS
(local) skill check reveals that goblins have Light Sensitivity STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
which means whatever hole the goblins crawled out of 10 16 10 10 8 7
can’t be more than a mile or two away.
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 14
Cabinet: If the characters lift the cabinet, they discover Feats Improved Initiative
the goblin. He was trapped when the cabinet tipped Skills Climb +6, Stealth +8 Racial Modifiers +4 Climb,
over on him, and none of his friends bothered to free +4 Stealth
him before they left. The goblin attacks the PCs if they
Languages Endrori
lift the cabinet.
GOBLIN BATTLE Safety in Numbers (Ex) An Aeltaltan goblin benefits
greatly from the proximity of its allies. It gains a
Encounter Summary (1 goblin): The other goblins
morale bonus on saves against fear effects equal to
never liked this goblin. He is quite insane, even by goblin
the number of allies within 20 feet of it. This  bonus
standards. When he was trapped under the cabinet they
cannot exceed a number equal to 1 + its HD.
thanked their luck and left him there.
GOBLIN (AETALTAN) CR 1/2 NPC gear (tattered clothing, pouch with 1d4 bird feet)
XP 200 Treasure: The goblin is carrying the following items.
CE Small humanoid (goblinoid) ªªA small leather bag: There are 1d6 songbird feet
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -1 in this bag. The adventurers know that some of the
DESCRIPTION endrori use songbird feet as currency.

The goblins of Aetaltis are vicious little monsters that ªª2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds: These were
eat almost anything. They take immense joy from hidden in the cabinet but were jarred loose
inflicting pain on their foes. when it tipped over. Any character with the Craft

(Alchemy) skill can automatically identify them Read this when the characters are close enough to
from the alchemical symbols inscribed on the vials. see the goblins:
No check is required.
Peering through the brush you see several
goblins squatting around the embers of a dying
3. THE SHED AND PEN fire. They’re sitting just inside the mouth of a
large cavern. At the back of the cavern, you see
Synopsis: The characters find the mutilated a dark passage.
carcasses of the sheep and learn about the cruelty of
Aetaltan  goblins. The goblins cackle and shout. Each one holds a bone
covered with tattered bits of meat. With vicious
Read this when the characters approach bites, they tear loose hunks of partially-cooked flesh
the shed/pen: using their razor-sharp teeth, sending a shower of
blood and spittle spattering across the ground.
The ground is soaked with blood, and the
stench of death assails your senses. Thick Listen to the goblins: Any characters that speak
clouds of buzzing black flies fill the air. Lying
Endrori (the language of Endroren’s minions including
on the floor of the shed and on the ground
goblins and orcs), hear the goblins laughing about
in the pen are the carcasses of at least a
some sheep they skinned alive. They seem to think that
dozen sheep. All the sheep are missing their
skins and wool, and their bodies appear someone named “An’Gras” will do the same thing to the
strangely contorted. captive they brought back.

Carcasses: Simple observation reveals that some GOBLIN BATTLE

of the sheep are partially eaten, but the only pieces
completely missing are their hides. A DC 15 Heal Encounter Summary (1 goblin per character): The
or Knowledge (nature) check suggests that the heroes must defeat the goblin guards before they can
reason for the contortion is that these animals were move on. The goblins are easily surprised, but they fight
flayed alive. to the death once alerted.

Shed: The shed is empty except for a few poorly GOBLIN (AETALTAN) (1 PER PC) CR 1/2
maintained farm implements and a pile of blood-
XP 200 each
soaked straw.
hp 6 each (see page XX)


Before Combat: The goblins are emboldened by their
Synopsis: The tracks lead to a cave that’s the entrance
recent success under An’Gras’ leadership. They aren’t
to the Temple’s ruins. A knot of goblins (one goblin per
paying attention to their duties and make surprise
character) guards the entrance and fights to the death
checks at a -2 modifier (in addition to their normal -1
to defend it.
Perception modifier).
Read this to the players: During Combat: The goblins try to gang-up on
You follow the goblins’ trail until just after the opponents, bear them to the ground, and take the
sun dips below the hills in the west. At that target out before moving on to their next victim.
moment you spot a glimmer of firelight through The exception to this is the smallest of the goblins.
the trees and smell smoke on the wind. This particular goblin lost a lot of bird legs to the
other goblins when playing Grith Grith, a game
Sneaking up on the goblins: The goblins are similar to rock-paper-scissors involving rude hand
overconfident and distracted. Attempts to sneak up on gestures. He is more interested in stealing bird legs
the goblins automatically succeed. from his companions while they are busy fighting the
characters. He will only fight if confronted directly.

After Combat: These goblins are so terrified of An’Gras EFFECTS
that they fight to the death, and if taken alive, nothing Trigger tripwire; Reset none
will make them talk.
Effect Atk+15 ranged (spear; 1d8/x3)
Treasure: The goblins hid the following items beneath
the pile of bloody sheep hides: Read this after the characters pass the spear trap:
ªªThree small leather bags: 2d6 songbird feet
You follow the passage for another forty feet at
per bag. The adventurers know that some of the which point it splits off to the east and west. The
endrori use songbird feet as currency. awful stench grows stronger as you travel deeper
ªªA crudely carved 8” obsidian statue of a into the cave. It seems to come from the passage
faceless man: A DC 15 Knowledge (religion) skill to the west.
check identifies the statue as a representation of
Endroren. The statue has no value.
ªª5 ancient gold coins: The coins bear the symbol
of a throne on one side and the profile of a Synopsis: The filthy and uncivilized nature of goblins
noble dwarven man on the other. The characters is highlighted by this rancid pile of waste. Characters
recognize these as coins from the ancient dwarven willing to search find useful treasure but risk disease.
kingdom that ruled the Donarzheis Mountains Read this when the characters can see into
before the Enaros imprisoned Endroren and his the chamber:
minions in the Deeplands. Coins from the old
Dominating the center of this cavern is a four-
dwarven kingdoms are uncommon on the surface,
foot tall mound of mold-covered filth. You
but a successful DC 10 Knowledge (history) or
aren’t entirely sure what the pile consists of, but
Knowledge (local) check means the character
pieces of what look like bones protrude from the
knows that they are no more or less valuable than mass. A glistening pool of green-black liquid
local currency. surrounds the mound, and you spot a dead
rat floating on its oily surface. The incessant
5. TRAPPED PASSAGE buzzing of flies fills the air.
Synopsis: The characters head into the cave. When they Mound of waste: Characters who spend a full round
discover a spear trap they learn that goblins are smarter poking around in the mound dislodge a goblin corpse
than they seem. impaled by arrows. It’s partially eaten, although the bites
Read this when the characters enter the cavern: look too large for rats. The rest of the mound is fecal
matter, body fluids, rotting meat, bones, and urine.
At the back of the cavern is a five-foot wide
natural passage that extends north into the hill. Disease Risk: Any character whose flesh comes into
Sniffing the air, you smell a thick, rancid stench direct contact with the scum from the mound, either by
emanating from the tunnel. touching the mound or touching something that came
from the mound may catch Mule Kick Fever. Characters
Crude Spear Trap: The goblins prepared a simple
who ingest the filth are automatically infected (no
spear trap here. It shoots a crude spear down from a
Fort save).
recess in the ceiling ten feet beyond the start of the
passage. A cleverly hidden tripwire is the activator.


Type disease, contact or ingested; Save Fortitude DC 12
Onset 1d3 hours; Frequency 1/hour
XP 400
Effect 1 point of damage from vomiting;
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20;
Cure 2 consecutive saves
Disable Device DC 20

Treasure: If the characters dislodge the goblin corpse
they discover the following treasure:
ªª3 +1 arrows: A local hunter killed this goblin. He had
no idea that the arrows he used were enchanted.
The goblin’s companions brought their friend back
here as a snack but found him a bit gamey.


Synopsis: The characters discover a large crack in

the cave that descends into the Deeplands. They
must find a way to go down it safely without falling
or disturbing the poisonous spores in the room
described in Entry 8.

Read this when the characters first see the room:

The passage opens onto a relatively large cavern.

Broken stalactites are scattered over the ground;
tiny fissures riddle the walls. In the center of the
cavern there’s a huge crack in the floor. Nearly
ten feet across, the crack extends down into
darkness. You feel a draft of warm, stale air
blow up from somewhere far below.

Crack in the floor: The walls of the crack appear

climbable, but the climb looks challenging. Most of
disturb the spores in the room below (Entry 8) when
the characters won’t be able to see the bottom, even
he lands.
holding a light source. Characters with darkvision or
those who drop a light source down the crack can see It’s 30 feet from the top of the crack to the ceiling of
the bottom. room in Entry 8 and another 10 feet from the ceiling
Read this if a character can see the bottom: to the floor of the room. (If a character falls that entire
distance, he takes 4d6 damage.)The characters can
The crack extends down about thirty feet before use the large fountain in the room below (Entry 8) to
it opens into what looks like a finished room climb the last 10 feet, but an additional DC 10 Climb
with a tall stone structure in the center. skill check is required to get safely from the ceiling to
the fountain.
If a character that can see the bottom observes the
room carefully, a successful DC 15 Perception skill Characters can drop the last 10 feet, but a character
check reveals some sort of fuzz (bluish in color if they’re must make a DC 15 Acrobatics skill check to avoid taking
using a standard light source) coating everything in 1d6 damage and falling prone. In addition, dropping
the room. into the room stirs up the spores (Entry 8).

Stone Structure: It’s difficult to tell from the character’s There are plenty of places in the cavern where the
vantage point, but their best guess is that it is a fountain characters can secure a rope. Using a rope to climb
(dry now). down requires three DC 5 Climb skill checks for the first
30 feet and a DC 10 Climb skill check for the last 10 feet.
Climbing down the crack: Climbing down the walls
Descending into the room on a rope does not disturb
of the crack requires three DC 15 Climb skill checks (one
the spores.
every 10 feet). If a character falls, he will automatically

8. THE FOUNTAIN ROOM Age of  Darkness. A DC 15 Knowledge (engineering)
reveals that each statue weighs 1,000 pounds. A DC
Synopsis: The characters discover that the crack leads 20 Appraise check reveals each is worth 500 GP to a
into one of the abandoned Deepland Halls of the collector of dwarven antiquities.
dwarves. They also encounter the dangerous fungus
that coats the room. Checking for Tracks: No skill checks are required
for the characters to find tracks. It appears goblins
Read this when the characters can see the
entire room: came through here more than once, and that they
disturbed the spores when they came through (even
The crack opens into a 20 x 20 room with a the most recent tracks are covered with a fine layer of
large fountain in the center. The fountain has blue dust).
four tiers of simple, circular bowls and is almost
eight feet tall. The fountain is dry, and there is
no sign of water or moisture in the room. 9. ANCIENT HALLWAY

In two corners of the room are dramatic, larger- Synopsis: A trap threatens to warn the goblins in the
than-life statues of dwarves. Each statue holds next room that the characters are coming.
a carved hammer in one hand and tongs in the Read this when the characters can see down
other. The fountain, statues, and entire floor the hall:
of the chamber are covered with a wispy blue
fungus. There’s a pair of bronze doors on the Statues of dwarves holding hammers and tongs
east wall, each set with a heavy, braided bronze stand in alcoves at ten foot intervals all the way
opener. The doors are closed. down this 10-foot wide, 35-foot long hallway. At
the far end of the hall you spot another pair of
Sleep Mold: The fungus that covers the floor and closed bronze doors.
the fountain in this chamber is called Sleep Mold.
A successful DC 25 Survival skill check or DC 20 Alarm Trap: The goblins in the next room set a trap
Knowledge (dungeoneering) or Knowledge (nature) on doors at the south end of the hall. Opening the doors
skill check will identify it and its properties. Disturbing without disabling the trap pulls a wire that topples a pile
the fungus (jumping onto it from more than 3 feet or of junk metal in the next room.
moving across it faster than 20 feet/turn) releases a 5 x
5 cloud of poisonous blue spores that remain in the air
for 1d4 rounds.
Type mechanical; Perception DC 25;
Disable Device DC 15
Type poison, inhaled; Save Fortitude DC 15
Trigger tripwire; Reset manual
Onset 1 round
Effect Creates a loud crashing noise that alerts the
Effect unconsciousness for 1 hour; Cure 1 save
goblins in the next room (Entry 10) that someone
The Statues: DC 5 Knowledge (religion) skill check is coming.
identifies these statues as dwarven representations of
Modren, Enaros of smithcraft and fire. 10. THE GREAT HALL
All the characters know that dwarven
Synopsis: The characters face a relatively disciplined
representations of the Enaros are exceptionally rare
team of goblin warriors as well as a goblin shaman.
in the modern world. When the Enaros used the
They learn the power of dark magic, and they also
dwarves’ Deepland home as a prison for Endroren
get to experience some of the lost grandeur of the
and his minions, the dwarves renounced them.
dwarven halls.
This means the ruins date to the time before the

Read this when the characters can see into if you didn’t know better, they almost seem to be
the room: forming up into a loose defensive formation.

This room must have been a wonder to behold At the far edge of the firelight stands a
in the ancient days when the dwarves still lone goblin. He’s wearing a multi-colored,
inhabited the Deeplands. Now it’s a sad shadow patchwork robe and a dramatic headdress
of its former self. The floors, once paved with adorned with bits of glass, bones, and feathers.
rare pink marble, are a clutter of broken paving He has a crooked staff mounted with a sharp-
stones that jut up at bizarre angles, and many of toothed animal skull gripped in one gnarled
the intricately carved square pillars that towered hand, and his yellow eyes glitter in the light of
forty feet to the ceiling above lie shattered on the flames.
the floor.
Pillars: The pillars contain pictorial histories of the
Across the chamber to the east is another pair of temple, from the discovery of the lava vents to the
bronze doors. To the north, a 20-foot high, 20- construction of the temple.
foot wide passage extends off into darkness.
Floor: The pink marble used for the floors is extremely
The south end of the room has partially
rare in Aetaltis since it is only found in the deepest of the
collapsed, but on the south wall a set of massive
Deepland quarries. There are roughly 45 slabs that are
doors carved from glistening black stone are still
accessible. The doors are twice the size of the still in good condition. A DC 15 Knowledge (engineering)
other doors you’ve seen, and mounted on the check reveals that they each weigh 500 pounds.
wall above them is a ten-foot diameter disc of Characters that have at least one rank in the Appraise skill
white marble carved with the stylized hammer know they’re valuable, although determining how much
that symbolizes Modren. they’re worth is beyond their ability for now. Removing
the stones without damaging them requires a DC 10
Read this if the party did not set off the alarm trap:
Craft (stonemason) skill check.
Just in front of the north passage sit several
Collapsed Area: It looks like it happened recently,
goblins wearing rough-cut leather armor.
They’re gathered around the guttering flames probably during the earthquake.
of a small fire. One of the goblins cackles as Bronze Doors (East): The doors to the east are plain
he pushes and pulls a live squirrel tied to a
bronze doors identical to the others the characters have
stick into and out of the flames. One of his
seen. They’re shut but not locked.
companions gurgles gleefully as he yanks the
legs off of another unfortunate squirrel. The rest Black Stone Doors: None of the characters can
of the goblins sit around the fire and look on identify the stone these doors are made from. They
with amusement. cannot be forced open and are impervious to damage.
At the far edge of the firelight stands a lone Studying the doors using Detect Magic reveals that
goblin. He’s wearing a multi-colored, patchwork
they are enchanted with overwhelming magic. A DC 24
robe and a dramatic headdress adorned with
Knowledge (arcana) check using Detect Magic reveals
bits of glass, bones, and feathers. A crooked staff
that the aura is of the abjuration school.
mounted with a sharp-toothed animal skull lies
across his knees, and his yellow eyes glitter in Regardless of whether the characters identify the type
the light of the flames. of magic on the doors, a DC 20 Spellcraft skill check
Read this if the party set off the alarm trap: reveals an event trigger is required to open the doors,
and a DC 30 Spellcraft skill check identifies the trigger
Several screeching goblins wearing rough-cut as the destruction or removal of all the endrori from
leather armor dash about in the dim light the Temple. When the last orc or goblin is killed or driven
of a small fire near the open passage. They
out, the doors swing open.
frantically snatch spears from the ground, and


XP 400
Encounter Summary (1 goblin shaman + 1 goblin per
character): The goblins guard the Deepland entrance CE Small humanoid (goblinoid) druid 2 (bat shaman;
to the temple against intrusion by other dark creatures. Ultimate Combat)
The goblins didn’t expect an attack from the outside, Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -1
but being suspicious by nature, they installed the alarm
trap on the exterior door just to be safe. They try to flee
if the battle goes against them. Goblins believe that their shamans’ powers originate
with Endroren, and thus the shaman serves as a
Difficult Terrain: The broken paving stones in this constant reminder of the Dark Lord’s dominance over
room make the floor Difficult Terrain. the goblin race. Other goblins of the tribe treat them
with reverence and respect.


(See page XX for basic Goblin stats.) AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex,

XP 200 each +1 size, +1 natural)

hp 6 each hp 14 (2d8+5)

AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +1 size, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will 1
+1 natural, +2 armor Weaknesses Light Sensitivity
Melee spear +1 (1d6) or bite +1 (1d4), 2 claws +1 (1d3) OFFENSE
TACTICS Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Before Combat: If the alarm went off, the goblins are Melee mwk quarterstaff +5 (1d4+2) or bite +4 (1d4+2),
armed and ready for battle. If the heroes silenced 2 claws +2 (1d3 +2)
the alarm, the goblins are sitting with their spears Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +3)
on the floor beside them and may need to make a
1/day—touch of darkness
surprise check.
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +3)
During Combat: These goblins received rudimentary
1st—entangle (DC 12), magic fang, obscuring mistD
combat training from An’Gras. Rather than using the
normal goblin “charge and overwhelm” tactic, they 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, light, spark, virtue
pair up and choose targets. They take their role as D Domain spell; Domain Darkness
soldiers quite seriously, almost comically so, but
the only tactic they’ve learned so far is how to flank
an enemy. Each pair tries desperately to achieve Before Combat: If the alarm went off, the shaman is
flanking position on its chosen target—even if that armed and ready for battle. If the heroes silenced
puts them at a tactical disadvantage or draws attacks the alarm, the shaman is sitting with his quarterstaff
of opportunity. across his legs and may need to make a Perception
check to notice the PCs.
After Combat: If the heroes defeat more than 2/3 of
the goblins, the remaining goblins flee down the During Combat: The shaman was the leader of these
chasm described in Entry 11. They so fear An’Gras’ goblins before An’Gras came along. He only stays
displeasure that, if taken alive, nothing will make around out of fear of An’Gras. His bitterness is apparent
them talk. in his complete disregard for the safety or well being
of the other goblins. The shaman prefers to keep his
distance and let the goblins handle the dirty work,
although he will fight in melee if necessary. Except to
cast spells, he doesn’t say a word.

After Combat: If the heroes defeat the goblins, the ªªTattered canvas bag: 1 lb. of perfectly round red
shaman flees down the chasm described in Entry glass beads, the wriggling body of a half dead
11. He so fears An’Gras’ displeasure that, if taken alive, squirrel, and 5 days of blood soaked rations
nothing will make him talk. ªªMasterwork Heavy Flail: Of dwarven make, this
STATISTICS heavy flail’s stats are as follows: 1d10/19-20/x2/
disarm and trip, with a +1 to attack
14 16 10 8 12 9 ªª308 gp

Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 14 In addition, the goblin shaman has a number of valuable
items in a sack where he was sitting:
Feats Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative, Toughness
ªªDivine scroll: Cure Moderate Wounds
Skills Climb +6, Stealth +8 Racial Modifiers +4 Climb,
+4 Stealth ªªArcane scroll: Identify

Languages Druidic, Endrori ªªUnlabeled potion: Cure Light Wounds

SQ nature bond (Darkness domain), nature sense,

wild empathy +2 (+4 with bats; full-round action),
woodland stride Synopsis: The players discover how the goblins got into
SPECIAL ABILITIES the temple and learn how to end the goblin attacks.

Safety in Numbers (Ex) An Aeltaltan goblin benefits This once grand hallway is cluttered by a series
greatly from the proximity of its allies. It gains a of toppled stone doors and partial cave-ins.
morale bonus on saves against fear effects equal to You’re forced to clamber down the hall, climbing
the number of allies within 20 feet of it. This bonus over the rubble. The stench of death hangs in
cannot exceed a number equal to 1 + its HD. the air and you soon discover the source of the
smell. Impaled on spikes at the bottom of a
Touch of Darkness (Sp) As a melee touch attack, the
sprung pit trap are two bloated goblin corpses.
goblin shaman can cause a creature’s vision to be Their lifeless eyes stare up at you with faces
fraught with shadows and darkness. The creature frozen in expressions of shock and pain.
touched treats all other creatures as if they had
concealment, suffering a 20% miss chance on all Dead Goblins: These goblins activated the only
attack rolls. This effect lasts for 1 round. pit trap in this hallway that survived the quake. Their
Totem Transformation (Su) The goblin druid may bloated corpses have nothing of value on them.
adopt an aspect of the bat while retaining his normal
Sprung Pit Trap: The pit trap is 20 feet deep, 10 feet
form. He may gain blindsense 20 ft. and can speak
across, and it spans the full width of the hallway. The
with animals (mammals only) at will.
floor of the pit is covered with spikes. The pit’s cover is
TREASURE retracted into the walls to the left and right. The pit can
Masterwork leather armor, masterwork quarterstaff, only be reset from the Trap Control Room (Entry 14). In
pouch with 1d4 bird feet theory, none of the characters will fall in, but the pit’s
stats are included below—just in case.
Treasure in the Room: There are a few useful items
lying around the fire including:
ªªRope: 50’ hemp SPIKED PIT TRAP CR 2

ªªMarble staff with the remains of a statue’s hand XP 600

still attached to it: 1d6/1d6, x2, bludgeoning, Type mechanical; Perception DC 20;
20 lbs., -1 to hit due to bad balance Disable Device DC 20
ªªSack of ancient dwarven silverware: 10gp
ªª5 small leather bags: 1d6 bird feet per bag Trigger weight; Reset control room (Entry 14)
Effect 10-ft.-deep pit (1d6 falling damage); pit spikes exists is to serve as the jumping-off point for your next
(Atk +10 melee, 1d4 spikes per target for 1d4+2 adventure. By the end of the adventure the characters
damage each) will possess the means of opening and closing the
The walls of the pit are polished smooth. Climbing out sliding door here at will. This will allow them ample
without a rope requires a DC 20 Climb skill check. time to explore the Deeplands Halls beyond the Temple
without exposing the surrounding countryside to
After about eighty feet you reach a massive unnecessary danger.
sliding stone door. It’s partially retracted into a
hidden pocket in the wall. The door is nearly 3’
thick and carved from a single block of granite. 12. MURAL HALLWAY
Beyond the door the passage extends another
Synopsis: The heroes face dwarven traps and learn the
10’ and then ends at an enormous chasm. It
looks like a bridge once extended across the temple’s history.
chasm, but only a couple of feet of the bridge A fabulous mural covers the walls of this long
remain. Eerie, blood chilling cries echo up from hallway. The vibrant colors are so vivid that it
the darkness below. looks like the mural could have been painted
yesterday. At the far end of the hallway you see
Sliding Door: The door is a magical creation built
a pair of closed stone doors.
by the clerics of the temple. They combined their
powers to create it and then bound it to one of their Mural: The dwarves painted this mural for two reasons.
holy artifacts, an amulet called the Silver Hammer of First they wanted to tell the story of their final days in the
Modren (located in the main temple described in Entry temple (the subject of the mural). Second, they wanted
28). Any dwarf, or a character possessed by the spirit of to distract anyone coming down the hall so that they
a dwarf, can use the amulet to open and close the door wouldn’t notice the pit traps.
at will. Otherwise, the door is completely immobile
and indestructible. Read this if the characters examine the mural:

You make your way down the hall, examining

On the wall both inside and outside the door are small
the mural as you go.
recesses. The one on the inside is intact and is in the
exact shape of a small hammer. The one on the outside According to the mural, when the Dark Hordes
is blasted away. A charred crater remains where the of Endroren surged up from the core of the world,
recess once was. Characters who examine the crater the clerics took measures to protect the temple.
carefully can see the symbol of Endroren burned into They combined their power to create a magic
the stone. The characters know that a goblin couldn’t door that would stop Endroren’s armies from
have done this. Clearly there is a greater power at work. entering. They also constructed a variety of traps
to ensure that, even if the enemy bypassed the
Bridge Ruins: The bridge collapsed during the door, the forces of Endroren might still be stopped.
earthquake and fell into the chasm along with quite a
few of An’Gras’ goblin minions. Now the party reaches the first pit trap. Assuming
no one checks for traps, spring the first pit trap on the
Chasm: The chasm is 50 feet across. If the party finds a character at the front of the party.
way to see across it, there’s a passage on the far side. The
ceiling above the chasm is just 10 feet higher than the Spiked Pit Trap: This pit trap is 10 feet deep, 10’ across,
passage ceiling. The chasm disappears into the distance and spans the full width of the hallway. When activated, the
to both the east and west. It is impossible to see the pit’s cover slides into the walls to the left and right almost
bottom of the chasm and anything dropped down it instantaneously—a tremendous feat that exemplifies
disappears into the darkness. the ingenuity of the ancient dwarven trap  makers. The
bottom of the pit is dotted with iron spikes, and the walls
This chasm is how the orcs and goblins found their of the pit are polished smooth. Climbing out without a
way to the temple, but the primary reason this location rope requires a DC 20 Climb skill check.

SPIKED PIT TRAP CR 2 Unlike the rooms you’ve seen so far, the architec-
ture here is simple. There’s a pair of banded oak
XP 600
doors to the north, both of which are closed.
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20;
Disable Device DC 20 Oak Doors: The oak doors are unlocked.

Trigger weight; Reset control room (Entry 14)
Effect 10-ft.-deep pit (1d6 falling damage); pit spikes Synopsis: The characters can reset or disable the
(Atk +10 melee, 1d4 spikes per target for 1d4+2 pit traps.
damage each)
This tiny chamber is filled with gears, wheels,
Read this when the party is ready to continue: and chains. A dozen levers extend up from
openings in the floor.
The next panels in the mural reveal that the
key to the magical door is a silver amulet in Levers: The third and fourth levers control the two pits
the shape of a hammer. It appears that only the in the Mural Hallway (Entry 12) and the seventh lever
power of this hammer-shaped key can move the controls the pit with the dead goblins in it (Entry  11).
great door, and that when the door is locked None of the other levers do anything since their traps
it mystically seals the entire temple complex were destroyed during the quake. There’s a locking
against intrusion by evil forces. mechanism for each pit trap to allow safe passage
over it.
The party has reached the second pit by now. Odds
are, the heroes are being more cautious and find this
one without falling in, but you never know. It has the 15. PLAIN HALLWAY
same stats as the first pit trap. Synopsis: This hall gives the characters an opportunity
Read this when they are ready to continue: to ambush the goblins in the Dining Hall (Entry 16), but
if the party makes noise it’s also an opportunity for the
As you continue to examine the mural, it shows goblins to ambush the players.
that the hammer was sealed in a casket at the
feet of a massive statue of Modren in a large A ten-foot wide hallway extends to the north.
cavern. Scratched into the paint of the last panel At the end of the hallway is a pair of double
are a few words in Dwarven. doors made from dark wood. One of the doors
is partially open, and flickering orange firelight
Scratched Words: If any of the characters read shines out into the hall.
Dwarven, the words say:
Listen: Characters who stop to listen hear rough
“Modren guide my soul to Aelos, for I am the last.” voices speaking in a foul tongue. Characters who speak
Endrori recognize the language and hear a discussion
No skill check is required for the characters to know
about how An’Gras is going to lead them to a better life.
that souls that aren’t guided to Aelos via the rituals of
They comment that the meal they’re eating is just one
last rites risk becoming lost. It appears this dwarf hoped
example of this.
Modren would guide him to his final rest.
Sneaking: The characters can try to sneak up on the
Stone Doors: The stone doors at the end of the
goblins using Stealth. The goblins make Perception
hallway are unadorned and unlocked.
checks at -2 due to their raucous discussion.
13. E
 NTRANCE TO THE Noisy Party: If the party doesn’t try to move quietly,
LIVING QUARTERS make a DC 10 Perception check with a -2 penalty to see
Synopsis: The characters discover the living quarters for if the goblins hear the party coming. If the goblins hear
the clerics. A search of the room may reveal a secret door. the party, they prepare an ambush (see Entry 16).

Secret Door: There’s a pivoting secret door on the TACTICS
west wall that leads to the trap control room (Entry 14). Before Combat: The goblins are emboldened by their
A DC 20 Perception check is required to find it. The recent success under An’Gras’ leadership. They aren’t
mechanism to open the door is a cleverly hidden push paying attention to their duties and make Perception
panel near the floor. checks with a -2 penalty (in addition to their normal -1
Perception modifier).
16. THE DINING HALL During Combat: The goblins try to flank their
opponents, bear them to the ground, and take each
Synopsis: The players battle several goblins and learn
target out before moving on to their next victim. Two
the fate of at least some of the missing townsfolk.
of the goblins are identical twins. These two always
This chamber was the temple’s dining room. fight together and cooperate far more effectively
Two long tables extend down the middle of the than other goblins. Whenever they speak, they
room, and swaybacked benches line both sides always speak in unison. If one of the twins is killed,
of the tables. A handful of crudely made torches the other goes mad and attacks the twin’s killer with
occupy sconces on the walls. They provide dim reckless abandon.
light, but they also give off a thick, oily smoke
After Combat: These goblins are so terrified of An’Gras
that leaves greasy black splotches on the ceiling.
On the west wall are two open passages, and on that they fight to the death, and if taken alive, nothing
the east wall is another 10’ wide passage. will make them talk.
Treasure: The goblins have acquired the following treasure:
Read this if the goblins heard the party coming:
ªªMasterwork Longsword: Of dwarven make, the
Scattered across the table is the dismembered, goblins were using this sword as a carving knife. Its
partially cooked corpse of a male human. It looks stats are: 1d8/19-20/x2 with a +1 to attack.
like someone was eating him before you arrived. ªª5 empty potion vials: An’Gras tests his potions on
the goblins.
Read this if the goblins did not hear the
party coming: ªª6 small canvas bags: 1d10 bird feet per bag
ªªA big bullfrog hopping around the table: This is
Several goblins are hunched around the far
table. They’re feasting on something, tossing an unfortunate goblin who, during one of An’Gras’
meat on the bone between one another. As one experiments, drank a potion that polymorphed
piece of meat flies through the air, you recognize him permanently into a frog. His intellect remains
it as a human foot. One of the goblins snatches intact, making this a particularly crafty and
it and immediately tears into the meat with troublesome frog if the party takes it with them.
sharp, glittering teeth. It appears you’ve found
one of the townsfolk. 17. KITCHEN

Synopsis: If the party carefully searches the area,

they learn the fate of the shepherd and recover the
Encounter Summary (1 goblin per character): If the missing torque.
goblins heard the party coming they retreated to the
This small chamber is lined with stone counters
kitchen and will launch an ambush when the party enters.
and recessed shelves. On the north wall is a
If  the characters ambush the goblins, it’s possible the
short wooden door. In the center of the room is
goblins are surprised. Either way, the goblins fight to a large fire pit where a roaring fire crackles and
the death. pops. The smoke from the fire curls up and out
of the room through a small hole in the ceiling.
GOBLIN (AETALTAN) (1 PER PC) CR 1/2 A massive cast iron pot hangs by chains over
XP 200 each the flame on an iron tripod. A pile of tattered
clothing lies off to the side.
hp 6 each (see page XX)
Clothing: These are simple clothes of the type worn Second Hand: There’s a brittle scroll in the mummy’s
by shepherds. right hand. This document is written in Old Dwarven,
and any character who speaks Dwarven can tell that
Pot: If a character looks in the pot they see a brown, it is the deed to a large tract of farmland in the wine
watery stew, boiling and churning. As they watch, a country of Gelendor. The characters have heard that the
human head rolls to the surface, its empty eye sockets magistrates of Gelendor often recognize the rights of
staring out at the character before it rolls back out of ownership from ancient dwarven land deeds. Assuming
sight. These remains match the description of the the land is unclaimed, or perhaps even if it is, this deed
missing shepherd (in addition to the parts on the dining may be worth a great deal of gold.
room table). To find his torque, the characters have to
pour out the contents of the pot or dig through it. Either
way a DC 15 Fortitude save is required. If they fail, they 19. HALL OF DOORS
are nauseated. Drothmal are immune to this effect. The Synopsis: The party must bypass a locked door in this
torque lies at the bottom of the pot. hallway if they wish to explore the room described in
Entry 21.
Like the other halls and rooms in this area, this
Synopsis: The party learns the fate of the last cleric of hallway is quite plain. It extends 15 feet east and
the temple. They also gain some valuable treasure. then turns to the south. From there it stretches
over 100 feet before it turns to the west. 25 feet
A staircase spirals down about thirty steps to a down the east wall are a pair of plain, wood
rough-hewn passage. The passage curves to the doors. A bit farther down the hall there is a
east, and after about 15 feet it ends at a sturdy second set of doors on the east wall. These doors
oak door. are banded with iron and have an iron lock plate.
Opening the Door: The players must pry this door Wood Doors: These unlocked doors lead to the
open to get in. Doing so requires a DC 15 Strength Clerics Cells (Entry 20).
check since the dwarf cleric who hid here wedged the
door shut. There are scratches and nicks on the door Iron Banded Doors: These doors lead to An’Gras’ Lab
that suggest that the goblins tried to get in but gave up. (Entry 21), but they are locked. They are strong wooden
doors (hardness 5, 20 hp, break DC 25 Strength). The
Read this once the players open the door:
lock is a simple lock requiring a DC 20 Disable Device
This small chamber was the temple’s cold skill check to open or the key that An’Gras carries.
cellar. A dust-covered pile of broken crates and
what were once their contents fills much of the
chamber. Hidden in the corner behind a mostly
intact barrel you find the partially mummified Synopsis: The characters discover the clerics’ cells. Most
corpse of a dwarf. Curled in a fetal position, of the rooms are empty, but two of them are occupied.
he holds his fists in front of his face like a child
warding off a nightmare. He wears the tattered There are six evenly-spaced wood doors along
remnants of what look like clerical vestments. the east wall of this t-shaped hallway. All of the
doors are fitted with small, sliding windows
Mummy: If the characters make a close examination, 4 feet up from the floor. The doors and the
they see that the corpse has something clutched in windows are all closed. Small statues of Modren
each hand. To extract these items, the characters must stand on pedestals at the north and south ends
crack the fingers off. of the hallway.

First Hand: The mummy’s left hand grips a knife made Doors and Windows: The window slides are not
from black steel. The tip of it has flakes of something colorful locked and neither are the doors. Rooms A, B, D, and E
on it. This is a +1 dagger. The flakes are paint from when the are empty.
dwarf carved a message in the Mural Hallway (Entry 12).
20C. GOBLIN NANNIES any character with the Craft (Alchemy) skill.
ªªAncient Potion of Glowing Countenance:
The pungent odor of urine, feces, and sweat This potion is marked with the appropriate
hits you as soon as you open the door/window.
alchemical rune, but the formula is uncommon
On the floor in the corner of the room are a
and requires a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) skill check
couple of untanned, relatively fresh sheep skins
to identify. The potion is dried up. Adding a little
arranged like sleeping mats. There’s a dented tin
pan of water on the floor between them, and water reconstitutes it, but it loses half its power
bones are scattered around the floor. during this process unless the character makes
a DC 15 Craft (alchemy) skill check. Alternately,
The two female goblins that live in this room are a character may keep the dried potion for later
crouched on a ledge above the door ready to spring analysis so he can learn the potion’s formula for
down on anyone who discovers them. They’re only later use.
visible if a character enters the room and looks up.
The reek of rotting meat and stale urine assails
Encounter Summary (2 goblins): The two female your senses when you open the door/window
goblins in Room C are charged with caring for the to this room. The floor is buried knee deep with
goblin whelps in Room F. The phrase “caring for” is rubbish. The pile appears to consist of leaves,
used loosely since the “care” consists of throwing food dirt, chunks of old tapestries, torn clothing,
and water through the sliding window in the door to pieces of wood, and other random refuse.
Room F on a semi-regular basis. These goblins have
Litters of goblin whelps are huddling silent and still
no maternal instincts and won’t come to the rescue
beneath the garbage. They only reveal themselves if
of the goblin whelps. The nannies remain hidden
someone enters the room or otherwise disturbs their
unless discovered, at which point they fight to the
nest. A DC 20 Perception check is required to notice
death with deadly ferocity.
them and avoid a surprise round.


XP 200 each
Encounter Summary (1 whelp swarm per 2
hp 6 each (see page XX)
characters): This room is a nursery for goblin whelps.
TACTICS Goblin child-rearing involves locking the babies in
Before Combat: The goblins remain hidden until a room together for an extended period of time and
discovered at which point they leap upon their foes. then seeing which ones come out alive. The vicious
little buggers stay hidden unless there’s food to be had.
During Combat: The goblins try to gang-up on
opponents, bear them to the ground, and take the
target out before moving on to their next victim. GOBLIN (AETALTAN) WHELP SWARM CR 1/2
After Combat: These goblins are so terrified of An’Gras
XP 200 each
that they fight to the death, and if taken alive, nothing
CE Tiny humanoid (goblinoid)
will make them talk.
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -1
Treasure: If the characters check out the ledge over
the door they find that the goblin nannies have DESCRIPTION
secreted away a pair of potions they found in the Goblin whelps look like tiny, foot-tall goblins. At this
Temple ruins: age they’re eating machines and have no motivation
ªªPotion of Satiation: It is marked with the except to find their next meal. If food supplies run low,
appropriate alchemical rune and identifiable by they won’t hesitate to eat one another.
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 size)
hp 4 (1d10-1)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will -1
Weaknesses Light Sensitivity
Defensive Abilities swarm traits (not subject to
critical hits or flanking, half damage from slashing
and piercing weapons, immune to any spell or
effect that targets a specific number of creatures
and mind-affecting effects, half again as much
damage (+50%) from spells or effects that affect
an area)

Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee 1d6 plus distraction
Before Combat: The goblin whelps stay hidden but attack
the moment a meal target comes into the room.
During Combat: The whelps attack the nearest target.
Str 6, Dex 20, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 16 Spread across the tables is a mix of beakers, casks,
Feats Improved Initiative tubes, and tubs. Broken bottles are scattered
around the floor, and the prior contents of the
Skills Climb +3, Stealth +10 Racial Modifiers +4 Climb, bottles have flowed together to create a caustic,
+4 Stealth bubbling pool that emits a sickly green mist.
Languages none The mist ripples and undulates above the floor,
Treasure: Digging through the goblin whelps’ twisting around the battered legs of the tables. On
nest reveals: one of the tables is a stack of parchment. There’s a
quill pen and inkwell to the side of the stack.
ªªFifteen dead goblin whelps in various states
of decay: They are all partially eaten by the other Flammable Fumes and Chemicals (CR 2): The
goblin whelps. spilled chemicals on the floor and the fumes that
ªª10gp, 30sp, and 150cp hover up to a foot above them are highly flammable. If
the fumes or chemicals come into contact with open
21. THE LAB flame, the entire room bursts into flame. The flames
quickly wink out, but if they ignite, characters must
Synopsis: The characters discover that an orc mage make a DC 15 Reflex save or catch on fire. Characters
leads the goblins. They may also encounter a trap and that catch on fire take 1d6 hp fire damage each round
a pack of reavers. until they succeed on a DC 15 Reflex save (create water
immediately extinguishes a flaming character, and
An acidic odor burns your nose when you open
the door to this room. The room looks as if it rolling on the ground or smothering the fire provides
were once the temple library, but more recently a +4 bonus to Reflex saves). A successful save puts out
someone turned it into an alchemical laboratory. the flames. Igniting the fumes or chemicals destroys all
the treasure located here.

Loitering in the Room: If the characters remain Drinking the Half-Finished Potions: If a character
in the room for more than ten turns (1 minute) they drinks from one of the beakers, roll d20, and check the
attract the attention of a reaver (See Reaver Battle table below to determine the result. There are enough
description  below). beakers with potions in them to try this five times. All
effects are permanent unless noted otherwise.
Shelves: The shelves are covered with the
disintegrating remnants of old books. A complete POTION EFFECT TABLE (D20)
search (30 minutes) of the shelves reveals that 4 books
Roll Effect
are still usable. They are all written in Dwarven. Each one
relates to a specific subject (Deepland Lore, Dwarven
1 Greater Invisibility (10 Minutes –
Player won’t know duration)
History, and Undead) and gives +2 to skill checks about
2 Cure Light Wounds
the subject if the character is trained in the skill and
takes 5 minutes to use the book to research the subject. 3 Instant Hair Growth – head and
facial (d100 inches)
If the character isn’t trained in an appropriate skill, the
character may make untrained rolls for these skills but
4 Gender Swap (DC 20 Fortitude resists)
they do not get the bonus and must spend 15 minutes 5 Increase Attribute (+1) (1d6: 1 STR, 2
DEX, 3 CON, 4 INT, 5 WIS, 6 CHA)
studying the book. The search also turns up a scroll of
burning hands.
6 Decrease Attribute (-1) (1d6: 1 STR, 2
DEX, 3 CON, 4 INT, 5 WIS, 6 CHA)
Potions: The characters find a pile of empty vials. 7 Speak with Animals (10 Minutes)
These look just like the ones found in the Dining Hall 8 Character becomes mute
(Entry 21). Many of the beakers on the tables contain 9 Cure Serious Wounds
murky liquids (half-finished potions). 10 Darkvision (5 hours)
11 Selective amnesia (character loses
the past 1d4 hours of memories
but not class abilities, feats, skills,
prepared or known spells, etc.)
12 Hair Loss (all)
13 Change Skin Color (1d6: 1 Pure
Black, 2 Pure White, 3 Red, 4 Green, 5
Yellow, 6 Brown)
14 Decrease Weight (d20 lbs)
15 Increase Weight (d20 lbs)
16 Gain claw primary attack (1d3 for
Small characters; 1d4 for Medium)
17 Increase Height (d6 Inches)
18 Reduce Height (d6 inches)
19 Wretched Stench (The character
smells really awful for 1d6 days. The
stench is overwhelming and people
generally don’t want to be around
him or her)
20 +1 Max HP

Encounter Summary (1 reaver per 2 characters): If the
characters remain in the room for more than ten turns,
their movement attracts a school of reavers.


XP 400
N Tiny vermin
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.;
Perception +5

Reavers are carnivorous Deepland worms that slither
through stone like an eel through water. They’re
three feet long, have dark gray flesh, and have a large,
circular mouth on one end of their bodies.

AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +2 size)
hp 10 (2d8+1)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1

Earth Glide (Ex) A burrowing reaver can pass through
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft., earth glide stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except
Melee bite +2 (1d3+1 plus attach) metal as easily as a fish swims through water. If
protected against fire damage, it can even glide
through lava. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel
Before Combat: The reaver arrives at the lab or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other sign of
10 rounds (1 minute) after the characters arrive. its presence.
If the characters leave before then, they avoid the
encounter. TREASURE

During Combat: The reaver leaps out of the stone and None
makes an attack in the surprise round, if any. If it drops
below 3 hp, the reaver flees.

STATISTICS Synopsis: The characters descend deeper into the ruins.

If necessary remind them that in Aetaltis, deeper means
more danger.
12 17 12 — 12 5
The main hallway turns to the west and
Base Atk +1; CMB +4 (+8 when attached); CMD 17
stretches another 15 feet before it’s blocked by
(can’t be tripped)
fallen rocks. The only other exit is a doorway on
SPECIAL ABILITIES the east wall. Beyond it, you see a narrow flight
of stairs leading down into darkness.
Attach (Ex) When a reaver hits with a bite attack, it
automatically grapples, inflicting automatic bite Going Deeper: The characters know that in the world
damage each round. A reaver has a +4 racial bonus to of Aetaltis, the deeper one travels into the Deeplands
maintain its grapple once attached. the more danger one faces. The generally accepted

explanation for this is that since Endroren is chained to necklaces, the statue wearing that necklace animates
the core of the world, the more corrupt a monster is, and immediately attacks the person. (See “Battling the
the more it desires to be near him. Unfortunately for the Statues,” below.) A DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check
heroes there’s no other way to go so the characters have reveals all this information. If the necklace is removed
no choice but to continue. from an animated statue (using the Steal combat
maneuver) the statue immediately steps back into its
23. HALL OF HEROES alcove and de-animates.

Synopsis: The characters encounter another dwarven Wearing a Necklace: The necklaces have a second
trap. Some or all of the party may be possessed by the power. Putting on or taking off a necklace is a standard
spirits of dead clerics, providing an excellent opportunity action. Anyone who puts one on must resist being
for roleplaying. possessed by the spirit of the cleric that the necklace is
bound to. The character must make a DC 15 Will save.
The stairs end at a long, wide hall with a high Success indicates that the spirit has been permanently
arched ceiling. The ceiling is painted deep black banished. The character feels a sudden sense of relief,
to resemble the night sky, with crystals set into and the necklace and statue lose all magical qualities.
the ceiling to represent stars. The crystals catch
the light causing them to glitter and shine. Every If the check fails, the cleric’s spirit replaces the
ten feet there’s an alcove containing a six-foot character’s spirit.
tall statue of an armed and armored dwarf
warrior-cleric. GM NOTE: If this happens, take the possessed player
aside before continuing.
Lying in a pool of blood in the middle of the hall
are the corpses of two goblins. Getting Possessed: When a character is possessed
the following things happen:
Goblin Corpses: These goblins haven’t been dead
very long, but long enough for the blood to dry. ªªChange the character’s WIS to 14+d4
The martial characters in the party, or non-martial
ªªChange the character’s INT to 12+d4
characters that make a DC 15 Heal or Knowledge
ªªChange the character’s CHA to 12+d4
(dungeoneering) check, can tell that a melee blade
killed them. ªªThe character gets +2 on attacks and damage
when fighting evil creatures.
Characters who make a DC 20 Survival check find a
ªªThe necklace is no longer magical
faint, bloody bootprint near the goblins and another
near the pedestal of the statue nearby. ªªThe statue it came from is no longer magical and,
effective immediately, cannot attack.
Statues: Each statue is unique, very lifelike, and carved
The character’s own spirit has no awareness of what
with incredible skill. Around each statue’s neck is a gold
is happening.
chain necklace with a small gold hammer hanging on it.
Until An’Gras is defeated, the character remains
If the players ask specifically about the statue that
possessed by the spirit of the Dwarven cleric. Let the
the goblin corpses are in front of, that statue holds a
player know that the effect isn’t permanent and what
must happen to end the possession.
Taking a Necklace: Each of the statues is a burial urn
You should tell the player that the Dwarven cleric’s only
for the ashes of a legendary hero-cleric of the temple.
purpose is to eliminate the dark creatures that took over
The necklace around each statue’s neck is bound to the
the temple and close the door. He doesn’t want to cause
spirit of that dead cleric. If anyone other than a dwarven
significant harm to his host, but he’s willing to let the host
cleric of Modren, or someone possessed by the spirit
die to complete his task. The mission is everything.
of a dwarven cleric of Modren, touches one of the

Possessed characters know how to close the door STATISTICS
to the Temple. They also know not to attack the Forge STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Wyrms in Entry 27 and can warn their allies against 16 10 — — 11 7
doing so.
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 19
Taking a Necklace Off: Once a character is
possessed, the necklace loses all power. Taking it off
has no effect. Nonlethal Damage (Ex) The statues deal nonlethal
damage to all non-evil creatures. They take a -4
Attacking a Statue: If a statue has not animated and penalty to all attack rolls when dealing nonlethal
the characters try to destroy it, it animates and defends damage (reflected in the statistics above). The statues
itself. As soon as the character stops attacking it, it also do not attack dwarves
returns to its alcove. Treasure: Each necklace is worth 300 gp and can be
appraised as such with a DC 20 Appraise skill check.
Encounter Summary (Up to 10 animated statues):
The spirit of a dead cleric animates the statue and attacks Synopsis: The heroes discover more history of the
the character that touched the necklace or harmed it. Temple and encounter bound undead at a point that
the GM considers dramatically appropriate.
This room is significantly colder than the room
XP 1,600 each you just left. You feel an icy chill run down your
N Medium construct spine, and you have the uncomfortable sense
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; low-light vision; that you are not alone. The room you’re in is
a long, low chamber no wider than a corridor
Perception +0
with alcoves on the north and south walls every
DEFENSE ten feet.
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+8 natural)
Each of the alcoves contains a dwarven-sized
hp 53 (6d10+20) sarcophagus shaped like an anvil, and burial
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0 niches are carved into the alcove walls.
DR 5/adamantine; Immune construct traits Statues of Modren stand at the far ends of the
OFFENSE hall. The statues differ from the others you’ve
seen in the Temple — their hands are made of
Speed 30 ft.
steel and their hair is carved to resemble fire.
Melee greataxe +9/+4 (1d12+3/x3)
Special Attacks nonlethal damage Concerns About Robbing the Dead: Modern
Aetaltan dwarves are a practical people. They believe that
TACTICS any treasure a person can rescue from the Deeplands,
During Combat: A statue pursues its target until one of even treasure buried with the dead, should be salvaged
the following happens: and returned to the surface where it can be used to
ªªA stolen necklace is returned (if it kills the thief it fight Endroren and his minions. Robbing a grave on the
takes the necklace and return to its alcove). surface is considered bad form, but robbing Deepland
graves is acceptable.
ªªThe statue is destroyed.

ªªA character puts on the stolen necklace. Burial Niches: The niches in the alcoves near the doors
are carefully carved with sharp lines and hard angles,
ªªThe characters stop attacking (if the statue was
but the niches further away from the main entrance are
defending itself against attack)

carved with much less precision. Each niche contains DEFENSE
the mummified body of a long dead dwarf cleric. AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+2 armor, +1 Dex,
+4 natural)
Mummies: If the characters look at the bodies in
the niches, any who have ranks in the Heal skill or are hp 34 (4d8+16)
familiar with burial practices can tell that the mummies Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6
formed naturally. DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, undead traits
ªªThe mummies near the main entrance of the tomb Weaknesses resurrection vulnerability
are relatively plain. OFFENSE
ªªThose found toward the middle, where the hastily Speed 30 ft.
carved alcoves begin, appear to have died in horrific
Melee greataxe +5 (1d12+1) or 2 claws +4 (1d4+1)
ways. Many show strangely deformed or damaged
body parts, and others are missing parts altogether. TACTICS
It does not appear that they were born this way. During Combat: The bound undead ignore characters
ªªThe mummies at back show no violent injuries or possessed by the spirit of a dwarven cleric. The bound
any discernable cause of death. undead, driven to madness by their condition, fight to
the death.
Anvil Sarcophagi: The anvils are stone sarcophagi.
They are neither locked nor difficult to open. They each STATISTICS
contain a mummy with the same appearance as the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
mummies in the alcoves depending on where they are
12 12 — 11 13 18
in the chamber.
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Greataxe)
BOUND UNDEAD BATTLE Skills Perception +5
Encounter Summary: Any player worth his blade Other Gear greataxe, leather armor
will expect the mummies to attack. For that reason,
it’s left to the GM to spring the attack on the heroes SPECIAL ABILITIES
when and where it seems the most dramatically Despair (Su) All creatures within a 30-foot radius that
appropriate. There’s 1 undead per 3 players located see a bound undead must make a DC 14 Will save or
in the crypt. The rest of the bodies are just normal be paralyzed by fear for 1d4 rounds. Whether the save
corpses. The undead are dwarven clerics who agreed succeeds, that creature cannot be affected again by
to have their souls bound to corpses in yet another the same bound undead’s despair ability for 24 hours.
desperate attempt to safeguard the Temple against This is a paralysis and a mind-affecting fear affect. The
the invaders. save DC is Charisma-based.
Resurrection Vulnerability (Su) A raise dead or
similar spell cast on a bound undead destroys it (Will
negates). Using the spell in this way does not require
XP 800 each
a material component.
LE Medium undead
Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild or
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of
Aura unnatural aura a bound undead at a distance of 30 feet. They do
not willingly approach nearer than that and panic
if forced to do so unless a master succeeds at a DC
To create a bound undead, the soul of a recently 25 Handle Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check. A
deceased victim is bound to a corpse or skeleton. panicked animal remains so as long as it is within 30
It’s a heinous act that nearly always drives the feet of the bound undead.
victim  insane.
Treasure: The dwarven clerics didn’t bury their dead 26. THE FINAL CONFRONTATION
with much of value, although some of the last clerics
to die (those that died of asphyxiation) took personal Synopsis: The party faces An’Gras and his skeletal
effects with them when they climbed into their burial defenders in a climactic final battle.
alcoves. If the characters put time into searching this The door opens and you’re struck by a blast
area they find the following items: sweltering, dry air. Beyond the door is a 60-
ªªRing of Protection +1 foot diameter chamber with a 50-foot high
domed ceiling. In the center of the room is a
ªªGold dwarven armband: Worth 300 gp
40-foot diameter pool of lava that gives off a
(DC 20 Appraise).
fiery orange glow. The floor around the pool is
ªªPotion of Cure Serious Wounds: The potion is covered with bones.
completely dried up, but add water to the dried
flakes, shake, and it’s as good as new! At the center of the lava pool is a raised, railed
platform that stands 10 feet above the lava. Two
bridges, one on the east side of the room and
one on the west, provide access to the platform.
Synopsis: Voices of the dead urge the party on to the In the center of the platform is a large, anvil-
final confrontation. shaped black sarcophagus with the image of a
dwarf cleric carved on its lid.
The walls, floor, and ceiling of this long hallway
are all painted black. The paint still glistens, as Standing behind the sarcophagus, his arms
if it was just applied, but it’s dry to the touch. raised and voice lifted in an angry chant, looms
Any light that strikes the ebony surface seems a massive male orc clothed in black robes. He
to disappear into the darkness. At the far end of wears a broadsword at his side, and in his left
the hall is a black stone door. hand he holds a black staff.

Voices of the Dead: This hall is under the influence An’Gras stops chanting, looks your way,
of powerful supernatural forces. The voices of the dead and bellows, “WHO DARES INTERRUPT
speak to anyone who travels this hall. In ancient times
they whispered secrets about the future of any cleric Combat begins immediately, but descriptions of some of
passing through the hall. Now, with An’Gras about to the room’s features are included below in case questions
complete his spell of summoning, the voices beg the about them come up during the fight or after the battle.
party to hurry and cleanse the Temple of the evil that
has befouled it. Platform: The platform is made from dark gray stone
marbled with lines of glittering obsidian. The lava does
Read this when a character gets half-way down
the hall: not damage the platform as it is enchanted to resist the
lava’s heat.
As you make your way down the hall, you
hear a whispering voice…”Hurry”….and then Sarcophagus: This isn’t a true sarcophagus but rather
another…”there is not time”….and another, a sculpture created to look like one. Any character
and another until a storm of whispers fills with ranks in Knowledge (religion) recognizes this as
the air like a wind. The longer you listen the a representation of the death of Theer. Theer was an
more urgent the voices become, begging you avatar of Modren who fell fighting Endroren when the
to hurry forward, pleading with you that time dark lord rose from the depths. This is a shrine to Theer.
is short.
Bones: Bones cover every bit of the floor surrounding
Compulsion: Characters must make a DC 15 Will Save the lava pool. All are bleached white with no sign of flesh,
to not go forward. If they fail, they immediately proceed clothing, or other remains. Bones have no place in the
down the hall at their full movement. The effect ends worship of Theer, so An’Gras probably placed them here.
when An’Gras leaves the next chamber or is killed.

BATTLE WITH AN’GRAS Read this when An’Gras uses his Staff of
Skeletal Animation.
Encounter Summary: An’Gras was attempting to
An’Gras slams the iron-shod heel of his staff on
summon an Abomonae, one of Endroren’s most
the floor. The impact rings like the tolling of a
powerful dark servants. He hoped the creature would bell, and a wave of black energy sweeps out from
aid him in his attack on the surface world. Now he plans his position. As the ringing fades and the black
to make the party pay for their interruption, which has energies dissipate, you hear a rattling noise. A
ruined his spell. host of skeletons assemble themselves from the
bones on the floor and surge toward you.
An’Gras’ Tactics: An’Gras dreams of commanding
his own Dark Horde. He is emboldened by his recent Moving Across the Bones: The bones that cover the
successes, even though they’re relatively minor and floor make this area difficult terrain.
more the result of luck than anything else. When he first
encounters the party it is clear that he fears them no Touching the Lava: If any part of a character (or
more than the goblin minions that serve him. An’Gras) touches the lava, the character takes 2d6
damage per round of exposure. Damage from lava
An’Gras enjoys putting his perceived superiority on continues for 1d3 rounds after exposure ceases, but this
display. The primary manifestation of this is that he is additional damage is only 1d6 per round.
exceptionally talkative. He spends a fair amount of time
taunting the party about the superiority of orcs (“You Falling in the Lava: Falling into the lava inflicts 20d6
shall bow low before our power and we shall feast upon damage. If a character is faced with this fate, allow the
your children!” “I can see that you envy the perfection player to make a DC 15 Reflex save for the character. If
that is the orc form!”) and how the power of Endroren the save is successful, the character skids to a halt right
is unstoppable (“Light will always fail and Darkness at the edge of the pit but falls prone during the effort.
shall emerge victorious!” “Bow low before the power of
Endroren and perhaps I shall grant you the boon of a ANIMATED SKELETON CR 1/3

swift death!”). XP 135

His tactics and defenses break down like this: NE Medium undead
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
1. Mage Armor and Shield: An’Gras was summoning
an Abomonae. Just to be on the safe side, he already DESCRIPTION
had mage armor and shield cast. This is reflected in his Animated skeletons are just that—skeletons animated
AC already. and placed under the command of their creator.

2. Animate Skeletons: An’Gras’ black staff is the Staff of DEFENSE

Lost Souls. His first action is to animate 1 skeleton per AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 armor, +2 Dex,
every 2 characters from the bones surrounding the +2 natural)
lava. See the text description of this action below. hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2
3. Cast Offensive Spells: An’Gras proceeds to cast his
DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, undead traits
prepared offensive spells at the party.
4. Staff: If all else fails, he wades into melee combat with OFFENSE
his staff. Speed 30 ft.
Melee broken scimitar +0 (1d6), claw -3 (1d4+1) or 2
5. Avoiding Death: If An’Gras’ health is reduced to zero,
claws +2 (1d4+2)
his Aegis of Recovery will save him once.
6. Escape: If all the skeletons are defeated or if An’Gras TACTICS
is reduced to 5 HP or less, he casts Invisibility (if he During Combat: The skeletons obey An’Gras’ commands.
has his staff ) or Vanish and attempts to escape out After Combat: When An’Gras is defeated, the remaining
the door. skeletons collapse.

15 14 — — 10 10 16 12 12 14 8 12

Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14 Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Improved Initiative Feats Command Undead, Intimidating Prowess,
Gear broken chain shirt, broken scimitar Scribe Scroll, Toughness
Skills Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana) +3,
AN’GRAS CR 3 Perception +2
XP 800 Gear Aegis of Recovery (+2 resistance against continuing
Orc necromancer 3 effects; heals 2d8+3 if HPs drop below zero; after
LE Medium Humanoid using this ability, it crumbles), Dead Man’s Headband
(+2 competence to intimidate, +1 DC VS fear effects),
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2
holy symbol (Endroren), potions (cure light wounds,
DEFENSE cure medium wounds), scrolls (invisibility, expeditious
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +4 armor, retreat), Staff of Lost Souls +1
hp 19 (3d6+9) Arcane Bond (Sp): An’Gras has bonded with his
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3 staff. Once per day, An’Gras uses the bond to
Weaknesses Light Sensitivity cast Invisibility.
Read this when An’Gras is killed:
As the last echo of An’Gras’ death cry fades, you
Speed 30 ft.
feel the ground begin to shake. A deep rumble
Melee Staff of Lost Souls +5 (1d6+3) emanates from the stone all around you, and in
Special Attacks channel negative energy (DC 12, 5/day) the distance you hear a tremendous cracking noise.
Arcane School Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd;
When the characters return to the room described in
concentration +5)
Entry 10, they discover that the Black Doors are open.
5/day—grave touch (1 round)
Treasure: An’Gras has the following items in his pack on
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +5) the floor nearby:
2nd —blindness/deafness (DC 14; 2), fog cloud ªªA black spell book: It contains the following spells:
1st—cause fear (DC 13; 2), magic missile, vanish ––All the prepared spells listed for An’Gras above
0—bleed (DC 12), daze (DC 12), ray of frost, spark ––Invisibility

Opposition Schools divination, transmutation ––Mage Armor

ªª5 potions: Jump, Keen Senses, Pass without trace,
Before Combat: Since he was attempting to summon
Darkvision, and Acute Senses.
an abomonae, one of Endroren’s most powerful
ªªA black iron key: This opens An’Gras’ laboratory.
servants, An’Gras already used scrolls to cast mage
armor and shield. ªª5 gems: valued at 500 gp, 250 gp, 175gp, 100 gp,
During Combat: See the section above labeled An’Gras’ and 25 gp
Tactics for details information. ªªStaff of Lost Souls: The Staff of Lost Souls looks
After Combat: See the section below labeled Read this like a six-foot-long staff carved from obsidian,
when An’Gras is killed. although it weighs no more than a standard wood
quarterstaff. Once per day, the wielder of the staff
Base Statistics Without mage armor and shield,
can activate it as a standard action to animate
An’Gras’s AC is 11.
1d6 skeletons. These skeletons are automatically description of the forge wyrm with them. The forge
under the wielder’s complete command and wyrms are here to ensure that the characters behave
persist for 1d4 days or until destroyed or dismissed. themselves. See the Forge Wyrm Battle section that
Activating the staff in this way requires the wielder follows for details.
to entreat Endroren. In combat, the staff functions
as a +1 quarterstaff. The forge wyrms only attack under the following
27. THE TEMPLE ªªThe characters try to take the rubies from the
Synopsis: The heroes access the main Temple and statue.
discover the Silver Hammer of Modren. If they act ªªThe characters vandalize or desecrate the Temple.
honorably they retrieve it without trouble, but if
ªªThe characters attack the forge wyrms.
they’re greedy or violent they are forced to fight the
ªªThe characters try to take the casket itself from the
Forge Wyrms.
where it rests.
The huge black doors have withdrawn into
Note that the forge wyrms do NOT attack if the
pockets in the walls revealing a wide flight of
characters only take the Silver Hammer.
stairs leading down into an enormous natural
cavern. It is at least 150 feet from side to side If they do attack, they only attack the character that
and 75 feet across. The searing red glow that performed the transgression. Otherwise, they simply
lights the room nearly blinds you, and as you
stand there and watch the characters. They will not
breathe, the air is so hot it almost burns your
pursue characters beyond the confines of this room.
mouth, nose, and lungs.
If none of the characters are possessed with the spirit
In the center of the cavern is a 40-foot long pit
in almost the exact shape of a giant blacksmith’s of a dwarven cleric (see Area 23)—and can therefore
hammer. The pit is filled with lava, and at times warn the party that the forge wyrms are far too powerful
it roils so violently that blobs of it splash out to be attacked—the GM should emphasize that these
onto the stone floor. guardians are rumored to be nearly indestructible and
worthy of respect. The PCs may still choose to attack the
At the head of the pit is a 30-foot tall statue wyrms, but it should be clear that they are not intended
of Modren. He holds a ten-foot long hammer to be fought.
made from solid steel. His hair and beard are
carved to look like fire and his eyes are massive Sacrificing to Modren: The heroes need to come
rubies. The gems catch the glow of the pit and up with this idea on their own, but the first PC who
seem to shine with a molten glare. At the statue’s sacrifices an appropriate item (a hammer, tongs, or other
feet is a silver chest. very valuable item related to Modren in some way) by
Read this when the characters move toward throwing it in the pit is immediately awarded 500 XP. A
the statue: DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check reveals the clue that
a worthy sacrifice might be necessary.
You’ve only taken three steps toward the statue
when you spot a ripple flowing through the lava. Silver Chest: The Silver Hammer of Modren is in the
Out of the pit climb two 10-foot long, crimson- casket at the foot of the statue. The lid is heavy but it can
scaled lizards. The creatures, blobs of lava be opened. Inside the casket, on a bed of red satin, lies
dripping from their hides and hot vapor drifting
the Hammer. The heroes can take this artifact back to
from their mouths, take up positions on either
the door described in Entry 11. By placing the hammer
side of the pit. Where their feet touch the floor,
in the recess, they can reseal the Deepland door. See the
the stone sizzles and melts.
Conclusion (Entry 28) for more details.
Forge Wyrms: Characters can make a DC 10
Knowledge (dungeoneering) check to recognize
these creatures as forge wyrms and you can share the
Speed Surge (Ex) Three times per day as a swift action,
Encounter Summary (2 Forge Wyrms): Forge wyrms a forge wyrm may draw on its draconic heritage for
are guardian spirits sent by Modren to protect his a boost of strength and speed to take an additional
temple. If the heroes keep their cool, they won’t have a move action in that round.
problem. But if they’re greedy or violent, they may suffer
a gruesome end.
Read this when the characters seal the door to the
XP 1,600 Deeplands:
LG Large dragon (fire) You place the silver hammer into the recess
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; beside the door. As you press it into place, it
Perception +7 begins to shine with a white light. The light
grows brighter by the moment until you’re
DESCRIPTION blinded by its brilliance. There’s a low rumbling
Forge wyrms are dragon-like creatures that live in and noise that you can feel through the ground, and
around lava pools. Legend says they were created by you hear the sound of massive stones scraping
Modren to guard his holy sites. against one another. The tremor ends with a
deep, tremendous boom that shakes dust from
DEFENSE the ceiling.
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +8 natural,
At last the light fades, and when you open your
-1 size) eyes, you see that the sliding stone door is shut.
hp 57 (6d12+18) Hints of silver runes etched across the surface of
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +6 the granite door shine faintly, but they quickly
fade, leaving no sign of their presence.
Immune fire, paralysis, sleep
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold Your quest is complete. You’ve sealed the
Deepland entrance and saved the town of
OFFENSE Thornwall from the forces of Endroren. What’s
Speed 30 ft., swim (lava and magma only) 30 ft. more, with the Temple cleansed, the followers of
Modren may return to this holy place. In time,
Melee bite +11 (1d8+5), tail slap +6 (1d8+2)
the prayers of pilgrims may be heard in its halls
Special Attacks breath weapon (30-ft. cone, DC 16, once again.
6d4 fire)
And perhaps, when the pillars are raised back
STATISTICS into place in the Great Hall, the clerics will add
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a new story to their chronicle: the tale of the
21 13 16 9 12 10 heroes who risked everything to save the people
of Thornwall and cleanse the Temple of Modren!
Base Atk +6; CMB +12; CMD 23
Feats Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Skills Intimidate +6, Perception +7, Stealth +7, Survival
+7, Swim +11
Languages Draconic


Alia Darvos is a 20 year old Atlan (human) Cleric of

Alantra. She specializes in healing magic, but she is not
unwilling to confront the forces of darkness directly. After
all, healing requires cleansing as well as restoration.


The first humans appeared on Aetaltis just over four-
hundred years ago. They came from another world via
shimmering gates along with their companion races;
the newardin, the cheebat, and the orogs. The native
races of Aetaltis were still struggling to recover after
the devastation of the Age of Darkness, and the Atlan
Enclave's arrival proved a great boon in those dark times. Special Attacks channel energy (1d6, 5/day)
Sadly, only a century after they arrived, disaster struck. Cleric Spells Prepared (Cl 1st; concentration +5)
For reasons still unknown, the mystic gates that stood 1st— cure light wounds, protection from evil,
at the center of every great Enclave city and settlement, shield of faith
exploded with cataclysmic force. Waves of chaos energy 0—detect magic, guidance, light
swept outward, wreaking havok on the surrounding D domain spell; Domains Healing, Protection
settlements and countryside. The effects varied from (Defense)
gate to gate, as is the nature of chaos energy, but the end STATISTICS
result was the same—the Atlan Enclave had fallen. What
is more, the survivors soon discovered that they could STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
not reopen the gates. They were trapped on  Aetaltis. 16 10 12 8 14 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 13
Three hundred years later their ancestral homes are just
a legend, a distant memory of ancient times, and today Feats/Traits/SQ Weapon Focus (Hvy Mace),
the humans of Aetaltis call this world home. Courageous, Spontaneous Casting
Skills Diplomacy +7, KN: Religion +3
ALIA DARVOS Languages Common (Atlan)
Female Human (Atlan) Cleric of Alantra 1 Normal Gear backpack, belt pouch, scroll case,
bedroll, blanket, chalk (2), fishhook & 20 ft. line, flint
LG medium humanoid (human)
& steel, holy symbol (silver), hooded lantern, mess
Init +0; Senses Perception +2 kit, oil (2), robe (50 ft.), torch (2), waterskin, trail
DEFENSE rations (5), healer’s kit, traveler’s outfit, splint mail
Scrolls magic weapon, sanctuary
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+7 Armor)
Other Gear Wand of Cure Light (1d8+1) (4 charges)
hp 13 (1d12+1)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +4 SPECIAL ABILITIES
Defensive Abilities +2 against fear effects Deflection Aura (Su): 1/Day, emit a 20-foot aura for
1 round. Allies within the aura gain a +2 deflection
OFFENSE bonus to AC and combat maneuver defense.
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. with gear) Rebuke Death (Sp): 5/Day, heal 1d4 damage to
Melee hvy mace +4 (1d8+3) creature below 0 hp.

Helgen Veng Tarenket is a 30 year old dwarf liberator.

While all dwarves dream of a return to their homeland,
the liberators have pledged their lives to defeating
the forces of Endroren and reclaiming the Deeplands.
Helgen is a skilled warrior who doesn’t shy away from
a fight.


When Endroren and his minions were defeated at the

end of the Age of Darkness, the Enaros chained Endroren
to the core of the world and imprisoned his defeated
armies in the Deeplands with him. This was an effective
solution, except that before Endroren’s rise to power the
Deeplands were the home to the dwarves of Aetaltis.
The dwarves were so anguished by the loss of their
homeland that they forsook the Enaros. They swore STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
that from that day forth they would count only on what 16 12 10 14 16 5
they could do for themselves. This experience has made Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
the dwarves stubborn, independent, and at times, self- Feats/Traits/Abilities Weapon Focus (Battleaxe), Delver,
sufficient to a fault. At the same time they are staunchly Militia Veteran, Favored Enemy (orcs)
loyal to those they call friend, and they take great pride
Skills Climb +3, Disable Device +5, Heal +7, KN:
in any work they undertake.
Dungeoneering +7, KN: Nature +6, KN: History +7,
Perception +7, Survival +8
Normal Gear thieves tools (mw), blanket, flint & steel,
Male dwarf ranger (trapper, deepwalker) 1
mess kit, silk rope (25 ft.), waterskin, trail rations,
LN medium humanoid (dwarf ) tindertwig (5), backpack, belt pouch, 32 GP, 1 SP, 6 CP
Init +1; Senses Perception +7 Potions Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements,
DEFENSE Reduce Person

AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6, Dex, +1 Armor) SPECIAL ABILITIES

hp 11 (1d10+1) Stonecunning: +2 perception to notice unusal
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3 stonework.

Special Defenses +2 AC vs giants, +2 saving throws vs Trapfinding: Add 1/2 ranger level on perception to
poison, +4 CMD vs bull rush or trip location traps and disable.

Speed 20 ft.
Melee battleaxe (2h) +6 (1d8+4) or lt. crossbow +2 (1d8)
Special Attacks +1 vs orcs

Wisik is a 35 yo male Newardin Wizard. Wisik believes that

spellcasting and magic are the secret language of reality,
and he believes he may achieve enlightenment through
a perfect understanding of the arcane arts.


The enigmatic intellectuals known as the newardin are
the beings that operated the arcane gates that brought
the Atlan Enclave to Aetaltis. They value reason and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
knowledge above all other things and dislike anything 8 14 10 18 10 8
that invokes chaos. The newardin have never accepted
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 12
Aetaltis as their home, and this underlying discomfort
shapes their behavior and personalities. Feats/Traits/SQ Arcane Bond, Dodge, Scribe Scroll,
Rich Parents, Arcane Temper
Balance is at the core of newardin life, and this extends Skills KN: Arcana +8, KN: Planes +8, KN: Nature +8, KN:
to their personalities. While they are not without emotion,
History +8, KN Dungeoneering +8, Spellcraft +10
they are cautious with their reactions and feelings, and
seldom act without first contemplating the proposed Languages Common (Atlan), newardine, draconic,
action. As a result, newardin remain calm in a crisis since dwarven, endrori
they carefully consider situations and events rather than Normal Gear backpack, belt pouch, spell component
acting on their instincts. This also makes them seem cold pouch, quiver, scroll case, bedroll, blanket, travelling
to many Aetaltans, since they are moved only slowly to spellbook, chalk (3), ink, quill pen, parchment,
joy, sorrow, anger, or pity. sealing wax, skeleton key (3), mess kit, waterskin,
trail rations (5), robes, 1 PP, 50 GP, 2 SP
Male newardin wizard (fire elementalist) 1 Scrolls Mage Armor, Shield (2), Detect Secret Doors,
N medium humanoid (newardin) Invisibility, Flaming Sphere
Init +3; Senses Perception +0 Other Gear Wand of Magic Missile (4 charges)


AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, +1 Dodge) Fire Supremacy (Su): Resistance +5 to fire. In addition,
hp 7 (1d6+1) whenever you are within 5 feet of a source of flame
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +4 at least as large as a campfire, you can draw the fire
around you for 1 round as a swift action. Anyone
Defensive Abilities Fire resistance +5 striking you with a melee weapon or unarmed
OFFENSE strike takes an amount of fire damage equal to
1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1). Weapons with
Speed 30 ft.
reach avoid this damage.
Melee staff -1 (1d6-1) or lt. crossbow +2 (1d8) (20)
Visualization (Sp): Concentrate for 5 minutes
Arcane School Supernatural Abilities Fire Jet (Su) (7/ immediately before making a check. At the end of
day, 20 ft. line, 1d6+1, DC 15) that time make a DC 15 Concentration check. On
Spells Prepared (W 1st; concentration +5) a success, the Newardin gains a +1 Competence
1st—burning hands, mage armor, sleep (DC 15) bonus to the check they visualized. The check must
be made immediately after the concentration
0—detect magic, light, mage hand
check. (5/day)
Opposition Schools water

Synish is a 22 year old scythaan ranger who has devoted

her life to hunting down and killing endrori. She seeks
no bounty for her kills; cleansing the world of the
scourge of the Dark Hordes is reward enough for her.
She has a special hatred for goblins, since a band of the
foul creatures killed her brother and sister on their first
foray into the Deeplands.


Quick and cunning, the reptilian race known as the

scythaa are yet another product of the destruction
wrought by the Great War. Inheritors of a devastated
homeland, most scythaa live as nomads, scraping a
meager existence from the unforgiving desert.
The scythaas are a passionate race that follows the pull
of their hearts. They can be gentle and kind, but when
10 18 10 10 14 12
brought to anger they may exhibit a violent fury. They
trust their instincts over logic and have a strong respect Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 15
for nature. Scythaas value peace, solitude, and natural Feats/Traits/SQ Weapon Finesse, Multiattack, Favored
beauty over any physical treasures, and often take long Enemy (goblins), Natural Agility, Reckless, Seeker
walks alone in the wilderness. Skills Acrobatics +11, Climb +6, Heal +6, Perception +7,
Stealth +8, Survival +6
SYNISH ESSTAGA Languages Common (Atlan), scythaan
Female scythaa ranger 1 Normal Gear backpack, belt pouch, waterproof bag,
bedroll, flint & steel, sunrod (2), silk rope (25 ft.), vial
NG medium humanoid (scythaa)
(empty) (2), waterskin, trail rations (5), smokestick,
Init +4; Senses Perception +7 holy water, explorer’s outfit, lamellar cuirass, 4 GP, 2 SP
DEFENSE Potions Cure light wounds
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+4, Dex, +2 Armor)
hp 10 (1d10) Track (Ex): A ranger adds half his level to Survival skill
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2 checks made to follow tracks.
OFFENSE Wild Empathy (Ex): A ranger can improve the initial
attitude of an animal.
Speed 30 ft.
Melee composite longbow +6 (1d8) or 2 claws +5 (1d4),
bite +3 if claws hit or grapple (1d6)
Special Attacks natural weapons
Character Name ___________________________________________________________ Level___________________
Race ___________________________ Deity______________ Size _________ XP_____________________
Age_______ Sex______ Ht_______ Wt_______ Eyes _______ Hair ______ Next Level______________






Acrobatics ______ = Dex ______ + ______ + ______
Appraise ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______ CMB
Bluff ______ = Cha ______ + ______ + ______ BASE ATTACK STRENGTH
Climb ______ = Str ______ + ______ + ______
Craft ____________________ ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______ CMD 10
Craft ____________________ ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______
Craft ____________________ ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______
Diplomacy ______ = Cha ______ + ______ + ______ WEAPONS
Disable Device ______ = Dex ______ + ______ + ______ WEAPON TYPE RANGE

Disguise ______ = Cha ______ + ______ + ______

Escape Artist ______ = Dex ______ + ______ + ______ ATTACK BONUS 2ND 3RD 4TH CRITICAL DAMAGE

Fly ______ = Dex ______ + ______ + ______ AMMUNITION

Handle Animal ______ = Cha ______ + ______ + ______ | | | | |
Heal ______ = Wis ______ + ______ + ______
Intimidate ______ = Cha ______ + ______ + ______ WEAPON TYPE RANGE

Knowledge (Arcana)* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______

Knowledge (Dungeoneering)* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______
Knowledge (Engineering)* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______ AMMUNITION

Knowledge (Georgraphy)* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______ | | | | |

Knowledge (History)* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______ WEAPON TYPE RANGE
Knowledge (Local)* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______
Knowledge (Nature)* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______ ATTACK BONUS 2ND 3RD 4TH CRITICAL DAMAGE

Knowledge (Nobility)* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______

Knowledge (Planes)* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______ | | | | |
Knowledge (Religion)* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______
Knowledge (Creature Lore)* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______ WEAPON TYPE RANGE

Knowledge ______________* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______

Knowledge ______________* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______
Linguistics* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______ AMMUNITION

Perception ______ = Wis ______ + ______ + ______ | | | | |

Perform _________________ ______ = Cha ______ + ______ + ______ WEAPON TYPE RANGE
Perform _________________ ______ = Cha ______ + ______ + ______
Profession________________*______ = Wis ______ + ______ + ______ ATTACK BONUS 2ND 3RD 4TH CRITICAL DAMAGE

Profession________________*______ = Wis ______ + ______ + ______

Ride ______ = Dex ______ + ______ + ______ | | | | |
Sense Motive ______ = Wis ______ + ______ + ______
Sleight of Hand* ______ = Dex ______ + ______ + ______ NOTES

Spellcraft* ______ = Int ______ + ______ + ______

Stealth ______ = Dex ______ + ______ + ______
Survival ______ = Wis ______ + ______ + ______
Swim ______ = Str ______ + ______ + ______
Use Magic Device* ______ = Cha ______ + ______ + ______

✓ Class Skill * Cannot be used untrained


















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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content
the termination of this License.
that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may
only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the necessary to make it enforceable.
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any
Open Game Content distributed using this License. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this
License to Use, the Open Game Content. Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Inc.; Author:
Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing and Skip Williams.
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook.
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. All rights reserved.

6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase,
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick
modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of
any original Open Game Content you Distribute.


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